Carol Lynne Snake Charmer

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A Totally Bound Publication

Snake Charmer
ISBN # 978-1-78430-113-2
©Copyright Carol Lynne 2014
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2014
Edited by Stacey Birkel
Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound
Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,
Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 2.

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Cattle Valley


Carol Lynne

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Book thirty-one in the Cattle Valley series

Sometimes it takes finding an opposite to show us the beauty within ourselves.

When security consultant and ex-mercenary, Gabrielo ‘Snake’ Barbas, thwarts an attack of
one of his co-workers, Riley Banks, he takes it upon himself to keep the smaller man safe. His
job is made harder when he discovers the attacker is actually Riley’s ex-boyfriend, a ruthless
man from a very wealthy and powerful family.

After a night of passion, Snake decides to take Riley far away from Richmond, Virginia to a
town in Wyoming for the annual Cattle Valley Days celebration. He should have known that
sex with Riley wouldn’t be enough, but he feels he has nothing else to give such a nice guy.
Riley is the sexiest man Snake’s ever taken to his bed despite Riley’s claim otherwise.

Riley knows he’s average-looking at best, so why does Snake continue to flatter him? It’s
obvious he’s not going to kick Snake out of bed, even after Snake informs him that sex is all
he has to give. Why does Snake see him so differently than the rest of the world?

While Riley is busy trying to figure out the man who touches him like no other has before,
Snake is busy trying to protect him from a monster in a business suit.

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For Theresa and Lorelei, forever the best support system a girl could hope for.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Toyota Camry: Toyota Motor Company
Beretta 9mm: Fabbrica D’Armi P. Beretta
Harley-Davidson: H-D U.S.A.
Coke: The Coca-Cola Company
Ford Flex: Ford Motor Company

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Chapter One

Gabrielo ‘Snake’ Barbas pushed his jaw to the side, cracking his neck, as he continued to

stare at the surveillance monitor. Training hadn’t been part of his job as a recruiter for Tisdale

Security, but he hadn’t been happy with the shoddy work performed recently in the control

room. He spotted a shiny red car parked in the back of the employee parking lot and waited

for Brian, the technician, to take notice.

When Brian switched the feed to a different camera, showing the back of the building,

Snake crossed his arms over his chest and groaned. “Go back,” he ordered.

“To what?” Brian asked.

“The parking lot.” A good technician was worth his weight in gold if you could find

one, and Snake had a feeling he needed to keep looking. Brian was a nice enough guy but

didn’t have the passion necessary for the work. Watching surveillance footage all day could

be boring as fuck if you didn’t have the drive for it.

“What am I supposed to see?” Brian pulled the parking lot up on three different

monitors, giving himself three separate angles to study.

With a resigned sigh, Snake leaned forward and tapped the glass. “What’s that?”

“A car.” Brian glanced at Snake. “There are a lot of cars. It’s a parking lot.”

“How many cars do you see with people in them?” Hell. It was like trying to teach a

newborn to walk.

“None, but maybe he’s just waiting for someone or taking a call or something.”

“Possibly,” Snake agreed. “But it’s your job to make sure he poses no threat.”

“How do I do that? I’m not supposed to leave the command center,” Brian blustered.

“You fucking watch him. It’s your goddamn job!” Snake was losing his patience, which

didn’t bode well for poor Brian. He was beginning to rethink his decision to settle down and

give up the mercenary career that had netted him a bundle of cash. Lifting his hands, he

started to run his fingers through his hair, only to remember he’d cut it off, skull short, only

the day before. Fuck!

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* * * *

“It’s only four-thirty. Where’re you going?” a co-worker asked.

“I have an appointment.” Riley Banks took a moment to clean his desk, locking all

financial documents away securely before shutting down his computer. He usually stayed

until at least six, but he’d received a disturbing call from his ex’s parole officer that morning.

“Did you clear it with Steven?”

“Yeah.” Riley shrugged into his suit jacket. No one at Tisdale Security knew about his

past, and he hoped to keep it that way. Cal was used to him leaving much later in the work

day, so if he could get out and get home before Cal came looking, it could very well save his

life. It was worth pissing off a co-worker.

“See ya tomorrow,” Riley called out before leaving his cubicle. His job in the accounting

office wasn’t exciting, but he felt safe working for the security company. Just because he

didn’t want his co-workers to know what he’d been through didn’t mean he wanted history

to repeat itself.

When the elevator doors opened, Riley stepped inside and stood in front of two

muscular men. He didn’t know any of the specialists by name, but there were a few he

recognized. The two behind him must be new, because neither looked familiar.

“Did you see that blonde in supplies?” one of the men asked. He groaned. “Man, she

has the best tits in the whole building.”

Riley rolled his eyes. No wonder women thought men were pigs. “Her name’s Rachel,”

he added to the conversation. “She’s married with a fourteen-month-old son named Ben.” He

stared at the men’s reflections in the shiny elevator doors. It was obvious by the way they

sneered down at the top of his head they hadn’t appreciated him butting in.

The moment the doors opened, Riley shot out of the elevator and headed to the side

door that would lead him to the parking lot. Although he hadn’t approved of the way the

two specialists had talked about Rachel, he wasn’t dumb enough to stick around for the


Nearing his two-year-old white Toyota Camry, Riley fished his keys out of his pocket.

The hair on the back of his neck began to prickle when he heard a noise off to his left. Don’t

look. Just get in the fucking car, he told himself.

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“We need to talk.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. “You’re not supposed to be here, Cal.” He hit the unlock button on the

key fob and reached for the door handle.

Cal laughed. “I do a lot of things I’m not supposed to do.” He reached over Riley’s

shoulder and slammed the door shut, almost smashing Riley’s fingers in the process. “We

have some unfinished business.”

“I didn’t press charges. You’re the one who violated the restraining order,” Riley


“And you’re the one who took out the fucking thing in the first place!” Cal screamed in

Riley’s ear.

Riley closed his eyes and winced. The last time Cal had found him, he’d broken three of

Riley’s ribs and given him one hell of a concussion, not to mention the bruises he’d sported

afterwards. “Please leave me alone.”

“Problem?” a deep voice asked.

Riley bit his bottom lip. He’d been forced to get a full protection order against his ex

after the preliminary order had lapsed while Cal was in jail for the last beating.

“No problem. We’re just catching up,” Cal answered. He put his hand on Riley’s

shoulder and squeezed. “Isn’t that right?”

Riley tried to remember the reason he’d taken the job at Tisdale, even though it hadn’t

paid as much as his previous job. “No.” He opened his eyes and tried to pull out of Cal’s

grasp. “I’d like to go back inside the building.” He turned his head to the kind stranger

who’d interceded and was surprised to see the scary, sexy guy he’d seen roaming the halls

from time to time. “Would you mind walking with me?”

With a narrowed gaze, the hot tattooed hunk motioned at the car. “Lock up your car,”

he instructed.

Riley tapped the fob again and heard the locks engage. He stared up at Cal. He couldn’t

believe he’d once thought the man was gorgeous. “I was issued a protective order against

you, and it’s good for two years. Next time you come near me, I’ll call the police.”

Cal, who was roughly the same size as the tattooed man, chuckled. “Good luck with

that, and unless you plan to sleep at your desk, you have to leave sometime.”

Riley was knocked to the side as the hunk slammed Cal against the car.

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“Call the cops,” the hunk ordered.

Cal growled as he struggled to get away when Riley pulled out his phone. “Don’t you

fucking dare!” Cal warned Riley. “My people found you in less than a day. You put me back

inside, and you’ll pay for it.”

The hunk slammed Cal against the car twice more, breaking Cal’s nose in the process.

Riley heard the satisfying crunch as Cal roared in pain.

“Shut the fuck up,” the hunk demanded.

Riley’s thumb hovered over the keypad. The last time Cal had been sent to County for

violating the restraining order, Riley had uprooted his entire life by moving and changing

jobs. How many times would he have to do it before Cal left him alone? Sadly, Riley had a

feeling Cal wouldn’t release him until he was dead.

“Do it,” the hunk growled, “before I deal with him my way.”

Taking a deep breath, Riley wondered if he shouldn’t let the hunk have Cal to do with

what he pleased. Lord knew, Cal had never given a moment’s thought before hitting him,

and with his family connections, even if he was sent back to jail, he wouldn’t be there long.

“How would you deal with him?”

The hunk turned a pair of dark, forest green eyes on him. “The fact you’re asking that

question tells me how afraid you are. What’d he do?”

“Which time?” Riley shook his head. “He keeps coming back.”

A murderous expression transformed the hunk’s face from sexy to scary. Shit. The last

thing Riley wanted was to feel responsible for the hunk going to jail. He broke eye contact

and concentrated on pushing the all-too-familiar three numbers into his phone.

* * * *

Snake eyed Riley closely as the small brunet talked to the police. He’d seen Riley on

several occasions and had definitely taken an interest, going as far as to find out who he was

and what department he worked in. Unfortunately, he’d decided fucking someone who

worked in the same building was a bad idea, especially someone as hot as Riley. He no doubt

was into drama and getting everything his heart wanted, and Snake didn’t play that game

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with anyone. As he watched Riley push those damned wire-framed glasses higher on his

nose, desire took control of his better judgment.

Earlier, when he’d spotted Cal climbing out of his car at the back of the lot and head

straight toward Riley, Snake hadn’t been able to get out of the command center fast enough.

He’d never been able to explain it to people, but he seemed to have a gift for spotting trouble

before it happened, and the asshole who’d stalked toward Riley had definitely been looking

for trouble.

When Riley nodded and shook the officer’s hand, Snake walked over. “Are they

arresting him?” he asked.

“They’re taking him in, but they don’t think they can hold him. Evidently, the

protection order doesn’t go into effect until the other party is served papers, and there was a

screw up when they let him out of County, and they didn’t serve him.” Riley shrugged.

“He’ll be served now, so next time he shows up, I can have him arrested.”

“That’s bullshit!” Snake stared at Cal in the back of the patrol car. He’d seen the

expression on Cal’s face too many times. “Your ex’s fucking crazy and will come after you


“Yeah.” Riley turned his back on Cal. “Thanks for your help, ummm…”

“You can call me Snake.”

“Snake? Okay, well, thanks for your help, Snake, but I have a few things to do before

they release Cal.” Riley started toward his car.

“Wait.” Snake caught up with Riley. “Do you have a gun?”

Riley shook his head. “I’m not the kind of person who could shoot someone, so I

thought it would be safer not to have one.”

Snake couldn’t say the same. In his line of work, you did what needed doing.

Unfortunately, the job often included killing, which had led to his alcohol addiction and need

for almost constant sex. He’d eventually given up the booze, but he would never give up the


“Come inside with me. Even if you don’t want a gun, there’re plenty of weapons you

can use to protect yourself.” Snake put his hand to the small of Riley’s back, urging him

toward the building. He fought the urge to slide his hand down further, the need to cup

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Riley’s cute bubble butt almost overwhelming. “Are you seeing anyone that could help you if

your ex shows up again?”

Riley shook his head before again pushing his glasses into place. “I couldn’t bring

someone else into my screwed up life.”

Snake swiped his security card through the reader before opening the door. “Don’t tell

me you’re celibate.” It was a horrifying thought to Snake. “God made dicks to be sucked and

holes to be filled.” Censoring himself had never been one of his strong suits. He’d grown up

talking openly about sex to his dad and the other men of the motorcycle club his father

belonged to. Of course it hadn’t been gay sex he’d discussed, but for a young man, just

talking about his need for a blowjob to his dad had been incredibly liberating.

Riley gasped. “Did you really just say that?”

Snake drew Riley into one of the blind spots the security cameras didn’t pick up. He

smiled down at the tasty morsel of a man and sighed. “I say what I think, and right now, all I

wanna do is take you into my office and fuck you stupid.” He took a step back. “But, I know

you’ve just been through shit, and I won’t press it.”

Riley stared up at Snake, his big pale blue eyes wide. “Why?”

“What?” Snake was so caught up in Riley’s gaze, he didn’t understand the question.

“Why would someone like you want anything to do with someone like me?” Riley’s

expression fell. “Or am I just another hole to you?”

Offended, Snake crowded Riley’s personal space, putting their bodies in direct contact.

“You think because I have tats I’m not good enough for you?”

“What? No!” Riley put his hands on Snake’s chest, obviously trying to put distance

between them, but Snake wasn’t about to budge. “You’re one of the sexiest men I’ve ever

seen, and I’m…me.”

Snake tried to follow Riley’s reasoning. The one thing he got out of the statement was

that Riley thought he was sexy. Win! What the fuck was up with the last part though?

“You saying you don’t think you’re sexy?” Although Riley was nearly eight inches

shorter, Snake did his best to fit their bodies together. “You feel my cock?”

Riley nodded.

“It’s hard because of you.” Christ, how could someone as hot as Riley not see themselves when

they looked in a fucking mirror? Snake lowered his head and captured Riley’s mouth in a kiss.

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He didn’t give Riley time to think before he pushed his tongue between Riley’s lips. Oh, fuck,

yeah. He groaned as he lifted Riley into his arms, putting their cocks into direct contact. He

ground his erection against Riley’s as he continued to thrust his tongue in and out.

Riley whimpered and wrapped his legs around Snake.

A throat cleared behind them. Snake wanted to ignore the intruder, but fucking a co-

worker in the hall might not be the best idea he’d ever had. He broke the kiss but didn’t

release his hold on Riley. Turning his head, he regarded Fin, one of his top recruits. “Yeah?”

“Steven’s been briefed on the incident in the parking lot. He’s looking for you,” Fin

said, his eyes downcast.

Steven Tisdale was the brother of the CEO and Riley’s boss. With reluctance, Snake

lowered Riley to the floor. Whatever Steven wanted, Snake had no doubt it had to do with

Riley. “Is he in his office?”

“Where else?” Fin grinned.

Snake returned the grin. It was a running joke among the specialists that Steven Tisdale

had been born into the wrong family. There were four Tisdale brothers. Three of them were

tough as nails—men who fought along with the other specialists when the need arose. Then,

there was Steven. Although the youngest son was as strong as his siblings, he was also a

coward who preferred to hide behind his name.

“Thanks. We’ll go there now.” Snake reached for Riley’s hand and followed Fin down

the hallway toward the lobby. He released his hold when they entered the public area of the

company, but didn’t separate himself from Riley.

Fin had the elevator door waiting for them when they arrived. Snake nodded his

appreciation as he stepped inside. When Fin started to follow, Snake gave the man a subtle

shake of the head.

Alone with Riley, Snake knew they were still being visually monitored, so he kept his

hands to himself. However, that didn’t mean he’d forgotten their earlier encounter. “After

we see what the hell Steven wants, I’m going to take you home and fuck the hell out of you.”

Riley remained quiet until they arrived at their intended floor. “Okay,” he whispered

before getting off the elevator. “But, I think I need to tell you something before we talk to


Snake stopped walking. “What?”

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Riley cleared his throat. “I think he likes me,” he announced. “He asked me out a month

or so ago, but I told him I was still dealing with an ex.”

Shit. Snake didn’t mind fighting for Riley, but if things got hairy, it could cost both of

them their jobs. “Do you like him?”

Riley glanced around before shaking his head.

“Okay. I’ll take care of it.” Snake marched toward Steven’s executive office, prepared to

go to battle. Riley had a great ass, but was it worth his job? Probably. He paused in front of

Steven’s assistant’s desk. “I heard Steven was looking for us?”

The assistant, an attractive woman in her thirties, raked her gaze up and down Snake

before answering. “He’s expecting you,” she said, stressing the last word.

Snake gestured to one of the empty chairs in the small receiving room. “Have a seat,

and I’ll find out what he wants.”

Riley sat without a single protest.

Good. Snake liked men who could take direction without questioning everything. He

knocked on Steven’s door before opening it. “You wanted to see me?”

“Come in.” Steven leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. “I just watched the

video. I appreciate you intercepting Mr Neiman on Riley’s behalf.”

Mr Neiman? “You know the guy?” Snake hadn’t known Cal’s last name until he’d heard

Riley tell the cop.

“I went to prep school with him. Calloway Neiman is the grandson of Caldwell

Neiman.” He gave Snake a pointed look, like Snake should know who the hell that was.

When Snake shrugged, Steven sighed dramatically. “The Neiman’s own the largest tobacco

plantation in North Carolina. They practically run the state and its elected officials. Very old

money. Very prestigious family.”

Snake didn’t see the point. “So?”

Steven glanced out of the floor to ceiling window before returning his attention to

Snake. “We can’t afford trouble with the Neiman family. I’ve already spoken with the police

department, and they tell me Cal will be released as soon as he’s served with the protection

order papers.”

“That’s bullshit,” Snake fumed.

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“Don’t get me wrong, I really like Riley. As a matter of fact, before I discovered who his

ex was, I was prepared to take him out myself. However, I’m forced to make a choice in the

matter that I’m sure will not be a popular one around here. Still, with my brothers off

gallivanting around the country, playing hero, I have to do what’s best for this company. I

plan to give Riley a choice. He can either resign or take an extended leave of absence until

this mess with Calloway is put to bed for good.”

Furious at the callous treatment of an employee, Snake uncrossed his arms and headed

for the door without saying a word. He’d be damned if he’d let Steven get away with making

Riley feel like the bad guy.

“Where the hell’re you going?” Steven blustered.

Snake held up a hand to warn Steven to shut his fucking mouth. He opened the door

and glanced at Riley, who was flipping through a magazine. “Let’s go,” he ground out.

“Something wrong?” Riley asked, jumping to his feet to follow Snake.

“Not here. Not now.” Snake punched the elevator button harder than was necessary,

but he wanted the hell out of the building before someone else was forced to call the cops for

a disturbance.

Riley followed Snake to the parking lot. He wished he knew what had happened in the

meeting between Snake and Steven, but he wasn’t about to ask again. When Snake continued

to stalk across the parking lot without turning around or saying a word, Riley stopped. Was

he supposed to go to his own car and go home? God, he hated looking like an idiot.

“What’re you doing?” Snake asked.

“I don’t know,” Riley answered. He pointed to his white Toyota. “My car’s over there.”

Snake scratched his black stubbled beard before walking back to where Riley stood.

“Why didn’t you tell me who Cal was?”

The gruff sound of Snake’s voice didn’t bode well. Riley took a step back, putting more

distance between them. “Because I figured you’d react the way everyone does when I tell

them.” He gestured to Snake’s fisted hands. “Seems I was right.”

“You don’t know a fucking thing about me, so don’t presume to know what I think,”

Snake all but growled. He uncurled his hands and planted them on his hips. “They don’t

want you here. I’m not happy about it, and I plan to track down Jason Tisdale and either quit

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or demand he do something about his worthless brother. So follow me to my bike, and let’s

get the hell outta here.”

“But if I leave my car, I’ll have to come back for it, and what if Cal’s out?” Riley argued.

Snake shook his head. “If you’re car’s here, Cal’s got nothing to follow. I don’t know for

sure because I haven’t gone over it, but he could have a tracking device on it.”

Riley pushed his glasses to the top of his head and rubbed his eyes. “I hadn’t even

thought of that.”

“Yeah, well, I did, so let’s go.” Snake gestured and took off again.

“You don’t have to do this. I’m not your problem,” Riley said, following.

Snake reached a shiny pearl gray Harley and opened one of the saddlebags. He pulled

out a helmet and held it out. “Put this on.”

Riley took the weird-looking helmet. “I’ve never been on a motorcycle,” he admitted.

Snake lifted another helmet from its place on the handlebar and set it on his head. “Just

hold on and lean when I lean.” He fastened the chinstrap before helping Riley.

Riley stared up from under the helmet. “I meant what I said. This isn’t your problem.”

Snake moved quickly, pressing his body against Riley’s. “The minute you surrendered

to my kiss, it became my problem.”

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Chapter Two

“You sure you don’t need my help?” Snake asked, grabbing a bottle of water from the


“I’m fine. Cooking calms me.” Riley continued to knead the hamburger, adding bits of

onion, breadcrumbs and seasoning.

Snake tried to remember if he’d ever had homemade meatloaf. Rosie’s, a little diner his

dad had taken him to almost nightly, had served meatloaf on Thursday nights, but Snake

didn’t think he’d ever ordered it. Probably not. He grinned just thinking about the way Rosie

and his dad used to flirt. Snake had even asked his dad once if he’d fucked Rosie, but the old

man refused to talk about the woman.

“If you don’t need me, I’m going to sit on the terrace and make a few phone calls.”

Snake fought the urge to kiss Riley’s neck as he passed. The ride from work to his apartment

in downtown Richmond had eased his anger. Riding usually had that effect on him, but it

was even better with Riley plastered to his back.

