Yamila Abraham Spring Demon, Volume 2

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Spring Demon 2


Yamila Abraham

Cover by Himitsu Studio

Copyright © 2012 Yaoi Press

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Takuma slept deeply enough to enjoy a

long, lustful dream. His lover threw him down on
the grass, kissed him hungrily on the lips and neck,
and then worked his way down to suck him. When
his mouth engulfed him Takuma felt a pleasurable
pang. He leant down to gaze at his beloved.

It was Figaru.
Takuma woke damp with sweat. How could

he betray Ryuuto like this? Moments passed and
the intransient dream dissipated in his mind. There
was no emotion. He was only reliving part of the
scene he’d watched. It was his mind playing tricks,
not his heart.

Rina’s head poked past the screen which

separated his sleeping area from his one room
hospital. She was flushed with excitement, but
hesitated to pout.

“Did you rip your kimono again?”
Takuma looked over his mangled garment.

“Uh…oh. I suppose I did.”

“Well put on your yakuta! The prince’s army

is on its way back and there are many injured.”

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Takuma scrambled out of bed. He focused

on his duty with a passion that belied his typical
scatterbrained personality. After a quick wash and
a change of clothes he raced to the field with his
medical kit.

He spent a long day administering medicinal

liquids, suturing, and cauterizing. By dusk he had
several village youths help transport the most dire
cases to his home. The weary prince came in
person to thank him. Takuma fed him some drug-
laden sake to make him sleep.

He gave the same to the eight charges now

in his home. A captain seemed certain to die before
morning. Takuma set out every herb and
implement he had beside the man’s cot. He sighed.
There wasn’t even a moment to think about his
beloved demon.

Ryuuto inhaled a whiff of stale mortal blood

and steel coming from the village. He’d smelled the
same scents the last time the army returned. Good.
His doctor was busy. He needed time both to
recover from Figaru and to collect his thoughts.

Figaru had forced him to become

submissive. It was appropriate for their pairing, but
that was a status he wished to shirk. It was time to

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reclaim his rightful dominant status as an alpha

He wanted to subjugate Takuma—to own

his body utterly. When he pictured it the traits he
was trying to surmount kept coming up. How could
he conquer him without being brutal?

The way Figaru saw things it had to be all

about Takuma. He had to disregard his supremacy
and become a coddling, cloying fool. There was no
doubt Takuma was worth this sacrifice. Still, their
union had to happen in a way that didn’t wholly
compromise his values. Ryuuto couldn’t live with
himself otherwise. He feared he’d come to resent
Takuma for it also.

Three days passed without any word from

his beloved. He climbed to a cliff side that
overlooked the village. The prince’s vast army was
camped out in the open area around the castle.
Ryuuto turned away from the scene without a
second thought. Some more peace and quiet
would do him good.

After a week there was dissention within

him. It was either loneliness, or annoyance. He
chose to call it annoyance. Takuma knew he’d been
bedded by that monstrous incubus. Couldn’t he
take a few hours to check on him?

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He berated himself for these selfish

thoughts. Of course Takuma had to be
overwhelmed with the army. He would have come
if he were able. One thing he could count on was
Takuma’s devotion.

The delay only made Ryuuto more resolute.

Their consummation was eminent. He went
throughout the days in a state of mild arousal.
When he focused on the source of his need it grew
urgent and took hours to dissipate. Figaru
reminded him how good sex could be. It was time
to see what sweet nectar his beloved doctor hid
within him.

There was a knock on his door eight nights

after his coupling with Figaru. Ryuuto sensed
Takuma’s familiar aura. The doctor had a weary
smile for him at his door. The demon drew him into
his arms at once.

“Oh, you’re not angry. I’m so glad.” He

squeezed him in earnest.

“I’m not so self-centered. I realize you have


“The prince’s army came back. So many

were injured. One captain was teetering on the
brink of death. I finally got him stable enough to
leave him alone for a night.”

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‘For a night?’ His sweet doctor was being

forward without even realizing it. He brought him
inside and served tea at his small table.

