J T Schultz SS Her Guardian Wolf

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Her Guardian Wolf


JT Schultz

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents are either the product of
the author's imagination or are used fictitiously,
and any resemblance to actual persons living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales,
is entirely coincidental.


Her Guardian Wolf 



© 2008 by JT Schultz 


All rights reserved. This is an "unedited" as

is title. No part of this book may be used or

reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission of the author or

The Wild Rose Press except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical articles

or reviews.

Contact Information:




Cover Art by The Wild Rose Press


The Wild Rose Press 

PO Box 706 

Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706 

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Publishing History 

First Black Rose Edition, 2009 

Free Read

Published in the United States of America


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Her Guardian Wolf


Every nerve in veterinarian Shayla Connor’s

body tingled into awareness. She didn’t even

have to turn from her feline patient to know Dr.

Calvin Black stood at the threshold of the

examination room. The man affected her to the


“How is Tabitha doing?” His deep baritone

worked over her shoulders and down her back,

like delicate lace easing over skin before hitting

the bedroom floor.

“Much better, considering the mess she came

to us in.”

Gentle scuffs of his shoes across the tile

heightened her senses as he walked over. The

sudden nearness of his large frame fuzzed her

mind and she forced herself to remember to

breathe in and out. The cat scrunched its

whiskered nose as if it knew what effect the

hunky animal surgeon had on her. She hoped

Calvin wasn’t as observant as the feline.

A strong finger reached out and stroked the

cat. “I’m happy to see you doing better,


His gentle tone to the animal warmed her

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JT Schultz


heart. The kindness and sincere love he

demonstrated for their furry patients happened

to be one of the main reasons she knew her

feelings for the veterinarian with the intense

blue eyes, dark hair worn a little long and broad

shoulders on a powerful frame were more than a


Tabitha purred and rubbed her chin against

the doctor’s hand.

“She likes you.”

“She does.” He paused and withdrew his

finger. “And what about you?”

His abrupt question surprised her and she

met his intense stare. “I’m sorry?”

Full firm lips curled into a grin. “Do you like


Her brain ran through at least twenty

comebacks. Too bad the spark of amusement in

his eyes dried her tongue, dampened her thong

and turned her brain to mush. “Just because I

don’t purr in your presence, it’s nothing


Calvin chuckled. The sound sent a shiver

down her spine and her nipples hardened. “I like

you too. I’d like to take you out for dinner


The voice inside her head screamed


. “I’m

working late. Thank you for the offer though.”

“I’m not so sure I like you here until the wee

hours of the morning by yourself.” His expression

became serious. “It’s not safe.”

“I appreciate the concern, but I’ve walked

home for the last year-and-a-half by myself

without incident.”

“I can swing by later and give you a ride


“A sweet offer, but I can’t possibly accept.”

She inhaled as desire warred with the decision

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Her Guardian Wolf


she made years ago where men were concerned.

“Besides, I have all the protection I require.”

“Mace?” His single word dripped sarcasm.

“No. A wolf.” She turned back to Tabitha.

A strong hand wrapped around her arm and

shifted her to face him. “Do you think it’s wise to

keep company with a wolf?”

Her body ignited from his simple touch. Why

did she have to be so attracted to him? “Forgive

me, but I‘d rather risk the injuries from a wolf

than those a man can inflict on my heart.”

His eyes widened and he released his hold. “I

see.” Judging by his sudden cool tone, she’d hit a

nerve. “Well, have a good evening, and be safe.”

Guilt stabbed her in the stomach as Calvin

turned away. She glanced to Tabitha. The feline

meowed at her and cast a look as if to say



, then licked a paw and ran it over her face

in a nonchalant

fine, don’t listen to me


She pivoted on her shoe, her breath catching

in her throat. “Wait!”

He paused on the threshold and turned.


“Tomorrow.” She swallowed back her nerves

and her doubt. “If the offer for dinner still stands,

I’m available tomorrow night.”

His long black lashes blinked. “Thank you.”

“Thank you for the invite.”

“Have a good night, and thanks for making

mine a great one.” He turned and walked down

the hall.

She cast a sideways glance to Tabitha.

“What have you made me do?”

The cat lifted her head and Shayla swore she

grinned as she meowed.

“That’s what I thought.”


