B6 zaimki zwrotne ANG

background image

I'll do it myself.

I'll pay for myself.

I can't look at myself in
the mirror.

Test yourself.

Help yourself to some

Don't hurt yourself!

She often talks to

John blamed himself for
the accident.

He hated himself for
hurting his wife.

We enjoyed ourselves.

We painted the room

Between ourselves...

Enjoy yourselves!

Talk about it among

Her children taught
themselves to read.

They saw themselves in
a different light.

I went on holiday by

Dorothy lives by herself.

He came by himself.

I got up, washed,
shaved and dressed.

Then I dried myself.

Talking to oneself is

The snake wound itself
around the tree.

The light switches itself
on at night.

My cat washes itself
after each meal.

The house itself is quite


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wykład 6 instrukcje i informacje zwrotne
Wstrzasy ang ppt
Glikoliza prezentacja (ang)
08 BIOCHEMIA mechanizmy adaptac mikroor ANG 2id 7389 ppt
3Kocioł ang
ns EiT 1 2st ang 2008
2010 ang

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