This Beautiful Thing 01 Amanda Heath

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This Beautiful Thing

Amanda Heath

Published by Amanda Heath at Smashwords

Copyright 2012 by Amanda Heath

All Rights Reserved.

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critical articles and reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. The people,

incidents, and dialogue are the product of the

author’s imagination. Any resemblance to

actual persons, living, dead or undead, is purely


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Written by Amanda Heath

Cover Design by Must Love Fangs!/pages/Must-



~To my mother who always believed in me

when no one else did. I love you mom!

~To my husband and monkey the lights in my

life and fillers of my heart. I love you both!

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~To Stacy who listens to every rant and rave I

have and doesn’t let me give up.

~To Kris who is always there when I need a

shoulder to gripe on. Who also stood by me and

helped me tremendously with this book!

Chapter 1


“Mom wants you to come to dinner

tomorrow night.” My sister Marie’s voice comes
over my cell phone.

I sigh. “Do I have to? Please don’t make me

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do it. I can’t stand the tension, why do you think
I live on campus?” This is the last thing I need in
my life right now. I may have got a scholarship to
college but they wouldn’t let me go far, just an
hour up the road.

“Yes Teag you have to come. Max and I are

gonna tell them I’m pregnant, so I really want you
to be there.” She’s been married to Max for like
six months and already pregnant. My prefect
sister is already getting her prefect life.

“Fine I’ll be there but I’m not staying the

night. I’m driving back here and sleeping away
from the drama.” I give in only because I love my
sister and she’s never seen me the way that my
step-mother does. None of my brother s and
sisters have.

She squeals in my ear and I whence. “This is

so great! I am so excited I haven’t seen you since
you started school!”

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“Geez I’m friggin deaf now thank you. It’s

just a couple of hours, if I last that long.” I

“You will for me at least. Ok well I gotta go

honey! I’ll see you tomorrow and I love you.”

“Love you to MayMay.” I hang up my phone

and let my head fall onto my pillow.

The thing about my family is we are not

normal at all. We are the definition of
dysfunctional. And unfortunately that is my fault.
Well maybe more my dad’s fault, oh and my
mother. See I’m a love child and it was quite a
scandal in my hometown in Arkansas. My dad
happens to own most of the place and he was the
mayor at the time. Hell he still is the mayor; he
has run unopposed for years.

Funny thing about it is that the town put the

blame on my mom and me. Can you imagine
people treating you like the plague and not letting

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their children play with you when you’re just a
child? It sucked. My mother though she was
awesome. She held her head up high and went
on with her life. God I miss her. She died when I
was ten from cancer.

That’s when I had to go live with the

Harper’s. James is my dad, Sarah is my step-
mom, Jessica is my oldest sister, then there is
Forest my oldest brother, plus Marie and last but
not least are the twins Jaden and Caden. Another
funny thing, they are two weeks older than me.

I had an entire family I knew nothing about

and it was scary. Hell I was in the same grade
with Jaden and Caden and none of us knew it.
Well expect James and Sarah, or daddy and
Sarah as I call them. And apparently it wasn’t his
idea. It was mom. Mom told me before she died
that she did it to hurt my dad but in the end she
ended up hurting me as well. And then she was

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gone and I had to deal with this on my own.

It wasn’t all that bad really though. Jessica

and Marie had a new sister they got to pamper
and I had someone to teach me about boys and
makeup. Things like that. Jessica is my best
friend. I can tell her anything and she doesn’t
judge me. Marie is a goodie two shoes but I love
her to death.

Jaden and Caden took it upon themselves to

be my protectors. Or should I say wardens. I can
blame them for the fact I’m still a virgin. All the
guys in my town were so afraid of them. Mitch
Dewater wasn’t afraid of them until after we
made out in his car and the twins found out. He
got the day-lights beat out of him. Mitch and
every other guy never spoke to me again.

Forest was sixteen at the time but he still

took the time to play with me. We climbed trees
and played in the mud. He even played Barbie

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dolls. He got teased by the twins for it but he
always said as long as I was happy he was

Now on to daddy, I really love my daddy.

You might think he is a bad guy but really he is
the sweetest man. I have never wanted for
anything in my life. Where some men might
abandon their love child, he didn’t. I might not
have known it then but when I was little I had
expensive gifts and my clothes where name brand
but my mom just worked at a diner. He has
never said anything but I have since put two and
two together. My mom was selfish and thought
she was doing the right thing and I’m glad she
saw the error of her ways before she died.

And now we have Sarah. Where do I even

begin? It’s not that she is a bad person or
anything; I mean she has five wonderful children.
I guess she just didn’t see a place for me in her

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life. Every time I see her I get a boat load of
criticism. I stopped trying to please her years ago
and have learned to just nod and go on with life.
I’m not perfect like the rest of them.

My dorm room door bursts open and I lift

my head from the pillow and my thoughts. In
walks my roommate Grace. She’s got this huge
smile on her pretty face and she flips her blonde
locks over her slender shoulder and runs to my
bed. Before I know it she has landed on me
crushing the air out of my lungs. She might be
small but I’m tiny. I also hear a thump which
means she hit her head on the headboard.

“Grace I can’t breathe.” I mumble

underneath her.

She flops over holding her head. “Ouch, I

forget how small these stupid beds are! And I’m
sorry for crushing you hon that was not my
intentions.” She smiles sheepishly.

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I laugh at her and shake my head. “It’s cool

dude, what’s up?”

“Wanna go to a party? Apparently one of the

football players is throwing a huge one at his
parents’ house. They are out of town or
something like that.”

I look at her and shake my head again. I love

this girl but she is totally boy crazy. She has the
charm of a true southern belle that would make
anyone melt. She is a cheerleader and has had a
huge crush on one of the football players since
the beginning of the year, hence her wanting to go
to his party. “Uh yeah I do. I have to go home
tomorrow because Marie is telling dad and Sarah
she is expecting. I need to have fun before I have
to hear my step-mom talk crap about me all day

She squeals and gets off the bed. She runs

over to my closet tripping over her pink shaggy

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rug on the floor between our beds. I laugh out
loud and get up to stop her before I end up in

Chapter 2


“Dude this party is bumping.” Jaden says to

my right. The bodies are swaying to the beat of
the music. I think it is some song by Lady Gaga
and she’s hot and everything but I prefer
something less poppy.

I start to reply but he gets a shocked look on

his face. “What’s up dude?” I shout over the

“My little sister just walked in. How the hell

did she even know about this party? She doesn’t

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run with this crowd.” He scowls and starts to
walk off in that direction.

“Wait, what’s the big deal? Let her have

some fun man.” I almost laugh at the look on his
face. The way he talks about his little sister you
would think she was twelve not eighteen.

“She can have fun in her dorm room away

from all these horny football players.” He sneers
at something and I turn to look. I personally
don’t see anything but whatever. I’m not gonna
stop him.

As I watch him walk off a pair of warm

hands find their way under my polo shirt. I know
it is Claire before I even look over my shoulder
to found out. Nobody has boobs as big as her
and they are currently pressed up against my
back. “What do you want, Claire?” I ask even
though I know what she wants.

“I only want you sugar.” She purrs in my ear.

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I run my hands over her arms down to her

hands and throw them off me. “Sorry I’m not on
the menu anymore.”

She looks all pissed at me and I see her face

turn red. “You can’t turn me down, I’m your

I raise one eyebrow and smile. We dated all

through high school and we decided to both go
to school here so we could be together but the
week we started school she decided she wanted
to date other people. “No I don’t think so. I
remember you dumping me about eight weeks

Her dull blue eyes fill up with fire. I know

she’s gonna make a scene and I’m so tired of her
drama. It was honestly a relief when she dumped
me. “I didn’t dump you! We were taking a
break!” She screams into my face.

“Yes you did, now run along I don’t have

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time for your crazy shit tonight, bitch.” Calling her
a bitch might have gone too far.

“Did you just call me a bitch? No one calls

me a bitch!” I think she is turning to leave but she
just grabs a cup from a nearby chick and
proceeds to throw it at me. But it not only hits me
in the face but also a girl trying to get between us.
And this girl looks pissed.

She can’t be over five foot because I tower

way over her. Her long curly black hair is
plastered to her face and the liquid is dripping
down her cleavage soaking her dark shirt. I don’t
know what I expected but it wasn’t for the little
thing to punch Claire in the face.

“This is my favorite shirt! It’s signed by M.

Shadows and you just ruined it! I’m gonna kill
you!” the tiny thing screams in Claire’s face.
Claire has this deer in headlights look with blood
dripping out of her broken nose. I don’t think

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anyone has ever stood up to her and she doesn’t
know how to take it.

“Ok there little bit lets calm down, and back

away from the bitch princess and get you
something dry to wear.” I wrap my arm around
her waist and to find she weighs nothing. Which
is a change from Claire who is almost as tall as
me and is very curvy; it’s not a bad thing just
different. “Claire you should go to the hospital to
get that set.” I smirk and wave her away.

I grab the tiny girls hand and pull her along up

the stairs to my room. I open the door and pull
her inside and shut it. I left the light on earlier and
I’m surprised no one is hooking up in here yet.
I’m a totally neat freak and nothing in here is out
of place. My bed with its dark blue comforter is
made and my desk in the corner has all the
papers in order. “Have a seat on the bed. I think
I can find you something that won’t drown you.”

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“I doubt it your like huge.” She says right

before she blushes. “Oh my god! I’m sorry that
came out wrong.” I look back at her and see her
face flush a beautiful pink. And that’s when I
notice how beautiful she is with her heart shaped
face and emerald eyes. I’m drawn to her lips
which are so unique. The top one is thin and
almost nonexistence with the bottom one bigger
with this faint freckle near the right side of her
mouth. I can’t help but to think how easy it
would be to bite it and suck it with my own lips.
Then I would clean all the beer off of her pale
skin with my tongue.

Damn I need to get my head out of the

gutter. “So how did you get M. Shadows to sign
your shirt?” I ask trying to get my head in the
right place. The eight beers I had earlier are
clouding my judgment.

“Oh I got to go backstage last year during

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Edgefest when they were playing. I also have a
picture with the whole band on my wall at home.”
Then she looks a little confused. “You know who
Avenged Sevenfold is?”

I chuckle and point at a poster of Nightmare

on my closet door. “Yeah I have all their albums.
I was also at Edgefest last year but I didn’t get to
go back stage or anything. Didn’t you think it
was sick though? With the drum solo that had the
flashing lights. And they way looked 3D out in
the crowd.”

She smiles and I nearly fall to my knees. Her

whole face lights up and I swear she is an angel.
“Oh my god, I didn’t know about the 3D thing I
was backstage! That is wicked cool.”

I’m still kind of dumbfounded when she pulls

her shirt off over her head. She’s got a lacey
white tank underneath which is soaked and see
through. My pants start to get tight in the groin

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area as I see the black bra on underneath. As she
gets up off the bed and walks over to me, I think
I must be dreaming. When she gets to me she lifts
the shirt I found for her out of my hands and puts
it on. I forgot I found my junior high football shirt.
I was like twelve and it fits her perfectly and I
feel kind of good inside to see her wearing it.


I love this possessive look on his face. I still

can’t believe that I took my shirt off in front of
him that has to be the alcohol because I would
never do anything that crazy on my own. Maybe
six shots of vodka were a little too much.

I study his face and I swear I know him from

somewhere, he’s just so familiar. He’s got golden
blonde hair shaved to about an inch above his
scalp and the most gorgeous brown eyes that

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remind me of chocolate. He’s got high cheek
bones with a strong jaw full of stubble, and a
perfect straight nose. I notice laugh lines around
his full lips and I wonder what he tastes like. I
haven’t kissed many boys in my life but I would
go in inexperienced just to feel them against mine.

The room’s temperature rises and I wish I

had left just the tank on as sweat forms on my
brow. Maybe it’s just his body because it’s hot. I
wanna run my hands over his broad chest and
down his long arms. I can see the muscles under
his shirt sleeves and they are huge. I shake my
head to clear it of these thoughts, I mean I’m
sane headed all the time I don’t get all hot and
bothered by some guy I don’t even know.

“I think we need to change your shirt now.” I

blink thinking that can’t be me who just said that.

He grins and cocks his eyebrow up. “Is that

so baby? You gonna help me?”

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I shiver when he calls me baby and wonder

why I like it so much. “Hmmm I don’t think so.” I
smile innocently at him. “I’m guessing you aren’t
as drunk as me.”

“No I think I’m drunker then you are and I’m

pretty sure I need your help.” He grabs my hand
and puts it at the hem of his polo shirt. I can’t
believe that he is flirting with me nor can I believe
that I’m flirting back. I pull it up past his abs
which are packed, then over his pecks which are
well defined and then it’s over his head and on
the floor. And I don’t know if I can blame it on
the alcohol when I start at his stomach and run
my hands upward over his chest and up to clasp
his strong neck.

He smiles and his hands go to the back of my

thighs pulling them up for my legs to go around
his waist. When his lips find mine I shiver and my
skin erupts in goose bumps. It’s the best feeling

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in the world when his tongue curls with mine and
our lips move in sync. The kiss goes on forever
and I’m barely coming up for air. He starts to
walk forward and then I’m falling.

I land on the bed and before I know it he’s is

on top of me. He rests some of his weight on his
forearms near my head and his fingers go into my
hair. I wonder why he isn’t kissing me so I look
up into his intense chocolate eyes. “You are so
beautiful baby.” He finally says and then his lips
are back on mine. My hands are clutching his
neck holding on for the kiss of my life. His lips
leave mine again as he rises up on his knees. I
can’t help but to think how gorgeous he is with
his tan skin all flushed. He grabs the hem of my
shirt tugging it, so I lift up so he can pull it over
my head. Both the shirt and tank I have on
underneath land on the floor, leaving me in my
bra and jeans. So I go a step further and unclasp

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the hooks in the back, which I toss on the floor
to join my shirts.

He runs his hand down his face and lets out a

gush of air. Then he’s pushing me back down
and his hands cup my bare breasts. Once again I
find myself breathless as his lips devour mine.
Then his kisses leave my mouth and start moving
down my neck in licks and nibbles and it’s all I
can do not to moan. When he makes it to my
right nipple sucking it into his mouth I do moan.

“Make that noise again baby.” He says as he

moves to my left nipple and I do. He lets it go
with a pop and follows the same trail back up to
my lips and he is kissing me again.


I can’t believe that this is happening. I mean I

know I’m pretty drunk but this is the hottest girl I

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have ever seen and now she is on my bed
topless. Her breasts are perfect just the right
handful with little pink nipples. Her stomach is flat
and there is a tattoo peeking out from under her
jeans and I can’t be sure but I think it says
‘Speechless’. I guess I will just have to find out. I
unbutton her jeans and pull the zipper down. I
move my hands to the waist and she lifts her hips
so I can tug them off.

Fuck her tat does say speechless and her

panties match her discarded bra. I’m so hard it
actually hurts and I move to take my own jeans
off and my boxers go with them. When they hit
the floor leaving me naked I join her back on the
bed. I lay on my side next to her and she moves
right when I do and our lips meet again. Her
hands go around my neck and I get chills from
her light touch. I can’t believe how turned on I
am. It’s never been like this with anyone else.

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I move my hand down to her panties and slip

my fingers inside. She arches her back when I
thrust a finger inside her and lets out a moan into
my mouth. And that’s when someone knocks on
the door.

“Shit, hold on a minute baby and I’ll get rid

of them.” I tell her. She nods her beautifully
flushed face as I get up to pull my boxers on and
answer the door. I turn the light out before I open
it since she’s practically naked.

I open the door to see Jaden. “What’s up


“I gotta run, so I need my jacket. I figured

you were hooking up but I need my keys.” He

“Oh shit I forgot you left it in here.” I turn and

pick it up off the knob on the back of my door.
“Here you go.” I say handing it to him.

“Who is in there?” He asks nodding his head

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towards my dark bedroom. “Oh and who broke
Claire’s nose?”

“Umm can we talk about it later? I’m kind of

in the middle of something.” I give him a look that
says back the fuck up.

He backs away from the door holding his

jacket over his arm. “Sorry man I’ll get out of
your hair. I’ll see you tomorrow at the game.” He
turns and walks down the stairs.

I shake my head and go back into my room.

Closing the door I turn back on the light so I can
see every inch of her. She’s laying there with her
arms over her head fast asleep. I chuckle quietly
so I don’t wake her up. I turn the light off again
and crawl into bed beside her where I pull her
into me. She sighs in her sleep and puts her arms
around me. It’s not long before I drift off to

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Chapter 3


“Honey are you feeling ok? You look a little

green.” Sarah asks me. I know she isn’t yelling
because well Sarah doesn’t yell, but oh does it
sound like it. At this point having my eyes open
makes my head hurt.

“Yeah Sarah I’m great.” I try to sound

cheerful but I’m sure it came out less than.

She eyes me over and shakes her head. I

hear her get up from the chair in the living room
and go into the kitchen. I hear cabinets opening
and closing and after ten minutes she comes back
into the living room with a glass of foul smelling

“What’s that?” I ask her.
“What you need to make you feel better.”

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She hands me the glass and walks out of the

I sniff it and my stomach rolls. I have always

been a light weight and no matter how little I
drink I still end up with a hangover. I pinch my
nose between my fingers and chug it down. It
doesn’t take long and I feel a lot better.

Now that I feel better I kind of get shocked.

She didn’t even get mad that I was hung-over.
Ok I’m gonna ask daddy if she got turned into a
pod person.

I’m trying to wait patiently for my sister

Jessica to get here but I don’t think I’m gonna
make it. She lives here in town with her husband
Cody and their three year old Jason. I called her
the second I got here and told her to hurry up
because I need to talk to her. The thing about
Jessica is you can’t rush her for anything unless
you’re dying, and that’s a maybe.

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I was late meeting Jaden and Caden for the

ride down here. They took one look at me and
got super pissed. I don’t know if they can tell if I
hooked up last night or that I was just hung-over.
I haven’t looked in the mirror so I have no clue
what I look like. The second I walked in the
door I had to talk to daddy and Sarah. Now that
I’m free I’m getting a shower and a change of

My parents live in a two story eight bedroom

six bath house. It’s all hardwood floors and pale
walls on the first floor with expensive furniture to
match. The stairs are carpeted with plush white
and I take them two at a time till the top where I
make a left to my room which is the second
door. When I walk in I’m immediately happy to
be home again. Grace loves pink so our dorm
room is a headache.

My canopy bed that I have had since I

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moved in is made with my Jack and Sally
comforter. The dark blue carpet is soft under my
feet as I cross the room to lie on my bed. I look
over the posters I have hung up everywhere. I
have a range of band posters which include Lady
Gaga, Kurt Cobain, Brand New, Machine Head,
and Disturbed. I also have just as many book
posters. Stained by Ella James, The Secret of
Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen, Twist by
Dannika Dark, and the best one ever is Onyx by
Jennifer L. Armentrout. I have to have my
Daemon eye candy. They cover my walls so well
you can hardly see the pale blue paint.

Then I see the one poster I have been

avoiding eye contact with since I walked into the
room. The poster just like that one he has in his
room. I don’t want to think about him at all. Last
night was so crazy I still can’t believe it even
happened. I mean I almost lost my virginity to

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some guy and I don’t even know his name! God
I breeched on whore territory.

A knock sounds on my door. God I hope it

is Jessica. “Come in!” I yell out.

The door opens and in walks my sister. She

has her black hair pulled up into a bun and a dark
brow arches up over her blue eyes. I cringe
because I don’t even know where to begin. She
is the only one I can talk to about this. She’s not
one of my brothers and she can keep a secret.
Marie bless her heart is a total gossip and she
wouldn’t understand. She was a virgin till the day
she married Max.

“Ok so I rushed through getting ready to get

over here now spill.” She says tapping her foot
on the floor.

“I almost lost my virginity last night.” I squeak


“WHAT?!” she screams out.

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“Shhhh! Do you want Jaden and Caden in

here? Gah they would kill me and then him.” I
say sitting up in bed.

“Sorry you just surprised me is all. Geez

Teag how the hell did you get past the twins?”
she comes over to sit on the bed with me.

So I tell her how Grace invited me to the

party and we got to drink quite a bit before
Jaden saw me and tried to get me to leave. I had
told him I was leaving and I meant it but then that
crazy girl threw her drink on me. How he took
me to his room for dry shirts and everything that
happened there. I don’t know who was at the
door but the vodka had me past out quick while I
was waiting for him to get rid of them. I woke up
this morning with my body curled around his
chest and my head against his neck. He had his
arms around me and his face buried in my hair.

“So I panicked and got out of there before

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he woke up. I left my shirt there.” I pause and let
out a breath because this is gonna be the kicker.
“Oh and I don’t know his name or even how to
get to his house to get my shirt back.”

Jessica is staring at me like she has never

seen me before. “You don’t know his name? I
feel as if I taught you better than this.”

“I know and I’m totally ashamed of myself. I

don’t know why I even did what I did. I blame it
on the alcohol.” I say laughing at my joke.

She doesn’t find this funny and frowns at me.

“Are you sure nothing else happened? I mean he
could have taken advantage of you while you
were passed out.”

I shake my head. “No he didn’t. I mean I

know I have never done it or whatever but I’m
sure that I would know if something the size of a
penis had been up there Jessica.”

“Yeah you are right about that. You would

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be sore.” She rubs her temples as if this will help
her figure out my problems. “Well you have two
choices here. Either you forgot about your shirt
or that this ever happened or you find out who he

“Oh I’m finding out who he is. That is my

favorite shirt and I maybe kind of like him a little
bit.” I stutter out that last part.

“Really Teag you think you like him? Oh this

is awesome. I hope he is a decent person
because you have never liked anyone.” She
smiles from ear to ear. “Mom thinks you’re a
lesbian and just too afraid to tell them.”

“What? Why does she think that?” I

question. I’m completely stunned by this.

“I guess it’s because you wear a lot of black

and never had a boyfriend. I have told her this
isn’t the case but she thinks I’m lying for you.”
She rolls her eyes and I laugh.

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“Did you also tell her that it’s her huge

knuckle dragging sons that scare off all the guys I
even look at?” I fall back on the bed and throw
my pillow at the wall. “I mean its bad enough that
they are so over protective but now they have
your mother thinking I am gay.” Which is not a
bad thing by any means it’s just I’m not.

“I know sweetie but you know how she is.

You are different from the rest of us on several
levels.” I start to get mad but she calms me
down. “You are special to each and every one of
us Teagan, even mom. You brought sunshine into
this house and love back into this family.” I give
her a confused expression and she goes on.
“Mom and dad were always at each other’s
throats, always fighting and I was scared that
they were headed to divorce. I remember the
day you walked into this house with your hello
kitty bag and big scared eyes. Mom let go of her

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hate and I still don’t know what it was about you
but you fixed all their problems.”

I was stunned speechless. I didn’t know that

they had been fighting like that before I moved in.
I remember them always being happy. “Are you
sure? They have always seemed happy to me.”

“I’m sure sweetie. You fixed them. Dad

stopped staying away from home all the time and
mom smiled for the first time is years. And they
aren’t the only ones either.” She takes my chin
and nudges it up so I can look her in the eyes.
“Teagan I was messing around with boys and
drinking heavily because I didn’t want to deal
with them. You helped me because you fixed
them. My home was happy again.

“Forest was smoking a ton of pot and used

to be gone all the time too. Marie was pretending
that nothing was wrong which wasn’t good for
her and I hate to think what would happen if they

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did get divorced. And the twins? They were
acting out and beating the crap out of boys at
school and each other until you walked into their
lives and they stopped being hoodlums.”

At this point I’m crying because I had no

idea that any of this was going on before I moved
in. Well I knew about the twins because I was in
school with them.

“Why are you crying Teag? I didn’t mean to

make you upset. I just wanted you to know that
you’re the most special person in this family.”
She pulls me into a hug and I dry my tears before
I stain her shirt.

“I know Jess, these are happy tears I swear.”

I smile at her through them and I finally feel like I
might belong in this family.


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She was gone when I woke up. Here and

gone like a thief in the night. I feel like she stole
my heart so maybe she is a thief. I know I don’t
know her or anything I mean hell I didn’t even
catch her name and that makes me ashamed to
have even touched her.

She did something to me, something I can’t

forgot or ignore. I still feel her hands on my body
and hear the soft moans that came from her lips.
I’ve never had someone so responsive; it was
like she was as lost in me as I was in her. Claire
wasn’t a virgin when I met her and she kind of
laid there like she didn’t enjoy it at all. Needless
to say we didn’t have sex all that often. And all
the random hookups I have had in the past eight
weeks where just to scratch an itch.

She’s different and I can’t get her out of my

head. I never loved Claire I mean who could love

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a bitch like that. I tried and I guess I shouldn’t
have stayed with her for so long. I just felt that it
was what was expected of me. I was the
quarterback for our high school football team and
she was the head cheerleader and I know it
sounds cliché but it was what it was.

I hung her shirt on my closet door after I

sponged all the beer out of it. I can’t help but
stare at it and imagine her in it. She is so tiny I
feel like big foot compared to her. She isn’t my
type at all. I go for the tall leggy blondes and
curves. She’s not any of that with long curly
black hair and 5 foot tall body. Where I have
overindulged with big boobs and ass, she is just
handfuls in those areas. I love it.

My younger brother Marcus barges into my

room scaring the crap out of me. He’s sixteen
and acts every bit of it. His long blonde hair is
pulled back in a ponytail holder. His face which

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looks so much like mine has this mischievousness
to it. Oh shit he’s got something on me.

He strolls to my bed and flops down on the

end. “So who was that girl who was sneaking out
early this morning?”

“I don’t know.” I tell him honesty. I can tell

he doesn’t believe me.

“Seriously who was it? You don’t ever let

them stay the night.” He knows me better than
anybody and sometimes I hate it.

“Honesty Marcus I have no idea who she is.

I didn’t ask her name.” I cringe at my stupidity. I
could hit myself for being suck a jerk. Who
touches a woman like I did and don’t even know
her name.

He looks at me like I just broke his iPod.

“Declan I am honestly speechless. What the hell
were you thinking? Oh I know you weren’t
thinking!” He smacks me on the back on my

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head. I roll my eyes and shove him.

“Look it’s not like that at all. I want to find

her.” I pause and picture her face in my mind.
“No I’ve got to find her.”

“Damn bro if I didn’t know you better I

would say you’re in love,” he looks at me like I
have grown another head.”

“I’m not in love Marcus, but if I ever find her

and get to know her I don’t think it would take
much for me to fall.” I look at him and I will him
to help me. I hate feeling out of control and this
girl has me in knots.

“Damn Dec I never thought I would see the

day. Hell weren’t you with Claire for like six
years?” I nod at his question. “Not once did you
look like this.”

“Like what?”
“Like you haven’t a clue what to do. You

have had control of your whole life and now

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something is out of it. I personally love it! You’re
too damn serious all the time.” He laughs moving
to get off the bed. “I’ll help you find her. When
we do I’m going to steal her away from you.” I
know he is kidding but I still throw my pillow at
his retreating back.

I’ve spent too much time today on her and

it’s time to get ready for the game tonight.

Chapter 4


Jaden’s whole life is football. He’s one of

those that gets really into the game. If his favorite
team loses he will be mad for days. If you talk
smack about any of the players or the team its
self then you’re looking for a fist fight. I used to
dread football season every year. It was even

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worse when the actual team he played on in high
school lost, which wasn’t very often with him on

He looks just like dad with his really short

black hair and dark blue eyes. His face is
composed of angular features and a full mouth
that hardly ever smiles. You wouldn’t even know
that Jaden and Caden are twins unless you were
told. Yeah they pretty much have the same face
but Caden is blonde with pale blue eyes. Caden
also smiles all the time and doesn’t take life as

Jaden is an offensive lineman. And he is

damn good at his job. He made headlines last
year for his only one allowed sack and sixty-
seven pancakes record during senior year of high
school. It got him a full ride and a starting left
tackle position on the team.

The whole family comes out for his games.

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Which includes my four other brothers and sisters
plus three in-laws and two grandkids. And we all
have jerseys with his number on them. It’s crazy
but I would do anything to support my brother.

