Rpg Traveller Tne Fan Old Expanses Campaign

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Old Expanses Campaign

For Traveller: The New Era (GDW)


Part 1 - A Walk In The Park

Part 2 - Eye of the Beast

Part 3- Adventurous Times

Appendix A – Ships

Appendix B - Planets


This campaign builds on previous adventures and information from the Classic

Traveller information sources detailed below. The author fully acknowledges these
sources of inspiration and information, and intends no infringement or challenge to

the copyright of any and all entities involved in the creation of these original sources.

Details of The Edge, the Insat and Star Class Merchant were first published in the

High Passage Magazine by FASA.

Details of Torrel were first published in the Traveller’s Digest Magazine by Digest

Group Publications

Further Information can be found on the BARD website: www.downport.com/bard


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A Walk In The Park.

A TNE Adventure for a party of 6-8 adventurers, ship optional. Year 1203
Part 1 of a 3-part campaign taking the PCs into the heart of the Old Expanses.

After a hazardous foray into the wilds, the RCES Ship "XXXXXXX" dropped in to
the Trybec system for some urgently needed repair and some gratefully received R&R
for the crew, however, upon contacting Dawn Base approach control, they get an
encrypted data transmission along with the more usual approach details.

Decoding the message will reveal it is a short note from Sid "Papa" Papagopolis.
"Hello, old friends, I hope it wasn't to bad a trip, sorry to cut your celebrations short,
but I need to see you at Kruyter as soon as you can make it. Swing by Vesna starport,
they have priority instructions to send you on your way with all possible speed" and
with that the message ends.

As soon as the PCs ship docks it will be swarmed by maintenance staff and cargo
loaders. Any salvage will be offloaded and will disappear into the depths of the
auction storage areas. Davion Shreck, a representative of the Trybec Holding
Corporation (Trybec's effective government) will assure any worried PCs that their
salvage will be safely stored and that he will personally ensure that it gets a good
price. Davion is a tall thin black man, dressed in an orange suit and sports a RC
broach on his lapel. He is used to dealing with the RCES and lancers, and is a loyal
RC administrator. He will actually ensure that the PCs get a good deal on their
salvage (+1 to any applicable rolls for the value of salvage sold). However, he does
not know anything about Sid's message, except that he has orders to get the PCs to
Kruyter as soon as possible. The ship's mechanics swarming over the ship don't know
anything either. This may start to get the PCs worried - good!. So after a few short
hours, just enough to fill the fuel tanks and clean the windshield, the PCs are off to

In the next seven days, the PCs will have plenty of time to get themselves very
worried. They will also have time to catch up on several months of mail and news that
was downloaded into their computer. Astute PCs will scan the news for any hints of
what could be in store. (The Coalition Information Net downloads from the bard site
1-9 are a good source of news). Canny PCs may note the news of troop and ship
movements to the Coalition's trailing border, and the first few skirmishes between the
RC and Solee (first two battles of Dunas), Smart PCs will also notice the mentions of
the fleet training facilities under construction at Kruyter.

Emerging from jump, a quick sensor scan will detect three small inbound targets
approaching fast. Opening communications or a formidable sensor scan task will
identify the incoming ships as a flight of RC wildbat fighters guarding the gas giant.
They will cheerfully greet the PCs (assuming some trigger happy PC has not opened
up on them), and direct them to Kruyter Starport. Passing through the system, the PCs
will detect a large amount of activity, both normal commercial traffic moving across
the Coalition, and in-system craft setting up the training facility.

Upon arrival at Kruyter Down, Sid will be waiting for them at the airlock, He will
shush any questions from the PCs as he falls in step with them on the way to a


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briefing room. He will however smile, and say it’s nothing a team like the PCs can't
handle. This will probably get the PCs very worried. Sid will usher the PCs into a
nearby briefing room, with a large view port overlooking the starport and the PCs
ship, where in sits a middle aged, slightly overweight and rather small man, dressed in
a well made grey informal jump suit.

Sid will gesture for the PCs to sit down and make themselves comfortable. He will
then introduce the man as "Angus Trantor" of the Coalition Diplomatic service.
Angus, despite his rather gruff name is a small shy, middle aged, middle ranked
diplomat, who is slightly nervous around such adventurous and famous people (and
just a little afraid, of a group of people who have probably battled the virus and
toppled governments). Angus will then make a short presentation.

"As you are aware, the Coalition has recently opened a trade route to Sitah and the
Hiver client states there. The RC has decided to open diplomatic relations with these
worlds, and has already despatched a full ambassador, with a small staff of course.
However, the RCSA's diplomatic wing has decided to expand our facilities on the
main world of RENJ to full embassy status". Then drawing himself up to his full 5ft
6inch stature, Angus will proudly proclaim " I have been chosen as the first secretary
to the mission on Renj". He will then become quite animated as he details the
important work that the embassy will do and his own role in the grand diplomatic
scheme of things. Most PCs will probably be starting to drop off after about ten
minutes of administrative minuet. Just as the PCs are considering shooting this guy,
Sid will interrupt.

"You are probably wondering what this has got to do with you, well to be blunt, we
need your ship, the naval training facility here at Kruyter needs realistic opponents for
the navy to play with, and your ship fits the bill of a modified wilds vessel to a tee".
"Don't worry," he hastily adds " you will get it back as good as new, and we will even
fix some of the dents" as he gazes out of the viewport at the PCs battered ship. "We
want you to take the RC courier "Crepuscule" and transport our diplomatic comrades
to their new assignment". The last sentence is said without a hint of irony. At this
point, Angus will excuse himself; "there is still a tonne of paperwork to do".

The PCs will probably ask Sid what the heck is going on, and why they have to
babysit a bunch of penpushers. Sid will reply "I know that it seems a waste of time,
but think for a minute, the whole aim of the Coalition is to grow and rebuild
civilisation, so we should contact these guys. Also it will allow us to use their
facilities to surround Solee and attack them from the rear. Also those diplomats make
a nice bunch of hostages, and they will be taking codebooks and other sensitive
information with them. I don't think there will be any trouble, but I thought it would
be a good idea to send a few sheep dogs to guard our diplomatic sheep". With this
though hanging, Sid will bid them goodnight and give them directions to their rooms.

Next morning, the PCs will get their first sight of the RC Courier "Crepuscule", and
may be slightly disappointed. The Crepsucle is a modified TL12 Petty class
subsidised merchant, outfitted with J3 drives. The PCs can gain the following
information on the ship.
Easy space ops task roll: basic ships performance, J3, 1G, sensor/ commo types,
weapons compliment.


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Routine Space ops task roll: sensor capabilities and ranges, weapon performance.
The stats for the Silvanus merchant are presented in Star Vikings Personalities of the
Coalition, Page 44. with the following modifications can be used for the Crepsucle:
Commo: 30,000km radio, 1000Au maser
Sensors: PEMS fixed array 60,000km, AEMS 3,000km.
Weaponry: Two TL-11 laser turrets locations 2 and 3, 1 TL11 missile turret with 2
ready missiles location 4; one TL11 sandcaster turret with 20 canisters, location 5.
Fire Control: 1 MFD TL=8, Ignores 1 difficulty modification.
Jump Fuel: 1120m
Cargo: 634.5m

A difficult space ops task roll will highlight a few disturbing facts:
1) There are no extra missiles or sandcaster canisters on board.
2) The fuel plant has not been upgraded to cope with the extra jump fuel. It will now
take 18 hours to refine the fuel tankage.

A look at the cargo passenger manifest will further discourage the PCs. The hold is
full of forms, computers, office equipment, luxury food and drink, formal wear for the
staff and even an ornate desk for the ambassador. One of the low berths holds the
ambassadors' dog, while two more have been used to preserve delicate food and wines
for diplomatic parties. There are two crates of more interesting stuff, but they are
labelled as "forms - procurement". One crate contains BW vests, standard coalition
ACRs, 2 LMGs, ammo, and a secure satellite maser uplink for defence of the
embassy. The second crate contains a selection of TL12+ intelligence gear for the
embassy's intel department, as well as Cr500,000 in gold and other items for financing
an intelligence network. The passenger manifest details the following:

Oriflamme Marine Guard: Kalyeen Mercer
Oriflamme Marine Guard: Enuli Killicanu
First Secretary: Angus Trantor
Second Secretary: Arthur Crichton
Third Secretary: Suzanne Guiscard
Third Secretary: Dolph Jaeger
Senior Administrative Officers (3):Anna Krueger, Thomas M'Benka, Dominique
Assistant Administrative Officers (4):James Rand, Charlotte Rand, Patrick Lemieux,
Gina Morelli

The marines will be picked up at Oriflamme.

An easy admin or space ops task will pull up the ships flight plan:
Kruyter: Zolga: Oriflamme: Spencer: Tuer: Poyzen: Dunbar: Dimeola: Wildman:
Zolibe: Renj

Just before launch, a small package will be delivered to the ship, addressed to the PCs.
It is a present from Sid: a TL13 Holo Player with a few imperial era films on crystal
including that RCES favourite "2001". A note says "this should make the voyage a bit
more tolerable" and is signed Sid.


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Upon arrival at Oriflamme, there will be a slight delay, only one of the marines is
ready to embark from the gas giant's transit station. The other marine had suffered a
broken leg and a replacement is on the way from Oriflamme and will arrive in 8
hours. Suspicious PCs may read more into this than has actually happened. The
accident was real and the replacement marine is a fine soldier. The marine already at
the transit station is also a fine soldier and a member of the Oriflamme rebels.

The journey out of the subsector will be uneventful, with a short but relaxing stop
over at the Baldur colony on Poyzen. (The referee may add details of the Poyzen
colony if PCs have been involved in setting this colony up - See World Tamers
Handbook). The So Skire subsector beckons.

So Skire Subsector

Whilst the ship is refuelling in the Dunbar system, the communications operator will
detect a weak broadcast signal from the Dunbar itself. It is a broadcast to any Hiver
ship in-system requesting technological aid. If the PCs go to assist and approach the
planet, radio communications can be established with the sender. The sender turns out
to be a small ecological group, who are worried about the potential salvage operation
being performed on planet. They will suggest a meeting at the players’ choice of
location. The local government is friendly - having been contacted by the hivers, and
the ship can land at the D class starport.

Two members of the ecological group "Protectors of Dunbar" will meet the players,
they are a man: Duncan Eerii and a woman: Clarrissa Adams. They will brief the PCs
that an infectious disease is currently ravaging the planets main domesticated groat
herds. Whilst the disease is harmless to humans, it is causing serious problems for the
planets economy, with the resulting minor civil unrest by the affected farming
communities. The planetary government has contracted a local firm "Gilden
Pharmaceuticals" to find a cure. Gilden plans to open a relic research lab in the hopes
of finding a cure. Remaining records list the site as a major veterinary centre. The
protectors are worried that the salvage team will release biotoxins that make the
current epidemic seem like child's play.

If the PCs approach "Gilden" directly, they will get a standard press pack of
information, which gives a calming optimistic corporate message. They will not allow
the PCs to visit the site, nor will they discuss details of the salvage activities quoting
"commercial confidentiality".

If the PCs approach the government, they will get the government's version of the
press pack. A difficult admin task roll will get the PCs with a junior official within the
agricultural ministry. Garth Simmons will attempt to re-assure the PCs that Gilden has
passed all the government’s safety criteria and that the salvage will be undertaken
under the most stringent safety procedures.

PCs being PCs will probably not believe this and will attempt more direct action:


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1: Computer Infiltration. The PCs may attempt to hack into "Gilden's" computer
network. However Dunbar was only TL6 before the collapse and has dropped to TL5.
Gilden does have a computer but it is valve driven relic with no connections to the
outside world. The PCs will need to break in to access it, and any attempts to operate
the computer will be conducted at minus two difficulty levels due to the PCs
unfamiliarity with such primitive technology. Any PC efforts will be wasted, the
computer is used to perform complex calculations, and contains no information on the
salvage site.

2: Break in to Gilden HQ. The gilden corporate HQ is located within the business
district of Dunbar's capital city: Stirling. It will be deserted at night except for a small
security gatehouse containing two unarmed guards who will patrol the site at regular
intervals and phone the police if they discover something amiss. The business district
is subject to regular police patrols, but is generally quiet after business hours. If the
PCs ransack the offices, it will take a formidable admin task roll to find the relevant
files amongst the mass of paperwork associated with the workings of a major
company. Difficult admin rolls will find minor errors / discrepancies within the
project workfiles - a few documents not signed off, a few plans and procedures still in
draft state, but nothing really incriminating. If the PCs present these documents to the
government they will have to explain how they acquired them and may be arrested.
The government will review the evidence and the licensing authority will make a few
minor demands on Gilden - mainly that they will not approve the starting of the
salvage operation until all these loose ends are sorted out. This will delay the salvage
operation approximately 1 month with only minor effects on the agricultural crisis.

3: Breaking into the salvage site. The salvage site consists of a number of tents
holding the staff and a few prefabricated building containing the temporary research
facilities. Any PCs with a scientific background will detect primitive decontamination
facilities set up just outside the ruins of the old research lab. The staff consists of three
biologists plus a dozen graduate staff who will do most of the legwork within the
ruined facility + three roadies responsible for the general upkeep of the camp. The
camp is equipped with two radios, three trucks, half a dozen jeeps and a half-track.

Two of the roadies are armed, one with a pistol for self defence, whilst the other
enjoys hunting and carries a TL5 rifle with telescopic sights and may be encountered
several kms from the camp during daylight hours attempting to bag a few rabbits for
the pot. If the PCs raid the camp and investigate the temporary lab they may find
evidence of minor infringements of the safety regulations. If they present this to the
government, the results will be similar to 2 above + the PCs will definitely have to
explain why they have raided a restricted area. If they enter the ruined research
facility, they will eventually discover the labs in the heart of the complex.

These are wrecked and there is no usable salvage or information to be found. Any PCs
with a scientific background will realise that the real information will be found in the
labs archives. A routine recon task roll will discover the access to the underground
archives. Here is a large darkened room with masses of paper files detailing the lab's
research before the collapse. It will take weeks to sift through this lot. A PC will
notice a large steel door in one corner of the archive. Again scientific PCs will
recognise this as a freezer used to maintain samples in a control temperature. The
door is jammed shut.


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If the PCs leave now, they may be subject to arrest depending upon the amount of
evidence they left behind. The Gilden research team will find the clues they need
within the records and within two months they will have a vaccine. The planet will
suffer no more than a few impoverished farmers (who will be compensated by the
government) and a doubling of local meat prices for a few years until the herds are

If they barge into the freezer - by blowing the door off, they will probably ignite the
various chemicals within freezer and cause a secondary explosion (equal to two
incendiary grenades) that will set fire to the old records. Without these records, the
research effort will fail and the local herds will be decimated. The government will be
forced to impose rationing, and civil unrest will rack the planet for several months
until the hivers can send emergency relief from the Sitah subsector. Oops!!

The rest of the journey through the So Skire Subsector will be uneventful - this is a
cleared trade route after all. The biggest problem that the PCs will encounter is the
rather boring company of their passengers. The Crepsucle will soon enter the Sitah

Sitah Subsector:

The PCs will be getting quite bored by now, they have not had any action since the
affair on Dunbar, and even the last contact with a merchant vessel was two jumps
back, but now they are only one jump from Renj. Angus paints quite an exciting
picture, an new high population world with a TL11 at the centre of a small star faring

So they may be rather surprised to be jumped by a pirate ship whilst attempting gas
giant refuelling. Initial sensor scans will give a mixed response: whilst the pirate
vessel is smaller than the Crepuscule at only 300dtns, it is an imperial era warship - a
gazelle class close escort (without its drop tanks). There is a small sitah facility on the
sole moon of the first gas giant, but it is a refuelling station and can not help. The PCs
are probably outclassed here, but PCs then to be resourceful. Let them try all their
sneaky underhand tricks to defeat the pirate.

