Cowboy Rules Carol Lynne

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A Totally Bound Publication

Cowboy Rules
ISBN # 978-1-78184-977-4
©Copyright Carol Lynne 2014
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2014
Edited by Stacey Birkel
Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound
Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,
Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Totally Burning and a Sexometer of 2.

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Buck Wild


Carol Lynne

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Book two in the Buck Wild series

Rules are made to be broken. Cowboy rules are made to be shattered.

Although ex-con, Cash Wiley, loves working at the Rocking W, being around Shane
Ackerman and Dub Walker is his favourite part of the job. He’d had the chance to be with the
two men a few months earlier, but he’d blown it before it could happen. He’d ruined
everything because he’d refused to have sex without strings attached.

Stupid didn’t begin to define how he’d felt the following day or every day afterward. Shane
took his breath away and Dub was the kind of man Cash had always dreamed of having at
his side. It was the rule that stood in his way.

How could he promise to not fall in love when he already had?

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For my friends, Cinders and Kristina. Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Stetson: John B Stetson Company
Honky Tonk Badonkadonk: Dallas Davidson, Randy Houser and Jamey Johnson
Harley: H-D Michigan, LLC

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Chapter One

Cash Wiley watched Shane Ackerman carefully. He was fascinated by the way Shane

manhandled the horse’s hoof. For a little guy, Shane definitely managed to show Gravy who

was boss.

“Just hold it like this,” Shane instructed, “and scrape all the mud and rocks out. You

don’t have to worry about hurting the horse unless you get careless and try to go too deep.

The important thing to remember is that you’re doing the horse a favour.” He glanced up at

Cash. “If the horse starts to fight you, give him a shoulder to the stomach, and he’ll settle


Cash hated horses. Growing up in Flint, Michigan, he’d spent his childhood trying to

survive. Spending time with horses or any animals other than dogs, cats or rats, wasn’t an

option. It wasn’t until he’d arrived at the Rocking W that he’d even stood next to a horse.

He’d had no idea the damn beasts were so big.

Shane released Gravy’s foot and stepped back. “You want to try?”

No, Cash wanted to scream. But, he loved his job on the ranch and with his past still

following him around, jobs were few and far between. He enjoyed the one he had now more

than anything that had come before. “Sure”

When Shane tried to get out of Cash’s way, they had a moment of this way or that.

“Sorry,” Shane said, eventually getting out of Cash’s path.

Cash waved away Shane’s apology. Although he really enjoyed being around Shane,

their time together was too easy. He had to remind himself Shane was already taken by Dub,

the owner of the Rocking W. Even harder to deal with, Dub had invited Cash to join them in

a threesome. He would have jumped at the chance to spend quality time with Dub and Shane

between the sheets, but there was something about the pair that spoke to Cash on a level

deeper than sex. He knew once he’d been intimate with Shane and Dub, he wouldn’t be able

to walk away without getting hurt. No thanks.

“Now just put your hand on Gravy to let him know where you are and that you have

no intention of hurting him.” Shane stood nearby.

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Cash swallowed around the lump of fear lodged in his throat. It was stupid to be afraid

of the horse. He’d seen Dub and Shane manhandle Gravy without retaliation, but Cash

couldn’t get beyond the powerful muscles evident in the horse’s legs.

“It’s okay. Touch him,” Shane urged.

Although Cash didn’t trust Gravy, he trusted Shane. He laid his shaking hand on the

horse’s back. Done. He released the breath he’d been holding.

“Great. Now run your hand down his leg and tap once you get towards the hoof.”

“Tap?” Cash questioned, moving his hand down Gravy’s leg.

“Yeah. It’ll send Gravy a signal as to what you want. Don’t worry. He’s used to it.”

Shane squatted, resting his forearms on his knees.

Cash tried to do as instructed, but nothing happened. “Should I hit him harder?”

Shane shook his head. “He knows what you want. He’s just fuckin’ with you. Move on

down to his fetlock and give him a squeeze.” He pointed to the area near Gravy’s hoof.

When Cash did as he was told, Gravy snorted and danced to the side. The action scared

the shit out of Cash. He jumped back out of the horse’s reach. “Sorry, Shane, but I don’t think

I can do this.”

Shane moved forward to stand in front of Gravy. He slapped the horse on the nose,

hard enough to get Gravy’s attention. “Shame on you for scaring Cash. He was trying to help

you.” He turned back to Cash. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s got into him.”

Cash shrugged. “It’s not the horse. Animals don’t like me.”

“That’s a lie. Patches loves you.”

Cash grinned when he thought of the calico ball of fur that slept with him each night. It

was the first time in his life he’d had something he considered special. “Yeah, but Patches

thinks she’s human. I haven’t told her she’s a cat, so don’t you go and spill the truth to her.”

Shane held up his right hand. “The secret’s safe with me.”

“Good. I’ll take you at your word.” Cash loved that Shane played along. Never in his

life had he had someone he’d felt relaxed enough around to let loose and act silly. Even as a

child, he’d pretended to be a hell of a lot tougher than he really was. His above-average size

hadn’t hurt either. The act had saved him on many occasions until he’d found a man who

could actually teach him how to defend himself. The memory led him to the fight that had

changed his life. Cash shook his head, trying to drive away thoughts of the past.

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Cash pointed to Gravy. “Thanks for trying, but if it’s okay with you, I’d rather shovel

the shit and let you clean their hooves.” He knew there were plenty of other jobs he could do

on the ranch that didn’t involve working directly with the horses.

Shane, who had worked with the horses for years, smiled. “We’ll try again when you

think you’re ready.”

“You might be in for a long wait,” Cash mumbled. “Will you do me a favour, though,

and not tell the others that I’m scared of the damn beasts?” He’d only been on the ranch for a

little over three months, but he’d already earned the reputation of a guy people didn’t want

to mess with. Whether it was his tattoos, motorcycle or size, he wasn’t sure, but most of the

cowboys gave him a wide berth. Cash didn’t mind. After spending years living in a barred

fishbowl, he enjoyed the privacy given to him by those on the ranch. He glanced at Shane.

God, he wished he’d known someone like Shane growing up. How different would his life

have been if only he’d seen colours in his grey world?

“Of course.” Shane put his hand on Cash’s chest. “I’m good at keeping secrets.”

There was no doubt in Cash’s mind the touch was innocent. Shane was definitely a

person who liked to reach out and touch the people around him. It was Cash who wished the

gesture was more than friendly.

The moment was interrupted by Shane’s ringing phone. “Sorry,” Shane said as he dug

the phone out of his shirt pocket.

Cash could tell by the peaceful expression on Shane’s handsome face it was Dub. He

stepped away to give the two lovebirds privacy. Closing his eyes, he tried to imagine Dub’s

expression and body language. Cash had noticed the difference in Dub’s behaviour and

mood whenever Shane was around. Dub’s entire face lit up when Shane was near. Damn. He

hated feeling envious of the pair, especially knowing they were open to a round or two in

bed with him.

“Dub wants me to bring him some more ice water. He’s out fixing the windmill in the

west pasture.” Shane smiled as his eyebrows bobbed up and down. “He told me to bring the

lube, so I think he’s after more than a drink.”

“Lucky bastard,” Cash said before he could stop himself.

Shane stared at Cash for several moments. “Sorry.”

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Cash shook his head. “You’ve got nothing to apologise for. Dub offered, I couldn’t do it,

and that’s as far as it goes.”

Shane worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “Okay, well, I’d better get going.” He led

Gravy back into his stall. “I’ll take care of Gravy when I get back. You can go out and see if

Hank needs help getting ready for the party tomorrow.”

Cash groaned inwardly. He wasn’t looking forward to being surrounded by so many

strangers. “I can help with the prep, but I wasn’t planning to attend the barbecue.”

“What? You have to. It’s one of the best parties we have around here, and Dub’s hired a

live band so we can dance.” Shane latched Gravy’s stall door.

“I’m not a dancer.” Cash lifted one of his size fourteen biker boots. “I could crush

someone’s foot with this.”

“I’m a pretty good teacher. If you’ll come, even for a little while, I’ll show you how to

two-step. It’s really easy. So easy, Dub can do it.”

Cash chuckled. “We’ll see.”

Shane threw up a wave. “I’m outta here. See you later.”

Cash watched Shane go. His heart felt light and heavy at the same time if that was

possible. He wondered what life would be like if he could openly gather Shane in his arms

and let Shane know how much the guy’s friendship meant. He didn’t dare put himself in that

position in reality, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it.

* * * *

Shane zipped his fly. “Between me and you, I don’t think Cash is going to get over his

fear of horses anytime soon.”

Dub paused in the process of adjusting his spent cock in his underwear. “I thought you

were working with him?”

“I am. I mean, I tried, but the horses pick up on his nerves and it makes the situation

worse.” Shane picked his baseball cap up. “He’s every bit as bad as I am with spiders.” He

wanted to make sure Cash’s fears weren’t reason for termination. “I don’t think it’s a

problem though because I like taking care of the horses anyway.”

“Can you keep up by yourself?” Dub asked, finding his hat in the tall grass.

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“Sure. Cash’ll still help clean stalls and feed along with all his other jobs. I’ll just be the

one who deals one on one with the horses.”

Dub eyed Shane for several seconds. “Are you picking up his slack because you don’t

want me to fire him?”

“Yeah,” Shane said in all honesty. “I like him. He’s different.”

“Different how?” Dub gathered Shane in his arms.

Shane laid his cheek against Dub’s chest. “He acts like he doesn’t need or want

company, but whenever I spot him alone, he looks so sad. I don’t think he likes to be alone at

all. I think he’s too afraid to be around people, but that doesn’t make sense. He’s huge, plenty

big enough to take care of himself in a fight, and he’s one of the sexiest men I’ve ever laid

eyes on.”

Dub cleared his throat.

Shane chuckled. “No, he’s not as sexy as you, but you already know that.”

“I wasn’t fishing for a compliment. I was going to agree with you.” Dub tilted Shane’s

chin up for a deep kiss. When he pulled back, he gazed down at Shane with so much love it

made Shane’s breath hitch. “I know you want to take care of Cash, but he’s more than

capable of taking care of himself.”

Normally, Shane would agree with Dub, but wasn’t sure when it came to Cash.

Physically, the man was more than equipped to take on anyone who threatened him. It was

the emotional side of Cash that Shane worried about. He’d seen the looks passed between

Cash and Dub when the three of them talked. There was something about Cash that

prompted those glances. Some sort of secret they were keeping from Shane. He was sure of


“But why does he look so sad?” Shane asked, praying Dub would finally answer his


“I’ve told you, babe, Cash’s past is his own. If he wants to tell you about it, he will.”

Nevertheless, Cash hadn’t volunteered information, and Shane hadn’t had the nerve to

ask him. Fuck. He stuck out his bottom lip, hoping Dub would take pity on him.

Dub sucked Shane’s lip into his mouth which morphed into a hot, sloppy kiss. When

Dub broke away, he chuckled. “You won’t convince me to give you what you want unless

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it’s another fuck.” He rubbed his groin against Shane. “That, I’ll be ready for in another

twenty minutes or so.”

Never one to turn down sex, Shane mentally went through his schedule for the rest of

the day. Other than waiting for Justice to arrive, he only had the party to set up. “Can the

party tent be picked up tomorrow?”

Dub rubbed at his jaw. “No, but I can ask one of the other guys to do it.”

Shane shook his head. “They’ve been picking up my slack since I came back to the

ranch.” He loved spending time with Dub during working hours, but it wasn’t fair to the

other employees when it kept him from doing his job. He ran his fingertips over the zipper

on Dub’s jeans. It didn’t seem to matter how often he and Dub had sex, he never seemed to

get enough. Hell, he wanted twice as much as he had when he’d been the ranch slut, and that

was before he’d had Dub in his ass three or four times a day. Their previous visit from Justice

hadn’t quite gone as planned. Shane and Dub had decided not to invite Justice into their bed,

but they had enjoyed several hot petting sessions with the bronc rider. Although Shane loved

being worshipped by two men, a part of him wished it had been Cash that had touched and

kissed him instead of Justice.


The last thing Shane needed was to get preoccupied with thoughts of Cash. “I’ll go

get the damn tent.”

Dub grabbed Shane’s ass. “You want me to finger fuck you?”

Shane started to reach for his zipper, but changed his mind. “I shouldn’t.”

“But you want to,” Dub replied.

“Who wouldn’t? Maybe I should start wearing a plug or something during the day. I

have no fucking idea what’s going on with me lately, but I’m horny all the damn time,”

Shane explained.

Dub gave Shane another deep kiss. “It’s no wonder. Between me groping you every

chance I get, and you working alongside Cash most days, I can understand. Why do you

think I plan my schedule so I’m working on the opposite side of the ranch from the two of

you?” He shook his head. “I love you with all my heart, babe, but I can’t be around Cash

without thinking of how pretty your mouth would look wrapped around his dick. Some

days, I swear, if you’d let me fire him, I would.”

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“I won’t.” Shane sighed. “Cash loves this job.” He remembered the exchange he’d had

with Cash in the barn. “Maybe I should start flirting with him. We’ve both tried to respect his

decision, but this is getting ridiculous because I see the way he looks at us. I think he wants

us every bit as much as we want him.”

Dub looked up at the sky as he resettled his brown Stetson. “Even if you could get Cash

into our bed, he isn’t willing to go along with the rules.”

Rules? “What rules?” Shane asked. As far as he knew, the only rules in place had to do

with his agreement with Dub to always ask permission before messing around with someone

else, and Lord knows they’d talked about everything as far as bringing Cash to their bed.

“The rule that you’re mine, and I won’t take kindly to anyone who tries to take you

away from me.”

Shane couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “No one’s going to take me away from

you. Did you really tell Cash that?”

“I most certainly did,” Dub answered. “The only way our arrangement will work is if I

don’t have to worry about you running off with another man.”

Shane winced. He probably deserved the remark after leaving the ranch with Bobby

four months earlier, but that had been before Dub had finally given in and declared his

feelings for Shane. He knew Dub had abandonment issues because of the way his mother

left, but he was beginning to wonder if it would always play a role in their relationship.

“How many times do I have to tell you how much I love you before it starts to sink into that

thick head of yours? I’m a keeper. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

Dub squeezed Shane’s ass again. “I won’t take the chance.”

