Love Park by Mac214

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Fanfiction based on Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series

Rated M for Mature

Love Park

By Mac214

Summary: Bella is Emmett’s fag hag and Emmett is Bella’s gay boyfriend. They do

everything together – will that include Edward, the hot construction worker they see in

Love Park everyday?


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"Bitch, please," I complained. "I haven't gotten laid in six months. My girly bits are about to
shrivel up and fall off. Next time I have a gyno appointment, I'm going to open my legs and bats
are going to fly out. My doctor is going to have to clear the cobwebs before getting to work."

Emmett and I were sitting outside in Love Park during our lunch hour, enjoying the last spring
days in Philadelphia before the oppressive heat and humidity arrived with the month of June. The
breeze was warm but not too warm, and it ruffled my long brown curls across my face, getting a
few strands stuck in my lip gloss.

He snorted and pinched my shoulder gently as he smoothed the few wayward strands of hair
from my mouth. "I'd help you out, but you know I don't roll that way. I don't think you could
handle my meat anyway." He snaked his arm around my waist and I yelped as he tickled me, the
two of us laughing like hyenas. I smoothed my dress down and hoped that I hadn't flashed

Emmett McCarty had been my best friend for years. He had been dating a guy from my dorm in
college, and we hit it off immediately when we met in the common room, fighting over the last
rubber in the condom dispenser. I was his fag hag and he was my gay boyfriend. We even lived
in the same apartment building and worked a block away from each other. We met every day for
lunch at Love Park.

He ran a hand through his short blonde hair, his blue eyes twinkling at me. It's a shame there was
no way he'd touch a vagina with a ten foot pole, because Emmett had a smokin' body. I
shamelessly ogled his muscular arms below the sleeves of his short-sleeved polo shirt.

"I know that look, Swan. For the ten millionth time, I will not stoop to a pity fuck," he teased. "I
don't blame you for panting after me, though. I'm hot!"

"Oh sure, you say that now," I joked back. "I'll get you all liquored up and throw on a strap-on.
You won't know the difference."

He put a hand over his heart in mock horror. "Well, I never!"

"Besides," I continued ribbing him, "I've seen you naked. It would take a lot more than what
you've got going on to satisfy me!"

Emmett grabbed me and pulled me into his lap, bouncing my ass up and down on his flaccid dick
a few times. "Liar! You've never seen me naked. My dick is so big you'd run away screaming.
And honey, I wear a hoodie. You'd scream so loud, you'd wake the dead."

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What the fuck was he talking about? A hoodie?

"What does wearing a sweatshirt have to do with your tiny peen?" I asked with a laugh.

He chortled and blew a raspberry into my cheek as I squealed. "Honey, I've got an anteater in my

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Bells," he said in mock exasperation. "I'm uncircumcised."

It wasn't unusual for me and Emmett to have conversations that involved his dick, but it was
usually the two of us joking about how big or little it was, or who he was plowing it into this
week. This was an interesting bit of news.

"Huh. I've never seen an uncircumcised penis in person," I admitted.

"Well, you can't see mine! You'll get girl cooties all over it and then where will I be?"

"Fine! But I'm asking questions – you can't stop me!" Em rolled his eyes but didn't protest. "Do
you like being uncircumcised?"

He laughed and dumped me back onto the stone step beside him. "I don't know any differently,
do I? I'm told having a foreskin requires a bit more personal maintenance than a turtleneck-less
dick, but that's about it. I've never had sex with anyone who was uncircumcised, so I don't know
this first hand… but foreskins are supposed to make the lovin' better on both sides of the

"I can't believe you won't let me look at your dick, Em. Come on, please? I promise I won't touch
it or give you girl germs. I just want to see it." I was only half-joking – I had always been a
'hands-on' kind of girl. "It's all in the name of science and giving a lonely chick a little thrill."

He rolled his eyes again and snickered. "Honey, we need to find you a man… and quick."

Emmett's dick was completely forgotten as we both sat in companionable silence, eye fucking a
crew of construction guys who settled on the opposite side of the park from us. I nudged Emmett
and let out a low whistle.

"Oh my god! The hot redhead is back!"

Emmett groaned and clutched my wrist. "Back off, he's mine. He's gayer than I am."

I chuckled and twisted away from him. "You wish! I caught him checking out my ass last week."

"Then why don't you introduce yourself, hussy?" Emmett asked as he rubbed my back
soothingly. "You're gorgeous and funny and sweet. No man would turn you down. Well, no

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straight man," he amended as I laughed.

"No way," I said. "A man that obscenely gorgeous has to have a girlfriend. Has to."

My Blackberry chirped, alerting me to the time. "Shit, I have to run, Emmett. Dinner tonight,
right?" I kissed him on the cheek as he nodded, and walked around the fountain so I could pass
by my favorite construction worker on the way out of the park.

He was absolutely gorgeous – tall and lean with a bite-able ass. His grungy jeans always seemed
to hang low on his hips, and today there was a hole in the knee of one leg. The t-shirt he wore
revealed his muscular arms, and the sexy way his forearm flexed when he unlatched his
lunchbox nearly had me hyperventilating. His long straight auburn hair was pulled back in a
ponytail, the scruff of a few days beard highlighting his angular jaw. In my sex-deprived state, it
was a miracle I didn't just tackle him and dry-hump him on the edge of the Love Park fountain.

It really had been too long since I got some action.

I took one last lingering look and walked off in the direction of my office. As I was about to
enter the reception area, my Blackberry chirped again. I clicked on the text message from

Oh, you fucking owe me, hooker.


Owe him for what? I nearly called him, but my schedule was full for the afternoon. I picked up
some files from my office and spent the rest of the afternoon in meetings, completely forgetting
about Emmett's vague message.

It was 5:30 by the time I got home. Locking the deadbolt behind me, I remembered not to slide
the chain lock into place – it was my turn for dinner. Em and I had a standing dinner date each
week. Every Tuesday we'd take turns cooking (or, my case, ordering take out. I couldn't cook to
save my damn life). Emmett had his own key to my apartment, so he always just let himself in.

I ducked into my bedroom to change out of my work clothes when the sound of the key turning
in the lock hurried me up. Emmett's loud laugh resonated through the apartment. If he was on the
phone, there was no need to rush. I stripped, and then casually yanked on a pair of light grey
shorts and a thin white v-neck t-shirt and brushed out my hair, pulling it into a high ponytail on
top of my head. My face in the mirror assured me that I didn't look bad, not that it mattered –
Emmett only took notice of my face if I had a zit or a booger.

Sighing, I walked out to the living room to ask Em where he wanted to order from but froze
when I saw that he wasn't alone. Holy fucking shit! The hot construction worker from Love Park
was sitting on my couch… looking hot, as usual. Well, actually hotter. He cleaned up nice. The
dark wash jeans he wore stretched over his thighs, and I admit I stared at his crotch for just a
second too long before traveling up his torso to admire the way his tight green tee accentuated

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his chest. He was playing with the strings on his black hoodie, watching me intently.

I realized I wasn't wearing a bra and my nipples just went rock hard while I was eye fucking him.
Crossing my arms in front of my chest to hide the fact that I was ten shades of turned on, I turned
to Emmett with raised eyebrows.

"Um, hi," I stuttered.

Emmett was sitting in the rocking chair across from the couch, and I could tell he was biting the
inside of his cheek to keep from laughing his ass off, that fucker. He stood up and pulled me in
for a hug as he whispered into my ear, "See? Told you you'd owe me."

"Bella, this is Edward," Emmett said politely after he let me go. "After you left lunch today, we
got to talking. Edward lives in the neighborhood, so I invited him for dinner."

I shook Edward's hand, practically salivating at the thought of what his rough, callused hand
would feel like on my body. My panties turned into a damn rain forest as I looked him over
again. God, his face was even more perfect close up. His bright green eyes – the color of the
malachite ring Emmett bought me for Christmas the year prior – were focused somewhere
around the neighborhood of my mouth, and I suddenly wondered if he could tell what I was

"Nice to meet you, Bella. Thanks for having me over." I loved the way he said my name, the
sound of it smooth on his tongue and tingling in my damp nether regions. He leaned over, never
taking his eyes off of me, and handed me a paper bag. "I brought a bottle of vodka."

"Oh, thanks," I said. I could really use a drink, but it was probably a very bad idea to get tipsy
while I was in the same room as Edward. A drunken Bella is a handsy Bella.

Emmett had gathered the take out menus from the drawer in the kitchen and fanned them out on
the table while I stood there staring at the light speckling of freckles over Edward's perfect nose.

"Dinner at Bella's place is always take-out," Emmett explained with a laugh, "unless you want to
use a fire extinguisher." I jabbed him hard in the kidneys. "Why don't you pick the place since
you're the guest?"

I busied myself opening the vodka in the kitchen while Emmett excused himself to the bathroom.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a pair of soft lips on the back of my neck and a pair of
hands on my hips.

"Em –" I started, turning around. Edward's green eyes were inches from mine. "You're not
Emmett," I said weakly.

Without a word, he crushed his lips to mine, pressing my hips into the counter. I responded
before it could even register in my head that I met this guy five seconds ago and the events that
were unfolding were wholly inappropriate. My hands snaked up his chest as I tasted his bottom

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lip, my knees nearly giving out on me from the warmth of his body against mine. My neglected
pussy was pulsing out of control at this unexpected action. His tongue was at my mouth and I
met it with my own while I fiddled with the rubber band holding Edward's hair back. I wanted to
feel his hair in my hands.

He reached back and tore the elastic from his hair without breaking our kiss, which had become
almost frantic by now, before pinching my nipple roughly through my thin shirt. I moaned and
arched into him. There was a very solid erection pressing into my belly button. It had been so
long since I saw any action that I vaguely wondered if I should be doing something in particular.
He kissed his way down my jaw, my hands moving to rake through his thick hair.

"Every goddamn day you and Emmett sit across that motherfucking fountain. I could see up your
fucking dress today, saw those red panties of yours," he mumbled against my neck. "It took
everything in me not to splash through the fountain and tear them off of you."

I whimpered as he slid his hand along the back of my thigh to my knee, and hitched my leg over
his waist and bent down to thrust his hard dick directly into the crotch of my shorts. His other
hand continued to play roughly with my nipple.

"Are you wearing them now?" he demanded, his green eyes burning into mine. "I have to jerk off
in the office bathroom after lunch every goddamn day because of the two of you."

The two of us?

Emmett cleared his throat behind us. Fuck. I had totally forgotten all about him.

"Have we decided not to order dinner?" he said, clearly amused. He was standing a few feet
away, his dimples deepening as he took in the general state of things in the kitchen, including my
death glare that he simply chose to ignore.

I was two seconds away from kicking him in the shin and ordering him to leave so I could have
my way with the complete stranger who had his hand on my tit when Edward turned around and
hauled Emmett to us by his shirt. Emmett hesitated for a fraction of a second as he glanced at
me, and then grabbed Edward by the hair and attacked his mouth. The two of them were inches
away from me, so I had a pretty good vantage point to watch their tongues wrestling. Edward
started thrusting his hips into mine, continuing to knead my breast.

Like an idiot, I just stood there gaping at the two of them, wondering what the hell I should do. I
mean, I wanted Edward. Hell, I needed Edward. If I didn't get some dick in me soon I'd probably
go insane. And I did constantly fantasize that Emmett was naked in my vicinity, but this was a
little too real for me. This was Emmett. Surely this could not be good for our friendship.

Emmett drew back with another look at me and murmured to Edward, "Why don't you wait for
us in Bella's bedroom? It's the first door on the right, back the hallway. I'd like to have a word
with my girl here."

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Edward leaned into me slowly and licked my bottom lip before kissing my mouth. "Don't keep
me waiting for too long," he whispered into my ear. His hands slid across my hip and Emmett's
waist as he turned and sauntered down the hall.

"Okay, sweetie, calm down," Emmett muttered. "You don't have to this if you don't want to. I
haven't been with a chick since high school, and I won't lie – this will be fucking weird as shit.
But I think we both want to bone that fucker in your bedroom and I'm willing to give it a shot if
you are. I love you and I won't let anything bad happen. If something is going on that you don't
want any part of, just signal me and I'll do something about it. And afterward, we never have to
speak of it again and we can pretend it never happened."

I was still trying to process what he was saying and what I had just witnessed. My brain function
was just at the level of 'Bella is going to see Emmett's peepee.'

"Say something, Bells." Emmett was looking at me and rubbing himself through his jeans.
Despite my misgivings about having a threesome with Emmett, I had to admit that he looked
really fucking hot at that moment.

"Um, okay," I stuttered. "I trust you." Giving myself a little internal pep talk, I squeezed his ass
and said, "And hey, now I get to see your anteater!"

He kissed me quickly on the corner of the mouth and practically sprinted down the hall to my
bedroom, dragging me after him by the wrist. He pushed me through the door, yelling "I'll be
back in a minute!"

The curtains and shades were down and the room was dim, but I could still see Edward. He was
lying on his back on my king size bed, his dick in his hand, lazily stroking it. His jeans were
unzipped but not pushed all the way down. I wasn't quite sure what to do and Edward could
obviously sense my discomfort. He smiled at me and patted the bed beside him. I sat down at the
edge of the bed, facing away from him, trying not to think about how stunningly gorgeous
Edward's erection was or the fact that I was about to do something frowned upon in polite
society. The bed dipped as Edward straddled my hips from behind, his legs dangling off the bed
on either side of mine, and then his tongue was on the back of my neck as he freed my hair from
my ponytail holder. One of his hands slid up my shirt, cupping my bare breast, and the other slid
under the waistband of my shorts. He must have taken off his shirt because I could feel the skin
of his stomach against my back where my shirt slid up.

Edward groaned and bit down lightly on my neck. "Looks like I won't have to tear those fucking
panties off after all," he said as he slid his fingers down to my wetness. "And feel how much you
want me. You're so wet." He slipped a finger into me and rubbed a slow circle around my clit
with his thumb. I undulated back against his chest like a damn cat, sure that I was going to start
purring any second.

Emmett came through the door with the bottle of vodka and some glasses and stopped short. I
had seen horny Emmett before, but I had never seen that face directed at me. Even though I'm
sure he was eye fucking Edward, it still made my nipples harden even more.

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"Mmmm, Emmett. I think our girl wants you. The second you came in the door, she got even
wetter," Edward murmured. Emmett's eyes went wide and I was embarrassed for half a second
before losing myself to the feeling of Edward slipping another finger into me. I moaned and
pressed my hips back again.

Emmett had walked close enough that Edward was able to grab hold of his belt loops and pull
him over to stand directly in front of us. "Honey," Edward whispered in my ear as his hand went
back to my breast, "I've got my hands full here. Would you unzip Emmett for me?"

My hands trembled as I reached for the button on Emmett's jeans, only half of which was
because of Edward's magic fingers in my cooch. I looked up at Emmett and he smiled at me and
stuck his tongue out. I smirked, resolving to get my shit together so Emmett wouldn't be left out.
His dick was straining so hard against his jeans, it made unbuttoning him a little difficult but his
jeans unzipped easily. I yanked them down his hips and started to pull his navy blue boxer briefs
down, but he grabbed my hand first and planted a reassuring kiss on my palm before pressing my
hand to his cock.

Oh my god, I had my hand on my gay best friend's junk and was being fingered by the hottest
construction worker known to man! It was surreal – I felt a little light-headed and hoped I
wouldn't pass out.

"Baby, you feel so fucking good," Edward growled as I slid Emmett's briefs down his hips. With
his fingers plunging in and out of me, I tried to concentrate enough to get a look at Emmett's
dick. He was right – it was pretty big, especially since it was three inches from my nose. I don't
know what I was expecting with the whole uncircumcised issue, but it didn't really look all that
different from a regular penis. Maybe it would look different if he wasn't so hard. I gently
palmed Emmett's balls while Edward let go of my nipple to guide Emmett closer and into his
mouth. Emmett slid one hand into my hair and grasped Edward by the hair with his other.

Edward slid his hand under mine and moved it from Emmett's balls to his shaft, just below
Edward's mouth on his dick. Our hands moved together as he worked Emmett with his mouth
and then slid his hand down my body to my clit while he continued to slip his fingers in and out
of me. Emmett's fingers clenched in my hair, he moaned softly. Edward's fingers picked up the
pace and I was so worked up, I knew it wouldn't take long. My heart was beating and every
muscle in my body was starting to tense up.

Emmett was thrusting into my fist and Edward's mouth, his moans getting louder. I tightened my
grip on him, keeping time with the bobbing of Edward's head.

"God, so close," I whined, as I let my head tip back to rest on Edward's shoulder. I turned my
head toward him and bit down roughly on his earlobe. He clenched his eyes shut and groaned
around the dick in his mouth, which in turn made Emmett mutter, "Fuck!"

My whole body was tingling, the impending orgasm building as I pushed my hips against
Edward's fingers. He pinched my clit and I screamed, "Holy shit!"

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I came so hard I felt it in my toes. I must have loosened my grip on Emmett's dick while I came
because he whispered, "Oh god, Bella, don't let go. Harder! Edward, faster!" His voice was so
needy, and I wished I could have done something more to get him off but I didn't think he would
appreciate me trying to kiss him. Talk about harshing his mellow.

Edward took my free hand and moved it toward my dripping pussy, dipping our fingers in
together, and then pressed my fingers to Emmett's ass. I guess there was something I could do!
Pushing two fingers into Emmett's ass, he tensed as he let out the most beautiful moan and I
could feel the rhythmic thrusts while he came into Edward's mouth. I slipped my fingers out and
let go of his dick while Edward pulled back as Emmett stood panting, his hands still clenched in
our hair.

He let go and sank into the chair by my bed, grabbing the bottle of vodka as he did. "I've never
met anyone else uncircumcised," Edward laughed. My eyes grew wide and I blurted, "You have
an anteater in your pants too?" Emmett and Edward both cracked up and Emmett took another

"We were just talking about this today," he told Edward with a grin. "Bella had never seen one
until just now."

"I hate to break it to you, but yours didn't look any different from a regular peen, Em," I giggled.

"Well, I could tell," Edward said, moving off the bed and shoving his jeans off to stand in front
of me. "Uncircumcised dicks tend to look the most different when they're not hard. I'm only half
hard, so you'll be able to tell."

His cock was right in front of my face. And he was right: his penis did look noticeably different.
There was an extra piece of skin that covered most of the head of his penis, but I was instantly
distracted by the curved silver barbell through the foreskin opening at the top of his dick. I
reached out to touch the barbell and Edward moaned lightly.

"Em, Edward's foreskin is pierced!" I exclaimed. Emmett set the vodka down on my nightstand
and sat down next to me on the bed. Emmett swept his thumb over the piercing, the two of us
looked toward each other, and then up into Edward's pretty face and he smiled wickedly back at
us as his cock started to harden noticeably. The head of his penis seemed to pop up out of the
ring of skin, pushing through, as the barbell slowly inched down his length.

"Bella, do you have lube in the apartment?" Emmett asked, his voice strained.

I shook my head no, focused on the magic of Edward's ever growing penis. Emmett's dick was
thicker, but Edward's was longer and the piercing had me completely mesmerized.

"Okay, I have to make a run to my apartment," Emmett sighed as he threw on his pants and shirt,
forgoing his shoes. "Be right back."

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As Emmett was running out the door, Edward pulled me to my feet and turned me around,
grinding his dick against my shorts. He slid his hands up my sides, taking my shirt with it. He
threw my tee to the side and pushed me down onto the bed before pulling my shorts off roughly.

He bent over and pulled a condom out of the pocket of his jeans and tore it open with his teeth,
rolling it over his length in one smooth motion. I wondered briefly if his piercing would tear the
condom, but completely forgot about it as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked back to
bring me to my knees, ass up. Jesus, I just wanted him to tear my hair out by the roots.

Edward tenderly caressed my back before bringing the tip of his dick to my entrance. "Do you
want me, Bella?" he crooned.

I had never wanted anything more. "Yes," I moaned. "Please."

"Please what?" he asked. His voice was rough and it scoured over me like sandpaper.

"Fuck me, Edward," I shrieked.

He sank his cock into me balls deep and we both moaned loudly. I was hoping none of the
neighbors would see Emmett scurrying into my apartment or they might assume I was hurt and
call 911. Having EMTs or cops burst into my room in the midst of this would not be cool.

Edward slowly pulled out of me, allowing me to feel his piercing slide along the inside of me,
and slammed back in. Holy fuck! I vowed to only have sex with uncut guys with foreskin
piercings for the rest of my life – I was seeing stars and angels and shit. I braced myself against
my headboard and pushed my hips back against him every time he jammed his dick into me,
quickly feeling the start of another orgasm.

Emmett burst through the door and quickly shed his clothes. Edward slowed down his thrusts as
Em moved behind him. I was looking back over my shoulder, trying to see what was going on.
Edward pulled out of me and I whimpered, but Edward pressed a finger to my lips. "Don't you
want to watch?" he asked with a grin.

Oh, hell yes!

I moved to my knees and crawled closer to Edward, finding his nipple with my mouth. I bit
down hard and he moaned. Releasing his nipple, I slid my arms around him and felt Emmett's
muscular chest. Emmett leaned over and kissed me on the mouth over Edward's shoulder.
Edward moaned again and his dick twitched. I watched as Emmett worked his fingers in and out
of Edward's ass.

"Sweetie, lay down on your back," Emmett instructed me. I slid back against the bed and
watched as Emmett finger fucked Edward, Edward's hand cupping his own balls while he stared
intensely at me. Emmett was watching me too, but with a lot less lust and more curiosity on his
face. My hand slipped down over my breast, coming to rest on my clit. I rubbed hard circles into
it, dying to come again.

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Edward reached out to grab my hips as he slowly lowered himself and shoved his hard dick into
me, his piercing rubbing over my g-spot. I moaned loudly as he pressed me into the mattress,
knowing that Emmett was entering him from behind as his breath started coming in pants.
Emmett would start to pull out followed by Edward, my legs wrapped around Edward's and
Emmett's hips and my heels pressed into Emmett's ass, and then Emmett would push in followed
by Edward. The rhythm was maddeningly slow but I felt my orgasm building again.

All three of us were moaning loudly as we caterpillared. Edward muttered, "Touch yourself,
Bella. I can't move my arms or Emmett and I might crush you. God, I'm so fucking close."

Emmett sped up, setting a faster cadence for all of us, as I trailed my fingers back to my clit.
Two or three seconds later, I tensed and dug my heels into Emmett's ass as I clamped around
Edward's dick. Edward leaned down and sucked on my nipple while I rode out my orgasm, one
hand snaking into his hair and pulling roughly.

Edward cried out sharply as he pumped into me, his own orgasm overtaking him. He shook in
my arms and laid his head against my sternum while Emmett still slid in and out of Edward.
After a moment he licked up my neck to my chin, the force of Em's thrusts knocking Edward's
mouth into mine.