But before the Crepuscule is completely wrecked, the cavalry will arrive. The pirate
will suddenly turn and accelerate away from the gas giant. The PCs probably have
minimum sensors by this time, but they too will soon detect two large sensor echoes
closing on the pirates at high acceleration. After a short but one-sided battle the pirate
will be destroyed and the two sensor contacts will identify themselves as a pair of
hiver destroyers (TL14, 5ktns). The reason for this navel presence will soon be
revealed as a hiver tender enters sensor range. The Tender can repair the Crepuscule.
This gives the PCs the perfect chance to meet some hivers and their ever-friendly
Ithklur marines.


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Details of Renj and the other worlds of the hiver client state in the Sitah Subsector can
be found on the BARD pages. Renj is a high population waterworld B86A998-B with
a huge volume of traffic, greater than even Oriflamme or Aubuline. There are still
imperial era bulk carriers in operation, plus hiver vessels (both the tenders and
transports the PCs are familiar with, and hiver naval units including a 40ktn light
cruiser). The PCs even pass a 100,000Ktn monitor on their journey in-system.
The PCs RC identification will get them a priority access to the starport and soon they
will be unloading their diplomatic cargo at Syrim downport. The PCs will have
several days to enjoy the sights. Then they will receive a summons from the Coalition
embassy and are again met by Angus.

He says that the ambassador has another small errand for them. Whilst the embassy
has the official data onto various worlds with the subsector supplied by the Renj
government, the ambassador wants some first hand independent reports of what is
actually out there. The ambassador has already sent a message back to the coalition
stating that he is "appropriating the RC courier Crepuscule and its crew for official
RC business". and he has the power to do so, being the highest ranking RC official in
a dozen parsecs.

(For Referees: The oriflamme marine rebel is conducting a few unofficial activities of
his own. He is exploring Renj culture to see if: a) it will make a suitable hide out for
the rebels, b) he can find another government structure that could be used on
Oriflamme, he will eventually try to contact the Minotaurs within the Renj
government; c) if the contacts with b go well he may attempt to approach the hivers
via the Renj government to see if they can intervene back home - or at least perform a
few manipulations on the Oriflamme Technarchs. The referee is left to develop this
adventure seed as he sees fit).

The worlds the ambassador would like information on consist of:
Zolibe; Zoquet; Quell; Osmosis; New Luck; Miisha; Markham; Mackloud; Jowaa;
Delphinium; Darinov; Dahlgren; Cassiopia; Carmen; An Cizow; Adam; and Surren.
The ambassador will leave the actual planning to the PCs.

On the minor outpost of Zoquet, the PCs will be invited to spend a few weeks. The
locals don't get many visitors and are keen to hear about the outside universe. The
PCs can spend a few weeks working in the fields / helping with the salvage / helping
with the base operations and exchanging tales at night around the fire, while obtaining
their first hand cultural and survey information.

One day, one or more of the PCs (the less technically minded ones such as the medic)
will be out examining the agricultural system (i.e. visiting a farm) accompanied by a
crowd of local children who have come to see the spacemen. They will be surveying
the plains from a sheer escarpment overlooking a fast flowing river, whilst one of the
local farmers explains their expansion plans. Unfortunately the children start to play,
and one thing leads to another and a small 5-year old boy ends up tumbling down the
escarpment towards the river. The escarpment is too steep to just walk down and
rescue the boy. The PCs will need to climb down (any mountaineers - the climb


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consists of two difficult climb task, climbing up is also two difficult tasks (or
formidable task roll is carrying the boy)) or fly down if they have a grav belt.
A successful rescue will gain the PCs the gratitude of the local community. Prior to
the PCs departure the locals will throw a celebratory feast, and present the PCs with a
gift to show their appreciation. The PCs will be awarded a certificate of thanks
(always good for the coalitions reputation) and a single piece of jewellery - a large
single crystal hanging from a silver chain.

The PCs will recognise the crystal not as a gem but as a holo-crystal (thanks to their
experience with Sid's present). Playing the crystal in the holo-player will reveal that it
is encrypted but the screen will display the emblem of the IISS. The ship board
computer will not be able to crack the code, but the RC embassy has better facilities.
The PCs will probably high tail it to Renj to get the crystal decoded. the RC embassy
computer department will be able to decode the crystal (based upon codes recovered
from the old scout base at Trybec). It is a set of xboat messages that passed through
the local scout base in 1108. The messages are marked as originating from the
Imperial Navy. Further analysis indicates that they are inventory requests from naval
bases in the trailing half of the sector for a period in mid-1108. These type of records
tend to be very boring and generally not very useful.

The RC computer operator will set the system checking for unusual items and go
home for the night. The PCs will get an excited video call from the overnight
computer supervisor that their search has turned up something unusual. When the PCs
arrive back at the embassy, they can review the results of the search. It is a requisition
order from the naval base at Torrel and is addressed to the naval facilities on Terra in
the Solomani Rim. It is signed by Vice Admiral Armund Buchanan, Imperial Navy
(Old Expanses Sector, Ship Safety Department, Depot / Old Expanses) and requests
PSI shielding equipment.

This is curious:
1) Why does the Imperial Navy need PSI shielding so far from the Zhodani threat?
2) Why get the stuff from Terra, according to the old records, there are no major
storage depots on Terra?
3) What has PSI shielding got to do with a vice admiral from the ship safety

Again, via Angus, the RC ambassador will think this is sufficiently strange to be
worth investigating. Fortunately he has a high jump ship and an experienced crew
available i.e. the PCs.

The PCs are authorised to draw upon RC stores and resources to plan and execute an
exploration mission to Torrel in the heart of what was the Old Expanses Sector

The PCs Journey to Torrel will be detailed in Part 2 of the Campaign - Eye of the



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Cast of Characters

Oriflamme Marine Guard: Kalyeen Mercer
Kayleen is an experienced marine trooper who is being rested after a few too many
SAG missions. In reality, she was involved in the oriflamme occupation of spencer
and has been moved to the rear echelons for her own good. She has been appalled by
the actions of the Technarchs on Spencer and is now a member of the rebels, hoping
for a better government on Oriflamme.

Oriflamme Marine Guard: Enuli Killicanu
Enuli is from a vilani-descended family that still cling to the old vilani traditions. The
affects of the collapse have further increased his dislike of technology. He is happy
with his standard and trusty ACR, and favours the low tech approach over fancy high

First Secretary: Angus Trantor
Angus is a small shy middle aged, well-attired career diplomat. He is rather nervous
around strangers but opens up once he gets to know people. He is interested in the
details of his job, and will often boor those around him with insignificant details. He
is also rather impressed with his current position and will talk as if the fate of the
coalition depended upon his every action. However, he is basically a good man, he
will even go as far as to physically help the PCs but within limits (i.e. hitting a pirate
over the head from behind, if the ship is attacked and a PC is in danger of dying. He is
married to a doctor and has three small boys.

Second Secretary: Arthur Crichton
Arthur has risen to the position of Second Secretary by dint of both hard work,
working away and the retirement / departure of the more senior members of staff.
Arthur is a devoted family man with a wife and two young boys. Arthur likes
spending time at the pub. He can be a bit crude at times, especially about the opposite

Third Secretary: Suzanne Guiscard
Suzanne is a woman in a man's word, and tends to be seen in masculine attire (trouser
suits etc.)and has short hair. She is a competent administrator specialising in trade and
commercial areas. She still likes feminine things (usually house furnishings) and is an
avid reader. She is happily married with no children.

Third Secretary: Dolph Jaeger
Dolph is a middle-aged diplomat (age 34) who has risen rapidly through the ranks,
unfortunately based upon his friendship with Arthur Crichton and threats to leave the
service rather than true ability. He has married into a well to do family and is
desperately trying to keep up with his relatives more affluent lifestyles. He is
chronically short of money, having spent in all on flash hotels, fine meals, expensive
cars etc. He has a wife and a small child.


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Senior Administrative Officers (3):
Anna Krueger,
Anna is a older woman (late 50s) working steadily within here field. Unfortunately
she has an annoying laugh and is not a great social person. She is however very good
with computers etc. She is normally found in the company of Suzanne Guiscard.

Thomas M'Benka,
Thomas is a middle aged (33) senior administrative officer, who has been in various
branches of the service since he left university. He is quiet around most people except
his friends, when he can be quite outspoken and sarcastic. He generally feels
aggrieved that Doplh has been promoted over him, despite equal abilities just because
of dolph's friendship with senior staff. He is married with a small girl.

Thomas has a painful stomach disease, which there is current no cure for. He will be
interested in any relic medical technology that could help. He has experience of
numerous combat simulation games (the equivalent of paint ball) and if required will
help the PCs. However the experience of actual combat may be more than he
bargained for.

Dominique Dumouriez
Dominique is a friendly young (late twenties) admin officer. She has risen rapidly due
to hard work and the willingness to undertake the less popular tasks including
significant working away from home. She is a large stocky woman. Unfortunately the
job has cost her here marriage after only three years, and she is still uncomfortable
with it.

Assistant Administrative Officers (4):
James Rand,
James is a middle aged (50) administrative officer. He is quiet around people, but is
gruffly friendly. He is a large well-built man, but suffers from a number of chronic

Charlotte Rand,
Charlotte is a middle aged (45) administration assistant. She has three daughters (late
teens) and several cats. She has been divorced, but has recently remarried. She is
quietly outgoing, and is generally nice and good fun. She is an extremely competent

Patrick Lemieux,
Patrick Lemieux is a junior diplomat specialising in environmental aspects. He has
participated in several surveys of low-tech worlds, and has often been alone in quite
remote spots. He is classed as experienced when considering survival / recon type
skills. He is still a single young man and enjoys the responsibility free lifestyle. He is
also an experienced hill walker and mountain climber.

Gina Morelli
Gina is a typical young (18)female admin assistant, who sees work as a means to pay
for her week-end partying. She is happy and carefree, but is still a competent if junior
administrative assistant.


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Referees Information:

Details of the Type R merchant can be found in the TNE rule book.
Subsector maps and UWPs of the So Skire and Sitah Subsectors can be found on the
BARD pages - OPAL
Descriptions of the worlds within the Sitah Client state can be found on the BARD
pages - OPAL


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Eye of the Beast.

Journey through the Vendtup Subsector from Sitah to the Ile subsectors.

This Adventure assumes that the PCs progress up the trailing side of the sector from
Urbain to Lorsch and then cut across to New Dikar.


The Renj government maps indicate there is a C type starport on Urbain, which could
be a good starting point for the PCs journey. They may be able to meet some free
traders and at least get an idea of what is ahead. The RC ambassador will have one
last departing gift, a minimum spec, minimum tech densiometer, that should help their
survey work, the RC does not want the mission to fail due to poor navigation dumping
the Crepsucule in deep space.

The PCs can easily arrive at the Sitah outpost on Darinov, and plunge into the night,
first stop Urbain.

When they jump into the Urbain system, and approach the main world they will be
intercepted by two solomani SDBs of rebellion vintage. These warships are vastly
superior to the Crepsucule and only a foolish group of PCs would attempt gunplay at
this stage. One SDB will escort the ship down to a pad at the starport whilst the other
remains in orbit performing an overwatch just in case.

The starport at Urbain is well maintained and very clean. However most of the high
tech systems have suffered failures of one sort or another and have been replaced with
functional TL7 equivalents. The PCs ship will be inspected by a church customs and
medical team consisting of three brothers, Imran, Joseph and Eneri. They will check
the cargo and conduct a medical examination of the crew. Any imperial era PCs will
recognise this as a standard Imperial inspection. The customs team will remind the
Priest Captain not to let the laity see the PCs sacred relics. He will then casually
enquire which church these esteem priests belong to. The PCs should mention the RC,
and the priest will note this politely in his report, and so the church of the
Reformation Coalition will be born (to the later amusement of the RCES).

The PCs will be free to travel where they like, and the population of the cities near the
starport are sufficiently used to the idea of free traders and offworlders that the PCs
will not be stared at in the street. If the PCs try to offer technology higher than TL7
they will be reported by a loyal population to the nearest priest patrol and the PCs will
be arrested (a patrol consists to a junior priest and 12 soldiers armed with assault
rifles). They will be tried before an religious court (thought the trial will be fair). They
will then be deported and members of the RC will not be welcome again.

If the PCs do a little research, they will be able to determine the information within
the description on the Opal section of the Bard pages. A formidable religious task roll,
will determine that SeeDu is not a name but a title for a high ranking emissary of the
Urbain God (who is not named and hardly mentioned). A formidable linguistics task
roll will reveal something startling. SeeDu is a corruption of the old imperial term


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"Sector Duke", the planet is still waiting for the old imperial nobility to rescue them
(although they themselves have forgotten).

Just as the PCs are about to depart, their clearance will be cancelled by order of a high
church official, and a motorcade will appear alongside the ship. An honour guard will
form up outside the airlock and a high ranking priest (judging by his robes) will ask
the captain priest for permission to come aboard. High Priest Barnetien will ask a
small favour from the PCs and hints that granting it will increase the standing of the
RC in church eyes. Certain factions within the church wish to spread the word of
Urbain to other worlds, and could the PCs carry a small number of missionaries (3) on
their journey? He will mention that he has useful information for the PCs if they

The PCs will probably be confused by this request, there is no official RC policy on
missionaries, and as they are out of contact with higher authority, it is up to them. If
they agree, the high priest will reveal that various free traders have hinted that there is
an intact proper starport in the Haven Cluster.


If the PCs follow the rumour of an intact starport in the Haven cluster, they will
discover that the majority of the worlds are dead, they suffered massive damage from
the collapse and appear to be tombs. Several of the worlds show signs that there were
survivors from the initial virus assault and in some cases significant rebuilding had
begun. These pitiful attempts at rebuilding appear to been smashed by a combination
of heavy energy weapon fire and nuclear weapons.

A routine sensor task will determine that the weapons used correspond with ship sized
A difficult sensor task will determine that the last bombardment occurred in the late
1140s (based upon the radioactive decay from nuclear blast sites).
The worlds affected include Chapet (3025), New Titan (3125), Haven (3225) and
Curuna (3226).

While heading out of the Curuna system, after detecting signs of offworld attack, the
Crepuscule will pass through the shadow of one of the moons of the single gas giant.
A routine sensors task will detect a faint signal originating from the moon they have
just passed. But for the shielding effects of the moon itself, the signal would have
been lost in the background noise coming from the gas giant. A second routine
sensors / communications task roll will pick the low powered repeating message out
of the static. A third difficult sensors / communications task roll will locate the source
of the signal at the side of a large crater just within the moons night side. After two
hours the signal will cease, only to start half way through the moon's next day.
The signal reads as follows

"Mayday, SOS, Signal GK, this is the research station Argus requesting assistance.
We have suffered a catastrophic power plant failure and are on emergency life-
support. We intend to use low berths. Please help. The message ends with a string of
co-ordinates on the moon's surface".


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Careful or experienced PCs will scan the area for signs of life.

Passive Sensors
A routine sensors task will identify a higher than normal background radiation level
from the crater. A routine physics, or engineering task will suggest that the radiation
is consistent with a catastrophic fusion power plant failure. A routine medical task roll
will confirm that the levels although high are safe for personnel in vacc suits.
A difficult sensor roll with a densiometer will detect a shaft leading down from the
crater rim to several artificial chambers under the crater rim.
A difficult sensor roll will not detect any other background signs of an active
installation (i.e. heat etc.)

Active Sensors / Communications
No response will be forthcoming to any attempts to communicate with the base.
A routine active sensor scan task roll will pick out a crude solar array and radio
transmitter on the crater rim. A difficult active sensor task roll will identify what
looks like an airlock door on the surface near the transmitter.
A difficult active sensor task will find a laser turret emplacement on the other side of
the crater, with the turret facing across the crater in the general direction of the airlock
and transmitter. There will be no obvious signs of life from the laser emplacement.

A check through the ships library for pre collapse installations will confirm that
GSBAG did have a research facility on the moon below. Details of its field of
research are not available.

