Yamila Abraham Tender Master

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Tender Master


Yamila Abraham

Cover by Ero-Pinku

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Caleb dislodged himself from under

the sleeping god Fizu. His bare feet

touched the cold stone tile beside the bed.

He stood and donned his underpants as

quietly as he could. The rest of his clothes

he gathered in his arms to put on in the


Caleb leaned against the wall and sighed. He

couldn’t complain of any injuries (all



handle rough sex) but his muscles ached. Fizu ordered

him to ride him with furious gusto all night long. The

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insatiable god hardly rested between his numerous

orgasms. Caleb, however, still felt tension in his groin. He

considered going to his quarters to masturbate. Before

he’d finished dressing the desire faded. He went to the

prayer shrine instead.

Caleb filled a crystal bowl with

water and laid some tapestries over the

floor. He already felt some peace. The

asacrat looked up at a mural above him.

The Crystalline gods poured out light into

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the universe while the demons of

Darkhelm cowered below their feet. Fizu

looked noble in the painting. He wished

the selfish lascivious god he’d just

slipped away from was more like his


Caleb knelt and prayed.

“When I was a child growing up in the asacrat

nursery I knew of you all only through the divine legends I

was taught. My love for you was so powerful—I wept when

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I prayed. You were perfect to me.

“Now I’ve come to know all of you—but only as…a

creature to warm your beds. Tears still come when I pray

to you. They are no longer the tears of adoration.

“Why can’t I see you as the glorious beings I

imagined in my youth? Without my faith to anchor me I’m

drifting away from you.”

Caleb covered his face with his

hands. Tears wet his cheeks. “Please

bring me back.”

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“What you need is to get away.”

Caleb looked behind him. His sister

April stood in the doorway of the shrine.

She was dressed in a revealing glittery

costume that had to be for the pleasure of

one of the gods.

“I’ve been here a lot longer than you, Caleb.

Things aren’t going to get any better. I wish I could run

away for good, but I always get sick.”

Caleb swallowed. “I don’t want to

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run away. I want to serve them, April. Just

—just not like this. They’re like swine in

bed—so uncaring and disgusting.”

She shook her head and walked to

him. “Sex is all they want from us. It’s a

horrible joke—to be raised as chaste

priests and priestesses, and then to have

your innocence torn away the first night

you meet your idols. The goddess mother

said I should be grateful to be a sex slave.

Asacrats were created to satisfy their lust.

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If not for that we wouldn’t exist.”

“But they’re the light of the universe, April. You

can’t think everything we’ve learned is a lie.”

“I stopped being in awe of them a long time ago.”

She took his hand. “I don’t want you to get like me, Caleb.

Don’t lose hope. There’s nothing worse than feeling empty

inside. Life stops having meaning. You’re just filling time.”

April led him to a domed alcove in

the castle. She brought him to a sleek

computer console.

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“The gods tell everyone outside this planet that

we’re their priests and missionaries.”

“They do?” Caleb said.

“Yes. So go on a mission.” She brought up a

message. “Look, here’s a request from the leader of the

settlement on planet Risden. He’s asking for a priest to

come and set up a church to the Crystalline gods.”

Caleb read the email over her

shoulder. “Risden is in Darkhelm’s solar

system. I had no idea anyone settled there.

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The whole area must be demonic.”

April met his eyes. “Sounds like an

emergency, Caleb.”

His heart started to race. The gods

and goddesses of the complex would be

asleep for several hours. Surely none of

them could object to him running off to

deal with an emergency.

He decided not to ask.

When Caleb’s ship dropped out of

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hyperspace he felt the oppressive demonic

aura clouding the sector. He became

nauseous, and then had tightness in his

throat. Caleb uttered a fast prayer. He

finally was able to steer the ship down

toward the landing coordinates.






atmosphere Caleb realized the world was

a bleak tundra. In his haste he hadn’t

packed the appropriate clothes. Caleb

hoped his contact would detect his ship

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and meet him.

A man appeared in the snow buried

in a thick coat. He got Caleb to land the

small craft beside the largest building in

the sparse settlement. When the hatch

opened the man rushed Caleb inside.

Virulent icy winds drowned out his

words. The severe cold made it painful

just to draw in a breath.

The man closed the door and the

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howling wind ceased. Caleb hunched over

with his arms wrapped around himself.

His greeter took off his coat. He was a

large man with an overgrown black beard

and shaggy black hair. His massive gut

was barely contained by a button-down


“You must be the asacrat.”

Caleb righted himself. “And you are


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“I never expected them to send someone so fast.

A real asacrat! And just as beautiful as I heard. Our luck’s

finally turning around.” Julian said most of this to himself.

He met Caleb’s eyes. “What should I call you then? Is it


“Just Caleb will do.”

Evening came at an arbitrary hour

since the planet never saw daylight. By

then Caleb had retrieved his belongings

from his craft and appropriated still more

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from Julian. He dared not venture out of

the building. Julian explained it was the

meeting house and a refectory. Caleb was

assigned a tiny room behind the kitchen.

He couldn’t comprehend the joy

unpacking gave him. The air still had an

oppressive aura. It didn’t affect the hope

burgeoning within him. He prayed that he

could do the settlement some good.

Julian sat with him in an area of

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couches beside the dining hall. He gave

Caleb a hot brown drink that was so

delicious he felt like celebrating.

The books of Exinious caught his

eye on the small shelf beside them.

“Why do you have these demonic texts?”

“Huh?” Julian didn’t look at them. He scratched

at his beard. “I don’t know. Never mind.”

“Well, um, I want to tour the settlement, but I just

can’t bear the cold.”

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“It’s late. I’ll take you around tomorrow in a car.”

“What’s the history here? I never knew there was

a settlement in Darkhelm space. According to my religion

you’ve moved into Hell.”

Julian grew flustered. “Ah, alright, I’ll tell you it all.

This is as much a mining colony as a settlement. All the

Darkhelm worlds are loaded with sulphite. We figured we

could set up a little operation right on the edge of


space. We’d mine a chunk out of this iceberg and be gone

before he knew it.”

