08 BS Module 1 Section 8

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Notes for the Teacher

Further instructions on Formal Assessment Procedures and

Questions are included in the Teachers’ Handbook (pages 80-87)


Module One

Section Eight - Examples of Formal

Assessment Questions



Tips on Formal Assessment


Overview of the Three Papers


Assessment Paper One (Sample)


Assessment Paper Two (Sample)


Assessment Paper Three (Sample)


Answer and Marking Keys

(not included in First Edition)

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Tips on Formal Assessment Procedures

This section will be useful as you plan your teaching, and specifically in preparing students
for their formal assessment. There are three papers included here (as also in the other
modules), corresponding to our Three Attainment Targets (refer to page 24 of the Teachers’

We include below a few reminders about assessment, but do remember that you should be
familiar with the details found in pages 23-27 and 80-87 of your Handbook.

Formal Assessment for this Module

There are three Assessment Papers, as follows:

(1) Paper One

1 hour closed-book, written exam

(2) Paper Two

1,000 words of Coursework

(3) Paper Three

1,000 words of Coursework

When to Set These Papers

Paper One

To be completed at the end of this Module.

Papers Two & Three

To be given out at any stage after the beginning and to be
handed in shortly after it finishes. The VTE recommends that
papers normally be distributed half-way through - and certainly
not too close to the end. Students sitting any official VTE
Course must have a very minimum of 14 days to complete
these assignments.

Ordering Your Papers

Keeping in mind the time-line mentioned above, do remember to order your papers well in
advance (from the VTE). For each Paper, you will also receive a corresponding “Answers
and Marking Guide” (from the Second Edition forward, samples will be included in this
Section to complement the papers already here.)

Marking and Grading

Local Teachers normally conduct their own marking and an external VTE examiner
subsequently moderates the results. For more information on the rationale behind this
system, refer to Section 9 of this syllabus, and for details of marks and grades, consult page
81 of your Teachers’ Handbook. Please note: this system is provisional at the time of
publication. Contact the VTE for up-to-date details.

Submitting Your Own Questions

This section will be most useful if you’d like to submit your own questions, which you can
then administer to your own students. The sample papers in this section constitute a sort of
template to help you write suitable questions. In other words, any papers you submit should
include the same number of questions, focusing on the same Aims, and with answers of
about the same length. Each question you submit should be accompanied by a “Answers
and Marking Key” (samples of these will be available in the Second Edition of this
curriculum, and may be available directly from the VTE


The chart on the next page provides a useful overview of all papers and questions

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Overview of the Three Assessment Papers

The following chart gives you an overview of all three papers and is specifically
useful in helping teachers write their own questions (if that’s the option they’d prefer).
If that be the case, they should also consult page 86 of the Teachers’ Handbook and
the Course Objectives on pages 39-41.

Template for Assessment Papers for Modules One & Two








(Memory & recall)

Understanding &


Higher Skills

and Values

Means of


Written Exam



Total Number of
Questions in paper




No. of Questions to
be answered




Details of Questions



number in each

number students

must answer

answer 4 out of 4

(5 mins)

answer 8 out of 8

(5 mins)

answer 2 out of 4

(200 words)

answer 1 out of 2

300 words)

gical Application
answer 1 out of 2

(300 words)

Mood & Mission
answer 1 out of 2

250 words)

Academic &
Moral Integrity
answer 1 out of 2

(250 words)

answer 1 out of 2

(250 words)

answer 1 out of 2

(250 words)

Please note: (1) Module Three is the same as shown here, but in that Syllabus

you’ll find more details as to how the questions are distributed across
the 3 books (NOD, ISO and NOI)

(2) Module Four is different (see Syllabus Four, Section Seven)

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VTE Bhakti-Sastri Course

Module Three

Assessment Paper One

(Written Examination – 1 Hour


“Knowledge (Memory and Recall)”

Note to the Local Teacher:

Students should complete this paper without consulting books, notes or other people.

At your discretion, ESL Students may be given more time, up to an extra 30 minutes.

Before the exam starts, students have 5 minutes to read the paper, during which they

cannot write, or talk to others (except to the supervisor for clarification on any points)

To the student:

Please write your answers legibly in black or blue ink. Untidy or illegible papers may be

returned unmarked. Clearly number all your answers.

Please answer all the following twelve questions. Each should take about five minutes.

For sloka questions, the English does not have to be precisely word-for-word as in Srila

Prabhupada’s books. Diacritical marks are not required for Sanskrit text.

For other questions, concise answers of no more than 60 words (and often less) are

usually sufficient for obtaining full-marks. Do not supply overly-long answers, and
specifically not more than any stated maximum.