I usually sit with my iPod and read drowning

out the game but tonight I am on a mission to find
my mystery guy. And my first stop is Grace. She
is on the sidelines in her uniform with the rest of
the cheerleaders. She knows each and every
football player and I’m hoping she knows whose
house we were at last night.

The game hasn’t started yet so I have a

better chance of questioning her. “Grace!” I call
out from the rail at the bottom of the stands.

Her blonde head whips in my direction when

she sees it me she gets the big goofy grin and
runs over. “Hey hon, I was hoping to catch you
before you went home with your brothers this
morning but somebody didn’t come home!” she

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squeals at me, hugging me through the rail.

“Yeah about that I have a quick question

before I need to get back to my family.” I tell her
grabbing her hands.

“Whose house were we at last night?” I try to

hide my excitement over finding out lover boy’s

“Oh I have no idea hon. Cassidy just called

and invited me over giving me directions. I didn’t
even think to ask. Why?” she asks me putting her
hand on her hip.

“Crap, you were my best bet. And I will

explain tonight when you get back to the dorm.” I
sigh in frustration. I could always ask Jaden but
then he would probably figure it out and kill him.

“Well ok, but I’m dying to know where you

were so I’m going to skip the after party. I had
enough last night; my head has been killing me all

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day.” She frowns and walks back towards the

I could’ve gotten her to ask the other

cheerleaders but I’m pretty sure I have seen the
girl I punched last night before and it was at one
of Graces practices. I can’t believe I did that
either. I’m not prone to violence but give me a
little alcohol and piss me off, I’ll start throwing

I’m never drinking again either. Sarah told

dad that I was hung-over so he gave me an hour
lecture and I had to mow the lawn. And those
are two things I hate. I can’t stand the
disappointment in his eyes and I always get a
cold after mowing.

I head back up the stairs to my family feeling

defeated. I’m never going to find out who he is
and its killing me.

“Well what did she know?” Jessica asks the

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second I get back to my seat next to her.

“She didn’t know just got directions from

another cheerleader.” I reply picking up my niece
Hailey who had toddle over to me. She’s one
year old and the spitting image of my brother
Forest. She’s got his golden locks and bright blue
eyes but her cheeks are chubby and she’s well a

“Darn I was hoping she knew! We will find

him I swear Teag.” She says grabbing my arm
and smooching Hailey on the cheek.

Laughing I say, “You sound like you are

more invested then me!”

“Well you are my last single sister so I have

to live vicariously through you.” She laughs along
with me. “Married life is boring and I will only
have sex with one man for the rest of my life.”
She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

“Ha! Okay Jess I’ll give you every gory

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detail from now on.” I smirk and bump my hip
into hers.


I’m sitting on the side lines in full uniform

watching the game. I’m a red shirt freshman and
proud of it. I love that I don’t have the pressures
of the game but all the practices. I get to stay in
shape and keep my skills sharp but none of the

I’m trying to get my masters in law so I’ll be

in school for a lot longer than four years. I was
all-state my senior year and I had several
scholarships thrown out there but I wanted to
stay in Arkansas with my little brother.

My dad thinks I’m crazy but he isn’t ever

around and Marcus would be here mostly on his
own. My dad owns a big company and travels a

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lot. Since he started it here, he built his house
here and started his family but then my mom ran
off with her trainer and we haven’t seen her
since. Hardly ever see my dad either. He is
always off on some business trip or a vacation.

Good riddance I say neither one of them did

anything for Marcus or me but ruin our lives. So
instead of waiting around for them to raise us, I
did. And I think I did a good job at least were
Marcus is concerned. He’s a good kid and his
head is in the right place.

I concentrate on the game and cheer Jaden

on in my head. He’s a good dude and I’m glad
he’s on my team this time. We met a couple of
years ago when he still played as defensive
linesman. He broke my collar bone and I broke
his arm. We have been good friends ever since.
We talked on the phone a lot but since we
played on rival teams we didn’t go out in public. I

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used to joke that he was my mistress. He didn’t
find this funny. Football is Jaden’s life and I don’t
blame him. He can go somewhere with it.

He also has a younger sister that goes to

school with us. I bet I can get him to let me talk
to her. He and his twin are way too protective of
her. It gets to the point where I don’t think they
let her do much of anything.

She might know my mystery girl. Girls notice

everybody. Or at least Claire does and I’m not
asking her.

I’m not friends with any girls myself and I

know I hookup a lot but I don’t form
relationships with any of them. And I stay away
from the cheerleaders since Claire is on their
team. Speaking of which they have been giving
me death glares all night long, guess they know
about Claire’s nose. I guess I can count Grace
out of that. Jaden has the hugest crush on her and

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I don’t blame him. She’s smoking hot and the
sweetest person ever. Her and Claire do not get

The game is almost over with ten seconds on

the clock and us with the ball. Doesn’t matter if
we score though since we are already winning
twenty-two to twelve, which will put as at six
wins and two loses. And with it being a win
Jaden should be in a great mood.


After the game and showers Jaden and I

walk out to my truck. Betty is my baby. She is a
2012 Chevy Silverado with an extended cab and
six inch lift. She was a graduation gift from my
dad. He may not ever be around but he is a great
gift giver.

“Where’s the party at tonight?” Jaden asks

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as we climb into the cab. The interior has nice
plush black leather seats softer then a baby’s

“Over at Kyle’s his parents own a cabin out

in the woods. He told me he’s gonna have a
bonfire and a couple of kegs.” I put the keys in
the ignition and get her revved up.

“Cool. Can we stop over at the girl’s dorm?

My sister drove my car back to town and I just
got to grab my keys.”

“Yeah, but about you sister…”I trail off

because I don’t know how he is going to react.

He whips his head around to look at me.

“What about her? You don’t know her do you?”

“No I don’t know her, I just need to ask her

a question.” I really hope he doesn’t punch me.

“If you don’t know her why do you need to

ask her a question?” He doesn’t sound mad just
curious and I hope he stays that way.

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“Last night I hooked up with a girl, and I

don’t know her name. I’m hoping she can help
me find her.” I pause looking for the right words.
“It’s not some random hook-up to me either. I
can’t stop thinking about her and I feel like I
might go crazy if I don’t figure out who she is.”

He looks at me like he’s never seen me

before. “Wow, who are you and what did you
do with the Declan Sage I know?” he shakes his
head and laughs. “I can’t believe you are hung up
on a girl. Hell you never said things like that
about Claire. Yeah you can ask my sister. I want
to meet this girl who has you out of control.”

I look at him confused, “What do you mean

out of control?” and I really am confused
because I’m never out of control.

“Declan I have known you a long time and

not once have you expressed any kind of feeling
that wasn’t what you wanted me to see. I can tell

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your uncomfortable talking about them and that’s
cool. I just want you to know that I’m here for
you.” He laughs under his breath and continue, “I
know that is cheesy or whatever but you are so
controlled all the time that you aren’t real with me
a lot.”

“I don’t really know what to say to that.” I

say because I really don’t.

“I know you have your brother but maybe

you need someone outside of your family that
knows about your parents to talk to. My family is
crazy too and I know it can get overwhelming.
Look what I’m trying to say is you don’t have to
hide things from me. I care about you, you’re my
bro. I’m a real friend to you man I don’t judge
and I won’t put you down.” He finishes and gives
me a pointed look.

I rub my hand down my face in my signature

nervous move. “That’s cool Jaden I appreciate

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He laughs out loud this time. “No problem. I

got to call my sister and tell her to meet us in the

I drive on while he pulls out his cell phone

and dials her. I try not to listen but I’m even more
nervous that she won’t help me. “Hey Teag, look
I’m almost to your dorm.” He pauses while she
says something. “Yeah ill meet you in the lobby,
and put some clothes on. I have Declan with
me.” He scowls as she says something else. “Just
put on some pants. I know you are getting ready
to go to bed. And he is coming in because he
needs a favor.” The pause is longer this time and
he has an ever growing smirk on his face. “You’ll
just have to find out missy prissy. Bye I’ll see you
in five minutes.”

Chapter 5

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I wonder what the ever wonderful Declan

Sage could want from me. I haven’t ever met him
but Jaden has known him forever. Apparently he
is a great quarterback and that will earn brownie
points with my brother.

Grace and I have been looking through

Facebook for my mystery guy. No luck so far
and I’m starting to get discouraged. “It’s ok
Teagan we will find him if I have to go through
every guy that goes to this school.”

I laugh, “Ok Grace, I got to go down to meet

my brother and his friend. Apparently he needs a

“Who is it?” she asks swirling her desk chair

around to face me.

“Declan Sage. They have been friends

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forever. I’m surprised that Jaden is letting him
even talk to me.” I say as I pull my jeans on. I
had been wearing yoga shorts for bed but Jaden
would die if I walked down in those.

“Oh my god! He is totally hot! I would lick

him from head to toe.” She states with a coy look
on her face.

“I wouldn’t know I haven’t ever seen him

before.” I chuckle at her face and walk to the

“Oh you’ll forget about this other guy the

second you see him! He’s like the hottest guy
ever!” she squeals as she spins around in her

I full out laugh at her and head out the door.

We live on the top floor and I have to take the
four flights of stairs down to the lobby. I hate
these stairs and wish that this building had an

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I’m hoping if I can do this favor for Declan

then maybe he would help me find my guy. I get
excited and hurry down. I know he is friends with
my brother but I might be able to talk him into
keeping it from him.

As I walk out the stairway door I realize that

they are already here. It’s Saturday night and this
place is pretty empty. The chairs were you
usually see girls studying or watching TV are
empty except for my brother and his friend.
Declan is sitting with his back to me so I can’t
see if he is the hottest guy ever like Grace says. I
probably wouldn’t think so anyways simply for
the fact that mystery guy is the hottest ever, well
to me anyway.

Jaden is standing up and waving his hands in

an animated way. I guess they are talking about
the game. As I approach Jaden stops talking and
holds out his arms for a hug. I go into them and

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feel like a little kid. I mean come on he is over a
foot taller than me. I sneak a pick at Declan and
all the color drains out of my face.

It’s him and he has the same look on his face

that I’m sure I have. I’ll give him credit though
because when Jaden lets me go Declan snaps out
of it and puts a polite smile on his face. He takes
the few steps over to us and holds out his hand.
“Hey Teagan, it’s nice to meet you. Jaden has
told me a lot about you.”

He looks at me pointedly and I grab his hand

for the shake. My palm tingles where it touches
his. “It’s nice to meet you too Declan. I can say
the same about you.” I reply as he lets my hand
go. “I have to get back up to my room, my
roommate is ready to start our movie night, so
give me your number and we can figure out that

He nods. “Sounds like a plan; we have a

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party to get too also.” I take my phone out of my
pocket. I hand it over to him and he makes a
point to touch me when he takes it. He presses
some buttons and then he is placing it back in my

We say our goodbyes and I start the walk

back up the stairs to my room. I hardly notice the
trip because my mind is on Declan Sage. I realize
now why he seemed so familiar. There is a
picture of him and Jaden at a lake party a couple
of years ago up in Jaden’s bedroom. His hair
was longer so I guess that’s why I didn’t make
the connection before now.

When I walk into the room Grace is

bouncing up and down. “So he is the hottest guy
you have ever seen right?” she blurts out after I
have sat down on my bed.

“Yeah he is the hottest guy ever. I also

hooked up with him last night.” I tell her. I feel

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like I’m in a daze. I like him so much and haven’t
stopped thinking about him since I woke up this
morning and now all my hopes are crushed.

“Oh my freaking god, you totally almost had

sex with Declan Sage.” She sets down next to
me on my bed. She looks like she is in as much
of a daze as I am.

“Yeah and here’s the kicker, he’s my

brother’s best friend.” I drop my head into my
hands. Why is fate so cruel? I could hide a boy
my brothers didn’t know from them, but not one
of their best friends.

“That blows hon. I don’t know what to tell

you. Jaden and Caden are like wardens and
you’re a psycho prisoner.” She rubs my back as
if to calm me.

“He gave me his number do you think I

should text him?” I ask hoping she says yes.

“Heck yes! Oh my god this is great. Y’all

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could be like all secret and stuff. A modern
Romeo and Juliet!” she exclaims.

“I don’t think I would go as far as Romeo

and Juliet, Grace. I mean they did kill
themselves.” I laugh when she gets what I’m

“True but I’m not saying that you have to kill

yourselves or anything, I just think y’all should
keep it from Jaden. He would totally flip.”

“Wait, I don’t even know if he feels the same

way as me. So let’s not write wedding vows or

“I think he totally wants you, you’re so much

better than Claire. Gah I hate that witch.” She

“Who is Claire?” I ask.
“His ex-girlfriend and she is a mean person,

which is probably why someone broke her
nose.” She smiles at this.

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I don’t and for the second time this night all

the blood drains out of my face. “I was that

“What? How did you leave that out of your

story? That is almost as major as you hooking up
with Declan!” she says excitedly.

“You know I can get violent when I drink

and she threw a drink in my face getting it all over
my signed Avenged sevenfold shirt.”

She shrugs her shoulders like this is nothing.

“It’s whatever she deserved it and more. Go
ahead and text him please! This is the most
excitement I have had in weeks.”


I can’t believe I almost had sex with Jaden

sister. I should have made the connection sooner.
She had the same shade of black hair he does

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and he always talks about how tiny she is. I
should forget about her because he will kill me if
he ever finds out. But I’m not that strong and
that’s why when she texted me asking me to
meet her in the parking lot of her dorm, I said

After seeing her in the lobby I told Jaden I

wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home. He
was a good sport about it and left to go to Kyle’s
party in his car. I shouldn’t have made the block
and parked back in the dorm parking lot and
waited on her to text me. She didn’t disappoint,
only ten minutes passed before she did.

I see her walk out the doors and my heart

stops. She is so freaking beautiful. I can’t take
my eyes off of her. It’s like I’m the snake and she
is the charmer.

I shake my head and jump out of the truck.

She is standing near the doors looking around for

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me, so I call out her name. Teagan. What a
beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I’m just happy
I know what it is now.

She jumps at the sound of my voice and I

whence for shocking her. She takes a deep
breath and walks over to me. I stick my sweaty
hands into my jean pockets. It seems like it is
slow motivation as she makes her way to me.

She sticks her hands in her hoodie pouch

when she gets a few feet away. She shifts from
one foot to another as if she is nervous. Little
does she know that she doesn’t have to be. She
has nothing to be scared of with me.

I take in her black hoodie which has a picture

of Lady Gaga on it. I move down to her skinny
jeans that fit to perfection around her hips and
legs. I almost laugh when I see the fuzzy black
slippers on her feet. I go back up to her heart
shaped face and look into her emerald eyes

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framed by thick lashes and her wild curly hair.

“Hey.” I say like a dumbass.
“Hey.” She repeats.
“You wanna sit in the truck? It’s kind of cold

out here.” I ask her.

“Sure.” She backs up and goes around the

front of my truck and climbs into the passenger

I take a second to calm my raging nerves and

climb in the driver’s seat. As soon as I get in I
turn the key and making the heater come on.

Before I get a chance to say anything she

blurts out, “I just want you to know, I don’t
usually do what I did last night.”

I can’t help but to chuckle. “I know you


“Oh my god, you could totally tell I don’t

have an experience. I’m so embarrassed.” Her
face turns a bright pink when she realizes what

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she said. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

I’m stunned stupid for a second. “Wait,

you’re a virgin?” not the best tact believe me but
it just came out.

She whispers, “Yes.”
“Fuck.” Is all I can say.
“Yeah.” She says.
“Well I’m really glad that we didn’t go any

further. Jaden is already going to kill me for
touching you.” I say dragging my hand down my

“Well I didn’t want it to stop. I’m sorry I fell

asleep.” She blurts out. I can tell she didn’t mean
to say that out loud by the look on her face.

I turn towards her and lean my arms on the

middle console. “Teagan I didn’t want it to stop
either, but if we had finished I would have been
so ashamed of myself. It’s bad enough that I
didn’t even ask you your name.”

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She turns towards me and lets out a heavy

breath. “You don’t regret it?” she asks looking
me straight in the eyes.

I feel like I’m falling and I don’t want to stop.

“No baby not at all.”

She shivers when I say baby and I’m glad

she likes it. “So what is the favor that you

I laugh because she changed the subject and

I simply say, “You.”

“Huh?” she questions confused.
“I needed you to find you. I had no idea who

you were and I don’t have any friends that are
girls. My guy friends would think I was crazy
asking if they knew who you were.” I finish with
a laugh when understanding falls over her face.

“I had no idea who you were either. Well I

knew you were a football player. I couldn’t ask
Jaden because he would want to know why.

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Grace and I were looking for you on Facebook.”
She smiles and I feel like I could die happy.

“You are so beautiful when you smile.” I blurt

out and I can’t believe I said that out loud. I’m
such a dork.

When she licks her lips I lock onto the

movement and before I know it I’m brushing my
lips up against hers. I only meant to peck her but
her lips open up underneath mine and I can’t help
but slide my tongue in her mouth. She curls hers
against mine and I can’t seem to get enough air.
This kiss goes on and on. Its feels so good I
never want it to end.

She pulls back to rise up on her knees and

before I know it I have pulled her across the
console into my lap. She feels great on top of me
as she looks into my eyes and I can’t help but be
blinded by the beauty of her. I run my hands up
her arms, over her neck and into her hair. It’s

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soft like silk as I nudge her head down to mine.
Our lips meet again and it’s almost more than I
can take.

I pull my hands down over her back and let

my fingers grip her hips. I try to hold her still
while she presses up against me but she won’t
have any of it. She starts to grind her hips against
my hardness and if she doesn’t stop I’m going to
blow. She moans low and deep and it’s the most
beautiful sound in the world.

I raise my head up to her ear. “Teagan, you

shouldn’t do that.” I whisper.

She shivers and keeps right on grinding her

heat into me. “Why?”

“Because it feels so good.” I nibble on her

lobe and she moans again. God, I would do
anything to hear her make that sound.

I move my hands from her hips and slide

them up her back until they are at the nape of her

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neck. I lick and nibble her neck and she freaking
moans again. I don’t know how much more I can
take before I’m completely lost. I make it to her
lips and before I know it we are kissing again.
She tastes like cinnamon, spicy and sweet. This is
all so intense and I don’t know where I begin and
she ends.

Her movements start to get faster and jerky.

I pull away from the kiss to look into her beautiful
face as she comes. Before I know it she throws
her head back crying out my name and it’s too
much for me. I blow my load in my pants and for
a little while I don’t care. “That was the hottest
thing I have ever seen.” I pant.

Her green eyes are glazed from left over

passion and I never want that look to leave her
face. “I can’t believe that I just did that.” She
sounds out of breath and I love it. Her cheeks
turn crimson when she states, “I’m so

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I place my hands on her neck and rub my

thumbs across her jaw. “No don’t be
embarrassed. You don’t ever have to be
embarrassed for what you feel.”

She laughs as she wraps her fingers around

my wrists. “Ok yeah this is so bad. I need to go.
I told Grace that I would be like ten minutes and
we have been out here for an hour.”

“Ok baby.” I reluctantly drop my hands from

her neck and open the door for her. Before she
climbs out I pull her back for a sweet goodnight
kiss. I pull back all too soon and she smiles. I
didn’t think my heart could beat any faster.

After she drops down to the ground she asks

“Can you bring my shirt tomorrow?”

I nod. “Yeah and then I can take you to

dinner.” I smirk at the shock written over her

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“You want to take me on a date?” she looks

like she doesn’t believe me.

“Yeah Teagan I want to take you on a date.

You aren’t like any girl I know and I want to
know everything about you. I’ll pick you up at
seven.” I shut my door before she could say no. I
stayed until she made it into her building,
wondering how such a little thing could make me
lose my control.

Chapter 6


“Hello?” I answer my phone. Its noon on

Sunday and I feel like hitting whoever is calling
me. I don’t get up till like four on Sundays. I
need my sleep and since I have class’s early
every week day, Sunday is my only day to sleep

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“Oh my god, I have been trying to get you on

the phone for hours! Teag you’ve got to tell me
who he is!” Jessica’s voice comes over the line. I
forgot I texted her last night when I got back in
my room. It had simply said “I found him.”

I roll over onto my back in the bed and prop

up my pillows. This is going to be a long
conversation. “Brace yourself, it’s pretty bad.”

“What? Is he like some stalker or pothead or

something?” she questions me.

“No Jess, its worse than that. Oh lord I have

no idea what I am doing to do.”

“Oh shit, he’s like really thirty or something

with a wife and kids isn’t he?”

I giggle at that. “No Jessica that is just silly.

No its Declan Sage.”

Silence greets me over the air waves. I was

afraid of this. We all know his name because

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Jaden talks about him all the time. Especially this
summer since Declan decided to go to the same
school as him.

“Please say something. I have been freaking

out ever since I found out.”

“I’m sorry I’m just a little shell shocked. He

is Jaden’s best friend Teag, what the hell are you
going to do?”

“I have a date with him tonight. Jessica I

can’t just forgot about him and find someone else
that the twins don’t know.”

“What makes him so special?”
“He calls me baby and he has told me I’m

beautiful like a hundred times.”

“Wow. Does he mean it? I remember Jaden

saying something about him being a player.”

“Yeah Jess he means it. You should see the

way he looks when he says it. I’ve never seen a
more honest open look on somebody’s face.”

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“Damn, why did you get so lucky? Cody

doesn’t use a pet name and I think he’s only told
me I’m beautiful on our wedding day. And he
was supposed to do that!”

“Give the man credit Jess he is married to


“What is that supposed to mean? Never

mind we are talking about you. So what
happened? How did you find him?”

So I tell her how Jaden came to get his keys

and brought Declan along. I go over how he
looked just as shocked to see me as I was to see
him and how I gave him my number and texted
him to meet me in the parking lot.

“I feel like a complete slut. I totally made out

with him in his truck, where anybody could see
us!” I take a breath before I go on. I’m nervous
for her reaction. “And I kind of sort of had my
first orgasm dry humping him.”

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“WHAT?!?!” I think she dropped the phone

because that didn’t sound as loud as it should. I
hear her calming Jason down who I guess she
scared. Then she is talking again. “Sorry I
dropped the phone. Anyway this is worse than I
thought. Jesus Teagan what the hell has gotten in
to you?”

“I don’t know. But I was so embarrassed

and he told me not to be. He made me feel better
about it and then he told me he was taking me to
dinner tonight.”

“Well at least he isn’t just trying to get in your

pants. Sounds like you would have let him last

“Shut up, that’s not fair. I just have no

control over my body when I’m around him. Nor
what I say for that matter. It was like there was a
magnet between us pulling us together. I don’t
even think when he touches me I just go with

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“Damn. That’s awesome. It’s a rare thing to

find these days, a connection to someone like
that.” She covers the phone and yells something I
can’t make out. “Ok Teag I got to go. Cody’s
parents are coming over for dinner so I have
things to do. Love you.”

“Love you too.” I say and hang up my


I look around our pink dorm room. It’s like a

bottle of Pepto-Bismol threw up in here. Grace’s
twin bed is made, with her hot pink comforter
tucked neatly against the wall. Her pillows are
stacked against the head board and their cases
are a pale pink that matches the ruffles from the
bed skirt near the floor. And that stupid shaggy
pink rug. I seriously hate that thing. Grace and I
both trip over the stupid every day.

Lucky the desk is brown and between our

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beds. We have to share and I put my foot down
at spray painting it pink. My bed has a lime green
comforter but I never make my bed and my
clothes are all over my side of the room. I didn’t
bring any of my posters with me but I do have
pictures of my family all over the wall. They still
don’t cover up the ugly grey that someone
painted the walls way before we moved in.

There’s enough room between the beds and

the door for a couch and a coffee table. The
table is black and the couch is, yeah you guessed
it pink. I’m surprised that we can even sleep in
here. I figured it would mess up our chai or

I lose concentration during this and all I can

see is Declan’s face. I don’t know anything about
him but I feel as if we have known each other
forever. I know that is so corny but that is how I
feel. I think if I opened up the window right now

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and jump out I would fly. If this is what liking a
guy is then I don’t want to ever stop. I fear for
what love is like, because this is almost too much.

I can still feel his warm hands all over my

chilled skin. He smelled like sandalwood and
tasted like cool peppermint. Though it didn’t do
anything to cool me down, it only made me
hotter. I still can’t believe that I had my first
orgasm grinding against his hardness like that. I
finally get what all the fuss is about. I shake my
head at myself, I need to be doing other things
then thinking about Declan Sage.

I’m just about to pop my ear buds in and

work on a paper I have due when my phones
beeps that I have a message.

Declan: Good morning, Beautiful
My heart melts a little bit more for him. I start

to get nervous butterflies in my stomach just
thinking about our date tonight. Or maybe it’s

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just the fact I’m texting him.

Me: Hey
Geez I am such a dork.
Declan: What are you up to?
Me: Just working on a paper I have due

this week. What r u up to?

Declan: Oh that sounds like so much fun!

I’m watching movies with my bro. I just
wanted to say good morning. I’ll let you get
back to your paper.

Me: Kk
Declan: See you tonight…


“Who are you texting?” Marcus asks me with

his mouth full of popcorn.

“Teagan.” I mumble as I wait for her to reply.
“Wait, who? Jaden’s sister? Why are you

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texting her?” he is just full of questions this

“Yes Jaden’s sister. I’m texting her because

she is the girl from the other night.”

“Oh geez, I get your truck when he kills

you.” He laughs and I pop him upside the head.

“Shut up, you can’t tell anybody. I’m going

on a date tonight with her and he can’t find out.”

“Relax Dec; I’m not going to tell anybody if

that’s what you want. I’m just messing around.”

My phone dings and I fumble to see what she

said to my last text. She sent me a smiley face
and I picture her smile in my head. My heart
starts to beat faster and I feel like I’m flying.

“Dude you look kind of sick, are you ok?”

Marcus puts his hand over my forehead to see if
I have a fever.

I smack his hand away, “No I’m not sick. I

feel great actually.”

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“Gross you’re like in love or whatever aren’t

you?” He gets a sneer on his face as he looks at
me to say I’m not.

“I’m not in love you dork; I just like her a lot.

She’s so beautiful and you can tell that she
doesn’t know it. When she looks at me it’s like
I’m the only person in the world. And she makes
these sexy little moans while were making out.” I
can feel the big goofy grin on my face.

“Gross Declan, that’s too much information.”

He scowls at me as he gets up to get more

I chuckle and rest my head on the back of

the couch. I can’t believe how she makes me
feel. It’s like I’m ten feet tall and nobody can
push me down. I’m starting to feel out of control
though and I don’t like it at all. My feelings are all
over the place and I’m hiding things from my best
friend. I like everything in its place and she makes

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me feel like I’m out of the box.

“Hey Dec, earth to Dec!” my brother yells as

I feel a piece of popcorn hit me in the face.

I sit up glaring at him. “What?”
“What movie do you want to watch next?”

He grins at me and throws a bunch of DVD’s in
my lap.


I’m getting ready in my bathroom when there

is a knock on my open door. I figure that Marcus
has come to bug me when I step out and freeze.
Shit. It’s Jaden and I have no idea why he is here
or how I’m going to get rid of him in time for my

“Sup dude?” He asks when I step out of the


“Not much just getting ready for a date.” I

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wave my hand in the direction of my desk chair in
an invitation to sit down.

“Shit, I’m sorry I’ll say what I need to say

and get out of your hair.” He states as he sits
down in the chair. “I’m in need of some advice.”

I can tell he is nervous by the fact he is

tapping his foot on the floor. “Shoot.”

“Ok so there is this girl. I’m no good at all

with them, so I have no idea what to say to her
and I really like her so I’m just stuck, god I’m
sorry see now I’m babbling.” He lets out a
nervous laugh and puts his hands on his knees.

“This seems like it might take a minute let me

call my date and tell her I’ll be late.” I turn and
walk back into the bathroom and shut the door.

I have my phone out of my pocket in no time

and dial Teagan. It rings for a few seconds
before she answers with a breathy “Hey.”

“Hey beautiful, look your brother is here and

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he needs to talk to me, so I’m going to be a little
late picking you up. Is that ok?” I’m nervous she
is going to cancel.

“Yeah that’s fine. Take your time, oh and

Declan?” she asks with a smile in her voice.