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Caleb almost spit up his brown

drink. “You thought you could go behind

Lord Exinious’ back?”

Julian chewed his bottom lip.

“So what happened?”

“What happened? Who said anything happened?

We’re here mining just like I said. ‘Bout 160 of us.”

“If nothing happened why did you summon an

asacrat missionary?”

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Julian looked away from him and

scratched his hair. “Why? Why not? On

the edge of Darkhelm space. Figured we

needed one.”

Caleb still felt confused. “I see. But,

if you’re only going to be here a short time


“We’ve been here one Earth year. We ain’t


Caleb sipped with a furrowed

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brow. Then he said, “I thought you were

going to be in and out before Darkhelm


“What I said was, that was our plan when we first

got here. Things change. Situations can change in a

heartbeat.” Julian rose. “Anyway, we ain’t leaving.”

Caleb shrugged. “Well, I’m happy

to be here. I hope I can provide an

uplifting ministry for you and the other


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“Ministry, right. That will be great.” He grabbed

his big coat off the hook beside the door. “Thank you,

Caleb.” He spoke without looking back. “Thank you for…

coming to save us.”

“I haven’t done anything yet.”

“You will.”

Julian let in the icy blades of wind

from outside for several moments, and

was gone.

Caleb remained at the couches to

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finish his drink. He could tell from the

silence that he was now alone in the large

building. His joy at a new purpose felt

marred with foreboding. He wished Julian

didn’t perplex him.

In the darkness of his room Caleb

could hear the wind blustering outside. He

shivered in his cot despite several

oversized blankets. A choking sensation

started in his throat. He realized he wasn’t

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shivering, but trembling. Caleb closed his

eyes causing tears to spill out. The dark

aura had spiked. And here he thought he’d

gotten used to it.

Caleb sat up in the cot slowly.

Sitting in a chair at the foot of his bed was

a large demon. The light was dim enough

for him to hope his eyes played tricks on

him. He clicked on his lamp. The demon

sat staring at him.

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He matched illustrations from the

Crystalline bible, except he was far from

ugly. His face was regal enough for Caleb

to notice its beauty despite strange eyes

and massive horns. He had attractive long

dark hair. Once Caleb drew up some

mettle he realized the only frightening

thing about the demon was his massive


He lowered his head and started to

pray aloud.

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The demon’s deep unnatural voice

stung him. He ceased praying.

“You’re welcome on Risden, but not if you’re

disrespectful to my Lord Exinious. Don’t recite prayers to

Helder out loud. Would you like it if someone prayed to

Exinious on planet Crystalline?”

Caleb swallowed. He felt the urge

to apologize. But then—he’d started

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praying to cast the demon out. His civility

made that notion seem idiotic.

“I’m General Caine,” the demon said. “Risden is

under my jurisdiction.”

“I’m Caleb, an asacrat.”

“I know what you are.”

“I was summoned here to begin a ministry.”

Caine laughed at him. “That’s not

why they summoned you here.”

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Caleb blinked.

“Give me your hand.” He outstretched a palm

toward him.

Caleb shook his head. “You’re a

general of Lord Exinious?”


“Then…you are my enemy.”

Caine withdrew his hand. “Let’s not

be enemies, little Caleb. You see, your

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masters aren’t the only ones who cherish


His brow rose.

“That’s why it’s my pleasure to have you here.

You’re now the guest of General Caine.”






suspicious of your hospitality.”

“Of course. Darkhelm demons are supposed to

be monsters. We must be disgusting if your foul

Crystalline masters are the righteous ones.” He gave a

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sardonic laugh. “It’s time for you to learn what’s real, little

asacrat. You should read the books of Exinious.”

“No. I won’t let my mind be contaminated.”

“So be it. If you did read them you’d know why we

regard you asacrats as treasures.” He reached for him

again. “Won’t you give me your hand?”

Caleb cringed. “Why do you want

my hand?”

“Not for any reason you should fear.” He

withdrew. “I’ll try to wait until you come to trust me.”

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“Everything I’ve ever been taught tells me I should

never trust you.”

“I suggest you learn more. I want to be your

friend, little Caleb. You’re being an honorable Crystalline

servant as you talk to me, but you don’t rebuke me or try

to cast me out. I like that. You’re already showing more

character than many naïve asacrats I’ve known.”

Caleb blushed. “I guess—I guess

you spark my curiosity. And, well, this is

your world. I don’t want to be rude.”

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Caine made a broad smile. The

kindness beamed from his face. “You’re


Caleb felt stricken. He looked away

from Caine in concentration. “Do the

settlers know this is your world?”

Caine became somber. “They’re not

settlers, little Caleb. They’re intruders and

thieves who came to steal from my lord. I

warned them to leave.”

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“You did?”

“They didn’t heed me, so I punished them.”

Caleb’s eyes widened. “Did you

kill them? Is Julian the only one left?”

“Killing isn’t poetic. Massacres are easy and

abundant. I prefer to give the universe a more interesting

story. The strategy has paid dividends. It’s brought



Caleb moved to the edge of his cot.

“What happened?”

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Caine reached for him. “Take my

hand, and I’ll tell you.”

Caleb’s face became pained. He

shook his head.

Caine pulled his hand away and

laughed. “Then it’s your mystery to solve.

Just remember: I’m your friend. These

thieves are not.”

He rose. Caleb realized he was no

longer fearful, even when confronted by

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his intimidating height.

“May I visit you again?”

“Yes. Of course.”

Caine smiled again. This time Caleb

felt a shiver.

“I like you, asacrat.”

The demon vanished before him.

Black smoke lingered for a moment in the

demon’s shape, and then there was

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nothing. Caleb lay down with his eyes

opened. He replayed their conversation in

his mind.

Then he planned on what to say to


Caleb heard Julian rummaging

around his room while he was in the

bathroom. He emerged to see his cot had

been folded up. Julian dropped some of

his things into a bag.

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“What are you doing?”

The large man jolted with his entire

body. He turned around to look at Caleb

with enormous eyes.

