Rx For Pleasure Ann Jacobs

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Members Only: RX for Pleasure
Ann Jacobs

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2004 by Ann Jacobs

No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including
but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Changeling Press

ISBN 1-59596-061-9
Formats Available:
HTML, Adobe PDF,
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader

Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1561
Shepherdstown, WV 25443-1561

Editor: Margaret Riley
Cover Artist: Scott Carpenter

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Trauma surgeon Cade Calhoun squelched the need that nearly took his breath away as he walked his
friend and fellow surgeon Margaret Berman to the door of her apartment. The long, dicey surgery they’d
finished earlier had left her looking drained. Vulnerable, as though she needed somebody to hold her. She
trembled when a gust of cool wind tousled her short auburn curls, baring small, delicate looking ears, the
almost fragile column of her neck. She looked so drained, he wanted to hold her. If he did, though, he’d
have to stroke her, taste her, learn if she’d squirm with pleasure at his touch.

He managed to resist. No way was senior resident Margaret Berman going to morph into the submissive
of his wildest fantasies. “Sweet dreams, Maggie.”

As he’d done a hundred times before, he bent his head, intending a friendly caress to her cheek. Tonight,
though, Margaret responded as though she were starved. Blood slammed into his cock when she ran her
tongue along the seam of his lips, then tangled it with his as soon as he granted her entrance.

As though shocked at the sexual tension that crackled between them, she pulled away and opened her
door. “Goodnight, Cade.” For a long time after she went inside, Cade stared at the closed door.

How could he have read his buddy wrong all this time, thought her a cool, collected control freak? She
sure as hell gave everybody at the hospital that impression. He was pretty certain no woman who probed
a guy’s throat the way she just had was frigid -- especially one who had a piercing in her tongue.

Chapter One

Tonight, his first night off-call in weeks, Cade Calhoun was Doctor X, mysterious masked Dom at the
upscale dungeon where he occasionally worked off the frustrations of his trade. Where he could be
certain of maintaining control over a submissive partner like the masked beauty now on her knees before
him. For once, he was having trouble letting go of the other Cade, the one who’d just lost a battle of a
different kind to a warrior more powerful than he.

He hated losing control, and he’d lost it big time in the OR. Elton Gaskins shouldn’t have died. He had,
though, despite Cade doing all he could to keep the forty-year-old father of four alive. He’d had to bat
tears from his eyes when he’d faced Gaskins’ wife a few minutes later and told her her husband was

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Strong men don’t cry. Cade hadn’t. Not then. He’d held his emotions in check, feigned strength in the
face of the widow’s tears. Later he’d sequestered himself in a shower stall in the surgeons’ lounge,
deluded himself that the hot salty trickle of fluid down his cheeks was errant spray from the showerhead.

Afterward he’d come here, masked himself, and chosen a partner he’d immediately brought to pleasure
with his hands and mouth. No toys, no restraints. Just raw sensation. The giving of satisfaction to another
human being, the same physical release she now was trying to bring him. Cade closed his eyes, trying
hard to concentrate on the arousing heat of his partner’s mouth on his cock, the tickle of her damp breath
against his groin, the softness of her fingertips when she explored his testicles.

No good. Instead of a mental picture of the woman before him, pictures of death and dying -- grief and
emptiness -- filled his sightless eyes.

“More,” he growled, tangling his hands in the silky strands of her hair and encouraging her to
deep-throat him. He was close. Her increasing ardor raised his own. “That’s it. Make me come.”

The beeper in the pocket of his scrub shirt went off, its silent vibration immediately turning his mind away
from the sub he’d picked for the evening. “Stop, sweetheart. Duty calls.”

Just as well. His heart wasn’t in the game. Not only because he couldn’t stop dwelling on that crumpled,
brittle widow and her four fatherless kids. He hadn’t been “on” with his sex partners for a while. Not
since that day when Margaret Berman had kissed him and awakened what surely were futile fantasies.

Cade shed the trappings of Doctor X and merged into an uncharacteristically foggy Dallas night.

* * *

She could do this. She had to. Where was Cade? And where was the circulating nurse? Margaret
blinked. “Wipe!” she snapped as sweat rolled off her forehead into her eyes. “I need more retraction.”
She could barely see the tear in the pericardium for the rapidly darkening pool of blood, had no clue how
far the bullet had penetrated into the victim’s heart.

“Cardiac arrest!” The anesthesiologist’s voice carried more than the usual controlled terror that
accompanied such unplanned crises in surgery.

Margaret stepped back from the table as Cade stepped up, paddles in hand. “Easy there, girl. I’ve got
it. Stand clear!” Once, twice, three times, he shocked the patient’s heart. Nothing.

Margaret’s pulse turned rapid. Her breathing became as erratic as the read-out on the EKG machine.
She stared down at the shooting victim, watched his body shudder with each jolt of electricity. I’ve killed
him. As surely as if I’d been the one to put that bullet in his chest

Cade shook his head, stepping back from the table.

“Time of death, eleven forty-one PM,” the anesthesiologist said, his gaze on the pristine white clock
hanging on one pale green tile wall. “Sorry ‘bout that, Maggie, my girl. You did your best.”

Numb, Margaret followed Cade from the OR, leaving the staff to perform the sad duty of readying the
body for the morgue.

Mechanically she stripped off bloody scrubs, showered, and put on the suit she’d had on when she got

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the emergency call. She started to shrug into a fresh lab coat but changed her mind. For tonight at least,
she’d had enough of hospitals and death and dying.

Come on, Margaret. You did your best.

Her best hadn’t been good enough. “You could have saved him if you’d been here,” she told Cade
when they practically collided in the surgeons’ lounge.

“I doubt it. You did nothing wrong. Come on. We did all we could. I’ll buy you a drink. You look as
though you need one.”

Margaret needed more than a drink. She needed… “All right.” She had no desire to rehash the futile
operation, but she could seriously use a drink -- and a few hours with her senior surgeon who was the
closest thing she had to a best friend. Truth be told, she could use a man… the right sort of man. Maybe
tonight if Cade suggested again that they share a friendly roll in the sack, she’d say okay.

She had the funny feeling that unlike most of the men she’d dated since breaking up with her master a
year earlier, he might be able to make her come.

* * *

The Watering Hole. Ever since coming to Dallas and joining the trauma team at Metropolitan Hospital,
she’d been stopping in for Geraldo’s savory chicken quesadillas and drinks after long days in surgery.
Located across from the hospital, the pub attracted doctors, hospital employees, and the occasional
policeman or detective who had a patient to guard or protect. A cool blast of air greeted Margaret as she
and Cade stepped through swinging doors into a bar paneled with distressed pine planks. Fat candles
flickered in their wrought-iron holders on round tables in the center of the room.

“Over there.” Cade led her through a maze of mostly empty tables to the dimly lit corner booth he
always chose when it wasn’t already occupied. “You need some peace and quiet after a day from hell,
don’t you?” he asked after Margaret slid around to the back of the horseshoe-shaped tan leather seat
and let out a sigh.

Damn, but his aftershave smelled good. She didn’t recall having noticed it before. “Absolutely.” The
crackling gold sphere on a neon beer ad behind him created an interesting pattern of light in his dark hair.

Except for the lab coat that looked as though it didn’t really belong over his massive shoulders, Cade
might have been a dockworker… a pro wrestler… anything but the highly respected surgeon he was. In
some ways he reminded Margaret of her old master. Of the hot, committed relationship she’d ended a
year ago by refusing to quit her job and follow him when his company had transferred him to Houston.

She recalled the orgasms she hadn’t had with her latest lover, a local business executive. He’d gotten
angry and insisted she was frigid. Little had he known how hard she’d tried to find release when they
fucked in the plain vanilla way that left her cold -- or how frustrated her failure to come had made her.

The jerk never would have believed her if she’d told him how she’d gone wild with men who’d hardly
have been fit consorts for the respectable, unflappable Margaret Berman. Hard, macho types she’d
never dare show up with at hospital staff functions, for fear the hospital trustees might keel over with
shock. Men who took control of her body the way she’d never let anyone intrude on her professional

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Men with dark, dangerous edges. Dominant men. At one time she’d thought Cade might be a Dom, but
he’d never given her any overt signs. Could he?

No, that had to be wishful thinking. A colleague and friend whose need to control meshed with hers to
relinquish it. Still, when Cade laid a hand on her thigh, she couldn’t help imagining…

Him, stripping her naked in the surgery lounge. Using some of that stretchy gauze bandaging material to
bind her arms… her breasts. Rendering her helpless to his sensual onslaught. Her nipples tingling as he
bent his dark head to one straining peak.

God, just thinking of him making her give in to his will, her own pleasure, made her juices start to flow.
Cade was a good man, one she could so easily love -- if he proved half as commanding in bed as he was
in surgery.

“Where’d you go, my friend?”

Margaret blinked, hoped her cheeks weren’t as flushed as they felt. “I was just thinking.”

“Worried about the case? Don’t. No one could have saved him.” He tilted her head back, looked her in
the eye. “You’re well on your way to becoming one of the best trauma surgeons around. Don’t doubt
that for a minute.”

If only. If only she’d been thinking about business and not about the way his big, long-fingered hands
would feel skimming over her neediest places… or how he’d make her let go inhibitions so strong
shaking them required force, release the pent-up need that gripped her. “I’ll try not to,” she said, forcing
a smile and lifting the frozen margarita the waiter had just slid in front of her, removing the empty at the
same time.

While she polished off her second drink, Cade sipped a bourbon on the rocks. “Shall we order some
dinner?” Cade asked when it seemed they’d said all that could be said about the day’s events.

Margaret’s stomach, already assaulted by those margaritas, rebelled at the thought of eating. “I don’t
think I want to eat, but I could use some…” She dared not tell him what she really needed. “… coffee.”

“You need more than that. You need to loosen up. Relax.” Was she mistaken, or had his voice taken on
the tone of command?

Margaret’s nipples tightened and her pussy clenched when she imagined him taking her, making her
submit the way no one had for far too long. Over the past few weeks he’d often hinted he’d like to fuck
her. If she’d read him right, he’d pick up on even the subtlest of invitations. “Relax how?”

“In bed.” That came out as a low rumble, and he drew her hand to his lap and settled it over the bulge of
his half-hard cock before shooting her a predatory grin, showing a neat row of straight, white teeth. He
sported a five o’clock shadow she imagined would scrape ever so deliciously across her most tender
skin, and his compelling eyes glittered, promising what she truly hoped he could deliver. Mastery.

How Margaret needed to be mastered by a strong, dominant man!

Testosterone practically oozed from Cade, though he wore the trappings of a typical surgeon following
an emergency case -- green scrubs with a wrinkled white lab coat. The pajama-like OR togs did little to
disguise his broad shoulders and massive chest. Without his clothes, he’d have pretty much all it took to

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turn her into a helpless lump of erotic submission. He might not be a Dom, but he made her want to
submit, and that was all that mattered now. Smiling, she squeezed his throbbing cock through the layers
of his clothes.

His retaliatory squeeze on her upper thigh and the challenging look in his eyes hinted that he knew he had
what she wanted, and the tools to take her and make her like it. If she was really lucky, he might even be
a true Dom looking for a new sub.

Margaret’s pussy wept, drenching her panties. When she imagined Cade restraining her with his
iron-muscled arms, dragging her head down to his crotch and making her swallow his hot male flesh, she
barely kept herself from squirming against the leather upholstered booth.