The PCs will have no problem landing on the moon's surface either in the ship or in
the launch. However walking on the moon's surface will be eerie for non-spacers as it
will be completely dark except for lights from the ship and the PCs Vacc suits, the
only sound will be the breathing of other team members coupled with the occasional
radio message from the ship (if they are not maintaining radio silence).

Laser Emplacement: Examination of the laser emplacement will find an intact TL14
standard 3DTNs starship laser turret and a TL14 MFD. PCs should be cautious, this
apparent treasure trove is not without its dangers. The MFD contains a virus egg that
will recreate the doomslayer virus that destroyed this base.

If the PCs carelessly hook the system up to their ship, the virus will awake approx 4
days later. It will be confused by the fact the ship will probably be in jump, and that
the ships systems are isolated from fire control where it is hiding. It will spend the
remainder of the jump trying to work out what is going on. Once the ship has emerged
from jump, the virus will have come up with a plan. Its limited systems will prevent it
from communicating with the crew or affecting them. However it will cause havoc in
the following manner:
1. Attempting to fire the ships weaponry at other ships or the Crepuscule's launch (the
referee will have to determine if the ships anti-viral measures will allow this)
2. Providing incorrect fire control data to the ship's gunners in a fire fight.
3. Failing to release the clamps on ships missiles if they are fired. While the nuclear
warhead will not detonate (as the safeties will have not arm the missiles while they
are still in the turret) the effects of the missiles rocket engines will destroy the turret


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and any stored missiles. Any gunner in the turret will suffer the effects of a plasma
bazooka hit from the backlash from the drives).

Examination of the transmitter site will find a crude jury-rigged radio transmitter
coupled to a few storage batteries and a small solar array. The array is sufficient to
power the radio during the moon's day, while the batteries can power the transmitter
for a few hours once the sun has gone down. Examination of the airlock door will
reveal a manual hatch, which shows signs of serious seal failure. Inside the airlock, it
will be dark and quiet. No airlock systems show signs of power, there is no
atmosphere, and the inner hatch will open easily, indicating that there is no air on the
otherside. Opening the inner hatch will reveal a small square room with a shaft
leading down. There is no sign of life. The room is dark and in vacuum. A ladder
leads down the shaft into darkness. Any PC who drops a stone down the shaft to
determine its depth will be disappointed, there is no atmosphere to carry the sound of
the pebble hitting bottom.

Any PC that climbs down the 100ft shaft will find a similar darkened room at the base
of the shaft. The hatch out of the room will be wedged open by a corpse. It is the
mummified frozen remains of a man in standard shipboard jumpsuit typical of the
pre-collapse imperium.

Sweeping the room on the other side of the hatch will reveal a scene of horror picked
out in the lights of the PCs vacc suits. Over one hundred men and women lie here in
frozen agony. A routine engineering roll will indicate that the seal failure above
caused a loss of pressure integrity, the man wedged in the lower door prevented the
last survivors from closing the door and maintaining life-support. This is a scene from
a nightmare, the referee may want to impose trauma effects on any personnel who
view this scene. Sorting through this grave site will locate a small holorecorder and
several crystals clutched in the grasp of a female staff member. These can be
reviewed back at the ship using Sid's present. The records tell of the last days of the
research station and were made by a Lora Hindraday, the base's computer operator.
The base seemed to be involved in research to improve the efficiency of GSBAG
manufacturing processes, but no data on the research remains.

Pulled another long shift last night, the computer is still acting up, I think those spare
parts were fakes, they don't seem to be lasting long, especially the memory and
processor cores, although in these times beggars can't be choosers and any spare is
better than nothing. We fixed the computer in time for our regular data dump down to
the planet. Gasbag's manufacturing secrets might as well be put to good use by
someone. Oh my God what was that noise (followed by sounds of a large explosion
and falling debris). The recording cuts out then"

My God the main reactor has exploded, the main base is gone, we are attempting to
move the survivors into the old storage areas, they seemed to have survived the blast.
Henrich thinks he can rig a transmitter on the surface to call for help. A rescue ship
should be here with a week or so."


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We are now safely relocated into the old storage areas. The rations are a bit basic,
makes national service seem like hotel living. We lost three today from the radiation
effects from the blast, but people seem to be coping"

No sign of the rescue ship, what's up with these people, didn't we do enough for them,
Morale has dropped, but Jetta has kept up hopes by reminding them of the supply
ship. It should be hear in two weeks. Henrick has suggested a trip out to the defence
emplacement. The MFD contains useful parts, we may even be able to build a sensor
or long range communicator. Pity it was not a missile turret, a 300,000 klick laser com
would be real useful right now"

Henrich and his two companions have not returned. We haven't got enough suits or
experienced people to go looking for them. I hope he gets back"

No sign of the supply ship either, supplies are getting low, and the group have agreed
to go into low berths to survive until rescue arrives. We are just securing the airlock
before we set up the low berths"

This was the last recording.


The Crepuscule jumps into the "En Livereh" system to refuel prior to its final jump
into "Lorsch". As it approaches the nearest gas giant, sensors will pick up a metallic
object in high polar orbit over the gas giant. Active sensors will confirm that the
object is a standard 20TN launch just like the one carried by the Crepuscule. It
appears to be operating on minimum power.

If the PCs board the launch, they will find it powered down to a minimum setting and
in vacuum. But there are four low berths in the cargo area. Examination of the low
berths will reveal four men in cold sleep since the early 1130s (according to the
readouts). If the PCs transfer the low berths to their ship and revive the men, they will
all survive the awakening process and introduce themselves as the remaining crew of
the free trader "Honest Profit" out of Lorsch. They claim to have abandoned ship after
their ship caught the virus and crashed into the gas giant. The launch was carried as an
unofficial small craft in the hold which is why it was not infected. The remaining
trader crew perished at the hands of the virus. Examination of their equipment will
reveal a few personal items, a couple of snub pistols (which they will hand over) and
a child's present of some coloured shapes.

The men are actually undercover pirates pretending to be remnants. They hope to
infiltrate the ship and disrupt ships operations at a critical moment. They will pretend
to be helpful and shocked at the results of the collapse. The pirates were picked for
their acting ability rather than their combat experience, and as such they are rated as


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follows: 1 novice; 2 experienced; and 1 veteran. At the critical moment, they will
move to engineering and weapons stations in an attempt to take over these areas. They
will be armed with plastic knives made from memory plastic. Memory plastic is a
TL13 product that will revert to its original shape (a knife). Exposing the plastic to
microwaves will cause it to melt into a formless coloured blob (the child's present), a
few sharp taps will cause it to revert to its original shape. As they are made out of
plastic, the knives are at -1 Pen, and -1 Dam compared to a normal knife. If locked in
a stateroom the veteran pirate will attempt to override the electronic lock using bits of
the staterooms electronics (at -2 difficulty levels due to the lack of proper tools and
equipment). If they don't have access to the knives, they will arm themselves with
whatever they can find in the staterooms.

Suspicious PCs may try to find holes in their stories, but they have been well briefed
and will only be discovered on an Impossible Interrogation roll. Investigation of the
low berths will confirm their story, however if a formidable computer or electronic
task roll will pull up the low berths internal maintenance log. This shows that the low
berths were activated a few weeks ago, not in the 1130s.

When the PCs are half way through refuelling, a pirate vessel (Guild Vessel:
Damocles) will emerge from the clouds of the gas giants upper atmosphere and attack.
The Damocles is a modified Bastien class liner (use the stats for the Winged
Vengeance from Personalities of the Coalition). The sounding of battle stations
onboard the Crepuscule will be the signal for the pirates to spring into action. The first
round of fire will be subject to a DM of -1 Difficulty levels due to the interference
from the gas giant’s atmosphere. The pirate will freely use its nuclear missiles.

After approximately 10 rds of combat, any PC sensor operator checking the
surrounding area will detect an energy signature in the nearby gas giant's rings. PCs
may scan the area, the target is medium sized with TL14 EMM. The pirates will be
concentrating on the battle. Next round, both ships will be swept by a powerful
AEMS pulse from a source rising out of the rings. Any successful scan against the
target will reveal a terrifying sight, a 50KTN warship emerging from the rings. Its
transponder will identify it as the "SS Triumphal Destiny", a Solomani Heavy Cruiser.

The Destiny will commence firing at long range at the pirate, whom it perceives as an
Imperial commerce raider. Firing at the cruiser will be a bad idea, as it will spilt its
fire between the two ships. The PCs best course of action is to make maximum speed
to the jump point. After the cruiser has destroyed the pirate, it will spend a few rounds
deciding what to do next. Then it will identify the Crepuscule as an Imperial standard
merchant vessel and a legitimate target. Once the cruiser starts moving it will soon
catch up with the PCs unless they jump out.

The Triumphal Destiny is a Doomslayer occupying a TL14 Solomani Scharhorst class
heavy cruiser, formally attached to the 122nd Frontier Cruiser Squadron on deep
frontier recon when the virus hit. It suffered minor damage destroying its small escort
squadron. It is responsible for the bombing of the survivors on the dead worlds in this
cluster. Upon entering the "En Livereh" system, its fuel shuttle suffered a M drive
failure and disappeared into the depths of the gas giant during a refuelling run. The
Destiny was stuck, without the shuttle it could not refuel, it decided to power down


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and conserve what fuel remained until it could infect another ship and transfer its
personality or gain another fuel shuttle. This is the reason why the system is still alive.

The Destiny powered down and the virus spent the next sixty years reviewing its
memory cores and historical files. In this powered down state, it failed to notice the
occasional free trader quietly refuelling at the gas giant. However, nuclear missile
detonations from the pirate were hard to miss and the Destiny awoke. In the PCs
favour the Destiny only has 4 months of power plant fuel and 12G turns for the M
drive, and it has expended all its missiles. If the PCs return this way in a few months
the Destiny will be dead and a very useful source of military salvage and possibly a
reclaimed vessel for the RCN to use in the forth coming Solee war.

Full stats for the Scharhorst Class Heavy Cruiser are available on the BARD site.
Summary stats reflecting the Destiny's current condition are presented below:
50KTNs, Size: Medium, Armour 280, J3, M5G, Comp TL14 Fib x 2, No remaining
small craft
Sensors: 240,000km AEMS, 3 x 480,000 km AEMS, 300,000km ladar.
Bridge and auxiliary bridge, 6 TL14 MFDs
Weapons: TL14 1,000,000MJ PAW, 12 TL14 150MJ laser turrets. No sand, No


After a probably desperate jump (see Part 3) the Crepuscule will emerge in the Lorsch

Upon arrival in the Lorsch system the PCs will detect the signs of a technological
civilization when refuelling at the gas giant (i.e. low power civilian radio broadcasts
radiating into space).

The Crepuscule will be hailed by radio while still several diameters out from the
planet, and a friendly voice will give them a beacon frequency to follow down to the
starport. The starport is a bit dilapidated (and was the old downport, but is freshly
painted and smart. There are even signs of a TL11 SDB pen. The native are
surprisingly friendly especially given the collapse, and it will soon emerge that the
planet maintains contacts with free traders operating in this subsector and in the
neighbouring subsector within the Hinterworlds.

The natives have quite a keen set of merchants and are willing to trade and exchange
info from a free trader crew. The starport will repair battle damage and install the
TL14 turret + MFD in exchange for a TL11 laser turret and possibly the launch from
the Damocles if the PCs kept it. They will also throw in a fuel bladder for a type R
merchant giving the Crepuscule a reserve Jump capacity of J1.

Once the locals become aware that the Crepuscule is from the coalition, there will be
a flurry of interest both from official government sources and the local media. A local
government representative will politely interview the captain and any other crew
members who volunteer. He will ask general questions on the RC - number of planets,
distance from Sitah, tech levels, government structure, and most importantly do they
want to trade. Lorsch has had a noticeable upturn in its economy, and a feel good


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factor has swept the planet since the arrival of the free traders. The entire planet is
keen to develop the fruits of interstellar trade again. This is an excellent time for the
PCs to be diplomatic, and do a little ground work for a follow up diplomatic team.

After the government interview, the ship will be swarmed by local reports. Two hours
later, a personnel messenger will arrive and hand deliver a written message to the
ships captain. It is a request for an interview from a major prime time talk show host
to appear that night. The invitations cover the entire crew. Any local ground crew will
confirm that this is a major honour as only the biggest stars are normally invited.

If the PCs attend (and their diplomatic protocol handbook will suggest that they do),
they will be picked up from the ship in the early evening by a fleet of limousines.
Hopefully the PCs will have remembered their dress uniforms and medals. PCs
should note that only weaponry that goes with the dress uniform will be allowed, and
even then guns will draw stares, perhaps it is better to stick to the ceremonial sword or
marine cutlass.

After make-up (a strange experience for battle hardened PCs), they will appear on the
show as the main guests. It is being filmed before a live audience. The first half of the
show will go fine, the host is jovial and polite, and the PCs will be asked questions
about themselves, their homes, where they got that medal / scar etc., and the audience
will react well to stories of daring do.

Then in response to public demand the host will throw the show open to questions
from the floor. This is were it starts to get messy. Most of the audience will be
friendly, but a well dressed prosperous looking character near the front will start
asking embarrassing questions about SAG raids, decapitation strikes etc. and will
show a surprising knowledge of general events within the RC. The host will then ask
the PCs if there is any truth in these claims. This is a good time for the PCs to tell the
truth, being diplomatic will annoy the audience and hence the greater viewing public.
Asking the troublesome character his name will lead to a startling revelation: He is a
Guild Factor!

Smart PCs will rebuff the factors claims, but revealing guild atrocities and slaving
raids will be considered tit for tat mud slinging unless the PCs have documentary
evidence to back up their claims (video footage of the aftermath of a slaving raid
would be explosive). A good performance will do a lot to bring this world into the

Whatever the outcome of the interview, one of the local ground crew will meet the
PCs when they are returned to their ship late that night. He will feel a bit sorry for the
PCs, they have been okay to him and seem okay sorts of people. He will pass on a
potentially vital lead, there are rumours from the free traders that there is a D class
starport at Riene.

If questioned about the guild factor, he will confirm that he was dropped off by a
bastien class liner that passed through about two months ago heading coreward. They
did some minor trading, but did not seem to have much in the hold. If gently prodded,
he will remember the ships name, it was Damocles.


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Presenting this information (which can be backed up by the starport records) together
with sensor data from the battle will transform the political situation and get the guild
banned from the planet. The PCs must remember that at TL5 the Lorsch government
may have trouble reading the sensor data.


The trip across the top of the subsector will be relatively uneventful. The locals at
Riene were unfriendly and surly but did allow limited trade in the glass beads and
blankets category, and sold refined fuel at astronomical prices. The ship was watched
the entire time by a least a company of the local troops. Albach was just as backward
at TL5 and had no starport, but orbital monitoring at least suggested the government
was less repressive.

Vendtup station appeared to be another low tech low population non entity, when the
low grade densiometer fitted to the Crepuscule picked up a strange reading moving
fast (200kph) over one of the island chains. A difficult sensor task roll will determine
that the reading is from a small volume of very high density. A difficult sensor or
physics task roll will realise that such a reading could be generated by a superdense

If the PCs descend near their strange sensor reading, it will swerve away, increase
speed to 300kph and drop down to close to sea level and soon lose itself amongst the
sensor clutter of the islands. If the PCs land near the one town, they will not be
detected unless they land in the middle of the town square. The locals are mainly
agricultural TL5. Due to the small size of the population (even the town has a
population of no more than 2,000) the PCs will probably soon be recognised as
outsiders, and experienced covert operatives amongst the PCs will realise this on a
routine recon or intelligence roll.

