Jay Starre Cabin Fever Over The Holidays

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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays * Jay Starre



considered himself a regular guy. Like his name, steady, down-to-

earth and built that way too. Solid. Brown hair, brown eyes, regular
features in a square face. Not outstanding in the looks department.
Not too tall at just under six feet. Not too loud or too quiet. Friendly
enough but not a shmooze.

He had no problem with that self-estimation. It usually worked

for him. People instinctively liked and trusted him. He wasn’t
threatening, and in his career as a financial planner in San Francisco’s
busy banking district, that reputation served him well.

Of course, he’d been invited to the Christmas holidays party up

in the California Sierras being hosted by his best buds, Cole and
Andreas. They’d have him chopping firewood and helping cook. He
was reliable in that regard.

The rugged road in to the cabin was dusted with new snow, but

fortunately, he’d driven his 4x4 and had no trouble negotiating the
slippery track. Cole welcomed him on the porch with open arms.

A stocky redhead with a brilliant smile in a freckled complexion,

he was both ebullient and domineering. Actually, Cole was downright
bossy. He had Sam filled in on the holiday schedule within the first
fifteen minutes as they unpacked his truck together and dropped off
his bags in his room.

“I hope you don’t mind that we booked you a roommate. His


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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays * Jay Starre

name’s Jimmy and he’s from Palm Springs and quite the cutie. He’s
single, and I hear he’s a willing slut so let’s hope you get some action
out of it.”

Sam merely smiled, unable to take Cole seriously. The redhead

was a terror when it came to schedules but a total nitwit when it came
to personalities. His partner, Andreas, was the sensitive one. He had
the really juicy gossip, and often enough it was even true.

Andreas also had the hots for Sam. It was not an uncomfortable

thing between them; Andreas flirted with him while he merely smiled
and refrained from responding to the blatant come-ons. Not that the
tall ex-basketball player wasn’t hot. He had a killer body: long, lean
and athletic. A curly nap of jet-black hair, soft brown eyes and bold
open features were accented by luscious honey-brown skin.

His mother was French and his father a New York City Haitian.

He’d inherited a dramatic streak from both parents, but his years on a
semi-pro basketball team had toned it down, or at least channeled it
into competitiveness rather than hysteria. He was now a successful
realty developer. He came in from the outdoors just as Cole was
breaking the news to Sam about Jimmy.

“I’ve heard he’s got a really tight ass. He’ll never take that big

thing you’re sporting up his butt,” Andreas commented breezily as he
embraced Sam in his long arms—and managed to grope his firm can
at the same time.

Cole hooted out his loud laugh before adding fuel to the fire.

“Maybe you oughta break in the little blond punk for Sam! We all
know our buddy here’s got a good-sized piece on him, but honey, your
cock is the Snake From Hell and ain’t no one who can touch that!”

They all laughed but Sam knew the truth behind the jesting.

Andreas had a monster cock. Not only was it thick, but it was


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extremely long and had a huge knob at the end that most guys found
truly intimidating.

And that was the reason behind Andreas’s lust for Sam, he

believed. Cole just couldn’t take that big dick up his ass, and Andreas
needed to fuck butt. So, they had an arrangement, all very civilized.
Andreas could fuck any ass that was willing, and capable, just so Cole
didn’t have to get boned by that mammoth pipe.

“I can suck on it pretty damn good,” Cole had explained once to

Sam. “But in my ass? No way. I just can’t stretch enough to get that
giant cock-head in my snug butthole. You’re welcome to try, my
friend, but beware. You won’t walk for a week afterward!”

Sam had taken cock up the ass often enough. He was a true

versatile, enjoying both topping and bottoming. His easy-going, and
often ambivalent, nature assured that. He’d seen Andreas’s big bone a
number of times. They worked out at the same gym and he’d often
stayed at their gorgeous townhouse up in the Pacific Heights area of
San Francisco. All three had gone on several vacations together where
he’d had occasion to see both of them in the buff.

Truthfully, Andreas made sure Sam had a good look at that giant

cock as often as possible. Not exactly flaunting it, but showing it off,
for sure. Sam didn’t mind. Unlike Cole, he found the size and girth of
that big brown bone a challenge. If Andreas and Cole weren’t his best
friends and partnered, he’d jump on that monster meat. Maybe it
wouldn’t be easy, but he was sure it would be fun trying.

So that was the status quo. Andreas wanted to fuck Sam; Cole

was fine with it, while Sam resisted them both— and his own urges.

“Let’s get to work! We’ve got a dozen guests arriving for

Christmas Eve dinner and that’s only two days off. Sam, you can
hightail it out to the woodshed and split a heap of firewood. Andreas,


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you’re scheduled to put up the tree this morning. We can all decorate
it after lunch at twelve forty-five.”

* * *



enjoyed the hour of splitting and stacking firewood by himself.

He wasn’t exactly a loner, but he was self-contained. He listened more
than he talked and kept his own counsel in most matters. He couldn’t
say he was lonely, even though he had no one to call his “boyfriend”
nor could he claim a steady fuck-bud. Admittedly, he hadn’t even been
dating lately.

