Carol Lynne Dead Man Living [TEB] (pdf)

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Dead Man Living

ISBN # 978-1-78184-233-1

©Copyright Carol Lynne 2013

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2013

Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination

and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or

places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,

whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of

the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound

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proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs

and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator

of the artwork.

Published in 2013 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,

United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This

story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 2.

This story contains 64 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book

containing 6 pages.

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Carol Lynne

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The day Joe Baker died was the first day of his new life.

Shot while trying to rescue a victim of domestic violence, SWAT team leader, Joe Baker was

pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital. Eight minutes later, he opened his

eyes a changed man. With his newfound ability to see auras and graphic glimpses of

impending murders, Joe retreats to a life of solitude, going as far as losing the only person

he’s ever loved, his best friend and former partner on the force, Brian.

When a vision puts him in contact with Beth Adams, director of a battered women’s shelter,

Joe is drawn to her pale aura. Curious, he accepts a lunch meeting with Beth only to have

another vision strike him. With Beth as the newest victim , Joe calls upon Brian to help

protect her.

Joe didn’t expect to fall in love with Beth, nor was he prepared for Brian’s confession of love

after so many years of wanting nothing else. Faced with a decision, Joe prays his greed won’t

drive away the two most important people in his life.

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Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following

wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Boy Scout: Boy Scouts of America

Hy-Vee: Hy-Vee, Inc.

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Carol Lynne


Chapter One

Trying to get to the crying woman, SWAT team leader Joe Baker took a chance. He knew the

victim’s husband had a gun pointed at her. From what Joe could see, the man had already shot her at
least once. Blood pooled on the cheap, faded green carpet under her as she begged him to let her go.

Using hand signals, Joe instructed his team to create a diversion, before he slipped in through the

back door of the run-down duplex. The voice of his best friend, Brian, sounded over the bullhorn as Joe
made his way inside.

His gun at the ready, Joe tried to assess the situation as he listened to the man yell at his wife.

An adjustment to his position gave him a view of the man’s reflection in the adjacent window.

When the gunman turned his back on Joe, he knew it was now or never. As he swung around the

corner, gun raised, the man’s wife called out a warning.

“Frank, watch out!”
Joe managed to get a shot off as he was knocked to the ground by the force of a bullet aimed his


* * * *

Gasping for breath, Joe sat up. The wet sheets that surrounded him testified to yet

another nightmare. He reached up and rubbed the scar on his temple.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stumbled to the bathroom. The dream

seemed to be his constant companion since the shooting a year and a half ago.

He’d been dead within minutes of the fatal blast to his head. The paramedics had done

everything they could but hadn’t been able to save him. He had been pronounced dead at
three twenty-four by the emergency room physician.

Little did they know.
It still didn’t make sense to the medical community and since then, Joe had become

somewhat of a celebrity in Kansas City. ‘The cop who rose from the dead’, at least that’s what
the local papers had splashed across their pages.

All he remembered was being enveloped in a soothing white light. He had seen his

friend Brian standing nearby as the doctor and nurses in the emergency room had hovered

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over his body. Brian had obviously been arguing with the doctor about something as the
physician had turned and shook his head.

Joe hadn’t heard their words, but he’d known he was dead. He’d wished he could tell

Brian it was okay. He’d felt safe and welcomed in this new place, until the light had begun to
recede and he was thrust back into his body.

When he had opened his eyes, he’d thought he’d gone blind until he’d realised there

was something covering his face. A shout of fear had escaped him, something that had never
happened to him before. He’d always been known as the toughest cop on the force.

With his body strapped down, not only had he not been able to see, but he hadn’t been

able to release the dark prison from his face. He’d yelled for help until someone had walked
into the room and flipped on a light.

* * * *

Joe turned on the shower and tried to shake off the memories. Those first few months

had been the hardest of his life. He’d gone through round after round of testing, both
physical and psychological all to no end. The doctors still had no answers for him, and no
one could explain the changes he’d incurred.

The hot spray embraced him as he stepped into the shower. Why hadn’t he just stayed

dead? He’d become almost a recluse since being released from the hospital, because every
time he ventured out of the house, he was bombarded with ‘the walking dead’, as he called

Men and women whose souls were as dark as night. Almost everyone he came into

contact with had tainted souls of varying degrees. Joe saw them in a broad spectrum of off-
white to grey to black. The neighbours he’d always chatted with over the fence, the
grandmotherly woman at the post office. It seemed the old adage was true, you couldn’t tell
a book by its cover.

The most frightening aspect of his newfound abilities was the foretelling of future

events when he came into contact with people. At first, the doctors hadn’t believed him,
thinking the gunshot had scrambled more of his brain than they had first feared.

It wasn’t until he’d told one of them that he knew they were cheating on their wife with

a woman in radiology that someone had believed him.

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Although the doctor was extremely embarrassed by his admission of guilt, he’d

brought in a psychologist to work with Joe. What he hadn’t told the doctor was the affair
would end in the physician’s own death at the hands of a jealous husband. Three weeks later,
the doctor had been gunned down in the parking garage attached to the hospital. The death
still weighed heavily on Joe’s heart.

The ability to see tragic events was what Joe hated most about his ability. He no longer

saw the good in people, only the bad. Even though he knew it was irrational, Joe had lost
faith in the human race. Why couldn’t he see happy events in the future, why only death?

Shaking it off, Joe poured a good amount of shampoo into his hand. Lathering his hair

reminded him he really should get a cut. For the fourteen years he’d been on the police force,
he had always kept his thick black hair well-trimmed. Now that he was on permanent
disability, it didn’t seem to matter. His hair was already down to his shoulder blades and
growing longer by the day. He just couldn’t bring himself to walk into a salon, when it took
all his strength to simply go to the grocery store every two weeks.

He turned off the water and grabbed a towel. If he didn’t hurry, the all-night grocers

would be crowded with busy housewives doing their weekly shopping.

It hadn’t taken long to figure out a schedule to fit his curse. If he arrived at the store

before four a.m. he was virtually guaranteed to be alone in the aisles. Well, except for the
stockmen and cashier. He had grown somewhat used to them, though, and could block them

Not bothering to dry his hair, Joe put it back into a loose ponytail and dressed in jeans

and a black T-shirt. Grabbing his keys from the coffee table, he took a deep breath before
opening the door. The anxiety was always the worst part of his bi-weekly outing.

* * * *

There were only a few customers in the store, and Joe did his best to avoid them. He

pulled his baseball hat lower on his forehead and concentrated on the floor directly in front
of his shopping cart. He hated his life more and more all the time.

Although he’d never been a social butterfly, he had at least been friendly to people.

Fuck. Now he couldn’t even bring himself to look people in the eyes. He finished his
shopping and rolled the cart to the check-out stand.

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Joe gave the cashier a nod and unloaded his groceries onto the conveyor belt. The same

woman had checked him out for almost six months. He wasn’t sure if she worked all the time
or if the two of them were just on the same schedules. “Morning, Jessica.”

“Morning,” she greeted as she began to scan his items.
He noticed the small school picture taped to the side of the cash register. “Cute kid.”
“Thanks, he’s my pride and joy.”
He’d mentally calculated the total and knew he was close. It was one of the ways he

tried to keep his mind sharp. He usually guessed within a couple of pennies.

Jessica gave him the total and Joe grinned as he pulled out his wallet. The picture that

held a prominent place as he opened the cracked and misshapen leather, was of him and his
ex-buddy Brian. He mourned his relationship with Brian more than anything, but his best
friend refused to come around since he’d been released from the hospital. Joe had managed
to hide his sexual attraction to Brian for years, so he didn’t believe that was the reason, unless
he’d said something that had clued Brian in. Shit. No sense mourning what could’ve been if
only he’d had the balls to talk to Brian about his feelings.

He withdrew the needed bills and set them on the belt, shutting the wallet quickly. At

least his mind was still sharp. This time, he’d been only six cents off.

Jessica was used to Joe and placed his change in front of him. By the time he’d reached

his car and loaded the groceries, the morning was still dark.

He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, but before he knew it, the sun was peaking over

the horizon. A blaze of orange and red signalled another day. Joe hated it when he got into
this mood. Depression sucked, but when you had absolutely no one to talk to, it was even

His friends had slowly begun to pull away as soon as they’d found out about his new

talents. Some of the doctors had referred to them as gifts, but to Joe, they were more like
curses. He often wondered why his friends had stopped coming around. Were they afraid
he’d see something in them they didn’t want known?

With a resigned sigh, Joe started the truck and headed home. He was driving through a

run-down residential neighbourhood when the first flash hit him. He slammed his foot on
the brake as he braced himself for the inevitable. This was always the way his premonitions
happened, first the initial flash then a barrage of visions. Sometimes they were disjointed,
sometimes a full scene played out in his mind.

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With a tight grip on the steering wheel, he closed his eyes and waited. A white light

filled his mind before a picture of a woman appeared through the fog. She was making
dinner. She jerked around as a man entered the kitchen. Her hand went to her mouth as she
started to back away.

The average-sized man reached around her and picked up the skillet of fried chicken

cooking on the stove. Before Joe could fully brace himself, the man swung the skillet, striking
the woman in the head, burning her flesh with the hot oil. Joe felt the impact as sure as if he’d
been hit. He struggled to breathe, and the images faded as the bleeding woman’s eyes closed.

Finally able to take a deep breath, Joe looked around. No, he couldn’t go through this

again. There was no way for him to know who the woman was or where she lived.

The first few times he’d had the visions, Joe had called nine-one-one and had been

treated like a lunatic. After the murders had indeed happened, his once fellow police officers
had shown up at his house with too many questions.

Although they knew what he’d been through, most of them were still sceptical, and

treated him like a suspect. The papers would get wind of the story and once again his life
would be splashed all over the front page.

Joe put the truck in gear and drove home with the picture of the woman still imprinted

in his mind. At least she was cooking dinner. That gave him a couple of hours to think things

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Carol Lynne


Chapter Two

The female victim haunted Joe for the next several hours. Unable to keep the

information to himself any longer, he picked up the phone and called his old captain.

“Burdolski,” his captain’s brusque voice answered.
“Hey, Cap, it’s Joe.”
“Uh…hey, Joe, how’ve you been?”
He could tell that Stan was uncomfortable even talking to him over the phone. “I’m the

same. Listen, I was driving down Ravenwood earlier and had one of my visions. I think a
woman in the area’s in danger.”

Joe heard his old friend cover the receiver before talking to someone else in the room.

“Joe? I was just talking to Brian on the other phone. A woman on south Hampton, one block
west of Ravenwood, was found dead.

“No, it can’t be the same one,” Joe said shaking his head. “This woman was cooking

supper. It’s too early for that yet. It must just be a coincidence. Has the murderer been

“No, but our prime suspect is the ex-husband. We’ve got officers trying to track him


Joe ran his fingers through his hair. No, something wasn’t right. The woman was

definitely cooking fried chicken. He knew he wouldn’t rest until he knew for sure his vision
had failed him. “Can I try and identify that it’s the woman from my vision? If it’s not, we’re
looking at another homicide in a few hours.”

Stan sighed loudly into the receiver. “It’s a bad idea. But you’re right. Ask one of the

officers securing the scene to get Brian for you. I’ll give him a call back and tell him to expect
you. Remember, you’re there to identify the victim only. Get a pair of gloves from Brian
before entering the house.”

“Sure,” Joe said, irritated. “I remember how to handle myself at a crime scene.”
“Sorry, of course you do. Let me know what you find out.”
“Will do.” Joe hung up and was out of the door in a matter of minutes.

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* * * *

As he walked towards the front door, Joe studied the small house. There was absolutely

nothing remarkable about it. He nodded to the police officer on the scene. The guy must be
new because Joe didn’t recognise him. “I need to see Detective Peters. I believe he’s expecting

The young officer nodded and waved him in. Joe thanked the man and walked into the

living room. Sticking his hands in his pockets to avoid touching anything, Joe looked around.
From the beige walls and utilitarian furniture, Joe would guess the house to be a furnished

“Brian,” he called out.
“In the kitchen. Hang on a sec.”
The kitchen? Joe’s chest tightened. He swallowed the bile he felt rising in his throat.

How many women would be killed in their kitchen in this section of town on that particular

Brian appeared from around the corner and handed Joe a pair of rubber gloves. “Hey,


Joe’s gaze zeroed in on Brian’s dark blue eyes. God, he’d missed the man’s face. “Hi,”

he finally returned.

“I’m not sure how much help seeing the body will do you. She’s pretty


Joe’s eyes narrowed. “Why?” He was afraid he already knew the answer.
“She was hit in the face with a pan of hot grease,” Brian answered.
“She was frying chicken,” Joe said before Brian could say more. “The man surprised her

from behind. I have a feeling she knew him.”

“Yes,” Brian said, turning away. “I still don’t understand how you know the things you

do, but Lavette Turner was indeed frying chicken.”

“Again, I have to ask, why?” Joe questioned. He knew it didn’t make sense but he

needed to know. It was the reason he hadn’t helped her in time.

“She worked nights,” a woman said, stepping into the room. “Lavette’s hours were the

opposite of most peoples.”

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Joe turned and almost fell to his knees. There in front of him, was a woman with the

palest aura he’d seen since his shooting. “And you are?” Joe inquired.

“Beth Adams,” the woman replied, extending her hand. Joe held his gloved hands up

and shrugged.

“I’m the director of A New Start, the local shelter for abused women. I just recently

placed Lavette in this house,” she said.

Joe watched as Beth’s aura wavered in colour. He was fascinated and took a step

towards her.