Nectar of Devotion Questions

1. What is Srila Rupa Goswami’s definition, in Sanskrit and English, of pure

devotional service?

2. Write out, in Sanskrit and English Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu’s verse 1.2.234,

beginning with “atah sri Krsna namadi

3. What are the six characteristics of pure devotional service? Give a brief sentence

describing each one. In what stages of bhakti do each of them manifest?

4. a) What is the definition of sadhana-bhakti?

b) What are the two divisions within sadhana-bhakti?

c) What is the impetus to engage in each of these two types of sadhana- bhakti?

5. a) Name, in Sanskrit and English, the first principle in the discharge of
devotional service

b) Why does Srila Rupa Goswami mention this item first?

c) List the five most potent items of devotional service.

d) Devotional activities may be divided into two categories. What are they?

6. List, in brief sentences, five reliable symptoms of one at the level of bhava-bhakti.


For this First
Edition, we have
included here the
Module 3 Papers.
Though the content
is different from
Module 1, the
nature of the
questions is the

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Sri Isopanisad Questions

7. Write out the Sanskrit and the English translation of the invocation to Sri

Isopanisad, beginning with “om purnam.”

8. a) What is the English translation of atma-ha?

b) Explain what an atma-ha is.

c) Describe the 3 different types of atma-ha or ignorant people mentioned

in Srila Prabhupada’s purport to verse 9.

d) What are the destinations of the atma-ha?

9. a) What is the Sanskrit word for the Lord in His function as the maintainer?

b) Explain Jiva Goswami’s definition of Bhagavan as given in Srila
Prabhupada’s purport to mantra 16.

c) What four “things” are maintained by Bhagavan, or dependent on Him?

Nectar of Instruction Questions

10. Write out the Sanskrit and the English translation of Text 1 of the Nectar of
, beginning with “vaco vegam.”

11. Explain the process of overcoming any five of the six urges, as Srila
Prabhupada explains in his purports

12. Answer the following questions with reference to the purport to Text 10:

a) Why are karmis considered to be madmen?

b) Why are jnanis better than karmis?

c) What is the limitation of the jnani?

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VTE Bhakti-Sastri Course

Module Three

Assessment Paper Two

(Coursework Assignments)

“Understanding and Application”

Notes to the Local Teacher:

This paper is to be completed within a specified time, at your discretion. These

assignments can be handed out to students at any stage during the Module One Course
and student papers will naturally be handed in after the course is completed. Students
should be given two weeks at the very least to complete this paper.

Students are free to consult you and other devotees/students about these assignments.

Notes to the student:

Please write your answers legibly in black or blue ink. Untidy or illegible papers may be

returned unmarked. We recommend that wherever possible you type your answers.

Do not supply answers longer than any stated maximum. Otherwise, marks may be


You are allowed to consult your tutor and other devoetes about these assigmnments, but

do ensure that any wok you submit is original.

Please answer two questions from Section One and one question from each of Sections

Two and Three, i.e. four questions in total. Clearly number your answers.

Section One


Please answer two questions. Concise and accurate answers of about 200 words will be
sufficient. Do not write more than 300 words.

1. In your own words explain the gradual development of bhakti from sraddha to

prema. Briefly explain how one gets sraddha. Accurately assess what stage
you are at currently. Give reasons for your answers.

2. Write a 100 word overview on how controlling the mind and senses as

mentioned in Text one of the Nectar of Instruction could be connected to bathing
in Radha-kunda as mentioned in Text Eleven of the Nectar of Instruction.

3. Explain in your own words what should be the mentality and attitude of a

devotee at the time of death with reference to verses 15 to 18 of Sri Isopanisad.


Explain with reference to Sri Isopanisad what Srila Prabhupada means by
“universities are centres of nescience”, as well as the corresponding analogy
(regarding “the advancement of learning by a godless people”). Use your own
words and, if possible, concisely draw on your own experience to convey your

Mantra 11 may appear be somewhat contradictory in that it appears to support
the study of nescience. Resolve and explain this apparent inconsistency.

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Section Two

(Personal Application)

Please answer one question. Concise and accurate answers of about 300 words will be
sufficient, unless otherwise stated. Do not submit more than 450 words.

5. In Bhagavad-gita (18.66) Krishna instructs us: “Abandon all varieties of

religion and surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do
not fear.”

Do you think that you personally should expect further hardship and suffering,
or will life now be a “bed of roses”? Briefly explain the reasons behind your

Assess your current/recent responses to suffering (in terms of attitude and/or
behaviour) and compare them to what is written in the Nectar of Devotion (and
possibly other scripture)

Drawing inspiration from The Nectar of Devotion, explain how you might more
constructively respond to suffering in your life.

