Alexandra O'Hurley Her Sweet Surprise [Twisted] (pdf)

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Isla has lived across the hall from her buddy Campbell for

nearly a year, drooling over him as they ate pizza and guzzled
beer on his dateless nights. But she’s consigned to the friend zone.

Campbell loves women and dates regularly, but he finally realizes
Isla is the forever kind of girl he’s always wanted in his life. Can
he drag her out of the self-relegated friend zone with the help of a
very special vibrating surprise in her Easter basket?

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Her Sweet Surprise


Alexandra O’Hurley


Twisted Erotica Publishing, LLC

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Her Sweet Surprise
Copyright © 2014 by Alexandra O’Hurley

Edited by Marie Medina

Second E-book Publication: March 2014, SMASHWORDS EDITION

Cover design by K Designs
All cover art and logo copyright © 2014, Twisted Erotica Publishing.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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Her Sweet Surprise

Isla Corrigan stretched in her warm, cozy bed, contented like a

cat. Her back arched and she felt the stiffness in her body escape. As
her eyes began to open to the sunlight filtering in through the drapes,
she contemplated getting out of bed and thought better of it. Sunday
mornings were great for sleeping in and wishing Monday mornings
away, but they would be infinitely better if she had someone to
snuggle up to and squander the day away with. It had been far too
long since she’d had anyone to cuddle with on a Sunday morning.
She grasped her body pillow closer and threw a leg over it as she
pretended for a moment to have a nice, warm body next to her.

Her mind drifted to her next-door neighbor, Campbell, and she

wondered what he was doing that morning. He was more than likely
snuggling up to the newest flavor of the week, although she did have
to admit she hadn’t seen the last few flavors. She’d lost count of the
giggling, mindless twits who graced his arm on a regular basis.
Campbell was so handsome and charming, but his taste in women was
seriously lacking. He needed someone with a little substance and a
lot more character.

Someone like her.
Isla sat up in her bed as she realized green wasn’t the color for

her. Jealousy was an ugly emotion, and she had no right to judge
Campbell and what he seemed to feel was right for him. He was
young, single, and devastatingly handsome, so why shouldn’t he
enjoy his life? She sauntered out of her bedroom and into the kitchen
to start a pot of coffee before heading into the bathroom to wash her
face and take care of her morning business. Midway through her
routine, she heard a knock on the door.

She spit out her toothpaste as another insistent knock fell on her

door. “Alright, alright,” she said before patting her mouth dry.

A second later, she heard a key being thrust into the lock and the

knob turning. Her heartbeat escalated, and she walked out of her
bathroom to see Campbell in her doorway, stuffing her extra key back
into his back pocket. He waltzed into her apartment without an extra
thought, as if he owned the place. She would have to fuss at him for

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After she got a good, long look at him. His short, dark hair was

still damp and perfectly tousled. Add in his long, lean body with a
compact muscular frame, which was perfectly outlined in a pair of
snug Levi’s and a tight T-shirt, and she was in heaven. When he
looked up with his bright green gaze, it was enough to make her weak
in the knees.

She stood there gawking at him, the toothbrush still in hand. Too

late, she realized she was only in a cami and her underwear and
Campbell’s eyes were roaming all over the real estate, which there
was a little too much of. She had womanly curves, not the hard body
Campbell or his regular girlfriends had, and therein laid the problem.

Isla wasn’t hot enough for a man like Campbell Westerly.
She covered her panties with her hands and flashed him a

petulant look. “Campbell! What are you doing?”

“I’ve been knocking for at least ten minutes and you never came.

I was worried, so I used the key.”

“You were not knocking for ten minutes. I was brushing my

teeth. Damn, you’re impatient.” She moved to finish rinsing out her
mouth and then grabbed her robe from the back of the bathroom door.