“Ma’am, you’ll have to wait outside.” Brian looked from her to the officer guarding the

door. “I’d like to question you further, but we can’t take any chances on contaminating the
crime scene,” Brian added.

Joe waited for Beth to step out before turning to his old friend. “How long ago do you

think the murder occurred?”

“She got off work at six, so…about three or four hours ago,” Brian answered.
“Why would he do it the way he did? I mean, if you know you’re gonna kill someone, it

doesn’t make sense not to bring a weapon.”

Brian shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe it wasn’t premeditated.”
“No. I get my visions when a person mentally commits to an atrocious act like this. I

received the vision around five. He planned on surprising her before she ever got off work.”

* * * *

Watching television later that evening, Joe couldn’t stop thinking about the woman

he’d met earlier. His initial shock at the purity of her aura had really thrown him. Seeing it
waver into a shade of grey at her apparent guilt over placing Lavette in the house was

He had stayed only a few minutes more after Beth had been asked to wait outside. As

he’d left, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He was honest with himself enough to admit it
wasn’t a physical attraction but a spiritual one.

Joe hoped she hadn’t recognised him. He needed to talk to her, to understand why her

aura was different from the people around him. He knew if she’d seen the news coverage on
him she’d probably run away in fear if he got too close.

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Turning off the television, he decided to go to bed early. He hadn’t got much sleep the

night before and after the commotion of the day, who knew what kind of nightmares he was
in for. To add to his less than pleasant mood, seeing Brian again had knocked him on his ass.
He’d tried like hell to forget about his old partner.

Joe shook his head, disgusted with himself. It might be easier to do if he didn’t have to

look at his picture every time he opened his wallet.

After undressing, Joe slipped under the covers and turned out the light. He was almost

asleep when the phone rang. Fumbling in the dark, he eventually picked it up. “Hello?”

“Is this Joe Baker?” a woman’s soft voice asked.
Joe sat up. “Yes.”
“My name is Beth Adams. I met you earlier?”
“Yes, I remember.”
“I was wondering if you’d agree to speak with me.”
“Regarding?” Joe felt his body begin to react to the intrusion. His home was his refuge

from the outside world.

“I’d rather talk in person if you don’t mind. Are you free for lunch on Wednesday?”
“Yes, why not before then?” he questioned. Several moments of dead air led him to

believe she may not answer. “Beth?”

“I need a little more time to deal with what’s happened. I’m sorry, I know I should be

used to violence by now, but it still throws me. I try to harden my heart like the grief
counsellors suggest, but it doesn’t always work.”

Joe thought about Beth’s wavering aura. “Wednesday’s fine. Is Johnny’s on Monroe at

noon okay?”

“Yes. Thank you.”
He couldn’t let her hang up sounding the way she did. “Beth? It wasn’t your fault.”
“Thanks, I keep trying to convince myself of that. Unfortunately it’s not working.”
Joe took a chance. “Do you feel like meeting for a drink? Maybe it would help to talk

about it.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I just want to crawl into bed and put this day in the past. I’ll

see you Wednesday.”

“Okay. Goodnight. Pleasant dreams,” Joe said as an afterthought.

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Chapter Three

Unable to sleep, Joe called Brian. Even after all this time he still knew the number by


“Hello?” Brian answered. Joe felt his gut tighten at the sleepy sound of Brian’s voice.
“Hey, it’s Joe,” he said.
Brian grunted into the phone. “I know who the hell you are. You think just because you

don’t call anymore I could forget the sound of that deep voice of yours?”

He suddenly felt guilty. “I didn’t think you wanted me to call,” he admitted.
“Why in the world would you think that?”
Joe’s mood changed to pissed in a matter of seconds. “I don’t know. Maybe because the

last few times I invited you over you conveniently found something better to do.”

There was silence over the line. “Didn’t mean you couldn’t call,” Brian finally said.
“Oh, so you can stand to talk to me as long as you don’t have to look at me?” he asked,

fingering the wide scar on his temple.

Again silence. “Forget it,” Joe said about to hang up.
“Wait,” Brian said. “Why’d ya call?”
“Because Beth Adams wants me to meet her Wednesday for lunch. I just thought you

ought to know.”

“Why do you think she wants to meet you?”
“I don’t know. She’s feeling guilty.”
“And why do you want to go?” Brian probed.
“Because there’s something different about her.”
“Oh, looking to get some,” Brian said.
“No.” He felt uncomfortable talking about women with Brian. He wasn’t sure if his

friend knew he was bisexual—sex wasn’t something they’d ever talked about. The last thing
Joe had wanted was Brian questioning his sexuality then getting freaked out when he learnt
Joe easily swung either way. He also knew his friend was as freaked out by his newly
acquired gifts. Even though Brian hadn’t admitted it, Joe knew it was the reason he never
came around.

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“When she walked into the house earlier, her aura was as white as the purest snow.”
“And? What? That makes her better than me?”
Where the hell was all this anger coming from? “I didn’t say that. All I said was that it

was different. Shit, Brian, I’m still trying to figure this crap out. Forgive me for being

Brian sighed. “Sorry.”
Several seconds went by before Brian spoke. “I miss you.”
“Really? Because I still live in the same place. You could stop by if you really mean it.”
“I can’t do that, Joe.”
“Why? I think I deserve to know.” He braced himself for the answer.
“You see too much,” Brian finally answered.
Joe rubbed his eyes. What the heck did that mean? He remembered commenting about

his aura the last time Brian had come over. It had been dark grey with swirls of red. It had
bothered Joe because he’d never seen colours other than shades of grey before. What’s he
hiding? It must be something if he was afraid to come around.
“I can’t help what I see.”

“I know.”
Joe wanted to tell Brian how lonely he’d been, and how he’d felt at Brian shunning him.

Unfortunately, although they’d been best friends and partners on the force, there were
certain things one guy didn’t say to another, especially when the other was straight.

When the silence between them stretched on too long, Joe knew he’d never get back

what he’d lost. “Well, I just wanted to tell you about the meeting with Beth, so I guess I’ll let
you get back to what you were doing.”

“Let me know if she has any information that will help the case,” Brian said.
“Sure.” Joe wished he could crawl through the phone and pound some sense into Brian,

either that or kiss him until Brian punched him in the face.

“I’m glad you called.”
“Me too,” Joe replied, not sure what else to say.
“Bye.” Brian hung up, and Joe was left listening to dead air.
“Bye,” Joe whispered before hitting the end button.

* * * *

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Brian Peters dropped the phone on the mattress and shoved his hand under the sheet.

“Fuck,” he said, wrapping his hand around his erection. Even an uncomfortable conversation
with Joe was enough to get him hard.

He reached for the drawer in the bedside table. Withdrawing a bottle of lube and a light

brown vibrating dildo with a remote, Brian sighed. Although the colour was as close to Joe’s
skin tone as he could find, he wondered how anatomically correct it was. He poured lube
into his palm and began to run his hand up and down, across the veins in the moulded

The first time he’d tried to use the dildo, the pain had been so unexpected that he’d

almost given up the fantasy of anal sex with Joe. Persistence had been the key. It had taken
several attempts, but he’d found his first time with the dildo buried deep inside him to be
unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

Lubed and ready, Brian directed the slicked silicone to his hole. In the beginning, he’d

indulged three or four times a week, but he’d worked up to almost nightly romps with his
personal friend. Seeing Joe again hurt more than he’d thought it would.

Brian pushed the dildo inside, deserving the pain it caused. He pictured Joe over him,

shoving into him. “I’m such a pathetic loser,” he told himself as he fucked the dildo in and
out of his ass.

* * * *

She knew it was pointless, Joe Baker was unattainable. When his picture had been

splashed all over the news after he’d been shot, she’d been taken with how handsome he
was. The fact that he’d been injured trying to rescue a victim of domestic violence had
sparked her attention, but it was his good looks that had prompted her to actively search for
more articles about him.

She knew about his alleged abilities and his self-imposed exile from watching the news

and had always felt a bit sad for him.

There was something in his eyes though, those dark green windows to the soul. The

few times the local and national news had caught him on video, his eyes had haunted her,
and after seeing them in person, she knew he carried scars that had nothing to do with the
one on his temple.

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He always appeared frightened when approached by the media. According to reports,

Joe could see whether a person was good or bad and to what degree. Maybe that was the
reason an onrush of reporters scared him. From her own dealings with the press, she knew a
lot of them did what they had to in order to get ahead. What would that do to a person?

Reaching over, Beth picked up the spare pillow and hugged it to her chest. She knew

she had a soft spot for the underdog, but her attraction to Joe went beyond normal. Asking
him to lunch had probably been a bad idea. Refusing to meet him for a drink had probably
been a worse one. She grinned.

There was just something in his demeanour earlier in the day that told her Lavette’s

murder bothered him as much as it did her. Burying her face in the pillow, she groaned.
Sleep. Maybe if she was lucky she’d dream of the tall cop with long black hair and eyes that
drew her in.

* * * *

By eleven-thirty Wednesday morning, Beth was worn out. She’d fielded numerous calls

from local media, giving them a brief prewritten statement and plea. Thankfully, she’d
convinced the reporters to accept the statement over the phone and not in person. If the
media aimed its cameras at A New Start as a backdrop to a domestic violence story, the
women at the shelter ran the risk of being spotted. They all knew what had happened to
Lavette could just as easily happen to them.

Beth looked at the clock and felt a sense of peace fill her. She’d looked forward to her

lunch with Joe since they’d made the date. Not that it was truly a date, but a girl could

Business first, she told herself. Although once business was out of the way, perhaps she

could take Joe up on that offer of a drink. Feeling her cheeks flush with excitement, she
pulled on her navy suit jacket. She’d decided to go with her normal attire of a dark suit but
had added a playful scoop neck blouse in a pretty floral print.

After running a brush through her shoulder-length blonde hair, Beth signed herself out.

As always, she scanned the small parking lot before opening the front door. As far as she
knew, the police still hadn’t caught Billy Osborn, Lavette’s ex-husband.

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With keys in hand, Beth dashed to her three-year-old sedan. As soon as she was inside,

she quickly relocked the doors and started the car. Exhaling a sigh of relief, she pulled out of
the lot towards Johnny’s.

Several times on the drive over, she felt as though someone was watching her.

Continually checking her rear-view mirror, Beth tried to shake off her paranoia.

She was relieved when she pulled into Johnny’s parking lot. After giving herself a quick

check in the mirror, she went inside. The noise assaulted her as soon as she opened the door.

Why would Joe want to meet in such a busy place? She stepped up to the hostess and

gave her name.

The hostess nodded. “Joe’s already here. I’ll take you back.”
Beth followed the petite redhead through the throng of customers to the rear of the

restaurant. She couldn’t help but to wonder why the girl seemed to know him so well. She
grinned at her own jealousy surfacing.

The hostess walked past the regular tables towards the private dining area usually

reserved for parties. Her confusion must have shown on her face because the girl smiled. “A
favour for an old friend.”

Beth gave the girl a nod before following her in. The large room was empty save for one

small table occupied by Joe. He stood as soon as he spotted her walk through the doorway.

“Can I get you something to drink?” the hostess asked.
“Water with lemon, please.”
“Coming right up. You okay, Joe?”
“Yeah, thanks, Tammy,” Joe said, staring at Beth.
After Tammy had left, Beth cleared her throat. “So…um…do you know Tammy well?”
Joe glanced over to the now closed door. “I used to coach her softball team, her dad

owns the place.”

Beth hoped she hadn’t given her green-eyed monster away. “She seems very nice.”
“She is,” Joe said, eying Beth once again.
A few seconds later, Tammy was back with a glass of water. “Are the two of you ready

to order?”

Beth realised she hadn’t even glanced at the menu. “Do you have vegetable soup?”
“Yes, homemade.”
“Excellent, I’ll have that and a salad with house dressing.”

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“The usual, Joe?”
“Yeah,” he answered.
Beth couldn’t help but notice Joe’s preoccupation with something about her appearance.

He kept looking her up and down. She began to wonder if she’d made a mistake with the
blouse. Normally she would have never worn something so flirtatious to work. Maybe he
didn’t approve?

“I’m sorry, did you say something?” She placed her napkin on her lap.
Running his hand over his forehead he nodded. “I had a vision about you.”
She felt her heart skip a beat. “Was it a good one?” Yes, yes, please say yes.
“No. I think you’re in danger.” Joe shook his head. “No. I know you’re in danger. In my

vision you were wearing that suit and blouse.”

Unaccustomed to the full scope of his talent, she questioned further. “What does that

mean, exactly?”

Joe reached out and put his hand over hers. “I have these…flashes. Sometimes they’re

images, sometimes full scenes.” His fingers wrapped around her hand. “They’re never

“And?” Okay, she’d admit it—she was a little freaked out. Not as much by what Joe

was telling her, but from the way his hand was shaking. If his vision had him this jittery, it
couldn’t be good.

“Flashes.” He rubbed his eyes with his free hand. “You in a parking lot, wearing those

clothes. One of the security lights is out. A man, five-ten maybe, blond hair.” Joe pointed
towards his hand. “A tattoo of a spider between his thumb and forefinger.”

Joe looked into Beth’s eyes. “He means to hurt you.” He shifted in his chair, obviously

agitated. “I wish I could tell you more, but I’m not getting a clear picture of his intentions. It’s
like he’s confused or he could be so angry that his thoughts aren’t clear.”

“Sounds like Billy Osborn, Lavette’s ex-husband.” Beth felt numb. It was one thing to

have something bad happen. It was even more upsetting when you knew it was going to
happen ahead of time.