“I…I have some bad news.”
“Oh?” Ryuuto sipped, while feigning


“They…they’re going against the emperor


Now his disinterest was genuine. He had no

cognizance regarding mortal politics. The news was
meaningless to him.

“It will be their greatest battle, so, for this

campaign, I’ve been asked to go with them.”

Ryuuto’s eyes narrow. “You’re not a


“He…the prince…he assures me I’ll be kept


“How can he assure this? Especially if he’s


Takuma lowered his head. “I know. He

wants me close to tend the wounded.” A tear ran
down his cheek. “I have no choice, Lord Ryuuto.”

Ryuuto tried to still the fury building in his

breast. He should kill this prince and his whole
wretched army. Idiotic mortals! Ruining their lands
and lives with pointless battles. At any time a true

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demon power could come to dominate them. Then
they’d realize how foolish these petty wars are.

Takuma touched his hand. “We don’t leave

until day after tomorrow.”

Ryuuto pressed his eyes closed. Even with

all this strife, Takuma was thinking of him. Love
outweighed his anger for a moment, then the
anger resumed.

“I’m coming with you.”
Takuma gasped. “Lord Ryuuto! You don’t

have to. I don’t expect it. I know you hate getting
involved with mortal affairs.”

“This is my affair! Someone I love is being

put at risk needlessly. I should kill them all, but for
your sake I’ll simply protect you.”

Tears streaked down Takuma’s face. He

took Ryuuto’s hand with both of his and pressed it
against his cheek. “I’m so happy. I was terrified, but
now I know I’ll be safe. Even better than that—
you’ve said you loved me.”

Ryuuto swallowed down the emotion

building in his chest.

Takuma was holding his hand a bit too long

for the moment. Then he kissed it. Ryuuto’s lips

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Takuma didn’t meet his eyes. He blushed

and said, “Please...”

Ryuuto’s bottom lip trembled. There was a

pang in his middle.

His lover continued sheepishly. “You…your

lesson went well, right?”

Ryuuto swept him in his arms. At first they

shared the chaste type of kiss they knew before.
Ryuuto pressed deeper. He felt Takuma flinch as
their tongues touched, but then he grew slack in
his arms.

The moan ignited him. He loved burgeoning

arousal he saw in Takuma. In the back of his mind
there was also a fear. A wanton Takuma may prove
too enticing for him to temper his lust.

For now he chose to revel in the heat of his

mouth and the sensual way their tongues
wrangled. When he broke it was not enough. He
sought Takuma’s lips again, this time tilting him
back to the floor. Ryuuto crushed them together.

When he broke the kiss this time he saw

Takuma’s lovely face had flushed red. His lips were
parted and dewy. He looked up with heavy-lidded
eyes that beckoned him.

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That sweet tempting fool! He was going to

make holding back Ryuuto’s greatest challenge.
He’d already melted in his arms.

Ryuuto glided a hand into the silk of his

kimono. He opened it to reveal Takuma’s chest.
Delicate pink nipples sat amid creamy pale flesh.

He should kiss them. His lips wavered.

Would a demon lord like him really suck on the teat
of a lover? It was too silly. He bent down to kiss his
neck instead. Takuma wrapped his arms around

Damn! How could he draw out foreplay if

lapping at nipples was beneath him? This was his
precious Takuma. He had to stop struggling with his
pride. Touch him, lick him, fondle him! But it all still
seemed ridiculous. Was he a demon who toyed? Or
one who took?

Not Takuma!
His doctor had given himself, freely, and

without reservation. No threats or blackmail
required. It was love—the purest he’d ever known.
No matter how demonic his nature, he would
always cherish that.

He cherished him. He’d brightened his

world, and added wondrous new dimensions to

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existence. All while being an innocent doting
creature who never threatened his supremacy.

He had to force himself to be coddling.

Takuma was worth the indignity.

Ryuuto slid a trembling hand over his chest.

Takuma’s soft nipple grew into a bud.

The demon closed his eyes and shuddered.

He was almost too precious for him. The sweet
mortal made him ache. His instinct was to wrest off
his remaining clothes.