If the PCs land covertly and attempt to sneak in, they will be recognised within a day,
especially if they enter the town or one of the numerous villages. When they are
recognised, people will scream, and women will usher their children indoors. The PCs
will be rapidly confronted by a raging mob who will initial attempt to drive them out
of town using thrown stones and other objects. They will not come close to the PCs. If
the PCs actively resist or merely refuse to leave, some of the mob will disperse, only
to return a few minutes later with a variety of TL5 civilian firearms (hunting rifles,
shotguns, any be the odd pistol). They will fire over the heads of the PCs, but will
actively return fire if the PCs shot any of them. A difficult linguistics roll will
determine what the mob is screaming (their local dialect has diverged somewhat from
standard Angalic). They are shouting "Plague, Unclean etc."

If the PCs announce their intention to land near one of the villages, i.e. radio
broadcast, they will be grudgingly allowed to land, but ordered to remain in their ship.
Once the PCs land, a small group of militia will surround the ship. The militia are
dressed in old imperial era, biowarfare suits. They will erect a tent over the airlock
and place some cages outside the airlock, they will then back away. A curt radio
message will inform the PCs to take the caged animals into their ship and bring them
out after 24 hours. Any attempt to open the airlock at any other time will be met with
an armed response. The PCs may be worried that the locals are trying to introduce


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something dangerous onto the ship, but the animals are only local versions of
canaries, if they die, the ship must be contaminated.

After 24 hours, the PCs can place the animals back outside, where they will be picked
up by the militia and taken to another tent. A few minutes later the PCs will get
another radio message, they can come out of their ship, but they are to leave their
weapons inside. Cautious PCs may hide weapons on their persons or leave a skeleton
crew aboard. Once the PCs leave the ship, the militia (still wearing their bio suits) will
request the PCs line up in front of another militia member who is holding a fire hose.
The PCs will then be hosed down. This may affect any delicate electronics or
weapons the PCs are carrying. They will then be told to strip off, dry themselves and
put on some supplied local clothes. The PCs will be watched by the militia closely -
mainly from curiosity. It will take a formidable dexterity roll to swap an item from
one set of clothing to another without someone seeing. If they are caught attempting
to hide weapons, they will be told to leave immediately, other items will be
confiscated. Once they are changed, they will be driven into town on the back of a
farm lorry.

Arriving at the town, the lorry will be driven through the streets. The locals are
curious but afraid, and the lorry will be watched from indoors. The town is a curious
mixture of high technology building whose materials have not been affected by the
elements even after 70 years, but with TL5 doors and other fixtures (including
chimneys). The PCs will be dropped off outside the Temple of Tarin where they will
be met by a junior priest. They will then be ushered inside and taken to see the ruling
council of priests. The PCs will be lead into a comfortable room divided by a curtain,
movement can be heard behind the curtain. Their guide will ask them to sit. The
priests are behind the curtain and are reluctant to come any closer than necessary to
potentially unclean off-worlders. The PCs will then be asked some basic questions
(with their guide acting as interpreter) such as who they are, where have they come
from, what do they want?

If the PCs say they are traders, the priests will be happy and will arrange for the PCs
to be given a small suite of rooms in the temple whilst they make a decision. The
rooms are obviously the groundskeepers rooms and are a local wood-built cottage, but
reasonable comfortable. If the PCs announce that they are representatives of the
RCES, the priests will be very interested, and will again retire to confer whilst the
PCs rest.

Tarin has been listening into the interview via his holographic projector equipment. If
the PCs are pretending to be merchants, Tarin is quite willing to let the locals trade for
things (subject to church approval i.e. no guns, slaves etc.) and the PCs will soon have
a list of TL5/6 equipment that the locals would like to obtain. They have agricultural
produces, some handcrafts and a few basic ores to trade. The priesthood will however
insist on a small donation to prove the PCs good faith and they will be presented with
a page torn from an old imperial era medical catalogue - it is an advert for TL15 anti-
aging drugs. They suggest a small quantity should be brought back with the trade

The PCs will be allowed to ship goods to Vendtup Station, and each time the church
will ask for a donation of high tech luxury goods, which will be passed on to Tarin.


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If the PCs have announced they are RCES representatives Tarin will try and kill them.
He will fly the houseboat over the PCs rooms at about 2am and fire repeated laser
bursts into the roof of the cottage. He will fire approx 12 bursts before the power runs
out. Tarin is an ex government paper pusher who has spent the last thirty years
bossing about some TL5 locals and has no clear idea of the effectiveness of modern
military equipment (if the PCs managed to bring any). If there are any PCs still on the
ship, they will be able to monitor the area with the ships sensors. A routine active scan
or a difficult passive scan will detect the houseboat descending.

The ships weaponry will easily demolish the houseboat, but the PCs will then be
treated as murderers, and any unarmed PCs in the town may have a hard time getting
out. Use of the launch or another grav vehicle will allow the PCs to board the
houseboat and overcome Tarin, who is armed with a snub pistol and should be
considered a novice NPC. If the PCs kill Tarin and show the contents of the houseboat
to the gathering crowd, the sight of the body parts will cause wide spread revulsion in
the crowd, and cause most of the three man elderly priesthood to suffer from shock.

Over the next few days, the population will spilt into two factions, the larger more
moderate faction will be repelled by Tarin's excesses and try to establish a secular
society (lead by the junior priest that acted as the PCs guide), the smaller group (only
numbering about 100) will become Tarin fanatics. In an act of rebellion they will
attempt to recover artifacts from the church and then burn it down. They will also try
to steal the houseboat if it will still fly but will end up crashing it into the burning
church. The resultant blaze will destroy about half the town unless the PCs can do
something about it, and the fanatics will cause severe disruption to the planet and
hinder its recovery for decades to come. If the PCs capture Tarin, he will suffer a final
nervous breakdown, and the fanatic faction will not form.

If the missionaries from the Church of Urbain are onboard they will ask the PCs to
leave them here and they will minister to the confused citizenry. They ask that the
PCs inform the church of their location and arrange for them to be re-supplied every
so often.

The PCs can now refuel and jump to Torrel.


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Adventurous Times

Part 3 of an Old Expanses Campaign.


The PCs aboard the now improved RC Courier Crepsucle have just jumped into the
Torrel System. According to the old records Torrel was a high population world with
a type C port and a TL of 10. It housed imperial naval and scout bases. First passive
scans from the edge of the system don't look promising, there appears to be no
activity in the system at all. The records stated that Torrel was a moon of the small
gas giant Amra in orbit 3. The PCs can refuel at an outer gas giant and head inwards.

As they approach Amra, a difficult sensors task roll will pick up low power
transmissions against the background noise of the gas giant. Shortly afterwards an
easy sensor roll will pick up active sensor scans from the moon Kartez, the location of
the old scout base. The base is scanning with the active sensors from a type S scout
and the operator is experienced. Once they pick up the Crepsucle or the Crepsucle
initiates contact, then they will be met by a tight beam laser com signal requesting
identification via laser com.

If the PCs identify themselves as either free traders or representatives of the RC, they
will be requested to dock at the scout base before heading towards Torrel "for their
own benefit". The Torrel system scout base consists of a large landing field with
several underground hangers, several above ground inflatable hangers, a fuel
processing plant and a control tower. The rest of the base (controls, storage, habitation
areas) are underground. A X boat tender and several large communication relay
satellites orbit the base, while passive sensors can make out several Xboats lying in a
corner of the landing field.

When the PCs dock at the base, a pressurised tube will emerge to connect their ship to
the base. They will be met at the airlock by the Base Commander - Chief Scout Mikal
Kulhas. He will greet them enthusiastically and delegate a novice scout to show them
to their quarters. He will organise a meeting when the PCs are rested. If the PCs desire
they may remain onboard their ship. Once the PCs are rested, the novice scout
assigned to them will call to take them to a briefing room.

The briefing room is starkly unitarian, with the single exception of an imperial
sunburst flag hanging on one of the walls. Their guide will serve refreshments. Soon
they will be joined by the base commander and several other scouts. Mikal will ask
the PCs to sit and then introduce his fellow scouts: Rejas Kinsolvenc, Klaus Ranselm
and Yoshiko Matsuharu.

"First" says Mikal, "You are the first jump capable ship to pass through in over a
decade, welcome, we are delighted to see that things are still moving on the
interstellar scene. Second, the main world in the system Torrel, is extremely crowded
and the government is grossly inefficient - not corrupt, just slow. They will be happy
to purchase any trade items that you have, but beware, getting the paperwork done to
sell your wares, and event leave afterwards can take a while". At this several of the


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other scouts chuckle, and any keen of hearing PCs will hear someone mutter "Yeah,
months if you’re lucky".

Mikal frowns, and then continues "Please do not think harshly of our planetary
brothers, they have their hands full keeping the population feed and clothed, but
occasionally they are a little slow or harsh out of desperation and fear. If you want a
suggestion, the landing field at Norris Arm is probably the best place to land, they are
furthest from government control and the least bureaucratic". He then starts to look
embarrassed and coughs slightly. "I don't know how to ask this, but could we have
first trade with your cargo - we could use high tech supplies more than Torrel, but we
don't have too much to trade".

Canny PCs will probably bargain here for knowledge of the Imperial Naval base and
access to the old IISS xboat comms systems. The scouts will be curious and agree.
Whilst most of the crew is off trading / touring the base / refuelling the ship (the scout
base has refined fuel), a couple of PCs can access the Xboat database. A simple
computer / admin roll will gain access and confirm the despatch of the message from
the local naval base to the naval facilities on Terra. But they will not learn anything
more. As for the imperial naval base, it was destroyed in a surgical nuclear strike and
is now a large crater several miles across.

Any PCs having a tour of the base will bump into a large contingent of librarians and
researchers within the base itself. When asked, their guide explains that the University
of Torrel used the memory banks of several of the old Xboats as their archives, and
thankfully these archives survived the collapse.

With apparent trails going cold, the PCs may seek advice from the scouts. If the PCs
have been at all accommodating in the trades or offered other help, then the scouts
will suggest the following:
1. The PCs leave a copy of the message with them and they will trail the archives for
additional routing information not normally accessible.
2. The University of Torrel (currently based at Norris Arm) may be able to help
Finally the scouts will hand the PCs a huge pile of forms for them to sign to confirm
that the scout base has checked them out and they are free to land at Torrel. The
scouts will broadcast a message to the field at Norris Arm to expect them.

The PCs can them proceed to Torrel, with the co-ordinates of the Norris Arm landing
field. The landing field is a large flat field with a few huts and is apparently deserted.
However as the PCs are securing the ship from landing, a truck will appear at the edge
of the field and proceed towards their ship. A single man will get out and ask for the
captain. The PCs can now experience the full measure of Torrel's slow government
processes. No one is allowed to leave the field until the inspector has finished
checking the ship. He will take at least an hour to read and check all the forms that the
scouts have provided, then finally signs the PC's landing permit, and is about to sign
the PC's permit to leave the field when the PC's hit a problem. To get permission to
leave the field, the PCs need to provide a permanent address while on planet, and
agreement from the occupants that the PCs can stay. The PCs don't know anyone on
planet or the addresses of any hotels. The inspector is adamant, without this detail
they can not leave the landing field. The PCs can attempt to find an answer to this
problem. A call to the scouts or the University is the best answer. The University is


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happy to put them up in some student accommodation and will even send out a
university official to sign the inspector’s forms. After about 20 minutes, a minibus
will speed onto the field and a casually dressed young man will leap out, wave
towards the ship and rush over to the inspector. After a few minutes, the inspector will
fold up his forms, get into his truck and drive off. The young man will jump back into
the mini bus and drive up to the ship.

"Sorry about that" he says leaning out of the driver's window, "You know what
governments are like, and now you have seen ours, here these copies are yours
(passing the PCs a heap of forms), If you are ready I will take you to the university"

If asked about security, and leaving the ship their guide will reply "Don't worry, just
lock it, the locals won't mess with it, it will disturb their happy dull lives too much.
Ooh I forgot, the name's Stephan"

Stephan will them take the PCs on a speedy drive into the City of Norris Arm. The
city is very impressive and huge, bigger than those on Oriflamme and in its day
comparable with those the PCs saw on Renj. Unfortunately whilst the TL10 basic
building structures are still intact, the high tech innards have failed, and the open park
areas between the skyscrapers have been turned into TL6 roads. Even so, the city is
almost serene, with the population proceeding about its business at a measured pace.
Stephan's driving is in stark contrast with most of the locals. He swerves between
lanes of traffic and even cuts up several cars. The drivers frown but don't even seem
to cuss or wave their hands in anger. If questioned Stephan will remark that with such
a large population, anti-social behaviour is frowned upon and the definition of anti-
social behaviour is pretty wide and included public violence and anger. Soon Stephan
will turn into university grounds on the outskirts of Norris Arm.

The university appears to be the average college of higher education, with students
milling around. Stephan will park the mini-bus and lead the PCs to the Dean’s office.
Dean Ivar Kaplan is an old but good-natured man, with a slightly bumbling forgetful
manner. He will greet the PCs warmly saying that they are the first off world visitors
for over a decade. He is almost drooling to examine the databases on the PCs ship to
add to his library. He has always felt confined learning about a single world when the
entire universe waits.

He will assign Stephan to be their liaison whilst on Torrel and can provide access to
the University’s records. He will then excuse himself, quoting college business, but
just as the PCs leave, he can not contain himself and begs for a copy of the PCs
library database. Agreeing will earn the PCs the Dean’s undying co-operation.

The PCs can trawl through the University’s library, and with Stephan’s help soon
gather the basic information contained within Appendix 2. Several texts that the PCs
want are currently not available, being on loan to the History Department. A quick
visit to the Dean will get him on the phone, and shortly a pretty young female
graduate will arrive pushing a small library cart loaded up with the missing texts. A
further trawl through the outstanding volumes will reveal nothing new. The naval
base is a crater, and the naval records went up with the rest of the base.


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Stephan can suggest that the PCs approach the government for access to its births /
deaths registry, they may be able to find a few surviving ex-naval personnel who
survived the strike and have lived this long, or at worst may be a living relative. It
seems a bit of a longshot but the PCs have no other leads. However, Torrel’s
government incompetence will come into play. When the PCs turn up at the public
records office they will find an acre of forms to fill in. Even with Stephan’s help it
will take days. Finally the forms will be completed and posted to the central
government records office in Winchester, the records official promises a prompt
response to their request for access, it will be no more than 3 months before their
request is considered. The PCs will probably be considering planetary bombardment
by now. Just as the PCs turn away despondently the records official will remind them
to report to their local police station to swear the necessary affidavits as to their good
character in support of their document request. Stephan’s will calm any PCs fears, this
is just normal rigmarole, although he warns them that as off-worlders, the police will
probably take even longer than usual.

So, late in the evening the PCs will find themselves filling forms and having their
fingerprints taken at the local police station. Suddenly the door of the station is flung
open and a mob of police enters dragging a number of drunken young people with
them. The PCs can overhear the police booking them for a variety of drunken disorder
charges and sending them for a night in the cells. A sharp-eyed PC will notice the
young woman who brought them the missing books in the Dean’s office. A sharp
hearing PC will hear one of the officers complain about these damned university
ecology society students and their pranks. A PC can make a Fast Talk roll (difficult
task roll) after the students have been booked to find out what is going on. Apparently
the university ecology society has been doing the most unseemly things, taking hikes
in the wilderness, farming, fighting and minor pranks / theft. The officer suggests that
the Dean should really crack down on this group.

Next morning, as the PCs are going to breakfast in the refectory, they notice a police
van drop of last night’s revellers. If the PCs wander over, they will find a police
officer complaining to one of the Dean’s representatives. The Dean’s officer will
promise that the students will be confined to their dormitories.

The PCs now have several months wait until they get permission to examine the
government archives. The PCs are likely to spend the day trying to work out a plan to
break into the government records office. But at the evening meal, one of the PCs will
notice some of the students from the police station enjoying a meal despite their
confinement to their rooms. Suspicious PCs will follow them when they leave, but
will soon loose them in the mass of students outside.