As she walked back out into her living space, the scent of fresh

brewed coffee filled her nose. She paused as she absentmindedly
noticed an Easter basket in Campbell’s clutches but then kept on
walking to make herself a cup. She pressed her tummy against the
counter and reached up into the cabinet for a mug. “Want some

“Sure,” he said as he walked into her small kitchen. He dropped

the basket on the counter and rubbed against her, his front molding to
her back as he reached up for his own cup.

Isla looked over her shoulder and Campbell’s face was inches

from hers, his warm breath washing over her face. He smelled of
mint and cinnamon. His lips looked way too delicious. Her gaze was
stuck to those luscious lips she’d dreamed of tasting for months. “I
could’ve gotten one for you.”

“No worries,” he said softly. “I got it myself.”
Isla hitched a breath as she felt the hot brand of his cock pressing

against her butt through the ratty robe she’d thrown on. She stiffened
against him before he slowly sauntered to her side, leaning a thickly
muscled arm on her counter as he watched her pour her cup. Her

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hand shook as she poured the liquid, and she hoped like hell he didn’t
notice. What was with him today? Why all the touchy–feely?

“What? No chirping chickadee agree to be your bed mate last

night? You must be hard up if you’re rubbing up against me this
morning,” she whipped out sarcastically as she stirred her cup with
one of her mother’s mismatched silver spoon. Campbell didn’t
answer her, just kept staring at her for a long moment, making her feel

“Why haven’t we ever tried anything, Isla? You know, you and


Isla’s heart stopped beating for a second. Her mind buzzed

looking for an answer she felt comfortable giving, one which
wouldn’t give away her secret crush on her neighbor or make her look
too vulnerable. “We’re friends. Why ruin a good thing?”

She picked up her cup and moved into the living room in order to

get away from the warmth of Campbell’s body and the liquid heat in
his stare. Isla heard him pour himself a cup and follow her as she
settled onto her comfy couch and stared out the window with a view
of the city’s skyline.

Anything would be better than looking in Campbell’s direction as

he came in and sat down beside her on the sofa.

“You make me laugh. You’re smart. You’re beautiful. And

heck, you live right next door, so talk about convenient.”

“Convenient?” she gasped. “Way to make a girl feel desirable.”
The first part of his comment had warmed her insides, but then

the realization he was just being lazy made her push away the

“You know what I meant. Why can’t we give this a try?”
He was her neighbor. If they tried and failed—which was a

likely occurrence given his track record with the opposite sex—she’d
have to keep seeing him across the hall and be reminded of the
friendship they’d lost. And no way was she moving out of her rent–
controlled building. “Because we’re friends and not going there.”

Campbell settled his cup down on the coffee table and then

gently removed hers from her iron grip, before placing it beside his.
Before she knew it, he was inches away from her on the couch.
“Friends sometimes make the best lovers.”

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Isla opened her mouth to reject his idea, but before a single word

could come from her mouth, Campbell’s lips were on hers, kissing the
protests from her.

Campbell captured the back of her head in one long-fingered

hand and tilted her to him, holding her close as his tongue swept
inside her mouth. A moan bubbled up from her throat as she pushed
at his rock hard chest, trying to get him to move away when all she
really wanted was for him to go further. After a few long moments,
she softened under his touch, melting against him and his delicious

He moved his hand to the tie at her robe, releasing it and opening

the neckline. His lips trailed down her cheek and to her neck, his
teeth pinching and teasing her tender flesh as he left a fiery path. She
held on for dear life, as need threatened to drown her. It had been far
too long since a man had touched her and to have him, her fantasy,
touching her, she thought she must still be dreaming.

Campbell spread her robe wide, gazing down at her body. A

swell of self–consciousness rolled over her, and she attempted to tug
the robe back in place. She was suddenly reminded why she and
Campbell were not a good idea and she pushed him away, not ready
to let him propel them both into a big mistake. “I think you need to
leave, Campbell.”

Campbell pulled the edges of her robe apart once more and gazed

at her intently. “You’re beautiful, Isla. I don’t know why you don’t
seem to think so.”

