Carol Lynne (Rogue Hunters #1) Hunting Evil

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Hunting Evil

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC 2665 N

Atlantic Avenue, #349 Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

About the Author

Also Available from Resplendence Publishing

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Hunting Evil

A Rogue Hunters Story

By Carol Lynne

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Hunting Evil
Copyright © 2012 Carol Lynne
Edited by Michele Paulin and CJ Slate
Cover art by Les Byerley,

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-613-4

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted
work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement,
including infringement without monetary gain, is
investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up
to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of

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Electronic Release: December 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places and occurrences are a product of the
author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is
purely coincidental.

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Chapter One

“No.” Vince Milano shook his head.

“Sorry, Vince, but you don’t have a choice. This woman’s

supposed to be some kind of expert on Armand. The order came

down from the Commissioner.”

“Is she a cop?”

“No, a civilian.”

“What does the San Diego Commissioner know about the

case? He watches the local news and assumes it will be safe for a

woman to ride along while I hunt this monster? Does he have any

idea what this guy does to females?” Vince crossed his arms over

his chest and slung his heavy black boots onto his captain’s desk.

Dave Bently narrowed his eyes at the positioning of Vince’s

footwear. With a sigh, Vince put his feet back on the floor.

“Look, Vince. When your kind became known, most of the

cops in the city refused to work with their fellow vampire officers.

Shit, some of them had been partners for years, but the second they

found out who they were riding with, everything changed. The

reason you and every other vamp still have jobs is because of Kade

Black and the Bureau of Vampire Affairs. Kade is the one who

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went to the Commissioner and asked that Ms. Davis help with the


Vince knew what Kade Black, the vamp in charge of the

BVA’s military, had done for his kind. What he didn’t understand

was how his captain could think it was a good thing to bring in an

outsider. “I’m hot on Armand’s trail. How am I supposed to

babysit and track that maniac at the same time?”

“I told them that, and they assured me they were sending

someone who could keep up with you.”

“Right,” Vince spat.

“Sorry, but you don’t have a choice.”

“I always have a choice,” Vince replied and headed for the


His captain’s next words stopped him in his tracks. “They’ll

yank you from the case and put you on leave until they either fire

your ass or you agree to the ride-along. Who else do you think we

have who can catch Armand?”

Gripping the cold brass doorknob, Vince felt the metal start

to give way under his superior strength. Easing up, he looked over

his shoulder at Bently. “I’m leaving in twenty. If the chick isn’t in the

car, too bad.”

Walking toward his desk, Vince unlocked his top drawer

and removed the well-worn folder that had become his constant

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companion. He thumbed through the file of pictures that had been

his waking nightmare for the past eight months. It never got easier.

He was so close to catching the psycho he could taste it. A quick

glance at the clock on the yellowing precinct wall told him he’d

been lost in the evidence once again. Shit, the woman would show

up any minute. Being a vampire wasn’t the only reason he worked

nights. He preferred the solitude the dark afforded him, and riding

around with some damn woman in tow wasn’t his idea of a good


“Detective Milano? I’m Lauren.”

Vince turned to study the red-haired beauty in front of him.

Nice rack. His mind recognized her outstretched hand and the

reality of the situation came into focus. BVA, he thought with a sigh

at what may have been.

“Call me Vince.” He gave the woman a short nod and turned

to gather his file. “Ready?” He stood and gestured to the door.

“Ooh, you’re a charmer. Lovely,” she replied.

Vince shrugged and led the way to his unmarked car. She

didn’t smell right, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. He didn’t

need this headache right now. At least, the woman had enough

sense to wear jeans instead of a skirt. Speaking of jeans, his were

fitting a little tighter in the crotch as he felt his companion’s presence

behind him.

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* * * *

The fact that Milano opened her car door told Lauren more

than words could. Although it was a courteous thing to do, it put her

in the weaker position, something she didn’t appreciate. Not one

bit. She shoved passed him and took control of the door. “I’m

perfectly capable of opening a door.”

Milano took a step back and held up his hand. “Just trying to

be a gentleman.”

“Be a cop. Leave the gentleman shit for date night.” She

dropped her bag on the floor and climbed in. There was only one

place she wanted to be treated like a woman, and that was in bed.

She glanced at Milano as he buckled his seatbelt. Damn. Milano’s

body was perfect. His forearms were bigger than her thighs and the

bulge in his jeans was impressive.

Milano cleared his throat, and Lauren realized she was

openly staring at his crotch. Without apologizing, she turned to face

the front. “Where to first?”

“Well, since the BVA believes you can crack this case, I

thought I’d take you to one of the crime scenes.” Milano started the

sedan and pulled out of the lot.

Lauren had already poured over all the crime scenes, but she

kept her mouth shut. It would be interesting to see what Milano had

discovered on his own. “Okay,” she agreed.

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They headed toward Locust and Fifth with Milano driving

like an old woman. He was wasting her time, she concluded. Why

was he taking her to the only location that didn’t fit with Armand’s

usual pattern? “So tell me, how did you figure out Armand was the

one killing these girls?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” Milano said without taking

his eyes off the road.

Lauren wasn’t ready to divulge that information. “I’ve been

tracking him for a long time.”

“So have I.” Milano parked in front of the alley where

Brandy Huggins’ body had been found.

“This is it.” Milano got out of the car without looking at her.

With a sigh, Lauren got out. The section of town wasn’t the

safest, so she grabbed her bag at the last moment.

With his hands shoved in his pockets, Milano stared at the

bag and grinned.

“It’s not a purse.” She settled the mini-backpack on her


“Of course not. That would make you a woman.”

Lauren’s gaze went to the front of Milano’s pants. “I thought

you’d noticed that little fact earlier when your dick went hard, but

maybe you prefer dudes.”

Milano’s dark eyes narrowed. He moved to stand in front of

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Lauren. “I smelled your wet pussy when we got in the car. I’m a

vampire. We react to things like that.”

Lauren’s sex drive was the only thing about her that she

couldn’t control, and she never made apologies for it. She smirked.

“You’ve got a great body. Someone would have to be dead not to

notice.” Standing on her tip toes, she tilted her head back and came

within an inch of his mouth. “Did you bring me here to seduce me or

show me the crime scene?”

Milano’s nostrils flared, obviously trying to detect whether

she was aroused again. “I brought you here to see how much you

know about the man we’re tracking.”

“I know everything about Armand, except where’s he

hiding.” Lauren glanced at the grimy alley. “And I know that Brandy

Huggins wasn’t murdered here.”

Milano’s black eyebrows shot up. “Why do you say that?”

“Because it’s dirty here.” With her hands clasped behind her

back, Lauren wandered up and down a short stretch of the alley. “I

think she was killed too close to where he’s living, and he didn’t

want to draw police attention to his location.”

“Well, you’re right that she wasn’t killed here, not enough

blood at this scene.”

“So tell me, how did you find out it was Armand?”

“He’s never tried to hide his identity.” He opened his jacket

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and withdrew a small plastic bag from his inner pocket. “He leaves

these stuffed in various parts of the victims’ bodies.”

Lauren took the bag and stared at the bloodstained business

card. “Armand obviously wanted the media to know he was doing

it, so why hold that information back from the press? Do you worry

that he continues to kill because you’re pissing him off by holding


Milano shook his head. “I think the bastard would continue

to track these girls down regardless.” He looked at Lauren with

suspicion in his eyes. “Don’t you?”

Lauren shrugged. Armand was trying to get her attention, so,

no, she didn’t believe he would have continued, but she didn’t want

to give Milano a reason to feel guilty for anything Armand had done.

It was unlike her to care so much about a man’s feelings, which

made her uneasy. She headed back toward the car. “Where to


* * * *

An hour before sunrise, Vince followed Lauren’s directions

to her car in the parking lot. He’d purposely followed leads he

knew wouldn’t go anywhere in an attempt to keep the woman out

of the investigation. “If I get a new lead, I’ll be sure and let the BVA

know. In the meantime, there’s no sense wasting your time.”

Face red and jaw set, Lauren jabbed her finger at Vince’s

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Face red and jaw set, Lauren jabbed her finger at Vince’s

chest. “Last night was bullshit, and we both know it. I don’t know

what kind of stick you’ve got shoved up your ass, but I can make

things very difficult for you if you’re not careful.”

“I will not put a civilian in danger, no matter how much

power she believes she wields.” Vince admired the human. Few

people stood up to him, and never had a woman tried to challenge

him. His attraction to the red-haired beauty grew, threatening his

self-control. The smell of her arousal in the closed confines of the

car had plagued him all night. There was a spicy scent to her cream

that he’d never encountered before, and his desire to taste her

juices had occupied most of his thoughts.

Lauren’s emerald green eyes narrowed. “Your job is to

worry about the innocent girls being murdered. I’ll be back at

sunset to help you catch the bastard.”

Before Vince could protest further, Lauren was out of the car

and stalking toward her own. His gaze settled on her ass and stayed

there until she climbed behind the wheel and tore out of the lot.

Putting his car in gear, he pulled out with thoughts of getting

the she-devil into bed. He wondered if she was as aggressive in the

sack as she had been with him a few moments earlier. The thought

made his cock swell.

On his way home, Vince swung by Morgan’s, a sleazy little

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hole in the wall where he’d always gotten laid or blown for the price

of a drink or two.

Walking into the place, Vince tossed his keys onto the

scarred wooden surface of the bar. He didn’t bother sitting down,

with any luck, he wouldn’t be there long enough. “Beer,” he told

Mac, the bartender.

“Haven’t seen you in a while.” Mac reached into the cooler

and pulled out a Michelob.

“Been working.” Vince leaned an arm on the bar and glanced

around. His gaze zeroed in on a prostitute several stools down with

long, badly dyed auburn hair. It wasn’t the same shade as Lauren’s,

but, hell, for a quick fuck or something faster like a blowjob, she

would do.

“Forget that one, buddy,” Mac warned. “She’s an

undercover cop.”

When the woman tossed back her hair and laughed, the light

hit her face, giving Vince a better look. The woman’s nose was

crooked, and she had the slightest space between her two front


Who the fuck was he kidding? The bitch looked nothing like

Lauren. “Not my type anyway.” Vince tipped up his bottle and

gulped it down in one go. He slapped a ten dollar bill on the counter

and nodded at the bartender. “See ya around, Mac.”

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Vince left Morgan’s more frustrated than he’d been when

he’d gone in. Not only did his dick not get sucked, but he’d come

to the realization that Lauren was the only woman he wanted.


* * * *

Lauren’s phone started to ring as she entered her hotel room.

She dropped her bag on the floor and dug the cell out of her

pocket. “Hang on a minute.”

She kicked off her shoes and flopped onto the hard, hotel

mattress. “What’s up?”

York, her oldest and dearest friend, was laughing. “Are you


Lauren rolled her eyes. To York, downtime was for having

sex, so of course he assumed she was in the middle of getting laid.

She thought about her attraction to Vince and sighed. “I wish.

Instead, I’m riding around the streets of San Diego with an asshole

more infuriating than you.”

York laughed harder. “So, you’re attracted to the cop.”

“Stop it.” She chuckled as she lowered the zipper on her

jeans. “Are Drone and Benson with you?”

“Benson is, but Drone’s in Portugal on a job.”

Lauren turned on the TV and set it to mute. “And Benson,

what’s he up to?”

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“We just finished a case,” York said by way of explanation.

“In other words, he’s sucking your cock,” Lauren surmised,

channel surfing.

“You got it.” York moaned. “So tell me about your cop?”

Lauren closed her eyes. She wasn’t ready to discuss Vince

with York. “Maybe another time. Right now, I’m so tired I can’t

see straight.”