Caleb crossed his arms. “I need to

talk to you. I had a visitor last night.”

Julian raked a hand through his hair.

“You did? I mean…of course you did.”

Caleb glowered at him.

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“There’s no time to talk now. The men are coming

in for breakfast. I was going to introduce you and—“

“I’m not doing anything until I get some answers.”

“A man’s baby is possessed by demons!”

Caleb blanched. “What?”

Julian reset his cot and hastily

placed his items back in a dresser. “We

need your help, alright? Let’s just put

everything aside and deal with this.

They’ll start coming in any minute. Get

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ready.” He dashed from the room.

Caleb could hear men on the other

side of his wall clanging pots. Then he

smelled meat cooking. He sighed and laid

out his ceremonial costume.

Apparently the fumes from the

kitchen gave him a headache. He ignored


Caleb entered the crowded dining

room. Eight long tables with benches

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accommodated 160 men of varying ages.

Their conversation stopped and all heads

turned toward him. Caleb wore the red







Crystalline priest.

Julian popped up from the table

nearest him. “Ah, yes! Here we are.”

He stood beside Caleb. The men’s

faces were as somber as stone while

Julian introduced him. No one ate or

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spoke. When Julian finished speaking

Caleb felt a wave of discomfort.

“I’m here to help you,” Caleb said.

Silence followed. Caleb could see

Julian shifting his weight from side to


“So help us!”

Caleb didn’t see who yelled it. “I

will. We can have our first service this

evening if you—“

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Now they became animated. The

men were swearing to each other. A few

slammed hands on the table.

“We don’t need a fucking church!”

Caleb swallowed.

Julian stepped forward. “Hey, look!

I told you this is a delicate situation. I’m

working on it. Let’s just—let’s just calm

down. He’s here ain’t he?”

“Julian—what the fuck?” a man said.

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“I’ll talk to you in the damn mines, all right!”

“Talk to them here,” Caleb said. He looked into

the crowd. “I was called here to bring you a ministry.

What do you really want?”

This quieted them. The men in the

furthest table from him rose to turn in their

empty trays. The rest followed suit over a

span of ten minutes. Caleb stared, but no

one met his eyes.

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Julian squeezed his shoulder. “Let’s

not be worrying about sermons and shit

just yet.”

“What do they want?”

“Just let them cool off, you know.”

“But—“ His voice became choked with tears.

“Why did you bring me here?”

He lowered to sit at one of the

empty tables. Julian stood beside him

fidgeting as he wept into his hands.

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An echoing shriek rang through the

emptied dining hall. Caleb looked up. A

miner stood holding a swaddled baby. His

face had the same stony dejection he’d

seen on the others.

Caleb had him lay the infant on a

table. The boy’s eyes were a luminous

yellow without any pupils. His wails and






reverberations Caleb heard in Caine’s

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voice. The baby struggled against the taut

blanket around him.

“He’s possessed by a lower demon,” Caleb said.

“They’re usually too weak to possess humans. The baby

must have been made vulnerable somehow.”

“Don’t worry about that,” the father said. “He’s all

I have left. What do I need to do to make him well?”

Caleb squeezed his shoulder and

smiled. “I can heal him.”

He placed both hands on the

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squirming child’s face. Then he let his

mind grow calm. He pictured himself as a

vessel full of light that poured out into the

baby. For a few seconds the child became

still. Then he jolted and growled. Caleb

held him steady despite the father

protesting beside him. The child quieted

again. Black smoke burned out of him and

then dissipated. His eyes became human


The father crumpled in tears over

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his son. “You did it. Oh, thank you! Thank


“You’re welcome.” A spark of hope relit inside


The father bundled the child for the

cold and left with him. Julian tried to



He jolted as though caught in a

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Caleb went to him and latched on to

his coat to make sure he didn’t escape.

“Why is there a baby here? I thought this

was just a mining colony like you said.

This was a real settlement, wasn’t it?

There were families here.”

Julian didn’t look at him. “Yep.”

“Where are all the women?”

Julian’s face began to tremble.

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Now Julian eyed him. “He took

them, all right?”

“General Caine.”

Julian looked ahead of him again.

“Yep. He let us build up the whole

operation. We mined out our first haul of

sulphite, then, right as the first cargo ships

were loaded up, he came and told us to

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leave it and go. Leave the sulphite, leave

all our equipment, and just go.” He

swallowed. “We couldn’t do that,

obviously. A demon army came and








Caleb expelled a heavy breath.

“What happened to them?”

“I don’t know. That was months ago. We’ve been

carrying on without them.”

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“You’re still mining the sulphite?”

Julian darted angry eyes at him.

“Well what the fuck else can we do? I’m

not going anywhere until I get Maria back.

We can’t abandon them. And what are we

supposed to do while we’re waiting?

Twiddle our fucking thumbs?”

Julian stepped forward to break free

of Caleb’s grip. “As soon as we get them

back we’ll go. The longer he holds on to

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them, the more sulphite we’re going to

suck out of this fucking shithole.”

He went to the door.

“What can I do to help you?”

Julian looked back with a grim

smile. “You weren’t supposed to do

anything. You were just a bartering chip.”

He opened the door and left before

Caleb could respond. When the cold hit

him his mild headache turned to shooting

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Caleb groaned and found his way to

the couches. His temples now throbbed. It

wasn’t the fumes. It must have been the

new climate. Yet another sign that his

coming here was a grave mistake.

The pain didn’t abate after several

minutes. When he rose he had a moment of

vertigo. His legs felt weak.


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He dragged himself back to his

small room to dig out one of the oversized

coats he’d borrowed from Julian. His

decision to leave wasn’t solid yet. He’d

saved the possessed child, so his presence

wasn’t a complete waste. However, Julian

lured him there with a lie. If Caine was

not such a gentleman he might have

already been kidnapped. He may still be.

Caleb considered going to his ship

to retrieve the communicator. Maybe he

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could get a message to April. Her level

head was exactly what he needed.

He donned gloves, a scarf, goggles,

snow pants—every article he could.