Shane stared up at the man he loved. He wanted to ask Dub about Justice, who was the

only other man Dub had ever loved. Shane already knew Justice had broken Dub’s heart

because he didn’t return Dub’s love. When Dub had welcomed Justice to the ranch a couple

of months earlier, the three of them had discussed going to bed together. Shane had been

coming off the sting of Cash’s rejection and had gone a lot farther with Justice than he’d


A thought suddenly occurred to Shane. “Did you tell Justice the rule?”

Dub looked surprised by the question. “No, because I don’t have to worry about Justice

falling in love with you.”

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“Gee, thanks.” Feeling like he’d been slapped, Shane started towards the four-wheeler.

“Stop.” Dub moved quickly to get between Shane and his means of escape. “Justice isn’t

capable of loving anyone, it’s not you, believe me.”

Given Dub’s rule of no emotional ties with a third, Shane agreed it would be wrong to

pursue Cash any further. “I’d better get back.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” Dub said.

“It’s fine.” Shane was upset, but it had nothing to do with Justice or his inability to love

anyone but himself. Although Cash had turned them down, Shane had continued to hope it

was only a matter of time. With the rule in place, Shane understood it would be for the best if

Cash found someone else to occupy his time. He hadn’t expected the realisation to hurt, but

it did.

“Love you,” Shane told Dub before giving him another kiss. No matter what he did or

didn’t feel for Cash, it didn’t change the love he had for Dub, never would. “How long before

you’re done here?”

Dub looked up at the windmill that towered over them. “I should be home by five.”

“Okay. I’ll get the tent and supervise the erection.” Shane chuckled at his own play on


One of Dub’s black eyebrows rose. “Just make sure all you do is supervise.” The corner

of Dub’s mouth quirked up in a devilish grin.

“Don’t worry about that.” Shane stretched his arms to the clouds. “I’m the king of

watching,” he proclaimed.

* * * *

Cash stepped out of the barn to get some fresh air. He’d been told to organise the

hayloft before the party. Hank, the ranch manager, expected plenty of people to find their

way to the loft for a quick fuck and wanted to make sure no one tripped over a misplaced


Laughter caught his attention. Shane. Cash’s heart squeezed as he watched Shane wave

his arms around while the roughstock students attempted to put up a large white tent.

“Put some muscle into it!” Shane shouted, a hint of laughter still in his voice.

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“You’re more than welcome to get off your ass and help,” Bucky, one of the newest

students, yelled back.

Cash rarely spoke to the others, but he couldn’t let the little punk talk to Shane that

way. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and powered towards the group. He waited

until he towered over Bucky to speak. “If I ever hear you speak to Shane like that again, I’ll

rip your fucking head off.”

Bucky stared up at Cash. “Chill. I was just teasing him. I know he’s fucking the boss.

I’m not that stupid.”

Shane insinuated himself between Bucky and Cash. He put his palm on Cash’s chest.

“It’s okay. I’m used to worse.”

Cash gazed into Shane’s big green eyes. Hell, Cash wanted nothing more than to throw

Shane over his shoulder and carry the sexy dude to the hayloft. “You shouldn’t let people

talk to you like that.”

Shane smiled. “My own father used to talk to me worse than that. Believe me, I know

when someone means what they say, and Bucky was talking just to hear himself.”

Cash eyed Bucky again before giving Shane a sharp nod. He turned and strode back to

the barn without another word. Cash hated to hear Shane’s father had talked to him in

anything but a loving way. Cash had never known his father. Each time he’d asked his mom,

she’d answered the same. “Go down to Hell’s Gate and take your pick. Any one of them

could be your daddy.” Hell’s Gate was the roughest bar in Flint and full of scum even lower

and more dangerous than he was. No thanks. He’d decided at a young age he was better off

without a father. Listening to Shane only proved he’d been right.

“Cash,” Shane called, jogging into the barn.

“I’m sorry,” Cash grumbled. “I didn’t like the way that asshole spoke to you.”

Shane picked several small pieces of hay out of Cash’s chest hair. “You should put on a

shirt before that hay cuts you up.”

Cash stilled when he felt Shane’s soft lips brush across his nipple. His eyelids drifted

closed as he fought like hell not to take what he needed from the sexy little fuck working lips

and tongue across his chest.

A honking horn drew Shane’s attention. He groaned and pulled back. “I shouldn’t have

done that.”

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Cash wanted to agree but couldn’t. Truth was, he would give anything to feel Shane’s

lips on him again. “Justice?” He knew the champion bronc rider was coming to town because

Shane had mentioned it several times. Justice’s visit a few months earlier had been hard for

Cash to stomach, but he’d managed to get through it by using the time to bond with Patches.

“Probably.” Shane looked towards the big double doors. “He’s the only one I know

who feels the need to announce his arrival to everyone on the fucking ranch.” He returned

his attention to Cash. “Does it bother you to see me with Justice?”

What the hell could he say? Cash had no claim on Shane, but Cash couldn’t lie to him

either. “Does Justice make you happy?”

“He helps me forget about you for a while.” Shane stared up at Cash. “I’d rather have

you with me and Dub, but Dub told me about his rules, and maybe it’s a good thing we don’t

take things between us any further.” He stood on his tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on Cash’s

lips. “It would piss Dub off if he knew you already held a space in my heart, and I can’t do

anything that would jeopardize my relationship with Dub. I love him more than I love


“I know. I see it every time you look at him.” Cash took a deep breath. Knowing his

feelings for Shane weren’t all one sided melted his heart. Goddamn. It was more than he’d

ever received, and it may be enough to get him through the rest of his life. He smiled at

Shane. “Go greet your guest before he comes looking for you.”

Shane eventually stepped back. “I’ll see you later.”

Cash cleared his throat. “Yeah.” He pointed to the loft. “I’d better finish up before Hank

comes in and chews my ass.” He watched Shane go with a shitload of ache in his chest.

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Chapter Two

Shane waited for Justice to climb out of his top-of-the-line pickup. He silently cursed his

body as it reacted predictably to the handsome man. I’m such a slut.

“Hey,” Justice said, picking Shane up moments after getting out of the truck.

Shane opened his mouth for Justice’s kiss while his cock hardened and his asshole

clenched. Yep. Slut. At least Dub knew it and had already approved of Shane messing around

with Justice. When he felt Justice’s hands on his ass, Shane pulled out of the kiss. “Not here,”

he warned, thinking of Cash.

Justice’s black eyebrows rose as he lowered Shane to the ground. “Are you planning to

get naked with me so soon?”

Shane shrugged, pushing his inner slut down. “Dub should be in from the pasture

within the hour, and Gracie has been baking all day. I figure she’s got something she’s

willing to share with us.”

“Shane?” Cash called from the doorway of the barn. “You dropped your phone.”

A lump formed in Shane’s throat. Even though he’d done nothing more than kiss Cash,

he felt like he was cheating by standing in Justice’s arms. “Shit.” He jogged back to the barn.


Cash handed the phone to Shane. “Dub called. I didn’t answer it.”

Shane licked his lips and glanced at his phone. Guilt settled in his gut. He couldn’t help

but wonder what Cash thought of him. “You think I’m a whore?”

Cash shook his head. “What I think doesn’t matter.”

“Matters to me,” Shane whispered. “I am, of course, but for some reason, I don’t want

you to see me that way.”

“If you were really a whore, you wouldn’t be standing here worrying about what I

think.” Cash ran a fingertip across Shane’s lower lip. “Do whatever it is that makes you

happy and fuck what others think.”

Shane’s phone rang again. “I’d better get this.”

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“Yeah. I’d better get back to work anyway.” Cash winked before walking back inside

the barn.

Shane answered the phone. “Where’re you at, cowboy?”

“Finishing up.”

“Justice just got here.” The silence that met Shane was out of character for Dub. Shane

shuffled his feet. “Dub?”

“I didn’t think Justice was coming.” Dub sighed.

Surprised at Dub’s reaction to Justice’s appearance, Shane cleared his throat. “Is there

something going on that I should know about?”

“No.” Dub sighed again. “Hell, I’ll talk to you later. For now, go introduce Justice to

some of the new guys. Dalton’s his type.”

More confused than ever, Shane continued to watch Justice. “Okay.”

“Love you,” Dub said.

Shane felt better. Whatever was going on between Justice and Dub, at least Shane knew

he and Dub were still good. He made a mental note not to let Justice kiss him again until he

talked to Dub. “You, too. Call me when you’re ready to go in for supper.”

“Will do.”

* * * *

Dub dropped the old canvas tool bag into the bed of the truck before getting behind the

wheel. Shit! He pounded his fist against the dashboard. Dealing with Justice was the last

thing he felt like doing.

Truck in gear, he started down the beaten path back to the ranch. He thought of the

phone conversation he’d had with Justice only a few weeks earlier.

“Hey.” Dub stuck his finger in his uncovered ear as he walked out of the arena.

“How’s the ranch?” Justice asked.

“Same as always. What’s up?” Dub knew Justice wouldn’t call just to shoot the shit.

“I’m in Dallas next weekend, and there’s someone I’d like you to meet. I gotta tell ya, Dub, this

motherfucker is a wet dream in the sack. I thought maybe I could get you up here to help me teach this

youngster a few things.”

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Dub went still. “What about Shane?”

“What about him? I thought the two of you had an arrangement?”
“We do, but that arrangement doesn’t include me running off to Dallas to fuck you and some

other guy all weekend.” Dub shook his head. “I thought you understood that Shane and I are a package


“Hell, give Shane permission to fuck that Cash guy or something while you’re gone. Then you’ll

be even,” Justice said.

Dub gripped the phone tighter. It was obvious Justice would never understand, and Dub was

tired of Justice’s games. Why the fuck he’d let Justice in in the first place pissed him off. “I don’t think

this is going to work. You obviously don’t give a fuck about Shane’s feelings, and I doubt you give a

fuck about mine. Like always, you’re interested in yourself only and to hell with the havoc you leave


“Fuck you!” Justice spat. “You don’t want someone to care about your feelings or Shane’s. If

you did, you’d have that hot piece of muscle working in your barn in your bed. All you want is to
watch someone else fuck your man. So don’t start preaching to me.”

“Go to hell,” Dub said and hung up.

Dub shook off the memory. Why the hell was Justice on the ranch? Had he come to stir

up shit or was he looking for a new playmate?

After crossing the cattle guard, Dub pulled up to the barn. He turned off the engine and

sat staring at the deep red painted building with his truck door open enough to offer a little

breeze. He’d thought a lot about Cash since the phone call from Justice, trying like hell to

figure out what he wanted. It had become obvious Justice didn’t care about Shane beyond

what physical pleasure Justice could get out of him. Dub had believed that’s what he’d

wanted, but maybe he’d been wrong.

Dub got out of the truck. He tried to rein in his thoughts on his way to the barn.

Shirtless, Cash was knocking down cobwebs with a broom when Dub walked in. Cash

smiled. “Almost done.”

Averting his eyes from the impressive expanse of muscle on display, Dub studied the

barn. Putting his hands on his hips, he whistled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this place so


Cash shrugged. “I was told to clean it, so I did.”

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Despite Cash’s fear of horses, Dub doubted he’d ever employed such a hardworking

man. He glanced back at Cash and watched a drop of sweat make its way down the

cowboy’s chest to disappear under the waistband of his jeans. Fuck. He tried to breathe as his

dick hardened.

Cash’s gaze strayed to Dub’s fly. He stared for several moments before turning around

to knock a few more cobwebs away. “Justice’s here.”

“Yeah.” Dub’s voice cracked. “I didn’t think he was coming.”

Cash spun around. “Shane told me he was. Did he know something you didn’t?”

It wasn’t like Cash to question Dub or say more than a few passing words, so the hair

on Dub’s neck began to prickle. “More like I knew something Shane didn’t. Why’re you so

concerned? Did something happen?”

Cash shook his head. “None of my business.” He went back to work without bothering

to look at Dub.

Dub stalked over and tore the broom out of Cash’s hands. “If something happened,

you’d better fuckin’ tell me.”

“I saw them kissing. Then Shane went off with him towards the arena.” Cash’s jaw

clenched. “I try not to butt into your business, but I don’t trust that guy.”

Dub sighed. Neither did he. “I guess I’d better go find them.”

“If there’s trouble, let me know,” Cash said. “I’ll have your back.”

He would. Dub had absolutely no doubt. Cash’s bare chest captured Dub’s attention

once more. “Your scar’s healing nicely.”

Cash ran his palm over the wound he’d received falling off the damn ladder while

fixing the hayloft door. “What’s one more, right?”

The statement drove home how different they were. Dub still didn’t know all the ins

and outs of Cash’s past, but he knew it hadn’t been pretty and had landed Cash in prison. He

continued to stare at Cash’s scars and ink until a part of him, a very large part, wanted to

sooth the jagged puckered skin with his tongue. Christ. He was getting as bad as Shane was.

“The scars don’t take away from what’s there.”

Cash chuckled. “You need your eyes checked? I’m a fuckin’ mess.”

Dub gave into his desires and touched the long thin scar that dissected Cash’s left

nipple. “If you are, you’re the sexiest fucking mess I’ve ever touched.”

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Cash reached out and grabbed Dub’s wrist, stilling the hand. “That’s enough.”

Dub closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Yeah.” He dropped his hand and stepped

back. “Sorry.”

Cash looked apologetic. “If things were different…”

“Yeah,” Dub said again. “I get it.” He walked out of the barn with a hard cock and a

conflicted heart. On one hand, he had Justice who was all too willing to fuck Shane as long as

he didn’t have to give a shit about Shane outside the bedroom, and on the other hand he had

a man like Cash who was practically begging to be loved. “Fuck!” he grumbled.

“There he is,” Justice announced, walking towards Dub with his hand in Shane’s back


Dub wasn’t in the mood for Justice, not at all. He grabbed Shane’s free hand and pulled

him away from the tall bronc rider. “I need to talk to you,” he whispered to Shane as they

headed to the house.

Shane glanced over his shoulder. “I take it Justice isn’t invited?”

“Did I say I needed to talk to Justice?” Dub knew he sounded surly but didn’t give a

fuck. He was in need of Shane’s ass without Justice peering over his shoulder.