“Yeah baby?” I don’t know why I gave her

that pet name. It just rolled off my tongue the first
time and I went with it.

I can almost feel the shiver calling her that

always causes. “I can’t wait to see you.”

I smile like a kid in a candy store. “I can’t

wait to see you either, just give me thirty minutes
and I’ll pick you up.”

“Ok bye.” She says and I hear a click.
I try and compose myself before I go out to

talk to Jaden. I hope he doesn’t feel my
excitement. I’m already going to have to lie to
him about my date and I feel awful about it. So I
suck it up and do what I have to do.

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After I walk back out and sit on the bed

again he goes right into it. “Her name is Grace.
She is on the squad and roommates with Teagan.
I don’t think Teagan would mind but that’s not
the problem obviously. I’m trying to ask you to
help me talk to her.” He finally slows down to
take a breath and I can tell that was hard for him.

“It’s cool Jaden; I’ll help you talk to her. It’s

no problem.” I’m actually happy he needs my
help with something; it eases my guilt a little bit.

“That is so great man. I’ll hit you up

tomorrow. Don’t want you to miss your hot date.
Who is it by the way?”

“Umm just some girl I met the other day.

You don’t know her. It’s really not that big of a
deal.” I laugh nervously. I don’t lie well at all. I
guess I feel like I will get caught in them.

“Ahhh cool man, I’ll catch you later.” He

waves as he walks out the door and out of the

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That was close I’m really going to have to

work on my evasion skills if I’m going to date his
beautiful sister.

Chapter 7


I’m so nervous. God I am so nervous. Grace

dressed me in a v-neck green shirt with skinny
jeans and knee high black heeled boots. She
curled my hair and tied a matching green scarf to
keep it out of my face. She says I look hot and I
would agree. The shirt makes my eyes pop and
the jeans hug my every curve I didn’t know I
had. She also lined my eyes in black and added
smoky grey shadow which make me look all
mysterious. I have to say I would have just put

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on a band tee and pulled my hair up and maybe a
little lips gloss. I’ve never done this before, but I
broke down and asked her because I wanted to
look as beautiful as he makes me feel.

Grace comes up behind me to look in the

mirror as I do. “I told you there were curves
underneath all those baggy pants and band tees.”
She smirks and fluffs up my hair.

“Yeah well I couldn’t have told you there

were any and it’s my body.” I say as I give her a
grateful look.

“Every girl has curves in the right clothes,

hon.” She states as she turns to go back to her

I laugh at this saying “Yeah Grace I totally

believe you now.”

She starts to reply but my phone starts

ringing. My stomach drops to my knees as I look
at the screen. It’s not Declan telling me he is

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here. Oh no it is my brother Jaden who was just
at Declan’s house, talking to him.

I almost let it go to voicemail but answer it at

the last second. “What’s up Jaden?”

“Hey do you think that maybe You, Grace,

Declan and me can go out on Friday? You know
like a group thing?” he questions sounding
extremely nervous.

“Umm let me ask Grace, though I don’t think

it will be a problem.” I sigh. I was totally freaking
out over nothing. I look to Grace, “You want to
go out with Jaden, Declan, and me on Friday?”

Her face shows that this shocks her but she

quickly smiles and nods. I’m personally happy
because I would need her there just to keep me
off of Declan.

“Yeah we are both down. I have some stuff

to do so I’m going to get off here.” I say quickly
as my phone vibrates that I have another call.

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Jaden says his thanks and hangs up and I’m

immediately connected to the other line. “Hey.” I
speak into the phone hoping that it is Declan.

“Hey beautiful, I’m out in the parking lot

when you are ready.” His voice comes over the
line, sending my nerves into frenzy.

“Okay I’ll be right down.” I hang up before

he can reply turning to Grace about to freak out.

She gets up off the bed to move quickly up

to my face telling me to breath. “It’s ok Teagan,
you’ll be ok. Just breathe. I was worried about
this; all this sneaking around behind your brothers
isn’t going to help your stress.” She begins to pat
my back is a soothing rhythm.

After my mom died I started to have panic

attacks whenever life got too much for me. They
used to happen all the time back then. As I got
older they became less frequent and now I have
one every once in a blue moon. I have always

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wondered if my family is so over protective
because of them. I guess finding your little sister
passed out in the bathroom can do that to you.

I start to breathe better and before I know it

I’m ok. “I’m good Grace, it wasn’t a big one.
I’m fine now.”

She looks like she doesn’t believe me buts

helps me off the floor. “You take those stairs
easy, hon, and text me when you get to his


When I step out into the cool night air I look

around for his Silverado. That is such a turn on, I
love big trucks. I guess they make me feel bigger
then I actually am. When I see it my breath

He is standing outside of it with a single red

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rose. I can’t help myself as I laugh at the cliché.
He smirks at me like he gets the joke, and that
makes me feel less nervous. I take the flower out
of his hand bringing it to my nose to inhale the
sweet scent. “Thank you.”

I take in how gorgeous he looks in a button

up pale blue dress shirt, which is un-tucked from
his denim jeans. The selves are rolled up to his
elbows and his jeans have those pre-made holes.
I haven’t ever liked those kinds of jeans but he
rocks them. Then I get jealous of his red Chuck
Taylors. I used to have a lime green pair but they
got ruined fast because I wore them everywhere.

He gives me a shy smile and takes my hand

leading me to the other side of the truck where he
opens the passenger side door for me. After he
helps me in and he shuts the door and walks
around the truck. I take the time alone to
concentrate on my breathing. God I hope I don’t

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have an attack in front of him that would be so

“Are you ready to go?” He asks me with one

golden eyebrow raised.

Shit. I totally spaced out on him. I didn’t

even realize that he was in the truck yet. “Umm
yeah let’s go.” I smile through my cheeks turning
red. “Where are we going?”

“I was thinking that we could go out to the

lake and have a picnic in the back of the truck.
I’m pretty sure there won’t be a lot of people out
there so there’s less of a chance of us being
spotted.” He tells me sheepishly.

I nod “Yeah that sounds great.” And it really

does. I love being outside and the weather isn’t
too cold yet. The sky is clear and all the stars and
moon are out.

“Okay good. I was worried you wouldn’t

want to be outside or something. I personally

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love to be outside. When I was a little kid my
nanny couldn’t get me to stay inside.” He says

I smile picturing him running from a little old

lady. “That is cute. Your poor grandmother.”

He frowns and looks confused. “My

grandmother? Oh you thought I meant my
grandmother. No my nanny, as in someone who
is paid to take care of me. My parents weren’t
around a lot so she raised my brother and me.”

“Your parents left you alone for long enough

that a nanny had to raise you? That sounds awful.
I couldn’t imagine my parents leaving any of us
for that long. They wouldn’t even let me go to
Sarah Lawrence because it was too far away
from them.”

“Dang your whole family is over protective

aren’t they? I almost wish mine were. I haven’t
even talked to my mom in like six years.”

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“She ran off with her personal trainer when I

was thirteen. Haven’t talked to her since. I didn’t
know her all that well so it wasn’t that big of a

“Wow. I haven’t talked to my mom in eight

years.” He looks at me instead of the road.

“How is that possible? I have met your mom,

she like lives in your house.”

“No that is Sarah. She gave birth to my

brothers and sisters. Mine died when I was ten.
She had cancer.”

“Are you adopted?”
“Umm no. It’s really complicated and I don’t

like to talk about it much.”

“You can tell me anything you want Teagan, I

won’t judge you or your family for it.”

“Okay then. You asked for it. My dad had

an affair with my mom nineteen years ago and I

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was the result. When she died I had to go live
with my dad and his other family. Jaden and
everybody didn’t even know I existed.”

“I honestly was not expecting you to say that.

Damn that is crazy.”

“Yeah and I’m only two weeks younger than

Jaden and Caden. My dad and Sarah are good
people, I mean they didn’t have to do any of that
for me but they did and I never wanted for
anything. Sarah is a little hard on me but I think
that’s just because she doesn’t know what to do
with me.”

“Yeah well I guess you got to look at it from

her point of view, you know? She had to take in
this little girl who was the product of an affair her
husband had. She wasn’t planning on you. At
least she is good enough person to care about
you. My dad didn’t even come to my graduation.
I woke up one day to this truck outside with a

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bow. He had it delivered.”

“That sucks. I’m really sorry they aren’t there

for you. At least you have your brother. That’s
really sweet that you stayed here to be with him.”

“How did you know that? Oh wait Jaden,

what a gossip.” He smiles at me and grabs my
hand. I feel tingles all down my fingers as he laces
his with mine. “You weren’t supposed to know
that, you were supposed to think I’m a cool
brooding misunderstood bad boy.”

I let a gut busting laugh to that. “You are not

were close to a bad boy. Have you met Caden?
He is the definition of the word.”

“Really? And no I haven’t ever met him. I

only met your mom because she brought Jaden
over to my house when we were younger. He
does talk about y’all a lot, you especially.”

“That’s not embarrassing or anything. I cringe

to what he could have said about me.” I give him

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a lop sided smile. “Anyway Caden has several
tattoos and piercings. He also goes through girls
like no body’s business.”

“Don’t you have a tattoo?”
“Yeah I have four. You only saw one, I also

have two on my back and one on my foot.”

“You don’t know how hot that is. What are


“I would rather show you. They are kind of

hard to explain. ” I slap my hand over my mouth.
I have to learn to control what I say around him.
“I didn’t mean it like it sounded. “

“It’s okay Teagan.” He chuckles and brings

my hand up to place a kiss on my knuckles.
“You can show me and I want take it as a pass.
Unless you want it to be.” He grins wide and I
see dimples on each side of his mouth. I don’t
know how I didn’t see them before. I like the
playful look it brings to his face.

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I smile shyly because I really have no idea

what to say to that.


Once we make it up to my favorite spot I

turn off the truck and get out. I put some blankets
in the back seat for us to sit on in the bed of the
truck. I love it up here. It’s so peaceful and quiet,
unlike the city. You can see every single star out
tonight. I don’t know when I got so cheesy. I
guess she brings out the romantic side of me. A
side I have never met but I’m pretty sure I like it.

I run around to her side of the truck to help

her out. “Your picnic awaits my lady.”

She giggles at me taking my hand. “Why

thank you kind sir.” I get a wink as she skips
along ahead of me. And all right I totally checked
out her butt. Just like her it is perfect.

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We climb into the bed and sit on the grey

fuzzy blanket Marcus dragged out of some closet
in our house. “I brought turkey subs, chips, some
fruit, and cookies for dessert.”

“What kind of cookies?” she asks peering

into the wicker basket Marcus also pulled out of
some hole in our house I had no idea about.

“Peanut butter. They are my favorite.” I say

pulling out our food and placing it in front of us.

“They are my favorite too!” she gets excited

and steals one out of my hand. She sits back
down in front of me Indian style. “Sarah bakes
these all the time. I don’t know why because I
am the only one who likes them.” She shrugs
munching on her cookie.

“Marcus made them. He loves to cook. He

actually made the whole meal. He wants to go to
culinary school and open his own restaurant one
day.” I reveal, unwrapping a turkey sub.

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“That’s really cool. I hope he gets to do

that.” She pauses taking another bite. After she
has chewed and swallowed she speaks again. “I
really want to be a counselor for younger kids. I
want to help out in the community the way that
my step-mom does.”

“That’s awesome. What does she do?” I


“She runs a lot of charities and such. She has

raised a lot of money for under privileged
children around the state. She even runs a
summer camp for them. They get to go there and
learn how to swim and ride horses. Things like

“Wow. That is really great of her to do. I

have wanted to be a lawyer for as long as I can
remember. Marcus says it’s because I like to
debate.” She laughs at this and I go on. “I just
want to help out people who have been wronged

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and need someone to get them justice.”

“I don’t know about the debating thing. You

seem to agree with whatever I say.” She smiles
coyly at me.

“You haven’t said anything or done anything

I disagree with.” I smile back taking a bite out of
my sandwich.

“Good man.” She states as she winks.
We eat everything and talk for hours. I think

we covered every topic known to man. And I
still feel like I could talk for hours more. We have
so much in common it’s not even funny. We like
the same music. We both love to read, but I
don’t much care for the romances she is into. I
like a good mystery. I also like that her family is
just as crazy as mine. She doesn’t judge me the
way that some people have.

I got her to lay down with me to watch the

stars. She is cuddled to my side and I have been

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unknowingly running my hands through her hair.
It has to be so late and we need to get going, but
I don’t want the night to end. “We need to get
going Teagan.”

No response. So I look down at her and she

is fast asleep. I chuckle at her and think I must be
the most boring person ever because this is the
second time she has fallen asleep on me. I don’t
want to wake her so I lay there a while longer
stroking her hair and before I know it I’m asleep
as well.

Chapter 8


My alarm is blaring its annoying self but I

don’t want to get up. I feel so warm and safe.
Weird my bed feels a lot harder then I

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remember. That’s when I sit up. We fell asleep
out at the lake in the bed of his truck. God I’m so
lucky that I have my phone programmed to go
off during the week.

I turn to look at Declan. I don’t think I will

be able to wake him. He just looks so peaceful.
His shirt is all rumpled and his arms look empty
like they are missing me in them. I lie down on
my stomach next to him and trail my finger down
his perfect face. “Declan.” I whisper into his ear.

He turns over where he faces me and without

opening his eyes he requests “Can we go back to

I giggle like a little school girl. “No we can’t

go back to sleep. I have class in an hour.”

He exhales and opens his eyes. They are

looking at me so intensely I feel my whole body
heat. Yeah it’s that kind of look. “Why don’t we
skip class today and hang out?”

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I shake my head no. “I can’t miss class this

morning. Caden is in it and he would freak.”

“Fine.” He says grumpily and sits up rubbing

his eyes. “Let’s go then.”


When we arrive at my building I sigh because

I don’t want to leave him. He held my hand the
whole way and I don’t want to let go. I don’t
know what is wrong with me. I never thought I
would be the kind of girl to be so clingy.

“I’ll see you later right?” he says hopeful.
“I would love that but I have a ton of

homework I didn’t get to work on this
weekend.” And I really do. He took up my every
thought and now I’m behind.

“Okay well then will you at least text me?” he

flutters his eyelashes in a flirty way.

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“Yeah I will do that, promise.” He grins and I

can’t help but to return it.

“God you are so beautiful when you do that.”

I guess it was the way he said it but I just
couldn’t help myself. I let go of his hand and rose
up leaning over the console. Cupping my hands
on his cheek I lean in and place my lips gently
against his. It is innocent at first but then as
always I find his tongue in my mouth and things
get out of control. My arms go around his neck
and it’s like I’m trying to crawl into him, we are
that close. He eventually pulls back and places
little gentle kisses on my lips.

I let my arms slip loose and look into his

chocolate eyes. “Why is it always so intense
when we kiss?”

He full out laughs at me and I feel my cheeks

grow warm. “It’s called attraction Teagan. It’s
perfectly natural.”

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I smack him gentle on the arm and lean over

to kiss his cheek. “Smartass.” I give him a flirty
wink and climb out of the truck to head up to my
room to get ready for the day.


The second I make into my room I have a

squealing Grace hurdling into me. “Oh my god
you have to tell me everything!”

“Whoa there chick.” I giggle at her and try to

pry her off of me.

“Please tell me you got it on?” she looks at

me hopefully.

“No Grace! We just fell asleep talking. We

actually didn’t even kiss till we got to the parking
lot.” I move away from her to gather my clothes
for the day.

“What? That’s a shame, because I totally

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want every little detail of that experience!” She
twirls around like a little girl and I can’t help but
laugh at her.

That’s when I realize that something seems

weird to me. It’s the way she acted last night
when I asked her to go out with us Friday.
“Grace what is the name of the football player
you have a crush on?”

Her face pales. I knew it. “Umm…” she

looks down at the floor before she mumbles.
“Your brother.”

“This is so great! You can totally keep him

preoccupied while I date Declan and maybe one
day when we are already married and have kids I
can tell Jaden.”

“So you’re not mad at me?” she probes.
“No Grace I’m not. I personally don’t care

what he does and if you like him I’m all for it.”
Plus it will be a great example if he finds out

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about me and Declan.

“Okay good! Well I’m going to get out of

here I want some coffee before class.”

“Yeah I’ll see you later.”


The second I walk into the house Marcus is

running down the stairs. “Where the hell have you

“I’m sorry I should have called. We fell

asleep talking.” I hope he doesn’t get all worked
up. Marcus has abandonment issues. Hint the
reason I didn’t go off to school.

“Okay. Good I was worried Jaden had

found you and done away with your body.”

I ruffle his hair before I head up the stairs to

get ready for class. “No buddy I’m still alive.
Don’t worry I’ll be here for a long time to annoy

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He smacks my hand away. “Oh its ok if he

does away with you because you will be dead
and he will go to jail and I can have Teagan all to
myself.” He grins from ear to ear after seeing my

“Umm she is like three years older than you

bro, give it a rest.” I turn from him and head up
the stairs.

“Yeah but I like me a cougar plus I’m like

way better looking than you!” he yells from the
bottom of the stairs as I make it to my room.

I lean back around the corner and flip him the

bird. I can hear him laughing as he gets ready for
his day. I will never admit out loud but he is
better looking than me. He got moms blue eyes
and his long hair makes the girls go crazy. His
features are softer and make him stand out more.
Though I doubt that I have anything to worry

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about where Teagan is concerned.

I can’t believe that we slept in the back of my

truck last night. I also can’t believe that we didn’t
do anything but kiss this morning. We haven’t
been able to keep our hands off each other since
we met. I think it makes it all the sweeter. Makes
me feel better that we can keep our hands off
each other, you can’t base a relationship off of
just sexual attraction.

I love how we have so much in common. We

like the same music which is crazy because I
haven’t dated a girl who likes anything other than
pop and R&B. It’s refreshing to say the least.
Claire wouldn’t have picked up a book if she had
a gun to her head. She thought it made me nerdy
but I think it had more to do with the fact that I
paid more attention to the book than her. God
she was annoying.

Teagan looked so beautiful last night. Her

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curly black hair wild and down, she looked like a
goddess come to earth to steal my mortality. If
she is then it is all hers. I wonder when I became
such a pansy. I never used to think this way
about a girl. I don’t think I ever took Claire on
such a romantic date as I did with Teagan last
night. I’m starting to think maybe who I was
before I met Teagan was just a façade.


I knew it was too much to think Claire would

just go away. She is pissed and looking for a
fight. That’s how I found myself outside the
cafeteria with a five foot eight leggy blonde
screaming at me.

“I can’t believe that you let some whore

punch me in the nose. I mean does she not know
who I am?” she is screaming so loud I think my

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ears are bleeding.

That whore comment just pissed me off and I

find myself screaming right back at her. “Who are
you calling a whore? That sure is calling the kettle

She looks shocked for a second, but only a

second. “I’m not a whore you asshole! You can’t
talk to me like that!” she scoffs.

“I can talk to you anyway I want to, Claire.

You’re not going to call her a whore and think
that you’re going to get away with it. And you
are a whore. You slept with the entire football
team in high school. What you didn’t think I
knew you cheated on me? I’m not fucking
stupid” I sneer right in her face.

She goes sheet white after that. I might have

over done it. It wasn’t the entire football team,
but close enough. “Well your one to talk, don’t
think I don’t know about all the girls you’ve

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fucked since I broke up with you.” And she’s

“What does it matter? I wasn’t dating

anybody at the time. It’s a free fucking country!”
I’m so tired of her shit. I feel like every ounce of
control I had has spilled out of me.

“Well well Declan Sage seems like your hard

won control has lost its reign. I think I want to
see more of this out of you, it’s sexy.” She smirks
as she trails her finger down my chest.

I give her a fake smile as I grab her hand and

throw it away from me. “Don’t think for one
second you’re going to weasel your way back
into my life. I want nothing to do with you
anymore. You lost your appeal long ago. Hell I
shouldn’t have been with you as long as I was.
All you are is a slut and a bitch.” I take a slow
breath to will my control back in place.

“I like it when you talk dirty baby. It makes

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me all hot inside.” She has this fire in her eyes I
wish I could scratch out.

“Claire take your ass and go. And stay away

from me; I want nothing to do with you.” I turn
away from her and walk towards my next class.
Hoping to god my control comes back because I
don’t like what just happened. The old Declan
would never have done that.

Chapter 9


I tell myself that it wasn’t what it looked like.

But I fail miserably. He was holding Claire’s hand
out by the cafeteria. She had trailed her hand
down his chest, a chest that I had slept on last
night. I’m in a daze as I walk to my first class. I
don’t know what to do or think at this point. I

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have no experience where guys are concerned.

The class I am going to is my one and only

art class. I pretty much took it for fun. I have
always loved to paint and it’s something Caden
and I do together. Have always done together.
And that is exactly who I run into on my way in
the door, my handsome brother.

Jaden and Caden might be twins but the only

thing they have in common are the features on
their faces. Caden is blonde and has the same
pale blue eyes of his mother. He is huge like
Jaden but not as huge. Jaden works out like
nonstop and Caden doesn’t. But when I run
smack dab into him my nose still meets hard
muscle under his shirt.

“Wow Teag watch where you’re going will

you?” he sets his hands on my shoulders to keep
me from falling and that is when he sees my face.
“What’s wrong?”

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I try and put my poker face on but Caden

has this way of seeing into you like no one I have
ever met. “Nothing, I swear.”

“Yeah and I’m an only child. Spill.” He grabs

my chin and pulls my face up so I will look him in
the eyes.

I take his hand off my face and place it on his

black t-shirt. “Nothing I want to talk about,
okay? Why don’t you mind your own business?
Why are you all always in my business? I’m
nineteen years old I’m not a freaking baby!” I
shout at him.

“What the fuck is your problem Teagan?

Jesus talk to me. I know there is something
wrong with you. And I will always be in your
business. If you remember correctly I was the
one who found you passed out on the bathroom
floor. You can’t stress yourself out like this.”

“You know I was ten years old when that

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happened? I’m grown now and I really don’t
want you trying to baby me. I can take care of
myself.” I push past him into the classroom
knowing he won’t start in on me in front of all
these people.

I take my brushes out of my bag and start

working on a landscape. I try not to feel Cade’s
eyes on the back of my head but it is no use.
He’s going to call dad and Sarah and there’s
going to be a big deal over this. I wish they
would realize that I’m not some little kid anymore
who can’t handle anything. All I want to do is feel
grown up but these assholes sure aren’t going to
let me.

I try to paint my frustration, but it doesn’t

help. I’m not used to blowing up like that at
anyone in my family and I’m definitely not used to
the jealously. I kind of feel like my head is going
to explode.

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I have always had a terrible temper. Sarah

says I get it from my mom. She was a fiery
woman and I guess my step mom is right. She
used to get mad at the littlest things and throw
huge tantrums. I can’t help it you push my
buttons and I go off. As you have witnessed
alcohol just makes it worse. That’s when I throw
fists and get into trouble. When I’m sober I’m
not violent but I like to yell and scream.

I guess that is how I find myself standing

beside Declan’s truck. I saw it after my last class
and I saw red. I don’t know how he can say all
those things to me and still be with Claire. I’ve
never been played before and it doesn’t feel
good at all.

“Hey beautiful. This is a surprise.” He scares

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me out of my thoughts and I jump. “Whoa there I
didn’t mean to scare you.” He is standing in front
of me smiling his signature smile with dimples and
all. And I can’t help but to think it’s all fake.

“Are you still with Claire?” I ask looking into

his eyes hoping I can tell if he’s lying.

“What? No I’m not with Claire. I haven’t

been with Claire in eight weeks.” He looks
genuinely shocked that I have asked this. I guess
he didn’t think I would find out seeing as Claire
and I don’t run in the same circles.

“Yeah you say that but I don’t think I believe

you. I saw you holding her hand earlier near the
cafeteria.” I feel my face flush and I’m trying not
to scream bloody murder at him.

“What the hell are you talking about? I

wasn’t holding her hand. If you really want to
know I was standing up for you. She came
running at me screaming and throwing a fit calling

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you a whore.” He clinches his fists at his sides
and locks his jaw. I can’t believe he is pissed I
wasn’t the one touching another person when I’m
dating someone else.

“Yeah that sounds like a true story. She

doesn’t even know who I am. I guess that makes
it easy for you to play any girl you want. Well I’m
not going to fall for it. Jaden told me you were a
player.” I start to walk around him but he lightly
grabs my wrist.

“That is one thing I have never been nor will I

ever be. I don’t miss around with other people’s
feelings. I know all too well what that feels like.
So you can take your beliefs and go on because I
want nothing to do with them.” I stand there like
a deer in head lights as he gets in his truck and
drives away.


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After I’ve made it to my house and go inside

I find myself at a loss. She makes me so crazy. I
have never been that mad at a girl, except for
earlier today with Claire. I feel like I want to
punch a wall or break something expensive. I
guess I can blame Jaden for this, since apparently
I’m a player and didn’t even know it. I have been
with a number of girls, but not once did I lead
them on. I didn’t tell them things they wanted to
hear just to get laid. I told them up front I just
wanted sex.

Now the only girl I have ever had feelings for

thinks I was messing with her head. This blows
big time. I don’t know where my head is at and
that scares me.

I’ve been pacing the plush white carpet in my

bedroom for twenty minutes when my phone
rings. My stomach starts to flutter thinking it is

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Teagan. Nope I couldn’t get that lucky. It’s her
brother and my best friend. The person I am mad
at the most and can’t even say anything to him.

“What’s up man?” I ask into the phone.
“Dude what happened with Claire today? I

heard she went psycho on you at the cafeteria.
And then she was coming on to you.” He
questions excitedly.

“She was calling a friend of mine a whore

and then when I stood up to her she starting
being her crazy self, saying it was hot or
whatever.” I still can’t believe she was coming on
to me like that either.

“Ha I guess she likes it when you talk mean

to her, figures that crazy bitch would get off on
something like that.” He sighs.

“Well I personally have always known she is

crazy but her coming on to me like that was new.
She had never done that before. Now I feel like I

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need ten hot showers to scrub off all the germs.”

He busts out laughing and I want to strangle

him. I have to talk like nothing is wrong. All I
want to do is smooth things over with Teagan. I
loved that little fit she threw, it was kind of hot.
Teagan is a whole lot of woman packed into a
little body.

“She has some nerve calling somebody a

whore. How many times did she cheat on you?”
Jaden’s voice breaks me from my thoughts.

“I don’t know man, but that is all in the past.

I have bigger and better things to be doing then
worry about her.” I run my hand over my head
contemplating going to see Teagan.

“Yeah you’re too good for that shit.

Anyways I got to go, apparently my sister went
off on Caden before art class today. Mom and
dad are coming to take us out. I don’t know
what the big deal is, Caden is a jerk and Teagan

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has an attitude to match. I don’t see how the two
of them haven’t killed each other yet.”

Before I know it my mouth starts speaking

before my head can tell it to shut up. “That was
probably my fault.” I smack my hand over my
face before I spill any more of my secrets.

“Why was it your fault?”
“Uh I kind of sort of upset her before she

went to class today.” I reply thinking fast. “I was
still mad over what happened with Claire and she
came to talk to me about finding that girl and I
might have gotten snippy with her.” I cringe
hoping that sounded true to his ears. Well it
mostly is true except I didn’t get snippy with her
till later.

“Wow you know how to piss off the girls

today don’t you? Well I hope you can make up
before Friday, I don’t want y’all ruining it with
Grace.” He jokes. “Anyways I’ll talk to you

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“Yeah later. “ I say before hanging up the


Well that was freaking close. In a way I’m

happy that he called because I wouldn’t have
been able to see Teagan tonight now if her
parents are coming.

I hear the door slam and Marcus yelling out

my name. He doesn’t even wait for a reply he
just runs up the stairs to my room. When I see
him in the door way I raise an eyebrow from the

“Uh yeah Claire is outside.” He shakes his

head before going on. “Yeah you just need to
come see this.” He again doesn’t wait for me to
reply but heads back the way he came.

I jump up off my bed and head after him to

see what the hell Claire wants now. I make it to
the front door and step out. Boy, I wish I had

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stayed in the house.

“What the fuck Claire?!?!” I yell violently at

the stupid blonde.

“I told you not to call me a bitch again.” She

sneers from the lawn where she is standing next
to my truck. Poor Betty. Not only did she slash
the tires, she keyed whore all over it.