Isla pulled the robe closed and stood, not allowing him a second

chance. “The non–existent line of men wrapped around the building
starting at my front door seems to tell me you’re wrong.”

“Did you ever think you push them away?” Campbell sat up and

took a drink from his cup. “A man wants a woman who’s self-
assured, not one who doubts her value. And you have many great
qualities. For instance—”

“This from a man who has a new woman every week? Do those

women have value? Puh–leeze! I don’t need advice from you.”

Anger roiled over Campbell’s face as he rose from the couch, and

he had every right to be mad. What she’d just said was ugly, and
she’d cringed inside the minute the comment was out. And he’d
actually had a point. How many times had she told herself the same
things he’d just said? But, he wasn’t supposed to talk to her like that.

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“I date those women just to go out and have a good time,

knowing full well I wasn’t ready to settle down. Girls like those are
fun for a night or two, but they aren’t the forever kind.” He paused
for a moment as he took a step closer. “You are. I just wished you
could see that in yourself.”

Shock spread in Isla’s chest as his words rocked her to her core.

A moment later, the doubts started swirling again. She liked
Campbell too much to allow it to fail. “We can’t do this, Campbell.
We’re friends and only friends. I thought that was a mutual

“The kiss we just shared didn’t feel friendly, especially from your

side. I know you felt the connection I did.”

She had. The electricity that had zipped along her body had

made her feel like she could run the power in her apartment for a
week. Isla craved his mouth back on hers even now.

But anything they attempted was doomed to fail before it got

started and the thought of losing his friendship was just too great a
risk, one she wasn’t willing to give in to. “I can’t.”

“Fine,” he said as he walked toward the door. “And by the way,

the basket in the kitchen is for you. Happy Easter.”

The door clicked closed behind him, and she stood there staring

at the empty space he’d just occupied. Her apartment felt hollow and
lonely now that he was gone and part of her wanted to rush out the
door and drag him back inside, smothering him with kisses and
anything else he’d considered when he’d come over.

As usual, she’d gotten in her own way. She was confident in her

intelligence, in her ability to do her job. Yet when it came to matters
of the heart, she was so scared of being hurt she pushed men away, no
matter how many times she told herself to stop. When would she
listen to herself?

Moving into the kitchen, she glanced over the Easter basket,

touched he’d thought to get her a gift. A large chocolate bunny sat in
the middle of shiny purple Easter grass littered with jelly beans and
marshmallow Peeps. She saw a large green molded plastic egg lying
in the center, and she picked it up and attempted to open it, but
nothing happened. As she turned it in her hand, she saw a trap door at
the bottom. When she opened it, she saw two small batteries inside.

Campbell had bought her an egg vibrator? Heat flooded her face

as she contemplated that. He’d apparently been quite confident he’d

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urge her into bed, so much so he’d thought to give her a sex toy? Part
of her wanted to go over to his apartment, pound on his door, and
throw the thing at him; the other part of her wanted to slip into her
bed, flip the damned thing on, and take the edge off.

Campbell had gotten her all excited, so why not take care of

business? That is, if she could figure out how to turn the thing on.


Campbell sunk into his leather sofa and propped his feet on the

coffee table, anger coursing through him. He’d been flirting with Isla
for weeks now, but she’d completely ignored his attempts the whole
time. He wasn’t sure if she was actually ignoring him or being
thickheaded. Considering her obvious issues, he thought it was the
latter, but her brush off left him confused.

There was absolutely no reason for her to be self–conscious. He

closed his eyes and let his mind pull up the most recent vision of Isla,
her long, curling blonde hair tousled from sleep and cascading over
her shoulders and down her back. The curls ended just above a
perfectly round ass his fingers had itched to caress and squeeze as he
pumped into her depths. She had an hourglass figure, all erotic curves
and swells. Her large breasts were full and ripe for a man’s touch, her
hips a steady place for a man’s hand to grasp her and steady her as he
fucked her senseless, looking up into her sky blue eyes.