“Liar, you’re stalling, which worries me. Tell me what’s going


“No. I’m not talking to you about this, so forget it.” Since the

first time York had saved her life, Lauren had rarely told him no, so

she held her breath, wondering how he’d react.

“I won’t let you go without a fight,” York said.

Lauren rolled to her side and curled into a ball. After her

fucked up childhood, she’d learned to cut herself off from her

emotions. It was easier to feel nothing than to be betrayed again.

York had always accepted what she could give without asking for

more, which usually consisted of sex when they were together.

Their unique relationship had started nine years earlier when

she’d taken a contract position with the BVA. Given her combat

experience and martial arts training, Lauren had been hired to be a

decoy for the Rogue Hunters, an elite arm of the BVA military unit.

The job was to help them catch a vampire who’d been kidnapping

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human women and selling them as sex slaves to overseas clients.

The mission had lasted longer than any of them had anticipated, and

by the time they’d caught their man, Lauren had formed an

unspoken bond with York, Benson, and Drone.

“Lauren?” York’s voice sounded gruffer than usual.

“I’m here. I’ll always be here for you.” Lauren decided to be

honest. “There’s something about Vince that I can’t put my finger

on, but I’m drawn to him, and I hate it.”

“Hmmm, sounds to me like he’s melting some of that ice

you’ve been building up over the years.”

“Screw you.” Lauren couldn’t help but chuckle. “No one’s

melting my shit.”


“Tell Benson to get your dick out of his mouth so he can say

hi,” she told York.

“Benson, Lauren says hi and to keep doing what you’re

doing,” York replied. “I’ll have him call you later.”

“Stingy bastard.” Lauren turned off the TV. “Okay, I’m

going to sleep now.”

“You want me to come down there?” York asked.

“No, not yet. Believe me, I’ll call if I need you.”

“Be careful.”

“Always am,” Lauren said before ending the call. She

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reached over the side of the bed and plugged her phone into the

charger before climbing under the covers with her clothes still on.

Closing her eyes, she willed herself to stop thinking about Vince and

just go to sleep.

Two hours later, she gave up and jumped in the shower. It

was going to be a long day.

* * * *

Lauren fastened her seatbelt and studied Vince out of the

corner of her eye. When had she started to think of him as a man

and not just a cop? Few men made her comfortable enough to call

them by their first names, well, except for Armand, but referring to

him as Asshole Bastard was beneath her.

Lauren returned her attention to the road in front of her as

Vince pulled out of the lot. They had been out together on three

separate occasions, and they were still no closer to tracking

Armand. To top it off, she was ashamed of herself for thinking

about the six-foot-three vampire all day.

After two hours of roaming the back streets of the city, Vince

seemed to drive down the darkest alleys he could find. What was

he trying to do? Scare her? He evidently had no idea what kind of

woman he was riding with.

“You won’t find him here,” she finally said in exasperation.

One black eyebrow lifted as Vince finally acknowledged

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someone else was in the car with him. “And you know this how?”

Lauren shrugged. “Just stands to reason. He rapes and

mutilates girls from middle-income families between the ages of

fourteen and seventeen.” She looked around the dark street. “It

may just be me, but this doesn’t look like a middle-class


Vince stepped on the brake and put the car into park.

Turning his body, he leaned forward until he was almost nose-to-

nose with her. “Who gave you a copy of the file?”

“I’m damn good at what I do, and what I’ve done is to

gather every bit of information on Armand that I could find. You’ve

been tracking Armand Dubois for eight months. In that time, he’s

killed eight girls, one per month, and if my calendar is correct, he’s

due to strike again.”

She heard a low growl rumble through Vince’s chest. Too

bad. “You may not like me, and you might think BVA had no

business ordering you to work with a woman, but you’re stuck with

me. And unless you want to continue wasting time by trying to scare

me, I’d suggest you head east to the more affluent section of town.”

Lauren couldn’t help but notice the way Vince’s dark eyes

zeroed in on her lips as she spoke. When she finished, he leaned a

hair closer.

“Lady, you have no idea what you’re getting into.”

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“I might surprise you.” She smoothed her hair behind her ear.

“I’m a third-degree black belt in two different forms of martial arts.

I was a United States Marine for six years, and I could probably

kick your ass. Now drive.”

With a half-smile, Vince leaned back and reached for the

thick file beside him. Turning on the overhead light, he handed the

red folder to Lauren. “You may have seen the official file, but look

at mine and tell me you’re still prepared to follow me into the mind

of a monster.”

Accepting the folder, Lauren took a deep breath. Inside

were pictures of the deceased girls, close-ups of crime scene

photos and morgue shots, one after another. She fought to keep her

breathing under control as she carefully looked at each picture. Her

arousal that had resulted from her heated exchange with Vince

vanished. Armand was getting bolder and more skilled, his cuts

more precise. She closed the file and handed it back.

“Seen enough?” he asked. “Ready for me to take you back

to your car?”

Lauren shrugged. “I’ve seen worse.”

Vince released a sharp bark of laughter. “Yeah, right.

Where, at the movies?”

Tired of dealing with the gorgeous Neanderthal in front of

her, Lauren pulled the bottom of her black T-shirt up to her neck.

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“No, I see worse every time I look in the mirror. Now, put the car

in drive, and let’s get busy.”

Vince looked at the roadmap of jagged scars spread across

Lauren’s torso and chest. Instinctively, he reached out to trace one

of the raised areas of puckered skin that disappeared under the lace

of her bra. They were old, at least twenty years old, but still seemed

to pulse with pain. He looked up into the beautiful face in front of

him. “Lauren? That’s your real name, right?”

“Yes,” she said and removed his hand before pulling her shirt

back down.

“Can I ask?” He gestured toward her chest.

“Armand Dubois, eighteen years, eight months, twenty-two

days ago. And my full name is April Lauren Dubois.”

Vince felt as if he’d been kicked in the gut. No way. He

closed his eyes and fought the urge to turn, barely keeping his feral

side dormant. He’d read everything about Armand he could get his

hands on. He remembered reading about April Dubois, although

there was little information about her. He always wondered what

had happened to the girl, but after she’d turned eighteen, April had

seemed to disappear off the face of the earth.

“You’re his daughter,” he whispered.

“No. I was his daughter. I’m now his hunter.”

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Chapter Two

Looking out the passenger window, Lauren bit her bottom

lip. She’d told Vince more in a ten-minute conversation than she’d

ever told anyone. Well, with the exception of York. What was it

about Vince that made her feel she could trust him?

He grunted. “I’d like to go to the park and set up a stakeout

in the trees. I have a feeling he spots his victims there before

following them. If he stays true to his pattern, he should be selecting

his next target soon.”

Lauren nodded. “Girls are traveling in groups these days, but

Armand won’t be deterred by that. He’ll pick one out and follow

her. Learn everything there is to know about her before he strikes.

He could’ve already found his next victim, which would make this

whole thing a waste of time, but I agree, it’s the best chance we

have.” She looked around the busy park. “It’s always been a

hangout for high school kids.”

Vince turned the corner and parked the nondescript car on a

side street. “Do you have a bottle of water or anything? It could be

a long night.”

“I’ll be fine.” She slung her purse-like backpack over her

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shoulder and looked at Vince. “Do you have something to drink, or

are you just planning to take a sip of me when you get thirsty?” She

didn’t know why she said it. It was a cruel and prejudiced thing to

say. “I’m sorry.”

“No problem. I’m used to it.” Vince walked in front of her

and headed for the trees.

There were several groups of teens hanging out around the

large, brightly lit gazebo. One of them had an iPod hooked to

speakers and several of the kids were dancing. The music was loud

enough that she and Vince wouldn’t have to be silent in their vigil.

Lauren sat in the spot Vince indicated. She wondered if

she’d hurt his feelings with her flip comment. For some reason, it

mattered to her. “I really am sorry.”

Vince turned his head to look at her. “I said it wasn’t a

problem.” He exhaled and looked down at the patchy grass. “I’m

sorry, too.”


“Being an ass earlier. I feel guilty that I haven’t caught

Armand. I know my time is ticking away, and I’m pissed.”

Lauren looked at the large man beside her. Vince was

definitely taking his job personally. She lived among a species of

man that she basically knew nothing about. Jeez, her best friends

were vampires, but she didn’t dare get close enough to see what

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made them tick. For York, Drone, and Benson, living was fighting

and winning the war. They dropped their walls long enough to invite

her into bed with them, but that was as far as she let things go. At

least, she thought that was all to their relationship. After the phone

conversation with York, she wasn’t so sure anymore.

For years, Lauren told herself sex with them was enough, but

she’d begun to wonder. After their last encounter, she’d decided to

make a change and open herself to the possibility of a relationship.

Maybe, she should stop daydreaming about Vince and hightail it

back to York. Fuck. She needed to keep her head together.

Catching Armand was the most important thing.

Reaching out, she covered Vince’s hand with hers. “It’s not

your fault you haven’t caught him. He’s devious. You should be as

angry as I am that your system let him out of prison in the first


She felt a slight tremor running through his hand as she tried

to soothe him.

“He did his time,” Vince said with a shrug.

“No he didn’t,” Lauren countered. “He was released early

on probation. The review board thought he was reformed. Boy, did

he have them fooled.”

Vince seemed to study her for a few moments. “Did you

speak against him at the review hearing?”

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“I didn’t know anything about it until it was over.”

The look he gave her was typical. Lauren hated explaining

herself, but if she had to work with Vince, she would have to do

just that. “I was in Seattle on assignment at the time, but to be

honest, I don’t stay in one place for long, so maybe the review

board didn’t know how to contact me. I was working a job in

Northern California when I read an article in the newspaper about a

string of killings here in San Diego. I knew at that moment Armand

wouldn’t stop until I came back home. So here I am.”

Vince looked from the teenagers back to Lauren. “What are

you saying? You came back to offer yourself up as a sacrifice?

Does the BVA know that? And how did you get them to go to bat

for you with the Police Commissioner?”

“I’ve done some work for the BVA in the past. Toughest

bunch of men I’ve ever known, most of them are ex-military. They

owed me a few favors, and I cashed them in once I read about the

deaths of those girls. Besides, I’m used to playing decoy, and I’m

actually very good at it.” She didn’t mention the fact that she

regularly slept with the BVA’s top military team.

Lauren thought about the men she’d considered friends for

the past nine years and realized she probably knew nothing about

them outside the bedroom. Vampires could fuck better than any

human she’d come across, but that was as far as her knowledge of

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the species went. “Are you a typical vampire?”

“Excuse me?” Vince looked shocked that she’d asked the


“Sorry, I seem to be putting my foot in my mouth at every

turn. It’s just that I served with vampires in the Marines, and I’ve

worked with them since I got out, but none of them seem to have a

conscience, and they never express guilt. You seem different.”

Turning away, Vince once again trained his eyes on the group

surrounding the gazebo. “I don’t know,” he mumbled. “I pretty

much keep to myself, so I don’t know how others of my kind act.”

“No friends?”

“No. Why would I open myself up to heartache? Knowing

you’ll outlive the people you care about is a heavy burden.”

She could see it now, the loneliness that emanated from him

in waves. Lauren gave his hand a slight squeeze. “I cut myself off for

years after…” She blinked away the threatening tears. “I’ve found

it’s not worth it. Being alone is a horrible existence. I still keep my

emotions to myself, but being touched reminds me that I’m alive.”

She leaned in to whisper in Vince’s ear. “You should try it.”

Vince turned his head. Their faces were so close she felt his

breath as he exhaled. Lauren was tempted to sample those perfectly

proportioned lips.

“Why do you care?” he asked.