From the feel of it through his pants, his cock was long and thick. Her whole body tingled with greedy
anticipation. Anticipation of him coming in her mouth, the thick, slick fluid sliding down her throat. He’d
let go his reserve, shout out his satisfaction.

He wouldn’t be content with coming once. Her cunt contracted when she imagined him pinning her to
the mattress, fucking her until she begged for mercy. He’d make her come. She knew it. He’d take what
he wanted, and in doing it he’d bring her to pleasure.

Yeah. Cade could make her come. No doubt about it. Problem was, he’d likely strip away the
self-control she’d worked so hard to come by. And conquer not just her body but her mind.

Her nipples beaded, their sensitive tips pressing against the lace of her push-up bra.

Forget the cloak of self-containment she’d fashioned for her image as a respected surgeon. She’d get it
back tomorrow. “Why don’t you take me home?” she asked, giving his cock a playful squeeze.

Chapter Two

Having propositioned Margaret several times before and having been coolly rejected, Cade could
hardly believe his luck tonight. He wasn’t about to question her decision, or ask what had come over her
when she’d tweaked his cock at The Watering Hole. No way would he turn down the silent offer she
made by handing him the key to her apartment and inviting him inside.

Her place bore not one trace of who and what she was. That surprised him. The beige and black
furnishings reminded him of a three star hotel suite. He’d bet even the few photos in their black frames
had come with the place. They certainly didn’t reflect Margaret’s taste as he knew it. The place felt damn
cold. And too organized to get comfortable in.

Like Margaret herself. Or like he’d thought she was before that kiss…

Cade wanted to trash the room the way he intended to destroy that cool façade she’d always shown
him -- hell, every time she’d turned him down whenever he’d suggested more than a drink or a friendly
meal and a movie.

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There’d been nothing cool or collected about the way she’d stroked his cock under the table at the bar,
or about the kiss that had kept him going now for weeks. She’d shown him glimpses of the hot-blooded
woman he suspected lay below a brittle, controlled surface -- a surface he sensed was close to falling to
pieces. “How do you stand living like this?” he asked, gesturing around him to include the blandness that
offended his need for color and disarray.

She shrugged. “This is the way it came when I rented it. Come on. The bedroom’s more inviting.”

It was, but only because she was in it. Her deliberate movement called his attention to hard little nipples
outlined against the pale green silk of her blouse, and to a dark shadow at the apex of her thighs that
showed through her slip when her skirt slithered down her legs.

First she hung her jacket neatly in the closet. Then the dark brown skirt that had skimmed her knees
joined it among a bunch of equally somber colored suits. She slid her blouse off her shoulders, giving him
a glimpse of a lacy cream-colored slip before slipping out of her shoes and wriggling her toes against the
plush beige carpeting.

Stripping down for sex. She’d done it methodically, with a singular lack of passion that disturbed Cade.
Was she trying to tell him she wanted to come, but didn’t plan to put her emotions into the act?

Usually he didn’t care. But usually his feelings for his sex partners were purely physical. With Maggie,
the lust was all mixed up with friendship and respect for the caring doctor and human being she was.
Damn it, he wouldn’t let her withdraw emotionally. She wasn’t just another fuck, and he wasn’t about to
let her use him just to scratch the itch between her legs. “Look at me, Maggie.”

When she did, he read hesitation, maybe even a little fear in her expression. Desire shone in her eyes,
though. “Is it me you want, or would any hard cock do?”

“I want you. Please.” God knows he wanted her too. His cock was about to burst.

She was naked now except for sheer stockings and silky tap pants that cloaked her cunt in mystery.
Seeing her breasts, ripe and full, their nipples puckered with arousal, made Cade’s mouth go dry. When
she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slid them down, blood slammed into his
cock so fast it left him breathless.

The lacy tops of her stockings circled firm, slender thighs, drew his attention to her neatly trimmed pussy.
She had to be aware of the picture she made, but she still stood there. Calm, collected, as though waiting
for him to make the first move. Cade couldn’t imagine digging his fingers through Margaret’s auburn
curls, disarranging her tidy coiffure. She looked perfect, so perfect he’d surely be struck down if he
grabbed a handful of her hair and used it to drag her full, inviting mouth down on his swollen cock. He
couldn’t resist assessing her fully, fixing every facet of her firmly in his mind.

She had thin, arched eyebrows above big, cat-green eyes. A modest pug nose. If she had on any
makeup, he couldn’t tell. The column of her throat seemed made for kissing -- and collaring. He liked her
body, slim and athletic but with surprisingly full, firm breasts, creamy, with a few barely discernable
freckles dotting her shoulders and arms.

He liked his pussies shaved, and hers wasn’t. The neatly trimmed mahogany curls attracted his gaze,
though, because they looked so soft. His cock twitched when he imagined her clasping those firm thighs
around his cheeks, locking his face to her pussy, warming his ears while he nibbled at her clit. His balls
tightened almost painfully.

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He’d break that scary self-control of hers. Make her let go. He’d make her come not once but over and
over, until he shattered the defenses he sensed she’d deliberately erected around her feelings.

“Well?” she asked, her tone challenging.

Damn. She couldn’t have helped noticing him staring at her cunt like a love-starved teenager. “My turn?”
he asked, raking her naked body once more before beginning to strip off his own clothes, tossing the lab
coat and scrub shirt carelessly to the floor. Teasing her, watching her eyes glow with anticipation as he
bared himself to her gaze. He made an unnecessarily complex production out of untying the knot in his
baggy scrub pants and letting them drift down to his feet.

“Want to see the rest?” Briefly he worried that his piercing might put her off.

“Don’t be shy now.” She met his gaze, her own full of challenge.

Margaret gasped when he shoved his briefs around his ankles. Her eyes widened and her mouth
dropped open, but she didn’t say a word.

“Well, Doctor. I never imagined the sight of a naked man would cause a reaction like that. If I’d known,
I’d have done it a long time ago.”

“Maybe you should have.” Margaret couldn’t tear her gaze off him. The man had muscles on his muscles
and… she swallowed convulsively when she saw it: a shiny, hefty looking gold barbell peeking from
either side of the head of his penis. The biggest, thickest penis she’d ever seen. It stood, a rigid,
rampantly aroused symbol of male power, its bulging purple head a stark contrast with his taut bronzed
belly. The piercing was an Ampellang, said to enhance the sexual experience better even than the more
common Prince Albert.

Her mouth watered. She wanted nothing more than to sample the delectable head of his cock. Not a
hair marred his deeply tanned body except for the silky dark growth on his head, broad slashes of brows
and lashes that set off his unusual grayish-blue eyes, and the neat black nest that cushioned his sex. Just
looking at him had her ready. More than ready. What a Dom he’d make -- if he were into that lifestyle.
Maybe he was. She was ready -- more than ready -- to submit to his sensual demands.

“Sit.” His terse command left no doubt that he expected her to obey.

Omigod. He was a Dom. A closet one, maybe, but still a Dom. She should be thrilled. She should be
terrified that he’d want to extend his dominance much farther than the bedroom. Truth was, she was both
-- thrilled and scared. Thrilled would do for the moment, though. Listening to the clear tone of command
in his voice and looking at his beautiful cock and his big balls left her speechless with anticipation for the
pleasure she sensed he’d deliver. Her pussy clenched, and her juices rained down the insides of her
thighs. Her nipples tightened and tingled.

His eyes glittering, he took one step closer. “I said ‘sit.’ I want to make you feel good.” His fists were
clenched, as though she tested his patience with her hesitation.

No doubt about it. He was going to make her give up the control she fought so hard for… and she
wanted him to do it. No, she didn’t. She didn’t dare give in. But he left her no choice, because her body
screamed for his touch, his mastery. She sat on the edge of her king-size bed, not bothering to turn back
the duvet with its quilted cover.

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“Lie back.” Not waiting for her response, he went on his knees and spread her legs.

“Yes, Master.” There must have been some part of her perverse enough to want him to realize he’d
found a secret sub in the body of a take-charge sort of woman. That was the only explanation she could
come up with for the words that had just escaped her mouth.

She couldn’t resist, not now. Every cell in her body screamed for him to take her. Mold her to his will.
His hot, wet breath on her pussy honed her anticipation to a fever pitch, and when he spread her labia
and touched his tongue to her swollen clit, she became his willing sex slave.

He tasted her honey, making long, lazy strokes of his tongue along her slit, driving her mad to have him
take her, make her come. Then he clamped his mouth over her sensitized clit and sucked it in as she
spread her legs wider and locked her ankles behind his massive neck. The musky smell of sex
surrounded them, took away the last vestiges of her reason.

Half afraid of a rebuke, she clutched the top of his perfectly shaped head, tunneling her fingers into his
short, well-cut hair, so smooth compared with the sandpapery texture of his cheeks against her swollen
labia. But he only flayed her clit with his tongue and sucked her deeper into his mouth. Then he blew on
her clit once more -- and laughed.

“You like that, don’t you?” His deep-voiced words bounced off her sensitized flesh. Delicious tension
built up in her belly, her nipples, her swollen cunt.

“Oh, yes. Thank you.”

He looked at her, at the same time pinching the sensitive tissue of her clit sharply between his thumb and
forefinger. “Thank you, what?”

“Thank you, Master.” She’d once promised herself never to give another man that much control over
her, but at the moment she wanted -- no, needed -- to be Cade’s sex toy.

He looked up at her, his eyes glittering with unmistakable lust, then used his tongue to lick her creamy
juices off his lips and chin. With surprising gentleness, he probed her slit, slipping one finger into her cunt
before moving it back, circling her anus.

“I’m going to fuck you here too.”

His huge ringed cock would split her apart. He wouldn’t do that. “You’re too big.”

He slipped one finger inside, just far enough to rest against her tight anal sphincter. “I’ll be ever so
careful, baby. Relax. You’ll love it.” Shifting, he stretched out his muscular body over hers and took her

He tasted of her love juices, salty and slick. The distinctive smell reminded her he’d just had his head
between her legs, tonguing her until she could barely wait for him to take her. Making her realize how
much she needed to come and come and come, in a way she hadn’t since the last time with her old

And the only way she could come like that was when her lover made her helpless in fact as well as
powerless to resist his command.

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Their tongues tangled. His deep kiss stole her breath, and her nipples throbbed from the contact with the
satiny skin stretched across his hard-muscled, hairless chest.

Damn it. She needed him now, but he seemed in no great hurry. She wanted him to make her take him,
to take over her will and make her helpless against his demands. She stretched out one arm, opened the
drawer of her nightstand.

She wrenched her lips away from his. “Please. Look in the drawer. Use what you will.” Not moving,
because he hadn’t said she could, she glanced toward the toys she’d never been able to make herself
throw out along with her old master.

Abruptly he rolled over and got up. He dragged her to her feet at the side of the bed, then forced her to
her knees and caught a handful of her hair. “Play with my toys while I take a look at yours.” With that, he
fed her the round, swollen head of his huge cock. “Roll the barbell around with your tongue. Mmmm.
You give great head. Go on. Squeeze my balls too. Easy. Don’t want to make me come too soon.”

What would he choose? The cuffs? The tie-downs that could stake her out to the four posts of her bed
for his ravishment? One of the dildos her old master had teased her with? She heard the drawer closing,
and the bed shook a bit when he tossed some items onto it.

