Dead Moon Rising 2009 (luty 25)

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(JS) : I nareszcie nadszedł ten dzień!

(MA) : Z przepełnionej do granic możliwości hali, na Dead Moon Rising PPV witają was Martin McAndrews…

(JS) : …oraz John Squash! Dzisiaj będzie się działo!

(MA) : Zaczynamy drogę do najważniejszego PPV w PPWF, jakim będzie niewątpliwie kwietniowe Earthquake PPV.

(JS) : Dzisiaj oprócz walk o PPWF Championship - SKF podejmie Capoeristę oraz walki o Cruiserweight Championship - Begihit vs. Jobber, zobaczymy też fenomenalny Dead Moon Rising Match!

(MA) : Przypomnijmy - ośmiu rywali, trzech zaczyna walkę, po każdej eliminacji wchodzi kolejny.

(JS) : Ale za to jakiej eliminacji! Wszystko na zasadach First Blood! Zero dyskwalifikacji, zero count outów.

(MA) : To jednak niebawem, teraz oddajemy głos komentatorom IHP!

(TJ): Dziękujemy, witają was również komentatorzy IHP Tomasz Jaroński…

(KW): …i Krzysztof Wyrzykowski.

(TJ): Dziś wielka uczta fanów wrestlingu, bo to kolejne PPV.

(KW): I nie jest to zwykłe PPV, bo to Dead Moon Rising PPV!

(TJ): IHP przygotowało parę bardzo ciekawych walk. Oczywiście najważniejszą walką gali będzie Dead Moon Match który da zwycięzcy title shot'a na najważniejszej gali roku!

(KW): Dodatkowo zobaczymy bardzo emocjonujący Team Cage Match. BNędzie to walka Art. Of Fighters z Attitude, a dokładniej Małego i Budzika kontra Claira i Mongo!

(TJ): Wcześniej zobaczymy jeszcze Hardcore Hanidcap Match: Metallion i Matthew vs Arturus. Ta walka może mieć bardzo zaskakujące zakończenie zważając na to co stało się na ostatnim IHP.

(KW): No tak, AoF chcieli mieć Arturusa u siebie, a on po prostu odszedł. Może być ciekawie.

(TJ): Ale to nie wszystko, bo już teraz zobaczymy pojedynek Gray Foxa z Basketball Kidem.


Amy: "The following contest is the Last Man Standing Match! There are no pinfalls, no disqualification and no submission! The only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent to the point theyre unable to answer the count of ten!"
Amy: "Introducing first, "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox"!

„Cyber Ninja” Gray Fox Theme

a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox makes his way to the ring
technicians create a terrific choreography with coloured lights as he steps into the ring
Amy: "and his opponent, Basketball Kid"!

"Sławny, bardziej ważny, doceniony, mam zdolności

Podziemne znajomości z przeszłości, teraźniejszości

Doprowadzą w konsekwencji do sukcesu w przyszłości

Po sto kroć mądrzejszy, bogatszy, DUCHOWO MOCNY!"

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestlers greatest victories and most powerful moves
Sparks are showering
Basketball Kid makes his way to the ring
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox approaches his rival loading his arm
Basketball Kid droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust
Basketball Kid prepares the leg
and hits him on the face with a
light Roundhouse Kick!!
Basketball Kid puts his opponent's head under the shoulder
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox avoids being thrown by the Impaler and gains the initiative
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox climbs the ropes quickly
to hit his opponent with a
light West Coast Pop!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox approaches to his laying opponent and falls down
to hitt him straight with a punch, performing a
light Fist Drop!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and hits his opponent with a
light Springboard Moonsault!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox runs towards his opponent to grab one of his legs
then he lifts Basketball Kid holding him and slamming him to the ground performing a
light Flapjack!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs one Basketball Kid 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox charges his opponent
Basketball Kid moves out of the way avoiding the Shoulder Block, taking the initiative
Basketball Kid hooks "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a
light Backslide Pin!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Basketball Kid jumps towards his laying opponent
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox moves at last to avoid a Knee Drop and gains the initiative
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox gets close to his opponentl and jumps
to hitt him straight with a punch, performing a
light Fist Drop!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,
then he raises Basketball Kid and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Basketball Kid down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a
strong Tiger Suplex!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox holds his opponent wrists while he's laying on his belly pulling them on his back
and by pressing on his opponent's arms he twists them in an unnatural way, executing a
light Chicken Wing!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox keeps his weak submission hold
Basketball Kid escapes from the hold
Basketball Kid quickly gets up and counterattacks!
Basketball Kid gets ready to hit "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
light European Uppercut!!
Basketball Kid dives into the opponent with a clothesline
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox avoids the 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox Charges his arm
and strikes his opponent with a
strong Elbow Smash!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox takes and raises Basketball Kid on his shoulders
and twirling executes an
powerful Modified Airplain Spin!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox and lunges himself on the ropes
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox stands still waiting for the running opponent
Basketball Kid steps aside and avoids a a Leg Trip taking back the initiative
Basketball Kid waits for the adversary
and grabs him performing a
violent Power Slam!!
Basketball Kid grabs "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox's hair
Basketball Kid grabs one "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Basketball Kid grabs "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a
light Backslide Pin!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Basketball Kid grabs "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox's hair
Basketball Kid grabs one "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Basketball Kid stalks his opponent
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox moves out of the way avoiding the a Shoulder Block, taking the initiative
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox starts spinning and jumps towards his opponent
and then lands a heel blow on his opponent's face, performing a
strong Spinning Wheel Kick!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox pulls Basketball Kid still groggy, by his hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox takes and raises Basketball Kid on his shoulders
Basketball Kid gets down from the opponent's shoulders avoiding an a Airplain Spin, taking the initiative
Basketball Kid grabs "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox's hair
Basketball Kid puts the adversary's head under his own legs and brings him over the shouldres
and makes his face crash performing a
powerful Powerbomb to Facebuster!!
Basketball Kid grabs "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox's hair
Basketball Kid grabs one "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Basketball Kid stretches in flight with his feet held togheter
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox bends, dodging the a Dropsault and taking the initiative
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox runs towards his rival
blocking him by his head and whirling he slams him to the ground with
violent Flipping Face Slam!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox is about to perform his taunt
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox Makes On His Camuflage And The Opponent Can't Se Him executing A Stealth Camuflage
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and lands on him performing a
devastating Springboard Air Spin!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox is about to perform his taunt
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox Makes On His Camuflage And The Opponent Can't Se Him executing A Stealth Camuflage
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs the opponent's neck
Basketball Kid dodges the a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with mastery, starting a counterattack
Basketball Kid jumps pointing the knee against opponent
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox moves at last to avoid a a Knee Drop and gains the initiative
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox with the help of the top rope, leaps up executing a somersault, pointing his opponent lying across the ring
and hits his opponent with a
violent Springboard Moonsault!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox puts his opponent's head under his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm
then raises Basketball Kid and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Basketball Kid down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a
violent Cyberplex!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides
then he raises Basketball Kid and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Basketball Kid down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a
violent Tiger Suplex!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring
and lands on him splashing him with a
devastating Standing Moonsault well executed!!!
Basketball Kid interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox prevails
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox charges his arm
Basketball Kid dodges the a Hook Punch and counters
Basketball Kid goes towards his rival
and gives a blow to his throat executing a
strong Throat Thrust!!
Basketball Kid turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and hits hime with a
violent Mule Kick on the groin!!
Basketball Kid puts the adversary's head under his own legs and brings him over the shouldres
crashing him on the ground making him fall with the face performing a
devastating Powerbomb to Facebuster!!
Basketball Kid is about to perform his taunt
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Basketball Kid off guard!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides
Basketball Kid easily eludes a a Tiger Suplex, retaking the initiative
Basketball Kid is about to perform his taunt
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Basketball Kid is faster and is not caught off guard!
Basketball Kid gets ready to hit "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!
Basketball Kid prepares to hit "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox hurling his leg
and hits "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox with a
devastating Roundhouse Kick!!
Basketball Kid give his opponent back over his head
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox bounces off, using the top rope
and performs a headscissors takedown on his opponent's head, putting him on the ground with a double-leg cradle pinning hold, connecting with a
powerful Springboard Hurracanrana!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox is about to perform his taunt
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox Makes On His Camuflage And The Opponent Can't Se Him executing A Stealth Camuflage
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs one Basketball Kid 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox runs toward Basketball Kid
and spins hitting him with a
light Rolling Elbow Smash!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox grabs Basketball Kid's hair
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox tucks Basketball Kid's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head
and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a
light Snap Suplex!!
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Basketball Kid has fallen out of the ring!!!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox leaves the ring
Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox jumps from the apron
Basketball Kid dodges a Leg Drop and gains the initiative
Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"
Basketball Kid grabs his opponent's head
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox avoids his opponent's move!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox removes the protective carpets on the outside of the ring and grabs Basketball Kid
performing a
strong DDT on the Concrete!!!!!
Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox jumps from the apron ring
and makes his rival fall on the steel steps with a
violent Head Scissor on Step Ladder!!!!!
Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox takes the opponent to an unprotected area
Basketball Kid avoids the DDT by hitting the opponent with a Side Walk Slam, taking the initiative!!!
Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Basketball Kid [catch his opponents while running
and proves once more that, in a flesh vs. steel fight, steel usually wins, performing a
strong Spinebuster on the Step Ladder on his opponent!!!!
Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"
Basketball Kid puts "Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox on the steel step ladder
then he hits him with a knee drop to the head, executing a
powerful Knee Drop on Step Ladder!!!!!
Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"
Basketball Kid sets the steel steps ladder
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox dogdes the Spine Buster and has his opponent slam on the ground, turning the tide!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox jumps from the apron ring
then he takes his rival's head among the legs to make it crush onto the step ladder, performing a
strong Head Scissor on Step Ladder!!!!
Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!"
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox goes up again in the ring
Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!"
Basketball Kid goes up again in the ring
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox charges his arm
and strikes his opponent's face with
strong Elbow Smash!!
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox stands near opponent
and attacks him with many super fast smashes executing
HardCore Super Fast Smash Combination!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
"Cyber Ninja" Gray Fox knocks Basketball Kid down
Basketball Kid is lying on the mat!!!
referee starts the count!
Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"
Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"
Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"
Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"
Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!"
Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!"
Referee: "TEEEN! OUT! Ring the Bell! Ring the Bell!!!!"

Na korytarzu widzimy Germazynnn'a idącego z Hanibalem. Zaglądają do wszystkich pokoi wyraźnie kogoś szukając. Po chwili mijają zaułek w którym ktoś się czai. Hanibal daje cichy znak Germazynnn'owi do zatrzymania się i wyciąga „za szmaty” Alexa Damona.

(HAN) : Tu jesteś…

(AD) : Ccc… Co wy chcecie?!

(GER) : Zamknij ryj, głowa mnie boli. Mamy dla Ciebie wiadomość. Walczysz dzisiaj.

(AD) : Haaa…. HA! Cieszy się Alex. A wy jesteście tylko lamami na posyłki GM'a, a ja walcze! HAHAHA!

(GER) : Jeszcze się… Hanibal odpycha Germazynnn'a i sam mówi.

(HAN) : Gratulujemy ci Alex, ale nawet my nie wiemy z kim walczysz. GM powiedział, że to niespodzianka.