“You’re being rude,” Shane admonished.

“Maybe,” Dub agreed, “but you might just feel differently when I tell ya about the

conversation Justice and I had a couple weeks ago.” He pounded up the front porch steps to

the door. “I need to fuck you in the worst way. Then we’ll talk.”

Shane glanced down at the erection pressing against Dub’s fly. “You been in the barn?”

Dub scowled. The fact Shane knew him so well pissed him off even more. He led Shane

into the office, the closest private spot in the house. After slamming the door shut, he reached

for his zipper. “Fuck first. Talk later,” he reiterated.

Shane started stripping. “Fine with me.”

Dub didn’t bother removing his clothes. He opened the desk drawer and removed a

bottle of lube. Indicating the leather sofa, he pulled out his cock. “Bend over.”

Shaking his head, Shane kicked off his jeans and underwear. He braced his forearms on

the back of the couch and stuck out his ass. “This what you want?”

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Goddamn his man was gorgeous. He couldn’t take his eyes off Shane as he lubed his

cock. “It’s what I need.” The sheen on Shane’s ass from their earlier fuck further fuelled

Dub’s lust.

Dub sighed as he pressed inside Shane. “Mmmm,” he moaned, burying himself to the

root. Home.

Shane turned his head to the side. “Kiss me.”

Dub caged Shane in by bracing his hands on the back of the sofa. He leant forward and

took Shane’s mouth in a fiery kiss as he began a hard and fast fucking. Although he loved

Shane, his young lover liked to talk during sex. Kissing solved that problem. It wasn’t that he

didn’t like to talk to Shane, but, damn, when he was fucking, he couldn’t think about much


“Oh, yeah, fuck me,” Shane said when Dub broke the kiss for some much needed air.

Dub pushed Shane forward. Once Shane’s cock was rubbing against the soft leather of

the sofa, Dub began to grind against him until Shane started to pant. With a satisfied grin,

Dub pulled his cock out of Shane’s ass before slamming in hard.

Shane’s cry of release was no doubt loud enough to reach the barn through the office’s

open windows, but Dub didn’t care. He was too far in the moment to ease up. He began

hammering away at Shane’s hole, driving his cock harder and deeper with each thrust.

“You’re mine,” he growled in Shane’s ear.

“Yes,” Shane said, gasping for air as the fucking continued.

“No. More. Justice.” Dub punctuated each word by burying himself deep. He was

pistoning so hard and fast the couch started to move across the wide-planked floor, forcing

Dub and Shane to travel with it.

“Motherfucker!” Dub released his hold on the couch and wrapped his arms around

Shane as he emptied his seed deep. He pressed his face against the back of Shane’s neck as he

rode out his climax.

“I can’t breathe,” Shane rasped.

Dub loosened his grip when he realised how tightly he was holding onto Shane. The

moment his own breathing was under control, he pulled out. He retrieved a wet washcloth

from the attached restroom. As he wiped his cum from Shane’s ass and leg, his thoughts

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returned to the trouble brewing on the ranch. After Dub wiped his cock, he led Shane to the


“So, who, besides you, do I have to thank for that over-the-top fuck?” Shane tucked his

feet under him and leaned against Dub.

Dub tucked Shane against his chest. He wasn’t sure where to start. “I didn’t realise until

a few weeks ago how important it is to me that whoever we bring into our bed still has our


“What’s that mean?”

“Justice asked me to meet him in Dallas. Evidently he had someone he thought I’d like,”

Dub began.

“And?” Shane prompted when Dub didn’t immediately continue.

“And, he only wanted me to come to Dallas,” Dub clarified. “He doesn’t understand

what we want out of our relationship. I thought he did, but I was wrong.” He ran his fingers

through his hair. No, that wasn’t right either. “I thought I knew what I wanted, but I’m not

sure anymore.”

Shane stiffened. “You’re having second thoughts about us?”

“No,” Dub was quick to say. He pulled Shane closer. “God no. It took me a long time to

pull my head out of my ass and realise that we could make it work. That’s why I’m so

worried about bringing someone in who will try to take you away. I don’t think I could

survive if you left me again.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I know why we decided to open our relationship to other

men, but if it’s going to cause a rift between us, it’s not worth it to me.”

The problem was, Dub remembered all too clearly why they’d decided to accept other

men in their bed. They both enjoyed sex far too much and were surrounded by sexy men on

a daily basis. Instead of constantly worrying one of them would cheat, they’d come to the

conclusion that an open relationship could work as long as neither of them allowed another

to get between them. Dub still believed they could make it work. He loved Shane more than

he ever had.

“Are you listening to me?” Shane asked, interrupting Dub’s thoughts.

Dub decided to come clean on what was really bothering him. “Cash is becoming a


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Shane’s brow shot up towards his hairline. “What? Cash?” His expression of confusion

quickly morphed into a wide grin. “Cash’s the one who made you hard.”

Dub jerked his head in acknowledgement. “He was working without a shirt.”

“I know.” Shane straddled Dub’s lap. “I need to tell you something, but I need you to

promise you won’t get mad.”

Dub reached back and plunged two fingers into Shane’s hole. “Okay.” He didn’t mind

Shane talking about other men, hell, they did it all the time, but he liked to know Shane was

feeling him while doing it.

“I’d trade a hundred nights with Justice for one with Cash,” Shane admitted. He

moaned and began to fuck himself on Dub’s fingers. “There’s something about the way Cash

looks at me that makes me want to strip him and ride him whenever we’re together.”

Dub eyed Shane closely. “Have you?”

“Have I what?”

“Ridden him?”

Shane stopped rocking and slowly shook his head from side to side. “How can you ask

me that? I may be a slut, but I do have some self-control. I know you don’t want us to be with

him, but my fantasies about Cash have been making me feel guilty. I thought it’d be better to

tell you about them rather than feel bad about myself all the time.”

Dammit! Dub rested his forehead against Shane’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. My own fucking

guilt sparked my jealousy. I swear I was two seconds away from jumping him in the barn.”

“So why’re we doing this to ourselves? We both want him, and I can tell by the way he

acts around us that he wants us, too. What’s the point of bringing someone else in our bed if

it’s not the man we want?”

Dub leaned his head back. He opened his mouth to remind Shane of why they couldn’t

act on their desire for Cash, but Shane covered Dub’s mouth with a palm.

“I like the thought of someone I care about watching your back when I’m not around.

Of having someone we’re both familiar with take care of your cock when I’m busy with

chores.” Shane took his hand off Dub’s mouth before pressing it to his own chest. “I’m not

afraid of taking a chance that I could fall in love with two men because this ranch is my

home, and I’m not going anywhere.”

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Dub sighed. It had taken him years to come to terms with loving Shane. Opening his

bed to another man was easy, but opening his heart was an entirely different matter. Sure, he

wanted Cash, and hell, he may even care about the man, but that didn’t mean he could love

him. “What happens if you fall in love with Cash, but I don’t?”

“I ask myself that every time I think of your past with Justice. I’ve been telling myself

since the last time Justice was here that I just need to give him a chance, but it seems you and

I are afraid of the same thing.”

Dub started to deny Shane’s assessment but stayed his tongue. Sure, he’d had feelings

for Justice in the past, but he’d known they weren’t real after the first time he’d made love to

Shane. He searched for something to say. If he agreed to no rules with Cash, would he end

up on the outside of Cash and Shane’s relationship? But, if he didn’t give into Shane’s desire

for Cash, would he hurt their relationship more? Fuck. He didn’t know what to do.

“Will ya give me a day or two to think about the situation with Cash?” Dub asked.

Shane leaned in and gave Dub a kiss. “I’m not trying to pressure you. I just wanted to

be honest about the way I felt towards Cash and Justice.”

“You don’t need to worry about Justice. I’ll make sure he knows to look elsewhere for a

fuck buddy while he’s here.” Dub kissed Shane again, taking the time to explore the interior

of Shane’s mouth with his tongue. When he broke the kiss, he grinned. “I love you.”


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Chapter Three

Stretched out on his bed with Patches laying on his bare chest, Cash tried to block out

the laughter from down the hall. The bunkhouse’s large great room had enough seating for

almost twenty men, but he had a feeling there were men standing and sitting on the floor.


He’d had no idea the barbecue would bring in so many damn people.

“You’ll stay in here with me, won’t you?” he asked the cat.

Patches continued to lick her paws.

It had been a stressful day. It wasn’t easy to resist his desire for Shane and Dub, and the

two men kept making it even harder. He kept telling himself he should just fuck them both

and get it over with. There was no doubt once Shane found out about his past, the younger

man would run away screaming anyway, so why the hell was he still keeping it a secret?

Hell. The reason he didn’t just fuck Shane and Dub was because he knew it wouldn’t be

enough. He’d spent years getting sucked off by cellmates before he fucked them hard, but he

hadn’t given any of them a second thought after he’d emptied his balls. Other men had

always been nothing more than cum dumps as far as he’d been concerned.

“Not Shane,” he told Patches. Cash might get away with fucking around with Dub and

eventually walking away, but not Shane. That sexy little sonofabitch had already burrowed

his way into Cash’s heart. The surprising thing was, he had believed he didn’t even have one

until Shane had managed to find it.

Cash heard a familiar voice outside in the hallway and stiffened. What the hell was

Justice doing in the bunkhouse?

“Maybe we should go out to the trailer. No way in hell we’re all going to fit in that

bed,” Justice said.

Cash squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands over his ears. He didn’t want to hear

Justice fuck. Even if the bronc rider wasn’t fucking Dub and Shane, there was no way Cash

could listen to him without thinking of the pair.

“Fuck my life,” Cash whispered, his palms still clamped over his ears.

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* * * *

Dub knocked on the trailer door. He needed to get shit straight with Justice before

everyone started drinking.

The door opened and a naked Justice looked down at him. Justice’s bloodshot eyes,

dishevelled hair and smell told Dub what the bronc rider had been up to. “We need to talk,”

Dub said.

Justice turned around and shuffled back into the camper. “I missed you last night. I

figured you’d be out or call or something.”

Dub glanced around the trailer. “From the smell of it in here, you didn’t wait alone.”

Justice chuckled and handed Dub a beer. “I’m not a vegetarian and you’ve got one hell

of a meat market right outside the door.”

Staring at his ex-lover, Dub mentally compared Justice to Cash. Sure Justice was sexy,

but he was a lot smaller than Cash. Of course, there weren’t many men in Texas who could

compare to Cash’s height and muscle mass, but the comparison went beyond appearance.

While Justice was out for any hole he could stick his dick into, Cash had actually turned Dub

down when presented with an invitation to join him and Shane in bed. Worse, Cash hadn’t

turned him down because he didn’t want to have sex but because he didn’t want to be told

he couldn’t get emotionally involved.

Justice tapped his can against Dub’s. “Are we partying tonight?”

“Yeah, but not together.” Dub took a gulp of his beer. “Things aren’t going to work out

with the three of us. I’d tell you to go ahead and hook-up with someone else while you’re

here, but I believe that boat’s sailed.”

“What’s up with you and Shane?” Justice finished his beer in two swallows before

pulling another out of the fridge.

“Shane and I are great. I just don’t like your attitude where Shane’s concerned. I

initially invited you to join us because I thought you gave a shit about him, but after your call

a couple weeks ago, I see that’s not the case at all,” Dub explained. He set his half-full beer on

the counter.

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“You’re screwed up,” Justice said. “First you want sex with a third to be just sex and

now you’re slamming me because I took you at your word. Shane’s a nice kid and hot as

fuck, but you should know by now, that I don’t take sex with anyone personally.”

Even though Dub knew Justice had never loved him, the reminder stung. “Yeah, I

understand that better now.” He walked out of the trailer without a backward glance. There

was too much shit to do before the party, and he’d be damned if he’d let Justice ruin his

mood even further.

Dub spotted Shane and Easy draping the tables with red and white checkered

tablecloths. Shane was smiling from ear to ear as Easy talked. Easy, that crazy bastard, was

probably telling Shane one of his stories. Dub was surprised Shane hadn’t already heard all

of Easy’s stories.

Reaching Shane, Dub wrapped his arms around the man he loved. He brushed aside

Shane’s curls with his chin to get to Shane’s soft neck. “Hey, babe,” he said after kissing the

pale skin. The back of Shane’s neck was the only place on his body that hadn’t been bronzed

by the sun. Christ, even Shane’s ass had a nice tan. He groaned, thinking about how many

times he’d fucked Shane outside in the last few months.

Easy laughed. “Would the two of you like to be alone?”

On instinct, Dub’s gaze swung to the barn where he knew Cash was cleaning stalls for

the second time that day. He’d tried to tell the eager ranch hand it wasn’t necessary, but Cash

had insisted, saying something about keeping busy.

Shane turned in Dub’s arms to face him. “What time’s the band coming?”

“Around six to set up, but they won’t start playing until seven.” Dub looked up at the

position of the sun in the sky. It was around five or maybe a little after. “You want to go get

cleaned up with me?”

“Mmmm,” Shane moaned as he pressed against Dub. “I still have some more work to

do out here, but I can meet you in thirty minutes.”

“Okay.” Dub gave Shane a deep kiss. “Do you mind if I check on Cash?”

Shane’s eyes lit up. “Not if you come to me as hard as you did yesterday,” he

whispered in Dub’s ear.

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“Count on it.” Dub kissed Shane once more before pulling away. He was still trying to

figure out what the hell to do about Cash. Maybe talking to the guy would help him make up

his mind.

Entering the barn, Dub looked around for Cash. When he didn’t see him, he called out.


“Back here,” Cash replied from the tack room.

Dub leaned against the doorframe. Cash was busy conditioning the leather reins,

something they usually saved for rainy or cold days. “You got a minute?”

Cash gestured to a stool. “Sure.”

Dub stared at the cracked black vinyl of the old barstool. “I remember going with my

dad to pick these up.” They had once belonged in the bunkhouse before Hank had decided to

expand and remodel the damn thing.

“Yeah?” Cash asked, appearing genuinely interested. “How long ago?”

“Oh, hell.” Dub scratched his chin. “Must’ve been at least twenty-two years ago.” Back

when Trent was just a baby. Back when his family had felt whole. He tested the seat before

sitting. “It’s practically an antique.”

Cash chuckled.