He was close. She could tell by the slick, salty lubrication that oozed from the slit in his cock. She pulled
almost off him, then sank down, sucking him, taking his cock head as far down her throat as she could.
God, but she wanted him to come. She wanted to serve his pleasure, take her own by enhancing his.
When he pulled her off his cock and to her feet, she had to swallow a protest.

“Lie face-down on the bed and spread your legs,” he ordered, his voice a gravelly whisper.

With a gentle touch, he positioned a round bolster pillow beneath her hips, then wrapped Velcro
restraints around each ankle, securing the nylon ropes to opposite bedposts. Yes, she thought. He was a
Dom and a good one, one who knew how to take his time and build her desire to a fever pitch. After
securing the ropes, he licked and kissed and nipped his way back to her sopping cunt. She lay,
squirming, on the brink of coming while he hooked clamps to her labia and fastened them to the Velcro
bands around her thighs. Now she was helpless, her cunt and anus exposed to his gaze, his hands, his

“Give me your hands now.” Cade knelt between her legs and rubbed his cock against her wet slit.

Confused, she did as he ordered, and he grasped both of her wrists. “What do you want, Maggie?”


“Do you want me to be your master? Shall I fuck you like this?”

“Please, Master. Fuck me. Fuck me however it gives you pleasure.” Her pussy clenched when he cuffed
first one hand and then the other, secured them to the bedposts and stretched out on top of her. She lay
helpless… submissive. Everywhere his powerful body touched her, her hot skin tingled.

She loved every hot, moist breath he took while making his way down her cheek, her neck. The
sensitive skin of her back prickled when he licked and nibbled his way to her buttocks, his big hands
following the trail he’d blazed with his teeth and tongue.

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Exquisitely gentle yet unmistakably in control, he made her burn. Her breasts ached for his attention, but
they were out of his reach as he sat on his haunches between her outstretched legs, his pulsating cock
resting against the crack of her ass.

“Now that I know you’re a sub, I’ll take you to my private dungeon,” he said, his voice a throaty growl.

When he sat back, the sudden burst of cool air brought up goose bumps on her wet, swollen pussy.
Then she felt it. Something cold and wet and rigid made its way along her slit. His warm, smooth fingers
that had been massaging the flesh around her asshole slid away.

“Pretend I’ve got two cocks, baby. This one’s about to fuck you in the ass. Relax and let me in.”

Her anal sphincter clenched, then gave way to the unrelenting pressure of a large, sculpted metal plug
that had been a farewell present from her former master. It stretched her almost unbearably, this cold
invader she’d never wanted to use to find her own release. “You can take it. Your cunt’s already hot and
wet and swollen. After I fuck you I’m gonna lick up every drop of that sweet honey.”

While Cade worked the butt plug deeper, his cock throbbed against her thigh. God, but she wanted him
to fuck her. The hot, slick juices that dripped onto her clit were driving her so wild, she nearly forgot the
icy pain from the foreign object invading her ass.

Then the plug began to warm, and the pain gave way to pleasure. He’d worked it into her anus until its
flared edge lay flush against her body. Cade shifted, stretching out over her prone body, his rock-hard
cock poised at the entrance to her swollen cunt.

“Please, Master. Fuck me now.”

“Tell me you want my cock in your cunt.” He rubbed it along her dripping slit, pausing to massage her
clit. “Say it.”

“Yes. I want your cock in my cunt. Please, Master.” She tried to lift her hips, suck him inside, but the
restraints had rendered her deliciously without the power to control him or to rein in her own runaway

“Just a second. Let me get on this condom.” Then he plunged into her needy cunt in one smooth, sure

When he began to move, it was slow motion with him stretching her to accept him, inch by delicious
inch. With each inward stroke he hit her G-spot. With each silky thrust he pressed deeper, until finally his
cock pressed against the opening of her womb and his heavy scrotum bounced against the sensitized
flesh of her clit with every thrust.

His heated skin scorched her back, his hands sliding beneath her to cup her aching breasts. Gently at
first, then harder after she whimpered for more, he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.
Sensations grew stronger, mingled, a heady mix of pleasure and pain. The feelings of fullness that had
begun in her ass and cunt spread quickly, to her breasts and throughout her body.

When her cunt began to convulse around his cock, she didn’t know whether it wanted to force out the
invader or hold it inside her forever. It felt good. So good. Better than --

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“That’s it, baby. Let go. Squeeze my cock. Make me come in you.” His words, hardly more than a gruff
growl against the sensitive skin below one ear, set her off. As she started to come, he bit the sensitive
nape of her neck, hard enough to drive her to the best orgasm she’d had since…

Since ever.

Her inner muscles were still convulsing around his cock and the anal plug when she felt him start jerking
wildly. Cade’s scream of satisfaction made her come again. After all, she’d succeeded this first time in
pleasing a new master.

But he wasn’t finished. Pausing only to discard the condom, loosen her bonds, and flip her onto her
back, he reached between her legs and inserted a huge, vibrating dildo in her cunt. Then he straddled her
face and fed her his cock.

“Suck me. I’ve dreamed about having your pretty lips around me this way. About feeling you licking and
sucking my cock. Yeah, baby. Like that.”

He was so big she could hardly stretch her lips around his cock head. But smooth. So smooth and hot.
She concentrated, swallowing his cock a little more with each breath until his scrotum lay heavily against
her nose. When she caught one end of the barbell with her tongue and wiggled it, he groaned, then
stretched out above her until he could flail her still swollen clit with his tongue. His beard-roughened
cheeks abraded the insides of her clamped-off labia, while his silky hair brushed against her inner thighs
while he sucked and nibbled along her slit.

There wasn’t an unstuffed orifice on her body. He possessed her completely, as a master should.
Incredibly aroused again, Margaret redoubled her efforts, licking and sucking and swallowing until her
open mouth cradled his groin. The dark hair there tickled her nose, where his cock began to rise from his

She was still coming and swallowing the last of his thick, salty come when she felt him fasten something
around her waist and between her legs, tightening it enough to secure the plugs in her butt and pussy.
Fully relaxed for the first time in recent memory, she barely noticed when he loosened her bonds and laid
his head on her belly to sleep.

Chapter Three

Early the next morning, Cade blinked at the bright sunlight that flooded the room. For a long time he sat
and watched Margaret sleep. She’d finally relaxed, shed that brittle air of frustration he’d seen in her so
often when they worked together. She’d also surprised the hell out of him when she’d called him master.
He hadn’t dared hope before then that they might share the fetishes he’d tried hard to keep separate and
distinct from his professional life.

Guess you kept your secrets hidden better than I, sweetheart.

Ten years ago, when he’d just finished med school, he’d learned the hard way that the woman he’d

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figured would make an ideal doctor’s wife hadn’t been at all inclined to share his need for D/s play. The
failure of his short-lived marriage had sent him straight to Dallas’s upscale BDSM dungeons, where he’d
found sexual satisfaction, but no woman with whom he could form the kind of emotional connection
necessary in a successful marriage. Although he sometimes yearned for a life partner to share the ups and
downs of daily living as well as his sexual preferences, Cade had pretty much resigned himself to staying
single, putting up with his fellow surgeons’ frequent innuendos about his sexual orientation. Better that
than having them gossip about his frequent visits to an underground sex club.

Maybe he and Margaret… No, it was too soon. Still, Cade couldn’t help imagining them together, not
just in bed and at work, but as real, twenty-four-hour-a-day partners in life. Hell, his ex-wife would have
had his butt in jail if he’d ever tried to tie her down or put a plug up her ass. Margaret had begged for it.

Funny. He’d assumed for a long time that Margaret would have been uptight in bed. She gave
coworkers the impression of a well-bred, conservative woman. In his wilder moments he’d even pictured
himself taking her home to meet his mother, making her happy that he’d finally taken up with a good
woman -- even if she wasn’t one of the Native American beauties she’d been shoving at him ever since
his divorce. He smiled when he pictured his last full time submissive, with her long black dyed hair, Goth
makeup, and the snake she’d wanted tattooed around her neck in lieu of the traditional collar. If Mom
had ever seen her, she’d have stroked out.

He got hard again, watching Margaret sleep. She’d given him not only a hell of a fuck, but the surprise of
his life when she’d turned out to be a sub. The kind of sub he’d never dreamed he’d find: one who
seemed outside the bedroom to be a cool, collected lady who’d never entertained the first delicious, dirty
thought. A sub who’d make his mom nod her head and smile, who’d keep him on his toes as he broke
down her reserve and made her respond to him -- not just in bed but on every level.

Cade ran his fingers through her auburn curls. Her short haircut made it easy to explore all the erogenous
zones he’d discovered when he’d made it in one of the members-only dungeons with a sub who’d been
shaved bald. He’d have Margaret shave her pussy, he decided, and he’d mark her his with a piercing
only he and she would ever see.

What he really wanted was to control her mind, have her trust him so completely she’d know everything
he did to her would bring her pleasure. And he wanted her to acknowledge publicly that they were
lovers, let the world know she belonged to him. He wasn’t at all sure she’d go that far -- was uncertain
that she shared his feelings for her beyond the unmistakable lust that had driven them last night.

Feelings? Cade wasn’t sure how to define what he did feel for Maggie, but it was a hell of a lot more
than gratitude for a mind-blowing night of sex. And it was more than the casual friendship and respect
he’d felt for a colleague since she’d joined the hospital staff as a junior resident four years earlier. A lot
more, but he wasn’t ready to define the emotions that assailed him as love. Love had let him down
before, made him leery of the term and all it implied.

He stroked her cheek, traced the clean line of her jaw, experienced a sense of tenderness, a need to
protect this woman who’d shed her sense of invincibility with her clothes last night. Imagining them
together years down the road didn’t send him running, as it had with other lovers.

Maybe in time they’d both get past the need for bondage games, physical manifestations of his control.
Many of his acquaintances in the BDSM community told him the ultimate pleasure happened when it
came from the heart as well as the gonads.

First, though, Cade had to establish his dominance. She obviously expected it, reveled in submitting. He

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opened her toy drawer and selected an ornate pair of nipple clamps. While she slept he stroked her
breasts, pinching the nipples to hard little points before pulling them through the center circles of the
clamps. When the clamps rested against her areolas, he closed them, then bent to flail the distended nubs
with his tongue.

“That hurts so good. Bite me. Please, Master.” Margaret’s sleepy plea came from full lips still swollen
from last night’s activities.

He worried a nipple between his teeth, then clamped down on it until she let out a little scream. His
testicles drew up, and his cock swelled and hardened. “Want more?”

“Oh, yesss.”

He bit her, harder, then reached between her legs and tugged on the belt that held the vibrator and butt
plug in place. “Good girl. You’re wet for me. I like that.” Her slick, hot cunt called out to him. The musky
smell of her sex permeated the air around them. Cade’s cock throbbed. But first…

He pulled away and stood up. “Take off the harness. Get up and shower. You can take the dildos out,
but leave the clips alone. I want your nipples hot and red, like they are now.” Bending, he took one in his
mouth and sucked it, hard.

“Yes, Master.”

If he stayed, he’d fuck her again as soon as the dildos came out of her cunt and ass. And that wasn’t in
his immediate plans since he had surgery scheduled in less than an hour. Reluctantly he picked up the
clothes he’d discarded the night before and began to dress.

How far would Margaret go in pursuit of pleasure? Cade intended to find out. Taking a pad he found by
the phone, he scribbled out his orders. After laying out the clothes he wanted her to wear, he propped
the pad on top of the pile. As he hurried out of Margaret’s apartment, he glanced at his watch.