I can’t believe that she destroyed my truck.

Now I knew she was crazy but I thought as in a
not violent way but this borders on stalker crazy.
“I can’t believe that you destroyed my truck. Do
you think that you are going to get away with it or
something? How stupid are you?”

She smirks but I have her now. “Oh I’m

going to get away with it. I found out who your
little girlfriend is. Teagan Harper. She’s Jaden’s
little sister isn’t she? How would big brother like
to know your screwing his sister?”

And now she has me. “You wouldn’t dare

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tell him.” I sneer.

“Oh sweetie I’ll tell him if you don’t keep

your mouth shut. Don’t tell anyone I did this to
your truck and never call me a bitch again and
we are even.” She says as she walks up to me
and pats my cheek.

I grab her hand and squeeze hoping to get a

little pain out of her. “Oh I’ll keep my mouth shut
and never call you a bitch again. But you better
stay the fuck away from me and her.”

I guess the anger in my voice was enough for

her. “Fine.”

“Good now get the fuck out of my yard.”

Chapter 10


I should have known that Cade would open

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his big dumb mouth. He and Marie are the worst
gossips. That’s how I find myself sitting in
between the twins, my own personal unwanted
body guards. I love them to death but I’m too
old for this shit.

I know you are thinking what I am. Panic

attacks are not worth the over bearing people in
my family. They aren’t life threatening, at least not
anymore. I haven’t had a bad attack since I was
thirteen and Kara Golden wrote slut all over my

“Now honey you’re going to have to talk to

us. I don’t want you to get stressed out up here.”
My dad states from across the table.

“Well dad if you would get your two

cavemen to back off, I won’t be so stressed.” I
rub my fingers against my temple feeling a
headache coming on.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jaden

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asks from my left.

“It means you moron that I want to be free. I

can’t even talk to guys without you two trying to
beat them up. I get that you love me and all but
I’m not a little girl anymore.” I give them both an
angry glare and sip on my soda.

“You are a little girl Teag, you’re like five

foot tall and a hundred and twenty pounds
soaking wet” Cade says from my right where he
is working on his steak.

“Is that why you haven’t ever dated?” Sarah

inquirers from next to dad.

“Yes Sarah that is why I haven’t ever dated.

These to think they own me and won’t let
anything with a penis near me unless I’m related
to them.” I cringe at my use of language. I need
to keep better control of my mouth.

“Teagan, watch what you say. That is not the

language a lady should use.” She looks pointedly

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at me.

“I’m sorry Sarah, it just slipped out.” She

makes me feel smaller then I am. They all do. I’m
so sick of the smothering.

“It’s ok dear I understand.” She pauses and

looks the twins over before continuing. “As for
you two, let Teagan live her life. If she tells me
again that y’all aren’t letting her date I will have
both of your hides.”

They both look like they got their favorite

toys taken away. I smirk to myself “Thanks

“Now wait just a minute dear, don’t you

think she’s a little young to be dating?” my dad

“If you recall dad, Jessica and Marie were

both in serious relationships by the time they
were my age.” I give him a look. He knows that
I’m right.

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“Well yes they were but…” he trails off.
“They were what hon?” Sarah asks with the

same look I have on my face.

“Nothing dear.” He suddenly looks

engrossed in his meal.

“What I want to know Teagan is if you have

had any more attacks?” Sarah probes.

“No I haven’t had any attacks in months

Sarah.” I all but snap at her. “See this is why I
wanted to leave this state to go to school. I
wouldn’t have all of y’all breathing down my
neck. I’m in college for the love of god. I wish
y’all would stop smothering me and let me makes
my own mistakes.” I’m flushed red from anger at
this point. There is only so much I can take
before I start cussing one of them out.

“Teagan Nicole Harper, you better watch

your tone when you talk to your mother.” My
dad says sternly from his side of the table.

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Okay that does it I’m beyond pissed now.

“She isn’t my mother dad, as you well know.” I
throw my fork down and kick Jaden until he lets
me leave the table. I make my way out of the
restaurant and pull my phone out the second I
breathe in fresh air. I don’t really know who to
call. Grace doesn’t have a car and I’m sure
Declan is mad at me. But I call him anyway.

After two rings he answers “Hey.”
“Hey.” I pause taking a deep breath and

push on. “Listen I know you are probably mad at
me right now but I really need a ride. I’m sorry to
ask you but you are the only one I can call who
has a vehicle.” I hold my breath waiting on his

He doesn’t make me wait long. “Yeah I will

come get you. I won’t be in my truck though; I
had to put it in the shop.” There is a gap and then
he starts talking again. “I’m on my way out the

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door. Where are you?” I tell him the restaurant’s
name. “Okay I know where that is I’ll be there in
ten minutes.”

I try to wait patiently but I keep thinking one

of the four inside are going to come out and get
me. After ten minutes he pulls up in a silver range
rover. I open the door and start to climb in but I
hear Jaden’s voice calling me. I hurry up and get
in telling Declan “Go before he sees you.”

I click on my seat belt as we are driving

down the street. “Thank you so much for coming
to get me. I really don’t want to walk all the way
back to my dorm.”

He tightens his hands on the steering wheel. I

feel the tension in the car like a thick fog. “It’s

“Look I’m sorry about earlier. I have a bad

temper and I don’t think before I act.” I rush out.
I would do anything right now to break the

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He lets out a huff of air before nodding. And

that is it. I guess I messed up my chances with
him after all.

We drive in awkward silence till we are in my

dorm parking lot, where I mumble a goodbye
and open the door. He reaches over and grabs
my wrist before I make it out. I stop my retreat
and look at him. “Look I’m sorry that I was a
jerk earlier. I just have a lot going on and it upset
me that you didn’t believe me.”

I look down in embarrassment. “Yeah I

shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like I did. I
haven’t ever dated before so I’m really new at
this. I really like you and it might take me some
time to be good at it.”

“Look at me.” So I do. His chocolate eyes

are sad and hurt and I want to take that away
from him. “You’re already good at it. You didn’t

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even have to try to make me like you. I’ve never
had that before either so I might suck it up a time
or two. Claire and I are over and have been over
for months. I want nothing to do with her. She is
the reason my car is in the shop.”

That surprises me. “What happened?”
“She found out about you and me and keyed

whore all over my truck and slashed the tires.
She also said if I got her in trouble for it she
would tell your brother. I went along with it only
for the fact that the cops would get involved and
it might bring my father home. I would rather not
see him at all.”

“What a crazy bitch. Why in the hell did you

date her?”

“I honestly don’t know. I guess I thought it

was what was expected of me. I being the
quarterback of the team and her being the head
cheerleader. It was the stupidest thing I have ever

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done. That girl brought me nothing but misery for
six whole years.”

“Geez six years? Wow I would have

dropped her on her ass at one day.”

He lets out a breathy laugh. “Yeah but I

didn’t have any strong feelings for her. I think I
liked the easiness of it.”

“Or you liked the easiness of her open legs.”

I smack my hand over my mouth in shock

He is looking at me like he has never seen me

before. “I honestly like this sassy side of you I
have seen today. It’s really hot.”

“I’m so sorry that I said that. I need a filter

between my brain and mouth.”

“It’s ok baby. I like that you say what you

want to say.”

I give him a shy smile. “I never thought I

would hear you call me baby again.”

“You like it when I call you that?” he asks as

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he leans over the middle console.

“Yeah I really like it.” I shiver as his lips

reach mine


As usual when we kiss our tongues are in a

mating dance. I love the spicy sweet taste of her.
Her lips are so soft against mine and I find my
hands roaming up her arms, over her shoulders
and into the hair at the back of her neck. It’s like
in unconscious attempt to keep her there forever.

All too soon I pull back not wanting to get all

hot and bothered in my car yet again. There is
absolutely no room in my car for making out.
Besides I want us to really get to know each
other before we get too carried away. I can tell
she isn’t ready for it either by the innocent way
she kisses and touches me. There is nothing

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wrong with it though, it’s actually a turn on that
I’m the only guy she has ever gotten this close to.

“You better get inside before I take to

advantage of you.” I say with a touch of
disappointment in my voice,

She blinks and then there is a twinkle in her

eyes. “I think at this point I would let you take
advantage of me.”

I groan. “Don’t say things like that. I’m

having enough trouble controlling myself as it is.”
This girl is going to kill me.

She leans over the console to look deep into

my face. “It’s ok to lose control sometimes
Declan. It’s not fun to live life that way.” I know
she is right.

I look away before speaking again. “I don’t

really know how to be any other way.” I’ve
started twiddling my thumbs. A sure sign I’m

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“Hmm I will be happy to help with that, if you

will let me.” She says as she reaches over to
stroke my cheek. It’s an unknown gesture. I have
also never been comfortable with affection. I’m
pretty sure I have daddy issues.

I laugh at this. I look back up at her and

place my hand on her cheek smoothing my thumb
across her soft skin. “Baby I’ll let you do
anything if it means I get to spend time with you.”

She smiles coyly at me before responding.

“That’s really cheesy.”

I take my hand from her face and move it

down to her side. Before she has time to guess
what I am doing I start to tickle her. She ends up
against the door scream laughing her head off. I
find myself laughing with her before I let her go.
“You should get out of her before I decided to
play tickle monster again.”

She is still trying to catch her breath so she

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just nods. After sitting up and given me an
innocent kiss she is out the door. I sit in the
parking lot until she is safely inside.


My truck is going to be in the shop for

weeks. Poor Betty. Don’t get me wrong I love
my range rover but I’m a truck kind of guy. I
guess my truck makes me feel more manly or
whatever, but I’m not over compensating for
something if you catch my drift.

The more time goes on I’m feel like a total

dumbass for being with Claire for so long. I can
still remember the first time I saw Claire. It was
the beginning of seventh grade. I thought she was
the hottest girl I had ever seen. It wasn’t long
before she had me wrapped around her finger.
Back then I would have done anything she asked

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me. God I was an idiot. I mean what kind of girl
isn’t a virgin at the age of thirteen? No a very
good kind.

It was good for a while but then she started

to get really possessive. She would flip out and
act like a totally crazy bitch if another girl talked
to me and before long girls in our school didn’t
even look at me. I guess if we had broken up
then I wouldn’t have had much choice of other
girls to date.

She is also the reason I became friends with

Jaden. After finding out all my buddies had sex
with her I wasn’t too keen on being friends with
them anymore. He wasn’t like them. He actually
wanted to talk about other things then girls. I
guess what I’m getting at is he has depth.
Something I needed at the time. Still do in fact.

While I’m on that train of thought she’s also

the reason I met Teagan. It was amazing that left

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hook she threw. She’s so tiny you wouldn’t think
that she could get enough momentum. Plus Claire
got what has been coming to her. Karma is a

Marcus bursts into my room startlingly me

out of my thoughts. He’s got his football tucked
under his arm. “Want to throw the ball around?”

I sigh and tell him “Yeah lets go.”
“Sweet.” He states running out of my


He likes to throw the ball when he needs to

talk. I guess he needs something to do with his
hands. Marcus isn’t very serious most of the
time. He usually likes to joke around and be a
smart ass. He doesn’t get taken seriously
because of it. Little does anybody else know that
this kid has a whole lot going on in his head. In a
way his jokester ways are just a mask he puts
on. I wish he would drop it and be himself. I like

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the real him and I wish he would see that other
people would to.

I got lost in my thoughts again as I make my

way down to the front yard. That’s how I find
myself with a football to the face. That’s going to
leave a mark I think as I rub my right eye. “Shit
Declan I’m so sorry I thought you were paying
attention! Damn bro you need to get out of your
head sometimes. The real world is nice too.” He

I pick up the ball where it landed. No use

throwing it around now I got to get ice on my
eye. “Thanks Marcus! I needed a black eye
while I’m out tonight.” I tell him sarcastically.

“I’m sorry dude but hell you haven’t ever

been this out of it. What’s going on in that head?”
He questions as he follows me into the house.

I make my way into the kitchen to fill up a

bag of ice as I reply “Lots of things lately. I have

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a lot going on now and I can’t seem to focus on
much without wandering off into la la land. I have
you to worry about. This secret running around
behind Jaden’s back with Teagan. Claire being a
psycho bitch.” I whence as I place the bag over
my eye. That stings!

“Why are you worried about me? I get all

that other stuff but I don’t have any drama going
on.” He scratches his head like he doesn’t know
exactly what I’m talking about.

“You think you’re hiding behind all your

jokes and sarcasm but you aren’t fooling me. I
have known you your whole life. I know it’s
tough for you since mom and dad aren’t around
but I am here. I know have all that other shit
going on but I will always have time for you. No
matter what else I have going on. You’re the only
family I have and you will always be important to
me.” I finish as I sit down at the kitchen table.

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He joins me and I know the tears are

coming. I haven’t seen him cry since we were
kids but I feel them and it breaks my heart. “I feel
like I’m not good enough or something. I see
other parents at school all the time supporting
their kids and I can’t figure out why we don’t
matter to ours. They just left us here to rot. Why
aren’t we good enough for them? Why did mom
just leave us like that? What did we ever do to
deserve this shit? Why did they have kids if they
weren’t going to take care of them?” He sobs
into his hands.

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I drop my ice on the table and kneel down in

front of him, carefully taking his hands away from
his face. “You are good enough Marcus. They
are the ones who aren’t good enough. We don’t
matter to them because they are selfish and cruel.
They only care about themselves and that’s okay
because we have each other and we always will.
Don’t you ever forget that. You are good enough
for me and that’s all that matters.” I say as I hug
him to me. Silent tears running down my face, “I
don’t ever want you to get this worked up again.
You’re going to wait too long and blow. I don’t
care what I’m doing or where I am in life you will
always have me. I would do anything for you
Marcus. Anything.”

Chapter 11


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Grace is pacing around our dorm room like a

caged animal. I have no idea why she is so
nervous. It’s not like she hasn’t ever been on a
date before. I would call it a double date but
seeing as Jaden can’t know that I’m seeing
Declan then it’s just their date and us playing
wingmen. “Grace you are wearing a whole in the
rug. What’s your deal?”

“Okay this stays between me and you. I

haven’t ever been on a date with someone I
really liked before. I’m so nervous. Your brother
is like the nicest guy I have ever met and I don’t
want to screw it up.” She states while chewing on
a cherry red finger nail.

“Stop that chick or you are going to ruin your

manicure.” I tease from my place lying on my
bed. “Besides you have nothing to worry about.
Jaden has to really like you to because I have

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never even heard of him going on a date. I mean
I know he likes women and everything but it’s
almost like he doesn’t want to get hurt.”

“Oh that has to do with Claire and Declan.

He doesn’t want to end up like him. Claire is a
crazy bitch; I don’t blame him I would be scared
to date because of her myself.”

“What do you mean?”
“Claire slept with every guy available while

she was with Declan. Treated him like shit too. I
hear it was a pretty messed up relationship and
Jaden said that it scared him off of dating.”

“Well shit that’s no reason to get scared of

dating. She’s one in a million. Well maybe I
know girls can be pretty crazy but shit not every
girl will go crave whore all over her ex’s truck to
make a point.”

“Yeah that is pretty crazy. He said he saw

how torn up Declan was and he even feels guilty

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for not helping Declan out with it. But according
to Jaden, Declan is a pretty closed mouth kind of
guy, he doesn’t open up all that much.”

“I don’t blame him really. I mean look at his

relationship with Claire plus his screwed up
parents. I would be a brick wall myself.” I pause
wondering if I should share this next tidbit with
her. Oh what the hell. “He told me that I make
him feel out of control. Which doesn’t seem all
that bad to me but I think he is one of those that
doesn’t like to be that way.”

“Totally I bet he even likes to dominate in the

bedroom if you know what I mean.”

I burst out laughing before answering. “I

don’t think so. It’s kind of fuzzy from the night at
the party but I don’t think he tried to tie me up or
spank me. And when we got all hot in bothered
in the truck last week, he let me control what we
were doing.”

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“That’s hot. When the guy lets you take over

and do whatever you want.” She fans her face
like she is actually hot. “I can’t stand it when they
do everything and expect you to lay there with
your legs open and crap. Totally lame.”

“Oh my god TMI! I get you’re not a Virgin

Mary or whatever but I’m all innocent and stuff
and your making my ears bleed!”

“Whatever you might be a virgin but you

aren’t virginal in any way. You have this little
sway when you walk and I have seen quite a few
boys drooling after you. “

“Whatever Grace, they were just looking at

me so you wouldn’t think they were looking at
you.” I smirk as she grins from ear to ear.

“Yeah you keep telling yourself that sweetie!”
Just then my cell phone went off announcing

that the guys were here. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah as ready as I’ll ever be. Few I’m

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more nervous than a virgin on her wedding

“Geez is losing your virginity that bad?”
She looks like she is going to bust out

laughing. “No it isn’t that bad. It hurts and stings
for a while but after the first time your good to
go!” She throws her head back and laughs. “Sex
only gets better with time honey; you’ll figure that
out if you hang out with Declan to much longer.
He got it on with one of the girls on the team
couple weeks ago. Said he kept her up all night
long. That’s the kind of man you want.” She
winks at me as she heads down the stairs.

Great just what I need, more naughty

thoughts about Declan. I guess she doesn’t
realize that I have those already. Just because
I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t know how it

As I make my way out of the lobby I catch

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the site of Jaden giving Grace a single red rose.
She was beaming from head to toe. It makes me
think of my single rose up in my room that Declan
gave me on our date last week. Hmm I wonder if
that’s where Jaden got the idea. I meet Declan’s
eyes and he winks. Yup that is where he got the
idea. I mouth good one to him before hugging my
brother hello.

I pause when I notice his black eye. “Who hit


“My little brother threw a football when I

wasn’t looking.”

I stop myself from touching him. “Does it


“I don’t even notice it anymore, now that

you’re here.” He smirks before we are
interrupted by Jaden.

Before I know it we are loaded up into

Declan’s range rover on our way to the local

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bowling alley. I haven’t bowled in years. I used
to play on a team when I was little. I’m pretty
freaking good if I don’t say so myself.

Jaden decided to ride up front with Declan

while Grace and I got thrown in the back. I kept
sneaking peaks at Declan through the review
mirror. Every time I looked he was looking back
which made me bite my lip so I wouldn’t grin
from ear to ear. I almost get lost in his chocolate
eyes but Grace nudges me out of them.

“Quit eye making out with him before Jaden

sees.” She whispers for my ears only.

I nod and make a point not to look into the

mirror anymore.


God she looks so beautiful. She wore her

hair down and it’s almost wild with all the raven

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curls. Her emerald eyes are lined in black and
they pop with the low cut black shirt she is
wearing. I can’t help thinking how great her ass
looks in her jeans or the way her black knee high
boots hug her legs.

The four of us are sitting at one of the ten

lanes in the bowling alley. I’m not much of a
bowler but I would do anything to spend time
with Teagan. We ordered a large pepperoni
pizza when we entered and we proceeded to
stuff our faces. Grace and Jaden are chatting
quietly with their heads bent together. I’m glad
because Jaden deserves some fun after all the
hard work he does on the team.

I sneak my hand to Teagan’s thigh where she

is sitting next to me. She jerks slightly and her
face flushes but our company doesn’t notice
because they are too engrossed in each other.
It’s my turn to jerk when her hand falls over mine

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drawing circles with her short nails. I shiver which
is totally girly I know but I have a thing for nails.

“Well I see the party got started without me.

Way to wait bro.” says a tall blonde dude. I
guess he is good looking with his messy hair style
and piercing pale blue eyes. He’s wearing some
band tee I have never heard of and there’s paint
on his jeans. His face seems familiar and that’s
when I realize its Caden, the other twin.

I quickly remove my hand from Teagan’s leg

hoping he didn’t see anything. “Hey it’s nice to
meet you finally, I’m Declan Sage.” I say holding
out my hand.

He eyes me up and down and smirks. He

takes my hand as he replies “Nice to finally meet
the man love of my brothers.”

Jaden looks pissed and throws a comeback.

“Oh did you finally find your sissy paint brushes
and finish your rainbow painting?”

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A dark look passes over Caden’s face but

Teagan cuts him off before he even starts to say
anything. “What the hell Jaden I paint too you
know. Plus his paintings aren’t even girly they are
incredible and you just wish that you could pull
off amazing feats like that.”

“Thanks Teag but I don’t really care what he

thinks. He only cares about football and wouldn’t
know good art if you hit him over the head with

“What’s with you two?” Teagan questions

pointedly looking at Caden.

“Nothing Teag. You know what I’m going to

head out I’ve got other stuff I would rather be
doing.” He says to all of us but he is looking
straight at Grace. What’s that about?

“Yeah why don’t you go do that? I shouldn’t

have invited you to begin with.” Jaden sneers.

Caden gives him a glare that would freeze

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hell and turns to leave. Yeah I have no idea what
that was about. Every time Jaden talks about his
twin he’s got nothing but love for him.

“Jaden why the hell are you being so mean to

him? What the fuck is your problem?” Teagan
practically screams at him.

“He’s a total dick head. Let him leave I don’t

want him here anymore. He can stay the hell
away from me for a while too if he knows what’s
good for him.” He looks away from the table and
stares over the lanes.

“Umm if y’all excuse me I need to go to the

lady’s room. Teagan can you come with me?”
Grace throws in after Jaden’s angry comment.

“Sure.” Teagan agrees and taps my thigh to

let her pass.

After they are gone I start questioning Jaden.

“Umm yeah what was that really about?”

“He has a thing for Grace. Apparently they

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met in the cafeteria and she left an impression.
She doesn’t feel the same way and chose to
come out with me tonight. Caden didn’t like that.
I told him I knew her first.” He states as he pops
his straw in and out of his coke.

“Well that’s no reason for you to fight with

him. He’s not making a move on her or anything.
Haven’t y’all ever liked the same person

“No not really. We like completely different

types. He’s into easy and hot. I’m into more than
a one night stand and I don’t care what they look
like on the outside as long as their insides are

“Well Grace is hot but I don’t think she is

easy. He’ll get over it I’m sure. Just give him
time, he’ll find someone else in no time.”

“Yeah I know your right but hell I haven’t

really shown interest in anybody and he thinks

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I’m wrong because I won’t back off. I’m going
to start kicking his ass like I did in grade school.”

“I don’t think you need to go that far dude.

She’s hot and if you’re going to really date her
you’re going to have to get used to other guys
flirting and hitting on her. At least she’s not a total
slut like Claire, so you don’t have to worry about
all your friends banging her.”

“Yeah but I don’t have to like it. I guess if I

go around punching every guy that looks at her I
wouldn’t ever see her since I’d be sitting in jail.”
He laughs as Grace joins us back at the table.

“Umm Declan do you think that you could

leave Jaden and I alone for a little bit? Go play
air hockey or something?” she asks scooting into
the booth.

“Sure…” I trail off. Getting up I wonder if

she is going to bitch out Jaden for his behavior
earlier with Caden. I hope not. Jaden doesn’t

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need that crap; it’s not his fault Caden wants her.

As I’m passing the bathrooms I feel a hand

grab my arm and pull me into the dark room.

Chapter 12


“Okay so not only are you dating Jaden but

you have a thing for Caden? Are you freaking
kidding me right now? Why am I just know
hearing about this?” I take a deep breath and
wait impatiently for Grace’s reply.

“You are just now hearing it because I didn’t

want you in the middle of it. You’ve got this thing
going on with Declan and I didn’t want you to
worry about me. Look I just ran into Caden in
the cafeteria a couple of weeks back and I didn’t
even know he was your brother let alone Jaden’s

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twin. I mean they look nothing alike. But it’s
okay now because he is a total douche bag! I
mean he said he would call me and its weeks
later and he hasn’t said anything to me. At least
Jaden knows how to keep his word.”

She is pacing around the tiny bathroom while

chewing on her nail. I feel bad for her. As
someone who has had to live with those two I
wouldn’t want to be between them either. “Well
that sounds like Caden and you don’t want
anything to do with him I think. He’s more into
the easy type and you aren’t like that. Jaden
might talk about football a lot but he won’t have
sex with you and never call again.”

“Exactly I knew Caden was a player but he

was just so sweet and understanding. I mean I
did accidently dump my food all over him. I
know that grin though. It’s all over any bad boy
in this world. At the time I would have jumped at

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the chance to know him because I didn’t think
Jaden would ever talk to me. Now they are
acting like total assholes over me. I don’t want
drama Teagan I couldn’t handle it after
everything I have been through.” She’s almost in

I reach out for her and she hugs me by my

place on the sink. “I know honey. I’ll talk to
Caden and tell him to get over it. He needs to
respect your wishes to be with Jaden or
whatever y’all are doing.”

“I don’t know what we are doing. He talks

to me at practice and stuff but he hasn’t ever
discussed what we are doing. I don’t know if I
should I mean it’s already gotten dramatic and
I’m not even attached to either one!”

“Well then you need to ask him. I think the

only drama you are going to get is right now with
Caden but if I ask him to back off. It’s not going

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to be like last time I swear.” About a year ago
Grace broke up with her longtime boyfriend and
he didn’t take it well at all. He started going
around telling everyone she was a whore and an
awful person. It’s got to the point that she
couldn’t even leave the house without someone
calling her names and vandalizing her stuff. She
told me that when she got her gown out for
Graduation it had whore spray painted across it.
Luckily they had extras but that’s not something
you should face for breaking up with someone.

“I can’t go through that again Teagan. What

Jesse put me through was so awful I can’t even
believe it sometimes and I thought that I knew
him you know?”

“Yeah I know honey but neither one of my

brothers is like that. Jaden wouldn’t disrespect a
girl like that and Caden is more likely to get
disrespected by a girl.”

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She smiles at that. “Okay well go play air

hockey with Declan or something while I have a
little chat with Jaden. Please?”

“Sure just send him this way.” I say not

having any intention of leaving the bathroom. I
haven’t seen him since Monday morning and I’m
itching for a little action.

I wait for about five minutes before I hear

someone coming down the hall way to the game
room. Its Declan. I quickly grab his arm and pull
him into the bathroom with me. My hands
immediately find his neck and I pull his tall frame
down to my lips. They are open in shock and I
quickly thrust my tongue into his mouth. I’ll give
him credit it doesn’t take long for the shock to
where off and he’s picking me up to place my
bottom on the counter next to the sink.

I feel his hands on the skin of my stomach

where he slips them under my shirt. My skin

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erupts into goose bumps and I shiver at the
feeling I get when he touches me. I can’t help
myself as I start to unbutton his shirt. His lips
never leave mine as he shrugs out of the shirt. I
can’t see anything with the lights off so of course
I turn them on after pulling away from his lips. I
mean come on; I have Declan Sage topless I’ve
got to have a look.

The fuzzy memory I have of him without a

shirt doesn’t even begin to do him justice. He’s
got this cocky smirk on his face as I ogle him.
You can tell he works out, boy does he work
out. His abs are nice and packed making me feel
as if I could wash my clothes on them. His chest
is broad and nicely formed. Little brown nipples I
can’t help leaning over and sucking into my

He groans pulling my head away from his

body. “None of that baby or I’m going to lose

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I grab his belt loops and pull him back in

between my legs. “Maybe I want you to lose it.”

“God you are a vixen.” He chuckles leaning

over to kiss and nibble my neck.

I let out a low moan. “Now I’m going to lose

it.” I say pulling his head away and bringing his
lips back to mine. Our tongues meet almost
instantly. I suck it into my mouth not letting it go
when he tries to take it away. Yeah its gets a little
hot after that.

Before I can even blink my shirt is over my

head. My bra quickly follows and then we are
skin to skin and it feels so delicious to rub up
against him as he groans. “Baby stop it. I’m
already about to lose control.”

“Umm like I said maybe I want you too.”
“No you don’t. Not in a bathroom.”
“Shhhh you talk too much.” I say as I kiss

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and lick his neck.

Before I know it I’m lifted off the counter

and placed on the ground where he proceeds to
unbutton my jeans and push them down past my
hips. He then lifts me back up to the counter. He
puts his forehead against mine saying “Is this
what you want Teagan?” he whispers against my
lips as his fingers trace the inside of my panties.

“Yes.” I moan taking his mouth.
I don’t get any notice before he nudges a

thick finger into my wet heat. “You’re so tight
baby. You don’t even know how much it turns
me on that no one has been here but me.” He
says breathless around my lips.