(AD) : Dooobra, nie ważne! I tak wygram! Nara frajerzy!!!

Alex odbiega w podskokach.

(HAN) : Idiota…

(MA) : Po ciekawym LMS'ie, w którym Gray Fox pokonał Basketball Kida zaczynamy RoDowską część gali!

(JS) : Zaczynamy od walki, którą od GM'a dostał Alex Damon.

(MA) : No tak, tylko jaka to będzie walka…

Ring Announcer: "Ladies and gentelmans, please welcom the first participant of this match - Alex Damon"!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestlers greatest victories and most powerful moves
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the
Tron was set to fire!
Alex Damon makes his way to the ring
Attire You Can't See Me
driving a fl
aming red Ferrari 360 Modena
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

Ring Announcer: "Introducing now…”

Gra theme Hanibala i wchodzi on na ring razem z.. Germazynnn'em. Alex sra po gaciach.

Ring Announcer: "The team of Hanibal and Germazynnn!”

Hanibal i Alex zaczynają walkę.

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort
Hanibal prevails
Hanibal open his arms
Alex Damon moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
Alex Damon charges his arm
and smacks his opponent's forehead with an
light Overhand Chop!!
Alex Damon turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a
light Side Kick!!
Alex Damon jumps raising a leg
and hits Hanibal's nape with an
light Enziguiri Kick of valuable invoice!!
Alex Damon folds his prostrate opponent's legs
capsizing him and submitting him with a
light Sharpshooter!!
Hanibal escapes from the hold
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Alex Damon runs toward Hanibal and jumps
crushing him with his own body pinning him with a
light Running Crossbody!!
Referee starts counting...
Hanibal kicks out
Hanibal pulls himself together and fights back
The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort
Hanibal prevails
Hanibal lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary
Alex Damon moves away avoiding a Powerful Knee Strike , taking back the initiative
Alex Damon gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick
striking his head with an
light Overhead Kick!!
Alex Damon grabs his opponent from behind
and connects with a
light German Suplex!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one Hanibal 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Alex Damon charges his elbow
striking him with an elbow performing a
light Back Elbow Smash!!
Alex Damon grabs his rival's leg
raises his elbow and performs a
light Elbow drop to inner thigh!!
Alex Damon grabs his opponent's legs crossing them
and turns his opponent holding an ankle under the armpit performing a
light Texas Cloverleaf!!
Alex Damon keeps his agonizing submission hold
Hanibal escapes from the hold
Hanibal quickly gets up and counterattacks!
Hanibal gets ready to hit Alex Damon
and hits him with the forearm executing an
light European Uppercut!!
Hanibal grabs the opponent's arm
Alex Damon performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the Arm Drag, taking the initiative
Alex Damon raises his arm
and quickly lowers it to hit his opponent's neck performing a
light Club to the Neck!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one Hanibal 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Alex Damon jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter
hitting him with a
light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the ground!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Alex Damon runs towards his opponent
and grabs him by the head in order to perform a
light One Arm Bulldog!!
Alex Damon grabs his opponent's legs crossing them
and turns him blocking an ankle under his armpit in
light Texas Cloverleaf!!
Hanibal escapes from the hold
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one Hanibal 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Alex Damon runs toward Hanibal
and spins hitting him with a
light Rolling Elbow Smash!!
Hanibal pulls himself together and fights back
Hanibal approaches the opponent
Alex Damon droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust
Alex Damon gets ready to hit Hanibal
and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an
light Overhand Chop!!
Alex Damon turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow sideways right on Hanibal's face, executing a
light Side Kick!!
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Hanibal has fallen out of the ring!!!!
Alex Damon leaves the ring
Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Alex Damon grabs the face of Hanibal laying on the ground
and slams it on the steps executing a
strong Facedrop on Step Ladder!!!!!
Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"
Alex Damon jumps on Hanibal outside the ring from the turnbuckle
light Flying headbutt Outside the Ring!!!!!
Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Alex Damon falls from the apron ring on Hanibal
to execute a
strong Knee Drop from Apron Ring!!!!!
Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"
Alex Damon jumps on Hanibal outside the ring from the turnbuckle
violent Flying headbutt Outside the Ring!!!!!
Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Alex Damon throws himself head forward, on Hanibal lying outside the ring
strong Flying headbutt Outside the Ring!!!!!
Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"
Alex Damon grasps Hanibal outside the ring and lifts him to a verticle position head down
and performs a
light Brainbuster on the Mat!!!!!
Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"
Alex Damon throws himself head forward, on Hanibal lying outside the ring
light Flying headbutt Outside the Ring!!!!!
Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!"
Alex Damon goes up again in the ring
Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!"
Hanibal goes up again in the ring
Alex Damon charges the hand
and smacks his opponent's forehead with an
light Overhand Chop!!
Hanibal pulls himself together and fights back
Hanibal stares at the opponent in front of him
Alex Damon avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Alex Damon gets next to Hanibal bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
light European Uppercut!!
Alex Damon turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow sideways right on Hanibal's face, executing a
light Side Kick!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal from behind
performing a series of three linked German Suplex, executing a
devastating Phantom Killahplex!!
Alex Damon is about to perform his taunt
Hanibal capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Alex Damon off guard!
Hanibal charges the hand
Alex Damon dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative
Alex Damon charges the hand
and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an
light Overhand Chop!!
Alex Damon turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a
light Side Kick!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal from behind
and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a
devastating Phantom Killahplex!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one Hanibal 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Alex Damon stretches in flight with his feet held togheter
Hanibal bends, dodging the a Dropsault and taking the initiative
Hanibal grabs Alex Damon's hair
Hanibal grabs one Alex Damon 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Hanibal hooks Alex Damon from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a
light Backslide Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Alex Damon gets up and resolutely fights back
Alex Damon prepares his arm
and hits the adversary with a
light Punch!!
Alex Damon lifts an arm
Hanibal moves in order to dodge the a Club to the Neck and counterattacks
Hanibal angrily prepares his leg
and hits Alex Damon with a
strong Big Kick!!
Hanibal applies a front facelock and tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head
Alex Damon dodges a a Swinging Neckbreaker with a back thrust and starts to counter-attack
Alex Damon is about to perform his taunt
Alex Damon Cut His Throuth Witch A Knuckl executing The Step To Dead
Alex Damon pulls Hanibal still groggy, by his hair
Alex Damon grabs the adversary by the waist from behind
and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a
devastating Phantom Killahplex!!
Alex Damon is about to perform his taunt
Alex Damon Alex Show Is Cock To Crowd executing A Eye Maker
Alex Damon pulls Hanibal still groggy, by his hair
Alex Damon brings Hanibal nearer, hugging him to the chest
and throws him backwards with a
strong Belly to Belly Suplex!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one Hanibal 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Alex Damon bounces against the ropes and runs toward Hanibal
and spins hitting him with a
light Rolling Elbow Smash!!
Alex Damon puts the opponent's legs under his armpits
Hanibal kicks the opponent, preventing a a Boston Crab

TOOOOOOOOOOUCH!!! Na ring wchodzi Germazynnn.

Germazynnn jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back
to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Alex Damon kicks out
Germazynnn grabs his opponent's legs
Alex Damon easily escapes from the Fire Spin and takes the initiative
Alex Damon grabs Germazynnn's hair 
Alex Damon grabs one Germazynnn 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Alex Damon stretches in flight with his feet held togheter
and hits his face with a light Dropsault!!
Alex Damon grabs Germazynnn's hair 
Alex Damon grabs one Germazynnn 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Alex Damon bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent
then he hits him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!!
Alex Damon pulls Germazynnn still groggy, by his hair 
Alex Damon grabs his opponent by the waist
and throws him to the mat with a strong German Suplex!!
Alex Damon pulls Germazynnn still groggy, by his hair 
Alex Damon grabs the rival's leg after putting his head under his arm
lifting him up and making him fall to the ground head first performing a strong Fisherman DDT!!
Germazynnn interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Germazynnn points to the opponent with decision
Alex Damon avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Alex Damon charges his arm
and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!!
Alex Damon charges the leg
striking his head with an light Overhead Kick!!
Alex Damon brings Germazynnn nearer, hugging him to the chest
and throws him backwards with a strong Belly to Belly Suplex!!
Alex Damon crosses his opponent's legs
locking him in a light Texas Cloverleaf imitating the famous "Lasso from el Paso"!!
Alex Damon keeps his excruciating submission hold
Alex Damon keeps his agonizing submission hold
Alex Damon releases his grasp
Germazynnn interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Germazynnn gets ready to hit Alex Damon with his right hand
and slaps Alex Damon across the face, executing a light Slap!!
Germazynnn quickly lifts his left leg
Alex Damon dodges the Karate Kick and counterattacks
Alex Damon throws the leg
to strike his opponent's head with an strong Overhead Kick!!
Alex Damon hugs Germazynnn to the chest
and throws him backwards with a powerful Belly to Belly Suplex!!
Alex Damon climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and throws himself toward Germazynnn hitting him with a violent Double Axe Handle!!
Alex Damon grabs Germazynnn's ankle
twisting it in an irregular way executing an strong Game Over!!
Alex Damon keeps his excruciating submission hold
Alex Damon keeps his agonizing submission hold
Alex Damon releases his grasp
Germazynnn interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Germazynnn goes towards his rival
Alex Damon droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust
Alex Damon prepares his arm to strike the adversary
and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!
Alex Damon turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a strong Side Kick!!
Alex Damon takes the rival's leg after putting his head beneath his arm
and lifts him over himself executing a strong Fisherman Suplex throwing him behind keeping the hold to the ground!!
Referee starts counting...
Germazynnn kicks out
Alex Damon rises on the turnbuckle
and throws himself on Germazynnn while performing a torsion with the body executing a lightTwisting Body Attack!!
Alex Damon  grabs Germazynnn's ankle
twisting it applying an violent Game Over!!
Alex Damon  keeps his ruthless submission hold
Alex Damon  keeps his ruthless submission hold
Alex Damon  releases his grasp
Alex Damon  is about to perform his taunt
Alex Damon  Cut His Throuth Witch A Knuckl executing The Step To Dead
Germazynnn interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Germazynnn gets his hand ready
hitting his opponent with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!!
Germazynnn jumps towards Alex Damon
hitting him with two consecutive kicks performing a violent Bicycle Kick!!
Germazynnn jumps on Alex Damon's head,
then with great agility performs a somersault to project Alex Damon in a light Hopping Sunset Flip!!
Referee starts counting...
Alex Damon  gets up and resolutely fights back
Alex Damon  gets ready to hit Germazynnn
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!!
Alex Damon  turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a strong Side Kick!!
Alex Damon  grabs Germazynnn from behind
and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a devastating Phantom Killahplex!!
Alex Damon  grabs his running opponent by the arm
to make his face fall on the mat with executing LEGENDARY Uramental!!
Alex Damon  tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...


TOOOOOOOCUH!!! Na ring wchodzi Hanibal.