No! Control yourself!
Ryuuto winced. Poor Takuma had no idea

about his struggles. The mortal simply expected to
be made love to.

He made his kisses go lower than his

throat. Don’t think. Just do it. The tip of his tongue
flicked against a nipple.

Takuma was so sensitive. Ryuuto blew a hot

puff of air against his other nipple and watched it
harden. The doctor’s blush grew in intensity.

He continued a trail of kisses down his chest

while tickling his fingers over his skin. There was a
moment where he nuzzled his stomach. He

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hesitated to disrobe him further. Seeing Takuma’s
arousal would probably send him over the edge.

Ryuuto closed his eyes.
He undid Takuma’s belt and opened his

kimono. His hands felt over Takuma’s hot member
first. Then he touched it to his lips. He kissed the
moist head.

Takuma turned onto his side, jarring him

from his daze. Ryuuto looked. Takuma smiled
through a crimson blush.

“I’m embarrassed.”
Ryuuto blinked. Of course, Takuma was the

timid one here. He was supposed to be masterful—
to urge the petals open. He caressed Takuma’s
bare hip. Past his leg he saw the gleaming erection.
Takuma tried to cover himself with the kimono.

Ryuuto caught his hand. “No.” He leant

down to kiss his thigh.

“You know—I’ve never even been with a

woman. Pathetic, huh?”

One side of the demon’s brow rose. “You

wouldn’t have any idea what to do with a woman.”

Though he chided, he was glad that Takuma

was at least more flustered than him. His focus
renewed. He slipped his hand over Takuma’s hip to
his cock.

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Ryuuto lowered his face before Takuma

could protest. He tipped him back against the floor
and took him into his mouth.

This was a suitably dominant act. (Takuma’s

protests amplified this). Ryuuto could be done with
the struggle of foreplay at once, and could get on
with vanquishing him. Takuma was a medium size
and girth for a mortal. It was easy to engulf his full
length. Then he simply sucked hard and moved his
head up and—

Ryuuto’s eyes widened. He looked up to see

Takuma’s chest heaving. One forearm was
stretched across his face. His mouth was construed
as if in pain.

Ryuuto’s pulse quickened. He continued

sucking. An appealing essence came from the head.
Ryuuto brought his mouth to the tip and licked it.

“Ngh! Ohh!”
Takuma’s pelvis began to writhe. He

gripped both hips and continued. His tail beat
without him thinking about it. Seeing his love so
exquisitely aroused—it turned his stomach to
water. The only thing solid below his waste was his

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thickening cock. And yet, his own release was far
from his mind.

“Uh! Ryuuto, I’m going to—“
He barraged the muscle with more gusto.

He wanted taste and feel more of his essence in his

Takuma’s face construed. Was it okay to let

go in Ryuuto’s mouth? He tried desperately to hold
back. The pleasurable tickle before orgasm
overwhelmed him.

Beyond the throbbing ecstasy wracking his

body he was aware of the sound of gulping. A
shudder in his middle added to his rapture. Ryuuto
was draining his cock with a powerful mouth.

“Hh! Ahh!”
His body convulsed. He sat partway up, and

then thrashed back against the floor. His top knot
came loose throwing free a cascade of silky hair.
Ryuuto tortured him so exquisitely he didn’t soften
an iota after climax. His demon lover renewed the
pumping rhythm of his jaw.

Takuma gave quick short gasps. “Lord

Ryuuto! If…if you keep going—there won’t be
anything left of me!”

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Ryuuto popped his mouth off his cock and

yanked with his fist for a while. He met Takuma’s
eyes with a malevolent smile.

“We’ll see.” The tip of his tongue teased his

slit. “You look good with your hair free. Wild…and

Takuma blushed fiercely. The degrading

sexy compliment made his member twitch.

“L-lord Ryuuto—!”
Ryuuto slid his tongue down the sensitive

anterior vein of his cock all the way to his balls. The
fox demon gave hard licks to the taut packets of
flesh. His hand held on to Takuma’s pulsing shaft
without moving.