The only answer he gets is my moan of pure

pleasure. His finger continues to thrust slowly as
he devours my mouth. I feel as if I could climb
into him, be him if we got any closer. Before I
know it his finger starts to move faster and his

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thumb finds my nub of nerves rubbing slowly.

That’s when it starts, the tingling in my body

starting at my core. God it is so amazing and I
find my hips meeting his hand in a sensual dance.
“Come baby. Come for me, all over my hand.”
And that’s all I needed before I’m falling over the
edge. He covers my mouth to catch my scream
of pleasure. I’m clutching on to him for dear life
and my toes are curling in my boots. Yeah I
really get what all the hype with sex is and its
name is Declan Sage.


Okay so this is the second time since I was a

pre-teen I’ve gotten off in my pants. I really hope
this doesn’t become a habit. I guess that’s what
she does to me. I can’t even control my own
body parts anymore.

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“Umm did you, you know in your pants

again?” she asks timidly.

“Yes beautiful I did. Seems I can’t control

myself around you.” I answer brushing my fingers
through her wild hair.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me.

You bring out the hormones in me or something.”
She takes my hand and places a kiss on the palm
looking lost in thought.”

“What’s going on in their beautiful?” I ask

placing a kiss on her forehead.

“I have no idea how we are going to get past

Jaden without looking like we just fooled around
in the bathroom.” She blushes.

“Well I think we can do something about me,

but you all flushed and your hair is wilder then
before. I like it but I don’t think your brother
will.” I tell her sheepishly.

“Ugh he is going to kill us.” She says into the

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mirror where she starts trying to tame her curls
with her fingers. I guess she realized she wasn’t
wearing a shirt because her cheeks go crimson as
she looks down at her breasts. I chuckle as I
pick up her discarded clothes. I turn her to face
me as I redress her in her bra and shirt.

“I never thought putting clothes back on a girl

would be so hot.” And I’m totally serious. Looks
like little Dec wants to come out and play again.

“Hmm let me try it.” She states as she grabs

my shirt. After the last button she continues
“Yeah not so hot for me. But you do look good
in this shirt.” She gives me a wink as she turns
back to the mirror.

I turn on the faucet and cup my hands under

the water and splash as much as I can on my
crotch. Teagan busts out laughing. It’s really
sexy. All low pitched and throaty. “What’s so
funny baby?”

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“I would never have thought of that! Great

idea!” she smiles from ear to ear. Okay we really
need to get out of this bathroom. I can’t take
much more of her without throwing her back up
on the counter and going all the way.

“Thanks. We should get out of here before

you brother figures out we aren’t playing air

As I unlock the door and open it I hear

Jaden’s voice out in the hall. “Where the hell
could they have gone?”






happened?” I hear Graces reply. Shit.

“Don’t worry about it I have an idea. Just

follow my lead.” Teagan whispers behind me.

She walks out of the bathroom holding the

door open. I guess I should follow.

“Hey guys what’s up?” Teagan asks calmly.
“What the fuck where y’all doing in the

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bathroom?” Jaden questions with a hateful glare
thrown my way.

“I knocked over a coke on Declan’s lap. So

I took him in the bathroom to get the stain out.”
She tells him while putting her hands on her hips.
“Is there a problem with that? Should I let him
walk around all night with a big coke stain on his
crotch?” she taps her foot throwing him an icy
look that would freeze anybody. She had this
power that just radiates from her tiny body. She
just takes up the whole room with it and makes
you want to stand and bathe in it.

“I didn’t mean to imply that y’all where doing

anything but it looked weird y’all walking out of
the bathroom together.” He looks pointedly at

“Sorry she insisted. It wouldn’t have

bothered me a bit but hey she can be pushy when
she wants to be.” I tell him smirking at Teagan.

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“I’m not pushy. I just like to get my way is

all.” She grins back at me winking.

“Gross quit flirting. I really don’t want to

have to kill Declan.” Jaden pipes in.

“Yeah let’s go bowl! That’s why we can here

for isn’t it?” Grace states as she walks over to
Jaden grabbing his hand and walking with him
down the hall back out to the lanes.

When they are out of site I grab my tiny vixen

by the waist and bend over to brush my lips
against hers in a sweet kiss. I trail kisses to her
ear where I whisper “You are amazing.”

She shivers as she replies “I try. What was

that for?”

“I figure since Jaden and I rode together I

will have to keep my hands off of you for the rest
of the night. So that was your goodnight kiss.” I
smile and push her out towards the lanes.

We end up playing two games and the girls

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won both times pissing Jaden off but he was a
great sport about it. It was hard to watch Teagan
all night without being able to touch her or kiss
her. I could smell her sweet essence on my
fingers all night and it almost killed me. By the
time we dropped the girls off at the dorms I
needed a cold shower.

Chapter 13


It’s been almost a month since our night out

at the bowling alley and let me tell you it was an
eventful month. Grace and Jaden decided that
they wanted to date each other with official titles
and all. Very cute. They act like grade school
kids holding hands and blushing all the time. They
both seem happy so I’m happy for them.

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Caden has been acting like a total dick head

the whole time. Well to Jaden and me anyways.
He acts like the perfect gentleman when we are
around Grace and I love him for that. She
doesn’t need the drama. I talked to him about
respecting her wishes and I seemed to get
through to him. I guess he doesn’t take rejection
well at all. It’s almost sad because I haven’t seen
either of them take to a girl like this. Oh well
Caden will have to get over it.

The boys also got off my back about dating.

I still don’t believe that Jaden won’t kill Declan if
he found out we have been dating for the past
month. So we have been hiding it still from my
family. Grace doesn’t like keeping it from Jaden
but she wants life drama free so she has kept her
mouth shut. It’s really nice to go out and not
expect them to show up and ruin my fun.

Declan has been wonderful. He texts me

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every morning and night with sweet little “Good
morning Beautiful” or “Goodnight Baby” yeah it
might sound cheesy but I like it. Every time we
went on a date he had a flower for me. A rose, a
tulip, a daisy, and a sunflower. I’ve got them
hanging from the ceiling in the dorm room so I
can keep them forever.

He always takes me somewhere new. Putt-

putt golfing, a walk through the park, a fancy
restaurant, and this past Friday we went to the
movies where he let me pick out a chick flick.
Though it’s not all sunshine and roses. We argue
a lot. It never gets violent or anything like that.
Mostly I get ticked off by something he says and
throw a fit or I say something he doesn’t like and
says so and I get ticked off and throw a fit. I
really need to learn to control my temper better.
Though the making up is kind of worth it.

For example, I won fair and square during

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putt-putt golf and Declan started huffing and
puffing acting like a sore loser and of course I
called him out on it. He didn’t like that much as
you can guess.

“You are wrong Teagan. I’m not sore about

anything. I rock at putt-putt golf you must have
cheated.” He said from the driver’s side of his

I almost get whip lash as my head turns in his

direction. “Excuse me? Did you just accuse me
of cheating?” I placed my hands on the center
console and lifted myself up to his eye level. “I
don’t cheat Declan Sage, at anything. You best
learn that real quick or you won’t have a tongue
after I cut it out.”

Yeah maybe threatening to cut out his tongue

was a little much but hell I was pissed. I’m the
product of cheating and you can’t just accuse me
of it and expect me to be fine.

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He looks down into my eyes and smirks.

“Did you just threaten to cut out my tongue? You
and what army?” he laughs but his eyes say a
different story. He was pissed I threatened him.

“Yeah I did and I don’t need an army. When

I set my mind to something I stick with it. If I
really wanted to cut out your tongue I would.”

“Calm down Teagan. No need to get your

panties in a wad it’s okay if you cheated. All you
had to do was let me let you win.”

That was it I went from angry to irate. “I

didn’t fucking cheat you idiot. If you knew
anything about me you would find that I never
cheat at anything since I’m the aftermath of a man
cheating on his wife!” I screamed into his face.

His pace drained of color after that. “Teagan

I’m sorry I didn’t think about it that way.” He
reaches for my hand but I slap it away.

“Yeah that’s the problem with men in my life.

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They don’t think about my feelings. They just do
and say whatever they want to me and think they
should get away with it. You aren’t any
different.” I paused catching my breath before I
had a panic attack. “They don’t get away with it
Declan and neither will you. Y’all will learn that
you can’t walk all over me.”

After that I threw open the truck door and

started walking home on my own. I was really
mad at him and didn’t want to be in the same
space as him at that point. But he wouldn’t have

“Teagan if you think I’m going to let you

walk all the way home you’ve got to be really
stupid.” Came his voice behind me.

“I’m not stupid. You are.” I sneered over my


“Do you feel better?” he asked with a

chuckle in his voice.

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I turned to face him feeling my anger wash

away from me. “Yes I feel much better.” I smiled
at him and added, “But you’re still stupid.”

He out right laughed from deep in his gut.

“Okay Beautiful, I’m still stupid. Now get in the

After getting into the truck it didn’t take him

long before he had me in his lap taking my mouth
in a hard kiss. It was the kind of kiss that leaves
you breathless and wanting more. The kind that
has your skin on fire and the need to crawl into
the person that you’re kissing. Sometimes I feel
as if I’m being consumed when we kiss like that.
It’s almost scary the chemistry between us. I feel
it in the air when I’m around him. It draws me to
him like I might die if I don’t touch him, taste him.

Before you think that it’s all physical, we also

spend a lot of time talking about anything and
everything. I feel like I’ve known him my entire

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life. You wouldn’t think that the socially
awkward girl and the hot football star would
have that much in common but we do. I can tell
him anything and he doesn’t judge me. He even
thinks it sexy when I get mad and throw a fit.
Something about my face flushing and the way I
stand up for myself.

I’ve never met anyone like him. How much

he loves his little brother is enough for a girl to fall
in love. I don’t know if I would turn down a full
ride to a big name university to stay with my baby
brother. But Marcus is more important to him
then football or anything else for that matter. He
is definitely not one sided. Wait…did I say love?


This past month has been one of the best of

my life. Teagan is not what I expected at all. She

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is the fresh air I have needed in my life for a long
time. I was kind of worried after the way she
jumped to conclusion over seeing me and Claire
fighting but she hasn’t done that since. In fact if
something is bothering her she lets me know. Oh
she still might be mad about it but that’s cool with
me since when she’s pissed off it’s the hottest
thing I have ever seen.

Her face gets all flushed and her hands

always land on her hips drawing me into curves
she doesn’t think she has. My dick gets hard
every time I see it. Maybe it’s the fact she
doesn’t hold anything back from me when she’s
mad. She lets it all out in her throaty low
seductive voice. I love it when her eyes spark
almost making them glow. All I want to do when
she gets that way is crush her to my body and
rub up against her.

I’m almost convinced she is an angel. The

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way she smiles gosh I melt inside. She could get
whatever she wanted out of me with that smile.
She almost floats the way she walks. It’s almost
as if her dainty feet don’t touch the ground. Her
outsides are downright sexy but her insides are
so good. She’s not mean or cruel about anything
which is a needed change from Claire whose
mouth always has something awful to say. She
really loves everyone in her family who might
drive her crazy but if they call she comes running.
Claire treats her parents like slaves and is
downright sadistic towards her little sister. God I
hate that bitch.

I can’t bring myself to have sex with Teagan

though. No matter how much she wants to or
how damn badly I want to. Not only is she my
best friends little sister, she’s the only girl I have
ever really cared about. She makes me want
things that I have never wanted before. A white

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picket fence, 2.5 children and a dog. I know it’s
only been a month but I feel like I have known
her forever. I don’t want to ruin that with sex.
God I sound like a damn chick. I don’t know
what it is but I want her to be complete ready.
Hell I want to be completely ready. I’ve never
taken someone’s virginity before. It’s a huge step
not only for me but for her as well. I guess I want
her to be absolutely sure that she wants me to
take it. She seems to get extremely mad if I tell
her no we aren’t going to do it yet.

I can remember last week after the game she

came back to my house so we could hang out.
We of course started fooling around and before I
knew it I had gotten her naked.

“We have to stop Teagan.” I had said.
“Why?” she had looked really disappointed

but I just couldn’t go through with it.

“Because you aren’t ready for it yet.” Yeah

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wrong thing to say because she blew up.

“Excuse me? How the hell would you know

if I’m ready or not?” she sneered into my face.

“I know because you haven’t known me long

enough for you to want to give me your virginity.”
I blushed like an innocent school girl. The word
virginity makes me uncomfortable.

“I can give my virginity to anybody I want.

Don’t get me all hot and bothered and not go
through with it. That’s just cruel.” She seemed to
visible cool off and added, “Look I’m not saying
I’m in love or I want to marry you are anything
but I really like you. I feel like I have gotten to
know you really well and I know you wouldn’t
take this kind of thing for granted. I like that
about you. You make me feel so special and
even if we break up in a week I wouldn’t regret
giving it to you.” She smiled her angels smile and
I wanted to go through with it but I just couldn’t.

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“Look Teagan, I don’t want you to think that

I don’t want to do this with you. Hell if you even
walk into the room I get a hard on.” I paused and
smiled as she laughed. “But I’m just not ready to
take our relationship to that level. That’s a big
responsibility for me to take on Teagan. I keep
feeling like I might mess it all up or something.”

“I’m sorry I screamed at you. I guess I didn’t

think about it from your point of view. I’m might
have been being self-centered and thinking it was
all about me.” She smiled sheepishly.

“Just a little bit?” I asked with a smirk.
“Okay a lot. I’m not used to being in a

relationship and I might make mistakes but I want
you to know that in the end I will always respect
your wishes about things. If you’re not ready then
you not ready. I’ll stop pushing you so much.”
She said as crawled into my lap to nozzle my

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“I know baby. I kind of feel like a total girl

with all this waiting crap.” I told her as I ran my
fingers through her soft as silk hair.

“Yeah you totally sound like one. But I like it.

I kind of feel like you aren’t like this with
anybody else.”

“Like what?”
“Real. I don’t think you are this real with

anybody else. You just open up so well to me. I
don’t have to try and drag it out of you like I do
my stupid brothers. I think that’s what I like most
about you.”

I think that’s when I realize that she had my

heart in the palms of her hands. She could make
or break me. Being a person who has hand
control over my emotions and my path in life this
is a scary thing. I don’t think I could survive it if
she left me. I just hope she doesn’t ever figure
this out. After that we went to sleep to wake up

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to a bright and beautiful Sunday.

Sundays have become my favorite day of the

week. I go and pick her up from the dorms and
bring her back to the house. We always end up
lying on the couch wrapped around each other
while I watch football and she reads. It makes
me feel so right. Everything in my life that sucks
doesn’t seem to matter when I’m holding her.
We could lay there for hours not saying a thing
and it doesn’t get uncomfortable or boring. Just
the sound of her flipping pages and me flipping
between games. I could get used to it for the rest
of my life.

When Jaden found out Marcus and I didn’t

have any plans for thanksgiving week he invited
us down to his parents’ house. I almost said no
but I couldn’t miss the chance to send all the time
I can with Teagan. Oh and she doesn’t know that
we are coming which should be a real treat.

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I guess Jaden doesn’t want to get stuck there

with nothing to do. Apparently Grace is coming
so I think it’s more of he wants back up if Caden
starts anything. I doubt he will though since it’s
his parents’ home. I’m kind of excited I have no
idea what real family gatherings are like since my
parents were never around for any of ours. I just
hope I can keep my hands off of Teagan.

Marcus is more than excited. I think he gets

bored when he is off of school and it’s just us
around. Or maybe he is just as excited about
interacting with a real family. I know he wants
that more than anything. I wish I could give that
to him but I can’t and it hurts me more and more
every day. A kid his age needs his father around.
Talk about being a parent before you’re ready.
Sometimes I feel like he is my kid. I taught him
everything he knows. Football, soccer, baseball,
riding a bike, and even how to talk to girls. I

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kissed his boo boos and put band aids on
anything that bled. I helped him get back to sleep
after a bad dream or made him food when he
was hungry. Every day I wish my parents would
see what they are doing to him, what they are
doing to me. It isn’t fair to either of us to be put
through this kind of misery. I see people like
Claire that take their families for granted when
they don’t realize what they would be missing.

Whatever I’m not going to let it get me down

this week I’m going to enjoy my time with
Teagan and her family and let my brother
experience what true families are like.

Chapter 14


I seriously can’t believe that Declan and his

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brother are at my parents’ house for thanksgiving
break. Not only did he not tell me neither did my
brother. This totally pisses me off. Declan will
definitely be getting an ear full later on.

“Oh my god! Isn’t that Declan Sage?” My

sister Jessica says from my left where we are
sitting on the plush white sofas in the living room.

“Yes as I live and breathe that is Declan

Sage.” I pull my hands up to my face to block
out the train wreck that just walked into my

“Okay yeah I would risk the wrath of my

brother for a chance at him. Damn Teagan he is
super-hot. Look at those muscles! You must
look like a freaking twelve year old next to him!”
Jessica exclaims.

“What are you two talking about? I’m so

lost.” Marie asks us from my right on the couch.

“Shit. Look what you have done Jessica. If

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she knows everyone will know in five freaking
minutes.” I glare in her direction but she is still
eyeing over the boys that walked into my
parents’ house.

“Marie if you don’t keep your mouth shut

about this I will tell Max about that one guy in
college you slept with.” Jessica tells her without
taking her eyes off the front door.

Maries mouth drops open and I suppress a

laugh. “How the hell did you know about that?
Oh my god I didn’t tell anyone about that!” she

“The guy happened to brag at a party Forest

was at. So as you can imagine Forest beat his ass
and told him to stay the hell away from you and
never speak of it again.” Jessica replies.

“So that’s why he never called me again. I

was really pissed about that you know. I’m glad
y’all felt the need to keep it to yourselves.” She

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huffs. “I won’t tell if you don’t tell. I never
mentioned it to Max. I feel bad about that so
don’t give me that look Teag. It was a stupid
mistake I made and if I could take it back I

“Good. Now shut up because here they

come.” She finishes right before Sarah arrives
with the boys in tow.

“Marie, Jessica I want you to meet Declan

and Marcus Sage. I’m sure you’ve heard of
Declan since Jaden talks about him all the time.
Marcus is his little brother. Their parents were
unable to be with them for the holidays so I had
Jaden invite them to stay with us. Teagan dear I
think you already know Declan? What about

“No ma’am I haven’t had the pleasure of

meeting Marcus.” I tell her as I stand up to shake
his hand. This is a total lie. I hope Declan told

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him to act like he didn’t know me. “It’s nice to
meet you.”

He throws me a cocky grin. “It’s nice to

meet you too. And you too ladies. “He winks at
me and nods at my sisters.

“It’s good to see you again Teagan.” Declan

smiles at me and I fight one of my own. “It’s
good to meet you ladies. Jaden talks about y’all
all the time.”

“Oh lord I cringe to think of the things he can

say about all of us!” Marie says grinning from ear
to ear like the cat that ate the cream. Shit that is
never good.

“Don’t worry whatever he has said is

probably not true anyway. And I have some
stories about my baby brother that will make you
run for the hills.” Jessica throws in before Marie
gets any ideas.

“Don’t worry ladies everything I have heard

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was very good. He could never talk badly about
any of you.” Declan politely smiles. It’s still
amazes me how charming he is.

“Okay well let’s get you boys settled into

your rooms for the week. It’s very lucky I just so
happen to have three bedrooms to spare.” Sarah
says directing the boys to the stairs. “That
reminds me what time will Grace be getting here

“She should be here in an hour. She had a

few things to finish up before she could make it.”
I tell her. I don’t know what has gotten into
Grace. I practically had to beg her to come down
for the week. She wouldn’t tell me but I think it
has something to do with Caden. I don’t think
she is as over him as she thinks she is. This
should be a very interesting week.

“Okay so now that mom is out of the room,

what the hell is going on between Jaden and

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Caden? I haven’t seen them at each other’s
throats since they were little.” Jessica questions
after taking her eyes off of my boyfriends behind.

“Apparently Jaden has had a thing for Grace

since the beginning of the year but he didn’t make
a move until after Caden had shown interest in
her. They met at the cafeteria about a month and
a half ago and hit it off. But he never called her
like he said he would. Grace has been through a
lot and she doesn’t want drama in her life. So if
the twins aren’t careful then they will miss their
chance with her.”

“Wow so you’re telling me the boys are into

the same girl? That’s never happened before.
They don’t even have the same type.” Jessica

Marie looks intrigued but I think that’s only

because she likes to gossip. “This is very
interesting indeed. Too bad we have to go to our

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own homes; we will miss out on all the good stuff

“Yeah but luckily we have a sweet little sister

who will fill us in on all of it.” Jess gives me a shit
eating grin as she gets up off the couch.

“You will won’t you Teag? This is better than

my shows on TV!” Marie states as she gets up
off the couch as well.

“I’ll tell you nothing. Nothing interesting is

going to happen. We are at our parents’ house
for God sakes.” I huff.

They both look down at me from their

standing positions making me feel smaller than I
am. “Right.” They both say together. Sarah was
coming back down the stairs without the Sage’s.
“Mom we are going to head out now. We will be
here bright and early on Thursday to help with
the cooking.” Jessica tells her. The three of them
hug and Jessica and Marie are out the door.

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“Now Teagan, I don’t have to worry about

bed hopping do I?” Sarah asks me.

I know my face just took on the look of a

deer in headlights. “Umm no. I have no idea what
you’re getting at.” I hope she doesn’t catch my
lie. I was totally thinking about bed hopping when
I saw Declan walk through the door.

“Well if you think I didn’t notice the way you

and Declan were looking at each other then
you’re pretty dumb. I am a mother of six kids. I
know when one of you is up to something.” She
looks pointedly at me and I inwardly cringe.

“Shhhh don’t let Jaden hear you. He’d kill

Declan and I’d rather that not happen this week.”
I pause taking a deep breath. “So yeah we have
been dating for the past month but neither one of
us has the heart to tell Jaden. I don’t know it
feels kind of like a betrayal.”

“Honey it’s not a betrayal if you have feelings

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for someone. The heart wants what the heart
wants. If he doesn’t understand that then he’s not
a very good brother. I mean he’s dating your
best friend, what kind of logic would it be to get
mad at you if you do the same?”

“I guess I didn’t ever think of it that way. I’ll

talk to Declan about it later. Oh and don’t tell
daddy. He’ll have Declan kicked out of this
house so fast.”

“Oh I know dear. My lips are sealed.” She

winks as me before heading out to the kitchen.


I do believe that I got one of the older girl’s

room. There’s pink everywhere. It’s not an eye
sore anything. The walls are painted a pale pink
with off white trim. There’s an off white dresser
over in the corner with a mirror attached to the

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top and picture frames all over the surface. The
bed at least is a full size with a pink flower
covered comforter. The head and foot boards
are painted the same off white. The carpet is
plush and white with pink rugs lying here and
there. Definitely not my thing, but ill endure it just
to get to spend the week close to Teagan.

The look on her face was priceless. She

really had no idea I was coming. I feel bad I
didn’t warn her but she would have tried to talk
me out of it.

There’s a knock on the door and I have a

feeling it’s her. That was quick. I’m heading that
way but it opens before I make it. And there she
is. All five feet of her and she is spitting mad.
“What the fuck Declan? You couldn’t tell your
own girlfriend that you were going to be staying
at her parents’ house for a whole week? That
seems like something we should share with each

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other!” her face is a lovely pink from her anger.
Her hands are on her slim hips and her emerald
eyes are glaring holes into me. Hot steamy holes.

“If you had known you would have tried to

talk me out of it Beautiful. You may not realize
this but my brother needs to learn that other
families aren’t like ours. I don’t want him to think
it is normal to treat his like we were when he gets
married.” I finish and just like that she’s over her
anger. I love the way it doesn’t take a whole lot
to make her happy again.

“Okay yeah I didn’t think of it that way. I’m

sorry that I yelled at you like that. I just don’t
know how we are going to keep this away from
my brothers and my dad.” Her brow furrows in

“What about your step-mom and sisters?” I

ask confused she didn’t add them to the list.

“Oh yeah they knew not long after you

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walked into the door. Well Jessica already knew
because I tell her everything. She and I were
talking about it and Marie over heard and you
can’t hide anything from Sarah.” She finishes
chewing on her lip.

“You know I wouldn’t care if Jaden found

out or not you know. You’re the one who has
this issue with telling him. He knows me and
knows I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt you.” I
grab her upper arms to pull her into me. It feels
so good to have her body flush with mine.

“Well this week isn’t the time to do it. If

daddy found out he would throw you out so fast.
He doesn’t play around when it comes to his
daughters. Cody, that’s Jessica’s husband, he got
caught sneaking out of her window once and it
was not pretty. He’s still afraid of dad. Jessica
can hardly get him to come over here if dads
home.” She looks up at me with worried eyes.

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“It’s cool baby we won’t get caught or tell

anyone else okay?” I hold back a laugh. “Besides
Jaden told me about that once. He said that it’s
your step-mom who caught him not your dad,
said she beat him black and blue.” Now I do
chuckle at the look of shock on her face.

“Geez Jessica said it was dad. I just never

thought Sarah would do something like that but I
wouldn’t put it past her. She has to deal with the
six of us and the kids down at the shelter on a
daily basis. She’s a tough cookie.” She smiles
and shakes her head. “Well then I guess if you
stay out of my room then we should be fine.”

“Yeah but will you stay out of mine?” I ask

with a raised brow. I swear to you she is just as
horny as me. What’s even hotter is that she’s not
afraid to admit it.

“Hmm I don’t know. You look all hot and

stuff in this pink room. It just makes me all hot

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and bothered. I mean you even have ruffles on
your bed that is so sexy.” She laughs with that
sexy throaty sound and my dick twitches. Yeah
this week I will be taking quite a few cold

“Yeah I thought it might get you turned on.

You have some weird fetishes there.” We both
laugh hard. I never used to laugh like this with
anybody. I guess she brings the goof ball out of

I pick her up and let her slide her legs around

my waist as I nuzzle my nose into her sweet
smelling neck. Her arms go around my neck and
before I know what has happened my ear lobe is
in between her teeth. Fuck that feels good. I let
out a groan and move my hands to grab her butt
and squeeze.

“Baby don’t do that. Jesus.” My voice

sounds all breathless and I can’t seem to care.

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“Mmm” is the only response I get before she

is bringing her lush lips up to mine. She opens
quickly for me and our tongues dance making me
wish I had her in a house where no one else was
home. I can’t help myself as I back up to the bed
and fall backwards with her landing softy a top
me. The kiss never ends and before long I feel
like I’m being devoured by her. She tastes so
good with her spicy sweetness. I could do this all
day long but she has other plans.

Her hand is undoing my jeans and pulling my

zipper down. She reaches in and starts rubbing
my hardness with her soft warm hands. I groan
around her lips and I feel her smile. “Fuck that
feels good baby.” I didn’t want it to go this far
but she has a mind of her own and there’s no
telling her no to anything.

“I bet it does.” She wraps her small hands

around my girth and her fingers don’t even wrap

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all the way around. It’s still feels amazing as she
pulls them up and down. She chuckles as I throw
my head back and arch my back.

“Okay if you want to play that game.” I say

as I grab her hips. I reach to unbutton her jeans
and move my hand down inside her panties. My
hand reaches her bare skin and warm heat where
I rub my thumb across her nub of nerves. She
lets out a beautiful moan that I shallow with my
lips. I slip one of my fingers into her wetness and
almost come from the intense reaction it brings
out of me. I make her into this beautiful creature.
I make her this wet. Me. You don’t understand
the power that has over me. This wonderful
lovely girl wants me and I still don’t understand
that sometimes.

“Declan.” She pants and it brings goose

bumps across my skin. I thrust my finger in and
out of her faster. I can’t wait to see her face

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when she comes. It’s the most beautiful thing

My eyes are focused on her until she starts

jacking my dick again. If she doesn’t stop that
I’m going to miss the best part because my eyes
are crossed. “Fuck fuck fuck.” Why is she doing
this to me?