Hanibal grabs his opponent's neck, entwines his arm with his's opponent's own
and lifts him up, turns 90° and falls backwards, bringing Alex Damon over him and slamming him down to the mat back first, executing a
violent Strong Sambo Suplex!!
Hanibal approaches Alex Damon
and grasps Alex Damon's head with a
light Brain Squeezer!!
Alex Damon escapes from the hold
Hanibal grabs Alex Damon's hair
Hanibal grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Hanibal runs toward Alex Damon grasping his head
and drives him down to the ground performing a
strong Running DDT!!
Hanibal takes a short run
Alex Damon dodges the a Modified Big Splash Pin, taking the initiative
Alex Damon lifts his opponent's leg
and hits it with an elbow performing a
light Elbow drop to inner thigh!!
Alex Damon grabs Hanibal's hair
Alex Damon grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Alex Damon runs toward Hanibal and leaps
and crushes him with his own body pinning him with a
light Running Crossbody!!
Referee starts counting...
Hanibal gets up and resolutely fights back
Hanibal points to the opponent with decision
Alex Damon avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Alex Damon gets ready to hit Hanibal
and hits him with the forearm executing an
strong European Uppercut!!
Alex Damon raises his arm
Hanibal moves in order to dodge the a Club to the Neck and counterattacks
Hanibal grabs Alex Damon's arm
and swings him to the ground with an
light Arm Drag!!
Hanibal lifts Alex Damon in a piledriver position
and make him piledriver after this catch his legs tries a pinnig maneuever executing
Referee starts counting...


(JS) : A więc po zaskakującej Victorii na RoD 43, gdzie paradoksalnie Alex Damon był w drużynie z Germazynnn'em a dzisiaj Germazynnn walczył przeciwko niemu.

(MA) : Teraz oddajemy pałeczkę IHP, wkrótce wrócimy do państwa na kolejną walkę, już o Cruiserweight Championship.

(JS) : Do usłyszenia!

Przenosimy się do szatni Jobbera. Siedzi bardzo rozluźniony w fotelu, koło fotela stoi piwko ;). Jest sam. Po chwili otwierają się drzwi i wchodzi Wookrash.

(WOO) : EeeE! Co ty robisz?! Masz zaraz ten, no… walke!

Jobber leniwie podnosi głowę.

(JOB) : Wiem, dam radę. Ty lepiej spręż tyłek?

(WOO) : Po co?!... o.O

(JOB) : No jak to kurwa po co? Przecież walczysz dzisiaj o title shota!

(WOO) : Taaak? A no, rzeczywiście. Coś mi się przypomina…

(JOB) : Nie codzienny widok… No ale nie ważne, idę się już szykować.

(WOO) : Będę trzymał kciuki!

(JOB) : Po co?

(WOO) : Yyyy…. Nie wiem.

Jobber zrezygnowany kiwa głową i wychodzi.

Jesteśmy przed samą walka Arturusa z Matthew i Metallionem. Arturus idzie już w stronę wejścia na halę. Jest jakiś dziwny. Tak jakby nieprzejmował się tym, że zaraz będzie mieć dwóch przeciwników na głowie.


Właśnie przechodzi obok rozmawiających Wolfstarka i Geralta.

Wofstark zauważa Arturusa, podbiega do niego i łapie za bark dość mocno szarpiąc w swoją stronę.


(Wolf): Co z tobą!!?!? Człowieku, wyglądasz fatalnie…

(Arturus): Zostaw mnie…

(Wolf): Zmieniłeś się…. Powiedz mi, gdzie jest ten stary Arturus którego kochała publika… Arturus który cieszył się każdą walką i pokazywał się z najlepszej strony? GDZIE!?


Arturus nic nie odpowiada i stoi ze spuszczoną głowa.


(Wolf): Przypomnij sobie o naszej rozmowie ze szpitala… przypomnij sobie swoje słowa gdy oddawałeś pas...


Arturus odchodzi…




(TJ): Za chwilę zobaczymy walkę Arturus vs Matthew i Metallion.

(KW): Raczej nie daję szans Arturusowi w tej walce… z taką dyspozycja nie ma szans na wygrana.

(TJ): Arturus zaskakiwal nas wiele razy, jednak teraz to inna osoba… czy może nas zaskoczyc? Pewnie tak; oby nie in minus…

Amy: "The following contest is a 2 on 1 Handicap Match!"
Amy: "Introducing first, James ''Metallion'' Mano"!

'Yeah, I feel you too

Feel, those things you do

In your eyes I see a fire that burns just for you

That's running through

Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow'

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestlers greatest victories and most powerful moves
James ''Metallion'' Mano makes his way to the ring
wearing a black jeans, and black T-Shirt of Metallica
mounting a custom chopper

Amy: "his partner, Mr.Matthew"!

„Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?”

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron
Mr.Matthew makes his way to the ring
Wearing T-Shirt of Polish footbal team
Amy: "and their opponent, arturusHBK"!

„If you like to gamble,I tell you I'm your man,

You win some,lose some,all the same to me,

The pleasure is to play,makes no difference what you say,

I don't share your greed,the only card I need is

The Ace of Spades.”

it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler
s greatest victories and most powerful moves
arturusHBK makes his way to the ring
driving a silvery '66 Aston Martin DB5
with his trainer, who's giv
ing him his last suggestions for the match
Four lightnings hit the ringposts

Arturus walczy bez zaangażowania. Widać u niego brak motywacji…

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome
their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort
Mr.Matthew prevails
Mr.Matthew turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and kicks him with a
light Mule Kick!!!
Mr.Matthew puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm
arturusHBK dodges a Swinging Neckbreaker with a back thrust and starts to counter-attack
arturusHBK while Mr.Matthew is bent he hooks his arms behind his back
throwing him behind and pinning him, performing a
light Chicken Wing Suplex Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Mr.Matthew gets up and resolutely fights back
Mr.Matthew approaches his rival loading his arm
arturusHBK droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust
arturusHBK gets ready to hit Mr.Matthew
and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an
light Overhand Chop!!
arturusHBK moves sideways and charges his right hand
and delivers a blow connecting with a
light Side Mounting Punch!!
arturusHBK grabs his opponent's arm
and twists it with a
light Standing Armbar!!
arturusHBK keeps his ruthless submission hold
arturusHBK keeps his ruthless submission hold
arturusHBK releases his grasp
arturusHBK pulls Mr.Matthew still groggy, by his hair

arturusHBK grabs his opponent's legs crossing them
Mr.Matthew easily avoids the opponent's Texas Cloverleaf taking back the initiative
Mr.Matthew gets closer to arturusHBK laying on the mat
and strikes him with the elbow may times by performing a
light Elbow Crush!!
Mr.Matthew grabs arturusHBK's hair
Mr.Matthew grabs one arturusHBK 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Mr.Matthew bounces against the ropes and runs toward arturusHBK
and spins hitting him with a
light Rolling Elbow Smash!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano grabs his opponent's head
arturusHBK easily avoids a Knee on Head and gains the initiative
arturusHBK prepares his arm
performing a
light Punch!!
arturusHBK charges violently the leg
and hits him right between the eyes with a
light Karate Kick!!
arturusHBK lifts James ''Metallion'' Mano from the ground
and lets him fall to the ground face first performing
light Falcon Arrow!!
Referee starts counting...
James ''Metallion'' Mano gets up and resolutely fights back
James ''Metallion'' Mano stares at arturusHBK in front of him
and hits his face with an
light Ear Slap showing no respect!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano lifts his opponent on his shoulders
crashing him on the ground, executing a
powerful Samoan Driver!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano moves towards the opponent and jumps
arturusHBK avoids the a Elbow Drop to gain the initiative
arturusHBK capsizes his opponent to a prone position and sits on his back
and puts pressure on his elbow joint by grabbing his wrist, twisting and squeezing his arm between his legs, performing a
light Sitting Reverse Armbar!!
arturusHBK keeps his weak submission hold
Mr.Matthew kicks Arturus into head.
Mr.Matthew gets ready to hit arturusHBK
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm arturusHBK's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!

Mr.Matthew blocks his rival's legs
and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a
strong Figure 4!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold
arturusHBK escapes from the hold
Mr.Matthew crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat
arturusHBK easily avoids a a Reverse Figure 4, taking the initiative

James ''Metallion'' Mano gets next to arturusHBK bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
light European Uppercut!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano charges the leg
arturusHBK gets down to dodge an Overhead Kick and counterattacks
arturusHBK lifts James ''Metallion'' Mano on his shoulders horizontally
slamming him to the ground performing a
light Fireman Carry!!
arturusHBK lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs
and grabs him by the arms crossing them in a
light Gory Special!!
arturusHBK keeps his excruciating submission hold

arturusHBK blocks his rival's legs
and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a
violent Figure 4 Flair!!
arturusHBK keeps his agonizing submission hold
arturusHBK keeps his agonizing submission hold
arturusHBK releases his grasp
arturusHBK grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back
and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a
light Strangle Hold!!
arturusHBK keeps his excruciating submission hold
arturusHBK keeps his ruthless submission hold
arturusHBK releases his grasp
arturusHBK grapples his opponent's head from behind, putting it around his arm
Mr.Matthew breaks loose from the Scoop Reverse DDT, regaining the initative
Mr.Matthew approaches arturusHBK from behind and puts his head under arturusHBKs arm
and hooks his arm between arturusHBKs legs lifting him in the air twisting his body slamming him to the mat holding the power bomb executing a
strong Blue Thunder Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
arturusHBK kicks out
Mr.Matthew grabs arturusHBK hair
Mr.Matthew lift his down-headed opponent
and quickly hurls him down to perform a
devastating Modified Vertabreaker!!
Mr.Matthew hooks arturusHBK's legs who's laying prone on the mat
causing him pain with a
light Reverse Figure 4!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his agonizing submission hold
Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold
Mr.Matthew releases his grasp
Mr.Matthew grabs arturusHBK's ankle
twisting the foot executing an
violent Matthew Lock!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold
Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold
Mr.Matthew releases his grasp
James ''Metallion'' Mano approaches his rival loading his arm
arturusHBK droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust
arturusHBK goes towards his rival
and executes a
strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!!
arturusHBK grabs James ''Metallion'' Mano by an arm
James ''Metallion'' Mano performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the a Arm Drag, taking the initiative
James ''Metallion'' Mano turns against the adversary
and kicks him with a
strong Mule Kick!!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano hooks arturusHBK's neck
as making him fall with great strength perfoming a
strong Neck Breaker!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano places arturusHBK onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him
criscrossing arturusHBKs arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a
devastating Caribbean Splash!!!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano pulls arturusHBK still groggy, by his hair
James ''Metallion'' Mano grasps the opponent
arturusHBK gets free from the a Body Slam, taking the initiative
Mr.Matthew opens wide his arms
and strikes arturusHBK's face with both hands performing a
light Mongolian Chop!!
Mr.Matthew prepares to hit arturusHBK hurling his leg
and connects with a
strong Roundhouse Kick!!
Mr.Matthew grabs the adversary by the waist from behind
and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a
devastating Matthew Suplex!!
Mr.Matthew is about to perform his taunt
Mr.Matthew executing A Matthew Taunt
Mr.Matthew gets ready to kick
and hits arturusHBK to the base of the neck with as
powerful Enziguiri Kick!!
Mr.Matthew grabs arturusHBK's ankle
twisting it applying an
powerful Matthew Lock!!