Partway through dressing he had to sit and

catch his breath. His head felt like it was

splitting in two. The fatigue in his muscles

seemed to be growing worse, also.

He went to the exit door and braced

himself. A gush of air bombarded him.

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Caleb pushed through it before he lost his

nerve. The ship was barely ten paces

away. Caleb strode only five when he

realized the debris.

Someone had smashed the hull. The

cockpit was open to the elements. Pieces

of equipment were strewn about the snow.

Caleb ran to it. He looked for claw

marks. The ruptures in the metal were

large sharp streaks, as if someone had

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swung a tool. He looked inside the hull

and saw it. A pneumatic pickaxe was

lodged deep in the main console.

Caleb couldn’t investigate further.

His face had gone numb, yet his head was

still in agony. He raced back into the

safety of the main lodge.

“How could they…?”

He stood beside the door with his

face in his hand. Some kitchen workers

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grunted to get by him. Caleb forced his

quaking legs to carry him back to his

room. He collapsed on his bed.

When Caleb woke next he was

doused in sweat. He struggled with each

painful breath. He also noted that chokey

feeling that happened when the dark aura


“They…they destroyed my ship.” Caleb spoke into

the dimness of the room with his eyes closed.

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“I told you. They’re not your friends,” Caine said.

“But I…I came here to help them. I was going to

make a ministry…going to…have my faith…my purpose…

renewed again.”





sympathetically. “Wrong faith. Wrong

purpose. You can’t light a fire on logs

soaked with urine.”

“What—what happened to the women?”

“We put them in a prison on one of our worlds.”

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A stab of pain in his forehead made

him wince. He forced out his words.

“What are you going to do to them?”

“It’s not decided. The men were supposed to

leave. We might have returned the women to them

eventually. They’re greedy, little Caleb. Julian lied when he

said they refuse to abandon their wives. They refuse to

abandon the sulphite. Now my master thinks the women

should be tried for their crimes. The sentence for stealing

from Darkhelm is death.”

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“You can’t.” He struggled to draw breath.

“Please…please just let them go.”

He heard the floor creek. Caine

walked beside him and knelt. Caleb

looked into his serene face.

“Will you trade your freedom for theirs?”

His face crumbled into tears. Julian

spoke the truth. He’d been lured here to be

a bartering chip. The idealistic faith of his

youth would never be recaptured.

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Caine caressed his cheek. “I’m not

so terrible.”

“If only you were.” Caleb snuffled. “You were

supposed to be a sadistic monster. That way you’d prove

everything I believed in wasn’t a lie.”

“It’s about to get even worse for you.”

Caleb gave him a plaintive look.

“Do you know why you’re sick?

Caleb forced down the lump in his

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throat. “It’s the climate. Altitude sickness,

or something.”

“Once you join the harem of the Crystalline gods

you have to have sex regularly or you get like this.”

Caleb’s eyes bulged.

“It’s another way they bind you to them.”

His mind raced. He remembered April’s failed

runaway attempts.

“I wish I could run away for good, but I

always get sick.”

Then there was Jasper who hid for three

days and had to be carried upstairs.

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Caine leaned over the bed and

kissed him.


The demon’s hot lips formed a seal

with his. His mouth moved sensually, and

then his tongue penetrated. Caleb closed

his eyes. He realized how easily Caine

could seduce him. His mere touch made

his whole body slacken. The headache

ebbed and then dissipated. Nothing

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prevented him from melting beneath the

demon’s embrace.

Caine broke their mouths and

looked at him. “Better?”

Caleb nodded. His lips were moist

and he felt weary.

“You’ll be sick again within minutes. The only cure

is for you to be with me.”

Grief came over Caleb’s face. “I

can’t belong to you.”

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Caine laughed and stroked his hair.

“I won’t claim you with this act. You have

to be mine through your own choosing.

This is a necessity due to your master’s


Caine took his hand. The gesture

stung him due to his requests before. At

that moment it seemed benign.

“I’ll take this chance to show you what a tender

master a Darkhelm demon can be. It will be our

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courtship. Afterwards you’ll know there’s no reason for

you to return to your miserable existence. You’ll have a

new home, a new master, and…a new faith.”

Caleb pursed his lips. He noticed a

twinge of pain harkening the return of his


“May I proceed?”

Caleb blinked a few times. He

thought the matter was already settled.

Caine’s chivalry caused a flutter in his

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Caine scooped him up in his arms.

They vanished together. The next moment

Caleb reclined with Caine on a massive

round bed. They were both undressed.

The sudden nudity didn’t panic

Caleb, but he still darted his eyes around

fearfully. “Where are we?”

“Not Darkhelm. Don’t worry.” Caine soothed his

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hand down Caleb’s chest and torso. “This is my dwelling

on Risden.”

Caleb gave a satisfied nod and

relaxed back.

The demon loomed over him to

continue the light caresses. He ran the

back of his hand over Caleb’s shoulder,

and then he felt over his hips with his

palms. His fingertips traced down Caleb’s

throat. Every touch made his flesh tingle.

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It felt rapturous to be soothed all

over like this. Why couldn’t his

Crystalline masters have been so gentle?

He realized he’d been starved for contact.

Even though he’d served his masters night

after night—it was lewdness without


Caine’s fingertip tickled over his

nipple. Caleb’s breath caught at the

sudden titillation. For a short while the

demon continued his chaste caresses. He

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made it seem as though he’d stimulated the

sensitive flesh by accident. Then his finger

casually danced over the other nub. Caleb

looked at him and saw a smile.

His mouth lowered down to give

soft buttery kisses where his fingers had

felt. The heat from his breath made Caleb

tremble. His tongue touched above his

navel and Caleb gasped. His cock stood

up from his body as the languorous

foreplay continued. Caleb dug his fingers

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into Caine’s hair.

The demon ceased electrifying his

flesh to join their mouths together. Caleb

yielded himself to the kiss without

inhibition. He wrapped his arms tight

around large shoulders.

Caine spider-crawled his fingers

down Caleb’s body while his tongue

distracted him. He brushed his hand

against his cock.