Dropping onto one of the comfortable patio chairs on the small third-floor terrace,

Snake pulled out his phone. He’d purposely ridden out his fury before attempting to call

Jason Tisdale. The oldest of the brothers, Jason had taken over the running of the company

upon the death of his father. It had been Jason who’d hired him.

“Yeah, Snake,” Jason answered.

Snake propped his bare feet on the railing. “Have you talked to Steven today?” If Jason

knew of Steven’s ultimatum, it would make the call much easier.

“I’ve been in meetings all day. Why? What’s up?”

Snake went on to tell Jason of the incident in the parking lot and the meeting with

Steven that followed. “We’re a security company, but instead of protecting one of our own,

Steven’s siding with an asshole. Sorry, man, but I can’t deal with that.”

Jason sighed. “Fuck. Tell me, what would you do if Riley hired us to protect him?”

Snake didn’t need to give it much thought. “I’d keep Riley safe while dealing with the

threat on my own.”

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“Right, and how would you keep him safe?” Jason asked.

It finally dawned on Snake where his boss was heading with the line of questions. “You

think I should keep Riley away from Tisdale,” he surmised.

“The Neiman’s are a powerful family. If I were assigned to guard him, I’d get him away

from the long arm of their reach. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah. I’ll need you to clear paid leave for me and Riley.” Snake knew exactly where he

could take Riley to keep him safe, but that wouldn’t eliminate the threat if Riley ever hoped

to return to his life in Richmond. He rubbed what remained of the callous on his trigger

finger. He had no problem taking care of Cal, but he didn’t plan to go to jail over the fucking

asshole. It would take planning, but it wasn’t something that worried him.

“I’ll be back in the office on Thursday. I’ll wait and take care of it then. In the meantime,

do what needs doing.”

“Yeah.” Snake hung up, knowing it would be the last time he phoned his boss until the

job was done. Although Jason knew exactly what Snake would do, there was no reason for

the guy to get involved.

Still holding the phone, he called one of the few people he trusted.

“Nate’s House of Crazy,” Ryan answered.

Commotion in the background made it hard for Snake to hear. “What the hell’s going


Ryan chuckled. “Nate and Rio are arguing with Hannah and Will over the last two

brownies left in the pan. I swear, I’m considering just eating them myself to stop the

madness.” He chuckled again. “What’s up?”

Snake couldn’t imagine anything worse than dealing with kids on a daily basis, but Rio,

Ryan and Nate seemed to love it. “I’ve decided to take in the Cattle Valley Days experience

after all. Thought I’d give you a heads-up that I’m flying out tomorrow. You think I can still

get a room at the lodge or did I wait too long?”

“Good question. You want me to call and make a reservation?” Ryan asked.

“I can do it.” Snake went back and forth with himself on whether or not to tell Ryan

about Riley. In the end, he decided it was better to tell Ryan the bare facts without

mentioning his attraction to Riley. “I’m actually bringing my work with me.”

“Excuse me?”

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“I’ve been ordered to protect one of our employees against an ex whose family wields a

lot of power. Just thought you should know, in case the trouble follows us.” Snake kept

information of his plan to return to Richmond and deal with Cal himself out of the

conversation for the same reason he hadn’t vocalized his intentions to Jason. “Shouldn’t be

very long. Before you know it, this joker will get tired of the game and disappear.” He heard

a noise behind him and glanced over his shoulder to see Riley in the doorway, an unreadable

expression on his handsome face.

“Okay. What do you need from me?” Ryan asked.

Snake met Riley’s gaze and nodded before returning his attention to the phone call. “A

bike. Is there anywhere in town I can rent one for a few weeks?” It had been winter the last

time Snake had visited Cattle Valley, but even snow covered, he’d longed to be on a Harley

riding through the mountains.

“Yeah, I’ll see what I can do. We’ve got a custom bike shop here in town. Maybe Logan

has something he’ll rent you.”

“I’d appreciate it. Is the company footin’ the bill for the lodge?” Ryan asked.

“No.” Snake knew there was no way the company would do that without getting paid

for services rendered, and he doubted Riley had that kind of money. “I’ll take care of it.”

“The reason I ask is because Guy’s been worse than ever lately. I picked him up on a

DUI last week. He was so fucking wasted, he couldn’t even get out of the car on his own. If

you stay at the lodge, you know you’ll have to deal with him.”

Shit. Snake hadn’t thought of that. “You have something else in mind?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Let me make a few phone calls.”

“Thanks.” Snake got to his feet and turned to face the doorway, only to find it empty.

“I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up the phone without waiting for Ryan to answer, and went

in search of Riley.

* * * *

Riley was barely able to finish his plate of food, but Snake didn’t seem to have the same

problem. “More?” he asked, pushing the meatloaf over.

Snake nodded and jabbed another slice with his fork. “This is good shit.”

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Riley grinned. “I hope by shit, you mean food.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry.” Snake added more mashed potatoes and gravy to his plate as well. “I

guess you should know, I didn’t grow up with a mom, so I’m lacking in the manners

department sometimes.” He shrugged and continued eating.

Riley had grown up with both parents in the house, along with a twin brother, but it

hadn’t made his life any easier. It had been over an hour since he’d overheard Snake’s phone

conversation. He didn’t know why, but he got the feeling Snake wasn’t too happy about

babysitting. “So this trip we’re taking, will I be able to go home and pack for it?”

Snake wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. “It’d be better if I do it

for you. Just write up a list of what you think you’ll need.”

“How’re you going to handle all that on your motorcycle?” On the way from work,

they’d stopped for two bags of supplies at the grocery store and it had been hell getting them

back to Snake’s apartment.

“I’ll take a cab. That way if someone’s watching your place, they won’t be able to get a

license plate number from the bike.”

Riley hadn’t thought of that. “How long have you worked for Tisdale Security?”

“A year. I did mercenary work before that, mostly for the government, but I took

individual assignments, too.”

“You were a mercenary?” Riley couldn’t believe it. “Is that like a hired gun?”

Snake slowly set down his fork before giving Riley his full attention. “Not all the time.

Why? Does that bother you?”

Did it? Riley thought about it. It probably should, but for some reason it doesn’t. “I’m sure

there are a lot of things that happen to keep this country, and others, safe that we never hear

or know about.” He took a moment to sip his water. “So, no, I don’t think it bothers me. I

guess I’m more curious than anything.”

Snake sat back in his chair and thrummed his fingertips on the tabletop. “I appreciate

the acceptance, but I’ll never talk to you about the things I’ve had to do, so don’t ask.”


“What about you? You’re in the accounting department, right?”

“Yes. I’m sure you’d consider my job really boring compared to yours, but it suits me,”

Riley tried to explain.

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“How so?”

Riley didn’t want Snake to know what a loser he’d always been, so he glossed over the

truth. “Well, numbers come easily to me, and it’s a rather solitary occupation. There are no

gray areas in accounting. Numbers either add up or they don’t. I guess I like that. There’s a

certain amount of safety in relying only on yourself to get the job done.”

Snake tilted his head to the side and grinned. “Except for the math, our jobs are similar.

Maybe you should’ve been a mercenary.”

“I’d suck at that. I stick out too much in a crowd.” With his below-average size, unruly

brown hair and glasses, Riley had never been able to hide.

“And you think I don’t?” In a swift move, Snake pulled off his T-shirt, exposing his

inked chest and arms. Even more fascinating were the silver hoops in each of his nipples.

“You don’t have to be able to blend in. You just have to not give a fuck what others see when

they look at you.”

Riley leaned his chin on his hand as he continued to study Snake’s chest. “Maybe that’s

my problem. I’ve always hated the way I look—hated even more the way people used to

tease me about it. I’m the stereotypical geek.”

“You’re joking, right?” Snake moved his plate and leaned his forearms on the table.

“You’re a wet dream.”

Riley rolled his eyes, knowing Snake was only trying to make him feel better.

“I’m serious.”

Riley’s gaze danced over the defined muscles of Snake’s chest, comparing what he saw

to his own skinny body. “I’m pale as a ghost and covered in freckles. You don’t have to try

and make me feel good. I know what I look like. I had a twin who was everything I wasn’t.

Randy was the athlete, the popular kid—everything I wished I could’ve been.”

“You’re wrong, and you need to change the way you see yourself. If you don’t, you’ll

always be an easy target for men like Cal.” Snake reached across the table and rubbed the

back of Riley’s hand with his thumb.

Riley stared at their contrasting color. He’d never dare to ask, but he wouldn’t doubt

that Snake had Native American or Spanish blood in him. His coloring was so perfect. It

went beyond a mere suntan.

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“Tell me. How’d you get mixed up with Cal in the first place?” Snake asked, still

playing with Riley’s hand.

“Well, ummm, I was sitting at a coffeehouse and Cal asked if he could share my table.

We started talking and things progressed from there. We spent the first several dates doing

nothing but talking. I thought he was different, that he really liked me.” God, Riley felt like

such a fool. “Turns out, the only reason he liked me was because he knew he could control

me. I was an idiot for letting it go on as long as it did. Then, when I tried to break it off, he

came after me. I went to the police and they picked him up, but he was out a few hours later.

He showed up at my apartment again. That was the first time I had to go to the emergency

room.” He pointed to the small scar that ran through his right eyebrow.”

“How’d you get the protection order?”

“I think that last time, my injuries were so severe, the judge didn’t have much choice. I

was in the hospital for over a week. I pressed charges against him, and with the testimony

from the doctor and the previous police reports I’d filed, the judge knew something needed

to be done.”

Snake ran his teeth over his lower lip back and forth several times. “He won’t get close

enough to hurt you again.”

Riley didn’t verbalize his doubts, knowing it would be rude. Snake might be good at his

job, but Cal was a wildcard. In his heart, he knew Cal had never loved him. The torture Cal

meted out had nothing to do with love. Riley knew it was because he’d broken it off, and

something in Cal’s self-absorbed brain couldn’t accept that fact. Cal simply couldn’t fathom

someone as plain and boring as Riley walking away from him.

Lost in thought, Riley jumped when Snake’s chair scraped across the ceramic-tiled

floor. He looked up and stared into those damn forest green eyes. From their earlier

encounter in the hallway of Tisdale’s, he knew Snake wanted to fuck him, and from the

intense expression on Snake’s face, he realized it was time. Shit. He’d never been

adventurous in the sex department, but he didn’t want to come off as unskilled. With that in

mind, he took a deep breath and reached for Snake’s zipper.

“I need the keys to your apartment,” Snake said, watching Riley.

Riley stopped in the process of lowering the zipper. “Oh.” His cheeks heated, a sure

sign on his snowy white and freckled skin that he was blushing. “Sorry. I thought…”

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“Yeah, I think it’s obvious what you thought.” Snake grinned. “As much as I’d like to

bend you over the table and pound your ass, I think I should get your clothes first.” He

stepped back and opened a drawer. Withdrawing a pad of paper and pen, Snake set them on

the table. “Make that list while I wash the dishes.”

Riley turned back to the table and slid the paper in front of him. It was quite a surprise

to him that his dick was hard as a rock. Cal’s demanding and crass suggestions had always

had the opposite effect. He casually adjusted his erection as he began his list. Item one,

clothes. He didn’t list individual pieces because all he had was four business suits, three pairs

of jeans and some random shirts, socks and underwear. He assumed Snake could figure out

what he needed without being led by the hand from drawer to drawer. Toiletries was the

second item on the list.

With the pen hovering over the paper, Riley tried to think of what else he’d need. Other

than the picture of his parents and the one of him and Randy, there wasn’t much else he had

any kind of emotional ties to. He ended up writing family pictures as the number three item

before tearing the page from the tablet. “I guess that’s it. Just grab whatever clothes you think

I’ll need and one of the suits and the stuff that goes with it. Doesn’t matter which. The

pictures are in the bedroom, so you shouldn’t have to look very long.”

Drying his hands on a dishtowel, Snake stood behind Riley and looked down at the list.

“That’s it?”

Riley shrugged. “Clothes and memories. What else is there?”

Snake made a noise Riley couldn’t decipher. “Would you mind finishing up for me

while I call a cab?”

“Not at all.” Riley waited for Snake to step back before scooting his chair out. He got to

his feet and turned toward the sink, only to find Snake leaning against it. “Is there something

else you’d like me to do while you’re gone?” he asked, wondering why Snake was staring at


Snake ran his gaze down the length of Riley’s body. “Fuck.” He shook his head. “You’re

the sexiest thing I’ve come across in a very long time.”

Riley knew Snake was blowing smoke up his ass and decided to call him out on it. “If

I’m so sexy, why’d it take you so long to approach me?”

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Snake licked his lips. “We both work at Tisdale, and no fuck is worth puttin’ up with a

scorned lover every day.”

Although Snake obviously lacked a filter, Riley appreciated his honesty. He also agreed

with the statement, even if he would have phrased it differently. “So, why now?”

Snake reached down and openly adjusted his erection. “Steven pissed me off. Hell, after

I deal with this Cal situation, I don’t even know if I’ll keep workin’ there.” He took a step

forward and hooked his arm around Riley’s waist, bringing their bodies together. “In the

meantime, I’ve got a sexy as fuck man to take with me on vacation.”

* * * *

Snake let himself into Riley’s apartment, shaking his head at the cheap-ass lock on the

door. “He might as well prop open the fucking door and invite everyone in,” he mumbled,

flipping on a light.

Although stacked boxes littered the corners of the room, the apartment was otherwise

spotless. Snake couldn’t resist peeking into one of the boxes. Empty. Scowling, he kicked at

the column to find they were all empty. So, even though Riley had been in the apartment

long enough to unpack, he’d kept the boxes.


Snake had seen the signs before. Riley was ready to pack up and leave at a moment’s

notice, but he still needed the stability of an actual home to return to each night. He turned

away from the boxes and made his way toward the bedroom.

With only three items on Riley’s list, Snake hadn’t bothered to bring it along. Clothes.

He opened the closet and found two battered suitcases on the top shelf. After throwing them

onto the bed, he looked through the clothes and pulled all the nicest pieces, including a suit,

four dress shirts, four collared T-shirts and a handful of ties.

Snake had never been much for packing—he tended to travel with only a small carry-

on, no matter how long a mission was—but there was a slight possibility that Riley wouldn’t

be coming back to his apartment. Leaving everything seemed like a waste, so he stuffed as

much as he could into the first suitcase before opening the second. The casual clothes he

found in the dresser, several pairs of jeans, T-shirts and socks. When he opened the

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underwear drawer he smiled at the colorful array of boxers. No. Snake refused to drag the

horrendous underwear out of the house. For a gay man, Riley’s taste in underwear was


Snake gathered the necessary grooming supplies from the small bathroom and stuffed

them into the suitcase, along with a pair of sneakers and a smart-looking pair of brown boots

that looked as though they’d never been worn.

Before shutting the suitcase, he remembered the pictures and began to gather a few

framed portraits that were sprinkled around the room. Two of the pictures appeared to be of

Riley’s grandparents, and Snake briefly wondered what had happened to Riley’s mom and

dad. Not that he was nosey or anything. Hell, Riley’s past was his own. Lord knew, Snake

didn’t want anyone poking around his. The portrait on the dresser was of Riley and another

teenager Snake assumed was Randy. The brothers had similar coloring, but Randy looked

several years older and a hell of a lot bigger than Riley did. Still, he remembered Riley saying

Randy was his twin. Although the picture had been taken when the brothers were around

seventeen, from the looks of Randy, Snake wondered why he hadn’t called his bigger brother

to help him out of the mess with Cal.

Snake shoved the framed pictures between the packed clothes before zipping the

suitcases. He was on his final stroll through the house when he heard footsteps in the

hallway. Acting on instinct, he set the cases beside the door and removed his nine millimeter

Beretta from the shoulder holster he always wore.

The footsteps stopped on the other side of the door and Snake reached for the knob,

prepared to surprise the motherfucker. In one swift move, he had the door open and his gun

shoved under the chin of a middle-aged man.

“Don’t shoot,” the man begged, holding up an envelope. “I was ordered to deliver this

to Mr Banks.”

With the gun still pressed to the man’s sweating skin, Snake grabbed the envelope. It

was obvious as he crushed it in his fist that it was empty. Without an ounce of remorse, he

slammed the barrel of the gun against the asshole’s temple. He was rewarded with the

satisfying sound of an eye socket cracking as the thin skin split open.

The hired chump dropped to the ground. Although he wasn’t out, he was disoriented,

cupping his injury as blood ran like a river down the side of his face.

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Snake pointed the Beretta at the man. “Tell your boss that Riley’s under my protection.”

He lowered his gun. It was a damn shame that Cal had money but no brains. If the man

cowering on the floor was any indication, Cal’s hired thugs were worthless. “Oh, and let Cal

know that I’ve made hundreds of people disappear over the years, so misplacing him should

be no problem.”

With luck, his words would be enough to dissuade Cal from going after Riley again, but

if not, Snake had no problem following through on his threat. After years of killing, Snake

felt black inside, so one more death wasn’t likely to make his trip to hell any faster. He’d

come to terms long ago with his place in the world, heaven wasn’t in the cards for a man like


Snake gestured to the stairwell with the gun. “Get the fuck outta here before I kill you

for the fun of it.”

It was a lie, of course—not the killing part, but the having fun doing it. Never, not in all

the years he’d owned a gun, had murder become easy. He’d tried for years to convince

himself that if he was doing a job for the United States government, the crimes he committed

didn’t count, but he knew better. Each death, each deceit he’d perpetrated, chipped away at

the man he’d once been until nothing of his old self remained. He was nothing—an empty

shell that had once tried to bury his pain in a bottle and sex.

The agency he’d worked for had done a damn good job of making sure no one would

miss him if he disappeared. At first, the anonymity had been comforting. Unfortunately, he’d

quickly figured out the agency could use his shadow-like status against him. He’d been

handed the most dangerous jobs, assignments that had been almost impossible to accomplish

and live through, but he’d done them because he had nothing and no one to live for anyway.

It had been a rush to prove to his superiors that he was the best, while growing rich in the


Snake’s phone vibrated in his pocket, pulling his attention away from the empty

stairwell. The injured asshole was long gone, and Snake had been so lost in thought he

hadn’t noticed. Fuck. He shook his head in disgust and pulled out his phone.

“Yeah?” Snake answered.

“Is everything okay?” Riley asked. “You’ve been gone a long time.”

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Snake pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the time. Shit. How long had he

stood there like a drooling idiot? “I’m fine. I just called a cab,” he lied.

“Be careful. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you while you’re trying

to help me.”

It was a simple enough plea, but it hit Snake like a fucking fist to the face. He

swallowed around the unexpected lump of emotion that swelled in his throat. “I know what

I’m doing,” he snapped, biting back at the offered concern.

“I-I’m sorry. That was stupid of me. I know you’re good at your job or Tisdale wouldn’t

have hired you.”

The crack in Riley’s voice made Snake feel like shit. He closed his eyes and took a deep

breath. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.” He hung up the phone before he could make a bigger

fool of himself. Although he was used to people fearing him, he didn’t like the sound of it in

Riley’s voice. Worse, Snake didn’t like the way it had made him feel about who he was.

For the first time since interjecting himself between Riley and Cal, Snake had second

thoughts about fucking the timid accountant. The sex would be hot—he knew that by their

brief encounter in the hallway at Tisdale—but Riley didn’t appear to be a player and Snake

didn’t know any other game.

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Chapter Three

Riley rubbed the towel over his head before wrapping it around his waist. He swiped at

the fogged mirror, revealing the same pale, freckled skin he’d lived with his entire life. With

a groan, he ran a brush through his thick, blah brown hair. As much as he loved his mother,

he doubted he’d ever forgive her for her contributions to his genetic makeup. Randy had

been given their father’s build. Life was so fucking cruel sometimes.

Staring at his reflection, he saw a skinny torso with a smattering of dark brown hair

between the pecs that led in a thin line down to the trimmed bush that surrounded his cock.

His dick was the only positive he had going for him, but he assumed every man felt that way

about their cock, so it wasn’t really something to add to the plus column. No one had ever

told him he was sexy, so why had Snake lied? What did the big, bad security specialist want

from him that he felt the need to build Riley up with false confidence?

Sex. Snake wanted sex and was too smooth to just demand Riley bend over in exchange

for protection. Riley nodded to himself. He didn’t have a problem with sex, as long as there

was honesty involved.

The front door of the apartment slammed shut, signaling Snake’s return.

“Let’s do this,” Riley said to the man in the mirror before putting his glasses on.