Takuma leaned back, closed his eyes, and

grit his teeth. Instead of moans, soft nasal
whimpers came out. The attention to his balls gave
a more sublime pleasure that radiated deep within
his belly. It was sedating and intoxicating at the
same time.

His thighs dropped open unbidden. Ryuuto

worked his mouth between the two globules, and
manipulated his testes so they moved beneath the
flesh. His hot tongue pressed with skill. In moments
Takuma felt his cock leak. He touched his nipple
with the tips of his fingers.

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“Nnn!” His voice quavered. “It’s…so good—


He felt Ryuuto’s triumphant smile against

his flesh. The demon engulfed both his balls with
his mouth and sucked.

“Eh! Nnngh!”
His cock strained with excruciating

pleasure. He clawed at the floor and his legs
writhed with stilted movements. Ryuuto would not
relent. His cries became desperate. He tried to jolt
onto his side, but Ryuuto grasped both his hips.

“I can’t take it—please—!
His mouth broke free.
“Please what?”
The malevolence in his voice made Takuma

pause. He spoke through staggered gasps. “Don’t
make me say it, Lord Ryuuto.”

He heard Ryuuto laugh. The demon spat on

his hole and pried in a finger.

Takuma flinched. His hole constricted

against the invading digit. He focused on relaxing
his muscles. The finger was gently searching his
insides. Takuma had no doubt when it found its

“Ahhh! Uh!”

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Ryuuto pressed against a tender bulb within

him. This hypersensitive place linked to the tender
length of his urethra. He felt pleasure in the core of
his shaft so extreme his member lurched with the
touch. His eyes were opened wide and searching
the air in front of him helplessly.

The fox demon crushed his finger against

the place again.

“Ngh! Uh—Ryuuto!”
His insides were pulsing with sublime

ticklish pleasure. It brought heat to his stiff cock.
The color of his member even seemed to darken.
He now gushed copious amounts of clear fluid.
Each time Ryuuto mashed the mound inside him a
new wave flowed from his tingling slit.

Takuma’s fingers slid from his nipple down

over his body. His fist closed around his shaft. He
had to squeeze his eyes closed and turn away from
Ryuuto to do this. Embarrassment burned in his
face. He couldn’t help himself. Ryuuto made him
desperate for release.

Takuma masturbated with a trembling


He became aware of Ryuuto’s breathing. He

forced himself to focus past his haze of pleasure.

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Ryuuto’s face was flushed and his teeth were

Seeing Ryuuto watch him made his cock

throb. He tugged the shaft while fixed on his lover.
Tiny moans escaped him. Every yank made him
wince with pleasure.

Ryuuto closed his eyes to shudder visibly.

Then his lustful gaze returned to Takuma’s cock.
The doctor bit his bottom lip and pumped harder.
His moans grew louder. Then he tilted his head
back and jolted bodily with the convulsions of his

Ryuuto withdrew his finger. He pushed back

Takuma’s splayed thighs before he’d recovered
from the shattering climax.

The pain that came next shocked the color

out of his face. He saw flashes of light before a dark
red background. The scream stuck in his throat
never escaped. He was aware of Ryuuto’s
desperate thrusting for scant moments before he

His head was throbbing when he woke.

He’d been moved to Ryuuto’s bed and covered by a

“Lord…Lord Ryuuto…?”

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The sound of his voice made him realize

how weak he felt. He had to gather his strength
before he could sit up. His back felt cold. Why
wasn’t Ryuuto pressed against him? The absence of
his warmth hurt more than wounded backside.

“Damn it.”
Takuma rolled over. Ryuuto sat in a corner

of the bed, as far from him as he could manage. He
was slumped forward with his knees bent in front
of him. The demon scowled with eyes downcast.

The sight made Takuma’s chest almost seize

with anguish. He forced his words through tears.

“Lord Ryuuto…hold me…!”
Ryuuto focused his scowl on him. “Why

would you want me anywhere near you?”

He reached out with a weak arm. “Please…”
This broke the anger on the demon’s face.