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His forefinger pressed against the

swollen tip. Caleb jolted. His slit pulsed

as he compressed it.

Finally he took the shaft in his hand

and squeezed it. Caleb couldn’t believe

how aroused he was. Caine took utter

control over his body. The demon brought

shocking heat to his middle with the barest


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The hand released and felt lower.

Caine tickled his balls first, and then

cupped them in his palm. He rubbed the

orbs in a sensual massage from one side to

the other. A thick droplet seeped from the

tip of his cock. Caleb broke his mouth free

from Caine to cry out.


His face construed. The demon had

him desperate for release already.

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Caine leaned back to focus both

hands on his torture. His fingers clenched

the shaft to pump it slowly as his other

hand continued to mash against his balls.

The slow beat of his hand made Caleb’s

belly quiver. He felt euphoric tingles all

through his pelvis. Caine’s controlled fist

kept him teetering on the brink of orgasm.




He bit his bottom lip. Caine looked

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into his eyes as he fondled him. Caleb

could not hide the desperation in his face.

Caine watching him made things even

more erotic. The demon pumped his shaft

even slower.

“Ah! I’m so close!


Caine stopped massaging his balls

to lick his finger. He crammed the digit

into Caleb’s ass.

“Ahhh!” He arched his back off the mattress.

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Caine opened his most tender place

in a shockwave of pleasure. His insides

shuddered with rapturous throbs. Caleb

thrashed on the bed.

“I can’t take it anymore!


“Tell me what you want.”

Caleb whimpered. “Please! Please

let me…!”

“Look at me.”

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Caleb winced but obeyed. The

demon locked eyes with him. His fist

became tight, and he yanked with sudden


The sound of Caleb’s moans

evaporated deep in his throat. He

contorted his whole body through the first

shuddering spasm. Caine held him down

by the thigh and kept pumping. Caleb’s

nipples hardened. His ass clenched. Every

convulsion made his body lurch.

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Caleb collapsed back and gasped.

He felt Caine wipe the ejaculate off his

stomach. The demon climbed up to

whisper against his lips.

“You’re exactly what I want.”

Caleb’s face became puzzled. Then

he was swept back into the passion of

Caine’s kiss. The demon now writhed

over him as their tongues lathed together.

Caleb’s cock mashed against Caine’s

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muscular body. His arousal returned as the

ravenous mouth bombarded him.

Caine urged him to lie on his

stomach. He kissed both swells of his

buttocks. Caleb noticed his lips trembled

with staggered breaths. He poured oil into

the crease of his ass and then swirled the

pads of his fingers over Caleb’s slick



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Pressure against so many tingly

nerves made Caleb’s thighs quiver. He

arched his back and splayed his legs.

When Caine’s fingers breached him he

clenched the sheets.

“Ooo, yes!” He wiggled against his hand.

“You’re going to make me lose control.”






swallowed. “You can’t hurt me. My body

was made for this.”

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Caine’s thick cock plopped onto his

tailbone. It was longer than Caleb’s


“Feel that?”

He gave a rapturous sigh. “You’re

even bigger than Yurin.” His toes curled.

The thought of so much tingly pressure

inside him made his cock twinge.

Caine perked the head against his

hole. His member pressed in slow,

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despite Caleb’s body yielding to accept



Caine froze. “Does it hurt?”

He gasped. “Don’t stop!”

Caine grunted and obeyed. The

sensation propelled Caleb into blissful

delirium. There was never pain or

discomfort when he was opened this way.

He felt only the rapturous throb of a

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thousand pleasure points stimulated at

once. Caine’s massive size strained each

receptor within him to its maximum. A

muffled sound came from his open mouth.

He trembled and tried not to move. His

cock seared for release once again.

Caine drew back to thrust again.

Caleb emitted a hiss of pain—the orgasm

seized him against his will. As he jolted

and squirmed Caine grasped both his hips

and plowed deep. The demon thrust only a

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few strokes before weakening.

“Can I—come inside you?”

“Yes. Yes!”

Caine mashed his pelvis against

Caleb’s ass. He could feel the hot gushes

in his core. The euphoric waves extended

Caleb’s own orgasm. His member

contracted without release. He yelped.

Caine flattened him against the bed,

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twisted against his back for a final burst,

and then exhaled.

Caleb luxuriated in the feeling of

Caine against him. His touch still caused

so much heady warmth. It was no longer

sexual. Merely contentment.

After a while Caine rolled off and

repositioned Caleb in his arms beside


“Stay the night.”

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Caleb nestled his head in the crook

of his shoulder. “I’d love to.”

“Stay forever.”

Silence followed this. Caleb’s heart

rate quickened. He stared out into the

dimness of the room thinking of what to


“General Caine—you can’t erase a lifetime of

worship and training in one night.” Caleb swallowed. “You

need to be patient with me.”

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“Will you give me your hand now?”

Caleb frowned. “What’s that all


“I want to mark your soul so other Darkhelm

demons will know you’ve already been claimed.”


Caine turned his chin so their eyes

met. “It’s important to me, little Caleb.

Exinious himself could claim you unless

you have my mark.”

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“How—how can I go home with a demon’s mark

on me?”

“The mark doesn’t bind you. Your masters will

know you were touched by a demon. You should grant me

at least that satisfaction.”

Caleb stared into his eyes several

moments. He didn’t know what answer he

searched for. Somehow Caine’s sincere

gaze made up his mind. He offered his

hand to the demon.

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Caine woke him the next morning by

kissing his neck. Caleb moaned. His mind

incorporated moist heat on his nape into a

sexual dream. Caine reached around his

chest from behind to tease his nipples.

Caleb woke up fully. Both sensitive

nipples had hardened below the tickling

fingers. He rubbed his bottom against

Caine’s cock.


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“My dear,” Caine whispered, “if you have sex with

me now it’s because you want to. Not because you’re


“Ngh…yes. I want to.”

His member grew uncomfortably

hard. He gave into the urge to masturbate.

