Metal clay findings

metal clay
DESIGNis in the
Give your pieces the
unique finishing touches
they deserve by making
your own findings.
by Carol A. Babineau DETAILS
Carol Babineau shares
her design ideas for
findings to complement
your handcrafted
jewelry. 1
ou ve just poured your heart and soul into a handmade piece of jewelry and, in
your eyes, it s ideal. All that s left is to add a clasp or other finding and your
Yjewelry s finished. You rifle through your stash of commercial findings, trying to
select one that matches your stellar piece. Nothing quite fits your design perfectly, but you
choose a finding anyway and attach it. Your jewelry is now complete and ready to wear,
but something still gnaws at you.
The dilemma? No matter how nice a commercial finding appears on the shelf, unless
you ve matched your design to that particular finding, there will be subtle style differences
that will mark your piece. And in the jewelry world, a truly polished, professional piece
includes custom-made findings. Raising the bar a little on your end can bring you a
renewed sense of creative self-satisfaction, not to mention make a big difference on the
sales floor.
Metal clay is an ideal medium for making personalized findings: It s an easy material for
beginners to work with, but offers enough flexibility for even the most advanced jewelry
maker to create embellishments of elaborate detail. Once you master these techniques for
making a slide finding, end caps, and a loop-and-toggle clasp, you ll have the know-how
you need to begin designing your own unique findings.
SLIDE FINDING texture sheets, or stamps you slab. Store the excess clay
A simple slide finding should will use. in an airtight container for
act in concert with matching subsequent steps.
end caps to create a sense of Prepare a dowel. Wrap a 3- to
unity for a piece of jewelry. You 4-inch (7.62 10.16cm) length [1 2] Texture the clay
can also create a complex slide of a 7D 16-inch-diameter (1.11cm) (optional). Place your oiled
When you d like
finding as a centerpiece for dowel with a piece of Teflon® texturing pattern either on top
to embed wire,
simple strung jewelry, in which and tape it in place. Lightly oil of the clay or underneath it
jump rings, or
case it may be surrounded by the Teflon. [1]. Gently but firmly roll over
other findings
in your metal- beads or drilled stones. the clay and pattern with an
clay, remember
Roll the clay. Place 16 25g acrylic roller. Pick up both the
that they should
Design. Decide whether your of metal clay on a lightly oiled, pattern and the clay; gently
be fine silver.
slide finding will match other heavy plastic surface between peel the pattern away from the
Sterling silver
elements in your jewelry or two stacks of 4 playing cards. clay. Trim the clay evenly to 11D 2
may melt or
crumble in the whether it will be a one-of-a- Using an acrylic roller, roll the inches (3.81cm) wide [2]. The
kiln and possibly
kind piece. Plan the design. clay out to a 4-card thickness. length will be trimmed in the
distort or discolor
If you d like to add texture to Use a tissue blade to cut a next step.
your piece.
the slide, choose the stencils, 13D 4 ×2-inch (4.45×5.08cm)
1 2
[3] Wrap the clay. Carefully
wrap the clay around the
Teflon-covered dowel (it will
resemble a barrel). When you
wrap it completely around,
allow the clay to overlap, and
cut evenly through both layers
with a craft knife or tissue
blade. This will ensure a clean
seam. Use a small paintbrush to
apply metal-clay slip or paste to
the seam and blend it smooth 1 2
with your finger. Reapply your
textured pattern to the seam,
if necessary.
Let the piece dry to the
leather-hard state. Carefully
remove the slide finding from
the dowel, and apply more slip
or paste to the interior of the
Dry and refine. Let the piece
dry to the bone-dry state and 3
sand any rough areas with a
fine-grit sanding material. If
you are not making any more END CAPS openings to create a  shelf [2];
findings at this time, proceed to Snazzy, handcrafted end caps the dowels inside each barrel
to match
Finishing. signify a professionally made will help support the shelf.
If you d like to
necklace or bracelet. The initial Place a leather-hard circle on
fashion a matching
steps for creating the end caps the end of each barrel, resting
set of findings for
are the same as for the slide the circle on the line of syringe
a piece of jewelry,
finding, except that you will use clay; use slip for extra adhesion,
texture the slide
a slightly smaller dowel. if necessary [3].
finding, end caps,
Begin by making two slide Let the syringe clay dry
and loop-and-toggle
findings using a 3D 8-inch- thoroughly before removing
clasp to create a
diameter (.95cm) dowel instead the end caps from the dowels.
unifying theme.
of a 7D 16-inch (1.11cm) dowel. Apply more syringe clay to the Use the same
texturing tool for
Dry the slide findings to the interior seams of the end caps
all pieces, or use
leather-hard state (they are and smooth the seams with a
two texturing
now end-cap barrels.) damp paintbrush. Again, let
tools that have
them dry thoroughly.
[1] Cut out two circles. Roll
out a slab of clay approximately Drill and refine. Carefully
1 inch (2.54cm) square and 4 hand-drill a small hole in the top
cards thick. Cut two 3D 8-inch- of each end cap with a drill bit.
diameter (.95cm) circles from (Editor s Note: The drill bit can
the slab. Let them dry to the be inserted into a pin vise for
leather-hard state. more leverage.) Tailor the size
of the holes to your preference
[2 3] Attach a circle to each and remember to account for
end-cap barrel. Slide the shrinkage during firing. Sand any
leather-hard end-cap barrels rough areas smooth with a fine-
to the end of each dowel, grit sanding material. If you are
leaving 3 5mm hanging over not making any more findings at
the edge. Squirt a line of metal- this time, proceed to Finishing.
clay syringe around each of the 3
1 2 3
4 56
LOOPºöANDºöTOGGLE long, and the interior width handprints.) Temporarily cover
from the straight edge to the the snake with plastic to retain
curved edge should be 5D 8 inch the clay s moisture.