Seven hours and two minutes before he’d see her again unless a problem with a patient brought him to
her office, or them to the ER or surgery. Seven hours until he’d take her to his dungeon and put his collar
around her slender neck.

He hoped to hell he’d read her right, and that she wanted him for a full-time master, not just a quick,
handy lay. He realized he’d wanted and needed her forever. He had to keep her, to make his own life

* * *

Friday. A quiet day in the free clinic, with only a few patients scheduled, and no surgeries. Margaret
almost wished for an emergency, anything that would take her mind off the message from Cade, now
tucked neatly into the pocket of her lab coat.

Taking him as her master could hurt her, destroy the hard-won self-control that made her a good
surgeon. Her old master had fit into a small compartment of her life, a secret compartment she’d never let
interfere with her public persona. Cade would invade her workspace… the solitary time she’d always

She picked up a group photo taken of her with her parents and sister last year. Unlike her old master, a

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software designer, Cade would fit in well with her conservative, academically inclined family members.
Not that they wouldn’t find some fault with him. As much as she loved her mom and dad, she’d learned
they couldn’t be pleased -- 1500 SATs should have been perfect ones, magna cum laudes should have
been summas. Her number three ranking in med school would only have pleased them if it had been
number one.

They’d fault Cade for something, she was certain. Who was she kidding? Her parents wouldn’t approve
of Cade a whole lot more than they would have liked her former master. She could almost hear her
mother whining that Cade was too big, too brash, too -- authoritatively male -- not at all the quiet,
scholarly, devoutly Jewish man her parents had always encouraged her to seek out as a mate. Maybe,
just maybe, she’d never have to introduce them.

Wishful thinking, Margaret. No way would Cade let him shove her into the sex compartment of her life
and exclude him from the other parts. She didn’t want that either. His friendship, and his mentoring of her
residency, meant as much as what they’d shared last night.

She didn’t have to think about that now. Or about whether she’d impress Cade’s mother who, if
hospital gossip was accurate, was on a perpetual mission to pair her son with one of a bevy of Native
American maidens from the reservation. Margaret pulled out Cade’s note and read it again.

Sub, hell. Cade obviously intended that she be his slave. She’d almost ignored the instructions he’d left
on her bed, instructions meant to test her, to see how far she’d go for satisfaction.

All the way, it seemed. When she’d come out of the shower, pleasantly sore and still tingling everywhere
he’d touched her, she’d complied mindlessly with every one of his scribbled orders, in spite of serious
doubts her compliance had raised in her mind about her own sanity.

“By the way, Dr. Berman, you look sexy in that dress,” the unit clerk had said when she’d arrived for
Friday clinics. She’d sounded surprised -- which had made Margaret self-conscious until she found a lab
coat. She’d covered the sleeveless kelly-green sheath she usually wore with a matching jacket -- a jacket
that Cade had specifically mentioned she must not wear.

Maybe she looked sexy because she had sex firmly at the forefront of her mind. How could she not?

The dress hid the scanty underwear Cade had ordered her to wear -- no panties, just a lacy garter belt
and matching bra with cutouts for the nipples. Ha! Only a man would choose that bra. Her sheer
thigh-high stockings scratched deliciously against her inner thighs whenever she moved around on spike
heeled black pumps. She never wore high heels to work. Well, she did now.

Good thing the lab coat disguised her rock-hard nipples that jutted from the cutouts in her bra. Those
cutouts let the silk crepe of the dress rub deliciously against her exposed flesh. At least he’d been
thoughtful enough to order that she take off the nipple clamps he’d put on her before her shower.

Would he come by her office early? Sometimes he did, if he had time. If he did, she imagined he’d want
proof she’d followed each of his orders to the letter. Her cunt clenched when she imagined Cade slipping
a hand under her skirt and checking out her bare pussy, now smoothly shaved per his order. As soft now
as his big, muscular body. She liked that he had so little body hair, guessed that could be because of his
Native American heritage.

He’d insert his long, agile fingers in her cunt, rewarding her with a tweak of her G-spot when he felt the
diaphragm he’d ordered her to obtain and insert. Margaret’s tongue tingled at the thought of taking him in

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her mouth again, rubbing the smooth round barbell she’d inserted in her tongue over his thick, smooth
cock head. “Wear a tongue ring, not that retainer, but remember not to let anyone else see it,” he’d

The mandarin collar of her dress half-hid a love bite just below her hairline at the back of her neck. He
must have noticed it when choosing the dress. When she thought of him topping her, licking her, nibbling
and rubbing his hot flesh over hers, her juices began to flow, heating and soothing her stretched, full anus.

Good thing the chief resident hadn’t called for Grand Rounds today. Margaret slid her tongue along the
roof of her mouth. The tongue ring, heavier than the one she’d worn for her old master’s pleasure, made
her diction less distinct -- gave her voice a seductive sounding edge. She could hardly wait until the day
was done, so she could go to Cade. Serve him.

His two final orders awaited her attention. “At precisely three thirty PM, insert the egg-shaped vibrator
in your pretty cunt, and think about how much better it will feel when it’s my cock in there instead. Don’t
come, though. Your orgasms are all mine.”

Margaret glanced at her watch. Three twenty. If she hurried, she could make it to the ladies’ room in
time. Purse in hand, she walked purposefully to the rest room and locked the door, then fished out the
vibrator -- an egg-shaped purple gel device to which Cade apparently held the powerful remote control.
Hiking up her tight skirt and spreading her legs, she inserted it, pushing it as high up in her vagina as she
could manage with her fingers.

She was already wet. And hot. How could she do this and function for nearly two more hours like the
calm professional she was supposed to be? Especially when Cade got around to turning on the motion?

She had no choice. Her inner muscles clenched to keep the egg securely where she’d put it. Having it fall
out and bounce merrily down the hallway would not be funny. Well, it would be, but it would also prove
highly embarrassing if her nurse or one of the junior residents saw it happen.

She’d have to do it. She’d also have to establish some ground rules for their relationship, but at the
moment the ache in her cunt compelled her to follow Cade’s last orders.

Just as she thought she could control the needy sensations that snaked through her body, the vibrator
began to tilt back and forth, around and around. Its buzzing wasn’t audible, but it sent sparks of need
straight to her already taxed brain cells. Even though she tried to control herself, she breathed hard as she
walked carefully down the hall to her office. She found concentrating on the latest JAMA journal totally
impossible, no matter how hard she tried to focus on what should have been an interesting article on a
new technique for doing split-thickness skin grafts.

Over the next hour or so, the gentle vibration got stronger. She squirmed in her chair, then checked her
watch. Damn, she still had to sit here another hour or more. Reading was really a lost cause now. She
gave up, and stared at Cade’s message -- his last command.

Could she? Dared she declare her subservience to a colleague? Acknowledge his control over her
private life? Could she be his slave in the bedroom and still be his equal outside it?

She opened her center desk drawer and lifted the thick gold collar she’d worn for her former master.
Smiling, she opened a circle decorated with her initials -- they were his too -- and toyed with the O-ring
it concealed. Mike Bryant had loved to taunt her by leading her around on the black leather leash he’d
kept as a souvenir of their relationship.

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When he left, that had felt worse than the worst spankings he’d administered, but he’d been right to go.
She’d promised to be his slave, yet refused to give up her career and follow wherever he led. She hadn’t
thought about him for a long time, had deliberately immersed herself in her work. She’d sworn never to
accept another master, but Cade had sneaked into her life as a friend and colleague. He’d switched gears
quickly enough when she’d let him know she liked her sex rough and a little kinky.

Cade’s last command would change Margaret’s life, if she chose to obey. “I want you to wear my
collar. If you want to wear it, give me your hand. I’ll meet you in your office as soon as I’ve seen all my

He’d obviously want their relationship out in the open. It could hardly be otherwise, with them working
together nearly every day. She hoped he’d feel the need as much as she to keep the true nature of that
relationship strictly between them. Mike had needed to exert his will on her before others, and he’d
satisfied that need by taking her to public dungeons, masked to conceal her identity. Margaret hadn’t
liked that, but Mike had needed it, needed to humiliate her, share her with fellow Doms. Maybe Cade
would want that too, but she doubted it.

No, Cade wouldn’t go so far as to flaunt their connection with the BDSM world, considering his own
career. Perhaps, she hoped, he would forego the local sex clubs, collar her in the privacy of the dungeon
he’d whispered about last night, far away from prying eyes.

She couldn’t -- wouldn’t -- go public, even if he commanded it. Wouldn’t risk her position in the vanilla
community, even if it meant a lifetime without the delicious sensation of being controlled by her lover.
While she might once again endure the humiliation of being lent to strangers, ordered to do their sexual
bidding as well as his, she’d never let him bare her face.

Margaret reached for the phone, and the motion set off more tingling in her nipples. The vibrations of the
egg intensified, as though Cade had sensed her misgivings and wanted to remind her body it needed this
-- needed him. When he walked through her office door, a predatory grin on his face, she set down the
receiver. The thud of the door closing behind him made her jump with anticipation.

A moment earlier she hadn’t been certain she’d do it, but when he looked at her with the question in his
gaze, she smiled and held out her hand. He sandwiched it between his palms.

“Have you done all I requested?” As Cade’s gaze slid from Margaret’s breasts to her lap, he set the
remote control to its highest level. “Yes, I see you have.”

“Yes, I did. I followed your orders to the letter.”

Damn, but she was hot. Blood slammed into his cock when he smelled the blend of her arousal and her
perfume. He knew it, knew her, recognized her musk. His musk now. Anyone who hadn’t eaten her cunt
and licked her clit to a hard little point would take the aroma as nothing but a musky, sexy perfume, but
he knew better. Her tongue darted out, wetting the lips that had felt so good on him last night.

He shouldn’t have put on the leather jock. His cock swelled painfully against the rigid codpiece. His balls
ached. “You have doubts, Maggie?” he asked, encouraging her to speak up now before taking the step
that would set her on the path to becoming his submissive -- perhaps even his lifetime slave.

“I -- I don’t want anyone else to know. Not about us. About our lifestyles.” She looked afraid, but she
spoke with certainty.

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Though part of him wanted to flaunt her in the dungeons, he knew he couldn’t. He dared not even go
there himself unless he wore a hood. Not if he wanted to continue being a successful surgeon in Dallas.
Still, he had to balk at least a little. If he didn’t, Margaret might get the accurate notion that he’d have
tried to curb his own dominant tendencies if she hadn’t let him know that was what she wanted. “And if
this doesn’t please me?” he asked sharply.

“You could disguise me if you wanted to take me to the dungeons,” she said, casting her dark eyes
toward the floor. “My old master did.”

Suddenly Cade recalled a slender sub who’d come onto the scene a few years back, and who had
reminded him in some ways of Margaret. She’d belonged to a real sadist he’d often wanted to punch out
because of the way he’d treated the woman known only as “Mike’s slave.” Hell, once he’d been invited
to sit on her hooded face and let her give him head while her master had fucked her in the ass and
another Dom had fucked her cunt. Her master had beaten her unmercifully when she’d failed to get
everybody off at once.

Now, when he saw the frightened look in her eyes, he wondered if Margaret might have been that
helpless slave he’d fed his cock to through the mouth hole in her leather hood. “We won’t do the
dungeon scene. I can’t risk being found out either. Come on. We won’t need to go to sex clubs. My
personal dungeon awaits us. I can collar my slave as well in private as in public.” He turned down the
vibrator. When he imagined her cunt slick and wet, desperate for the satisfaction he’d soon provide, his
cock grew rock hard within the restraints of the jock.