Dressed in only the pale blue towel, Riley exited the bathroom and entered the living

room. He stood unnoticed for several moments while Snake paced back and forth in the

small, attached kitchen. By the way Snake was running his hand over his short black hair it

was obvious something was wrong. “What happened?”

In a whir of motion, Snake spun around and pointed a gun straight at him.

Riley’s breath caught in his chest. He’d been beaten, ridiculed and thrown down a flight

of stairs, but he’d never had a gun pointed at him.

“Shit!” Snake sighed before setting the gun on the kitchen table. “Don’t sneak up on me.


“I’m sorry.” Riley wasn’t sure what to do, so he stayed where he was.

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“One of Cal’s men came to your apartment.” Snake opened the refrigerator and

grabbed a bottle of juice.

“Did you kill him?” Riley asked, still trying to figure out why Snake seemed so wired.

“No.” Snake took several gulps from the bottle before placing it back into the

refrigerator. “I hit him and sent him back to Cal with a message to leave you the fuck alone.”

“Thanks for getting my stuff.” Riley crossed the room to the two suitcases. He lifted one

and swung it onto the couch before unzipping it. He rifled through the clothes. “I don’t see

any underwear.” He reached for the other case. “Are they in this one?”

Snake moved to lean against the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. “I

didn’t pack any.”

“On purpose?” Riley knew he shouldn’t be angry, after all, Snake had packed for him as

a favor, but what the hell was he supposed to do without underwear?

Snake’s troubled expression seemed to melt away as he walked toward Riley. He

reached out and yanked the towel off Riley’s thin frame. “Those boxers didn’t do your body


“I’ve always worn boxers,” Riley argued.

“Not while you’re with me,” Snake challenged. He unbuckled the shoulder harness and

let it drop to the floor. “Time to fuck.” Without another word, he headed down the short hall.

Riley retrieved the towel from the floor and held it in front of his cock. He’d been more

than anxious to have sex with Snake, but he’d be damned if he’d escape an abusive

relationship with Cal only to climb into bed with someone just as controlling. He wrapped

the towel around his waist and went to the bedroom.

Gloriously naked, Snake was stretched out on the king-sized bed with his ankles

crossed. “Is there a problem?” he asked when Riley leaned against the doorjamb.

Riley had never been good at standing up for himself, but he needed to set a few

ground rules. “Can we talk?”

Snake reached down and lifted his heavy cock off his thigh. “Now?”

Riley couldn’t take his eyes off the stiffening cock. Holy Jesus, Mary and Joseph. He

almost lost his train of thought but quickly snapped out of the lustful vacuum he was nearly

sucked into. “So you know, I’m all for fucking. I mean, we’re going to be spending a lot of

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time together, but I’d appreciate it if you’d not order me around. It reminds me too much of

Cal,” he admitted.

Snake released his cock and sat up. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and

motioned for Riley. “Come here.”

Riley stepped further into the room to sit beside Snake.

Elbows resting on his knees, Snake ran his palms back and forth over his head,

something Riley had seen him do several times. “I’m used to fucking guys who want nothing

from me but a cock in their ass,” Snake announced before glancing at Riley. “I was keyed up

when I got home from your apartment, and all I could think about was losing myself in your

body. I didn’t mean for my need to come out as an order. Believe me, that wasn’t my

intention, but since we’re talking about it, I think we need to get a few things straight.”

“Okay.” Riley licked his lips, worried that he’d blown the whole thing out of


“I like to fuck, and if I’m with someone as sexy as you, I’m gonna want it all the time. I

need you to understand that it’s just fucking. No matter how many times I bury my dick

inside you or how many mornings we wake up together, I don’t get attached.”

Riley respected Snake’s honesty, but he’d never had sex without the hope of something

more. “Are you telling me to leave my emotions here in Richmond?”

Snake grinned. “You got it.” He reached over, and before Riley knew what was

happening, he was straddling Snake’s lap. “I’m not a bad guy,” Snake said, spreading his

legs. The movement left Riley’s ass fully accessible. “I just can’t do feelings. I don’t have them

in me. Not anymore,” he added.

Riley thought about it while he traced the tattoos that encircled Snake’s muscular

biceps. “So, how does that work exactly?”

“What do you mean?” Snake asked, opening Riley’s towel.

“Well, from what you’ve said, Cattle Valley’s full of men.” Riley bit his bottom lip. He

sounded like an insecure ass, but that’s exactly what he was. “What if you want to go off and

fuck someone else? Do I wait for you or should I find someone who can give me what I


Snake grunted when he wrapped his hand around Riley’s cock. “I was there about six

months ago.” He shrugged as he began to pump Riley’s hardening cock. “I played with

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someone while I was there, but he drank too much.” His hand stilled. “I’m an alcoholic, but

I’ve been sober for a couple years now. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t drink while we’re


“Other than a glass or two of wine with dinner, I’ve never been much of a drinker

anyway.” Riley reached down and nudged Snake’s hand, hoping to feel that rough palm

jacking him off again. “This man you messed around with? Do you still want him?”

“No.” Snake opened the bedside drawer and removed a bottle of lube. “But he’ll be all

over you if he’s around. You should know that he’s a deal-breaker for me.” He circled Riley’s

asshole with a lubed finger. “You should also know that I love the squeeze of a man’s body

around my fingers.” He met Riley’s gaze and grinned. “Expect that a lot. It’s another reason I

left your boxers at your apartment.”

Riley sighed when Snake breached his hole with one long digit. “I can deal with that.”

“Good, because I can tell already that your hole is gonna become an obsession.”

Feeling bold, Riley reached between them and ran his palm down Snake’s erection

before gently cupping the heavy balls that rested on the mattress.

“When we’re not in the room, know that every time you feel my fingers inside of you, I

wish it was my cock.” Snake’s voice was gruff, laced with a need and passion that Riley had

never heard before.

“You’re planning to finger me outside the room?” Riley had never been into public

displays of affection and being touched so intimately around others was way outside his

comfort zone.

Snake chuckled. “I won’t tear your jeans off and bend you over my lap in front of a bar

full of lecherous men, but, yeah, I’ll find a way to touch you. Guaranteed.”

When Snake added another finger, Riley arched his back and began to move. It hadn’t

escaped his notice that Snake hadn’t answered his question about fucking other men while

they were in Cattle Valley, but as Snake worked his hole, Riley decided he’d just have to

make sure Snake was satisfied with him enough not to go looking for someone else.

“Fuck me,” Riley begged, surprising himself by the plea.

Snake growled and nipped at the skin on Riley’s neck. “You won’t be able to take all of

me at first, but we’ll work up to it.” He handed Riley a condom. “Put it on me.”

Riley quirked an eyebrow at the command. “Please?” he reminded.

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Snake shook his head. “That condom’s for your benefit. I’m not going to explain it, but

I’ve never wanted to ride someone bareback more than you.”

Riley tore open the wrapper, ignoring Snake’s cryptic statement. He’d never fucked

without protection and didn’t plan to start with someone like Snake. “What’s your real


“That’s where your thoughts are while rolling a condom down my dick?” Snake asked.

“Your cock is beautiful. I thought it might be nice to have something else besides

‘Snake’ to call out when I come.” The condom only went down halfway, but Riley decided it

was safe enough.

Snake’s entire body stiffened for just a moment before he fell back on the bed, taking

Riley with him. “You can call me Snake when you come. I’ll know who you’re talking


Riley tried to brush the rebuff aside. Whatever. Lying chest to chest with Snake, Riley

reached back and did his best to guide Snake’s cock to his hole.

“Allow me.” Snake slapped Riley’s hand away from his cock. “It’s a long flight to

Wyoming and best that you let me take the lead on this round.” He gave Riley a quick kiss.

“Don’t worry. I’ll go easy on you this time.”

Riley gasped when the head of Snake’s cock pushed against his hole. Had it been that

long since he’d taken a cock? He held his breath and bit back a cry of pain as Snake stretched

him wide open. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

Snake chuckled. “You’re doing fine.” He stopped moving to give Riley’s body time to

adjust. “It may hurt now, but you’ll be grateful you suffered through it in a few minutes.”

Minutes? Riley wasn’t sure he could hold out that long. He had seriously

underestimated the girth of Snake’s dick.

“Fuck!” Snake ground out between clenched jaws. “We’ll have to stop on the way to the

airport and get you a plug to keep you stretched.”

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Riley stared down at Snake. “You want me to wear

a plug on the plane?”

Snake pushed his cock in another few inches. “You won’t have to wear it all the time,

just until your body grows used to mine.” Sweat beaded on his forehead. “I’m not a patient

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man, and this is fucking killing me.” He wrapped his arms around Riley and rolled them

over, putting himself on top. “Christ, Cal must have a needle dick.”

Riley bit back a smile. Cal’s cock was perfectly normal, but he supposed that to a man of

Snake’s size, it was a needle dick. When Snake pushed up to put space between them, Riley

took the opportunity to look down. Fuck. Snake wasn’t even halfway inside him. “I don’t

think I can take all of you.”

“You can’t, at least not yet. Why do you think I warned you?” Snake narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t speak to hear my own voice. When I say something, it’s important you listen.”

Riley closed his eyes. He wondered if he’d ever get used to the way Snake spoke to him.

One thing was certain, he wouldn’t have taken it from any other man, but it was different

with Snake. Not only was Snake protecting him, but also he honestly didn’t think Snake

knew any better than to say whatever was on his mind in whatever way it naturally came


“Don’t look at me like that,” Snake growled. “I’m trying to take care of you. I may be a

soulless bastard, but at least I care enough not to hurt you.”

Riley rested his heels on Snake’s back, accepting the explanation for what it was. “I

know.” It helped that Snake’s facial expression had softened. He didn’t like that Snake

referred to himself as a soulless bastard though. “Being hard and cautious isn’t the same as

being soulless.”

Snake’s eyes closed for a moment while he pulled out and eased back in. When he

opened them again, he stared down at Riley. “Don’t think I’m more than I am or you’ll only

get hurt.”

With a sharp nod, Riley glanced to the window. Although he still didn’t agree with

Snake’s assessment of himself, he knew it wouldn’t do any good to argue. Then Snake’s soft

lips began to kiss his neck.

“Stay with me,” Snake whispered in Riley’s ear. “Feel me inside you.”

For the first time since Snake had torn off his towel, Riley grinned. “How could I not

feel you inside me?”

“Because you can still speak. Most men don’t when I’m fucking them.”

Was it Riley’s imagination or had he stung Snake’s pride? It was odd to think someone

as desirable as Snake could worry about pleasing someone like him. “Do you need glasses?”

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“What?” Snake rose up again.

“Never mind.” Riley clasped his hands behind Snake’s neck and pulled him down for a

kiss. He brushed his tongue against the seam of Snake’s mouth, silently begging to be let in.

It took several passes, but after a few moments, Snake sighed and opened to him. Riley

flicked his tongue inside in a playful manner, trying to draw Snake further into the kiss.


Snake groaned and gave himself over to the kiss, his hips picking up speed as his cock

pumped in and out of Riley’s hole.

As their tongues tangled, Riley definitely understood why Snake’s lovers never talked.

He dropped one hand from around Snake’s neck to push between them. He needed. Shit. He

just needed to touch himself.

“That’s mine,” Snake growled, breaking the kiss. He sat back on his heels, still fucking

Riley, and wrapped his hand around Riley’s cock.

The grip on Riley’s cock was perfect, even better when the pad of Snake’s thumb

pressed against the sensitive spot under the head. “Oh, fuck,” Riley yelled, refusing to cry

out a name like Snake as he came harder than he ever had before. The moniker didn’t fit the

man, no matter what Snake believed.

Snake’s entire body started to jerk as he tipped his head back and howled an entire

litany of nonsensical words as he came. After the worst of the tremors ended, he pressed his

hand to his chest and stared down at Riley. He opened his mouth to speak, but shook his

head instead. Within seconds, he pulled out. Climbing off the bed, he glanced over his

shoulder at Riley.

Again, Riley waited for Snake to say something, but like before, he shook his head and

walked out of the room without uttering a single word. Riley sat up, unsure if he should stay

or move to the sofa. “Should I go?” he called out.


Riley quickly cleaned himself with the towel he’d used earlier. He pulled the covers

back and slid between the sheets, feeling a combination of hurt and what the fuck.

* * * *

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With the weight of Riley’s head on his chest, Snake stared up at the bedroom ceiling. He

would need to wake the sleeping beauty in a few minutes, but he wanted to gather his

thoughts first. The sex between them hours earlier hadn’t been the best he’d ever had, so why

the fuck couldn’t he stop thinking about every second of it? He’d lain awake all night, trying

like hell to figure out why he’d come harder than he ever had.

Snake drew his fingers lightly over Riley’s back as he turned to glance at the clock. He

wasn’t any closer to figuring out the situation than he’d been when Riley had curled against

him and drifted off to sleep. His fingertips ran across a ridge that didn’t feel like the rest of

Riley’s smooth skin. He knew what it was because his own body was riddled with them, but

as he traced the thin line, he was surprised to find Riley’s scar was so long.

“I was pushed off the jungle gym when I was in the second grade,” Riley mumbled,

before kissing Snake’s chest.

“It must’ve been serious.”

“It was. I broke two ribs and was bedridden for about a month, but the bullies got what

they deserved because they had to deal with my brother.” Riley sighed. “Of course, that

didn’t stop the same bullies from picking on me whenever Randy wasn’t around.”

“Why were you bullied?” Snake asked. He hadn’t been a thug in school, but he’d seen

his share of kids getting picked on without doing something to help. It wasn’t something he

was proud of, but he’d had other problems growing up.

Riley chuckled. “You may see a sexy beast when you look at me, but everyone else in

the world sees a short, skinny nerd with freckles and glasses.” He shrugged and flicked

Snake’s nipple ring with his tongue.

Snake wasn’t sure how to raise the subject with tact, so he decided to just jump in. “Tell

me about your grandparents.”

“I didn’t know them,” Riley replied.

“Really? From all the pictures in your apartment, I thought you must be close.”

Riley broke away and sat up. “Those are my parents.” He picked at the blanket. “My

mom had several miscarriages, but couldn’t carry a child past her second trimester. She was

forty-seven when she got pregnant with me and Randy. Yes, we were the big surprise a few

years before she went through menopause.” He smiled. “The doctors say that’s why I came

out too small.”

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“You and your brother were your parents’ miracle children.” Snake couldn’t imagine

what life must’ve been like for Riley growing up. Snake had been damn lucky to have his

father after his mom split. Not only were they only twenty years apart, but they’d been more

friends than anything else. Sure, he’d sometimes wondered if he wouldn’t have grown up a

different person if he’d lived with rules like a few of his friends had, but he’d learned over

the years that the past was gone and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to change it.

“Mom died a couple years ago, but Dad’s still alive. He moved to Boca Raton to some

senior playground.” Riley grinned. “To hear him tell it, all the ladies are after him.” He rolled

his eyes.

“The thought of him dating doesn’t bother you?” Snake threw back the blanket and

swung his legs over the side of the bed.

“He was married to my mom for over fifty years and from all accounts, he never once

strayed. I think Dad’s earned the right to sample from the buffet.”

Snake couldn’t help but laugh. “I like the way you think.” He stood and stretched his

arms over his head. “What about Randy? Where’s he living?”

A shadow fell over Riley’s expression. “He was killed our senior year. Stupid jock went

out with his buddies after a game and wrapped his car around a telephone pole.”

“Fuck.” Snake moved back to the bed. No wonder Riley hadn’t called his brother when

the shit with Cal started. “I’m sorry.”

Riley shrugged. “It was a long time ago.”

Snake started to reach for Riley, but stopped when Riley gave no indication of wanting

to be touched. “We should get moving. Our plane leaves in an hour.”

“An hour!” Riley jumped out of bed, his sullen expression turning to panic. “We should

be at the airport by now.” He bent over to dig into his suitcase, and Snake couldn’t help but

enjoy the view.

“Relax.” Snake moved up behind Riley and ground his hardening cock against Riley’s

ass. “We’re taking a private plane, so it doesn’t leave until we get there.” He kissed Riley’s

neck. “If we shower together, we’ll have time for a quickie.”

Riley dropped a pair of jeans back into the suitcase. “Really?”

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“Yeah, and don’t forget, we have to stop and pick up a little something for the trip.”

Snake slid his cock between the cheeks of Riley’s ass. Although he still wasn’t sure what was

different with Riley, he knew he hadn’t had nearly enough of the man.

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Chapter Four

By the time the plane landed in Sheridan, Wyoming, the plug buried in Riley’s ass had

him horny as hell. Damn, Snake and his stupid ideas. They’d taken the private jet to Lexington,

Kentucky, where they’d boarded a commercial flight for the rest of the trip. He didn’t know

if they’d managed to throw Cal off their trail, but they’d given it their best.

Snake stood and opened the overhead bin to retrieve their carry-ons.

Riley licked his lips at the inch of tanned stomach Snake flashed as he dug his small

duffle out. When Snake lowered his arms, the skin disappeared. Not good. “Would you

mind getting mine?” he asked, hoping for another peek.

Snake grinned. “You didn’t bring a carry-on.” He licked his lips. “But if you want me to

look anyway, I can do that.”

Riley’s gaze landed on the bulge in Snake’s jeans. “That’s okay. I’m good.”

Snake picked up his bag from the seat. “Let’s go,” he said, stepping back to allow Riley


Riley crawled out and stood in line, smiling when he felt Snake’s hand on his ass as

they slowly made their way off the plane. He bit back a moan when Snake applied pressure

to the seam of his jeans. He’d been crazy to let Snake convince him to insert the plug at their

last layover.

As soon as they’d cleared the plane and made their way into the terminal, Riley

grabbed Snake’s hand and pulled him to a stop. “I need to use the restroom.”

Snake leaned down and whispered in Riley’s ear. “You should leave the plug in

because I plan to fuck you hard once we get to where we’re going.”

Riley groaned loud enough for Snake to hear. “I can’t take it anymore. You wouldn’t let

me wear underwear. My cock is so fucking hard I’m getting chafed.”

The laugh that erupted from Snake’s sexy mouth surprised Riley. “I’m sorry, and I’d go

in and help you take care of that, but our plane was late, and my friends are waiting.” He

gave Riley a quick kiss. “For now, just run in and wrap some toilet paper around your cock

to protect it.”

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Riley scowled. He wasn’t really being chafed, he simply was using that as an excuse to

either go in and jack off or remove the butt plug. Meeting Snake’s friends with an obvious

erection wasn’t cool. He grabbed the duffle out of Snake’s hand and held it in front of him.

“Let’s go.”

Snake laughed again and walked alongside Riley. “You’re so fucking cute.” He

chuckled, shaking his head.

When they entered the baggage claim area, Riley felt overwhelmed by the crowd of

people mulling about. “Who’s picking us up again?”

“Rio for sure, but I’m not positive if he’s bringing anyone else. Just look for the hottest

guy in the room,” Snake replied, trying to look over the heads of the crowd.

Riley stared up at Snake. “You’re the hottest guy in the room.”

Snake settled his hand on the small of Riley’s back. “You’re good for my ego.” He

smiled. “There.” He pointed toward the automatic doors. “Looks like he brought Nate with


Riley’s gaze landed on two gorgeous men, one of them, the smaller one, waved wildly

while the other crossed his massive arms over his chest and grinned. “Which one is which?”

“Nate’s the exuberant one.” Snake guided Riley toward the two men. “I’ll grab your

bag, but I want to introduce you first.”

“Snake!” Nate cried, launching himself into the air.

Snake caught the man and gave him a quick hug before releasing him. “How the hell

are ya?”

“Tired but happy,” Nate replied. “This time of year’s crazy at city hall.” He smiled at

Riley and held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Nate.”

“Nice to meet you,” Riley said, shaking the man’s hand.

Rio nudged Nate out of the way. “And I’m Rio.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” Riley couldn’t believe the size of Rio’s hand compared to his.


Snake thumped Rio on the shoulder. “Be right back.” He winked at Riley before jogging

toward the luggage carousel.

“I’ll take that,” Rio said, reaching for the duffle.

Riley took a step back. “Thanks, but I got it.”

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Rio frowned but nodded. “Okay.”

Snake returned with both of Riley’s suitcases. “Ready?”

“Yeah,” Rio said. “I offered to carry the duffle, but Riley seems rather territorial about


Snake chuckled. “He’s got a boner, and he doesn’t want you to see it.”

Riley sucked in his breath too fast and began to choke. He started coughing and was

forced to stop and bend over to try to get his breathing under control. Fuck.