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She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I just do.”

Lauren closed the distance and brushed her lips against his,

testing the water.

With a groan, Vince buried his fingers in her hair and took

the kiss deeper, fucking her mouth with his tongue. He released her

and hauled her onto his lap without breaking the kiss and pressed a

hand between her legs.

Lauren knew she should stop him—hell, she barely knew the

vamp—but her body craved his touch. When the heel of his hand

rubbed against her clit, she began to rock against him. “Fuck me,”

she whispered.

Vince used his free hand to grab a handful of her long hair.

He tilted her chin back and took her mouth once again. He was

mastering her, and she was letting him.

When a loud laugh caught Lauren’s attention, she broke the

kiss and looked toward the gazebo. There was a girl with long,

dark brown hair. She stood on one of the tables, laughing and

dancing along with her friends. Lauren’s skin broke out in

gooseflesh, seeing herself years earlier in the girl’s body language.

“She’s the one.” Lauren shot out of the bushes toward the

crowd of teens.

Vince was momentarily stunned by their interlude. He’d

never been anything less than professional on the job, and he’d

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definitely never felt so passionate about someone, especially a

human. Before he knew it, Lauren was up and running toward the

group of partiers.

Vince swore under his breath at the woman’s reckless

behavior. If he ran after her, he’d risk exposing himself to Armand.

A thought suddenly occurred to him. He knew if Armand was

watching, he’d recognize Lauren. Was that her objective?

Tracking her every move, Vince dialed his captain.

“Bently,” the deep voice answered.

“Hey, it’s Vince. I think we have a problem.” Vince went on

to tell the captain what he’d learned about Lauren’s past and her

connection to Armand. He left out the part about the kiss.

“Sounds like you’ve got an eye on the next victim. I’d

suggest you stick to her like glue.”

Damn, he was afraid of that. How in the world could he keep

a professional distance with someone whose lips were as soft as

Lauren’s? She awoke feelings in him that had long lain dormant.

Bently’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “You still there?”

“Yeah, just trying to figure out how to accomplish that. She

seems pretty headstrong.”

Vince watched an animated Lauren talking to the girl.

Evidently, she accomplished what she’d set out to do, because the

girl nodded and called to her friends.

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“The group we’re watching is disbanding. I’ll call you after I

get things settled with Lauren.” Vince hung up the phone without

waiting for a reply.

He studied Lauren as she walked back toward him. Yeah,

she definitely knew what she was doing. The question was why

hadn’t she let him in on it?

“Sorry about taking off on you like that,” she said, standing

over him.

Vince rose to tower over her. “Would you like to tell me why

you just voluntarily exposed yourself to Armand?”

Lauren’s T-shirt had ridden up in the action, exposing several

inches of her stomach, including a small, diamond, belly-button stud.

The sight captured the attention of Vince’s cock. He wondered if

she had any other piercings. They were a common adornment in the

vampire species, but humans had stopped piercing their bodies after

that fact had become known.

Lauren made a disgusted noise and made a show of pulling

down her shirt. Unfortunately for Vince’s cock, the action only

drew his attention to those tits he couldn’t wait to suckle.

“Eyes up here,” she said, pointing to her face.

“Sorry,” Vince apologized. He shook his head, hoping to

clear his lust-fogged brain and tried to remember what he’d been so

upset about earlier. Oh, shit, yeah. “What the hell were you thinking

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pulling a stunt like that?”

“I knew he’d set his sights on that girl. She didn’t deserve it.

If anyone does, it’s me. I’m the one he wants, not them.”

Vince knew there was a lot more to the story, but he didn’t

like being out in the open while he questioned her further. “My

orders are to keep you in my sight until Armand is caught. So, I

guess the question is this. Your place or mine?”

“No,” Lauren said and started to walk back to Vince’s car.

Catching up, Vince grabbed her upper arm and spun her

around. “Yes. My job’s to catch that psycho, and right now, you’ve

made yourself his next target.”

“Believe me. I can take care of myself.”

When he continued to restrain her, a noise like none he’d

heard before came out of her mouth.

“You’re a shifter,” he said. He was stunned that it had taken

him so long to realize the difference in her smell. “Armand? Is that

why I haven’t been able to catch him?”

Lauren looked around before nodding. “Not many people

know. It’s one of the reasons I try to stay out of cities. Too many

people with keen senses of smell.”

“Does the BVA know?”


“The Commissioner?”

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“The Commissioner?”

“No.” Lauren stared down at Vince’s hand.

Vince released her. Things had just gotten a lot more

complicated. “The scars. How?”

“Not here.” She tilted her head slightly as if listening to

something. “I feel him. He’s watching us.” Lauren grabbed her pack

and slung it over her shoulder. “Let’s go to your place.”

“Why are you so agreeable all of a sudden?” Vince asked.

Lauren’s amber eyes stared back at him. She stood on her

tip-toes and kissed him, sliding her tongue deftly into his mouth

before withdrawing. “Because he’s seen you now, and you’re in

danger. We’ll need a plan.”

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Chapter Three

Vince parked outside Lauren’s hotel and accompanied her

inside. “First floor? I bet the view is better the higher you go.”

Lauren inserted her key card and opened the door to her

room. “It’s also harder to get away.”

Vince followed Lauren in and stopped just inside. His gaze

landed on a thick notebook on the desk. “Your research?”

“Yeah.” Lauren stuffed the binder into an already-packed

suitcase. “Ready.”

After his father’s death, Vince had lived out of a suitcase for

almost a decade, so he knew firsthand how lonely it was to never

have a place to belong. The fact that Lauren was living such a

nomadic existence bothered him. After all she’d been through,

Lauren deserved a home where she could feel loved and protected.

With a shake of his head, Vince opened the door. “That it?”

Lauren nodded. “Doesn’t take me long to get out of a


“I see that.”

* * * *

Pulling up to a ranch-style house in the suburbs, Lauren

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looked over at Vince. “I pictured you more as a high-rise apartment


Flashing a toothy grin, Vince reached over and ran his

knuckles down her cheek. “Too many neighbors. Disappointed?”

“Not yet,” she answered with a wink. She knew she was

throwing out signals loud and clear, but she was sure he’d already

scented her arousal, so why try to hide it.

For the past nine years, she’d lived on the adrenaline sex

provided. She had no real home and no family despite what her

DNA claimed. She was expendable, and she knew it. So why bring

her heart into sex?

After shutting the garage door, Vince grabbed her bag out of

the backseat and showed her inside. The door opened onto the

kitchen. Lauren could tell Vince had lived there a long time. What

would it be like to settle down? She shook the thought away and

ventured further into the house.

Why had she pictured a sleek, modern apartment with

uncomfortable furniture? This place was cozy and warm, with a

deep, well-worn brown couch and chair. The fireplace was

dormant, but from the faint smell, she could tell he used it in the

winter months.

“Nice,” she commented.

“Thanks,” he said, setting her bag down. “Can I get you

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something to drink?”

Tilting her head, she studied him. “I don’t suppose vampires

drink Scotch? I’d do anything for a glass.”

“Only on rare occasions, which means I have a very old

bottle around here somewhere.” Vince started looking in cabinets

before finally bringing out a bottle. He looked at the label and

grinned. “How about a forty-eight-year-old single malt? What will

that get me?”

“Anything you ask for,” she said, licking her lips.

A single black brow rose. “Anything?”

“Within reason,” Lauren answered and held out her hand for

her drink. It was too late to form a plan and execute it before the

sun rose anyway.

Before Lauren had the glass to her lips, Vince’s hands found

their way to her breasts.

With a smirk, she savored the Scotch as he continued to

knead and play with her tits. Once finished, she held out her empty

glass for more. “Please?” she asked.

Vince took the glass out of her hand and nodded toward the

hall. “You can have more in there. We’ll consider it a nightcap.”

More than ready to let off a little steam, Lauren led the way

toward the bedrooms. “Which one?”

“Second door on the left,” he answered, following close.

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After setting the bottle of whiskey and glass on the bedside

table, Vince turned on a small lamp.

“No,” Lauren said, turning to face him. “No light.”

Vince shook his head. “I want to see you, all of you.”

“I thought vampires could see in the dark?”

“We can, but in order to do so, I’d have to change, and I

doubt you feel like fucking a guy with red eyes, sharp fangs and a

protruding jaw. Besides, I’ve already seen your scars, remember?”

He walked slowly toward her, unbuttoning his shirt as he did.

Lauren almost told him that she regularly fucked red-eyed

vamps but decided to ease him into that fact.

“In a dark car. Believe me, they look much worse in the

light.” Lauren’s breath caught at the sight of his bare torso. She

could tell he was in shape, but wow. Any bodybuilder would envy

Vince’s muscle definition. His pierced nipples were the icing on the

cake. A brief thought of seeing Vince being fucked by York came

to mind. She wondered if Vince had ever tasted another man’s


He tossed his shirt to the floor as he reached her. Taking

hold of the bottom of her T-shirt, he grinned. “Now you.”

Nerves started to get the better of her, and she stiffened.

Before meeting her three lovers, Lauren had always had sex in the

dark, afraid of disgusting her partners with her scarred body. It had

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taken her several romps before she’d exposed herself to York,

Drone and Benson.

“Relax,” Vince whispered as the material was pulled over her


Instead of turning away in disgust, Vince sat on the bed and

pulled her between his legs. Taking his time, he ran his hands over

her lace-covered breasts before unfastening the clasp. Her bra fell

away, and he moaned.

“Beautiful,” he said as he molded his hand to her breasts.

Vince leaned in and ran his tongue around one hardened nipple.

Lauren’s head fell back as she opened herself to the

pleasures Vince’s touches evoked. He seemed to be as caught up

as she was, because he began to growl. She grinned, hoping to

draw out his darker half.

Vince leaned back and looked up into her eyes. “I’m fighting

the demon to remain in control of myself.” He looked at her scantily

clad body. “You’re not making it easy.”

“I don’t want you to be in control.” She bent down and bit

his bottom lip. “I want you to make love to me.”

Never in her life had she asked a man to make love to her.

Usually sex was sex and nothing more. So what made this time so


She watched as his eyes momentarily flashed red. Finesse

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forgotten, Vince ripped the jeans off her body and threw Lauren on

the king-size bed. His own jeans were disposed of in no time then

he stood over her in all his naked glory.

She spread her legs, opening herself further to his gaze. Being

touched reminded her that she was still among the living, at least for

a little while longer. Lauren reached down and ran her fingers

through her wet pussy before giving the small gold loop that ran

through her clit a gentle tug.

Nostrils flared, Vince knelt on the side of the bed and

seemed to peruse every inch of her now naked body. “Condom?”

Lauren knew neither of their species carried sexually

transmitted diseases. “I know for a fact you can’t get me pregnant,

so why use them?”

“How do you know I can’t get you pregnant?” Vince asked.

Lauren continued to play with herself as she tried to find a

way out of her current predicament. Would Vince run away

screaming if he knew what a slut she’d been? “I have three regular

lovers, all vampires, and I’ve never been knocked up.”


Lauren nodded. “Don’t get jealous. There haven’t been

many people in my life that I’ve felt I could trust. The Rogue

Hunters have saved my life on several occasions. If I trust them with

my life, how can I not trust them with my body? Emotions don’t

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come into play in our relationship, but sex strengthens the bond

between us.” She removed her fingers from her pussy and painted

the crown of Vince’s cock with her juices, circling the Prince Albert

piercing. “Have you ever been with another man?”

“Of course. You don’t get to be my age without


“Did you like it?” She gathered his pre-cum on her thumb

and stuck it in her mouth.

“Why do you want to know?”

“Just curious.”