From the moment Calvin first laid eyes on

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JT Schultz


Shayla, a voice inside whispered she was the one

to be his mate. Despite his perseverance, though,

she kept herself guarded. He wasn’t a fool; he

smelled her attraction for him as easily as the

faint floral scent of her perfume. For the

umpteenth time since they’d met, he wondered

why she hid behind an emotional barricade.

The clinic door opened and the lady of his

thoughts stepped out into the evening. He paid

little regard to anything around him except the

pretty brunette with the dark doe-like eyes. She

descended the cement stairs and met his steady

gaze. “I hoped you’d be here.”

I’ve been here every night for the last three

months that you’ve worked late.

He drew closer to her than he ever had,

almost resenting she preferred his company in

his shifted state.

She glanced around again before her warm

gaze fixed on him. “You’re being brave tonight,”

she said, her voice soft and tender. He knew why

the animal patients adored her.

Calvin longed to feel her fingers on his fur,

since he doubted he would ever feel them against

his skin. Arousal rushed to the surface and he

longed to claim her, making love for hours. He

took one more step and put himself in arm’s


Her hand lifted toward him and stopped. He

lowered his nose to her palm and gently ran his

tongue over the soft skin.

Shayla’s fingers stroked the fur by his ear

then her touch left him, leaving him longing. “I

suppose I should get home.”

She started walking and like countless

nights, he dropped behind. Tomorrow she’d dine

with his human self. Maybe, she would see the

wolf beneath and trust him enough to open her

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Her Guardian Wolf


heart. Again, doubt filled him as they walked

toward her home.

The scent of beer and sweat set his primal

senses on alert and he growled low. His human

self wanted to yell at Shayla to run as a large

man stepped from the shadows into her path.

“Well, aren’t you a pretty thing.”

The assailant grabbed her arm. The man’s

evil grin drew Calvin’s temper to the surface. He

growled again. The perpetrator focused on him,

and shoved Shayla to the ground.

Calvin leaped into the assailant’s chest,

knocking him to the ground. Spewing profanity,

the man struggled to roll free but Calvin kept

him pinned and sunk his teeth into one flailing

wrist. A yell of agony filled the air and a glint of

metal passed in front of Calvin’s eye a mere

second before the blade sliced his front leg.

Pain ripped through his arm and Calvin’s

grip loosened enough for the man to push Calvin

away, get up and tear off into the night.

“You need help.” Shayla hurried toward him

even after seeing him for what he really was—an


He gritted his teeth and limped past her in

the direction of her home. The cut on his leg was

deep and painful. He needed time to recover and

there was no chance of that in the open. Letting

Shayla treat him might bring on more than they

bargained for.

What will happen when she discovers the



Inviting a wild animal into her home had to

be the farthest thing from sensible. Yet, here

Shayla was, scurrying down the hall for

blankets, a warm face cloth and her first aid kit.

Her score: compassion for animals—one, common

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JT Schultz



She spread a blanket on the floor, left the

other next to the first aid kit with the warm wet

facecloth on the open lid and pulled on latex

gloves. “Come on, big guy.” She patted the floor

and the animal limped over. His body gave out

and he turned to his side.

Her heart contracted as she reached for the

warm cloth and tried not to let the fact his

injuries were because of her affect her

concentration. She stroked the soft fur of his

head, while her other hand wiped the blood of

her attacker from his mouth and nose.

Fear hummed through her at the thought

the wolf might snap, but he remained calm. Once

his face was clean, she went to the kitchen to

rinse out the cloth. When she returned, the

animal began to shake.

She dropped the cloth and grabbed the other

blanket to cover him, leaving his injured leg

exposed. She began to wipe his wound when the

animal growled, his sharp teeth glistening in his

open mouth. Terror inched her back as the

animal convulsed, as if its body were turning

itself inside out. Her eyes slammed shut.

What is happening?

The growls echoed in her ears, as did the

thud of a body hitting the floor in spasms. The

wolf didn’t deserve to die. He’d saved her, for

that noble act alone, he should live. She couldn’t

think or breathe as silence filled the room.

A soft finger touched the skin of her cheek.

Her eyes flung open and met an intense blue

gaze. “Calvin.”

The blanket rested across his naked hips,

but left his strong, defined chest exposed. He

propped his weight on one arm, cradling the

other across his chest. Blood trickled from his

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Her Guardian Wolf


fingers. “Don’t cry and please don’t be scared.”

A long breath pushed from her lungs. “How?”

“I’m a shapeshifter. A wolf.”