Emmett groaned and said, "You're so fucking tight." I felt Edward push his hips back against
Emmett, making him groan again. Em started to keen, a high, whiny sound, as his movements
became erratic. With a final thrust, he came in Edward, all of us sighing together as Emmett
pressed his forehead into Edward's back.

We fell sideways on the bed, and Edward and Emmett both slipped off their condoms and tossed
them in the trash. Edward pulled me into the middle of him and Em, and both of them wrapped
their arms around me, touching each other too. Em kissed my ear and grinned at me fondly. I fell
asleep to the feeling of Edward's hand on my breast, and Emmett's arms wrapped around my

The next day I headed to Love Park at lunch to meet Emmett, as usual. The weather hadn't
changed yet, and I enjoyed the warm breeze as it caressed the newly sensitive skin on my neck.
Emmett sat in our usual spot, smiling widely as I approached. His dimples deepened when I bent
over and planted a kiss on the top of his head, just as I always did.

"How are your girly parts today?" he asked.

We both paused to watch Edward saunter into Love Park with the rest of his construction crew.
Emmett reached out and took my hand as Edward winked at us from across the fountain.

"Bitch, please," I snarked. "Is that an anteater in my pants or are you just happy to see me?"

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I pushed open the door to Emmett's apartment, catching my shoulder on the edge of the
doorframe. The smell of alfredo sauce wafted temptingly out of the kitchen. I shivered, glad I
had brought a sweatshirt with me – Emmett always had his air conditioning cranked up as high
as it would go, even when it was 65 degrees out, as it was today. His apartment was the freaking
gay tundra or something.

Emmett usually wore a stupid apron while he puttered around the kitchen. He claimed it helped
him channel his mother, an amazing cook whose liver pate was ambrosial. That boy could cook
up a storm, too, so I didn't question his methods. His collection of aprons was ludicrous, but he
could wear whatever the hell he wanted if it meant he'd cook for my home cooking-deprived ass.
I wondered which one it would be today, perhaps his "hostess to bitch in 2.3 seconds" full apron
or the frilly half apron that read "Stop looking at my dick." Rolling my eyes, I opened my mouth
to make a rude comment and immediately stopped short at the sight of a shirtless Edward
standing at the stove with a whisk. His red hair was down, just brushing the edge of his strong
jaw, one side tucked behind his ear.

"Shut your mouth before I give you something to put in there," he said with a smirk.

God, he looked fucking hot as shit. I could not take my eyes off the way the muscles of his
forearm rippled when he stirred the sauce. He glanced up at me again and motioned me toward
him with his head, the intensity in his bright eyes making my clit twitch.

"Baby, you looked good enough to eat at Love Park today," he murmured, his voice low and
gravelly. "Don't think I didn't notice that you were wearing a black fucking thong. Do you flash
your shit at me on purpose?" He continued to whisk the sauce with one hand while his other
grabbed the back of my neck roughly and pulled my face to his. "If Emmett hadn't threatened to
kill me if I stop stirring this shit, I'd fuck you right here on the counter." His kiss practically
seared the skin off my lips.

My nipples were already hard thanks to Emmett's fascination with keeping his apartment so cold
penguins could happily live there, but at Edward's words they tightened almost painfully. I didn't
say anything – what could I say? Gee, Edward, my underserviced vag missed you terribly all
week – I'll buy Emmett a new pan if the sauce burns. Gee, Edward, thanks to you I know what my
gay best friend's O-face looks like. Gee, Edward, I'm having impure thoughts about you and
Emmett involving produce and juggling midgets.

Edward's skin felt like hot silk as I ran my hand up his shoulder and stepped behind him,
molding my body to his. My lips were drawn to the top of his spine, and I dragged my tongue up
the back of his neck, nuzzling my nose in the hair at the nape. His hair smelled like cinnamon
and was incredibly soft. I clutched my fist in it and pulled his head back while I stood on my

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tiptoes to sink my teeth into the curve of his neck. He moaned as I slid my other hand around to
the trail of hair beneath his navel. His jeans were unbuttoned with the zipper slid down a tiny bit,
no underwear to slow down the descent of my hand to his balls.

Emmett's derisive voice from behind us made me jump. "You know, Jamie Oliver burnt his dick
that way." I slid my hands out of Edward's pants and glared at Em. Way to ruin the moment, you

He grinned at me and planted a kiss on the top of my head as he passed behind us on his way to
the refrigerator. Things had been completely normal between Emmett and me since last week.
We talked about Edward all the time but there had been no mention of the fact that my fingers
had been in Emmett's ass or that he had watched me get myself off while Edward had been
fucking the shit out of me. He did say we would never have to speak of it again. Maybe he was
just trying to be polite.

Edward reached a hand out and snagged Emmett's wrist, yanking him toward the stove. He let go
and squeezed Emmett's ass as I stepped out of the way. Emmett seized his earlobe in his mouth
and pinched Edward's nipple, snaking his arm around my waist at the same time.

I raised an eyebrow. Huh. Well, that was unexpected.

All three of us were pressed together, my nose smooshed up against the hollow at the base of
Emmett's neck. Still, Edward continued to stir the alfredo, even with Emmett groping him.
Emmett let go of Edward's ear and took the whisk from Edward, shouldering us both out of the

"Dinner is in fifteen," he said, waggling his eyebrows at us. His eyes looked extra blue. "Don't go

Edward smirked at me and said, "I don't believe we'll be leaving the kitchen." His voice was full
of wickedness and expectation. Those green eyes were boring a hole through my shirt.

He slipped his hands into the front pocket of my jeans and pulled me to him as he walked
backward. When his back was pressed up against the wall next to the refrigerator, he slid his
hands around to my ass and pressed his hips into mine.

Dipping his lips to my ear, he whispered, "I want your mouth on me so fucking bad right now." I
shivered, this time not owing anything to the frigid air. "I've imagined what your goddamned lips
would look like wrapped around my dick for weeks."

Glancing nervously over my shoulder at Emmett, I noticed he was either entirely engrossed in
stirring the sauce and cooking the pasta, or he was studiously ignoring us. Would it be weird to
suck off Edward with Emmett standing two feet away?

"You can't tell me you weren't turned on last week when I had Emmett's dick in my mouth,"
Edward crooned as he blew hot breath across my cheek. His hands glided up my back and

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tangled in my hair. I angled my chin up and

grazed my teeth against his chin, dragging my lips down to his Adam's Apple. Fuck Emmett. I
wanted me some pierced hoodie penis, and I wanted it now.

I sank to my knees on Emmett's sparkling clean linoleum and nuzzled my nose into the soft skin
peeking out of Edward's pants. His hands still gripped my hair as I pulled his zipper the rest of
the way down, slipping his jeans off his hips. Edward's dick bobbed in my face, his silver
piercing glinting under the lights of Emmett's kitchen. He was hard, the piercing - he had
changed it from a barbell to a ring - now situated about halfway down his thick shaft. I softly
kissed the base of it and nibbled up to the ring, tugging lightly with my teeth.

Edward's hands tightened in my hair as a strangled moan pushed out of his mouth. "Fuck, baby,
that stung. Do it a-fucking-gain."

I circled the piercing with my tongue while I gripped Edward's ass and then slipped the tip of my
tongue into the ring and pulled again. He groaned and brought one of his hands to my face to
trace the outline of my upper lip with his finger. My teeth scraped gently over the fat head of his
dick, and I took him into my mouth, Edward's fingers still caressing my lips. The hand in my hair
guided me down his length to set the pace as my tongue skimmed over him.

The kitchen was quiet with the exception of Edward's throaty moans and the sounds of slurping,
stirring, and boiling. I looked up at Edward as I fondled his balls and deep throated him before
sliding my lips up to his head, swirling my tongue just into the slit; his eyes were closed with his
head thrown back against the wall. God, his face was heavenly. His dick wasn't bad, either.

His hips flexed as he urged me to move faster, and his cock hardened in my mouth. Just a few
more thrusts and he came with grunt, his knees shaking just a bit. Seconds later I felt another set
of hips press against the back of my head. I glanced up; Emmett and Edward were kissing over

I was so caught up in the power of having made Edward come so hard he got weak in the knees,
it didn't even strike me as strange when I simply pivoted to face Emmett, slid his zipper down
and then his pants, and rubbed his dick over my cheek. I just wanted more. It vaguely registered
Emmett wasn't into chicks - especially not me. I worried his erection would wither with exposure
to the girl cooties, but that didn't happen. When I slipped his dick into my mouth, he pulled away
from Edward's kiss and muttered, "Bells, god, your mouth is so hot."

Both Edward and Emmett raked their hands through my hair as I sucked Emmett off. Flashes of
last week's sexcapades ran through my head, and I gripped the base of Emmett's dick tightly,
moving my hand in time with my mouth the way he liked it – seeing Edward giving him head
had been highly instructive. I paused to coat a finger on my other hand with saliva and tickled
Em's asshole before slipping in my finger. His moans got louder as I found a good rhythm. I'm
not sure how he managed it, but I swear his balls smelled vaguely of chocolate... chocolate and
musk. Weird.

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Emmett went rock hard and then stilled before he came, a strangled groan ripping out of him. He
held the back of my head so he was deep in my throat as he spilled into my mouth, my tongue
still massaging his cock. When he softened I pushed back, softly kissed his balls, and pulled
myself up their bodies. Edward palmed my breast and bent his head to mine to capture my upper
lip in his mouth. His tongue pushed into my mouth, and I wondered if he liked the taste of him
and Em together. He left a trail of kisses over my cheek on his way to my neck.

I was absolutely shocked when Emmett fitted his mouth over mine, his lips warm and sure. He
didn't taste like I'd always imagined - less minty but spicier somehow. The tongue, though, was
just as talented as he liked to boast. The kiss was hot and intense and strange, just because this
was Emmett. Gay Emmett. Gay Emmett who was wasn't even remotely interested in pussy. Such
is the magic of Edward
, I thought.

We broke away when Em loosened his hold on us both. "Dinner won't wait," he said with a grin.

I looked over at the counter, and Em had already made up three plates of fettucine alfredo.
Cockblocked by pasta! I heaved a sigh and willed the open flame racing through my body to
subside, at least long enough to eat. Hey, I figured I'd need to keep my strength up if last week
were any indication. Grabbing the plates from the counter, I hustled to the kitchen table and
hoped Emmett had some wine in the house; I needed a drink.

Edward was behind me with flatware and napkins, pressing a lingering kiss to the sensitive spot
just behind my ear. Emmett brought in a bottle of Pinot Noir - thank god - and some glasses.
With a wink at me, he opened the bottle and poured the wine as we all sat down.

As usual, Emmett's cooking was stellar. Edward talked about a movie he had seen over the
weekend, but I barely heard him. My head was firmly planted in my pants, thinking about the
sexing that was likely going to occur after dinner. Should I wait an hour before wading into the
dick pool? I thought I'd take my chances.

"So how do you two know each other?" Edward asked, his fork halfway to his mouth.

I was fixated on his lips sliding the pasta from his fork. Emmett cleared his throat and smirked at
me; I'm pretty sure he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"We met in college," he said. "We both went to Penn."

Edward took a drink and studied us both. "I get the feeling this," he said, indicating to the three
of us with his finger, "is new for you guys. You've never hooked up before?"

"No," I answered with a laugh. "As much as I've fantasized over the years of using Emmett as a
stud service, he's not interested. He prefers outies to innies." I raised my eyebrows.

Emmett kicked me under the table and grinned, his dimples deepening. "That's true, but I won't
lie, Bells - you've got some oral skills, and you don't mind ass play. If only you could grow some
stubble," he teased.

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"The best I can do is not shave my legs for a few days, you ass. Will that do?" I could not believe
we were having this conversation. Sure, I'd had some severely pervy thoughts about my best
friend over the years, but it had all been very, very abstract. Emmett's hands had even been on
my boobs before, he'd seen me naked... and as far as I knew, he hadn't ever been tempted even a
little bit.

"I'll provide the beard burn," Edward growled after taking another drink. "You keep shaving
those hot legs of yours. I don't want anything but smooth and soft when I'm running my hands up
your thighs."

My breath caught in my throat. How did he do that? Admittedly, I was already turned on, but
now I was within seconds of tearing my clothes off and mounting Edward on a plate of fettucine.

Emmett licked his lips, pushed his chair back roughly from the table, and pulled me into his lap.
"You know, I have had sex with women before, Bella," he said as he pulled my sweatshirt over
my head.

"Yeah, but not since I've known you. And you've never... " I completely lost my train of thought
when Emmett slid one hand under my shirt to my boob and brought the other to my cheek before
licking my bottom lip. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and moved to straddle him on the
chair. Edward's lips were on my neck in an instant, his hands unbuttoning my jeans. Emmett
stood up and my feet hit the ground, his hand still on my tit and Edward's hand still fumbling
with my zipper. Emmett whipped my t-shirt off and took Edward's place pulling my jeans off as
Edward's fingers unhooked my bra. Goosebumps lit over me as the realization I was practically
naked in Emmett's Arctic apartment hit me. I could almost see my breath when Emmett pulled
his mouth away from mine.

Practically speaking, the best way to warm up is skin to skin, so I resolved to get them both
naked immediately. I unfastened Emmett's button down shirt while Edward slid my thong down
my legs and placed a lingering kiss at the top of my ass. I'd seen Emmett shirtless a million times
over the years but this was different. I could put my hands on him, my mouth. I could touch
him... that way. My brain was completely overloaded. Emmett reached around me to pull
Edward's t-shirt off and pulled him into me, my chest crushing against Emmett's. Fuck, it was so
warm being cocooned between them. Edward's hands moved against my lower back as he
unbuttoned his pants and kicked them off. That left Em wearing the most clothes. I slid out from
between the two of them and pulled Emmett's shirt off his shoulders, Edward moving closer to
him before attacking his mouth. I pressed against the soft bare skin of his back - my Em knew
how to moisturize - and reached around to unbutton his khakis. Unzipping them, I slipped my
hand into his briefs and gave his balls a playful squeeze before yanking his pants and underwear

Edward's hand found my arm and hauled me back in between him and Em. Both of them were
hard. I was being poked in the stomach by Emmett and by Edward in the back. Em slid his hands
back to my breasts, kneading and pulling at my nipples, while Edward rubbed my clit. I arched,
raising my arms to clench my fists into Edward's gorgeous hair. Emmett kissed me, and I was

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overwhelmed by how sensual he could be. I had always thought he was sexy in his own way, but
this was something new. One hand in Edward's hair, I moved the other to caress Em's back.

I wanted a million things, and I wanted them now; my head spun. Emmett released my mouth
and took both Edward and me by the hand, leading us toward the bedroom. I didn't know if Em
was picking up on my brain waves or what, but I was grateful to him for taking the lead. Edward
pushed me back onto the bed and gently kissed my navel before dragging his lips down to my
pussy. He swirled his tongue around my clit and then licked down my wetness, plunging his
tongue into me deeply. While Edward fucked me with his mouth, Emmett crawled onto the bed
behind my head and kissed me passionately while playing with my nipples. I groaned and thrust
my hips into Edward's face, running my hands along the length of Emmett's firm body.

Em moved his lips to my breasts, licking and biting, and then his dick was in my face as he
kissed down my stomach. I grasped his cock and sucked in the tip of it. Edward replaced his
tongue with two fingers and kissed Emmett while he slid in and out of me. I moaned around
Emmett's dick.

"Doesn't she taste like the ocean?" Edward murmured.

"Bells, you do! You taste salty and sweet," Emmett said, amazed. "Jesus, you taste like sex." I
half-wondered what he thought I would taste like. Garbage? Rotting cabbage? The thought faded
away as I went back to thinking about my impending orgasm.

Edward continued to finger me, but Emmett's tongue was on my clit. I thought I might implode;
the sensation was maddening. He kept a much faster pace than Edward, the tip of his tongue firm
against me as he flicked. My thighs shook as I came hard, and Em moaned. I was making all
sorts of ridiculous noises, barely even aware the entire building could probably hear me. Edward
pulled his fingers out of me and Emmett moved, sliding his dick out of my mouth. I just laid
there, my legs still tensed in pleasure.

Emmett climbed off the bed and stood with his knees braced against the mattress, rolling me
over and pulling me to my knees by my hips. He leaned over and snagged a condom out of his
nightstand. Edward took it from him, tore it open, and rolled it down Emmett's dick. Em rubbed
the tip of his cock over my slit, and I whined, wanting him. Edward positioned himself so he was
kneeling in front of me on the bed. Emmett slammed into me while grasping my hips, and I cried
out incoherently. Em's thickness filled me, and it just felt so fucking good. Edward had his own
dick in his hand, watching us with that lazy smile on his face.

Edward leaned up above me, still stroking himself, and I watched over my shoulder as he and
Emmett kissed. Edward captured Emmett's lower lip in his teeth; Em groaned and thrust into me
harder, letting go of my hip with one hand and threading it through Edward's hair. I could feel a
particularly massive orgasm building, and I was getting even more vocal.

"Jesus Christ, Em!" I yelled. "Don't you dare fucking stop!"

Edward pulled away from Emmett and pushed me upright by the shoulders so I was on my

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knees, my back against Emmett's chest. Edward moved in front of me and slid his fingers to my
clit again, reaching one hand around to Emmett's waist to help guide him as he continued to
piston into me. Edward bit my earlobe and dragged his tongue to trace the shape of my lips
before attacking my mouth with his. All three of us were panting and sweaty, even in the
freezing cold air.

I was concentrating so hard on my orgasm, I thought blood vessels might pop in my eyes when I
came. I clamped down on Emmett's dick like a vise, and a guttural sound tore out of him as he
came too. He rammed his forehead into my shoulder and pumped into me. Emmett grasped the
base of the condom and pulled out when he was spent. Edward and I continued to make out on
the bed while Em got up to dispose of the rubber. When he came back, Edward turned to Emmett
and kissed him too.

Emmett pushed Edward flat down on the bed and brought his lips to mine, sucking my tongue
into his mouth. He broke the kiss and leaned down to kiss the tip of Edward's cock, then raised
an eyebrow at me. I smirked and lowered my head to lick up the vein that ran up the underside of
Edward's dick, pausing to nibble at the silver ring in his flesh. The two of us continued to work
in tandem as Edward writhed on the bed beneath us. I closed my mouth over Edward's head
while Emmett sucked on Edward's balls. The team effort approach was definitely something
Edward enjoyed - I think he was even louder than I was, especially when he came. Emmett
immediately pulled me off of Edward's dick and pushed his tongue into my mouth, kissing me
frantically for a few moments.

We eventually broke the kiss and lay down on either side of Edward, who had a blissful smile on
his face. I rested my head on his shoulder; Emmett was laying the other way with his head on
Edward's stomach, his arm stroking my hip.

Emmett rolled his head to look up at me, pinched my shoulder gently, and smiled. "We still
okay, Swan?"

"Bitch, please," I snarked, holding up my crossed fingers. "Me and your anteater, we're like this."

Edward just laughed, and I closed my eyes.


My office smelled like vegetable soup. I wrinkled my nose and tried to block out the stench as I
reviewed the report in front of me, wondering why the smell had migrated to my office from the
kitchenette down the hall. My Blackberry chirped.

Meet me at Love Park in 30 minutes, bitch.

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Despite the fact Edward, Emmett, and I had regularly been screwing like rabbits for the last two
weeks, nothing seemed to have changed between Emmett and me. Well, except my best friend -
my best gay friend - had fucked me twelve ways to Tuesday. Maybe he was just enjoying the
novelty. Or maybe I was more masculine than I thought. I didn't know, but I was glad everything
still appeared to be fine. The last thing I wanted was to have a happy twat at the expense of my
friendship with Em.

I finished up the report and changed from my heels into a pair of sandals. Even coming into work
this morning, the air had been completely uncomfortable. The stupid local news weather guy in
the bow tie said something about an early heat wave that was supposed to last for a week. I
considered calling Emmett to ask him to meet me in very air-conditioned restaurant next door,
which always reminded me of being in his frigid apartment; developing swamp ass before this
afternoon's staff meeting was not high on my list of priorities, but I also didn't want to miss the
chance to eye fuck Edward.

Edward. I just didn't know what to think about him. We never really talked, which was fine...
sort of. It's just that I knew everything about Emmett and hardly anything about Edward, other
than he was incredibly hot, could make me come so powerfully I nearly passed out, and his soft
hair and pierced foreskin were both very, very sexy. Having a relationship with him was the
furthest thing from my mind - he was a purveyor of quality orgasms for the time being and
nothing more. He was not going to be that guy for me, and I sure as shit wasn't going to
magically turn Emmett straight and live happily ever after. And it wasn't as if I was craving a
boyfriend or anything more permanent, but it wasn't like I never thought about it either. Despite
the current situation rocking my nether regions, I was pretty sure my future would hold a very
conventional, one man-one woman type of commitment.

Love Park was teeming with people, despite the humidity. Children splashed through the
fountain, old folks sat on benches fanning themselves... there were even a few young skate rats
zooming around the plaza on their skateboards, ensuring the police would be arriving shortly to
shoo them away. Emmett sat near the Love sculpture, ripping off pieces of his sandwich and
throwing them to the pigeons a few feet away. I snorted and mentally berated him for feeding the
stupid birds; feeding the pigeons was a citation-worthy offense in this town, and I almost hoped a
police officer would pop up and issue him a fine; I had serious pigeon hatred, owing in part to
my obsession with Tippy Hedren.

Emmett saw me picking my way around the fountain and waved, grinning cheekily at me. He
kissed my forehead when I sat down next to him, and then grimaced in disgust.

"Your make up is melting, Bells. That shit tastes like crap, too."

I rolled my eyes and unpacked the salad in my lunch bag. "Shut the hell up, ass. I can't help it if
it's hot as balls out here. Maybe not as hot as your balls," I teased.

He chuckled and then whistled low. "Here comes our boy."

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We both stopped what we were doing to follow Edward's progress into the park. As usual, the
ripped jeans were present, but today he wore a tight, olive green tank top that showed off his
muscular arms and shoulders. Obviously, I had seen him in less - way less - but something about
Edward in clothing was practically obscene. It might have been the way he moved... he was
always so graceful-looking. Emmett was surprisingly agile for someone of his size - he dragged
me out dancing pretty often, and he had great rhythm. I wondered if Edward was a good dancer;
maybe I could convince both of them to have an evening out sometime. There was a new dance
club that had opened not long ago I'd been hearing good things about.

The three of us had a very established routine for our lunch hours: Em and I would sit on one
side of the fountain by ourselves, and Edward would sit with his work buddies on the other side
of the fountain. Maybe I'd find a way to flash him my underwear, but the three of us would just
sit around and watch each other, getting more and more worked up. It was just what we did when
our schedules all synced up, which was usually a few times each week. So, I was surprised to see
Edward making his way around the fountain toward us.

More than a few women sitting in the park openly gawked at him as he moved to our spot on the
stairs, and I couldn't blame them for ogling - the heat and humidity meant Edward's muscles
actually glistened, and he really did have the most amazing raw sex appeal. He sat down on the
step below us and put his hand on my knee.