“Depends on the guy.”

Reaching out, Lauren pulled Vince down on top of her and

wrapped her legs around his waist. “My kind of man.” The words

shocked her as soon as they left her mouth.

They seemed to stun Vince as well, but then he kissed her,

pushing his tongue in deep. Lauren could taste his need for

affection. Maybe the years of loneliness were catching up to him.

Perhaps that was what the two of them had in common, because

never in her life had she opened her heart to a man as she wanted to

with Vince.

Burying her fingers in his midnight black hair, she took the

kiss even deeper as she squirmed under him. Needing air, Lauren

slowly pulled out of the kiss.

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Vince’s tongue traveled from her lips to her ear. “I’ll make

love to you. I just hope I don’t lose myself in the process.”

She wasn’t sure if he was talking about his control or his

heart, but oh how she wanted. “Give them to me,” she sighed as he

slowly entered her.

Buried to the hilt, Vince pressed his forehead to hers. “So

different, like I belong inside of you.”

Unable to speak, Lauren nodded because she felt it, too.

With one hand, she reached down to where their bodies were

joined. She was amazed she’d been able to take all of him.

“Would you ever let me watch you?”

“Watch me what?” he asked, pumping his cock in and out of

her pussy.

“Have sex with another man?”

“Is that what you’re into? Watching men have sex?”

“Yes,” she answered honestly as his rhythm increased. “Not

just watching, participating. The more in a bed the better as long as

I’m the only woman.”

“Oh, so you’re greedy?” Vince chuckled as he fucked her


“I wouldn’t call it greedy. I’ve yet to meet another woman

who’s stronger than a male vampire. Surrounding myself with men

who not only have the ability to make me feel good but who I know

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can help protect me is my nature.”

Vince’s strength was evident in every thrust. She’d surely be

bruised when all was said and done, but it was worth it. It felt as if

she’d been born to be with this man. The fact that Vince was a

vampire only seemed to add to her body’s overwhelming response

to his pistoning hips.

With every thrust, she felt more alive, the sensation pushing

her over the edge into bliss. A climax like none she’d ever known

ripped through her. Years of living without really feeling fell away,

and she was left with…what? She looked into Vince’s dark brown

eyes. “You feel it, too, don’t you?”

His eyes snapped shut as he shuddered in release. Lauren

pulled him down and wrapped his still-quivering body in a blanket

of arms and legs.

What would York think if he knew she had fallen in love after

one fantastic night? How was it even possible when she’d spent so

many nights in the arms of York, Benson, and Drone?

Vince rolled to her side and took Lauren into his arms. “Yes,

I feel it.”

“We need to talk,” Lauren said. She hadn’t counted on

falling in love. After years spent working with vampires, she’d often

thought of asking York to change her, but it was a bond she thought

she’d never be ready for. Had love really changed everything? Was

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she’d never be ready for. Had love really changed everything? Was

it the reason she’d been drawn to Vince in the first place?

“I want you to change me,” she whispered.

Vince pulled away and swung his legs over the side of the

bed. “No,” he growled.

“I’ll die if you don’t.”

“I know. That’s why I haven’t allowed myself to get close to

a woman. I’ll outlive you by centuries.”

“No, you don’t understand. I’ll die at Armand’s hands if you

don’t change me.” She sat up and pressed her body against his still-

warm back.

“I won’t let him get that close to you.” Vince turned and

easily lifted Lauren onto his lap. “You’re mine, and I take care of

what’s mine.”

Lauren shook her head. She took his hand and placed it on

her scarred chest. “Remember when you asked about these? A

shifter can only be wounded like this from another shifter of the

same species. It’s known as survival of the fittest. Armand is

stronger than I am. He’s also more ruthless.”

“Then we’ll just have to make sure he doesn’t get close

enough,” Vince said, tracing the scars lightly with his fingertips.

“Can I ask you why?”


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“Why your da—Armand did this to you?”

Lauren swallowed. She’d never told a soul, not even the

police after the attack had happened. “It won’t make sense to you.”

“Try me.” He laid them both back on the bed and pulled a

cover over their nude bodies.

“He thinks I’m his mate. My mom was human, which is why

even though I can shift into cougar form, my strength is no match for



Lauren nodded. “She died when I was born. I’m not sure if

it’s her scent he smells when he’s near me or his own, but he truly

believes I was born to be his.”

“Sick fuck,” Vince spat.

Lauren felt his muscles tense under her cheek. Oh boy, if he

was angry now, just wait until he heard the rest.

“I didn’t start my menstrual cycle until I was almost fourteen.

It was then that Armand began making bolder advances. I’d grown

up with his kisses and gropes, but I didn’t know any better at the

time. I just assumed all parents treated their children that way. It

wasn’t until after I officially became a woman that he molested me

for the first time. I told my one and only friend about it. I wanted to

know if it was always that painful. I thought it was part of becoming

a woman, but she was mortified and told her mom. Child services

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came that evening and took me away from him.”

Vince gripped her arm, and Lauren gave a yelp.

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” He kissed her and soothed the

reddened skin.

Lauren shook her head and continued. She knew if she

didn’t tell him everything now, she never would. “He got away

before the police could arrest him. I didn’t hear from him for almost

five months. Then, one afternoon he followed me when I left school.

He caught up with me in the park. Cornered, I shifted. I’d never

done that in front of him, and it seemed to drive him wild. He

immediately shifted mid-pounce and began ripping at me with his

teeth and claws. I knew I was no match for him, so I played dead

while he raped me. After he was finished, he left me there, thinking I

was already dead.”

Lauren wiped the tears from her eyes. “The thing I never

understood was his cries of despair as he stood over my beaten and

bloody body. It was almost like he couldn’t help himself. Like

something other than angry lust had driven him to fuck me.”

“Who found you?” Vince asked.

“A jogger, the next morning. I had enough strength to shift

back before I passed out. Even in my weakened condition I knew

what would happen if they found a bloodied cougar in the park.”

“And you think he’s been trying to kill you ever since? That’s

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the reason why he chooses girls who look like you?”

“No, not really. There was a stupid newspaper article about

the team of vamps I work with. It featured candid shots of all of us.

Armand must’ve seen it and realized I’m still alive. Shortly after that

insipid article, the murders started. I think he knew I’d find out and

feel guilty. Which I have. He wants me, and he won’t stop until he

gets me. After everything that’s happened, he still believes I’m his

mate. That’s why I need you to change me.”

“I can’t.”

Lauren scooted up and looked him in the eyes. “I don’t want

to die at his hands. I want to have years to learn everything there is

to know about you and to love every second of it.”

Vince covered his face with his arm, effectively shutting her

out. “I don’t know how, and even if I did, my sire warned me to

never attempt it.” He shook his head. “I don’t think my blood is

pure enough to complete the transition successfully.”

“You’ve never turned anyone?”

Vince uncovered his face and shook his head. “I’ve never

bitten anyone.”

“What?” Lauren sat up, shocked. “How do you eat?”

Vince rolled his eyes. “We aren’t exactly living in the dark

ages. I buy packets.”

“And before that?”

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“Animals. I didn’t want to take the chance of being

discovered.” Vince mumbled shamefully. “I wasn’t born a vampire.

I was turned in nineteen-nineteen by a friend of my father’s. I had

influenza and my dad had already lived through the death of my

mother to the same illness. He was desperate.”

“How old were you?”


“And you weren’t married?” She covered her mouth. “Sorry,

there I go again.”

“I’d lost my fiancée the previous year. It was a bad time for

everyone. I fought my dad, thinking I’d rather just die like all those

that I’d loved and lost. But he had no one, and so he did what he

thought was right.”

“I thought vampires didn’t come out of hiding until recently?

How was it that your dad knew?”

“Fane went to university with my father. Dad saw Fane

feeding on another young man and was intrigued by what he saw.

Since Fane didn’t kill the man, my father decided Fane would be a

good ally to have. The two of them became good friends for many


Vince paused, running his fingers idly over Lauren’s back.

“For years, I was ashamed that I was alive while everyone I’d

loved wasn’t. I chose to live in a sort of vacuum after my father’s

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death. Fane brought me back into the land of the living. He got me a

job with the Philadelphia police department back in the forties. I

was forced to move from city to city every five years or risk

someone asking why I didn’t age. As much as I bitch about them,

the Bureau of Vampire Affairs helped change my life and my


“And you don’t want that future to include me,” Lauren

surmised. The thought of being rebuffed hurt her even more than her

father’s betrayal.

“I didn’t say that. It’s not something you can just decide to

do. Besides the dangers involved in the transition, could you live

every day watching those you care about die while you never age?”

Lauren shook her head. “I care about four people. You,

York, Benson and Drone.” She leaned forward and kissed him.

“All of you are vampires. Who would I watch die?”

“They’re the men you enjoy being in bed with?”

“Yes. They all work for an off-shoot organization of the

BVA. Does it bother you that I’ve been with them?” Despite the

fact that she was falling for Vince, Lauren wasn’t sure she was

ready to give up the relationship she shared with her friends. It might

not be normal or socially acceptable, but they’d been the three men

who had held her together for years.

Lauren straddled Vince’s lap. “Are you the jealous type?”

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Vince ran his hands up her thighs to circle her waist. Rolling

them over, he covered her with his body. “I realize that a vampire’s

natural instinct is to surround himself with others, but I haven’t found

anyone to be territorial over in ninety-three years. I think I’m due,

don’t you?”

He started a slow grind as Lauren tried to think. “But you

haven’t met the guys. What if you like them?”

Vince reached between them and guided his cock back to

her core. “Like them or not, no one will compare to you.”

Flattered, Lauren wrapped her legs high around Vince’s

back. “What if you could bury yourself in my pussy while having

your ass filled with a fat cock? You telling me that doesn’t turn you


Vince didn’t need to verbalize his answer, the intensity of his

fucking increased with each word she said. Lauren decided to see

how far she could push him. “Drone’s cock is the biggest, but he’s

also the least socialized of the bunch. Maybe, that’s why I like him

to fuck my ass so much.”

With a grunt, Vince pulled out of Lauren’s pussy and flipped

her over. He used her own juices and the cum he’d deposited inside

her earlier to lube her ass.

“You like it in the ass? I can do that,” he said, pushing his

cock inside without taking the time to stretch her.

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Lauren’s back bowed at the bite of pain, but she didn’t try to

pull away as Vince took out his aggression on her. She was used to

rough; she craved it.

“What about the others? What do they do for you?” he

asked, slapping her ass.

“Benson’s addicted to cum—anyone’s. He’ll eat my pussy

on command. Believe me, there’s nothing like his mouth against

your sex after a long day in the field.”

“And York?” Vince pushed against her upper back until her

shoulders were against the mattress with her ass in the air.

“York’s the whole sexual package. Anything you need done,

he can do without questions and without asking for words of love

afterward.” Lauren remembered her phone conversation earlier that

day. “They’ve had my back for years, saved my life on more than

one occasion, and despite my denial to myself and them, they each

own a piece of my heart.”

Vince leaned over and scraped his fangs down Lauren’s

back. “And that’s the only reason I’ll let them live.”

Lauren felt her climax building as Vince lapped the droplets

of blood from her skin. She was used to feeding her men, but she

wished he’d sink his teeth into her instead of satisfying his natural

bloodlust with shallow scrapes.

“Bite me,” she begged.

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Vince moved his mouth to her neck. He continued

hammering in and out of her ass as he positioned his fangs.

“Do it,” she ordered.

Vince’s thrusts slowed until they stopped completely. With a

shout of frustration, he pulled out of Lauren and shot off the bed. “I

can’t do it.”