“Oh, yes.” Her breathy hiss got him even hotter. Then she spread her legs, as though she wanted him to
fuck her right here, where her nurse or one of the other residents might barge in at any time.

“Stop that. I’ll take care of you soon enough. Here’s not the time or place.” He drew her up against him,
hard, and slid a hand inside her lab coat to tweak a jutting nub he’d been able to see even through the
coat and the thin silk dress he’d ordered her to wear. “Let’s go.”

“Yes, Master.”

She leaned into his other hand, rubbing her exposed nape against it. He liked that he’d be the one to
prepare her to wear his collar. His ring, he’d put where no one else would ever see it, for his pleasure
and hers. Maybe someday, if she agreed, they’d make their bonding permanent and legal, and he’d slide
a rock of a diamond onto her finger.

* * *

A few minutes later, they were hurtling west on I-20 in Cade’s Lincoln Navigator, past Weatherford.

“Where is your cabin?” Margaret asked once Cade turned off the interstate onto the road to Mineral

Cade lifted her skirt and cupped her bare, newly shaved pussy. “North of Possum Kingdom State Park.
About a hundred twenty miles from Dallas. I love feeling your pussy so soft and bare for me. Wet too.
Anxious, baby?”

“I’m burning.”

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Inserting one finger, he stoked her flame. “Did you have any trouble getting fitted for the diaphragm?”

She squirmed a little, as though to intensify the effect of his penetration. “No, Master. I already had

“I don’t want you on the pill. Too many side effects.”

“I haven’t taken them for a while now.”

“We’ll be careful. I want you to let me know if careful’s not good enough.” Though Cade would rather
she didn’t get pregnant, at least not right away, the idea of a kid or two wasn’t as scary as it would have
been with every other woman he’d fucked over the years.

“I will. Oh, yes,” she hissed, arching her hips so her pussy came in even closer contact with his hand.

“Feel good?” With his thumb, he circled her swollen clit. God, did he love how she responded. His cock
reared up, reminding him again he shouldn’t have put on that leather jock strap.

“Feels incredible. Makes me so hot, I can barely wait to feel your big, hard cock. Your incredibly
smooth skin.” Her soft fingers drifted over his forearm. “I like that you’re not hairy…”

He chuckled. “I’ve thought about shaving off what little body hair I have. Did it a couple of times but
hated itching while it was growing out. It’s bad enough to have to shave my face every day without
adding a few acres more of real estate to that ritual. Maybe someday I’ll have you do it for me. How
about you? Don’t you feel hornier now, with your cunt all smooth and silky? Don’t you think you’ll like it
better when we fuck?” He was getting desperate to bury his cock inside her sweet cunt one more time
before he placed his ring and put that sweet hole off limits for a week or more.

* * *

Cade pulled off the highway onto a farm road and stopped under a canopy of tall cottonwoods and pine
trees. Shrubs already showing fall colors of red and gold provided a bit of privacy -- privacy Margaret
hoped he’d use to relieve the ache that had her in a frenzy of sexual frustration.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered, his tone desperate, as though he was as horny as she. When she did, he
reached inside her and took the vibrator from her cunt. “God, baby, I love how you’re already wet for

He slid over on the seat, fumbling with his zipper. “Unsnap the jock,” he murmured into her ear. “I can’t
wait to fuck you.”

It took both of her hands to loosen the snaps, let loose his huge, rigid cock. While she fumbled to free
his testicles, he unbuttoned her dress and tugged on her bare nipples. “Bite them, please, Master.”

He leaned over, lifted her until she straddled him. His cock head brushed her clit, made her moan with
anticipation. Already sopping wet, she felt her cunt gush more lubricating fluid when he pulled her down,
impaling her. He bent his head, took one nipple in his mouth and sucked hard.

As though as desperate as she for satisfaction, he fucked her hard, raising his hips and pulling her down
on his cock until he was in her to the balls. He tugged her off him by her exposed nipples, then slammed
her down on his cock again and again.

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He was breathing hard. So was she. Delicious sensations spread from her cunt and nipples throughout
her body. He nudged her G-spot with his monster, pierced cock and its barbell over and over, with each
stroke. Her anus rested against his satiny balls. It needed filling too.

“May -- may I please come?” Sensations bombarded her. She couldn’t wait much longer.

“Am I your master?” His breath blew hot against the sensitive flesh of her exposed neck.

“God, yes. Master. Oh, please. Fuck me harder. Bite me. Make me come.” With both hands she
pressed his mouth against her throat, silently urging him to bite her, hurt her, make her come.

“Easy, sweetheart. Relax. Just let me love you.” He must have known what she needed, for he sank his
teeth into that sensitive flesh. He pinched her nipples hard. It hurt, but it felt so good. Almost as good as
the sound of his hard breathing, his ecstatic groan when he began to bathe her cunt with bursts of his hot
semen. Oh, God, she was coming too, overwhelmed by the incredible feelings -- delicious pain,
incredible pleasure, and more. His arms tightened around her, protective and sheltering as her cunt
clenched hard around his huge, fiery cock. Warmth suffused her body -- warmth that had everything to
do with the emotions that flowed between them, little to do with the mind-boggling physical reaction to a
skilled master’s touch.

Delicious stretching, scorching heat. Incredible pleasure. Margaret cherished the feel of Cade’s hot seed
spewing into her, intensifying the waves of sexual fulfillment that radiated from him to her spasming cunt
and coursed through her body. Exhausted, she collapsed against him, breathing in the smell of the leather
seats and his woodsy cologne… the arousing aroma of sex. “Thank you, Master.”

“My pleasure. Thank you.” He bent, took her mouth in a kiss that spoke more of devotion than desire.

Suddenly she wanted to taste him, this master she sensed would always be kind, never subject his lover
to humiliation. “May I suck your cock now?” she asked, rising as she did from his lap.

“Oh, yeah. My cock is yours. For your pleasure as well as mine.”

Kneeling, she licked away the evidence of his climax and hers, sucking first one and then the other
testicle into her mouth, then licking every square inch of his long, thick shaft. She gave special attention to
the dark, plumlike crown, circling each end of the barbell with her tongue before tonguing his slit,
savoring the taste, the feeling. Savoring him. A hot stream of the come that had flooded her cunt dribbled
down her thigh.

The reassuring pressure of his fingers as they burrowed into her hair while she sucked his cock sent new
waves of desire to tissue still tingling from her massive climax. And set off a flurry of emotion she could
only describe as love.

Chapter Four

Moonlight filtered through the tinted windows of the Navigator, the golden sphere muted to a bronze

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glow. Then all went dark when Cade lifted her face away from his cock and lowered a soft, snug hood
over her eyes and face. With slow, sure motions he laced it snugly about her head, enveloping her in soft,
black darkness.

Margaret hated the dark, hated being hooded because she associated it with the dungeons, being shared
with her old Dom’s friends, being humiliated. Somehow, though, with Cade the darkness gave her a safe,
protected feeling. Her other senses took over, let her enjoy the sounds of his breathing, the purr of the
engine when he turned it back on. The pervasive, arousing smells of the sex they’d just shared seemed
more intense. She sat back and enjoyed feeling the cool leather seats vibrating gently against her hot,
swollen pussy.

“I have a colleague -- another fancier of our lifestyle -- who drove out here earlier. He will place my
ring,” Cade said as he stopped the car a few minutes later and killed the engine. “I’d do it myself, but I
never want you to associate me with pain that doesn’t produce pleasure. There are two things I require
of my slave. The first is that you wear my ring. Since you wish to keep our relationship private, I will
place it where only you and I will ever see it. The friend who will help me place it will never see your
face, which is why I put the hood on you. I’ll explain my second requirement later.”

His fingers laced through hers, he led her through the darkness. A cool breeze blew, its smell slightly
fishy. Moist too. His cabin must have been close to one of the fingers of Possum Kingdom’s series of
lakes. Margaret’s swollen pussy lips and exposed nipples popped up goose bumps, for the fall air was
not cold but definitely brisk. Boards creaked below her feet and when a spike heel caught between them
she’d have fallen but for Cade’s quick move to steady her against his hard body before setting her down
on a more stable, smooth wood surface.

“Easy, there. And welcome to my playroom.” His tone conveyed pride as well as amusement. “Three
bedrooms, two baths, a fully equipped kitchen, a fireplace in the great room, and a very special playroom
downstairs. I hope you’ll approve the changes I had made to accommodate our lifestyle. Since you can’t
see, I’ll carry you.”

As though she were no heavier than a child, Cade scooped her up and carried her down what felt like a
fairly steep flight of stairs. He took a few steps on level ground, then set her onto a flat, padded surface
-- an operating table? “What?”

“Our friend is already here. Be still while I get your clothes off.” Cade’s touch was gentle, his hands sure
as he rid her of her shoes first, then the stockings and garter belt, and finally the bra with the nipple
cutouts. “Where would you like your ring?”

A Dom who gave his sub a choice? Margaret liked that. She considered the possibilities. Nipple?
Navel? Her clit throbbed just then, and she made up her mind. She reached up blindly, stroked his
stubbled cheek. “My clit, please, Master.”

Cade caressed her still-swollen clit, then stepped back. “I hoped you’d choose this hot little piece of
flesh. Tom, this was my choice too.”

She’d always wanted a clit piercing, but never had the nerve to get one. Now the decision was his, yet
he’d given her a choice. Margaret spread her legs wide and relaxed, closing her eyes behind the hood.
She fantasized about Cade tugging at a little gold ring with his teeth, sending arousing shards of sensation
to her cunt and throughout her body.

Gloved hands tightened what felt like a wide restraining belt across her middle, then fastened her arms

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into cuffs and hooked them to the sides of the belt. “Fasten her legs into the stirrups, Cade,” said the
owner of those hands. A moment later, Cade lifted her legs into GYN stirrups, before sandwiching one
of her hands between his own.

The icy disinfectant stung her nostrils, even through the hood. She tensed at the bite of a clamp on her
sensitive nub, and stifled a yelp when the needle pierced her. The sudden pain gave way to intense sexual
pleasure that rocked her entire body with wave after exquisite climactic wave. A sharp tug on what she
imagined was her new clit ring triggered another intense little orgasm.

“Well, I imagine you can take care of your woman now.” Margaret sensed the stranger had stepped
back, heard his footsteps as he ascended the steps. “I expect you to return the favor to me one day. I’ll
be going. My own lady will be waiting back in Dallas at the club.”

“Anytime. Thanks.” Margaret recognized Cade’s deep, confident tone, wondered why he hadn’t offered
her to the Dom who’d pierced her.

When Tom had left, Cade removed the hood, then stroked her belly, her breasts. “You’re so fucking
sexy. I’m hard as stone, just looking at my ring dangling here.” Very gently he touched it, setting off
another pang of arousal. “I can hardly wait to play with it. Taste you again.” She loved the feel of his
hands cupping her breasts, his breath bathing the insides of her thighs in moist heat.

“Thank you, Master,” she whispered. “Now I’m your sex slave. For as long as you want me.”

“For always, Maggie. But I want more from you than just sexual submission.”

“I know, and that frightens me.”

“It shouldn’t. I’m not an animal. I’ll never hurt you. You can let go with me -- emotionally as well as
physically -- like you can’t with any other human being.”

