Lorie O'clare Lunewolf 06 Full Moon Rising

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An Ellora’s Cave Publication, August 2004

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Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

PO Box 787

Hudson, OH 44236-0787

ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0019-6

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Edited byBriana St. James.

Cover art bySyneca .

Full Moon Rising

Lorie O’Clare

Chapter One

Beth Parks slammed the file onto her desk harder than necessary. Loose papers scattered to the floor of
her office. But she didn’t care.

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Stepping over them, she walked to her large office window and stared down at people hurrying around
downtown. Everyone moving with purpose. Business men and women hurrying to get a bite to eat.
Teenagers on the prowl. The sidewalks always seemed to be full, no matter the time of day. Humans

This was your choice to work among humans.

And for the most part she didn’t mind humans. They were paranoid and tended to make mountains out
of molehills, but none of that had bothered her. Until now.

“Why the hell did they have to choose me?” She scowled at the window, no longer seeing the hectic
downtown area. Crossing her arms over her chest, she wondered whose idea it had been to ask her to
prosecute. “Well I won’t do it.”

She couldn’t do it.

It wasn’t Beth’s nature to panic. She always had the upper hand, knew how to handle herself in any
situation. No one bullied her. No one told her what to do. She had worked her ass off to gain that
authority, and she wouldn’t have it taken from her now.

The smell of Frosted Flakes filled the office a good five paces before her secretary did. Beth had never
understood it. Her legal secretary always smelled like the cereal.

“You dropped some things.” Lacey entered her office, immediately squatting down to retrieve the
scattered papers.

Beth turned around, her hands on her hips while she started pacing. It was a habit her mother always
claimed made her look too intimidating.

No wonder you haven’t captured a good werewolf yet. You come across too strong, my dear.

She shoved her mother’s voice out of her head. It was easier to think, to brainstorm, when she paced.
And what else was she supposed to do with her hands?

“Tell me, Lacey,” she began, her own irritability floating in the air around her. “Why is it that Anderson,
Hunt and Anderson would choose me to lead this case against the Water Lane group?”

Lacey looked up from where she knelt on the floor, her mouth open, the sweetened corn cereal smell
almost as strong as her own emotions.

“Because you are the best,” she said quietly. It wasn’t meant to flatter. Lacey showed no sign of
enthusiasm about the fact. “And they know with you in charge they will be able to continue with their

And that right there was the problem. If Anderson, Hunt and Anderson succeeded in silencing the
Walter Lane group, a predominantly werewolf organization, the large district of land just outside of
Lincoln would be turned into a subdivision and shopping centers. She stopped pacing, feeling the dull
throb of a headache coming on.

Talk about conflict of interest. Her pack would have her hide if she represented the organization more
intent on destroying prime running land than any other group in the area.

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“Well, I don’t want the case.” She glared at the file lying on top of everything else on her desk.

Lacey straightened. “Okay.”

That was what she liked about her newest legal secretary. Lacey didn’t argue. No matter what, she went
along with whatever Beth said. Which was how it should be.

Beth nodded, wishing that was all it would take to settle the matter. “Call their office first thing in the
morning and let them know I simply can’t fit them into my workload.”

No attorney in their right mind turned down a case from Anderson, Hunt and Anderson. Again Lacey
just nodded, more than likely thinking the exact same thing. She would have a fight on her hands not
representing the largest takeover corporation in the Midwest. But the hell with it. She was Elizabeth
Parks, highest paid corporate attorney in Lincoln, Nebraska. She had handled cases throughout the
Midwest, flown to many of the major cities to do consulting. She could pick and choose the cases she

Lacey cleared her throat, turning to straighten the papers on Beth’s desk. “Is there anything else that you
needed done this evening?”

Beth glanced at her grandfather clock in the corner of her office. Damnit. Where had the day gone? It
was already almost six in the evening.

“Go on home.” She waved her hand at Lacey, a dismissive gesture.

Lacey never seemed to mind Beth’s overly aggressive nature, another thing she liked about her. She
turned and smiled at Beth. “I’m taking the kids shopping for Halloween costumes this evening. If we wait
too long, all the good ones are gone.”

Beth smiled, Halloween being the least of her concerns. Such a silly human holiday. “Well, good
hunting,” she said, her boredom with the task coming through with her tone.

Lacey smiled, Frosted Flakes again becoming the predominant scent in the room, and headed out of
Beth’s office.

Beth’s thoughts drifted to the Walter Lane group while she made sure her filing cabinet and desk
drawers were locked. Headed up by several pack leaders in Nebraska, the group had taken a quiet
stance in trying to ensure certain land be safe from developers. They had kept a low profile, a wise move
ever since the scandal over some human fanatic going on national television claiming his mass murders
were legitimate since all he was doing was killing werewolves.

“Ed and I are having a Halloween party next Friday night.” Lacey got a hopeful look on her face. “We
would love it if you could come.”

Beth licked her lips. “That’s very nice of you to invite me.” She might be an aggressive bitch, but she had
her manners. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Sounds good.” Lacey retreated, turning at the door. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Traffic seemed worse than usual and she still didn’t feel relaxed when she reached her driveway. Usually

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the drive home was enough to help her unwind, at least a little. Pulling into the paved drive, she focused
on her country home, the spread out brick estate she’d fallen in love with the moment she saw it a year

Sure, it was a statement of her success. But she wasn’t stingy about it or pretentious like some of the
people in town. Beth Parks remembered where she came from, not only how tough it had been growing
up, struggling from day to day, but how hard it had been to make the name for herself. She had earned
every brick in her twenty-five hundred square foot home.

She avoided the bikes lying on their side in front of the three-car garage. Alicia’s cubs had just got the
bikes this past spring. She would never hear the end of it if she ran over them.

Voices filled the house when she entered.

“Is that you, Beth?” Alicia appeared holding her youngest cub who looked like she’d just been bathed.
“There are chops on a plate in the fridge for you.”

“Thanks. I might eat later.” She half-smiled at the cub who buried her face in her mother’s neck. “Right
now I just want to head up to my room.”

Alicia nodded, turning to look into her room when her mate said something.

Beth liked her house always full of activity. Having her housekeeper’s den live with her had proven a
wise decision. It would have been silly to live in this huge place all by herself. Turning away from her
housekeeper, she let Alicia get back to her den.

Joe Pendal, Alicia’s mate, had proven his worth when he secured her end of the second floor, the west
wing, giving her a small part of the world where no one could intrude upon her space.

Unlocking the large wooden door halfway down the upstairs hallway, Beth entered her little sanctuary.
She walked over to her bedside table and pushed the button on her phone to listen to her personal

“Thought I’d see what you were doing this weekend,” the deep masculine voice said through the

She’d thought of contacting Bart, the older werewolf from her pack who sometimes serviced her. A
widower, with most of his den grown and out on their own, Bart still could fuck. At least he fucked well
enough to make her come.

Beth kicked her shoes off into her closet, listening to the series of beeps before the next message played.

“Just thinking about you, sweetie.” Her mom sounded tired.

Beth frowned while watching herself in her full-length mirror.

“I’m settled into a nice duplex and would love it if you could find time for a visit.” Her mother blew
kisses into the phone before hanging up.

Beth stripped down to her bra and underwear, staring at her short legs. She’d never been much of a
beauty, and was too aggressive for her own good. She cupped her breasts. They were big enough that

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they filled her hands, but certainly nothing so amazing to turn heads. Pretty much, she was the textbook
definition of plain.

Beth sighed, wondering if a hot bath or a run would be best.

The bottom drawer of her dresser caught her eye and her insides quickened. Hot juices immediately
coated her pussy, anticipation running through her without warning.

“Maybe I should call Bart,” she mused. If the thought of her toys, nestled in the bottom drawer of her
dresser had her almost coming, it was probably time to get laid.

But making time to see him, when her toys were right here, sounded like such a hassle. Moving closer to
her dresser, she ran her toes over the handle to the drawer with her toys in it. She was a sad case if
having sex with an actual person had become too much of an effort.

If her mother ever saw the contents of this drawer, she would have a heart attack. Varieties of dildos,
long and short, thick and thin, lay on top of each other. Some battery operated, some not. All of them
were different colors. She chose one that had a suction cup on the bottom, then stood and moved the
simple kitchen table chair she kept in the corner in front of her mirror.

The chair was here for this very purpose, although she used the excuse that she kept it up here to change
light bulbs. Its smooth wooden surface worked perfectly to hold the suction of the dildo.

Her heart began pounding as she secured the large flesh colored dildo in place, stroking it affectionately
while she imagined her dream man. Looking in the mirror, she wondered how one looked submissive.
Her dream man would see her that way. And he would be stronger than she, more aggressive, able to
put her in her place with a glance.

Her breasts began to ache, her large nipples hardening while she imagined him watching her, waiting
while she prepared herself for him.

Her bottom drawer remained open, and she studied the other contents inside. Tonight she would use her
handcuffs. Black and fluffy, they wrapped around her wrists easily enough. She put her hands behind her
back, having used them enough that she could master the Velcro without looking.

The restraints made her feel sexy, ready to be taken, her dream man hard as a rock while he gave her a
dark look of approval.

She straddled the chair, watching herself in the mirror, seeing what her dream man saw, her pussy
hovering over the large dildo.

Slowly, painfully slow, she lowered herself over her dream man’s large cock, feeling him press against
her entrance. A hot rush of desire spread over her like wild fire when her dream man entered her. She
lowered herself over the pretend cock, never taking her gaze from the action in the mirror.

“Oh hell yes.” Her dream man was pleased.

She closed her eyes, working his cock, feeling him fill her, spread her tight pussy apart while he reached
for that one spot that she loved. He would please her, satisfy her, but always demanded she do exactly
what he said. Not once could she talk back, express how she thought things should be done. He was in
charge and he would have it no other way.

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Her thigh muscles tightened, her efforts focused on keeping her body straight, just the way he liked it,
while she moved faster over his cock. Pressure built every time that one special spot was hit deep inside
her cunt.

“That’s it, baby,” she murmured.

She opened her eyes, seeing her white cream soaking her dildo, the flushed expression on her face, her
short brown hair falling around her face. Her body was sexy, could be sexy, at least that was how her
dream man saw her. His perfect little lady, willing to pleasure him whenever he wanted, always there
when he needed her.

“Oh. Damn.” Hot liquid soared through her, filling her pussy, adding fever to her pleasure.

No man could please her like this, not like her dream man. He made her feel special and never turned
weak on her. Always the stronger of the two, no matter what she said, his unbreakable presence made
her ache to come whenever she was around him.

The pressure built until she thought she would die if she didn’t explode soon. But her dream man didn’t
succumb to her demands for release. He always made her work for it, beg to come before allowing her
to slip over the edge, into sweet and perfect bliss.

She moved faster, the muscles in her thighs burning, her breathing coming in pants while her hair fell over
her face. She would please him, make him happy with her, and his satisfaction with her would fill that
void she ached to have filled.

Her pussy muscles clamped around the dildo, threatening to break the suction on the chair. But she
made it, just in time. She exploded, drenching her pussy and dildo with her hot white cream. Her insides
clamped down, releasing the pressure, emptying her and filling her with the ultimate satisfaction of
knowing her dream man was pleased.

“If only you were real,” she sighed, staring at herself through her hair.

But men in the real world didn’t stand up to her. She told them what to do and they jumped to behave.
Never had a man tried to stare her down, challenge her knowledge on a matter, or put her in her place.

She closed her eyes, holding on to her dream man for just a moment longer before she resumed her life
as the pillar of her pack.

Chapter Two

It was still dark out when Beth returned from her run, the sun just beginning to change the shade of the
sky on the horizon. Padding up the back walk, sniffing in the fresh smells of morning, the honeysuckle,
patches of mint and wild onion, she enjoyed her last few minutes of peace before she started another

Her brick patio was cool under the pads of her paws and she rolled over on to it, enjoying the hard,
cold surface against her body. The run had been a good one, the wildlife plentiful on her land. Even as a
werewolf her legs were short, but she’d been able to catch a few rabbits for breakfast and the fresh,

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cold, pond water had washed them down nicely.

Rolling around on the brick, she stretched, arching herself while she scratched her back. Tension seemed
to seep its way right out of her soul on mornings like this. Maybe she should retire early, enjoy this life
she had worked so hard for. That would be one way to get out of working cases that she didn’t want to

The thought of Anderson, Hunt and Anderson ruined her moment. Standing and stretching, she realized
nothing would happen until she took the matter into her own hands. Nothing ever did.

Her bones popped and stretched, muscles contorted, while the cold air of the morning wrapped around
her skin eagerly as her fur faded. Straightening, she stretched her arms while her paws changed into
hands, the numerous tiny bones in her fingers clicking into place.

Suddenly it was very cold outside. She hurried toward the back entryway, grabbing her floor-length
terrycloth bathrobe. Wrapping it around herself, she slipped her arms through the holes and entered the

“You look like you had a good run.” Alicia reached for a coffee cup, pouring the hot brew for Beth
before placing it on the table by her laptop. “The office has called, and I have a few messages for you
from pack members.”

Alicia smiled at her mate when he strolled into the kitchen. “We’re headed out to mend the fence on the
south border this morning,” he told Beth, ruffling his mate’s hair before heading toward the back door.

“Good.” Beth had almost forgotten about that. “The school called me last week asking when it would be
fixed. They want to let the cubs run in that area but the dens want assurance that the area is secure.”

Joe nodded, his hand on the back doorknob. He turned to his mate. “I’m sure there will be several of us
showing up for lunch.”

Beth sat down in front of her laptop, immediately attacking the coffee. Check email and then it was off to
the office. She glanced at the slips of paper Alicia had set next to her—phone messages. Problems
needed to be solved, questions answered. Pretty much the same old thing. She could have her secretary
respond to all of the human issues, and Alicia could call back the pack members. She jotted down the
answer on the first message and then flipped to the next.

Her mother had called early this morning while she had been out on her run. She stared at the phone
number, remembering that her mom no longer lived in the house she grew up in. Her pack had moved.
Her childhood memories of Duluth were just that. No longer would she be able to return home to the den
she grew up in. She stared at the northern Minnesota phone number. It was unfamiliar and didn’t seem to
fit her mother.