“Hand me a rag and one of those, and I’ll help you out for the next thirty minutes or

so.” Dub hadn’t conditioned tack in years, but he found the idea of sitting with Cash for the

next bit of time comforting.

“You don’t have to. I’m sure you have other things to do.”

Dub retrieved the items himself. “I don’t mind. I had another talk with Justice, so it feels

good to hide out for a while.”

Cash glanced at Dub. “He’s not going to be a problem is he?”

“I doubt it. There’s plenty of ass to be had around here, and as far as Justice is

concerned, one hole is as good as another.” Dub knew he sounded crass, but fuck Justice and

the years he’d spent pining for the sonofabitch.

They worked the leather in silence for several minutes. Dub hated to ask Cash if he’d

found anyone of interest, but he couldn’t stop himself. “You planning to meet anyone at the

party later?”

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“Me?” Cash blew out a breath and shook his head. “No. You and Shane are the only

ones I talk to.”

“Why is that?” Dub asked.

Cash shrugged. “I suppose it’s because I don’t feel like I have to hide my past from you,

and Shane didn’t give me a chance to scare him away before he took care of me after my


“I don’t think you could’ve scared Shane away if you’d tried.” Dub couldn’t help but

smile, talking about his love. “Shane’s always seen the best in people. He has a way about

him that puts people at ease.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that,” Cash mumbled.

“I know it’s not my place to say this, but I wish you’d tell Shane about spending time in

prison. It’s not a big deal to me, and I honestly don’t believe it’ll be to Shane either, but I

think it’ll make things easier between the two of you.” Dub kept his eyes on the leather.

“I don’t think making things easier between me and Shane is a good idea.” Cash stood

and hung the leather strap over a wooden peg before getting down another.

Dub wasn’t sure either, but seeing the same deep sadness in Cash’s eyes that Shane had

mentioned prompted him to make the suggestion. He couldn’t care less about Cash’s past. It

was Cash’s future that made him nervous. Dub had already found the man he intended to

spend forever with, asking for more would crumble his house to the fucking ground. No one,

not one person on earth was lucky enough to have two such extraordinary men in their life

without fate intervening to take it all away.

“You’re coming to the party tonight.” Dub pointed his finger at Cash. “That’s an order.”

* * * *

Dub couldn’t help but smile as he watched Shane dance with Easy. The band he’d hired

played a mix of old pop and rock standards as well as country, and everyone at the barbecue

seemed to love them. It didn’t hurt that nearly every member of the band was hot.

“He’s something else,” Hank said, standing at Dub’s side.

Dub didn’t need to ask who Hank was talking about. Shane could line dance better than

any cowboy on the ranch. “Wait ‘til you see him wiggle his ass to Honky Tonk Badonkadonk.”

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Hank reared back. “I don’t think my heart could handle that.”

“Yeah, well, you weren’t here for last year’s barbecue, but he had every man at the

party looking to hook up with someone afterward.” Dub caught sight of Cash who was

emptying one of the large trash barrels. “Did you tell Cash to work the party?”

“No, I had a few of the newer students lined out to put the food away. Other than that, I

figured we could clean the mess in the morning.”

Dub had ordered Cash to attend the party, and, like always, Cash was working.

Sonofabitch. “Be right back.”

“Watch out. That man’s a loose cannon. He had Brady by the neck against the wall in

the bunkhouse earlier,” Hank said. “I should’ve fired him on the spot, but I know you and

Shane are fond of him, and he is a hell of a worker.”

“What was the problem?” Although Dub hadn’t witnessed the violent side of Cash, he

had no doubt the man had one. He may be a country bumpkin, but even he knew someone

didn’t survive prison without learning to fight.

“Something to do with that stupid cat he lets sleep with him.”

“Patches?” Dub knew how attached Cash was to the young cat.

“Hell, I don’t know what the fuck the cat’s name is. All I know is it probably has fleas,”

Hank blustered.

Dub eyed Cash for several minutes. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

Leaving Hank, Dub nodded to his friends as he made his way through the crowd to the

opposite side of the party. “What’re you doing?”

Cash finished tying the plastic sack before looking up. “I noticed the cans were full.”

“Bullshit. You’re doing everything you can to do what I asked by being here while not

socialising with anyone.” Dub took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. “Dammit,

Cash, I wanted to see you have a good time.”

Cash studied the crowd over Dub’s shoulder. “Does my job depend on it?”

“Fuck,” Dub cursed. “Why don’t you let others see what Shane and I see? And what the

hell happened between you and Brady in the bunkhouse earlier?”

“He kicked Patches,” Cash replied. “He’s lucky I didn’t tear his fucking head off.”

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Although he should probably reprimand Cash for threatening Brady, he couldn’t,

because he would have reacted the same way. Cash’s protective instinct interested Dub.

“Come with me. I want to show you something.”

Cash left the trash and followed Dub. “I know I told Shane I’d dance with him, but I’ve

changed my mind.”

Dub glanced at Cash. “You might change it back after what I have to show you.”

“I doubt it,” Cash mumbled.

Dub held up a hand and signalled to the band. Within seconds, the band cut off a song

and started to play Honky Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkins. “Watch.”

The moment the music started, those who were at the party the previous year stepped

back, giving the dance floor up to Shane.

Laughing, Shane positioned himself in the centre of the parquet flooring and started the

dance. He made every mouth at the ranch water as he really got into the song.

“Fuck,” Cash growled so deep in his throat Dub barely heard him.

“Yeah,” Dub agreed, adjusting his filling cock.

All eyes were on Shane’s ass and hips as they swivelled to the upbeat song. Dub

remembered witnessing the sight the previous year. He’d been in such a sour mood after

watching what he couldn’t have that he’d actually taken two of the party goers to his bed just

to relieve the ache Shane had caused.

Dub caught movement beside him and glanced down in time to see Cash rub the front

of his jeans. He stepped closer to Cash. The time for thinking about bringing Cash to their

bed was over. He placed his hand on Cash’s muscular back and let it slowly slide down.

With his hand on Cash’s ass, Dub kissed Cash’s neck. “Come back to the house with us after

the party.”

Cash finally took his gaze off Shane to look at Dub. “You know how I feel about the two

of you. Are you sure it’s a good idea to take things to the next step?”

Dub gestured to Shane. “As much as I love him, I think he’s more than one man can


Cash groaned. He closed his eyes for several moments before answering. “If I go to

your bed, there’ll be no other men while I’m there. Clear?”

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“Not a problem,” Dub replied. Justice had been the only other man he’d considered,

and that had turned to shit when he’d realised all Justice was after was a piece of ass. It had

been hard to come to the realisation that he wanted someone who would cherish Shane as

much as he did. He still wasn’t sure how he would handle another man loving the man he

loved, but he was taking a leap of faith.

The rowdy song ended and the entire area erupted in cheers. Shane took a bow as the

band switched to a slow song. “Go dance with Shane before one of those other fuckers gets

his hands on him.”

Cash leaned in and closed his mouth over Dub’s. The kiss was hot but not nearly long

enough. He pulled back and whispered, “Thank you.”

* * * *

Shane was sweaty and horny as hell after the dance. He noticed Cash and Dub in the

shadows by the barn and started towards them.

“Dance with me,” Justice said, grabbing Shane around the waist.

“Thanks, but I need something else right now.” What Shane needed was Dub’s cock,

and nothing Justice could give him would compare.

“My dance,” Cash growled, pulling Shane away from Justice.

For probably the first time in his life, Justice didn’t argue. He held up his hands and

backed away.

Shane stared up at Cash. “I’m horny. Are you sure you still want to dance with me?”

Cash looked around at the crowd surrounding them. “Yeah, but not here.” He took

Shane’s hand and led him towards Dub, who still stood in the shadows. Once they cleared

the dance floor, Cash’s arm slid around Shane’s waist.

Shane didn’t know what the fuck was going on. He watched Dub closely, looking for

any sign of distress on the handsome man’s face. Dub caught Shane’s gaze and smiled. He

pressed against Cash’s side. “The song’s going to be over before we even start.”

“There’ll be another,” Cash said, his normally deep voice sounding raspy. He stopped a

few feet from Dub and pulled Shane against him.

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Their height difference was bordering on ridiculous, something Shane hadn’t thought

of until that moment. He tilted his head back. “Wow, you’re tall.”

Chuckling, Cash easily hoisted Shane off the ground. “Wrap your legs around me.”

Fuck. The new position pressed Shane’s erection between them. He wanted to grind

against Cash’s stomach, but he still didn’t know what the hell was going on. “What

happened between you and Dub?”

“We came to an understanding.” Cash moved from side to side in an effort to keep time

to the music.

Shane felt Cash’s finger press against the seam of Shane’s jeans. If he were naked, the

long thick finger would undoubtedly be fucking into him. “What kind of understanding?”

“That while I’m with you and Dub, neither of you look elsewhere.” Cash pressed his

cheek against Shane’s. “I told myself I wouldn’t give in, but I go crazy every time I’m with

either of you. All I want to do is sweep you into my arms and kiss you.”

“So kiss me.” Shane stared at Dub over Cash’s shoulder. Dub was rubbing the front of

his jeans. Okay, evidently Dub was cool with watching. Cash moaned and moved in for a

kiss. Shane opened to Cash’s tongue and gave as good as he got. Christ, the man knew how

to kiss. Shane needed to be naked. He wiggled out of Cash’s arms.

“I’m sorry,” Cash apologised, misunderstanding Shane’s intentions.

“Don’t be.” Shane pulled off his boots. “I need to get more comfortable.” He unzipped

his jeans and pushed them down. He’d left off the underwear, knowing he’d disappear into

the barn with Dub at some point in the party. Naked from the waist down, Shane shimmied

up Cash’s body.

In no time, Cash pressed the tip of his finger against Shane’s willing hole. “You sure

about this?”

Shane gasped at the intrusion. “I’ve been sure.”

“Fuck,” Cash growled.

Shane noticed Cash growled a lot. Shane had always believed it was out of frustration,

but with his finger buried in Shane’s ass, he didn’t have much to be frustrated about. Shane

would give Cash any and everything he asked for.

Cash took off with Shane in his arms. “Follow me,” he told Dub.

Dub gathered Shane’s boots, socks and jeans before catching up. “Where’re we going?”

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“To the house. I need to talk to Shane before I bury my cock in him.”

“I don’t wanna talk,” Shane replied, kissing Cash’s neck. Talking wouldn’t get his ass

filled and that’s all Shane could think of at the moment.

Dub raced ahead of them and opened the front door. “Office or bedroom?”

“Which is closest?” Cash asked.

Dub dropped Shane’s clothes. “Gracie’s at her sisters, so we have the whole house.”

Cash made a left and walked into the family room. “This is good.”

“If we have to talk, promise you won’t stop doing what you’re doing?” Shane begged.

Cash sat in the centre of the couch. “I need to tell you something about me before

anything else happens.”

“Okay, well, you’ve already started fucking me with your fingers, so that doesn’t count.

Keep doing that,” Shane urged.

“I’ll be right back,” Dub said, leaving the room.

Shane finally understood. Cash was going to tell him something Dub already knew. The

big secret Shane had seen passed between the two men for months. “What is it?”

“I’m not a good person,” Cash began.

“Boloney. You may be bigger and meaner looking than most, but that has nothing to do

with what kind of person you are.” Shane reached for Cash’s zipper.

“I’m an ex-con,” Cash declared. “I killed a drug dealer. My mom’s dealer, to be exact. I

stuck a knife through his heart without an ounce of remorse.”

Forgetting about the zipper for the moment, Shane stared at Cash. That definitely

wasn’t something he heard every day. “If you killed someone, why’re you out already?”

“I was convicted of second degree murder. I was only eighteen at the time, still in high

school, barely,” Cash added. “I’d gone looking for my mom in a crack house that I knew she

frequented. I found her dead, the coroner said she’d overdosed at least thirty-six hours

earlier.” He shook his head. “I went crazy, and the stupid motherfucking dealer was right

there, cuttin’ up more shit to kill people. I grabbed his knife off the table and shoved it in his

heart.” He met Shane’s stare. “I don’t regret what I did and because of that, I served my full

fifteen years.”

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“Are you still on probation?” Shane didn’t know much about the justice system, but he

thought you weren’t allowed to leave the state if you were on probation. He knew Cash was

from Michigan, so it didn’t make sense.

“No. I served the full sentence, so once I was out, I was out.” Cash narrowed his eyes. “I

did things in prison that I’m not proud of. Things I got away with that I probably shouldn’t


Shane remembered the heavy scarring on Cash’s chest and stomach. “The scars?”

“Fights, but not all from prison. Growing up in my neighbourhood was impossible to

do unless you could prove yourself in fights. I had to prove myself more often because I was

so much bigger than most of the tough guys.”

Shane tried to process the information. He’d never been around someone with a

background like Cash’s and wondered if there was a chance that Cash could snap and revert

to his old ways. “Did you like to fight?”

“No, but I’m not afraid to do it in the right situation.”

Shane held his breath. “Such as?”

Cash blew out a breath. “If someone hurts or threatens something I consider mine. I’m

sure you’ll hear it from Dub or Hank, but I nearly lost it with Brady earlier tonight.”

“Why?” Shane asked.

“I was trying to finish up my chores, so I was late to feed Patches. For some reason, that

damn cat went to Brady for food. She started winding her way around his legs like she does

when she’s hungry, and Brady got sick of it and kicked her.”

Shane gasped. “Was she hurt?”

Cash shook his head. “Not that I could tell, but I happened to walk in and see him do it.

I pinned Brady against the wall and fought like hell to keep from closing my hand around his


“But you didn’t do it,” Shane pointed out. Surely he would’ve heard about it if Brady

had been seriously injured.

“No. Hank came in and ordered me to release Brady. I honestly don’t know though if I

would’ve been able to walk away if Hank hadn’t come in.”

Shane had never witnessed the angry side of Cash, and from the sound of it, he didn’t

want to. “Maybe it would help if you took some anger management classes or something.”

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“Maybe. That’s why I keep to myself though. It’s a lot easier that way.”

Dub came back into the room carrying a tray with beer, lube and condoms.

“You thought of everything,” Shane said, grateful for the distraction.

“Are the two of you finished talking?” Dub asked.