He jumped up from the couch, his body too pumped with

frustration and powerlessness to allow him to sit. There had been a
moment when Isla had been his, melting against him as her mind shut
down. She had let her body feel how good they were together.
Perhaps that’s what she needed more of. Campbell wasn’t typically
the type of man who needed to persuade a woman, but a seduction
may be exactly what Isla needed to let go of her preconceived ideas.

If he could make her melt, make her come apart with his hands,

lips, and body, maybe he could slowly wiggle his way past her walls.
He just needed to catch her off guard and he wasn’t sure how he was
going to make that happen. As he stalked around his living room,
thinking of a way to get her in his clutches, his gaze trailed over the
remote control for the vibrator he’d put in her basket. Her gift was no
good without the remote, but how was he supposed to get it to her
without being obvious?

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Or maybe giving it to her was the perfect excuse to get inside her

apartment again and give his failed attempt another chance.

Campbell snatched up the remote and decided he would simply

knock on her door and give it to her and walk away. There would be
plenty of time for a battle of wits and emotions later. His thumb
slipped on the remote, and he clicked the thing on by mistake as he
closed his door. Campbell hit the button a few more times, not sure if
he’d even turned the thing on or not.

He pressed close to her door, pausing as he pondered what he

was going to say to her, his fist hovering inches from the wood. Oh,
hey, I forgot to give you the remote to the vibrator I bought you on an

A hint of a feminine moan reached his ears just as he was about

to knock.

He froze. When another soft moan sounded, he pressed an ear to

the door and listened. He could hear the low buzzing of the vibrator
through the thin door of the old building, and after a couple of
seconds, he heard another moan rip from Isla’s lips.

The vibrator had been a joke, to a point. A very special Easter

egg he’d hoped they could have had a little fun with it after she’d
agreed to his suggestion. Never in his life had he expected her to use
it on herself as he listened like a peeping tom at her door.

Campbell knew he should give her privacy but he couldn’t walk

away knowing she was touching herself. Was she thinking of him as
she did it?

His body tightened, his cock lengthening in his jeans and

pressing painfully against the zipper. A groan came to his throat as
the discomfort hit him.

Isla was on the other side, seeking her pleasure without him while

he stood there in agony, wanting her touch with a desperation he’d
never known. This was his opportunity. Her walls were down,
having started her journey towards satisfaction. He needed inside so
he could take her higher and make her see they were good together.

Fishing her spare key out of his back pocket, he was thankful

she’d given it to him when she’d visited her sister a few months back.
She’d never asked for it back, and he’d held on to it in case of
emergency. Right now was exactly that, an emergency. Hopefully,
the whole thing wouldn’t backfire on him and make her even more
upset with him than she already was.

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His hand shook as he pushed the key into the lock and turned it.

Need roared through him the more he thought of her alone, working
the egg over her clit. Slowly, he opened the door and could hear the
sounds of Isla satisfying herself, which only made him want to

After shutting the door behind him, he lifted the remote in his

hand, remembering the thing supposedly had multiple speeds.
Campbell moved to the edge of her bedroom door and saw her lying
on her bed, her thighs open as she pressed the green egg to her slick

A tremor ran through his body as he leaned into the doorframe

for support. Watching her propel her body toward oblivion was
enough to make him come in his pants, without a single stroke to his
cock. Her body writhed on the sheets, her back arching, as she sought
solace in the satiation the small plastic egg could give her. He could
give her so much more, if she’d only let him.

Campbell pressed the button on the remote, making the speed

increase. Isla moaned as the renewed pressure hit her and her body
moved faster to match the new tempo. After a few moments, he
pressed it again, delighting in the mewling cries coming from her soft,
pink mouth. She caught her bottom lip in her teeth and surged against
the vibrator, so he hit the button again. His toes curled as she cried
out, her moans echoing off the walls.