Mr.Matthew keeps his agonizing submission hold
arturusHBK escapes from the hold

James ''Metallion'' Mano grabs arturusHBK's head placing his neck on the ropes
and leans down pushing hard with a
light Choke At Ropes!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano is about to perform his taunt
arturusHBK capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
James ''Metallion'' Mano is faster and is not caught off guard!
James ''Metallion'' Mano stares at arturusHBK
and smacks his face with an
light Ear Slap!!
[Special Damage Resistance activated for arturusHBK]
James ''Metallion'' Mano prepares his arm
arturusHBK dodges the a Fist But and takes the initiative
arturusHBK droops quickly sideways to his rival
and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a
light Forearm On Leg!!
arturusHBK lifts James ''Metallion'' Mano on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing
light Polish Leg Lock!!
arturusHBK keeps his excruciating submission hold
arturusHBK keeps his excruciating submission hold

arturusHBK releases his grasp
arturusHBK grabs James ''Metallion'' Mano's hair
arturusHBK grabs one James ''Metallion'' Mano 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
arturusHBK bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent
James ''Metallion'' Mano crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative
James ''Metallion'' Mano bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent
then he hits him with his extended arm performing a
strong Clothesline!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano is about to perform his taunt
arturusHBK capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
James ''Metallion'' Mano is faster and is not caught off guard!
James ''Metallion'' Mano charges his arm
and hits his opponent with a
light Hook Punch!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a
strong Side Kick!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano Irish Whipes his opponent to the turnbuckle, gets him up
and makes suplex, spins with arturusHBK and landing on him with leg drop executing
LEGENDARY Ride The Lightning!!
Referee starts counting...
arturusHBK kicks out
Mr.Matthew grabs arturusHBK's ankle
twisting it applying an
violent Matthew Lock!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his agonizing submission hold
arturusHBK escapes from the hold
Mr.Matthew crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat
arturusHBK easily avoids a a Reverse Figure 4, taking the initiative
arturusHBK stands over the face-down lying on the ground opponent then he lifts one leg of Mr.Matthew and drapes it over his neck
and applies a leverage by lifting it, stretching his opponent's joints and performing a
light Stretch Muffler!!
arturusHBK keeps his excruciating submission hold
Mr.Matthew escapes from the hold
[Special Mortal Submission activated for arturusHBK]
arturusHBK grabs Mr.Matthew's hair
arturusHBK grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
arturusHBK makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent,
Mr.Matthew gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative
Mr.Matthew runs toward arturusHBK grasping his head
and drives him down to the ground performing a
light Running DDT!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano is about to perform his taunt
James ''Metallion'' Mano Splits Undershirt And Tremendously Screames executing The Voice Of Violence
James ''Metallion'' Mano places arturusHBK onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him
criscrossing arturusHBKs arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a
strong Caribbean Splash!!!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano is about to perform his taunt
James ''Metallion'' Mano Very Loud Grawles executing The Scream Of Hell
arturusHBK interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
arturusHBK turns Mr.Matthew still groggy up pulling his hair
arturusHBK clutches his opponent from behind
and throws him to the mat with a
devastating Polish Suplex!!
arturusHBK is about to perform his taunt
arturusHBK executing The Polish Show
[Special Submission Defence activated for arturusHBK]
James ''Metallion'' Mano gets up and resolutely fights back
James ''Metallion'' Mano gets ready to hit arturusHBK
and hits him with the forearm executing an
powerful European Uppercut!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano is ready to hits the rival
executing a
light Powerful Knee Strike!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano lifts up arturusHBK
executing a
Mortal Vox Populi!!!!

Metallion i Matthew zaczynają tauntować. Oczywiściu publika nagradza ich buczeniem. Oni jednak nic sobie z tego nie robią.

Następnie widzimy Arturusa leżącego na macie. Patrzy w stronę rampy. Po chwili na rampie pojawia się Wolfstark i przez chwile patrzy w oczy Arturusa. Po chwili wychodzi.

W tym czaie Matthew przygotowuje się do swojego Matthew Damage! Stoi z wysuniętą ręką i czeka aż Arturus powstanie.

Mr.Matthew grabs opponent choke lift's opponent high in the air
arturusHBK shows great dexerity and counters!

arturusHBK It stands at ropes
opponent stand up invert and executing
LEGENDARY Polish Superkick!!

(TJ): Co za kontra!!!

(KW): Świetny Super Kick!

James ''Metallion'' Mano gets next to arturusHBK bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
powerful European Uppercut!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano places the opponent horizontally on his shoulders
arturusHBK dodges the a Fireman Carry quickly counter attacking
arturusHBK It stands at ropes
opponent stand up invert and executing
LEGENDARY Polish Superkick!!

(KW): Kolejny Super Kick!!!

Arturus odwraca się do publiki I pokazuje, że wrócił! Publika szaleje!

arturusHBK places James ''Metallion'' Mano belly on his shoulders
slamming him to the ground performing a
light Fireman Carry!!
arturusHBK gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and throws himself toward James ''Metallion'' Mano hitting him with a
light Double Axe Handle!!
arturusHBK grabs James ''Metallion'' Mano's hair
arturusHBK hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,
then he lifts James ''Metallion'' Mano up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a
light Tiger Suplex!!
arturusHBK pulls James ''Metallion'' Mano still groggy, by his hair
arturusHBK jumps raising a leg
and hits James ''Metallion'' Mano on the neck with an amazing
violent Enziguiri Kick!!
arturusHBK grabs James ''Metallion'' Mano hair
arturusHBK tucks James ''Metallion'' Mano's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head
and pulls his own leg back, then kicks the leg forward quickly slamming it to the ground to build momentum to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, so he lands on his back, executing a
violent Snap Suplex!!

Mr.Matthew grabs arturusHBK's hair
Mr.Matthew and lunges himself on the ropes
Mr.Matthew waits for the running adversary,
arturusHBK succeeds in eluding a a Monkey Toss and takes back the initiative
arturusHBK waits for the running adversary
grabs him by the arm and he crashes him on the ground performing a
light Monkey Toss!!
arturusHBK It stands at ropes
opponent stand up invert and executing
HardCore Polish Superkick!!
arturusHBK tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
Mr.Matthew firmly pulls a shoulder up
arturusHBK turns Mr.Matthew up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction
arturusHBK gets ready to hit Mr.Matthew
Mr.Matthew shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative
Mr.Matthew gets next to arturusHBK bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm arturusHBK's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!
[Special Attack activated for arturusHBK]
[Special Submission Defence activated for arturusHBK]
Mr.Matthew turns against the adversary
arturusHBK eludes the attempt of a a Mule Kick and he takes back the initiative
arturusHBK tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails
and strikes his opponent with a
light Elbow Smash!!
arturusHBK bounces against the ropes and runs toward Mr.Matthew's back
and grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a
light Bulldog!!
arturusHBK picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back
and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a
light Strangle Hold!!
arturusHBK keeps his ruthless submission hold
Mr.Matthew hangs on to referee shirt!!!!
arturusHBK releases his grasp

arturusHBK is about to perform his taunt
Mr.Matthew capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
arturusHBK is faster and is not caught off guard!

arturusHBK gets next to James ''Metallion'' Mano bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
strong European Uppercut!!
arturusHBK moves sideways and charges his right hand
landing an uppercut on his chin, executing a
light Side Mounting Punch!!
arturusHBK grapples his opponent's chest
James ''Metallion'' Mano shows great dexerity and counters the a Side Effect, gaining the initiative!
James ''Metallion'' Mano leaps from the turnbuckle
and lands right on his opponent's back connecting with a
devastating Skytwister Press!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano pulls arturusHBK still groggy, by his hair
James ''Metallion'' Mano skilfully raises his opponent
and hurls him on the mat with a
HardCore One Man Army!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano gets on top of the turnbuckle makes frontflip with spin of 90
arturusHBK somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!
arturusHBK climbs the turnbuckle and
throwing himself towards the rival hitting him with an arm executing a
violent Flying Clothesline!!
arturusHBK grabs James ''Metallion'' Mano's hair
arturusHBK grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
arturusHBK runs towards his opponent
and he snaps his foot into James ''Metallion'' Manos chin with a
strong Chin Breaker!!
arturusHBK Lifts the opponent on his shoulders
James ''Metallion'' Mano somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano grabs his opponent's head and arms
to twist his opponent's body by performing a
strong Eastern Stretch!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano keeps his submission hold
arturusHBK reaches for a rope and grabs it!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano releases his grasp
James ''Metallion'' Mano swings his leg
executing a
strong Kick to Back!!
[Special Power Body activated for arturusHBK]
James ''Metallion'' Mano prepares the foot
arturusHBK rolls over causing James ''Metallion'' Mano to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative
arturusHBK grabs an opponent's arm, then he grabs his opposite leg too
and pulls both the limbs causing an unnatural stretch to perform a
light Gangsta Stretch!!
arturusHBK keeps his weak submission hold
arturusHBK keeps his weak submission hold
arturusHBK releases his grasp
arturusHBK lifts the opponent on his shoulders
James ''Metallion'' Mano somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano approaches arturusHBK
and gives a blow to his throat executing a
violent Throat Thrust!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano grabs arturusHBK's neck
and makes him fall with a twist in a
light Neckbreaker Cutter!!!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano places arturusHBK onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him
criscrossing arturusHBKs arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrest
lers into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a devastating Caribbean Splash!!!!

Świetny fragment walki! Jednak wydaje się, że ekipa z Attitude ma przewagę I to oni wygrają ten pojedynek. Matthew i Metallion jakby przypomnieli sobie, że to przecież Hardcore Match, a jeszcze nie udało im się użyć przedmiotu i trzeba to nadrobić.

Obaj wychodza poza ring. Matthew wyciąga spod ringu krzesło. Metallion znajduje strasznie duuużą drabinę. Ma problemy z jej wyciągnięciem, i trochę się z tym męczy.

Matthew wchodzi z krzesłem na ring. Metallion woła go, zeby mu pomógł, lecz on odpowiada, ze po tym jak uderzy Arturusa.

Jednak Arturus już wstał i gdy odwrócił się Matthew Arturus sprzedal mu swój Polish Super Kick trafiając w krzesło które trafia Matthew w głowę! Matthew zaczyna krwawić!

Metallion tego nie widzi, bo dalej męczy się z drabiną. Po chwili jednak spogląda w stronę ringu i zauważa biegnącego Arturusa który przeskakuje pomiędzy drugą a trzecią liną i wykonuje Suicide Dive!!!

Publika szaleje ze szczęścia! Jednak na tym się nie kończy. Arturus podnosi się i wyciąga drabinę którą przez chwilą wyciągał Metallion. Rozstawia ją. Jest naprawdę ogromna!!! Następnie podchodzi do stołu komentatorskiego i zaczyna wyciągać z niego monitory. Po wyciągnięciu ostatniego monitora zauważa, że Metallion wstaje, dlatego uderzył go nim w głowę przez co Metallion zaczyna obficie krwawić. Arturus ustawia Metalliona na stole.

W tym czasie podniósł sie Matthew. Wszedł na narożnik i czeka aż Arturus ustawi Metalliona i się obróci. Arturus obraca się i w tym czasie Matthew wykonuje Double Axe Handle, lecz Arturus to zauważa i trafia go Polish Superkickiem w powietrzu!!!