You’re being silly.

“Did my mom say why she called?” she asked, while opening the screen to her email.

“No. She sounded tired though.” Alicia grabbed a bucket of cleaning supplies and headed toward the
dining room. “She probably just wants to see her daughter.”

Beth glanced up at her housekeeper who disappeared into the other room. Looking back at her inbox,

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she hoped all was well with her mother.

A mixture of e-mail from work and friends downloaded. It seemed everyone was having a Halloween
party. She would probably have to send Alicia out to buy candy. What would the townsfolk think if they
learned their most prominent citizen was actually a werewolf? Surely they wouldn’t let their precious
children come out in hordes to trick or treat her house if they discovered that well kept secret.

Not to mention the fact that she was a closet pervert, too. Her body tingled with memories of fucking
herself the night before. Maybe she could sneak upstairs before work and use her favorite vibrator for a
quickie. She almost laughed out loud. What a lost cause she was.

Her cell phone rang, ruining that wonderful idea all to hell. This wasn’t her house phone, or her business
line, but her personal number that was seldom called unless some emergency had just come up.

Glancing at the phone, her heart stopped when she recognized the area code where her mother now
lived. She looked at the message from her mother. No. It wasn’t the same number. What the hell…

“Hello,” she said, trepidation creeping through her.

“Is this Elizabeth Parks?”

She didn’t recognize the woman’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“Yes. How may I help you?” She took a drink of her coffee, the hot brew bubbling its way down to her

“You don’t know me, but I’m in your mother’s pack. She is with the pack doctor now. I think she
needs you.”

Beth was still talking on her cell phone when she boarded the plane an hour later. It was impossible to
just drop everything and leave town, yet that was what she was doing.

“Just make the calls I’ve told you to make,” she instructed her secretary, nodding to the stewardess who
gestured to her seat in first class. “Tell them what I’ve told you to say. If they have questions, write them
down and call me back.”

She sighed, a headache coming on. Her mother had collapsed, no further information offered. The pack
was still getting settled, and Beth just knew all of it had taken its toll on the older bitch. Maybe she should
hire a companion for her mother, someone to keep an eye on her. Leaving town like this had thrown her
pack into an uproar. Her cell phone rang again. This time her pack leader’s number appeared on the

“What about the Halloween party we have planned for all of the cubs?” the queen bitch asked. “We had
planned to have it in the party room out at your house.”

Beth sighed, knowing Alicia must have committed the room. “You may still use the room. Let Alicia
know what you need. She can charge everything to my account.”

She was on the phone with her office for the third time when she walked into the small terminal an hour
later. A college-age werewolf held a sign with her name on it, and she gripped her overnight bag, listening
to her secretary on the line, while nodding her greetings to the young werewolf.

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Beth clutched her bag on her lap, feeling the roundness of her two favorite dildos through the soft
leather. She was living proof that a woman could be addicted to sex yet hardly ever have the good
fortune of actually being with a man.

“Is this all there is to this town?” She sat in the front seat of the old station wagon, while the werewolf
drove a little too fast through a very quiet downtown. “And the speed limit is fifteen miles per hour.”

He gave her a show of irritation before applying the brakes. “The shops don’t open until noon, not that
the pack frequents any of them.”

“Why is that?” She looked out her window, the stores seeming decent enough, just quaint, the
small-town atmosphere giving the downtown a picturesque feel to it.

“Because humans don’t like werewolves.” He made it sound like he thought her from the dark ages or

She turned to stare at him. “And why is it that this town knows about your pack?”

No wonder her mother had collapsed if the pack leader couldn’t provide a decent home for the dens.
Obviously she would have to have a talk with the local pack leader.

“Where have you been, lady?” The pup turned and gave her a look of disbelief. “When that human,
Christopher Hordan, got arrested for all of those murders, he announced to the media the location of all
the packs he knew.”

“And your pack leader didn’t have the sense to dispute any local challenges, or contact Werewolf
Affairs if he couldn’t handle the matter on his own?” Which obviously he couldn’t, if what this pup told
her was true.

The young werewolf glared at her, bringing the station wagon to a quick stop. He pointed out her
window. “That is where our pack healer lives. Your mother is in there.”

He immediately turned up the radio, an annoying song bombarding the inside of the car. Without another
word to her, or look, he began drumming with his fingers on the steering wheel, intentionally ignoring her.

Her ride took off before she could even shut the passenger door. Obviously she needed to contact
Lacey about getting her a rental car.

“Oh my.” Sandra Parks almost leapt off of the couch when Beth entered the small house. “Beth. You’ve
come home.”

The sight of her mother’s eyes welling with tears brought emotions to a head inside Beth. She embraced
her mother, holding on tight while she fought back the urge to cry like a child.

“Of course. I came as soon as I got news you were sick.” Beth took a step backwards, holding her
mother at arm’s length, studying her. “You don’t look sick.”

In fact, her mother had never looked better. She’d inherited her stubby body from her mother, although
she always thought her mother got the better end of the deal. The woman looked slim, jeans and a
sweatshirt giving her a casual air. Although her hair was no longer the same color as Beth’s, the streaks

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of gray running through it gave her dignity. Remnants of a rose scented perfume and soap filled the air
around her mom. Beth narrowed her gaze on the older woman.

“You’re supposed to be sick.”

Her mother waved her hand in the air. “I believe you were told the truth. I collapsed.”

“I thought you needed me here.” When she thought of all of the schedules she had turned upside down in
order to make this trip…she put her hands on her hips. “Do you realize my schedule?”

She hadn’t seen her mother in over two years. Her work just hadn’t allowed her time to visit. And the
crushed look her mother gave her made Beth’s heart sink. She felt like an ass.

“Tell me why you collapsed,” she said, calming herself down, taking her hands off of her hips, and
standing still, not pacing.

Sandra turned and acknowledged a woman sitting on the couch. The older lady was thin, frail, with a
body so fragile-looking her flesh seemed to wrap around her bones. She stood with more grace than
Beth expected and moved silently across the room. The straight-cut dress the older bitch wore fell almost
to the floor, its colorful pattern bringing out the blue in her otherwise colorless face. Smells of herbs and a
hint of almond drifted around her.

“So you are the daughter.” The older woman scanned Beth from head to toe. “She looks just like you.”

Beth watched her mom beam. Whoever this older bitch was, her mother valued her opinion.

“Elizabeth Parks.” Beth held out her hand, the older pack member glancing at it for only a moment
before taking it in a brisk handshake. Even the woman’s strength surprised her. You simply couldn’t
judge a book by its cover.

“And I am Greta Hothmeyer,” the old bitch said. “Your mother collapsed because she didn’t know how
else to get you here.”

“Greta.” Sandra sounded shocked. “That isn’t quite true, Beth.”

“I will make tea.” Greta released Beth’s hand, moving silently into the other room.

Beth stared at her mom. “I’ve missed you too, Mom. But if you needed to see me so desperately, I wish
you hadn’t made me believe you were sick.”

Worry brought out the wrinkles in her mother’s face, showing her age. “I kept having this dream,” she
confessed. “We need you here. I just know you can solve everything.”

Beth studied her mother for a moment, wondering if she exaggerated the situation, a trait her mother had
displayed on more than one occasion, or if a problem really did exist. She turned when someone
knocked on the door.

Greta either didn’t hear the knock, or assumed one of them would answer. Beth looked at her mom,
who was staring at the door like it would bite her. When had her mother become so skittish?

“Would you like me to answer that?” She turned toward the doorway where Greta had disappeared and

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found the older lady filling a teapot with water.

“Yes. Answer the door.” Greta didn’t look away from her task.

Beth opened the front door and stared at a human wearing a sheriff’s uniform.

“Are you Elizabeth Parks?” the human asked, the strong smell of onions on his breath not covering up
that undeniable human smell.

“What can I do for you, sheriff?” She glanced at the human’s nametag, noting he was just a deputy

“You need to come with me.” The human stepped to the side, his hand moving like he would grab his
gun if she protested.

Beth wasn’t bullied that easily. “And why is that?” she asked. “Have I committed some crime?”

“All werewolves must be identified and printed. County law.” He sounded bored now, but she smelled
the nervousness crowding around him.

No wonder her mother had collapsed. This town…this county…was out of control. Beth narrowed her
gaze on the deputy sheriff. “Unless you have arrest papers, I am not going anywhere with you. Not to
mention, if you hover around this front door any longer, worrying the women in this house, I will have you
charged with a harassment suit so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

The deputy sheriff looked surprised, but only for a minute. He put his hand on his gun barrel, narrowing
his gaze on her. “The law is the law. All werewolves must be tagged. You may come peacefully, or I will
take you by force.”

Beth put her hands on her hips, taking a step closer so that the sheriff was forced to take a step
backwards. “I suggest that you give very careful thought to your next move. Unless you have a search
warrant, you may not enter this home. And unless you have arrest papers, you have no grounds to take
me anywhere.”

The deputy sheriff licked his lips, his nervousness now smelling like something akin to panic.

“Good man.” Beth tried not to sound too condescending. “Now turn around and head back to your
office. And I suggest that you let your sheriff know that if he sends his men out to harass the people of
this town one more time, I will file more than just harassment charges against him and his office.” She
waved her hand at him, dismissing him. “Head on out now, and do as you are told.”

After closing the door, she turned around, half expecting the sheriff to pound on it. He didn’t. And she
found herself staring at two pleased-as-punch older women.

“I knew she could do it.” Her mother clapped her hands together and then hurried forward, hugging and
kissing Beth.

“All she’s done is light the fire,” Greta pointed out.

And she was right. Beth studied her mother’s proud expression, her cheeks aglow with color, her eyes
dancing. She looked ten years younger than she had when Beth arrived. The humans had clamped down

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on this pack, and the suppression was killing her mother.

“Who is your pack leader?” Something needed to be done about this mess quickly and efficiently.

“Ethan Masterson, dear.” Her mother beamed at her. “You remember Ethan, don’t you?”

Beth’s stomach twisted into a painful knot.Hell yes. She remembered Ethan Masterson.The creep. And
unless her mother had grown senile over the past few years, she knew damned good and well what Beth
thought of him, too.

Chapter Three

Ethan Masterson had hoped for overtime this week. He knew the second Ralph Hipp called him that
wouldn’t happen. But what he didn’t understand was the reason why Ralph had called.

“Who said what?” he’d asked in disbelief.

After all of his work with the humans. He found himself gaping, his jaw hanging, while he stood in the
break room at the plant and listened to Ralph Hipp tell him how Sandra Parks’ daughter had mouthed off
to the sheriff.

“What did you say her name is?” He didn’t remember Sandra having any den as long as he’d been pack

Even in Duluth, before moving his pack to this larger territory, Sandra had lived by herself. Her only cub
had moved away a long time ago.

“The sheriff said her name is Elizabeth Parks.” Ralph had sounded more than irritated. He knew like no
other werewolf the amount of work they had accomplished with the humans.

There had been some rough times adjusting his pack to this small town setting, with so much open land
for them to run as opposed to the city life they had before coming here. Not to mention, they had moved
the other pack out of town. It had been a tough decision, and one he’d not taken lightly. Rendering a
werewolf homeless was not his style. But now that they were here, he would see that they made the best
of it.

Sure it was a slow process, and suspicions and prejudice still ran strong on both sides. Now the humans
knew that werewolves did exist, there was no turning back. At least not the way Ethan saw it. He would
take the bull by the horns, work with his pack and with the humans, and make this community stronger
for it. There had been progress. And he didn’t need a blow like this to set them back ten paces.

Knowing the previous pack had found a good home, and that his pack would now have the freedom to
live as werewolves should live made it crucial that no one ruin all the work they had accomplished.

“Elizabeth Parks?” The name rang a bell, although he couldn’t place it.

“She’s all over the society page, if you read that sort of thing.” Ralph wouldn’t be one to read something
like that. Which meant this was worse than he thought. The rest of the pack had already heard about this
and Ralph was relaying the general opinion given to him. “They say she is some hotshot lawyer.”

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“Elizabeth Parks,” Ethan said again.

“I guess she was known as Beth Parks when she lived with her den.”

Ethan’s stomach did a flip-flop, the steak he’d eaten earlier suddenly not sitting well.

Even now, pulling his hog into the driveway at Greta Hothmeyer’s home, he growled at the nervous
streak that ran through him. He stared at the group of cars parked around the pack healer’s home. A
normally quiet street, it was apparent that the house was full of activity. Cubs ran around in the backyard,
and he could hear his pack members talking inside. Five minutes in town, and little Miss Beth Parks had
managed to stir things up. Not a damned thing had changed.

On the night of Hollow’s Eve…

While your soul dances to be free…

Your life mate will come to thee…

With the full moon rising.

The age-old werewolf mating song entered his mind without bidding. He thought back to his youth, to
the Halloween party he’d attended with the other teenagers in his pack. Drinking and partying in the open
field, he didn’t remember who had started the chant. But one of the frisky young bitches had been
blindfolded, while everyone sang the ancient mating song, and she had pulled him out of the group—and
pushed him right into short, little Beth Parks.

He remembered her being small, looking younger than the other girls. But there had been an
independence about her, a strength she possessed that the other bitches in his pack hadn’t. She moved
like she could take on any werewolf, and would enjoy doing it. Always unapproachable, yet alluring, she
had caught his eye more than once as a cub. Yet she’d never been willing to give him the time of day.

It had been so humiliating for him. Already feeling his oats, and having most of the young bitches in his
pack at his beck and call, he remembered everyone laughing out loud when he’d seen the startled
expression on Beth Parks’ face.

“I’d rather die a virgin than spend one moment with a slut like you,” she’d yelled loud enough for
everyone to hear. She’d made a sickening face while she looked him up and down. “I’d probably catch

Then she’d marched off, while his buddies had fallen on the ground around him in a fit of giggles. The
urge to run after her, force her to see how charming he was, had warred with the urge to call out insults in
return. But he’d done nothing. Always the cool one. Always the one everyone turned to, Ethan
Masterson had stared after her, watching her tight little ass sway while she marched away from the
group. His night had been ruined after that, not one of his buddies letting him live down the shunning.