Research the next day will turn up some interesting items (difficult research rolls):

• The Ecology society is surprising large, and regularly organises trips into the


• Ecology society members are also involved in a number of other student societies,

including several engineering societies (unusual for ecology students) and the
student rifle club.


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• The society has also purchased a variety of agricultural equipment and seeds

• Several senior society members are graduate students in the history department

• The History department has several texts out on permanent loan. The titles include

such topics as planetary colonisation, building a technological society, basic law,
the principles of farming, and texts for the Second World War on Terra. A strange
collection for a historical department.

• A large number of students from the history department and the ecological society

are currently at the scout base examining the university archives.

• The history department has contract with a small local contractor “Dawn

Construction” to provide a significant extension to the department.

• Further research will reveal the building firm is newly formed and has been

vouched for by several members of the university.

A visit to Dawn Constructions offices will reveal a small and newly formed firm who
are happy to answer questions. They are very pleased with earning the university
contract and will even give the PCs a small press pack.

Leafing through the press pack will give the list of company directors. The PCs can
chase these directors down using the local phone book. However research will reveal
that the directors are relatives or spouses of various university department heads.

A further trawl through the construction industry news will reveal that Dawn
Construction has won several other turnkey contracts for university expansions
including the construction and outfitting of new facilities of the Gun club, the physics
and chemistry departments and well as the zoological and agricultural departments.

The PCs are probably wondering what is going on. Two possibilities will occur to
suspicious PCs:
1. They have uncovered a plot by the ecology society to form a breakoff colony

somewhere on Torrel away from the government

2. Dawn Construction and its directors are involved in various corrupt practices.

Stephan will suggest they see the Dean, who is an honest if somewhat dull man.
When the PCs meet the dean and present their evidence, he will be flustered and
outraged at the conspiracies. He will then send Stephan out to get the committee of
the ecology society and the various department heads.

Soon there will be a knock at the office door, and Stephan will enter, saying the
students have arrived. He will then usher the students in. The students are all armed
with snub pistols, and the dean’s voice will ask the PCs to lower their weapons and no
harm will come to them. The Dean is pointing a gauss pistol at the PCs, he will then
instruct Stephan to shut the door.



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The Dean will ask the PCs to sit, and he will explain. When the PCs sit, the Dean will
open one of his desk drawers while one of the students closes the curtains and turns
on the lights. The Dean speaks “You were right, they did spot us, they are ideal for
our task. A voice will speak from the drawer and agree, the voice is that of Chief
Scout Mikal Kulhas. A hologram image of the scout will form on the Dean’s desk.

“Well, Ivar, says the scout, what have they learnt”. The Dean will then give Mikal a
quick run down of the PCs findings. The hologram will then turn and face the PCs.

“Don’t think badly of us, we have kept to our oaths of non interference with a
planetary government, but Torrel is too fossilised to expand to the stars again. We
however have the knowledge and the technology, but too much of our resources are
being spent maintaining the infrastructure and life support of the base. So we propose
to move the entire facility, and form our own colony. With the help of the University
and the various university societies, we have amassed enough material to start a
colony, the only problem is the real estate is occupied. By Vampires to be exact, you
see we plan to colonise the moon Jerefnos, we can use its remaining infrastructure to
support our efforts, and the land is good to support the colony. And most importantly
we will be free of Torrel government interference.

We plan to build and detonate nukes in orbit around Jerefnos and blanket the moon
with EMP, which will destroy the agricultural robots still operating. All we are
lacking is the nuclear material and Torrel has none. Ironically we even found records
of a consignment for uranium at a mine on Paro, all we lacked was a jump capable
ship. And then you arrived” Mikal leaves a pregnant pause.

“Now if you can help us by retrieving that shipment, we will scour our archives for
references to your message. Since you have journeyed over a dozen parsecs, for this,
what are a few more?”

The PCs will probably agree to the scout’s offer and go to pick up the uranium
shipment at Paro. The Dawn Construction company can provide the names of several
companies that can produce some vehicles for cargo hauling on Paro, and the
University’s chemistry department can attempt to provide some primitive coatings to
prevent Paro’s atmosphere from eating into the vehicles.

As the Crepsucle is accelerating out to jump point, a powerful radio transmission is
received from the Torrel government. It pleads with the PCs not to travel to Paro or
disturb the vampires on Jerefnos. The government is afraid that the scouts attack may
not work and rouse the vampires for a full scale attack on Torrel. As the government
begs, a tight beam laser com signal will be received from the scout base. Chief scout
Mikal Khulas asks to speak with the PCs. He clams their fears. The scouts have
observed the robots on Jerefnos for almost 70 years, they are not space capable,
Torrel’s government has nothing to worry about. As the scouts cease transmission, the
Torrel government plays its final card and states that it will not join the RC on any
terms if the PCs continue with the venture.


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What are the PCs to do – do they help a small by dynamic society (the scouts) or
pander to the fears of the much larger but stagnant Torrel government?

Paro Bound

On emergence from jump, a quick sensor scan reveals the Paro system to be similar to
hundreds of other systems - dead. There is no indication of life and the Crepsucle can
make good time as it accelerates into the main world. During imperial times, the
system provided exotic chemicals for the electronics industries on Torrel. Soon the
Crepsucle can achieve standard orbit and commence scans of the planetary surface.
The planet is dead, a water world covered in swirling toxic mists.

The scouts at Torrel have provided accurate co-ordinates for the mine, but how to
translate these co-ordinates to an actual position on the planet. Latitude is easy and
soon the computer can present a holographic image of the planet with the correct
latitude displayed, but what about longitude? Normally, a beacon at the starport would
provide a reference point, but that beacon is long gone.

The atmosphere will quickly overwhelm the PCs suits, so they can't make several
abortive landings at the wrong site. A formidable survey roll (or impossible
navigation roll) will match the scans of the planetary surface with locations / features
on Paro held within the PCs databank.

Once the PCs have pinpointed the site, they can descend into the swirling atmosphere.
A routine piloting roll will allow a successful landing. Failure will result in a landing
several km from the site, with the resulting delays.

The PCs can quickly enter the despatch area of the mine. The atmosphere has
dissolved most of the interior furnishings including interior doors. They will be
confronted by a storage area containing many sealed transport crates. A quick look at
the crates, will reveal that the atmosphere has also eaten away at the crate's labels. To
search through these crates manually will take hours, however a radiation detector
will quickly reveal the correct crates.

The PCs can then load them onto the trucks purchased on Torrel. Towards the end of
the transfer, the atmosphere will overcome the primitive protective coatings and the
Torrel trucks will fail and the PCs will have to manhandle the last few crates. This is a
good point to worry the PCs about their suit integrity.

Soon the PCs will have the crates loaded and can vent the atmosphere out of the cargo
hold. But by now, the atmosphere has started to degrade the Crepsucle's sensors and
the take-off will require a difficult piloting roll. Failure will dunk the Crepsucle into
the sea.

Once in orbit the PCs can check that the crates are still sealed, and providing adequate
shielding before accelerating out to the jump point and jumping to Torrel.


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Nuke Them Till They Glow

When the PCs arrive back in the Torrel system, the first thing they will detect is a
radio broadcast from the Torrel Government making legal threats against the scout
base, the PCs and the RC. But they will quickly receive a laser com from the scout
base asking if they succeeded?

When they get the nuclear material, the scouts can quickly assemble some crude
nuclear weapons (any PC help will be gratefully appreciated). The weapons will be
loaded onboard the remaining scout ships and the Crepsucle and the fleet will move
off towards Jerefnos. The fleet will deploy in orbit and place the nukes in orbit over
known concentrations of vampires. (Routine vacc suit skills will allow safe and
successful deployment of the nukes). The fleet will then retreat to a safe distance and
detonate the warheads.

The resulting EMP pulse will blanket the moon, and the fleet will move in to scan for
effects. The EMP seems to have knocked out the robots, and no movement can be
seen within the range of the fleet's sensors. Things seem to have gone well. Whilst the
fleet and the scout base are celebrating, Chief Scout Mikal Khulas comes on the laser
comm. "Thank you for your efforts, It looks like we can successfully relocate the base
and our volunteers and make a new world. Please thank the RC for its help, we will be
happy to join, once the RC expands into this subsector. And now to our end of the
bargain. We have cross referenced your message with our databases and found the
following information."

"The PSI shielding, several cutter modules, and TL15 construction material was
shipped from the naval base to the Halden Minerals survey base on Awyne, why the
navy was shipping stuff to Halden is not recorded, but this is probably your best bet -
good luck" and with that the comm goes dead.

The PCs can microjump to Awyne, and easily find the old survey base. According to
the old records, the base was involved in surveying the gas giant as either a fuel
source or a source of other minerals. The base is quiet and gives no indication of life
to either passive or active scans, even direct hails gives no response. The base appears
intact, at least the base power plant did not explode.

Either the launch or the Crepsucle itself can land on the simple landing field just
outside the base. The base is a standard imperial design, with a central domed area
and four smaller domes located at cardinal points linked by pressurised corridors. The
airlock opens into an EVA suit room and hence into the main common room. Several
corridors lead off from the common room, two lead to dormitories, a third leads to
storage and maintenance areas while the fourth leads to the command deck. A quick
sweep of the base reveals something unusual, although the base is shut down and no
systems will work with the power plant offline, there seems to be little indication of
collapse induced damage, no bodies and very little portable equipment left. The base
appears to have been stripped post collapse. Eventually the PCs will discover a string
of numbers laser etched into the wall of one of the staterooms. An easy navigation roll


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indicates they are stellar co-ordinates for a jump. The Crepsucle's computer will
confirm that the jump co-ordinates are for the Edge system.

A difficult computer / admin roll will pull the old imperial era library information on
the edge system - See Appendix 2. Basically the entire system is interdicted as all fuel
sources are contaminated. However, the Jump -3 tanks on Crepsucle and the fuel
bladder obtained on Lorsch will allow the Crepsucle to jump in and out without

The Crepsucle refuels at the gas giant and jumps for the Edge.


The Edge

Details of the Edge system are available in Appendix 2.

The system does possess several gas giants, but the library data states that these
refuelling facilities are contaminated.

Passive sensor sweeps detect nothing in the vicinity of the gas giants. A difficult
survey roll will not pick up any signs of contamination in the gas giant's atmosphere.
Another difficult sensors task roll will pick up radio chatter about the Edge itself.

As the Crepsucle approaches, the Edge, the sensor rolls to pick up the radio chatter
become progressively easier. Once the chatter has been detected, then a routine
navigation roll will pinpoint the source as orbiting the main planet. A difficult sensors
roll will confirm that there are two radio sources. As for the radio chatter, it is in code
and the PCs will not be able to break it. A remnant PC from the Imperial Navy will
recognise the code as an old IN code on a difficult intelligence roll, but will not be
able to decode it.

The radio chatter is from the two vampire insats orbiting the Edge. They are primarily
watching each other, but will soon train their sensors outwards if the PCs do
something to attract their attention i.e. active scans, radio communications etc.

The two insats dislike each other intensely, but are both equally matched and heavily
armoured (Type 37 Insat – See Appendix 1). Their sensors cover the approaches to
Edge. At best, the PCs will be able to sneak close, but not passed the two vampires.
When the vampires detect the Crepsucle, they will gleefully open fire with their
nuclear missiles. Fortunately for the PCs, they will each keep one loaded turret
pointed at the other insat. Also they have limited missile resources (7 and 5 missiles
respectively) so each will only fire one missile per turn at the PCs.

If the PCs can cripple the two vampires then they can scan Edge or board the
vampires. Fortunately as they were designed primarily as remote satellites, they only
have 1G floor fields and no inertial compensators, so the PCs will not suffer grav
pong. The insat is basically a two deck design. The top deck contains the bridge at the
bow (with an iris valve down), and a long central corridor leading to engineering at
the rear (containing the power plant and manoeuvre drives and an iris valve down to


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the lower deck). The hanger for the launch / cutter occupies most of the port side of
this deck, with access via an Iris valve towards the rear of the main access corridor.
The lower deck consists of the staterooms with a cluster of four rooms at the bow, and
the rest along the central corridor. The cutter hanger extends for virtually the entire
length of the deck on the portside. There is no access to the hanger on this level. At
the rear of the lower deck is the airlock, and the missile magazine (with external
loading door).

The vampires will attempt to repel boards by use of the environmental systems and
control of the iris valves. But once the PCs have boarded and are advancing steadily,
the vampire will cut and run by transferring its mind to the launch and making a run
for it. The Insats will be a useful source of salvage.

Scanning Edge.

Standard survey scans will reveal a garden world with no apparent inhabitants or
signs of civilisation. These same survey scans will reveal a mistake in the library data,
the atmosphere is Standard and not Exotic as claimed. The densiometer will soon
detect a small underground installation on one of the major continents.

The PCs can land where they like, the area around the underground base is
sufficiently stable and level for the PCs to land the Crepsucle if they so desire.

Approaching the area of the base will soon reveal a personnel airlock in a small
structure protruding from the ground. The vegetation around the airlock shows signs
of the passage of creatures. About this time the PCs will start to experience the effects
of the Tarlant psionic hallucinations (see the following sections for explanations of
the Tarlants and their psionic abilities). About the time that most of the PCs are
running around screaming or curling up in small balls, the airlock will open and three
robots will emerge and attempt to capture the PCs. Two are grav powered animal care
robots armed with snub pistols with tranq rounds, the third is a LSP security robot,
who will happily shoot anyone who resists or looks at it funny.

If the PCs can defeat the robots, they can enter the base un-molested. If captured they
will end up lock in the animal cages for subsequent experimentation. Fortunately they
have hidden allies at the base – See the section on the Gaia research facility. If some
of the PCs escape, they can stage a later rescue, the airlock door only has a simple
lock (primarily to prevent animals wandering in) and there are no external sensors.
Once inside the base the PCs will be shielded from the Tarlants and will stop

Research Facility Gaia

A secret imperial / Halden minerals research facility hidden on the Edge
(underground) to research the effects of the tarlants and determine a way to
exterminate the species without a significant impact upon the planet's ecosystem.

Clearance of the planet would allow the Imperial Navy to establish a secret base just
beyond the Imperial Border to mount covert monitoring of the Solomani Sphere and


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the Hinterworlds. As payment for their silence and use of their initial discovery,
Halden Minerals would be granted mineral rights to the world with a guaranteed price
from the Navy (primarily to construct facilities within the Edge system).

The base is psionically shielded (obtained from the covert Imperial Psionic research
facility on Terra). But as Tarlant samples will be studied within the base, it was
manned by robots to prevent the tarlants affecting the progress of the research.
The bases compliment consisted on five robots and a highly advanced research
computer (with borderline TL16 AI provision). The robots were a LSP PR-317
security robot (for base security), two animal care robots (who performed the actual
experiments under the direction of the computer and looked after the test subjects), a
MK XX starship assistant robot who maintained the facility and specifically the Jump
Message Torpedoes, and a Intect AJ-63 Janitorial Robot for general cleaning duties.

The base itself consisted of two areas linked by a secure tunnel. Area 1 is a circular
sample holding area with 12 holding cells / sample areas around a central lab facility.
This is where the animal care robots performed their experiments. The second area is
rectangular and consists of the base power plant, fuel processors and fuel storage
(linked to a nearby river via underground pipes), next is the Jump Torpedo storage
area and launch facility, workshops and general storage. The next section contains the
base computer and recharge areas for the robots.

Finally the last segment of Area 2 contains 2 large staterooms, a small galley, and a
lounge for occasional visiting personnel. These areas are linked by a secure corridor
(with airlocks at both ends and covered by security cameras and co-axially mounted
laser carbines (TL13)). A second corridor branches from this secure corridor, and
leads to the surface (for sample collection).

The Virus infected the base robots and computer in different fashions. The computer
and the security robot became reproducing doomslayers, the two animal care robots
became hobbyists, the janitor robot became an alliance builder (but a rather stupid
one), while the maintenance robot became a peacemaker.