“What should I do?”
“Well one thing is for certain. You can’t go back to work. I’ll call my old captain and tell

him about the vision. Hopefully, he’ll stake out the parking lot and catch Billy.”

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Beth turned her hand over, and gripped Joe’s hand. “What if they don’t?”
“That depends. How would you feel about having a shadow until they do?”
“You mean you,” Beth surmised. She felt her breathing accelerate. She’d always known

her job was dangerous, but being confronted with an imminent threat drove the point home.

“Honestly? I’ve already failed one woman this week. I don’t know that I could live with

myself if it happened again.” Joe glanced up from Beth’s hand to meet her eyes. “I know I’m
asking a lot of you, we don’t really know each other, I get that, but I haven’t forgotten.”

“Believe me—I don’t want it to happen again either.”

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Chapter Four

As lunch ended, Joe stood to pull out Beth’s chair. “I’ll follow you home if that’s okay.”

He slipped on a baseball hat—pulling the bill low—and a pair of extremely dark sunglasses.

Beth couldn’t help but to find it funny. “Did you turn into a vampire over lunch?”
Joe looked at her and shook his head. “I’ll tell you later.”
She felt a thrill when he rested his hand on the small of her back as they left the

restaurant. “Where are you parked?” he asked.

“Over there.” Beth didn’t want the walk to end. For the moment, at least, she could

pretend she was on a normal date, being touched by a man out of passion and not just
protection. “Will you follow me?”

“Yeah. When you get to your place, stay in the car until I open the door for you.”
Her arms broke out in gooseflesh as Joe rubbed her back several times while she

unlocked her car door. He waited until she was safely locked in and buckled up before
pointing towards his truck. She gave a nod and waited for him to retrieve his pickup.

There was that feeling again. Beth looked around the lot. Was Billy watching her? She

wished she’d taken Joe’s cell number. When she saw him pull out of his space, she drove
towards him and rolled her window down.

Joe stopped beside her—a strange look on his face. “Problem?”
“I don’t know,” Beth said. “It’s just a strange feeling. Will you stay close on the way to

my house?”

Joe looked away from her and scanned the parking lot. “Do you know what make of car

Billy drives?”

“Okay. Don’t run any yellow lights and I’ll stay right behind you.” Joe stretched his

arm out of the open window and ran a knuckle across Beth’s cheek. “I won’t let anything
happen to you.”

Beth leaned in to the touch and briefly closed her eyes, savouring the touch. “Thank

you.” All too soon, Joe’s hand went back to the steering wheel. Beth rolled up her window
and waited for Joe to pull in behind her.

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Joe pulled out his phone as he followed Beth. Before the lunch they’d shared, he had

been attracted to the purety of Beth’s aura, but during their time together, he’d genuinely
enjoyed the ease of conversation as well as her sense of humour.

He’d been afraid to share his vision with her. Too many people in his life had put

distance between them after being confronted with his freaky ability, and he desperately
wanted to get to know Beth.

Beth had surprised him. Not only had she taken his vision seriously, but instead of

pulling away, she’d accepted his protection. The simple gesture had lowered his walls,
something that hadn’t happened since the shooting that had changed his life.

Joe grinned. By the end of lunch, his physical attraction to Beth had exploded along

with his protective instincts. He was glad he wasn’t a cop because there was nothing
standing in the way of him following his desire to get closer to the woman beside him.

“Hey,” Brian answered the phone.
Joe swung his attention from thoughts of Beth to his ongoing, unreciprocated feelings

for Brian. “I’m following Beth to her house. I had another vision on the way to the restaurant.
I think Billy Osborn’s planning to hurt her,” he explained.

“Where?” Brian asked.
It warmed Joe that his best friend didn’t question the vision itself. “I’m not sure. I saw

her in the clothes she’s currently wearing, but that’s about it. I thought I’d stick close to her
until we catch Osborn.”

“Sounds like a good plan, but you’re not a cop anymore.” Brian sighed. “Cap put me on

another homicide this morning, but it’s a no brainer. You want me to meet you somewhere
after I’m finished here?”

Joe would grab at any excuse to see Brian again. The fact that Brian could arrest Billy on

sight was perfect. “Yeah. I’d appreciate that. I’ll be at Beth’s.”

“Don’t play the hero,” Brian warned.
“Don’t worry. I’m no one’s hero,” Joe answered.

* * * *

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Her small apartment was only about a mile and a half from the restaurant so it didn’t

take long before they pulled in front of her building. Beth indicated the visitor parking spots
across the lot and Joe nodded, phone to his ear.

She gathered her things and waited for him to finish his call. When Joe knocked on her

window, Beth opened the door. “I never thought I’d be so happy to get home,” she said,
getting out of the car.

“Before you get out, look around and tell me if you see Billy?”
Beth did as she was asked. “No, everything appears normal.”
Joe stood back and helped her out of the car. “Stay close,” he said, slipping his arm

around her waist. The gesture was a physical reminder of his size and strength. Never had
she thought of herself as petite, but tucked against Joe’s side, she was. It didn’t matter that
she’d just met Joe, in his arms, she felt safer than she ever had. They walked to her first floor
apartment, and Beth unlocked the door while Joe shielded her from behind.

As they entered, Joe did a quick search of the small, one-bedroom apartment. “Does

Billy know where you live?”

Beth tensed. She hadn’t even thought of that. “I don’t know. I mean, my number is

unlisted so he couldn’t find me through a phone book.” She racked her brain trying to think
if there was any way. She finally shook her head. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know.”

Stepping forward, Joe pulled Beth into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I’m

here. We’ll figure it out.”

Beth pressed her cheek against Joe’s powerful chest. “I don’t know why I’m acting like

such a baby. With my job, I always run the risk of retaliation from ex-husbands or

She felt Joe’s spine stiffen under her hands and looked up at him. Moving his hand to

her cheek, he looked deeply into her eyes. “Have you been hurt before?”

“By one of my resident’s ex’s? No. But I’ve been one of them before.”
Joe’s hand slid to the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. The first brush of his

mouth was electric. His probing tongue parted her lips and thrust inside.

Beth eagerly opened further, allowing Joe to take the kiss deeper. He moulded his

powerful body against her, and Beth felt the proof of his desire. Afraid of getting lost in him,
she broke the kiss. “Would you like to stay for dinner?” she asked.

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Joe grinned and gave her another quick kiss. “I don’t plan on going anywhere without

you until Billy’s behind bars.”

“Billy,” she sighed, resting her head on his chest again. For a brief moment, she’d

forgotten about Lavette’s murder, Billy and the shelter. For the first time in a very long time,
she’d been just a woman, wanting a man.

As she stepped back, she gestured towards the kitchen. “Would you like to talk while I

cut up a leftover roast? I’d planned on making vegetable stew?”

Joe nodded. Beth knew he wanted to ask her about her earlier statement. She decided to

make it easy on him. “You like stew?”

“Fine, sounds good.” Joe took a seat on one end of the kitchen counter while she

worked beside him.

She started talking as she took the roast out of the refrigerator and set it on the cutting

board. “I was married right out of college,” she began. “Everything was idealic for the first
year, then the arguments began. Of course, it wasn’t long before the arguments turned
physical, but by then he’d managed to allienate me from my friends and family.”

Beth finished shredding the roast and began to cut the potatoes and carrots into bite-

sized pieces. “He was smart. He took the time to learn everything there was to know about
me—my dreams, my fears and my past, and he used them all against me.”

She felt the memories begin to take over. As a psychologist, she knew what it was—

post-traumatic stress disorder. She took several deep breaths, trying to focus on making
dinner. If she let herself get lost…

“Hey,” Joe said hopping off the counter. He put his hands on her shoulders. “You don’t

have to do this.”

“Yes I do. I just need you to help me stay in the moment.” She leant back against him.
“I think I can do that.”
“It started slow and just progressed from there.”
Joe slipped her jacket off her shoulders as she spoke. His touches were gentle but

enough to keep her grounded.

With everything cut up, Beth broke away from Joe’s reassuring touch long enough to

remove a measuring cup full of stock from the refrigerator. She dumped the stock into a deep
skillet and turned on the burner.

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“Have you had enough for one day?” Joe asked, carrying the cut vegetables and meat to

the stove.

Beth glanced over her shoulder. “It takes a lot these days for me to give up on

anything.” She selected her favourite whisk out of the drawer and began to slowly stir the
melting stock along with a cup of water.

“After my first trip to the emergency room, I swore I’d had enough, but he begged me

to stay, said no one would ever love me like he did. I know you won’t understand, but I
believed him. Little things began to set him off, but he made sure to tell me every day that he
was the only one who truly loved me. By the time the really bad beatings began, I was
already under his spell.”

Joe moved to lean against the counter, his arms crossed against his chest. “Did you go

to the police?”

She bit her bottom lip and looked over at Joe. “This is the part where most people get

lost. I’ve heard comments like, how could anyone let a man do that to them, or why didn’t
she just leave.” Beth chuckled and shook her head. “What people don’t understand is that
when it gets to that point, you’re already brainwashed. You honestly think this person loves
you like no other. You’ve been alienated from everyone but your abuser.”

“How did you gather the strength to leave?” Joe asked.
“I didn’t. Fate stepped in on my behalf and Kenny was killed in an automobile accident

on his way home from work. I was devastated at the time. My family flew out to help me
with the arrangements and discovered the new and old bruises colouring my skin. They
knew enough to get me help. I went through intense counselling for about three years. I still
go once a week.”

Beth reached for the roast and vegetables then added them to the stock.
Beth looked at Joe, trying to see if he felt disgust or pity for the person she once was.

“Pretty pathetic, huh? Anyway, that’s why I do what I do. I understand what these women
have gone through, and I’m in awe of their strength.”

Joe reached out and brushed Beth’s cheek. “Do you know what I see when I look at


She looked down and shook her head. “I’m afraid to ask.”

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“No, I meant literally. Part of my curse is that I see auras, but the ones I see aren’t filled

with colours of the rainbow. They’re shades of grey and black, I relate them to good and evil.
Yours is as close to white as I’ve ever seen.”

Joe put his hand under her chin and tilted her head up. “You’ve taught me something

about my ability that I never knew. I’m as guilty as everyone else. If I saw a person with a
dark aura I immediately came to the conclusion they were bad people.”

He shook his head. “Earlier in the week at Lavette’s house, and then again while you

were telling me your story, your aura darkened. I think emotions must play a large part in a
person’s colour. You felt guilty at Lavette’s, and I think shame while you were reliving your

Joe suddenly released her chin and spun around. He rubbed his hands over his face and

began to pace. “I’ve been so wrong,” he said. “I think what I’m seeing isn’t good and evil. I
think its emotions. The more a person feels, the darker the aura.”

Something flickered in his eyes. “When I first met you, your colour was so pale. You

had cut off your emotions, hadn’t you?”

“It sounds cold, but I really tried. Too many women go back to their abuser or end up

like Lavette. I try to distance myself while still helping them.”

“And it worked until you stepped foot in her house. Maybe some of the people I’ve

judged as bad, were simply madly in love, or extremely sad.” Joe closed his eyes. “I can’t
believe I missed it.”

While the stew simmered, Beth led Joe into the living room. Other than her therapist,

she had never felt comfortable enough with someone to tell them what she just had. The fact
that he’d shared in return was completely foreign to her. If only more men were as honest.

Joe sat on the couch. “Did I freak you out?”
Beth shook her head and sat beside him. She took a chance and kissed his jaw.
Joe turned his head and captured her lips with his. The moment was everything she’d

hoped it would be. Each sweep of Joe’s tongue against hers drove her need higher. Before she
could crawl onto his lap, he pulled back, breaking the kiss. “I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to
keep my hands off you.”

“Please don’t apologise for that.” Beth felt her face heat in embarrassment. “And, I

don’t blame you for isolating yourself the way you have, but your gift has been shut away
long enough.”

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“My visions aren’t a gift, and what good is my ability to see emotions? There has to be a

reason why I came back this way.”

Beth shook her head. “I don’t know why you can read emotions, but your visions were

definitely given to you for a reason.”

“Like what?”
“To save lives,” she whispered.

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Chapter Five

Joe was in heaven. It felt so freeing to have his feelings returned. He pulled Beth’s shirt

out of the waistband of her skirt and skimmed his hands underneath the silky material to her

So perfect. What had he done to deserve a moment like this? Beth moaned, and Joe felt

his hands begin to shake at the intensity of his arousal. “I want to make love to you,” he
whispered in her ear.

“Yes, please,” she answered.
Holding Beth tighter against his chest, he rose from the couch and carried her into the

bedroom. The room was small but the bed looked even smaller. “A full?” he questioned. He
didn’t know many people who still had full sized beds.

Beth giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “It’s usually just me.”
“Good answer.” He grinned. Joe stood her on her feet and pulled her blouse over her

head before tossing it on a nearby chair.

As Beth rid him of his T-shirt, he went to work on her button and zipper at the back of

her skirt. As the zipper went down, so did the skirt. Joe exhaled as he felt the silky skin of her

Falling to his knees, he took in the pale pink panties and thigh high stockings. Looking

up his eyebrows rose. “Do you always dress like this for the office?”

“Only when I want to feel sexy,” she answered and spread her legs for his exploring


Her panties were almost transparent with the moisture of her desire as he leant forward

and placed a kiss on her stomach. “You are so incredibly sexy,” he groaned. He swirled his
tongue around her belly button before laving a path up her abdomen to her breasts. “May I?”
he asked, gesturing to her bra.