The hell with you, Beth Parks.

Ethan forced the childhood memory out of his head. That had been a long time ago. They were all adults
now, and although his youthful pride had been severely damaged that night, it had nothing to do with the
matters at hand. He had a pack to run. And he’d been doing a damned good job of it, too. That is, up

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until Miss Beth Parks had stepped into the picture.

Parking his bike, he strolled up to the house, knowing a firm hand would be needed to put everything
right. Everyone turned in the living room when he entered the house. There had been no reason to knock.
He was welcome in Greta’s den, and he doubted anyone inside would have heard him anyway.

“It’s about time you got here,” he heard instantly.

“Did you hear what she is going to do?” That question grabbed his attention.

“We’ll go down in history.” The pride in that exclamation had him looking around to see who said it.

“Ethan.” Ralph appeared, munching on a potato chip. “You need to get a handle on this before she takes
over your pack.”

Ralph’s quiet warning didn’t sit well. He looked at his friend. The werewolf could be old enough to have
sired him. And maybe since Ethan had lost his own father when he’d been a young cub, he’d bonded
easily with Ralph. Whatever the reason, the werewolf had his wits about him, and was usually a good
person to bounce ideas off of.

“Tell me what she’s done.” Ethan kept his voice low, knowing every werewolf in the room probably got
a tickle in their ear trying to hear his conversation.

“I’ll tell you what she’s done.” One of his pack members spoke from behind him. Ethan turned to look
at Paula Rook, who adjusted her grip on the cub in her arms while she beamed at him. “She’s filed a
motion with the court so that the city can’t force us to report when we leave and come into town. She
says it’s unconstitutional.”

Ethan swallowed, feeling like he was getting ready to be bulldozed. He turned his attention back to
Ralph. “Where is Miss Beth Parks?”

Ralph gestured with a nod toward the kitchen. “In there.”

It seemed the house grew quiet when he left the living room and walked into the kitchen.

Something stopped him in the doorway though. His mouth went dry and it seemed his heart forgot to
beat for a moment, then picked up speed with a violent thumping that had his blood rushing through him
way too fast.

There she was. After all these years. Miss Beth Parks had sure as hell grown up. She was still short. But
damn! Ethan sucked in a breath while he took her in.

Pacing in the middle of the kitchen and talking on a cell phone, Beth looked better than any woman he’d
ever laid eyes on. Faded blue jeans clung to her like they were sculpted on to her body. Her waist was
so slim he bet he could wrap his hands around it and make his fingers touch. Nicely curved hips rounded
into the most beautiful ass. It had to be nice and soft, perfect to grab on to and spread so that he could
see what treasures she had.

She turned toward him, glancing up and then continuing her conversation without giving him a second
look. She wore a simple blouse, tucked into her jeans and buttoned up far enough for him to see the
strain on the buttons where the material stretched over her breasts.

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Dear Lord. Miss Beth Parks had filled out nicely. He blew out a breath of air, realizing he would start
drooling if he didn’t take his mind off of that small but perfectly shaped body. She would look damned
good sprawled out on a bed. He’d begun to wonder whether she shaved her pussy or not when he gave
himself a mental slap.

“Contact City Hall,” she was saying. “I don’t want to go in front of the judge in a courtroom. It’s best to
keep a low profile here. Let him know I’ll meet with him in his chambers and we’ll keep this short and

Ethan realized at that moment that Sandra Parks sat at the kitchen table, watching him carefully. Greta
Hothmeyer sat across from her, also watching him, satisfaction filling the air from the two of them.

This had gone far enough. Intercepting Beth in mid-pace, he put his hand over her phone. She looked up
at him, possibly noticing him for the first time, or maybe realizing for the first time who he was. Something
akin to panic rushed through her, the strong confidence that had swarmed around her a moment before
gone. It lasted only a moment before the spicy smell of irritation floated in the air between them. And
there wasn’t much space between them.

“Hang up that phone before I hang it up for you,” he whispered, enjoying the worried expression his
implied threat caused.

“You do not tell me what to do.” She matched his threatening tone quite well.

Amusement rushed through him, his loins tightening with the reminder of what a spitfire she was. It made
sense if she was some hotshot lawyer. But she wasn’t so good that he couldn’t take her on. Maybe when
they were cubs she’d managed to get the better of him, making a fool of him in front of all of their peers.
But that had been a long time ago. He was in charge here. No matter how many people she might be
used to bossing around, this saucy little bitch would learn here and now, she would do as he told her.

Squeezing down on her hand just enough to make his point, he removed her phone, and pushed the off
button. A look of disbelief crossed her face.

“How dare you!” She put her hands on her hips, her lips pursing in anger. Her dark green eyes sparked
with fire, but it was the telltale flush that spread across her cheeks that gave him the urge to press her up
against the counter and show her exactly what he would dare to do.

He could have it out with her right here in the kitchen, but he needed some time. This wasn’t one of the
sweet little bitches he was accustomed to who drooled every time he walked into the room. Beth Parks
didn’t appear the least bit intimidated by him, even though she barely stood tall enough to reach his
shoulders. The fire in her expression let him see her passion. She lusted over him. He knew it. But she
had it well hidden. Just like she had so many years ago when they were cubs.

There was only one thing to do.

Ethan grabbed Beth by the arm and turned to walk out of the house.

“What the hell are you doing?” Beth sounded alarmed, although if she was trying to stop him, she wasn’t
very strong. It seemed she followed him through the house willingly.

“What’s going on?” Ralph asked.

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Ethan ignored the group and stormed to the front door, dragging Beth behind him.

“I’ll call you in a bit,” Ethan told him, knowing Ralph would be able to calm the group.

Ethan needed time to sort things out, and to think with his brain and not his cock.

The smells of the house faded quickly when they marched across the front yard. He knew every pack
member watched them but he didn’t care. He almost threw Beth at his bike.

“If you think I’m going to get on that thing…” she began.

He grabbed her shoulders, fighting the urge to press himself against her, just for a moment, wanting to
see how she felt up against him. Instead he simply looked her square in the eye, all too aware of the heat
that surged through his hands where he touched her.

“You can climb on, or I will throw you on.” He enjoyed how her eyes grew wide, the all-knowing
counselor suddenly at a loss for words. “But either way, we are going for a ride.”

“How in the hell did you manage to become pack leader?” she mumbled, anger seeping from her. The
spicy scent of it lay cover to something more evocative, more sultry. A scent he hadn’t noticed while they
were in the kitchen grabbed his attention now.

Beth Parks was more than aroused. She had to be soaking wet. What he wouldn’t do to run his hand
down between the crotch of her jeans, feel her heat.

Since she hadn’t moved, he decided she must want to be lifted on to his bike. It was a large Harley, and
she was a petite woman. Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted her high enough for her to straddle the small
passenger seat.

“How dare you!” Beth squirmed in his arms, her legs going everywhere but around his bike.

Ethan heard definite laughter coming from the house. Well, the last thing the counselor would do was
make a fool out of him—again. Placing her back down on the ground, before she kicked something that
might really put him out of commission, he twisted her around, bent her over his bike, and gave her rear
end a quick swat.

“Shit!” she cried out loud enough to make everyone in the neighborhood aware of their presence.

Beth turned on him with her fist raised, ready to do damage. Her dark green eyes glowed with anger,
those soft lips barely covering teeth that had started to sharpen.

Ethan grabbed her fist, pulling her to him. He could feel her heart pounding between her breasts. And
those full round mounds pressed against him felt better than anything he’d experienced in quite a while.
He held on to her hand, while pinning her other arm between them. His free hand strolled down her back.
And it took some effort not to cup that sweet ass of hers.

“Now,” he said quietly. “You may climb on, or I will lift you on. But you are getting on that bike. I will
not have a yelling match with you in the middle of this neighborhood.”

Beth considered his words, her heavy breathing causing her breasts to move against his chest. She

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struggled to free herself and he tightened his grip.

“What’s it going to be, counselor?” he asked.

“I will not be bullied.” Even captured in his arms she would fight him. “Let go of me now, unless you
wish to spend the night in jail.”

Ethan smiled. Her idle threats didn’t bother him a bit. There was no way anyone would arrest him for
taking on the mouthy lawyer. They might want to watch. His grin widened.

“Are you accustomed to people backing down simply because you threaten them?”

“I’m accustomed to dealing with werewolves who have manners.” She fought again to be released.

“I can be very polite.” He pulled her just a bit closer, her breath scorching through his chest, burning his
skin. “I don’t know why you bring out the beast in me,” he whispered, lowering his head so that her face
was inches from his.

Her dark green eyes were like emeralds, glowing and alive with a passion he could smell burning through
her. He could feel it too. Everywhere they touched fiery currents rushed from her, taking over his system,
his self-control. Her mouth relaxed, her lips moving slightly like she would say something, but hesitated.
Her soft brown hair fell in layers, curving around her face and falling to her shoulders. Just enough to grab
on to so she could be held in place.

He let his gaze fall below her face, to the point where her breasts pressed against him. Her shirt parted
perfectly at the top of her button allowing him a wonderful view of her cleavage. Soft, round and full.
Damnit. He would love to rub his cock between those breasts. The thought had him hard as a rock

Beth stopped breathing. He met her gaze, her eyes suddenly wide. Was she surprised by his size? Or
had she not realized he was attracted to her?

“Let me go,” she whispered.

He obliged. “Do you need help getting on the bike?” He decided he would show her he could be a

She didn’t look at him. “I can manage.”

And she did. Barely. It was all he could do not to help her but he let her struggle to mount the large hog
on her own.

Climbing on in front of her, he knew he had a battle on his hands. It was going to be hard as hell to
discuss how her actions had been out of line when all he wanted to do at the moment was fuck her silly.
He started the bike and backed out of the driveway, then took off just a little bit faster than he needed to,
enjoying how she quickly wrapped her arms around him, holding on tight.

Chapter Four

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The fresh air slapping him in the face helped Ethan clear his head. Beth Parks wrapped around his
backside didn’t help matters. But he’d dealt with temptation before. Nothing would take precedence
over the safety of his pack.

“Where are we going?” Her breath against his ear and cheek wreaked havoc with his system.

“I haven’t decided yet,” he admitted.

“It better be somewhere public.” She shifted behind him, her thighs rubbing against his. Even with the
wind blowing around them, her scent seemed to saturate through his skin.

“You giving the orders now?” He glanced over his shoulder at her in time to see turmoil tighten across
her pretty face.

“I always give the orders.” She tried to sound cold, unrelenting. He could see that.

Her comment made it clear to him where they needed to go. Taking a sharp left, he headed home.

“Where are we?” she asked, when he slowed to a stop in his drive alongside his house.

“My place.” He got off his bike, and then offered his hand to help her get off.

She simply stared at him, while slowly crossing her arms over her chest. He loved that look of defiance
she gave him. And the way she straddled his bike, her legs spread wide accenting her narrow waist.
Damn, what he wouldn’t do to see her on top of him like that.

“I told you I would not discuss anything with you in a private place.” Her expression hardened, anger
seeping through the air. “You better pay real close attention to who you are messing with here, mister.”

Ethan stared at her. For being so damned hot, she had an aggressive side to her that needed to be toned
down. He imagined she brought many a man to his knees with the glare she was giving him. That or she
chased them away. He wondered suddenly if she might still be a virgin. Maybe she put up this aggressive
front because deep inside she didn’t have a clue how to act around a werewolf. He didn’t smell any
uncertainty or fear. She was angry, and her adorable righteous dander was up.

Well, he could handle her. He had no doubts. The last thing this sweet little bitch would do would be to
bring Ethan Masterson to his knees. Miss Beth Parks had met her match. Once she had humiliated him.
And she had been the only bitch ever to do that. But it wouldn’t happen a second time.

“I’m going to point something out to you.” He stayed calm. He wouldn’t insult her intelligence. “And I
know I only need to say this once. You are an unmated bitch and you are in my territory. That puts you
under my jurisdiction, and my protection. You will do as I say.”

Beth stared at him, either not understanding a damned thing he just said, or in complete shock that he
had the nerve to speak to Miss Almighty the way he just had. Either way, she didn’t move.

“Get off the damned bike,” he growled, starting to feel irritated that she wasn’t listening to him.

Gold streaked across the green in her eyes. If he hadn’t been watching, he might have missed it. Little
Miss Beth was doing everything in her power to control her temper. He fought the smile that threatened
his lips when she swung her leg over and slid off of his bike.

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“Happy now?” she hissed, just as her phone rang.

While she answered it, he took advantage of the fact that she needed to be composed to talk to her
office or whoever it was at the other end of the line, and placed his hand on the small of her back to
guide her inside.

“Lacey, I told you to tell them I couldn’t take the case.” She seemed to have forgotten he was there
while she reprimanded some woman on the other end of her phone.

Ethan kept his hand on her back while he unlocked his back door and led her through his kitchen and
into his living room. Charges of electric heat made him tingle where he touched her. Once inside she
began pacing, leaving him wishing he was still touching her. What was it about this petite stranger who
seemed to have turned his life and his libido upside down within the course of an afternoon?

She had done it when they were children, and she was doing it again now. Rendering him speechless,
unsure how to react against the brick wall of resistance she had built up around her. But why was she so
cold? It made no sense to him that she seemed to work at being evasive. He was a good man, respected
as pack leader by his own pack, and the other packs around him.

He took a seat in his favorite chair, an old recliner that should have been hauled to the curb years ago
but still seemed to help him relax. Stretching his legs out in front of him, he watched Beth pace. Whoever
spoke at the other end sounded a bit frantic, as if they were trying to save themselves from an
ass-chewing. Beth must be good at putting people in their place.

She combed her hair with her fingers while she spoke. “Fine, Lacey. Patch him through to this line. I’ll
speak to him.” She noticed him when she turned from pacing, her pose all professional. “I’ll be with you
in a minute,” she told him.

Had she forgotten where she was? This was his den. The urge to take that phone away from her again
crossed his mind.