"Hey," he said softly. "I hope you don't mind if I join you."

"Nope," Emmett replied. "How's your day, Edward?"

Despite my wishes to get to know Edward and maybe go out in public together, I felt
uncomfortable sitting there with the two of them. Our small talk usually consisted of cataloging
the places Edward wanted to stick his dick or the funny things foreskins could do. Having a
normal, polite conversation seemed odd, and I didn't like the tense feeling in my chest.
"Bella?" Edward and Emmett were both looking at me in amusement. Edward wrapped his hand
around my bare ankle, his calluses dragging roughly over my skin, and said, "Where did you

I tittered nervously and popped a radish from my salad into my mouth. When I swallowed, I
smirked and said, "Oh, sorry. Just thinking of two hot guys I know."

Edward laughed and rubbed this thumb over the top of my foot. "I asked if you and Emmett want
to go to the movies tonight. There's something playing at The Ritz I'd like to see."

Was Edward asking us out on a date? After all my internal grousing about wanting to know him
better, I should have been thrilled, but I felt weird about it. What would we talk about? Somehow
I couldn't imagine sitting around discussing politics or sorting through my crazy family drama
for his benefit. I felt like I needed to do this, though, if for no other than to see if there was a
place for Edward in my normal life. Even just sitting at the fountain together was odd because I
missed Edward talking dirty in my ear. Just thinking about it make my pussy buzz with
loneliness and anticipation.

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"Yeah, sure," I answered. "What time?"

The coffee shop wasn't very busy. Emmett flirted with the cute Asian barista as he always did;
he'd been trying to get that guy in bed for at least a year. I sipped my decaf mocha from a
chipped, oversize bowl and checked my Blackberry for messages as I waited for Edward. A
warm pair of lips on my neck startled me, the coffee nearly spilling as the cup tipped

"Hey, baby," Edward whispered into my ear before walking around the couch and sitting next to
me. He was wearing his red hair down, the ends of it brushing past his stubbled jaw line. I
reached over and pushed one side behind his ear, stilling my hands from threading into his hair
and diving at his mouth. "You look pretty."

It made my heart flutter in my chest to hear him say something so... innocent. I liked it. I thanked
him quietly and kissed his cheek. Determined to find out more about him, I leaned back against
the arm of the couch and turned toward him.

"So... how did you become a construction worker?"

I felt like a complete idiot, and I'm sure my face must have been purple with embarrassment.

"Do you really want to know?" Edward looked at me with a crooked smile, his bright eyes
amused. I nodded and waited, trying not to fill the weird pause with a rambling explanation.
"Um, well, when I graduated from college I worked for a while in the nonprofit sector. I was a
fundraiser for a community arts center in South Philly. When the economy started to tank, they
had to lay off a bunch of staff, myself included. My uncle owns the construction company, so I
ended up getting a job on one of his crews because I didn't want to sit around and collect

"Do you like it?"

"It's okay. I mean, who dreams of being a construction worker when they grow up? But I kind of
like getting to be outside and using my hands." Edward grinned and wrestled my coffee cup out
of my hands, taking a drink of my mocha. "When the job market is better maybe I'll go back into
fundraising. I was even thinking of getting a teaching certification." He grimaced. "Is this

I chuckled and took my cup back. "Yeah, sorry."

"Why do you drink decaf?" Edward asked, his hand moving to tangle in the hair at the back of
my head. As his thumbs pressed into the base of my neck, I sighed and leaned into the warmth of
his hand, annoyed we were in a public place. I wanted nothing more than to get him naked and
beg him to fuck me, despite my interest in getting to know him.

"Caffeine makes me all crazy," I admitted to Edward, "and I have PMDD, something the caffeine

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makes worse." And then I had to spend the next five minutes explaining premenstrual dysphoric
disorder, something he was bizarrely interested in.

"So, why do you drink coffee at all? I mean, decaf tastes like shit."

"It's entirely psychological," I said with a rueful grin. "But I really kind of like the taste of decaf,
depending on who's making the coffee." I finished my cup and looked at my watch. "We should
go if we're going to make the movie on time."

Edward and I pulled Emmett away from his favorite barista; the movie theatre was just across the
street. Edward bought the movie tickets, and Emmett insisted on buying a massive tub of
popcorn for all of us to share. Not wanting to be left out, I bought a round of hot chocolate for
the three of us. We settled into our seats and waited for the movie to begin, Edward in between
Emmett and me. Emmett demanded Edward be the official popcorn holder since he was centrally
located. Of course, that only led to Edward throwing popcorn at us both throughout the previews,
his gruff laugh surprisingly nice. Up until this point I'd heard Edward panting and growling,
serious during whatever brief conversations we'd had, but nothing had ever been light enough or
funny enough to hear him laugh. It was nice.

Halfway through the movie, Edward placed the popcorn bucket on the floor at his feet and
picked up my hand in his left, Emmett's in his right. The simplicity of sitting in a darkened
movie theatre holding hands with a boy was complicated in my head by the fact of the boy
holding hands with me was also holding hands with Emmett, and I wondered if I should feel
conflicted. Should I feel uncomfortable or weird? I hadn't thought too much about our situation,
beyond not wanting anything to change with my best friend and wanting to know a bit more
about Edward. I didn't even know if I wanted to analyze what was going on; I was perfectly
happy with things as they were.

Edward loosened his grip on my fingers and pushed the armrest between us up and out of the
way, instantly pulling me into his side. He smelled warm, almost like he did when he woke up in
the morning. Last weekend, he and Emmett had stayed at my apartment after a mind-blowing
fuckfest, the three of us pressed together tightly - I was grateful once again for Emmett
convincing me to buy a king size mattress years ago, although neither one of us ever imagined
we'd be naked on it together. I loved the way both of them smelled in the morning... cozy and
musky, just... sexy. I never knew the smell of unshowered male could have such a powerful
effect on me.

I nuzzled my nose into Edward's neck as he levered the armrest up on his other side, sliding his
right hand across Emmett's thigh. His cupped Emmett's dick through his jeans, and Em's legs
stiffened for a moment before he shifted his body toward Edward and me, his arm snaking
around the seat behind us to touch us both on the neck. I curled toward Edward a bit more and
nipped at the edge of his jaw, hearing the strangled groan he tried so hard to suppress. I could see
Emmett's wicked grin out of the corner of my eye as he reached across Edward to grab my hand;
he guided it to the button of Edward's jeans. Edward's propensity for sitting in the back of movie
theatres suddenly seemed like a very good thing.

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Emmett and I unbuttoned and unzipped Edward's jeans together; as usual, Edward was going
commando. Come to think of it, I wasn't sure if I'd ever seen him wear underwear - did he even
own any? Edward's breathing stuttered when I pulled lightly on the ring in his foreskin, his hand
gripping a handful of my hair, and Emmett's fingers slid into Edward's pants to play with his
balls. Emmett leaned over to kiss me gently on the cheek, moving Edward's arm from between
them, and pulled Edward's t-shirt up to bite his nipple. I kissed the spot under Edward's chin that
I loved and ran my tongue up the curve of his ear while I gripped the base of his dick firmly,
feeling the swell of my own desire curl behind my clit.

Thank god Edward had chosen a dark movie - there wasn't a lot of bright light from the screen to
illuminate the three of us, and everyone else in the theatre with us sat fairly close to the screen
and seemed to be engrossed in the film. We were under the projection booth, so we didn't have to
worry about an audience from above. And it was a loud film, which was particularly good
because Edward gasped loudly when Emmett ducked his head to swirl his tongue around the
head of Edward's cock. I let go of his dick and caressed Emmett's moist lips as he took Edward
into his mouth, sinking down until I was sure he would have to be gagging. Emmett had always
bragged about his stellar blow job skills - he liked to say his tongue was his best asset, and I
could now say I knew first hand this was true - but I had never yet just watched him action; I was
usually licking Edward's cock with him or was, ahem, otherwise engaged.

Edward and I watched together as Emmett worked Edward's dick, my fingers dancing over both
Edward and Emmett's skin where they were joined. It was fucking hot... I could understand the
visual appeal of voyeurism. My clit throbbing in my pants, I tangled my fingers in Edward's soft
hair and bit the skin just at the edge of his mouth; he yanked my head back by the hair in his fist
and dove at my mouth, his tongue hot against my own. The pull on my scalp didn't help lessen
the desire I had for an orgasm of my own, but Edward was hardly ever the sole focus on the
receiving end; I wanted to make sure he felt... not loved, because this wasn't about love for any
of us... but desired and cared for.

Both Edward and I slipped a hand toward Emmett's head, Edward to guide Em's speed and me,
well, just because I wanted to do everything I could to make this as much as a group experience
as I could. I lightly scratched Emmett's scalp, toying with the short bristles on the back of his
neck as he continued to bob his head in Edward's lap. Edward grunted into my mouth softly, his
entire body seeming to tense, and he tightened his fist in my hair, pressing his forehead hard into
mine. Emmett's movements stilled, and he kissed the tip of Edward's dick as he pulled his mouth
off of it. Edward refused to let go of my hair, pulling me toward him as he settled back into his
seat, and as I nestled against his collarbone, Emmett slipped his arm behind Edward's shoulder
and settled his hand against my neck and twined the fingers of his other hand with Edward's that
rested on his right thigh.

I sighed in contentment as Edward kissed the top of my head and then Emmett's cheek, the three
of us pressed up tight together for the rest of the movie.

"Bella?" Emmett sat on my couch, flipping through the channels, as I sifted through take out
menus to find something appealing.

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"Yeah, Em." There was a new Vietnamese place that had opened down the street that looked
interesting. The Banh Tam Cari sounded intriguing, and I hadn't eaten much for lunch; my
stomach rumbled.

"I'm really just not that into you."

I pressed the tip of my tongue into the point of a tooth to keep myself from giggling. The corners
of my mouth quirking, I looked over to see him staring at me intently. "Uh, thanks?"

"Well, not you, in particular, Bella. I mean, you know I love you. I just... no offense, but being
with you the last couple of weeks has proven to me that I am just a 100% not into chicks."

He looked so earnest and anxious, as if he expected me to burst into tears or something. My chief
concern about all the boinking was to keep Emmett as my friend when it was over, as it
inevitably would be. I loved him - and I definitely loved his dick - but I wasn't in love with him.
My ability to compartmentalize my feelings and be completely rational and objective had always
been a good thing, never more than in that moment. Leave it to Emmett to think I was some
weepy chick who fell for every guy who dickmatized her. We'd been friends for such a long
time; I thought he'd know better by now.

Just to be an asshole, I decided to fuck with him. I thought about the dog that died when I was
ten in order to work up some tears. My chin trembled as I gazed softly at Emmett, who was
growing more and more freaked out looking, particularly when a single tear rolled down my

"How can you say that?" I wailed dramatically. "I thought we had something special!" The
laughter was so close to the surface; I had to pinch the inside of my arm to keep it from bubbling

A stricken expression took up residence on his face, and he rushed to my side, his hands
fluttering around my shoulders. "Bells, we do! I mean, you're my best friend. Oh god, don't cry!"

I never was a very good actress, and my sobs immediately turned into hysterical laughter as I
pushed Emmett over on the floor and leapt on top of him, tickling his stomach. "You are so
fucking gullible, Em."

"Bitch!" he yelled with a smile, his dimples deepening as he realized I was just screwing around.
As our laughter died down, Emmett laid on his back on the floor, and I snuggled into his side,
my arm and leg thrown casually over his body. He kissed my forehead and smoothed the hair
back from my face. "Seriously, Bella, are we okay?"

"Jesus, Em," I said with a roll of my eyes, "I never thought I'd magically turn you straight or
something. You are all about the dick and always will be. I'm down with that, trust me." I slid my
hand under his shirt and ran my fingertip around his nipple. "And if you can't experiment with
your sexuality with your best straight friend, hey, what kind of topsy turvy world do we live in?"

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We both laughed, and Emmett rolled me on top of him, kissing my mouth very softly. "I love
you, Bells."

"Love you too, Em," I said. "I won't be upset if the great McCarty oral skills are not coming my
way anymore, alright? And if you get caught up in the heat of the moment and feel compelled to
get up close and personal with my twat, that's okay as well. I'm no longer concerned my girly
bits are going to shrivel up and fall off - Edward tends to them very well all by himself. I can live
without your anteater."

He snorted and hugged me closer, his hand anchored to the small of my back. My eyes drooped
closed, content to nap on my best friend's chest.


"Oh, fuck," I moaned, Emmett's hands on my body while Edward slid into me, slow and sweet.
The sensations were overwhelming, and I silently wished myself a happy birthday as Edward's
tongue pushed into my mouth.

Despite Emmett's declaration he was very into dick, Emmett, Edward, and I still regularly got
together. Sometimes we went out for dinner or to see a movie, but it always ended up in
someone's bedroom. It was pretty clear - to me at least - Em was in it for Edward, not me
(although I still got my fair share of Emmett lovin'... he may not have been interested in chicks,
but he had developed a strange fascination with the taste of my "delicate flower," as he teasingly
liked to call my twat. I took to calling him Yoni Yum after he confessed, and then he spent an
hour figuring out the best of both worlds was blowing Edward after Edward had fucked me ),
and I was definitely okay with that. The two of us knew where we stood with each other; I was
getting sexed up but good in a safe environment with people I trusted, and nothing at all had
changed between us because of it. I had gotten to know Edward better, and I genuinely liked
him; he was very sweet and incredibly thoughtful. As the dog days of August rolled through
Philadelphia, he'd show up at my apartment with my favorite gelato... and then let me eat it off
his stomach.

Today had been pretty great. I usually hated my birthday - getting older wasn't the problem; I
just hated people making a big deal about it. Emmett and Edward had sent me a bouquet of red
and yellow parrot tulips at work and insisted I come home and put on something pretty, and they
both showed up at my door after work wearing suits, which made my birthday seem pretty
excellent. They were each hot just in their regular clothes... I was practically salivating at the
sight of them dressed up. The charcoal fabric of Emmett's suit stretched handsomely over his
broad shoulders, the black button down shirt underneath worn without a tie. Edward's black suit
was perfectly tailored to his amazing body, and he looked almost rakish with the top buttons of
his light green shirt undone and his tie loosened a bit. They took me to my favorite Italian
restaurant, one Em and I had been to a million times, in Northern Liberties, both feeding me bits

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of calamari and roasted pepper frittata, while Guiseppe, the owner, serenaded me in Italian and
tried to get me drunk on copious Limoncello shots.

"Happy birthday, Bella," Edward said with a smile after pouring more wine - like I needed more
alcohol - for the three of us. He had recently gotten his hair cut short, and he ran his hand
through it absently, sending the ends into disarray. I loved his chin-length red hair, but this was a
sexy look for him too, sort of like he just rolled out of bed. It showed off his fine-boned yet
rugged face, the smattering of freckles across his nose somehow more prominent now.

Em grabbed my hand from the table, his blue eyes twinkling with booze and excitement, and
squeezed my fingers. "Happy birthday, Bells."

"Thanks," I said a little breathlessly. "This really has been the best birthday ever."

"You wound me, Swan!" Emmett teased as his dimples deepened. "I can't believe that year I got
you so shit-faced you puked under the table and then went right back to trying to pick up the guy
sitting with you didn't rate at the top."
If the Limoncello and wine didn't stop flowing soon, there was a distinct possibility of being shit-
faced again, something that would no doubt ruin the rest of the evening.

I rolled my eyes. "As delightful as that was, this is definitely better." I reached my free hand out
to smooth the dark lapel of Edward's jacket. "I seriously doubt my mouth will taste like ashtrays
tomorrow morning, and you both look amazing."

Edward raised his eyebrows at me, his smile growing wider. "You're the one who looks amazing.
You're so beautiful, baby." I hated the pleasure I got from hearing him pay me a compliment. I
had always prided myself on not needing praise to feed my self-esteem, but I had gone through
considerable effort to look good for them tonight. My red silk dress showed off just enough
cleavage to be alluring rather than skanky and stopped slightly above the knee, and the
underwear I bought specifically for this evening made me feel very sexy, almost as sexy as the
two of them were at that very moment. Em couldn't ever care less about my skivvies, but Edward
was most definitely a man who appreciated lacy underthings.

The tiramisu was delivered then, and even though it was my favorite dessert, I couldn't take my
eyes off my men. They were fucking gorgeous, and - at least for tonight - they were mine. And
speaking of fucking... over the last few months we had been together in nearly every way three
people could, but there was one thing we hadn't done yet. Both Em and Edward had had sex with
each other, but neither one of them came anywhere near my ass. I'd never had anal sex before,
and it wasn't something I had ever really been dying to do... but seeing how much they loved it
had me curious. Since it was my birthday, I thought maybe they'd consider giving me a present.
Was anal sex the gift that kept on giving? I wasn't sure. Not that I thought either of them would
say no, although I wasn't sure how I would actually ask for it. So much of what we did just...
happened... without forethought or planning. It was just natural.

The two of them hustled me out the door of the restaurant after the bill was paid, Em and I
stopping on the way out to kiss Guiseppe on the cheek. It wasn't a far walk back to the building

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where Em and I lived, but it was steamy and humid outside. With my men in suits - their jackets
were now off and slung casually over their arms - and me not wanting to sweat through my
dress, we opted for a taxi ride home, the three of us smooshed into the back seat together.
Emmett simply held my hand, while Edward's thumb slowly rubbed across the back of my neck.
Every few minutes, he'd lift the hair off my neck and blow softly across my skin, sending goose
bumps down my body and a little electric shock to my nipples.

It was only a ten minute cab trip, but it felt like an hour. The second the door to my apartment
was closed, Edward slammed my back to the cool door, his hand gripping my hair tightly, and
his lean body pressed hard into mine. His teeth grazed over my chin, biting down as I threw my
head back, practically knocking myself silly on the door.

"Ouch," I said, Edward's lips curling up to laugh breathlessly while nibbling on my bottom lip. I
laughed too, our teeth clanking together awkwardly as we giggled.

"Can't take you anywhere, Bells," Emmett chuckled. His hands slid around Edward and
unknotted his tie while I pushed my hands in between Edward and me so I could unfasten his
shirt. Emmett sank to his knees at my side and unbuckled Edward's belt, making quick work of
his pants. I wondered for the umpteenth time if Edward even owned a pair of underwear. I pulled
Edward's hand out of my hair and roughly pushed the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms.
Edward's body never failed to amaze me; the muscles from working construction rippled down
his arms and chest, and my clit throbbed at the sight of his dick already hardening. Em playfully
pulled at the piercing in Edward's foreskin, which had Edward fully stiff and pressing against my
hip in seconds.

Edward half turned me to catch the zipper on the side of my dress while Em hooked his fingers
into my panties and yanked them down, only to run his hands up my legs. His palms were soft
and warm; I shivered at how good it felt.

"Aw, Bells, you shaved," Emmett complained with a pout.

Edward laughed again as he pulled my dress over my head. "I'll give your cheeks some beard
burn later, Em, no worries. I, for one, am glad our girl shaved her legs."

Em moved in front of me and hooked one of my legs over his shoulder before taking a long lick
at my pussy and then shoving his tongue into me as far as it could go. As was always the case,
even before our little threesome adventure had started, I fervently wished Emmett were straight -
he had seriously amazing oral skills, and he'd make some woman very, very happy one day.
Sadly for womankind, I was likely to be the only recipient of his stellar tongue action, but I
wouldn't be complaining anytime soon. Edward stroked himself, my hand mingling with his,
while he kissed me deeply and moaned contentedly before sliding down behind Emmett to
wrench his clothes off too. Em continued his ministrations to my girl parts as the pleasure built in
my body.

My orgasm rocketed through me as I grasped Em's hair and panted. I had been reading
something the prior weekend about a woman's sexual prime... suddenly I couldn't wait to be even

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a little older and wondered if I could call up Emmett and Edward when I hit 35 to ring in my
sexual peak with a bang. Before I could put too much thought into it, Edward was back at my
lips, his fingers stroking my breasts and pulling at my nipples as I squeaked in approval. Emmett
grasped Edward's dick and slid his mouth over the tip. I absolutely loved watching Emmett give
Edward head; Edward's face was so intense, his noises so primal and raw. Edward's fingers were
on my clit keeping the same rhythm as Emmett. I slid away from his mouth to lay wet kisses
along his shoulder so I could watch, still staying close enough for Edward to keep his hands on
me. Edward's chest began to flush as he got close to coming, but he pulled himself away from
Emmett's mouth before he could finish.

Edward held out a hand to Emmett to pull him to his feet, and then guided me between them
when Em was standing.

"Happy birthday, Bella," Edward said in a husky and thoroughly sexy voice. "Tonight's all about
you." Emmett's lips brushed the top of my shoulder and traced the outline of my areola with his
thumbnail. "Is there anything special we can do for you?"

"Or, more to the point, to you," Emmett joked.

I bit the inside of my lip as Edward licked up the length of my ear with the tip of his tongue
while both of our hands went to Em's dick. "Well, now that you mention it, there is something."

I had laid it out, asked them for what I wanted while trying not to feel weird about it. Both were -
unsurprisingly - quite excited about the idea, and Emmett immediately claimed my ass, probably
because he was more interested that orifice as a whole, which I didn't mind because even though
I really liked Edward and had grown to trust him, I was just closer to Emmett in general.

"Here's my chance to finally give my virginity to you and your hoodie, Em," I said with a grin.
He just snickered and grabbed my ass, sliding his hand into the crease to tickle me. I giggled and
Edward pushed in closer, his hard cock pressing into my navel. I slung one arm around Edward's
neck and wrapped my other around the back of Emmett's head. Edward angled his head to find
Em's lips over my shoulder, twined his fingers into the hair at the base of my neck, and pulled
my mouth to theirs. Trying to kiss two people at once was not the easiest thing in the world, but I
loved feeling both Em and Edward's lips and tongue on mine.

Edward untangled himself from Em and me and pulled each of us by the hand toward the
bedroom, and now I found myself impaled on Edward's dick, the feel of his piercing against me
driving me wild, while Emmett tried to get me ready for the big moment. His lubed-up fingers in
my ass didn't feel bad, just different. The two of them took their time, loving me, preparing me.
Edward was on his back lazily kissing me and caressing my back, and then Em quickly put on a
condom, smoothing more lube over both of us, and lined himself up.

"Ready, Bells? Let me know if I'm hurting you, okay?"

I nodded, and Edward went back to kissing me as Emmett pushed just the tip of his dick inside of
me. I tensed and whimpered; it still didn't hurt, but it definitely felt bizarre. Little by little,

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Emmett slowly slid into me, and I groaned, feeling so full.

"Jesus, Bells," Emmett said, his voice low and needy. "So fucking tight."

Emmett gently rolled us all to the side and Edward started to thrust his hips, picking up speed
after a moment. For every two of Edward's thrusts, Emmett would slowly pull out and push back
in, and I could feel an orgasm building in the pit of my stomach. I had never felt so close to two
people in my entire life - not just physically, but emotionally. I loved Emmett to death, and I
really liked Edward so much. I felt... lucky in that moment. And grateful for the little support
unit I had built.