The sadness below his self-reprobation bubbled up.
He crept over to Takuma with tears on his cheeks.

Takuma squeezed him in his arms as hard as

he could muster. This is what he wanted.
Warmth…comfort…and to know Ryuuto would stay
with him no matter what their problems.

The demon slid his hand down his back and

over his bottom. Takuma’s weak feeling intensified.

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Ryuuto drained him to heal him. The pain was

“Thank you, Lord Ryuuto.” He fought hard

not to fall asleep.

“Don’t. I deserve no gratitude.”
“You can’t expect all your problems to go

away so fast.”

“I hurt you!”
Takuma nuzzled his head against Ryuuto’s

shoulder. “I forgive you.”

He had to sleep now. It was bliss to drift off

in Ryuuto’s embrace. He felt no regret or fear. His
love was actually stronger than his cowardice.

Ryuuto saw Takuma’s breaths take on the

deep rhythm of sleep. He ran a clawed hand
through his lover’s hair. The anguish in his chest—
why did he have to endure this? He’d taken a
fragile bird in his hands and wrenched it. Takuma
should have flown from him.

Better still…he should have pushed the

mortal away. He wasn’t worthy of Takuma’s pure
love. He’d desecrated it.

Beyond all these harrowing thoughts there

was a fact so tantamount in his mind no doubt
could shake it.

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He couldn’t let Takuma go.
It would be no different to him than tearing

out his own heart and trying to exist without it.
He’d known a love too joyous and sacred to ever
give it up. It was that love that made him ache
inside now.

How could he have been so destructive to

someone he treasured? What more can he do to
change his nature?

Why had his efforts thus far failed so


The next question he knew the answer to:

Where could he go from here?

It didn’t matter where. He just had to be

with Takuma.

Even if it meant never making love to him


Takuma spent the next day at his home

preparing everything he needed to for the mission.
He had to race about gathering last minute herbs
and borrowing decanters from neighbors, but did
so cheerily. Ryuuto promised to join him that
evening so they could leave with the army at dawn.

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When he returned from his garden at dusk

he found Ryuuto seated on the dirt floor of his
home. His face brightened.

“Oh! You’re early. I’m so happy. We can

have dinner together.”

Ryuuto pointed to his pot. A fire burned

below it and something was boiling. Takuma
smelled meat.

Takuma beamed with a smile. “You’re so

thoughtful, Lord Ryuuto!”

“I’m being nice because I injured you. Don’t

get used to it.”

He went to the pot unfazed. “I’ll take

advantage while I can.” He stirred the pot with an
unwavering grin.

Ryuuto was less brooding than he expected.

Takuma had a sense that his demon lover no longer
just wanted him, but needed him. It would have
been easy for him to consider their problem a
nuisance and just walk away. It thrilled him Ryuuto
was willing to weather their uncomfortable

“Oh…um, Lord Ryuuto, will you take the

form of Doctor Yuuto Itou for our journey?”

“Certainly not. I’m not joining you as your


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“Oh.” Takuma’s brow furrowed. He focused

on the pot. “I’m not sure the prince is okay with
having a demon with us.”

“Do you think me a fool? I realize this. I’ll be

taking my true form.”

Takuma gaped at him. “I thought

this was your true form.”

“No. You’ve never beheld me as I truly am.”
“R-really?” Takuma swallowed.
“It’s the form of a wild animal, and it’s the

only way I can accompany you with little notice.”
He climbed to his feet. “I’ll show you.”

Takuma squeezed his eyes closed. He

wasn’t ready for a fright. After gathering some
mettle he peeked through squinting eyes.

Ryuuto had transformed into a reddish fox

with big eyes and ears, and a white sock pattern on
his tiny paws. He was no bigger than a house cat,
but had three huge puffy tails.

Ryuuto stared upwards as his doctor slowly

rose to his feet. What was that gleam in his eyes?

Takuma scooped him in his arms and

snuggled him before he could bolt away.

“Raow!” How…how dare he?

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Takuma rubbed his face against his furry

body. “Lord Ryuuto! I love you even more now.”