“Depends on Shane.” Cash resumed his finger fucking. “Now that you know pretty

much everything about me, do you still want me in your bed?”

Although Shane wasn’t afraid of Cash, he needed to make something clear. “There may

come a time when you see me flirting with someone, but you can’t take that shit personally. I

was born this way. It doesn’t mean anything.” He reached for Dub’s left hand. “Right, Dub?”

Dub kissed the back of Shane’s hand. “Right, babe.”

“I can’t say that I’m not going to worry about you hurting someone around the ranch

for getting out of line with me, but I will ask that you let me try to handle it on my own first.”

Shane liked the thought of Cash being protective, but he didn’t like the idea that someone

could get seriously hurt.

“I can’t promise anything. It depends on the situation.”

“I agree,” Dub cut in. “You can’t ask either of us to stand by and let someone maul you

or try to hurt you.”

Shane rolled his eyes. “No one’s ever tried that shit with me.”

“Are you forgetting about Bobby?” Dub asked, running his hand down Shane’s back.

Shane didn’t want to think about Bobby or the way he’d beat the shit out of the

scumbag before Justice had intervened. “Bobby was different. We weren’t on the ranch when

that happened.”

“Who’s Bobby?” Cash’s fingers stilled.

“The asshole who beat me up before Dub brought me back to the ranch.” Shane knew

Cash had noticed the black eye.

“Is he still breathing?” Cash asked Dub.

“Yeah, but only because I haven’t caught up with him yet. I think he knows better than

to step foot on the Rocking W.” Dub smoothed his hand down Shane’s back to his ass. He

pushed a finger in alongside one of Cash’s. “Damn, babe, did you lube up before the party?”

Shane grinned. “I figured you’d fuck me in the barn. I wanted you to last year at the

party, but that’s when you were still too good for me.”

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Before Shane knew what was happening, he was yanked off Cash’s lap and into Dub’s.

“Don’t you ever say that,” Dub warned. “Never did I think that. It was my own

Goddamn fear of someone taking you away from me that kept us apart.”

Shane leaned against Dub’s chest. “I’m sorry.” He glanced at Cash. “It’s taken us a long

time to get our shit together,” he explained.

Cash began to take off his heavy black boots. “I think the two of you are beautiful

together, and I’d never do anything to harm that.”

“I know.” Shane leaned towards Cash. “That’s why you’re minutes away from being

inside me.” He kissed Cash before moving his lips to Dub’s. “You’re sure, right?”

Dub nodded.

“Should we go upstairs?” Shane asked.

“I think it’d be better right here,” Dub replied before stealing another kiss. “It’s not as

personal as our bedroom, so it’ll be a good test for us.” He looked at Cash. “You know we’re

a package deal, right?”

Cash grabbed Dub by the back of the neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Shane

watched the two men as their tongues slid in and out of each other’s mouths and went rock

hard again. Nope. There didn’t appear to be any jealousy on his end. Dub and Cash were hot


While Cash continued his assault on Dub’s mouth, Shane slid off Dub’s lap and went to

work on getting the three of them naked. The only article of clothing he had left, his favourite

black T-shirt, was whipped over his head in no time. He stared between Cash and Dub and

tried to decide which of them should get naked next.

Cash took the decision out of Shane’s hands when he reached for Dub’s zipper. Taking

the hint, Shane knelt and removed Dub’s cowboy boots.

“Fuck,” Cash groaned, fishing Dub’s erection out of his jeans.

“Let me feel ya.” Dub lifted his hips in an effort to help Shane get his jeans off. By the

time Shane tossed Dub’s jeans to the side, Dub already had Cash’s lips wrapped around his


Shane watched Cash pleasure Dub as long as he could. “We’re all getting naked,” he

announced, lowering Cash’s zipper.

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Cash grunted around Dub’s cock when Shane opened his jeans enough to get at his


Holy hell, Cash’s cock was fucking huge. Totally gorgeous, but huge. He grinned over

at Dub, who had his gaze locked on the new toy in Shane’s hand. He grabbed Cash’s cock by

the root and slapped his face with it.

Dub’s nostrils flared. “Damn that’s sexy.”

Shane slapped himself again. He wanted to get both men worked up, but he wasn’t

about to do enough to make Cash come. Nope, he wanted the heavy erection stretching his

ass first. “Can you reach the condoms?” he asked Dub.

Cash released Dub’s cock. “Here.” He handed Shane the box. “Get one of those out for

Dub while you’re at it.”

“You’re gonna let Dub fuck you?” Shane couldn’t believe someone as big as Cash

would bottom.

“Yeah. Does that surprise you?” Cash sat up and watched Shane roll the condom down

his cock.

“It’s just that all the big men I’ve been with have been tops,” Shane explained.

Cash chuckled. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a tiny guy, and I doubt

potential lovers look at you and think you’re a top. With many men, it’s a trade-off. If I’m

lucky, next time we’re together, maybe Dub will let me fuck him.”

“I would,” Dub agreed. He reached over and encircled the base of Cash’s cock with his

fingers. “Although it’s been a while. We’d have to do a hell of a lot of foreplay before I’m

loose enough to take you.”

The image of Cash rimming and finger fucking Dub prompted Shane to grab the tube of

lube off the tray. “Hope you’re ready because I’m tired of waiting.” He dripped the slick

down Cash’s cock. “How’re we gonna do this?”

Dub snatched a condom for himself. “I need to get Cash stretched first.”

Shane had a better suggestion. No way he’d be able to wait to feel Cash’s cock in his

ass. He’d already waited months. “Why don’t we let Cash fuck me while you suck me off?

After that, you and I can drive Cash wild with licks, kisses and touches.”

Dub bit his lip. “My first reaction is hell no, but the more I think about it, the more I’d

like to watch the two of you together the first time.”

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Shane clapped his hands. “Good idea.” He stood on the couch with his feet on either

side of Cash’s muscular thighs. Dub wasn’t an average-sized man by any stretch of the

imagination, but Cash’s cock…? Damn. He prayed he didn’t make a fool of himself and

squeal like a pig.

“You need more lube,” Dub warned before touching slick fingers to Shane’s hole.

“Just take as much as you can.” Cash rested his hands on Shane’s hips. “Hurting you

isn’t an option, so if it’s too much, we can try again some other time.”

“Fuck that.” Shane had waited long enough. He reached for Dub’s hand, wanting the

moment to be truly shared between the three of them. Some may think it odd that he’d love

one man more than his own life but let another fuck him, but for Shane, the moment felt so

damn right. “I love you,” he whispered to Dub as he slowly lowered himself.

Dub held the base of Cash’s cock as Shane’s hole pressed against the tip. “Easy, babe”

Dub soothed.

It was nerves more than anything that seemed to stretch time. That singular inhalation

of breath right before the crown pushed through the ring of muscle was both awesome and

terrifying at the same time.

The burn was more than he’d experienced in years, but, oh, God, was it worth it.

Lowering to his knees, Shane gave himself time to adjust to Cash’s size. He kissed each of the

men, starting with Dub. It was important that Dub knew how much he was loved.

“Fuck, that’s pretty,” Dub said, resting his cheek on Cash’s chest.

Dub’s position made it possible for Shane to look down and see both men as he slowly

took more of Cash’s length. Equally handsome, Dub and Cash looked damn good together.

“I don’t think I’ll ever forget this,” Shane said, his voice as soft as the moment. His heart was

touched, not because it was his first threesome, but the feelings he had for the men involved

were real.

“You did it, babe,” Dub said.

It was then that Shane realised he was sitting on Cash’s lap with the long, thick cock

buried to the hilt inside him. He nodded.

“Are you in pain?” Cash asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Shane shook his head. It wasn’t discomfort that kept him quiet, it was a storm of

discovery. “I’m fine,” he managed to say. For all his bluster about sex being purely physical,

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Shane had an emotional awakening as he looked from Dub to Cash. He barely felt the cock

stretching his ass because his heart was so incredibly full of… What? Love? Not possible. He

cared deeply for Cash, but loving him would break Dub’s rule. Not only Dub’s rule, but his

heart as well.

With his hands still on Shane’s hips, Cash started to lift him up. “I can’t stand this

anymore. You look so sad, and I can’t stand knowing I’m doing that to you.”

“No!” Shane tried to push Cash’s hands away. “I’m not in pain.” At least, not the kind

of pain Cash was talking about. He had two choices, he could confess his thoughts or put

them away for later.

Dub’s tongue licked the head of Shane’s cock. “We’re here. Tell us what you need.”

“Everything,” he whispered, more to himself than Dub and Cash.

Cash and Dub exchanged glances before Cash lowered Shane down his length. “Take

what you want.”

Shane mentally filed his emotions under things to think about later and began to ride

the cock he’d waited so long to have. He braced his right hand on Cash’s shoulder while

threading his fingers through Dub’s hair with his left.

“So sexy,” Dub growled.

“Suck me,” Shane ordered, knowing Dub was just waiting for the command before


With a grunt of satisfaction, Dub went to work on Shane’s cock.

Dub occupied, Shane turned his attention to Cash. He was soon lost in Cash’s eyes as he

continued to fuck himself. Although no words were spoken, Shane knew in his heart Cash

felt the same thing he did. It was in Cash’s tear-filled gaze as they connected on a level that

went beyond their physical joining. Yeah, Shane knew exactly how Cash felt.

Shane gave Cash a soft, erotic kiss, making sure he slowly made love to Cash’s mouth

with his tongue. When he pulled back, a single tear fell down Cash’s cheek. Shane nodded in

acknowledgement of the pain he was witnessing.

Shane rested his forehead against Cash’s. “Come for me.”

“Anything for you,” Cash whispered back. He lifted Shane enough to take charge.

Shane gave himself over to the two men, loving the attention. “I’m close.” He brushed

Dub’s cheek.

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Cash cried out. “Oh, fuck, oh, shit. Yeah!”

Shane grabbed a handful of Dub’s hair.

Dub wrapped his arms around Shane’s waist and held him tight as Shane emptied his

seed down Dub’s throat in a rush of adrenaline. His body jerked with the intensity of the

orgasm as he struggled to catch his breath. Fuck! It felt like Dub was sucking his entire body

dry. Shane wouldn’t be surprised to end up like a wrinkled raisin by the time Dub released


Moments after Shane’s final spasm, Dub released him. He sat up. “Amazing,” he said

before kissing Shane.

Shane kissed Dub back, hoping like hell nothing had changed between them. When he

broke the kiss, he studied the man he loved. “Are we okay?”

Dub grinned and rested his cheek against Cash’s shoulder once again. He turned his

face to place several kisses against Cash’s skin. “I still love you with all my heart. Is that what

you needed to hear?”

“Yeah.” Shane kissed Dub again before moving to pay Cash’s lips some attention.

“What about you? Are you okay?”

Cash’s eyes drifted shut as Shane tenderly sucked his bottom lip. “I’ve never felt

anything like that.”

Dub chuckled. “Yeah, Shane’s ass is unbelievable.”

Shane knew Cash wasn’t talking about his ass, but he didn’t tell Dub that. It seemed he

wasn’t the only one who needed to sort out feelings.

The three of them held each other for the next several minutes without speaking. When

Shane’s legs started to cramp, he finally lifted himself off Cash’s lap. Stretching his arms over

his head, he stared down at Cash and Dub. “Are we going upstairs or back to the party?”

“Upstairs,” Dub replied. “Hank and Easy can help close down the party when the time


“You don’t think Brady will do anything to Patches, do you?” Cash asked as he got to

his feet.

“I don’t know why Brady kicked Patches, but I can guarantee you’ve scared the shit out

of him enough that he’ll probably never look at another cat again.” Standing, Dub wrapped

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one arm around Cash and the other around Shane. “That said, if you’d feel better bringing

Patches here, I’d understand.”

Shocked, Shane’s jaw dropped. Dub had never cared for dogs or cats. He put up with

the cats because they kept vermin down on the ranch, but that was it. For Dub to invite a cat

into his home was a huge deal.

Evidently, Cash had also picked up on Dub’s dislike of cats. He shook his head.

“Thanks, but I’ll leave him in my room. He can get out the window if he needs to escape.”

Dub picked up a beer, took a sip and winced. “Yuck. Anyone want a cold one?”

“Sure,” Shane said.

Cash glanced up from tying off the filled condom. “No thanks. Drinking gets me into


“What kind of trouble?” Shane teased.

“The kind where my mouth doesn’t know when to shut up.” Cash met Shane’s gaze.

Yeah. They didn’t need an intoxicated Cash telling Dub the way he felt.

“Water?” Dub offered.


Shane waited for Dub to leave the room. “You can’t tell Dub.”

“I know, but he’ll see it for himself if I fuck him.”

The vice squeezing Shane’s heart loosened. “You feel something for Dub, too.” It wasn’t

a question.

Cash’s head tilted to the side. “Of course.”

Shane felt so much better. He wasn’t sure how he’d do it, but he was going to make

Dub see that three people could be as strong as two. Maybe not any three but him, Cash and


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Chapter Four

Cash kissed Patches before putting him in the cardboard box. “It’s okay,” he soothed

when the cat started pawing at the lid.

“You ready?” Dub asked, stepping into Cash’s bedroom.

“Yeah.” Cash tore off several strips of duct tape to secure the lid. “Patches isn’t happy,

but every time Doc comes around, she disappears.” He picked up the box. “We’re ready.”

Dub gave Cash a quick kiss. “Are you getting shots, too?”

Cash’s entire body shivered. “I’m not sure what scares me more, horses or needles.” He

remembered the bitch at the free clinic who used to jab him like she was trying to make him

pay for the damn shots with pain.

Dub led the way to the pickup. “Sooner or later, you’re gonna have to trade in that

Harley of yours for a horse.” He climbed behind the wheel.

Cash shook his head. “I won’t say never as far as getting on a horse someday, but

there’s no way in hell I’m ditching the Harley.” He set the box containing Patches on the

floorboard of the backseat before sliding in next to Dub. Leaning to the side, he dug out his

wallet. “There was one thing that kept me going during my stint behind the wall.” He

handed Dub a well-worn, folded picture of a bright red Harley that he’d pulled out of a

magazine. “That was on my wall above my bunk.”

Dub looked at the picture before handing it back. “Okay, I get it. I’ve got a similar one

in my wallet only my shiny beauty is Shane wearing a pair of short cut-offs.”