Matthew pada na ziemię! Arturus jednak podnosi go i ustawia na Metallionie!! Następnie wchodzi baaardzo powoli na drabinę. Wchodzi na sam szczyt! W oczach Arturusa widać niepewność, lecz po chwili robi znak „Suck It!!!” i skacze elbow dropem na stól komentatorski!!!


Stół łamie się, wszyscy leżą wręcz zniszczeni!!! Publika szaleje!

Arturus kładzie rękę na Matthew i sędzia zaczyna pinować




KICK OUT!!!!!!!!

(TJ): Nieeeeeeee…… to niemożliwe…..

(KW): Niesamowite… jak on to zrobił!!

Matthew zaczyna powoli wstawać. Podchodzi też do Metalliona i mu pomaga. Następnie Metallion bierze do rąk swój pas mistrz IHP HardCore i uderza nim w głowę Arturusa! Arturus zaczyna krwawić jak cała reszta uczestnikow tej walki.

Metallion wrzuca Arturusa na ring. Następnie łapie go i wrzuca na narożnik. Podchodzi tam i pokazuje, że zaraz zobaczymy Ride The Lightning!!

W tym czasie Matthew rozstawił stól koło narożnika tak aby Metallion mógł zniszczyć Arturusa na stole.

Metallion podnosic Arturusa do Superplex'a, lecz Arturus zaczyna się wyrywać!! Zaczyna coraz szybciej uderzać łokciem! Na koniec uderza go z całej siły i popycha na stół! Metallion upada na stół!! Zwija się z bólu! Przeturlał się poza ring…

Widząc to Matthew chciał zareagować, lecz kostał kopa w twarz. Następnie Arturus skoczył na Matthew, lecz ten idealnie złapał go w powietrzu uderzając nim o rozwalony stól swym Matthew Damage!!!!






(TJ): Co za walka!!

(KW): Naprawde fantastyczne show! Wrestlerzy dali z siebie wszystko i było to widac!

(TJ): Nie chce myslec co nas czeka w nastepnych walkach…

Chloe Jones robi wywiad z cala grupa Art Of Fighters.

(CJ): A wiec dziś czeka was kolejne spotkanie z Attitude.

(Mały): No tak, dziś mamy szanse pokazać, na co nas stać i udowodnic Attitude ze nie uda się im zawładnąć IHP.

(CJ): Jednak dzis spotkaja się tylko 2 osoby z każdej druzyny, a co z reszta?

(Bloodbath): Jak wiemy czeka nas dzis Dead Moon Match. Jest szansa, ze wezniemy w nim udzial.

(Maly): Poza tym mój lub Budzika udzial w walce nie oznacza braku udzialu w Dead Moon Matchu

(CJ): Jednak wasz pojedynek jest bardzo hardcorowy… w koncu to walka 2 vs 2 w klatce…

(Budzik): Musimy dac z siebie wszystko, aby pokonać Attitude. Walka w Dead Moon Matchu może dac nam szanse na zdobycie pasa Heavyweight…

(Maly): … a pas Heavyweight udowodni, kto ma wladze w IHP.

AoF opuszcza Chloe Jones.

(JS) : Wracamy do państwa na pierwszą z ważnych walk RoD na tym PPV.

(MA) : Begihit po krótkiej nieobecności wrócił wraz z GM'em i jak na razie nie pokazał tej formy z czasów, gdy zdobył pas od The Walla.

(JS) : Miejmy nadzieję, że dzisiaj będzie inaczej. Jobberowi jakoś nie bardzo zależy chyba na tej walce, przynajmniej nie okazuje tego, więc nie wiążę z nim dużych nadziei.

(MA) : No ale Begihit będzie na 100% walczył do końca, więc czeka nas niezły pojedynek.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it's for the PPWF Cruiserweight Championship!!!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Jobber"!
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler
s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Jobber makes his way to the ring
wearing a rib cage shirt and black trunks
mounting a custom chopper
with his lo
ver who kisses him burning with passion
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, THE POLISH LEGEND .......... BEGIHIT"!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestlers greatest victories and most powerful moves
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler
s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Begihit makes his way to the ring
wearing a blue jeans and black trainers
mounting a custom chopper
with his trainer
, who's giving him his last suggestions for the match
a light shines over him on the ring
The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort
Jobber prevails
Jobber gets ready to hit Begihit
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Begihit's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!
Jobber grabs Begihit's arm
and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an
light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!!
Jobber grabs Begihit's neck firmly
snapping it to the side executing an
light Abdominal Neck Wrench!!
Jobber keeps his ruthless submission hold
Begihit escapes from the hold
Begihit interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Begihit points to the opponent with decision
Jobber avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Jobber gets next to Begihit bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Begihit's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!
Jobber turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and hits hime with a
light Mule Kick on the groin!!
Jobber grabs Begihit's neck
Begihit avoids Abdominal Neck Wrench easily, taking the initiative
Begihit puts the adversary's head between the legs to grab him
and after grabbing the rival, perfomrs a
light Pulling Piledriver!!
Begihit grabs Jobber's hair
Begihit grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Begihit bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent
Jobber gets down and avoids the Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative
Jobber makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent,
and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a
light Clothesline to Back!!
Jobber grabs Begihit's ankle
twisting it in an irregular way executing an
light Ankle Lock!!
Jobber keeps his weak submission hold
Begihit escapes from the hold
Begihit quickly gets up and counterattacks!
Begihit stares at Jobber
and hits his face with an
light Ear Slap showing no respect!!
Begihit garbs his running opponent by the arm
and throws him down by performing an
light Uraken!!
Begihit grabs Jobber's hair
Begihit grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Begihit takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent
Jobber gets down and avoids the Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative
Jobber runs towards his opponent
and grabs him by the head in order to perform a
light One Arm Bulldog!!
Jobber grabs Begihit's legs
and turns him sitting down on his back performing a
light Boston Crab!!
Jobber keeps his weak submission hold
Begihit escapes from the hold
Jobber cross his opponent's legs,
and overturns him, connecting with a
light Sharpshooter!!
Begihit escapes from the hold
Begihit quickly gets up and counterattacks!
Begihit stares at the opponent
Jobber avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Jobber gets ready to hit Begihit
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Begihit's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!
Jobber prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg
Begihit bends dodging the Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack
Begihit lifts his opponent on his shoulders
Jobber overturns the manoeuvre, and gains the initiative!
Jobber lifts the hand preparing to attack
and grabs the adversary's jaw tightening it in a
light Mandible Claw!!
Jobber keeps his excruciating submission hold
Jobber keeps his weak submission hold
Jobber releases his grasp
Jobber grabs Begihit's hair
Jobber grabs one Begihit 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Jobber grabs Begihit from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a
light Backslide Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Begihit gets up and resolutely fights back
[Special Resistance activated for Jobber]
Begihit stares at the opponent
Jobber avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Jobber takes the Begihit's arm
then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an
light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!!
Jobber blocks Begihit's head under the arm
quickly turns his body making Begihit's face slam on the ground with a
devastating Atak Na Facjate!!
Jobber is about to perform his taunt
Jobber Takes The Microphone And Screams Polish Power executing A Polska Kielbasa
Jobber grabs Begihit's hair
Jobber and lunges himself on the ropes
Jobber runs toward the opponent
Begihit dodges the a Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative
Begihit runs toward Jobber
and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a
light Running Arm Drag!!
Begihit is about to perform his taunt
Begihit You Want Beat Me You Re Fool executing The Big Cyc
Begihit gets besides the laying opponent
Jobber avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks
Jobber crosses in a figure 4 Begihit's legs who's laying prone on the mat
performing a
light Reverse Figure 4!!
Begihit escapes from the hold
Begihit quickly gets up and counterattacks!
Begihit stares at Jobber
and hits his face with an
light Ear Slap showing no respect!!
Begihit lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm
Jobber strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Uraken and counterattacks
Jobber turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
to hit him with a
strong Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!
Jobber blocks Begihit placing his head under the arm,
and quickly turns himself making Begihit's face slam on the ground connecting with a
devastating Atak Na Facjate!!
Jobber entwines his opponent's legs with his own,
and overturns him, connecting with a
light Sharpshooter!!
Jobber keeps his excruciating submission hold
Begihit escapes from the hold
Begihit quickly gets up and counterattacks!
Begihit stares at the opponent in front of him
Jobber avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Jobber gets next to Begihit bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Begihit's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!
Jobber turns against the adversary
to hit him with a
light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!
Jobber lifte his opponent on his back while headed down
and slams him down by performing a
powerful Vertabreaker!!
Jobber grabs Begihit's hair
Jobber grabs one Begihit 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Jobber starts spinning and jumps towards his opponent
and then lands a heel blow on his opponent's face, performing a
strong Spinning Wheel Kick!!
Begihit pulls himself together and fights back
Begihit stares at the opponent
Jobber avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Jobber gets next to Begihit bringing down an arm
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Begihit's jaw performing an
light European Uppercut!!
Jobber turns against the adversary
and hits hime with a
strong Mule Kick on the groin!!
Jobber blocks Begihit's head under the arm
quickly turns his body making Begihit's face slam on the ground with a
devastating Atak Na Facjate!!
Jobber entwines his opponent's legs with his own,
and overturns him, connecting with a
strong Sharpshooter!!
Jobber keeps his ruthless submission hold
Begihit escapes from the hold
Jobber is about to perform his taunt
Begihit capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Jobber is faster and is not caught off guard!
Begihit interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Begihit stares at Jobber
and gives him an
light Ear Slap!!
Begihit lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm
Jobber strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Uraken and counterattacks
Jobber turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and hits hime with a
light Mule Kick on the groin!!
Jobber grabs Begihit's head putting it under his arm, and lifts him up in a vertical position
and falls down, dropping Begihit on the mat head first performing a
violent Brainbuster!!
Jobber puts Begihit's legs under his armpits
and sits down on his back making him turn, performing a
light Boston Crab!!
Jobber keeps his ruthless submission hold
Jobber keeps his excruciating submission hold
Jobber releases his grasp
Jobber jumps on the turnbuckle while Begihit is knocked out on the ground
throws himself closing his arms and legs to his chest and then impacts on Begihit executing a
strong Frog Splash!!
Referee starts counting...
Begihit kicks out
Jobber is about to perform his taunt
Begihit capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
Jobber is faster and is not caught off guard!
Begihit interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Begihit points to Jobber with decision
and smacks his face with an
light Ear Slap!!
Begihit loads an arm towards himself
Jobber moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back
Jobber grabs the opponent from behind by the arms then spins them so that the opponent's head is behind Jobber's back
Begihit somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!
Begihit blocks his opponent's neck
to make him whirl and then crash to the ground face firts performing a
devastating Front Face Neckbreaker!!!!
Begihit grabs Jobber's hair
Begihit and lunges himself on the ropes
Begihit pushes Jobber to the ropes and
grabs him by his head with his arms crashing him to the ground performing a
strong Flying X-Factor!!!!!
Begihit gets over his laying opponent
grabbing the back of his head and hits him with his other hand executing a
strong Clutching Punch!!
Jobber escapes from the hold
Begihit gets over his laying opponent
grabbing the back of his head and hits him with his other hand executing a
light Clutching Punch!!
Jobber escapes from the hold
Begihit grabs hold of his opponent's leg
and moves around it, twisting and crushing it on the mat, delivering pain and connecting with a
violent Spinning Leg Crush!!
Begihit is about to perform his taunt
Begihit Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeestla executing An Wrestla Song
Jobber interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Jobber gets ready to hit Begihit
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Begihit's jaw performing an
strong European Uppercut!!
Jobber prepares the leg
and hits Begihit with a
violent Roundhouse Kick!!
Jobber grabs Begihit from behind by the arms then spins them so that Begihit's head is behind Jobber's back
then drops down driving Begihit head first into the mat making them less pretty executing
violent Unprettier!!
Jobber tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
Begihit gets up and resolutely fights back
Begihit points to the opponent with decision
Jobber avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Jobber goes towards his rival
and hits him to his throat with a
strong Throat Thrust!!
Jobber dives into Begihit with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down executing a
strong 3 Point Stance Charge!!
Jobber wraps his arms around Begihit from behind
and throws him backward with a
strong Belly to Back Suplex!!
Jobber hooks Begihit's legs who's laying prone on the mat
and subdues him with a
light Reverse Figure 4!!
Jobber keeps his weak submission hold
Begihit reaches for a rope and grabs it!!
Jobber releases his grasp
Jobber tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
Begihit gets his shoulder up somehow
Jobber gets up while his opponent is still on the ground
Begihit pulls himself together and fights back
Begihit points to Jobber with decision
and smacks his face with an
light Ear Slap!!
Begihit loads his arm chop style and
Jobber moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back
[Special Submission activated for Jobber]
Jobber grabs Begihit from behind
performing a series of three linked German Suplex, executing a
devastating Multiple German Suplex!!
Jobber is about to perform his taunt
Jobber Is On Fire Now Jobber Is Got A Adrenaline Rush Jobber Is Feeling It executing A Strzal Adrenaliny
Jobber jumps on the turnbuckle while Begihit is knocked out on the ground
throws himself and hits his opponent straight on his belly executing a
violent Frog Splash!!
Referee starts counting...