Caine’s fingers rubbed the caps of his

nipples in a rhythmic pattern. Caleb’s

whole chest squirmed. He felt Caine’s

cock thicken against his ass.

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“Put it in.”

Caine stopped torturing his nipples.

They continued tingling in the wake of his

touch. He shuffled on the bed a moment,

and then pressed a greased cock against

his hole.

Caleb licked his lips while using

both hands to masturbate. He tipped his

ass to urge Caine inside him. The demon

pulled up one of his thighs and penetrated.

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Caine pumped into him harder than

he had last night. Caleb now felt

comfortable enough to cry out. He gave a

plaintive yelp with every stab into his

pleasure center.

“Uh! Ahhh! So good!”

He came while Caine continued his

steady plunges. The demon threw off their

blanket. He rolled on his back and had

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Caleb straddle him. The wanton position

renewed Caleb’s erection. He realized his

cock was a dark ruddy hue. He left the

raw organ alone and focused on bouncing.

He saw Caine grimace.

“Ngh,” Caine said. “You’re wild.”

Caleb rammed his body up and

down the length of Caine’s cock. “Ah! I

can’t come again.”

Caine fisted his cock.

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“Yes you can.”

He pumped it. Caleb struggled to

pull his hand off. “No! Ah! It’s so tender.”

Caine released and held onto his

thighs instead. He plunged upwards into

Caleb’s ass hard enough to slap against


“Mmm! Ohhh! Yes!”

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Caine bit his bottom lip and came.

The flood of seed dribbled down from

Caleb’s hole. The feeling inside had him


“That’s so…uh!”

Caine pulled Caleb off his cock.


He dragged him up his body until he

was seated on his chest. Then engulfed

Caleb’s cock in his mouth.

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“Oh no! Ahh!” Caleb braced himself against the


The demon gripped his ass tight

with both strong hands and sucked. Caleb

tried to squirm free. Caine’s mouth






powerful suction. In moments Caleb

whimpered. His stomach and thighs


He spoke through tears. “I’m

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Caine’s mouth vacuumed out his

seed and swallow it.

The asacrat flopped back. His groin

was still pinned to the merciless mouth.

“Ohhhhhh! Hhn!”

When he released him Caleb crept

away. He curled his shuddering body

inward. Caine sat watching him.

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“You’re a drug, and I’m addicted. Do you forgive


Caleb eyed him and nodded. “No—

no more. I’m spent.”

Caine laughed and left the bed. His

majestic naked body exited through a door

Caleb hadn’t noticed. When he returned

enough time had passed for Caleb to

compose himself. They dined together in

the bed on roasted tubers and meat.

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Then Caleb bade him to take him

back. Caine reluctantly obeyed.

Caleb took a nap after he showered.

He woke when Julian knocked outside his

doorway. The burly man took a seat

beside his bed.

“You were gone. I looked all over for you.”

Caleb considered a few moments

before speaking. “I was with General


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“I figured you were.” Julian fidgeted with is

sleeve. “Did he talk about our women at all?”

He fumed through his nostrils.

“General Caine has been very kind to me.

You and the settlers have not.”

“You’re not going to fall for his bullshit, are you? I

seen how his kind is. Monsters shattering homes in the

dead of night. Ripping women right out of their beds.

Dragging them away in this God-awful cold. I figured you’d

know how they are better than any of us.”

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“General Caine gave you a chance to leave, but

you were greedy.”

“Fuck that! How could we leave with nothing?

After all that work!”

“You had no right to mine on this world.”

“That’s fucking hindsight.”

Caleb crossed his arms. “You said

the only reason you’re still here is

because you can’t leave the women


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“Well, I can get General Caine to release them,

but you have to leave now. Stop mining. Get off this world

on the next fleet of cargo ships.”

Julian thought for a moment. “Well,

we got two fleets coming over the next

month. They each ordered full loads of

sulphite. Once we meet those obligations


“General Caine was right. You’re only staying for

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the sulphite.”

Julian bolted up from his chair.

“You saying I don’t love my wife? You

don’t know what I been through. I think

about her every fucking day!”

Caleb drew breath to speak. Julian

talked over him.

“What fucking guarantee do I have that he’s going

to let them go? I don’t even know if they’re still alive! You

want me to throw away everything I’ve worked for like it’s

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Caleb turned away from him.

“You’re unbelievable.”

“Look, even if I wanted to go I can’t get these guys

to bail. They’ll say the same things I have. Let us get these

last two hauls out and then we can negotiate.”

“Imbecile. They’re considering having the women

tried for stealing from Darkhelm. They’ll die for your

crimes here.”

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“Crimes? Coming to a shithole iceberg no one

gives a fuck about and taking a resource the whole

universe is fucking desperate for? You know how far a

ship can run on one kilo of sulphite? The crime is letting it

rot here in the snow.”

Caleb’s heart began to race. He had

to get out of here. With his ship destroyed

there was only one option.

“We no longer have anything to talk about. Please

leave me alone.”

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Julian rubbed a hand through his

hair. “Okay, look, I didn’t come searching

for you to argue. You did Mick a real

good turn by saving his baby. Some of the

guys, they want to... Well, let me just

show you.” He crossed to the door.

Caleb followed him into the dining

hall. Two tables were aligned at the front

of the room. One had a podium on it with

Crystalline bible. A glass bowl of water

on the left side finished the make-shift

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Caleb’s mouth went dry.

Mick sat at the table closest to them

with his baby. He rose, but turned back

towards the doorway to shout. “He’s here


A dozen men came in from the

sitting area. Julian fumbled for words as

they gathered near.

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“I haven’t told him everything, yet.”

“We want the church,” Mick said.

Caleb looked at him with wide


A lanky man who looked underfed

spoke up next. “See, if you got the magic

to get rid of a demon, maybe you can keep

us safe.”

“It’s not everyone,” Julian said to Caleb, “but you

can still have your ministry for these men. You can give

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them a blessing, can’t you?”

He lowered his eyes. “I…”

“Sorry about before,” a new voice said. “We

thought you were useless, but we were wrong.”