Her hips start to push back onto my hand

and I know I’m thrusting up into hers. Yeah we
aren’t going to last long. “Look at me when you
come.” I tell her. Her green eyes met mine as she
lowers her head to mine where our lips meet in a
crushing kiss. Our eyes never leave the others. I
thrust my finger into her even harder and rub her
nub even faster. Before long she breaks the kiss
to cry out her pleasure, her eyes never leaving
mine. Yeah that’s when I can’t take anymore and
blow my load onto her hand.

She falls down to my chest where I hold her

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to me. I run my fingers through her beautiful hair
and say “We have to quit meeting like this

She chuckles and I smile at the sound. “I

personally hope we meet like this every day.”

Chapter 15


After our sexy encounter in Maries old

bedroom things slowed down. We hardly got to
see each other because my brothers kept him
busy. They were either all outside playing football
or inside crowding the living room watching
stupid movies. I guess if I would just come clean
to Jaden we wouldn’t have to hide the fact that
we are together. I just can’t bring myself to do it.
I love my brother to pieces and I don’t want to

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hurt him. Sarah brought up a good point with the
whole he’s dating your best friend so why can’t
you date his. I don’t want it to be a rift between
them. Jaden doesn’t have a lot of friends and I
don’t want to be the reason he stops being
friends with Declan. And that’s what would
happen. He will be so pissed off about he’d
probably never talk to him again. Who am I to
do that?

I’m lying in my bed staring at the white ceiling

hoping it will solve all my problems. I can smell
the food being cooked down in the kitchen. My
stomach rumbles. Sarah likes to start earlier and
since both Marie and Jessica are married now
they have to help. I think they would kick me out
of the kitchen if I went down to help. I can’t
cook for shit. I even burn the water while it’s
boiling. I’m not going to make a great housewife.

Sarah is a wonderful cook. Over the

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summers she made us three meals a day and
when we were in school we got breakfast and
dinner. Her food will melt in your mouth with rich
favors and have it watering for more. Mmm I
smell bacon!

I rush out of bed and through a shower

putting on black yoga pants and a pink tank top.
I brush my hair up into a messy pony tail as I run
down the stairs to get to the food before one of
my brothers eats it all.

As I make my way to the kitchen I hear

Declan’s deep rumble. That’s strange. He is not
a morning person by any means. I stop short as I
enter the huge decked out kitchen. He’s standing
over the stove wearing nothing but a pink apron
and sweats. No shirt to speak of. Jessica and
Marie are already here and they are drooling
over him. Sarah is standing by the coffee maker
smirking at their reactions.

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“How did you want your eggs Mrs. Harper?”

his voice sounds scratching and totally sexy. I
love it when his voice is like this. It’s the one you
hear only in the mornings shortly after he has
gotten up.

“Over easy. Good morning Teagan. Declan

here was kind enough to offer to make breakfast.
Do you want some bacon?” Sarah asks me with
a twinkle in her eye. I’m starting to think that I
never knew my step-mother at all. When Declan
turns to say good morning to me her eyes strayed
to his butt and didn’t leave it.

When I finally rake my eyes over Declan I

almost fall on the floor laughing. I guess I didn’t
realize that he was wearing Sarah’s favorite
apron. It says “Kiss the Cook”. He looks at me
puzzled so I point at the apron. He looks down
and he realizes why I am laughing so hard. He
walks over to me and points to his cheek. So I

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stand on my tippy toes and plant one on his
beautiful mouth. I hear gasps from the other girls
in the room but I don’t care. He’s mine and they
better get to know it.

“That was unexpected. But thank you.” He

smiles slyly at me and walks back over to the
stove to finish cooking whatever it is he is

“So Declan why don’t you have a shirt on?” I

probe. I wonder if one of my sisters talked him
into taking it off. This pisses me off beyond belief.

“Well I was sleeping in only my sweats when

I woke up to the smell of smoke and ran down
stairs. That’s when I realized that Marie had
burnt some bacon. I told them I could cook so
they threw this apron me and I got to it.” He says
all this without looking at me once but I can tell
he’s trying not to laugh by the way his shoulders
slightly shake.

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“And imagine my surprise when he actually

made something good. I haven’t ever met a man
who could actually cook. He puts my prize
winning bacon to shame.” Sarah says taking a sip
of her coffee.

Curious I pick up a piece from the plate

sitting on the black marble counter top. Yeah
that’s freaking good. “How is it I didn’t know
you could cook Declan?”

“Oh that would be because I haven’t ever

had the chance to cook for you, Beautiful.” He
replies from his place in front of the stainless steel

Jessica who is sitting on one of the stools that

Sarah has next to the center island looks at me
and mouths “Beautiful?” I nod and sit next to
hear whispering in her ear it’s one of my
nicknames. I guess he let it slip. He’s going to
have to watch that.

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Before long the twins are down eating

everything in sight. It doesn’t take long for Sarah
to put all the young men to work. I hurry out of
the kitchen into the living room before I have to
pill potatoes or stuff the turkey.

My dad is sitting in his favorite chair watching

the parade on TV. This makes me smile. We
used to curl up in his chair every year since my
mom died and watch it. So that is exactly what I
do. “Why didn’t you come and get me?”

“You were busy in the kitchen eating. I knew

you would find your way here before long.” He
says tucking me under his arm as I curl against his
chest. My dad likes to run so it keeps him in
shape. There’s no fat on him and his blue eyes
are still full of life even though his hair is starting
to turn grey.

“That is no excuse! We always watch the

parade together.” I pout.

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He squeezes me to him and kisses the top of

my head. “I know baby girl. I didn’t have the
heart to pull you away from your boyfriend in

I stiffen up. “How did you know he is my


He chuckles. “Because you two can’t keep

your eyes off each other when you’re in the same
room. That boy looks up the second you walk
into the room like he could feel you coming.
That’s a real connection right there. I don’t want
you to pass that up.”

“Wow daddy I didn’t realize you were so

deep.” I give him a shit eating grin.

He smacks me on the arm. “Well I didn’t do

horrible things to Sarah and get her to stay with
me, without being so deep as you say. You still
have to keep up the charm and cleverness to be
with a woman like that.”

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“I always wondered how you got her to stay

with you. I don’t think I could be that strong and
forgive anybody for what you did.”

“You would be surprised the things you

would do for those you love. Maybe one day
you will hear her side but mine is good enough
for now. I may have slept with someone else
outside of my marriage but I still loved Sarah. I
will love that woman till the day I die and nothing
will ever change that. We had several problems
going on at the time baby girl. Your mother was
just a comfort I took and look where it got me?
You and I couldn’t ask for anything better.
You’re the reason alone I would never regret my
actions. I just regret what I put Sarah through.”

“So are you saying that it’s her fault?” I ask


“No baby girl. It’s my fault that I slept with

someone else. I’m human and every human

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makes mistakes. It’s just up to the person who
made that mistake to let it rule their lives or put it
behind them and go on. We couldn’t ever just
forget it though because there is you. But we did
work past it and now we are stronger than ever.”

We fall into a comfortable silence and I can’t

help but think if it’s a mistake or not to keep my
relationship with Declan secret from Jaden.


I spent all Thanksgiving day in the kitchen

helping Mrs. Harper and her daughters cook
dinner. Jaden, Caden, and Marcus helped but
mostly they did the stuff we didn’t want to do. I
haven’t seen much of Teagan or Grace for that
matter. Caden got covered in flour at one point
and went to take a shower and came back in the
weirdest mood. Normally he is talkative and

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playful after that he was silent and lost in thought.
I seemed to be the only one who noticed.

An hour or so before dinner was served

three older guys came in. Two holding babies.
The little girl had to be Hailey. Teagan talks
about her all the time. Which means the blonde is
Forest her oldest brother. He certainly doesn’t
seem to get the giant gene like Jaden and Caden
did. He is slender and slightly muscled. The other
two guys must be Max and Cody the in laws.
And the little boy would be Jessica’s boy Jason.
I haven’t had much experience with kids so I
didn’t take much interest in them.

Before long every male in the house ended

up in the living room watching the game. Mr.
Harper kept giving me weird looks and I
seriously can’t tell you what that was about. I
hope he doesn’t know about his daughter and I.

Now I find myself sitting at this huge

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mahogany table in the dining room, which I might
add sits about twelve which is one more than we
need. I got seated across from Teagan which is
fine by me. I can look at her all night. Then of
course I had to sit in between the twins who
aren’t even talking to each other now. The
tension between those two is coming off in waves
and I really don’t like being in the middle of it.

“So Declan what are your plans for after

college?” Mr. Harper asks me from the head of
the table.

“I plan on being a lawyer sir.” I tell him

hoping that is a good enough answer. Though I
have no idea why I’m the one being questioned.

“That’s a good profession to go into. How

serious are you about it?”

“I have wanted to be a lawyer for a while

now sir. I want to work in the district attorney’s
office and help out those who can’t afford a high

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paid one.”

“Well I think you will fit in nicely around here

then son. This lot likes to help out those who
really truly need it.”

“Thank you sir. And Jaden has told me

plenty about the great work that Mrs. Harper
and your children do. I’m truly honored to be
staying here for Thanksgiving vacation.”

Conversation went all over the place after

that. Everyone talking to each other and over
each other. It was a lot to take in. At one point I
had four different people ask me four different
questions. I was happy when dinner was over
and we moved the party into the living room.
Apparently it was tradition to play games after

I stood outside the room in the door way as

Jessica and Marie pulled out a game system from
the entertainment center. Here I am thinking that

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they are going to play video games. No that’s not
what these lovely people had in mind. One

The rules were that everyone had to go.

Either you sang by yourself or you got to pick a
partner. Since Grace, Marcus, and I were new to
this we got to go first. Marcus and I threw Grace
into the wolves and decided to do All My Life by
Boyz 2 Men. We got cat calls and woots from
the crowd even though neither one of us can
carry a tune.

Jessica took pity on Grace and got up to sing

Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cindy Lopper
doing silly little 80s dances. Next up were Cody
and Max who sang Back in Black by AC/DC
while playing air guitar. Forest and Caden got up
next and belated out a lovely rendition of I
Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry which got lots of
laughs. I knew Jaden could sing so I wasn’t

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surprised he got up there by himself and sang
Call Me by Shinedown that had his mother in
tears. Mr. and Mrs. Harper went next singing
Jackson by June Carter and Johnny Cash. I
thought it was odd that Teagan went last but oh it
didn’t take long to figure it out.

She got up on the makeshift stage and picked

out her song. She started singing and I liked to
have died. She had been keeping a big secret
from me. This tiny little thing could sing like a five
hundred pound woman. She kept eye contact
with me the entire song and I had to cross my
legs and hope no one noticed my hard on. Seems
I always have one of those when she’s around.
That or I’m too easily turned on.

I finally learned where she got the tattoo

from. The song is called Speechless and it’s by
Lady Gaga. She did the beautiful singer justice.
She never missed a note and the song had a

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Smokey café kind of feel that Teagan pulled off
with her smoky throaty voice. The song itself was
beautiful. Lines like “And I'll never love again, I'll
never write a song, won’t even sing along, I’ll
never love again.” There is even a part where the
girl in the song gets her brother to beat up her
boyfriend. They even wire his jaw shut. That hits
a little close to home.

I can’t help but think I’ll never own my own

heart again. Teagan stole it with her beautiful
voice and sexy body and with her outgoing
personality and big caring heart. With those
emerald eyes that see into my soul. I don’t think I
will ever love again. I lay in Marie’s old bed and
I know deep in my soul that she is it for me.

Chapter 16


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I feel like I haven’t gotten to see Declan at all

since we got here. I miss him a lot. The way his
chocolate eyes twinkle when he sees me. How
his body feels pressed up against mine. Or the
way he knows exactly what to say to make me
feel better. I can’t believe that I’m lucky enough
to have his attention. He is such a wonderful guy
and he doesn’t judge me for anything I do. He is
always there if I need someone to talk to or a
shoulder to cry on. I love the way he is with his
brother. He would do anything for him; hell from
what I’ve heard he practically raised him. I can’t
imagine what he had to go through. I guess that
goes to show you it doesn’t take great parents to
make a great person.

The word love keeps popping into my head

every time I even think of Declan. I’ve never
been in love but I wonder if this is what I’m

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feeling. I think about him all the time. He makes
me want to be a better person. The way he looks
at me like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world.
I don’t even have to do my hair or put on
makeup for that look. What we have is special
something I have never encountered before. I do
realize that I haven’t ever been in another
relationship but what daddy said earlier has my
mind spinning. I do feel when he walks into the
room and my eyes immediately look for him. I
don’t even have to touch him for sparks to fly
between us. If that’s not love then I don’t know
what is.

That’s how I find myself sneaking down the

hall to the room he’s staying in. That’s also when
I noticed the door for the room Grace is in
opening. I hurry into the hall bathroom when I
realize that it isn’t Grace leaving her room but
Caden. What the hell?

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Shaking my head I wait for him to make it

back to his own room before tiptoeing on to
Declan. After opening the door as quietly as
possible I sneak in. The only light is from the
moon coming in through the window. I wait for a
minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.
When I can make out his form I start to get short
of breath.

He’s on his stomach wearing only a pair of

black boxer briefs. I wonder if he got too hot
since he has kicked the covers off. He’s got one
of the pillows hugged to his head with his arms
wrapped around it. I almost feel bad since I’m
going to wake him up because he just looks so
peaceful. I love to watch him sleep, his face gets
so expressive. I’ve seen him smile or scrunch up
his face. He even grunts and groans. I laugh softly
to myself. What an expressive dreamer.

As I start to creep to the bed he flips over to

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his back and I almost faint. My breathing is even
more ragged. The moonlight makes his muscled
torso look even sexier. He looks like he needs to
be ravished. And lucky me he has turned on his
back because that makes it easier for what I
want to do to wake sleeping handsome up.

I finally make it to the bed without waking

him. I place one leg gently on the bed when that
results in nothing I place the other next to the
first. I gently run my index finger down his groin.
He’s soft of course but I plan on changing that. I
continue to run my finger up and down his length
and slowly feel it harden. He softly moans in his
sleep while his hips twitch. I slowly take his
hardness out of his undies and bend over to lick it
up and down. Now I haven’t done this before
because he won’t let my mouth anywhere near
his dick. Something about taking advantage of
me. Well two could play at that game I won’t let

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his mouth anywhere near my privates. That just
seemed to piss him off.

I lick his sex a few more times before I feel

bold enough to stick my mouth to it. I close my
mouth around the head and slowly suck it into my
mouth. I feel my face stretch around his girth.
Yeah I’m not going to be able to fit the whole
thing in my mouth so I place one of my hands
around the base as I start to move up and down
his length faster. My hand takes care of the
places I can’t reach and it bumps into my mouth
as I bob up and down. I get the shock of my life
when I feel Declan’s hands dig into my wild hair.
He’s moaning and groaning softly. I’m glad to
see that he didn’t stop me when he woke up.

He uses his hold in my hair to move me up

and down his length faster and I love every
second of it. Before I realize what’s going on he
reaches down and pulls me up the bed. I’m now

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underneath him and he has this crazy wild look in
his eyes. Maybe I shouldn’t have woken the lion.
He unties my silky pink robe to discover I have
nothing on underneath. He doesn’t say anything
as he leans in to give me a harsh kiss. Ours
tongue are in a dangerous dance and I find myself
arching into him. He moves his kisses down my
body. Over my neck, down the valley between
my breasts, over my flat stomach and onto my

He stops there lifting his head as he trails a

finger down my wet folds. “Your wet for me
baby. Did sucking my dick turn you on?” he asks
me with a cocky grin on his face.

I’ll I can do is nod as he sticks his tongue out

and swipes it across my sex. My back bows off
the bed. Damn that feels so good. He proceeds
to torture me by sucking on my nub of nerves. I
think I moan his name and I hear him chuckle.

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It feels like it goes on for hours but it can’t be

for more than a minute. With him sucking and
thrusting his tongue into me I don’t last long
before I have a pillow shoved into my face to
muffle my scream of pleasure.

When I come back down to earth I notice

that he has taken the pillow from my face and
he’s looking into my eyes and I know what he is
going to say before he says it. “I’m ready.”

That’s the only warning I get before I feel his

rock hard length pushing into me. He’s bigger
than I expected and I really don’t think he’s
going to fit. He watchs my face intently and I
know that he will stop if I show any sign of pain.
He’s going slowly so my body can adjust to his
invasion. When he is all the way in I let a sigh of
relief. That wasn’t near as bad as I thought it was
going to be.

“You okay baby?” he questions me.

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To answer I throw my arms around his neck

and thrust my hips up to meet his. He groans into
my ear and then he starts to thrust too. Slow at
first but his tempo gets stronger and stronger. All
I can hear is the slapping off our sweaty skin and
the grunts and moans coming from each of us.

He brings his head back down to my ear

where he whispers “Come for me baby, I’m not
going to last long.” Shivers rock my body and I
find myself rubbing that special spot on my body
that makes everything more intense. It’s not long
before I feel that tingle that means I’m about to

“MMM I’m almost there…” I trail off as I

thrash my head from side to side. Its builds to an
intense heat and I finally feel it explode and all I
see is bright light. That was so much better then
when we are just fooling around. I feel my sex
clench around him dragging him in even further. I

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feel him tense above me and his movements get
jerkier and then he’s kissing my lips as I shallow
his yell of pleasure.

He falls down beside me and curls me

around him like he is afraid to let me go. “Yeah I
don’t know if that was the stupidest or smartest
idea we have ever had.”


“Why stupidest?” she asks rubbing her hand

up and down my stomach.

“Because my dumbass didn’t put a condom

on. You get me so wrapped up in you I forget
the most important thing.” I rub my hand down
my face in frustration. I can’t believe I didn’t
even think to put a condom on.

“It’ll be okay. We’ll use one from now on

and I’ll get on the pill. I don’t know why I didn’t

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do that in the first place since I knew I would talk
you into it sooner or later.” She looks up at me
and I kiss her sweaty forehead.

“Yeah but we are in a world of hurt if you

end up pregnant. I’ll be dead the second you tell
Jaden. Jesus why am I so dumb?” I stare at the
white ceiling as she continues to rub her hand up
and down my stomach in a comforting touch.

“I won’t end up pregnant. Fate can’t be that

evil. I’m not some sixteen year old girl who said it
was okay for her boyfriend to not wear a
condom because he doesn’t like them.” She
laughs but I don’t think she even believes that.

We quickly fall asleep naked and wrapped

around each other. Just before dawn Teagan gets
up kissing me good bye to return to her own
room before anybody else wakes up. I suddenly
miss her and wish we were at my house were we
don’t have to hide the fact that we are together.

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Marcus doesn’t give a shit what we do.

A couple of hours later after a shower I head

downstairs to get some breakfast. It’s pretty late
morning since I don’t like to get up early. The
smell of coffee and pancakes reaches my nose
before I even enter the spacious kitchen. Teagan
is already sitting down next to Grace their heads
bent together talking in angry whispers. Mrs.
Harper is at the stove flipping the pancakes
humming a pleasing tune. I head over to the girls
and their heads pop up at my approach. “What
are you two talking about so intensely?”

“Nothing to worry your pretty little head

about.” Grace smiles sweetly at me and I wonder
if they were talking about me.

Teagan reads my mind and shakes her head

no as Jaden and Caden elbow their way past
each other to enter the kitchen. Jaden comes
over to kiss Grace who accepts with a bright

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smile. That’s when I hear a glass break on the
other side of the room. “Caden Gabriel Harper
that’s belonged to your grandmother god rest her
soul!” Mrs. Harper exclaims.

“Sorry mom it slipped out of my hand.” He

explains with a blush to his cheeks.

“Well you better learn how to hold things the

right way boy.” She throws him a dirty look and
points her spatula at him

“Poor Caden a grown man and still getting

spanked by his momma.” Jaden taunts him.

“Jaden Vincent Harper you better watch

your mouth because I can still wash it out with
soap young man. Acting that way doesn’t make
either of you grown. You best remember that.” I
would hate to be on her bad side.

Teagan and Grace exchange a look. I really

want to know what’s going on there. Caden
walks by and Grace gets a hurt look on her face

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when he doesn’t make eye contact. Yeah I
definitely want to know what’s going on.

After breakfast I go up to corner Teagan.

When I walk in after checking to make sure no
one sees she is sitting on her bed with her kindle
reading away. I don’t think she even noticed that
I walked in. “What are you reading Beautiful?” I
ask startling her.

“Oh hey I’m reading a romance novel. I’m

just at the good part. What’s up?” she is avoiding
my eyes so I know she doesn’t want to talk
about what was going on in the kitchen.

“I want to know what’s going on with Grace,

Jaden, and Caden.” I cross my arms over my
chest so she will get the point that I’m serious.
Jaden is my best friend and if Grace is playing
him he deserves to know.

“Fine I knew you were going to bug me

about it.” She sets the kindle to the side and sits

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up tucking her wild hair behind her ears. “I’m not
going to go into detail with you because it’s none
of your business. Grace isn’t playing Jaden she
actually wants things to work out between the
two of them. Caden is making it hard because he
won’t let her go. I’ve talked to him she’s talked
to him, hell even Jaden has talked to him. He is
kind of looking like a stalker at this point. Maybe
you should talk to him.” She taps her index finger
on to her dainty chin in a serious thinking face.

“I wouldn’t even know where to begin to talk

to him about it. I’ve had like one conversation
with the guy and I think we both grunted through
it.” She starts to look worried so I comfort her
with my next words. “But for you I will do
anything so I’ll go find him and have a chat

“Thank you. You’re like the best boyfriend

ever!” she laughs and jumps into my arms placing

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kisses all over my face.

Chapter 17


Grace has gotten herself into a pickle. And

no before you even ask I’m not telling you what
kind of pickle either. That’s her business and I’m
sure you’ll find out later. Anyways on to other
things. My lovely brother Forest decided that we
needed to go out since we haven’t spent much
time together in ages. I for one I’m looking
forward to it. Declan isn’t all the happy but only
for the fact that he won’t get to see me all day. It
will give him time to talk to Caden. I hope he can
get through to my knuckle headed brother.

“You ready to go baby girl?” Forest asks me

from the front door of the house. I guess I went

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off into la la land on the couch. Happens

“Yeah I’m ready to go.” I’ll tell you right now

Forest and daddy will be the only two people on
this planet who will get away with calling me
baby girl.

“Good our movie is in like twenty minute I

don’t want to be late.” He waves his arm in a
hurry up motion. I chuckle and head out the door
to his shiny new mustang. Forest’s wife, Holly left
him a couple of months ago leaving him with
Hailey on his own. Sarah and daddy watch her
all the time for him but it gets kind of hard with
them being an hour away. Holly was a total bitch
I don’t know why he married her to begin with.
She decided that she wanted to be a model up in
New York City and he hasn’t heard from her
since. Good riddance I say.

The car ride is silent and I know he’s going

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to say something about Declan. Seems everyone
knows but the twins but those two have always
been about number one, themselves.

“So this Declan guy he treats you good

right?” and here comes the interrogation.

“Yes Forest he treats me very good. He

takes me on actual dates to actual places. He
opens my car door for me and pulls my chair out
for me when we eat at a restaurant. He lets me
pick what we watch on TV and what movie we
get to see. Though don’t beat him at anything
because he is a sore loser. Oh and he doesn’t get
scared off by my temper. I get mad at him quite a
bit and he lets me yell out my anger without even
getting pissed off.” I smile like a big goof ball
knowing I sound totally ridiculous.

“Wow he is like the perfect guy or what?”

Forest rolls his eyes. “Hell by the sound of him I
would want to date him myself.”

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“He’s not perfect by a long shot but he is

perfect towards me and that is all any of you
could ask. I don’t understand why every single
one of you feels the need to be overbearing. Well
maybe not Jess and MayMay but still it gets
really annoying. I’m nineteen years old I don’t
need any of you to raise me anymore. If he
wasn’t a good guy I wouldn’t be with him.”

“Well it’s called the youngest sister

syndrome. Plus you’re extra special because you
aren’t laid back like the rest of us. You are out
there in the world’s face telling it not to piss you
off. I don’t have to worry about Marie because
she wouldn’t date or marry anybody who she
couldn’t control. Jessica is a ball buster but still
she likes them agreeable. You? No you are the
one who would bring home a bad boy covered in
tats and piercings giving dad a heart attack. You
and me? Yeah we go after the ones we can’t

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hold on too. Now I’m not saying you can’t hold
on to Declan by any shot I’m just saying that we
shoot for more than we can handle. But he seems
to be pretty laid back and really into you. The
twins are idiots because I don’t see how they
can’t tell y’all have something going on. They are
in your circle of friends for crying out loud.” He
huffs knocking his knuckles into the steering

“They have their hands full with Grace at the

moment. I personal hope they keep out of the
loop. I don’t want Jaden to lose his best friend
because he can’t put his hurt behind him. And he
will be hurt that we didn’t tell him from the bat.
We have our reasons but still that doesn’t make it
right and at this point I don’t know whether we
should tell him or not.”

“What do you mean they have their hands full

with grace?”

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“Exactly what it sounds like. They both want

her and most of the time she can’t decide who
she wants. I would drop both of them on their
asses because they are both self-centered and
stupid. I keep telling her this too but she won’t

“Well who do you think she will end up


“Jaden. Definitely Jaden because he is the

one to cause her less drama. She’s got a hurtful
past and all she can see with Caden is hurt in her
future. Besides I don’t think she likes him all that
much anyway.”

“I bet that is rubbing him raw. He can’t stand

to not be at the center of the world. It will be
good for him I think. Both of them. Cade needs
some rejection in his like and Jaden actually
needs a girl in his. Someone needs to soften that
poor guy out.”

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That’s what I love about Forest. His personal

life might suck right now but he still notices
everything around him. Nothing escapes his
notice and if he can fix a problem he does.
Before long we arrive at the movie theater and of
course he picks out the new zombie thriller. The
next two hours are going to be so much fun. Not.


I find Caden in a room buried deep in the

back of the house. Its facing the back of the
property and the view is breath taking. When the
sunsets it comes through the windows adding a
beautiful glow making the whole thing peaceful.
The tree line gives way to a lake out in the back
with the most pretty blue water I have ever seen.
There’s a flower garden right outside the
windows. I bet during the summer there are

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flowers of ever color out there. Right now
everything is dead but the gazebo out there
makes up for it. Painted candy apple red with
white trim it fits right in with the stone walkway
and matching stone benches.

Caden is sitting in the middle of the room on

a stool in front of a canvas featuring a beautiful
blonde woman. The room itself is plain. With
hardwood floors and white walls. You can tell he
has been painting in here for years. There are a
couple of tables here and there with paint
supplies laying around on them. The floor is
covered in dried paint speckles giving it a homely

“What the hell do you want Sage?” Caden

startles me out of my appraisal of the room.

“Umm your sister asked me to talk to you, so

here I am. I’m not really sure what to say so I’m
kind of hoping you could help me out there.” I

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raise my brows in a hopeful expression.

“Come sit down then. I need to talk to you

about some shit anyway.” He points at an empty
stool next to a blank canvas. After I’m seated it
doesn’t take him long to get to the point. “So
you’re fucking my little sister and she wants you
to talk to me about Grace.”

I stare at him in shock because I seriously

didn’t believe that he knew. “Umm…” I trail off

“Don’t worry I’m not going to kill you are

anything. She thinks I didn’t see her sneak into
your room last night. I personally can’t change
things that have already happened but if you hurt
her I will mess you up. That much I can say on

“Yeah I don’t plan on hurting her at all. I

know what it’s like to be hurt by someone you’re
dating and I don’t want to wish that on anyone.”

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“Good now what are you going to say to me

about Grace that is supposed to make me back

“All I’m going to say is that Jaden is my best

friend and if you keep it up with Grace you’re
going to hurt him and I might have to hurt you.”

“You think you can take me?”
“Yeah if you wanted to get at me over

Teagan I wouldn’t fight back so you could hurt
me that way. But doing something to hurt Jaden
when you knew it was going to hurt him then
yeah I would hurt you.”

“Wow I didn’t realizes my brother had such

a good friend in you. I kind of thought you were
only friends with him because of Teagan.”

“No I’ve known him longer than Teagan. He

is like a brother to me and I don’t want him to
get hurt over some shit that doesn’t even need to
be happening. Why can’t you just grow up and

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let them be together?”