“By all means,” she answered.
Releasing the clasp, Beth’s full breasts were bared for his viewing pleasure. Biting the

soft skin playfully, he ran his tongue around her pebbled areola before latching on to the
begging nipple.

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He felt Beth’s hands on his shoulders as she struggled to remain standing. “Please,” she


Joe picked her up and carried her to the bed. After setting her on the edge of the

mattress, he quickly divested himself of the rest of his clothes. Kneeling in front of her, he
licked her still-covered folds, tasting her juices through the now transparent silk.

Beth reached down and tried to push the lingerie off. “More.”
Grinning, Joe took over and soon the undergarments were thrown over his shoulder.

He pushed Beth to the centre of the mattress and moved to the foot of the bed, between her
spread thighs. He lowered his mouth to her pussy and ran his tongue through her creamy
folds. Beth’s taste exploded in his mouth, sending his body into overdrive.

“I can’t wait. I’m sorry, but I have to have you,” he growled, crawling up the bed to

share her flavours in a kiss. Beth moaned as the kiss continued.

Breaking away, Joe reached over the side and retrieved his jeans. He dug in his wallet

and pulled out a single foil wrapper. “I was a Boy Scout,” he said with a wink while
sheathing his aching erection.

“Take me,” she whispered and wrapped her legs around his waist.
“Gladly,” he answered and gathered her in his arms. Penetrating her tight pussy almost

tipped him over the edge. “So good,” he moaned as he buried his cock inside her. It had been
too long since he’d made love to a woman.

After a few calming breaths, he pulled out before plunging back in again. “Yes,” Beth


He couldn’t have agreed more. The faster the rhythm the deeper he sank into her hot

depths. The sounds of their flesh slapping against each other repeatedly filled the small room
with the perfect musical background to their moans.

Knowing he was on the edge, Joe reached between them and massaged her clit, taking

it between thumb and forefinger.

“Joe!” she shouted as her body tensed with the force of her orgasm.
He didn’t think he’d ever forget Beth’s beauty in that moment. His orgasm rocketed

through his body, her pussy milking him, wanting more. He tried to fuck through his climax,
but the force was too much and he finally stilled after burying his cock as deep as it would

Beth pulled him down into her embrace. “That was… Wow,” she panted.

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“Yeah,” he agreed.

* * * *

When he woke, Joe felt Beth’s side of the bed. It was still warm. Glancing over at the

bedside clock he grinned. It was almost eight o’clock at night.

The smell of stew and cornbread filled the small apartment, and his stomach grumbled.

He reached for his jeans and pulled them on. “Beth?” he called walking into the living room.

When he didn’t hear an answer, he checked the entire apartment. “Beth!” He flew to the

front door and swung it open. “Beth!”

Joe finally spotted her digging in her back seat. He jogged over and wrapped his arms

around her. “What’re you doing out here alone?”

“I forgot I had some work in the car that I could do. I didn’t know how long you’d

sleep,” she answered with a grin.

“Come on, let’s get back inside.” As Beth was gathering the loose files from the box in

her back seat, Joe heard a familiar buzzing sound. Turning, he saw the broken security light.
His head spun as he noticed his surroundings. “Get in the house. Now,” he commanded and
all but dragged her into her apartment.

“What’s gotten into you?”
Joe locked the door and picked up the phone. “My vision. It wasn’t the parking lot at

the shelter. It was the one right outside.”

He waited for Brian to answer his phone. “What’s up,” Brian answered.
“I was wrong. The parking lot in my vision is the one in front of Beth’s apartment. I

need you over here.”

“I’ll leave now,” Brian answered before hanging up.
Joe set the phone down and turned to Beth. “Feel like a change of scenery for a few


“What’s going on?”
“I’d feel better if you’d come back to my place with me,” he said before kissing her

forehead. “My old partner, Brian Peters, is on his way over. As soon as he gets here, we’ll get
you out of here.”

“Can I take the stew?” she asked, seeming a little stunned.

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Joe laughed and hugged her tighter. “Sure, bring the stew. It smells too good to waste.”
Beth nuzzled his neck for a few more moments before pulling away. “I’ll pack a bag.”
Watching Beth move about the room, Joe knew he’d do whatever it took to keep her

safe. Hell, he’d done a lot more for a complete stranger. No. That wasn’t fair and he knew it.
He had loved his job, and he’d been good at it. “Can I ask you a question? It’s kind of off-
topic, but its something that’s bothered me since the shooting.”

“Sure,” she answered, opening a drawer.
“Why do you think Maria Vasquez warned her husband when I went in to help her? If

she hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have been shot.”

Beth removed several pairs of panties and tossed them into the bag. “Who knows?

Maybe he’d trained her to think of him first, or perhaps even though he did what he did to
her, she still loved him. It’s hard to say what’s in a person’s mind when they’re going
through something so traumatic.”

With all the things he’d heard in the past thirty minutes, Joe was starting to understand

that he knew nothing about domestic abuse. “I’ve often contemplated trying to find her, to
ask her.”

Beth’s face went pale as she covered her mouth with her hand. “You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“She killed herself after her husband’s sentencing.”
Joe felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. “No, no one told me,” he mumbled.

How many months had he wasted wondering what had happened to Maria? Pure selfishness
raced through him. His enitre life had changed that day, all in an attempt to save a woman
who would ultimately end her own life. He thought of the friends he’d lost, the job he’d been
forced out of, and the time spent seeing visions of horrendous crimes.

“Excuse me.” Joe found a small bathroom off the short hallway and shut himself inside.

He was torn between guilt at the way he felt and anger for what had been done to him. It was
the first time since the shooting that he regretted going into the Vasquez house that day.

“Joe?” Beth called through the door.
“I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Take your time. I have a few things to do in the kitchen. Just come in when you’re


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“Thanks.” Joe appreciated Beth’s understanding. He slumped down onto the closed

toilet and lost himself in his thoughts.

When a knock sounded at the door, it drew him out of the anger and resentment that

was threatening to overwhelm him. “Yeah?”

“It’s me,” Brian said.
If anyone would understand what he was going through it would be Brian. “Come in.”
Brian opened the door and stuck his head in. “Everything okay?”
Joe motioned his friend into the room. It was an odd place to talk, but Joe didn’t want

Beth to hear him whine. “Beth send you in here?”

“I think she’s afraid that she said something to upset you.” Brian moved the shower

curtain aside and sat on the edge of the tub.

“Did you know that Maria Vasquez killed herself?” Joe watched Brian closely.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Although the two of them had drifted apart, the death of

Maria would have been something he’d have expected Brian to tell him about.

Brian grabbed a bottle of shampoo and began to study the label. “I don’t talk about that

with anyone.”

“Don’t you think I had a right to know?”
“Yeah, but I couldn’t talk to you about it. Cap should’ve called you.”
Joe reached over and grabbed the bottle out of Brian’s hand. “You were my best friend.

Why didn’t you tell me?”

Brian took the bottle back and set it on the ledge. “I went to his trial, sat there every

single fucking day and watched Maria sit behind him, support him, even after everything
he’d done.” He met Joe’s gaze. “I hated her. After her husband was sentenced, I caught her
out in the hall and told her he got off lucky. That he deserved to die.” He shrugged. “She
killed herself that night.”

Joe narrowed his gaze. Guilt. He thought about Brian’s aura. “You think her suicide was

your fault?”

Brian took a few moments to reply. “She already held the stick of dynamite, but, yeah, I

think I lit the fuse.”

Joe was suprised by Brian’s anger towards Maria until he realised the feelings were on

his behalf. “Did you go to that trial because of me?”

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“Of course I did. You gonna tell me you wouldn’t do the same thing?” Brian seemed to

look everywhere but at Joe.

“Yeah, but that’s different.” It was the closest Joe had come to sharing his feelings with


“Why?” Brian asked, finally meeting Joe’s gaze.
Joe wasn’t ready to make a confession, so he tried to change the subject. “Are you

hungry? Beth’s making stew.”

“Answer my question, Joe.” Brian leaned towards Joe.
Joe tried to concentrate on his attraction to Beth. Although he hadn’t known Beth long,

he could actually see a future with her. Telling Brian the truth would only lead to more

Before Joe could come up with an answer, Brian lurched towards him and kissed him. It

wasn’t passionate, more like Brian was testing the water before truly diving in. He sat back
on his heels and stared at Joe. “That’s why I sat in that courtroom.”

Joe swallowed. Never, in all the years they’d worked together had Brian ever given him

the impression that he was anything but straight or that there was an attraction to him. He
was standing at a fork in the road. One direction led to Beth and the other to Brian. “I wish
I’d known.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t admit it to myself until you were shot.” Brian started to stand, but

instinct made Joe reach for him.

“I’ve loved you for years,” Joe finally confessed before sealing his mouth over Brian’s.

Oh, fuck. Holding Brian was everything he’d hoped it would be. He was more than ready to
explore Brian’s body but, before he could take it to the next level, Beth came to mind.

Brian broke the kiss, rubbing Joe’s erection. “What?”
Disgusted with himself for becoming arroused by two different people within the span

of thirty minutes, he shook his head. “Beth.”

“Is there something between the two of you?” Brian asked, releasing his hold on Joe’s


How could he explain the instant connection he’d felt with Beth? “Yeah. It doesn’t make

sense, I get that, but I’ve shared more with her than I have with anyone. Why, is a question I
need to explore.” Joe ran his hand over Brian’s short, dark brown hair. “I can’t let you walk
away from me again, but I don’t wanna walk away from her either.”

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Brian sat back on his heels and rested his forehead on Joe’s leg. “So where does that

leave us?”

Joe bent over and kissed the back of Brian’s head. “I don’t know, but I have to be honest

with her. Hell, who knows, she may be completely disgusted with me.”

“She’s not,” Beth said from the doorway. “I didn’t mean to interupt, but the stew’s

getting cold and the sweet cornbread is fresh from the oven.”

Joe couldn’t take his eyes off Beth’s swirling aura. He glanced down at Brian, then back

to Beth. The grey threaded with deep red that had always surrounded Brian was mimicked
in Beth’s aura. Damn, he wished his gift had come with an instruction book.

Brian stood and shifted uncomfortably for a moment before pointing over Beth’s

shoulder to the hallway. “I’ll wait in the living room.”

Beth moved to the side and allowed Brian to make his escape before stepping further

into the room. She didn’t seem at all angry, which threw Joe for several moments as he tried
to come up with something to say.

“I’m sorry that I invaded your privacy,” Beth said.
“Please don’t apologise,” Joe began. “It was inconsiderate of us to have that particular

discussion in your home.”

“From the little that I caught, it sounded like a long overdue conversation between the

two of you.” Beth leant back against the sink. “Did you mean what you said about not
wanting to walk away from me?”

Joe nodded. “But I also don’t want to let Brian walk away.” He got to his feet and

moved to stand in front of Beth. “I know it sounds like I wanna have my cake and eat it too,

“You don’t have to choose on my account,” Beth cut in. “I’ve dated a few times since

my marriage, but I’ve not been in an exclusive relationship with any one person.”

Joe smoothed Beth’s soft blonde hair behind her ear. “Because you didn’t want to be

exclusive, or because you haven’t trusted anyone enough to let them in?”

“Both, I guess. What I’m saying is as long as it’s okay with Brian, I don’t mind sharing


An image of all three of them in bed together popped into his mind. Fuck.

Unfortunately, Joe didn’t think that was what Beth had in mind. He’d been bisexual since

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he’d first started masturbating, but never had he gone to bed with more than one sex at a

Beth pressed herself against Joe’s erection and tilted her head back. “Kiss me and let’s


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Chapter Six

Brian spread a generous dollop of butter onto his piece of cornbread. “Thanks for

inviting me to stay. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a home-cooked meal.”

“From what Joe tells me, you’re here to help save my life and arrest Billy. How could I

not share with you?” Beth glanced at Joe and smiled.

Brian turned his attention to Joe. “So give me more details about your vision.”
Joe set his spoon down. He hated to think of the vision that had rocked him earlier in

the day, but it was important that they go over the details once again. “It was dark, a parking
lot probably because there were cars in the background. A security light that kept buzzing
and switiching on and off.” He rested his elbows on the table and stared at the clock on the
kitchen wall. “Flashes. The light. Cars. Beth wearing a dark suit, crumpled on her knees with
a large blood stain on her chest.” He stopped suddenly and stared at Beth. Shit. She’d gone
pale. “I’m sorry.”

Beth reached over and squeezed Joe’s hand. “It’s not your fault you see what you do.”

She released her hold and spoke to Brian. “I’m planning to burn this suit.”

Brian’s dark eyebrows rose. “I can’t believe you’re joking about this.”
“Can you think of a better idea? If someone saw you die in that shirt, would you keep

wearing it?” Beth asked, before calmly taking a bite of cornbread.

“I can see why Joe likes you.” Brian took a bite.
“Can you?” Beth asked, winking at him.
“Are you two flirting?” Joe glanced from Beth to Brian, his cock hardening under the


Beth grinned. “Would you be opposed to that?”
“Me? Hell, no, it would make my life a heck of a lot easier, but I won’t push either of

you into something you’re not comfortable with.” Joe decided he’d eaten enough. The
conversation had other parts of him hungry, but he made no move, waiting for Brian and
Beth’s reaction.

Like she had earlier, Beth blushed, and pushed back her chair. She moved to Joe and

gave him a deep kiss, reaching under the table to rub his cock. “I didn’t make dessert, but I

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have some vanilla bean ice cream with chocolate or carmel sauce.” She stood and carried her
plate to the sink.

Despite the erection pressing against the front of his jeans, he stood and started

gathering dishes. When he reached for Brian’s, Brian shook his head.