Julian squeezed his shoulder. “Give

us a little service. That’s what you came

for, isn’t it?”

Caleb wore a look of horror. Julian

steered him behind the podium as the other

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men sat facing him on the benches. He

stared out at them with a lump in his


“Read from the book if you ain’t got nothing else,”

Mick said.

Caleb looked at it. The bible was

opened to the page first introducing the

demons of Darkhelm.

“No…no worse a monster…can there be…”

“Speak up!”

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“No worse a monster there can be than those

demons of Darkhelm. Spawned from the befouled seed of

their master. They sever the souls of mortals from their

bodily shells leaving them forever in darkness. They drain

the light—“

The doors crashed open. General

Caine stood as a black silhouette against a

snow white background. He stepped into

the light of the dining hall wearing

embellished silver armor and a flowing

black cape.

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Caleb had never seen his face so


The men sprang up from the benches

in an explosion of frightful swears. They

scattered as Caine strode down the center

aisle. His eyes were fixed on Caleb.

Caleb resisted the inclination to look

away in shame because he feared for the

men and the infant. They now ran in unison

toward the entrance. Caine reached back

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and the doors slammed closed. Julian

struggled to open them without success.

The group huddled in the back staring at

Caine and Caleb.

Caine threw the bible in the air. It

burst into flames and disintegrated. He

knocked the glass water bowl on the floor

making it shatter.

“You were welcome here so long as you didn’t

behave disrespectfully to my Lord.” Caine slammed the

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podium to the floor hard enough to smash it into

splinters. “I told you this.”

“You’re right,” Caleb said. He found strength

buried somewhere deep inside of him. “I shouldn’t have

done it. I won’t make excuses.”

Caine stood in front of him. His

voice was no longer a bellow. “A

blasphemer is even worse than a thief.”

“This is between you and me. Let those men go.”

Caine leaned close to him. “If I let

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them go, who’s going to take you to the


Caleb winced. He felt terrified of

Caine for the first time.

“There is no trail for blasphemers. Only death.”

Caine clutched his shoulder and

spun him around. Caleb stood with his

back to him. He squeezed his eyes closed.

“Maiming you might be enough to satisfy my lord.”

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He ripped his claws down Caleb’s

back. The violence happened in a blinding

instant. Caleb’s tunic shredded. The pain

toppled him. He remained conscious only

long enough to see the group of men

running towards him in panic. Caine must

have vanished.

Caleb woke face down on a

stretcher. He felt cold mixed with agony.

He lifted his head enough to see he was in





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Something touched his back. He hissed

with pain.

“Damn he’s awake. Give me the sedative.”

Caleb felt a shot, then fell asleep.

“What are you stupid?” April said. “You made it.

You’re free. Don’t ruin it now.”

“I wasn’t trying to get free. I was trying to


“That’s a lie. You ran while they were all asleep.

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You wanted a way out without admitting you were

abandoning your faith. Well, you should abandon it. We all

need to wake up!”

Caleb woke in the empty infirmary.

He was propped onto his side with

pillows. The pain was there. If he tried to

move it gave him an unbearable sting.

He sighed. This was good, wasn’t

it? It proved that Darkhelm demons were

as despicable as the Crystalline bible

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He couldn’t even finish that thought

before discounting it. Caine tried to save

him from Lord Exinious’ wrath. He made

sure the men were there to get him help.

Why did he read from the bible?

He’d vowed to respect Caine’s wishes.

The men rushed him into it. When he saw

the page and wanted to reread it. He

wanted to see how wrong that book had

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been about Darkhelm. Caine wasn’t a

monster. If he’d read further he’d get to

passages about the demons possessing

mortals and making them run on rampages

until they died of exhaustion. Caine

actually warned the settlers to leave.

Everything he’d seen so far showed him

that Darkhelm was civilized.

His religion was based on lies.

He knew it from the first night he’d

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been indoctrinated into the harem. This

trip wiped out any doubt.

Caleb wept. The shuddering sobs

made his wounds ache. He couldn’t stop


Caine appeared beside his bed. He

pulled the doctor’s stool forward to sit.

For a while he didn’t look at Caleb.

Distress clouded his normally serene face.

“I’m sorry for reading from that bible.”

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Caine’s eyes widened. “You’re

apologizing to me? After I wounded you?”

Silence followed. Caleb felt waves

of relief. Caine’s self-reprobation made

peace between them.

“I tried to get the miners to leave. You were right.

They’re staying here out of greed.”

Caine let a sigh out of his nostrils.

“It’s time for them to go, little Caleb. My

Lord is fed up with their pillaging.” He

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looked into his eyes. “I’ll never hurt you

again. You’ll never give me cause to,

right? I want you to stay with me.”

“I know.” Caleb pursed his lips. “They…they lured

me here to use me as a bartering chip. Let’s turn that

around. I want to use their fate as a bartering chip with


Caine nodded while fixed on him.

“Julian claimed they only stayed here because

they can’t leave without their wives. He said it wasn’t

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about the sulphite. So…let’s take the sulphite out of this

and give them back their wives. Put the men in prison with


Caine smiled.

“Let them stay there for at least as long as they

pillaged Risden.”

“If I arrange this, you’ll belong to me?”

“Yes, Caine.”

He vanished.

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Caleb tried to stay awake. His heart

raced. He couldn’t identify exactly what

his emotion was. There was fear, a twinge

of guilt, exhilaration, buy then, amid it all,

he was smiling.

Half a day later a demon with red

hair and a long beard entered the

infirmary. Caleb gasped at the sight of a

stranger. Four demon soldiers followed


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“Asacrat, I’m Commander Rodin. The intruders on

this world have been forced onto our prison vessel.

There’s no one left to care for you. I’m taking you to the

hospital on Darkhelm.”

Caleb blinked a few times. Before

he could respond the soldiers gingerly

transferred him onto a gurney. Their care

made Caleb’s fear of them subside, but he

still had a knot in his middle at the

prospect of going to Darkhelm.

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They brought him outside, but for

whatever reason he didn’t feel the cold.