With the light dusting of fresh snow on the ground and coating

the tree branches of the woods all around, he was pleased that they’d
be enjoying a white Christmas, not a common occurrence for most
Californians. The crisp air was invigorating, as well as the quiet. The
nearest cabin was at least a quarter mile away ensuring relative

When Cole came out with a gorgeous smile splitting his freckled

face to call him in for lunch, Sam found he was more than simply
pleased and invigorated. He was downright happy. It seemed he was
always happy when he was around these two.

By the time Jimmy arrived just before dark, they’d completed the

tree decorating and were well into the beer. All three were feeling
pretty good.

“Hi, Jimmy! Welcome to the Cabin of Debauchery for our Holiday

Fuck-Fest!” Cole announced as he swept the new arrival into his arms
and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips.

Andreas snatched the blond newcomer from his partner and

introduced him to Sam. Sam met Cole’s eyes. Extraordinary blue orbs


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under the palest blond brows. Quite large too. They looked like they
could swallow him.

“Yum. Is this the hot stud you promised me for Christmas?”

Jimmy said as he stepped forward and embraced Sam.

“I don’t know about that,” Sam muttered back. “Cole invited

some actual studs for the Christmas Eve party. And New Year’s. That’s
probably when your hot Christmas gift will be arriving.”

“Don’t mind him, Jimmy. He’s modest. Wait ’til you see his big fat

cock,” Cole blurted out, followed by his hooting laugh.

The ice was certainly broken, if there had been any to begin with.

Jimmy was a sparkling rival to Cole’s boisterous dominance. The four
of them chatted gaily around the luminously decorated tree and the
roaring fire as the evening slipped away.

It was Sam who retired first. “I need my beauty sleep. I’m sure

Cole has all kinds of hard labor planned for tomorrow.”

He was fast asleep when Jimmy came into the bedroom much

later. He awoke to the sight of a naked blond bending over the bed
against the opposite wall in the small room. The dim glow of the bed-
stand lamp illuminated the lean body, which was surprisingly tanned
for a blond. Of course, Jimmy was from Palm Springs where sunshine
was a cheap commodity.

That amber-brown tan terminated abruptly at the waist and

started up again just below the well-rounded butt-cheeks. Sam
couldn’t help noticing that for a slender guy, he had a luscious ass.

He couldn’t help the boner that sprang up under his sheets

either. That glowing pale butt was on perfect display as Jimmy bent
over the bed, pulled aside the covers, and crawled up on all fours to
switch off the light.


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In those brief moments, Sam’s fantasies evolved from grabbing

those cheeks to spreading them, diving in to lick the crack all over,
fingering the no-doubt tight hole, and finally pumping his stiff cock
deep and fucking the hell out of the cute blond.

“Good night, Stud,” a whisper floated across the room in the


“Uh, yeah. Good night, Jimmy,” he replied, flushing with guilt

about his nasty fantasy and stiff cock under the covers.

* * *



next day, Cole had them hard at it from the first light of dawn.

Jimmy was expected to do his share and had no problem with that. He
cheerfully helped with the chores, which included making breakfast,
doing the dishes, and tidying up every nook and cranny of the four-
bedroom cabin for the upcoming party.

“Most of the guests are going to stay overnight. No drunks will be

driving off from our party to get themselves killed,” Andreas explained
to the pair of busy guests. “That’s why we have you two sharing. We’ll
be packing them like sardines into the other two bedrooms.”

“The result is going to be one hell of a lot of cock-sucking and

ass-fucking,” Cole added as he breezed through on the way to some
other chore he’d scheduled for himself. He may have been bossy, but
he was also the hardest working of them all.

“Don’t mind him. Why don’t you two sneak out for a break?

There’s a path that leads through the woods down to the pond. Go
check it out. It’s a nice day.”

Andreas was right. It was a gorgeous day. The sun shone in a

cerulean blue sky while an inch of new snow overnight dripped from


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branches as the weak sunlight melted it. The air was brisk and sharp
with the scent of pine needles. The snow underfoot was scant enough
to make walking no difficult chore.

“It’s the quiet that’s best, don’t you think?” Jimmy asked as they

hiked through the silent woods.

“Yeah,” Sam answered, taking that as a hint not to chatter. That

was fine with him. He followed the blond man closely, with a keen eye
on the pump and swell of his round ass. The jeans he wore were tight
enough to offer a tempting view.

The pond was lovely. Only a few acres in size, it was early

enough in the winter so it hadn’t frozen over yet. The placid water
reflected the blue sky and slanting sunshine with a nearly blinding

Thick pine and fir surrounded it, except for a small clearing on

the shore where the path ended.

“Can you imagine it in summer? This little meadow is probably

full of wild flowers all blooming.”

Jimmy turned to him and smiled. Those big blue eyes shined

above a button nose and a small, pursed mouth. Pink lips opened up in
a surprisingly broad grin.