He did?
The urge to bite him dissipated. Takuma sat

with him on his lap and scratched him behind the
ears. Ryuuto gave an exasperated sigh.

The next morning soldiers came to give

Takuma his horses. He secured his gear to the pack
horse with the help of several youths. Ryuuto was
content to watch in his fox form. When Takuma
was mounted he leaped up on the steed to bundle
himself on his lap. In a short while they followed
behind the marching army on the dirt road leading
out of the village.

“I think you’ll need to heal my bottom again

after this ride, Lord Ryuuto.”

Ryuuto twitched an ear. His beloved was far

more comfortable with him while he was in this
form. He wondered if it should bother him.

The prince rode from the front of the army

to see him. He was ten years Takuma’s senior and
had the cross face of a seasoned general.

The prince stared at Ryuuto. “Hmm. So it’s


“Your highness?”

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“We have a private tent for you. You’ll be

able to rest soon.”

“Oh…thank you, your highness.”
He clicked his heels to make the horse trot


Takuma’s brow furrowed. “He rode back

just to tell me that?”

Ryuuto stood on his lap to growl after him.

Takuma patted his head.

The stars were bright in the sky when they

made camp. Takuma declined the soldier’s gruel
and ate rations he brought from home. Ryuuto led
him into their small tent. He transformed once out
of sight.

“Your prince intends on using me.” He

spoke while seated on his folded knees in front of

“He—he did act very strange today.”
“I think this is all a trick. He didn’t care

about having a doctor for his troops. Everyone in
your village knows about me. They know I’ve
healed your sister, and that you come and go from
my woods unharmed. The prince wanted to count
a demon among his ranks.”

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“That can’t be so, can it?” Takuma lowered

his head in the darkness of the tent and fidgeted.
“He didn’t know you’d be with me. He just
confirmed it today.”

“That’s an added boon to him. His original

plan was to give you to the emperor so I’d come
and rescue you. I’d devastate his enemy at the
same time.”

Takuma gasped.
“Now he sees I’m with you. Manipulating

me is even easier. He’ll simply allow you to come
into danger during the battle.”

Takuma shook his head. “No he…he saw

how good a doctor I was. That’s why he wanted me
along. I healed his dying captain.”

“This is a pitiful army. I counted six hundred

heads. This ‘emperor’ must outnumber him by the

Takuma wrenched his hands together.

“Even…even if it’s so…what am I to do?”

“You’ll do nothing. Leave it all to me.”
“But…” Takuma bit his knuckle.
Ryuuto grabbed him by both shoulders.

“This is my challenge. Trust me to see to it while
being mindful of your fragile status in the village. I
demand you cease your worrying.”

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“I…I trust you.”
Takuma pressed against his chest. Ryuuto

closed his arms around him. All mortals should be
so easy to deal with.

“I’m so glad you’re with me, Lord Takuma.”
They clung to each other in the dark tent in

silence. After a few minutes of soothing Takuma’s
back Ryuuto cleared his throat.

“You regard me as a pet when I’m in my

true form.”

Takuma flustered. “Oh…um.”
“If anyone else treated me that way I’d

unleash my wrath on them.”

“Lord Ryuuto…I can’t help it. You’re so


Ryuuto smiled in the dark. “Hmph.”
Takuma tipped up his chin. His voice took

on a seductive hush. “But, you know, I like this
form much better.”

Their lips met in the dark. Ryuuto hesitated

only a moment. Their last bought was too
disastrous to repeat. But then he realized Takuma
just wanted to kiss the way they used to. He leaned
into his mouth to indulge him.

Takuma kissed a little more urgently than

during their chaste sessions before. His timid

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doctor showed him new passion. What had he
unleashed the night before? Perhaps the evening
hadn’t been entirely bad.

When their tongues touched together

Ryuuto began to feel heat in his groin. It could lead
to a dangerous situation.

He pushed Takuma away.
“Enough. I refuse to hurt you again.”
The doctor looked down with a blush. “Oh.”
It took a moment for Ryuuto to decipher

the disappointment in his voice. He swallowed and
brought a hesitant hand to Takuma’s lap.