Jobber is about to perform his taunt
Begihit capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
catching Jobber off guard!
Begihit grabs his opponent under his legs
and drops him head first to connect with a
LEGENDARY Begihit Cradle Piledriver!!!!

Begihit tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...



(MA) : Co za walka! Jobber był o włos od wygrania pasa Cruiserweight, tutaj wyszło doświadczenie Begihita. (viva la Supron ;))

(JS) : Bardzo dobra walka, Begihit pokazał klasę, ale Jobber pokazał, że może być groźnym rywalem.

(MA) : W oczekiwaniu na zbliżające się fenomenalne walki o pas PPWF i Dead Moon Match przechodzimy do walki z IHP.

(TJ): Przed nami bardzo emocjonujący i ciekawy pojedynek.

(KW): Maly i Budzik w walce z Clairem i Mongo i to w klatce.

(TJ): Dodajmy, ze nie będzie to walka ze zmianami… od początku do końca walczą wszyscy…

(KW): … a żeby wygrac trzeba wyjsc z klatki lub spinowac przeciwnika.

(TJ): Sprecyzujmy to… wystarczy, ze wyjdzie jedna osoba z klatki a wygrywa cala druzyna.

(KW): Podobnie z pinem… jeden pin i wygrana druzyny.

(TJ): A wiec zacznijmy zabawe…

Amy: "The following contest is the 2 on 2 Team Cage Match! The only way to win is by escapeing the Cage or pinning opponent.

Amy: "Introducing first team, Budzik & Maly619"!

Maly i Budzik wchodza na ring przy aplauzie publiki. Po drodze wyciagaja spod ringu krzesla i pałkę baseball'owa. Nastepnie wchodza do klatki.

Amy: "and their opponent's, PPWF Heavyweight Champion Clairvoyant & Mr. Mongo"!

Clair i Mongo wchodza bardzo pewni siebie i ida w strone ring. Mongo ma ze soba krzeslo, a Clair kendo stick.

Wszyscy wchodza do klatki.

Rozpoczyna się walka. Maly walczy z Clairem, a Budzik z Mongo. Już na początku każdy próbował uzyc swego przedmiotu. Maly chciał uderzyc Claira krzeslem, lecz ten zrobil unik i zaczal okładać Malego kendo stickiem.

W tym momencie Budzik i Mongo zaatakowali się krzeslami. Trafili w swoje krzesla, lecz cios Budzika był silniejszy, przez co krzeslo Mongo wypadlo mu z rak.

Po ostrym początku zmalalo tempo walki. Nie było jednak widac wyraźnej inicjatywy którejś z druzyn.

W pewnym momencie Maly rzucil Clairem w klatke. Po tym Clair upadl bezwladnie na ziemie.

Pojawila się szansa przejęcia inicjatywy przez AoF. Maly podszedł do walczacych Budzika i Mongo i uderzyl Mongo w tyl glowy. Nastepnie Budzik przytrzymal Mongo, a Maly zaczal okładać go seria punchy. Na koniec zlapali go do suplexa i wykonali go.

Po tym Budzik przeszedl do pinu, a Maly zaczął wchodzic na klatke.



Kick out!

W tym czasie podniosl się Clair i widzac wchodzącego po klatce Malego pobiegl do niego i udezyl w plecy. Nastepnie zlapal go i wykonal Powerbomb!

Budzik widzac klopoty Malego poszedł w strone Claira, lecz ten uderzyl go standing clothlinem powalając na ziemie. Nastepnie pomogl wstac Mongo. Obaj postanawiaja wejsc na narożniki, co tez czynia. Staja na naroznikach, patrza sobie w oczy, daja znak i obaj wykonuja Shooting Star Press na przeciwnikach!

Mongo i Clair powoli się podnosza. Clair karze Mongo wychodzic z klatki, a ten zatrzyma Malego i Budzika. Mongo chce wchodzic na klatke, lecz zauwaza wstającego Malego, dlatego odbija się od przeciwległych lin i wykonuje na stojacym już Malym Springboard DDT! Po tym powoli wspina się po klatce.

W tym czasie Clair podchodzi do Budzika. Podnosi go jakby chciał wykonac Piledrivera, lecz Budzik przechyla się w inna strone kontrując cios! Nastepnie lapie Claira w pozycji Boston Crab wykonując swój submission finiszer!! Clair wije się z bolu. Wie ze dojcie do lin nic nie da, bo to Cage Match.

Mongo jest już dosc wysoko na klatce, lecz widzi co się dzieje na ringu i musi to przerwac. Dlatego bez dlugiego zastanawiania się wykonuje Body Splash na Budziku!

Wszyscy leżą na macie. Po chwili wstaje Maly. Zauważa, ze jego przeciwnicy leżą, dlatego idzie w stronę klatki, aby z niej wyjść. W tym momencie wstaje Clair, szybko podbiega do Malego, lapie go za glowe i uderza nią o kaltke. Co chwilę ociera też głową o klatekę, przez co po chwili widzimy twarz Malego we krwi.

Clair puszcza Malego, lecz gdy się odwraca dostaje potężnego Chair Shota z narożnika!! Budzik widzi wstającego Mongo, dlatego również sprzedaje mu chair shota! Następnie kładzie krzesło na ziemi, łapie Mongo i wykonuje Pulling Piledriver na krzesło!! Mongo zaczyna krwawić. Budzik pinuje…




Clair przerywa w ostatnim momencie.

Lecz wstaje Mały, podbiega do Claira i kładzie go na ziemię Clothlinem! Następnie podnosi go i wykonuje Steenalizer!!!

Budzik podnosi Mongo, lecz ten kopie go w brzuch i wykonuje Swinging Neckbreaker! Następnie wstakuje na liny i Sprinboard Moonsault… lecz nie trafia! Budzik się odsuwa!

Mały zaczyna wchodzić na górę! Clair leży nieprzytomny! Budzik walczy z Mongo. Mały wchodzi coraz wyżej, jest bardzo wysoko! Mongo stara się wyrwać Budzikowi i przeszkodzić Małemu, lecz Budzik rzuca się na niego i okłada go pięściami. Mały zaczyna przechodzić na drugą stronę klatki, lecz w tym momencie na dole pojawia się Lukas!!


Lukas ma ze sobą krzesło i uderza nim w klatkę w miejsce gdzie jest Mały! Mały wstaje na klatce, lecz nie myśli o zejściu niej, odwraca się w stronę ringu, patrzy na leżącego Claira i wykonuje M-Bomb z góry klatki!!! Następnie przechodzi do pinu




Mongo przerywa!

Budzik jest mocno zirytowany tym, że Mongo mu się wyrwał, dlatego bierze krzesło i naciera na Mongo, lecz ten wykonuje Dropkick'a w krzesło! Budzik pada na ziemię! Ale to nie koniec. Mongo podnoski krzesło, wchodzi z nim na narożnik i wykonuje Arabian Leg Drop (Leg Drop z krzesłem)!

Po chwili widzimy Lukasa który uderza sędziego pilnującego drzwi klatki! Lukas otwiera te drzwi i zaczyna wołać Mongo. Ten chce wyjść, lecz z publiki wyskakuje Blodbath, który Dropkickiem uderze Lukasa, a ten popycha drzwi uderzając nimi w głowę Mongo!

Wszyscy w ringu już krwawią. Wszyscy też leżą!

Bloodbath wyciąga spod ringu stół! Wrzuca go na ring przez otwarte drzwi, a następnie zamyka je na kłódkę. Wstaje Lukas i każe oddać mu klucz, lecz ten wyrzuca go w publikę, a potem sam wśród niej znika. Wkurzony Lukas biegnie za nim!

Tymczasem na ringu. Stołem zainteresował się Mały. Najpierw jednak podniósł Mongo i rzucił nim o narożnik. Następnie ustawił stół. Wstał również Budzik. Ustalił z Malym, że wykonają double Superplex na stól, więc ustawili się na narożniku i podnieśli Mongo. Wtedy jednak pojawił się Clair i uderzył tak Małego jak i Budzika krzesłem! Następnie Wykonał Predicted Nightmere na Budziku, a Małego ustawił na stole.

Po tym popatrzył na Mongo i wskoczył na liny wykonując Springboard Moonsault! W tym momencie Mongo wykonał swój finiszer z narożnika!!! Mały został zmiażdżony na stole! Clair położył rękę na Małym i sędzie zaczął odliczać:




W ostatnije chwili przerywa Budzik! Clair wstaje zaskoczony, że Budzik tak szybko wstał, ale ten nie czeka i uderza Claira potężnym Standing Clothlinem! Następnie podnosi go i wykonuje mu LEGENDARY Ymca na leżących na stole Małego i Mongo!! Po tym podchodzi do przeciwległej strony klatki i zaczyna po niej wchodzić! Jest już prawie na samej górze, a nikt w ringu się nie porusza! Jednak po chwili wydostaje się Mongo. Bez zastanowienia wykorzystuje swoją skoczność i z narożnika wskakuje na prawie samą górę klatki!

Mongo i Budzik są na bardzo podobnym poziomie! Obaj przechodzą już na drugą stronę klatki! Są już na drugiej stronie, puszczają się klatki i spadają na ziemię!

Sędzia sprawdza nagranie video i… ogłasza wygraną Małego i Budzika!!!

Następnie widzimy to nagranie i widać wyraźnie, że Budzik upadł na ziemię minimalnie szybciej.

(JS) : A więc teraz przed nami walka, po której dowiemy się czy SKF obroni pas, czy też może powracający w fenomenalnym stylu Capoerista wygra.