Sam wanted to kiss those lips. He found himself staring at them,

at a momentary loss for words. He hadn’t been so hot for someone in a
long, long time.

“Kiss me, Sam. Kiss me good,” he heard Jimmy demand through

the fog of his desire.

Moist lips beckoned. Sam grabbed the slim blond and yanked

him into a fierce embrace. He crushed those tempting lips with his


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Through the kiss, Jimmy gurgled laughter while stabbing his

tongue deep into Sam’s mouth. He reached around him to seize his
solid can with both hands and pull hard, pressing his crotch into Sam’s
in a sexy bump and grind.

Taller and bigger, the auburn-haired banker enveloped the Palm

Springs blond in his muscular embrace. Sam worked out regularly and
played soccer on a recreational team. He was bigger than Jimmy by
half, and at odds with his mild-mannered personality, he had power to
spare. Now, he uncoiled that leashed strength.

Breathless and moaning, Jimmy felt crushed by the unexpected

ferocity of that embrace and tongue-sucking kiss. He’d initiated it, and
now he reciprocated eagerly. Fucking Sam’s mouth with his twirling
tongue, he continued gripping one of the banker’s solid butt-cheeks
while sliding his other hand around and down between them into
their grinding crotches.

He found the swollen meat packed within layers of boxers, heavy

khakis, long-sleeve wool shirt, and bulky overcoat. Busy fingers undid
buckle, buttons and zipper. In moments, Sam’s khakis and boxers
were down around his knees and his stiff cock was rearing up under
the tails of his shirt and coat.

“Fuck yeah! You do have a big fat cock,” Jimmy blurted out as he

broke their sloppy kiss and grinned up into Sam’s warm brown eyes.

“And you have a fucking sweet butt,” Sam murmured back,

entranced by those giant blue eyes and pink lips.

Jimmy beamed as he offered a naughty wink and wriggled his

butt in Sam’s hands. He gripped Sam’s stiff dick and pumped it a few
times before abruptly squirming around to face the other direction.

The eager blond had his own pants and underwear down around


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his knees in seconds. Laughing and still squirming, he pressed his
naked butt back against Sam’s crotch. “Go ahead, cop a good feel.”

Sam groaned as he lifted the tails of their shirts and coats and got

a look at that round butt. Pale as cream and outlined by that dark tan,
it looked like heaven to fuck. Hairless cheeks, perky and jiggling,
shoved back into his hands… and his rearing hard-on.

“Fuck! Rub that big bone in my crack. Dry hump me, stud!”

Without lube or condoms at hand, that sounded like a fine

enough idea. He held their clothing up out of the way with one hand
and slid the other over one of the cheeks. So smooth! Hot too.

He thrust his stiff bone up against the crack. It did look pretty

big, flushed a deep purple against the ivory butt valley. He didn’t think
of his cock as all that big; he’d had it all his life and was used to it. The
shaft was fat, sure, right to the head, which fortunately tapered into a
bullet-shaped tip that slid right in before the thick girth followed.

He pushed it into the pale crack, pumping between the jiggling

cheeks. The heated divide was ever so smooth and slick with a light
sheen of sweat. He groaned aloud as he began to slide his cock up and

The blond snorted out laughter as he wriggled back against the

fat dick pumping up and down his crack. “Ummmm! Yeah. Hump my
butt like that… we can fuck our brains out later tonight… ahhhhhh…
after Cole gets done working us to death!”

Sam was mesmerized by the slick sensations enveloping his

cock: smooth ass-flesh, humping cheeks, and the feel of the asshole
puckering out to kiss his pumping dick. He stared down at the white
butt glowing in the winter sunshine and imagined how warm and
tight that hole would feel once he crammed his cock into it.


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Not usually quick on the draw, Sam found himself humping

faster and faster while gawking at the wriggling white ass and
imagining his cock buried to the balls, Jimmy squealing, and both of
them blowing their loads. He was close to that within moments.

“You’re hot for it, buddy! God yeah… ummmmm… that cock of

yours is throbbing like it’s about to spew. Go ahead! Shoot all over my

The nasty suggestion was all he needed. Plus, the blond

squirmed vigorously back against the humping cock while squeezing
with his tight butt-cheeks. The satin flesh massaged Sam’s thrusting
dick with slick heat. The sight of that writhing white ass, his cock
planted between the cheeks, and the thought of driving into the hole
buried in that slick crack, pushed him right over the edge.

“Fuck! Yeah! Here it is!”

His swollen cock-head reared up from between the round cheeks

and erupted. A spray of cum rocketed out to splatter Jimmy’s tanned
lower back and then dribble down over milk-pale butt-cheeks.

Jimmy snorted out laughter as he continued wriggling around.

“Nice! I’ll save my load for tonight when your fat bone is buried to the
balls up my tight ass. I’ll squeeze a load out of you then too.” Sam
huffed wordlessly.

The laughing promise was followed by a saucy wriggle before

the blond man stepped away to pull up his pants and underwear and
turn to face the still-dripping Sam. “I’ll let that cum dry in my skivvies
to remind me of that hot fuck to come later tonight.”