“Perhaps we can…”
His hand slid between Takuma’s legs. The

doctor gasped, but then parted his thighs. Ryuuto’s
brow rose. His little lover never lacked for

“We…we can get…creative?” Takuma said.
Ryuuto felt his hand searching for his crotch

in the dark.

The minx! Ryuuto yanked up Takuma’s

kimono and began to stroke him.

Takuma pried his hands beneath Ryuuto’s

kimono. Trembling fingers found his cock and

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squeezed it. Ryuuto smiled. The darkness of the
tent emboldened Takuma.

They drew close enough for their legs to

touch. Ryuuto spit on his hand and massaged the
full length of Takuma’s shaft. Takuma gripped his
cock with both hands and pumped until his
member grew rigid.

When Ryuuto cupped his balls with his free

hand Takuma’s grip weakened momentarily. Then
he grit his teeth and forced himself to focus.
Ryuuto made it his goal to distract him. He rubbed
his slit hard with his thumb.

Some of his sweet essence slicked over the

digit. Ryuuto added this to his spit on the shaft. His
fist glided freely up and down. Takuma bowed

“Uh…I…I won’t hold out long.”
Ryuuto gently mashed his balls with his

palm. He pumped Takuma furiously. The doctor’s
strength gave again.

“Ahh! Ah! Ryuuto!”
Takuma shuddered and winced in a valiant

effort to delay his orgasm. Ryuuto yanked his
gleaming muscle with unceasing violence. He

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wanted to see just how fast Takuma could be
brought to climax.

“Uh! Hah! Ahhhh!”
Takuma fell on him. He suffered three

magnificent convulsions against the demon’s body.
Ryuuto released his straining member. He could
feel Takuma’s thighs trembling. He moved his
hands around him to cup both supple cheeks of his
exposed bottom.

“Oh…Lord Ryuuto…you make me crazy.”
He found his lips for a lingering moist kiss.

When Takuma broke from him his head dropped.
Ryuuto felt a hot mouth connect with the tip of his
cock. He stroked Takuma’s hair.

“Unnecessary. Go to sleep. We have a long

journey tomorrow.”

Takuma kissed his mouth off Ryuuto’s cock

and grasped the shaft. “How can you sleep with
this? Please…allow me.”

Ryuuto leaned back and spread his thighs.

He doubted much pleasure could be derived from
Takuma’s fumbling mouth. He still chose to humor
him. For long moments Takuma lapped and kissed
his shaft. Ryuuto’s mind started to wander. Then
his doctor latched to the tip and sucked as hard as
he could.

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The unexpected shock of pleasure made his

stomach lurch. Takuma seemed encouraged by the
sound he made. He lowered his head to take him
deeper. Ryuuto closed his eyes. Feeling Takuma’s
warm wet mouth engulfing his shaft gave him
flutters in his middle. The doctor managed half his
length, and then pulled back with suction. Ryuuto’s
face constrewed.

The lower half of his length was massaged

by Takuma’s fist while his mouth worked higher.
He built up a rhythm that would have been
successful after a quarter hour or so. In half that
time Takuma moved his mouth up to focus on the
tip. He tilted his head to dive his tongue into the

“Ahh! Ngh!”
Takuma’s fist made longer strokes. His

tongue stayed pressed between the two lobes of
his cockhead. He slid it from side to side.

Ryuuto’s face became pained. Takuma had

penetrated deep enough to send lightning shocks
of tingling pleasure down the core of his shaft. His
stomach began to tremble and his tail thrashed
against the grass.

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Takuma pumped with both hands while

torturing his slit. One hand would glide up and then
release to begin the stroke again at the base. The
constant rhythm coupled with the exquisite
movement of his tongue brought Ryuuto to the
tickle just before orgasm. He strained his muscles.
For long moments he lingered on an ambrosial
precipice. His balls clenched one at a time. Each
twitch made his breath catch. It took all his focus to
maintain control.

Ryuuto pulled Takuma off him by his hair.