“I’ll get it,” Brian said. “Why don’t you start the dishes while I talk to her?”
Joe was hesitant, but eventually agreed. “Do we know what we’re doing?” he


Brian gave Joe a quick kiss, slipping his tongue inside. “How the hell would I know,

I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“That makes three of us,” Joe agreed.

Brian lured Beth into the living room, leaving Joe to do the dishes. “Can we talk


Beth took one of the light blue sofa pillows and placed it on her lap, clearly nervous.


Brian wasn’t sure how to start the conversation, so he also grabbed one of the pillows.

“These are nice.”

“Yeah.” Beth cleared her throat. “If I’d have known you and Joe had feelings for each

other, I never would’ve opened myself to him.”

The truth sucked, but he had to be honest with Beth. “We didn’t know. We were best

friends for years.” Brian took a deep breath. “I dated women because cops are supposed to
be tough. I sure as hell didn’t tell anyone, especially Joe, that I was attracted to him. I
brushed it off as caring about him because he was my partner and I was responsible for
watching his back. It wasn’t until after he was shot, and I almost lost him that I knew what I
felt was love.”

“So why didn’t you tell him?” Beth asked, genuine concern in her voice.
“Because I had no idea he felt the same way or that he was even into guys. The first

time I went to see him in the hospital, he looked at me funny. At the time, I didn’t think
much about it. I chalked it up to the shooting. But when I stopped by after they released him
from the hospital, he told me about his ability to see auras, and he said mine was different
than other people’s.” Brian ran a hand over his hair. “I freaked. I thought he was seeing the
way I felt about him.”

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“I think I was,” Joe said, coming into the room. He handed a bowl of ice cream to Beth

before giving one to Brian. “Don’t worry, I’m not staying. I still have left over stew to put in a
container so I can wash the pan.”

“You don’t have to leave,” Brian said.
“No, I don’t, but I think the two of you are doing good in here without me.” Joe

disappeared back into the kitchen.

Brian took a bite of his ice cream, giving Beth time to think about what he’d said.
“I’ve only known Joe for a few days, and as much as I genuienly like him, I think the

two of you owe it to each other to see this through without a third wheel getting in the way.”

“Normally, I might agree with you, but I know Joe, and he honestly cares for you.”

Brian couldn’t believe he was about to turn Beth’s offer down, but he knew in his heart it was
the right thing to do. “Why don’t we play it by ear, both date him, maybe work up to some
group dates.” Hell, he sounded crazy.

“Okay, I guess we’re all grown-ups, right?” She gathered a big spoonful of ice cream

and carmel sauce and stuck it in her mouth, a big smile on her pretty face.

“Calling Brian a grown-up might be pushing it, but at least he’s over the age of

consent.” Joe carried his bowl of ice cream into the room and sat between Brian and Beth on
the sofa. “Is it my turn now?”

Brian glanced at Beth. “Should we let him speak?”
“Why not,” Beth said. “He did the dishes.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Brian waved his spoon at Joe. “Go ahead.”
“I can already tell the two of you are too damn much alike.” Joe cleared his throat. “We

don’t have to come up with a five-year plan or anything. Let’s just get comfortable with each
other. Date, kiss…” Joe waggled his eyebrows up and down. “And other stuff.”

Although Brian was ready to jump Joe the second he gave the okay, he wasn’t ready to

hop into bed with Beth. Unfortunately, Joe needed to stay with Beth until Brian could catch
Billy. Which meant, Brian wouldn’t be alone with Joe until Billy was behind bars.

“Now that we’ve had our talk and our dessert, why don’t we get Beth out of here and

over to my place.” Feeling anxious, Joe finished his ice cream in two bites and stood. He held
his hand out and accepted Beth and Brian’s empty bowls as well. “You’re all packed, right?”

Beth nodded. “I’m only taking enough for two days.”

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“Should be fine.” Joe glanced at Brian. He needed to know what was in his friend’s

head. “Help me wash these up?”

“Sure.” Brian rose and followed Joe into the kitchen. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to

take her to your place?”

Joe set the bowls in the sink before wrapping his arms around Brian’s waist. “It’s either

my place or the shelter, and Beth would never agree to put the other women in danger.” He
lowered his hands to rest on Brian’s ass, pulling him even closer. “I’ve got the alarm and the
privacy fence.”

Brian returned the gesture, cupping and squeezing Joe’s ass. “And a really big bed.”
“I just need to make sure you know what you’re getting into. I know it’s complicated.”

Joe prayed the answer was yes.

“What I know is that I can’t get you into bed soon enough.” Taller by several inches,

Brian buried his fingers in Joe’s long hair and pulled his head back.

Joe closed the distance between their lips. The kiss turned explosive in a matter of

seconds and before he knew it, he had Brian pressed against the counter, grinding against
him. “Need to be inside you,” he growled, breaking the kiss.

Brian nodded. “Yeah.”
“Are you staying at the house with us?” Joe asked, taking a step back.
“Sounds good, but no. I can’t share a bed with you and Beth, at least not yet,” Brian


“How many bedrooms do you have?” Beth asked, her overnight bag slung over her


“Three,” Joe answered. “But one’s an excercise room.”
“Then there’s a spare room for me, and you and Brian can spend your first night

together in yours,” she suggested.

Joe shook his head. He couldn’t imagine putting her in that position. “I can’t do that to


“And I won’t let you put off what you’ve waited years to have because of me,” she

answered. “Besides, I need to know how it feels to know you’re making love to Brian before I
go any further with you and I.”

Joe stared at Beth’s aura. A pale grey colour surrounded her with bolder, darker swirls

of red circling. Although he was still figuring out the colours and meanings behind them, he

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felt fairly certain she wasn’t angry. It was a good sign. He glanced at Brian. “What do you

“I think it would be easier to protect Beth with two of us in the house.” Brian stuck his

hands in his pockets, drawing attention to his big cock. “And if she decided to come in and
watch, I’m good with that.”

Joe was shocked by Brian’s offer. “Really?”
Brian nodded, but said nothing more.
“Then let’s go.”

* * * *

Brian stepped outside the ground-floor apartment first, gun drawn, ready to shoot. He

scanned the area three times before he nodded, giving the all-clear for Joe to hustle Beth to
his truck.

“Keep your eyes open,” Joe said, sticking close to Beth as they closed the door behind

them. He hit the key fob and unlocked the truck before stepping onto the sidewalk.

With Joe in front, Brian stuck close to Beth’s back. “Once you get to the truck, get the

hell out of here, and I’ll follow as soon as I can.”

They were two feet from the passenger door when the glass in front of them blew out in

an explosion of tiny shards. “Fuck!” Brian pushed Beth lower before turning around. “Get
her outta here,” he yelled at Joe.

After years of working together, Joe knew better than to argue. He helped Beth inside

and handed her the keys. “Drive,” he instructed, putting her as far from Billy as he could.
“Brian, get in!”

“Just go.” Brian caught sight of a shadow, and raced towards it, gun at the ready. “Stop!


As he rounded the corner of the building, he heard the tires on Joe’s truck squeal as

Beth sped away. Relief flooded him, but before he could examine his feeling too closely, Billy
disappeared into a wooded area behind the apartments. Shit!

The moment he ran into the woods, Brian came to an abrupt halt. Unable to see his

hand in front of his face, it would be pointless to search for Billy within the timber depths. He
hated to just give up, so he backed out and phoned the station.

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After making arrangements for back-up, Brian called Joe. Before Joe had a chance to

speak, Brian blurted, “Tell me you’re both okay.”

“We’re fine. We were worried about you. Did you get him?” Joe asked.
“No, last time I saw him he was running into the woods, but I’ve got back-up on the

way to help me search ‘em.”

“Be careful.”
“Careful’s my middle name,” Brian replied.
“Stanton is your middle name,” Joe corrected, proving once again how much he knew

about Brian.

“Don’t go spreading that around.” Brian grinned. “I’m glad you’re both okay.”
“We’re fine. We’ll be at my place in no time.”
“When I’m done here, I’ll stop by one of those pharmacies that are open twenty-four

hours and pick up some supplies.” Brian heard sirens. “I need to go, but I’ll be over as soon
as I comb every inch of these woods.”

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Chapter Seven

Joe was asleep on the sofa when the phone woke him. He opened his eyes and put the

cell to his ear. “Hey.”

“I’m out front. Is it too late?” Brian asked.
“Not at all. Beth was understandbly shaken by what happened. It took a while to calm

her down, but she’s sleeping now.” Joe took a deep breath, remembering the fear he’d seen in
her beautiful eyes. “I don’t ever want to see her like that again.” Joe got to his feet and turned
off the security system before opening the door. “Please tell me you found him?”

“Sorry,” Brian said, stepping up onto the porch. He turned his phone off and dropped it

in his pocket as he entered Joe’s house. “I tried, but evidently he’d been in those woods
before. He was probably long gone before backup ever got there.”

Joe pulled an exhausted-looking Brian against him while he reset the alrm. “I know you

did your best.” He gave Brian a quick kiss. “You hungry?”

Brian shook his head. “More tired than hungry.” He held up a plastic bag. “But I

remembered to go by the store.”

It was almost three o’clock in the morning, and despite their desires, Joe doubted Brian

could stay awake much longer. With his arm around Brian’s waist, he walked them through
the living room, turning off the lamp on his way.

“Mind if I take a shower?” Brian asked.
“Not at all.” Joe decided to give Brian a few moments.“I’m gonna check on Beth, but I’ll

be back.”

“You can join me,” Brian said, unbuttoning his shirt.
“Oh, I plan to.” Joe winked. He watched from the open doorway as Brian removed his

shirt. “I like the way you look in my house.”

Brian spun around. “I thought you were going to check on Beth.”
“I am, but I thought I’d enjoy the scenery for a moment first.” Joe glanced at the closed

door to his guestroom. “Or maybe I’ll check on her after we shower.”

Brian unzipped his khaki pants and let them drop to the floor. “Then you’d better catch


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By the time Joe had got his clothes off, Brian was already in the shower. “What, you

couldn’t wait two minutes?” Joe asked, opening the seamless glass door. The bathroom
renovation he’d tackled while off work was his pride and joy. The floor to ceiling slate tile in
the double-sized shower gave it a sense of grandure.

“I wanted to get a quick scrub in before you joined me,” Brian said. He handed the bar

of soap to Joe. “But since you’re here now…”

Joe rubbed the bar between his palms and worked up a good lather before placing the

soap back on the built-in shelf. He turned Brian around and pressed himself against Brian’s
back. “Have you washed this?” he asked, reached around to lather Brian’s chest.

“Yes, but don’t let that stop you.” Brian reached behind him and rested his palms on

Joe’s ass.

Joe began to kiss the column of Brian’s neck. “I thought of the two of us when I built

this shower,” he said between kisses. He soaped his way down Brian’s six-pack abdomen to
the cropped hair of his groin. After a quick tease of Brian’s balls, Joe couldn’t resist wrapping
his hand around Brian’s erection. “Shit, you have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of touching
you like this.”

“Touch all you want.” Brian retreived the bar of soap and held it out. “Did I mention

that my ass only got a light scrubbing earlier?”

Releasing Brian’s cock, Joe gathered more lather in his hands. “Guess we need to take

care of that.” He took hold of Brian’s erection once again and began to stroke the long, heavy
length with one hand while he exploring the crack of Brian’s ass with the other.

Brian moaned when Joe brushed a finger across his hole. “Yeah, right there.”
Joe wasn’t sure how much experience Brian had had with men, but he obviously liked

the way Joe’s finger felt rimming his hole. “Are you ready for more?”

Brian rested his head back against Joe’s shoulder. “I want everything you’re willing to


Joe pressed the tip of his finger against Brian’s puckered hole and slowly pushed inside.

When Brian moaned, Joe pulled out before easing inside once again.

“Shit, it’s so much better,” Brian groaned.
“Better than what, babe?” On the next slide in, Joe added another finger.
“Better than the dildo I usually use when I think of you being inside me.”

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The thought of Brian fucking himself with a dildo while thinking of him had Joe’s cock

throbbing with need. “Did you bring those supplies in here?”

Brian cursed. “They’re on the bed.”
Joe withdrew his fingers and moved Brian under the spray. “Rinse off, babe.” He

opened the door and grabbed two thick white terry towels off the shelf. As bad as he needed
inside Brian, their drying would have to be done on the way to the bed.

Brian turned off the water and took one of the towels, swiping it across his skin as he

led the way out of the room. Before he fell to the mattress, Brian palmed the back of Joe’s
neck and pulled him in for a rough, sloppy kiss.

Unlike making love to Beth, Joe didn’t worry about being gentle with Brian. He tackled

Brian to the mattress without breaking the kiss and reached blindly for the small plastic bag
of lube and condoms.

When he came up empty, Joe was forced to break the kiss. “Where the hell is it?”
Brian moved his head from side to side. “Must’ve fallen off when you went all

linebacker on me.”

Joe climbed off the mattress and searched the area until he came up with it. He handed

the bottle of lube to Brian before withdrawing the mega box of condoms. “Ribbed?” He
grinned down at Brian as he knelt on the bed. “Kinky motherfucker.”

“Hey, I told you, I’m used to silicone. If I’m gonna finally get fucked for real, I damn

well want to feel it,” Brian explained. He spread his legs and planted his feet flat on the bed.

“Oh, you’ll feel it. That, I guarantee.” Joe ripped open the foil packet. Rolling the

condom down his cock, he watched Brian lube his own hole. “You’re good at that.”