He stepped back into her living room for a moment, reaching into

the basket and under the Easter grass to pull out the string of condom
packages he’d tucked there just in case. Afterwards, he slowly
walked into her bedroom and moved to the foot of her bed. She
finally seemed to sense she wasn’t alone and opened her eyes.
Redness flooded her face as she shot up the bed, a sheet grasped in
her hand to cover her nakedness.

“What’re you doing?” Disbelief spiked in her voice as her eyes

rounded into two large saucers.

He lifted his hand and showed her the remote. “I forgot to give

you this.”

“What’s that?”
“The remote to the vibrator you’ve been enjoying the last few

minutes,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

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Campbell unbuckled his belt and undid the zipper to his jeans

before pushing them down his hips and letting them fall to the floor.
“I’m giving you what you need, whether you can see it or not.”

Her stare followed his hands as he pulled his boxers off, her eyes

growing wide again as his cock popped out before him.

“Tell me you don’t want me in that bed with you and I’ll leave,


Isla looked up and captured his stare, but nothing came out of her

mouth. It wasn’t a welcome, but it wasn’t a no, either.

“Tell me to go, Isla, if that’s what you want. Unless you want me

to climb into your bed and finish the job you started.”

Isla’s mouth opened slightly, but no words came out.
Campbell removed one of the condoms from the pack and rolled

it over his length. When he looked up, her stare was on his cock and
she licked her lips. Once he was done with the condom, he crawled
into the bed beside her and pulled the sheets away from her tempting
form. “You’re so beautiful, Isla. I’ve wanted to get my hands on this
body for months.”

“For months?” she asked in a small, whispered voice.
He nodded as he leaned in and captured her lips, brushing against

the seam until she yielded and opened to him. Soon, he was
plundering her depths, tasting her as she kissed him back with as
much furious passion as he showed her. Campbell grasped one of her
heaving breasts in one hand and plucked the large nipple tightly until
she gasped.

As he pulled from the kiss, he felt the vibrator fall against his leg.

He suckled a nipple into his mouth, and she gasped from the contact,
letting her head fall back. He held her breast in place with one hand
as he used his other to capture the little egg. Once he had it in his
grasp, he moved it back to her folds and pressed it against her clit.
Isla cried out and began rolling her hips to increase the friction
against her body.

Campbell released the first delicious nipple to capture the second,

suckling the tender tip into his mouth, all while pressing the vibe to
her clit and feeling her ride the thing. Her body moved with cat-like
grace, rolling her hips in the most erotic dance he’d ever seen. He
could barely hold back, knew he needed to be inside her, but he
wanted to ensure she came before he surged within her wet heat.

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He clamped down on her nipple with his teeth and pressed the

egg even harder against her clit. She grew quiet for a moment, her
body stiffening under his, her head rolling side to side on the pillow
as she sought the abyss.

When she cried out and bucked under him, he knew she’d found

release. She squirmed, her body trembling as wave after wave hit her.

Once her cries softened, he removed the vibe and rolled to his

side, opening her thighs with his palms. Her folds glistened in the
soft light streaming through the windows, and the sight of her cream
coating her pussy made him clench his jaw to hold back his own
orgasm. He slipped a single finger through her pussy and brought it
to his lips, licking her essence from his fingertips.

Isla moaned as she watched him, her gaze trained on his lips.
“You taste too good not to sample.”
Campbell knew he was playing with fire, his body seconds away

from coming if he wasn’t careful. His cock demanded the satisfaction
of thrusting into her, but he wanted to drive her insane. Her flavor on
his tongue only forced him to lower his body until he was facing her
pussy. He pinched her folds, opening her wide for his inspection, her
body quivering under his touch. As he leaned in to lick her, she
moved her hips, straining for him.