The security robot and the base computer fought a brief and destructive power
struggle, but the base computer's superior intellect was no match for a laser rifle. The
security robot now spends its time intimidating the other robots and randomly
shooting the local wild life.

The two animal care robots have expanded their programs and perform all sorts of
pointless experiments on the local lifeforms and at least one will be found outside
looking for new experimental subjects. Any PCs captured by these robots can expect
to end up on the operating table.

The maintenance robot pretends to be a simple minded hobbyist whose only interest is
maintaining the base. It has managed to convert the janitor robot to a peacemaker as
well (so he has someone to talk to). They know that they could not convert the other
three robots before they were discovered and destroyed.


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The maintenance robot knows of the Calibration point (from its work with the J Torps
but has not sent a message in case it attracts unwanted attention). They hope that the
entire empire has not fallen and someone will comes to free them from the madmen.

Security Robot: armed with laser rifle
Animal Care Robots: Armed with snub pistols as per the Naasirka D9 mechanical
dumbot, but with Mechanic / electronics replaced by biology and medical
Maintenance Robot, Horatio: (has a laser wielder hidden in the workshop)
Janitor Robot, Randolfus: no effective weapons, except cleaning equipment - club)

In the event that PCs discover the base, the maintenance and janitor bots will attempt
to aid them, covertly at first (not reporting seeing them, opening cell doors if they are
captured), but they won't stand up and fight unless things are desperate and only
prompt action will save them (i.e. shooting the security robot in the back, before it
kills most of the PCs).

If they meet the PCs without the other robots being present, they will surrender,
placing arms in the air, and pledge loyalty to the Imperium. They may be slightly
surprised when the PCs identify themselves as from the coalition and the empire fell
over seventy years ago. They will attempt to reassure the PCs as to their friendship
and provide any information the PCs ask for. They will be happy to accompany the
PCs around the base and preferably off the base and back to civilisation. They will
also tell them of the calibration point and can provide precise co-ordinates. They will
suggest that the PCs journey to the calibration point.


Tarlants are a non-intelligent species massing 6kg. They use a form of psionics for
obtaining food, mobility and as a defence mechanism. They have a lifespan of about 6

In first stage of the lifecycle, the tarlant is a hard greyish brown spore, approximately
4cm in diameter and massing 200 grams. After two or three days in a suitable
environment, the spore softens and forms a pinkish white amoeboid. This softening
process takes about 6 hours.

The immature Tarlant, like the adult form gains nutrients by moving on top of organic
matter (usually a plant, but occasionally a small animal) and closing its mouth
(located on its underside) around the object. The mouth leads directly to the Tarlants
stomach, where digestive juices immediately go to work.

It is during this immature stage that the Tarlant gains its initial psionic powers. In a
period of about 2 weeks, the immature tarlant grows in mass from 200 grams to 4
kilograms, after which they are considered to be fully-grown. After reaching the adult
stage, the tarlant begins to develop spores in its body. These spores, usually three in
number, are released when the adult tarlant dies.

Also in this stage, the adult tarlant skin begins to harden, restricting its mobility and
requiring increased dependence on Telekinesis. Eventually the skin becomes so hard


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it prohibits all but telekinetic movement. The final difference is the development of
the illusion capability. The adult tarlant is greyish white in colour and masses about
6kg, after which its psionic strength declines rapidly at the rate of 1 point every
couple of days. When its psionic strength has decayed, the adult tarlant has no means
of movement to acquire food, and starves to death soon afterwards, releasing its
spores to start the cycle again.

Tarlant psionic strength is equal to their mass (in kg) + 1. Their ability level is equal
to their original psionic strength. Tarlants have abilities in two basic areas: telepathy
and telekinesis. Telekinesis is used to movement only. Their telepathic abilities have a
strange effect on humans. Immature tarlants will project amplified emotions back at
nearby people. i.e. a person curious about the tarlant will experience extreme curiosity
radiating from the tarlant.

Adult tarlants project back a distorted version of nearby thoughts which results in
hallucinations in humans and most types of animals. These reflections often trigger a
memory or fear. When the memory or fear is thought about, the reflections make it
appear to be real. It is not possible to completely disbelieve the illusion. They
normally last 2 minutes. Illusions will tend to be fears and memories in the back of
the person’s mind. Illusionary figures will tend to be the persons companions cloaked
by the illusion effect, so that any violent action against them will tend to harm his
compatriots. If a person dies from the apparent effects of an illusion, (rather a being
attacked by someone under the effects of the illusion), then they will experience the
equivalent of a serious wound (to reflect the shock).

Psionic shields (natural or technological) will prevent the direct effects of the
illusions, but will not protect the person from the acts of his hallucinating


Calibration Point Darwin

Location 1 parsec rimward of Torrel / Ile Subsector / Old Expanses

A secret imperial / Halden minerals joint calibration point and research facility. This
base acted as a transfer point for message torpedoes from the secret research facility
on the Edge. This base intercepted the torpedoes, transferred and correlated the data
for onward transmittal to Halden industry facilities in the Torrel system + to the
imperial naval base in system. It also acted as a quarantine facility, such that in the
event that a Tarlant spore got onboard a torpedo, it would not get past the
decontamination facilities at the calibration point and cause havoc at Torrel.

The base was constructed on site from commercially available cutter modules (readily
available and not scrutinised). It consists of the following TL12 equipment:

1 command module
1 lab module
1 habitation module


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1 medical module with 4 emergency low berths.
1 support module
1 cargo module (supplies)
1 cargo module fitted out to support the J torpedo operations
2 Fuel modules

Crew= 4 command + 4 scientist + 2 medical + 6 support = 16
Additional fuel tankage is available (200dtns) contained in collapsible fuel bladders
orbiting near the station. The station itself is protected by a Type 37 interdiction
satellite (the one from arcolund, which was reported decommissioned and scrapped).

Also hanging in space near the station and protected by the insat are two star class
armoured merchants, the Pulsar and the Burnstone, their crews in low berths.

As they approach the station, they will receive a compressed data squirt from the insat
demanding the security password. Fortunately Horatio know the code (it was
programmed into each jump torpedo to stop the insat from destroying the torpedo).

With the password, the Crepsucle can approach the station or the two starships. In all
three cases, the station / ships are powered down to minimal levels and the crew are in
low berths. Operation of an airlock will result in all three crews awakening and
moving to determine who is on their ships. They are armed and cautious. It will take
the PCs a couple of difficult inter-personnel skill rolls to get the crews sufficiently
relaxed to view recording that prove the collapse. Once they have accepted the
collapse, they will be eager to return to civilisation, and specifically the RC.


Pulsar / Station Crew:
These are typically corporation employees with deep space backgrounds 9belters etc.)
together with a couple of security guards, and the chief executive of Halden Minerals:
Launce Duncan, Age 42, 543694, Admin 5, Jack of all trades 3, Brawling 1, leader 1,
interrogation 1.

Burnstone Crew:
Calman Bennit, Age 39, Ex scout B89779, JOT 3, Pilot 1, Mechanical 1, Gunnery 1
A peaceful easygoing type who asks questions first and shoots later. He is frequently
taken advantage of. During his service in the IISS, he served in the courier branch and
has visited a large part of the old expanses.

Terry Lanst, Age 25, Ex navy lieutenant, 48A647, Forward Observer 1, Cutlass 1,
Gunnery 1, JOT 1
He as initially assigned to the interdiction force at Arcolund but was discharged when
it was automated. He feels cheated of his naval career.

Kyrk Ryan, Age 28, Ex navy starman, 54AB48, Engineering 1, gunnery 1, JOT 1
Kyrk was the sole survivor of a pirate attack on his 400tn naval courier "Informant" in
the Sarid subsector. He was decorated for his actions but is haunted by guilt for
surviving and still blames himself for the death of his captain "Commodore Neeson"


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Doug Walshon, Age 32, Ex merchant 3rd Officer, A8756C, Steward 1, Shotgun 1,
navigation 1, streetwise 1, medical 1, gunnery 1
An out of place noble, who once hoped to own his own merchant ship, he signed on
due to his interest in starships. He specialised in providing services to other noble

Melissa Hallory, Age 27, ex scout, 945BA5, gunnery 1, Pilot 1, computer 1,
electronic 1
A member of the IISS contact and liaison branch with an interest in alien societies and
cultures. She has served on and visited several low technology worlds within the

Prentis Wier Age 35, ex merchant 3rd officer, 628587, JOT 2 streetwise 1,
mechanical 1, electronic 1.
Prentis has wanderlust moving from place to place every few years. He has seen a
large part of the old expanses in his travels.

Bernie Klinger, Age 40, ex merchant 4th officer, 739958, gunnery 2, gambling 1,
streetwise 1, mechanical 1, electronics 1.
An experienced merchant officer with years on star class merchants. and part time

Chuck Hans, Age 36, ex army colonel, 9C8478, Rifle 1, SMG 1, tactics 1.
An army colonel, now working as a security officer for a merchant line. He is slightly
disappointed with his military career. He never saw action, with the exception of
some minor activity along the border in the Bascoj subsector.


The PCs can now return to the RC, with the answers to their mystery, two new
heavily armoured / armed starships and two potential covert bases for further RCES
expansion into the region. No one will mess with such a potent if small fleet. When
they return to Renj, everyone will be debriefed by the RC ambassador, and can either
return to the RC – just in time for the Solee conflict, or remain at Renj assigned to the
RC embassy.


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Type 37 Interdiction Satellite

Third imperium / Old Expanses Sector

The DDD&S type 37 unmanned station was used by the old expanses sector
government to protect worlds which it deemed necessary to interdict. The navy and
scout service both used manned ships or satellites of their own design. Only a few
examples of the Type 37 were produced, and several have been removed from

In addition to performing most interdiction satellite functions under the supervision of
its on-board robot brains, the type 37 can also be used as a manned observation
station. Facilities on board can support three officers and nine ratings.
To provide refuelling facilities a 10tn launch is stored onboard (with its own robot
brain controllers). In the event that the satellite is used as a manned station, the launch
is replaced with a 50th modular cutter.

The Type 37's armament consists of nuclear missiles. Since most commercial ships
don not carry nuclear dampers or significant armour, the missiles are usually
effective. The satellite's high armour rating gives it sufficient protection against the
light armament of most commercial ships, even at point blank range.


The Type 37 responds to unauthorised intruders as follows:
1. A warning is broadcast on mast radio frequencies stating the system is interdicted
and off limits. Craft are ordered to refuel at available gas giants and leave the system
at once. A recording of transponder codes is made for latter investigation.
2. If the first warning is ignored, a second warning is broadcast stating the satellite is
armed and will fire upon approaching vessels.
3. If this is also ignored, the satellite will fire warning shots at the incoming ship and
repeat the 2nd warning.
4. If previous warning broadcasts and warning shots are ignored, the satellite will
open fire to destroy the encroaching ship.

Authorised vessels can issue override codes to prevent the armed response from the
satellite. Such vessels will have their transponder codes recorded, but otherwise will
be ignored. A reset code also exists that will delete the transponder record, as well as
to cause the satellite to generate a damage and resupply report.

The Type 37 is deployed within the Old Expanses sector, at the following locations:
134-635 / Ahri 3 + 2 satellites (reinforced 1108 after a violation of the interdiction)
arcolund / Rusco 0 (5 satellites redeployed at 134-635 & the edge with 1 satellite
decommissioned, following replacement of interdiction satellites with a manned
interdiction squadron in response to repeated attempts to violate the interdiction)
Cold Rock / ventup 3 satellites
The edge / ILE 2 satellites


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General Data

Displacement: 200tns

Hull Armour: 1000











Configuration: Cylinder USL Tech Level: 15
Mass (Loaded(cutter)/Loaded (launch)/Unloaded): 6633.936/ 5966.406 / 5527.394

Engineering Data
Power Plant: 336MW Fusion Plant, 1 year duration
Jump Performance: 0
Manoeuvre Gs: 1G, 6000tns thrust (1G performance with launch, 0.9G with cutter
G Hours: 13
Maint: 32

Computer: 3xTL-15 Mod Fb Computer (fibre optic), 1 command robot brain (Int 6,
high Autonomous full command), 4 support robot brains (Int 4, high autonomous full
Commo: 300,000km radio, 1000AU maser
Avionics: None
Sensors: Passive EMS folding array 150,000km (5 range bands), active EMS
300,000km (10 range bands)
Workstations: 2 bridge, 2 gunnery, 8 normal

Offensive: 2xMissile Turret (Location 10, 11, Arcs All) 2 ready missiles each + 39 in
Master Fire Directors: None
Defensive: None

Life Support: Extended
Crew: 0 (automated operation)/ 7-12 (1 Eng, 1 Man, 2 Gun, 1 Command, 2 flight, +
up to 5 support / observation staff)
Crew Accommodations: 1 x large stateroom, 11 x Small Staterooms
Passenger Accommodations: None
Cargo: None
Small Craft: 50dtns docking ring, 10th fuel launch with 2 robot brains or 50dtn cutter
if the station is manned
Airlocks: 2

No fuel scoops or purification plant (fuel gathering and purification is performed by
attached small craft or servicing starship), Missile magazine for 39 missiles


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Damage table:

Exterior Interior





1-18 ant

1-4 elec, 5-20 quarters



ant quarters














1-10 docking ring



docking ring

1-6 MT, 7-20 hold


docking ring

1-6 MT, 7-20 hold






























Damage systems
LSR 1H, SSR 1h each, LS 52H, AG 1H, sensors 1h each, docking ring 1h, PP 1H, M
drive 1H, Turrets 1H


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Star Class Armoured Merchant

Third Imperium / Old Expanses Sector

An armed and armoured merchant vessel for use in border areas, near known pirate
hotspots and generally for carrying high value cargos. The Star Class Armoured
Merchant is common along the trailing half of the Old Expanses Sector, near the
imperial border and near Pirate Haven (So Skire Subsector).

A Wedge shaped armoured hull is design to withstand common light starship
weaponry, will three turrets and an extensive missile magazine provide an effective
offensive punch. Scout service grade sensors provide a superior target acquisition
facility, and a full bridge allows co-ordination with any convoy escorts or less well
equipped merchant vessels (for handling off sensor locks).

The interior structure is braced for 2G manoeuvring, while the ship is equipped with
TL 10+ flight avionics (although it lacks terrain following systems, and is not
designed for ground attack or aerial dog fighting).

Fuel scoops and purification equipment (purifies entire fuel tankage in 18 hours). The
ship is equipped with 6 small passenger staterooms, 10 low berths and 794 cubic
metres of cargo space.

General Data

Displacement: 300tns

Hull Armour: 100











Configuration: Wedge AF

Tech Level: 15

Mass (Loaded/Unloaded): 3868.01 / 2387.69

Engineering Data
Power Plant: 246MW Fusion Plant, 1 year duration
Jump Performance: 3
Manoeuvre Gs: 1G, Contra-Grav Lifters
G Hours: 40 (47.4 using jump fuel)
Maint: 110

Computer: 3xTL-15 Mod Fb Computer (fibre optic)
Commo: 300,000km radio, 1000AU maser
Avionics: TL10+ Avionics
Sensors: Passive EMS folding array 150,000km (5 range bands), active EMS
300,000km (10 range bands)

Offensive: 2xTL-15 350 Mj Laser turret (Locations 16, 17, Arcs 1,2,3,4,5), 1xMissile
Turret (Location 11, Arcs 1,2,3) 2 ready missiles + 80 in storage)
Master Fire Directors: None
Defensive: None


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Life Support: Extended
Crew: 7 (1 Eng, 2 Man, 3 Gun, 1 Command)
Crew Accommodations: 7x Small Staterooms
Passenger Accommodations: 6x Small Staterooms, 10x Low Berths
Cargo: 794m + 1 large cargo hatch
Small Craft: 1x4dtns air-raft in a minimal internal hanger, with launch port
Airlocks: 3

Fuel Scoops scoop 840m per hour, Fuel plant refines entire fuel tankage in 18 hours,
Sickbay, Missile magazine for 80 missiles

Misc stats
Atmo speed: top 3500kph, cruise 2625 kph, NOE 40kph
Combat move 486 / NOE = 6
Travel move 10,500km / NOE = 240km

Damage table:

Exterior Interior









1-12 ant

1-3 elec, 4-20 quarters


1-12 ant

1-3 elec, 4-20 quarters










1-5 cargo hatch
















































1 AL, 2-9 lauunch port

1 hanger, 2-20 Engineering

Damage systems
SSR 1h each x 13, LS 14H, AG 1H,Contra Grav 1H, sensors 1h each, hanger 1H, PP
3H, M drive 3h, Jump Drive 3H, Turrets 1H each, hold 8H, low berths 1h x 10, Fuel
purification plant 3H


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Barron / Ile Subsector / Old Expanses 2816

1119 B300477-8 A Ni Va 903


K4 V

1202 X300000-0

Ba Va 003


K4 V

Imperial Era

Barron was a small, non-industrial vacuum world with a population of 90,000 divided
into eight separate and distinct nations. Barron was the site of Imperial Naval and
Scout Bases. Barron was the home base of the 572nd Cruiser Squadron (Subsector
Reserve Fleet) and the 4,503rd Tanker Squadron (Subsector Reserve Fleet).