Sam shook his head and laughed aloud. “You are nasty. I like that,

and I’m looking forward to that fuck too. I guess we better get back for
now. Cole’s definitely got more stuff for us to do.”


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On the way back, they chatted non-stop. Sam experienced a true

Christmas glow with the fresh snow, winter sunshine, and the
anticipation of more ass later that night.

* * *



commented on it at dinner. “You sure look cheerful, Sam.

Looking forward to your Christmas presents, are you?”

The retired basketball player knew something was up. Though

nothing had been said about the nasty goings-on earlier in the
afternoon, Andreas noticed the frequent glances shared between their
two guests. Sam was definitely showing his good mood, laughing at
everything, grinning for no good reason, and offering help even before
Cole demanded it.

“He’s just happy to see us, honey,” Cole put in as Sam blushed

brightly and Jimmy smirked. He wasn’t as sensitive as his partner, but
he wasn’t stupid either. And he knew Sam well. The quiet banker
wasn’t about to gush out some love-struck confession.

“Let’s get the dishes done before we take a nice little break

around the fire. Tomorrow’s going to be a real busy day and we need
our rest tonight,” he ordered.

This time it was Jimmy who went to bed first. Sam lingered,

flushed with a continuing glow of expectation, but content to bask in
the company of his best friends for a bit longer. Cole sprawled on the
couch with his head cradled in Andreas’s lap while Sam lay on the
floor staring into the crackling fire. With a thick rug underneath and a
fat cushion for his head, he listened to Cole’s easy chatter and
Andreas’s murmured replies.

Finally, he rose to excuse himself. “Give us a kiss, honey,” Cole


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demanded, pursing his red lips and winking.

Sam bent to kiss the soft mouth, feeling Andreas’s big hand

gently cup the back of his head. Tasting apricot liqueur, he pulled
away to smile down at the handsome freckled face before he rose to
kiss Andreas.

A wide mouth and full lips met his. To his surprise, Andreas’s

tongue pushed past his lips while the hand on his head held him tight
against the other man’s face. That tongue dove deep.

Cole laughed below them. “Honey, that giant black snake of yours

is coming to life. I can feel it growing under my head. That must be
some kiss Sam’s giving you.”

Sam broke away with a shy smile. All at once, a vivid image of

that massive black cock came to mind.

Now, he couldn’t wait a moment longer to fuck the hot white ass

waiting for him in the other room.

“Goodnight, gents. Have fun with that,” he said with a laugh as he


In the bedroom Jimmy waited—lying on the covers on his belly,

naked, legs spread, creamy butt on display.

“What a sight. I’m going to love fucking your sweet butt tonight,”

Sam murmured as he tossed off his clothes and climbed onto the bed
behind the spread thighs. Jimmy watched with his big blue eyes half-
closed and a smile on his lips.

“Good. My butthole’s already lubed up. There’s a condom on the

nightstand. Fuck me good and hard like I know you can.”

Sam was not one for head games and really liked Jimmy’s no-

nonsense approach. They both wanted to fuck and fuck they would.


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He shivered slightly even though the bedroom was warm enough with
the thick log walls of the cabin holding the winter outside at bay. As he
knelt behind Jimmy, incredibly warm thighs welcomed his knees and
calmed his trembling.

The ivory ass was gorgeous, outlined by deep tan and a slender

waist. He’d want to fuck it any day of the week, but there was more.
Perhaps it was the season, the circumstances, or just the bubbly
personality of the owner of that ass—which truthfully reminded him
of Cole—or just the blossoming of affection.

It didn’t matter. He seized the perky ass and spread it wide. A

pink hole peered up at him from the depths of smooth crack. Lube
glistened as the hole puckered outward. Damn! Jimmy was ready for

He snatched up the condom from the nightstand and rolled it on.

The fat shaft leaped in his hands, eager and pulsing. Jimmy lay there
sighing quietly, a smile on his pink mouth and eyes still half-closed. He
wiggled his ass slightly, enough to encourage Sam to grab those
cheeks again and thrust down into the spread valley with his wrapped

“Here it comes. Let me know if it’s too much,” Sam murmured.

The head of his cock was perfectly shaped to slide in. Lube

squished around the tapered tip, easing the way for more as Sam
slowly pushed into the warm slot.

“Oh yeah,” he said with a deep sigh.

Jimmy sighed too, lifting his butt off the bed to encourage more

cock to slither inside his warm hole. They groaned together as Sam’s
cock slowly and steadily pumped deeper. Even though the girth
dramatically increased closer to the root, Sam had no trouble


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pumping it all the way home. After one slow thrust, he was buried to
the balls.

Warmth enveloped his entire cock. His balls settled on the

smooth cheeks of Jimmy’s ass.

“Sweet ass,” he muttered.

“Sweet cock,” Jimmy replied.