Snake handed one of the suitcases to Rio before gently rubbing and pounding Riley’s

back. “Shit, take it easy.”

“I can’t believe you told them that,” Riley wheezed.

Snake shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

Riley dropped the duffle. “Not anymore.” To say he was unhappy would be an


“Relax. These guys fuck more than I do.” Snake picked up the duffle. “Come on.”

Riley straightened but refused to look either man in the eyes. He started following

Snake and Rio as Nate sidled up next to him.

“Snake’s right. You shouldn’t be embarrassed. Cattle Valley’s full of hot men. Seeing a

guy walk around with an erection is commonplace.” Nate bumped his shoulder against

Riley. “Besides, it didn’t take me long to learn Snake doesn’t filter what he says for anyone’s

benefit. I’ve gotten used to it.”

“Thanks.” Riley appreciated the acceptance. He’d quickly figured out the nonexistent

filter thing with Snake, but he had no idea it applied to every person and every situation.

They reached a big black SUV and within moments, Riley was sitting in the back seat

beside Snake. He was still a tad irritated, something Snake picked up on rather quickly.

“Sorry,” Snake mumbled.

Riley shrugged. It was hard to explain to someone as handsome as Snake that he hated

anything that drew attention to himself. He’d survived the bullying by learning to blend into

the background.

“We’ll drop off your luggage at the lodge before taking you into town to pick up the

Harley,” Rio announced, pulling out of the parking lot.

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“You couldn’t find somewhere else for us to stay?” Snake asked, his black eyebrows

drawing together.

“Sorry, all the rentals in town have been booked, but Ryan and I were talking, and we

think you should spend a few extra bucks and get one of the cabins at the lodge.”

“Is there one available?” Snake reached across the seat and held Riley’s hand.

“Should be.” Rio met Snake’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “The lodge isn’t doing well.

From what I hear, it’s barely scraping by.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Snake commented. “When I was there at Christmas, it

seemed to have a pretty good crowd.”

Nate and Rio exchanged glances. Riley could tell there was more going on with the

lodge than they were saying.

“Guy’s bad,” Nate finally divulged. “He’s run off half his staff. Even David—who was

practically in love with Guy—quit and moved out of state to take a job in Reno.” He sighed.

“We were kind of hoping you could get through to him while you’re here. Ryan revoked

Guy’s driver’s license, so now he just hangs out at the hotel bar most of the time.”

“No,” Snake replied. “Take it from me. You can’t make a man stop killing himself with

booze until he’s damn good and ready. Besides, my job this trip is to keep an eye on Riley.”

“I understand,” Nate said. “It was just an idea.”

Riley couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “Who’s Guy?”

Snake’s hand tightened around Riley’s, but it was Nate who answered the question.

“Guy Hoisington.” He turned around and stared at Riley. “Ex-Olympic skier? Gold


Riley shrugged. “Sorry, haven’t heard of him, but I don’t watch sports.”

“He’s no one you need to worry about,” Snake growled, “and if he tries to talk to you,

run the other way.”

Rio chuckled. “You’re not planning to share this trip?”

Snake went rigid at the question. “Drop it,” he snarled, looking angrier than Riley had

ever seen him.

Nate punched Rio in the arm, hard from the sound of it. “What the fuck, Rio?”

“Sorry.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Damn right.” Snake turned his attention to the view out of the window.

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Riley couldn’t take his eyes off Snake. It was obvious there had been some kind of

connection between Snake and Guy, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the specifics.

Still, he knew it would bug him until he found out the truth.

Neither Snake nor Rio said a word for the better part of the drive, leaving conversation

up to Riley and Nate.

“So what’s the story with your ex?” Nate asked, after the two of them had discussed

Riley’s job and where he’d been born.

“He’s an ass,” Riley volunteered. “I should’ve known something was wrong with him

when he asked me out to begin with.”

“Don’t say that,” Snake said, speaking for the first time in nearly thirty minutes.

“It’s true, and we both know it. I was so grateful that someone who looked like Cal

seemed to be interested in me that I totally fell for his line of bullshit. Guess that’s what

happens when you become desperate for someone to care about you.”

When Snake tried to pull his hand away, Riley held on and leaned over to whisper in

Snake’s ear, “Don’t freak out. I’m not talking about you. You made it perfectly clear what

was between us, and I’ve accepted that.”

Snake leaned his head on the back of the seat and closed his eyes without speaking.

Riley finally released Snake’s hand and moved to his own side of the SUV. He wasn’t

sure what Snake’s problem was, but it was obvious the man didn’t want to talk. Whatever. At

least the exchange had completely deflated his erection.

Rio and Nate had gone quiet. Riley cursed himself for causing a scene with his honest

answer to Nate’s question. He had to do something to ease the tension, but he’d never been

good at that either. “Anyway, hopefully, I’ll never have to see Cal again.”

The statement hung in the air for several miles before Rio cleared his throat. “Have

either of you ever been to a rodeo?”

“Nope,” Riley answered. “I’ve seen bull riding stuff while flipping through the

channels, but I don’t know the rules, so I never really stopped to watch.”

“Stay on the bull for eight seconds and you’ve got a good chance of winning,” Rio


“I go for the scenery,” Nate added.

Rio reached over and pinched Nate’s nipple. “Watch it.”

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Nate laughed and slapped Rio’s hand away. “You’ll know what I mean when you get to

the rodeo grounds,” Nate told Riley.

Riley had never been overly attracted to cowboys, but then he didn’t run into many of

them in Richmond.

“There’re a lot of other things to do if you’re not into ogling cowboy asses,” Rio said.

“The parade’s always a hit, as well as the street dance and closing day picnic in the park.” He

smiled. “It’s nice. You’ll like it.”

“I’m sure I will.” Riley knew he’d have an even better time if he could figure out what

the hell was wrong with Snake.

* * * *

“Why don’t you wait out here while I check in,” Snake said before getting out of the


“Sure,” Riley agreed.

“I’ll come, too. I need to stretch my legs,” Rio called, joining Snake at the bottom of the


“Suit yourself.” Snake opened the carved wooden door and waited for Rio to enter first

before following.

As soon as they were inside, Rio turned and put a hand out, stopping Snake. “What’s

going on with you?”

Snake couldn’t refuse to answer because Rio was worse than a damn woman when it

came to getting information out of people. “I just hate it when he puts himself down. I mean,

look at him. Wouldn’t you fuck him?”

Rio scratched his jaw. “First of all, I’m kinda taken, but…” He suddenly looked

extremely uncomfortable. “He’s cute, don’t get me wrong, but he doesn’t seem like your


“What type is that?” Snake was thrown by the comment.

“You know…hot. Sure, the body-type is right up there with what you usually go for,

but he’s kinda nerdy-looking.”

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Snake couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. “Are you fucking blind or have Nate and

Ryan taken your balls? Riley’s the hottest guy I’ve fucked in years.” He shook his head and

took a step back. “Fuck!” He pointed at Rio. “You’re jealous.”

“No, I’m not. Have you seen who I get to sleep with every night? If you’re attracted to

Riley, that’s awesome. He seems like a really nice guy.”

Snake threw up his hands in exasperation. “Whatever.” He knew he wasn’t going to get

an honest answer.

“Let’s get you checked in,” Rio said, taking off toward the front desk.

Snake didn’t follow immediately. Instead, he took a moment to think. He’d been honest

with Rio. Riley putting himself down was definitely a problem, but it was more than that.

Snake had never enjoyed hanging out with a lover outside the bedroom, but Riley was funny

and smart—and so incredibly different. It really made him wonder if he’d been missing out

on something all along or if it was Riley that made the difference. Hell. I’m fucking insane.

He looked down to make sure his dick hadn’t fallen off.

It wasn’t like Snake to think about someone outside of bed. Ryan Blackfeather had been

the only exception, and that on-going affair had nearly taken him down once he’d realized

Ryan would forever be in love with Rio. No. He refused to travel that path again. Riley was a

sexy motherfucker, but Snake enjoyed variety in his bed partners. Getting bogged down with

feelings for Riley would only lead to trouble down the road.

With new resolve, Snake turned and marched toward the counter. Fuck it. He would

keep his relationship with Riley sexual and once Cal was out of the picture, they could both

move on to someone else.

* * * *

“I’m sorry about earlier,” Nate said after Rio and Snake had gone inside the lodge.

Riley leaned his head back against the seat and stared up at the ceiling. “It’s not your

fault. I seem to rub him the wrong way. I guess I should just keep my mouth shut.”

“Snake’s got a good heart, even though he’ll deny it. But from what I’ve heard, he

doesn’t get serious with anyone.”

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“I know,” Riley agreed. “Well, at least I think I know. I mean…he saved me from Cal in

the parking lot at work and brought me here to protect me. I assume he has a good heart, but

I can’t seem to figure out his moods. He likes sex—that much has been proven—but other

than that, he runs hot and cold. He made it clear that all I’d get from him was sex.”

“And you’re having a hard time with that?” Nate asked.

Riley had no idea. It wasn’t that he wanted to get emotionally involved with a man like

Snake. It was more that he wanted the possibility. Knowing it couldn’t happen made him feel

kind of empty. “I don’t know. Guess it depends on when you ask me.” He tapped his fingers

on his knee and lowered his head to look at Nate. “Would you tell me what that exchange

meant? The one about sharing me.”

Nate sighed and rolled his eyes. “You don’t want to know.”

“Yeah, I really do,” Riley argued.

Nate unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to face Riley. “Snake has a reputation

of…indulging in threesomes. From his response when Rio brought it up, it appears he

doesn’t want to discuss that with you. Maybe he doesn’t want to share you.”

Or, more than likely, he knows no one else would want me. “Maybe.”

“It’s not something you should worry about. Although, remember that man we were

talking about earlier? Guy? He owns this lodge, and he and Snake got together last time

Snake was in town, so you might want to stay away from him.”

“You think Guy’ll be jealous that I’m here with Snake?” A thought occurred to Riley.

“Does Snake still want Guy?”

“Yes and no. I’m sure Guy will try to get Snake back in bed, but it doesn’t seem like

Snake wants anything to do with him.”

Riley spotted Rio and Snake walking toward the SUV. “Thanks for telling me, but do

me a favor and don’t say anything to Snake about it.”

“I won’t.” Nate turned around and buckled his seatbelt before Rio had a chance to open

the driver’s door.

Snake climbed in and held out a keycard. “Here’s your key to the cabin. I booked the

farthest one from the lodge so we won’t be bothered.”

Riley took the card. “Thanks. Is splitting the cost fair to you?”

Snake’s eyes narrowed to mere slits. “I invited you to come. I don’t want your money.”

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Riley bit his bottom lip and nodded before turning his face to the window. Christ. Since

they’d arrived at the baggage claim area, he hadn’t said anything that hadn’t pissed Snake

off. It was pretty obvious Snake was starting to regret bringing him. The offer to pay half the

cabin was a genuine one, and something Riley wished Snake would have taken him up on.

At least then he wouldn’t feel like such a burden. He felt his eyes sting as the view became

cloudy. Shit. He blinked rapidly, drying any tears before they had a chance to fall.

Rio pulled up in front of a small cabin tucked back into a grove of pine trees. The

setting was magical. “I’ll wait out here with Nate while you take your luggage inside.”

Riley opened the door and stretched out the kinks. By the time he got to the back to

retrieve his luggage, only Snake’s duffle was left. It was one thing to be weak, but it was an

entirely different matter when your lover saw you that way. He grabbed the duffle and

climbed the five steps to the small front porch. It was tiny, barely big enough for the porch

swing, but perfect at the same time.

The inside of the cabin consisted of one large kitchen/living room combination, a

bedroom with a king-sized bed and bathroom. Other than a layer of dust on the tabletops,

the place looked relatively clean, despite the lack of hotel staff. Riley glanced at the wide,

dark-brown leather sofa and wondered if it folded out. If things between him and Snake

didn’t improve soon, he’d most likely spend several nights on the couch.

Snake set the suitcases on the floor at the foot of the bed. “You need anything before we

go back down the mountain?”

Riley dropped the duffle on the bed. “Would you rather I stay here?”

“Why would I want you to do that? I was planning to show you around a bit while it’s

still light outside. I thought we could stop at O’Brien’s and have dinner.”

Riley shrugged. “Because you seem mad at me, and I don’t know why.”

With a heavy sigh, Snake pulled Riley into his arms. “I’m not mad. I’m tired, and it

pisses me off when you talk bad about yourself.” He bent down and placed a soft kiss on

Riley’s lips. “Is the plug still in?”

“Yeah, but I’d really like to take it out before we go. It’s becoming extremely

uncomfortable.” Riley started to pull away, but Snake held him tighter.

“I’ll take it out for you,” Snake offered.

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“Thanks, but Nate and Rio are waiting, and we both know that would lead to other

things. I’ll just be a second.” Riley broke away and disappeared into the bathroom.

Snake watched Riley go, feeling like shit about the way he’d acted on the drive to Cattle

Valley. All the confusion swirling in his head wasn’t Riley’s fault and he needed to

remember that. Sure, he didn’t like Riley putting himself down, but he knew he’d taken his

mood out on Riley for no good reason. The mention of sharing Riley with Guy had pissed

him off, although why, he still wasn’t sure.

Snake heard Riley’s phone ring from inside the bathroom. He stepped closer to the door

and listened.

“Fuck!” Riley cursed before the ringer shut off.

“You okay?” Snake asked, leaning against the doorframe.

The door opened and Riley held up his phone, his jeans still unbuttoned. “Cal. Don’t

worry, I didn’t answer it.”

“Why the fuck do you have it in the first place? Dammit, don’t you realize it can be

traced?” Snake snatched the phone out of Riley’s hand and powered it off. He’d deal with the

fucking thing later, but at the moment, he was mesmerized by the sight of Riley’s pubic hair.

He shoved his hand down the back of Riley’s jeans, wiggling his fingers until he breached

Riley’s hole. Two of his fingers slid in easily. “Fucking you’s going to be so much easier

tonight,” he said with a groan.

“You still want to?” Riley asked.

“Are you kidding? I’d like to fuck you right now, but we’ve got people waiting on us.”

Snake pumped his fingers in and out of Riley’s hole several times. “Things will go easier for

us if you make sure to keep yourself lubed up at all times.”

“I don’t fuck without a condom,” Riley reminded him.

“Neither do I,” Snake agreed, scissoring his fingers. “But lube makes it easier to do this

whenever I want.”

Riley wrinkled his nose. “Yeah, well, you’d better stop because my dick’s getting hard


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Snake laughed. “So is mine.” He decided that any further and he definitely wouldn’t

feel like going down the mountain to get the bike. With regret, he withdrew his hand from

Riley’s jeans. “Do you forgive me for being an ass?”

Riley opened his mouth to say something but closed it shut before speaking.

“What?” Snake prompted.

“I don’t like it when you snap at me. Whether we’re just fuck-buddies or not, I don’t

think I deserve that.”

For some reason, the term fuck-buddies didn’t sit well with Snake. Although he refused

to admit he might want more, he wouldn’t box himself into a corner by saying it. “It’ll be

easier for everyone if, while we’re in town, we act like we’re together as partners. That’ll

keep the single cowboys away.”

“What about you? What if you see someone you want to fuck?” Riley asked, pushing

his glasses up.

“I won’t.” Snake had been in Cattle Valley and knew for a fact there was no one that

could hold a candle to Riley. “You’re all I need while I’m here.”

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Chapter Five

Riley sat in a chair in the motorcycle shop while Logan and Snake discussed the pros

and cons of crotch rockets. Riley wasn’t positive, but he’d gathered it was some kind of

motorcycle other than a Harley. Both men had agreed a Harley was the only way to go, but it

seemed Logan also worked on other types of bikes.

“My dad was a one-percenter in the Black Saints Motorcycle Club in Cleveland while I

was growing up. I spent damn near my entire childhood either on the back of a Harley or

working on ’em,” Snake stated casually.

“How’d you end up in the security business then?” Logan asked with a chuckle in his


Riley listened closely. He was learning bits about Snake that he hadn’t known.

“Dad was killed when I was seventeen.” Snake grinned. “Up to no good as usual and it

finally caught up to him.” He shrugged. “I decided I didn’t want to join the club after that,

and there wasn’t money for college, so I joined the Army. Worked my way up to Special

Forces, got out and was recruited by the government. I did jobs for them and others who had

the money.” His gaze slid to Riley. “I finally decided I was living on borrowed time in that

line of work, so I got out and took the job at Tisdale Securities.”

“Sounds like a big lifestyle change from what you were used to,” Riley said.

“It is…was,” Snake corrected. He stared off into space for several moments before

clapping his hands together and getting to his feet. “Well, I guess we’d better get out of your

hair.” He held out his hand to Logan. “I appreciate you rentin’ me the bike.”

“Only way to travel this time of year,” Logan replied with a smile.

Riley stood and started toward the deep maroon Harley. “What about helmets?”

Snake grinned. “No helmet law in Wyoming if you’re over eighteen.”

“Does the road know that? Because I’m pretty sure the law isn’t going to keep me from

dying if we wreck.” Riley knew he sounded like a scared bitch, but that’s exactly what he


“Don’t you trust me?” Snake asked, a concerned expression on his face.

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“It’s not about you. It’s the other crazies on the road I don’t trust.” There. Riley was

proud that he’d stood firm. According to the police report, the wreck that had killed Randy

and one of his friends hadn’t been Randy’s fault either, but they were still dead.

“I got one for ya,” Logan said, opening a cabinet on the shop wall. He removed a flat

black helmet that looked more like a safari hat. It was nearly identical to the one Snake had

given him to use back in Richmond.

Riley hated to be ungrateful, so he took the offered helmet. “Thanks.”

Snake climbed on the bike. “Come here and let me help you with that.”

Wanting things to be easier with Snake, Riley did as asked. He settled the half-helmet

on his head and allowed Snake to fasten the chinstrap.

“What’s a one-percenter?”

Snake finished with the buckle and lowered his hands. “They say that ninety-nine

percent of bikers in a motorcycle club are good, law-abiding citizens. The remaining one-

percent give bikers a bad name. I loved my dad, he was all I had, but he fell into that one-


“So he did illegal stuff?” Riley asked, climbing on behind Snake.

“Yeah, but to me, it didn’t matter what he did to make money or who his friends were.

He was a good man in my eyes.”

“Of course he was. He was your dad.” Riley wrapped his arms around Snake’s waist.

“Thanks for explaining that.”

“Hang on.” Snake started the Harley. “Hungry?” he yelled over his shoulder.

“Yeah,” Riley confirmed. He wanted to rest his head against Snake’s back, but the

helmet prevented it. Since he wasn’t quite tall enough to lean his chin on Snake’s shoulder,

he was double-thinking his insistence on wearing the helmet.

They didn’t ride for long before Snake pulled up in front of O’Brien’s. Before Rio and

Nate had dropped them off at Logan’s shop, they’d taken Riley on a quick tour of town. He

still couldn’t believe Nate was the mayor or that Rio owned a gym. It wasn’t until they’d

driven by the Sheriff’s Department that Riley even learned there were three men in Nate and

Rio’s relationship and their third partner was the sheriff. Damn, they had to be the most

powerful and influential family in town, yet Riley would have never known had they not

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told him what their jobs were. Riley wondered if everyone else in Cattle Valley was as down

to earth as Rio and Nate.

Snake waited for Riley to get off the motorcycle before he climbed off. He tucked the

borrowed helmet in the saddlebag before joining Riley on the sidewalk. “This place has

excellent food.”

“Good, because I’m starving.” Riley liked the feel of Snake’s hand on his ass as they

entered the bar. Walking into O’Brien’s was like walking into a gay man’s paradise. Holy

moly, he hadn’t known so many good-looking men existed in the world, let alone in one

small town. He glanced up at Snake to see who had caught his attention, but Snake didn’t

seem affected by all the eye candy.

“It’s crowded,” Snake said. “We may have to wait it out at the bar until a table opens


“Okay,” Riley agreed.

Snake grabbed Riley’s hand and led him toward the bar. There was one available stool

and Snake pointed to it. “Go ahead.”

Riley shook his head. “I feel like I’ve been sitting all day. I’d rather stand. You can take


Snake didn’t argue. He sat down and pulled Riley between his legs, wrapping an arm

tight around Riley’s waist. “This is better anyway,” Snake whispered before sucking Riley’s

earlobe into his mouth.

Riley ducked his head, smiling at the sensation.

“You’re back!” a handsome man said, holding his hand out to Snake.

“I am.” Snake gestured to Riley. “This is my boyfriend Riley. Riley, this is Moby, one of

the owners of the bar.”