Rebellion / Hard Times.

Barron faired poorly during the opening years of the rebellion, a significant solomani
force consisting for several cruiser squadrons and a long range strike batron attacked
the imperial fleet elements at Barrons naval base. The resulting battle resulted in the
destruction of the imperial cruiser squadron and most of the tanker squadron. A few
remaining tankers managed to flee into the Rusco subsector and linked up with the
subsector fleets there (which were supported by Margaret's forces). A small escort
flotilla escaped into the subsector and eventually allied with the pro Imperial Ral
Ranta forces in the Hinterworlds. They spent most of the rest of the war raiding
solomani controlled worlds along the trailing frontier of the sector.

The battle resulted in the destruction of the naval base as well as most of the
habitation domes of the surrounding cities of Semmel and Louzen, approximately
25,000 people died in this bombardment. The world was occupied by a under strength
brigade of solomani marines. These were replaced late in 1119 by a brigade worth of
colonial troops from the alpha crucis. Unfortunately this brigade was made up of
battalions from five separate worlds.

By the onset of hard times (1124) the subsector was effectively out of touch with the
Solomani Confederation and the solomani brigade had lost whatever semblance of co-
ordinated control it had. Each battalion had taken control of 1 or more native cities
and squabbled amongst themselves. This squabbling, coupled with the extensive
damage to the planets infrastructure caused by the initial battle resulted in a plunge in
local technology from TL=8 to TL=5. About this time the last of the operational
spaceships failed.

By 1126, local technology had dropped further to TL3/4 and both the natives and
occupying troops were having problems maintaining the cities life support systems. It
was at this time that merchants from Torrel entered the system. After stripping the
scout base of equipment and remaining vessels, they approached the various city
councils (made up of the battalion senior officers) and offered limited trade. Torrel
provided life support equipment and electronics, while Barron provided salvage, and a
cheap labour pool. With Torrels help, the technology level stabilised at TL=4 and was
even starting to approach TL=5.


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The virus entered the Torrel cluster via Barron, a detached duty scout ship entered the
system from coreward. The ship was dead from virus, but several minor systems were
infected with "viral eggs". The ship was salvaged by a cutter operating from barron,
and the cannibalised parts were sent to Torrel, dooming that world. About 2-3 weeks
later, the virus exploded onto the world from the salvage fleet (2 cutters and a shuttle).
Fortunately a TL4/5 world had few computer systems to be infected, although the
scout base / salvage centre was heavily affected. However, with the fall of Torrel no
more spares were forth-coming. As parts grew scarce, the solomani battalions fought
a final futile war. After 6 months over 75% of the remaining population was dead and
what was left of the infrastructure was destroyed and the planet had dropped to TL=2.
The remainder of the population slowly perished over the next 5 years as the integrity
of the domes failed, and the food ran out. Towards the end, certain groups had even
resorted to cannibalism.

New Era.

Barron is a desolate barren world with no populations and little or no salvage. There is
currently no active viral presence in the Barron system.


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Lannor 2726 Vendtup Subsector, Old Expanses





Lannor was a minor backwater during the imperial era, its thin atmosphere and
modest water resources (mostly at the poles) hindered on planet development. The
planet was primarily a stop over point on the jump -1 main that runs through the heart
of the Vendtup subsector. It was also a useful jump off point for Jump 3 ships
travelling to the cluster of world in the coreward corner of the subsector, especially
the high population TL15 industrial world of Usinea.

The planet survived the rebellion with little damage, it was just not worth bombing,
and the withdrawal of the sector fleet crippled resistance. Most imperial resources in
the subsector were assigned to hold Usinea.

The collapse of trade accompanying hard times crippled Lannor, and coupled with its
rather harsh planetary conditions and position in the wilds resulted in a plunge in local
technology levels. TL was down to TL5 and still dropping when the virus hit. The
virus destroyed whatever technology was left, mostly by failure of the remaining
power grid. TL dropped to 2.

During this harsh period, with severe food shortages, a disturbing factor arose -
cannibalism. Armed gangs that were roaming the countryside raiding farms resorted
to cannibalism partially in response to the food shortages, and partially as an initiation

The planet is now dominated by numerous armed cannibalistic bands armed with TL9
ACRs (deposited by an imperial army transport that dumped its cargo and left as part
of the fleet withdrawal). These bands have prevented any significant rebuild of
civilisation, as the bands descend upon any area that attempts rebuilding (and
infrastructure can not just be picked up and moved). The gangs usually number a few
hundred, survivors of a raid are offered the chance to join, those that refuse are
usually killed and some eaten. Initiation is by killing another (usually another
potential recruit), part of the initiation ceremony involves eating the fallen.

This planet is one of the most severe cases of regression in the Old Expanses. The
guild know of the system but have no contact with it, after a launch full of guild crew
members hoping to sell weapons were eaten. The bands still have plenty of ACRs and
ammo left from the army cargo. Fortunately the cargo did not contain any other items
of military technology.


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Paro / Old Expanses 2917

1119 D9CA613-9 S

Fl Ni Wa



G1 V

1202 X9CA000-0 Ba Fl Wa



G1 V

Imperial Era.

Paro was a large non-industrial water world with an insidious atmosphere and a
population of 6.3 million. Paro was owned and operated by Universal Paro Systems
LIC, an imperial chartered corporation consisting of literally every inhabitant on the
planet. Paro was the site of an Imperial Scout Base, and the system has 3 gas giants. It
supplied a limited amount of exotic chemicals for use in the electronics industries on

Rebellion Era / Hardtimes.

Paro and the entire subsector fell rapidly to the solomani following the withdrawal of
the sector fleet. The latter withdrawal of the solomani and see-saw exchanges with the
forces of Margaret's faction left Paro essentially unaffected. No-one wanted to spend
their increasingly limited resources occupying a lowish tech insignificant water world
with a toxic atmosphere in the middle of no-where.

The major results of the war were the isolation of the planet and its board of directors
from contact with the off-world share holders and overseeing imperial government.
The board of directors decided that it was only responsible to shareholders on planet -
and in the tradition of directors everywhere, the board of directors were the main on
planet shareholders. The board of directors became increasing dictatorial as offworld
contact / supervision declined. Paro became one of the major resource worlds for
Torrel - especially exotic chemicals floating naturally within Paro's seas and
atmosphere. With the fall of Imperial or Solomani rule in the subsector, and most of
the sector at the end of 1124, the planet fell within Torrel's sphere of influence.

Torrel provided most of Paro's spare parts (seals, filters etc.) and Paro's technology
declined in line with Torrels. As technology declined, the scout base was shut down
and its equipment and personnel transferred to the facility on Torrel.

Torrel's increasingly harsh government prompted limited protests on Torrel, but
Torrel's government were more interested in the continued flow of raw materials than
the freedoms of Paro's population. There were several unsuccessfully attempts by
small groups to break away from the control of Paro's planetary government but the
insidious atmosphere severely hindered rebel groups.

The most famous incident was the town of Doonsburg who broke away in 1129. They
hoped that either that Margaret's faction or the government of Torrel would intervene
when they were blockaded by company forces. However the era of imperial
intervention had passed, and Torrel's government was not interested. And as for
Torrel's population, they never got past a few poorly attended protest rallies.

Doonsburg then appealed to Free Traders to support them, but the average free trader
was not prepared to risk their increasing difficult to maintain ships to hostile forces


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and the effects of an insidious atmosphere for the rewards that a small township could

Records are incomplete, and it is not clear if Paro's Board of Directors meant to
sacrifice the township as a warning to others or just take them to the edge, but the
sudden and catastrophic failure of the life-support seals resulted in the death of the
entire population of 3,827 souls.


The arrival of the virus on a merchant from Torrel quickly ended the life of an
estimated 97% of the planetary population, as the Virus opened the sealed
environments to atmosphere. Vampire merchant ships scoured the system of any
orbital facilities before destroying themselves in suicidal battles. Others plunged into
the atmosphere destroying the now deserted facilities on the ground.

A few minor outposts (mostly small mining camps) with limited computer facilities
survived infection, and the atmosphere hid them from the orbiting vampires. However
with limited supplies and the atmosphere eating at the life support seals, event the best
equipped sites had perished within the space of two months.

New Era

Paro is a dead world with little or no worthwhile salvage or readily available
resources. The planetary atmosphere has destroyed the remains of civilisation on the
planet. The virus and the suicidal battles between vampires left little but debris in the
remained of the system.

The only potential interesting site is the old scout base located on one of the smaller
moons of Paro's secondary gas giant. As it was shut down at the time of the collapse,
it did not attract the attention of the vampires. Most of the useful removable
equipment was removed and transferred to Torrel prior to the collapse, but the basic
base structure, life support and power systems are intact - if a little old and in need of
a little maintenance.

There is currently no active vampire presence in the Paro system.


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The Edge

2920 Ile Subsector / Old Expanses

UWP Data
1117 X7A6000-0

Ba Fl

Red Zone

1 Planetoid Belt

2 Gas

Giants, G Type Main Sequence Star
1201 X7A6000-0

Ba Fl

(Extrapolated Data)

Library Data

Imperial Interdicted Zone, established 261-1108, by order Vice Admiral Armund
Buchanan, Imperial Navy (Old Expanses Sector, Ship Safety Department, Depot / Old

This System is interdicted as a extreme hazard to stellar navigation. Available fuel
sources, both gas giants and planetary are contaminated by particulate debris of stellar
origin, resulting in power plant and jump drive failure. Normal fuel processing
equipment is not effective.

Travel is not advised, Automatic Interdiction satellites have been placed to enforce
the Interdiction

System Data

The unnamed star is a type G main sequence star

The system consists of :
a small insignificant rock ball of 4000km diameter (no atmosphere) orbiting within
the star's inner zone.
"the edge" orbiting within the star's habitable zone (no moons)
The stars outer zone consists of two small gas giants (edge III and edge V). Edge III
has 5 small rock moonlets, while Edge V boasts a comparatively large system of
rocky moonlets (8), a small ring system (2), and an icy outer moon with a trace
methane atmosphere.
small gravel planetoid belt (edge IV) orbits between the two gas giants



The edge had a bad reputation amongst spacers from the earliest colonization by the
Third Imperium. The area is known to be the site of dozens of mysterious ship
disappearances. Ships entering the system are never heard from again. The
disappearances are not entirely a recent phenomenon. Old solomani records show
losses of ships over millennia before the establishment of the Third Imperium.
The nickname "the edge" arose within the IISS because ships that enter the system
seem to "fall of the edge of the universe.


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Prior to the end of 1108, rumours as to the reasons for the disappearances ranged from
secret bases (hiver, solomani, k'kree, pirates, ancients, an undiscovered alien race,
first imperium) to spatial phenomenon that either drove the crew insane, or caused
jump drives to malfunction.

Ship disappearances included numerous type S scouts, two Donosev class survey
scouts, five gazelle class close escorts and an Azhanti High Lightening class frontier
cruiser "Echo intruder"

Early in the 1100's imperial interest in the edge dropped (along with funding) and the
IISS turned to private sources to continue exploration. In early 1108, Halden Minerals
using a two ship expedition discovered the source of the disappearance and was
granted permission to salvage some of the derelict vessels within the system. The
Imperium recovered the missing naval and scout service vessels (returning several to
active service).

The Imperium then interdicted the system as a hazard to navigation and used two of
the spare type 37 interdiction satellites (from arcolund) to enforce the interdiction.

Final War

The system's remote location at the edge of the sector, coupled with the rapid
conquest of the sector after Lucan ordered the main sector fleet back to the core,
meant that the edge was not seriously considered within Solomani military planning.
A small escort detachment jumped into the system in late 1118, and performed a
system scan from the vicinity of the gas giant Edge III. As sensors revealed no sign of
imperial forces or a technological civilisation, but two still operational nuclear armed
interdiction satellites, the escort detachment jumped out system rather than risk a
battle against two heavy armoured combatants.

Solomani military planners never found the override codes for the satellites (a covert
act of pro-imperial defiance). Plans to destroy the satellites and survey the system
were unfortunately delayed as resources were diverted to respond to offensives from
Margaret's faction, and later the internal disputes within the Solomani Party as to the
definition of solomani.


The virus came to the edge via a circular route. Lady Elise Harmon, a knight of the
blue feather, had decided early in 1129 that the order's oath to protect imperial
citizens also included those citizens on interdicted planets. She reasoned that these
unfortunate souls were not responsible for the chaos and death of the Rebellion and
the following Hard Times, and were the least able to help or defend themselves.

She deduced that with the decline of Imperial power outside the safes and frontier
zones, and the rise of piracy (and worst), that these people needed protecting. As her
personal resources were insufficient to protect every interdicted world with the sectors
surrounding Margaret's safe, she decided to ensure that the interdiction protection
around these planets was maintained to prevent them being plundered and raided by
pirates, slavers and ripper gangs.


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During the summer and fall of 1129 she acquired a crew and a surplus type K safari
ship, and renamed it the "Azure shield" after its role and the colours of her order.
After a shake down cruise in late 1129, its first voyage called at the interdicted worlds
in the subsectos A to D of the old expanses to repair and restock the interdiction
satellites etc. The Azure Shield also offered limited humanitarian aid to falling and
doomed worlds in these four subsectors.

Its second and final voyage into the old expanses, coincided with the spread of the
virus within Margaret's safe. It is estimated that the Azure Shield was infected as it
crossed the border of the frontier into the Old Expanses. The crew had originally
intended to visit the interdiction satellites at the "edge" to see if there were any
salvageable parts to allow them to repair other more vital systems protecting inhabited
worlds. Unfortunately, by the time the Azure Shield entered the Ile sub-sector, she
was crewed only by ghosts and an insane computer called "Damnthing" (after the
final cry of the last crewman). Damnthing as a reproducing 2B virus strain.

Arriving at the sub-sector capital of Torrel, only to find the prime pickings long gone,
damnthing searched its memory banks and came upon the details of the interdiction
force at the edge. The Azure Shield made the J2 trip to the edge. Upon arrival, its
transponder signal soon infected the complex automated systems of the two Type 37
interdiction satellites in orbit around the main world. The two new viral intelligences
aboard the satellites mutated into Reproducing Doomslayers (type 2D). The Azure
Shield and Damnthing were vaporized by sustained salvos of nuclear tipped missiles
from the two satellites. In their first destructive glee, they did not take account of their
magazine stocks and fired themselves almost dry.

In the coming years the two satellites realised that attempting to destroy the other with
their limited missile stocks was a gamble, and have taken to waiting for another
outside vessel to appear and change the balance of power.

In the years since the collapse, only the far trader "Hope" has entered the system, and
suffered the same fate as the Azure Shield.