"Em, I can feel you. The both of you feel so fucking... " Edward trailed off and sucked on my

Edward's fingers circled my clit as the tension coiled, and within moments I was screaming out
both their names as I came. Emmett's hand was on my hip, controlling his movements, and even
though I was sure he wanted to move faster, he never did - he was too afraid to hurt me. The both
continued their rhythm for a few minutes more; Emmett came with his usual high, whining keen,
and I laughed lightly as he pulled out and disposed of the condom just because I could honestly
say we'd probably shared everything now, and that was kind of funny and weird at the same
time. Edward rolled me over onto my back and pulled my legs up to rest the backs of my thighs
against his chest, tossing both legs over his left shoulder, pushing into me harder.

"Baby, you feel fucking amazing," he said with a grunt. I came again, my eyes clenched shut,
and my breath coming in pants, Edward following me just moments later. Edward went to the
bathroom to throw out his condom while Emmett slid me under the covers and lay down next to

"How was that?" he asked, kissing me wetly on the cheek.

I snuggled into his chest, lightly stroking his soft skin, and closed my eyes. It had been... good,
although I'm not sure it was something I'd want to do a lot.

"I think maybe you need a prostate to fully appreciate it," I teased, "but it was still very

He snorted and pinched my nipple. "Yeah, being a man is a fairly ideal situation, birthday bitch."

Edward slipped into bed next to me, spooning me against his warmth with his left arm thrown
over my waist. "Agreed, but vaginas are pretty excellent."

Laughing, I turned my head toward Edward and kissed his lips. "Thanks for your vote for my
hooha, honey. Very sweet of you." I turned back toward Emmett and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Watch it, woman!" Emmett kissed my forehead and chuckled. "I like your twat just fine... in
small doses."

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"I'll take as much as I can get," Edward said, licking the back of my neck. "Besides, I think being
a woman would be cool. There's that whole thing about being able to create life, not to mention I
really love how smooth your skin is, Bella. Mmmmm, you're just so warm and soft." His hand
crept from my hip, up my belly, and pressed into my sternum. I snuggled my ass back against
him and nestled my head firmer against Em. This really was the best birthday ever.
"And no stubble," Edward added, teasing. Em and I laughed with him, the three of us
sandwiched together tightly.

"Love you, Bells," Em whispered. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, Em, love you too."

Edward sighed sleepily against my back. "Love you guys."

Emmett and I looked at each other, Em's eyebrows raised. "What the fuck?" he mouthed at me. I
was as surprised as Emmett; maybe I should have expected Edward would want to get in on the
birthday love, but the love Em and I felt for each other was platonic, despite the good sexin'. As
much as I really liked Edward, we didn't have that kind of friendship yet, and I wasn't so sure
that's what he meant.

"I'm telling you, Bells, no good can come of this." Emmett and I went out to a late breakfast after
Edward left my apartment. Nothing had been strange this morning; Em and I just pretended
Edward had never said anything.

"I thought you liked him," I said. I wasn't disagreeing, but I did sometimes wonder if Em had
ever entertained the notion of settling down with Edward.

"I do. I like his dick a lot." Emmett shoved a forkful of pancakes into his mouth and chewed.
"Look, I didn't want to say anything on your birthday, but I have a date tonight."

"You do?" I said in obvious shock. Em hadn't seen anyone outside our circle since the first time
we all had sex. "The barista?"

He shook his head. "No, it's a queen I met out the other night at Bob and Barbara's. Her stage
name is Rosalie, but goes by Justin in the real world. He's nice. You'll like him. Maybe I can
bring him over to your place Sunday morning, or we can go out for brunch or something."

There was something kind of poetic about Em discovering he liked the taste of my pussy (if
nothing else) and then going out with a drag queen he clearly liked. Before we had started
screwing, Em would tell me about his dates, usually making fun of them for their neuroses, but
he rarely wanted me to meet anyone he went out with. I was like family, and Em reserved only
the good ones for meeting family.

"What does he look like?"

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Em grinned so broadly, his dimples were giant pits in his face. "He's gorgeous. Tall and lanky,
kind of thin. Short, dark brown hair and gray eyes. Rosalie, though, has long, blonde hair and a
huge rack. She's a total bombshell."

I groaned and shook my head. "Oh dude, is she prettier than me?"

"She's a drag queen, Bells, of course she's prettier than you. Real women don't stand a chance."
He laughed and offered me a bite off his plate.

"Well, I guess that's that then, eh?"

"What do you mean?" Em asked, stealing a forkful of hash browns from me.

"You're going out with someone else. It was one thing when you weren't seeing anything else,
but I don't want to be fucking you if you've got side action," I teased. Well, I was teasing, but I
was also completely serious. We had never really talked about any rules about the three of us. I
wasn't upset or jealous or anything - at all; I just didn't want to be screwing Edward or Em if they
were screwing other people... and Em would most certainly be hooking up with Rosalie/Justin.
The boy had no self control, for starters (although I clearly had no room to talk - I had been
shagging my gay best friend and some bisexual construction worker Emmett had picked up in
Love Park for months, and Emmett was the one with no self control?), but I could also tell he
thought there was something different about this guy. I honestly always thought he'd choose
Edward to settle down with, and I would just become the fag hag best friend again... reminiscing
with them when we were all old and gray about the shenanigans we used to get up to. I was a
little bit sad it wouldn't work out that way but excited Em had found someone with the potential
to be special.

"So, what are you going to do about Edward?" Em asked, obviously deciding the topic of his
date had been officially hashed.

"Me? What do you mean, me? He said you loved you too, dumbass." He was so not getting out
of dealing with this.

"Hey, you just said I was out of the love circle, hooker!" he exclaimed with a laugh, heads
whipping toward us from all directions. He smiled cheesily at the people around us. "High class
call girl," he whispered conspiratorially and went back to eating his pancakes with a stupid

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, seriously, should we address this? What if he meant it in a buddy way?"

"I trust you, Bells," Emmett said around a mouthful of food. "Whatever you think is what I'll
do... and then we'll never have to speak of it again."
I took another bite of hash browns and played footsie with my gay best friend under the table,
looking forward to meeting Em's date and dreading what might be coming with Edward.

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Emmett and I waited for Rosalie outside Bob and Barbara's, the sultry air stagnant and cloying
even at two in the morning. I kept looking at every guy who came out, wondering each time if
this one could be Justin. I had met him as Rosalie, but something told me he wouldn't look
anything remotely similar to his drag persona.

Rosalie had taken the stage to perform shortly after we'd arrived at the bar, and Emmett had sat
at rapt attention as she sashayed to center stage. Em was right - Rosalie had a huge rack, and
'bombshell' is exactly how I would describe her. Her big, blond hair was piled precariously on
top of her head, her lips pouty and red. She was gorgeous, and I was amused at Em's reaction. It
was nice to see him so taken by someone.

The show had been great, and Rosalie was amazing - she had a great voice and funny sense of
humor. She came to join us after her performance, sitting down at the table with a sexy wiggle
and a wink in Emmett's direction. While I'd been to drag shows before, I'd never seen a drag
queen so close up. The makeup was heavy but interesting, and I studied her face, trying to
imagine what she might look like without the wig and paint. The eye makeup was incredibly
dramatic, with the longest eyelashes I'd ever seen on a person. How was she able to blink without
her eyelashes tangling together?

"Your skin is gorgeous, Bella," Rosalie shouted to me over the din of the music and clinking
glasses. "What moisturizer do you use?"

We chatted about our respective skin care routines for a few moments - hers was much more
involved than mine and involved insane amounts of exfoliation - before she rose, straightening
her dress with big, dramatic movements.

"Well, I'm going to go get changed," she said before turning to Emmett and air kissing him to
each side of his face. Emmett's dimples deepened as he swatted her ass when she stood.
"Rittenhouse Diner?" she had asked us both, which I thought was very sweet.

A tall man with short, brown hair burst through the door, laughing uproariously as he waved
goodbye to someone inside the club, and his eyes lit up when he caught sight of Emmett. He
sidled over to us and slipped his arms around Em's waist, pecking him lightly on the lips. Em's
hand was on the back of the man's neck.

"Hey babes," he said. I openly gawked - I could not believe this was Justin - the transformation
from Justin to Rosalie was an extreme one; he had the same pretty gray eyes and pouty lips, but
that's where the resemblance ended.

Justin leaned down and kissed me softly on the cheek. "Hey, Bella! You hungry?"

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I shut my mouth and grinned. "Yeah, starved."

The diner was packed, which wasn't that surprising. It was surrounded by bars and clubs, making
the place a prime after hours choice for everyone in the vicinity. A bored waitress with a
matronly spread and a light blue, polyester uniform pulled a pencil from her iron gray bun,
staring impatiently at us until Em laughed and gave her his order, making sure to call her 'hon'
whenever he could. It was classic Emmett, something we would have done in college together. In
fact, I'm fairly sure we had done this in college... possibly to the exact same waitress, since she
had probably worked here practically since birth. She shuffled away to call out our orders to the
cook, and we all giggled a bit.

"So Justin, what do you do when you're not putting on drag shows?" I asked, slipping the
wrapper off my straw.

"Oh, I'm a paralegal for Deeds & Lock... I work in the immigration department."

"Is that the office over at 12th and Market?"

Justin nodded and curled his fingers around Emmett's bicep, imperceptibly moving closer to him
as we chatted. I loved seeing the obvious chemistry between them and understood immediately
even though I had always thought Em and Edward would end up together, this was so obviously
right for Emmett.

Edward had not taken the news of Emmett was seeing someone well. Okay, that wasn't entirely
true. He had come over a few days after confessing his love for Em and me with a pint of gelato,
and I had done my best to act like I wasn't freaked out he had said it in the first place while
trying to relay the changed situation. And Edward, for his part, tried to act like the whole thing
was no big deal, but he was clearly shaken.

"Where's Em?" he had asked, holding out a spoon to me as we sat on the couch with my feet in
his lap.

"Oh, uh, um... " I stuttered like an idiot, not sure of what I should say. Finally I just swallowed
hard and got to the point. "Emmett met someone, Edward. Someone he really likes."

"He did?" Edward dropped his spoon down on my coffee table with a loud clank, his eyebrows
raised. "So... what does that mean?"

"Er, well, I have no idea what it means for the two of you, although he seems pretty serious
about Justin already. But what it means for the three of us is I'm out. I've really loved being
together with you and Emmett for the last couple of months... I just... I don't want to continue on
with this if either one of you has something going on elsewhere."

Edward heaved a sigh that seemed to linger in the air between us. "Are you okay?"

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My smile probably looked completely inappropriate for the conversation we were having, but I
was relieved to have it out in the open with Edward, and I was genuinely thrilled for Emmett. I
had been well-fucked for the last couple of months, something I was sure would come to an end
sooner or later anyway. As Em knew (and constantly teased me about over the years), my sex
dry spells were legendary. I wasn't looking forward to relying on my battalion of vibrators for
sexual relief again - I wasn't convinced Edward would want to continue just with me - but it
certainly wouldn't be the first time.

"Oh, definitely. Em and I have been friends for a long time. He really did try to learn to like
pussy, but in the end he's really very, very gay." I grinned again, only this time it was less excited
because Edward looked so sad. "I'm kind of surprised all this lasted as long as it did. He seems
really happy, though, and that's all I've ever wanted for him."

Edward nodded slowly, patting my legs awkwardly. Sexy, aggressive Edward was nowhere to be
found, and in his place was someone who looked like he'd been dumped. I supposed he had. I
just didn't think of it that way - as far as I was concerned, things had some to their natural
conclusion, something I had expected.

"Are you alright?" I asked, touching his shoulder gently.

"Oh, uh, yeah," he said, biting his lower lip. "It's just... unexpected." He cleared his throat and
looked at me, his pretty green eyes piercing me. "What about us?"

"What about us?" I knew exactly what he was asking; I was just too chickenshit to deal with it
head on. I really didn't know what I wanted anyway, and I fully expected Edward to move on as

"Do you... I mean, will we still see each other? You and me?"

I was tired of the tension, the agitation so tight in my chest I just blurted it out: "You still want to

Edward smirked, although his eyes were anything but amused. "Bella, I love you and Emmett,
but this doesn't have to be a package deal. I'd like to see where this could lead, whatever it is
between us. You're more than a good fuck to me, although you are, in point of fact, fucking
amazing in the sack. Do you want to still see each other?"

I was so uncomfortable with him throwing around words like "love," yet the thought of
continuing to see him was appealing. Edward was still chewing on his lip as I contemplated his

"Er, yeah. I mean, would we be... I don't know, a couple or something?" It would definitely
simplify some things for me, like the issue of having a date for my office holiday party. I had
taken Emmett before, and he was well known in the office as my gay best friend... it would be
confusing to a lot of people if I rolled in with Emmett and Edward, both of them with a hand on
my ass and groping each other too.

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"If that's what you want us to be. That's what I want." Edward's eyes then turned predatory, his
eyes seeming to focus on my mouth. Morphing this discussion into a roll in the hay seemed like
a good way to shift the heaviness of the discussion, and I had to admit I was curious about what
being alone with Edward would be like. Would the passion still be there? Would I miss Em's

Edward gripped my biceps and pulled me to straddle his lap. His dick was rock hard under the
denim, the feel of him pressing into my pulsing clit like a shot of electricity that went straight to
my stomach.

"I fucking want you," he practically growled into my chest before mouthing my nipple through
my shirt and cupping my ass with his strong hands. I ground down against his dick, needing his
hard pressure. Hell, I was willing to beg for it if I had to. I tugged on his ears to jerk his face
toward mine as I angled my chin to fit my mouth over his, our mouths open and tongues probing.

My doubtful thoughts petered out as I arched my back, Edward's fingers digging almost painfully
into my lower back as we both continued to dry hump each other on my couch.

"Oh fuck, Bella," Edward muttered. "You're going to fucking ride my dick."


His t-shirt got caught on his chin while I was whipping it over his head, practically strangling
him in my haste to get him naked. We both laughed as Edward finally managed to yank it away
from him, and then he dove back my mouth with so much force I thought my lips might bruise. I
didn't mind; I just wanted more of him - more skin, more kissing. His hands pushed me off his
lap and settled me onto my back before he climbed over me, unbuttoning my pants and pulling
them and my underwear roughly down my legs. I wrestled my own shirt off, making quick work
of my bra, and sat up quickly to nuzzle my nose into the soft skin of Edward's belly, stroking his
balls through his jeans.

My fingers twitched, nimbly unfastening his pants. As always, Edward was going commando,
giving me unfettered access to his goods. I nipped at his navel, drawing his jeans down his hips
to release his cock; it thwapped against his skin heavily, putting the piercing at my eye level. I
leaned forward to mouth the ring as I pushed his jeans down further, pulling at the ring with my
lips as Edward grunted.

"Fuck, honey. Never stop fucking doing that."

It felt odd to be entirely focused on Edward without Emmett in the room, almost as if I didn't
have enough body parts to which to pay attention. I wondered if Edward felt the same. It struck
me as kind of funny my norm had become two sets of hands and two dicks, but I didn't want to
laugh because that just seemed rude and likely to ruin the mood. I flattened my tongue and licked
up the length of his dick, flicking the ridge with teasing touches. His hands kneaded my tits,
pulling at the nipples, until I moaned and grazed the head of his cock lightly with my teeth.

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Edward flipped himself back to sit on the couch again, pulling me over him and positioning my
ass on his knees. With a smirk, he spread his legs, hooking my knees over his, opening me up to
his burning gaze. He grasped the back of my neck with his hand and pulled me in, biting my
bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth and then kissing me ferociously. His other hand slid
up my inner thigh, scratching lightly before he pushed two fingers inside me, pushing on the wet
skin just over my clit with his thumb.

"God, you feel so good," I moaned out. And he did. His slippery fingers knew exactly how to
work me, and the position I was in gave me enough freedom to arch into his hand to intensify the
sensation. I was so needy I felt as if I might crawl out of my skin if I didn't get his dick in me
soon. There was no way for me to truly know what the hell he was doing with his fingers, but I
swear it felt like he was crooking his index finger as if he were beckoning me toward him by the
crotch. Whatever it was, it worked - I came for what seemed like a full minute, each pulse
shooting through me as I helplessly shuddered while my legs seemed to liquefy.

I scooted forward toward Edward when he pulled his fingers out of me; I leaned over to snag a
condom out of his pocket and rolled it over his cock as quickly as I could before positioning
myself over him and sinking down on his dick. Edward moaned and rocked me closer to him
with his fingers digging into my hips. He was so deep in my pussy, I felt almost overly full, but it
was far from unpleasant. I loved the feeling of Edward invading me, the way we fit together.

He guided me up and down his shaft slowly, his hand between us, circling my clit with his
fingers until I was gasping for breath.

"I can feel every inch of you," Edward panted. "You're the fucking sexiest thing I've ever seen. I
love seeing your tits bounce."

He threw his head back and swore when I started to roll my hips, clawing his hands up my back
until they held my shoulders in a death grip. His lips were on my neck, tonguing my pulse point,
while I worked my hips above him. I wasn't missing Emmett at all in that moment - Edward was
so raw, and there was emotion in his eyes that held me so I was unable to look away.

A few more thrusts and I was coming again, each vibration rippling outward from my groin until
it fluttered in the tips of my toes and fingers.

Edward's hands led me faster as he started muttering my name under his breath. He grunted and
squeezed his eyes shut, his forehead furrowing in concentration as his own orgasm rocked
through him. He laid his head on my shoulder as he shuddered and held me so close my breasts
were smooshed tightly against his chest.

We stayed that way for about five minutes, Edward nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck
while his fingertips followed the curve of my spine. I tucked my legs behind Edward's back and
caressed the base of his neck. His hair was so soft there, the tufts reminding me a bit of bird

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"I can't believe Emmett would give this up," he muttered against the skin of my neck. "I like dick
too, but you're so warm and soft." He traced the outline of my hip and waist with his palm.
"Bella, you're perfect in every way. Don't let Emmett finding someone else hurt you."

I looked down at him in confusion. Emmett and I were good; I wasn't at all hurt he'd started
dating Justin and busted up our little trio. I had never questioned whether it was something about
me that had driven him to seek something else, because I always knew this was a short-lived
situation more about the novelty for Emmett. And then it occurred to me maybe Edward felt that
way himself - hurt.

"You know how it is with Em and me, Edward. This was never going to be a long term thing
with us." I wracked my brain trying to come up with some kind of excuse for Emmett moving on
that would ease Edward's mind. In truth, I couldn't really come up with anything. I wasn't sure
why Em didn't want Edward - as far as I was concerned, Edward was fantastic. He was
unbelievable in bed, and out of bed he was funny and sweet, so I lied to make Edward feel better.
"I think Em just associates the two of us together, so since he was never going to want to be with
a woman for real, well... it's probably my fault he's not with you right now. But for me, I don't
feel... I mean, I don't feel badly for myself." Well, that last part wasn't a lie at all.

What I wanted to say was Emmett dating Justin had nothing to do with him rejecting me, but I
thought that seemed to imply he was rejecting Edward. And yeah, I guessed that was closer to
the truth in a way.

"Good, baby," he said, kissing up my jaw to my ear. "Never doubt that you're wonderful."

Edward's praise was starting to make me uncomfortable. I was pretty sure he was
overcompensating because he was feeling so wretched about it himself, and it was making me
feel guilty for knowing without a shadow of a doubt this had nothing to do with me other than
the fact I simply had the wrong genitals. I felt the inexplicable need to comfort Edward and make
him feel loved.

I climbed off Edward's lap and held my hand out to him. He took it, and I pulled him off the
couch and hugged him to me, sliding one hand down to playfully squeeze his gorgeous ass. We
both laughed, although Edward's chuckle sounded forced. I rested my chin on his chest to look
up at him and smiled.

"Want to take a shower? It's tiny in there, but I feel the sudden need to make my dirty boy clean."

Edward's smile became more genuine, his green eyes twinkling. "Dirty boy, eh? I haven't even
begun to get dirty."

I turned in his arms and wiggled my ass against his dick for a moment before leading him toward
the bathroom. Edward hopped up on the sink vanity as I reached into the shower and turned on
the water. When I turned back around toward Edward, the first thing I noticed is his dick was
hard again. He stroked it almost lazily as he smirked at me, his fist pulling his foreskin over the
head and his piercing winking under the soft overhead lights in the bathroom. The second thing I

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noticed were his eyes - they had darkened just a bit and had a feral look to them, like he was two
seconds away from launching himself at me. I shivered imperceptibly, my nipples puckering.

"Touch yourself, Bella." His voice was all heat and passion, and there was no way I could resist
his command. I took a step into the shower, letting the steaming spray soak my hair, and slid my
hand over my breasts, down my stomach, and into the wet skin between my legs. The tip of
Edward's dick was nearly purple as I slid two fingers into myself, matching the rhythm to his
hand on his cock.

As much as I wanted Edward and as much as I wanted to come again, I knew Edward needed
this to be sweet and more about him... rather than about me or us as fuck buddies. I pulled my
hand away and beckoned him into the shower. When he climbed in, I pushed him under the
water and slicked his hair back, missing his long hair a bit. He moaned and leaned toward me,
our bodies pressed together tightly.

"On your knees, sweetie," I ordered with a small grin, picking up the shampoo as he kneeled and
kissed my belly button. I poured a bit into my palm and rubbed my hands together before sliding
my fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp and lathering his head. He wrapped his arms around
my hips and kissed the top of my pubic mound gently, turning so his cheek was against my hip; I
sculpted his hair into a mohawk and coaxed him to his feet, tipping his back under the
showerhead to rinse the shampoo away. His eyes then shined with love, rather than lust, which
worried me in a different way.

I squirted body wash into my hands and smoothed it over every inch of Edward silky skin,
kissing his ribs, his triceps, the small of his back... anywhere my hands went, my lips followed
until Edward's eyes were soft and peaceful. His erection still raged, but the air between us didn't
seem desperate anymore. When I was convinced he was in a better place mentally, I turned off
the taps and dried him with a fluffy pink towel. He tried to mop up my wet body with a towel
too, but I pushed his hands away, shushing him when he protested.

I pulled the covers back for him when we arrived in my bedroom, and we both crawled into bed,
the two of us wrapped around each other.

"Sleep, honey, just sleep," I whispered. Edward's lips moved against my throat, but I couldn't
hear what he might have said. Only moments later his breath evened out, and I lay awake,
holding him tightly.

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Something was poking me in the feet. It was soft and warm, kind of rounded-feeling. I crinkled
my forehead and burrowed under my pillow further, pulling the comforter snugly around me and
curling my feet under the edge of it. There it was again - it slid down the bottom of my foot from
heel to toe, and this time I felt just the slightest bit of moisture.

What was that? I moaned, cranky that something was interrupting the perfect Sunday morning,
and pushed the heavy blankets over my head.