“Yes. Mr. Anderson.” Beth turned from him. He watched her, imagining what it would be like for her to
run her fingers over him the way she did when she ran them through her hair.

She stopped pacing. “And our firm will continue to give you the best representation. It just won’t be me.
I’m sorry.”

Her nervous energy cluttered the air around them. A thick smell but it still had the sweetness to it that
he’d learned to recognize as her unique scent. And it called to him.

She seemed lost in thought when she hung up the phone and he took advantage of the moment to stand
and approach her. Her defenses were down, giving him a glimpse of the petite lady who glowed with fire
and sensuality.

“It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, counselor.” He didn’t speak until he was right behind her
and she jumped, turning quickly and backing up a step or two.

“I have a job.” Her defenses were right back up, her scent fading while she worked to stuff her emotions
behind her defiant expression.

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“And so do I.” He wanted to get past this little upstir she had started, soothe it back into place, and
focus on getting to know her better. “From now on, I will do my job and you will do yours.”

Her mouth twitched, those gold flecks dancing around her green eyes again. The amount of energy this
tiny little female possessed, her drive, her refusal to submit. All of it turned him on more than he ever
would have guessed. Just looking at her sent a rush through him, his cock threatening to harden if he
didn’t keep it under control.

She took a deep breath, her eyes lowering, taking him in. It was a quick motion. But he saw her interest,
the desire that made her cheeks flush. His heart pounded while the urge to touch her made his fingers

“I came up here because my mother collapsed. When I get here I find she is living in a pack exposed to
humans by its leader.” Her breath came hard and fast while she spoke, her gaze scanning his shoulders,
his chest, his face. “She has to tell the humans everywhere she goes. No wonder the poor woman got

He hadn’t noticed Sandy Parks looking ill at all. “I decide how to handle my pack. You don’t make
those decisions. And I don’t answer to you on how the pack is run.” He took a step toward her, her
eyes continually moving over him, taking in his stance, returning to his face and then looking him over
again. “But you will answer to me for your actions.”

“I don’t answer to anyone.” She didn’t back up. Her hands went to her hips and her jaw set with a
determined expression.

He couldn’t keep from touching her any longer. Gripping her neck, sliding his fingers up her soft skin, the
heat from her body almost scalded his senses. She looked up at him wide-eyed, not fighting him, but
mentally daring him with a look he was sure had sent many werewolves running with their tails between
their legs.

There was no way he could resist any longer. Lowering his mouth to hers, he watched her eyelids flutter
closed, and then open again, never looking away while he brushed his lips over hers.

She tasted better than he’d imagined. Her body was rigid though, her hard breathing the only clue he had
to her arousal. That and the intense emotions steaming the air around them. She would submit to him. Her
challenging gaze made him want her to accept his domination even more.

Gripping her jaw, he kissed her hard, stealing her breath, demanding her compliance. She gasped,
causing fire to rush through him with enough ferocity to turn his cock to steel.

He dove into her mouth, piercing it with his tongue, relishing her heat and sweet addictive taste.

Beth pushed against his chest, breaking the kiss. Her cheeks were an adorable shade of pink, the gold in
her eyes a wonderful contrast against the green. She almost panted, her mouth parted, her lips glossy
from their kiss.

“Don’t try that again.” Her words came out on a breath, her flushed expression and heavy breathing
making her demand sound weak.

“Are you challenging me?” He moved in on her, itching to grab a hold of her breasts that strained against
her shirt.

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Her lips quivered, her mouth moving to say something but then she hesitated. She backed away, while
pointing her finger at him. The urge to grab it, suck it into his mouth, just to see what she looked like
when she came, overwhelmed him.

“I’m…not interested in you.” She looked away from him, only for a moment.

But it was enough for him to see she was lying. He grabbed her under the arms, lifting her, pressing her
back against the wall.

“Don’t ever lie to me, Beth.” He pressed his body against hers, let her feel his hard cock press against

“Oh.” She gasped, crying out in surprise.

Beth Parks didn’t have werewolves handling her this roughly very often. And he had a feeling that might
be her problem. Her size had nothing to do with her strength. And she needed a werewolf stronger than
she was to break the icy front she put out, and allow her to feel the passion he sensed rushing through

Ethan crushed his mouth over hers, no longer polite, but demanding. She needed to be shown an
authority stronger than her own. His blood boiled when her tongue swirled around his, slowly at first. It
was as if she needed to touch him, but feared the level of submission he demanded. He was certain he
asked a first of her, but knew she could do it. Beth needed to know he was in charge, and she needed to
learn to trust his authority.

She struggled only for a moment and then slowly he felt her relax into him. Opening her mouth further,
her tongue darted forward, daring to taste what he offered. He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms
around her, crushing her to his chest. Her heart pounded against him, matching the driving beat that
already rushed through his body.

Her fingers pressed into his shoulders, not necessarily holding on, but possibly testing his strength. The
heat of her touch scorched through his shirt, adding to the blaze already burning straight to his soul.

Moving to his chair, never once breaking the kiss, he relaxed into it, cradling her into his lap. The
softness of her ass caused all blood to rush straight to his cock. He was almost dizzy with the urge to
come, to explode. More than anything he wanted to rip her clothes from her, bend her over, and impale
her, filling her with his hot cream while she screamed out his name.

A gasp escaped her lips, her body curving around his. She adjusted herself, pulling her mouth away,
breaking the kiss. He heard her struggle to breathe. He ran his mouth over her flushed cheeks, feeling the
fever burning there. Every inch of her was on fire, her lust pent-up way too long. More than likely few
men had been strong enough to allow her the true freedom of releasing.

The hardness of her nipples, stabbing his chest, distracted him. Her skin burned though him, branding his
soul when he pushed his hand under her shirt. Her breath was hot against the side of his head, boiling his
brain, fogging his senses. He needed more of her.

Charges of electricity rushed through him when he brushed his fingers over her skin, tracing a path
toward her chest. A staggered breath escaped her when he cupped her breast through the soft material
of her bra.

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“Damn. Beth.” He could hardly contain himself. Her surrender in his arms, her intoxicating aroma of lust,
made the beast within him begin to emerge.

Moving the fabric that covered her nipple, he rubbed the hardened nub between his thumb and finger.
Something primal, raw, more intense than his human body could handle threatened to break through.

“God.” She cried out, her body stiffening on his lap.

The smell of her cum filled the air so quickly he wasn’t ready for his reaction.

He pinched her nipple, twisting it just a little while her body twitched, jerked, her orgasm rushing through
her with the strength of the change.

“No.” She jumped off of him.

Ethan tried to grab her but she had moved too fast. She was breathing hard, her teeth extended while
she looked at him with wild, green-gold eyes.

“No.” She said it again, her tone stronger this time, her wits slowly returning to her.

Her mouth resumed its human shape although her eyes continued to glare at him, the wild creature inside
her unwilling to recede.

“This will not happen,” she told him then turned around, raising her hands in an exasperated gesture
before she marched out of the room.

Once again, the little spitfire marched away from him. But there was a difference between now and when
they had been cubs. A very big difference. This time, he’d won the battle.

Ethan sat there, not moving when he heard the back door open and then slam close. He would let her
go, for now. Beth Parks didn’t submit, or she never had before. He would allow her time to digest what
she had just experienced. She had done well, and she would come around. He leaned back, smiling.

“Yup,” he said out loud, liking the decision he’d just made. “You will be mine, Beth. In fact, you already

Chapter Five

Beth sat up and tossed the covers off of her legs. Her mother’s living room was dark, the only light
creeping in around the closed curtains from the moon outside. Her mother’s soft breathing in the other
room reminded her of another time, a simpler time, when the burden of responsibility hadn’t always fallen
in her lap.

The buzz of her cell phone tickled her ear. Looking down at the glowing blue screen, she scooped her
phone off the floor and stared at her home number.

“Is everything okay?” she answered quietly, not wishing to disturb her mother.

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“I was going to ask you that.” Alicia sounded worried. “We’ve had reporters here all day. Joe won’t let
them on the property, and there are a few other pack members standing guard now.”

“What?” Beth jumped off the couch. “What are you talking about?”

There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment. “The reporters claim you declared you
were a werewolf today. They have been hounding us for a statement.”

Beth couldn’t believe it. Why would reporters be at her house when no one had bothered her up here?
She walked through her mom’s house to the door, needing fresh air.

“I did not claim to be a werewolf to anyone today,” she said.

“Should we tell the reporters that you deny the charges?” Alicia asked.

Beth frowned. “No.” She needed time to think, but denying her true nature didn’t sit well with her. “I
guess I’ll be coming home sooner than I planned. I’ll have to make a statement.”

She hung up the phone, her thoughts immediately drifting to Ethan. Her dream man had come to life, and
she had told him no.

“Story of my life,” she mumbled, walking barefoot around the side of the duplex, the cold ground helping
soothe the fire in her just a bit.

Now duty called. She needed to get home. Her mom appeared to be okay. Once this mess was cleared
up she would find out why her mother had gone to such efforts to get her up here. There had been some
plan, and Beth wondered if it had something to do with Ethan Masterson.

But it was just as well that she didn’t have to be here that much longer. Just thinking about that hard
body of Ethan’s, those strong hands touching her, exploring her. She clutched her stomach, balling the
long nightshirt she wore into her fist. Thinking of how he had grabbed her breast, squeezed her nipple
hard enough that shockwaves had riveted through her, she almost came again. Just like she had earlier
when she’d been sitting on his lap.

On his lap. She couldn’t believe she had ended up on his lap. No werewolf had held her like that
before—like a cub. Walking further into the yard, the brightness of the moon calling her, she could still
feel his hands on her skin, the roughness of his touch while he gripped her.

Maybe she could get to her toys, relieve the ache that still pulsated between her thighs. For some
reason, the thought of riding her dildo, imagining what could have been, didn’t sound as appealing as it
usually did. The answer was obvious. She wasn’t stupid. Horny and deprived maybe, but not witless.
None of her toys would measure up with that overbearing alpha’s scent still on her.

The way he had grabbed her, thrown her up against the wall and ravished her. Beth walked into the
shadows of the yard, the urge to change filling her just so she could roll in the grass, cool her overheated
body. Ethan had been wild, unstoppable. And she had turned to liquid in his arms. She blushed in the
darkness, remembering how he had carried her to his chair, run his hand over her and caressed her
breast. The fire in her cheeks spread throughout her body, an ache building inside her.

She wanted to find him, demand he fuck her, order him to take away the pain he’d created that
continued to pulse without mercy throughout her.

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A breeze floated around her, his scent still on her skin, in her hair. Her mother’s new home was in town,
but it was a small town. She looked past the neighbor’s yard, across the street, at a field that
disappeared in the night into a group of trees. She didn’t know the area, wasn’t sure where it was safe to
run. And with humans in town aware of the werewolves, she didn’t know how safe she would be.

But damnit. She needed to get Ethan Masterson out of her system. He was everywhere. In her thoughts,
in the air she breathed. Somehow she needed to put him back in her past, and resume her life.

The field past the neighboring homes beckoned to her. Glancing down, all she wore was her long
nightshirt, hardly appropriate attire to walk down the street. This wasn’t home. She didn’t have the
advantage of being able to change in her own backyard.

Frustrated, she turned back to the house—and froze.

Ethan Masterson stood at the side of the yard, silhouetted by the lights from the surrounding houses,
watching her. She cursed herself for not being more attentive. No wonder his scent had been so strong.

And you’re standing here half-naked looking very much like you might change right here in the middle of
the town.

“In the mood for a run?” He moved toward her easily, his stroll lazy and relaxed.

She found herself staring at how sexy he looked. His jeans showed off his long powerful legs, muscles
bulging through, not an ounce of fat anywhere. The T-shirt he wore stretched over roped muscles that
she already knew were as solid as a brick wall. The moonlight reflected off of his straight black hair,
which had a windblown look about it.

Why hadn’t she heard his bike pull up? How long had he been here?

“I think I’ll just go back inside.” Her mouth was too dry. And her legs suddenly seemed wobbly when
she started to move around him.

Ethan didn’t touch her, but he moved in front of her, blocking her path. She took in a deep breath, the
smell of male and leather soaking through her to her lungs.

“Why are you out here if you didn’t want to go for a run?” He sounded like he really wanted to know,
quiet sincerity ringing through in his tone.

She decided he was easier to battle when he was on the prowl instead of being friendly.

“Why are you here?” she asked instead of answering his question.

She sounded very annoyed that he would just barge in on her, consume her space as if he had some
inner knowledge that she preferred him this close to her.

And she was annoyed. She was annoyed with herself. Never had a werewolf gotten to her like Ethan
had. He was less than a foot away from her and she had to fight not to reach out and touch that virile
body. Her body burned with need, ached from her very core for him to touch her. The throbbing in her
pussy matched the pounding beat of her heart. And she knew he could sense the desire running rabid
through her.

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“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He moved his hand to touch her face, and she dodged around
him, knowing if she let him touch her, if she felt his flesh against hers, she would lose all ability to fight him.

This wasn’t like her. Her mind and body were in complete turmoil. More than anything she craved his
touch. But if she gave in to temptation, she would lose control. That wasn’t familiar territory for her and
she had no idea how to handle it.

“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” She started toward the house, her knees shaking although she wasn’t cold.
Far from it, if anything her insides were on fire.

And what of your dream man? Doesn’t he dominate you? Control you? Isn’t that the kind of man
you’ve always wished you could find?

“There have been reporters buzzing through town all day.” His words stopped her in her tracks. “I
wanted to make sure none of them got to you.”

“Why didn’t I know about this?” She turned around, irritation flushing through her.

“I guess that answers my question.” Moonlight made his black hair shine like silk.

He pulled her to him, capturing her before she had a chance to escape. Those powerful hands of his
wrapped around her waist, her nightshirt not enough defense against his fiery touch. His lust consumed
her, violated her senses, making it impossible for her to fight him.

“But you didn’t answer my question.” She tried to stand up to him, worked to maintain her control on
the situation.

Ethan’s hands branded her skin, pressing her to him. She braced herself, spreading her fingers over the
steel muscles of his chest. She could feel his heat, his power. It seeped through her skin, rushing through
her bloodstream.