In 1202 the edge system is desolate and inhabited only by two murderous automated


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Torrel - 2818 Ile Subsector / Old Expanses

1120 C357A95-A A Hi

F2V, 4GG

1202 E357898-6


Full System Statistics 1120 / 1202






Primary Torrelac F2V
1 Empty















































4 Sitapur











































Everett Y310000-0



Pequannock Large GG










Gilbert G320165-A














7 Bergsland




Liberty GS00236-9







Xixabangma GS00166-9



Fall Ssubrk








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Torrel was a long settled world within the Imperium and had a reasonable level of
population until the late 900's. The then archduke of Sol had a visionary dream that
predicted a war within his domain. Agitated by the dream, Archduke Ovalle ordered
the site of his court moved from its previous location to Torrel. At the time, the
Imperium was involved in the 3rd Frontier War and its attention was turned Spinward.
The archduke gave his court a deadline of 11 years to transfer the central ruling
government for the domain (over 1000 worlds) to Torrel.

Ovalle died 3 months after the abdication of Emperor Styryx, and did not see the
completion of the relocation. His successor, Klaxren immediately ended the relocation
and refused to move the court. However several billion citizens had already been
moved at Imperial expense and they were fully prepared to settle down and live out
their lives on their new homeworld. Klaxren granted them permission to stay if that
was their choice but refused to provide Imperial funds for anyone who wanted to
move back.

Torrel was not an ideal choice for a major inhabited world. The world's small size
made it even more crowded than the average high population world. Torrel is also
subject to frequent (but mild) volcanic and seismic activity induced by the small gas
giant Amra. The tidal effects of the gas giant also cause large ocean waves. It is also
notoriously resource poor requiring massive imports of agro products and certain raw
materials. It is also in a fairly remote area of the old expanses (almost a mini rift) and
there are only 3 planets with Jump 3.

However, Torrel had some of the largest civilian electronic component factories in the
sector, and the imperial mega-corporation maintained large offices.

The trauma of the forced, and ultimately futile move affect the population. Torrel
possessed a population whose rebellious tendencies never got beyond list making. The
IISS categorised the culture as indifferent, un-aggressive, neutral and friendly. The
government consisted of an inefficient bureaucracy of a series of councils. Positions
on the councils were voted for by government employees (3% of the population). The
remainder of the population had no voting rights. All council members were required
to live in the City of Winchester (on a separate minor continent), and meetings
between the government and the people were restricted to electronic means.

The primary city was Torrel Oro with a population of over 40 billion. Winchester (the
government city) had a population of 6.63 billion, whilst 6 other cities had
populations of approximately 500 million people.

The moon Jerefnos was a vast heavily mechanised farming community, and was the
subject of much debate on relocating significant portions of Torrel's population to its
surface. Marlec was another potential farming colony, but bureaucratic delays had
prevented colonisation.

Kartez was the imperial scout base, Regen a dust bowl world where environmental
suits were tested and housed a small testing facility. Ralfed, Voceedal and
Hutchinson, while uninhabitable do possess material resources that can be exploited.


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Awyne and Gilbert housed small research facilities studying the refuelling potential of
their respective gas giants. Liberty, Xixabangma and Fall Ssubrk housed small
outposts for the study and cure of a variety of phobias.

Rebellion & Hard Times

The rapid fall of the sector to the Solomani after the removal of the sector fleet by
Lucan spared Torrel from the savage effects of war. The see-saw fleet actions that
characterised the exchanges between Margaret's faction and the Solomani generally
by passed Torrel. The Naval base was subject to a strike by fleet elements of
Margaret's faction, but the main world was not subject to a concerted attack. Its
remote location and middling technology level, reduced its suitability as a strategic

The fall off of trade had a limited effect on Torrel and its nearby worlds, several
trading companies had spent their entire pre-war effort shipping materials too and
from Torrel and its local cluster of worlds, and the mental attitude of Torrels
population ensured that things carried on much as before. Maragrets opening of a
trade route to the Hive Federation via the Hinterworlds also had a slight knock on
economic effect on the subsector in general.

However, sheer planetary inertia could not stop the slide, equipment gradually failed,
the starport was insufficient to perform annual maintenance, and planetary technology
gradually dropped to TL=8. Fortunately the attitude of the population, whilst leading
to several bitter attacks against government incompetence in the media, never got
much further.

With the coming of hard times the nearby scout bases on Barron and Para shut down
and their xboats and equipment transhipped to Torrel. What limited communication
existed between systems was now carried by the merchants.

The Collapse.

Virus came to Torrel in early 1130 via one of the numerous mid sized freighters
(10Ktns or so) that still operated in the Torrel cluster of worlds. The exact source was
never identified. The results were not documented. The vast (by hardtimes standards)
number of ships - primarily merchants fell out of the sky, as did the orbital city /
starport of Selwyn, condemning its population of 17,500 souls to a fiery end. the
massive city of Torrel Oro experienced the worst casualties, it had a population of
over 40 billion and stretched over 2000km north - south and 1000km east - west.

Power plant explosions, starship crashes, fires, insane traffic control, exploding
chemical plants and other industries killed millions. Lack of food and water due to the
shutdown of public services killed millions more. And finally fighting over the scraps
and disease killed billions more. Only those on the outskirts of the city could escape
to the country side. Only about 5% made it out of the city, but 5% of 40 billion was
still more than the country side could support. The refugees overwhelmed and
destroyed the nearby city of Gorbiv.


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The city of Winchester had its own problems, as a government city it did not suffer
the effects of imploding industry, and only suffered localised damage around its
secondary starport, however, this lack of industry and agriculture significantly
hindered recovery efforts. This lack of an industrial base together with the small size
and rocky nature of its continent resulted in a significant population die off.

The city of Plain Springs on the islands within the Sea of Ovalle was suffered a
complete loss of its waterborne transport system. This destroyed the possibility of
recovery or even simple food shipments. With transport limited to a few small private
sail craft, and any attempts at agriculture devastated by the decaying virus controlled
weather control system, the population starved. In less than a decade, the population
had dropped to about 25,000 people living a middle aged lifestyle (TL2/3).

Only the isolated cities of Norris Arm and Ronmot survived with any semblance of

The outer planets faired worst, the small outposts died when the virus opened the
airlocks and shutdown the life-support systems. The mechanized farms on Jerefnos
massacred the farmers.

Torrel's recovery has added by a lucky fluke, the university of Torrel was desperately
trying to find a storage space for its archives and the decaying TL8 technology was
not up to the job, so it rented computer storage space in some of the derelict Xboats
grounded at Torrel's scout base. The Xboat's communications computers and
databanks were more than sufficient to hold the university's archives.

These archives were off-line when the virus struck and formed the knowledge base
for Torrel's recovery. However Torrel's static government hindered the recovery, and
it was only through the efforts of the University of Torrel and the Scout Base that
Torrel was able to support its population, and maintain its technology.

It was the efforts of the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service that saved Torrel. They
were the main driving force behind the private building effort together with the
University, often in direct conflict with poorly organised government programmes. It
was the IISS's remaining scout couriers that intercepted and destroyed the remaining
vampire ships in orbit around Torrel, but often at terrible cost. The last flight of the
survey scout "Shackleton" was a prime example, its crew had manually disconnected
several vampire satellites before the ship was deliberately crashed into the spaceport
on Jerefnos to prevent further virus expansion.


Torrel languishes at TL6, the massive population, the lack of high tech artefacts, and
the people's lack of drive hinder recovery efforts. The entire planets efforts are spent
keeping everyone fed and clothed. The system of government is still intact - everyone
knows it is inefficient and incompetent but no-one seems to want to make the effort to
change it. The technology drop has meant that communications with the government
is now by telex, radio or surface mail, further isolating the government from the
people and slowing further the wheels of government.


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The efforts of the IISS severely depleted the scout bases resources of ships and men,
and it now has no jump capable vessels left. Gradually recruits from Torrel have
rebuilt the scouts numbers, but presently it is limited to providing traffic control (and
possibly a last stand) for Torrel.


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Urbain 3229 Vendtup Subsector, Old Expanses





Urbain was the imperial gateway to the Beverly Run trade route across the rimward
half of the Hinterworlds Sector and into the Hive Federation. It was equipped with a
well equipped type A starport and a population of 800 millions. The planet was
captured by the early solomani advances and was held by the solomani right through
the Rebellion and the following Hardtimes. Trade with the hinterworlds, and the Hive
Federation helped this corner of the new solomani territories weather most of the
storm of hardtimes. Technology did drop to TL10 and the starport was waivering on
the edge of a type B classification mostly due to the lack of spare parts due to the
incompatibilities between imperial and solomani designs. The problem was solved by
spares from the Hive Federation. The Hivers had long been an Imperial trading
partner and were producing imperial compatible equipment for the imperial market.
Margaret's trade links had boosted Imperial - Hiver trade, and Urbain bought some of
this equipment. The Hivers were happy to sell to the reform minded solomani
commanders in the region. This infusion of hiver technology saved the planet when
they were hit with by the virus that arrived from the solomani heartlands.

The hiver components seemed to resist the virus a little longer and degraded less
violently than imperial standard systems. This gave the population time to isolate
systems, and start emergency measures. But despite this over a quarter of the
population - 200 million people died as a result of the collapse. This die off coupled
with the complete collapse of interstellar trade on this gateway world had a dramatic
effect of the world view, and within a decade the world was effectively ruled by the
Church of Urban.

The Church is by wilds standards almost saintly, it does not interfere in the peoples
lives, with the exception of government duties that it has inherited. The church
government runs smoothly and the population has good health care, food, housing etc.
given the planets TL7 technology level - 1970s America or Western Europe for
standards of living. There is even free speech. Church members are not subject to the
normal civilian courts but are under the jurisdiction of church courts. The courts are
just and reasonably fair, thought high crimes of blasphemy and scientific research
tend to get the priest judges back up.

The one area where the church does exert strict control is technology. The church
reversed technology and most technical personnel are church members. The church
has even set up a special rank within its structure "lay member" for those more
interested in technology that the religious aspect of the church. The TL7 infrastructure
is well maintained and entry into the church technology schools in open to all, based
upon merit. However church doctrine prohibits technological research, as higher
technology is deemed to be the realm of god. They believe that the collapse was due
to fallible man messing with technology that was beyond him. They await the coming
of the SeeDu (a representative of the one true god) who will lead them into the light
of technology as shown in the holy books, and SeeDu will instruct the faithful in the
correct rituals to operate this divine technology.


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The remaining high technology is regarded as sacred, and is the property of the
church, certain harmless items are open to public view and draw huge crowds of
pilgrims. The Urbain Down Holotheatre is a prime example, millions of pilgrims visit
every year to marvel at the divine wonder of a TL15 holofilm "Pirates of the Blood
Asteroids". The theatre has been running since the collapse, and the priesthood can
not even change the holo-crystals. The church does maintain a high tech defence force
based around four religious orders that can each field a TL11 grav infantry division.
Reservists and police forces are well equipped, and experienced TL7 units. The space
force consists of over a dozen TL14 solomani SDBs crewed by church members. The
crews are generally of line standard.

The church's first major dilemma was the appearance of Hiver vessels over twenty
years ago as part of the survey that established the worlds in the Sitah Subsector. The
population and the church had fond memories of the Hivers (especially as hiver
technology has saved the planet), but they were clearly not SeeDu. They reached a
compromise that the Hivers were priests of a separate church with their own sacred
technology. Sitah free traders who have occasionally visited are classed as junior
members of the hiver church and are allowed into the sacred precincts of the starport.
Vampires are considered abominations and works of the devil. They will be destroyed
whenever they are found.

The world is generally friendly and free traders will be regarded as visiting priests
from another church. they will be granted use of the starport facilities subject to
suitable donations. Their religious status will spare traders from most civil
complications. However, crimes such as selling advanced technology will likely end
up with the traders jailed for life. Guild ships are banded from the system for just such
a crime. Urbain is a happy friendly world, but it does not actively contribute to the
rebuilding of the Sector.


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Vendtup Station 2622 Vendtup Subsector Old Expanses





Vendtup Station is a pleasant earth sized worlds with a standard atmosphere and 90%
water coverage. Its land masses are made up of numerous island chains. There are no
major landmasses. In imperial times it served as a gateway world linking the
hinterworlds trade entering the subsector coming down the Beverly Run, with the
coreward side of the sector and onwards to the imperial core. It also served as a jump
off point across the mini-rift in the bottom half of the Ile sub-sector.

With the withdrawal of the sector fleet at the start of the Rebellion, the world was
quickly taken by large solomani forces advancing coreward from its conquest of the
sector naval depot. It was used as a jump of point by the solomani to attack the rest of
the sector and eventually Margaret's faction.

With the significant victories inflicted by Margaret on Solomani forces advancing
through the Hinterworlds, the entire solomani flank was exposed and the solomani
disabled the startport to prevent its use by Margaret. At this point of the war, Lucan's
black war tactics had not yet appeared, and the disabling of the starport was
conducted with precision and no civilian casualties (the solomani hoped to regain the
world and nuke bombing cities would only turn the planet against them).

The solomani counterthrust never occurred in sufficient strength and the starport was
never rebuilt (it would be too much of a strategic liability to both sides).

Hard times did not have a significant effect on the world, the coreward rift protected
the planet from the troubles in the Ile Subsector, and the loss of trade had occurred
early, when the infrastructure was still intact. This gave the population time to adjust
to a more self sufficient lifestyle, and the planet had settled into a self supporting
TL8/9 society. The feudal technocracy dealt with the restructuring quite well.

The appearance of the virus had only minor effects on the world, the TL8/9 industries
failed, but the starport was already gone, and agriculture was already well established.
The planet soon stabilised at TL6 mainly by converting the automated TL8/9 plants to
manual operation (with reduced efficiency). Things seemed to be going well.

However in 1164, a contagion appeared which wiped out approximately 60% of the
population. When the disease had run its course, over 50% of the remaining
population was under 16 (the population had spent its efforts of saving the next
generation). The surviving adults were hard-pressed to support this young population
and keep the infrastructure going.

It was at this time that "Tarin" appeared, and proclaimed himself supreme ruler and
prophet. At another time this would have been dismissed as the ravings of a madman,
but after such a major plague, he found willing listeners especially amongst the
young. But a few displays of divine wrath plus his ability to move between towns


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more quickly than can be explained convinced the masses (all 10,000 of them), Tarin
has ruled ever since.

Tarin does not exercise day to day control and leaves the population pretty much to
their own, his only commandments are to obey when required. Each year every 18
year old is blessed at the Temple of Tarin, and once every few years the small
priesthood will receive a visitation by the spirit of Tarin, requesting one of the blessed
be sent to him as a servant. These servants never return and are said to have ascended.

Tarin is actually an imperial era government official from the environmental
department. He owned a TL14 Cloud Nine Grav Houseboat from which he lived and
worked. The effects of the plague and the death of his family unhinged him. The
divine wrath is a small laser weapon attached to the underside of the houseboat
(salvaged from a government storage depot) powered by solar cells and batteries. The
blessing consists of the priesthood running a medical scanner over the blessed.

Visitation by the spirit of Tarin is a holographic projection from a projector hidden in
the temple. The blessed servants are more sinister, they are picked up by the grav
houseboat from the temple at night and then given drugged food and drink when
aboard. The servants are all tissue matches for Tarin, and the unfortunate servant is
broken down for parts and organs by a TL14 autodoc and stored in a low berth for
future use to replace Tarin's failing body (the transplant being performed by the
autodoc), as he was unable to obtain or produce anti-aging drugs.

The Grav House Boat is a TL14 grav vehicle, displaces 30dtns, has an armour rating
of 4, with a 4mw fusion power plant and over a years worth of fuel. It has a 5000km
radio, 8 searchlights, a small laser cannon with solar cell and battery power system,
basic environmental systems and a water distillation system. The house boat can
move at a top speed of 300kph, and holds 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2
offices and a lounge. Tarin has added a TL14 autodoc and a low berth.



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