The masculine chuckle that sounded from the foot of my bed scared the shit out of me. I must
have levitated about a foot into the air as I jumped in fright, looking around the room wildly.
Edward stood naked not three feet from me, a smirk on his face and his dick in his hand,
languidly stroking it. How had he gotten in here? I went to bed alone last night.

As my brain quickly woke up, I decided I didn't care how he'd gotten into my apartment because
he looked good enough to eat. For being ass o'clock in the morning, he looked gorgeous and
amazing. The light coming in through my window threw his features into relief, back-lighting his
red hair to make it look almost as if a fiery halo crowned him. Edward was never an angel
though, and I grinned sleepily up at him.

"Nice wake up call," I murmured, finally remembering I had given him a key to my apartment
last week. "Was that your dick on my foot?"

He shrugged and laughed. "Yeah, so what? You're lucky I didn't just flip you over and fuck you
while you were still asleep."

The two months since Edward and I decided to try things out as a twosome had been surprisingly
good. So good, in fact, I was now having those kinds of feelings toward Edward. It scared the
crap out of me, and Emmett never failed to tease me about it. Last week I had tearfully confessed
to him I was in love with Edward; Em twisted my nipple through my bra and called me a "pussy"
because I was too freaked out to tell Edward, and that's what had led to my giving Edward a key.
It was sort of my way of telling Edward how I felt without actually telling him anything at all.
Emmett made teased me mercilessly about that too, saying I was fucked in the head. We both
knew it was kind of true.

I was a master of avoidance. I wondered if we could date indefinitely, the two of us waking up
together when we were 70 without ever having to tell him I was in love him.

Justin had become a permanent fixture in Emmett's life, and the two of them were ridiculously in
love - and Em didn't have nearly the trouble I did with shouting it from the rooftops. I could
barely stand to be around them sometimes if they were particularly gushing and giggly with the

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joy of each other, although I had to admit I loved seeing it. After Edward got over his initial funk
about being dumped, I invited him to Bob and Barbara's to see Rosalie perform, which didn't
really go over very well. Edward had a bit too much to drink and groped Rosalie's junk through
her red, spangled gown after a performance. Rosalie can handle herself, but Em got all
overprotective. He and Edward nearly came to blows, and there was all this weird sexual tension
between them. For a second I thought they might kiss, which simultaneously turned me on and
pissed me off. Now that Edward and I were together, I didn't want him kissing anyone else...
even if it were Emmett.

It all blew over the next day. Edward apologized to Em and Justin, and that was that. But that
almost-kiss was the reason I wasn't sure I wanted to tell Edward I loved him. I just felt...
confused, and I didn't want to get hurt. Edward and I never talked about the incident because,
true to form, I didn't want to discuss my feelings.

Edward peeled back the down comforter and jumped into bed with me, wrapping himself around
me until our limbs were twisted like pretzels.

"Oh god, Bella, you're so warm!" He nuzzled his nose into my neck and slid his hand down my
back to come to rest on my ass, pulling me against him, his dick deliciously weighty against my
thigh. I shifted so the tip of his cock nudged my clit.

"Mmmm, it's like that, is it?" Edward murmured, his voice amused. He lifted my leg to rest my
knee on his hip, gripped his erection, and ran the head up and down my slit before rolling me on
top of him. I adjusted my position and sank down, reveling in being able to feel all of him. I had
gone on the pill and insisted both of us get STD testing, and I couldn't get enough of feeling his
piercing sliding against me without a barrier.

We both groaned as he filled me, and Edward kept a firm grip on my hips to keep me from

"Jesus fucking Christ, honey," he ground out.

I grasped the headboard and slid myself up his shaft, keeping a strong rhythm. Edward's hands
slipped up to my waist, his fingers soft on my skin; his hips met mine for each stroke. He looked
so damn hot in my bed, the ends of his hair sticking out in all directions on my pillow and his
lips curled up in a half smile.

"I love you," he whispered.

Without even thinking about it, I whispered back. "I love you too, baby."

His eyes popped open, and he stopped all movement. Fuck! Why had I done that? I was trying to
play it cool, give myself a little more time to get used to the idea, instead I just opened a can of
worms I wasn't ready to raise yet. My heart was hammering in my chest.

"You do?" Edward pried my hands off the headboard and pulled me down so we were face to

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face. It occurred to me I hadn't brushed my teeth yet, and my breath probably smelled wretchedly
bad, but Edward didn't give any indication that he was breathing in the fumes of hell. When I
didn't say anything, he let go of my hands and gently cupped my cheek. "Say it a-fucking-gain."

He had the strangest look on his face - half hopeful and half angry, although I couldn't for the life
of me imagine why he'd be pissed off. Emmett told me not to be scared, that I could trust
Edward. So I gathered up my courage and leaned into Edward's hand, his calloused palm rough
against my face.

"I love you, Edward." It was already out there, so I figured it didn't matter if I said it again.

The anger seemed to melt away from him, and the hope morphed into what I swore looked like
joy. He pulled my face down toward his, touching his lips to mine with a gentleness I'd never
seen from Edward before. His kiss was soft and tender as his chin smoothed past mine. My chest
was bursting with both nerves and love, the butterflies in my stomach seeming to all beat their
wings in unison until I was a bundle of stress.

"Why are you so tense?" Edward asked. "This is a good thing. Bella, I love you. I've been in love
with you for months. Why is it so hard to tell me how you feel?"

We were still connected, and I could feel his dick grow harder with each word he spoke. I
wanted to show him how I felt, not talk about it - I didn't want him to know what an idiot I was,
but it didn't seem like he was going to let me get out of this. It was so much harder to talk to
Edward than it was Emmett, quite possibly because I knew that Emmett would always be my
best friend... and nothing real would have ever come of the two of us being together. With
Edward it was different. And even though I really did want a real relationship, and I wanted to be
in love, and I wanted the white picket fence... I was still scared as shit to actually have all those
things. And considering how our relationship started, I wasn't sure if I could.

"Hey, it's okay," he murmured, pushing my hair back from my face. "You can talk to me."

I sighed and sank down onto his chest, hiding my face in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"I... oh, fuck, Edward. I'm just... look, I'm scared, okay?"

"Scared of what, honey? It's just me and you." Edward's hands rubbed a trail down my arms,
soothing up the skin of my back. "I won't hurt you. What's all this really about?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him what I was really concerned about. It would just hurt
his feelings.

Edward rolled me off him and sat up, pulling me to the same position opposite him. He took my

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hand and looked me square in the eyes.

"What is it? If this is ever going to work, you need to talk to me."

I could barely concentrate with him sitting there naked in front of me like that, but now didn't
really seem like a good time to admire his dick and the hard curves of his shoulders. I forced my
eyes back to his and took a deep breath. I could tell him. I had to.

"Edward, do you really love me?"

He looked puzzled and brought my hand to his mouth, rubbing his lips slowly back and forth
over my knuckles before kissing the back of it.

"Yes. I really do. Why?"

"It's just... the first time you told me you love me, you also told Em you loved him too. And I
know you were really hurt when Emmett met Justin. I don't want to be a consolation prize."

Edward started to speak, but I interrupted him. If I was going to get this all out in the open, I had
to keep talking before he said something to distract me.

"We don't have a typical relationship, Edward. I met you because you wanted to fuck me and my
best friend. I feel insecure about that, and I worry that I'm not enough for you. And I love you
and want a future, but I'm not sure that's what you want or what you think a future with me
would look like."

"Are you done now?" he asked gently.

I nodded, lowering my eyes to his knee. Edward slid one hand up my arm and across my jaw line
to tip my head up toward him.

"Bella, what the three of us had was great. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't upset about
Emmett, but you're absolutely not a consolation prize. I loved all of us together as a unit, but I
love you separately. I love you for you. For your heart... not because I think you're a good lay or
because you have a perfect body. I mean, you are and you do, but that's beside the point." He
smiled at me and kissed me sweetly. "I'm not interested in anyone else - just you."

"But you like dick too," I whined. God, I sounded so stupid. "What if you decide you miss
penises and facial hair?"

Edward chuckled. "Are you asking me if I miss having my ass played with?"

When he phrased it like that, it sounded even dumber than it had sounded in my head. I rolled
my eyes and nodded.

"Well, I guess I can buy a strap-on for you if I'm ever feeling the need. And I seem to remember

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you having your fingers on my prostate more than once. I'm not missing anything, honey. I
promise you I'm not. You're more than enough for me. You're everything I want."

"Okay," I said.

He kissed my forehead and twined his fingers into my hair. "Do you believe me?"

I did feel better. "Yeah. I'm sorry for being so..."

"Stupid?" Edward suggested with a grin.

"Yeah, I guess. Sorry." I smiled at him, embarrassed about being insecure about everything.

"Nothing to be sorry for," he answered. "Just love me."

"I do. I do love you."

His eyes softened, and he leaned forward, meeting me in an open-mouthed kiss, his breath hot in
my mouth. I could feel his eyelashes brush against my cheek as I slid my tongue against his, and
I was acutely aware of the way my skin felt electrified when his hand travelled down my
shoulder to rest in the small of my back as he pulled me forward to straddle him.

He was still hard, and my hands seemed to move of their own accord. My fingertips played at his
nipples, then dipped lower to reach between us to position his cock so I could guide him to me.
He leaned back against the headboard and pulled me down, filling me and rocking my hips
against him. Edward's arms circled my waist, his forehead pressed to my shoulder. I brushed my
lips against the side of his neck, sliding the point of my tongue up to his ear to bite the lobe.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear, gratified to hear him catch his breath.

Edward lifted his face toward mine, catching me in a demanding kiss that had me frantically
pressing myself closer to him. I didn't want even a centimeter of air between us. Within seconds,
I felt heat flush through my chest as my orgasm started to build. Edward sucked my bottom lip
into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue before biting it lightly. I moaned his name as the sweet
tension grew.

"I love the way you say my name." The words were rushed, urgent.

"Edward," I cried out again. So close, so close.

His hands tightened on me so hard I thought my ribs might crack, and the next time he pushed
into me I came hard and long. Moments later, Edward followed, a "fuck" forced out between his
teeth as he clenched his eyes shut tightly and pumped into me.

I hugged him tightly, overwhelmed with emotion. I had just made love to the man I loved. And
he knew I loved him. I wanted to stay this way forever, but Edward eventually turned us to lay

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face to face in the bed, tucking the comforter around us both as we clung to each other. I fell
back to sleep eventually, the feeling of his hands smoothing over my back lulling me, and
dreamed of Edward.


The air was a little cooler now, making lunch in Love Park more pleasant. Edward was at a job
interview today; he decided now that the warm weather was waning, it would be a good time to
try to get back to office work. He had stayed overnight and gotten ready with me in the morning.
It was nice to have him there with me, the two of us jockeying for space at the sink while
brushing our teeth, bumping elbows in the kitchen while making our morning coffee. I liked it.

Who the hell was I kidding? I fucking loved it. I wanted his shoes in my closet and our kitchen
appliances to intermingle.

Emmett was late to lunch, which was unusual for him - usually I was the one who ran a few
minutes late. He grinned at me as he threw himself down on the step and kissed my cheek,
grabbing a pair of chopsticks out of the bag he had been carrying and popping open the Chinese
take out box.

"I asked Justin to move in with me," he said just as he took a bite of chow mein.

I pounded him on the shoulder with my fist and bounced up and down from my seat. "Holy crap!
Em, that's so great!"

Em's dimples flashed after he swallowed, and I threw myself at him for a hug, wishing I could be
so brave. All things considered, I'd probably never get up the courage to ask Edward to take that
kind of a step.

"I'm really happy, Bells," he said softly.

My heart swelled with love for him, and I felt stupid for the tears that were in my eyes. This was
a long time coming for him; a lot of men had come and gone in his life, but I'd never seen him so
sweet as when he and Justin were together. Em and I went to see Rosalie at many drag shows
across the city, and it was always the same: Em would sit proudly in the audience and watch her
strut across the stage, her big blonde wig towering above her head as she flirted and sang and
snarked, and then the two of them would nuzzle after the show, teasing me that it finally took a
woman with fake breasts to lure him in. I loved seeing the two of them together, but I loved
seeing Em head over heels in love even more.

"Bitch, please! How are you going to fit all of Rosalie's clothes in your closet?" I asked with a
laugh, falling easily back into our usual banter. "You're going to have to build that man a special
walk-in wardrobe, or move to a bigger apartment!"

Em snorted and pinched my shoulder. "Hell, woman, you've got room - maybe I'll make you let
him store his wigs at your place."

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Just like always, I shamelessly groped his shoulders when I pretended to hit him, and he tickled
me until I yelled "uncle" and promised him he could have whatever he asked for.

"How are things going with Edward, hooker?"

I sighed and grinned.

"Aw, Bells, I'm proud of you! You told our boy you love him, didn't you?"

I nodded and leaned back on my palms. "We talked, and I confessed to being a total schmuck. It
was fine. It was better than fine. It's the epitome of wonderful."


Em knew me better than I knew myself, and over the years he'd developed the uncanny ability to
hone in on my craziness and talk me off whatever stupid ledge I had myself backed up on. I
looked at him and laughed ruefully.

"I'm still not sure I trust all all of this. I keep expecting Edward to lose interest... like I'll wake up
one day, and he'll be making out with some guy on my couch."

"I can tell you until I'm blue in the face that Edward isn't going anywhere, but you won't listen to
me. Did you tell Edward you think he has no self-control?"

I shook my head. "It's not about that."

"It absolutely is about that," Emmett argued. "It's exactly about that. You think because Edward's
bi he can't be faithful, or he can't just commit to one person. I might remind you, dear, you were
also part of that little threesome, and so was I. Do you think I can't just be with one person? And
what about you? I mean, I know you're a hussy and everything." His dimples deepened as he
laughed. "But you can't tell me you think you're incapable of being satisfied with only Edward
now that you've had my anteater in your twat."

When he put it like that, I could see how stupid that sounded. I was being an idiot. I knew I was
being a schmuck, but it didn't help me to dial it back at all.

Emmett rubbed my back soothingly. "I know, I know, it's not in you to relax."

We didn't talk about Edward anymore, but I continued to obsess over the whole thing. Edward
hadn't been anything but trustworthy from the second I met him. He'd done everything he could
to make me happy... bent over backward to comfort me. He'd been telling me he was in love with
me for a while now, and I felt like kind of an asshole for basically accusing him of being a lying
slut. I resolved to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Better now?" Emmett asked with a chuckle.

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I leaned my head against Em's shoulder. "Sort of. Things were so much simpler when it was the
three of us," I joked.

He looked down at me, barked out a sharp laugh, and we both started giggling like idiots.

"Love you, you crazy cunt."

"Love you too, asshole."


"Here we sit and we chatter," Rosalie sang breathily, extending one long arm toward the
audience, the overhead lights bouncing off the red satin of her dress. She looked gorgeous and
very, very tall. "What are we thinking of?"

I thought for just a moment the wig on her head was going to fly off and tumble into the table
just at the front of the stage, but I should have known better. I had seen Rosalie preparing for a
show before - that wig was secured to her head with a battalion of clips, double stick tape, and
about a gallon of special glue.

Rosalie walked closer to the left side of the stage, where Edward, Emmett, and I were sitting, and
wiggled her hips a bit. "Let's not make with the patter. Baby, let's make love." She sang directly
to Emmett, and he blew her a kiss in return, the look in his eye unmistakable.

As I predicted, Emmett's apartment didn't quite hold all of Rosalie's costumes. It had been a joke
when he told me Justin was moving in, but I really did have a few wigs and an entire collection
of size 13 high-heeled shoes in my extra closet. Justin owned more pairs of shoes than I did.

At the end of Rosalie's song, all three of us clapped wildly, and Emmett let out a loud catcall.

Rosalie sauntered out onto the floor of the bar, weaving in between the tables to get to us and
flashing her radiant smile at other patrons who called out to her. Skirting around a table full of
frat guys, Rosalie finally tucked herself into Emmett's side and kissed him on the cheek, leaving
a perfectly-shaped lipstick kiss behind. Emmett pushed his chair back from the table and
balanced Rosalie on his knee.

"Great show, sweetie," Emmett yelled over the noise of the crowd.

"Thanks, honey," Rosalie cooed.

I grinned and took a sip of my beer. I loved the two of them together - it was so great to see them

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interact. Edward laughed too, and he squeezed my thigh before leaning over to playfully kiss my

"So, we have some news," Rosalie said, toying with Emmett's ear. "We're getting married!"

Excited beyond belief, I jumped out of my seat and embraced them both, asking all the pertinent
questions. Same sex marriage wasn't legal in Pennsylvania yet, and I knew Jersey allowed civil
unions. Edward shook hands with both Rosalie and Justin, and that struck me as odd, all things
considered, but it was almost sweet.

"We're going to get hitched in Massachusetts," Emmett said.

"My parents live just outside Boston," Rosalie added. "We're going to have the wedding in the

The night passed quickly as we discussed the details. They were opting to do it soon, just two
months away, but it sounded as if Justin's mother had taken control of the situation and was
making all the arrangements. Finally, I yawned and stood.

"We have to go - we both work in the morning," I said with a grin. Not that Emmett didn't have
to work too, but he seemed to be able to function on less sleep than anyone I'd ever met. Edward
led me from the bar with his hand in the small of my back, his thumb brushing over my spine.

I felt good. Things with Edward were great; we were getting along really well, and every day he
did something to make me love him a little more. Sometimes it was as simple as him calling me
in the morning to say hello, but when he did it I felt really special. He was now back to working
as a fundraiser - he had gotten an offer at a nonprofit focused on animal rights. He still helped
out on weekend construction jobs when the crew was short.

Just as we were about the leave the bar, a really hot blond man called out, "Edward!" and kissed
him on the cheek.

"Hey, Jasper," Edward said with a grin. "It's good to see you. What are you doing here?"

"My sister lives down the street..." They continued catching up, but Edward didn't make any
attempt to introduce me. I just stood there, shifting from foot to foot, noticing the way Edward's
friend would touch his shoulder and the way he eyefucked my boyfriend. I didn't like it... not one
bit. I studied Edward for his reaction for some sign he was flirting back, but he was naturally
flirtatious, and I couldn't tell if he was hitting on this guy or just being friendly. I didn't like the
way Jasper kept touching Edward's arm, and I definitely didn't like the way Edward seemed to
lean into the guy. The whole thing pissed me off. It was as if I was invisible, and I was irritated
about it.

Each moment that passed had my head twisting more and more. I was sure there was something
going on more than just Edward saying hello to an old friend, and even though I was trying to
keep thinking about the conversations I'd had with Emmett about my insecurities and jealousy, I

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couldn't help but immediately jump to the most extreme conclusions.

Edward finally ended his conversation, and I just turned without a word and walked out of the
bar. The air was crisp and cold, the smell of snow in the air. I angrily pulled on my mittens and
hailed a cab. After Edward slid into the backseat next to me, he threw his arm around my
shoulder and kissed my ear. The stony expression on my face was likely enough to give me
away, but Edward acted as if I weren't sitting there seething, getting madder and madder with
each passing second.

My arms were crossed over my chest, and I refused to look at him. Maybe I was overreacting,
but I didn't like it that he could so easily forget I was even there. Was he embarrassed of me?
Was this Jasper guy someone he was interested in? The cab pulled over next to my apartment
building, and I paid the driver and practically vaulted out of the cab before Edward even had
time to react. He followed me to the door of my building and paused as I furiously jammed the
passcode into the lock box.

"Is something wrong?" Edward asked cautiously.

"No." Fuck him. I wasn't going to tell him I was mad. Let him figure it out for himself. Maybe he
could hang out and feel unsure of himself for a while. I pushed the door open and stomped
through the lobby to the elevators, not even looking back to see if he followed me in. He must
have though, because a second later I could feel his presence next to me. He cleared his throat,
and I was sure he was going to say something, but the elevator dinged, the doors opening with a

Inside the elevator, the air was thick with tension. I looked straight ahead, noting the scowl on
my face reflecting in the shiny doors. Edward stood next to me, his discomfort apparent in the
awkward way he positioned himself - just behind me and slightly angled toward my body, his
hands moving toward me and then falling back to his sides. I continued to ignore him, fighting
the urge to just turn around and kick him in the balls as hard as I could.

The elevator opened, and I nearly sprinted to my door. Edward was at my heels as I unlocked the
door and threw it open so hard it banged against the wall behind it. I tossed down my keys and
wallet in disgust and tossed my jacket and mittens on the couch carelessly.

"Bella, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I was sulking now, pouting like a little kid, but I didn't care. He was
probably thinking right this instant about leaving and heading back to the bar so he could find his
precious Jasper for a hook up. I hurled myself down on the couch and grabbed a pillow to hold
tightly to my chest. He was going to leave me for someone with a penis.

He sat down next to me, and I immediately got up and marched into the bathroom, slamming the
door shut behind me. My face in the mirror was scary - I was red as a beet, my eyes narrowed
into slits, and my jaw was clenched tightly. I could practically see the steam coming out my ears;
my anger wasn't exactly well-hidden. Closing my eyes against the irate woman in the mirror, I

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heaved a sigh and sat down on the commode lid.

The knock on the door was loud and startling. Why couldn't he just leave?

"What?" I called bluntly.

"Open the door, Bella."

There was no escape, so I just flung the door open and grabbed my toothbrush. Edward plucked
the toothbrush out of my hand and threw it across the small room; it landed with a clunk in the
bottom of the bathtub, and I rolled my eyes before brushing past him back out into the living
room. He had grasped me by the shoulders and spun me around before I could heave another

"Why are you being like this?" he yelled, obviously frustrated.

I'd had enough of wallowing in silence. I jerked out of his grip and glared at him. "If you want to
go back to the bar and fuck Jasper, go ahead. Just get out."

His eyebrows shot up, and his face went from angry to confused to livid in the space of only a
few seconds. "What the hell are you talking about?" he spat.

"You! You're clearly into that guy Jasper. He starts feeling you up in the bar, and you completely
forget I'm even there."

"What? Have you lost your damn mind?" He ran his hands through his hair, leaving it sticking
straight up. If I wouldn't have been so mad, I would have thought it was cute.

I poked him in the shoulder and yelled, "Don't play stupid! You didn't introduce me or even
acknowledge me. You were obviously attracted to him."

"Well, so what if I was?" Edward pursed his lips and smirked at me.


I stood there, vibrating with rage and clenching my fists.

"Get out." I stalked over to the door and opened it, pointing into the hallway. He followed me
and wrenched the door out of my hand before slamming it shut.

"What are you so afraid of?" he hissed at me.

"What are you still doing here?" I yelled, throwing my hands up. "You obviously want to be
somewhere else."

He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me before bringing his face close to mine. His breath

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was hot on my face as he rasped out, "You don't think I want you? Fuck you!" And then his lips
were on mine, kissing me ferociously and digging his fingers into my shoulders.

I pushed him off me, intending to kick his ass for daring to touch me, but the moment I saw his
blazing eyes I completely forgot why I was so mad. He just looked so feral... and hot. I fisted my
hand into his shirt and pulled him roughly toward me, our chins bumping painfully as we crashed
into each other. My hands scrabbled to push his shirt up and over his head, raking my nails down
his back after I had thrown it to the floor.