“I didn’t tell you because I saw no reason to.” He didn’t allow her to retort.

And she would have. Her mind swam with arguments why she should always be kept informed about
everything. This explained the reporters at her house. She needed to plan, to figure out a statement for

But he captured her mouth, searing her lips with a fiery kiss. She went weak inside, hot liquid rushing
through her. She could barely stand. His grip tightened around her, those powerful arms almost sweeping
her off of her feet, holding her to him, protecting her.

She pulled her mouth from his, gasping for air.

“Ethan,” she cried out before she realized she’d said his name out loud.

She gasped for breath, his intense blue eyes burning with lust while he watched her try to regain some
form of composure. Granted she was doing it while leaning heavily against his rock-hard chest.

His hands stroked her back, working her nightshirt up until he cupped her bare ass. She had to stop him.
They were in her mom’s backyard, of all places. Her heart seemed to add a triple beat while she did

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everything in her power to stand on her own two feet.

“Tell me why I found you out here.” Ethan lifted her chin with a finger, forcing her to look at him.

All the while he stroked her rear end, his long fingers probing dangerously close to the tender areas that
were the source of her need. Teasing her, caressing her and then making her look up into those intense
blue eyes. His power and domination seemed to spear right through her.

She licked her lips. “I couldn’t sleep.” There was no reason to tell him about the phone call. That was
her problem.

His hand left her ass, moving up the inside of her shirt. “That, my dear, is because you try too hard to
control everything.”

He didn’t understand. She wasn’t trying to control things. Shedid control many things. “I have many
responsibilities,” she told him, allowing him to hold her head up while she stared into that gorgeous face
of his. She could get lost in his intense good looks.

“Not here, you don’t.” He reached up, cupping the underside of her breast, his thumb stroking her right
above her nipple. “All you need to do is relax. I am in charge here.”

A quivering rush of desire made her shiver when he brushed his thumb over her nipple. She knew he
meant more than life’s responsibilities. Ethan was talking about right now, in his arms. He wanted her to
submit to him.

The smell of his domination, rich and strong, filled the air around her, consuming her with her every
breath. It mixed with her own tangy scent almost drowning her with an overwhelming need to fuck.

But fucking on his terms scared her. To let go, allow control to fall into his hands. Sure, in her fantasies
her dream man controlled her. But this wasn’t a fantasy. This was real life. And she knew the difference.

“I can’t be what you want, Ethan,” she told him, regretting it but needing to face the truth, just as he did.

His finger and thumb clamped down on her nipple. He squeezed hard enough that bolts of electricity
shot through her straight to her pussy.

“Shit,” she cried out, worried she was too loud. She glanced around nervously while grabbing his hand.

He didn’t let go of her nipple. The pressure built inside her with dangerous speed, the hard stab of pain
mixed with intense pleasure robbing her of her ability to stand, to think, to speak.

“You already are what I want.” He released her nipple and at the same time kissed her.

He grabbed her breast, squeezing, forcing the tender nipple to rub against the material of her shirt. And
at the same time he devoured her mouth, stealing her breath. All she could do was open to him, offer
what he already demanded.

Pulling her shirt up, he released her mouth, his tongue singeing her skin while he traced a hot, moist path
to her breast. He sucked on the throbbing nipple, dousing it with the heat of his mouth, licking and
nibbling until she thought she couldn’t stand it any longer. Her pussy throbbed, moisture seeping through
her, soaking her. The hot scent of her cum filled the air around them.

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Ethan continued to suck and bite at her breast, holding her to him with one hand, while the other pressed
against her stomach, moving its way down to the source of her desire. Her pussy exploded, her muscles
contracting when his fingers reached her small hole. He pushed his way inside, groaning against her breast
when her pussy clamped down on his fingers.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Let go and come for me. Soak me with your sweet juices.” His brazen words
made her wild with excitement.

She wanted to ride his finger, beg him to fuck her. If she told him to bury himself deep inside her and let
her ride him until she drained them both, he would do it. She could still take the upper hand. She hadn’t
given up control.

Her insides exploded. The intensity of it taking her breath away. Her legs went out and if it weren’t for
Ethan holding her to him, she would have melted into a puddle of lust on the ground.

“Good girl,” he whispered, and then pulled his finger out of her.

Her pussy throbbed. She wanted more. Her body hummed with need, craving his cock.

Ethan straightened her nightshirt. He ran his hand over her hair, stroking her, petting her, the moistness of
his finger dampening the side of her face. She smelled herself on him.

His dark gaze captivated her, his black hair accenting his piercing blue eyes. “When you are ready to
give yourself to me then you may have more.”

She stared at him. She wanted more now. And if he wouldn’t give it to her now then he wouldn’t have
her at all. No one would control her.

“I don’t think so, Ethan.” She ran her hands down her nightshirt, her palms suddenly too sweaty.

He cocked an eyebrow. It dawned on her that he probably wasn’t used to being told no. As sexy and
demanding as he was, women probably begged him to fuck them. Well she wouldn’t beg. And she
wouldn’t submit to his decision on how to manipulate the situation.

She straightened, doing her best to give him her best prosecutor’s look. “I’m not giving myself to you.
I’m going home.”

Chapter Six

Beth left her pack leader’s house drained. The past several days had been full of dealing with one
repercussion after another from her statement to the sheriff the day she’d arrived to see her mother. All
she had tried to do that day was prove a point, show the sheriff he didn’t have a right to mark and
number her just because she was arriving in town. She had spoken on principle and look where it had
gotten her.

She almost groaned out loud when her cell phone rang. “What is it?” she snapped.

“I’m sorry to bother you.” Lacey didn’t sound sorry at all. “But I’ve been asked to call you and tell you

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that you’re needed here in the office immediately.”

Beth didn’t like the sound of that at all. She wasn’t sure she could mend another crisis today. Not to
mention going home traffic had given her a headache by the time she pulled into the parking building by
her office.

Both of the Andersons from Anderson, Hunt and Anderson stood in the boardroom when she exited the
elevator. Several of the senior attorneys turned away from her, whispering as they walked down the hall.
She headed in the opposite direction toward her office, giving Lacey a questioning look when she
reached her desk in the outer office.

“What is going on?” she asked, feeling the tension in the air from the moment she’d stepped on to the

“Brad Preston wants to see you.” Lacey looked a bit pale, and quickly opened a file she had in front of
her. She didn’t say anything else.

Something was very wrong.

Beth tapped on the door of the senior attorney’s office. Brad Preston stood in his office staring out the
window and turned to look at her. Fear and anger swarmed around him. She frowned, not accustomed
to seeing the older man anything but calm and confident.

“Is there a problem?” she asked.

“Beth.” He didn’t move, didn’t ask her to come in, or to sit down. “I need your resignation, effectively

“What?” She couldn’t believe her ears. “Are you firing me?”

“You have an hour to clean out your office.” He looked behind her and she turned, the smell of a musky
aftershave smothering the emotions of the security guard who stood in the hallway. “Once you have your
things together, we’ll escort you from the building.”

Beth ignored the security guard and turned to glare at her boss. “What the hell is going on here, Brad?”

Brad Preston backed up toward his desk, while the security guard entered the office. Fear became the
prevalent emotion in the room. Suddenly it all made sense to her. The reporters at her house. Her
confrontation with the sheriff up north. Brad was scared of her. He’d heard the rumors that she was a

“Please, Beth.” His tone didn’t show his fear; she would give the older attorney credit for wearing a
good mask. “I’m allowing you plenty of time to clean out your office. If you need help hauling anything
down, just let us know.”

He moved behind his desk, his usual dismissive motion. Beth threw her hands up in the air in
exasperation. This was just fine. If her law firm didn’t want her, then she sure didn’t need them. Her
reputation wouldn’t be tarnished over this, she would see to it.

By the time she pulled into her driveway, passing the camped-out reporters on the road by her home,
she was beyond irritated.

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“Well, I’ve just lost my job,” Beth announced to Alicia and Joe when she entered her kitchen.

It was then she noticed the scent of another werewolf. Turning she took in the man dressed in a
plain-looking suit sipping a drink out of one of her glasses.

“That might be for the best,” the man said, and she raised an eyebrow at him.

“Who the hell are you?” She wasn’t in the mood to be polite.

The man smiled, his manners remaining intact.

“Ben Smith. Werewolf Affairs.” He produced a badge from his inner coat pocket, flashing it in front of

Beth stepped forward, taking the badge from him and studying it for a moment. She should have
guessed the Bureau would send someone out sooner or later. As much as she hated to think she couldn’t
handle this matter by herself, Beth Parks had a solid reputation. Her name as one of the more successful
attorneys in the Midwest had appeared in many publications, on the news, in articles. Humans
everywhere knew who she was. Knowledge that she was a werewolf, whether confirmed or not, was
escalating. And her refusal to make a statement only added to the paranoia among the humans. She
should have seen her termination at work coming.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Smith?” she asked, returning his badge.

“I wanted to know if I could speak with you for a bit. Werewolf Affairs has some concerns.” The
werewolf had absolutely no smell at all, an annoying trait once she thought about it.

“Sure.” She gestured toward her living room and then looked back to Alicia. “Why don’t you bring in
some coffee?”

Her housekeeper nodded quickly, concern written all over her expression.

“So the humans have terminated your position at your law firm?” Ben Smith spoke like they were old
friends, relaxing comfortably in one of her chairs.

Beth sat down on her couch, realizing as she looked around her living room how seldom she actually
came in here. She turned her attention to the werewolf who sat across from her and nodded. She wished
she felt as relaxed as he looked.

“I’ve already spoken with your pack leader.” Ben accepted the cup of coffee from Alicia with a gracious

Her housekeeper turned and placed Beth’s cup down next to her. The worry in the air around her had
Beth giving her a reassuring smile. “Thanks, Alicia,” she said.

Ben waited until Alicia left the room. “You made a big mistake confronting that sheriff up in Minnesota.
That pack leader had done wonders with the humans in his district. We’ve been watching him and are
very impressed.”

Beth swallowed. She couldn’t argue that Ethan Masterson was indeed impressive. At the same time, she

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wasn’t used to a reprimand. Her stomach slowly tied into a knot.

“I didn’t make a mistake. And I don’t regret that I made a stand for my rights.”

Ben stared into his coffee, not commenting. He was the diplomat, sent here to smooth things out, see
that the humans calmed down, and that her pack didn’t act up. But Beth knew her rights. Whether
werewolf or human she had a right to travel this country without being asked to account for her presence
so a town could keep an eye on her.

“I understand why you are here.” Beth’s mind began churning while she tried to figure out what her best
approach should be at this point. “Give me some time to evaluate this situation, and I’m sure I can iron
this thing out.”

“I have complete faith in your skills.” Ben smiled. “But I’ve already had that time, and I think we’ve got
a good plan laid out.”

And he was here to tell her what her part of his plan was. It took a bit of effort to remain relaxed, not
jump up and start pacing. She was in charge. She called the shots.

Sighing, she wondered if she could allow someone else to hold the ropes. “What do you want me to

“I think your pack leader can calm things down here with little effort.” Ben sipped at his coffee, watching
her over the rim. “But it would be easier for him if you were to disappear for a while.”

Beth stared at her cup, not picking it up. Disappear for a while. There was only one place she could
think of to go.

You’re going to run right back to Ethan.His last words to her hit her like a punch to the gut.When you
are ready to give yourself to me, you may have more.

“With Halloween right around the corner, humans tend to get a bit more superstitious. I think they will
put this behind them faster if you aren’t available for comment. Basically Elizabeth Parks needs to
disappear, just for a while.” Ben stood up, straightening his jacket with a smooth swipe of his hand.
“Think of a safe place where you can stay. And then let us know when you are ready. We will see to it
that your home is protected here.”

Several hours later, Beth had tied up all ends at her home. Alicia and Joe would stay on, keeping the
place in order, with instructions from her to allow the pack to use the home and land as needed. She
wrapped a small bundle of clothing and fixed it to a collar that she secured around her neck.

The moon was almost full when she walked out into her backyard, naked, the cold night air immediately
attacking her bare skin. Her nipples hardened with fury, reminding her of how Ethan had pinched her
nipple. The same intense need she’d experienced that night rushed through her. For a moment she
couldn’t catch her breath.

Slowly sucking in the fresh night air, she arched her back, staring up at the glowing white orb in the sky.
The moon would offer plenty of light for her journey north. Anticipation rippled through her over seeing
Ethan again.

The change stirred deep inside her, moving through her like rich syrup, infiltrating her blood, hardening

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her muscles. She closed her eyes, enjoying the wonderful experience of allowing the more primal beast
within her to surface. It was like freeing herself of all the burdens of the day, allowing all stress and
headache to glide right out of her. Her basic instincts took over, allowing her to think more clearly,
experience the true beauty of her surroundings and not dwell on the preoccupations of her life.

Beth fell to all fours and immediately sprinted across the open ground behind her home. She relished the
cold night air as it combed through her fur, cleaning her soul, invigorating her body.

Tearing across the countryside, pushing her muscles until they burned, she laughed at the night, feeling
more alive than she had in ages. When was the last time she’d been so free of all responsibility? She
couldn’t remember.

Now she could focus on doing something she never thought she would do. She would tame an alpha
male, and she would make him enjoy the experience.

It was well into the middle of the night by the time she’d reached the northern half of Minnesota. The
night air was so clean, so cold. Her body was hot after running for so many hours and she considered
taking a break, maybe doing a little hunting. She could make it to her mother’s before dawn.

Slowing to a lazy stroll, she moved with her head low to the ground, enjoying the crisp smells of the

Suddenly something didn’t seem right. Beth quit moving, slowed her breathing, stilled every muscle in her
body, while she focused on the darkness, and listened.

Voices. Humans. She heard them talking and they weren’t that far away. But there was something else.
She smelled werewolves too.

Her ears tickled at the sound of their talking. She’d been so absorbed in her thoughts and the beauty of
the night, she had just noticed them.