(MA) : Z pewnością czeka nas emocjonujący pojedynek, przypomnijmy że na ostatnim RoD Capoerista obronił swoją szansę na title shota w walce przeciwko Tomkowi1990, wcześniej wygrał jako zamaskowany fan walkę w No-DQ z SKF'em więc będą emocje.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fal land it's for the PPWF CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Capoerista"!
Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler
s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Capoerista makes his way to the ring
wearing capoeira t-shirt, abadas, and orange corda
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Senior Konrad Fuentez"!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestlers greatest victories and most powerful moves
Senior Konrad Fuentez makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort
Senior Konrad Fuentez prevails
Senior Konrad Fuentez stares at Capoerista
and smacks his face with an
light Ear Slap!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez dives into Capoerista with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez places himself behind his opponent, blocking his arms
Capoerista wiggles out of a Full Nelson Bomb and takes the initiative
Capoerista grabs the adversary Belly to Back
and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a
light Multiple German Suplex!!
Capoerista cross his opponent's legs,
and overturns him, connecting with a
light Sharpshooter!!
Capoerista keeps his weak submission hold
Capoerista keeps his agonizing submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Capoerista grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's hair
Capoerista grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Capoerista grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's neck
and swings driving him down to the ground performing a
light Running Swinging Neckbreaker!!
Capoerista grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's hair
Capoerista grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Capoerista runs toward Senior Konrad Fuentez and leaps
hitting him with his own body pinning him with a
light Running Crossbody!!
Referee starts counting...
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets up and resolutely fights back
Senior Konrad Fuentez stares at the opponent in front of him
Capoerista avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative
Capoerista open his arms ready to hit Senior Konrad Fuentez
and strikes Senior Konrad Fuentez's face with both hands performing a
light Mongolian Chop!!
Capoerista dives into Senior Konrad Fuentez with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down!!
Capoerista approaches Senior Konrad Fuentez from behind and puts his head under Senior Konrad Fuentezs arm
and hooks his arm between Senior Konrad Fuentezs legs lifting him in the air twisting his body slamming him to the mat holding the power bomb executing a
strong Blue Thunder Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Senior Konrad Fuentez kicks out
Capoerista pulls Senior Konrad Fuentez still groggy, by his hair
Capoerista places himself behind his opponent
and grasps his arms blocking them joining his hands behind his rival's head, performing a
light Full Nelson!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez escapes from the hold
Senior Konrad Fuentez pulls himself together and fights back
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets next to Capoerista bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
strong European Uppercut!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
Capoerista eludes the attempt of a Mule Kick and he takes back the initiative
Capoerista dives into Senior Konrad Fuentez with a clothesline
knocking him down!!
Capoerista approaches Senior Konrad Fuentez from behind and puts his head under Senior Konrad Fuentezs arm
and hooks his arm between Senior Konrad Fuentezs legs lifting him in the air twisting his body slamming him to the mat holding the power bomb executing a
strong Blue Thunder Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets up and resolutely fights back
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets ready to hit Capoerista
Capoerista shifts and avoids an European Uppercut, taking the initiative
Capoerista gets next to Senior Konrad Fuentez bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
light European Uppercut!!
Capoerista turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and hits hime with a
strong Mule Kick on the groin!!
Capoerista lift his down-headed opponent
and slams him down by performing a
powerful Polish Bonebreaker!!
Capoerista grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's hair
Capoerista and lunges himself on the ropes
Capoerista waits for the adversary
Senior Konrad Fuentez crouches and eludes a a Polish Hammer taking back the initiative
Senior Konrad Fuentez is about to perform his taunt
Senior Konrad Fuentez Shows That The Death Comes In Silence executing The Silencer
Senior Konrad Fuentez bounces against the ropes
performing a
devastating Fuentez Big Splash!!
Referee starts counting...
Capoerista kicks out
Senior Konrad Fuentez bounces against the ropes
performing a
LEGENDARY Fuentez Big Splash!!
Referee starts counting...
Capoerista kicks out
Senior Konrad Fuentez takes a short run
and dives on Capoerista with a
HardCore Fuentez Big Splash!!
Referee starts counting...
Capoerista kicks out
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs Capoerista's hair
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Senior Konrad Fuentez bounces off the ropes
jumping toward Capoerista hitting him with a shoulder, performing a
violent Diving Shoulder Block!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets above his laying opponent
and lets himself fall on the rival's chest, performing a
devastating Hip Press!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets above his laying opponent
and lets himself fall on the rival's chest, performing a
powerful Hip Press!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs Capoerista's hair
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs one Capoerista 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Senior Konrad Fuentez throws Capoerista to the turnbuckle
then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a
strong Body Avalanche!!
Capoerista pulls himself together and fights back
Capoerista goes towards his rival
and gives a blow to his throat executing a
light Throat Thrust!!
Capoerista turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
to hit him with a
violent Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!
Capoerista takes his opponent's head under his shoulder
lifting him by 45° performs an
violent Inverted DDT!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez pulls himself together and fights back
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets next to Capoerista bringing down an arm
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a
violent European Uppercut!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez dives into Capoerista with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a
violent 3 Point Stance Charge!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs opponents neck put him high in the air
and throws him down to the ground executing
LEGENDARY Super Seller!!
Referee starts counting...
Capoerista kicks out!

Capoerista hugs Senior Konrad Fuentez to the chest
and throws him over his head, dropping him down to the ground with a Mortal Belly to Belly Suplex!!

Capoerista climbs the top turnbuckle
and leaps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a devastating Diving Headbutt!!

Capoerista grabs Senior Konrad Fuetenz's ankle
twisting it in an irregular way executing an
devastating Polish Lock!!
Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista keeps his agonizing submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Capoerista grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's ankle
twisting it in an irregular way executing an
devastating Polish Lock!!
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Senior Konrad Fuentez escapes from the hold

Capoerista lifts Senior Konrad Fuentez on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing
violent Polish Crab!!
Capoerista keeps his ripping submission hold

Senior Konrad Fuentez can't resist anymore and taps out!!




(MA) : Capoerista pokonuje SKF'a i zostaje nowym PPWF Championem!

(JS) : No i zasadnicze pytanie - czy dotrzyma do Earthquake? Co prawda zwycięzca Dead Moon Matchu może wybrać jeden pas ze wszystkich w PPWF, ale to pas mistrzowski jest chyba najlepszym wyborem.

(MA) : Teraz jednak czeka nas wydarzenie wieczoru! Wrestlerzy z RoD będą pierwszymi, którzy wezmą udział w Dead Moon Matchu!

(JS) : Zapraszamy na walkę, znamy 6 uczestników, ale kto będzie 7 i 8? O tym przekonamy się już wkrótce!

Kamera okrąża ring, widać leżące obok niego stoły, krzesła, pokrywy od śmietników, jednym słowem pełno sprzętu do nawalania się.

Pszczółka Maja sobie lata
ooo ooo oo
zbiera nektar gdzieś na kwiatach
a tam gucio w tulipanie czeka sobie na śniadanie

Pierwszy na ring wchodzi Germazynnn…

I told ya'll motherfuckers I was comin' back

Drugi jest Siwyyy…

Bądź mistrzem!
Masz talent, to go doskonal

Do tej dwójki dołącza T-Ash. Sędzia nakazuje rozpocząć walkę!

(JS) : A więc zaczynamy pierwszy w historii Dead Moon Match!!!

Pierwsze sekundy to `badanie' terenu, wszyscy nieufnie spoglądają na pozostałych rywali, w końcu T-Ash pierwszy decyduje się na atak i wraz z Germazynnn'em zaczynają w narożniku okładać Siwyyy'ego, który osuwa się na kolana. W pewnym momencie dochodzi do małej sprzeczki między nimi, kończy się to tak, że T-Ash ląduje poza ringiem a Germazynnn zajęty T-Ashem otrzymuje potężnego Dropkicka w plecy od Siwyyy'ego tak, że upada twarzą na narożnik.

Po przerwie reklamowej widzimy Germazynnn'a leżącego bezwładnie za ringiem, obok niego baaardzo zniszczona pokrywa śmietnika. Pojawia się powtórka sytuacji, gdy Germazynnn idący z pokrywą śmietnika nadziewa się na Superkicka od T-Asha. Następnie już na żywo widzimy jak Siwyyy skacze nad liną, lecz T-Ash sprytnie się obraca o 90 stopni i wykonuje Powerbomba na stół komentatorski!!!

Germazynnn próbuje się podnieść, poklepują go kibice. Jest to w końcu jego druga walka ;). Niestety podchodzi do niego T-Ash i po kilku potężnych ciosach Germazynnn zaczyna krwawić!!!


Fuck fear, drink beer.

Za Germazynnn'a na ring wbiega, o ile tak to można nazwać, Wookrash.

Od razu zaczyna atakować obu rywali, najpierw T-Asha a potem ledwo stojacego Siwyyy'ego. Gdy wykonuje serię Angry Stompów na Siwyyy'm podchodzi do niego T-Ash i zaczyna walić go w plecy. Ten jednak jak gdyby nigdy nic odwraca się i odpycha go na glebę i dalej zajmuje się Siwyyy'm. Ta sytuacja powtarza się jeszcze raz, a potem następny. Wookrash się wkurza, bierze krzesło, przywala T-Ashowi i… T-Ash krwawi.


Requiem for a Dream…

Na ring wchodzi The Wall.

Wookrash patrzy się przez chwilę na dosyć groźnie wyglądającego, buzującego adrenaliną The Walla i na jego niewyraźny sygnał odsuwa się, a po chwili Siwyyy leży już pół przytomny. The Wall wrzuca go na ring gdzie chwile maltretuje go Wookrash (Splash, kilka Elbow Dropów) a on sam [The Wall] wrzuca na ring stół i wyciąga drabinę. Jednak w tym czasie Siwyyy sprzedaje Low Blow Wookrashowi a potem Baseball Slide w drabinę, którą The Wall trzymał przed głową i nią oberwał.

Następnie Siwyyy zaczyna okładać Wookrasha, który pada dopiero po czwartym Clothsline. Siwyyy podnosi go i z wieeelkim trudem wykonuje Vertabreakera. Niespodziewanie na ring wchodzi The Wall z krzesłem, bierze zamach lecz Siwyyy się schyla, obrywa Wookrash i na jego czole pokazuje się krew.



Criminal with protection of the law!


States lies dressed up as evening news!
We're tired of lies we want the truth!
Broadcast by corpses courting you!
We're tired of lies we want the truth!
Most people they will never know!
We're tired of lies we want the truth!
With your or against you?
Then I am against you because you're a...

Następny na ring wchodzi Tomek1990.

Tomek od razu wbiega na ring, lecz równie szybko z niego ucieka przed krzesłem The Walla. Następnie od tyłu atakuje go Siwyyy i wrzuca na ring, a The Wall wykonuje Guillotine Leg Drop. Siwyyy też wchodzi na ring lecz otrzymuje Big Boota od The Walla i pada na ring. Nad Siwyyy'm klęka Tomek i zaczyna z całej siły okładać go po głowie. The Wall bierze rozbieg, kopie Tomka w głowę i kończy jego dzieło na Siwyyy'm.


(JS) : A więc wszyscy, o których wiedzieliśmy już byli lub są na ringu! Pozostało dwóch nieznanych uczestników walki.