He licked her from her clit to her pussy and back up again,

lavishing in her scent and taste. Campbell laved her over and over
until she was screaming under his tongue. Isla pushed her hand
through his hair, prompting him to press harder against her pussy. He
allowed her to set the pace, knowing she’d been without a lover for
some time and deserved the satisfaction he could give her. He wanted
to spend the next weeks making sure she was always sated.

Weeks? It wouldn’t be enough. He wanted her for months and

months of this, as long as she’d have him here between her thighs.

When she cried out once more, her impassioned screams circling

the room, he lifted with a smile. He was happy he’d played a part in
her two orgasms. He knew she had at least another within her for
now, perhaps even more. She opened her eyes as he climbed over her
and pressed the head of his cock to her entrance.

“Do you want me, Isla?”
She rolled her hips, forcing a half inch of his cock to spear into

her. The heat enveloped the tip, and he could barely think with the

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need to surge forward spiraling through him. But she didn’t answer
him and he wouldn’t take the next step without her total consent.

“Tell me you want me right now, or I’ll leave your bed.”
“Bastard,” she whispered.
Ire whipped through him at her refusal to submit. He knew she

wanted him, her body begged for his touch, but he wouldn’t go any
further without her admitting the need she felt aloud. “Last chance,
sweetheart. Either you tell me you want me inside you or I go. I’ve
assumed too much as is.”

“Just fuck me, Campbell,” she said as she squeezed her eyes

closed and rolled her hips once more.

He reared up on his arms and looked down at her. “This isn’t just

a fuck. I want so much more than that. If I have you, I want it all.
This isn’t a one-time thing.”

Isla opened her eyes and looked up at him. “You’re not the

forever kind of guy.”

“I can be. With the right woman.”
“Who says I’m the right woman?”
“I’ve wanted you for months, but you kept ignoring me. I refuse

to be ignored any longer. I know you’re the right one, but you won’t
let me in.”

Isla looked up at him, her eyes growing shiny. “I do want you.

I’ve wanted you all along, since the moment you moved in.”

The admission was music to Campbell’s ears.
“And if you don’t finish this right now, I’m going to kill you,”

she threatened.

Campbell chuckled and grasped the base of his cock, thrusting

down within her snug walls. He was able to get halfway in before her
tightness stopped him, and he paused to allow her the chance to grow
accustomed to him. When she began to move her hips, he drew back
a little and surged forward, this time completely encasing himself in
her heat. A groan ripped from his throat at how good she felt, and his
eyes rolled back in his head. He had to stop a moment to prevent
himself from coming, knowing a few seconds in her bliss would never
be enough.

“Campbell, please move, or I’ll—”
He captured her lips with his and sucked the next comment from

her as he began to shift his hips in the cradle of her thighs. A tremor
ran down his spine as the need for her blossomed from his balls and

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radiated throughout his body. Her whimpers grew louder and louder
with each thrust of his cock and the need to explode built as well.

“I love you, Isla,” he whispered against her lips as he pushed

himself to the brink, dragging her there along with him.

“I love you, too,” she whimpered. “Oh God, I love how you love


He increased the stride of his thrusts, building a brutal tempo as

he let the months of need and want overtake him. Each plunge was
both heaven and hell, the feel of her body too good yet the pleasure–
pain of his impending orgasm taking him to a place he’d never been
before. She shifted her hips and matched his pace, their bodies
slapping together in a frantic symphony of fevered flesh. Campbell
felt her body tighten below him and her back arch.

When her pussy gripped him even tighter while she orgasmed

around him, he could hold back no longer, coming in thick jets into
the condom. What he wouldn’t do to feel her pussy without the need
for rubber, but someday soon he hoped to have her in the raw, their
skin touching, his cum blasting inside her womb.

The thought floored him as he realized he could see Isla ripe and

round with his child and it didn’t cause a panic attack.

As he came back to reality, he slowly eased from her body and

rolled to his side, taking her with him. He grasped a tissue from her
nightstand and quickly took care of the condom before pulling her
close and wrapping his arms around her. He gave Isla a quick kiss to
the forehead before looking down into her beaming face.