Edward walked me backwards until I was sandwiched between him and the wall, our bodies
pressed so closely together not even air could fit between. We were both panting, and I started
worrying I might hyperventilate.

"Why are you being such a bitch?" he growled at me as he yanked my underwear down my legs
and pushed my skirt up above my waist, palming my ass.

"Because you're an asshole," I answered before taking a sharp bite at his shoulder. Edward didn't
bother to answer, instead choosing to almost tear his pants off. As usual, he was going
commando, and that was still so hot to me my nipples immediately tightened.

"You treated me like I wasn't even there," I continued in between rough kisses to his neck. I
really was still hurt and mad, so I sucked at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, determined to
leave my mark on him. If he wanted to be with someone else, he wouldn't be able to hide my
existence with a hickey.

The buttons on my shirt went ricocheting across the room as Edward tore my shirt open with a
grunt. He flicked the front hook of my bra, releasing my breasts. His mouth was on one of my
nipples in a second, sucking and biting fiercely, at the same time he sank his fingers into me. I
arched my back and moaned, grabbing his hair and tugging hard.

Why didn't he want me? Why? Under the circumstances, it seemed as if he did... but he had just
admitted to me he wanted Jasper too. Was he going to leave me for dick? Was he going to ask
me to be part of another threesome? The thing with Edward and Emmett was a one time thing.
Well, not a one time thing, exactly, but a once in a lifetime situation. I wasn't interested in it

Edward pulled me back toward my couch and perched on the arm, urging me up to straddle him.
We fought and scratched at each other until I sank down onto his cock; we both sighed then and
settled down slightly, but not enough to ease the anger in both of us.

I clutched at his back and muttered, "Why can't I be enough for you?"

"Jesus fucking christ, Bella," he moaned out, helping to guide our movements. He felt so fucking
good, but my heart felt like it was breaking. "Let it go. It was nothing."

"It was nothing? Did you fuck him?"

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Edward sucked on my bottom lip and pushed his tongue into my mouth, probing and tasting,
while teasing my clit with his thumb. The tang of beer was still strong, and it disgusted me. I
wanted to hurt him. He fucked Jasper.

"Yes," he answered, although it was hardly necessary. I wanted to cry or scream, but my body
was too caught up in the mounting orgasm gripping it. It was as if my mind simply wasn't
attached. Edward stood and twirled us so he was pressing my back into the couch cushions. He
slammed into me several times, muttering obscenities as he closed his eyes.

"It was three years ago. Fuck, Bella, why does it matter? I love you."

Those words snapped me back into myself, and the hot tears rolled my down the side of my face,
soaking the hair at my temples and pooling in my ears. I went limp, no chance of coming now. I
was wrecked. Edward pushed into me one last time, and I felt him release inside of me. That was
it. The tears turned to sobs; his eyes popped open so quickly it would have been comical if I
wasn't so upset.

He immediately started running his hands over me, looking for where I was hurt. I couldn't catch
my breath long enough to tell him I was only broken on the inside. How could he tell me he
loved me while thinking about fucking Jasper?

"Baby, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He was frantic, pulling out of me and cradling me in his
lap seemingly in one movement.

I just couldn't stop crying. Edward kept patting my hair, whispering things I couldn't understand
into the top of my head.

After I calmed enough to take several deep breaths, I wailed, "Please don't leave me!"

His face got confused, and he turned me toward him more and laid his hand against my cheek,
wiping some of the tears away with his thumb.

"Why would I leave you, honey?" The tone of his voice, so gentle and sweet, gutted me all over
again, but at least I was able to keep myself from gut-wrenching torrents of tears again. "I love

I sniffled and wiped the snot from under my nose with the back of my hand. "But I'm not enough
for you. You're attracted to Jasper. You want to fuck him, and maybe you want to fuck us
together, I don't know. But I'm not enough for you all by myself."

"How can you think that?" He kissed my forehead, rubbing his hands over my back.

"I stood there. I just stood there and waited for you to introduce me, to tell him I'm your
girlfriend or whatever. And he kept touching you, and you did that thing where you lean into his
hand, and I just stood there. You didn't... you didn't do anything. I just stood there. And so did

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"Oh, baby, no," he said, pulling me in for the softest hug. "It wasn't like that. Jasper is someone I
saw a long time ago, and he's not important enough to me. You... you're everything. I don't want
to share you with just anyone. He's no one, and you're the most important person in my world. I
love you."

"I love you too." I felt better, but I still felt like an idiot. I had jumped to conclusions and it was
making me feel... icky, even though I was still convinced Edward would always need more than
just me to make him happy.

"Bella, are we okay?"

I nodded and curled myself tighter against his chest. "I'm sorry, Edward. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, baby, but you're going to have to start trusting me. You just assumed the worst about
me and didn't trust me enough to tell me you were upset. The hot, angry sex was nice," The
corner of his mouth was turned up when I lifted my head to look at him, "but let's have it because
we fight over what movie to see, not because you don't trust I can love you enough. We've been
over this. I just want you."

I was an ass. Love - or at least being in love with Edward - had turned me into a card-carrying
moron. I was love's bitch, and it was next to impossible for me to think rationally. I wanted to
feel secure in his love and commitment, but it was just so hard.

"What can I do to make you understand?" He was frustrated, and I couldn't blame him. I had just
thrown a ridiculous, melodramatic hissy fit. Emmett would be disappointed I'd let my self-doubt
and distrust of Edward get out of hand... again... and I was disappointed in myself.
Edward carried me to bed and slid me under the covers, crawling in next to me. I fell asleep with
his body curled around mine, his arm slung firmly across my waist.


Something was tickling my nose. I sleepily brushed at it, knocking a wisp of hair away from my
face. I reached back, but Edward wasn't in bed anymore. It was still dark, and I thought maybe it
was morning, and the alarm just hadn't gone off yet. The numbers on the clock slowly came into
focus. 4:31. My forehead scrunched up in confusion, and I slowly sat up, listening to the sounds
of the apartment.

Soft murmurs came from the outside my bedroom door. I quietly slipped out of bed and cracked
the door, thinking perhaps Edward was watching television. The moonlight from the window
illuminated his bare back sitting on the couch with his phone to his ear. I could barely make out
the words.

"Yeah, Jasper... no... I was going to ask her, but she freaked out... I don't know... I'll try to bring
it up again... she's fucking amazing... Jas, you know I want to..."

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My eyes widened. Was he talking about me? Why was he talking to Jasper at four in the

That's when the moaning started. "Oh, fuck yeah, Jasper. I can't wait to have your dick in my


"He said what?" Emmett's voice went up several octaves, and Justin just looked flabbergasted.

I sniffled and rested my head on Em's shoulder. I was sandwiched between him and Justin on
their bed – I had fled to their apartment after Edward left. Justin sleepily answered the door in
blue flannel pants with white ducks all over them. If I hadn't been sobbing uncontrollably, I
would have teased him about them.

Justin had totally panicked at the sight of me dripping snot and tears, my chest heaving. I was
crying so hard I could barely catch my breath, and he had yanked me into the apartment by my
arm, yelling for Emmett like the building was on fire. I was like the victim of a horrible natural
disaster – Justin wrapped me in a blanket and led me to the couch, asking me if I needed medical
attention or tea while he cuddled me gently, as if I was some volatile time bomb that could go off
at the slightest movement. Em had come staggering out of the bedroom at a half run and froze
when he saw me on the couch having a breakdown in Justin's arms.

After determining I wasn't in any immediate danger of dying and no one else had died, Em and
Justin led me to their bed and settled me in the middle, hugging me and patting my hair. I started
laughing hysterically, still crying, at the thought that this is how the whole mess started in the
first place – me in between two hot men – and then I started crying even harder.

Both of them wrapped their arms around me, hugging me tightly, until I calmed down enough to
get the story out.

"I knew something was up, I knew it!" I wailed after I spilled my guts.

"So… what happened then?" Justin asked, soothing my hair behind my ear. I'm sure this was
better than a soap opera.

"W- w- well," My breath caught in my throat again, so I counted to ten in my head until I could
control myself, "I wasn't really thinking, so I, uh, picked the lamp up off the end table and th- th-
threw it at his head."

Both Justin and Em started chuckling, and Em gave me a squeeze. "Good for you, honey! I

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assume his dead body isn't lying in your apartment, right?" The amusement was evident in his
voice, but I wasn't quite seeing the humor in the situation yet.

"It just b-b-bounced off his head and broke all over the fl-fl-floor," I answered. "And then he just
h-h-hung up the phone without another word and started sputtering, telling me it… wasn't what I

Yeah, it wasn't what I thought, all right. And it was exactly what I thought. Edward had tried to
grab my arms again – like he was going to be able to kiss me and make me forget what I heard -
but I wouldn't let him near me, putting the couch between us. Hearing him say those words on
the phone after telling me he loved me and didn't want to share me had changed something in
me. Where just a few hours ago I had been willing to let my anger and suspicions go when
Edward touched me, now the idea of him laying a finger on me made my skin crawl.

I knew Edward was talking, probably telling me more lies, but I didn't want to hear it. I screamed
at him, told him he was a liar and a cheater. With every word that tore out of me, my heart hurt
more and more. And the more I thought about it – the knowledge he had to have had a
conversation with Jasper about the possibility of the three of us having sex, that maybe he'd been
cheating on me with Jasper (he'd definitely been cheating at least mentally; he'd been having
phone sex with the guy already right there on my couch) and putting me in danger since we were
no longer using condoms, that he thought so little of me he decided maybe I'd be okay with him
passing me around to his friends - the more pissed off I got. The fury whipped around in my head
until all I could see was red. And I wasn't talking about metaphorical red, either – everything I
looked at took on a red tinge, almost as if my eyes were covered in crimson-hued Vaseline. I was
irate, mad enough to kill.

I started throwing anything within my arm's reach in Edward's direction… shoes, keys, pillows,
my cell phone. The glass paperweight my dad had given me for Christmas one year hit him right
between the eyes, stunning him for a second. He was dressed only in his jeans as I continued my
assault, shrieking at him and crying, cursing his very existence.

He had lied to me. He lied to my face. He had been carrying on with some stranger behind my
back. Scheming and planning. It was disgusting. I was disgusted with him and myself for ever
believing him in the first place.

It was in that moment my self-preservation instincts took over, and an eerie calm descended over
me. The tears and yelling stopped immediately. I dropped the vase in my hand, but I barely heard
it shatter on the ground beside me. Edward's lips continued to move, but all I could hear was the
voice in my head chanting, Get him out of your house, get him out of your life.

He was poison to me.

I raised my arm and convulsively pointed my finger toward the front door. "Get out," I
demanded, my voice low, hard, and gratifyingly steady. "Get your fucking clothes, take your
fucking shoes, and get the fuck out of my apartment."

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Edward froze in place, his eyes widening. Maybe it was my tone or the pause in the objects being
thrown at him. Hell, maybe it was even my face – no doubt I looked as if my head might lift off
and twirl on my shoulders. Whatever it was, he stopped trying to explain and practically dove at
his clothes and shoes on the floor in his haste to obey me.

As he was heading toward the door, I called out, "Edward."

He turned toward me, a hopeful look on his face.

"Leave your key."

Edward slid the key off his key ring and laid it on the table before opening the door quietly, still
clad only in his jeans, and I kicked the door shut behind him, flipping the knob lock and deadbolt
before sliding the chain into place. The ringing silence in my apartment was incredibly loud in
my ears as I stood there staring at the door, wondering when the pain would come back, hoping I
had miraculously gone directly from crying to indifference.

Moments later though, I sprinted to the bathroom and heaved everything in my stomach loudly
into the toilet, the tears running down my face. I had spent months with Edward thinking we
were exclusive, thinking he loved me. Even though I had always doubted I could be enough to
hold him, I believed he loved me. If he had been screwing Jasper, who knew how many others
there might have been.

Em told me I could trust Edward, but he had been wrong. I wanted to scream at him and hit him
for making me believe Edward was telling me the truth. I wiped my mouth, quickly brushing my
teeth and throwing on some clothes before stomping to the door. I peeked out into the hallway to
make sure Edward had really gone and took off down the hall toward Em's apartment, intent on
tearing him a new asshole. Of course, by the time I got there I was an emotional wreck again,
knowing Emmett hadn't intended for me to get hurt – he only wanted me to be as happy as he
was, and he thought Edward could be that for me. It wasn't his fault Edward turned out to be a

By the time Justin opened the door for me, I had been in a sobbing, tear-soaked wreck.

After telling Justin and Emmett the rest of the story, they just laid there with me quietly. Finally,
Emmett cleared his throat.

"I know a guy, Bells. I can have Edward dead and at the bottom of the Delaware River within an

I hiccupped and laughed, Justin joining me. The small laugh became a chuckle, which then
became a full belly laugh in moments, and before I knew it, all three of us were laughing so hard
we were crying, writhing together in the bed. Emmett started doing his best Sopranos
impression, and Justin laughed so hard he farted, which made us all laugh even harder.

Finally, I snorted and regained control, poking Em in the shoulder with my finger. "I can't

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believe I felt sorry for him after you dumped us for Justin."

Justin barked out a short laugh from behind me and teased, "I can't believe you ever ended up
fucking the two of them anyway, Bella. You're too pristine and good for those two. Of course, I
can't blame 'em – you're hot, sugar buns. I'd have gotten in on that action too."

I elbowed Justin in the ribs. "Shut up, Rosalie. I'm not into chicks."

Emmett shuddered melodramatically. "Yeah, me neither," he deadpanned and rolled his eyes
before leaning over to kiss Justin over my shoulder.

"You guys are making me sick," I said, smirking. "Aren't you supposed to be soothing my
broken heart or something? Emmett, I believe you said you knew a guy?"


There was no way I could go to work – I managed to joke around for a few minutes in between
crying jags, but appearing in public for extended periods was out of the question, so Emmett
called my assistant to tell her I had a really bad stomach flu and wouldn't be in. And then he and
Justin both took the day off from work too; I was overwhelmingly grateful, because I didn't want
to be alone.

While Emmett was puttering around in the kitchen making coffee, Justin stayed with me in bed.
I'd spent a lot of time with Justin over the last several months, but we'd never really had a lot of
time alone. I snuggled into his side, and he kissed the top of my head.

"Justin, what did you think of Edward?" I asked quietly.

"Well… look, Bella, I don't want to… uh, okay. I never really like him, but I never said anything
to you because it didn't seem like my place. Emmett really did think Edward was good for you,
and he thought Edward was a good guy – he would have never encouraged you to trust him
otherwise. But I think Emmett was a little too close to the situation and didn't see things very

"You should have said something to me."

His arms tightened around me. "I know. I'm sorry."

Would it have mattered if Justin would have told me he didn't like Edward? I didn't know, and it
didn't matter anymore.



"Have you always known you were gay?"

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I hoped he wouldn't take offense to my nosy question, but he just laughed softly.

"Well, I was always attracted to boys, even when I was little, but I was also attracted to girls. I
wanted to be normal, though… whatever normal means. So I only dated girls until after I
graduated from high school."

"Are you still attracted to women?"

"Yeah. I doubt that'll ever go away. What are you really asking?"

I squirmed and wrinkled my nose. I felt like a total jerk for even thinking the thing I was about to
ask, but I felt like I needed to. "So, you're bisexual. Does that mean you won't be able to stay
faithful to Emmett? I mean, will you wake up one day and decide you miss hoohas?"

Justin pushed me away and pulled me around to look directly into my face. He was smiling
gently, but his tone was serious.

"Not every guy is like Edward, Bella. I am definitely not like Edward. I love Em with all my
heart; he's going to my husband. Making a commitment like that means everything to me. Now, I
think you're beautiful and sexy, but I'm not interested in cheating on Emmett with you. I'm
Emmett's, and that's the end of it."

"Good answer." I grinned sheepishly and threw my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Seriously, Bella. Sexuality has nothing to do with what kind of person you are, and I think you
know that." Justin hugged me back and maneuvered me to sit next to him again against the
headboard. Emmett and I had a similar conversation months ago, but somehow it seemed to
resonate more out of Justin's mouth… maybe because Em and I had been friends for so long.

I sighed and grabbed his hand. "I do know that, but I must admit I'm all fucked up. I really liked
Edward. I thought I loved him… and I just don't trust my judgment right now, and I'm looking
for any excuse."

"There's no excuse for being a dickhead, honey," Justin said, tickling me.

I batted his hands away and laughed.

Emmett walked back into the bedroom with a tray of coffee and some muffins, set it down on the
bed, and carefully sat down next to Justin, passing him a mug. He kissed me on the cheek and
placed a warm mug in my hands before taking a sip of his own coffee and lying across the end of
the bed.

"So… what do you want to do today?" he asked.

"I don't know," I answered. "I don't really want to do anything except sleep."

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"Well, drink your coffee, and then we'll let you sleep, okay? Do you want either one of us to stay
with you? Do you want to be alone, Cunty McFartface?" Emmett laughed and gripped my ankle,
shaking my leg gently.

I grinned and threw a muffin at his head, which he easily caught and took a bite out of before
tossing it back at me.

"I'm okay to sleep by myself if you guys have something to do." I wasn't actually sure I wanted
to be alone, but I didn't want to insist they stay with me, either.

"Your apartment must be a mess," Justin said. "You said at least a vase and a lamp broke, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, why don't you sleep? Emmett will stay in case you need anything, and I'll go clean up
your apartment. Is that okay?" he asked.

It was the sweetest thing he could have done for me, and tears were in my eyes before I could
stop them. I was having wild mood swings, going from angry to sad to semi-okay in the space of
minutes, but I couldn't seem to help myself. I was exhausted and confused and sad.

As I sobbed into Emmett's t-shirt (again), he told Justin where to find the spare apartment key I
kept here for emergencies. Justin patted my back and slid out of bed. I heard drawers opening
and closing and then the sound of the bedroom door.

I continued to bawl, and Emmett cradled me in his lap, rocking me back and forth.

"I love you, Swan."

"Thanks, bitch," I said, laughing weakly as I wiped my nose on his shirt. "I love you too."

"Did you just wipe your snotty nose on me?" he asked incredulously.

"Yeah." I was so tired I didn't care, but I at least had the grace to apologize. "Sorry, Em."

"Oh, shut up," he laughed. "Go to sleep. I need to go disinfect my shirt and take a shower. Are
you going to be okay?"

"Wuss," I teased, wiping my eyes with my fingertips. "What are a few bodily fluids between

He slid out of bed and threw a pillow at me. "How many times do I have to tell you? No pity
fucks!" His dimples deepened as he smiled before skirting around the bed.

I snorted and threw the pillow back at him. "Bitch, please, you can keep your pity fuck. I'm done

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with men." I laid my head down on the pillow and fell asleep within seconds.


My dreams were unsettling, although I didn't remember what I dreamt… I only knew tears were
rolling down my face as I slowly woke in Justin and Emmett's bed. As I wiped the moisture and
sleep from my eyes, I realized there were loud voices coming from the outside the bedroom. I lay
in bed and tried to figure out if I was really awake or just dreaming again.

"How could you? She trusted you!" Justin's voice was angry, and it sounded weird to me – I'd
never heard him yell before.

"I'm telling you I didn't cheat on her!" That was Edward. I bolted upright in bed, positive I wasn't

"Oh really?" Emmett said sarcastically. "From what she told me, she heard you tell that guy you
saw at the bar last night you wanted to suck his dick, and it sounded like you had already planned
a threesome with the two of you and Bella. You're an asshole."

There was mumbling, and then I heard Emmett say, "I don't care. Look, you knew Bella was
insecure about you. You knew it. And you totally manipulated her. You lied to her."

"I love her!" Edward shouted. My tears started up again, warm and humiliating. I felt like the
biggest ass.

"That's not love, Edward," Justin said loudly. "You only love yourself."

There were more low voices, and then Emmett was yelling. "Fuck you, Edward! Don't come near
her again. She's done with you!"

I didn't need Emmett to fight my battles for me, and I was getting enraged again just listening to
this crap. I threw the covers off my legs and marched out of the bedroom.

Edward caught sight of me and extended his arms, moving toward me. Emmett stepped in front
of him to keep him from getting anywhere near me, and Justin visibly stiffened.

"What are you doing here, Edward?" My voice sounded flat, even to me.

"Don't end this, Bella. I know we can work this out!" Edward tried to push his way around
Emmett, but that was like trying to push a brick wall out of the way.

"Oh, really? Okay, so tell me – did I just imagine you talking to the guy you said wasn't
about trying to talk me into a threesome? And then did I imagine you have phone sex
on my couch?"

"It wasn't like that!" he cried.

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"Uh huh. So, what was it like?" I folded my arms over my chest and stared at him, noting the
smug smirk on Justin's face.

Edward stuttered for a moment and said, "You have to understand, Bella… I hadn't seen Jasper
in a long time, and –"

"Don't insult my intelligence, Edward," I interrupted. "I may have been dickmatized, but those
times are over."

Justin chortled, and Edward whipped around to face him. "What the fuck are you laughing at?"
he spat out, taking a step toward him.

Before I could even blink, Emmett was standing over Edward after hitting him in the jaw, and
Edward was on the ground.

"Don't," Emmett said from between clenched teeth, "ever even think about threatening my
fiancé, and stay the fuck away from Bella."

Two seconds later, Emmett was throwing Edward out the door.

There was a moment of tense silence, and then Justin was laughing again.

"Well, that was… entertaining," he said while cackling maniacally.

It wasn't even noon yet, and I had caught my boyfriend cheating on me, trashed my own
apartment, broken up with him, invaded my best friend's apartment, and watched my best friend
punch my ex-boyfriend. I shook my head, sure the day was probably only to get worse.

"I'm going back to bed," I said, giggling inappropriately under the circumstances, and turned
back around toward the bedroom.


January turned into February and then March in the blink of an eye. Edward called a lot and sent
flowers to me at work and home, but as time passed it became less and less, although he never
really gave up all together. Sometimes I'd get calls from him late at night, trashed out of his mind
and begging me for forgiveness. I always hung up without a word.

I walked out of my office to meet Emmett for sushi at the restaurant down the street. The air was
crisp and cool but held the promise of warmer days. Emmett and Justin were getting married in a
few days, and I was going to serve as both the Best Man and Maid of Honor, something I was

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thrilled about. The bright sunlight beat down on my face, and I closed my eyes for just a second
to enjoy the heat. When I opened them Edward was standing right in front of me, his hands
jammed into his pockets.

I hadn't seen him in months. He looked the same, which is to say he looked gorgeous. His hair
was a little shorter, and a week's worth of stubble covered his chin. As hot as he was, the only
thing I could feel when I looked at him was revulsion.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice flat and emotionless.