Beth hugged the ground, the night dew soaking her fur. She was in an open meadow, the smell of water
not too far away. On the other end of the grassy area, a group of men sat on and around an old truck.
She couldn’t see it from her position, but she could smell the water. Her guess was that they were fishing.

But there was something wrong with the picture. Werewolves moved among the humans. And the
werewolves were in their fur.

Beth’s heart pounded against her ribs while she hugged the ground and watched the scene playing out in
front of her. The men were laughing, gathering fishing supplies and putting them in the back of the truck.

Two werewolves were in their fur. She heard water splashing but couldn’t see what they were doing. It
appeared the werewolves were pulling something out of the water. When they reached the bank, the
humans moved among them, helping them load whatever it was into the back of the truck.

Then it became clear what they were doing. She didn’t understand it, but the men were simply fishing,
loading supplies after they had secured their catch for the day. The two werewolves moved to the side of
the truck, changing into their human form. They walked back around to join the humans, securing the
buttons on their jeans, all the while the men laughing and joking. Humans and werewolves living among
each other in peace. Had Ethan Masterson actually pulled it off?

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The grass was barely tall enough to conceal her. The men seemed fairly distracted with their work but
she worried they would notice her. Female werewolves didn’t run by themselves. At least not ones with
solid reputations. And up until a few days ago, Beth’s reputation had been impeccable.

She didn’t move, didn’t dare breathe. Her heart hurt in her chest from beating so hard while she waited
until the truck pulled away. Even then, she lay there praying all of them were gone. Wet dirt and the
dampness in the air made it hard to detect any specific smells. It appeared that she was all alone in the

Hunting no longer appealed to her. All Beth wanted was a hot shower and some of her mom’s good

She stood, her muscles cramped from lying still for so long. Slowly she began moving around the area
where the werewolves and humans had been. Every blade of grass bending against the breeze made a
sound. Crickets hopping on the ground distracted her. The night offered so much noise, and her
heightened senses were overreacting to each sound.

The bright moon intensified the shadows, making them longer, distorting images around her. She wasn’t
afraid, but caution had her looking over her shoulder every few seconds.

Maybe you should just haul ass and get the hell out of here.

She liked that idea. Beth broke into a full run, tearing across the meadow, leaving the scent of the
humans and werewolves well behind her. Her paws pounded the ground, the vibration sounding through
her. It took her a minute to realize another sound vibrated through her as well.

When she turned to look over her shoulder, it was too late. Black fur lunged toward her, flying through
the air. The last thing she saw were shiny, long white fangs before she went tumbling head over heels.

Beth came up fighting. She always had when bullied. It was simply her nature. Maybe she was small and
her legs too short. But no one pushed her around.

Without thinking she rolled across the grass, the hard ground bruising her in several places, and came
right back up on to her paws. Leaping through the air, she dove at her aggressor.

Someone needs to teach you some manners.She growled, doing her best to sound deadly. Often
attacking back made a bully back down. They only picked on the smaller, cowardly werewolves
because it built their own miserable self-esteem. Well, Beth Parks wasn’t put on this planet to be a
punching bag to some insecure, overgrown werewolf.

It surprised her a bit when her attacker seemed a bit more irate when she lunged back at him. She aimed
low, her usual point of attack, trying to slice through a shoulder, or other sensitive area that would slow
the werewolf down.

Dagger-like teeth clacked in the air in front of her. The hissing growl was more than a warning. Her
attacker was issuing orders. She took a slap across the face, causing her to stagger sideways.

Well, hell.

It took a moment to get her bearings, everything around her seeming to spin for a moment. She gave
herself a good shake and then focused on the black beast in front of her. And when she did her legs

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about gave out.

Ethan Masterson!

Why hadn’t she recognized his scent sooner?

Shiny black coat flowed over bulging muscles. The moonlight reflected off of him, making his fur look
like smooth black silk. Images of rubbing up against it, feeling that smooth strength all over her had her
struggling for breath.

He moved in on her, slowly, his head lowered so his shoulder and back muscles bulged and flexed in
plain view while he walked. His sultry blue eyes were now a captivating gold. And those golden eyes
glowed as he stared at her with fangs so long and thick they could kill with one strike.

Yet she wasn’t hurt. A bruise or two from tumbling on the ground, but they would fade by the time she
returned to her human form. Heat rushed through her at the thought of the controlled power that
sauntered toward her.

What cocky aggression. Never had she met a more pure definition of an alpha male. This predator in
front of her was at the top of the chain. Walking among humans, leader of werewolves, he had no
enemies and feared no one.

And she didn’t fear him. She lowered her head, matching his stance, and gave him a low warning growl.
You are going to learn some manners, my dear.

Ethan started panting, his long red tongue swiping over those pearly white daggers with eager
anticipation. She couldn’t help but notice his huge cock between his legs, pointing at her like an armed
weapon, ready to fire.

Her mouth went dry. He moved closer and she took a step backwards. Her heart raced while hot tingles
rushed through her.

Stepping closer, he brushed up against her, his strength almost knocking her sideways. He bit at her, and
she jumped back, the collar she had fastened around her neck slipping off of her. She looked in horror as
her personal bag spilled open onto the ground. Her clothing and her favorite dildo, the large one with the
suction cup, the one she used so she could fantasize about her dream man, about Ethan, lay on top of her
clothes in plain view.

Panic and humiliation rushed through her. She cursed Ethan, barking furiously, and then turned tail and

Chapter Seven

By the time she reached the edge of town, Beth realized her predicament. She couldn’t enter the town as
a werewolf, and she sure couldn’t walk down the streets bare-naked to her mother’s den.

Now what the hell was she supposed to do?

She had run from Ethan on instinct. Embarrassed that he’d seen her most precious toy, her savior at the

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end of a hard day. Now he would know the best she’d been able to get was nothing more than a plastic
sex toy.

Nestled in among the trees, she crouched against the cold, wet ground, staring across the field toward
the streets that lay beyond. The almost full moon hung low against the black sky, dawn creeping closer.
The town would wake up, hurry to their jobs, and start their days.

For better or worse, she had no job. She’d been told to get out of town. And now she’d just made a
complete ass out of herself in front of Ethan.

His scent drifted through the air and she looked over her shoulder. His large black presence approached
slowly. All muscle, so large and powerful, and yet capable of moving like air through the trees. She
couldn’t take her eyes off of him. His thick hide rippled over roped muscles.

Ethan moved toward her, no hesitation, no concern for anything around them. His golden eyes remained
fixed on her. Her bundle, once again wrapped tidily and attached to her collar, hung from his mouth. He
dropped it in front of her and backed up a few paces.

Maybe he thought his reward for bringing her clothes to her would be watching her change into her
naked human form. She blinked, her mouth suddenly too dry. The thought had its appeal. It would be fun
to tease him, give him an eyeful of what he couldn’t have at the moment. After all, they were on the edge
of town, and both of them had reputations to uphold.

Halfway through the change, her heart stopped beating when Ethan began to take his human form as
well. The ripe, thick smell of lust attacked her with such a vengeance, she was immediately soaked.

“Not fair,” she whispered, the second her mouth could form words again.

Ethan Masterson stood before her, completely naked. And, oh dear God. She almost dropped the
bundle of clothes she had just picked up. Her heart raced at the perfect man in front of her.

Ethan moved quickly, grabbing her bag, opening it, and shaking out her clothes. She noticed immediately
that her toy wasn’t in the bag. Her precious dildo was gone. But that thought only stayed with her a
moment when she got a full view of Ethan’s cock.

Hard and thick, Ethan was built better than any toy she could imagine purchasing. Her fingers itched to
reach out, take a hold of his shaft, feel the soft skin that covered his erection. His cockhead was swollen,
round, and her pussy ached to feel it pressed against her.

“Here,” Ethan said, pulling her away from her lust-filled fantasy.

He pulled her shirt over her head, blinding her momentarily. While pulling the material down, his hands
slipped over her breasts, taking time to fondle them.

“Oh,” she moaned, almost collapsing forward into him.

She wanted him more than she ever imagined she would. He squeezed her nipples, his rough fingers
teasing them. Currents of desire rushed through her. Her breasts and cunt swelling, an ache consumed
her faster than she could control it.

Her shirt slid down while his hands brushed over her. Suddenly he seemed to be touching her

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everywhere. She blew her hair out of her face, watching him, while he looked down at her, inspecting
her, as if making sure she was intact, okay after the bruising he’d given her out in the field.

“I’m okay,” she murmured, suddenly aware of his cock pressed against her, its hardness nudging her.

“Yes. You are.” His voice was husky, lust swarming around him.

His hands moved around her, down her back, over her ass, and then between her legs. She couldn’t
stop him. She couldn’t move. Within seconds his fingers moved inside her, the moistness filling her pussy
making his entrance easy.

“God. Ethan.”

His cock beat against her hip, reminding her of his carnal power. He could ease that ache, soothe the fire
burning inside her. With one quick thrust, she knew he could make her explode, offer her satisfaction
beyond any fantasy she’d ever conjured up.

His fingers moved in and out of her, then pulled out, spreading her thick cream over her smooth skin,
coating her with her own desire. When he lifted her leg, she had no power to stop him. Adjusting himself
in front of her, he pressed his cock against her cunt, her cum soaking both of them. All she could do was
grab his shoulders.

The intense heat from his skin scalded her instantly, bringing her to a boil. The pain inside her needed
appeasing. She held on to him, while he draped her leg over his arm, and pressed his cock harder against

“Beth.” Her name came out on a breath while he plunged inside her.

Stars sprang in front of her vision. Her head fell back when she cried out, his cock impaling her with so
much force she would have fallen over if he hadn’t held on to her.

He hit that spot, the spot she strived to connect with every time she used her toys. Rivers of passion
flooded through her, her orgasm so intense she thought she would pass out. With one thrust he’d offered
her better sex than she’d experienced in a long time.

And then without warning, he pulled out, straightening, standing before her while she held on to him. Her
mind wouldn’t focus, the intensity of what he’d just done to her leaving her weak.

“Get dressed.” His command came from somewhere over her head.

She fought to get a grip on her senses. Why did he want her to get dressed?

“I’ll be back in a moment with the bike.” He let go of her, backing up, and then turned to walk away
from her.

“What?” She’d been left standing, on the aftermath of an orgasm, her pussy throbbing while her entire
body tingled with need. “What the hell was that?”

Ethan looked back over his shoulder while he walked away. His naked body an image of perfection.

“From now on, that is the only toy you will need.”

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His motorcycle must not have been parked that far away. She’d managed to get her clothes on and walk
across the field toward the town when he pulled into the parking lot across the street from where she

Her body screamed for him. With every step, her pussy rubbed against her jeans, soaking her, adding to
the pain that continued to grow from her tormented and teased pussy. Every nerve ending in her body
seemed swollen and over-sensitive. With one thrust Ethan had made her a slave to him. She needed what
he had and would do anything at this point to get him to fuck her.

Watching him sit on his bike, his black hair damp and falling past his collar, she’d never seen a more
perfect werewolf. He wore a leather jacket, which clung to his broad shoulders. His powerful chest
couldn’t be hidden under the sweatshirt he’d put on. And long, thick legs straddled that bike. The corded
muscles pressed against his jeans. Black boots simply added to the bad boy image he offered. When he
turned to stare at her, watch her approach, she couldn’t imagine her appearance could do anything to
impress him.

This man was a god. Perfect as a werewolf. Perfect as a human. Nothing could match his carnal good
looks. The power he had over his surroundings put her ability to control a situation to shame. How she
ever thought she would be able to take him on and win was beyond her. With shocking clarity, she
realized she was no match for Ethan Masterson.

When she reached the parking lot, he pulled off his jacket, handing it to her.

“This should keep you warm.” He waited until she was close enough, and even though she reached for
it, he lifted it around her, wrapping her in it.

She couldn’t think of a thing to say while she climbed onto the bike behind him. Even if she told him to
take her to her mother’s house, she knew damned good and well he would take her wherever he
pleased. There was no reason to offer instruction. Ethan would do what he wanted.

So she wasn’t the least surprised when he pulled into his driveway a few minutes later and parked his
bike. Nor did she question him when he got off and offered her his hand. Putting her small hand into his
larger one, the heat from his grip engulfed her, adding fuel to her fire. She burned with need for him.

Ethan didn’t bother to turn on any lights. She moved with him through his house feeling as if she were
walking through a dream. He led her up the stairs and then into a large bedroom. She didn’t even bother
looking around, her attention simply on the large bed. This was where Ethan slept every night, the heart
of his den.

“Now I know how to tame you,” he whispered in her ear while he slid his coat from her shoulders.

“What?” She fought to lift the fog of need that had descended on her brain.

Ethan smiled, tossing his coat to the side and then reaching for her. “You, my dear.” He pulled her into
his arms, pressing her against his virile body. “Give you a little cock and I can keep you in line.”

Little was hardly the word to describe his cock. And he wasn’t keeping her in line. She wanted this. And
she would have told him as much if his lips weren’t burning a path from her neck to her collarbone.

She ran her hands against his powerful chest muscles, wanting to feel the steel under his skin, the power

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that matched her own. Never had she met a werewolf so strong, not only physically, but mentally.

“I want you,” she murmured, grabbing his shirt and pulling on it.

His grip on her tightened, his hands pressing into her skin. “Did you get a taste of something you liked?”

She didn’t miss his tantalizing tone. “Don’t tease me,” she groaned.

She could feel his grin against her skin. He lifted her shirt and she let go of him long enough to pull it over
her head. Tossing it to the side, she ran her fingers through his hair, down his cheeks, and then over his

His arms crushed her to him while he bent over and sucked in one of her nipples. The sharpness of his
teeth scraped over her tormented flesh, needles of desire filling her with quick pricks while he nibbled and

“Right now,” he said against her flesh. “I can do whatever I want to you. You won’t stop me.”

He was right and she wondered how he knew. But if he thought she would be his little slave of desire,
she could set him straight there.

“You’re going to give me what I want, too.” She tugged on his shirt, wanting his flesh against hers.

Ethan straightened, laughing. He didn’t hesitate in stripping in front of her. “I can bring you to a point
where you beg for my cock, and still you want to control the situation.”