It seemed as if they were in perfect sync. Sam began to fuck in a

slow rhythm, in and out, balls-deep with every thrust. Jimmy moaned
non-stop, hardly moving except for a slight lifting of his lush ass and
spreading of his tanned thighs. His asshole welcomed Sam’s cock with
slippery warmth, clinging to the shaft with gentle pressure, while
opening up to the deep slide by puckering outward on every stroke.

It lasted and lasted. Sam had come already once that day, and

although his trigger was cocked, he managed to prolong the heated
pleasure for an eternity of sweet, slow pumping.

He finally surrendered. “Oh man… ohhhhhh… I’m going to come

up your butt!”

Jimmy raised his ass and wriggled against the sudden increase in

tempo, his asshole gulping now rather than merely swallowing. Sam
blew his wad deep in Jimmy’s heated bowels, his spew captured by
the latex sheathe.

Once Jimmy rolled over to welcome Sam into his arms, Sam

noticed the smear of cum on the tanned belly and the half-hard pink
cock still oozing. Jimmy had come too, at the same time as Sam.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms.


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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays * Jay Starre

* * *



some reason, Sam said nothing about the exquisite fuck to either

Cole or Andreas. Normally, he would have told them and even offered
details if they pressed him. They were his best friends and he shared
practically everything with them. But this time he kept it to himself,
secretly treasuring the thought of it, and looking forward to more of
the same over the course of the weeklong holiday. What would
happen after the holidays were over, he wasn’t sure.

The next day they were all kept busy preparing for the Christmas

Eve party and the opportunity to mention it just didn’t come up. Sam
helped Cole in the kitchen while Jimmy helped Andreas with the other
party preparations and welcoming the arriving guests. There were a
dozen gay men coming, all of them expecting Cole’s standard top-
notch entertainment.

By the time the sumptuous dinner was served, all the guests

were in place. A new snowfall outside only made the cozy warmth and
the roaring fire inside all the more alluring. Candlelight flickered
everywhere. The fragrant scent of those candles, the smell of the pine
boughs on the hearth and the burning logs blended with the delicious
aroma of the fine feast set out on the table.

Cole was the life of the party as usual while Jimmy came in a

close second. It was Cole though who kept it all under control, with his
tall sidekick at his beck and call. It was quite the sight to witness the
short redhead ordering around the six foot six black jock. Andreas
cheerfully complied with everything his partner demanded, although
he took his time about it. He wasn’t exactly slow, but he was definitely
laid back.

The hosts and guests seemed like one big happy family. No

surprise there. Christmas was a truly family holiday, but for many gay


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people, their friends were their family. Often, their own families had
no use for a gay son, brother or cousin at holiday gatherings. With
their friends, they could relax, be themselves, and just enjoy the

As a holiday dinner, it was a smashing success. Sam didn’t mind

helping his hosts with the entertaining, mostly keeping the guests
served and looking after the cleanup. Andreas cornered him in the
kitchen as they piled up the dishes and groped him, which was neither
unusual nor unwelcome. He even allowed the tall ex-jock to slide a
hand down the back of his slacks and cop a feel of his bare ass while
they kissed, which was about as far as he’d ever gone before.

“Yum! Am I getting closer to a romp in the sack?” Andreas

whispered in Sam’s ear.

“Don’t get your hopes up, sweetheart,” Sam answered with a

laugh as he broke away.

That would have been the time to mention Jimmy, and he almost

did, but they were interrupted by Jimmy himself coming in with an
armful of dishes. “Aren’t you two sweet,” he said with a wink and

Andreas grinned as he swept up the blond man in his long arms,

planted a sloppy kiss on his lips, and slapped his butt with a
basketball player swat. Sam looked on with a pleasant rush of
warmth. He was happy as hell and glad they were all getting along so

As Cole predicted, most of the guests were too drunk to drive

and ended up jammed into the spare bedrooms where many of them
engaged in an impromptu “fuck-and-suck” party well into the night.

Sam and Jimmy cuddled in bed together. Even through the thick


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log walls, they heard the shrieks of merriment coming from the
partying guests in the other rooms. Bare flesh to bare flesh, it didn’t
take long for them to get excited. Jimmy squatted over Sam’s fat cock
and rode it enthusiastically. Grinning down at him and licking his lips,
the slim blond pumped his own pink cock until it spewed all over
Sam’s bare chest.

They celebrated Christmas Day with a splendid brunch fueled by

copious amounts of coffee and hot chocolate. By late afternoon, the
guests had sobered up enough to head back to the real world.

Cleaning up under Cole’s direction, the place looked presentable

again by supper time. After their meal of creatively prepared leftovers
they sat around the fireplace and tree and opened their Christmas

Sam was delighted by the thoughtfulness of his friends. Cole gave

him an impressive diving watch while Andreas presented him with a
gift certificate for a three-day diving course. “Every time we go to
Hawaii, you keep telling us how much you’d like to learn how to dive.
Well, now you have to do it,” Andreas explained just before Sam
climbed on his lap and smothered his full lips with a big kiss.