The doctor kept rubbing his hands over his shaft.

“Uh! Hhh!”
His member convulsed in Takuma’s warm

working hands. Ryuuto tried to retain his
composure. His beloved was drawing out one of his
most powerful orgasms.

A final spasm of white drew the energy out

of him. Takuma’s trembling hands released. He
gasped while righting his kimono.

“Was…was it good?”
His answer was to pull Takuma into his arms

for a kiss. They toppled together on their sides.
Ryuuto held him close until his breathing took on
the rhythms of sleep. He spent a long while

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reveling in his sated lover. Then he forced himself
from his daze and sighed.

Sleep beckoned him, but there was much to

do. He slipped away from Takuma and resumed his
fox form.

Ryuuto ran around the perimeter of the

camp until he found the largest tent. He slipped
inside the flap. The prince slept on a thick cot along
one wall. Scrolls were scattered on the ground.
Ryuuto unfurled the one on top. It contained
instructions and a diagram for how his mounted
soldiers should coax Takuma into the front line. He
dug further. There was another squadron
maintaining a castle two days march away. The
impatient prince chose to attack the emperor
before these troops could join them. Worse still
was the scroll beneath. It illustrated the original
plan of killing Takuma during the battle so that he
would take vengeance against the emperor.

Ryuuto transformed before the prince’s


“Wake up!”
The prince jolted awake. He reached for the

sword beside him, then saw Ryuuto, and didn’t lift
it. His eyes became wide as saucers.

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Ryuuto threw the two offending scrolls at

him. “You sought to make me your pawn!” He
brandished a clawed hand. “You’ll pay with your

The prince threw up his hands defensively.

“No! Please! The emperor is so strong—I was

“Zealous imbecile! Takuma’s life is worth

more than your frivolous ambition!”

He grabbed him by the neck of his kosode.
“Think of Takuma then! If you murder me

he’ll be held to blame!”

Ryuuto sneered.
“I was wrong to manipulate you! We’ll wait

for our reinforcements. Please—please, take
Takuma and go in peace. I beg you!”

Ryuuto marked his cheek with three claws.
Then he threw him back on the bed.

“Dismiss Takuma yourself in the morning. And
don’t consider your debt paid. You’ve the curse of
the spring demon on your soul now!”

He stormed from the tent and transformed

back into a fox.

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As he sauntered back to Takuma a soldier

sharpening his sword noticed him. The young man
made a gleaming smile.

Ryuuto growled. He never knew what a

nuisance being cute was.

The next day at dawn the scarred prince sat

warily on his horse beside Takuma’s tent. The
captain Takuma had healed prostrated himself on
the grass before Ryuuto (in his demon form) and

“Forgive the inconvenience, venerable

doctor, we realize the battle will be too dangerous
to bring you along. Take the horses and go home.”





“Really? You’re certain?”

Ryuuto eyed the prince. He saw his throat

bob as he swallowed.

“It was my miscalculation,” the captain

continued. “Yours is too important a life to risk.
Please be on your way.”

“Of course. Please don’t bow—it’s no


Takuma fidgeted as the captain and prince

left. Then he looked at Ryuuto with parted lips. The
demon avoided his eyes.

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Takuma looked downward and sighed.

“Thank you, Lord Ryuuto.”

“Whatever do you mean?”
A small warm hand slipped into his. Takuma

flashed him a smile.

They took their time packing. The soldiers

were already on their way when they mounted the
two steeds. Something caught Takuma’s eye that
had been previously blocked by the tents.

“Oh! That’s mount Yari, isn’t it?”
Ryuuto looked with little interest.
“We’re close to Priest Shidan’s village.”
These words struck him. Figaru was

Shidan’s demon servant. He stared downward with
a furrowed brow.

“Um…Lord Ryuuto…”
He gazed at Takuma. The doctor had turned

coy; it immediately aroused his suspicion.

“This is a rare chance for me to seek

knowledge from a master of potions. Do you think
we could—“

Takuma’s lips parted. Ryuuto already began

to steer his horse in the direction of Figaru’s


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