She didn’t remember begging for his cock. She would have it. He’d started something and he would
finish it. But she doubted she would have to beg.

Stepping out of her own jeans, she took a minute to adore the naked man in front of her. Black curly
hair spread across his tanned chest. Muscles bulged and rippled clear down to his flat, hard abdomen.
Touching him, she needed to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. He flinched slightly against her touch,
muscles quivering under his skin. He fought for control and that knowledge fueled her desire to have him.

“Look at you,” he said, running his hands down her side.

She glanced up into his face, his blue eyes aglow, standing out against the contrast of his black hair that
fell around his face.

“Beth. You are beautiful.” He breathed her praise on a whisper, as if adoring her.

She was stunned, her body throbbing from his touch. Her pussy, so recently filled and now empty,
craved him so desperately the intensity of it pulsed through her like one large nerve ending. Breathing
became a chore while he stood in front of her, caressing her with his rough touch, running his hands over
her, never stopping anywhere long enough to offer satisfaction.

“Ethan. Please.” She couldn’t stand it any longer. If he didn’t fuck her soon, her body would explode,
her world would end, she would no longer be able to think like a coherent adult.

She needed him. And she needed him now.

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Chapter Eight

Ethan knew submitting didn’t come easily for Beth. She fought it every inch of the way. But her body
was on the verge of exploding, almost over the edge. She shivered against his touch, the cream dripping
from her cunt, her nipples harder than he’d ever seen them before.

“Sweet Beth.” He lifted her, placing her on his bed, her eager body stretching out before him. “You are
going to get what you want. You just need to be patient.”

He loved the tormented look she gave him. But he couldn’t rush. As desperately as he wanted inside her
again, he also wanted to enjoy every inch of her, claim all that she had, put his mark all over her. Not one
part of her would remain unclaimed by the time he was finished with her.

He crawled over her, the rosy flush covering her cheeks making his blood boil. No woman had ever
looked at him with such complete passion. Beth not only lusted after him, she was his perfect match.
Submissive even though she didn’t want to be, with her demanding nature struggling to break through, to
challenge him, keep him alert so he would stay in control.

He leaned forward, tasting her, running his tongue over her skin.

“Ethan. You’re killing me.” She cried out underneath him, grabbing his hair, pinning him to her.

Blood rushed through his head, making him lightheaded while he breathed in her scent. The outdoors still
lingered on her. But her lust, her passion, her intense desire for him filled his senses. His heart pounded so
hard he thought his chest would explode.

She held on to him, pulling his hair, while he traced a path down her stomach, relishing the softness of
her skin. Her petite body seemed so delicate. But her grip on him reminded him of her strength. She
pushed with her hands, trying to control his actions.

“Is there something you want?” He ran his hands down her inner thighs, which she spread willingly for

“Damnit to hell.” She squirmed while he watched, her thick cream dripping from her cunt with her
movement. “You know exactly what I fucking want.”

His cock about exploded. The scent of her made him drunk. He had to taste her.

“I’ll give you what you want.” He ran his tongue over her entrance, her rich cream filling his mouth,
sweet and powerful, just like she was.

“Damn straight you will.” But then she gasped, her hands grasping for the bed, balling his bedspread into
her fists while her legs tried to squeeze the life out of him.

He drank her cum, not able to get enough of her. Holding her legs firmly, keeping them spread, he
buried his face in her cunt, her cream covering him, consuming his senses, and still he wanted more. He’d
wanted more that night so long ago when they were cubs, and he wanted more now. This time however,
he was no longer an awkward teenager, unable to come to grips with how to control a situation. This
time he was in charge.

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She arched up into him, offering all that she had, her shaved pussy spread open for him. He ran his
tongue from her small hole to the smaller one lower, which puckered delightfully when he teased it.

“Damn. Oh God.” Her body clenched, and he knew she was on the verge of another orgasm.

He could drown himself in her thick cream and be a happy man. But his cock pounded angrily against
the bed. He had felt the tightness of her cunt, and more than anything wanted back inside her heat.

She stared at him wide-eyed, gold flecks dancing around the green of her eyes. Her breath came in
pants, her breasts rising and falling while she gripped his bed. He came up to his knees, watching her
while her lashes lowered over her eyes, her gaze dropping to his cock. Just knowing she watched him,
ached for him, made him mad with need to fuck her.

He lifted her legs, spreading her wide open before him. Her shaved pussy was a prize in itself. She was
so small, so petite, and he knew by looking few werewolves had pounded that cunt before.

He lifted her while he situated himself between her legs. When his cock pressed against her heat, blood
boiled through him, blinding him momentarily. He had to maintain control, though. She had so much to
offer him, and he wanted every bit of it.

“Fuck.” He could hardly believe how tight she was, like a smooth glove fitting perfectly around his cock.
“You are so damned perfect.”

Her moist heat seared right through him, the beast within him stirring, making him ache to take their
lovemaking to a more primal level.

But he would start out slow, enjoy her, make sure he had her complete submission.

As he moved in and out of her satin heat, she shivered, her orgasm tearing through her, drowning him
when her hot cream flooded her cunt, soaking his cock. The scent of her sex made him wild.

“Fuck me, wolf-man.” She couldn’t stand his slow torture anymore than he could.

She fought underneath him, struggling to lower her legs. Unable to hold her still any longer and fuck her
the way he wanted, he let go, leaning over her while she wrapped her legs around him, lifting herself
closer to him. Her movement against his cock about did him in.

He slammed into her, pushing her up the bed. She grabbed a hold of him, digging her fingers into his

“That’s it. Make me scream.” She held on to him, urging the beast within him to take over, to fuck her
so hard she wouldn’t be able to move.

But she was so tight, so small, his cock suffocated in her heat. Her inner muscles gripped him so hard he
feared she would drain the life out of him. It took everything he had to maintain control of himself and not
explode before he had satisfied them both.

Tightening every muscle in his body, he rode her tiny cunt, diving deep inside her, stretching her so she
molded to his size, his shape, making her pussy his own.

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Pressure built inside him, her powerful heat crawling up under his skin, taking over, his blood boiling with
each thrust.

“Roll over,” he told her, pulling out of her while he still had a bit of coherency left in his feverish brain.

Beth struggled to obey, flipping over on the bed and adjusting herself so her sweet ass rose up in the air,
her legs spread wide offering him an incredible view of her soaked cunt and ass.

“Oh God.” She screamed and jumped when he ran his fingers over her pussy, spreading her thick hot
cream around her shaved cunt and then gliding her moisture to her ass.

He grabbed his cock, stroking it carefully while he prepared her.

“Every bit of you, Beth.” He watched her body quake while he pressed his finger against her ass, her
moisture making it easy to enter her tight puckered hole. “I told you I am claiming every bit of you.”

“Okay,” she breathed. “Yes.”

She was giving her consent. It wasn’t actually submission. He wouldn’t let himself be fooled. Pressing his
cock against her tight ass, he wondered for a moment if any act he committed on her would warrant her
complete submission. Truly, he had met his match.

Her tight little hole parted, her body going stiff for a moment. He allowed his cockhead to disappear
inside her and then rested, the urge to thrust himself completely inside her so overwhelming, blood vessels
exploded inside him while he fought to control his own actions.

“Relax, sweetheart,” he heard his own voice instruct her, soothe her, help her to relax so she could enjoy
the moment too.

He heard her breathing, watched the muscles in her back quiver while she worked to relax herself, give
herself over to him.

“Good girl.” He rubbed her soft ass, while her tightness damn near took all circulation out of his cock.

Moving slowly at first, he glided into the tight, small entrance giving way for him. Thick hot cream eased
his entrance, allowing him to move deeper inside her.

“Ethan. Oh God.” She moved her ass, shaking it slowly from side to side.

“Hold still, darling, or I won’t last much longer.” He doubted he would anyway. He began moving
deeper inside her, feeling her crush the life out of him.

With each thrust the heat from her sent a fever burning through him. He fucked her ass, the friction
burning him deeper than he ever imagined. And when he knew he couldn’t last much longer it occurred to
him that she was the one pumping everything he had out of him. As much as he fought to capture her,
take everything she had, Beth was the one pulling his life clear out of him.

“God. Beth. I’m going to come.” He squeezed his eyes closed, wishing for just one more minute to
enjoy her incredible pleasures.

Beth pulled forward, causing his cock to slide out of her ass. She flipped over before he could stop her,

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and he looked down at her, surprised.

“Come then, wolf-man.” Her smile was pure torture. “Come all over me. I want to watch.”

Ethan exploded. For such a tiny bitch, with her pussy and ass so tight, he knew she hadn’t been fucked
that much. However, Beth still knew what she wanted, and she knew how to get it. At the moment, all he
could do was oblige.

He drained himself, his white, hot cream spilling out over her. Beth ran her hands over herself, wiggling
underneath him while she spread his cum over her skin, across her breasts, and then brought her fingers
up to her mouth. She looked drugged, her eyelids half covering her hazy gaze while she smiled up at him,
licking her fingers.

“Good boy.” Her smile was beyond wicked.

Chapter Nine

Ethan woke with the sun blinding him and his phone ringing. He reached for Beth and scowled when he
realized she wasn’t there.

“Hello.” He answered the phone, swinging his legs over the side of the bed at the same time.

Beth’s clothes were gone.

“Ethan. Ralph Hipp here.” The older werewolf who used to work at the sheriff’s department and now
did security work sounded worried.

“What’s up?” He left his bedroom, padding naked down his hallway looking for Beth. It didn’t take a
minute to realize she wasn’t in his house.

“It’s the young bitch who riled up the sheriff’s department.”

Ethan stopped in his tracks. “Where is she?”

“She’s down at City Hall.” Ralph started talking quickly. “Apparently she has organized some reporters
and is announcing that she will be making a statement here soon. She has the entire pack in an uproar.”

“Shit.” He wondered how long he’d been asleep. And there was no way he could go anywhere before
he showered. “Make sure she doesn’t say a word to anyone before I get down there.”

“Okay.” Ralph hesitated. “I hope you realize what you’re asking.”

Ethan stormed into his bedroom, grabbing clean clothes before heading for the bathroom. “Fucking sit
on her if you have to. And make sure you let her know you are following my orders. She doesn’t talk to
a soul before she talks to me.”

He took the fastest shower of his life, the whole time wondering what in the hell his little bitch was up to.
His hair was still damp when he started his bike up and headed toward City Hall.

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He had to park a block away when he reached the city building. Cars were parked everywhere. This
was his town, his territory. Beth would learn that she didn’t make a move in the territory without clearing
it through him first. He would take the time to teach her that, but she wasn’t making it easy on him. He
should have known years ago, when she’d put her mark on him by walking away when no other bitch
had, that she would never make it easy on him.

“Please don’t try to stop her.” A small, cool hand clasped his arm.

Ethan looked down into the concerned eyes of Sandra Parks. For the first time he noticed the similarity
between mother and daughter. Sandra had a softer edge though, more quiet spoken. He wondered how
she’d raised a cub so aggressive as Beth.

“I plan to find out what she is doing first,” he told her honestly.

Glancing around, it looked like most of his pack was here. Most everyone was hurrying toward the
courthouse, and to his dismay, he noticed several large television stations camped nearby. Their vans
loudly announcing their presence.

“She is doing what she has to do.” Greta Hothmeyer spoke so softly he hardly heard her. And he hadn’t
noticed her standing there until she spoke.

“And what does she have to do?” Ethan stared at the old lady, knowing she wouldn’t tell him a damned
thing if she didn’t want to.

Greta smiled, patting his arm. “She has to prepare herself. Hollow’s Eve will be here soon.”

Ethan had no idea what she was talking about. The sudden movement of reporters caught his attention.
He patted the older woman on the arm and hurried up the street. He reached the building just as Beth
came out of the double doors, appearing at the top of the wide cement steps. Reporters flooded around
her, microphones extended through the air while everyone began shouting at once.

“What is your statement, Miss Parks?” a reporter next to him yelled.

“Does your announcement to the press that you have resigned as prosecutor have anything to do with
claims that you are a werewolf?” another reporter nearby yelled over the rest.

Ethan noticed the man he’d spoken to earlier that week with Werewolf Affairs approach him. The man
didn’t speak until he was standing right next to him and able to comment without being overheard.

“I told her to disappear for a while and so she decides to make an announcement on national television.”
Ben White shook his head, either disgusted, or simply disbelieving.

“She doesn’t listen too well.” Ethan looked back toward Beth, noticing she watched him.

Thoughts of hauling her away in front of national television crossed his mind. She must have read his
thoughts because she looked away quickly.

“I wanted to say something.” When she spoke a sudden hush fell over the crowd.

Everyone pushed closer, boxing him in. Reporters struggled to get their recording equipment as close to
her as possible.

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“The rumors that I am a werewolf are true.” She looked larger than life standing there, professing to the
world her true nature. “And from this point forward I will be working to help maintain equal rights
between werewolves and humans. We’ve always lived among each other, peacefully. Knowledge of our
existence won’t change anything. And now I will ensure that it won’t steal our freedom away either.”

Ethan felt a pressure swell inside his chest. Never in his life had he felt more pride for her than he did
right now. Little Beth Parks, in her simple suit, with her brown hair curled around her face, looked more
beautiful than he’d ever seen her before.

That one little female, a werewolf so tiny she would hide in underbrush so as not to be noticed by other
werewolves, stood before national television, sharing her true heritage without flinching.

He’d pushed his way through the crowd before he realized what he had done. As if his movement was
on cue, the group of reporters closing in around them suddenly burst into questions. Each of them tried to
yell over the other ones, all the while pushing their recording equipment even closer.

Ethan caught the eye of the sheriff and with a nod, the local law enforcement moved in.

“That’s all for today.” He made it to the top of the stairs, shielding Beth while he turned to face the
crowd. “Miss Parks has made her statement. No questions.”

He was glad she didn’t fight him when he pulled open the doors and escorted her back into the city

“It was nice of you to let me know what you were doing,” he hissed in her ear while taking her arm and
escorting her through the group of people inside.

“It was a last minute decision.” And she didn’t sound like she regretted it.