Sam had thought carefully about what he wanted to give his

friends too. Cole got a book on entertaining signed by the author, a TV
host whom the redhead raved about. Andreas got a ten-pack of front
row tickets to the Golden State Warriors, a team he loved. He gave
them both gift certificates for a two-day holiday at a spa in Palm

Cole beamed. “Excellent, honey. We can visit Jimmy while we’re


The pair had a gift for Jimmy, too, and Jimmy for them, but

neither Sam nor Jimmy had expected each other for Christmas and so


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had nothing to exchange. It was Cole who offered the solution to the
embarrassing situation.

“Get up in Sam’s lap and give him a juicy kiss, Jimmy! You can

exchange tongues instead of gifts!”

Laughing, the bold blond hopped right on and planted a hell of a

kiss on Sam’s mouth while the host couple looked on and hooted in

Sam welcomed the kiss but held back from getting too wild.

Jimmy seemed to have no such inhibitions, writhing over his lap with
his lush butt and giving him a healthy hard-on.

After they broke it off, Sam looked into Jimmy’s big blue eyes and

saw the affection there seeming to mirror his own. As Jimmy rose
from his lap, it was on the tip of his tongue to say something, anything,
about his feelings for the slim stud, a sort of proclamation in front of
his best friends.

But Andreas was already off on a mission to the kitchen under

Cole’s orders and the opportunity slipped by.

* * *



next big event would be the New Year’s Eve party, which would

include three times the number of guests to entertain. It was up to the
four of them to prepare for that and Cole kept them well occupied
over the next five days.

Every night, Jimmy offered up his creamy can for Sam to fuck. On

the bed, against the wall, on hands and knees on the carpet, from in
front with Jimmy’s lean thighs up in the air, Jimmy straddling Sam, or
any number of inventive ways to get fat cock up warm hole that they
could think of.


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The day of New Year’s Eve reared up almost unexpectedly. Sam

still hadn’t said anything to his best friends about his affair with
Jimmy. Neither he nor Jimmy had discussed what would happen after
the holidays were over when they both returned to their normal lives.
Maybe this was why he hadn’t talked with Cole and Andreas about his
torrid sex romps. He really had no idea where it was leading.

“Can you go out and fetch some more firewood for the cook

stove, honey? Pretty please?”

Cole’s freckled face crinkled up in the sweetest smile, his green

eyes twinkling. One thing about him: he gave out his orders with true
Southern charm.

Sam and Cole were dedicated to the kitchen that morning,

preparing for the party that night. Andreas and Jimmy were off
somewhere else under the bossy redhead’s orders. He found out
where when he rounded the corner of the woodshed on his mission to
get firewood and stumbled on the pair hard at it—hard at a hard fuck.

He stopped dead in his tracks. The woodshed was very large

with firewood stacked over six feet high in rows against the back wall.
There was an open area in front with the chopping block, axes and
mauls. Just within the entrance, split wood was neatly piled. Sam had
split and stacked that pile himself.

Way in the back, where the weak winter sunlight barely reached,

Jimmy leaned over a shortened stack of wood, one knee up, his pants
and underwear in a pile beside him.

The smooth white ass Sam had been fucking every single night

for the past week had another cock up it.

A big black cock. A really big black cock.

“Uhhhhhhnnnnngggg… yeah… that’s the biggest… unnnggghh…


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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays * Jay Starre

yummiest, best damn cock I’ve ever… unnhhhggg… fucking… ugghhh…

Jimmy’s blond head hung down between his shoulders as he

grunted out those words. Andreas stood behind him. His pants and
underwear were tangled around his ankles. His long, lean legs
gleamed amber in the weak light. His butt, high and full, clenched with
muscular power as he thrust forward against the bent-over blond.

With Jimmy’s knee up on the woodpile, his creamy ass-crack was

wide open. Sam had a perfect view of the cock that punched past his
wrinkled little hole. Flushed dark purple, it gleamed with lube as it
drove beyond the pink pucker and deep into the heat beyond.

That stiff cock was truly gigantic. It was a thick pipe that slid in

and out in a fierce drive that had the blond grunting with every thrust.
The head, which Sam knew to be of prodigious girth, was planted far
up Jimmy’s hungry ass.

They faced away from him and had no idea he was there. His

footsteps had been muffled by a soft new snowfall. As quietly as
possible, he gathered up an armful of cook stove sized firewood from
right beside him and fled.

But not without one more mesmerizing glance at that hot fuck.

The image of that dark cock driving deep into the pink hole between
those ivory cheeks was seared into his brain.

Jimmy’s words rang in Sam’s ears as he hastily departed. “Gimme

more of that big cock! Yeah! I need it so bad!”

Entering the kitchen, Sam stood quietly for a moment

contemplating Cole as he stirred a massive pot of homemade soup.
The cook stove was the kitchen’s centerpiece, wood-fired and
enormous. Green and ivory enamel set off the iron framework. Heat


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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays * Jay Starre

emanated from the structure in pleasant waves. It was a pleasure to
cook on it, and it took some skill to keep the firebox dampened down
or opened up enough to regulate the stove-top and oven.