“Practice makes perfect,” Brian shot back.
After sheathing himself, Joe wasted no time moving into position. He wrapped his

hands around Brian’s ankles and pushed his legs back. Staring down at Brian’s waiting hole,
Joe felt like pinching himself to make sure it wasn’t a dream. He’d spent years waiting for the
chance to drive his cock into Brian’s ass.

Joe directed the head of his cock to Brian’s hole. “I’ll ease in then pound the fuck out of

you,” he promised.

“Sounds like a plan.” Brian hissed when Joe’s cock breached his outter ring of muscles.


“Nope, just Joe.”

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“Give me more, and I’ll call you anything you want,” Brian pleaded.
Joe eased in to the hilt, relishing each moan that escaped Brian’s lips. “That enough for


Brian groaned. “Never enough.”
“I know how you feel.” Joe swivelled his hips in an effort to stretch Brian even more,

before withdrawing his cock from the tight hold Brian’s body had on him. “Relax,” he
whispered, surging in again.

Brian curled his hands into fists, gripping the sheet under him as Joe started a strong

rhythm of in and out. Joe knew he’d never forget the expression on Brian’s handsome face. It
was a combination of love and…something else. Deep red whisps consumed Brian’s aura as
he continued to stare up at Joe. “Tell me what you’re thinking,” Joe said.

Brian released the sheet and threw his arm over his eyes. “Just keep going.”
Joe drove his cock in deep. “Talk to me.”
“Later, maybe, not now, I’m too close,” Brian replied.
Although he wanted Brian to open up to him, Joe decided to let it go for the moment.

He changed positions, needing to feel Brian against him. Chest to chest, he nudged Brian’s
arm away before kissing him.

When Brian moaned at the invasion of Joe’s tongue, Joe knew they were back on track.

He started fucking Brian the way he’d always dreamed of without worrying about hurting

Brian’s short fingernails scraped against Joe’s back as they rocked the entire bedframe.

He broke the kiss and cried out as warm cum shot between their bodies.

When Joe leaned back and stared down, Brian met his gaze. “I love you,” Brian

mouthed without saying the words aloud.

Joe nodded as he continued to pump his cock in and out of Brian’s hole. Saying as little

as possible was Brian’s way, and Joe accepted the gift he’d just been given. It only took
minutes before he let out a loud grunt as his climax rocketed through him, filling the condom
with cum.

Joe pressed his lips against Brian’s neck and kissed him. “The three of us have to work

because, God help me, I can’t give you up.”

“I won’t give you up, no matter what it takes,” Brian mumbled.
Joe hoped Brian mean it, he was betting his heart on it.

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* * * *

After his second plate of biscuits and gravy, Joe sat back in his chair and rubbed his

stomach. “Thank you. That was some of the best I’ve ever tasted. Brian’s gonna be sorry he
slept through it.”

Beth grinned at him. She could tell by his hearty appetite that he’d enjoyed it. She rose

from the table and picked up her plate before reaching for Joe’s.

“No. This is my house. You cooked, I’ll clean up,” he said with a hand on her arm.
Beth stilled. What? A man was going to help with the dishes? She wondered whether it

was something he only did in the beginning of a relationship, or if he would always offer.

She slowly sat back down and watched as he started clearing the table. It was a strange

sight for her. The men in her family had never helped with household chores. And Kenny?
Forget it.

As she watched him rinse the dishes in the sink, she couldn’t help but notice his

amazing butt. Yeah, she was a butt girl all the way. Well, butts and heavily veined forearms,
which Joe had in spades.

Suddenly, she watched Joe’s head jerk back as his eyes closed. Beth jumped out of her

chair and went to help him. She knew it was either some sort of seizure or he was having
another vision.

“Joe,” she whispered. She didn’t know what to do. What was the protocol when

someone was in the midst of a trance-like state? “Joe?”

He began flailing his arms, as he started to fall to the floor. Beth wrapped her arms

around him and tried to keep him from hurting himself. His weight was no match for hers
and they both went down in a tangle of arms and legs.

“Brian!” she yelled.
As soon as they hit the floor, Joe’s arms wrapped around her and he buried his face in

her hair. “No, no,” he said repeatedly.

“What’s going…? Ah, fuck. Another one?” Brian dropped to the floor, wearing nothing

but his underwear.

“Different,” Joe panted. “I have to get Beth away from here.”

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“Why? Where did this one happen?” Beth asked, brushing Joe’s hair away from his


“Here, but I don’t know when. How can I protect you when I don’t know when he’s


Joe pulled Beth closer. Despite sitting on the hard floor, Beth felt safe like this. “I guess

that means Billy’s not giving up.”

“No, I don’t think he will until he’s caught. Do you know of someplace safe I can take


“Yeah, right here. I can’t think of anywhere to go that wouldn’t put other people in


“Sorry, but that’s not an option.” Joe sat up when Brian came back with a glass of water.
Oh, maybe she had Joe’s intentions all wrong. Crestfallen, she answered, “I could

always just go back to my apartment. I’m sure the police would keep a look-out.”

Joe looked at her like she was crazy. “I think you must’ve misunderstood. I mean we

can’t stay here. Well, I could, but I won’t take the chance of leaving you alone with Billy still
out there.”

“How’s he gonna do it? What did you see?” Brian asked.
“Fire,” Joe answered.

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Chapter Eight

Joe stared at Beth. “I can keep Billy away from you, but I can’t stop a fire.”
Beth closed her eyes, still feeling his comforting arm around her. She knew if she

stayed, Joe would not only lose his home, but possibly his life. “If we leave, you’ll have
another vision, won’t you?”

Joe didn’t answer for several seconds. “Yeah, probably.”
This had to stop. She knew from working with Lavette how crazy Billy was. She’d

learned from Joe how her friend had been murdered. It all made sense, in a sick and twisted
way. The reason Lavette had finally left her husband was because he’d put her in the hospital
and the staff had called Beth. She’d begged the woman to take out a restraining order on her
husband and move to the shelter where she’d be safe, and Lavette had trusted her. Shit. She
couldn’t handle someone else getting hurt.

Brian sat on the floor behind Joe and made room for him between his spread legs. He

eased Joe back to rest against him and gently stroked Joe’s chest with his palm. “So if the fire
was here and we leave, the vision won’t come to fruition?”

Joe let out a frustrated growl and stood, leaving Beth and Brian on the floor. “I don’t

know anymore. Every time I think I have a handle on the visions, they change.”

“Maybe that’s because we’re reacting to them instead of using them,” Beth offered.
“What’re you thinking?” Joe asked.
“It’s time to play your visions to our advantage,” Beth proclaimed.
“How’re we going to do that?” Joe asked.
“First of all, I can’t think of a worse way to die than fire, so we get the hell out of here. I

hope that by tomorrow, Billy will realise we’re not here anymore and your house will be safe.
Once you get your next vision, we use it by setting a trap for Billy.”

Joe reached for Beth’s hand. “It’s a good idea, but even if I get another vision with an

exact location, there’s no way I’m using you as bait.”

“What choice do you have?” Beth asked.
“We’ll figure something out using either me or Brian.”

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“Do you think he’d be fooled? If it doesn’t work, we’re right back to square one. Better

to just let me do it,” Beth protested.

“No,” Brian declared. “That’s not an option. Hell, I’ll put a dress on and pretend to be

you if I have to.”

Beth glanced from Brian to Joe and tried not to laugh. She knew Brian was trying to

lighten the moment, so she decided to play along. “I don’t think I have anything in your
size,” she said with a straight face.

“That’s okay, I’ve got something in my closet that I’ve saved for a special occasion,”

Brian replied, pursing his lips.

“We’ll find someone with better legs. I’ll make sure of it.” Joe held out his hands to help

Beth and Brian up. “Come on. Let’s go check into a hotel.”

* * * *

As Joe drove down the boulevard, he checked his rear-view mirror to make sure Brian

was behind him.

“Something wrong?” Beth asked.
“I don’t know. I can’t shake the feeling that we’re being followed,” Joe told her.
“Brian’s back there.”
“That’s not what I mean. Do me a favour and call him. Tell him to check his tail.” Joe

tightened his grip on the steering wheel. The skin covering his skull felt like it was starting to
shrink. Fuck.

“Joe wants you to make sure we’re not being followed,” Beth told Brian.
“Tell him it’s getting ready to happen again,” Joe blurted out. “I have to pull over.”
Beth put the phone on speaker. “Did you hear that?”
“Yeah,” Brian answered. “Pull into the gas station on the right.”
Joe grabbed a handful of his hair and gave it a strong yank in an effort to help him stay

in the moment. “It’s too soon. No way can he already have another plan,” he panted.

Beth dropped the phone and scooted across the seat. She took over the steering wheel.

“Put on the break, Joe.”

Everything faded to the background as the flashing images took over his field of vision.

Joe slammed on the brake and released the wheel, letting Beth take over. Billy. Rage. Oh,

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Christ, there was so much anger. The women’s shelter. Beth in a suit, walking into the building. An
office. Billy with a gun.
“No!” Joe screamed.

“It’s okay,” Beth soothed, wrapping her arms around him.
Joe fell forward, striking his forehead on the steering wheel.
The truck door opened and Brian was right there. “Joe.” He rubbed Joe’s back. “Come

on, snap out of it.”

Joe turned his head and stared at Brian. “He won’t stop. Killing Beth is all he thinks

about.” He went on to tell Brian and Beth about his vision.

“Okay,” Brian finally said. “So let’s use it.”

* * * *

While Beth took a shower, Joe undressed and stretched out on the king size bed. Not

bad for a hotel, he thought, plumping up pillows and putting them behind his head. He
reached for his phone and called Brian. “Hey.”

“How’re you feeling?” Brian asked.
“Drained, but I’m stretched out on the bed, and Beth’s taking a shower, so I guess I

could be worse. What about you? Did you talk to Cap?”

“Sure did. He said he’d give us a few guys to help with the plan, and I talked to

Detective Montgomery, and she’s psyched to help us catch this bastard.” Brian cleared his
throat. “Okay, business out of the way. I can’t stop thinking about last night.”

Joe thought of the erotic shower they’d taken together that had led to their first fuck. It

had been everything he’d fantasised it would be. “I’m hoping there’ll be many more of those
in our future. Which reminds me, Beth wants the three of us to go out on an actual date as
soon as Billy’s behind bars.”

“I’d like that,” Brian agreed.
“I just want you to know that I never want to hurt either of you.”
“It’s cool, Joe. I learned the hard way that love comes when you least expect it, and

there’s not much you can do but follow your heart. I like Beth, I really do. She complements
everything good in you.”

“So do you,” Joe added. His feelings for Brian ran deep and solid, but Brian was right,

he hadn’t expected to fall so hard, so fast, for Beth. Now that he had, he couldn’t imagine life

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without her calm smile, gentle touch and positive outlook. “There’s something you don’t
know about Beth. I thought I’d wait for her to tell you, but I think you should know going
into this. Her husband abused her for several years before he was killed in a car wreck.”

“That’s why she’s so passionate about getting other women away from their abusers,”

Brian seemed to surmise.

“Yeah, and that’s what has her in Billy’s crosshairs at the moment. The thing is there are

no promises that another ex-husband or boyfriend won’t do the same thing somewhere
down the line. One thing I know for sure is her job is extremely important to her.”

“Good thing she’ll have the two of us watching her back.”
Joe smiled at Brian’s response. “Exactly.”
“By the way, I think Cap’s missing you, too. He still doesn’t understand these visions of

yours, but every time I call in, he asks about you.”

“No way. Cap always sounds uncomfortable when I call.”
“That’s because you never call with good news. How would you react?”
Joe thought of the times he’d called the station. Each conversation had been about a

murder that had either taken place or one that was about to happen. “Yeah, I guess I can see

“Okay, I’m gonna get off here and find me something to eat. I’ll be over at nine


“You could come over now if you wanted,” Joe reminded Brian.
“I know, but I’m not quite ready for that next step with Beth. She cared enough about

you to let me have you with me last night, so I’m returning the favour.” Brian chuckled. “It’s
okay. You can do without me for one night.”

“Sure, I can, but that doesn’t mean I want to.” Joe grinned. Despite the crazy shit with

Billy, he was truly happy for the first time in a long time. “See you in the morning.” Joe was
about to hang up when Brian spoke again.

“I’ve missed you, Joe,” Brian said, his voice full of emotion.
“Yeah, same goes.” Joe hung up as the bed dipped.
“Brian?” Beth inquired.
“He’ll be here at nine in the morning. We figured we’d give Billy a little time before we

bait the trap,” Joe said with a grin. He reached out and pulled Beth on top of him. Her naked
skin felt warm and soft against his. “Mmm, a guy could get used to this.”

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Beth licked a trail up his chest, across the heavy five o’clock shadow of his jaw to settle

on his mouth. Opening for Beth’s questing tongue, Joe gave as good as he got.

A fire was lit between them and neither had any intentions of dousing the flames. When

Beth began to move, her wet pussy rubbed against the head of his cock. A loud moan
escaped him at the erotic caress.

She was definitely as ready as he was. Although he might’ve preferred to start slow and

lick every inch of her body before their passion ignited, he knew he was beyond that point.

Reaching over, he grabbed the box of protection from the table and shook one out.

When Beth broke the kiss and straddled his lap, Joe held up the small foil packet.

With a smile, Beth sat back on his upper thighs and watched while he sheathed himself.

She began to lick her lips as he rolled the condom down his length.

Control was definitely not his friend at that point. “Ride me,” he growled.
Rising up, Beth took him in hand and slowly impaled herself on his erection. “Oh, so

good, sweetheart.” He grasped her hips in his hands and helped her raise and lower herself
in a steady rhythm.