Cash licked his lips and held out his hand. “Well, come on, I showed you mine.”

Chuckling, Dub retrieved the photograph out of his wallet. “You can look, but you can’t

have it.”

Yeah, Cash thought, taking the picture. Kind of like Shane himself. He smiled as he

stared at the goofy expression on Shane’s face. Despite the silly grin, Shane was sexy as hell.

“I can see why you keep that with you.” His heart felt heavy as he handed it back.

Dub tucked the photo in his shirt pocket as he pulled away from the ranch.

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They were halfway to Austin when a line of cars with their lights came towards them.

Cash wasn’t surprised when Dub pulled to the side of the road. It was common to give

funeral processions the right of way.

“Get out,” Dub ordered, opening his door.

Confused, Cash got out of the truck. He moved to stand beside Dub. “What’re we


Dub took his brown cowboy hat off and held it over his heart. “Showing respect.”

Cash didn’t have a hat, so he put his hand over his heart. While Dub nodded to each

passing car, Cash couldn’t take his eyes off the handsome ranch owner. Fuck. He was falling

hard for Dub, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it.

Once the last of the procession had passed, Dub resettled his hat. He glanced at Cash

and shook his head. “We’re gonna have to get you a hat.”

Cash had worn a baseball cap on occasion to keep the sun out of his eyes, but he’d

never been the kind of man to sport one regularly. “I’ve got the hat with the feed logo on it

that that salesman guy gave me.”

“I said a real hat.” Dub eyed Cash for several moments. “You could pull off a Stetson.”

Cash made sure the road was empty before wrapping his arms around Dub. He’d wear

a clown nose if Dub asked him to, but he wasn’t sure about a cowboy hat. “I think there’s

some rule that you can’t wear a cowboy hat if you’re afraid of horses.”

“Bullshit.” Dub gave Cash a slow deep kiss. “You’re hot enough and mean enough to

wear any Goddamn thing you want.”

* * * *

Cash glanced at his reflection in the side view mirror. The straw hat he’d chosen fit him

perfectly, but it looked too new. “So what’s the best way to break this in?”

Dub glanced over. “Work. You wear it every day and let it do its job. Over time, it’ll

look and feel like a pair of comfortable boots.” His gaze went to the heavy biker boots that

Cash always wore.

“No,” Cash said. “I am not wearing cowboy boots. Even for you,” he added.

Dub’s eyebrows rose. “What’re you saying?”

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Cash wasn’t about to tell Dub he was falling. Breaking the rule would only get him

kicked out of Dub and Shane’s bed and off the ranch. He reached over and laid a hand on

Dub’s thigh. “Just that you made me buy this stupid hat,” he said, hoping to throw Dub off.

“You’re very persuasive when you need to be.”

Dub chuckled. “Yeah, then why haven’t I been able to get Shane into a proper hat?”

“Because Shane looks damn sexy in that beat-up piece of shit brown baseball hat he

always wears,” Cash reasoned.

Dub nodded. “You’re right.”

* * * *

Dub stared at the dry creek bed. Only months earlier, the creek had overflowed its

banks, but the long dry summer had sapped every drop of moisture from its depth. The last

few months had taken its toll on more than the water supply.

“Fuck!” he screamed loud enough to scare a flock of birds from the tree overhead.

The love that had grown between Shane and Cash hadn’t escaped his notice. He’d seen

the way Cash looked at Shane the first night they were together, but had convinced himself it

was one sided. Since he’d already had an inkling that Cash had genuine feelings for Shane, it

hadn’t surprised him all that much.

The really shitty part was how comfortable the three of them were together. To Dub, it

felt like Cash had always been with them. And, despite his best efforts, Dub had grown to

care about Cash more than he knew he should.

Although Cash enjoyed Dub’s company, it was obvious Dub’s feelings weren’t

reciprocated. The difference was right in front of him each night the three of them were

together. How many times had he watched as Cash made love to Shane, face to face. Both of

them staring into each other’s eyes, saying with a gaze what they refused to say aloud.

Dub hadn’t gone without his share of attention from both men. The sex was fantastic,

but not once had Cash made love to him like he had with Shane. Each time Cash fucked Dub,

he insisted on doing it from behind. Cash claimed it was easier because of Dub’s size, but

Dub knew the truth.

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Dropping to the ground, Dub rubbed his chest. Everything he’d ever wanted was

within his grasp, but unless he could get Cash to fall in love with him, it would never work.

Either Cash would get tired of pretending with Dub and leave or he’d convince Shane to

leave with him. Regardless, the end result was Dub being left behind to pick up the pieces of

his life.

The sound of hooves hitting the dirt caught his attention. Dub rose up enough to be

seen in the tall grass.

Hank pulled his horse to a stop several feet from Dub. “Buckwheat got himself caught

up in the barb wire in the south pasture.”

Dub got to his feet. “How bad?”

“Bad. I tried to call, but you’re out of range. Easy said you were probably out here. I’ve

already called Doc, but I figured you’d want to know.”

Dub swung up on Gravy. “Where’s Shane?”

“With Buckwheat in the pasture. He and Cash managed to get Buckwheat untangled,

but the horse can’t be moved.” Hank wiped the sweat from his forehead. “He’s feeling guilty

and rightly so.”


“Fixing that section of fence was on his list of things to do.” Hank gave Dub a hard

stare. “The three of you need to decide whether you’re going to fuck every minute of the day

or work a ranch, but you can’t do both. Not the way it’s been going, at least.”

Dub narrowed his eyes. The last thing he needed was his ranch manager and best

friend to come down on his ass over the time he’d spent lately with Cash and Shane. “Name

one thing that hasn’t got done besides that fence? We’ve been working our asses off to make

up for the time we spend together.”

“All I know is I’ve got a damn good horse who probably won’t make it because

something didn’t get done. You figure it out.” Hank took off without another word.

Dub stared after his friend. Injuries, no matter if they happened to cowboys or animals,

were stressful for everyone, but Hank always took them to heart. He decided to keep his

anger towards Hank in check.

With a click of his tongue, Gravy started towards the south pasture. Not only did he

have a horse to check on, but he needed to make sure Shane was okay. Despite Hank’s

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bluster, Dub knew Shane would cut off his arm before intentionally doing something to hurt

one of the horses.

* * * *

Cash leaned against the bed of the pickup as he watched Shane try to stop the bleeding

on Buckwheat’s side. It took everything he had to stay back, but Shane, who was an

emotional wreck, snapped at him and told him to leave. Cash couldn’t abandon Shane, but

he did move far enough away to give Shane the needed space.

Hank pulled his horse to a halt before jumping off. “How’s he doin’?”

Shane shook his head as he let his tears continue to fall. “Not good. I can’t get it to stop,

and his breathing is ragged.” He looked up at Hank. “How long before Doc gets here?”

“I just talked to him, he’s on the other side of the county. It’ll be at least an hour.” Hank

stood over Shane with his hands on his narrow hips. “You know this wouldn’t have

happened if you’d done the damn job you’re paid to do,” he spat out.

Cash straightened. Shane felt bad enough. The last thing he needed was Hank making

him feel worse.

“Dub said he’d ordered all livestock out of the south pasture until the fence was fixed.”

Shane lifted one of his bloodied hands and used his wrist to wipe at his eyes. “I know that’s

not a good excuse, but I thought I could get to it later today.”

“Yeah, well, you see what happens when a pretty boy like you starts thinking.”

Cash tore the stupid cowboy hat off his head and threw it to the ground as he moved

towards Hank. “That’s enough,” he growled.

Hank spun around to face Cash. “Why the hell are you just standing there instead of

fixing that motherfuckin’ fence!” he screamed.

Cash went rigid. Hands fisted, he was determined to get Hank as far away from Shane

as possible. He towered over Hank. “You wanna take a step away from Shane?”

“What I want, is for you to do your fucking job,” Hank snapped.

“Stop it!” Shane cried. “Cash, go fix the fence.”

“I’m not leaving until this asshole gets the fuck away from you,” Cash argued. He could

feel a vein in his neck throb as his blood pressure soared. When he’d driven the knife

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through the drug dealer’s chest, he’d felt numb, but what he was experiencing at the moment

scared him even more. It was the bone-deep need to protect what was his. For the first time

in his life he’d felt loved, and he be damned if he’d stand by and let a puny asshole berate


“I need him here. Hank’s been caring for horses longer than I have, and I can’t do this

by myself.” Shane sighed. “Please. Just go.”

Cash took a step back, but it wasn’t Shane’s plea that prompted the movement, it was

his own fear of what he might do to Hank that made him turn and stalk away. He ran into

Dub in an attempt to get the fuck away from Hank and Shane. He’d been so angry, he hadn’t

heard Dub ride up.

“Whoa, what’s wrong?” Dub asked, grabbing onto Cash’s right arm before he hit the


“I’m two seconds away from beating the shit out of Hank. Fire me now if you want, but

the next time I hear him talking to Shane like that, I’m gonna fucking kill him.”

Dub glanced at the two men huddled around the bleeding horse. “Relax. Hank’s upset.

Don’t take anything he says to heart right now.”

Cash got right in Dub’s face. “Tell that to Shane. He’s crying his fucking eyes out

because he feels so guilty. Talk about kicking a dog when he’s down.” He pointed to the

barn. “Either you deal with that shit, or I will.”

Dub’s hands slid to Cash’s chest. “Let me take care of it.”

Cash closed his eyes. Dub’s touch helped calm his racing heart. “I can’t stand to see him

like that.”

Dub brushed his lips over Cash’s. “I know. I’ll get Shane away from Buckwheat and

send him up to the house. Why don’t you wait for him here and see that he gets there.”

“Hank told me to go fix the fence.” Following that sonofabitch’s orders was the last

thing he wanted to do, but he knew Hank would continue to throw it in Shane’s face until

the job was done.

“Fuck what Hank wants. This is my ranch, so I’ll get someone else to fix the damn


Cash nodded. “I’ll wait here.”

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Dub gave Cash another quick kiss before approaching Buckwheat.

“What a Goddamn waste,” Hank said.

“I’m sorry,” Shane replied, his voice breaking. “I didn’t think there were supposed to be

animals out here.”

“That’s the problem. You’re so busy thinking with your dick that you’re not using your

fucking brain,” Hank continued to rail on Shane.

Dub immediately understood Cash’s anger. “Shane,” he called. “Come here.”

“He’s dead,” Shane sobbed, getting to his feet. He was covered in blood and tears, and

Dub’s heart nearly broke.

Dub held out his arms. “Come here, babe.”

Shane tossed the bloody towels to the ground before making his way over to Dub. “I’m

so sorry.”

Dub gathered Shane against his chest. “Shhh.” He eyed Hank. What the hell was wrong

with his friend? They’d lost livestock before. Financially it was a blow, but nothing they

couldn’t recover from. Buckwheat had been a good horse, but nothing special. He bent down

to whisper in Shane’s ear. “Cash’s going to take you up to the house and get you cleaned up.

I’ll be there later.”

Shane looked up at Dub. “I’ll pay for the horse.”

“No you won’t.” Dub gave Shane a tender kiss. “Go on. Let me take care of this.”

With a shuddering breath, Shane released his hold on Dub’s waist. “Will you be in for


“I’ll try, but don’t wait on me. It might take me a while to bury Buckwheat.”

Fresh tears rolled down Shane’s cheeks. “I could do it.”

Dub shook his head. Shane was far too soft hearted to bury an animal, especially one

he’d spent years taking care of. “Let me take care of you.”

Shane seemed touched by the statement. A fresh round of tears filled his eyes. “I love


“That’s all I’ll ever ask of you.” Dub felt his own eyes sting. It was a special moment

between them, one he hoped he’d always remember. “Cash is waiting.” He kissed Shane

again. “Tell Cash to have Gracie serve dinner an hour later than usual.”

“Okay.” Shane glanced once more towards Buckwheat.

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Once he knew Shane was out of earshot, Dub confronted Hank. “What the hell is wrong

with you?”

“Don’t start,” Hank warned.

Best friend or not, Dub was about to put the ranch manager in his place. “In all the

years I’ve known you, never have I heard you speak to someone the way you did to Shane.

What the fuck has got into you?”

“Both of your boys have been slacking.”

“Fuck that.” Dub knew they often took a long break during the day to come together,

but he also knew how hard Shane and Cash worked. “The barn is cleaner and more

organised than it’s ever been.” He readjusted his Stetson, trying to calm down before the

conversation got out of hand. “Bottom line. This is my ranch, and Shane’s my partner.

Whether you like it or not, you will treat him with respect.” He wanted to add Cash’s name,

but decided to hold back until he knew just where he stood with Cash.

Hank pointed to Buckwheat. “If you stand there and tell me this doesn’t piss you off,

you’re a damn liar.”

“Hell yes it pisses me off, but before I’d kick someone when he’s down, I’d find out

how the fuck a horse got into the pasture in the first place.” Dub took another step towards

Hank and pointed at his chest. “I told you to make sure all animals were kept out of that

pasture, but instead of taking the slightest bit of blame for what happened, you’re in Shane’s

face. I won’t stand for it.”

Face red with anger, Hank stared at Dub. “Things aren’t the same around here since

you and Shane got together. They’re even worse since you started sneaking Cash into your


“As a friend, I’ll tell you that I’ve never been happier. My life finally feels like it has

meaning. As a boss, I’ll tell you to stay the fuck out of my business. Who I do or don’t have in

my bed is none of your Goddamn concern.” Done talking, he gestured towards Buckwheat.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a horse to bury.”

* * * *

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Cash stripped Shane out of the bloody clothes and guided him to the shower. He

decided to stay outside in an effort to give Shane a few minutes alone. “Doing okay?” he

asked before closing the shower door.

Shane nodded, but didn’t say anything.

Although Shane wasn’t talking, Cash felt better. At least Shane’s tears had stopped

falling. As mad as Cash had been at Hank, his worry for Shane trumped everything. Whether

Hank chose to believe it or not, Shane lived and breathed for those damn horses. The care

and love he showed them was a testament to the kind of man he was. Sure, putting off

mending the fence had been a huge mistake, but no one knew more than Shane what that

mistake had cost the ranch.