“Nice to meet you.” Riley shook Moby’s hand. He noticed that Snake pulled him even


“What can I get ya?” Moby asked.

“Well, we’re hoping for a table to open up. We’re planning to eat dinner, but in the

meantime, you can get me a Coke.” Snake looked at Riley. “What’ll you have?”

“Coke’s fine for me, too.” Riley gave up and wrapped his arms around Snake’s waist

when it seemed he needed to get used to PDA despite his normal reserve.

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“You want to go ahead and look at menu? Table six should be clearing out of here

anytime. Tyler and Hearn need to get Gracie home for bed.”

“Okay, sure,” Snake agreed. He took a menu from Moby. “Thanks.” He opened it and

held it out for Riley to see. “What’s the special?”

“Fried chicken with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and homemade rolls.” Moby

winked. “That’s why Gracie’s here. I’ve never seen a kid so in love with fried chicken.”

Snake glanced at Riley. “Sound good to you?”

Riley nodded.

“Two, please.” Snake set the menu on the bar before returning his attention to Riley. He

brushed his lips against Riley’s neck several times before kissing his way to Riley’s lips.

“Maybe I should just eat you for dinner.”

“I wouldn’t be very filling,” Riley joked.

Snake’s hands slid down to cup Riley’s butt. “You’re just right.”

“Damn! Nice ass,” a deep voice said from behind Riley.

Snake’s entire body stiffened. “Get lost.”

Riley glanced over his shoulder to see a tall, blond hunk smiling at Snake.

“I didn’t think you were coming,” the man said.

“Fuck off, Guy,” Snake growled. “I told you when I left that I wanted nothing more to

do with you.”

Guy broke eye contact with Snake and looked at Riley. His eyebrows drew together.

“Who the hell’re you?”

Snake got to his feet and maneuvered Riley behind him, putting himself between Riley

and Guy. “I said, fuck off.”

Riley held his breath. He didn’t like fights and it was obvious Guy was drunk. The man

wouldn’t stand a chance against a pissed off Snake.

“Really?” Guy started to chuckle. “You’d rather be with him? You’re kidding, right?

This is all just to make me jealous.”

Snake’s fist shot out so fast Riley barely saw it move before it smashed into Guy’s face.

Guy’s head snapped back as he started to topple. He would have ended up on his ass if it

hadn’t been for a nice-looking man who happened to catch him.

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Guy’s hand flew to his nose as a river of blood ran down to drip off his chin. “What the

fuck!” Guy screamed.

Snake’s entire body was rigid, ready to go another round, but Moby jumped over the

bar, pushed past Riley to stand between the two men. “That’s enough. Guy, you need to


“He’s the one who assaulted me,” Guy said, pointing to Snake.

“So file a police report,” Moby suggested. “But get out of this bar.”

The thin man who had caught Guy before he’d fallen put a hand on Guy’s arm. “Come

on, I’ll take you home.”

Guy jerked his arm out of the man’s grasp. “Why’re you always hanging around? I told

you, one turn around your Ferris wheel was enough for me.”

The thin man’s expression fell. “I was just trying to help.” Before Guy could spread

more of his hateful words, the scorned man turned and pushed his way through the gathered


Riley squeezed out from behind Snake, who was preoccupied anyway, and chased after

the man. He had no idea who he was going after, but no one deserved to be embarrassed like

that in front of a bar full of men.

“Hey,” Riley said, catching up to the man before he could reach the door.

The man turned to glance at Riley with big tears swimming in his whiskey-colored

eyes. “I need to go.”

“Wait.” Riley hooked his thumb in the direction of Guy and Snake. “What happened

was my fault. I just wanted to apologize.”

The man gave a half-hearted smile. “You had nothing to do with it. Guy’s drunk again,

and he always looks for trouble when he’s drunk.”

“You a friend of his?” Riley asked, trying to figure out why the man gave a shit about


The man shrugged. “We dated for a few weeks a few years ago. It was right after I

moved here and before the drinking got so bad.”

Riley stuck out his hand. “I’m Riley. Just in town for Cattle Valley Days.”

“Shane.” Shane shook Riley’s hand.

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“Do you need a ride home?” Riley had no idea if Shane had been drinking, but he was

clearly upset.

Shane pointed to the ceiling. “I live upstairs, but the door to my apartment is on the

street. I’ll be fine.”

“Don’t let Guy get to you. Liquor does awful things to people.” Riley genuinely felt bad

for Shane. He’d been in Shane’s shoes more than once and rebuffs hurt. He started to say

more, but an elbow slammed against his shoulder blade.

“Can’t believe he chose someone like you over me,” Guy grumbled, as Moby pushed

him out of the door.

Riley reached back and rubbed his hand over his shoulder. Fuck. Although he’d

managed to stay on his feet, that had hurt like hell.


Riley dropped his hand and turned toward Snake’s voice. “Here!” he called out over

the crowd.

Within moments, Snake was at Riley’s side, wrapping his arms protectively around

Riley’s waist. “What’re you doing?” he asked, looking from Riley to Shane.

Riley gestured to Shane. “This is Shane. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”

“Hey, man, I’m sorry about that,” Moby said. “If he files a report, which I don’t think he

will, I’ll back you up. I’d have done the same thing. Hell, I’ve come damn close on more than

one occasion.”

Snake stared at the door to the bar. “Nate told me Guy was out of control, but I guess I

didn’t believe he could be any worse than he was a few months ago.”

“He’s worse every day. Guy needs some serious help,” Shane said.

“You going upstairs?” Moby asked Shane.

Shane nodded.

“I’ll walk you to your door, in case Guy’s still hanging around outside.” Moby glanced

back at Snake. “Your table’s open now. As soon as I see Shane home, I’ll bring the food over.”

“Thanks,” Snake replied.

“I think I’ll go use the restroom,” Riley told Snake. “I’ll meet you at the table.”

“You want me to go with you?” Snake offered.

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Riley smiled. “After what you just did to Guy’s face, I doubt there’s anyone in here

that’s going to bother me.”

“Good.” Snake leaned down and gave Riley a deep, but short, kiss.

Riley stared up into Snake’s eyes. Guy’s departing statement swirled around in his

head, and he doubted he’d be able to let it go anytime soon. “Would you order me another


“Sure.” Snake squeezed Riley’s ass before letting him go.

Riley headed toward the hallway marked ‘Restrooms’. He didn’t make eye contact with

anyone, trying his best to blend into the scenery like he’d always done.

* * * *

Snake stood next to Rio at the grill but couldn’t take his eyes off Riley. He’d been

hesitant about bringing Riley to Cattle Valley because he hadn’t been sure if Riley would

have a good time, but as he watched Riley laughing with two men, he realized he needn’t

have worried. Although, one of the men looked familiar. “Who’s that?”

Rio glanced up and waved his hand to disburse some of the smoke. “Who?”

“Under the tree, talking to Riley,” Snake answered. It wasn’t that he was jealous, more

curious. “The big guy with the tattoo.”

“James Evans. They call him Priest. You know him?” Rio asked.

Shit. Snake was shocked that one of the government’s most skilled assassins was living

in a small town in Wyoming. “I’ve heard the name, but I’ve never seen him. Who’s the guy

with him?” Snake wasn’t sure he liked the way the smaller man made Riley’s eyes light up

with laughter.

“Luke Hatcher. He’s an EMT here in town. Nice guy.” Rio elbowed Snake in the

stomach. “Jealous?”

“A little,” Snake confessed. “It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen Riley. Looks good on him.”

Rio spread his arms, the spatula still in his hand. “It’s Cattle Valley. If you can’t find

happiness here, it doesn’t really exist.”

Snake grunted. “Stop trying to sell me on this place. I’ve told you, it’s a nice place to

visit, but I don’t like everyone knowing my business.”

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“Just because you’re not interested in moving here doesn’t mean Riley isn’t,” Rio

teased. “As a matter-of-fact, I think Riley fits in perfectly. We may have to try and keep him.”

Although it was obvious Rio was purposely trying to get to him, Snake felt the zing in

his chest. He and Riley had only spent a total of four days together, yet he couldn’t imagine

going back to Richmond without him. “Riley’s got a good job in Virginia.”

“He’s an accountant, right?”

“Yeah.” Snake watched as Riley put a hand to his stomach and fell back onto the

blanket in laughter.

“News flash. Accountants can find a job anywhere,” Rio said, driving the knife in


Tired of Rio’s game, Snake stalked off without a backward glance. He neared the

threesome on the blanket with a weariness he hadn’t felt before. Was it Priest that made him


Riley’s face lit up as he patted the blanket beside him. “Snake! Come and meet Luke

and Priest.”

The giant black man looked up at Snake and lifted a single eyebrow before holding out

his hand. It seemed Priest had also heard of Snake. Figured. “Nice to finally meet you.” Priest

motioned toward Riley. “Your man’s been keeping us entertained.”

Snake liked that people in town considered Riley as his. He moved to sit behind Riley

instead of beside him. His back against the tree, he pulled Riley between his legs. “You being

funny?” he asked, after kissing Riley’s neck.

“No,” Riley denied. “Luke’s short compared to Priest, so we were discussing the pros

and cons of being short versus being tall.”

Snake let his palm drift back and forth over Riley’s chest. He knew Riley was lubed, and

he was dying to get him to the barn for some play before they ate, but he couldn’t bring

himself to pull Riley away from the two people who were making him so damn happy.

Snake glanced at Priest. “You in on this, too?”

Priest shook his head. “I’ve tried to tell them the only pro to being tall is the ability to

change a light bulb without the aid of a chair.”

“And you’re full of shit,” Luke said. “No one messes with you. You scare the shit out of

anyone in your path.”

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“That’s not a good thing,” Priest argued.

Snake could tell Priest wasn’t joking. Priest may have used his size in the past to

intimidate assignments, but it had to get old after a while. Snake received the same reaction

from a lot of people simply because of his muscular build and tattoos, but he’d grown up

around an entire club of intimidating men, so the reactions were normal for him.

“Priest tried to tell us being small was better because we could still wear children’s

clothes and they were cheaper,” Luke said.

“It’s true,” Priest declared.

Luke launched himself at Priest, and Priest fell back. Snake suspected it was more the

need to feel Luke on top of him than the actual momentum of Luke’s attack.

Priest gave Luke a deep kiss. “Would you get me another beer?”

Luke nipped Priest’s chin. “Only if you stop teasing me.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Priest asked with a chuckle.

“Come on. I need another bottle of water anyway,” Riley said, pulling out of Snake’s

embrace. He stood and looked down at Snake. “You need anything while I’m up?”

“I’m good.” Snake had to swallow the urge to tell Riley to hurry back. He watched

Riley and Luke walk off toward the large children’s swimming pool, loaded down with pop,

water, and beer.

“You still working on your own or for the government?” Priest asked, once the men

were out of earshot.

“Neither. I’m working as a recruiter for Tisdale Security.” Snake didn’t look away from

Riley, but kept Priest in his peripheral vision.

“You like it?”

“Not especially, but I’m tired of living like a fucking nomad.” Snake knew if anyone

would understand it would be Priest. He turned his full attention to Priest for the first time

since shaking his hand. “You?”

Priest glanced around before speaking. “I’m working as a handler for the agency. Keeps

me in the action, while allowing me to be home in bed with Luke most nights.”

“Good gig,” Snake agreed. “Seems odd that you’d live in a town the size of Cattle

Valley. Don’t you worry about everyone digging up your skeletons?”

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“I found out pretty damn quick that I’d never truly lived at all until I settled down with

Luke.” Priest leaned toward Snake. “I’ve been in your shoes. I know you feel like you’ve got

a black soul, but I’m here to tell you, it’s merely sooty. The right man can clean that up in no


Snake got to his feet. Priest’s assessment of his soul had hit too close to home. “I’m

gonna see if the food’s ready.”

“Remember what I said,” Priest called after Snake.

* * * *

Riley was eyeing the dessert table when he felt a solid body press against his back and

two muscled arms wrap tightly around his waist. He leaned back. “What looks good?”

“Your ass,” Snake replied, grinding his obvious erection against Riley. “Take a stroll to

the barn with me. Rio told me that’s where people go to grab a few minutes of privacy.”

“What about the kids?” Riley asked. There weren’t many, but a handful, including their

hosts’ two adopted children.

“They just pulled out of here. Ryan’s taking them on a long hayride.”

Riley spun around. “Damn! I’ve never been on a hayride. I would’ve gone if I’d


“Next time.” Snake cupped Riley’s ass. “Come play with me. My dick’s lonely.”

Riley grinned. Since they’d started having sex countless times during the day, it was

much easier for him to take Snake’s length. “Pie afterwards?”

“Anything you want, babe.” Snake took Riley’s hand and led him across the patio and

toward the barn. Riley loved the endearment Snake had started to use. It made him feel like a

real boyfriend and not just a fuck-buddy.

He smiled at Luke as they passed by the blanket. “I see you didn’t get in on the hayride


Luke wrinkled his nose. “Says a man who’s never suffered through one. Believe me,

trying to keep a wagon load of kids from falling over the side isn’t a party.”

Riley hadn’t thought of that. “Good to know.”

“You really like them?” Snake asked, as they neared the barn.

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“Sure, what’s not to like? Your ex-friend is the only person I’ve met that hasn’t made

me feel welcome here,” Riley confessed. They hadn’t talked about the confrontation between

Guy and Snake.

“If Guy wants to keep breathing, you’ll never have to suffer his presence again,” Snake


“Why do you hate him so much?” Riley asked, pulling Snake to a stop. “Is it really just

the drinking thing?”

Snake shook his head. “It’s a long story.”

“Can’t be too long. From what I understand, you were only in Cattle Valley for a week

or so.”

Snake stared over Riley’s head to the field behind and sighed. “The last morning I woke

up with him, I had a hangover.”

“I didn’t think you drank anymore.” Riley had been very careful not to drink any

alcohol around Snake.

“I don’t.” Snake scrubbed his hands over his hair. “I have no memory of the night

before. I accused Guy of slipping me something, but he swears I just picked up a bottle of

whiskey and drank it on my own.” He met Riley’s gaze. “I wouldn’t have done that.”

Riley nodded in understanding. “What an asshole.”

“Yeah,” Snake agreed. “That’s why you need to stay the hell away from him.”

“I already knew that.” Riley cried out when Snake surprised him by picking him up

and tossing him over his shoulder.

Snake continued to the barn. “Enough talk.”

* * * *

Sheathed and horny as hell, Snake grabbed Riley’s ankles and spread his legs wider.

He’d been burning to feel the connection with Riley since Priest’s remark about his soul. If

only it were true. Snake’s fate had always been in his own hands. There was no way he’d

ever believe someone else could give him back what he’d lost

On his back, Riley’s gaze flitted to the big barn door. “I’ll die if someone walks in on


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“And I’ll die if you don’t stop squirming, so I can bury my cock in you,” Snake shot

back as he pressed the head of his cock against Riley’s hole.

Riley opened his mouth to say something else, but Snake didn’t give him the chance

before surging half his length inside Riley’s body. “Fuck,” he groaned, squeezing his eyes

shut. It didn’t seem to matter how many times he fucked Riley, it wasn’t enough to take the

edge off. No, that wasn’t right. He could take the edge off with any willing partner. Who he

needed was Riley, and that was starting to scare the fuck out of him. He simply couldn’t get

Priest’s words out of his head.

Snake rocked his hips back and forth until his dick was fully seated. He opened his eyes

and studied the man under him. Riley’s glasses had been knocked to the ground at some

point in their struggle to get to each other, and Snake made a mental note to pick them up as

soon as he finished pleasing his man. His man. The thought nearly sent him running. It

wasn’t that he was in love—he knew better than that—but he began to wonder if he could

actually make it past the first hurdle and accept someone into his life. He pulled out before

pushing back inside, the first stroke of a punishing rhythm.

Riley moaned and reached for his cock.

“Feel good, babe?” Snake asked, praying their joining felt every bit as good for Riley as

it did for him.

“Always with you,” Riley panted.

As he fucked Riley’s ass, Snake thought about the nonstop messages from Cal. Snake

had removed the SIM card, only putting it back in long enough to check Riley’s messages.

Riley hadn’t appreciated the action, but Snake explained how Cal could use the phone as a

way to find them. Riley hadn’t mentioned it again.

Staring down at Riley, Snake knew without a doubt he’d kill Cal without an ounce of

remorse if the asshole ever came near Riley again. Maybe Rio was right. The best thing for

Riley might be to stay in Cattle Valley, far away from Richmond and Cal. He changed

positions and drove into Riley’s ass at a slightly different angle.

“Oh, fuck!” Riley yelled, shooting strands of cum onto his bare chest.

Snake thought back to their first time together, the night Riley had asked for his real

name. It hadn’t escaped Snake’s notice that his young lover had never once called out his

name when he came, and Lord forgive him, but he wanted to hear it.

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Riley recovered quickly and began to pluck at the hoops that ran through Snake’s

nipples. “You’re so fucking sexy,” Riley crooned.

The words, along with the dreamy expression on Riley’s handsome face, combined to

push Snake over the edge. His body jerked as he shot his seed into the tight latex, and once

again, he wished his life were different.

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Chapter Six

On the evening of the first day of rodeo competitions, Riley sat on the porch swing and

waited for Snake to finish getting ready. They’d planned to spend most of the day at the

rodeo grounds, but one thing had led to another and they’d ended up staying in bed longer

than anticipated. He couldn’t say he was sorry. Sex with Snake was better than watching

grown men try to ride animals around a pen.

The door of the cabin opened and Snake walked out with a scowl on his otherwise

handsome face.

“Something wrong?” Riley asked, getting to his feet.

“Yeah, but I’m taking care of it.” Snake kissed Riley’s forehead. “Ready to go?”

“Not until you tell me what’s going on,” Riley demanded. “Is it Cal?”

Snake slid his arms around Riley. “Yes, but it’s not something you need to worry about.

You got another phone message that worries me, so I’m going to need to go and have a talk

with him.” He tilted Riley’s chin up and gave him a quick kiss. “I need you to trust me to

take care of you.”

“I do.” Riley knew he wasn’t supposed to develop feelings for Snake, but he’d fallen

anyway. “Turns out, I couldn’t leave my emotions in Richmond,” he confessed.

Snake just stared down at him with an unreadable expression.

“Sorry,” Riley mumbled, taking his glasses off. He lowered his head and started

cleaning the lenses on the bottom of his T-shirt for something to do. He should’ve kept his

stupid mouth shut.

After several moments, Riley realized Snake’s silence said it all. He took a step back and

started to push past Snake.

Snake hooked his arm around Riley’s waist, preventing him from running into the

house. “My name’s Gabrielo Barbas. My father gave me the name Snake because I was a

sneaky little bastard when I was a kid. It’s really the only name he ever called me, and it’s the

only thing I have left of him.”

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Riley swallowed around the lump of emotion that suddenly lodged in his throat.

“Gabrielo’s a beautiful name, but I understand now why you prefer Snake.”

Snake shook his head. “I use the name because Gabrielo belongs to an innocent boy,

and I’m no longer that person.” He dropped his arm from around Riley and walked to the

edge of the porch. “You deserve a man like Gabrielo, not the Snake that I’ve become over the


Was he kidding? Riley took a step toward Snake. He wasn’t sure what to say because he

wasn’t positive that he understood the comparison, but there was one thing he did know.

“To the rest of the world, I’m a short, skinny nerd who allows himself to get pushed around,

but I know in my heart you don’t see me that way.”

“I don’t,” Snake said without turning around.

Taking a chance, Riley pressed his body against Snake’s back. “I know. You see the best

parts of me, and that’s exactly what I see in you, too. In my eyes, you’re the man who

protects me, makes me feel sexy for the first time in my life, fucks me better than anyone ever

has and holds me at the end of the day.” He rested his hands on Snake’s hips. “I don’t know

if that man’s Gabrielo or Snake and I don’t care, because I have a feeling they’ve both won

my heart.”

Snake reached back and pulled Riley closer. They stood that way for a long time before

Snake spoke. “Would you consider moving here?”

Riley stepped to the side so he could look up at Snake. “Why? Are you?”

Snake shook his head. “Small towns aren’t my thing, but you seem happy.”

“I’m happy because I’m with you.” Riley wasn’t sure where the conversation was

going, but if Snake was trying to break away, he didn’t plan to make it easy for him.

“You’re safe here. I have two options when I get back to Richmond. I can make Cal

disappear or I can scare him so badly, he’ll never be foolish enough to go looking for you.”

Snake cupped Riley’s face. “That’s why I need to know if you’ll stay here, because otherwise,

I need to kill a man.”