He felt his chest tighten at the mere sight of this woman taking and giving pleasure. A

flush rose up her creamy skin as her breathing increased.

“That’s it, give yourself to me,” he grunted, thrusting up to meet her downward

motion. He released her hips and palmed her breasts, pinching her blush coloured nipples.

“Aahh,” she moaned as her head fell back. Joe felt her body tremble under his hands as

she slipped over the edge into ecstasy.

When her body started to relax, Joe flipped them over and buried himself to the hilt.

She’s an angel looking up at me, he thought as he started a more punishing rhythm. “Hang on,

He knew at that moment he’d never find a more perfect scenario than Beth and Brian in

his life, both loving him and being loved by him. He would swear to anyone who questioned
him that his heart swelled twice the size at that moment. The feeling of completeness sent
him into a mind-numbing climax.

Coming down, he propped himself on his elbows and took Beth’s mouth in a deep kiss.

“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he whispered against her lips. “And I pray that you can
find a place for Brian in your heart and in our bed.”

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Her aura changed before his eyes. The wisps of red that had threaded through her aura

were more prominent, twice as thick and at least three times as many. “Me too,” she said.

“I know.” He grinned. “I can see it all around you.”

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Chapter Nine

Brian knocked at nine sharp. On Joe’s orders, Beth looked through the peephole before

letting him in. “Hi,” she greeted, opening the door.

“Good morning.” Brian surprised her by giving her a quick kiss on the lips. He looked

around the empty room. “Where’s Joe?”

Beth pointed towards the bathroom. “Sorry. We’re running behind schedule. He should

be out any moment.” She sat on the bed and put on her pumps. It felt strange to wear the suit
Joe had seen her shot in during his vision, but it’s the only one she’d taken when she’d left
her apartment.

Brian leaned against the door with his hands in his pockets. “I’m not sure what kind of

magic you worked, but thanks. Not only have you brought Joe and I together, but I can
honestly say that I’m looking forward to getting to know you the way he has.”

Beth looked at the dark haired detective, considering her words carefully. “I don’t think

it was magic at all. I think Joe had a lot of questions that he didn’t have answers for. By
protecting me, he’s had a reason to look beyond the walls of his home. He’s figured out quite
a few things lately—number one of which is to grab the life you want instead of waiting for it
to happen.”

“And thank God for that,” Brian said. “I never thought he’d open himself to the idea of

seeing me as someone other than his best friend.”

“I’ve always loved you,” Joe said from the bathroom doorway.
Brian smiled. “Yeah, I picked up on that.” He walked over to Joe and gave him what

looked to Beth, like a long overdue hug and kiss.

Beth felt her heart swell as she watched the two men openly share their feelings and

desires with each other. Surprisingly, since the beginning, she hadn’t felt an ounce of
jealousy, not one. She was the luckiest of the three and she knew it.

They broke apart and Joe walked over to her, placing a kiss on her forehead. “Ready,


“Yes, let’s catch this guy,” she answered, retrieving her purse from the bed.

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“Logan and Montgomery are waiting downstairs. I thought you’d like to fill them in

over a plate of pancakes at Ruth’s.”

Joe smiled. “I haven’t been to Ruth’s in ages. Does she still make the banana-nut ones?”
Brian rubbed his flat stomach. “Oh yeah, and they get better all the time.”

* * * *

As he pulled into the parking lot in front of Beth’s building, Joe tried to calm his nerves.

He hoped they’d covered their bases. “Okay, now remember, go directly to the shelter.
We’ve already had the police evacuate the residents and staff by bus so their cars will still be
there.” Joe reached out and ran his hand across the back of Beth’s neck. He hated putting her
in harm’s way, even for a moment.

“According to the vision I had this morning, that’s where he’ll strike next.” Joe went on

to go over the rest of the plans. When he was finished, he leant over and kissed her. “I love

“I love you. Don’t worry, it’s a good plan.” She cupped his cheek in her hand and

kissed him again.

“Just remember, no deviations. We’re not exactly dealing with a stable man.”
“I know,” she said with a slight smile. “Are you cooking dinner for me later?”
“Nope. Brian and I are taking you out on the town.”
“Excellent. I’ll wear my sexiest dress.”
Joe grabbed his chest. “Please don’t fill my mind with dirty thoughts. I’m having

enough trouble concentrating as it is.”

Grinning, Beth got out of the car. She straightened her suit jacket and got into her

sedan. Joe pulled his truck forward enough that she could pull out of her parking space. It
wasn’t until she gave him a slight nod that he pulled out of the lot heading in the opposite

He gripped the steering wheel. “She’s off,” he said to Brian through the wire attached to

his T-Shirt.

“Yep, I’ve got her,” Brian said into Joe’s hidden earpiece. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care

of Beth. You just concentrate on your part of the plan.”

“I pray this works.”

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“Just let the plan fall into place.”
“Will do.” Although Cap wouldn’t let him in on the actual arrest, he did give

permission for Joe to be in the area.

The whole operation had taken on a life of its own. Originally, Brian, Joe and Beth

intended to execute the plan between the three of them, but with the police involved, the
numbers had grown immeasurably.

After trading his truck for a non-descript car they’d rented earlier, Joe drove towards

the shelter. With any luck, the police would be able to arrest Billy before the sonofabitch ever
stepped foot in the building, but according to Joe’s latest vision, that wouldn’t happen.

* * * *

Two hours later, Joe was about to crawl out of his skin. He’d been sitting in his car

down the block, trying to concentrate on Beth. He knew the plan was for Officer Sarah
Montgomery to swap clothes with Beth as soon as she’d entered the shelter. He occasionally
heard Brian coming over the wire to ask Sarah if she was still reading him.

Sarah confirmed several times that she and Beth were both fine.
Ten minutes later, it happened. The blinding light flashed in his head as the vision

morphed. Instead of Billy attacking Beth in the file closet, he was standing in front of her
desk with a gun in his hand. “Shit,” he brought himself out of the vision.

“Brian! He’s already in the building. He’s headed for Beth’s office and he’s got a gun.”
“Hang on,” Brian said.
Joe could hear his old partner talking over the concealed headsets trying to reposition

his team. “Sarah, do you read? Sarah?” When no answer came from Officer Montgomery,
Brian cursed several times. “Something’s wrong with Sarah’s wire. I’m not sure if she can
hear me, but I can’t hear her.”

Joe started the car and raced towards the shelter. He pulled up and jumped out, happy

to see one of the undercover officers holding a side door open for him.

“Where’s Beth?”
The officer pointed down the hall. As Joe raced towards Beth’s office, he heard the

commotion begin over his headset. “Sarah!” he heard Brian screaming in his ear.

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A shot rang out, then another. Joe’s heart skipped a beat as he barrelled past several

cops to get to Beth’s office at the end of the hall. At that point he didn’t know if Billy was in
custody or not, all he cared about was making sure Beth was okay.

When he reached the office, Brian was standing in the doorway surrounded by three

other officers, head down. “Beth?”

Brian turned and put his hands up to stop Joe’s progress. “Hold on.”
“Is she okay?” Joe asked trying to push his way into the office.
“She’s fine. Officer Montgomery took a bullet in the vest, but Billy didn’t fare so well.”

Brian stepped back and Joe saw Billy’s body lying in a pool of blood.

Looking up, he spotted Sarah Montgomery getting aid from a fellow officer. She looked

up at him, her blonde hair hanging in her face. “Tell Beth I’m sorry about the bullet hole in
her suit.”

Joe put his hands on his hips and bent at the waist, trying to breathe in some much

needed air. “I’m sure she won’t mind,” he said to Sarah. “Where is she?”

“In the closet. I told her to stay there until we get the body covered.”
Joe rushed to the closet and opened the door. Beth sat in the back corner crying. The

rows of filing cabinets opposite her looked all too familiar to him. If Sarah hadn’t been seated
at Beth’s desk, his original vision would’ve come true. But it hadn’t, he reminded himself.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Joe said, sitting on the floor beside her. He shoved a box out of his

way and leaned against the wall, pulling Beth into his lap.

She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. “Sarah could’ve

died because of me,” she said.

“Shhh,” Joe soothed, peppering kisses on top of her head. “It’s her job. She was well

protected with the vest on. Although she said to tell you she’s sorry about your suit.”

Beth looked up and wiped at her tears. “I don’t care about the suit.”
“I know.” He kissed her closed eyelids, tasting the salt of her tears.
“Take me home,” she whispered.

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Chapter Ten

Two Months Later

Beth studied her reflection as she dabbed perfume between her breasts. The low-cut red

dress was a very daring choice for her, but one she hoped Joe and Brian would approve of.

Her life had changed so drastically since Lavette’s death. Although being the target for

a homicidal madman was the last thing she would wish to repeat, she was thankful Billy’s
lunacy had brought her Joe and Brian. Her love for Joe had come quickly and easily, but her
relationship with Brian was on a slow, but steady course. Brian had taken her out without Joe
on several occasions, and each time they’d grown closer.

It had taken almost a month of seeing Brian before a night of drinking and dancing had

led to their first declarations of love, along with their first sexual encounter, but it had felt
right, better than that, it had expanded her heart even more.

She’d talked to Joe about quitting her job as director for the centre, but he and Brian had

talked her out of it. Telling her even though they hated that she had to deal with scummy ex-
husbands occasionally, they would always be there to protect her.

Beth grinned. She had no doubt they would always be there. She hugged herself. She

was loved by two wonderful men who were more than capable of handling anyone who
tried to hurt her. Joe had taken a position working as a consultant for the Kansas City Police
Department. His gifts had saved more than one person’s life that day, and the city was
dutifully impressed.

The doorbell rang, and Beth took one last look at herself in the mirror before turning off

the bedroom light and rushing to the door. Two incredibly handsome men stood on the other
side of the threshold.

“Wow,” Brian said, his gaze roaming Beth’s body in her tight dress.
“What Brian meant was, you look incredible,” Joe clarified. He stepped forward and

gave Beth a deep kiss before moving back to allow Brian to kiss her.

“I’m ready,” she announced after Brian released her.

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Joe took over and armed the new security system that he’d had installed. As quickly as

their relationship was progressing, they had already discussed moving in together, but the
three of them had yet to sleep together as a group, and it was important to Beth that Brian be
included in any change of address.

“All set,” Joe said, after taking the keys from Beth to lock the front door.
Brian was right beside her as they made their way down the sidewalk. When she felt

the hunky cop’s hand on her ass, Beth glanced up.

“I can’t wait to push my hand up under that dress to see if you’re wearing panties,”

Brian said.

“Shotgun,” Beth called.

* * * *

Joe tipped his bottle back and took a long draw of his beer. He enjoyed Social, one of the

newer gay bars in the city—the people were friendly, atmosphere better than most, and if he
wanted, he could dance with Brian and Beth at the same time. Not that he did that often. He
was one of the unlucky mass of people who had been born without a sense of rhythm. So, he
may step in on a slow song once in a while, but he left everything else to the salsa twins as he
liked to call Beth and Brian.

“Wanna dance?”
Joe looked up to see a handsome man staring down at him. The club was dark enough

that auras faded into the interior, which was one of the main reasons he felt comfortable. “No
thank you.” He gestured to the gyrating couple on the dance floor. “I have my hands full
with those two.”

The guy followed Joe’s line of sight. “I’ve been watching them dance. You’re a lucky


“That I am.”
Before the man gave up and moved on, Brian pushed his way through the crowd and

towered over him. “Is there a problem?”

Joe rolled his eyes. “We’re good. We were just talking about the hot couple on the dance


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Brian eyed Joe’s would-be suitor until he excused himself and disappeared into the

throng of people. With the threat gone, Brian visibly relaxed. “Beth wants you to join us.”

Joe moved to the side, looking around Brian to the dance floor. Beth was standing at the

edge, staring back at him. Saying no to a woman like her wasn’t an option. He stood, putting
himself nose to nose with Brian. “You’re sexy when you’re jealous.”

“I protect what’s mine.” Brian leaned in and kissed Joe, staking his claim for anyone

who cared enough to look at Joe.

Joe didn’t argue. He could protect himself and they both knew it, but it was nice being

someone worthy of such devotion and love. “Let’s forget the dancing and go back to my
place.” He gave Brian another deep kiss. “I’m beyond ready to get the two of you in my

Brian nodded and crooked his finger at Beth. “Agreed. I’ve wanted nothing more for


Beth joined them and wrapped an arm around both men. “Are we leaving?”
“Are you ready for the next step?” Joe asked the petite blonde who held his heart.
“Absolutely.” Without another word, Beth released Joe and Brian and headed for the


Brian glanced at Joe. “Guess that’s our answer.”

* * * *

Brian plunged his cock into Beth’s pussy. They’d all been tested, and it was the first

time he’d been inside anyone without a condom and damn could he tell a difference. “Mmm,
you were ready for me.”

“I’ve been ready since that little finger job of yours on the way to the club,” Beth replied.
Joe’s lubed finger began to circle Brian’s hole, making clear his intention to fuck Brian

while Brian fucked Beth. “Stop rubbing it in, I had to sit in the back seat and keep my hands
to myself,” Joe grumbled.

Without slowing his rhythm, Brian peered over his shoulder at Joe. “I hope skin to skin

feels as good to you as it does to me.”

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Joe positioned himself behind Brian and pressed the head of his cock against Brian’s

hole. “Ass as far in the air as you can,” he instructed.