6. Assess your own position regarding the 6 items unfavourable to Krishna

consciousness, both in terms of attitude and conduct. Now write a concise
plan on how you propose to practically improve. Your plan should be realistic.

Section Three

(Preaching/Theological Application)

Please answer one question. Concise and accurate answers of about 300 words will be
sufficient, unless otherwise stated. Do not submit more than 450 words.

7. A young university student approaches you after her first visit to the temple,

saying, “I like you Hare Krishnas as people, but I think there’s something a bit
hypocritical about the way you live. I mean, on the one hand you talk about
being so spiritual, and giving up material attachments, but on the other hand I
see you have cars, video machines, computers, and so many other material
conveniences.” Drawing from what you have understood from your study of
The Nectar of Devotion, please respond to her, citing sastric verses or
passages (you can include one or two from other Bhakti Sastri books besides
the NOD)

8. Write a short article of about 300 words (and no more than 450) for a

magazine called “Alternative Lifestyles”. The article is entitled “Wealth and
Poverty”, and should be based on the Isopanisad. Try to accurately represent
the Vaishnava siddhanta, presenting a balanced understanding that will be
relevant and accessible to the readers.

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VTE Bhakti-Sastri Course

Module Three

Assessment Paper Three

(Coursework Assignments)

“Higher Skills and Values”

Notes to the Local Teacher:

This paper is to be completed within a specified time, at your discretion. These

assignments can be handed out to students at any stage during the Module One Course
and student papers will naturally be handed in after the course is completed. Students
should be given two weeks at the very least to complete this paper.

Students are free to consult you and other devotees/students about these assignments.

Notes to the student:

Please write your answers legibly in black or blue ink. Untidy or illegible papers may be

returned unmarked. We recommend that wherever possible you type your answers.

Do not supply answers longer than any stated maximum. Otherwise, marks may be


You are allowed to consult your tutor and other devotees about these assignments, but

do ensure that any wok you submit is original.

Please answer one question from each of the four Sections. Concise and accurate

answers of about 250 words will be sufficient. Do not write more than 400 words at the
very most.

Section One

(Mood and Mission)

(Answer either #1 or #2, but not both, and clearly number your answer)


Choose one verse (or part of a verse) or passage from our three books (NOD,
ISO, and NOI) that you feel reflects Srila Prabhupada’s “Mood and Mission”.
Explain why you feel this way.

Also explain how Srila Prabhupada’s and/or ISKCON’s practices vary from
those of other Vedic (Hindu) traditions based on this reference.


Explain one Vaishnava (or pseudo-Vaishnava) practice you have seen or
heard about which you feel may be appropriate for some devotees but is not
really consistent with Srila Prabhupada’s mood and mission. If possible, cite at
least one verse or passage from Srila Prabhupada’s books to support your

(Note: This practice could be happening inside or outside of ISKCON.)

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Section Two

(Academic Integrity)

(Answer either #3 or #4, but not both, and clearly number your answer.)


Explain why it is important that devotees demonstrate academic integrity
(note: do not here refer to Moral Integrity).
In your answer, include (if possible) reference to two consequences of not
demonstrating academic integrity. One of these consequences should be
connected to your own spiritual life and the other to your outreach/preaching

4. Cite one example (real or imaginary) of how the yukta-vairagya principle could

be misused. Where possible, draw on other references from our three books
(NOD ISO, and NOI) to show how this interpretation/application of yukta-
is wrong.

Section Three

(Sastra Caksus)

(Answer either #5 or #6, but not both, and clearly number your answer)

5. Cite one verse (or part of a verse) or passage from our three books about

which you have some personal realisation. Please explain, citing something
from your own experience that has helped you appreciate and/or apply this

6. “Los Angeles News, 2 pm. A car crash on the ring road highway just killed 20

persons and injured 50. Within 10 minutes all bodies were taken away in a
helicopter, and within 20 minutes all vehicles were towed away. A special
truck washed away the pool of red blood within 30 minutes. Thanks to this
advanced technology and the efficiency of our governmental agencies people
driving by have been spared the horrible sight of this multi-vehicle crash.”

How would you view this incident through the eyes of Sri Isopanisad?

Section Four


(Answer either #7 or #8, but not both, and clearly number your answer.)

7. One guest at a Sunday lecture program asks you, “You Hare Krishna

devotees have to accept the authority of the Vedas. Doesn’t this necessarily
make you thoughtless?”

Please respond by keeping in mind our aim of “Authority”.

8. Explain the difference between

a) mental speculation and
b) philosophical speculation (as Srila Prabhupada defines them).

How does this relate to our aim entitled “Authority”?


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