“Because she won’t get out of my head

dammit. She is always there fucking with me.
Making me feel things I have no business feeling.
She walks into the room and all I can do is
fucking stare at her and watch as she pretends
that she doesn’t feel the same way as I do. Jaden
asked me to leave her alone when I first met her
and I did but then he invited me to that thing at
the bowling alley. When I showed up and he had
his hands all over her I got so fucking mad I
wanted to punch him in the face. I haven’t
wanted to punch him in the face since the seventh
grade when he wrecked my bike. We both
promised that we would leave her alone because
we both liked her. He totally broke the bro
code.” He starts chewing on the end of his paint
brush and I see teeth marks on the other ones. I
guess it’s a nervous habit.

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My eyes widen in surprise. I didn’t think

Jaden had it in him. “So you both agreed together
to stay away from her and he went against that?
What an asshole. You can’t break the bro code
like that. Not that you and her sneaking around
behind his back is okay it’s actually worse. He
shouldn’t have told you he would leave her alone
and then go after her full force.”

“He’s a dick like that man. I don’t even

know why he likes her. She doesn’t even like
football. I mean I know she’s a cheerleader and
everything but she only did that so she could get
a scholarship to here. Football is his whole life
and I don’t think he could make it with someone
who doesn’t even like it.” He huffs.

“No because he would get tired of having

nothing to talk about to her. I don’t know though
they have been dating for a whole month going
on strong. She’s a pretty chatty girl and a

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southern bell if there ever was one. She could
probably pull a conversation out of her Prada

“Dude why do you even know what Prada


“I dated a bitch from hell that was into the

whole fashion thing. Your sister is a nice change.
She doesn’t have to try to be beautiful she just
is.” I can feel the big goofy grin on my face. Yeah
I’m a total dork.

“Gross dude, if we are going to be friends no

gooey shit about my sister.” He makes a
disgusted face and starts putting up his art

“We are going to be friends are we?” I ask

with one eyebrow raised.

“Yes asshole we are going to be friends. For

one thing because I have to keep an eye on you
and my sister and another you’re pretty cool for

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a football player.” He says that like I’m supposed
to know what he means.

“Yeah your pretty cool for a dude who paints

I guess.” I laugh at him when he scowls. I guess
we are going to be friends since it seems easier to
goof off with him then Jaden.

“I just meant that I have met some pretty

stuck up jocks who wouldn’t give us lowly
people the time of day and here you are having
an honest open conversation with me. Plus you
talk about my sister like she a goddess or
something.” He smirks and goes to wash his
hands in the sink in the far corner.

“She is a goddess and I wouldn’t ever treat

her as anything other. But you’re the one who
needs to stop treating Grace like a hooker and
quit sneaking around behind your brothers back.”

“Your one to talk man. Jaden has no clue

about you and Teagan. So I would keep your

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mouth shut if you want me to keep mine. He
won’t be so easy going about you two being
together as I am.”

I start to say something else but Jaden

decided right then to walk into the room. “What
the hell are you doing in here with this jackass?”
He growls right inside the door.

“I couldn’t find anyone else in this whole

house to hang out with but Cade who wasn’t
doing anything interesting to begin with.” I say
winking at Jaden.

“Yes I was. Painting is the most interesting

thing in the world.” He scoffs.

“Yeah whatever man lets go watch a stupid

movie or something.” Jaden says to me.

“Sure. Caden you coming?” I ask to the

shock of both of them.

“Yeah man I’ll be up in a minute.” He

continues to wash his hands.

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I walk out behind Jaden and think damn what

the hell kind of mess did I got myself into now.
Keeping two secrets from Jaden might kill me. It
was hard enough to keep one. I don’t know
what I’ll do because he needs to know about
both of them. It’s not fair to the poor guy to learn
your sister is dating your best friend or that your
girlfriend might be sleeping with your twin

Chapter 18


“Huh?” I say to Declan who is sitting at the

end of my bed. I’m laying down reading a really
great book on my kindle.

“What’s with you this week? You’ve been

kind of out of it.” He places his hand on my

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forehead as if to check for a fever.

“I’m fine Declan. I’m reading a great book

so I didn’t hear you say anything. Sorry.” I say
scowling at his parenting.

“It’s not just today Teagan. You’ve been like

this for the past week. Are the dreams missing
with you while your awake?” he asks me with
concern written all over his face.

“No I don’t even remember them after I

wake up. I don’t know I guess I’m just tired all
the time. I must be coming down with the flu.”
That’s just what I need. To get sick.

“Maybe. You want me to get you some hot

tea? That might help.” He looks hopeful at the
thought of making me feel better. I don’t blame
him I have been a huge bitch lately.

“Sure.” I tell him just to get him to stop

mothering me for a little bit.

“Great I’ll be back in a minute.” And he’s

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rushing out my door.

Its Christmas break, the last couple of days

in fact. Christmas and New years has come and
gone. We, being the twins, Marcus, Grace,
Declan and me, have holed up at my parents for
the month off. It’s been loads of fun and I’m
dreading going back to school come next week. I
don’t get to see Declan every day and that truly
sucks. We have been practically glued at the hip
since we got here. Well when I didn’t have to
fight Jaden and Caden for his attention. Those
two are still at odds with each other and them
both being friends with Declan has widen the gap
between them. And before you ask, Jaden still
doesn’t know. We want to tell him but how do
you tell your beloved brother that you’ve been
dating his best friend for months? It would have
been okay had we told him right off the bat but
we didn’t and now it’s too late.

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I’ve also discovered that I’m a total horn

dog. I find myself jumping Declan’s bones
whenever I can. He doesn’t seem to mind.
Sometimes he even starts it which is always fun.
I’ve found myself more then once pushed up
against a wall with him pushing into me from
behind. I love it. Other times we take it slow
while he whispers sweet words in my ears leaving
me with shivers and goose flesh. Before you start
to think that’s all, we do don’t. We still talk,
hangout and go on dates. I’ve learned even more
about him that I didn’t know. For example he
can’t stand clutter. He’s a neat freak to the
extreme. I’ve been staying at his house a lot and I
like to throw my clothes on the floor and leave
them. After about a week of this he got so mad
he turned bright red and yelled at me for the first
time ever.

“Pick up your fucking shit Teagan. I’m not

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your god damn maid!” he screamed at me from
where he was standing on his side of the bed.

“Jesus Christ it’s just a few shirts and pants

Declan. No need to throw a bitch fit.” I
screamed back at him from my side of the bed.

“There is a need. I can’t stand the mess you

keep leaving around. Didn’t anybody teach you
how to pick up after yourself?” he sneered at me.

“Yes I just choose not too since I’m freaking

lazy!” my temper was on full force and I was on
the verge of slapping his beautiful face.

“There’s a difference between lazy and

spoiled. You sweetheart are spoiled! And I can’t
stand it!” he was huffing and puffing about to
blow the house down.

“Excuse me? I’m not spoiled just because my

parents are rich doesn’t mean I got spoiled. I still
had to do things on my own! I didn’t have
everything handed down to me like you did!” I

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was clenching my hands open and closed. If he
pushed me anymore I was going to hit him.

“I might have had everything bought for me

by my father who is never around but that’s
because he didn’t feel the need to actually take
care of us emotional. You wouldn’t know that
because you a spoiled rotten little bitch.” He said
it so calmly and before I knew it I was over the
bed slapping his face with an open palm.

We looked stunned at each other and then he

was climbing over the bed to me grabbing my
head in a tight lock and harshly kissing me.
Shoving his tongue down my throat in a bruising
kiss and I relished every minute it. Didn’t take
long before we were tearing each other’s clothes
off. Our love making was quick fast and almost
brutal and immediately after we both said sorry at
the same time. It didn’t take long for us at all to
forgive each other for the arguments. I guess it

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wasn’t really a big deal to be fighting about

I’m thrown out of my thoughts by a sharp

pain in my stomach. Its hurts so freaking bad.
The waves of pain start out slow coming and
going but they end up becoming one big
excruciating pain. Tears are falling out of my eyes
in silent sobs. I can’t talk through it, the pain is so
bad. I’m freaking out and my breathing becomes
labored and before I know it I’m in a full blown
panic attack. This only makes the pain worse and
before long I’m falling into the black abyss on my
bedroom floor.


I hope Teagan isn’t getting sick. I don’t think

I could stand to see her not feel good. I’ve been
going through hell the past week with the dreams.

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I’ve been sneaking into her room at night after
everyone goes to bed. She shocks herself awake
and says she can’t even remember what they are
about. There are a least two a night. It’s starting
to concern me a great deal. I’m hoping this cup
of tea will help. I made it just the way she likes it
with lots of cream and sugar.

As I open the door to room the sound of the

cup hitting the floor has to be louder in my head
then it really is. It sounds like a car hitting another
car and landing in a body of water. My heart is
beating in overtime and I can’t seem to catch my
breath. She is on the floor pale as a ghost, well
paler then she normal is. Her wild black hair
fanned out around her head. That’s not what
scared me the most. It’s the blood staining her
white yoga pants. There can’t be that much
blood. Why is there so much blood?

I realize I’m just standing in the doorway

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looking at her and I jump into action. I take the
few steps to her gently picking her up. “Help
anybody help!” I scream at the top of my lungs. I
put my ear to her face and realize she isn’t dead
like I first thought though her breathing is faint.

Caden runs into the room and freezes at the

doorway seeing the blood. “What the fuck
happened?” he looks like he is about to beat me
to a pulp.

“I don’t know. I went down stairs to get her

a cup of tea. She said she wasn’t feeling good.
We thought it might have been a cold or the flu.
When I got back this is how I found her.” I tell
him quick as I can so I don’t get clocked in the

“Come on let’s get her to the hospital. We

can make it faster than the ambulance can get
here.” He doesn’t wait for me just heads on out
the door.

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The three of us are the only ones home and

I’m glad he is here because there’s no way I
could drive right now. I hurry after him but go as
gently as I can so I don’t hurt Teagan anymore
then she is.

By the time I have made it out the front door

Cade already has his mustang pulled out on to
the street. He’s standing there with the door open
so I quickly and gently as possible lay her in the
back seat. I left her head up and sit down placing
her head in my lap.

It seems like it takes hours to get to the

hospital but its only twenty minutes. Cade called
Mr. and Mrs. Harper on the way there. All I can
think in my head is please don’t die please don’t
die. I say it like a chant but I mean it like a


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Teagan has been in the back for an hour. By

this time everyone in her family is here, well
except Forest but he lives an hour away so he
should be here any minute. I hate to say it but I’m
a huge sissy and have been crying my damn eyes
out for most of the hour.

Finally a doctor comes out and we all stand

up in the waiting room. “Which one of you is Mr.
Sage?” the pepper haired doctor asks looking us

“I am.” I say as I walk towards him.
“Ms. Harper wants to see you first.” He says

to me. “Then we can let the rest of you back one
at a time.” He says to everyone else.

“Why the fuck does she want to see Declan

first?” Jaden asks.

No one has the heart to tell him why she

wants to see me first. He looks around at all of

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his family and they don’t meet his eyes. When he
finally makes it back to me I meet his gaze.
“Because I love her.” And then I follow the
doctor down the hall.

After walking down the too white hall and

into a room marked ‘Emergency 1’ there she is.
She isn’t hooked up to an IV and I feel a since of
relief. It’s quickly cut short by the heart stopping
sobs coming from her tiny body. Her eyes are
red and puff and she looks so lost. I walk over to
the bed and take her hand. “What’s wrong

She takes her hand out of mine rejecting me.

My breathing starts to go irregular. “Declan I had
a miscarriage.” She tells me through her sobs.

I feel like the world tilted on its axis. How

can that be? “How is that possible?”

“Well do you remember that first time, when

you forgot a condom?” I nod. “Well apparently

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you knocked me up. The doctor says that it’s
normal for women to miscarriage the first
pregnancy.” She starts sobbing hard and I reach
for her but she flinches away.

“Why won’t you let me hold you?” I ask her

stunned she would pull away from me.

“Because I want nothing to do with you

anymore. Do you hear me? I can’t take this with
you anymore. Look at me I’m in the hospital
bleeding away a child I didn’t know I was
carrying. That’s too much for me. I can’t be with
you; I can’t even look at you. I just want you to
be the first to know since it was your child too.
You can go now. I want Jessica tell her to come
next.” She places her face in her hand and I feel
like I just died. I don’t understand how she could
be so cruel to me.

If she doesn’t want anything to do with me

then fine. I’m not going to sit here and let her put

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me down when I don’t deserve it.

I get up and leave the room and the second

I’m outside I lean against the wall falling to the
floor sobbing. My whole life just decided to walk
out. There’s another person I gave my heart to
and she didn’t want it either. How do you go on
from that?

I feel a hand on my head and I look through

my tears to see Marcus. Before I even think I
grab him in a hug sobbing harder. “Come on bro
we have to get you out of here. Jaden is about
ready to kill you. When he finds out about what
happened to Teagan its not going to be pretty.”

I shake my head in agreement and get up. I

can hear voices and sobbing in the room where
my whole life used to be. It almost kills me to
walk away from her.

We skip stopping into the waiting room to

say goodbye. I just can’t face them in the state

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I’m in. But that doesn’t stop Jaden from coming
after me.

I feel a hard shove on my back and right

myself balance before I face plant. “What the
fuck Declan? Your just gonna knock up my sister
and leave her? What kind of man are you?” he
sneers his questions at me like I’m the lowest
piece of dirt on his shoe.

“I didn’t leave her Jaden. She left me. She

doesn’t want me anywhere near her. So guess
what? I’m not going to go where I’m not
wanted!” I yell at him pushing him back.

I guess he’s through talking because he

sucker punches me in the face. My eye is stinging
but I can still see through the other and dodge his
next blow. Marcus grabs him around the arms to
keep him from hitting me again. “Calm the hell
down dude. There’s no need to go to violence.”
Marcus tells him.

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“Yes there is. He’s been fucking my sister for

months now and didn’t even have the balls to tell
me.” He spits in my direction.

“Let him go Marcus. He’s not going to hurt

Declan anymore.” Comes Caden’s voice. “In
fact I’m going to let him in on a little secret.
Teagan is the one who didn’t want to tell you.
Declan has felt bad about it since the beginning.
So if you want to get mad at someone for not
telling you then it better be your own blood
because we all knew. We have all known way
before today.” He glares at Jaden getting right up
in his face.

“I don’t fucking care who knew and who

didn’t. He was my best friend it was his choice to
not tell me. He should have gone against
Teagan’s wishes. None of this would have
happened. Because that asshole wouldn’t have
touched her!” he yells pointing in my direction.

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Caden ignores him turning to me. “I’m sorry

about what happened between you and Teagan.
You should go before this dick gets any angrier.
Well talk later, promise.”

I nod and wave Marcus over and we head to

the car. I feel so empty inside and I don’t know
where to go from here.

Chapter 19


Depression is a horrible thing. I’ve been

dealing with it for four months. I can’t seem to let
go of something that I didn’t even know I
wanted. I didn’t even know I was pregnant and
to lose my child like that is heart wrenching. I
know the doctor said it was common but I still
can’t seem to get past the fact that it even

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happened. I feel so empty and it hurts so much.

I dropped out of school because I couldn’t

handle it. Y’all might think I am crazy but this has
really devastated me. It’s even worse what I did
to Declan. In my time of grief I let the one
strongest thing in my life go. I can’t even face him
or think about him. I’m sure it has made my
depression that much worse.

No one in my family will even say his name

anymore. Grace will though. I get updates every
now and then on what he is doing. It doesn’t
seem like he is doing any better than me. Not
only did he lose me but his best friend as well. At
least I still have my best friend.

I’ve hardly left my room. At first I just laid

around and stared at the walls crying. I’ve gotten
better now though at least I can read again. I
escape to my books where everything seems a
lot better than my own reality.

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A knock comes to my door and I cringe

hoping someone isn’t going to try and cheer me
up again. They have all been in here at least once.
Well not Marie. I think in some way she gets that
seeing her belly would kill me. I hate I’m missing
out on her pregnancy but I just can’t do it. That’s
something else no one in my family will speak of
either. I don’t even know if it’s a boy or girl. I
can’t bring myself to ask

“Honey are you awake?” Sarah asks from

the door way.

“Yeah I’m awake, what do you need?” I ask

her in a bored voice hoping she will go away.

“I need you to get up and put some clothes

on. I have something I need to show you.” She
puts her hands on her hips and puts on her stern

There’s no stopping her till she gets what she

wants. “Okay I’ll be down in a minute.”

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After she leaves my room I run through a

shower and throw on some clean jeans and a
plain white shirt and my university hoodie.

I meet her down in the living room and she

ushers me out to her shiny white Mercedes. The
ride is quite and if she’s not going to make me
talk then I’m not going to. I start to recognize
some of the scenery we are passing and my
stomach drops. I know exactly where we are
headed. I haven’t been out here in a couple of
years and I don’t know why I didn’t think of it
before. Seeing my mother’s grave will be good
for me. She always listened to what I had to say
and didn’t judge me for the mistakes I made.

When Sarah parks the car at the little parking

lot next the graveyard I’m out the door and
running to her grave before Sarah even shut off
the car. I run through the little metal fence gate
and head straight for her. She’s near the middle

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and I run behind the headstones on the row
above hers. I have never liked to step on the
places the bodies are actually at.

I stop short before I reach it and notice a

new headstone to the side of hers. It’s small and
very new. I walk right up to it and start sobbing
my heart out. It says “Unborn baby boy or girl.
You may never have seen the world but your
mommy and daddy will always love you”. I can’t
believe that my family did this. I feel a sense of
closure after seeing it because I really did lose a
child. It may not have ever been born but I still
lost it.

I hear Sarah approach and kneel next to me.

I didn’t even know I was kneeling. She pulls me
into a comforting hug. I try to control my sobbing
but I can’t. They just keep coming. I thought I
was all cried out months ago.

“You placed it with my mother?” I finally say

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through my tears.

“Yeah sweetie with your mother. Your father

and I couldn’t think of a better place.” She has
tears leaking out of her eyes ruining her pretty

I hug her to me as tight as I can. “Thank you

so much. You have no idea what this means to

She rubs my back soothingly. “Actually I do.

There’s a little headstone at my mother’s grave
for a little baby who didn’t get to be.”

I pull back from her and look into her shiny

blue eyes looking for the answers. “You had a
miscarriage too?”

“Yeah sweetie I did. About ten years ago.”

She sets me back so I can sit on the ground. She
folds her legs behind her on the soft green grass
and goes on with her story. “I was almost too old
for another child then. But your father and I had

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decided to try for another since we had worked
through our problems. He thought it was a
mistake to try and have another baby but I
wouldn’t listen. I wasn’t much further than you
when I lost it. Even though it had been my idea I
still blamed your father and we almost fell apart
again. My children suffered for it this time. Before
they were much too young to realize something
was wrong, they were hurting this time along with
us but only because your father and I were at
each other’s throats.” She pauses wiping away
more tears from her eyes and mine. “Then one
day a little angel walked into my house. With the
prettiest black hair just like her father and
beautiful green eyes just like her mother. She
didn’t take the place of the child but she did feel
a hole I had inside of me because of that child.”

She pushes the hair out of my face and I feel

a peace come over me. “But you always acted

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like you didn’t want me around. You were
always criticizing me and stuff.”

“I didn’t treat you any differently than I did

my own children. I might have been less
affectionate but that’s because I didn’t want to
take the place of your mother. Not that I could
mind you, I just didn’t feel it was my place. I
think she would have wanted this to be here, just
a little gravestone for a little life that when on up
to heaven to be with her. Other people might
think we are crazy but that’s okay because we
know we aren’t. We have to have our own sense
of closure before we can move on. This will be
yours like you were mine.” She places a soft kiss
on my head and herds me back to the car.

I have a lot to think about. I know breaking

up with Declan was a horrible idea but how do
you say sorry to someone after four months of

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I run my fingers through my hair, which is

done to my chin now. I stopped getting it cut
months ago. I haven’t talked to Jaden in months
but I see Caden every day. He’s the only thing
keeping me together lately. I feel so empty inside
without her. I thought this feeling would go away
but it has only gotten worse. I don’t know what
the hell she did to me. I have to be under a spell
or some shit. My heart fucking hurts and there’s
nothing I can do but live this cold harsh life in my
empty shell. And I am a shell of my former self.
She took everything with her the day she kicked
me out of her hospital room.

Caden pops me upside the head getting my

attention. “What?” I snap. I also snap a lot at
everyone, even Marcus who I have never

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snapped at before.

“I said what do you want for dinner? I can

call for pizza if you want.” He looks at me hoping
that I’ll say something different then what I say
every day.

I don’t, “I don’t fucking care.” I growl.
“Fine pizza it is. You got to let this shit go

man. I’m starting to wonder if I need to take you
to the psych ward.” He leans his elbows on the
counter top in my kitchen scrubbing his hands
down his face.

“I don’t need the fucking psych ward. I need

for everyone to leave me the fuck alone.” I snarl.

“Chill the fuck out Declan. If it wasn’t for me

then you would have starved to death by now,”
he stops as his phone rings. “What the hell?
Hello?” he asks the person on the phone
sounding confused.

After a pause he answers the person. “Well

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you haven’t called me in months and I don’t
really think I want to talk to you.” I lay my head
on the table listening to him talk to the person on
the other end. “I’m going to tell you this once and
once only. You stay the fuck away from him? Do
you hear me? You have no idea what I have had
to fucking do to keep him alive. I realize that
what happened to you was devastating but did
you ever think it wasn’t to him too?” I get a sick
feeling in my gut that I know who he is talking
too. “I don’t give a fuck. It’s been months,
months Teagan and you left him out to dry. He’s
a mess and I’m still cleaning up after you.” He
said her name and the tears start falling out of my
eyes. I can’t take it when they say her name. “Do
you want to know what he said to Jaden right
before he went to see you in that room?” a pause
and I don’t think I can take hearing him tell her
but I can’t bring myself to leave. “He said he

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fucking loved you Teagan and then you put his
heart through a blender for no god damn
reason!” he yells at her and I flinch. He doesn’t
say anything else and I realize that he hung up on

“Why did she want to know about me?” I

say barley more than a whisper.

He comes over to the table and sits next to

me. He lays his head next to mine so I can see
him talk to me. “She wanted to know how you
were doing. She also asked if it was a good idea
to come talk to you. I told her to go fuck herself.
Well I wish I had but she is my sister no matter
what’s she done. She didn’t like that to much but
I don’t really care.” He rolls his eyes and I
actually make a laughing sound. “Did you just
laugh?” he asks looking puzzled.

“Yeah I think I did.” I kind of smile and it

feels foreign on my face.

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“Who would have known being that close to

talking to her and your already getting better?”
He smiles faintly and I see the pity in his eyes.
“Do you want to meet with her?”

“Fuck no. I can’t be with her again. I have to

get over this funk and move on with my life. I
know she might be my soul mate but I think I’m
better off with a normal girl. One who picks up
her own shit. One who doesn’t get mad at
everything and throw hot little temper tantrums
that turn me on. Or have wild ass beautiful raven
hair and seductive emerald eyes that you sink
into. Or an angels smile and a sirens voice. Most
of all one with no emotions that won’t dumb me
the second life gets too hard for her.”

“Fuck that is kind of harsh there buddy. I get

what you’re saying though. If I could go back to
the beginning of the school year I would never
have said two words to Grace. Now look at me.

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I’m living with you so I can stay away from the
happy couple that is Jaden and Grace. Makes
me fucking sick.”

“And here I thought you were here for my

winning personality.” I smirk and he laughs and
the moment feels almost normal. But I still have
this beautiful evil cruel girl that owns my heart.

I shouldn’t have ever given it to her. I don’t

know how I got so fucking whipped to begin
with. I guess it’s that invisible connection that
drew me to her. I loved that girl with everything I
had and what did she do? Throw me out like a
fucking piece of garbage. Just like my parents. I
wasn’t good enough for her just like I wasn’t
good enough for them. Well they can all go
screw themselves. I’m not going to be this
depressed piece of crap anymore. I can get over
her and I will. At least for the sake of the two
most important people in my life right now,

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Marcus and Caden.

“You know what? Why don’t we go out to

the bar tonight or something?” I probe him
hoping he won’t make a huge deal out of it.

“You want to go to a bar and do what?” he

probes right back.

“I want to go to a bar and get stupid drunk

and have sex with a girl I don’t even know her
name and wake up with the worst hangover ever.
Then I’m going to pick my life back up off the
ground.” I stare at him intently so he knows that
I’m not kidding around.

“Going out, getting drunk, and having sex

with random chicks is not going to help you get
over her Dec.” he sighs.

“It has to work because I have tried

everything else. Nothing else has worked. I’m
not saying that I want to become an alcoholic or
anything but one night where I don’t have to think

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about her is something I need more than

“I know you do buddy but you’re going to

have to take it one day at a time. Let fun back
into your life slowly. I don’t want you to
overdose on it.”

“Ha that is the funniest thing you have ever

said. I haven’t lived in months. All I have done is
go to class and do my school work. Then I eat
and sleep. What kind of living is that?”

“It’s not. Okay you’re right. Let’s go to the

bar then.” He gets up from the table and heads

I’m left alone for the first time since I got up

this morning. I look out the window at the people
outside living their normal lives and going on
about their business. They don’t even know that
my whole life fell about with the words spoken
by a little angel turned demon. So that s what I

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need to do. Get out there and make my life my
own again. Hopefully I don’t kill myself in the

Chapter 20


I’m going to kill my brother. Which brother

you ask? Caden Gabriel Harper. Grace and I are
on our way to a local bar in which Caden and
Declan are shit faced drunk. I only know this
because Caden called Grace about thirty minutes
ago. Apparently he was pouring his heart out to
her and it took the whole phone conversation to
get him to spill where they are. Our plan is to get
in and get out. Yeah we shall see about that.

We borrowed Jaden’s car since I wrecked

mine. I got it for graduation and it didn’t last long

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after that. We park on the curb right outside of
the bar. Walking in through the door I crinkle my
nose at the smell of sweat and alcohol. It looks
like any other bar with its booths off to the sides
and a dance floor in the middle. The bar sits off
to the other side of the dance floor and it has nice
leather seated stools. I scan the room for the
familiar shaggy blonde head of my brother and
the buzzed cut of Declan. It takes me a minute to
realize I looked over them. Declan is facing the
front door and I didn’t recognize him because he
has grown his hair out to his chin. The blonde
locks are straight and neat and my heart beats
faster in the knowledge that he is sexier than

“There they are.” I point at their booth for

Grace to see them. She nods and we head over.
Nervousness feels me as we get closer. I don’t
know how he will react to seeing me. When we

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finally get there and he looks up all the color
drains out of his face. I was afraid of that.

“Wa tha hewl Tea?” my drunken brother

slurs. Caden’s eyes are glazed over from
intoxication and he looks like he is going to try
and get up when he notices Grace is with me.
“Grace bab ya may itd.”

“Yeah Cade I made it. You both sounded

really gone on the phone so we came to get y’all
home so you don’t hurt yourselves.” She says to
him soothingly.

“Otay.” He replies reaching for her hand. He

of course misses and nearly falls out of the booth
but Grace catches him.

“Whoa there big boy. Can you walk to the

car? I’ll get you back to Declan’s house and
Teagan will drive Declan’s truck over.” She pats
him on the back.

“He dontah half tha turck anya moe.” He

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stares drunkenly at her and I fight off a laugh.

“Okay well we will let them figure that out on

their own okay? Let’s just get you home.” She
rubs the top of his head and he nuzzles her like a

After helping her get him to his feet I watch

them stumble out the door. When I can’t see
them anymore I turn back to Declan. He’s doing
anything but look at me. I know I fucked up big
time but I would do anything to erase the hurt
written all over his face.

“Come on Declan let’s get you home.” I say

trying to meet his eyes. “You don’t have to be
this way.”

A look of pure anger came over his face.

“Actually Teagan I have to be this way. I don’t
care what you have to say to me. I don’t know
what you think you’re going to accomplish by
coming here and helping. I don’t fucking care.”

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Well he certainly isn’t as drunk as Caden. “I

don’t know what you’re thinking but I’m just
here to get you home. Caden called Grace
pouring his heart out while shit faced drunk. She
said you were here as well and that I would need
to drive your truck home.”