The last two months had given me an extreme level of clarity – it was obvious now my
relationship with Edward had been a very bad idea from the start. When it had been Emmett and
Edward together, I could compartmentalize. I knew it had been about sex and nothing to do with
emotion for me. The second Em had taken himself out of the equation, everything bounced out
of whack, and it was much harder for me to separate the sex and my need for emotional
closeness. Throw in the amazing sex and the raw chemistry between Edward and me, and it was
amazing I hadn't forgiven him and done what he wanted with Jasper. If Em and Justin hadn't
been there for me after the break up, I'm not sure I could have been strong enough or clear
enough to say no.

"I just wanted to see you," he said, giving me a look that would have turned my knees to jelly a
few months ago. Now I understood it for what it was – he was using his looks to try to get what
he wanted.

"Well, you've seen me. Excuse me, I have an appointment." I brushed past him, our shoulders
touching for just a moment. Even the inexplicable heat between us was gone now. The larger
part of me was happy, victorious even, but there was some small part of me that was sad, almost
as if I was mourning the last small part of me that wanted Edward to turn out to be a good guy.

I could feel his piercing eyes on me, and his footsteps behind me sounded loud in my ears. I
whirled around, my eyes narrowed into a stony glare.

"Edward, really. What can you possibly have to say that hasn't already been said? It's over. It's
been over. Move on."

Tears twinkled in Edward's green eyes, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing harshly. It was
ridiculous. He was an idiot if he thought I would fall for this shit.

"Save it. That doesn't work on me."

"Bella, please," Edward pleaded. "I love you!"

"You don't love me, and you never did," I said as calmly as I could. "And what we had together
wasn't love – it was lust and hormones and stupidity. Leave me alone."

"I never meant to hurt you," he whispered, a single tear gliding down the smooth plane of his

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I rolled my eyes and walked away. This time he didn't follow, and as I walked down the street
my back straightened, and I held my head a little higher, because for the first time in months I
really felt like it was over. I was still bitter and pissed off at myself for ever getting myself into
the situation in the first place, but Em was fond of telling me it was better to have loved and lost
then to never have loved at all. And in response, I was fond of trying to twist his nipple off and
threatening to circumcise him if he said it again.

Being a spinster didn't sound too bad to me at this point. I wasn't even 30 yet, but I was relatively
sure I was defective in some way – my longest relationship to date had been with gay best friend
and a sociopath. My track record was not good, and I didn't relish the idea of trying again. When
Justin and Emmett eventually bought a house in the suburbs, I thought maybe I could move in
next door or into some cottage out back and be their perpetually single, fun gal pal who gets
them involved in wacky adventures ending in canned sitcom applause.

Yeah, or maybe I could just buy a few cats and take up taxidermy.

Em was waiting for me at the restaurant, looking handsome as usual. He kissed me on the cheek
and held the door open for me, guiding me inside until we stood at the hostess desk.

"You look kind of scary, Swan. What's up?"

I looked up at him and grinned. "Am I that transparent? I just ran into Edward outside my

"Is he stalking you? Do I need to have words with him? I know a guy, you know." I laughed and
slapped his shoulder.

"Nah. I'm hoping this was his last hurrah. Whatever. It was fine. And I'm fine."

Emmett gave me a skeptical look but didn't say anything, instead choosing to go over more
wedding details with me. Justin's mother – her name was Elizabeth – had everything well in
hand, but we had been chatting over the phone for a few weeks, and I was looking forward to
arriving at her house to help her with last minute things. I was taking both Justin and Em to pick
up their tuxedos, and I had helped each of them write their vows. I was the only one who knew
the full extent of what they were going to say to each other, and just thinking about it made me
all weepy and schmoopy.

My only other duty before we left for Massachusetts was to pick up the rings at the jeweler. They
had chosen very simple platinum bands. I was a secret keeper there, too – Justin had asked the
jeweler to engrave "Always yours" on the inside of Em's ring, and Em had requested "I love you.
–e" to be engraved on the inside of Justin's.

Emmett insisted on walking me back to work, and while he denied it, I think he might have been
worried Edward was still lurking. I'd told him a million times there was no chance in hell I'd let

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Edward weasel his way back into my life, but he was still concerned. I know he wasn't looking
for a fight or anything – and Justin would have killed me if I allowed Em to do anything, just in
case it ruined the wedding photos – but he was being overly cautious.

The rest of my last day in the office before the wedding went quickly, and I bid my assistant
farewell before I left work and took the El to pick up the rings. I walked the rest of the way to
my apartment building, stopping to grab my dress from the cleaners. The weather seemed almost
warm in Philadelphia, but I knew it would be chillier at Justin's parents' house. Elizabeth had
ordered tents and heaters, so it wouldn't be a problem.

An envelope was shoved under my door when I arrived home. I dropped my keys and coat on the
couch before stooping to pick it up and flopped on my couch. Edward's messy handwriting
spelled out my name. I had talked to the superintendent about changing the code at the front door
and putting out a notice to the building occupants about not letting strangers into the building,
but somehow Edward still managed to get in. I slid the note card out and flipped it open.

Dear Bella,

I tried to see you today, but you won't listen to me. I'm sorry for everything. I know that doesn't
make up for what I did and what happened, but I am. Sorry, that is.

You won't see me again, and I promise not to try to contact you. I'm moving to Texas. It will be
as if I never existed.

Please know I love you, despite what you think. I wouldn't trade even a second of us for anything
in the world.

All my love,


I was relieved to know he was moving away and I'd never have to see him again, and coupled
with our encounter earlier that day, it gave me hope all of this was finally truly over. I didn't
believe a word he said about loving me, but I didn't have any trouble at all believing he was
leaving. I wanted so desperately for it to be true.

Like every other note he'd sent me, I put this one through the shredder and felt an air of finality
that made me smile. I spent the rest of the night packing for the flight to Massachusetts the next
morning and sleep, when it came, was restful and sweet.


"Emmett and Justin have chosen to write their own vows to join them together in love. Justin?"
The minister was a friend of Justin's mother, and she was just perfect for the wedding – a little
bit funny and incredibly sweet.

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I braced myself for what I knew was coming. I starting sniffling as I handed Justin Emmett's
ring, glad I had thought to hide a handkerchief in the bouquet of purple Calla Lilies.

Justin positioned the ring on Em's finger and said. "I, Justin Todd Cullen, take you, Emmett
Michael McCarty, to be my husband, my partner in crime, and my one true love. I will cherish
every day with you and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and
respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad,
regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love,
from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

He slid the ring onto Em's finger and kissed his knuckles.

I laid Justin's ring in Em's palm and smiled up at him. He looked so happy, and in that moment I
had never been more thrilled for him.

He put the ring on Justin's fingertip and cleared his throat. "I, Emmett Michael McCarty, choose
you, Justin Todd Cullen… and Rosalie too… to be my husband. I promise to love you always,
and I will always split the difference on the thermostat temperature." A few people in the chairs
behind us laughed and tittered. "I take you for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in
sickness and in health, 'till death do us part. And even then I promise to haunt you from the
beyond. I love you."

Emmett's concluding vows were met with laughs and clapping. The minister took both their
hands in hers and joined them together in front of her.

Smiling broadly, she said, "Excellent! By the power vested in me by the state of Massachusetts, I
now pronounce you married. You may kiss your spouse!"

Emmett's hand slid up to cup Justin's cheek, and both men smiled as they kissed for the first time
as a married couple. I cried and clapped as hard as could, clutching my bouquet to my side with
my elbow.

I followed Justin and Emmett to the reception tent and found our seats before the other guests
came in. Both Justin and Emmett's parents followed us in, both Elizabeth and Emmett's mother
Betsy dabbing at their happy tears.

"Congratulations!" I shrieked, pulling Justin and Emmett in for a ferocious hug.

"Thanks, Swan," Emmett said with a grin.

Justin rubbed my arm and kissed my cheek. "You look beautiful, honey."

The two of them had picked a dress for me, and it was beautiful – not so surprising, considering
Justin was a gorgeous drag queen. The dress was a deep violet, setting off my pale skin to the
point where it almost looked creamy. Elizabeth, Betsy, and I had gone to the spa this morning,
the stylist twisting my hair up in a messy updo, and the loose ends were tickling my bare

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shoulder that wasn't covered by a matching shawl.

"Carlisle!" Justin called excitedly.

"Baby brother!" I turned to see a tall, handsome man with blond hair hugging Justin tightly.

"When did you get in?" Justin pounded the guy on the back.

"I walked in just after you walked down the aisle with Mom and Dad," he answered.

Justin grabbed Emmett by the hand and pulled him to his side. "Carlisle, this is my husband,
Emmett. Em, this is Carlisle."

Emmett shook Carlisle's hand and smiled. "I'm so glad to finally meet you. Justin talks about you
all the time."

So this was Justin's famous brother! I'd heard all about him – if everything Justin had said was
true, this guy was practically Superman. He lived on the West Coast and was a pediatric
oncologist who had something to do with a children's foundation on the side. Justin loved the
crap out of the guy.

He turned toward me, and I was nearly floored when he looked into my eyes. His eyes were so
incredibly blue, and the corners crinkled when he smiled at me. And his smile was spectacular –
miles of white teeth and pretty lips. I kept my eyes focused on his square chin so I didn't start
drooling, but even his chin was attractive.

"You must be Bella," he said, taking my hand in his. "You're more beautiful than Justin
described you." He leaned in and stage whispered, "He said Rosalie is prettier, but I rather doubt
that." He winked at me, and Justin rolled his eyes indulgently.

"Well, thank you, Carlisle. I can assure you Rosalie is insanely gorgeous." I managed to say it
without sounding like an idiot and without drooling like a schmuck.

The band started playing, a soft melody filling the tent.

"Would you like to dance, Bella?" Carlisle still had my hand in his, so he simply led me to the
dance floor when I nodded. He slid his arm around my waist, resting his hand in the small of my
back to guide me, our clasped hands resting on his chest. We fit together perfectly.

"It was a lovely wedding," he said pleasantly as we danced, his cheek barely touching the top of
my head.

"Yes," I agreed. "Your mother did an amazing job."

He laughed softly and said, "Mom seems to always know what's best. She told me two days after
Justin met Emmett she had a feeling about the two of them."

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"Oh really? I have to admit, seeing Emmett's face after their first date, I had a feeling too. At
least one of us found true love." I rolled my eyes, wondering what on earth possessed me to say
something like that. I had just met him; I didn't want to unload my crappy attitude on him.

"Yes, Justin mentioned you're newly single." Yes, Justin, that's right. Make me sound pathetic.

"Well, not newly," I amended. "We broke up about three months ago. What about you?"

"Oh, I don't really date much," he said, turning his gorgeous eyes on me as he pulled away from
me slightly. "I'd like to meet someone wonderful and settle down, but I rarely meet anyone I
want to spend time with."

"How long are you in town for, Carlisle?" I asked. I felt oddly comfortable with him, and it felt
nice... none of the tension that seemed to accompany every interaction I ever had with Edward,
and yet I was still wildly attracted to him.

"Long enough to take you to dinner tomorrow night, I hope," he said, smiling sweetly at me.
"My mother has informed me you're wonderful."

Maybe I wasn't done with men after all.


Five years later…

"Look, you crazy cu-," Emmett started.

Justin lightly slapped him in the shoulder, juggling Esme in his arms. "Language, Emmett! Do
you want our baby to grow up swearing like a trucker?"

"Sorry, sweetie," he replied, having the decency to look sheepish. He took Esme from Justin
after he arranged a cloth over his shoulder and positioned the baby for a burping.

Justin and Emmett had gotten their names on an adoption waiting list about two years after they
got married, and baby Esme had arrived only a week ago. She was beautiful – a head full of light
brown hair and the most gorgeous eyes. She was going to be a heart breaker, just like her

"How are you feeling?" Justin asked as he sat down next to me, patting my protruding stomach.

"I'm good. The baby is starting to really kick hard now though."

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Carlisle came around the corner with a cup of tea for me. "Yeah, our boy has got some oomph
behind him," he teased, digging his thumbs into my lower back and kissing the top of my head. I
groaned appreciatively and leaned back into his hands.

"Thanks, honey," I said before kissing him on the cheek.

True to his word at the wedding, Carlisle had asked me to dinner the night after Emmett and
Justin got married. He was staying in his old bedroom at the Cullen house; it was directly next to
the guest room in which I was staying, but he never once made a move to try anything
ungentlemanly. He met me in the living room, Elizabeth trying to keep the self-satisfied smirk
off her face, looking amazing in dark wash jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket. And dinner had been
lovely – he took me to Radius, a French restaurant in Boston, the conversation in the car flowing
as if we'd known each other forever instead of just a few hours.

I tried to be reserved. The entire situation with Edward had convinced me being single was the
way to go, and yet I found myself liking Carlisle more and more. He was… different. He made
me feel interesting, as if my opinions were unique. He seemed genuinely fascinated by my rant
about the comma splice, which endeared him to me immediately; even Emmett glazed over when
I pitched a fit about punctuation.

I could see why Justin idolized Carlisle. He was humble, despite his career and his involvement
with the children's charity. I had worked with physicians before, and most of them seemed to
think they walked on water. Carlisle, though, was incredibly nice and didn't even really want to
talk about his work. It's not that he was hiding anything – at least I didn't think he was. He
seemed very open, and I didn't feel suspicious… if he was lying to me, I was bound to find out
quickly since Justin and I were close, not to mention Elizabeth and I had become fast friends.

When we arrived back at the Cullen home, Carlisle made coffee for me, and we chatted a bit
longer, lounging on the couch in the family room. When I started yawning, he walked me to my
room and pecked my cheek before going directly to his room for the night.

The next morning I joined Justin's parents and Carlisle in the dining room for breakfast before
heading out to the airport.

Carlisle passed me the sugar and said, "I had a great time last night, Bella. I'd like to see you

I paused, my coffee halfway to my mouth. His parents were sitting right across from us,
Elizabeth looking at me expectantly, a hopeful expression on her face. I really had fun the night
prior too, but I wasn't sure I felt comfortable having this conversation in front of an audience,
even if it was just Elizabeth and Tony. Elizabeth and I were friendly, but I'd just met them. Of
course, as weird as I felt about it, it was kind of refreshing – Carlisle was open to a fault, so
absolutely guileless about his intentions he didn't feel the need to hide anything.

Of course I said yes, even though we lived on opposite coasts. Carlisle dropped me at the airport,

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and we exchanged phone numbers. We kept in touch via email and texts and phone calls, and
two months later he came to Philadelphia. He said he was coming to check on his little brother,
but we spent nearly every waking moment together for the three days he was here.

I liked him more than anyone else I'd ever met. He kissed me – really kissed me – at the airport
when Justin and I dropped him off.

Carlisle pulled his rolling bag out of the trunk of Justin's car, and the two of us stood there at the
curb staring at each other, Justin conspicuously giving us a few moments to ourselves.

"I really like you, Bella," Carlisle said softly, cupping my face with his soft hand and gazing at
me anxiously.

My answering smile was wide and happy. I couldn't seem to hide my feelings around Carlisle –
he just drew me out of myself. He must have seen what he wanted, perhaps that I really liked
him too, because his other hand came to touch my jawline, and he lowered his mouth to mine
gently. His mouth was warm and perfect, moving with mine like we were born to kiss. My
fingers hooked through the belt loops at his hips and pulled him closer to me while his fingers
moved to knot in my hair. I wanted to stand there and kiss him forever, but the security guard
yelled at Justin to move his car, pulling us out of the haze while Justin apologized for rushing us.

We broke apart, both of us wearing matching lovestruck grins – at least that's what Justin told me
later. And that was the moment for me. I knew. I knew. I loved him. I was in love with him. It
scared the shit out of me. During the car ride home, Justin told me he'd never seen Carlisle look
at a woman like that. I didn't confess my feelings to Justin, nor did I tell Carlisle until a month
later when I visited him in San Jose.

We took a drive to Half Moon Bay and stood on the beach watching the sun set. His arms were
around my waist, my head leaning back against his shoulder. It was one of those perfect, breezy
days, warm and sweet.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "I love you, Isabella."

My heart had already been nearly full to the point of overflowing with wanting to say it to him,
so I turned around and kissed him deeply, and it seemed so natural.

"Carlisle… I love you too."

And that was it. Carlisle decided to move back to the East Coast, partly to be closer to his family,
he said, but it suited me just fine. He joined the oncology department at Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, and continued to work with the foundation in California remotely. He knew
everything about me – even the couple of months when Emmett and Edward and I were sleeping
together – but he didn't care. He said he wasn't a virgin either, and as long as I wasn't planning to
invite a third party into our bedroom it didn't matter to him at all.

We were engaged within a year and, just like Emmett and Justin, had our wedding in the

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backyard at the Cullen house just outside Boston. Emmett was my Matron of Honor and Justin
served as the Best Man. Justin made an appearance as Rosalie to sing as I walked down the aisle.
It was perfect.


"Bella, are you sure you want to look at houses right now?" Carlisle rubbed his fingers on the top
of my stomach and kissed my forehead. "Emmett and Justin will come with me if you'd rather
just relax."

With the baby due in three months, we needed a bigger place. Carlisle had moved into my
apartment after we got married, but now we were running out of time. My feet were a little
swollen, and I was feeling kind of tired, so I took Carlisle up on his offer.

"Okay. But take lots of pictures. And if you find a place you really think I'll like, call me and I'll
take a cab."

Carlisle tipped my chin up with his fingers and angled his face to gently press his lips to mine. I
nibbled his bottom lip, laughing softly as he groaned and our tongues met.

"Don't be gone long," I murmured, giving his stellar ass a squeeze before he pulled away

He leaned down for one more kiss and headed toward the door. "Find us an awesome place to
live, sweetie!" I called.

Thirty minutes later I had to have a decaf Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks, so I heaved
myself to my feet and walked the block to the nearest shop. I sat down with my coffee outside
and pulled out my Blackberry to check for any emails when a shadow fell over my table. I
looked up, squinting.

It was Edward.

He was still good-looking. He had kept his hair short, his dark red hair all spiky and messy. The
last five years hadn't aged him much, and the smile on his face looked genuine enough.

"Hello, Edward," I said. I wasn't angry at him anymore; I wasn't… anything. He was just some
guy I used to go out with. He was more than that, of course, but I just couldn't bring myself to
care all that much – I was happy, so seeing him wasn't really having much of an effect on me.

"Bella, look at you!" he said. "You look beautiful. Radiant."

"Oh, thank you," I said, draping my hand over my stomach.

There was an uncomfortable pause, and he indicated to the empty chair at my table. "Do you
mind if I sit down?"

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I shrugged. "Sure, go ahead."

He grinned and pulled out the chair. I wondered what Emmett and Justin would have to say
about this. In the first year after Edward and I broke up, Emmett was fond of asking what I'd say
to Edward if I ever saw him again. Back when the wound was still raw and tender, I imagined
yelling at him and ranting, telling him what a dickhead he'd been. Later, after my heart had
scabbed over, I wanted an explanation. I wanted a chance to hear what Edward had been trying
to tell me when I wasn't ready to listen. Emmett and Justin both told me what he'd said to them
the morning after it all happened, but neither one of them believed a word. And now? Well, I
didn't want to scream at him, and I really didn't care why he did what he did. I hadn't really
thought about him too often over the years.

"So, how've you been, Bella? Tell me about your life."

I glanced up at him; his face was friendly and nothing more, so I took a sip of coffee and said,
"Well, um, Justin and Emmett got married about five years ago. They just adopted a baby girl.
She's really great, and the two of them are amazing with her. They're both really happy."

"Do they still live here in Philadelphia?"

I nodded and glanced at my Blackberry before taking another drink. "Yeah, they're with my
husband now looking at houses. We need to find a bigger place before the baby comes."

The baby in question seemed to know I was talking about him; he gave me three sharp kicks to
the ribs and little gas bubbles seemed to ripple across my stomach.

"You're married?" I couldn't interpret the look on his face, but he didn't seem pleased. Maybe he
thought I'd never truly get over him or something. I'd heard some of Carlisle's friends joke about
it before. No man really wants to see his ex-girlfriends happy, no matter how the relationship
ended… they should pine for you forever. I could understand. I didn't know what Edward's life
had been, but admittedly some very small part of me hoped he had paid – at least a little bit – for
how he treated me, even though I was at peace with it.

"Yes, for a few years now," I said, smiling brightly. "I married Justin's brother. I'm Bella Cullen
now. We're due in three months."

"But you're drinking coffee." Edward frowned, and I nearly laughed in his face. "I thought
pregnant women weren't supposed to have caffeine."

"Oh, I know. Carlisle is a pediatric oncologist – it's nice to have your very own doctor on call!" I
laughed and pointed toward my cup. "Decaf. I'm allowed as long as I don't overdo it."

"That's great, Bella," he said, smiling politely. "It sounds like you're really happy."

"I am." I twirled my almost empty coffee cup in my hands. "How about you? I thought you

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moved away. Somewhere down south, if I remember correctly."

"Texas," he reminded me, pursing his lips. "I still live there; I just came back to town to visit
some friends. I'm doing okay… doing good."

"That's great, Edward. I'm glad to hear it." He didn't offer up any more information, and I didn't

He fidgeted in his seat and nervously picked at his cuticles before sighing heavily. "I was kind of
hoping to see you," he admitted. I tensed slightly and hoped Carlisle would call me soon to give
me an excuse to escape what seemed to be heading into a conversation I wasn't interested in

"Oh?" I said politely.

"I… well, I wanted to apologize."

"All of that was a lifetime ago, and- "

"Please," he interrupted. "I never got to say some things to you that needed to be said."

I hoped he wasn't trying to make me feel guilty for never letting him have his say all those years
ago. The very idea made me want to roll my eyes, but I managed to keep my face in a carefully
arranged mask as I said, "Okay."

He tapped the table with his fingertips, looked down and then back up into my eyes. His green
eyes were steady as they watched my face. I waited.

"I know I've said it before, but I never meant to hurt you, Bella. For what it's worth, I really did
love you, although I didn't show it. I don't know if it'll mean anything to you, but there was never
anyone else when I was with you." He took a pause, maybe to give me a chance to say
something. I stayed silent, and he continued. "The guy that I was talking to on the phone that
morning, the guy at the bar… I admit I'd had a conversation with him about a week prior to
seeing him that night. We planned for him to be at the bar so he could meet you, but you seemed
to be really angry that night so I never did. I really thought the three of us could be happy."

It was as if Edward had never heard a word I said back then, but I knew how easy it was to only
hear what you wanted in a relationship. Edward had probably given me hundreds of signals to
indicate his interest in a threesome, and I likely ignored them, just as he had ignored my signals.

"I'm so sorry for not being more honest with you from the very beginning. I can see your life is
good now, but I really think we'd still be together if I could have just asked you for what I
wanted. But I do want to apologize. Our break up was all my fault, and I accept responsibility for
it." He stopped speaking and looked at me expectantly.

"Oh, well, thanks, Edward… I guess." What was I supposed to say to that? This was ancient

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history, and while I disagreed with his assertion we'd 'still be together'… I just didn't care enough
to argue with him or set his assumptions straight.