Cole, his flaming hair trimmed above his ears and coiffed

carefully on top, was short and comfortably round. Not fat by any
stretch of the imagination, but with a plump can and a solid body he
kept in shape through an addiction to swimming that still brought him
the occasional medal in amateur competitions.

Just under his breath, Cole was singing. A Christmas carol.

“Do you ever get jealous of Andreas fucking around on you?” Sam

blurted out to his back.

Cole stopped singing but didn’t even turn around as he

answered. “No, honey. No, not at all. We get along so well, you know
that, and he loves me to death. He never does anything behind my

Sam approached with the armful of firewood, trembling a little,

truthfully shocked and surprised and confused. But jealous? He wasn’t
sure about that. He did feel a little foolish and sad.

He stacked the wood in the bin beside the stove as Cole turned to

look at him. “Isn’t that what matters most? Love and all? It’s not that
easy to find, or keep. What’s going on? Oh, yeah, did you stumble on a
little bit of shenanigans out in the woodshed? Andreas told me Jimmy
likes to take it up the ass out there, in the woods, or by the pond. My
horny boyfriend has banged that sweet little butt nearly every day
since he got here.”

Sam turned away quickly so Cole couldn’t see his flaming face.

He wasn’t sure what he felt, but it wasn’t all that great. Love? He
couldn’t say he’d fallen in love with Jimmy, but it had come damn


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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays * Jay Starre

close to something like that.

“Yeah. I did get a quick glance at cock going up ass. No big deal.

Quite hot in fact. They didn’t see me so don’t go telling Andreas about
it,” he quickly added.

“No worries, honey. I know you’re a bit shy about that kind of

stuff. I’ll hear all about it later anyway. Andreas is good about the
details. And I get to suck him off while he talks about it…”

Cole rambled on for some time, seemingly oblivious to Sam’s

silence. The brown-haired banker busied himself at the counter dicing
and slicing and trying not to recall the image of that giant black cock
reaming the snug pink asshole, the asshole he’d been pounding every

Cole’s inane chatter actually managed to soothe him after a

while. By the time the other two came into the kitchen asking about
lunch, he felt as if he had his emotions under control. Under tight

Andreas kissed his cheek and patted his ass, and he didn’t mind

at all. Jimmy grinned and winked at him, and he smiled back quite
sincerely. The blond’s bright blue eyes and merry personality
remained, intact and as attractive as ever. Sam chose to ignore any
complicated questions, for now.

The first arrivals came early and the party got off to a heady start

ahead of schedule. It was just as well. Sam was glad to be kept busy. A
mix of friends, acquaintances and some strangers trickled in during
the late afternoon hours and into the evening. Cole sparkled as
brightly as the ornaments and decorations lining the log walls as he
played the perfect host. Andreas towered over the guests as he kept
everyone well-watered and well-fed.


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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays * Jay Starre

Jimmy did his part too. Sam watched him out of the corner of his

eye, naturally seeing him differently now. He was amazingly like Cole.
For the first time, Sam realized how much that fact had counted in the
attraction he’d had for the blond.

It was almost ten and the party was in full swing, the music

growing more boisterous and half a dozen of the guests dancing in
front of the roaring fire while others danced in the kitchen or hallway,
when Sam slipped away.

He closed the bedroom door, blocking out most of the clamor

from the party, and lay face down on his bed. He realized he was tired,
almost exhausted. He’d been busy since the crack of dawn and it felt
good to lie down for a bit. Just a moment or two, he rationalized.

He tried to avoid any thoughts about Jimmy but they quickly

intruded. Did he want a relationship with Jimmy like the one Cole and
Andreas shared? Honestly, no. That admission made him sad.

The bedroom door opened. The noise from the party entered,

and then was cut off as the door was shut. He didn’t bother turning his
head to see if it was Jimmy approaching the bed.

It wasn’t. The firm body that settled over him was lean and very

long. Andreas.

“Hey, sweetheart. A little tired of all the commotion? It’s getting

wild out there.”

Andreas chuckled as he squeezed his knees between Sam’s and

pushed his thighs apart, smacking his muscular butt with a gentle
swat. “Damn fine butt, my friend. Damn fine. When are you going to
finally give it up for me?”

Andreas pressed his crotch into Sam’s ass. Sam felt the stiff pipe

Andreas hefted throbbing against his crack even with their clothes


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still on.

The image from earlier in the day reared up in his mind: Jimmy’s

white ass taking that big black cock deep.

“You get plenty of ass, even with that monster dick of yours

frightening away the timid ones. Why do you want mine?” Sam had to

“Because you’ve got a damn hot ass,” the retired jock replied

with a snicker. He lowered his face and whispered in Sam’s ear. “You
know why, buddy. You’re special. Real special. We love you, pal.”

Sam felt tears welling up. “I love you guys too. You know that.”

“So make us happy, now, sweetie, and spread your legs for Big

Daddy Bone.”