Caleb gasped at the massive round black

ship parked in the snow. The demons

brought him up a wide entry hatch. Caine

stood waiting inside. Caleb’s heart

quickened. He was brought into a small

cabin. Caine sat beside his bed as the

soldiers shut them in together.

He took Caleb’s hand. “They’re off

to prison, little Caleb. Just as you

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requested. And now…”

“Now I belong to you.”

Caine smiled.

“The…the thought of going to Darkhelm terrified

me. But now that you’re here, I’m not afraid.”

“The Crystalline god’s curse can’t reach you

there. You’re free of them, little Caleb.” He cupped his

other hand over Caleb’s. “Will you read the books of


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Caleb swallowed. “Yes. I’ll read

them. I’ll do what you want me to as best I

can.” His brow furrowed. “But, Caine, be

patient with me. They took my heart and

left a painful void. It will be so hard…to

trust again.”

Caine kissed his hand. “I’ll make it

easy for you.”

Caleb felt a shiver. He didn’t want

to think about relearning a new faith. All

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he wanted to believe in now was his

demon liberator.

Tender Master is Based on the Comic Book

Offered to a Demon

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A Snippet From the Hit Series Maelstrom!

Malstrum walked in with a bowl of

mana stew. He froze to stare at Demetri.

His face appeared to show no emotion,

but as the instance stretched on Demetri

saw the traces of pain around the edge of

his eye.

“I’m fine.”

Malstrum looked down. “I don’t

like fucking up.”

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“Happens to the best of us.”

He crossed the room to set the bowl

on a nightstand. Malstrum nudged himself

on the edge of the bed. He splayed his

fingers into Demetri’s hair. His hand

soothed back the dark tresses twice as he

gazed into his eyes. Then he leant over

and embraced him.

Demetri wrapped his arms around

Malstrum’s lean back. The hug gave him

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rapturous twinge inside. He couldn’t

fathom the emotion; he just enjoyed it. He

savored Malstrum’s warmth, his scent,

and the strength of his hold. Everything

about his touch made Demetri feel good.

He caressed his back so he’d linger.

Malstrum squeezed him tighter. Demetri

had to suppress a sigh.

Malstrum pulled away, but not far.

He broke from the hug and put their lips

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together in one fluid movement. Demetri’s

eyes widened. Malstrum’s hand went to

the base of his skull to pull him into the



This had the same enchantment as

the hug. Demetri’s chin trembled. Both

their mouths were open and Malstrum

worked over his lips with moist clicking

sounds. Demetri tried to back away. He

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hit the headboard. Malstrum’s hand went

the side of his face to trace his fingers

down his jaw line and then caress his


The touch made his flesh tingle.

Demetri’s lips puckered. It was the barest

sign he was meeting the kiss. Malstrum

tilted his head and touched his tongue

against Demetri’s. He curled it back in his

mouth, but then realized how stupid that

was. It was either push Malstrum off him,

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or accept the full brunt of his kiss. He






Malstrum lathed it. The stunning intimacy

made Demetri’s stomach quiver. Any

where Malstrum touched felt ignited with

tingles. Even his breath became stilted.

Malstrum’s fingers soothed over his

collar bone down to the middle of his

chest. He found his nipple under his shirt

and pinched.

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Demetri jerked his head away.

“Cut the shit!”

Malstrum stayed close. His face

was flushed with lust.

“Need to go lock the door, then fuck you




“Fuck no!”

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Malstrum turned away and fumed. “I

guess ‘fuck no’ wins.”

“What happened to apologizing to me?”

He sat on the side of the bed and

considered. “I was all apologetic, babe.

But then you let me kiss you.”

“Let you? I didn’t let you do shit! I’m in no shape

to defend myself.”





soothed Demetri’s shoulder. “Stop acting

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so adorable if you ain’t gonna let me fuck


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A Snippet from the Series Incubus


There were tendrils of frost growing

on the ground. Figaru built a fire, then

made the tent open on the side facing it.

Jinady removed his boots, but kept his

socks on. He crawled inside the down

blankets while shivering. Figaru sat

against a tree nearby him. Jinady looked at

him. The demon’s garments left most of

his flesh exposed.

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“Aren’t you cold?”

Figaru shook his head. He crept

over to the tent, and then gingerly climbed

over Jinady into it. He pulled off the down

blanket on top of him.


“Endure it just a moment.”

Figaru took Jinady’s coat off him

and threw it aside. Now Jinady’s teeth

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were chattering. Figaru’s hot body nestled

against him. He covered them with the

blanket, and enclosed Jinady in his large


The fire heated the front of him.

Figaru’s warmth was against his back.

Jinady closed his eyes. He was in

bliss. He brought his hand over Figaru’s

embracing arms.


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“Wonderful.” His voice sounded too dreamy. He

snuffled to try to negate this. It was hard not to sink into

the euphoria Figaru’s touch brought him. The full length of

Jinady’s body was connected to him.

His chest rose and fell beneath

Figaru’s arms in a sigh. He was utterly

Figaru’s now. He no longer had a reason

to resist. He caressed Figaru’s arm with

his fingers. He’d wanted to trust him. Now

he felt he could.

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Jinady closed his eyes. Figaru’s

chin and throat were behind his head. His

arms were wrapped around his chest. His

bottom was against the leather garment

over Figaru’s crotch.

He let his mind drift. Figaru could

release him, lower his arms, undo

Jinady’s pants, pull them down to expose

his ass, move aside his leather garment,


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He opened his eyes. Figaru’s hot

breath touched his temple.

“I’ll molest you if you become any more aroused.”

Jinady whispered. “What?”

“You’ve been warned.”

His brow furrowed.

The word molest just ignited his

imagination. All Figaru had to do was

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grind his hips and he’d be molested. Then

there were his arms, already conveniently

in front of him. He could pinch a nipple.

Maybe that’s the reason he removed his


“Lovely little creature.” Figaru half-sang the

threatening words.

Jinady’s eyes widened.

“You’ve sealed your own fate.”

Document Outline


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