Muse - Hysteria

Na ring wchodzi Alex, ma obandażowaną nogę po porzedniej walce.

Alex od razu nadziewa się na Big Boota Tomka1990, w przeciwległym narożniku The Wall ściąga osłonę z ostatniego narożnika. Gdy się odwraca widzi lecącego na niego Alexa, po Irish Whipie od Tomka, jednak The Wall wyskakuje za liny, Alex uderza w narożnik a The Wall odbijając się od górnej liny wykonuje mu One Hand Bulldoga. Alex krwawi.


Full moon light is calling me, My kigndom lies within...

Z za rogu wychyla się postać Konrada Fuenteza, ubrany jest w czarną marynarkę i czarne spodnie w kant, do tego czarne błyszczące buty od Dr. Martensa.
Born to teach them all to heel, Born of Black wind fire and steel
Fuentez zatrzymuje się przy zejściu z paltformy, światło przygasa, nagle z za rozłożonych rąk w pełnej ciemności buchają dwa wielkie słupy ognia!

SKF wpada na ring. Zaczyna okładać The Walla i Tomka. Daje ich w przeciwne narożniki i zaczyna wykonywać serię Stinger Splashy. W pewnym momencie The Wall odsuwa się i SKF uderza o odsłonięty narożnika. Otrząsa się, wali The Walla z pięści w twarz, łapie go za głowę i uderza nią o narożnik.


Tomek1990 podchodzi do SKF'a i wykonuje dropkicka tak, że SKF rozwala sobie głowę o narożnik!!!


(JS) : Niesamowite! Druga oficjalna walka Tomka i od razu zwycięża w niej Title Shota na wybrany pas na Earthquake PPV!!!

(MA) : Przed nami Main Event gali! Dead Moon Match IHP! Liczymy na co najmniej takie same emocje jak na naszym, RoDowskim DMM ;)

(TJ):A teraz przed nami main event naszej gali!

(KW): Czeka nas to samo co przed chwilą, ale z udziałem gwiazd IHP.

(TJ): Przypomnimy jednak na szybko zasady: na początku na ringu są 3 osoby. Aby wyeliminować osobę trzeba doprowadzić do jej krwawienia.

(KW): Całkowita ilość osób biorących udział w tej walce to 8.

(TJ): Wygrywa osoba która na końcu nie będzie krwawić.

(KW): A nagrodą jest title shot na najważniejszej gali roku.

(TJ): Zacznijmy zabawę…



Przenosimy się na ring. W okolicach ringu widać dużo sprzętu: krzesła, stoły, drabiny, pałki i inne przedmioty.


Amy: "The following contest is a Dead Mon Rising Match! The only way to win is by eliminate all opponents by making them bleed.

Amy: "Introducing first, Wolfstark"!


Przechodząc obok przedmiotów zabrał ze sobą krzesło.


Amy: "His opponent, Stin"!


Na twarzy Stina widać wielkie skupienie. Oczywiście ma on ze sobą swój sladgehammer.


Amy: "and next, Bloodbath"!


Bloodbath wszedł na ring przy aplauzie publiki, lecz nie wiadomo, czy cieszyli się z jego obecości, czy raczej z pałki owiniętej drutem kolczastym ;)


Walka się rozpoczęła!


Każdy z przeciwników bał się przejąć inicjatywę. W tej walce każdy fałszywy ruch może spowodować odpadnięcie!


Po chwili jednak Stin rzucił się na Wolfstraka, lecz ten uderzył go krzesłem! Następnie na Wolfstrka rzucił się Bloodbath, lecz zderzyli się w powietrzu pałką i krzesłem.


Wolfstark wkurzył się, więc rzucił krzesłem w Bloodbatha, lecz ten zrobił unik. Wolfstark został bez broni, dlatego Bloodbath rzucił się na niego z całej siły.

Wolf jednak bardzo umiejętnie unika ciosów pałką. Jest właśnie w narożniku, Bloodbath bierze zamach, Wolf się odsuwa i pałka trafia w poduszkę w narożniku! Poduszka się cała rozerwała! Wolf to wykorzystał i kopnął Bloodbatha w brzuch. Następnie złapał go za szyję i wykonał DDT!!!


W tym momencie wstał Stin. Od razu podbiegł do Wolfstarka i uderzył go Sladgehammerem w brzuch! Potem przeciągnął go na narożnik i wykonał Bulldoga.


Po tym Stin wyszedł poza ring i wyciągnął stół. Wrzuciał go na ring i stawił na srodku. Podszedł do Wolfstarka, ustawił obok stołu i chciał wykonać PowerBomba, lecz Wolfstark jest za ciężki, przez co popycha go na liny. Stin odbija się od lin, Wolfstark łapie go biegnącego i wykonuje mu Samoan Drop na stół!!


W tym momencie podniósł się Bloodbath. Na początek podszedł do Wolfstarka i zaczął go okładać serią punchy. Na koniec sprzedał mu mocnego Clothline'a!


Po tym podszedł on do stołu na którym leżał Stin. Zaczął coś szukać aż w końcu wyciągnął ze sterty drzazg największą z nich i zaczął wbijać ją w czoło Stina! Po chwili Stin zaczyna baaardzo mocno krwawić, przez co zostaje wyeliminowany!


Kibice czekają na nową osobę, aż na rampie pojawia się… Nicholas Ocean! Jednak jest on ze swoim kangurem Manfredem!


Bloodbath nie zwraca na niego uwagi, lecz wychodzi do Wolfstarka. Ten jednak był na to przygotowany i uderza Bloodbatha krzesłem!!


Następnie idzie do Nicholasa. Ten widząc to ucieka na ring. Wolf chce wejść za nim, lecz zapomniał o Manfredzie który podszedł do Wolfstarka i podrapał go po barku! Sędzie podszedł do Wolfstarka, zobaczył, że z rany leci krew, przez co go wyeliminował! Wolf zaczyna prootestować, mówić, że to kangur, że to niepowinno się liczyć itp. Sędzie jednak go nie słucha i każe opuścić ring! Wolf baaardzo wkurzony uderza Manfreda i zaczyna go okładac. Widząc to Nicholas wyciąga z narożnika pałkę Bloodbatha. Następnie przechodzi przez liny i wykonuje Double Axe Handle majac w rekach palke z drutem kolczastym!


Nicholas pada jednak tak niefortunnie, ze zachaczyl glowa o kawalek drutu, przez co tez zaczal krwawic!


Sedzia również kazal mu opuścić hale. On jednak nie chciał tego Grobic, przez co wbiegla ochrona i zabrala obu wrestlerow poza hale.


W miedzy czasie na rampie pojawili się nowi uczestnicy: najpierw Michu, a potem Zbyszek.


Michu widzial co się dzieje, dlatego nie poszedł do Bloodbatha, lecz schowal się za rampa i poczekal na wejscie Zbyszka.  Ten za to wszedł na luzie na rampe i zaczal zbliżać się na ring. W tym momencie, w polowie rampy, dopadl go Michu! Uderzyl go w tyl glowy, przez co ten upadl. Nastepnie założył mu Ankle Lock!! Zbyszek zaczyna wyc z bolu, a nastepnie tapowac, jednak ta walka nie może się skonczyc przez submission!


Michu był bardzo zajety Zbyszkiem i niezauwazyl, ze biegnie na niego Bloodbath. Dopiero w ostatnim momencie poscil Zbyszka i wstal, lecz wtedy dostal bardzo silnego Clothline'a!


Budzik podniosl Micha i wykonal mu suplexa na metalowa rampe. Po tym zrobil to samo ze Zbyszkiem! Nastepnie poszedł po stoly. Rozstawil je na rampie. Wrocil jednak jeszcze po drabine.


W tym czasie tak Michu jak i Zbyszek podniesli się. Zaczela się wymiana ciosow. Michu jednak przeważał. Po paru ciosach zlapal go do German Suplexa, lecz wykonal mu 3 takie!! Po tym ustawil go na stole. Bloodbath mial już rozstawiona drabine i był na niej wiec skozystal z okazji i skoczyl na Zbyszka!!! Sedzia tam podszedł i widzac krwawiącego Zbyszka kazal go wyeliminowac.


Wszyscy spoglądają na rapme na ktorej pojawia się… Lukas!!


Michu był przygotowany do Speara, lecz widzac ze to Lukas wycofal się. Lukas jednak nie zrezygnowal i dogonil Micha. Zlatal go blisko rozstawionej drabiny przez co rzucil nim o nia. Drabina się wywróciła! Michu jednak jeszcze nie krwawil. Dlatego Lukas podniosl go do PowerBomba i chciał wykonac go na drabinie, lecz z nikad pojawil się Bloodbath, który wykonal Lukasowi Low Blow!

Michu na swoej szczescie upadl obok drabiny. Bloodbath jednak postanowil się nim zająć. Zlapal go i zaprowadzil pod ring. Jednak nie wrzucil go na niego, a wykonal Body Slam. Po tym wyciągnął worek i wysypal na ziemie szklo i pinezki! Jednak było widac, ze ta ukladanak bo nie bawi, dlatego ustawil drabine. Zaczal na nia wchodzic wraz z Michem! Był już na samej goze i wykonal Side Effect z drabiny na pinezki i szklo.


Sedzia nie miał wątpliwości, ze Michu odpada widzac jego plecy.


A wiec zostala ostatnia osoba i jest nia: qRA!


Na rampie spotkal on Lukasa, który od razu powital go punchem w twarz! Po tym podniosl go i wykonal 2 razy Atomic Drop. Chcial wykonac 3, lecz przerwal mu Bloodbath łapiąc go od tylu zo glowe i wykonując Reverse Neckbreaker!


Lukas uderzyl bardzo mocno glowa w rampe. Bloodbath usiadl na nim i powoli sprzedawal mu punche.


Publika liczyla ich ilość














W tym momencie nastąpiło przerwanie,  bo qRA wykonal Low Dropkick prosto w twarz Bloodbatha!


Nastepnie qRA zlapal Bloodbatha i chciał wykonac Neckbreaker, lecz od tylu zaskoczyl go Lukas który wykonal mu Lion Hearth na nieopodal lezaca drabine!!


Po tym zlapal palke baseballowa i zaczal okładać nia qRE. Po chwili z ust qRY poleciała krew i sedzia wyeliminowal go z walki.


Zostala dwojka. Lukas vs Bloodbath. Obaj potwornie zmeczeni.

Lukas bez zastanowienia chciał uderzyc Bloodbatha palka, lecz ten zrobil unik i skontrowal to Diamond Cutterem (RKO)!!


Sedzia podszedł sprawdzic Lukasa, lecz ten jeszcze nie krwawil. Bloodbath mocno się wkurzył i poszedł po swoja palke owinieta drutem kolczastym. Znalazl ja i zauważył ze Lukas już wstal, dlatego wziął rozbieg i na pelnej prędkości chciał uderzyc Lukasa. Ten jednak skontrowal to w potężnego Spinebustera!!! Nastepnie podniosl Bloodbatha i wykonal mu Lions Heath na te palke przez co Bloodbath zaczal krwawic!!!


Lukas wygral!! Lukas dostal title shota na najwazniejsza gale roku!!


Na hale wbiega reszta Attitude. Ciesza się z Lukasem, lecz w tym momencie gasnie światło a  my słyszymy znany nam smiech Voodoo po czym…

 PPV schodzi z anteny!


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