Her body humming with the need to come, she rolled to her

back and made him watch as she finished herself off. She wasn’t

sure if it was anger or disappointment that surged through her body,

but she refused to give up her orgasm just because he’d given up.

Vince stood over her, his arms crossed over his chest. “Is

this your way of telling me that you don’t need me?”

With three fingers pumping in and out of her pussy, Lauren

used her thumb to tug the hoop in her clit. She didn’t answer, too

close to even speak. A few seconds later, she exploded, drenching

her fingers in her cum. Lowering her legs, she rested her wet hand

on her lower stomach. “It’s my way of showing you that you can’t

stop the inevitable. You will bite me, and you’ll turn me because

that’s why the universe brought us together.”

“I told you, I don’t know how.” Vince ran his fingers through

his thick hair before moving to spread out atop her once again. His

erection was still intact, and he began to move his hips back and

forth, obviously seeking a warm place to call home.

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Before she could get distracted by the delicious feel of his

body, Lauren needed answers. “What about this Fane guy?

Couldn’t he instruct you?”

Vince stilled his grinding hips. “Fane was murdered when

word first got out about vampires living among humans.”

Lauren pulled down his head and kissed him. She felt his loss

as if it were her own. “I’m sorry,” she whispered against his lips.

Vince shook off her concern in the typical tough-guy way. “It

was a long time ago.”

“You could call York. He could walk you through it. He’d

know whether or not I could be changed. He sired Benson and


“It’s not just whether or not you can be changed. Vampire

DNA is much different, and not every vampire’s blood is pure

enough to complete the transition.”

“Fane was obviously pure enough to sire you, so why do you

think you’d be any different?” Lauren asked.

“I’m finished with this conversation.”

“I bet York would be able to tell,” Lauren offered.

“If York knows so much, why didn’t you just ask him?”

Vince grumbled. She felt his length against her as he stared into her


“I want you to do it,” she moaned.

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“I want you to do it,” she moaned.

In one smooth move, Vince impaled her ass once more.

God, she could learn to live with an eternity of this.

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Chapter Four

The ringing phone woke them the next afternoon. Vince

reached over and fumbled for it. “Hello?”

“Looks like we might have another one,” Bently said.

“What?” Vince sat up, feeling Lauren’s hand on his back.

She’d been so sure Armand had chosen the girl they’d warned in

the park. “That can’t be.”

“A girl was found raped and cut-up in the park. Whose

handiwork does that sound like to you?”

Vince swore. “I can’t go outside for another five hours at


The bed shifted, and he looked over his shoulder. “Where’re

you going?” he asked Lauren.

“What? I’m going to the crime scene,” the captain answered.

“Sorry, I was talking to Lauren. I’ll call you back.” Vince

hung up the phone and stalked toward his woman. “You can’t go

out there alone.”

“Was it another girl?” she asked, pulling a clean shirt out of

her overnight bag.

“Yes.” He picked up his jeans from the floor and began

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getting dressed.


“In the park,” Vince replied. If she was going, he’d go with


“What are you doing?” Lauren pulled on the shirt without

bothering to put on a bra.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight. I’ve told you that. If you

insist on risking your life, then I’ll risk mine.” Pushing down his need

to fuck her once again, Vince went to the closet and chose his

heaviest long-sleeved shirt.

“Don’t be stupid,” Lauren said, shoving her feet into her

shoes. “You’ll burn to a crisp before you hit the park.”

Vince shrugged. “I’m not letting you go alone.”

Shaking her head, she disappeared into the bathroom. Vince

finished getting dressed and dug in the guestroom closet for his long

black duster. He found a ski mask and stuck it in the pocket. He’d

either die of sunburn or heatstroke, he thought.

“Here,” Lauren said from behind him. “If you’re going to be

my protector, at least put this on.” She started smearing thick zinc

oxide all over his face.

“Are you kidding me? I’ll look like a clown.”

“Better a clown than a French fry. Now, stand still.”

* * * *

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Lauren had to keep the grin off her face as she watched

Vince from the corner of her eye. Slumped down in the seat,

covered from head to toe, he looked a lot like the Invisible Man.

It was only when she remembered why he was risking his life

by venturing out into the sunshine that she sobered. Was she being

selfish? Maybe she should have waited until nightfall to investigate.

“Maybe, this isn’t a good idea.”

“I’ll be fine. I might have a nice rosy glow to my skin before

all is said and done, but I’m covered enough to survive.”

She found the crime scene easily. Lauren parked and turned

to face Vince. “Do you want to wait in the car while I check things


He shook his head. “I don’t know if they’ll even let you in

without me. Besides, how can I watch your back from the car?”

“God, I want to kiss you right now.” She looked at the thick

layer of white ointment on his lips. “What the heck,” she said just

before leaning in to give him a kiss. “Thank you.”

Vince smiled. “Now, you look like a sixties go-go dancer.”

He handed her a tissue and pointed toward her white lips.

“It was worth it.” She wiped her mouth and dug the tube of

ointment out of her pack. “Unfortunately, I seem to have left you

pretty much bare.” She applied another thick coat to his sensual lips

as he grimaced behind the ski mask. “Baby,” she teased as she got

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out of the car.

Trying their best to stay in the shade, they walked toward the

group of policemen. When one of them tried to stop them from

ducking under the crime scene tape, Vince held up his badge for


“Milano?” the officer questioned. “What’re you doing out in

the day?”

“It’s my case,” he said, pulling Lauren through the throng of

men in blue.

When they reached the scene, the technicians were loading

the bagged body into their van.

“Wait,” Vince called out. He jogged to the men before they

could shut the door. He once again held up his badge. “I need to

inspect the body to make sure we’re dealing with another of

Armand’s victims.”

The morgue technician looked toward Bently, who gave a

nod. Standing back, the tech gestured toward the body. “She’s all

yours, or at least, what’s left of her.”

Stepping up inside the van, they crouched beside the gurney.

Lauren was glad they’d already loaded it. The more Vince was

sheltered, the better off he’d be. With a shaking hand, she unzipped

the black vinyl bag. The first thing that struck her was the lifeless

eyes that stared back at her. So young, she thought as she

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continued to reveal the body. “It’s not the same girl.”

Looking at the condition of the girl’s body, Lauren shook her

head. “These cuts are different.”

“I see that,” Vince agreed. “Do you think it could be a


“No. It was Armand. These wounds look like mine did,

before he became detached enough to use more finesse. He

attacked this girl in a frenzied state. I’d say he’s pissed. She doesn’t

even look like me, which is also different from his normal pattern.”

Lauren looked through the open doors of the van, searching

the edges of the park. Are you here? Are you watching me?

“He picked this girl randomly. Probably to show me that

more would suffer if I didn’t find him.” And I will find you.

“It’s not your fault.” Vince touched her shoulder with his

gloved hand.

“Finished?” she asked, pointing to the girl’s body.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here,” Vince said.

They jumped out of the van, and Vince gestured toward his

captain. “I’ll be just a minute. Stay put.”

“Okay,” she said already distracted.

As she watched the crime scene investigators comb through

the grass around where the body was found, she heard a high-

pitched wail. Turning toward the sound, she looked up at the rocky

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outcropping at the edge of the park.

“Gotcha,” she whispered. Lauren knew it was Armand’s

way of letting her know where to find him.

Lauren wanted to take off right then but wasn’t completely

stupid. She dug in her pack and pulled out her cell phone. “Hi,

York, it’s Lauren. I need your help.”

* * * *

After getting Vince safely home, Lauren left him to sleep.

Although he received only minor burns, the sunlight had drained his

strength tremendously. She paced the living room trying to come up

with a plan.

York was scheduled to arrive at any time, and she dreaded

telling Vince. How was she going to convince him that they needed



She spun around to find Vince leaning against the doorframe.

“What’re you doing up?” She went to his side and wrapped her

arm around his waist. “Let’s get you back to bed.”

Although Vince let her lead him, he put up a token protest. “I

have work to do.”

“Which won’t get done while you’re as weak as a kitten.”

She grinned at his growl.

Helping him into bed, she sat beside him. “How’re you

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feeling?” she asked, running her palm down the side of his face.

“Fine,” he grunted.

Gathering her courage, Lauren decided to lay everything out

on the table. “I know where Armand’s been living. As soon as I’m

changed, I’m going after him.”

Vince shook his head and tried to sit up. Lauren pushed him

back down. “York is on his way. You have a choice to make. He

can either walk you through transforming me, or he’ll do it himself.”

“He already agreed to turn you? Then why do you need

me?” he asked, crossing his arms stubbornly over his chest.

Biting her bottom lip, she sighed. “How close were you to

your sire after he turned you?”

“What do you mean? He was a close friend of the family.”

“But would you say you had a special connection to him

afterward that wasn’t there before?” Please let him believe me.

She really didn’t want to wait for York to explain this. York’s

temper was much shorter than hers, and the last thing she needed

was a scuffle between the two of them.

“Spit it out, Lauren. What are you trying to say?”

Lying down beside Vince, she placed her head on his now-

healed chest. “According to York, a special bond is formed

between a vampire and his or her sire. I want that bond with you,

but the fact is, I don’t want to die either.”

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God, she hated this, but she needed to make a decision. “If

you don’t care enough about me to do this, I’ll ask York.”

Vince was so still under her head that Lauren thought he

might have fallen asleep. Finally, he blew out a frustrated-sounding

breath. “So I either do this or lose you to York. Is that what you’re

telling me?”

She hated the way it made her sound. “I’m sorry.”

“You seem to say that a lot.” Vince gently moved her off him

and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He rose and began

pacing the bedroom, his fingers worrying his hair.

Turning toward her, he put his hands on his hips. “It’s not

that I don’t want that bond with you, but I’d be breaking a


Lauren cocked her head. “Who did you promise?”

“Fane, my sire. He agreed to transform me if I promised to

never do it to another.”

Lauren nodded. She thought she understood him better now.

Vince had been alone for decades because he’d refused to break

his word. Now, here she stood, asking him to do just that.

“Forget I asked,” she said, taking a deep breath. Lauren

knew she wouldn’t ask York to change her. It wouldn’t be right

with anyone but Vince.

Vince narrowed his eyes. “So what now? You run off with

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your friend, York, when this is over?”

“No,” Lauren whispered. “I go after Armand with the

strength I was born with and hope for the best.”

Vince was beside her in the blink of an eye. “Not alone. I’ll

always be by your side.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to hers.

“I’m falling hard and fast for you.”

The kiss between them was explosive, igniting a lifetime of

dormant passion. Pushing Lauren back on the bed, Vince covered

her body with his.

Pounding on the front door broke them apart.

“Your friend has horrible timing,” Vince quipped.

“I’ll be sure and tell him that,” Lauren laughed as she righted

her clothes.

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Chapter Five

Lauren opened the door and was scooped up by her large,

tattooed friend. “Hey, York,” she said, nipping his earlobe.

York gave her a hug then set her back on her feet. “Where is

he?” he asked, scanning the room.

“Getting dressed. He was out in the sun this afternoon, and

he’s not a hundred percent yet, so be nice,” she said, pointing her

finger in York’s face.

“A vamp with a death wish, huh?” York gathered his long

black hair and tied it at the nape of his neck, something he always

did before a battle.

“No. Vince refused to let me go to the newest crime scene

alone. He risked his life to watch my back.”

York gave a low whistle. “Sounds like a stand-up guy.”

Lauren felt Vince’s presence in the room. She turned and

held out her hand. “Vince, I’d like you to meet one of my oldest—

and I mean that literally—friends, York.”

Vince stepped forward and stood nose to nose with York.

After sizing up each other, they shook hands, grunted and gave

each other a nod of acceptance.