I was thankful when my Blackberry rang a few moments later. It was Carlisle.

"I think I may have found the house of our dreams," he said excitedly. "Can you jump in a cab?"

"Absolutely," I agreed quickly. "Where are you?"

He told me the address to a nice street in Queens Village.

"I love you, Bella. I'll see you in fifteen minutes, okay?"

"Yeah, sweetie. I love you too."

I hung up and smiled apologetically at Edward. "I have to run – Carlisle thinks he might have
found a good house."

He stood and helped me stand, gently guiding me by the elbow. I allowed it, but I felt
uncomfortable with his hands on me. I moved out of his grip and smiled at him.

"Well, it was nice to see you, Edward. Good luck to you."

It seemed kind of impersonal given what he'd meant to me once, but I couldn't think of anything
else to say. He looked like he might move closer to me for a kiss, so I awkwardly stuck my hand
out between us.

He slid his hand into mine, shook it, and held on just a second too long before letting go.

"You too, Bella."

I moved toward the curb to hail a cab, and Edward started walking away. A taxi pulled up right
away, and as I opened the door and moved to slide in, Edward turned back toward me.

"Bella?" he called.


"I still love you," he said, smiling his breathtaking smile at me. It was the same old Edward, and
this time I couldn't help myself – I rolled my eyes and folded myself into the cab without a word
and shut the door.

His smile faltered as I gave the driver the address, and the cab pulled away, leaving Edward
where he deserved to be: in the past.

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Bella's eyes fluttered shut, and her breathing evened out quickly, and I heaved a giant fucking
sigh of relief to see this night come to an end. She had gotten so upset over how I handled things
at Bob and Barbara's, and everything turned into one giant clusterfuck of badness. The resultant
sex had been stellar, but I hated arguing with her, and I really hated seeing her so upset and
crying over the Jasper thing.

Jasper. How had this all gotten so fucked up? I'd run into Jasper only a few days before after not
seeing him for years. I'd really liked him back then, but he'd really wanted to keep things casual
and it didn't matter anyway, since he moved to Texas to take care of his sick father. Seeing him
now, well... things seemed different. He had moved back to Philly on a whim, saying he got sick
of the weather in Houston. We sat and talked for a few hours, and I found myself wanting to kiss
him, although I didn't because it would be crossing a line that just wasn't cool considering what I
had with Bella. Jasper told me he was interested in a relationship, and I'd told him all about my
girl - how we'd met and how fantastic she was - and he wanted to meet her. I loved that woman
like crazy, but I could tell she was missing Emmett's presence in bed, even if she insisted she
was really happy with just me and didn't want more than what we had. Maybe she could love
Jasper too. I didn't realize she'd be so sensitive and turn into a total girl about everything. Bella
had always been cool, and seeing her flip out like that had been so freaky.

I wished everything could just go back to the way they were when the three of us first met.
Things had been simple and fun and sexy. My relationship with Bella had developed into
something I really valued. She was someone I always had fun with, even outside the bedroom...
but now everything was complicated and fraught with anxiety.

With her firm ass and warm, soft curves nestled against me, I dozed for a bit, hoping she'd chill
out by the time she woke up. Maybe we could really talk then. I had told her Jasper wasn't really
important to me, and it wasn't a total lie. I mean, he wasn't Bella, not by a long shot. I liked him,
and I remembered really liking his mouth, but I craved that woman like water - she was
everything. And I had worshiped her for months, showing her I could be trusted, but she didn't
seem to trust me at all. And yeah, maybe I hadn't told her the whole truth, but I needed to get her
to a place where she might be open to the idea of meeting Jasper. It was for her own good - she'd
thank me for it when we were all blissed out together. Hell, if I could, I'd get her to think it was
her idea. I could almost see her and Jasper fucking, and it got me hot.

When I woke up a little later, my balls were aching and my dick was at attention. I nudged Bella
a little, but she was out cold, which was a shame. That girl's tongue was gymnastic. The very
idea of Bella and Jasper working my cock together made me groan, so I slid out of bed with the
intention of having some quality alone time in the bathroom. I grabbed my pants on my way
through the living room and noticed my phone beeping with a new text message - it was Jasper; I
slipped on my jeans so I didn't freeze my ass off and called him on the chance that he would be

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up. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, Edward," he greeted me, and I just knew he was wearing the usual lazy, shit-eating grin on
his face. Sexy fucker. "How are things going?"

"Okay," I said carefully and quietly. I didn't want to wake up Bella, and even though she had to
be exhausted from our fight, she was usually a fairly light sleeper.

"When can I see you? You looked hot tonight - it was good to see you."

"Not until I can get Bella on board with the idea. We're exclusive right now, and I don't want to
fuck that up if she doesn't agree." I thought of her lying in bed, all sweet and smelling of sleep
and sex, and smiled. I was the luckiest bastard in the world.

"She's gorgeous. All long hair and big, brown eyes. Beautiful."

"I know. I want to see you going down on her while she sucks my cock."

"That would make a pretty picture," Jasper said with a breathy moan. "And you say she's been in
a threesome before... think she'll be into this?"

"Yeah, Jasper." That girl was born to love more than just me, and Jasper was not just a good
fuck, he was a genuinely nice guy. I loved Emmett and was disappointed when he met Justin, but
Jasper was different - he was loyal.

"Did you get a chance to talk to her?"

"No... I was going to ask her, but she freaked out."

"What? Why, what did you say?" I didn't want to get into the whole thing, especially considering
we fought over him. I didn't want him to feel badly about it or think Bella was some kind of
shrew. It was my fault the conversation didn't go as planned.

"I don't know. I'll try to bring it up again."

"Well, if she's not up for it, maybe we can get together ourselves. Are you sure Bella is worth all

I eyed the phone in confusion. We'd had a three hour conversation the other day during which I
recounted to Jasper how perfect she was. "She's fucking amazing. Jas, you know I want to, but
she's too special to me, and I won't do this if it's not what she wants."

"Edward, try hard, man. I'm getting off just thinking about the two of you."

I moaned low and deep, taking my throbbing dick out of my jeans and wrapping my fingers
around it, catching my piercing between my fingers. "Oh, fuck yeah, Jasper. I can't wait to have

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your dick in my mouth."

The moment was interrupted by something bouncing hard off the back of my fucking head. My
hand flew into my hair automatically, and I saw a lampshade bounce off the ground. I whipped
around to see Bella glaring at me, anger and confusion drawing her features into a look I'd never
seen before. Had she thrown a fucking lamp at me? What the hell?

I flipped the phone shut without even thinking about it and moved toward her with my arms

"Bella!" Fuck. Had she heard me talking to Jasper about her? That was the last thing I needed.
"Um, it's not what you think, honey. I love you!"

She backed away from me and started screaming about Jasper and me and threesomes and trust
and love, but I could barely understand what she was saying because she was shrieking and
crying. I tried to get her to calm down, but she kept backing up and yelling at me. At one point I
stopped trying to get closer to her and just listened to her words, trying to decipher everything.
One thing was crystal clear: she thought I was cheating on her with Jasper.

"Please listen to me," I pleaded. "It's not like that. I'd never do anything to hurt you!"

Bella clenched her hands into fists and screamed, "Stop lying to me!" And then she just started to
lob shit at me. She reached for anything she could find, and I had to dodge keys and her cell
phone while continuing to get her to stop for just a second so I could explain. I took my eyes off
her for one second as I tripped over my shoes, and some glass chotchkie thing fucking smacked
me in the face.

"Fuck you, Edward!" she shouted, her face red and splotchy. "I hate you! How could you do this
to me?" I knew she didn't hate me; she couldn't. I loved her with everything in my heart, and she
just couldn't mean it. If she didn't want Jasper, that would be fine. If she was happy with the way
things were, that would be okay too... I just needed her to be clear with me. I begged her to calm
down, to talk to me, but she wouldn't stop screaming and throwing shit.

And suddenly it was as if a flip switched inside of her. She focused hard on me, and the vase in
her hand slipped out of her grip and shattered into a million fucking pieces - just like my heart
was doing at that moment.

She pointed at the door, her arm twitching, and in the most horrible, cold voice, she hissed, "Get
out. Get your fucking clothes, take your fucking shoes, and get the fuck out of my apartment."
Nothing I said to her was going to sink in, so I ran around and grabbed my stuff, and if I was
being honest, she was scaring the shit out of me. Her dead eyes were the most frightening
fucking thing I'd ever seen. Maybe she just needed to sleep and get her emotions under control.
She'd be more open to hearing me out in the morning, I was sure of it. Her face was hard,
though, and I didn't want to leave like this. I wanted to hold her and tell her I loved her. She had
made it clear she wanted to be alone, so I inched toward the door.

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She called my name softly, and I turned around, hoping she'd calmed down enough to talk.
"Leave your key." My stomach clenched in misery. Everything would be okay tomorrow. We'd
talk, and I'd make her understand about Jasper. I didn't want to give up my key to her apartment,
but because she was so upset I felt like I had to give her what she needed, so I removed the key
from my ring and left quietly. I finished dressing in the hallway and slid my shoes on in the

I called Jasper on the walk back to my apartment.

"What the hell, Edward?"

"Sorry, Jas. Bella woke up and heard me say that thing about your mouth and assumed I was
cheating on her. We had a pretty big fight and probably woke up all her neighbors."
"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Well, no, but it will be. I just have to explain to her what's going on. I know she'll be into
the idea of the three of us getting together as soon as I can talk to her about you. I'm on my way
home though. I'll call you later, alright? I'm wiped out."

The second I walked into my apartment, the night caught up to me, exhaustion making me
clumsy as I stubbed my toe on the couch on my way to the bedroom. I flopped into bed and
picked up the framed photo of Bella and I me on my nightstand. Tracing over the soft contours
of her face with my finger, I wondered how I might be able to make this right. I just wanted her
to be happy, and I knew she would be with Jasper and me. I would be happy too. I set the frame
back on the table and turned out the light, not even bothering to take my clothes off. Everything
would be okay in the morning, I was sure of it.


The annoying ring of my cell phone woke me later that day, and I blindly reached out to find the
damn thing while burrowing my head further into the pillow, knocking everything off my
nightstand and not finding the stupid phone. I had dreamed of Bella last night, but it had been
anything but restful. In my last dream, the one I was having when I woke up, she had been
crying, standing in a green field looking so pretty it made my heart ache. Every time I took a step
forward, weeds would grab my ankles and hold me fast to the ground. I ignored the noise from
my phone and kicked the blankets off my legs, shifting my dick so it wasn't pressing painfully
and directly into the warm, metal zipper of my jeans.

My only thought was of making myself presentable and getting to Bella. I quickly checked my
phone on the way to the bathroom; it was some guy from the construction crew, which I ignored,
tossing my phone onto the bathroom counter before flipping on the water in the shower and
stripping out of my jeans and shirt. I studied my face in the bathroom mirror as the water
warmed. I was none the worse for Bella's decent pitching arm - I'd never thought she was
particularly athletic outside the bedroom, but she proved me wrong after beaning me in the
forehead with that glass thing and knocking me in the back of the head with the lamp. That girl
had an arm on her. None of her projectiles had left any marks, something I was grateful for.

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I pushed the shower curtain out of the way and stepped inside, the scalding water seeming to
rinse away the drama of the night before. I washed my hair and lathered up to clean my body.
Thoughts of Bella and Jasper ran through my head again, and I jerked off thinking about blowing
Jasper while fucking Bella. Twenty minutes later I was out the door to Bella's apartment after
letting work know I was taking a sick day, ready to make up with her. After a good night's sleep,
I was sure things looked different to her. Clearer. She probably realized she was overreacting,
and we'd be laughing about this over drinks later... maybe with Jasper.

One of Bella's neighbors let me in as he was leaving, so I headed up to her apartment and
knocked on the door. She didn't answer, so I thought maybe she went to work; I imagined she
was dead tired, and I wondered if I should head up to her office and bring her some coffee or do
something else nice for her. I was sure it would help me soften her up, and girls always seemed
to appreciate that kind of stuff. I headed over to Emmett's apartment just in case anyone was
home there, knocking at the door when I heard the radio playing softly from within. Justin
opened the door, his expression darkening when he saw it was me. He didn't say hello or
anything; he just took a step back and quietly called for Emmett, who came to the door in boxer
shorts and a blue velour robe and then pulled me inside roughly by the collar of my jacket, nearly
jerking me off my feet.

"What the fuck were you thinking, douchebag?" I'd never seen Emmett pissed off and it was
freaking me out a bit, although I could guess Bella probably told him about what happened. God,
he must have been thinking the worst of me.

"Look, Emmett, I came to apologize to Bella. Did she go to work?"

Justin snorted derisively, and Emmett stared at me as if I'd grown horns. "Are you insane? She
came over here this morning after it all went down crying so hard she could barely breathe!"
With each word, Emmett's voice grew angrier and louder. "You're cheating on her!"

"No, I'm not!" I yelled back. "She got it all wrong!"

"How could you? She trusted you!" Justin shouted.

"I'm telling you I didn't cheat on her!" Having to defend myself to my ex-lover and his new
boyfriend wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my morning, and my fists clenched
involuntarily. Neither one of them knew a thing about Bella and me, and they certainly didn't
know what went on between us. Emmett didn't love her like I did.

Emmett took an aggressive step toward me and smirked. "Oh really? From what she told me, she
heard you tell that guy you saw at the bar last night you wanted to suck his dick, and it sounded
like you had already planned a threesome with the two of you and Bella. You're an asshole."

I lowered my voice and tried to reason with them. "Emmett, man, I need you to butt out. It's true
that I want to introduce Bella to Jasper, but I'm not cheating on her. I haven't been with him in
years. I really think -"

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"I don't care," Emmett interrupted, yelling at me again. "Look, you knew Bella was insecure
about you. You knew it. And you totally manipulated her. You lied to her."

"I love her!" How dare he? He had no idea how hard it had been on Bella when he left, and now
he was going to blame me for trying to make it right again?

Justin had been standing silently with his arms crossed in front of him for most of this, but now
he moved closer and glowered at me. "That's not love, Edward. You only love yourself."

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about," I hissed. "I love her more than you can
possibly know."

"You have a funny way of showing it." Justin looked so superior, standing there, judging me.
That was rich, coming from him. He had swooped in and broken the three of us up, taken
Emmett for himself.

I turned toward him and narrowed my eyes. "Shut the fuck up, asshole. You're the whole reason
everything is a mess to begin with."

"Fuck you, Edward!" Emmett yelled. "Don't come near her again. She's done with you!"

The floor creaked, and I looked up to see Bella standing in the door to the bedroom, her hair and
clothes rumpled. She looked tired and sad, but also almost angry, and I figured she would
probably yell at Emmett and Justin for obviously waking her up. I held my arms out and walked
toward her until Emmett blocked my way. I looked over his shoulder at Bella, but she hadn't
moved from her position.

"What are you doing here, Edward?"

Oh god, she was still mad. What if she really meant what she'd said last night? My world would
end, so I decided to beg. I'd do whatever it took.

"Don't end this, Bella. I know we can work this out!" If I could just get to her, I knew we could
get everything back to normal. Emmett was still in my way, so I tried to skirt around him, which
didn't work at all. Every time I moved, he'd move with me; it was almost like we were dancing,
which I probably would have enjoyed under different circumstances.

"Oh, really? Okay, so tell me – did I just imagine you talking to the guy you said wasn't
about trying to talk me into a threesome? And then did I imagine you having phone
sex on my couch?"

"It wasn't like that!" How many times did I have to say this? Why couldn't she just listen to me?
Well, maybe it was like that... a little. Okay, a lot... but Bella would really love Jasper, and he
would make her happy if she just gave it a chance.

"Uh huh. So, what was it like?"

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I didn't really want to have this conversation in front of Emmett and Justin, and I sputtered,
trying to think of something I could say that wouldn't make me sound like the asshole she
thought I was. "You have to understand, Bella… I hadn't seen Jasper in a long time, and –"

"Don't insult my intelligence, Edward. I may have been dickmatized, but those times are over."

What? What the hell was she saying? Justin snickered behind me, and I was at the end of my
patience with having an audience. "What the fuck are you laughing at?"

I barely saw Emmett's fist flying at my face, but I sure as hell felt it when my head rocked back.
A second later I was on the floor trying to clear the butterflies circling around my forehead. I
moved to get up, but Emmett snarled at me and I stayed where I was.

"Don't," Emmett said from between clenched teeth, "ever even think about threatening my
fiancé, and stay the fuck away from Bella."

I wasn't sure what to do. Should I try to calm Emmett down? Should I try to get to Bella? Should
I just stay there and wait? Emmett solved the problem for me, although not in the way I wanted -
he opened the door, dragged me to my feet, and pushed me out into the hallway before slamming
the door in my face. Justin was laughing inside, and I almost started pounding on the door, but
my face fucking hurt and my heart was breaking. I didn't care what Emmett said, I would get
Bella back. I couldn't breathe without her. I choked back a sob as I ran down the hall to the

How could I get her to listen to me? I'd never have a chance if Emmett and Justin were hanging
over her all the time, but I needed to do something. Flowers would be a good start, so I headed
over to the flower shop a few blocks over and bought a giant bouquet of red roses and wrote her
a note, telling her I was sorry and begging her to call me. I was in luck again - I only had to wait
30 minutes before someone in Bella's building let me in. After gently knocking on her door and
determining she wasn't home yet, I left the flowers and card in front of her door, making a retreat
back to my own apartment.

I threw myself down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, rehashing the last 24 hours. I had
obviously fucked up by trying to make all this happen behind the scenes - it would have been
better had I just been honest with Bella from the start.

My phone rang. "Bella?" I asked hopefully, not even looking at the display.

"Er, no." It was Jasper. He chuckled and said, "Have you seen her yet?"

I groaned. "Yeah. It didn't go well. Her fucking best friend punched me in the face, and Bella
won't even talk to me."

"Are you okay?"

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"No, not really."

"Do you want me to come over?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah. Please. I don't want to be alone." I was so wrecked and feeling horrible and just wanting
to be around someone who didn't hate me. I answered the door for him twenty minutes later and
flopped back down on the couch. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms, soothing
my hair with his fingertips.

"What happened?"

"Oh fuck, Jas, it was terrible." I burrowed my face further into his chest, relaxing a bit when he
kissed the top of my head. "She was throwing shit at me last night, screaming at me. I couldn't
get her to listen to me. And then she threw me out, and this morning was worse. I stopped at her
friend's apartment down the hall, and she was there. Her friends yelled at me, and then she was
so cold and then, well..." I lifted my head and indicted to my black eye.

"Don't worry about it," Jasper said, touching the bruise gingerly. "It'll work out."

"I really fucked up."

He nodded and grinned. "Yeah, it's a good thing you're cute."

The atmosphere around us changed in a millisecond. I went from being emo and feeling
miserable to wanting to Jasper to fuck the shit out of me, and with the way he was looking down
at me, the feeling seemed to be mutual. Bella and I were broken up, so it's not like I would be
cheating on her. I nuzzled my nose into the hollow of his throat and ran the tip of my tongue up
the front of his neck, over his Adam's apple, and nipped roughly at his chin, the scruff there
rubbing pleasantly against my lips. Jasper moaned and slid his hands into my hair, pulling tightly
and guiding me to straddle his lap, our hard dicks rubbing together through the rough denim of
our jeans. This was just what I needed to forget about all this crap with Bella for a while.

"You feel just as fucking good as always," Jasper whispered before kissing me and sliding his
tongue into my mouth. My living room seemed different, the light different. Maybe everything
was different now. I couldn't stop thinking about Bella and the look on her face, even when
Jasper slipped my shirt off and tongued my nipples, running his short nails over my stomach.

I was determined to get her out of my mind... I just wanted to feel something else other than the
nagging pit of pain in my stomach, so I knelt on the floor in front of Jasper and went to work on
the button of his jeans, nearly frantic to get him naked. He pulled his own shirt over his head and
slithered down with me before pushing me backwards onto the floor, the carpet rough against my

"Baby, relax, okay," he muttered, pinning my wrists above my head as he flicked the button on
my pants open and slid the zipper down with one hand. I wriggled under his sure touch, anxious
to feel his hands on me. He dipped his head and bite my nipple, making me jump a bit and groan

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at the contact. His breath was hot against my skin, the texture of his tongue rough and soft at the
same time.

I fought against his hand on my wrists while Jasper grinned impishly and ran his thumb over the
tip of my dick. I loosened his grip enough to free one hand, grabbing his hair roughly and pulling
his face to mine for another kiss.

"I need your mouth on me, Jasper," I said, panting a bit at the very idea of it.

He moved over me gracefully and pulled my jeans off in one smooth motion, pausing to push his
pants and underwear down too. The sunlight coming through my window backlit his blond curls
as he hovered over me, and I raised my hand trace his pouty bottom lip, his tongue popping out
to tease my thumb. He dragged his body down the length of mine, layering hard, wet kisses
down my chest to my hipbones while cupping my balls gently.

"This is new," he said with a grin, discovering the piercing in my dick. I had been wearing the
ring for the last month or two, something Bella liked because she could slide her pinky into and
yank, which in turn was something I just fucking loved. My breath caught in my throat as Jasper
ran his fingertip down the underside and nudged the piercing gently. "When did you get it?"

"About two years ago," I grunted, thrusting into his touch. He flicked his tongue at the ring and
pressed the tip of it into the skin just covering the metal, rolling it back and forth as I moaned.
Jasper's hair felt silky in my hands when tangled my fingers there, anxiously tugging him to take
my dick into his mouth.

He chuckled and muttered, "Okay, okay, Mr. Anxious."

I laughed with him, although I really didn't feel anything other than an ache in my balls. I had
really liked Jasper at one time, and I even thought I still liked him when I had run into him a few
days ago. And maybe it wasn't that I didn't like him... he just wasn't Bella. She was all I could
think of. I closed my eyes, and pretended it was her tongue dipping into the slit at the head of my
dick, her fingers teasing my ass, her mouth descending over the head of my cock. But the hair in
my hands gave it away - it was too short and just felt wrong.

Jasper took me into his mouth, his lips holding me firmly. It felt amazing, but I found myself not
enjoying it as much as I needed to... I couldn't get Bella out of my head, and I started wondering
what she was doing and if she'd gotten my flowers and note yet.

"Bella," I gasped before I could stop myself. I cringed, knowing what a mood killer it was to
hear the wrong name called out in the throes of a blow job. Just as I suspected he would, Jasper
released me and sat up, glaring down at me.

"What the hell, Edward? I know you're upset, but the least you could do is call me by the right
name." He started putting his clothes back on, but I knew it was a lost cause anyway. I wanted -
hell, I needed - a distraction, but I couldn't stop thinking about Bella.

background image

"I'm sorry, Jasper," I whispered, backing up to lean against the couch and balancing my elbows
on my knees, my clasped hands making a fist that pressed against my mouth.

He left without a word and I sat on my living room floor, naked, until the shadows stretched
across the room and left me in darkness.


The End



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