I got a chill that ran down the center of my

spine when I see none other than that bitch Claire
walk out of the girl’s room. That would have
been fine and all but when she walked right over
to Declan’s table and sat down next to him all I
could see was red. I got even more irate when he
looked like he was expecting her. I completely
snapped. “What the hell Declan you had to down
grade? You can do way better than this cheap

“Excuse me? Who are you?” she says and

she truly looks like she doesn’t know who I am.
Great this should be fun.

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“I’m Teagan Harper. Ring a bell? I’m the

reason you had to have plastic surgery to fix your
already fake nose.” I feel as if I have steam
coming out of my ears.

She sputters trying to think of a comeback.

She turns to Declan “I thought you said she
dumped you?”

“She did dump me Claire. Caden called

Grace who is roommates with Teagan.” He tells
her but she doesn’t seem like she gets it. Airhead

“Well then why are you still here? Can’t you

see that you’re not wanted?” she curls up to him
and I feel sick. She’s touching what should be
mine, what I let go because I couldn’t handle my
own problems.

“Yeah I can see I’m not wanted. I’ll get out

of your hair.” It takes all the will power I have in
me to say those words. I have acted immaturely

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towards Declan and I fucked up big time so
there’s no use trying to fix something I can’t.

I turn before crazy bitch has anything to say

to that. I walk out the door hoping that I can
make it far away before the tears start to fall.
That’s when I realize I don’t have a ride home
and the dorms are ten miles away. Yeah I’ll tell
you right now karma is a bitch.

“Wait Teagan.” I hear him say from behind

me. To late those stupid tears started to come.
“Let me give you a ride home. Or you can drive
because I have had a few to drink.”

I just nod not even turning around. He walks

past me out into the parking lot next to the bar. I
follow him to his little brother’s Audi. What kind
of sick freak I’m I that I made him give up Betty?
He loved that truck as much as his brother.

He climbs into the passenger side after

unlocking it. I walk to the driver’s side and pause

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trying to get my tears under control. It’s no use.
He leans over and honks the horn scaring me half
to death. I get into the car and I look at him.
He’s staring out his window avoiding looking at
me again. I can’t control my tears anymore as I
place my forehead on the steering wheel and sob.


I can’t take this shit. I couldn’t take it before

when I just loved her. Now I love and hate her. I
know she isn’t doing this to get a reaction out of
me. Teagan was never one to go to dramatic
lengths to get what she wants. “Hey stop that.
Your making my heart hurt.”

“I can’t…they never stop…I just cry like this

all the time…”she sobs into her hands. Her
breathing starts to get iritic so I do the only thing I
can think of.

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I place my hands on her shoulders bringing

her to face me. “Teagan baby you have to
breathe. Please don’t pass out on me.” I plead
with her. “Just look in my eyes and breathe with
me.” I breathe in through my nose and out
through my mouth. She slowly starts to mimic me
and her breathing becomes normal again. Then
she doesn’t the one thing that I can’t resist. Her
perfect little white teeth bite down on her bottom

I move in quickly before I come to my

senses. Just one more night I tell myself. That’s
all I’ll take before she walks out of my life
forever. When our lips meet I feel like I have
come home. When our tongues touch the past
four months don’t matter, didn’t even happen.
When she runs her fingers through my hair it’s
okay to breathe again. And when she climbs over
the console and into my lap I no longer hate her

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at all.

She has her arms caged around my head

sucking me into her and I love every second of it.
I shouldn’t be doing this with her. She’s only
going to break my heart again but I can’t stop. I
run my fingers along the end of her shirt moving
them up under to feel her creamy skin. It’s better
than I remember.

As always with Teagan she can’t take her

time with anything. Though right now and not
having touched her in four months I’m on this
speed train. My shirt goes over my head and I
almost lose it when she starts running her hands
up and down my bare skin. I want to touch her
bare skin to bare skin so I find myself taking off
her tank top and tossing it into the back seat. I go
for her lacey black bra next and it joins her shirt
in the back.

When I see her perfect little pink nipples I

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think my eyes cross. Then I find myself leaning
forward sucking it into my mouth and tonguing
the hell out of it. She has her arms caged around
my head again with her back arched and her
head thrown back. The skin of her back feels so
soft as I hold her to me, suckling at her. She’s
moaning and rubbing her heat into my groin and I
know this is going to be over quick. Almost
before it starts. I let her nipple go with an audible
pop and look up into her sparklingly green eyes.
“Are you wet baby?” I ask her breathless

In answer she closes her eyes and nods her

head. I reach my hands under her skirt to tug off
her black boy short panties and we have to
maneuver around till they are off leaving her in
just her skirt. I see her sex in the lamplight from
outside and my dick throbs painfully. I pop the
top button and pull the zipper and then she takes
over taking my dick out of my underwear. She

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leans her head down to mine and places her lips
on mine and then we are devouring each other
like it used to be.

Her soft hands make a fist around my

hardness tugging it up and down making me
crazy. I break from the kiss and pull a condom
out of my wallet which is sitting on the
dashboard. I tear open the foil package and roll
the thing down my dick.

I look up and stare intently into her eyes

willing her to say no to get out do something
other than have sex with me in my brothers car.
She doesn’t listen and before long she is sliding
her wetness over my length making me wild. I still
her hips with my hands and hold her still while I
slowing impale her on me. We both let out a
groan when I’m in her all the way. She is so tight
and fits me like a glove.

I haven’t even wrapped my head around the

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face that I’m inside her and she starts moving her
hips in a circular motion. That feels so incredibly
good. I run my hands up her sides, past her
breasts, up her shoulders and neck into her hair
and bring her forehead to rest on mine. We stare
into each other’s eyes as she rides me. The slow
pace she is using is driving me crazy so I put my
hands back at her hips and start moving her up
and down faster. My thumb moves down to rub
at her swollen nub and she moans low and deep.
Not once does she look away from my eyes.

I see it when she’s about to come. The fire in

her eyes blazing and her mouth forms a perfect
O. Her movements get jerky and she lets out a
scream while her channel clutches my dick
milking it for all its worth. I pound her body into
mine as I come groaning. Not once do her eyes
leave mine.

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After the mind blowing sex we put our

clothes back the way they were supposed to be
and she drives to my house. We haven’t said
anything to each other. I don’t even know what
to say. It’s eating at me what we just did. That
has to be the stupidest thing I have ever done in
my whole life. You don’t have sex with your ex-
girlfriend while you’re still in love with her. She’ll
just think that it’s okay to come back into my life.
Well I have news for her. We are done and we
will stay that way. She torn my still beating heart
out of my chest and stomped on it. You can’t just
let a connection like ours go like she did. I won’t
forgive her for something I won’t even forgive my
own father for.

As we near my house my hands start to get

really sweaty and there’s a nervousness to my

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stomach like I swallowed butterflies. How do
you tell someone that you don’t want to be cruel
too, to get lost? Yeah this is going to be one of
my favorite conversations ever. She pulls into the
driveway and shuts off the engine. We don’t say
anything and after a while she just gets out and
heads into my house. Well that went so well.

I quickly exit the car and race after her only

to find that she grabbed a blanket from the back
of the linen closet and curled up on the couch to
sleep. “What are you doing?” I ask her for
reasons I have no clue.

“I’m going to sleep, what does it look like

I’m doing?” she replies without even opening her

“You’re not sleeping on the couch Teagan.

We may not be together anymore but I’m not a
complete asshole. I won’t let you sleep there so
go up to my room and crash in my bed.” I wait

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for her to get up and leave but she doesn’t even
flinch. “Teagan I mean it go sleep in my bed. I’ll
sleep on the couch. Hell it’s the least I can do
you drove me home.”

“I’m not sleeping in your bed Declan. “She

says it all sternly like a mother or something.

I’m starting to get really pissed here. “Why

the fuck not?” I all but yell at her.

“Because it fucking smells like you

dumbass!” she does yell at me and I hope she
doesn’t wake up Cade or Marcus.

“What’s that have to do with anything?” I sit

on the couch because I’m so tired of standing.

“What’s that have to do with anything? Are

you a fucking idiot? Really? I fucking love you
and you don’t love me back anymore. How am I
supposed to sleep somewhere that smells like
you and have all those memories? It hurts just
being in your house. I feel like someone is

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stabbing me in the gut just sitting here with you.”
She doesn’t look at me while she says this but I
feel the pain coming off of her in waves. It
matches my own.

“You know this couch has just as many

memories. I wanted to burn it but Marcus didn’t
like the idea.” I lean back to rest against the back
of the couch. I feel like we might get some things
off our chests and I want to be comfortable.

“Yeah well it doesn’t smell like you so it’s

easier to be here then up there.” She states
pointing her finger up the stairs to my room.

“Why did you do it then? You didn’t have to

leave me; I would have been there for you. We
could have saved ourselves four months of hurt.
You could have anyway.” I stare at the back of
her head and will her to turn and talk to me. Tell
me why she did this to me.

She starts to fidget with her fingers in her lap.

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“It was too much for me. I know it wasn’t your
fault but still the pain of what I lost then having to
see you hurt as well. It was overwhelming. I was
immature and couldn’t handle the pain I had to
carry. So I let you go thinking it would ease but it
didn’t. I believe it only made everything worse.”

“I’m sorry that you felt you had to carry that

burden all on your own. For someone who has
as many family members as you do I don’t see
why you have to do everything solo. I would
have been there for you Teagan. In fact I’m
always here for you, forever and always.” I sigh
rubbing my hand down my face. “You aren’t the
only one who hurt you know. I think what you
did was selfish. We are the only two who went
through it. And you left me to go through it on my
own. Hell you let yourself go through it alone.
You’re right on the fact that you made it worse
than it had to be.”

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“I know and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for

everything. You didn’t deserve what I put you
through. That’s what I do when I panic. I run and
push people away. I know what we had was
special and I want us to get back to that place. I
want us to be happy again.”

I feel my anger boil the blood in my veins.

“So you think that you can just walk back into
my life and everything will go back to normal?
Whose the stupid one now? I can’t be with you
again Teagan. I just can’t. You leaving me was
the worst thing I have ever had to go through and
I won’t do it again.”

Silent tears start to fall down her eyes and I

want to hold her and it takes all my will power
not to run to her. “So it’s okay to fuck me in your
brother’s car out in public but it’s not okay to be
with me? Way to make me feel like a whore.”

I flinch. “That’s not what this is about and

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you know it. We have a strong connection and
things happen. You’re not a whore nor will you
ever be a whore.”

“Yeah I get what you’re saying. I’m going to

go now.” She says and I watch her walk out the
front door. I want to get up off this couch and run
after her telling her everything will be alright. I
don’t I just cry.

Chapter 21


I make it to the end of his driveway and pull

out my phone. I call the only person who would
come and get me. My brother Forest. He
answers on the third ring and says he’ll be right
there. I don’t have to give him directions so I
guess that Caden has had him over here.

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He makes it in ten minutes and he finds me

on the ground in the fetal position sobbing. I can’t
control them. He doesn’t want me anymore.
How could I have screwed up the single most
important relationship in my life? It doesn’t seem
like it could be at all possible. I guess that’s what
you get when you act like an immature selfish

“What the hell? Did he just leave you out

here?” Forest yells as he gets out of the car.

“No I have been watching.” Comes Caden’s

voice from the side of the car. “Declan came in
my room and told me she was leaving and he
couldn’t go after her and asked he if I would. So
imagine my surprised that I didn’t have to go far.
She was on the phone with you when I came out

“What the hell does he mean he couldn’t go

after her? You don’t declare your love for

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someone in front of her whole family and then
abandon her.” Forest huffs.

“Well said boy who left her out here was also

told to get the fuck away from Teagan by Teagan
after declaring himself in love with Teagan.” Cade
is leaning against the car fiddling with his zipper.

“Yeah I guess it’s easy to make him out to be

the bad guy when your little sister, who you
thought was an angel, is actually the bad guy.”
Forest bends down and picks me up. I throw my
hands over his neck and lay my head on his

“Make sure she stays away from him. I’ve

had to clean up her mess once and I’m not happy
about doing it again.” Caden states as he walks
towards the house.

Forest walks me over to his car and places

me in the front seat. We are silent the whole way
to his house. I don’t think he is going to say

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anything at all to me. Just another brother to give
me the cold shoulder. I don’t blame them for
taking Declan’s side by any means because I
totally deserve it. I don’t know why I thought he
would forgive me. You don’t break the heart of a
broken boy and think it’s all going to be okay. In
my moment of overwhelming grief I did
something completely selfish to someone who
needed me just as much as I needed him. I guess
I didn’t see it that way but I should have. I should
have thought of him too. God I’m a complete

Forest gets out of the car and heads to the

house. Confused I look in the backseat and see
Hailey’s empty car seat. I get out and run after
him. “Where’s Hailey?” I ask him.

“Well while you have been comatose I got a

new girlfriend. She has a little boy about Hailey’s
age and they moved in about a month ago. So

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don’t feel so bad you had to call me to come get
you.” He gives me a pointed look and ushers me
into the house. He gets a blanket out of the linen
closet and hands it to me. Guess I have to sleep
on the couch.


I wake up after tossing and turning for hours

to the smell of coffee and babies laughing. I sit up
as fast as I can because I have to meet this new
girlfriend of Forests. I quickly run to the bath
room and fix myself up as best as I can. I wish I
had clothes to put on because I’m pretty sure I
still smell like sex. My stomach clinches thinking
of last night with Declan and I feel tears form in
my eyes. “You know what? No I’m not going to
cry about it anymore. What’s done is done. No
use feeling sorry for yourself over something you

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can’t fix.” I tell myself.

I finish up and walk into the kitchen where

there are two high chairs with one little blonde
girl, my niece Hailey, and one little brown headed
boy. They look to be about the same age end
even share some similar features. That’s when I
notice the leggy brunette standing at the kitchen
sink. Hailey wails excitedly “Auntie Tea!” I smile
at her and walk over to pick her up.

“Good morning Teagan. It’s nice to finally

meet you. Forest talks about you all the time.”
The brunette says. When I met her face to face I
realize that I know her.

“Your Holly’s sister right?” I ask her with

one my eye brows arched.

“Yes I am her younger sister, Monica.” She

smiles politely at me.

“And you’re dating my brother now?” I

know it may seem obvious but I’m still confused

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on how these two hooked up.

“Yes, well more than dating since me and

Eric live here now.” She says pointing to her tiny

Forest walks into the room then and pours

himself some coffee and says to me, “Teagan are
you ready to head home? Monica and I have
plans with the kids later today.”

I nod my head and he motions me out the

door to his car. It doesn’t take long and we are
on our way to my parents’ house. “So you’re
dating your ex-wife’s sister?” I ask him.

“Well since my ex-wife ran off with Monica’s

ex-husband I don’t see a problem with it. She’s
nice and she treats the children way better then
Holly ever did. She’s not all wrapped up with
herself and she actually listens when I talk. I
really like her so don’t bug me about it.”

“Well at least you’re in the same boat. She

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seems nice. The first time I met Holly she said I
looked like a street rat. So this is an

“She did? Damn I wish I had known that. I

wouldn’t have married her. She wasn’t that way
around me till after we got married. I feel out of
love with her so fast.”

“I wish I could fall out of love with Declan

that fast.”

“No you don’t Teagan. You need to show

him how much you love him. Holly wasn’t
anything to fight for but Declan is. Relationships
like yours don’t come around all that often. You
need to show him that you really love him and
that you’re not going to make the same mistake

“How am I supposed to do that?” it seems

hopeless to me. He doesn’t even want to see me

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“I can’t tell you that. You have to figure that

out on your own baby girl. It’s not going to be
easy by any means but you can do it.”

“He doesn’t even love me anymore.” I say


“Did he tell you that?”
“No he didn’t tell me that. But why else

would he not want me back?”

“Umm I don’t know maybe because you

broke his heart and that scares him. Guys like to
be secure in the knowledge that no woman,
besides his mother, has that kind of control.
Declan likes his control anyway but you take
away the control of his feelings? That kind of
power over him scares the crap out of him.”

“I guess that makes sense in a way. He might

be scared that I would hurt him again but I’m
more scared that he won’t ever take me back.”

“No need to be scared. I’m not saying make

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the guy but convince him that you really want to
be with him for the long haul, well if you do

“Oh I do. No doubt about that.” I smile while

forming a plan in my head.


I’ve been lying in my bed all day. I didn’t

sleep much last night either. When I would
actually get to sleep I would have a nightmare
and wake up and reach for her. I didn’t think I
would miss her this much for so long. It’s like a
constant ache in my heart that only she can fix.
Why did I let her go last night? Maybe I should
just let her back in even though I’m terrified she
will leave again. It was like watching my mother
walk out the door all over. It fucking hurts. But
this pain I have is almost too much to bear.

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It’s been hours since anyone dared to even

come past my room. The first time she left I
broke a bunch of shit and hit Caden a couple of
times. I guess they are afraid that I might blow up
again. This time I think she took my soul with her.
I don’t feel angry this time I just feel lost and

“Hey.” I flinch when I hear Caden at the

door. I had no idea he was even there.

“Hey.” I mumble back.
He comes to sit on the end of my bed. I

thank god every day that I have this guy as a
friend. He doesn’t care what I do and doesn’t
take my shit. Honestly he is even better than his
twin. I don’t even feel the need to hide things
from him or watch what I say. I guess that’s a
true friend. Someone who has as much shit as
you going on but still sits down to make sure
you’re still alive.

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“So what happened before you had me go

outside with her?” he lays down horizontal so that
we are lying in opposite directions. “I’m sorry by
the way for getting that drunk and then letting her
take you home. I should have had Grace takes
us. Teagan could have just followed.”

“It’s okay man. I wouldn’t have been able to

make rational decisions in the state that you were
in.” I pause turning over to stare up at the ceiling.
“I fucked her in my brother’s car. How could I
do that? I’ve spent months trying to get over her
and the second she flashes those mesmerizing
eyes at me, I’m putty in her hands.”

“Yeah now I really hate myself. I should have

just called Forest to come and get us. I made
some mistakes with Grace last night too. Things I
can’t take back. I don’t know whether I would
be able to choose between the girl I love or my
twin brother.”

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“You shouldn’t have to choose. He should let

go seeing as your both in love with each other.
Any idiot can see Grace doesn’t love Jaden. Hell
her skin flushes whenever you walk into the

“If only I could get her to say that out loud.

Life would be so much easier, in that department
anyway. She doesn’t want to hurt either one of
us. This makes me love her more. God I’m such
a chick.”

I laugh softly. “Well maybe a little. I’m the

one who has been moping around for four
months. Over a girl I never even told how I felt.”
That’s when something she said last night
registers. “She said she loved me.”

“Who Teagan? She told you that last night?”

he sits up on his elbows looking confused.

“Yeah we were arguing and she just said it. I

guess I didn’t even notice till now. God I’m such

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a fool.” I sit up all the way throwing my legs off
the side of the bed. “This might be a stupid idea
but what if she did what she did because she
didn’t know I loved her?”

“Well that might be possible. Teagan isn’t the

best when it comes to seeing other people’s
feelings.” He chuckles. “She doesn’t even think
that my mom loves her. My home life really
sucked till she came around. I don’t know what
my parents had going on but the second she
walked into our lives everything got better. She
was clueless the whole time.”

“Yeah she is pretty clueless but I really didn’t

think she was that clueless. Maybe we can work
it out.” I rub my hand down my face and pace
across my bedroom floor. “I don’t know why I
let her leave this time. It’s what I was hoping for
this whole time, deep down anyway. When I got
faced with the possibility that she would hurt me

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again I did the same thing she did. Run away
from it.”

Caden opens his mouth but he gets

interrupted by Marcus who flies into the room
huffing and puffing from running up the stairs.

“Teagan.” I say hoping that I’m right.
He nods disappointed I ruined his surprise. I

look at Caden who nods his approval and I race
down the stairs just to stop short at seeing her in
the door way. Her wild curly hair is down just the
way I like it. She has a white headband on to
keep it out of her eyes. She’s got her trade mark
tank top on this one white plus a pair of sexy
skinny jeans. I’ve never seen her in anything
other than boots or tennis shoes so the flip flops
bring a faint smile to my face.

“Will you come somewhere with me?” she

bites her lip and looks at me with pleading eyes.

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I’d go anywhere or do anything just to hear her
tell me she loved me again.

“Yeah Beautiful I’ll come with you.” She

looks shocked that I said her old nickname. Darn
I shouldn’t have let on so early I already forgave

Chapter 22


He called me Beautiful. A feeling of warmth

comes over me at hearing the words. Maybe
everything will be all right.

I borrowed daddy’s car to drive Declan to

the graveyard. I think he deserves to know about
it. Even if everything doesn’t turn out all right at
least we will have this place to mourn our baby
that never was. I don’t know if everything will be

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okay between us but I do know that this will help
with closure over the entire messed up situation.

“You brought me to a graveyard?” he asks

when we pull up to the little gravel parking lot.

“Yes. Don’t worry it’s a good thing.” I give

him a little smile and get out of the car.

“Okay I will trust you on that.” He says as he

exits. It almost breaks my heart that I can’t freely
touch him like I want to. He looks so damn sexy
in his low rise jeans and black t-shirt. His hair is
styled in that messy way all the guys do their hair.
I haven’t ever liked it on anybody before but
Declan sure knows how to pull it off.

“Lead the way.” He says and I blush realizing

that I was totally staring at him.

I turn and head towards the gravestones of

my mother and my unborn baby. I start to get
really nervous of his reaction. What if he thinks it
is totally crazy?

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So to save time I stop in front of my mother’s

grave. I’ve never brought anybody else out her to
see it. I guess I feel like she was all mine when
she was alive. I miss her so much and it’s been
hard the last four months without her, though
Sarah did a pretty good job of filling in her shoes.
“This is my mother Declan. Bethany Reed.” I
pause and smile. “Mom this is Declan Sage, the
love of my life.” I feel my face burn again but I
don’t care. I have never said words more true in
my life.

He does something completely unexpected.

He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me
into him. He puts his head at the croak of my
neck and shoulder and nuzzles my face. I shiver
at the foreign and familiar touch. “Who made that
grave for you Beautiful?”

“Sarah. She brought me out here the other

day to see it. I felt like you should see it too.” I

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place my arms around his and lean into him with
all I’m worth.

“That was very kind of her. I’m happy that

you shared it with me.” He pauses and I feel him
laugh softly behind me. “And for introducing me
to your mother.”

I turn in his arms so I can see his face.

“You’re welcome. Are we going to be okay?” I
ask him with hopeful eyes.

“Yeah baby. I love you with all my heart and

I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you that. I feel
like if I had before you lost the baby you
wouldn’t have ended things with me. I guess you
didn’t feel like I cared about you enough.” He
puts his hands on my shoulders rubbing my neck
with his thumbs in a soothing gesture.

“No you might not have ever told me but I

knew you loved me. It’s in the way you talk to
me. It’s in the way you look at me. It’s even in

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the way you touch me. Everything happened so
fast with us and then I had the miscarriage and I
think it become more then I could bear. The
thought of having to witness your pain along with
me almost killed me. I know that I did the wrong
thing. If it takes me the rest of my life I will make
up for it every day. I love you so much Declan
that it hurts. I have been hurting for the last four
months not only for the baby I lost but also for
you. I don’t think my heart even beat till I saw
you last night at that bar. You’re my everything
and I’m so sorry I didn’t see that till it was way
too late.” He wipes tears off of my face that I
didn’t even know were falling.

“See you say things like that and I feel like

the biggest idiot. I couldn’t tell you loved me
back even though there were signs everywhere. I
guess I thought it was too good to be true. I
might have blamed you these past months but I

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am just as much to blame. You were in the
middle of a traumatic deal and you had to every
right to be out of your mind. I should have waited
till you were sounder of mind and acted like you
never left me.” Now I wipe some tears from his

We stare into each other’s eyes for a long

time just holding on to the moment. This beautiful
thing that we have can overcome anything. I
know now that I can shoulder anything and be
anyone I want to be as long as he is by my side.
We may fight and have emotional problems but
that doesn’t matter anymore. We can overcome
them together. He is my soul mate and I won’t
ever leave him again.

Just as the sun starts to set we close our eyes

and lean in to kiss. When our lips meet my whole
body explodes with love. It’s a sweet kiss; just a
meeting of the lips but it seems almost magical as

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the sun shines on my face. It’s almost as if the sun
is giving its blessing.



She looks so amazing in white. Hell she looks

amazing in anything. I think I like her best in
nothing. I can’t take my eyes off of her as she
walks down the aisle. Her eyes never leave mine
and I almost get lost in the emerald gaze like I do
every time. God I love her so much.

I have to let her gaze go as she passes me

where I sit on the front pew in the church. I’m
sitting with the in-laws as Teagan calls them.
Cody, Max, and Monica. I remember how
pissed Teagan got when Monica and Forest got
married at the court house not telling anyone. She

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won’t admit it but I’m pretty sure that he’s her

She takes her place on the bride’s side and

she smiles her angel’s smile at me. I’m glad I’m
seated because that is enough to make me weak
in the knees.

The light shines off of her promise ring. It’s a

simple one karat in a heart shape on a silver
band. I got it for her the day after the graveyard.
I told her that it was my promise to never let her
go without a fight again. She replied that she
wouldn’t ever leave me again. The most amazing
thing about it was I believed her. Still do.

The wedding march starts playing and Forest

and Mrs. Harper come walking down the aisle.
Her dress is pale pink and falls to the floor. It
clings to her legs and torso but in a modest way.
Her hair is in an up do with pale pink flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Harper decided that they had been

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happily married for the past ten years and needed
a celebration. Jessica suggested a renewal of
vows. They both jumped at the idea.

They had all six children standing at the front

with them. Caden looks happy today as he has
for months, though I’m not going to tell you why
because that is a story for another time. Jaden
also looks happy and he’s got his own beautiful
reason. He finally forgave me for lying to him for
months. I told him to shove it. He didn’t take that
to well and we both looked pretty bad after that
incident. We speak but we won’t ever be friends
like we used to be.

I feel a poke to the back of my head. I turn

slightly and give Marcus a stern look. He’s
growing up on me fast. He’s going off to college
next year. Says he wants to go far away from our
house. This now includes Teagan. He says the
PDA is getting too much for him. I’ll miss the shit

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out of him but I’ve got to let him do what he
wants. No holding that kid back.

After the lovely service I find my Beautiful at

the reception. The dance floor is open and I drag
her out for one. She laughs as I twirl her around
the room and dip her a few times. I don’t think I
could ever be as happy as I am right now. This
Beautiful thing in my arms is the only reason I will
ever need to be happy. She is the heart of my
heart and the mate to my soul.

“I love you.” She whispers in my ear. I get

chills all over my skin and quickly look for a
place we can hide away for a while.

The church we are in has classrooms

somewhere I just have to find them. I grab her
hand and pull her along down the halls of the
church before I find a room far enough away. I
open the door and pull her in shutting us out from
the world.

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“I love you Beautiful.” I say to her as I start

to undress her beautiful body.

The End

Book 2 in the young love series coming in


Grace Breadfield hates drama. Ever since her

ex-boyfriend ruined her life back in her

hometown, she’s stayed away from it. After

dumping her drink on the lap of one super-hot

bad boy, she’s thinking she might just make an

exception. After he says he will call and doesn’t

Grace gives up on that. Finding herself in the

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arms of her best friend’s brother she couldn’t be

happier. Until said bad boy turns out to be his

twin brother. Now she has finds herself in the

middle of a brotherly rival. And choosing which

one to give her heart too will seem like the

biggest decision she has ever had to make…

Caden Harper doesn’t do relationships. He

likes them hot and dumb. That is until Grace

walks into his life, making him rethink his rule.

Bring in his twin brother, who also likes her, you
have a recipe for disaster. It gets so bad that the

brothers stop talking, causing a rift in their family.

The boys give Grace an ultimatum; she has to

choose between them. And Caden is almost

positive that he won’t get his happy ending…

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About the Author:
Amanda lives in Arkansas with her husband

and young daughter. She loves reading and
writing which you can find her doing most days.
This Beautiful Thing is her debut novel.

Stalker links:!/pages/Amanda-


Goodreads | Amanda Heath (Author of This

Beautiful Thing)

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Table of Contents



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