She lifted the cloth toward him. He shifted

and the hand of his good arm snaked around her

wrist. “I’m an animal.”

“I’m a vet.” Heat coursed through her from

his touch, his bare palm touched her exposed

skin beneath the end of the glove. Her gaze

dipped over his perfectly ridged abdominal

muscles. Lust flamed between her legs. “And

from what I’ve noticed, you’re also very male.”

With a jerk, she pulled out of his grip and a small

smile tugged at his mouth.

“You’re as stubborn as you are beautiful.”

“Maybe. You need stitches.”

“I heal fast.” He took the cloth from her and

wiped the cut, which no longer bled.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were the wolf?”

Surprise flickered over his face. “Would you

have believed me?”

“Probably not.” Her heart tightened and

emotions pushed to the surface. “That man could

have killed you.”

His brows went up. “And done much worse to

you.” He paused a moment and his gaze scanned

her face. “Why are you hesitant to trust me in

human form?”

She gasped from how much those blue eyes

saw. “My mother had man after man in her life

and they all left her in shambles. I refused to

suffer the same fate.” She paused. “You could

have any woman you wanted. Why me?”

“I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you.

You were feeding a tiny Siamese that had lost

her mother.”

She peeled off the gloves and tossed them

down, searching for the strength to put her fears

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JT Schultz


to rest and give Calvin a chance.

Strong hands reached out and cupped either

side of her face. “Just like the wolf protected you,

the man in me will never let you down.”

His words shattered the wall around her

heart and her lashes closed. Warm breath teased

her mouth before his lips brushed against hers in

a soft but heated kiss. Her hands reached out,

touched the warm smooth skin of his shoulders

and laced around his neck. His fingers slipped

from her face, circled her waist and hauled her

toward him. Shayla’s lips parted in a gasp and

his tongue entered the wet cavern of her mouth.

She withdrew in hesitation as his eyes


“We’re meant to be,” he said with a smile.

She wanted to believe. Time was all she

needed. She lowered her mouth again to his and

he eased her back on top of him. His hard length

pressed through the light weight of the blanket

into her belly. She moaned and he flipped her

over. Her lips cooled in the air of the room while

his intense blue gaze locked with hers as he

undid the buttons of her shirt.

The doctor in her remembered his wounded

arm. “Is this hurting you?”

He shook his head and smiled. “No. Do you

have any idea how much I’ve wanted you?” He

peeled back the cotton of her shirt and

unfastened the clasp of her bra before he lowered

his head, trailed wet kisses over her chest and

captured one of her nipples in his mouth.

Calvin lifted his lips then removed her

clothes while her hands caressed his warm,

tanned skin. He leveraged his large defined

frame over her, desire pooling between her legs,

and her body tingling in anticipation of his large

erection. The tip of his tongue snaked over her

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Her Guardian Wolf


lower lip before sliding into her mouth. A hand

trailed over her body and caressed her, then

teased the wet folds between her thighs. She

bucked against his touch. He withdrew his hand

and deepened the kiss. The tip of his cock

pressed at her entrance then thrust inside.

His mouth left her lips and lowered to her

ear, while her body adjusted to his size. Her

fingers laced through his hair and she lifted her

hips, moving in rhythm with his. “I meant what I

said about liking both sides of you. Man and


“Good. You get us both.” His husky tone

flamed her skin and brushed over her like a soft

caress, tightening the pressure coiling in her


His mouth again sought hers in a hot kiss.

Calvin’s thrusts picked up speed. Fire coiled with

the pressure in her stomach and unleashed in a

climax, starting at her shoulders and rocking her

entire body. She contracted around him as with a

final plunge, he groaned against her tongue and

found his release.

Shayla struggled for breath as he removed

his mouth from hers and nuzzled the sensitive

skin by her neck. “I don’t want to let you go.”

“I don’t want you to,” she said, realizing how

much she trusted him now—the man and the

wolf. “What we are going to do about your


He lifted his head. “Worry about it tomorrow

night, since I plan on keeping you naked until


She giggled at his wicked grin. “Don’t you

have to work tomorrow?”

He wiggled his brows and teased Shayla’s

mouth with a brief kiss. His blue eyes danced. “I

plan on calling in sick.”

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JT Schultz


“Good thing I’m a veterinarian.”

Calvin grinned again, his length already

growing hard inside her. “Good thing indeed.”


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