Brian buried his cock as deep into Beth as he could before repositioning his angle,

giving Joe more room. He knew their first time together would be a learning experience, so
Joe’s direction hadn’t come as a surprise. “Okay?”

Joe pressed inside and groaned. “Fuck, you were right. Skin to skin is definitely the

only way.”

Brian stilled his hips and held his breath as his body acclimated to Joe’s length. He had

the best of both worlds in that moment, his cock buried in a woman he loved while the man
he loved filled him from behind.

Joe was the first to move, withdrawing before surging back inside. The jarring motion

drove Brian’s cock deeper into Beth’s pussy. “Oh, hell,” Brian groaned. He tried to take over,
but the rhythm was awkward at first.

“Relax,” Joe soothed. “It’ll come.”
Beth’s pussy walls squeezed Brian’s cock. “I know I will.”
Beth’s playful attitude helped put Brian at ease, reminding him that he wasn’t being

judged on his performance. It took several moments, but eventually his persistence won out
and he was fucking and being fucked with each piston of his hips. A feeling of completeness
enveloped him, pitching him even higher. “Touch yourself,” he told Beth.

Biting her bottom lip, Beth reached between them and began to rub her clit. “I’m gonna

come,” she panted.

“Counting on it.” Brian was riding the edge, but refused to be the first to spill.
The more noise Beth made, the harder Joe fucked Brian. They truly were connected. The

realisation that he’d found his place in the world threw him over the edge. He came inside
Beth as Joe continued to fuck him. Definitely, the best of both worlds.

* * * *

Joe was in the kitchen making breakfast, hoping to surprise Brian and Beth with a meal

fit for a king and queen, when his vision started to fade in and out. Shit. He managed to
make it to one of the kitchen chairs before the full on assault of images hit. A child, huddled

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behind a television stand, witnessing his mother’s beating. The boy’s gaze moved from the
action in front of him to a knife on the floor.

Joe began to tremble as he recognised the boy’s face and knew what he was about to do.

“Help him.”

Joe blinked several times before staring up at Brian. “Jessica, from the grocery store.

She’s in trouble. Her son’s going to kill her boyfriend.”

“Which grocery store?” Brian asked, unplugging Joe’s phone from the charger on the


“Hy-Vee on Barry Road.” Joe rubbed his chest, trying to ease his racing heart. He didn’t

even know the boy’s name. Fuck. Why hadn’t he taken the time to ask?

Beth came wandering into the kitchen. “What’s going on?”
As Brian frantically talked to someone from the station, Joe pulled Beth into his lap. He

filled her in on what had happened. “If that boy gets hold of that knife…”

“Shhh,” Beth soothed. “That boy’s lucky he has someone looking over him. Between the

three of us, we can get him and his mom the help they need.”

“Only if they reach him in time,” Joe countered.
Beth stood and retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge. “Drink this.” She handed

him the bottle before going to the cabinet to retrieve a bottle of pain relievers.

Joe unscrewed the cap as he watched Brian pace around the kitchen. Although he’d

gained a strong support system in Beth and Brian, he would never get used to the visions.

The next ten minutes seemed to crawl by while he waited for word. Brian had become

so frustrated that he’d stepped out onto the porch to cool off in the brisk Autumn air.

“Jessica Brown,” Brian announced, throwing open the door. “The cops are on their

way.” He set the phone on the counter. “They’ll give me a call when they know something.”

Beth smoothed Joe’s long hair behind his ears. “They’ll get there in time.”
Joe didn’t answer. He held onto Beth as tight as he could and watched Brian go through

the process of making a cup of instant coffee.

“You know you won’t sleep if you drink that,” Beth reminded Brian.
Brian winked. “I’ll think of something to keep myself busy.”
“In that case, you’d better make me one too,” Beth replied.

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Brian put another mug of water into the microwave before walking over to wrap his

arms around Beth’s waist. He kissed her neck before addressing Joe. “They’ll get there in

As the minutes ticked by, Joe grew more anxious. Despite Beth and Brian’s playful

banter, he couldn’t think of anything but that frightened little boy. He hadn’t figured out the
whys of his visions, but he still refused to believe they were a gift.

The phone rang and Brian snatched it off the counter. “Okay,” he said into the phone.

“Thanks. Yeah, I’ll tell him.” He looked at Joe. “They have the man in custody.”

“The boy?” Joe asked.
Brian hung up and set the phone on the counter. “Shaken, but otherwise fine.”
Joe squeezed his eyes closed, thankful his vision had actually saved someone for a


“Hey,” Beth said, drawing Joe out of his head. “I know you hate seeing what you do,

but even if Jessica and her son are the only two people you ever save, isn’t it worth it?
Because of you, that boy has a chance.”

Joe thought about it. The visions were graphic and frightening and nine times out of ten

didn’t save anyone, but Beth was right, that one had made a difference. “Yeah,” he agreed.

“Good, now let’s get dressed. I’m sure Jessica could use some counselling, and I’m just

the woman for the job.” Beth stood and held out her hand.

Joe glanced from Beth to Brian before returning his attention to the woman he loved.

“You’re right.” He stood and gathered Brian and Beth in his arms. “We make a good team.”

“The best,” Brian agreed.

Also available by this author from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

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A New Normal

Carol Lynne


Chapter One

Charlie Foster loosened his tie as the plane took off. He hated flying almost as much as

he hated being shoved into a seat made for a small child. Why didn’t airlines understand that
grown men were also forced to fly on occasion?

With a sigh of resignation, he closed his eyes in an effort to escape pleasant banter with

the older woman seated next to him. It had been a mistake to take the piano gig. What the
hell had he been thinking? Travelling across the country less than a year after Jen’s death just
to play at some convention was stupid, even if he was doing it as a favour to his manager.

He often wondered how different his life would’ve turned out if he hadn’t met Jen in

college. It had been a confusing time, and falling in love with Jen had brought a sense of
peace to his life—so much so he hadn’t regretted a moment of their time together.

“Can I get you something to drink?”
Charlie opened his eyes and stared up at the attendant. “I’m fine, thanks.” The

conversation over, Charlie went back to feigning sleep, only to be nudged by the bony elbow
of the woman next to him.

“I’ve been admiring your wedding ring. Is that a thistle?”
Charlie stared at the ring he couldn’t bring himself to take off. “Yeah. My wife was

obsessed with that Outlander series. It was her idea.”

The woman’s face lit up. “Oh, Jamie and Claire,” the woman practically swooned,

clutching her hands over her heart. “How sweet of you to indulge your wife like that.”

“I would’ve done anything for her,” he mumbled. Shame threatened to consume him as

it did every time he thought of the woman he’d lost. He’d spent eight years with Jen, six of

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them married, but one drunken night with his best friend had destroyed the husband he’d
thought himself to be.

“Excuse me.” Charlie unbuckled his seatbelt and walked to the front restroom. He

closed and locked the door before turning to lean against the sink. Jen’s mom had been in
town to help during the second round of chemotherapy, and, for some reason, Charlie had
let them convince him to get out of the house for a few hours. Jen had been the one to call
Jake and had set up the outing, just one more thing for Charlie to feel guilty about.

It had started innocently enough, a Mets game followed by a trip to the bar where

they’d done most of their drinking in college. It was easy to fall back into the camaraderie
he’d once shared with his childhood friend. As the evening and the number of drinks
progressed, Charlie had asked Jake the one question that had been on his mind since the day
he’d announced his engagement to Jen. “Why didn’t you fight for me?”

Charlie bit his bottom lip as he recalled Jake’s honest answer. “Because I knew how

much you wanted a normal life,” Jake had whispered.

Normal. Charlie’s marriage had been anything but normal. Although the love he’d felt

for Jen had been real, for the majority of their marriage they’d lived more like brother and
sister than husband and wife. Sex every few weeks seemed to be enough for both of them.
He’d enjoyed the partnership in their daily lives more than the fucking, and Charlie had
always sensed Jen felt the same. It wasn’t that he was repulsed by the female body—before
he’d met Jen, he’d simply preferred a man’s hard body, Jake’s hard body to be precise.

A knock sounded against the flimsy folding door. “Are you all right, sir?” a female

voice asked.

No, Charlie said to himself. “I’ll be right out.”
Pulling several paper towels out of the dispenser, Charlie wet them and wiped the

sticky sweat from his face. Why his guilt and shame always presented itself in the form of
sweat, he’d never understand, but he’d started carrying linen handkerchiefs in his pocket on
a daily basis since he’d begged Jake to fuck him in the back of his Suburban nearly seventeen
months earlier.

Charlie stuffed the paper towels into the trash bin and opened the door. “Excuse me,”

he said to the worried-looking flight attendant. “Nerves.”

The attendant’s features softened. “No problem.”

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Charlie was grateful to see his seatmate sound asleep upon his return. He eased down

and quietly buckled his seatbelt without disturbing the slumbering woman. Closing his own
eyes, he tried to put thoughts of Jen and Jake out of his mind as he concentrated on the
performance the following night.

It wasn’t until recently that he’d decided to give up his nine-to-five job and follow his

dream of being a full-time musician. Jen had always encouraged him to take the leap, but it
hadn’t seemed practical with a wife to support. Jen had been an artist, an excellent one,
whose paintings had graced some of the best galleries in New York. Unfortunately, health
insurance hadn’t come with Jen’s particular job description. Because Jen’s talent with a paint
brush had far outweighed Charlie’s skills behind a piano with a microphone in front of him,
he’d given up his own dream to help her fulfil hers, and he didn’t regret a single moment of

After Jen had lost her battle with ovarian cancer, Charlie hadn’t felt like doing anything

for months. He’d quit the job he’d hated and had retreated into a pit of his own digging.
After three months of ignoring phone calls and the occasional knock on the door, he’d called
Max, an agent he’d used several times in the past, and had spoken to him about getting some
gigs in and around New York City.

So what am I doing on a plane to Albuquerque, fucking New Mexico? A favour, he answered

himself. Max had worked hard lining up performances, and, when he’d begged Charlie to
take the job in Albuquerque as a favour, Charlie hadn’t been able to say no. He hoped that
the organisers knew he wasn’t planning to socialise with the attendees. His job was to play
the piano and sing, nothing more. Sure, he’d throw in the occasional sing-along and witty
banter that most people expected, but he refused to mingle, favour or not.

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About the Author

An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of

erotic romance. Carol juggles between being a full-time mother and a full-time writer.

These days, you can usually find Carol either cleaning jelly out of the carpet or nestled

in her favourite chair writing steamy love scenes.


Also by Carol Lynne

Karaoke at the Tumbleweed

Joey’s First Time

Between Two Lovers

Corporate Passion

Sunset Ridge

Broken Colour

Campus Cravings: Coach

Campus Cravings: Side-Lined

Campus Cravings: Sacking the Quarterback

Campus Cravings: Off-Season

Campus Cravings: Forbidden Freshman

Campus Cravings: Broken Pottery

Campus Cravings: In Bear’s Bed

Campus Cravings: Office Advances

Campus Cravings: A Biker’s Vow

Campus Cravings: Hershie’s Kiss

Campus Cravings: Theron’s Return

Campus Cravings: Live for Today

Campus Cravings: Incoming Freshman

Campus Cravings: A Lesson Learned

Campus Cravings: Locky in Love

Campus Cravings: The Injustice of Being

Good Time Boys: Sonny’s Salvation

Good-time Boys: Garron’s Gift

Good-time Boys: Rawley’s Redemption

Good-time Boys: Twin Temptations

Good-time Boys: It’s a Good Life

Cattle Valley: All Play & No Work

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Mistletoe

Cattle Valley: Sweet Topping

Cattle Valley: Rough Ride

Cattle Valley: Physical Therapy

Cattle Valley: Out of the Shadow

Cattle Valley: Bad Boy Cowboy

Cattle Valley: The Sound of White

Cattle Valley: Gone Surfin’

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Cattle Valley: The Last Bouquet

Cattle Valley: Eye of the Beholder

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Days

Cattle Valley: Bent-Not Broken

Cattle Valley: Arm Candy

Cattle Valley: Recipe for Love

Cattle Valley: Firehouse Heat

Cattle Valley: Neil’s Guardian Angel

Cattle Valley: Scarred

Cattle Valley: Making the Grade

Cattle Valley: To Service and Protect

Cattle Valley: The O’Brien Way

Cattle Valley: Ghost from the Past

Cattle Valley: Hawk’s Landing

Cattle Valley: Shooting Star

Cattle Valley: Confessions

Cattle Valley: Shadow Soldier

Cattle Valley: Alone in a Crowd

Cattle Valley: Second Chances

Poker Night: Texas Hold Em

Poker Night: Slow-Play

Poker Night: Pocket Pair

Poker Night: Different Suits

Poker Night: Full House

Men in Love: Reunion

Bodyguards in Love: Brier’s Bargain

Bodyguards in Love: Taming Black Dog Four

Bodyguards in Love: Seb’s Surrender

Bodyguards in Love: I Love Rock N Roll

Bodyguards in Love: Seducing the Sheik

Bodyguards in Love: To Bed a King

Neo’s Realm: Liquid Crimson

Neo’s Realm: Blood Trinity

Neo’s Realm: Crimson Moon

Seasons of Love: Spring

Seasons of Love: Summer

Seasons of Love: Fall

Seasons of Love: Winter

Brookside Athletic Club: I’ll Stand By You

Legend Anthology: Healing Doctor Ryan

Fabulous Brits: Moor Love

Naughty Nooners: Dalton’s Awakening

Gaymes: Highland Gaymes

Unconventional at Best: A New Normal

Stealing My Heart: Stealing Doctor Ryan

Carol loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author

biography at


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