Cash closed the toilet lid and sat down. He had bloodstains all over his own T-shirt

from holding Shane, so he took it off. Tossing it onto the pile with Shane’s clothes, he

wondered if he shouldn’t just throw them away. “Will you be okay for a few minutes?”

When Shane didn’t answer, Cash opened the sliding glass door. “Shane?”

Shane was scrubbing his hands with a sturdy brush. His skin looked raw, almost to the

point of bleeding.

“No.” Cash stepped under the spray, still wearing his jeans and boots. He eased the

brush away from Shane. “Look at me.”

Shane lifted his chin and stared up at Cash. “Hank’s going to tell Dub to fire me.”

Cash pulled Shane against his chest. “Dub would never do that. He loves you.”

“I’ve worked here a long time. I’ve seen good ranch hands fired for less.”

Cash turned off the water. “I don’t know what Hank will or won’t tell Dub, but I can

guarantee Dub’ll get rid of Hank before he gets rid of you.” He grabbed two towels off the

drying rack. “Let’s get you dried off. Once Dub gets back and we have one of Gracie’s meals

in our bellies, you can talk to Dub about it.”

Shane stood with his arms out as Cash dried the water from his skin. “Buckwheat’s

been on the ranch as long as I can remember. He was a good horse. Hated snakes.” He

glanced at Cash. “More than I hate spiders or you hate horses.”

“I don’t hate horses,” Cash corrected. He took his time drying Shane’s groin, paying

particular attention to the crack of Shane’s ass.

“You’re afraid of them,” Shane pointed out.

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“Not the same as hating them.” Cash was mostly dry by the time he finished with

Shane. “Robe or clothes?”

“Clothes. I still need to fix that fence.”

Cash had explained to Shane more than once that the fence would be taken care of. If

Dub didn’t have it finished by the time he came in for dinner, Cash would work by lamplight

to get it done if he needed to. He led Shane into the bedroom. “You okay to dress yourself?”

“I hope so, I’ve been doing it for years,” Shane replied.

Cash grinned. It was nice to know Shane was getting his sense of humour back. Naked,

he sat beside Shane on the bed. “I love you.”

Shane tucked himself against Cash’s side. “I love you, too.”

Dub stopped abruptly when he heard Shane’s declaration of love. He braced his hand

against the doorjamb and stared at the two men on the bed. He’d known Cash and Shane

had fallen in love, but it was the first verbal confirmation he’d heard. His initial reaction was

to turn and leave before Cash and Shane saw him, but his feet seemed rooted to the floor. He

fought with himself for several moments before blurting out, “So where does that leave me?”

Shane leapt from the bed. He threw his arms around Dub and buried his face against

Dub’s chest. “I’m sorry. I know I keep saying that, but I need you to understand that I never

meant for Buckwheat to get hurt.”

Dub rested his hands on Shane’s back, but didn’t embrace the man against him. He

needed to get to the bottom of what was going on between Shane and Cash, but first he

needed to get the situation with Buckwheat put behind them. “When I examined Buckwheat,

I noticed several puncture wounds on his legs. I went looking and found a dead rattler about

a hundred yards away. Evidently, Buckwheat stomped it to death, but not before getting bit

at least twice. The bites combined with the injuries killed him.”

“It’s still my fault. We’ve nursed horses back from snake bites before,” Shane pointed


“Yeah, but without the venom in his system, Buckwheat probably could’ve survived

the injuries.” Giving in to his emotions, Dub wrapped his arms around Shane. “Were you

with Cash instead of fixing the fence?”

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Shane stiffened. “Not the way you think.” He pulled back. “The three of us were

together this morning and that put me behind schedule. The reason I went looking for

Buckwheat is that he wasn’t in the corral. When I couldn’t find him in the adjacent pasture, I

told Cash about it and the two of us took the truck out.”

Dub hadn’t forgotten their morning together. Hell, how could anyone forget something

like that? But he needed to be sure Shane hadn’t sneaked away with Cash behind his back.

Fuck. Even if Shane and Cash had been fucking, it wasn’t something to get angry about. Just

as he and Cash had occasionally found time alone, Shane was free to be with Cash during the

day without Dub being involved. It was part of the reason he’d welcomed another man in

their bed. If Shane was being taken care of sexually, he’d have no reason to look elsewhere.

“What’s this about?” Shane asked.

Dub sighed. “I heard you and Cash before I walked in. I know you love each other.”

Shane and Cash exchanged glances. Shane opened his mouth to speak, but Cash beat

him to it. “I broke your rule. What’s worse is that I broke it before I ever accepted the

invitation to join you and Shane the night of the party. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t

help myself. I’ve never known men like you and Shane, and I couldn’t help falling in love.”

The speech would have touched Dub if he hadn’t known the truth. “You love Shane,

not me.”

Cash shook his head. “No, I love both of you.”

“Bullshit! Never once have you looked at me like you look at Shane. Do you think I’m

fucking blind?” Dub moved away from Shane to stand in front of Cash.

Cash met Dub’s stare. “I couldn’t look at you because I knew you’d figure it out and

send me away.”

Dub’s breath caught in his chest. “That’s the reason you fuck me from behind?”

“Yeah. I kept hoping you’d grow to love me, and I wouldn’t have to hide the way I felt,

but it never happened.”

“You’re wrong.” Dub pressed his palms against Cash’s bare chest. He wasn’t sure how

to explain himself. “I’m a hard man to love, just ask Shane. I push people away before they

have a chance to hurt me.”

“Stop,” Shane said, wrapping around Dub’s waist from behind. “You’re not hard to

love, frustrating at times, sure, but not hard.”

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It felt good to be surrounded by the people he cared most about. Dub felt his defences

slipping away. “I saw the way the two of you looked at each other, and I was sure I was

going to be left out.”

Shane kissed Dub’s shoulder. “We don’t want to leave you out. We’ve been hiding the

way we felt because we were afraid you’d get mad and fire Cash.”

The statement hurt. Dub reached back to pull Shane from behind him and into his arms.

The action put Shane between Dub and Cash. “You think I’d fire someone for falling in love

with me?” Dub shook his head. “Am I that big of an asshole?”

“You made the rules clear before we started,” Cash said.

“That’s not true. You made it clear before I invited you up to the house how you felt

about Shane. I should’ve known it’d only be a matter of time before you fell in love with

him.” Dub didn’t blame Cash or Shane, he’d simply been afraid.

“I didn’t just have feelings for Shane before our first time,” Cash corrected, unsnapping

Dub’s shirt.

Dub stood still as Cash and Shane undressed him. He should be in the south pasture

mending fence, but he realised he had more than one fence to put back to rights. Apologising

wasn’t an easy thing for him to do, but he knew the next few minutes would be the

difference between being alone and expanding his family.

Dub allowed Cash to move him to the bed. “How will it work?”

“Excuse me?” Shane asked, pulling Dub’s boot off.

“Three men in a real relationship. How will it work? If Cash and I get into it over

something, that puts you in the middle. You’ll be forced to take sides.” Dub lifted off the

mattress as Cash rid him of his jeans.

“I guess we’ll have to come up with another set of rules. Namely, if two of us are at

odds, the other one stays the hell out of it until the problem’s solved,” Shane offered. He

crawled into Dub’s lap. “On the upside, if I’m trying to keep two studs satisfied, there’s no

way in hell I’m going to have time to look elsewhere.”

Dub thought the same thing about himself. Oddly enough, he found the idea of being

faithful to Shane and Cash appealing. When he’d returned home with Shane, he’d noticed

Cash almost immediately, and as much as he wanted to spend time with only Shane in his

bed, he couldn’t get thoughts of Cash out of his head. At the time, Dub thought he’d made

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the right decision to have an open relationship with Shane. Little did he know, it wasn’t all

men who made him hard, just Shane and Cash. Since the first night Cash had fucked him,

Dub hadn’t even glanced another man’s way.

“Tell you what,” Dub began. “Maybe the three of us should give monogamy a try.”

“Monogamy is between two people. I think we’re in what’s called a polygamous

relationship,” Shane corrected.

“Whatever the hell it’s called, I’d like to see how it goes with just the three of us.” Dub

laid back on the bed, pulling Shane with him. “The only thing I’ll have to insist on is total

honesty. If either of you gets tempted to stray, I want to know about it.”

Cash fell onto the bed, tackling Dub and Shane in his arms. He nuzzled Dub’s neck.

“Not going to happen. At least not for me.”

Dub believed the antisocial one of the threesome, but what about his little sex machine?


Shane released Dub’s nipple. “What?”

“Can you be faithful to Cash and me?” Dub asked.

“On one condition,” Shane said.

“Which is?” Dub inched his way up the mattress until his head hit the pillow.

“That you stop talking and let Cash make love to you the way you’ve both wanted since

the day you set eyes on each other while I go fix the fence.”

Dub ran his hand down Shane’s back. “I’ve told you not to worry about the fucking


“I want to do it and you and Cash need to spend some time alone.” Shane gave Dub a

deep kiss. “I love you.”

“Love you,” Dub whispered.

Shane grabbed Cash’s hand and pulled him closer. “Give him a kiss,” he told Cash.

With a groan, Cash pressed his lips to Dub’s.

There was a difference between the way Shane kissed and the tongue play that Cash

enjoyed. Shane was soft and sweet and erotic at just the right time, but Cash gave hot nasty

tongue battles every time.

Shane rolled off Dub’s chest. “I need to get out of here if I’m going to get the job done

before dark.”

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Dub heard Shane, but he was too busy lapping at the inside of Cash’s mouth. Fuck. His

dick was so hard, it was bordering on painful.

Cash scooted closer until he was half on top of Dub. Breaking the kiss, he stared down.

“I love you. I have for a long time.”

Dub swore his heart doubled in size. “I’m sorry I made it hard for you to be honest with


“I didn’t wanna take the chance of losing you.”

Dub reached between them and palmed Cash’s erection. “Let me make love to you.”

He’d only been inside Cash a few times and never the way he’d wanted. “I want to look

down and know you feel the same way I do.”

Cash climbed over Dub and opened the bedside drawer. He removed the bottle of lube

and handed it to Dub. “I’m all yours.”

“Mine and Shane’s.” It had come as a surprise, but Dub found he loved the idea of

sharing his life with both men.

“Right now, I’m yours.” Cash stretched out onto his back and spread his legs. “All of


Dub poured lube onto his fingers. Although he had Cash naked and willing, he

couldn’t stop thinking about Shane. He circled Cash’s hole several times before pressing the

tip of his middle finger inside. “You think Shane’ll be okay?”

“Eventually. I think Hank hurt him almost as much as losing Buckwheat.” Cash’s

mouth opened in a silent gasp when Dub eased the entire length of his finger inside.

“Feel good?” Dub asked, wanting Cash to tell him what he liked.

“Give me more,” Cash begged.

Instead of pushing another finger inside, Dub pulled out. He retrieved a condom and

held it up. “If you’re going to be here fulltime, I’d like you to get tested.”

Cash nodded. “I went last week.” He broke eye contact. “I showed the results to Shane,

so he’d know, but I wasn’t sure how to talk to you about it.”

Dub stared at the condom in his hand for two seconds before tossing it over his

shoulder. Before Shane, he’d never had sex without a condom, and he’d quickly become

addicted to fucking bareback. It was the biggest downside to inviting Cash into their bed, but

knowing he could go without again made him ecstatic. “Have you ever fucked bareback?”

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“Yeah, but it’s been almost three and a half years. I had a buddy behind the wall, but

after he was paroled, I kept to myself.”

A feeling of jealousy shot through Dub. “Have you seen this…buddy since you got


Cash opened his legs wider in an unspoken invitation. “No. Craig’s married with a

pretty wife and three kids.” He blew out a long breath. “Things are different inside. Noise

and people constantly surround you, but you know you can’t trust them. When you do meet

someone that you click with, it’s about more than sex.”

Dub didn’t pretend to know what prison life was like, so he had to trust that Cash was

no longer interested in the man he’d spent intimate moments with while inside. He

insinuated himself between Cash’s thighs. He couldn’t believe he was jealous of a man Cash

hadn’t seen in years. The only other man who’d prompted such feelings was Shane.

Dub applied a generous amount of lube to his cock. “I don’t like the thought of you

with other men,” he confessed.

Cash guided the head of Dub’s cock to his hole. “I’ve got all I’ll ever need with you and


As Dub pressed his way inside, he stared down at Cash like he’d wanted to do for

months. Yes, Cash’s concern had been accurate. The love shining back at him was more than

obvious. He wondered if his own expression was half as telling. Grinning, he realised he

didn’t care if Cash knew how he felt. With everything out in the open there was no reason to

hide from the men he loved.

Fully seated, Dub lowered himself to lie on top of Cash. He wouldn’t be able to drive as

deep, but the moment was about so much more than fucking. “Wrap your legs around me.”

Cash complied, encasing Dub in his long arms and legs.

Dub swivelled his hips, grinding against Cash’s cock where it rested between them. The

action was rewarded by a low groan from Cash. “Like that?”


Dub pulled out and thrust in again, taking the time to apply pressure to Cash’s cock. He

enjoyed the sounds Cash made. It still amazed him how gruff and unapproachable Cash was

with others on the ranch, but since the first day they’d met, Cash had been nothing but kind

and sensual.

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“Yeah. Oh. So good,” Cash groaned.

The reaction prompted Dub to drive deeper, harder. He wanted to be the kind of lover

who would keep Cash satisfied for life.

Cash grabbed Dub’s ass, separated the cheeks, and pushed his finger inside Dub.

“Oh, fuck!” Dub panted. He ground himself harder against Cash’s cock and was

rewarded with a burst of warmth against his stomach as Cash cried out.

Dub waited for Cash to finish before driving in again. He stared into Cash’s eyes,

drinking in the love that was reflected in the big guy’s gaze. Yeah, he knew without a doubt

Cash loved him, and he understood Cash’s fear of fucking him face to face. No way would

Cash have been able to hide his emotions.

“I love you,” Cash whispered.

Dub came in a rush at Cash’s simple words. “I love you, too,” he replied without

hesitation. He still wasn’t sure how his life had taken such a turn, but he wasn’t about to

deny his feelings. He collapsed against Cash’s chest and closed his eyes, ready for a nap

before dinner.