Riley blew out a long breath. He liked the people he’d met in Cattle Valley and the

town was great, but neither was worth giving up Snake. On the other hand, if he went back

to his old life, he’d force Snake into a position Riley could tell he didn’t really want to be put

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in. Not only that, but they’d both carry Cal’s death with them in their minds and hearts, and

he seriously doubted any kind of relationship could withstand that kind of pressure.

“I’ll stay,” Riley whispered as tears clouded his vision. “When’re you leaving?”

“Hopefully sometime tomorrow. I need to make a few arrangements first.” Snake

brushed his thumb back and forth over Riley’s cheek. “I’m meeting someone at the rodeo

who should be able to help me, otherwise I’d take you back to bed.”

The thought of saying goodbye to Snake killed him, but Riley knew the alternative was

worse. “Just plan to do all your sleeping on the plane tomorrow because I plan to keep you

up all night.”

The corner of Snake’s mouth quirked up. “You do?”


* * * *

Snake climbed off the bike and held out his hand. “I didn’t realize there’d be so many

people here.”

“Probably not much else to do.” Riley took Snake’s hand as they set off for the


Snake lifted Riley’s hand and kissed it. “I can think of something I’d rather be doing

than watching a bunch of cowboys.” He glanced around for Rio, who was supposed to

introduce him to Asa Montgomery. Apparently, Asa was some rich bastard in town who

owned his own jet.

“There.” Snake pointed toward the ticket booth where Rio was talking to a group of

people, including three men and a gorgeous woman with blonde hair.

“You want me to get the tickets and go on in or wait for you?” Riley asked.

Snake slid his arm around Riley. If he were honest, he’d tell Riley he never wanted to be

without him, but that would be a stupid thing to do. “We’ll wait and go in together, if you

don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind at all.” Riley hooked his thumb in the belt loop of Snake’s jeans.

“Hey,” Rio greeted. He started gesturing to the people around him. “This is Mario, my

head trainer at the gym, his partner Asa, my manager Kit and her partner Hawk.”

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Snake spent the next few minutes shaking hands and introducing himself and Riley.

He’d been surprised to discover the gorgeous blonde was transgender, but, hell, male or

female, Kit was absolutely stunning.

“I heard you need a plane,” Asa said, cutting through the bullshit.

Snake respected a man who got right to the point. “Yeah. I need to make a trip to

Richmond quietly, if you know what I mean?”

Asa glanced at Rio before turning his gaze back to Snake. “Rio said it has something to

do with protecting Riley. Is that true?”

“Yeah.” Snake wouldn’t say more, and Asa seemed to understand because he simply


“You can pay for the fuel. The staff is on salary, so I have to pay them whether their

sitting at home or in Virginia. How long you plan to be gone?” Asa asked.

“I thought I’d leave tomorrow afternoon around three and return as early as possible

the following day. I promised Riley I’d make it in time for the parade.” Snake wanted to soak

up every moment he had left with the man who had turned his world upside down. He still

wasn’t sure he could walk away, but he knew leaving Riley behind was for the best.

“I’ll let the staff know,” Asa replied.

Snake shook the man’s hand again. It seemed Asa wasn’t such a bastard after all, even if

he was rich as sin. He waited for the foursome to walk away before pulling out his wallet

and handing it to Riley. “Why don’t you get the tickets? I have one more thing to talk to Rio


“Okay.” Riley gave Snake a quick kiss before he went off to stand in the ticket line.

Snake found Rio staring at him with a dumbass grin on his face. “What?”

“Did I just see you hand off your wallet?” Rio chuckled. “Goddamn, you trust him. I

didn’t think you trusted anyone, ever.”

Snake hadn’t even realized he’d done it, but since it had been pointed out, he came to

the conclusion that he did, in fact, trust Riley. “Guess I do.” He didn’t want to analyze his

relationship any further. “Listen, I’ll drop Riley off in town before I leave. He wants to enjoy

the celebrations while I’m gone, but he’ll need a ride back up the mountain.”

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“Well, it’s up to him, but no one’s driving Nate’s SUV this time of year. If he’s

interested, we can drop it by the cabin tomorrow. That way, he can come and go as he

pleases,” Rio offered.

“Sounds good. Thanks.” Snake clapped Rio on the shoulder. “By the way, I think I’ve

convinced Riley to stay here after I return to Richmond. We’ll have to find him a place to stay

and a job, but I want to help with that. I’ve got a well-cushioned bank account, and I want to

make sure he’s set up before I leave.”

Rio narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck’re you talking about? You can’t leave him. He

brings out the best in you.”

“Yeah, well, it’s safer for him here.” Snake crossed his arms over his chest. “Whether or

not I have a soft spot for him is irrelevant. We both know he’ll be better without me, but that

doesn’t mean I want to leave without knowing he’ll be taken care of.”

“You don’t have a fucking clue, do you?” Rio mimicked Snake’s position. “You take off

and Riley will without a doubt find someone to replace you. The problem is, who’s to say

this new man won’t treat him as cruelly as Cal did, or Riley could fall in love and forget you

exist. Which option can you live with?”

Snake was saved from answering when Riley returned with the tickets. “Ready to go

in? I saw Priest and Luke, and they said they’d wait for us.”

“Yeah. I’m ready.” Snake glared at Rio. “Stay the fuck out of my head.”

* * * *

Loaded with two large Cokes and a bag of cotton candy tucked under his arm, Riley

followed Luke up the grandstand steps. The rodeo was interesting but he found himself

enjoying the company he was in even more. He reached their row and scooted his way to his


“You were gone a long time,” Snake said, taking one of the Cokes.

“I think everyone had the same idea about getting snacks during events.” Riley took a

sip of his drink before setting it on the ground between his feet. He pulled the plastic sack

out from under his arm and held it up. “You like cotton candy?”

“Never tried it,” Snake replied. “It’s always reminded me too much of fiberglass.”

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Riley smiled and reached in for a big pinch of the pink spun sugary confection. He held

some to Snake’s lips. “Try it. Please?” he begged.

Snake opened his mouth, and Riley placed the candy on his tongue. “Okay, close,”

Riley instructed.

Snake did as asked. His eyebrows drew together for a moment before he smacked his

lips. “Not bad.” He took the bag from Riley and pinched off another piece, bigger than the

one Riley had fed him. Snake bit the bundle of fluff and leaned in to share it with Riley.

Riley opened his mouth and kissed Snake while the spun sugar melted on his tongue. It

was stupid and juvenile and probably the most romantic thing he’d ever done, made even

more special because it was so out of character for Snake.

“Why don’t you do stuff like that with me?” Luke asked.

“Because I’m not a pussy,” Priest grumbled.

Snake broke the kiss and glanced at Priest. “If you were gonna try something for the

first time, who’d you want to enjoy it with?”

Priest scowled but said nothing more.

* * * *

Snake was waiting on the porch when Nate pulled up in a big, white SUV, followed

closely by Ryan’s Sherriff’s SUV. He still wasn’t comfortable around Ryan, mostly because

Ryan seemed to look down on him, which was bullshit because Ryan and Rio had both done

as much fucked up crap as he’d done. The fact that Snake had stayed in the game longer was

irrelevant, in his opinion.

“I filled the tank,” Nate said, getting out of the vehicle. He tossed the keys in the air and

caught them. “Where’s Riley?”

Snake nodded to the house. “He’s in a shitty mood. Maybe you can talk some sense into

him.” He heard the door shut just as Ryan decided to get out of his SUV. Ryan had been

avoiding him, and Snake wanted to get to the bottom of the sheriff’s problem.

“Hey,” Ryan greeted.

“I figured Rio would come with Nate.” Snake leaned his shoulder against the porch


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“Rio took the kids into town.” Ryan didn’t bother coming up onto the porch. “He told

me you’re leaving Riley here when you go back to Virginia.”

“Yeah,” Snake confirmed. “He likes it here and it’s safer for him.”

Ryan’s gaze didn’t waiver from Snake. “So it wasn’t just me that couldn’t get you to


The statement floored Snake. “Excuse me? I wasn’t the one in love with my

unattainable best friend. That would be you, pal,” he said, emphasizing the last word.

“Rio was already taken at the time, so don’t use that excuse. The fact was, you couldn’t

handle anything beyond fucking, and I see it’s no different with Riley.”

It had taken Snake hours of watching Riley sleep to sift through his confused feelings

toward the hot accountant, but he knew what he felt by the time the sun rose. “You don’t

know a thing about what I do or don’t feel for Riley, so fuck off.”

Ryan smirked. “I don’t have to know. Your actions say it all. Things get too intense and

you bail, just like you always did.”

“I’m not bailing.” Fuck. “I can’t live here, but I know it’s the best thing for him.

Everyone seems to think I’m a bastard, but I’m doing what’s best for Riley.”

“When did you become a party animal? Do you go out a lot? See the sights of the city?

Go to museums? Rock concerts? What? Why the fuck do you need to live in that city when

you don’t even have any goddamn friends there?”

“Because I can’t look good people in the fucking eyes every day knowing what I’ve

done!” Snake bellowed, losing control of his tightly-held restraint.

Ryan nodded slowly, appearing as though he was nonplussed by the outburst.

“There’re quite a few men in Cattle Valley who thought the exact same thing when they

moved here. Everyone has a past, Snake. Sure, yours might be uglier than some, but this is a

place of new beginnings—a town where people don’t ask what skeletons are hiding in your

closet because they’ve got just as many in their own.”

Hands shoved in his front pockets, Ryan finally broke eye contact to look toward the

grove of pine trees to the left of the cabin. “I’m prepared to offer you a deputy position if

you’re interested. If not, you’re damn good with bikes, and I just heard Logan and Kade

talking about expanding their shop.” He shrugged. “What I’m trying to make you

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understand is, if you leave, that shit’s on you. Don’t blame anyone, or anything, but


* * * *

“Promise you’ll take it easy on the drive up and down the mountain?” Snake didn’t

want to let go of Riley, but he had a plane to catch.

“I will,” Riley agreed. “I still don’t know if I’ll even go to the rodeo tonight. Won’t be

the same without you there.” He kissed Snake’s collarbone.

“I’ll be back in the morning.” Snake had considered giving Riley back his phone, but the

obscene and threatening texts and messages from Cal were still coming. Cal was too smart to

outright threaten bodily harm over the phone, but the fucker made it clear what he planned

to do to Riley when he found him. It had become apparent what needed to happen and it

was one more reason Riley would be better off without Snake around. Cattle Valley wasn’t

far enough away to keep Riley safe unless Snake made Cal disappear.

The borrowed plane would fly into Washington to pick up a priest that had ties to

Cattle Valley. Snake would slip off the plane, rent a car under one of his various identities

and make the short drive to Richmond. If everything went according to plan, he’d be back on

the plane before the priest boarded the next morning.

Snake dipped his chin and took Riley’s mouth in a deep kiss. Christ. Kissing Riley had

given the act a completely new depth. No longer was it merely foreplay to Snake. Riley’s

kisses branded him with each lick of his tongue.

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but I love you,” Riley whispered against Snake’s


Snake gave himself a moment to relish the sentiment. “It’s not that I don’t want to hear

it. It’s that I don’t deserve it.”

“You’re wrong.”

“No, babe, I know what I am. You may bring out the best in me, but the bad shit’s still

in there.”

Riley pressed his lips to the skin over Snake’s heart. “Randy would’ve approved of you,

and he’s still the best man I’ve ever known. That has to tell you something.”

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“Yeah, it tells me you loved your brother.” Snake couldn’t take anymore. He dropped

his arms from around Riley’s waist before stepping back. “I need to go.”

Riley nodded. “I know.”

“No flirting with hot guys while I’m gone,” Snake ordered, trying to lighten the mood.

“Promise. Although, if you don’t make it back in time for the dance tomorrow night, I

can’t be held responsible for doing a little dirty dancing with one of those rodeo guys.”

“Guess I’ll have to make sure I’m back in time then.” Snake gave Riley one last kiss

before breaking away completely. “Remember what I said about those roads,” he said,

climbing onto the Harley.

“I will.”

Snake started the bike and nodded his head as Riley smiled and waved. If something

went wrong, at least Snake would still hold that sweet fucking smile in his heart as he went


* * * *

After Snake had ridden off, Riley decided to go online and see what was available in the

way of jobs and housing in Cattle Valley. He’d yet to visit the main building of the lodge, but

he’d read in one of the many brochures left in the cabin that the lobby had a business center.

Entering the lobby, Riley was struck by the size and beauty of the place. He stopped to

appreciate the workmanship in the towering overhead beams that looked like they’d been

carved from trees on the property.

“Can I help you?” the desk clerk asked.

Riley smiled at the young woman. “I’m staying in one of the cabins, and I read that you

have a business center?” he phrased it in the form of a question, hoping the woman would

point him in the right direction.

“Yes, we do. Right through those doors,” she said, gesturing to a set of large glass doors

right off the lobby. “You’ll need your keycard to get in.”

Riley held it up. “Yep, got it.”

Although there were only five computer stations, Riley found it odd the room was

empty. Of course, he hadn’t seen anyone else in the lobby either. He wondered how much

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was due to the hotel issues Nate spoke about and how much was due to the activities going

on in town. It didn’t matter. He preferred to be alone anyway. Well, except for spending time

with Snake.

Riley powered up one of the terminals and began to search the local newspaper’s help

wanted ads. He’d scribbled down two possibilities when he heard the door behind him open

and close.

“Where’s Snake?” a deep voice asked.

Riley spun around in his chair to find Guy looming over him. “Taking care of some

business.” He tried to keep his voice calm. Guy seemed like one of those typical bullies who

could smell fear.

“Did he tell you about us?”

Riley bit his bottom lip, trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t put Guy on the

defensive. “Enough.”

“What do you have on him?”

“Excuse me?” Riley didn’t understand the question.

Guy laughed. “He’s obviously not with you for your looks, so I want you to tell me

what you’re holding over his head to make him stay with you.”

Riley got to his feet. “Nothing.” He silently cursed. Snake had been so good to him that

he’d started to believe he really was someone worthy of spending time with. He reached

behind himself and grabbed the sheet of paper he’d written the job information on. “I need to

meet some people,” he said, trying to move around Guy.

Guy grabbed Riley’s arm in a bruising grip. “I know Snake blames me for getting him

drunk, but he did that shit all on his own.”

Riley lifted his chin to stare at Guy. “I don’t believe you, and neither does he.” He

jerked his arm several times before Guy released him.

“If someone drugged Snake that night, it sure as hell wasn’t me. I was too busy sucking

that big cock of his.” Guy grinned.

Riley knew Guy was trying to get a rise out of him, but he’d already known Snake was

a player before they’d met. “Go back to the bar and pick on someone else,” he said, before

escaping the small room. He didn’t stop until he’d made his way out of the hotel and into

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Nate’s SUV. He took several deep breaths, willing his hands to stop shaking before he turned

the key. Maybe moving to Cattle Valley wasn’t such a good idea after all.

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Chapter Seven

After the rodeo, Riley agreed to a single beer at O’Brien’s with Luke, Priest and a few of

the other men he’d met since arriving in town. He didn’t plan to stay long because it felt

weird not having Snake at his side, but he needed to get used to being alone again.

When he walked into O’Brien’s, Kit was at the jukebox beside the front door. “They’re

back in the corner,” she said, before Riley could ask.

“Thanks.” Riley wound his way through the maze of tables to the rear section of the

bar. Five or six tables had been pushed together and a huge group of men were sitting

around, laughing and drinking.

“Here,” Luke called, indicating the empty chair next to him.

Riley took a seat and glanced around the table. There were quite a few men he hadn’t

met before, one, in particular, was staring at him. Riley shifted in his chair and waited until

the older man looked away before leaning over to ask Luke about him. “Who’s the guy in the

black button-down shirt?”

“Oh, that’s Deacon McConnell. He’s a friend of Priest’s, but he doesn’t get out much.

His partner, Aaron, is on shift over at the fire station, so Priest drug Deacon out of the


“He keeps staring at me,” Riley pointed out.

Luke turned slightly in his chair until his back was to the other half of the table.

“Deacon’s probably curious about you. From what I understand, he either knows Snake or

has heard of him.”

Riley was surprised. “How’s that?”

“According to Priest, Snake has quite the reputation in the mercenary world.” Luke

winked. “So do Deacon and Priest. Don’t feel bad. I didn’t know all this stuff either until

Priest told me, but he doesn’t go into any details, and from what I’ve gathered, they don’t

want to, so don’t ask.”

“Got it.” Riley slid his gaze back to Deacon, looking at the man in a whole different

light. He returned his attention to Luke. “I had a run-in with Guy at the lodge earlier.” He’d

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been dying to talk to someone about it, and Luke was the closest thing he had to a friend,

other than Snake.

“I fucking hate him,” Luke said, shaking his head.

“What happened?” Priest’s deep rumble made Riley jump.

“Nothing. I was in the business center at the lodge and Guy came in. He was being an

ass and said some stuff to try and get a reaction out of me.” Riley thought of the bruise he

had on his upper arm. There’d be no way to hide it from Snake. “I got out of there without

him following me, so…”

“You should stick to your cabin until Snake gets back,” Priest ordered in a tone that

wasn’t to be questioned.

Riley wondered if all mercenaries were pushy or simply the two he knew. “Yeah, I

figured that much out myself.”

After talking for another thirty minutes, Riley had finished the one beer he’d allowed

himself and got to his feet. He hadn’t caught much sleep the previous night because he’d

been too busy riding Snake’s dick, so he decided it was time to go. “Almost midnight. I’d

better get back to the cabin before the SUV turns back into a pumpkin.”

“You okay to go back up there yourself?” Priest asked.

“Oh, yeah,” he waived off Priest’s concern. He said his goodbyes to the table before

leaving the bar. Somehow, he’d managed to find rock star parking right in front and in no

time was behind the wheel headed up the mountain.

Thoughts of Snake drifted in and out of his mind as he concentrated on the narrow,

winding road. It had been less than ten hours since Snake had left and every one of them had

felt lonely, no matter how many people he’d been with. Riley wasn’t sure he could explain it,

but he’d been considering going back to Richmond, even if he had to look over his shoulder

for the rest of his life. Cattle Valley was a great place, but it wasn’t the same without Snake.

Nothing seemed to feel the same without that damned green-eyed devil beside him.

Riley caught a flash of headlights up ahead, so he slowed his speed and moved as close

to the edge as he could. He lowered his high beams and went back to thinking about the only

man he’d ever fallen in love with. He hadn’t been wrong when he’d told Snake Randy would

have approved. His father might be another subject, but that had to do more with Snake’s sex

instead of his appearance or background.

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When the oncoming vehicle rounded a curve too fast and slid into Riley’s lane, Riley

had nowhere to go. He squeezed the steering wheel and hoped the man could correct his

trajectory in time.

The last thing Riley saw before the big pickup slammed into the front quarter-panel of

the SUV was Guy’s face through the windshield.

* * * *

Snake continued to stare at the sleeping pile of shit while twirling the blade in his hand.

Cal deserved to die, that much was clear, but for the first time in his life, Snake balked at the

idea that he needed to be the one to do it. Men like Cal were everywhere, just waiting to

catch some trusting soul like Riley in their web of lies and pain.

Cal snorted and rolled to his side, effectively cutting off Snake’s view of the man’s face.

Snake silently moved to stand on the opposite side of the bed. If he was going to kill

someone, he refused to not look the man in the eyes while doing it.

Snake reminded himself of the phone messages and texts, once again. He’d read over

them numerous times on the flight to DC, trying like hell to justify what he needed to do. It

wasn’t his own soul or even Cal’s that he worried about, but Riley’s. What would happen

when Riley discovered Cal was dead? Snake knew firsthand that wishing someone dead and

actually knowing they were dead because you wanted it were two entirely different things.

Fuck. Snake couldn’t do it, not when Riley would end up suffering for it. He pulled the

black ski mask down over his face and leaned over Cal. He held the tip of the knife against

the indentation at the base of Cal’s throat before waking him.

“Listen to me,” Snake whispered, disguising his voice as much as possible.

Cal’s eyes flew open. He started to move, but the knife pierced his skin enough to halt

him in his tracks. “Who are you?”

“I came here to kill you, but I’ve decided to give you one last chance. Leave Riley Banks

alone. That means…you don’t text him, call him or look for him. Am I making myself clear?”

“How’d you get in here?” Cal asked.