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Lauren rolled her eyes. Men. “Are you two finished?”

Turning back toward Lauren, Vince wrapped his arm around

her waist in a territorial hold.

York looked at Lauren with a huge grin on his face. “Ain’t

that sweet,” he mocked.

“Shut up,” Lauren chuckled. “Someday, the bug will bite

you, and then I’ll be the one to laugh.”

“Not hardly.” York turned away quickly and walked over to

sit on the sofa. “So, when do you want lover-boy to turn you?”

Lauren braced herself for her friend’s fury. “He’s not. I’m

going in without it.”

“What!” York bounded off the couch and towered over

Lauren. “You can’t be serious?”

The dangerous-looking vampire eyed Vince before glancing

back at Lauren. “Is it the bonding issue? He doesn’t want the


Lauren shook her head and put her hand on York’s arm to

calm him. “It’s between the two of us. It’s not that Vince doesn’t

want to be bonded to me.”

Vince cleared his throat. “I made a promise to my sire to

never turn another. I’ve lived over ninety-three years with that

promise.” he hugged Lauren tighter against his side. “I’m falling in

love, and I don’t know how to keep my word and still protect

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what’s mine.”

York walked off in disgust. He stalked around the living

room, muttering to himself for several minutes before turning back

to Lauren. “I’ll do it.”

“No,” she said. “If I’m going to be bonded to anyone, it will

be Vince.”

“This is crazy,” York growled.

York leveled a stare at Vince. “You’d rather let her die than

break an age-old promise? You don’t deserve her.”

“No, I don’t,” Vince agreed.

“Hey,” Lauren interrupted. “Who says I’m going to die? I’ll

make sure I take a couple of big vamps to back me up. Armand

won’t know what hit him.”

* * * *

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this,” Vince said. He’d

been trying to talk her out of it since she outlined her plan. He’d

even considered asking York to do what he couldn’t. I’m a


“It’s the only way. I can’t sneak up on him. Armand will

know I’m coming as soon as I step foot in the park.” Lauren turned

and wrapped her arms around Vince.

“We should call the captain and tell him where Armand’s


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“No. If you send humans to capture him, they’ll die. I can’t

take that chance.”

Pressing his lips to hers, Vince moaned. “I don’t want to risk

losing you.”

“I want you to know that I love you, and I don’t blame you

for keeping your promise. If something happens, you have to

remember that,” Lauren whispered.

With a growl, Vince licked the tear from her cheek. “Get

York in here. He was right. You’re more important to me than a

promise made to a friend.”

Lauren shook her head. “It’s too late. The transformation

takes hours, and in that time, Armand will have killed another

innocent girl.”

Vince’s embrace grew almost painful.

“Ease up, tough guy, or you’re going to crush me before I get

a chance at Armand,” Lauren tried to joke.

Vince loosened his hold. “Sorry.”

She shook her head again. “Don’t be.”

“You have the tranquilizer?” he asked.

Lauren pushed up her sleeve and showed Vince the syringe.

The needle was capped by a piece of wax. It was thick enough to

protect Lauren and thin enough to penetrate Armand’s flesh when

needed. “I just hope I get a chance to use it before I’m forced to

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“And the gun?”

She pointed toward her pack. Loaded in the gun were

tranquilizer darts. “I think he’ll spot it too quickly, but it’s in there.”

“York and I will be watching your back.” Vince took a deep

breath. “I’ll be in my altered form. I…um…don’t want to scare


“I’ve been around vampires for years. You won’t scare me.”

Lauren kissed the exposed skin on Vince’s neck, nipping at it with

her blunt teeth. “Who knows, it may even turn me on.”

“Oh, really?” Vince unbuttoned his shirt, allowing Lauren to

pepper kisses over his chest.

“Definitely,” she moaned, licking a nipple.

A knock at the bedroom door caused Vince to grumble.

“What’s with that guy?”

“He’s impatient, and he smells our combined arousals.” She

flicked the hoop through Vince’s nipple with her tongue before

pulling back. “Don’t take it personally.”

Vince looked down the length of his body to his apparent

arousal. He wasn’t about to admit that the thought of York smelling

his pre-cum turned him on. “How can I not take it personally when

I’m left standing here like this?”

Lauren ran her hand over his hardness. “We’ll have plenty of

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time to explore after Armand’s taken care of.” She squeezed his

cock through his pants. “And who knows, maybe you and York

will bond while we’re gone and you’ll invite him to join us.”

Vince buttoned his shirt while Lauren gathered her pack.

“Why do you need other men in our bed?”

“Because that’s who I am. Sex with York, Drone and

Benson has nothing to do with my feelings for you. I guess you

could say I crave it like most vampires crave blood.”

Before Vince could try to analyze the admission, she headed

to the bedroom door.

“Ready?” she asked.

“No,” he answered. He pulled her back for one more kiss. “I

love you.”

York stood just on the other side, scowling, when Lauren

opened the door.

“What? You’ve never had anyone you wanted to say

goodbye to?” She tried to push past his large frame, but York

stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

“No reason to say goodbye. You’ll be back within a few

hours to play kissy-face.” He narrowed his eyes at Lauren.

Standing on tip-toe, Lauren kissed York on the lips. “You

know what you mean to me.”

Despite the fact that she had already told him as much, Vince

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wasn’t happy with the declaration.

She immediately stepped into Vince’s protective embrace.

“It’s a different kind of love, sweetheart.”

Vince stiffened in her arms at the endearment. “Sweetheart?

That’s not a tough guy’s nickname.”

“Too bad,” she chuckled. Lauren kissed him on the cheek.

“Let’s get out of here. The quicker we get this over, the quicker we

can continue what he interrupted earlier.”

Vince took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. “You’re

the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Yuck,” York groaned. “You two aren’t going to start

making out again, are you?”

Lauren swatted York across the chest. “No. Come on.” She

gestured toward the door. When York turned around to leave,

Lauren gave Vince a deep kiss. “Later,” she said.

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Chapter Six

Seated between Vince and York, Lauren wished she could

always feel as protected as she did at that moment. Although Vince

continued to act as if York were the enemy, she’d seen the

sideways glances he’d given York’s body. Vince was definitely

interested, even if he refused to admit it.

“York had beads surgically implanted under the skin of his

cock. They’re pronounced enough so you feel them drag against

your insides each time he fucks in and out of you,” she whispered in

Vince’s ear.

She reached down and rubbed the front of Vince’s jeans.

Hard as a steel rod, Vince’s cock pulsed against her hand even

through the thick denim.

“This isn’t the time.” Vince pressed his hand against

Lauren’s, adding more pressure to his erection.

Lauren disagreed. “Pull over, York.”

Obviously York was well aware of what was going on

beside him because he immediately pulled the pickup into a dark

alley and turned off the engine. “Take my advice, brother, and give

her what she wants.”

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“Why should I?’ Vince asked.

“Because your woman is about to venture into the lion’s den.

Do you really want to disappoint her before she does?” York

asked, unzipping his jeans.

Vince hit the side window with the side of his fist. “Lauren,”

he warned.

“Everyone needs someone. Even if it’s a way to stay

connected to someone you love.” Lauren took Vince’s hand and

kissed his palm before placing it on York’s cock. “Feel him, and

know he has taken care of me for years.”

Vince shook his head but wrapped his hand around the

beaded surface of York’s erection. “I don’t need this. Nothing’s

going to happen to you.”

Lauren unzipped her jeans and pushed them down the top of

her boots. As predicted, York’s fingers found her pussy almost

immediately as she went to work on Vince’s zipper. “I’ll feel much

better going in if I know the two of you will take care of each other

if something happens to me.”

Lauren gasped as York’s fingers fucked in and out of her.

Thrusting into Vince’s hand, York leaned over and gave

Lauren a lapping kiss before moving to stare into Vince’s eyes.

“Give in to your natural instincts.”

Lauren jerked Vince’s cock as the two men slowly explored

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each other’s mouths. Fuck. She’d known Vince and York would

be damn hot together, but she’d totally underestimated her reaction

to it. Their unbridled passion as they continued kissing set her off

even more than the fingers inside her pussy. She came, panting both

their names.

Vince broke the kiss just as his cock erupted, spewing cum

over Lauren’s hand and on the sleeve of her jacket.

Perfect, Lauren thought when York cried out his release.

She reached down and gathered cum from both men in her hand

before licking it clean. She wanted Armand to smell both men on

her, to prove to him that what he’d done to her hadn’t broken her.

“Are you happy now?” Vince asked before kissing her.

Pulling back, Lauren nodded, turned to York and kissed him

before answering. “Very.”

Vince and York stared at each other for several moments

before coming to some kind of unspoken agreement. They both

nodded before righting their clothes.

The rest of the ride was executed in complete silence, each

of them contemplating what had just happened.

York parked his four-wheel-drive truck while Lauren

checked the syringe tucked under her sleeve.

“This is it,” he declared.

Lauren glanced up to see the truck surrounded by a heavily

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wooded outcropping. The plan was for her to appear to be alone,

and if she knew Armand, he’d be watching for her. Picking up the

tranquilizer gun and flashlight from her pack, she took a deep

breath. “I’m ready.”

Vince opened the door and helped her out. “Kill the


“I plan to.” Her mind on the mission in front of her, Lauren

brushed Vince’s hand with her fingers. “See you soon.”

As she walked toward the rocky outcrop, she concentrated

on her surroundings. The gun in her hand would be easy for

Armand to spot. She knew he’d try to come at her from the side or

back like the predator he was.

Fine, that was the plan. He’d know she wouldn’t go up

against him unarmed. Let him think she was stupid enough to carry

her weapon in plain sight.

The farther into the park she walked, the quieter her

surroundings. Realizing the beam from her flashlight would do more

harm than good, she set it at the base of the hill. She scanned the

rocky surface as she began to climb. Keeping her eyes open, she

gripped the gun, ready to use it at a moment’s notice.

With each step, she remembered the events of her past.

There were years of playing house with Armand. April Lauren

Dubois had thought her daddy hung the moon. Little had she known

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Armand was training her to take over where her mother had left off.

The older she’d become, the more she’d begun to question

his lessons. Armand would reprimand her, sometimes viciously, for

asking if other girls played those games with their daddies.

A loose stone in her path caused Lauren to slide down a few

feet, bringing her out of her past. She shook off the depressing

memories as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

After the attack, she’d been sent to a foster home. There, for

the first time, Lauren had observed adults interacting with children in

a parental fashion. She’d been amazed and had spent hours

watching and learning. What would her life have been like if her

mother had lived? Would Armand have gone insane, or would he

have become the All-American dad?

The unmistakable scream of a mountain lion came from her

left a split second before she was knocked off her feet. She felt the

thud to her skull as she landed against a pile of stones. The

tranquilizer gun still in her grip, Lauren tried to clear her vision and

aim at the still roaring cougar.

Lauren managed to fire. She barely missed Armand’s shifted

shape. Before she could squeeze off her last dart, the animal

pounced, pinning her to the rocky ground and knocking the gun

from her hand.

She tried to think fast. Would she be better off shifting or

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trying to reason with him? “Dad?”

The cougar’s face came within an inch of hers and screamed

again, nearly breaking her eardrums.

“Please, talk to me?” she asked. Lauren felt the still-intact

syringe taped to her arm. She just needed to distract him enough to

ease off her shoulders.

“You owe me that much, Daddy.” The words caused bile to

rise in her throat as she said them.

The cougar opened its mouth and took Lauren’s thin neck

between its teeth. She tried not to breathe. She was afraid the

slightest movement would cause one of the sharp fangs to penetrate

an artery.

