04 BS Module 1 Section 4

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Using this Section

For the sake of presentation and efficient use of space, each of our Lesson Outlines is confined to a double page spread. If any lessons run on longer than two sides, then the remainder is included here in our “overflow section”.

The teacher may also choose to use this section to file his/her own notes, Lesson Plans, etc. Consider adding your corresponding additions to the “contents” in the box below.

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Lesson Outline Overflow Section

Chapter 2, Lesson 3

Possible Learning Experiences:

23(b)-26(a) Debate (preaching application)

a) Divide the class into groups of three. Ask each member to take it in turn to be:

1) The devotee

2) The non-devotee

3) The witness

b) Present each group with one of the arguments* and ask the devotee and non-devotee for a few (specify) minutes.

c) Stop the groups and get them to evaluate with specific feedback from the impartial witness.

*The arguments could include:

12(a) + 23(b) Mayavada - “the soul and God are one!”

13, 17 etc. There is no soul” (the non-devotee could be a medical doctor)

13,17 etc. “I am lamenting because my loved one has gone. I'm not sure if I believe in the soul”

24(c) “There cannot be life on other planets - most are too hot or too cold or just unsuitable to life as we know it”

26(b)etc. “Life is a combination of chemicals. After this body is finished, there is nothing”

Note: you may allow students to use other verses than those shown, but ask them, as far as possible, to use verses and arguments used in this and the previous section.

Suggestion: You might suggest, if you haven't done so already, that students begin to keep a portfolio of arguments against different philosophical stances and continue adding to this throughout the course. At the end, they will have a list of arguments, analogies, etc. under each section (e.g. Mayavada, voidism, hedonism, etc.).

Chapter 4, Lesson 2

Possible Learning Experiences

13. Devil's Advocate (Preaching / Theological Application)

The tutor to state the following point of view and challenge students to disprove it:

“Krishna's dividing humanity into four divisions has sown the seeds of castecism which is so prevalent in Indian today”

Ask students to draw up a list of similarities and differences between the two systems. Ask students how they could put over varnashrama in such a way that Westerners (say) could appreciate it.

12, 18 Active reading/research (Preaching Application)

Students to identify useful arguments against demigod worship and impersonalism, and add them to their preaching portfolios.

Chapter 8, Lesson 3

Possible Learning Experiences (continued)

Srila Prabhupada gave many analogies to explain the nature of this material world. Divide into groups and ask each group to give two or three analogies. Examples: like an ocean (BG); like a dream (SB 2.1.4); banyan tree (BG); prison house (SB 1.2.24); mirage in the desert (SB 2.2.6); world of names (SB 2.2.3); like a cloud (SB 2.3.21);

salt mine(SB 6.17.20).

Chapter 9, Lesson 1

Possible Learning Experiences:

2 Role-play (Preaching Application)

Ask for three volunteers for a role-play (which you may first explain, briefly), Instruct the three volunteers to study the verse and purpose for the corresponding verses, namely:

2 (only last two sentences of purports)

4 (verse and entire purport)

8 (verse and entire purport)

Whilst they are studying for about 5-7 minutes, engage rest of devotees in connected activity (possibly dividing into three groups and getting them to discuss the above three verses, identifying which philosophies are being repudiated and the arguments used).

Reconvene class. Ask for first volunteer to sit as if finishing Bhagavatam class and hand out the corresponding card(s) to the `audience'. Request the volunteer speaker to ask for questions and to reply according to the arguments given in this section of the Gita. Afterwards debrief, keeping in mind your Objectives for “Preaching Application.”

Repeat with volunteers 2 and 3 respectively.

The five cards will read as follows (one for the first verse/volunteer; two each for the others)


2 i) I know a Mayavadi who practices japa, offers arati to his deities and so on. He believes that he'll eventually “become one with God”. Surely this is okay? I mean he does perform devotional service! (Argue further if need be).

4(a) ii) I really don't see how God can have a form and be a person, not if he's all pervading. I mean, if you have a block of butter and spread it everywhere — on your toast etc.—then the block of butter no longer exists; does it? (Argue further, if it seems appropriate)

4 iii) If God is everywhere, then I can worship anything as God. So why worry with worshipping a totem-pole, or a snake, or anything? (Ask further questions if you feel the answer is not satisfactory).

8 iv) Scientists believe that we humans have evolved over many millions of years. What is your view on evolution?

8 v) I've heard that the demigods came first and the lower species evolve later. Is this true?

2(b) Class Discussion (Personal Application)

What are the nine processes of devotional service? Ask the devotees individually which process or processes of devotional service enlivens them the most. How does realisation come? Realisation comes by association with advanced devotees, positive practices (devotional service starting with hearing and chanting), and avoiding restricted activities. How can we understand when we are making advancement in spiritual life?

3(b) Discussion Groups (Faith and Conviction)

Divide into groups. Ask what are the obstacles to faith, e.g. anarthas, or doubts. Discuss our own strengths and weaknesses. Of what are we convinced, and where are we still hesitant? Regroup and discuss the causes of anarthas: impious activities, pious activities, offences, imperfectly performed bhakti (from Madhurya Kadambini by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, p.34).

Chapter 9, Lesson 4

Possible Learning Experiences:

29(b) Writing Assignment (personal application)

Take ten minutes and write what it means to have a confidential exchange with someone? What are the ingredients? What does it mean to have a confidential exchange with KŠa — how is it different or the same as with friends? What must one do to become worthy to have a confidential relationship with KŠa? (From SDG lecture.)

30,32,34 Research assignment (Mood and Mission)

Request students (individually and/or in small groups) to study these verses and purports and identify:

(a) How they indicate Srila Prabhupada's mood

(b) What is his mood?

(c) How did Srila Prabhupada exemplify this mood through practical activities?

  1. What can we practically learn in pushing forward Srila Prabhupada's mission?

32 Case studies in Groups (Mood & Mission/Evaluation/Preaching Application)

Case One: One famous Indian leader named all those who were born in lower class families as “Harijans” — people of God. Evaluate his attempt. What is consistent with Srila Prabhupada's teachings and what is inconsistent? As the question, “If everyone is equal in the eyes of God, why is there a division of society into four varnas”?

Case Two: One devotee recently gave the Sunday class lecture before a crowd of 500 people, mainly from the ethnic Hindu community. In so doing, he called the leader mentioned above (M. Gandhi) a “foolish politician”. Many listeners became upset and over 100 walked out before the class had finished. Evaluate.

Now, answer the question: “If we were asked before a crowd of people, `What do you think of Gandhi's attempts to help the untouchables?', what would you reply?” (Students might do well to consider how Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda exemplified the first sentence of the purport to verse 32).


The VTE Bhakti ®astri Course

Module One

Section Four - Lesson Outline Overflow

- Teacher's Own Notes



Using this Section 2

Detailed Contents 2

Lesson Outline Overflow 3

Notes for the Teacher

Instructions on using this Section are included over-page

and in the Teachers Handbook (page 53).

Contents of Overflow Section


Chapter 2, Lesson 3 3

Chapter 4, Lesson 2 3

Chapter 8, Lesson 3 3

Chapter 9, Lesson 1 4

Chapter 9, Lesson 4 5


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