Cade’s gaze locked on her clit ring, gold and delicate, closed with a jeweled captive bead. God, how he
wanted to play with his new toy. He couldn’t, though, until she healed. “Hate to do this, baby, but we
don’t want you getting an infection.” He positioned a sterile vinyl shield and smoothed its adhesive edges
down to protect her newly pierced flesh from any bacteria that might lurk on his hands and mouth. Part of
him was sorry she’d chosen to be pierced here, because for several weeks he’d have to protect her this
way whenever they made love. For the next few days he’d even have to deny himself the pleasure of
fucking her cunt, until the piercing began to heal.

Suddenly it hit him. He hadn’t even considered inviting Tom to join in their sexual games. During the
years he’d lived the BDSM lifestyle, Cade had taken part in countless threesomes, even a few orgies,
and he’d never before failed to make the courteous offer to share his sub. A courtesy almost expected at
Members Only, the club where both he and Tom belonged.

He’d do something else for Tom -- perhaps yet another piercing for the other man’s sub, Loretta, that is
if Tom could find another spot on her body to be pierced. Damn it, Cade wanted Maggie all to himself.
Was he in love? Could be, he supposed. He was definitely obsessed. And he’d fight before he’d share
her with another man, even for her own pleasure. There’d be time to analyze his emotions later.

Maggie smiled, her tongue darting between her lips as though she wanted to taste him even while she lay
pinned to the table, her legs in stirrups, baring her freshly shaved pussy to his hungry gaze. Her plump
labia glistened, beckoned him. “Let me please you, Master.”

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Her eagerness touched him, aroused him. She seemed to love everything he’d done so far to her
incredibly responsive body. His slave. No, a partner he wanted to pleasure in every way at his disposal.
A partner he’d cut his own throat before he’d hurt.

Cade glanced along the dungeon walls, letting his gaze linger on the bondage swing along one of the
mirrored walls. His cock turned hard as rock when he pictured Maggie there, her anus beckoning him as
she lay at just the right angle and height for him to penetrate her there. He’d fondle her full, responsive
breasts, place love bites on the back of her neck, in the sensitive spot he’d discovered last night, just
below her hairline.

Yeah. He had to have her there, fill her tight rear passage with his cock, make her whimper, moan, and
shout her satisfaction again while he took in every expression in her eyes, each curve of her body,
reflected in the mirrors and imprinting themselves in his memory. Working quickly, he loosened her
bonds, then rubbed his fingers through her soft auburn curls. She looked wanton, no longer the staid,
conservative colleague but a temptress, eager for him to take her.

He had to taste her now. Covering her mouth, coaxing her to open to him, he tongue-fucked her there,
slow and easy, the way he intended to take her tight little ass with his cock. Then he lifted her off the
table and carried her to the swing, never breaking the kiss until he laid her there, face down, and secured
her hips and thighs in the slings on either side of the center swing. “Give me your hands, baby.”

“Anything you say, Master.” Her trust humbled him. Very gently, he fastened one hand at a time into the
Velcro cuffs attached to the thigh slings…

Something was missing. The collar. Cade had forgotten in his haste to clasp the symbol of her
enslavement around her slender neck. He didn’t care, but Maggie obviously expected it since she’d said
when they talked in her office that she’d only wear his collar when they took part in D/s play. Reaching
into his pants pocket, he took out a soft leather collar and knelt beside her head. “I want you to wear this
while we’re here,” he said, showing her the wide, black leather collar with gold clasp and d-rings where
he imagined he might sometimes attach a matching leash.

“Thank you.” Lifting her head, baring her throat, she looked at him while he fastened it and affixed the
tiny gold padlock for which he’d keep the key. “I trust you to care for me, Master.”

“I will. I promise to bring you pleasure, fulfill every sexual fantasy you’ve ever had. And Maggie, trust
that I’ll never hurt you.”

“I trust you completely.”

“You’re my love slave now.” Completing her bondage, Cade looped Velcro ties through the collar’s
d-ring and secured them to the swing.

* * *

Looking at herself in the mirror, Margaret realized how helpless she was, from her reflections from
various angles along the mirrored walls. She loved it. Loved being totally possessed by Cade, loved
anticipating what he’d do next to bring her sexual pleasure. Bound body, neck, arms, and legs to the
butter-soft black leather, her breasts hanging free between her splayed legs, her cunt and anus lay open,
inviting him to stand there, take her in any way he chose. She envisioned him naked, stepping up to her,
his cock resting against her buttocks, the large barbell that pierced it providing a cool contrast to the heat

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of his aroused flesh. He’d stay there, teasing her, his balls bouncing against her swollen slit until she’d beg
him to fuck her, let her come.

She felt terribly, deliciously exposed. Erotically helpless. No need to make decisions now. Cade would
make them for her. Her clit throbbed, not quite in pain but definitely in arousal. Anticipation built as she
imagined him touching her, suckling her, reddening her flesh with the clamps and floggers and all the other
accouterments of the Dom he was -- the tools she was certain he’d have in this posh, secluded dungeon.
The swing hung at just the right level so his cock would line up perfectly with her wet, needy cunt when
he stood behind her.

Now he smiled at her, his eyes bright with sexual promise, though he made no move to return from the
other side of the room. From the intent look on his handsome face, she guessed he must have been
contemplating what delicious tortures he’d use to heighten her pleasure and his own.

She’d always loved how Cade looked, big and powerful, as though he could take everyone’s problems
on his broad shoulders and solve them. She saw those shoulders now as he stripped off a pale blue polo
shirt. Well-developed biceps rippled, and when he reached for his belt, his abdominal muscles tightened.

He curled the belt up in one large hand, as though he knew she was imagining him using it to warm her
ass. Shooting her an intent look, he tossed it away and shoved his pants down, stepping out of them as
soon as he took off his shoes.

Somehow he looked sexier in that black leather jock than he would have stark naked. The codpiece
bulged, barely able to restrain his erection. Narrow straps ringed hard-muscled thighs, holding the black
leather snugly to his groin. When would he take that off, come and administer whatever discipline he felt
his new slave needed?

Cade stepped closer, laid a hand on the jock. Slowly, one snap at the time, he unfastened the codpiece,
then freed his swollen sex. “I’m going to fuck your ass, baby, but not just yet.”

“Yes, Master.”

Moving behind her, he adjusted the swing once more. Bending over her, he nipped that sensitive spot on
the back of her neck, just below the lower edge of her collar. With every touch of his hands, each moist
breath he took, her arousal grew. Slowly, without the urgency that drove her, he traced along the curve
of her spine. “You’re one gorgeous woman, and you’re all mine,” he murmured, tracing around her
asshole with one finger.

Margaret soaked in each touch, every breath, the sexually charged touch of his tongue as he licked his
way down her spine again. The reflection aroused her, a picture of her helplessness, his mastery. He’d
leashed his strength, restrained well-developed muscles that quivered as he held back. His concern for
her welfare came through with every touch. She should have expected it, for he treated his patients with a
similar concern.

When he explored the planes of her thighs and calves, he sighed. “You don’t know how many times I’ve
looked at you, imagined your long, firm legs wrapped around my waist. My neck.”

“Unfasten me and I’ll make that fantasy come true.” Truth was, she didn’t want him to release her yet.
She loved the feeling of helplessness, trusted he’d deliver even greater pleasure than he had last night…
or along the side of a deserted road an hour earlier.

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“Not now.” As though wanting to distract her, he slid his hands up her inner thighs, over the swing that
cradled her belly, until he found her breasts. He pinched the nipples sharply, then soothed the tips by
rubbing gently over them with his thumbs. She wasn’t expecting the sudden pain when he sank his teeth
into her buttock.

“Mmm. Tastes good,” he murmured, soothing the bite with long, slow laps of his tongue. When he bent
his head further and used his tongue to lick around the sensitive skin around her anus, her cunt
contracted, anticipating…

Then he stopped and stepped away, and she thought she’d die of unsatisfied lust.

* * *

Cade stood there, looking down at his slave. His Maggie.

His collar marked her his property, from the top of her head to her small, shapely feet. God, but he
loved the way her breasts hung down, the nipples darkened and puckered, silent proof of her arousal.
Between her pale, slick labia the tiny stone in her clit ring caught the light, even through the plastic barrier

When the piercing healed, he’d suck and lick her clit every night, until she begged for mercy. Nothing
turned him on more than feasting on his woman’s smooth-shaved sex. Now just looking at the ring, his
permanent mark of ownership, had him so ready that his cock rose up, as though protesting the
constriction of the cock ring that held the jockstrap to his groin. He wanted to lap up the glistening honey
that dribbled invitingly from her cunt. As soon as the piercing healed, he’d suck and lick and nibble that
sensitive little bundle of sexual pleasure to his heart’s content. But the brief denial would be worth it --
and not only to proclaim his ownership. Maggie’s clit was so responsive, so sensitive, it was made to be

He had to take her. Fumbling with the wrapper, he pulled out a heavily lubricated condom and slid it
over his cock. He had to fuck her now, mark her his in every way.

Her flushed cheeks and swollen lips marked her desperation as she stared at him in the mirror. “Please, I
need your cock in me,” she begged, squirming as much as her bonds allowed when she looked at his
huge sheathed erection.

“And it needs to be in you.” He took some water-soluble lubricant and coated his cock, then stepped
behind her and applied clamps to both her nipples. “I’m going to fuck your pretty ass. But first…

“I want you to come like you’ve never come before.”

She whimpered.

“Don’t worry, all I want is your pleasure. A good master would never damage his most prized

After setting the tube of lubricant on the floor behind her, he knelt, dipped his head to her glistening slit.
Then he reached under her. God but he loved to play with her breasts, to squeeze and knead them while
she moaned with pleasure. Her honey flowed, and when he lapped it from her slit, he felt her clit swell
and harden beneath the protective dressing. She tried to shift, as though she wanted him to sample her
newly pierced flesh. “Oh God, yes,” she said when he offered his fingers. She caught two of them in her

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mouth, licking and sucking them as though they were his cock while she rubbed her cunt against his
mouth, seemingly desperate for him to give her a climax. He was getting desperate too. If he didn’t fuck
her soon and release his pent-up semen, he felt as though he’d explode.

For a minute he wished he’d invited Tom to help him pleasure her, but that thought faded fast. For the
first time in his life, Cade wanted his slave all to himself. His slave, yes, but also his friend… and his lover.

He tongue-fucked her cunt, as deep and fast as he could, drawing soft whimpers from her. When he
stopped, he licked backward along her slit, then ringed her puckered asshole, teasing the opening with
short stabs of his tongue.

“Please fuck me, Master. Put your big hard cock inside my cunt again and let me come,” she begged
when he withdrew his fingers.

“Relax, Maggie. You ought to know your cunt’s off limits for a few days. But this tight hole’s fair game.
I’m going to fuck your ass and you’ll love it.” Then he rimmed her ass again, stiffening his tongue and
plunging the tip of it inside the small, puckered opening. Rising, he retrieved the lubricant and worked a
generous glob of it around and in her anus. She felt tight -- damn tight -- almost as though she’d never
been ass-fucked before, so he squirted out more lubricant and applied it to his sheathed erection.

His eyes glowed with hot desire when Maggie gazed at his reflection. The way he deliberately readied
his jutting cock with lubricant made her shiver -- more with anticipation than fear that Cade would hurt
her. Her anus twitched, the lubricant cooling tissue swollen from their play the night before. She could
hardly wait to feel him stretching, filling her with his massive, pierced tool.