Ethan looked around quickly, wondering how he would get them out of the building without being
stampeded. Anywhere they went in town right now, they would be followed.

“This way,” she instructed, guiding him down one of the hallways.

She stopped in front of a closed door and turned to him, smiling, while she held up a key.

“What is this?” He could smell her pride, but had no idea what she was up to.

“My new office.” She turned and unlocked the door, then led the way into the small room, a plain metal
desk and filing cabinet being all the furniture the small office offered. “Granted, it’s not much. But it will
serve its purpose.”

He had heard her say that she’d resigned from her position when they were outside, but it just now hit

“You are going to work here? In town?” Which meant she accepted the fact that she was his now. Ethan
smiled. Now all he had to do was get her to behave.

“You’re pretty quick for an overgrown werewolf.” She punched him in the chest, grinning, and then
turned to run her hand over her new desk. “Werewolves need representation,” she told him. “And with

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all you’ve done with your pack, bringing them together with the humans in town, I thought this would be a
good place to start work.”

“And what exactly is it that you plan to do?” He crossed his arms over his chest, watching her while she
walked around her office.

She turned to face him. “I’m going to ensure our rights as Americans are upheld. Just because we are
werewolves doesn’t make us any less equal.” She matched his stance, crossing her arms over her chest
as well. “Don’t try to stop me, Ethan. I’ll fight you every inch of the way if you do.”

“I have a feeling you will fight me anytime I tell you to do something.” He loved that determined
expression she got on her face.

She smiled and his cock stirred to life in his jeans.

“Maybe,” she said, her grin turning impish.

He moved closer, needing to touch her. “I didn’t like waking up and you not being there.”

It surprised him that she sincerely looked sorry. “You were so sound asleep. And when I get an idea
brewing, I have to go with it. This is the right thing to do. I can feel it.”

Her face glowed with her enthusiasm, her happiness filling the small space around them. And he realized
with her reputation, his pack couldn’t ask for better representation. He also knew keeping her in his bed
might be his only chance at controlling her. And he was beginning to wonder if even that would work.

“You know.” He reached up to stroke her curled hair, capturing a lock between his fingers. “I’ve always
wanted to fuck a lawyer in her office.”

“I’m sure you have.” She gave him a disgusted look, but he knew that scent, it still lingered all over him.
His words had just made her come.

Pulling her to him, he crushed his mouth over hers, letting her taste how badly he wanted to fuck her
again already.

A small tapping sound at the door made her jump. She tried to squirm out of his hands when someone
pushed it open. Ethan cursed himself silently for not checking to see if it was locked. He would have liked
ten minutes alone with her.

One of his pack members, who also worked in the building, peeked his head around the door. Noticing
the two of them, and Beth in his arms, he smiled, not looking a bit ashamed that he had just interrupted

“I think we can get you out of here now, Miss Parks.”

Ethan should have known it wouldn’t take Beth long to get his pack to back her. For such a tiny
werewolf, she sure packed a lot of power.

Chapter Ten

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Beth didn’t like Halloween, and her mother knew that. But for some reason her mom seemed intent on
the two of them driving over to the pack healer’s house to help prepare for a pack party.

“Why do you need me along?” She would much rather spend time in her office, organizing things, setting
up a phone system.

“Tonight is Hollow’s Eve.” Her mother handed Beth her car key as she headed out the front door.
“Greta needs help preparing.”

“All that will happen tonight is the cubs will run loose and party too much. I’m too old for all of that.”
She wondered where Ethan was. Surely he wasn’t preparing for some party somewhere.

She drove her mom’s car over to the pack healer’s house, noting immediately that no one else was

“What do we have to help her prepare for?” Beth followed her mom to the door, sensing her mother’s
excitement but not having a clue why she seemed so anxious to prepare for something when no one was

“Good. She is here.” Greta Hothmeyer held her hand out to Beth. “Come along child. The full moon will
be up soon.”

Beth turned to stare at her mom, surprised to see her grinning from ear to ear.

“What is going on here?” She smelled a rat. The two women were up to something. Their enthusiasm
was too strong. “I thought we were preparing for a party.”

She noticed the clean kitchen, the counters spotless, no signs of party preparation anywhere.

“Tonight we help to prepare you.” Greta gestured to her kitchen table.

Beth looked to see a book open to a certain page. She glanced closer, realizing it was a book of
children’s fairy tales, not unlike the books her mother read her when she was a cub.

“What is this?” she asked, captivated by the colorful pictures next to the old fables.

“Read it.” Greta pointed to the book. “Read it out loud.”

Beth picked up the old book, its musty scent making her want to sneeze. But then she noticed the poem
that it was opened to. Her mouth went dry while she looked up quickly, first at her mother, and then at
Greta. Both women watched her closely.

“Go ahead,” her mother prompted.

Beth could feel her heart begin to race in her chest. Her palms felt sweaty while she remembered the
night so long ago, another time, when she was just a cub. It had been a teenage party her pack mates
were all attending. She hadn’t wanted to go, but knowing that the most handsome werewolf in her pack
would be there, she couldn’t resist. After all, he wouldn’t talk to her. Hell. He hadn’t even known she
was alive.

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She had been so small, not tall and graceful like the other teenage girls in her pack. All of them had
started developing, their breasts growing ripe while their scents had changed into something more
evocative, more enticing. She would watch the teenage girls drive the werewolf boys in her pack wild.
None of them had ever noticed her.

But one night of being closer to the man of her dreams. She would be able to watch him, smell his rich
scent. That would be good enough.

Beth glanced down at the book in her hands, memories of how that night had turned bad flooding back
to her, causing bile to rise in her throat.

“I don’t want to read it.” She sounded like the terrified child of that night, her feelings hurt, her ego

“You have to read it,” her mother coaxed. “Tonight is Hollow’s Eve. This is your night, and the circle
will complete only if you read it.”

“What are you talking about?” She stared down at the fancy calligraphy, already hearing the words
being sung in her head, just like they were that night so long ago.

“You are remembering the first time you heard the poem.” Greta’s words startled her.

“How did you know that?” she asked in disbelief.

“Recite them again tonight, my dear.” Greta nodded, once again pointing to the book. “Then you may go
out under the full moon to your mate.”

To her mate? She stared at the two older women. What they were saying was nonsense. This was
nothing more than old superstition.

But what harm could there be? She looked down at the book.

On the night of Hollow’s Eve…

While your soul dances to be free…

Your life mate will come to thee…

With the full moon rising.

She spoke the words out loud, her skin suddenly tingling.

“Now go.” Greta waved toward her back door. “Enjoy the full moon. Dance. He will come to you.
You’ll see.”

Beth decided there was no harm in enjoying the evening. The sky was clear, thousands of stars shining
while the moon climbed high, the perfect round orb radiating its brightness across the sky.

She left her mother and the healer behind, walking down the street, the night air cool against her skin.
Even though, a fever seemed to run through her, the poem still in her mind, the words creating a rhythm
while she walked. After a minute she realized she headed toward the field where Ethan had found her the

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other night.

Would he be there again tonight? She had spent the day in her office, and then running errands with her
mother. More than likely he was busy with pack business. Whatever he was doing, he hadn’t contacted

Tonight there were cars parked in the parking lot, many of the businesses still open. She strolled around
them, glancing toward the shops, not sure of which direction she should head, or what she should do.

She turned her head at the sound of a motorcycle rumbling. Ethan coasted toward her, his dark features
adding to his sex appeal while his long legs straddled the huge bike. He didn’t speak when he pulled up
alongside her, staring at her, his expression masked. Without speaking, she reached for him, and he held
her while she climbed on behind him. It felt so good to crush herself against the heat of his body while he
accelerated, pulling out of the parking lot on to the main road.

Beth wondered why he headed out of town but decided not to question him. The country sky was so
beautiful, stars full and bright while the moon seemed to grow in size, its brightness glowing across the

Ethan pulled off the road, parking at a rest area. He shut the bike down but didn’t climb off. She sensed
his energy, anxious and overflowing. The night had him weirded out, too. She doubted it was because of
some stupid childhood poem though.

Whatever the reason, she enjoyed feeling the strong muscles of his legs pressing against her inner thighs,
his firm ass brushing against her crotch. She sat behind him, resting her cheek against his back, the smell
of leather consuming her. Holding onto him still, she could feel his breathing. Her hands were clasped at
his waist and after a minute he put his hand over hers, his warm flesh caressing her.

She wasn’t sure how long they sat like that, in silence, being one with the night, before he moved,
implying they should climb off. Her legs had been stretched over the bike for so long she took a minute to
stand without feeling wobbly.

“Why were you out walking by yourself?” he asked her, his hand moving to her cheek.

“I’ve taken care of myself for many years, mister.” She noted the concern in his expression but ignored
it. He wasn’t going to keep her from taking a night stroll if she felt like it. “I can still take care of myself.”

His fingers slid through her hair. “Is that what you want?”

The poem chanted without permission through her head.Your life mate will come to thee…

“What do you mean?” Suddenly she felt nervous. Looking up into his dark expression, she licked her
lips, her stomach tying into knots while she stared at him.

“Do you want to be alone for the rest of your life?”

“I…” She hesitated. Her heart suddenly raced inside her chest, her breath coming faster.

Ethan leaned forward, brushing her lips with his. “Why did you go out tonight on the night of Hollow’s

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“Why did you say that?” Panic brushed through her. He had just quoted part of the poem. But she was
being foolish.

“I think you know what I mean.” He kissed her again, his lips hot and moist. She leaned into him, running
her hands up his chest, drawing from his strength.

“You said, ‘On the night of Hollow’s Eve’.” She didn’t open her eyes, and kept her face raised to his,
her lips still tingling from his kiss. “Do you know what that is from?”

“Are you referring to the poem? Or the night when we were teenagers?”

Now she did open her eyes. His face was right there. Those blue eyes more intense than she’d ever seen
them. His black hair shone under the moonlight, falling around his face while he held her in his arms.

“I didn’t think you would remember that.” There was no way he could have known how humiliated she
had felt that night. She had no clue why it had stuck in his memory.

“No bitch had ever turned me down before you, or since. You marked me as yours back, then; I just
didn’t realize it at the time.” He attempted an impish grin, but the seriousness in his eyes held her captive.
“And so I was wondering if you were going to turn me down again?”

“Turn you down? Again?” She felt like the foolish teenager all over again, stuttering over her own words.

“Yes. You remember the poem.”

“Yes.” It chanted itself repeatedly in her head. No matter what she tried, she couldn’t get the words to
leave her alone.

On the night of Hollow’s Eve…

While your soul dances to be free…

Your life mate will come to thee…

With the full moon rising.

“You are my life mate, Beth.” He didn’t ask her. That shouldn’t have surprised her. He stated it simply,
like it was common knowledge. But his heart pounded in his chest, she could feel it beating against her
hands, matching the same rapid pulse of her own heart.

“Yes. I think I am.” She watched the side of his mouth twitch, possibly a smile threatening to appear.
“And you, Ethan, are mine.”

She barely had the words out when he picked her up, crushing her to him while he devoured her mouth.
Her heart swelled, while she almost laughed into his mouth. Relief washed over her and she realized the
words to the poem had quit chanting in her head.

“I want to fuck you, right here, right now.” He lowered her onto his bike, so she sat sideways, his legs
between hers.

She leaned back, grabbing a hold of the bike to brace herself while he reached for her pants, tugging on

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them until he had them off of her.

“What if someone comes along?” she asked, a giddy rush of excitement soaring through her. She
couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness to get them both undressed.

“Then I will tell them it’s a werewolf tradition to fuck your mate with the full moon rising.” He looked

And she realized he was. They were mating. His fucking her this time would join them for life. That
thought alone had her soaked. She reached for his cock, taking the hard as steel shaft in her hands and
stroking the velvety flesh that covered his hard cock.

He bent over her, holding her in place while he pressed his cock against her pussy. The large bike barely
moved when he drove into her, offering a nice seat for her to spread her legs, feel him penetrate her, the
smell of leather and lust filling the air around them.

Pressure filled her instantly. Wave after wave of passion drowning her while she exploded, feeling the
hardness of his cock stroke her inner pussy walls while he fucked her hard and fast.

“No werewolf has ever come inside me before.” She had to let him know how special this moment
actually was to her.

He came quickly this time, his cock pulsating inside her while his hot cream filled her pussy. She smiled,
a rush of excitement filling her when he smiled back.

“You saved yourself for me.”

The gleam of satisfaction in his eyes sent a rush of aftershocks through her, her pussy quivering while she
came some more.

And maybe she had. Ever since that night she had walked away from him, shoved him out of her life, no
other werewolf had come close to meeting her standards. Only her fantasy man, who in actuality had
never been a fantasy, could give her what she wanted. Ethan Masterson. He had been hers all along.

“You know, I think there is a full moon every month.” She grabbed onto his leather jacket, pulling him
toward her.

He resisted, instead grabbing her, and straightened while he lifted her into his arms, his cock still buried
deep inside her.

“I believe you are right, counselor. And if you don’t behave, I might bring you out here with every full
moon and fuck you silly.”

Beth laughed. “Sounds like a damned good reason to misbehave.”

Ethan growled, and she knew there was no mistake. The poem had worked. She had found her life

About the author:

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All my life, I’ve wondered at how people fall into the routines of life. The paths we travel seemed to be
well-trodden by society. We go to school, fall in love, find a line of work (and hope and pray it is one we
like), have children and do our best to mold them into good people who will travel the same path. This is
the path so commonly referred to as the “real world”.

The characters in my books are destined to stray down a different path other than the one society
suggests. Each story leads the reader into a world altered slightly from the one they know. For me, this is
what good fiction is about, an opportunity to escape from the daily grind and wander down someone
else’s path.

Lorie O’Clare lives in Kansas with her three sons.

Lorie welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at P.O. Box 787,
Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.

Also available Lorie O’Clare:

Lunewulf 1: Pack Law

Lunewulf 2: In Her Blood

Lunewulf 3: In Her Dreams

Lunewulf 4: In Her Nature

Lunewulf 5: In Her Soul

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s
Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at
www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.


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