Snake chuckled. “I’m slippery that way. There’s not a place built that I can’t find a way

into or out of.” He moved the knife just enough to remind Cal it was there. “Killing you

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would be a joy for someone like me, but Riley begged to spare your life.” It wasn’t the truth,

but Cal didn’t need to know that.

“Why would he do that?”

“I don’t know, but you’ll never get the chance to ask him because for the rest of his life,

someone will be watching him. If he so much as trips while walking down the sidewalk, I’ll

suspect you’re to blame and come for you. Do I make myself clear?” Snake wanted a verbal


“You think you’re real cute with your ski mask and all, but I know who you are. You’re

that guy from Tisdale,” Cal said.

Snake grinned behind the mask. “You may think you know who I am, but you have no

fucking clue. Believe me. I have friends who owe me favors that are higher on the food chain

than anyone your family can buy off.” He drew the knife up toward Cal’s mouth, scoring the

skin with the tip as he went.

“The deal’s simple. Forget about Riley and live. Act stupid and die.” Snake withdrew

the knife and stepped back.

Cal immediately reached under his pillow, but Snake simply laughed and held up the

gun he’d retrieved earlier. “For some reason, I don’t think I’m making myself clear.”

Snake redirected the knife to Cal’s groin. “Do I need to cut off your dick to make my

point? Wouldn’t be the first time. Actually, I’ve become somewhat of a pro at torturing

assholes like you. You can blame the government. They’re the ones who trained me.”

“Don’t,” Cal begged, his eyes filling with tears that glistened in the moonlight that was

streaming through the window.

“Then you agree to forget about Riley?” Snake asked, fully prepared to castrate the man

with one flick of his knife.

“Yes. God, yes, just don’t hurt me,” Cal blubbered.

“I think our business here is done. Have a good night.” Snake turned and walked out of

the bedroom, leaving Cal’s gun on the hall table before slipping back out of the second-floor

window he’d used to enter the house.

* * * *

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Snake was sitting on the plane waiting for the priest to board when his phone rang. He

glanced at the display, but rejected the call when he didn’t recognize the number. A minute

later, his phone rang again. “What?” he answered.

“You on your way back here?” Ryan asked.

Snake’s skin prickled at the tone in Ryan’s voice. He caught sight of a handsome man in

a black suit entering the plane. “In just a few. What’s wrong?”

Nothing but silence for several moments before Ryan answered. “There’s been an

accident. Riley’s been airlifted to Casper. He’s still in surgery, so I don’t have any

information for you on his condition, but we’re all here with him.”

Snake watched the priest select a seat before getting to his feet. He was ready to jump

off the plane and finish the job he should’ve done in the first place. “What happened?” he


“He was run off the road by a drunk driver.” Ryan cleared his throat. “It was Guy.”

Snake wasn’t sure how he could make the plane go any faster, but he was damn sure

going to try. He stalked to the cockpit. “There’s been an accident. I need you to get me to

Casper as soon as possible.”

The pilot nodded. “I’ll have to file a change in flight plan.”

“Do what you need to do. Just get me there.” Snake returned to his conversation with

Ryan. “What hospital?”

“Wyoming Medical Center. It’s a Trauma II hospital, so Riley’s in good hands.”

Snake sank back into his seat and buckled up. “Be honest with me. How bad?”

“I don’t know. According to Luke, Riley had a beer with a bunch of them at O’Brien’s

and left around eleven-thirty. We received a call at one-twenty from a motorist who spotted

Guy’s wrecked truck on the way to the lodge. At the time, we thought Guy was the only one

involved. It wasn’t until we arrived on scene that we noticed a set of headlights shining up

through the trees below the road.”

Snake swallowed a strangled cry. “So what’re we talking? Broken bones, head injury,


“All of the above from what I could tell. We called the trauma unit from Casper because

we knew they were Riley’s best chance at survival,” Ryan explained.

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“Please tell me Guy’s dead.” Snake received a startled glance from the priest across

from him, but he didn’t give a fuck.

“Guy’s pickup hit the mountain head on. He was alive when he arrived at the hospital

but the doctors don’t hold out much hope for him.”

“Good.” Snake doubted he’d ever hated someone as much as Guy at that moment.

“Hang on,” Ryan said.

Snake could hear snippets of conversation through the phone, but not enough to piece

together who was speaking.

“Did you hear any of that?” Ryan asked, getting back on the phone.

“Bits. Was it the doctor?” Snake asked.

“Nurse. The surgeons managed to stop the internal bleeding, but they haven’t started

on his compound fractures yet. She said they’re also bringing in a plastic surgeon to suture

the wounds to his face, but the damage will require a number of surgeries to fix properly.”

Ryan sighed. “Sorry, Snake. I know this is killing you.”

Ryan was right, not being there to hold Riley in his arms was killing him. “I’ve never felt

so helpless in my life,” he mumbled. He felt the plane begin to move. “We’re getting ready to

take off. I’ll call you as soon as we land.”

“Is Joseph on the plane?” Ryan asked.

Snake assumed Joseph was the priest. “Yeah.”

“Talk to him. He lost his partner several years ago, so he might be of some help,” Ryan


Snake glanced at the man across the aisle. Since when did Catholic priests have

partners? “Call me if something happens.”

“Will do.” Ryan hung up, and Snake was left staring at the phone.

“Trouble?” Joseph asked.

“Someone I care a great deal for was in an accident.” Snake set the phone on the seat

beside him. “That was Ryan. He’s with Riley at the hospital.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but you’ve got a good man at his side until you get there,”

Joseph said.

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“Yeah.” Snake rested his head against the back of the seat. He wanted to scream or

break something. Hell, maybe even breakdown and cry for the first time since his dad’s

death. “Shit. Someone needs to call Riley’s dad.”

* * * *

By the time the plane was flying over Denver, Snake couldn’t take it anymore. He stood

and began to pace the short length of the plane. He stopped in front of a small minibar and

stared at the one thing that used to make him feel better. Not anymore, he realized. “I used to

drink to forget who I was,” he told Joseph.

Snake turned away from the whiskey. “Every day was a struggle not to put a bullet in

my brain.” He glanced at the priest. “Have you ever met anyone who hated themselves that


“Yes,” Joseph replied. He gestured to Snake. “But you’re still here.”

Snake nodded and slumped back into his chair. “Yeah, guess I am.” He looked out of

the window at the clouds. “Do you believe even the worst of men are redeemable?”

It took a moment for Joseph to answer. “Are you asking me as a priest or a man?”

“Both, I guess.” Snake rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. He was so fucking

tired. “I think I’ve truly fallen in love for the first time, and up until I got that phone call from

Ryan, I was willing to walk away.”

“Why?” Joseph asked, prodding Snake to keep talking.

“Because I don’t like who I’ve become. The things I’ve done are monstrous in most

people’s opinions.” Snake met Joseph’s gaze. “I went to Virginia to kill a man,” he confessed.

“And did you kill him?” Joseph asked without batting an eyelash.

“No, but not because I fear for my own soul, but the soul of the man I love.” Snake

wiped his nose, which had started to drip the moment his eyes began burning.

“Sounds like this man you love is good for you.”

“He is,” Snake confirmed, his voice catching. “But I don’t think I deserve him.” It took

him a few moments to realize his cheeks were wet. He reached up and wiped the moisture

from his face before staring at the gathered tears on his fingertips. “I want him anyway.”

“Does he love you?” Joseph asked.

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“Yeah.” Snake would never forget Riley’s whispered words of love.

“No one knows why we fall in love with the people we do, but I choose to believe

there’s a reason for everything.”

Snake remembered what Ryan had said about Joseph’s partner. “This can’t be easy for

you to talk about, so thank you.” He still didn’t believe he was good enough for Riley, but

he’d come to the conclusion that he’d hang on with everything he had until the day Riley

figured it out.

Joseph rubbed his jaw. “Actually, it was good for me, too. I’ve been struggling with my

own demons lately, and this has helped.”

“Good.” Snake wondered if fate brought Joseph onto the plane to counsel him or if it

was merely a coincidence. Whatever the reason, he would be eternally grateful.

* * * *

Snake was asleep in the chair at Riley’s bedside when he felt a hand land on his

shoulder. He sprang to his feet and automatically reached for a gun that wasn’t there. “Who

are you?” he asked the dark figure in front of him.

A small light beside Riley’s hospital bed was turned on and Snake knew immediately

who the man was. “Mr Banks. You should have called. I would’ve picked you up from the

train station.” Snake nearly tripped over his own feet as he moved away from the only

comfortable chair in the room. “Please, have a seat.”

“Call me Norman.” Mr Banks stepped up to Riley’s side and took a tendril of Riley’s

hair between his thumb and forefinger. “He doesn’t look like my son.”

Between the bandages and swelling, the figure on the bed didn’t remotely resemble the

Riley Snake had left only three days earlier. “No, but he will as soon as his injuries heal.”

Snake rested a hand on the cast that covered Riley’s leg from toes to hip. “He was awake for

a few minutes today. The doctor said it was a good sign.”

“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I’m too old to fly. The altitude messes with my

circulation.” Norman’s hand hovered over Riley’s face. “I want to hold him, but there doesn’t

seem to be a part of him that isn’t damaged.”

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Snake pointed to a small area on the side of Riley’s neck. “I’ve been focusing all my

attention on that spot.”

Norman smiled and bent over to kiss the soft, blemish-free skin. “Thank you.”

Snake nodded. He’d been nervous as hell about meeting Riley’s dad, but so far, it

seemed to be going okay. “Can I get you a cup of coffee or something?”

“I’m fine.” Norman eased himself down into the green vinyl chair. “Who are you to my


Snake bit his lower lip, unsure of what to say.

“Do you love him?”

“Very much,” Snake answered truthfully. “I worked with him in Richmond, but we’ve

decided to move out here. Of course, that was before the accident. I’m not sure if he’ll still

want to relocate once he’s up and around.”

“Did he tell you about Randy?” Norman asked.

“Yes, sir.” Snake knew the similarities between the two accidents must be eating at

Norman. “I apologize to you for not being with him the night of the crash. I was…” Snake’s

voice trailed off. What the hell could he say? “I was in Richmond, taking care of a problem

Riley had there.”

“Cal,” Norman said, surprising Snake.

“You know about Cal?” Snake carried a small, straight-backed chair from the other side

of the room to sit next to Norman.

“Of course I do. Who do you think sat with him the last time Cal put him in the

hospital?” Norman glanced at Riley. “Life hasn’t been fair to that boy.” Tears filled his eyes

and he quickly brushed them away. “Do you treat him right?”

“I hope so. I’ve given him more of myself than I’ve ever given anyone.” Snake was

grateful Norman didn’t ask if he was a good man. All Riley’s father seemed to care about

was how Snake treated his son.

“He deserves to be happy. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for him.”

“Yeah,” Snake agreed.

* * * *

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Snake sat in his usual chair at Riley’s side while he visited with Rio and Nate. “As soon

as we can get his strength built up, he’ll move to a rehabilitation hospital in Sheridan.”

“Then what?” Nate asked. “How long before he recovers fully?”

“The doctors don’t know if he’ll ever walk the same, but as soon as he can get the casts

off, he’ll be allowed to go home, as long as he continues therapy.”

Nate glanced at Riley. “And his scars? Will the plastic surgeon be able to fix those?”

“The scars are the least of our worry,” Snake said, brushing off the question. He didn’t

give a fuck how many scars Riley ended up with, as long as he was healthy.

“Snake,” Riley rasped.

If Snake hadn’t been so attuned to Riley, he wouldn’t have heard him. “Give us a few

minutes alone,” he told Nate and Rio before leaning over to kiss his favorite spot on Riley’s

neck. “Welcome back, sleepy head.” He kissed Riley again as his friends left the room. “Can

you open your eyes for me?”

Riley’s eyelids fluttered. It took him several tries but they eventually opened. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself.” Snake lifted a small glass and placed a straw between Riley’s lips. “Not

too much.”

Riley took a few sips before pushing the straw away with his tongue. “Where’s Dad?”

“Luke and Priest took him out to dinner. They stopped by to check on you, but this is

the first you’ve opened in your eyes in two days.”

“No.” Riley licked his lips. “Talked to Dad this morning.”

“No, baby. You talked to him a few days ago right before your temperature

skyrocketed.” Snake bent over and rested his forearms on the bed. “You have an infection in

your leg where they had to rebuild some of the bone, but they’ve been pumping you full of

antibiotics and your fever’s finally gone down.”

“Water?” Riley asked.

Snake put the straw to Riley’s lips again. “We missed out on the street party. You owe

me a dance,” he teased.

Riley pulled back from the straw. “I’ll get right on that.”

Snake grinned. “I’m gonna hold you to it.”

Riley’s expression turned serious. “Guy?”

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“He’s in a coma.” Snake knew Riley would eventually ask, so he’d prepared himself

ahead of time. What he didn’t tell Riley was how many times he’d stood in the doorway of

Guy’s room and had to fight against his natural instinct to smother the asshole with a pillow.

“He was driving too fast,” Riley said.

“We know. The skids marks combined with Guy’s blood alcohol level told the police all

they needed to know. If he survives, he’ll face a shitload of charges.”

Riley reached for Snake’s hand. “I need to tell you something.”

“You can tell me anything.” Snake brushed Riley’s hair off his forehead with his free


“I had a beer at the bar that night.”

Snake’s chest tightened at the statement. It wasn’t that Riley had a beer that bothered

him, rather that he felt the need to confess for such an innocent act. “Baby, I don’t care if you

have a beer once in a while. I’m sorry that I made such a big deal of it that you would spend

a second worrying about something like that.”

“Guy told me he didn’t drug you that night. He said he was too busy sucking your


Stunned, it took Snake a moment for the words to sink in. He no longer gave a shit

about that long ago night. What he cared about was Riley having been subjected to that

asshole. “When the fuck did he tell you that?”

“On the day of the accident. I went to the lobby to use their computers, and Guy came

into the room. Don’t worry, I wasn’t in there with him for very long, but he told me…” Riley

closed his eyes and shook his head.

“He told you what, babe?” Snake sat on the side of the bed, feeling like the worst

boyfriend ever. He should have schooled his reaction. Riley needed all his strength to get

well and getting upset didn’t do either of them any good. Guy was in a coma, not expected to

live, so getting pissed off by something that happened in the past was wasted energy.

“He said you obviously weren’t with me for my looks, so I must be holding something

over your head.” Riley opened his eyes and stared at Snake. “Are you with me because I’m a


Snake’s initial reaction was to jump up and swear, but he quickly reined himself in.

“Protecting you has been a privilege. At first I tried to tell myself it was my job, but I’ve told

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you before, the first time I tasted that mouth of yours, I knew it was a lot more. I’ll protect

you until the day I die because this world is a better place with you in it. Hell, I’m a better

man because you’re in it.”

“But the scars,” Riley started to say, lifting his hand toward his face.

Snake stopped him from touching the sutured cuts. “We all have scars. The only

difference is that some of us carry them on the inside. A good plastic surgeon can fix yours,

but you’re the only one who can heal mine.”

Riley’s eyes filled with tears. “Did you kill Cal because of me?”

“No.” Snake bent down and kissed Riley’s neck. “I scared the shit out of him and told

him to forget he ever met you because if he didn’t, I would always be by your side to protect


“But you’re going back to Richmond.”

Snake shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been talking to Priest, and he

thinks he can get me a job as a handler.”

“A handler?” Riley asked.

The job wasn’t something they needed to discuss in detail until Riley got his strength

back. “We’ll talk about it later.” He smiled. “Nate has a few houses he wants me to look at. I

thought I’d take a few pictures so you can help me decide on one. I know you’d rather help

me in person, but I’ll need to do some modifications to whatever house we choose, and it’ll

be easier if we’re not living in it at the time.”

“Where will you stay in the meantime?”

“I’m down the street at an extended stay hotel right now, but once they move you to the

rehabilitation hospital in Sheridan, I thought I’d get a little apartment or something nearby.”

Riley’s concern warmed Snake like little else did. “I love you.”

Riley’s eyes rounded in surprise. “That’s the first time you’ve ever told me that.”

Snake chuckled. “No it’s not. It may be the first time you were awake for it, but I think

every staff member on this floor has heard me say the words to you.”

“From now on, try to say them when I’m awake.”

“I will. I promise.”

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Three months later

Instead of enjoying the smooth ride of their new Ford Flex, all Riley could think about

was sex. He reached across the console and laid his hand on Snake’s upper thigh. “Please tell

me you’re going to fuck me as soon as we get to the new house?”

Snake slid his gaze from the road to Riley. “I would love nothing more, believe me, but

Rio said something about Nate planning some kind of welcome home for you.” He reached

for Riley’s hand and lifted it to his mouth for a kiss. “As soon as they’re gone though, you’re

all mine.”

“I’m all yours whether there’re people there are not,” Riley reminded his partner. The

months in the rehabilitation hospital had been torture, but he’d been the one insisting he

needed to stay until he was well enough to use a walker to get around. The older house in

downtown Cattle Valley was perfect for them, but the doorways were too narrow for a

wheelchair, and Riley didn’t want the integrity of the Craftsman-style home screwed with

because of him. The decision hadn’t made Snake happy, but when Riley’d offered blowjobs

in exchange for another month in the hospital, his big strong security expert had relented.

Snake turned down a tree-lined street two blocks from downtown. “Pretty, isn’t it?”

Riley nodded. The leaves had started to change, creating a canopy of oranges, yellows

and reds. “I never thought I’d own a house.” He glanced at Snake. “I never thought I’d find

someone to share a house with.”

Snake kissed Riley’s hand again before settling it back on his upper thigh. “Me neither,

babe.” He slowed the vehicle when the street became congested with cars. “Goddamn Nate,”

he mumbled.

“Are all these people here for us?” Riley couldn’t believe the number of pickups and

SUVs that lined the curbs on either side of the street.

“Evidently, because this is it.” Snake pulled into a driveway and up to a house Riley

had only seen in pictures and videos.

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“It’s even better in person,” Riley declared. “And I’ve never seen so many people in my

entire life.” It looked like the whole town was standing in their front yard. A large ‘Welcome

Home’ banner hung above the porch steps, which had been modified with a ramp on one


Riley was in awe. “Why’re all these people here? I don’t even know most of them.”

Snake turned off the engine and stared out over the lawn. “Evidently, small town folks

aren’t just good at butting into your business. They also rally together when needed.” He

leaned across the console and gave Riley a short but deep kiss. “I think it’s their way of

telling you they’ll be here if you need anything.”

“That’s very kind of them, but all I really need right now is to be fucked, and I don’t

think we need their help for that.”

Snake chuckled. “We definitely don’t need their help for that.” He kissed Riley again.

“We’d better get out there before they mob the car.”

“SUV,” Riley corrected. It had been an ongoing argument between them on the drive

from Sheridan.

“It’s like a station wagon. It holds a lot of people but sits low to the ground. Therefore,

it’s a car,” Snake argued, getting out before Riley could counter.

Luke opened Riley’s door before Snake could get the walker out of the back. “Welcome


“Thanks. It’s good to finally be here.” Riley swiveled his body around to put both feet

on the ground and waited.

“Here.” Snake gently moved Luke out of the way and set the walker down.

“I’m not real steady on my feet yet, so you might want to move back,” Riley warned


“Oh, yeah, okay.” Luke stepped back and was quickly swallowed in Priest’s embrace.

It took a while, but Riley finally got to his feet with a little help from Snake. He felt

weird meeting neighbors and townspeople while his scars were still so fresh. “Can you get

my hat out of the back?”

“You don’t need it,” Snake said. He leaned down and whispered in Riley’s ear.

“Everyone here knows what you’ve been through. Hiding your scars isn’t necessary.”

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Riley’s gaze landed on a handsome man in a firefighter’s uniform. He, too, had scars

crisscrossing his face and he didn’t appear to be the least bit ashamed of them. “Okay.”

As he started forward, the crowd parted to allow him through. The colorful mums that

lined the sidewalk were a perfect addition to the house. He started to thank Snake for

planting them when he noticed, for the first time, the dirt on Luke and Priest’s hands. He

stopped and smiled at Luke. “The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.”

Luke shrugged. “We all helped, but it was Deacon’s idea. He made a porch swing for

you, too. Deacon said you could sit in it and watch Snake while he learns how to take care of

the yard.” Luke winked and leaned in to whisper in Riley’s ear. “I told you…even the

scariest men in Cattle Valley have big hearts.”

* * * *

“Finally,” Snake grumbled, as he came into the bedroom and closed the curtains to

block out the setting sun. The cookout had only lasted a couple of hours, but Luke and Nate

had insisted on staying afterward to clean up. Since there was no way he’d leave their friends

to do all the work, Snake had sent Riley to bed to get some rest while he helped.