“That was incredible.”
“Indeed,” she whispered, still trying to catch her breath. “Are

you always like that?”

“I’ve never had an experience quite like that one.”


Isla looked up into Campbell’s face. “What do you mean? Was

it bad?”

His eyes rounded as he looked down into her face. “Bad? Are

you insane, woman? That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

Isla took a deep breath, relaxing against him, a smile coming to

her lips. The best sex, hmm? Maybe that’s why he declared his love
for her. She was still kicking herself for admitting her feelings for

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him, but she planned to use the incredible encounter as her reason for
saying she loved him.

“I can see the smoke rising from your head, Isla. Talk to me,” he

whispered into her ear. His lips grazed her lobe and made her shiver
with excitement. Even after that incredible escapade, she was still
ready for more of his caresses.

“Nothing much, just thinking about how crazy sex can make you

say things you really don’t mean.”

Campbell stiffened against her and moved two fingers to her

chin, lifting her gaze to his. “And what things did you say that you
really didn’t mean?”

“We both said things we probably didn’t—”
“I meant every single syllable. I love you, Isla Corrigan. I didn’t

realize just how strongly I felt until I had you in my arms.”

Isla shivered. The intense look and emotions Campbell was

sharing with her were overpowering and making it hard for her to

“Did you not mean what you replied back?”
Isla struggled to talk, the feelings she’d shoved so deep into the

back of her mind threatened to reduce her to a quivering pool of goo.

“You don’t love me?” Campbell lay back on the bed and stared

at the ceiling a second. “It may not be love, but I know you feel
strongly for me. It’s enough, as long as you’ll let me be with you.
And someday, perhaps your feelings will change.”

“Isla, you’ve got to give us a chance—”
“No, no no. I mean, no, I did mean what I said. I do love you,

Campbell. I’ve loved you almost from the minute you walked
through my door to share a pizza right after you moved in.”

Campbell smiled and pulled her close, kissing the life out of her

with his magical lips and tongue. “Why did it take so long, then?”

“I’m scared this won’t work and we’ll lose the friendship we


“It’s better to live in a self–imposed prison of fear rather than

reach out for what we want?”

“I’m not used to getting what I want when it comes to the

opposite sex.”

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Campbell pulled Isla close and kissed her forehead. “Too bad.

You’re getting it in spades, baby.”

Isla laughed as she shifted and felt a pain in her side. She

reached down into the bed and pulled the vibe from under her hip. It
still vibrated in her fingers, and she giggled. “Can you turn this
sucker off?”

Campbell laughed and took it from her fingers before reaching

for the remote. He glanced her way and smiled as he put the remote
back down. She gasped as he pressed it against her pussy and gently
pushed it inside her depths.

“I’ve got a better idea.” He rose up on his knees and tugged

another condom on his thick erection. She was amazed he was ready
to go so soon after they’d just shared mind-blowing sex. He placed
the tip of his cock inside her channel and surged forward. “This way,
we can both enjoy your Easter gift.”

Once he was fully seated inside her, she was almost ready to

come again. The egg had wedged itself above his cock, firmly
planting itself directly along her g-spot. As he started to move above
her, she knew she was going to love the present he’d given them both.

The End

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Stay Up To Date With New Releases!


Now Available from Alexandra O’Hurley

Sacking the Quarterback

Catching the Pass

Coming Soon

Tackling Her Heart


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Alexandra is a best-selling author originally from small town
Maryland, who moved to Hampton Roads, Virginia when she was
still young. An avid reader and poet, she turned to erotic fiction after
falling in love with the genre over a decade ago.

Alex writes spicy MF and MFM Menage all over the genre map–from
paranormal to Historical to contemporary, and everything in between.

When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her older teen,
painting, sketching, graphic design, and really loud rock music.

Twisted Erotica Publishing


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