Armand held her there for what seemed like hours. Lauren

knew it was his way of establishing dominance. She also knew her

time was running out. The longer he held her, the deeper his fangs

bit into her tender skin.

“Please,” she rasped.

Armand bit even deeper. Lauren felt a sticky wetness running

from the wound.

For the second time in her life, Lauren thought she was going

to die. The syringe pressed against her skin. If only she could get to


As she prepared for the end, Armand was knocked

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sideways. Lauren felt his sharp teeth drag across her neck, inflicting

even more damage.

A split second later, she heard the shot. Without giving

herself a chance to pass out, Lauren rolled. Pushing up her sleeve,

she grabbed the syringe and ripped it from its protective restraint.

Holding a hand to her neck, she tried to focus. The beast

was trying to reach the tranquilizer dart buried in his side, snapping

at it with his teeth.

It’s now or never. Stumbling over as fast as she could, she

plunged the syringe into the cougar’s neck. Armand let out a cry

and swiped at her with his deadly claws.

She felt the blow to her face as the impact threw her to the

ground. Stunned, she lifted a hand to her cheek. After a quick feel

of the torn flesh, she shifted, knowing she had nothing to lose.

If she happened to survive the deep cuts on her neck, Lauren

knew she’d be disfigured. In cougar form, she dragged herself over

to Armand. Two doses of the tranquilizer had done the job.

Although awake and fighting mad, his body wouldn’t cooperate.

With barely enough strength to lift her head, Lauren wrapped

Armand’s neck in her jaw. As she struggled to clamp down, her

humanity rose to the surface.

She warred with herself for several seconds. Would she be

any better if she took his life like this? If she didn’t, how many more

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would die at his hands? As her teeth punctured the flesh under his

fur, Lauren pulled back.

Shifting back into human form, she looked at the only blood

relative she had left. “Why?”

The cougar’s eyes met hers, and for a brief moment, Lauren

swore she saw remorse.

She heard running feet coming up the side of the hill as the

cougar under her shifted. Lauren looked down at her father,

knowing she couldn’t kill him like this.

Armand’s eyes flashed with anger. “You’re mine. You’ve

always been mine.”

Lauren closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest. “I

was your child, not your mate.” She was becoming increasingly

weak and found it difficult to keep her eyes open.

“Look at you. Even if you survive, no one will ever want

you.” Armand choked out a laugh.

“Wrong answer,” Vince said. He knelt at Lauren’s side and

scooped her up into his arms. “I’ll always want you,” he said to her.

Unable to hold up her head, Lauren moaned.

She heard York’s deep voice talking to Vince.

“Finish him,” Vince growled.

“You can’t,” she mumbled. “Only me. He’ll heal himself.”

“Shhh, rest. I’ll get you home.” Vince cradled her tighter to

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his chest.

Lauren heard a loud scream before silence reigned.

“What?” she asked. It wasn’t possible. She’d been taught

the only one who could kill a shifter was another shifter.

“York?” she whispered.

“Later,” Vince replied with a kiss to her forehead.

They seemed to make it down the hill in record time with

York close on their heels. She heard the two men talking as the

truck started, but Lauren was unable to focus on the words. She felt

herself drifting, floating into the darkness.

“Stay with me,” Vince begged.

Those were the last words she heard before the darkness

enveloped her.

* * * *

“Lauren, wake up, honey,” Vince called to her through the


Fighting to reach the only man she’d ever loved, Lauren

struggled to open her eyes.

“Lauren, we can’t get the bleeding to stop. I need to know

what you want me to do.” She heard Vince but couldn’t

comprehend what he asked.


“Love me,” she said.

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“Love me,” she said.

There was silence for a few seconds as she started to drift off

again. She felt pressure at the base of her neck then heard York


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Chapter Seven

With his teeth buried in one side of Lauren’s neck, Vince

stared into the eyes of the man draining her from the other side. In

the short hours that he’d known York, Vince had come to trust the

vampire. The changing of a human to vampire wasn’t an easy one.

Not only did a precise amount of blood need to be removed, but he

still wasn’t sure how pure his blood was. For that reason alone,

he’d asked York to help him. It was the only way of securing his

place in Lauren’s bed while being assured that she would survive

the transition.

York released Lauren’s throat and motioned for Vince to do

the same. He lifted an ornately carved knife from the bedside table

and drew it across his wrist, slashing deep. “I’ll feed her first,” he

told Vince.

Vince watched York closely, learning what he needed to

know. His body tingled as Lauren’s blood coursed through him.

The moment he’d sunk his teeth into her vein he’d truly felt like a

vampire for the first time. Fane had told him to drink from another

was to lose his humanity, and although Vince feared his sire had

been right, he knew he’d never fully embraced the vampire he’d

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“Your body is ready to fuck,” York said, staring at Vince’s


Vince ran a hand over the erection in his jeans. “Yes.”

“It’s a natural side effect of feeding.” York nodded toward

the knife. “Your turn.”

With York’s blood ensuring Lauren’s transition, Vince didn’t

hesitate. The knife sliced through his skin painlessly.

“Quickly, her survival instincts are kicking in. She’ll need it.”

York pulled his arm away and reached for Vince’s. “Here,” he said,

settling Vince’s wrist over Lauren’s parted lips.

Although Lauren began sucking the blood from Vince’s wrist

the rest of her body remained deathly still. He glanced up and met

York’s stare once again. “She’s strong.”

York nodded and sealed his wound with a few licks. “Very,

but did you expect any less from her?”

“I didn’t know what to expect. This is my first time,

remember?” There was something about the way York licked at the

blood on his wrist that had Vince ready to lean over and do it for

him. Fuck! He needed to keep his mind on Lauren.

“Of course, it’s the reason I’m here, remember?” York


“What will we tell her about Armand?” Vince asked, trying

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to change the subject. He didn’t blame York for what had

happened with Armand. Hell, Vince had seen the damage York

inflicted on the shifter. No way should Armand have survived, but

according to the cops that had arrived after they’d fled the scene,

there was no body found on the outcropping.

For the first time since he’d picked Lauren’s bleeding body

up from the cold, hard ground, he truly felt as though he’d be with

her again. Despite his failure as a cop, he needed to concentrate on

the woman he’d spend centuries with. There would be time to track

Armand, and the bastard had made it personal.

“A few more minutes should do it,” York said, removing his


“What’re you doing?” Vince stared at York’s unusual cock

as it was revealed.

“Tell me you don’t feel it?” York lay on the bed and began to


Vince didn’t need to ask further questions. Yes, he felt the

sexual tension increase with each draw Lauren took of his blood.

“Is it always like this?”

“Yes. It’s the best part. Vampires are sexual beings. Accept

what you are; embrace it.”

Vince didn’t turn from the sight of York’s unusual cock.

“Does Lauren know you were born a vampire?” Vince

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asked, trying his best to ignore his own throbbing erection.

“What’re you talking about?”

Although York tried to play off Vince’s question, Vince

knew a lot of vampire history thanks to his sire. “The beads in your

cock were implanted shortly after your first change as a sign of your

purity. Only those born into the species get that honor.”

“Who told you that?” York didn’t deny Vince’s accusation

or slow the speed of his hand on his cock.

“Fane Dobre, my sire.”

York turned his attention to Lauren. “That’s enough.”

York used his free hand to pull Vince’s wrist from Lauren’s

mouth. He lifted the bleeding wound to his mouth and lapped

Vince’s blood for several seconds before sealing it.

When he was finished, he smiled. “Your sire probably had

the same cock adornments.”

“What?” Fane had been a boring bookworm of a man, but

Vince had loved him as much as he’d loved his own father. He

definitely knew nothing of Fane’s cock.

“Fane was the second son of archivist Wadim Dobre.” York

released his cock and moved to lie beside Vince. “You could’ve

done this on your own.”

With Lauren resting peacefully, Vince rolled to face York.

“So why did Fane warn me against attempting a transition.”

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York reached out and stuffed his hand down the front of

Vince’s underwear. “When you sire someone, you’re connected to

them forever. It’s like getting married except the only divorce option

is death. Fane’s advice sounds more…fatherly than anything else.”

Vince scooted even closer to York, enjoying the feel of

York’s hand on his cock. He’d realized when York had agreed to

help him with Lauren that his beliefs on what a relationship was

supposed to be would have to change. York was right. He had

forced himself to suffer for years because he’d been turned. It was

time he fully embraced his vampire side. He thought of the other

two men that were connected to York by the same bond. He would

feel better with four men guarding Lauren, especially with Armand

still on the loose.

“Touch me,” York said.

“This will change everything,” Vince reminded York.

“I’m counting on it.” York squeezed Vince’s cock. “Benson,

Drone and Lauren are the only three people I’ve ever pledged to

give my life to protect. I’d like to add your name to that list, but

with that comes a real relationship between us, not just between you

and Lauren.”

Vince understood, and he appreciated York’s honesty, but

talking shit to death had never been one of his character traits. He

decided to accept York’s offer physically, rather than verbally.

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Decision made, he climbed off the bed and stripped out of his


“Is that a yes?” York asked, his hand back on his own cock.

It had been years since Vince indulged in a sixty-nine with

another man, but if he were completely honest with himself, the

embedded beads on York’s cock fascinated him. He straddled

York’s body, putting his mouth inches above the adorned shaft.

York laughed before licking the crown of Vince’s cock.

“Guess that answers the question.”

Vince glanced at Lauren. “When will she wake up?”

York held Vince’s cock out of the way while he laved

Vince’s balls with the flat of his tongue. “Her entire makeup has to

change. Give it a day.”

“A day?” Vince had expected the process to take hours.

“It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other.” York took

Vince’s cock down his throat, obviously finished with the


Vince held York’s erection by the base and ran the tip of his

tongue around the ring of beads just below its crown. Lauren had

been correct, the damn things were pronounced but incredibly

smooth to the touch. Vince imagined the feel of them as they slid in

and out of his ass. Damn.

With shallow thrusts, Vince began to fuck York’s throat as

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he slipped his lips over the head of York’s cock. He stopped at the

beads, not yet comfortable enough to attempt a full-on blowjob,

and concentrated on the head. To give York extra pleasure, Vince

spat on his hand and circled York’s puckered hole with his finger.

York moaned and released Vince’s cock. “Would you let

me fuck you?”

Vince thought of the beads and nodded. “Lube’s in the

drawer, probably under a bunch of other shit.”

“How long’s it been?” York asked as he dug through the


Vince didn’t need to think too hard to come up with the

answer. He repositioned himself on his hands and knees. “I haven’t

taken a male lover with any regularity for thirty-six years, but

there’ve been a few instances since then.”

York shut the drawer and moved to kneel behind Vince. He

ran his palm over the cheeks of Vince’s ass before leaning down to

kiss it. “That’s sweet. You’re practically a virgin.”

“Fuck off,” Vince said over his shoulder. “I prefer pussy,

that’s all.”

“Maybe that’s because you haven’t found the right cock.”

With slick fingers, York probed Vince’s hole. “Don’t worry about

it. Between me, Drone and Benson, we’ll get you back up to speed

in no time.”

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Vince flinched when York’s finger shoved in deep. “Don’t

push your luck. I’ve agreed to share myself and Lauren with you.

There was no mention of Benson and Drone fucking me.”

York quickly moved to two fingers. “Fane did a really shitty

job of teaching you how to be a vampire.”

Vince looked over his shoulder, ready to rip off York’s

head. “Don’t you say another word against my sire.”

“Sex unifies. It’s the reason the best BVA teams out there

are involved sexually.” York removed his fingers and replaced them

with the head of his cock. “My team handles the most dangerous

assignments. Unity is essential.”