“They gone?” Riley asked, fatigue evident in his speech.

“Yeah.” Snake stripped out of his clothes before crawling into their new king-sized bed.

Although the house had been ready a month earlier, he’d refused to sleep a single night in

the home without Riley. He snuggled up against Riley’s warm body and sighed. “Nice.”

Riley rolled to his side and rested his head on Snake’s shoulder. “The house is

beautiful,” he whispered.

“I like it,” Snake agreed, running his hands up and down Riley’s bare back. He slid his

fingers down the crack of Riley’s ass and grinned when he felt the plug. “Is there something

you need to tell me?” he asked, nudging the plug.

“Yeah. Be gentle.” Riley wiggled his ass. “It’s been so long, I’m like a virgin again. I

nearly passed out trying to get this damn thing inside of me.”

Snake took hold of the base and slid the plug in and out several times. “Does that


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Riley thrust his erection against Snake’s hip. “Ummm, no. That’s not the right word for

the way it’s making me feel right now.”

Before leaving the rehabilitation center, Snake had pulled Riley’s therapist aside to get

his recommendations for sexual positions that would work for them while Riley continued to

heal. Although embarrassed at first, the young man had several good tips to share—each of

which Snake planned to try out in the coming days. For their first time since the accident, he

decided to take things slow and easy. “Roll over onto your other side,” he instructed.

“Should I take off my glasses for this?”

“Unless you have eyes in the back of your head, your glasses aren’t going to do you any

good.” Snake removed Riley’s glasses and reached across to set them on the bedside table.

While he was there, he grabbed the bottle of lube Riley had used earlier.

Riley rolled over. “Why do I feel like I’m turning my back on a hungry wolf?”

“Because you are.” Snake nipped Riley’s shoulder. After easing some of the sexual

tension between them, he planned to lick and kiss every scar on Riley’s body. First though,

his balls were about to explode and he needed that connection with Riley that only fucking

could give them.

Snake pulled the plug out of Riley’s hole and tossed it behind him. “You have no idea

how many nights I’ve jacked off thinking about this perfect ass.” He rolled to his back and

poured lube down the length of his cock before spreading it evenly with his hand. He

resumed his position, spooned against Riley’s back and kissed his favorite spot. It didn’t

matter that he could kiss all of Riley now, that one, half-dollar-sized patch of skin would

forever be his favorite, because it allowed him to connect with Riley through the worst

period in his life.

Snake gently insinuated his thigh between Riley’s. “Here,” he began, lifting Riley’s leg.

“Can you bend your knee just enough to rest it on the bed?”

“I think so.”

Snake studied Riley’s face closely, looking for any sign of discomfort. The last thing he

ever wanted to do was cause his wonderful man pain. The new position separated the cheeks

of Riley’s ass enough for Snake to slide a finger deep into his hole. “Oh, baby, you’re so

warm inside.”

“I’m hot for you,” Riley replied. “I need you in me,” he begged.

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“I know.” Snake removed his finger and fit the crown of his cock against Riley’s hole.

“This’ll be the first time in my life that I’ve fucked without a condom,” he confessed. “I don’t

know if you understand the significance of that, but it’s monumental for me.”

“I think I do,” Riley said, reaching back to put his hand on Snake’s hip. “I can’t hold

you in this position,” he pouted.

“This is about me loving you.” Snake rocked his hips, pushing his cock inside an inch at

a time. “This is about me being able to fuck you without hurting you.” He stopped rocking

when he felt Riley’s muscles clench around his cock. Damn. He needed to remember that it

had been three months since he’d buried his cock fully into Riley’s ass. “That’s far enough for

now,” he whispered in Riley’s ear. He fought against the urge to move. “Let’s just take a

breath and relax.”

Riley tilted his head back to look up at Snake. “Tell me you love me.”

Snake’s gaze roamed Riley’s handsome face. There were only two scars that would

need additional surgeries—the one that ran under one of his eyes and across the bridge of his

nose where his face had impacted with the steering wheel. The skin was slightly puckered

and uncomfortable for Riley after a few hours of wearing his glasses. A stick, protruding in

through the shattered windshield when the SUV careened down the side of the mountain to

the plateau below, had created the other—and probably the worst—scar. Snake had tried to

talk Riley out of additional surgeries on that one because it posed no medical issue, but Riley

was extremely self-conscious of the jagged six-inch scar. In the end, he’d accepted Riley’s

decision, although he still didn’t believe it was necessary.

Gazing down at Riley, Snake couldn’t imagine anyone else in his arms. The countless

men he’d been with over the years had been purged from his memory by the kindness,

acceptance and love that Riley offered.

“Love isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel for you. You’ve given me a life I never

thought I deserved, and a love that’s without measure.” Snake touched his lips to Riley’s,

holding the position for a several heartbeats, before pushing his tongue inside. He worshiped

Riley’s mouth while his hips started to move.

The squeeze of Riley’s body around his dick reminded Snake, once again, that he’d

survived the nightmare of a lifetime without the man he loved.

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Riley moaned into the kiss before breaking away. “Fuck me like you want to. I’m not

going to break.”

Snake’s slow rhythm in and out was definitely different from his usual, but it felt like

the right way to worship Riley. He reached down and wrapped his hand around Riley’s

cock. “Shhh,” he whispered in Riley’s ear. “Just let me love you.”

When Riley clutched the pillow with his free hand, Snake knew the slow fuck felt good

to both of them. He pressed his thumb against the slit on Riley’s dick and was rewarded with

another moan from the sexy man in his arms.

Snake was close, so damn close that he had to clench his jaws to keep from coming first.

He nuzzled his face against the side of Riley’s head and growled, “Say my name when you


Riley gasped and screamed, “Gabrielo!” as the first strand of seed shot from his cock.

Snake gave himself over to his own climax with the echoing sound of his name,

confident that Riley loved both sides of him.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

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Campus Cravings: Coming Clean

Carol Lynne


Chapter One

Chase Hughes stared at the large flat-screen television in the BK House rec room

without seeing a damn thing. The phone in his hand dropped to the sofa cushion beside him.

He needed to get off the couch and jump into the shower before work, but he couldn’t get the

conversation with Benny, his boyfriend of two years, off his mind.

It wasn’t that the phone call had been bad. He never had a problem talking to Benny

because they knew each other so well they never ran out of things to say. Nope, it was the

way Benny ended their daily calls with an ‘I love you’ that made him feel like shit.

Benny Allenbrand was one of the nicest guys Chase had ever known, and there had

been a time when the two were inseparable, but that had been before Chase had gone off to

college. Being two and a half years younger, Benny wouldn’t graduate high school until May.

Chase glanced at the phone. Benny had accepted a scholarship to play football for

North Central Idaho University. The same football team Chase played on. It had always been

their plan for Benny to graduate and join Chase, so what the fuck was wrong with him now

that their dream was going to come true?

Wyatt came into the room, twirling a set of keys on his finger. “Do you still need a ride

to work?”

Chase glanced at the clock. Fuck. So much for getting a shower in. He got to his feet and

stretched his arms over his head. “Do I have time to change?”

“Sure. I thought I’d grab something to eat from the kitchen before I left anyway. Meet

you back here in fifteen?”

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“Great.” Chase picked up his phone. He should have enough time for a quick shower. It

was his first night back to work since he’d returned from winter break and he couldn’t wait

to get some money in his pocket again. He’d only worked at Clean Slate since he’d turned

twenty-one in November and couldn’t believe the bar’s owner, Reid, had given him time off

to go home for Christmas.

It only took Chase a moment to race to his room and grab a towel and his shower

bucket. He stripped out of his clothes and stepped under the hot spray of water. When he’d

first taken the job at Clean Slate, he’d made piss poor tips until Wyatt and Zeke had clued

him in on what to wear and how to flirt. He still wasn’t as good as Wyatt and Zeke at the

flirting, but he’d spent his entire first week’s pay on clothes that he wouldn’t be caught dead

in back home in Cattle Valley.

After a quick scrub, Chase spent a couple of minutes getting his blond hair styled. He

preferred the just out of bed look and obviously, so did the bar patrons, because the less time

he spent on it, the higher the tips.

Chase pulled on his low-rise jeans and tight white T-shirt with the bar’s logo. Wyatt had

told Chase he’d make even more money in tips if he got his nipples pierced, but he wasn’t

willing to go that far. He was the smallest quarterback in the college’s history and was

already pushing his luck with the football team. Showing up for spring training with pierced

nipples would likely get him jumped in the showers.

Fully dressed, Chase stopped by his room to toss the towel toward his bed and retrieve

his wallet. “I’m going to work,” he told his roommate.

Rusty glanced up from the book he was reading. His parents had died in an accident

less than six months earlier, so Rusty had stayed at BK for the holidays. Chase couldn’t

imagine how shitty that would be.

“Okay,” Rusty replied before going back to his book.

As Chase jogged down the steps, he prayed he wasn’t the only student who’d come

back from break early. A packed bar was a lucrative shift.

* * * *

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“This place is dead,” Skeet Drews declared, entering the garage through the tiny


Mac glanced up from the custom bike he was working on. “Not many people are out

looking for Harleys when there’s a foot of snow on the ground.”

“So why’re you even open? Knock off early and let’s grab a drink.” Skeet plopped

down on one of the small metal stools Mac had sprinkled around the three bay garage.

Mac didn’t dare tell his best friend that being alone at the shop was a hell of a lot easier

than being alone at home. He’d made the mistake of letting Skeet talk him into going to

Clean Slate a few months earlier, and Skeet hadn’t shut up about going back since. “That

place is too loud.”

“Fuck, when did you become an old man?” Skeet tapped a booted foot against Mac’s


“When I became responsible for a wife and son at the age of eighteen, asshole.” Mac

returned his attention to the gas tank he’d been grinding on.

“Who said anything about getting drunk? I figured we’d have a couple beers, a big

plate of chili cheese fries and maybe get lucky.”

Mac didn’t bother to reply. He liked a good hard fuck as much as the next guy, but

knew from experience he couldn’t find what he was after in a damn bar. It was probably a

sick fucking thing, but he enjoyed the chase. Unfortunately, the guys that seemed to slither

over to him when he was at a club only wanted one thing. Where was the challenge? He

needed a challenge. He fucking lived for it. His dick wouldn’t even get hard unless he

believed he was about to tap something special. Still, it was almost seven and the thought of

going home didn’t hold much appeal.

“Come on. I don’t want to go by myself,” Skeet begged.

Mac growled as he set the hand-grinder aside. One of the advantages of owning his

own custom motorcycle shop was the ability to set his own hours, and since he hadn’t had a

single customer all day, he decided to follow Skeet’s lead. “You start turning off the lights

while I get things locked up.”

Skeet clapped his hands. “That’s what I’m talking about. You won’t be sorry.”

Skeet’s enthusiasm was not infectious, leading Mac to think he was already sorry he’d

agreed to the night out.

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* * * *

“Hey,” Chase answered his phone. He nodded when Zeke indicated the tray full of

drinks on the bar.

“You have time to talk?” Benny asked.

“Sorry, I’m in the middle of my shift. Is something up?” Chase tucked the phone

between his cheek and shoulder while he added slices of lime to two of the beer bottles.

“Not really. I can’t stop thinking about our call earlier.”

Chase squeezed his eyes shut. “Why don’t I give you a call back on my break?”

“When’s that?”

Chase glanced at the large clock over the bar. “Another hour and twenty.” Discussing

their earlier conversation wasn’t something he felt like doing on his break, but he knew

Benny wouldn’t sleep until they’d worked things out between them. Chase still wasn’t sure

he was doing right by Benny and had said as much hours before.

“I guess,” Benny mumbled.

Zeke gave Chase a look that said Chase better get the fuck off the phone and do his job.

“Okay, gotta go or I’ll lose my paycheck.”

“Sure.” Benny sighed. “I love you.”

“Yeah.” Chase winced. Once again, it was the awkward part of their conversations. He

hung up and stuffed the phone in his bar apron. “Sorry about that.”

Zeke poured another draft beer and set it on Wyatt’s tray. “Don’t let Reid see you doing

that.” He grinned. “I’m the nice one.”

Chase loved his boss, so he doubted that was the truth. He rolled his eyes and picked

up his order. “But he’s the hot one,” he replied in total honesty. Reid was gorgeous, and

Chase often found his gaze straying to the older man when he was in the room.

“Watch it,” Zeke warned. He winked at Chase and gestured across the bar with his

chin. “You’ve got a new table.”

Chase groaned. His station was already loaded. Who the fuck knew that so many

people would take refuge in a fucking bar during a snowstorm? He could kick himself for

hoping the bar would be busy. It seemed fate had been listening. Balancing the tray, he

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turned and caught sight of the bar’s newest refugees. “Fuck me.” He barely caught his tray

before it toppled to the floor.

Zeke started laughing. “Yeah, I thought you’d say that.”

Both men were hot, but one in particular was every daddy fantasy Chase had ever had.

Clad in a skintight black Under Armour shirt, the patron’s muscular chest and arms were on

glorious display. There was a hint of a tattoo on the man’s throat with even more ink

showing on his forearms and wrists where the long-sleeved shirt was pushed up.

Chase wasted no time delivering the drinks, so intent on getting to the hot guy that he

didn’t even bother to flirt. He approached the high top table and prayed his voice wouldn’t

crack but was thankful he wore the short apron that hid his raging erection. Shit. The man’s

nose was fucking perfect. “Welcome to Clean Slate,” he greeted. “What can I get you?”

The gorgeous one, the one with the devilish dark brown beard and big hazel eyes,

grinned at him. Fuck. Chase thought he’d die right there in the middle of the packed bar.

“Haven’t seen you before,” the man replied, his voice so deep Chase felt it vibrate his fucking


“I haven’t been here long.” Chase tucked the tray under his arm. “I’m Chase.”

Although he had other customers to tend to, he wanted to milk his moment with the hot


“Chase,” the man repeated with a nod. “I’m Mac and this is my friend Skeet.”

Chase flicked a glance to Skeet before returning to Mac. Sure, Skeet was handsome too,

but he didn’t have that bad boy look that Mac had in spades. “Nice to meet you.” He smiled,

knowing his dimples would be on full display.

Mac held Chase’s gaze for several beautiful seconds. “Two glasses of Sam Adams,” he

eventually said. “And two orders of the chili cheese fries,” he added.

“That it?” Chase asked. “You look like a man who enjoys a good steak, and Raul has

some delicious New York strips in the kitchen.”

Mac looked to Skeet. “You need to get home for any reason?”

Skeet shook his head. “Medium-well for me with a loaded potato.”

Chase nodded and waited for Mac to order. “What kind of vegetables do you have


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“Ummm.” Chase thought for a few moments. “Steamed broccoli or green beans,” he

recited, getting lost in Mac’s hazel eyes. It was rare, extremely rare, that a man affected him

to the point where he couldn’t think.

“Great. Medium-rare with a side of the broccoli,” Mac replied.

“Do you still want the chili cheese fries?” Chase knew he was stalling, but he didn’t

want to walk away.

“Yeah, give us one order. We can share it while we’re waiting for our meal.”

“Sure thing.” Chase smiled again, wondering what Mac’s hair looked like under the

black beanie. “Be right back with those beers.”

“I’d say take your time, but I’m very thirsty,” Mac said with a wink.

Chase tore himself away from the table. He pulled his order pad out of his apron and

wrote up the food order. He dropped it off with Raul before stepping up to the bar. “Two

Sam Adams,” he told Zeke.

Zeke eyed Chase as he filled two glasses from the tap.

“What?” Chase asked, feeling uncomfortable. “I’m flirting. Isn’t that what you told me

to do? Besides, I have a boyfriend back home.” He didn’t know who he was trying to

convince, Zeke or himself. Benny. He inwardly groaned.

“You have that look on your face when you’re around that boyfriend of yours?” Zeke

set the glasses on Chase’s tray.

“What look?” Chase knew for a fact Zeke couldn’t see the erection still pressed against

his fly.

Zeke shook his head and picked up a rag to wipe off the bar. “Never mind.”

Chase stood staring at Zeke for several moments. “Whatever,” he grumbled, picking up

the tray. On his way to Mac’s table, another of his regulars called out to him.

“Hey, QB, get us another round.”

“Sure thing.” Chase tried to remember what the table of football fans were drinking.

Mac had him so wound up his memory was shit. “Here you go,” he said, arriving at Mac’s


“QB?” Skeet questioned.

“I’m the Big Horn quarterback,” Chase explained, setting Skeet’s beer on the napkin

he’d laid out.

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Skeet punched Mac in the arm. “Hear that?”

Mac nodded. “Yep.”

Skeet gestured to Mac. “He rarely misses a home game. His son plays high school

football in Los Angeles.”

“Fuck!” Mac turned to Skeet. “You gonna give the kid my whole fucking history?”

Chase felt like he’d been slapped. Kid? Evidently he’d been wrong about the mutual

attraction he’d felt between them earlier. He took a step back, taking himself out of the line of

fire. “I’ll bring those fries out as soon as they’re ready.” Then, with his virtual tail between

his legs, he got the hell away from the table.

Order your copy here

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About the Author

An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of
erotic romance. Carol juggles between being a full-time mother and a full-time writer.
These days, you can usually find Carol either cleaning jelly out of the carpet or nestled
in her favourite chair writing steamy love scenes.


Also by Carol Lynne

Campus Cravings: Coach

Campus Cravings: Side-Lined

Campus Cravings: Sacking the Quarterback

Campus Cravings: Off-Season

Campus Cravings: Forbidden Freshman

Campus Cravings: Broken Pottery

Campus Cravings: In Bear’s Bed

Campus Cravings: Office Advances

Campus Cravings: A Biker’s Vow

Campus Cravings: Hershie’s Kiss

Campus Cravings: Theron’s Return

Campus Cravings: Live for Today

Campus Cravings: Incoming Freshman

Campus Cravings: A Lesson Learned

Campus Cravings: Locky in Love

Campus Cravings: The Injustice of Being

Campus Cravings: Watch Me

Good Time Boys: Sonny’s Salvation

Good-time Boys: Garron’s Gift

Good-time Boys: Rawley’s Redemption

Good-time Boys: Twin Temptations

Good-time Boys: It’s a Good Life

Cattle Valley: All Play & No Work

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Mistletoe

Cattle Valley: Sweet Topping

Cattle Valley: Rough Ride

Cattle Valley: Physical Therapy

Cattle Valley: Out of the Shadow

Cattle Valley: Bad Boy Cowboy

Cattle Valley: The Sound of White

Cattle Valley: Gone Surfin’

Cattle Valley: The Last Bouquet

Cattle Valley: Eye of the Beholder

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Days

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Cattle Valley: Bent-Not Broken

Cattle Valley: Arm Candy

Cattle Valley: Recipe for Love

Cattle Valley: Firehouse Heat

Cattle Valley: Neil’s Guardian Angel

Cattle Valley: Scarred

Cattle Valley: Making the Grade

Cattle Valley: To Service and Protect

Cattle Valley: The O’Brien Way

Cattle Valley: Ghost from the Past

Cattle Valley: Hawk’s Landing

Cattle Valley: Shooting Star

Cattle Valley: Confessions

Cattle Valley: Shadow Soldier

Cattle Valley: Alone in a Crowd

Cattle Valley: Second Chances

Cattle Valley: Finding Absolution

Cattle Valley: Fingerprints and Muddy Feet

Poker Night: Texas Hold Em

Poker Night: Slow-Play

Poker Night: Pocket Pair

Poker Night: Different Suits

Poker Night: Full House

Men in Love: Reunion

Bodyguards in Love: Brier’s Bargain

Bodyguards in Love: Taming Black Dog Four

Bodyguards in Love: Seb’s Surrender

Bodyguards in Love: I Love Rock N Roll

Bodyguards in Love: Seducing the Sheik

Bodyguards in Love: To Bed a King

Neo’s Realm: Liquid Crimson

Neo’s Realm: Blood Trinity

Neo’s Realm: Crimson Moon

Neo’s Realm: Royal Blood

Seasons of Love: Spring

Seasons of Love: Summer

Seasons of Love: Fall

Seasons of Love: Winter

C-7 Shifters: Alrik

C-7 Shifters: Seger

Buck Wild: Cowboy Pride

Buck Wild: Cowboy Rules

Fabulous Brits: Moor Love

Naughty Nooners: Dalton’s Awakening

Gaymes: Highland Gaymes

Unconventional at Best: A New Normal

Unconventional in Atlanta: Seeing Him

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Carol loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author
biography at


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Totally Bound Publishing


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