04 Address Translation

[MUSIC]. Before we get to our example for how virtual memory actually, works in practice, lets, cover a few more topics before we do that. One is how virtual memory helps with memory management and protection. sharing and protection and how we do, how we speed up address translation. First how does a virtual memory manage multiple processes? Well the key abstraction remember is that each process has its own virtual address space. the virtual address space is a simple array in memory. A linear array of one byte after the other. but this linear virtual address space does not need to be contiguous and physical memory. Because we're mapping things at the level of pages or blocks of virtual memory, we can put any virtual page at any location in physical memory, at any physical page in physical mempry. So we don't have to worry about the, the virtual page one being just before virtual page two and then virtual page three and so on, as we think about it in the virtual address space. These can be scattered throughout the physical memory. And can be in any order. So this helps us really fit things in as needed and not have to worry about moving things around so that they're always in exact same order. How does virtual memory help with protection and sharing. Well now we can do things like for example, here we have a physical page, physical page six, that might be some library code that two processes need. Well they can both have part of their virtual address space mapped to that same physical address. Where physical page six is. That way they can share the code for that routine, of that library code. likewise, we can protect the processes from each other by giving them pages that they are the only ones that have an address for. they have the physical address but in the other process does not. In this case, process two cannot access physical page two because it doesn't have the address for physical page two anywhere in it's page tables. so that's a very easy way to keep two processes from stepping on each other. Just making sure that they have different physical pages allocated to them. Okay lastly about these page table entries is they're not, they don't have to be just simply addresses and physical memory. We can add additional bits to that. You've already seen the valid bit as telling us whether this entry contains a valid address in physical memory or not. But we can also have a bit for example that tells us we have right permission to this area. or we could only read this area. This would be very useful for example in the case when we have those shared libraries of code. Where we might want to be able to read that code but not necessarily be able to write to it. we can also, have a bit for example that provides permission to execute code in that, physical memory. So that we can protect from code injection attacks like, we saw with the buffer overflow earlier. So these can be quite useful in doing that and there is a special hardware that checks, that the kind of memory access we're trying to do, or read or write or an execute. an instruction fetch is actually allowed for this physical address. And if it's not allowed then the operating system raises a a segmentation fault exception and our program crashes. And we can then go about the debugging process to make sure that we're using it correctly. Okay so that's the how we implement protection of various forms. Let's go back to address translation and what happens in the case of a page hit. And then we'll look at a page fault as well. So we start off of course with generating a virtual address from our CPU instructions. this goes to our memory management unit for translation. What the memory management unit has to do is go to the page table entry. And for that it needs to generate a page table entry address. Remember it looks at that page table buffer register. To give it the starting address of the page table. And then indexes it appropriately for the virtual address involved. And goes and reads that entry from main memory. if it's valid and there's a good address there then it does the mapping generating the physical address. And accesses the memory again to read the, that location in physical memory. That data comes back to the CPU as the result. So we've done two memory accesses. One to get the page table entry, and one to get the actual data that we're interested in. Alright, what happens on a page fault? Well on a page fault what happens is that we've gone and gotten our page table entry brought that back to the memory management unit and found that the page is invalid. so we now have to go and involve the operating system in helping us get that page. From disk and loading it into, the physical memory. So that's going to cause an exception that goes to this page fault handler. Which is a special, piece of code in the operating system that knows what to do in these situations. When the, page fault handler might write the victim page, the page it has to replace. back into disk in case that we had written anything there we want to make sure we're saving that away. So it writes that back to disk that optionally. and then gets the new page from the disk, the one that we really want and brings that into that location, in physical memory where the victim page was. It now has to update the page table entries, to reflect these change in the physical memory, and then can re-execute the instruction, have it generate a new virtual address, again. that, actually the same virtual address but issue it again so that now, when we go and read the page table entry, we'll find a valid a valid bit on and then can execute that instruction. So we're executing quite a lot of stuff here, we're doing a lot of operations to get this. memory mapping to happen properly. the MMU accesses memory twice. Once to get the [INAUDIBLE] the PTE for translation. And then again for the actual memory request. Okay, and we have to remember that since the page table entries are, are in fact in memory they can be cached. just like any other memory word. but might get evicted by other data references, just like any other memory word. and this starts to potentially add up, and since we're doing this for every memory address, so how can we make this process go faster. So to do that, we're going to create another construct called a Translation Lookaside Buffer or TLB. This is another cache which we're going to use just for the MMU, this is a special little tiny cache that the MMU is going to use to store away page table entries. Basically, so keep them around in case it needs them again. And remember, because of locality its changes are we'll be accessing many bytes of memory in the same page. Therefore we'll be re-using the same page table entry over and over again. So the TLB is going to be a special mapping cache for virtual page numbers to physical page numbers. and it's going to contain these page table and treats typically a TLB is 128 to 256 entries. not all that much but things on the order of the working set size. Okay, so how does this work now with the TLB in place? and remember the TLB there is to eliminate memory access, to go get that page table entry. So, now we generate our virtual address but the MMU isn't going to go to memory to find the page table entry, it's first going to check in it's little cache, the TLB. And if it finds it there, great, it just gets it really quickly, ideally within a single cycle rather than, the three or more cycles it might need to go to the cache. since it has the page table entry now it can do that translation right away and just go immedietaly to. the physical address and try to get that out of the cache and memory system. Okay so that looks a little faster. Looks a little bit better. We're still doing a little bit of look up but this can be done now very quickly since we have this tiny little cache that can help us out. And we can make special hardware to make that fast. Okay, now what happens on this? Let's say we got to the TLB for a particular page table entry and its not there? Well, now we have the same situation, we had before. We have to go back out to the cache, read that page table entry at the right address, bring that entry back to the MMU. But at the same time we're going to load it into the TLB incase we need it again. And of course that involves the TLB finding place, a place to put it. Which might mean finding, a spot in it's little cache. So that could be, potentially, replacing some other entry, which. we might also need but now will be gone because we have to override it with this one. Okay. TLB misses tend to be pretty rare. So fortunately this doesn't happen that often. but when it does it's just like any other cache, is the way to think about it. We have to find room for the new element to be the new block to be placed in the cache. Okay. And then of course once we have that new page table entry we can then generate the physical address we need to go to memory. With the data coming back to the CPU.


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