Vince understood. In all the years he’d served as a cop, he’d

never felt as though his fellow officers had his back. He wondered

what it would be like to trust so completely. “Okay.”

“Good, because they’ve probably felt Lauren’s death and

are no doubt on their way here.” York slowly eased his cock into

Vince’s hole.

When the beads entered his channel, Vince flinched again,

not out of pain, but pleasure. “Jesus Christ,” he groaned.

“Just wait.” York pushed in to the root.

Vince gripped the bedspread in his hands as he fought not to

cry out. He took several deep breaths and willed his body to

accommodate York’s size.

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York eased out and Vince felt the promised pleasure of the

beads. He gasped as one by one the protrusions rubbed against his

inner wall. No wonder the accoutrements were reserved for only

the few vampires with pure blood left in the world. He’d heard that

the purebloods got all the best pussy. Now, he knew why. Vince

grinned, grateful that York was an equal opportunity fucker.

York slammed in again.

Vince’s climax hit him all at once. He’d always taken pride in

his stamina but that pride abandoned him as he came without


“Fuck!” Vince growled his anger at the embarrassment.

York thrust in again and reached down to drag his hand

through the cum still clinging to Vince’s cock. “Don’t be hard on

yourself. It’ll take plenty of practice to take my cock for a full ride.”

In a surprising move, York bent to pepper soft kisses against

Vince’s back, showing more tenderness than Vince had thought

possible. He looked forward to peeling back the layers of York’s

tough exterior to the heart of the man. Despite York’s bravado,

Vince knew York’s relationship with Lauren wasn’t completely

about sex.

* * * *

Opening her eyes, Lauren found she was surrounded by

familiar faces. She looked at her friends York, Benson and Drone.

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familiar faces. She looked at her friends York, Benson and Drone.

“What? Am I dying or is this a recreation of the Wizard of Oz?”

Benson smiled, something he only seemed to do for Lauren,

and sat on the edge of the bed. The large blond Adonis brushed her

hair away from her face. “Just the opposite. You’ve been reborn.”


“Vince, get in here!” York yelled.

Remembering her face, Lauren tried to shield it from the man

she loved. Benson reached out and kept her from covering her

cheek. “No need. We’ve already seen them.”

A tear ran down the side of her cheek. Armand had been

right. If Vince wasn’t put off by the sight of her, it would only be out

of pity that he stayed. The opposite side of the bed dipped, and

Vince’s arm wrapped around her.

“It’s about time you woke up,” he said, kissing the side of

her neck.

Lauren was too embarrassed to look at him. “I’ll

understand…” she whispered.

Vince put his hand under her chin and turned her head to

face him. “Enough of that. You’re beautiful.” He ran a finger over

her cheek. “York thinks they’ll fade in time. They’re not as bad as

you think.”

Lauren looked into Vince’s deep brown eyes and saw the

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truth in his words. “He said no one would want me. I guess he

didn’t know you.”

A thought occurred to her, and she tried to sit up. “Where’s


Looking decidedly uncomfortable, York stepped forward

and stretched out beside her. “I failed you. I thought I’d killed him,

but you were bleeding, and I knew if we didn’t hurry and turn you,

it would be too late.”

Lauren closed her eyes and sank back into the pillow. She

wasn’t angry with York, but to know Armand was still out there,

probably licking his wounds in some five-star resort, would eat at

her until she found him again. “It’ll take him several weeks to

recover, depending on his injuries.”

York laid his head on Lauren’s pillow. “No one should have

been able to recover from the wounds I inflicted.”

“Believe me, I shouldn’t have been able to survive the injuries

I sustained at Armand’s hands either. There aren’t many shifters in

the world, so those of us who are left have been granted the gift of

surviving almost anything.” Lauren ruffled Vince’s hair. “What about

the police?”

Vince rolled to his side. He looked from York back to her.

“I lied to them. I don’t feel good about it, but you were right, cops

don’t stand a chance against Armand. I called Bently after we made

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sure you would be okay and told him one of the BVA officers had

made it to the scene first. I asked him to check with them, but

because Armand was a shifter, I believed the BVA had domain

over the body.”

“And Bently bought it?” she questioned.

“Sure, once Kade Black called the Commissioner.” Vince

grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips. “I’ve been asked to join

the Bureau of Vampire Affairs as an investigator. I haven’t taken the

job, because I wanted to talk it over with you first.”

“As part of the Rogue Hunters team?”

“Yes, they want you, too. Not just as a contractor but full-


“But you have to be…” It suddenly dawned on her. Her

hand went to her throat. “Did you?”

“Kind of. There was no other way. The wounds to your neck

were too extensive.” Vince looked down at their joined hands. “I’m

sorry. We took a chance with your life and you weren’t even

coherent enough to agree, but there was no time for me to learn, so

York and I did it together.”

Still holding Vince’s hand, Lauren reached for York. “You

both?” She shook her head. “What does this mean?”

York shrugged. “We don’t know yet, but there was no time

to question it.”

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She felt her face for the first time. “Is that why York thinks

these will heal?”

“Yes. The old scars will remain, but the new wounds already

seem to be fading,” Vince told her.

“How long have I been out?” Lauren looked around the

room, eyes coming to rest on Drone. The last she knew, the six-

foot-six, African-American version of Mr. Clean had been in


York answered for Vince. “Two days. We’re not sure if it

took longer because of the shifter genes or the extent of the damage

Armand inflicted.”

“But I’m okay now? I’m like all of you?” Lauren knew it was

crazy, but she was happy with her newfound self. She’d finally

belong with a group of people, the most important of whom were

pressed close on either side of her.

“We’re not sure yet of your abilities. As far as we know,

there hasn’t been another case of a shifter being turned. The Bureau

is looking through the archives in case problems arise.” York

stretched out beside Lauren, bracketing her between her two sires.

Lauren sighed. It felt right but odd at the same time. Although

she felt a bone-deep connection with York, her heart still belonged

to Vince. “I’ve never heard of someone having two sires, but I feel

as though if either of you died, so would I.”

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Vince brushed his palm down Lauren’s cheek. “York and I

have come to an understanding about his place in your life and in

our bed.”

“And that is?” Lauren asked, interested in what the two men

had come up with.

“He’ll be welcomed as long as you want him here.” Vince

looked from Lauren to each of the men in the room before

answering. “As far as the rest of our new team, if they agree to

protect you with their lives, they can still have access to your body if

that’s what you want.”

Lauren nodded. “That’s exactly what I want.”

Vince’s gaze narrowed. “Don’t get any strange ideas in that

pretty head of yours though because York is the only one who’ll be

allowed to sleep in our bed.”

Lauren giggled and reached down to rub the front of Vince’s

jeans. “I take it the two of you fucked while I was out.”

Vince glanced at York. “Regularly, but that’s not the point. If

we’re going to work as a team, we’ll need to live as a team.”

“Music to my ears.” Lauren sat up and beckoned Drone and

Benson over. It had been weeks since she’d seen or spoken to

either man. “I’ve missed you two.”

Benson joined Lauren, York and Vince on the bed without

qualms, but Drone held back. “You, too,” she encouraged, holding

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out her hand to Drone.

“It’s a special time,” Drone said, shaking his head.

“And you are special to her, to us,” Vince replied, urging

Drone to join them.

“But you said—”

“That York was the only one to sleep in our bed,” Vince

finished Drone’s sentence. “That’s true, but this bed is only big

enough for three to sleep comfortably. I didn’t say you couldn’t join

us while we’re awake.”

Lauren pushed down the covers as she tried to figure out

exactly what had happened to Vince while she’d been asleep.

Moving up to rest her back against the headboard, she decided to

test Vince further by opening her legs and inviting Benson closer.

After a quick glance in Vince’s direction, Benson settled his

shoulders between Lauren’s spread thighs and buried his face

against her pussy. Benson’s attentions had always been about more

than physical pleasure. Each flick of his tongue was a profession of

his loyalty.

“I know you’ve missed me.” Lauren threaded her fingers

through Benson’s long blond hair as he continued to eat her pussy.

Lauren turned her attention to Drone. “See? Nothing’s truly

changed between us. We still need you.”

York moved over to lie beside Vince, giving Drone a portion

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of the mattress beside Lauren.

“Thank you,” Lauren mouthed to York.

York grinned and wrapped his arms around Vince. “No

problem, I’ll bide my time while you reacquaint yourself with

Benson and Drone.”

Vince turned his head and shared a deep kiss with York.

Lauren thrust against Benson’s tongue. She thought she must be the

luckiest woman in the world. When Drone’s mouth latched onto her

breast, she knew she was.

A cell phone on the bedside table began to ring, stilling all of

them. Lauren knew that particular ringtone belonged to Kade

Black, head of vampire military for the BVA.

As York broke the kiss with Vince and scrambled to get the

phone, Benson withdrew his tongue from Lauren’s pussy and sat


Kade rarely phoned unless it was a life or death situation that

needed the team’s immediate attention.

“Yes, sir,” York answered. The muscles in his back tightened

as he listened. “How did you get his phone?”

Lauren reached for Vince’s hand. Was the call about

Armand? Had they discovered his location already? And if not

Armand, than who? Although she’d helped the Rogue Hunters on

jobs in the past, her role had always been limited to gathering

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information on the vampires they searched for. A feeling of power

surged through her. She was one of them now, and with everlasting

life came the responsibility of policing the others of her new race.

She’d never stop hunting her father, but she refused to spend her

new life obsessing over him, too.

After all, there were rogue vampires to catch and four men

who would spend centuries protecting her. It was a pretty damn

good life, despite the way it had started out.

York bounded off the bed and started to pace. “Leave it to

us,” he said before ending the call.

He turned to face the bed. “Kade Black was taken hostage

early this morning by Rousseau’s army of feral savages. Most of the

Black Guard were decimated during the ambush, but Kade

managed to pass his phone to one of his most trusted men with

instructions to call me.”

“What could Rousseau hope to gain? He’s the wealthiest

vampire on the planet.” Benson rose and went to stand next to


“Sovereignty. He wants the BVA out of Louisiana for good,”

York explained. “Rousseau has given the BVA High Council until

Monday at dawn to sign the decree or he’ll kill Black at sunrise.”

“What about Armand?” Vince asked.

“Without Black, the military will collapse. They follow him for

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a reason,” York explained.

“It’s okay.” Lauren straddled Vince’s lap. “It’ll take Armand

a few weeks before he’s strong enough to take another life. We

need to handle Rousseau first. Then we can concentrate on tracking

and killing my father.”

Vince grabbed Lauren’s ass and resettled her over his cock,

impaling her in one bold thrust. “You’ve just completed your

transition. You should stay here and gather your strength.”

With her hands on Vince’s broad shoulders, Lauren rose up

before sinking back down. “I’m a member of this team now, so I’ll

go with the rest of you.”

York moved to kneel behind Lauren. With his hands on her

breasts, he pressed his cock against her asshole until it slid inside.

“We’re stronger together. Armand will be dealt with, even if we

have to call in Black after we get him away from Rousseau.”

Lauren had never met Kade Black, but she’d heard stories

about him since she’d first joined with Drone, York and Benson.

Evidently, Kade was the fiercest warrior the vampire race had ever

created. She wondered how Rousseau and his men could contain

such a legend.

“Yes,” Drone agreed, stretching out next to Vince. He held

his cock up and invited Benson between his legs. “We are stronger


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“Forever,” Lauren added.

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About the Author

An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her

own brand of erotic romance. Carol juggles life as a full-time mom

and a full-time writer. These days, you can usually find her either

cleaning jelly out of the carpet or nestled in her favorite chair writing

steamy love scenes.

Carol loves to talk to her readers and can be found at www.Carol-

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