Her cunt contracted when he ringed her anus with the head of his cock. She tensed, expecting him to
force it into her, but instead he worked one finger past her tight anal sphincter, then a second. “Breathe
deep, baby. Relax. This is going to feel good. Real good.” He withdrew his fingers, positioned his cock,
and moved into her slowly… carefully. She took another deep breath, panted, restrained a cry when her
flesh protested his invasion. Their reflection showed his huge cock poised, buried only to its pierced head
in her rear passage, the other end of its long thick shaft ringed in black leather.

“Open up for me, Maggie. You can take it all. Easy now. Keep breathing like that and let me fuck you.”

The picture frightened her. But it aroused her more. She couldn’t tear her gaze away as he sank into her,
inch by inch, until she thought she’d split apart. The touch of his hands on her buttocks soothed her. His
quiet words of pleasure, encouragement helped the pain of his penetration give way to a feeling of fullness
-- almost pleasurable. Incredibly erotic once he’d buried his cock to the balls and stilled his movements.
She wanted more.

“That hurts so good. Your cock’s so big. So hot.”

“Your ass is tight, baby. I’m not moving. Breathe deep. Relax.”

She tried. “I feel… full. So, so full. Please, fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

When he all but withdrew and then sank back into her, she gasped. Pain gave way to intense pressure.
Heat rushed through her body, and when he reached beneath her and tugged at the chain that hung
between the nipple clamps, she went on sensual overload. Her cunt constricted, demanding to be filled,
and her clit swelled more against the ring that dangled from it.

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With each slow, rhythmic stroke of his cock into her anus, the last of the pain gave way to a delicious
sense of fullness that began a chain reaction of erotic sensation. Her climax began, spread from cell to
cell, shattering into thousands of tiny needles of ecstasy when Cade let go with a shout. The jerking
spasms of his cock set off a series of small aftershocks that left her drained.

So drained she barely registered it when he loosened her bonds, lifted her from the swing, and carried
her upstairs. Much later as they lay in a rough-hewn pine bed beneath a large skylight, Maggie looked up
at the starry sky. Cade Calhoun obviously deserved the title of Master. He’d certainly mastered her.

Chapter Five

The sun sparkled through brilliant autumn foliage when Cade looked through the skylight the following
morning, his hard-on nestled in the crack of Maggie’s butt. She was a sleepyhead, all warm and cuddly
and relaxed the way he wanted her always to be with him.

They’d get up and go outside, walk along the banks of the lake, hear the leaves crackling beneath their
feet while a brisk breeze tousled her hair. Here, they had no patients, no obligations other than to each
other. He intended to make the best of this solitary time with his lover -- his love.

Yes, she was his love. No doubt about it. He’d let her rest a little longer while he made breakfast.
Bending, he dropped a soft kiss on her slack lips before quietly dressing and heading downstairs.

While birds chirped in the cottonwood outside the kitchen door, Cade brewed coffee, set out glasses of
juice, and scrounged through the cupboard to find the makings for some breakfast fajitas. They were
going to relax… and talk. Now that he’d realized Maggie was his perfect mate, he wasn’t about to let
her go, or let their work interfere unnecessarily with their life together.

Together. Since the end of his youthful marriage, Cade had used that word only in terms of the portion
of his life he spent with a sub in bed, the hours shared with his residents in the OR, or on rounds, the
stolen moments of friendship snatched between cases or after hours. He’d kept his feelings in neat
compartments: sex, work, recreational activities with his buddies.

Maggie had pried open the doors to all of him. He should be running for cover, but all he wanted to do
was stay, build toward the sort of relationship he’d promised himself he’d never risk.

What if she only wanted sex? Stolen hours away from the mainstream of their personal and professional
lives? Cade gripped the handle of the skillet, his other hand clenching into a tight fist.

Fuck, he should hope that’s what she wanted. After all, it was what he wanted too. Or did he? His
emotions warred -- desire, respect, friendship… possessiveness. He’d tear apart that junior resident who
was always drooling over Maggie when they went on rounds.

Cade had to get a grip. Think… think of the sub, not the woman. Concentrate on sensation. He
made himself think about the stinging at the base of his cock where the jock had chafed him -- and how
he’d get Maggie to soothe it. Later, when they went back to Dallas, they’d soak in the steaming hot tub
at his apartment. Meanwhile he’d have her bathe the raw spots with her pierced tongue.

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While he tried to sort out what was on his mind.

When he climbed the loft and went back into the bedroom, Maggie was still asleep. Cade visually traced
the gentle curve of her spine, then bent and placed a wet kiss on the intriguing dimples on her rounded
buttocks. He loved seeing her wearing his collar, its dark expanse a stark contrast with her ivory skin.
Damn it, a week ago he hadn’t imagined her even letting him into her life -- much less that she’d have
proven herself to be the submissive of his dreams.

“Wake up, sleepyhead. I’ve fixed us some fajitas.” When she smiled sleepily at him, he couldn’t resist
taking her mouth, tangling her tongue with his. “I want to take you for a walk, show you where I go to get
away from it all.”

“All right, Master.” Her husky, sleepy voice reminded him of sex. Hell, everything about her reminded
him of sex now that she’d revealed her preferences and they’d tossed off the blunting cloak of their
shared professional world.

He rose and dragged out some faded sweats from a drawer. “Put these on. They’ll be big on you, but I
like the idea of you wearing my clothes.” If he didn’t get her covered up fast, he’d be joining her again in
bed. And he had thinking to do -- thinking best done with his brain and not his cock.

* * *

Outside with sun dappling the grounds through a stand of sturdy trees, Cade’s cabin looked much like
other weekend hideaways Margaret had seen. When she looked down a footpath strewn with fallen
leaves, she saw blue, glasslike water. One of the fingers of Possum Creek Lake, she guessed.

No other cabins dotted the view, although she imagined they weren’t as isolated as it seemed. Cade’s
collar warmed her throat, reminded her she’d given herself into his keeping the night before. Her clit
tingled when she walked, his ring a constant reminder as well. The loose sweats smelled woodsy, like the
aftershave Cade sometimes wore. When they reached the small dock, Margaret tilted her head.
“Yours?” she asked, gesturing toward the small, sleek fishing boat that rocked gently in its boathouse
alongside the dock.

“Yes. Do you like to fish?”

“I’ve never done it.” Not much of an outdoorswoman herself, she was a bit surprised to learn Cade
spent much of his free time communing with nature.

“Some weekend when we have more time, we’ll pack a picnic and spend a day out on the water. You’ll
like it.” His gaze hot, he pulled her to him, so close the beat of his heart resounded in her breasts. Her
cunt throbbed, its slick juices sliding down her thighs when he cupped her buttocks and ground his
erection hard into her belly.

A motorboat roared past the dock, sending its wake churning up the dark green water into a froth of
gray-white bubbles. They weren’t alone. “What if somebody recognizes us?”

“They won’t. Don’t worry. No one’s close enough to see us. Kneel here,” he said, indicating a spot on
the dock next to a roughly hewn wooden bench.

No one would mistake the glittering lust in his dark eyes for anything but the lust of a master -- a man

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who knew what he wanted and expected it to be provided without question. Margaret had seen that look
before, acceded to a master’s control. With Cade, though, she sensed he wanted not just satisfaction of
his sexual desires, control over hers -- but something more. Commitment. The sort of commitment that
transcended the bedroom, the dungeons. The complete surrender that could rob her of all she’d worked
so hard to attain.

Her old master hadn’t loved her. What he’d demanded was purely physical, superficial. Perhaps that’s
why she’d accepted his desire for degradation as part of her subservience. While she’d ceded control of
her body, she’d gotten to retain control over her heart.

If she’d read Cade right, he was a man who’d want to own her body and soul, command every aspect
of her life, fully engage all her emotions. If she gave in, Margaret Berman the woman would disappear,
leaving only Maggie, Cade’s submissive. The prospect terrified her.

She’d not only be his lover, but his possession. Damn it, she couldn’t give in, couldn’t let him wrap her in
a cocoon of his making. It would be easy -- so easy -- to give in and drop the protective reserve that had
saved her from emotional pain when relationships fizzled and ended.

Still, her cunt spasmed and her clit swelled and hardened when he sat before her and slid down his
sweat pants. She’d given him her sexual submission, but she’d give no more. As her old master had
instructed her, she clasped her hands behind her back, then looked downward, waiting for his

“Look at me.” He clasped her chin, his grip gentle, then tilted her head back until she had to look him in
the eye. “I’m going to talk. While you listen, you can put this in your tongue and tickle my cock with it.”

Maybe the serious look on his face had signaled only eagerness to explore more sexual pathways,
nothing more. Perhaps he had no more than hours of pleasure on his mind. Margaret hoped so. Smiling,
she took the tongue ring with its tiny vibrator and replaced the plain gold one she’d put on yesterday
morning. “How do I turn it on?”

“I do.” He held up a small remote control, rotating its control with his forefinger and making the barbell
vibrate against her tongue. His heated gaze held desire, of course, but she thought she sensed something
more. Something that touched her heart as well as her libido.

The vibrations felt weird. Arousing, especially when she thought about the thrumming sensations she
could create in his cock by tangling the tongue ring with the barbell in his Ampellang. She felt herself grow
wetter. “May I please lick your cock and balls, Master?”

“Yes, please do.”

Already half-erect, his cock twitched when she drew her face close and blew on it. First, though, she
wanted to taste the smooth, dark rose surface of his scrotum. He tasted clean yet musky, and when she
tongued him there, pausing every few minutes to suck first one testicle then the other into her mouth, he
moaned. The vibrations from the tongue ring aroused her too, the tickling sensation spreading slowly
through her body.

Soon he was hard as rock, and she longed to cup his sex, but no good sub moved her hands without her
master’s permission. When she nearly lost her balance, he steadied her. “I have as much a duty to you as
my lover as you have to me. You don’t need to ask me if you want to do something, or maintain a
posture like that if it’s not comfortable.”

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Was Cade playing mind games the way her old master used to do? She didn’t think so, but still she
hesitated before bringing her arms around and laying her hands on his muscular thighs. Not wanting to
displease him, she kept her head still and continued licking his balls with her vibrating tongue until she
elicited a moan, then moved on to lick his long, rigid shaft. The sensation of him ruffling her hair, stroking
the hollow at the nape of her neck, stimulated her even more than the vibration of the tongue ring, the
clean taste of him.

“I’ve known I was a Dom for about fifteen years, since I was nothing but a green kid checking out his
sexuality. I get off being in control sexually.” He paused, his words hanging between them as though he
expected a response. “I was married years ago, to a woman who wanted nothing but plain vanilla sex,
and I’ve had subs who’ve provided everything but plain vanilla. I’ve never found a sub with whom I
could imagine sharing a life. Until now. Maggie, I’ll never interfere with your career, or humiliate you the
way I’m guessing your last master did. But I want more than a fuck buddy on weekends. I’m hoping you
do too.

“I’m thirty-seven years old. I discovered not too long ago that just any sub won’t satisfy me any longer. I
want a woman I can care for. Share more than this.” He lifted her face, forced her to meet his gaze. “I
want you. Even before I guessed you hid the soul of a submissive behind the armor of reserve you wear,
I ached to have you. You gave me wet dreams, made me want you so much that I was even willing to
restrain the dominant side of me. I’d planned to do that the other night. I want you twenty-four, seven.
And I want to be able to stroll into your office and kiss you anytime, in front of any of our colleagues.
Maggie, tell me you’ll let us come out into the open.” When she looked into his eyes, she saw desire --
and sincerity.