They both laughed, although Sam’s laughter was a little choked

with the tears on his cheeks.

He was crying! That was totally unexpected. Andreas licked at

the tears and crooned in his ear. “You’re so damn special. Me and Cole
just love you to pieces. I don’t care if I never get to fuck this sweet ass,
honestly, as long as you keep on being our best little buddy.”

Sam found himself squirming out of his pants, pushing them

down along with his underwear, the weight of Andreas on top of him
no impediment in his irresistible urge to feel that pulsing cock against
his bare ass.

“My oh my! I guess I’m getting an extra Christmas present,”

Andreas whispered as he helped drag down Sam’s clothes and
squirmed out of his own. With one hand flying, Sam yanked open the
nightstand drawer and fished out lube and a condom.

Andreas laughed as he took the offering and rubbered up. Sam


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squirmed around under him, heaving up his muscular butt, gasping at
the feel of all that thick flesh as it rubbed against his naked skin. He
was suddenly so ferociously excited; he could feel his nervous hole
pouting outward in lusty anticipation of what was to come.

“Here it is, sweetheart. You got to swallow it on your own, I can’t

force it up there or it will hurt like hell… ooohhhhhh… yeah… that’s

Sam reared up and back and grabbed hold of that apple-sized

cock-head with his eager ass and just sucked it right in. The sensation
was awesome. Pushing out and back, he gulped up the entire head and
kept on going. He raised his hips up off the bed and wriggled his butt
in circles, corkscrewing backward to swallow more and more cock—
even though it seemed to be more than he’d ever taken. Ever in his

“Fuck, buddy! Fuck! You’re unbelievable,” Andreas groaned out.

They were in the midst of it when the door opened, the noise

from the party intruding briefly, then abruptly ceasing as the door

Sam really didn’t care who it was. Nothing was about to stop him

from getting fucked! He squirmed around under Andreas like a wild
man, driving up against the lean body, taking the cock deeper with
every heave.

“Isn’t that sweet! The two hot studs I love most, having a great

time at my New Year’s Eve party!”

It was Cole! A moment later, Sam felt the redhead’s warm, lush

body sliding onto the bed beside them. He turned his head to gaze into
the most beautiful green eyes.

“You’re making my big black boyfriend very happy tonight,” Cole


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murmured. His hand slid down to Sam’s ass and into his heaving
crack. “Wow! I admire your talent, honey!”

Now Sam had to laugh. With tears drying on his face, he took that

huge black cock up his ass and used one arm to pull Cole close and
kiss his pretty pink lips.

They kissed while Andreas fucked his ass. It was amazing, truly


No thoughts of Jimmy intruded. He was totally into the moment.

His best friend’s huge cock drove in and out of his willing asshole. His
other best friend’s moist mouth sucked on his.

When Andreas pumped a load of cum deep into Sam, Cole kissed

him deeply while he squirted his own load all over the bed. Sam didn’t
know if he’d ever felt so thoroughly and satisfyingly fucked before.

“It’s New Year’s Eve, and we have a houseful of folks to entertain.

Enough fucking and kissing,” Cole announced as he rose from the bed
with a grin.

“Yes, sir!” Andreas replied, slower to rise and reluctant to

abandon the ass he’d been dying to fuck for so long.

“Don’t worry, honey! That butt ain’t going nowhere. He’s a

keeper. Isn’t that right, Sam?”

Sam rolled over to look up at his two best friends. They looked

back at him with such honest affection that he felt tears welling up

“Yeah. For sure. I’m a keeper.”

The party welcomed them back into its chaotic embrace as if

nothing dramatic had happened to alter Sam’s life. He managed to act
as if that was true, until he found himself sharing a New Year’s Eve


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kiss at midnight with Cole and Andreas, all three of them in a warm
embrace, oblivious to their surroundings.

Jimmy was nowhere to be seen. Most likely, his hungry white ass

had a cock up it, welcoming in the New Year.

Sam wasn’t sure what would happen next. He imagined that he

and Cole and Andreas would go on as best friends. He was sure of that
much, and he was sure of the love he felt for them.

As Cole had said earlier, wasn’t that what mattered most?


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Mistletoe Madness?

The Dreamspinner Press 2009 Advent Calendar is available at



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A writer, actor, and personal trainer,





once owned a horse

ranch in the rugged interior of British Columbia. Jay now pumps out
gay erotica from his downtown apartment in Vancouver, British
Columbia, only two blocks from the beach. He won second place in the
2002 Mr. BC Leather Contest and was nominated for a 2003 Spectrum
Award for one of his gay-themed science fiction stories. He takes
advantage of the mild Vancouver weather by cycling and hiking nearly
every day.

You can e-mail Jay at brentleymaxwell@shaw.ca.

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Cabin Fever Over the Holidays ©Copyright Jay Starre, 2009

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of
the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Paul Richmond http://www.paulrichmondstudio.com
Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any
means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal
prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally
loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the
express permission of the publisher. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact
Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite 244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

Released in the United States of America
December 2009

eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-315-5

Document Outline


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