You can embed
A classic connecting device for (1.59cm). These measurements
a fine-silver jump
either a necklace or a bracelet, take into account that the clay [4] Form a wire staple. Use
ring halfway into
loop-and-toggle clasps can be will shrink slightly when fired. 10 15mm of fine-silver wire
your clay toggle,
rather than a U-
as simple or as complex as you Allow this piece to dry until it is and roundnose pliers to create
shaped staple.
desire. The clasp shown in the leather hard. a U-shaped staple. At the
Secure the jump
process photos is D-shaped, but opening of the U, bend a 3
ring by making a
clay toggle strip,
nearly any shape with a hollow [2] Drill holes. Hand drill one 4mm 90-degree angle at each
brushing slip or
center will work. or two holes in the straight side end using chainnose pliers. The
paste on the
of the D using a drill bit. Make staple should resemble an ohm
underside of it,
and looping the LOOP
sure the holes are large enough symbol.
strip through the
Roll the clay. Roll out a slab of to accommodate your jump
jump ring. Press
clay 11D 2 inches (3.81cm) square rings (account for shrinkage [5] Embed the staple into the
the strip down
over the ring and
and 4 playing cards thick. during firing). clay snake. Press the fine-silver
smooth the seam
staple into the center of the
to secure it.
Texture the clay snake about 2mm deep. Let the
(optional). Impress the clay Refine the loop. Sand the snake dry to the leather-hard
with a lightly oiled texturing piece to smooth any rough state.
pattern, as explained in steps areas.
1 2 for the slide finding. [6] Attach toggle strips. Roll
TOGGLE out a slab of clay 1D 2 inch
[1] Cut out the loop. Cut the [3] Make a clay snake. Roll (1.27cm) square and 3 playing
slab to a basic out a clay snake 3 4mm cards thick. Use a tissue blade
D-shape, making sure the thick and long enough to cut to cut two 4mm-wide strips
straight side of the D is wide evenly to 13D 4 inches (4.45cm) from the slab. Apply metal-
enough to securely drill one long. (Editor s Note: Placing clay slip or paste to the strips
or two holes in it. For a clasp a rectangular piece of clear, and wrap them around the
that is equivalent in size to the hard plastic over the clay and toggle to the left and right of
one shown on the first page, moving it in a brisk back- the staple. Trim the strips as
the interior straight side of the and-forth motion will yield a necessary, add slip or paste to
D should be 1 inch (2.54cm) smooth, even snake without the seams, and blend smooth.
materials % Teflon® (to wrap around
% Metal clay, about 5g % Small paintbrush
END CAPS % Circle template or cutter,
% Metal clay, about 10g D 8-inch-diameter (.95cm)
% Metal-clay slip or paste % Small drill bit
% Metal-clay syringe % Pin vise (optional)
% Metal clay, about 10g % Stencils, stamps, or
% Fine-silver wire: 16-gauge, textured sheets
hard, 10 15mm % Olive oil
% Jump ring, fine-silver % Heavy plastic surface
(optional) % Playing cards
% Acrylic roller
tools & supplies
% Tissue blade or craft knife
% Sanding material, fine-grit
% Stencils, stamps, or
% Small drill bit
textured sheets
% Pin vise (optional)
% Olive oil
% Clear hard plastic, 4×7
% Heavy plastic surface
inches (10.16×17.78cm)
% Playing cards
% Acrylic roller
% Roundnose pliers
% Tissue blade or craft knife
% Chainnose pliers
% Sanding material, fine-grit
2 3
% Dowel, 7D 16-inch-diameter
% Small amount of fiber
% Teflon® (to wrap around
% Vermiculite or alumina
FINISHING according to the manufacturer s
[1] Dry and refine. Let the instructions. Rinse them in
% Kiln and ceramic-fiber kiln
clasp pieces dry completely clean water, wash with soapy % Stencils, stamps, or
textured sheets
and sand any rough areas water, and then rinse again. Z
% Stainless-steel or brass
% Olive oil
% Heavy plastic surface
% Tumbler with steel shot
% Playing cards
and burnishing
[2] Fire and polish all the
% Acrylic roller
% PMC3® metal clay, syringe, and
compound (optional)
findings. When you have
% Tissue blade or craft knife
% Hand burnisher (optional)
finished making the quantity
% Sanding material, fine-grit
% Liver of sulfur (optional)
of findings you had planned, % Dowel, 3D 8-inch-diameter
fire the pieces simultaneously.
Place a small amount of fiber
blanket into each slide finding
and end cap. Nestle the pieces
in a bed of vermiculite or
alumina hydrate. Place the flat
toggle piece directly on the kiln
shelf. Fire the pieces according
to the clay manufacturer s
instructions. Let the pieces cool
Caption box Caption box
Caption box Caption box
Brush the findings with a
Caption box Caption box
stainless-steel or brass brush to
remove the white residue from
firing. If desired, polish them
to a high shine in a tumbler
with steel shot and burnishing
compound, or use a hand
burnishing tool.
[3] Patinate
(optional). Patinate selected
pieces with liver of sulfur 5
Make jewelry
that makes a
statement . . .
your statement
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