She loved the idea of a partner, almost as much as she yearned to have her master. But that longing
terrified her as much as it aroused her. One part of her wanted to run, as fast as she could, escape the
trap of commitment. Another larger part of her brain admonished her to stay, beg Cade never to let her

“What do you say, Maggie? I don’t care if you wear my collar when we’re not alone. But I want you to
wear my ring.”

“I -- I do. Already.” The delicious tingling in her clit reminded her of the little ring that now dangled

He laughed. “The ring I’m talking about is about as vanilla as it comes. It goes on your finger, where
everyone can see.”

God, but she wanted to say yes. Instead, she clasped her mouth closed over his thick cock head and
rotated the barbell in it with her tongue. She had to be careful, think of the changes being his full time
slave would entail. Visualize a life with her master a big part of her professional life -- an omnipresent
reminder of her subservience.


From Cade’s husky growl Margaret surmised that he was getting hornier with every vibration of her
tongue on his swollen cock. He also expected more of a response to his proposal than her more vigorous
licking and sucking of that flesh -- that became obvious when he laid his hands on her shoulders and said,
“Stop that for now, baby.”

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“You want us to live together?” She wouldn’t even consider marriage, even though the mention of a ring
implied that.

“I want us to get married. I’d settle for living together, at least for now.” He slipped his arms around her,
drew her up onto his lap. “We’ve been friends for ages. We’ve got the same profession.” His gaze
softened. “And you can’t deny we’re sexually compatible. What more could you ask for?”

God help her. She didn’t know. “I’m Jewish.”

“So what? I’m half Cherokee, although I can’t see that matters.”

“Our parents --”

“Maggie Berman, quit making excuses. I’m not going to interfere with your religion, and I’m not about to
drag out the war bonnet and go chasing the Native American side of myself.” Cade paused, and his
expression turned serious. “Don’t tell me your parents would object to you marrying someone who
doesn’t share their faith.”

They would, but then Margaret hadn’t spent a lot of time during recent years trying to please her sober,
academic-minded, and very demanding family members. She’d found making the effort was futile. “Yes,
but I’ve spent most of my life disappointing them, even when I tried not to. It’s… it’s just… Oh, I don’t

Damn it, why couldn’t he just order her to marry him? He had no problems ordering her to service him
in any and every manner imaginable. No difficulties making her come at his command, harder and hotter
than she’d ever come before. And truth be known, he had no problem making her heart go mushy with
emotions having nothing to do with his mastery of her in bed.

“Can’t make up your mind, Maggie girl?”

“I… I -- no. No, Master.” She couldn’t control the tremor that went through her body when she
realized she’d displeased him.

“Baby, I won’t hurt you. Ever. The only way I’ll punish you is by denying you this.” He lifted and turned
her to straddle him, then rubbed his cock against her through her sweats. “And that would be awfully
hard to do.” With a gentle hand, he cupped her breast, then lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “I
never want to make you cry.”

“So it’s either marry you or lose you as a master?”

“I wouldn’t say that. But I want us together, as friends and lovers to the world, as my sex slave when we
make love. Be honest. You want that too.” He slid a hand inside her sweats, stroked her wet, hot slit.
“Your cunt’s telling me yes, but I want to hear it from your pretty lips too.”

She wanted him. It wasn’t just her weeping cunt. Every cell in her body screamed for Cade to take her
now. Say you love me. Me. Not your skilled senior resident. Not your friend. And not your sex
slave either
. “I can’t. Not yet.”

“I want you too much to let you seal me off into one corner of your life. I want it all.” He stroked her
swollen clit, his touch incredibly gentle, incredibly arousing. “Think about what we’ve got together, and
what we’ll both lose if you say no.”

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What is love if not desire… and respect? Was she asking too much, wanting Cade to voice the words
she imagined wouldn’t come easy to her stoic master? Margaret didn’t think she’d be able to argue with
her body -- or her heart. She couldn’t see him every day at the hospital and not want to throw herself
into his arms. He’d said he’d give her time, but she had a feeling seven years wouldn’t be long enough to
alleviate her worries.

Damn it, she was a surgeon. She made split-second decisions in the OR, usually with decent results.
Why not make one now, reach out and take what she wanted more than anything? She took a deep
breath, drew on the courage that had let her step up and try to snatch a patient from the jaws of death. “I
don’t need any time to decide. Not if you love me.”

“Baby, I love you. Never thought I’d feel this way again, but I do.” Cade’s smile turned as warm as a
summer day, though the breeze had picked up and she’d just been shivering despite having on his warm
sweats. “I do. Now let’s enjoy our weekend. We’re going to have a busy time making wedding plans.”

“May I take you in my mouth again, please?”

“Feel free, baby. Anything that makes you feel good. But first, let’s go back in the house. I want to taste
every inch of your luscious body. Mine now. All mine.”

* * *

Inside, seductive music caressed her ears. Music Margaret hadn’t noticed was playing when they’d left
an hour earlier. When Cade lifted her in his arms and carried her not to the dungeon but upstairs to the
loft where they’d slept, she felt… loved.

Not merely wanted.

The sweet scent of vanilla rose in the air when he tossed bath oil crystals into the Jacuzzi tub. Fat candles
flickered in the windowsill, their reflections bouncing off the angled window and skylights.

“You have beautiful breasts,” Cade murmured when he’d lifted his sweatshirt over her head.
“Tempting.” He bent, kissed each aching nipple, then straightened and caressed her cheek. “I do love
you, you know.”

She sensed something different in his touch, a promise of devotion she’d never recognized in his deep
voice before. It was almost as though he were seducing a beloved innocent, not mastering his slave. She
wanted that -- but she needed more, needed him to rob her of her will to resist, take her beyond her
deep-seated inhibitions and set free the sexual creature buried beneath lifelong layers of veneer that he’d
only begun to crack. “Please, Master. Make me…”

“You don’t need bonds. Not now. Trust that I’ll make you feel real good. Make you come for me.” He
slid the sweatpants down her legs, his large hands caressing her, massaging her calves and thighs.
Kneeling, he examined the dressing on her pierced clit, his touch gentle. Arousing. “The dressing’s
waterproof. Come on, join me in the tub,” he said when he stood and stripped off his own clothes.

The tub was deeper than it looked, Margaret realized as soon as she stepped in. Warm bubbles tickled
her breasts as they burst against her body. Cade settled behind her, his erection a fiery probe nudging the
crack of her ass. Would he…

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She spread her legs, inviting him in, eager for the stretching feeling of pleasure-pain when he’d penetrate
her anus with his huge, hot cock. No. Not her body but his, to do with as he would.

“No hurry now. Come, sit on my lap.”

Her cunt clenched with anticipation as she settled on his hard thighs. His erection nestled inside her labia,
hot and throbbing. His hands cupped her breasts, squeezing and tugging at them until the nipples
tightened and poked insistently at his palms. “Oh, yes, Master. Please.”

“Like that, don’t you?” Shifting, he took each nipple between his thumbs and index fingers and rolled
them, pulling them to where they barely broke the fragrant froth on the surface of the water.

Her cunt clenched, and an urgency began to grow in the pit of her stomach. The pressure, and the tiny
kisses of breaking bubbles of oil on the tips of her nipples, was almost too much. She wriggled, as if she
could take his cock inside her on her own, soothe the urgent need to be filled. Taken.

“Please. More.” She didn’t care that he might punish her. She had to have him inside her, filling the
throbbing emptiness… giving her his hot semen… triggering her own climax.

“Relax, sweetheart. You know I don’t dare fuck you now, or play with my clit ring the way I want to.”

“Fuck my ass. Please.” She clamped down on her lips, waited for her punishment. “I’m sorry, Master.
Do with me as you will.”

Cade felt her body tense, as though she expected a rebuke. He chafed her nipples once more, then set
her off him. “Reach on the shelf and get a condom.”

She sloshed across the tub, obviously in a hurry to do his bidding, and returned with a wrapped
condom. “May I?”

“Put it on me.” He loved the feel of her fingers on him, smoothing the thin lubricated latex over his heated
flesh, sliding over his scrotum and weighing his testicles in her palms. “Now come here. Sit back on my
lap and I’ll fuck your pretty ass.”

He grasped her hips, lifted her, and positioned his sheathed cock at the entrance to her tight rear
passage. “Come down on me. Slow and easy. Feel yourself stretching, accepting me, taking my cock
and making it your own.”

“Oh, yes, Master.”

She was tight. So tight he was almost afraid to move for fear of hurting her, but she gave him no choice.
Once she’d taken him in, she began to rock, back and forth, setting the water in motion, its slippery
surface caressing his arms, his chest, his back. When she spread her legs further, he reached between
them, stroked her incredibly smooth pussy lips, found her cunt and inserted first two then three fingers.

Her delighted moan told him she was close. So was he. Pressure built in his balls. He finger-fucked her,
hard, as she fucked herself on his cock. With his free hand, he reached up, fed a finger to her mouth as
she screamed out her ecstasy. He couldn’t hold out longer. As her cunt clenched around his fingers and
she writhed in pleasure, he came -- hard, fast spurts of semen that seemed to fuel her own climax.

“I never came before when I wasn’t confined.” Hours later Maggie smiled over at Cade as they lay in

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bed, an amazed look in her beautiful eyes.

He smiled. “You’re confined. With or without the ropes and cuffs and toys. But so am I. For the first
time in my life, I’ve been mastered by love.”


A year later, at Members Only

Their masks in place, Cade and Maggie strode into the club that had once been Cade’s regular
hangout. “You okay with this, sweetheart?” he asked when she held back.

“Yes, Master.”

She’d agreed readily enough when he’d suggested they meet his friend Tom here. Though they all
worked together every day, Cade had never told Maggie their colleague, the one with the shy smile that
had all the nurses and female residents falling at his feet, was the same Tom who’d pierced her that night
so long ago.

Tom had a new sub -- one he wanted his friends to meet. Cade squinted, no longer used to the
concealing mask. Yes, that was Tom, all right, masked but hard to miss if one knew his loose-limbed

“Look. Isn’t that our Tom?” Maggie asked, her voice muffled by her own mask. “The anesthesiologist?”

“Yes. It is. It’s also our Tom, the Dom who pierced your clit.”

“I’d never have guessed he might be a Dom,” she murmured.

Cade laughed. “You never guessed that I was either.”

“You’re right. But you’re more than a Dom. You’re my master. My only master.”

“You don’t miss this?” Cade gestured toward Tom, whose companion had just taken his cock in her
mouth while a master dripping black leather and chains stood behind her and started to fuck her ass.

“No, Master. But if you want --”

“Don’t even think it.” The mere idea of his slave -- his wife of nearly six months now -- servicing another
Dom had Cade seeing red. Especially now that she was carrying his child. “Come on. Let’s go home.
Tom can have this scene. I don’t need it anymore. If you’re good, I’ll tie you up and eat your pussy until
you scream.”

And she was good. Very, very good.

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Ann Jacobs

Ann Jacobs is the award-winning author of twenty-two erotic romances. Two Eppies finalists, a Golden
Quill finalist, a More Than Magic finalist, and two Lories winners number among her 2003 releases. Ann
also has written as Sara Jarrod and Ann Josephson, and has contracted for a series of urban legend
books under her Shana Nichols pseudonym.

Ann loves to hear from readers. You may contact her through her website, www.annjacobs.us.


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