Cash was quiet for a few moments before he spoke. “I think we should go out and help


“Yeah,” Dub groaned. Despite his desire for a few minutes of sleep, he knew Cash was

right. He sighed and rolled off Cash. He still didn’t know what the hell was going on with

Hank but getting to the bottom of it was essential. Cash and Shane weren’t going anywhere,

and Hank would either learn to deal with it or pack his bags.

* * * *

The first three rotted posts came out of the ground easily, but there was one stubborn

sonofabitch that refused to give up its hold on the packed earth. Shane wrapped a length of

chain around the post, close to the ground, before hooking the chain to the truck.

After rocking the truck back and forth a few times, the post finally gave up and slid

from the ground. “Finally,” he mumbled. At the rate he was going, it would be past dark

before he got the new holes dug.

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The sound of a diesel engine caught Shane’s attention and he turned in time to see one

of the large ranch trucks cresting a slight rise. By the time the truck came to a stop, Shane had

the last of the old posts in the back of his truck. He held his breath when Hank stepped down

from behind the wheel.

“I thought maybe you could use some help,” Hank said.

“Thanks, but I’ve got it.” Help from Hank wasn’t worth the verbal abuse it would cost


Hank leaned his forearms against the truck bed. “I need to apologise,” he mumbled. “I

let my temper and some other things get ahead of me earlier.”

“I know Buckwheat’s death was my fault.” Shane grabbed the post-hole digger out of

the pickup.

“Actually, no it wasn’t. It was mine. I think I left the gate open,” Hank admitted. “I was

on the phone with Trent and wasn’t thinking about anything but our conversation.”

“Trent?” Shane wasn’t aware that Hank spoke to Dub’s brother. “How’s he doing?”

“Fine. He likes the ranch well enough, but evidently it’s out in the middle of nowhere.

Too little pussy to be found and not one cocksucker on the place.” Hank grinned. “I don’t

think he realised how perfect this place was for him until he left.”

“Did you try to convince him to come home?” Shane asked.

“Tried, but he’s determined to stick it out.” Hank glanced up from his hands to look at

Shane. “He’s furious that you and Dub have taken up with Cash. I guess I let his anger get to


“Even if Dub and Cash weren’t in the picture, I don’t have the kind of feelings for Trent

that he has for me.” Shane hated that he’d been the reason Trent had taken the job in

Montana, but he’d always been upfront about his feelings for Dub.

“I know, and I think deep down he does too, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It

sucks when love isn’t reciprocated.”

Shane had loved Dub for years before they finally got their shit together, so he knew

exactly how it felt. “Yeah, I can understand that.” He studied the sad expression on Hank’s

handsome face. “Do you know how it feels?”

Hank pulled away from the truck. “I’m surrounded by sexy cowboys every day. What

the hell do I know about love?” he blustered.

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Shane wasn’t so sure. Trent had always been Hank’s first choice if he needed help with

a job. Shane used to believe it was because Trent was tall and muscular like Dub, but maybe

there was more to it. “Hank? Do you have feelings for Trent?”

Hank laughed. “No.” He continued to chuckle for several seconds. “I know everyone

gives you a hard time for being the ranch slut, but you were never as bad as Trent. It was

nothing for Trent to go from my bed to someone else’s in the same fucking day. I’m not

stupid. Trent thinks men are for fucking and women are for marrying. A man would have to

be crazy to fall in love with someone like that.”

Shane didn’t believe Hank for a minute, but he decided to let the man have his pride.

“Cash and I will work on keeping our playtime to downtime.” He gestured to the mess of

barb wire. Buckwheat’s hair still clung to the strands that had been cut away after he and

Cash had found him. “I don’t ever want something like this to happen again.”

“You and me both,” Hank agreed. He stuck his hand out. “I won’t pretend to

understand why one man isn’t enough for you and Dub, but I’m not the third man in your


Shane shook Hank’s hand. “No, you’re not, and for the record, Cash will be the only

third in our bed from now on.”

Hank shook his head, clearly not happy. “Like I said, it’s your business and not mine.”

He held up a finger. “As long as the work gets done.”

Shane refused to start another argument about who actually owned the ranch. Instead,

he balanced the post hole digger on his shoulder. “I guess I’d better get to it then.”

We’ll get to it,” Hank replied. He spoke into the radio and moments later, another

truck came into view, loaded with cowboys, including Cash and Dub.

“What the hell?” Shane lowered the post hole digger to the ground. “Did you arrange


Hank shrugged. “Despite what happened, we’re a family, and family sticks together

even when things get rough.”

Shane might have believed that of the regular hires, but most of the roughstock

students barely knew him. “You know there isn’t enough fence to fix for all this trouble.”

Dub’s arms wrapped around Shane from behind. “Everyone wanted to help, so we

loaded up some beer and hot dogs and decided to make an evening of it.”

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Shane leant back against Dub. He’d figured the other hired hands would be as angry

with him as Hank had been. It was nice to know he’d been wrong. “Then we best get to it.”

* * * *

Cash sat next to Dub and Shane on the tailgate and listened to Easy’s stories about

growing up on the beach in Malibu. It was hard to reconcile the man who had learned to surf

at the age of four with the cowboy who taught up and coming rodeo champions how to ride

broncs and bulls.

Shane tilted his chin up and Cash answered the invitation with a deep kiss. “You


Cash nodded. It was the first time since arriving on the ranch that he’d interacted with

the students and other hired hands. He was ashamed to admit he’d never given them a

chance, but seeing the way they’d banded together to help Shane had made him take a

second look at them.

Being an ex-con, Cash had always assumed the men would hold his past against him if

they knew the truth. But maybe, just maybe, he’d been the one to hold his past against

himself. He’d spent so many years hating himself that he figured others would too if he let

them in, but Dub and Shane had never treated him differently. He may not be ready to shout

his past to the entire ranch, but he thought it might be worth it to open himself enough to

have a conversation with the men he worked with.

“How’d Easy find his way from California to Texas?” Shane asked Dub.

Dub wrapped his arm around Shane. “He met and fell in love with Jarred Bloom when

he was barely twenty.”

The Jarred Bloom?” Shane whistled. “Why didn’t I know that?”

“Who’s that?” Cash asked.

“The best roughstock rider ever born,” Shane said. “He dominated the professional

circuit until he was shot in a bar fight about seven years ago.” He whispered in Cash’s ear.

“Jarred was killed for being gay.”

“Easy was with him when it happened,” Dub added. “The two of them had been

together in secret for almost ten years. What not many people know is that Easy’s a fucking

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genius. Just by studying the way Jarred rode, he was able to teach Jarred how to stay on the

bull longer and get higher points.” Dub grinned. “All without riding himself.”

“So how’d he come here?” Shane asked.

“I’d met them a few times and after the shooting, I reached out to him, told him about

the school and asked him to come work for us.” Dub turned his attention to Cash. “Everyone

has a past. You’re not the only one who came to the Rocking W looking for a fresh start.”

Cash nodded. “I got more than a fresh start.” He leaned around Shane to kiss Dub.

“Thank you for changing the rules for me.”

“I suppose they were unrealistic where you were concerned anyway. I knew the day I

watched Shane give you a sponge bath that I was in trouble. It just took me a while to give

into my own feelings and realise that some rules are made to be broken.”

“Not just broken. Shattered!” Shane declared with a pump of his fist.

Cash and Dub exchanged glances moments before tackling Shane. They pulled Shane

down in the bed of the truck and covered him with kisses.

“Let’s take this party home,” Dub suggested.

Home. Cash had never had a real home, and the fact he’d found one with two ranchers

warmed his heart more than anything ever had. There was one more thing that would

complete the dream. “Can we stop by the bunkhouse and get Patches?”

“I was wondering when you’d ask that,” Dub said. “I told Gracie this morning to pick

up some canned cat food when she went to the store.”

Cash couldn’t help but smile. It seemed he wasn’t the only one who’d be living the

dream from now on. Life would be good at the Rocking W, and Cash prayed nothing would

ever threaten it.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

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Cattle Valley: Fingerprints and Muddy Feet

Carol Lynne


Chapter One

Nate Gills tossed another kernel of popcorn in the air for his partner, Ryan Blackfeather,

to catch in his mouth. He loved lazy Sunday nights indulging in trash TV with his partners.

“I think Kim’s by far the hottest one,” he sighed.

“You’re kidding, right?” Rio scoffed, tousling Nate’s hair. Rio was the only person who

could get away with mussing Nate’s perfectly sculpted locks. “Were you not sitting right

beside me when Brody went almost an entire episode without a shirt?”

Nate rolled over and licked a path up Rio’s bare chest. “I’m in girl mode. You can’t

compare Brody to Kim. That’s cheating.”

“Why the hell would you be in girl mode? Last time I checked, you were a man.” Rio

reached for Nate’s cock. “Yep, still there.”

Ryan groaned and reached for the popcorn bowl. “Why do we have to play ‘who’s the

hottest’ on every show we watch?”

Nate stretched out and tickled Ryan’s balls with his toes. “Would it help if I said you

were the hottest?”

“No,” Rio answered, squeezing Nate’s cock. “I’m the hottest.”

Nate’s phone began to ring, interrupting the clever comeback he was forming. He

wiggled out of Rio’s grasp and snagged the cell off the bedside table. “Hello?”

“Turn on the news,” Joseph, Nate’s long-time friend, instructed.

“Why? What’s—?”

“Just do it,” Joseph replied.

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Nate grabbed the remote away from Ryan and turned to one of the twenty-four-hour

news channels. The ticker at the bottom of the screen captured his full attention. He caught

the name of his brother and felt like he couldn’t breathe.

“Who is it?” Ryan asked, sitting up.

Nate ignored his partner and turned up the volume, waiting for more information.

“A small aircraft carrying Maryland State Representative Robert Gilloume, an up-and-

coming figure in the Republican Party and the son of Senator William Gilloume, crashed in a

field in western Pennsylvania at five-fifty-four this evening. Mr Gilloume, his wife, Laura,

and the plane’s pilot, John McKenzie, were all confirmed dead at the scene.”

Nate turned off the television when a helicopter flying overhead began to show footage

of the fiery crash scene.

“Nate?” Joseph said.

“Thanks for calling. I’ll talk to you later.” Nate hung up on his friend before dropping

the phone to the mattress. He looked from Rio to Ryan. Although they both knew he had a

younger brother, Nate never spoke of him. “I need to go to Baltimore.”

“We’ll go with you,” Ryan offered, pulling Nate into an embrace.

Nate’s natural instinct was to decline the offer. Subjecting Ryan and Rio to his parents

wasn’t something he thought he’d ever do, but he couldn’t let his baby brother be buried

without him there.

“Thanks,” Nate finally said. He gave each of his men a quick kiss before climbing out of


Although he hadn’t seen his brother since he’d sneaked into Robby’s high school

graduation, Robby’s wife had sent Christmas cards for the last few years. Nate entered the

closet and retrieved the box that contained everything he had of his past life as Senator

William Gilloume’s son. He withdrew the previous year’s card. It was one of those

photograph cards that everyone seemed to be sending lately. He left the closet and handed

the card to Rio. “That’s my brother, Robby, his wife, Laura, and their kids.” He tapped the

photograph. “Will was seven in this picture, but he’s eight now, and Hannah’s now twelve.”

He sat on the side of the bed as Rio studied the card before handing it to Ryan. “What’s going

to happen to them?”

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“Depends on whether or not Robby and Laura had a will, but most likely, they’ll go to

the nearest relative. Do you know if Laura had family?” Ryan asked.

Nate shook his head. “The first Christmas card she sent contained a brief letter. It said

she’d discovered where I was by one of those magazine stories written after the grandstand

collapse. She didn’t have my address, but she knew I was mayor, so she sent it to city hall.”

Although he didn’t really know Laura, he wished he had. The woman had definitely been

resourceful. “In the letter, she said she’d always wished for family and the fact that Robby

could disown his own brother pained her. Laura gave me a way to know my niece and

nephew, and I’ll never forget that.”

Rio’s dark eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you share these cards with us before?”

Nate shrugged. “I loved getting those pictures. It made me feel like I was still a member

of the family, and as long as I kept that fantasy to myself, no one could make me believe


Rio brushed his lips across Nate’s temple before kissing it. “I’m sorry that you felt we

would take that away from you.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. To be honest, it was one of those secrets that I kept for

purely selfish reasons,” Nate explained. “My heart wanted to believe my brother missed me,

even though my head knew better. Laura was the one who sought me out, not Robby.” The

truth finally hit home. If it had been left up to Robby, Nate wouldn’t have the cards. He’d

pretended for a while that Robby knew Laura was reaching out to him. That for some reason

Robby couldn’t contact Nate himself for fear of what their father would do, but the truth was,

Robby was either an asshole or too far under the Senator’s thumb. Brother or not, maybe Robby

didn’t love me at all. Nate pushed away the thought and turned back to the card.

“What’re you saying?” Ryan asked.

“Nothing. Just that I’m going to Baltimore to pay my respects to Laura. Whether or not

they let me into Robby’s funeral, they can’t keep me out of Laura’s.”

* * * *

“Is that you?” Nate called when he heard the office door open and close.

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“No, it’s a terrorist looking for clues as to how I make this city run so smoothly,” Carol

answered back.

Nate filled Carol’s usual mug with coffee before carrying it into the reception area. “I

need to take the week off,” he told her, setting the cup on the desk. “You think you can

handle things while I’m gone?”

Laughing, Carol hung up her coat and dropped her gigantic purse to the floor. “Must I

continue to remind you that your job is to sit behind that big desk of yours and look pretty

while I do all the actual work around here?”

“Funny, that’s what Ethan said last time you were gone,” Nate said. He couldn’t hide

his grin. Except for his two men, Carol was his favourite person in Cattle Valley. Not only

was she a loyal secretary, but a tried and true friend.

“You’re a damn liar.” Carol sat in her chair and reached for her coffee. She took a sip

and moaned. “But you do make a great cup of coffee.” She eyed Nate over the rim of her

mug. “So have you and the other wild ones decided to get out of this snow and head for the

beach again?”

“My brother and his wife were killed last night when their plane went down in a field. I

need to go to Baltimore to attend their funerals and check on my niece and nephew,” Nate

explained. He prepared himself for the barrage of questions he was sure would follow.

“I’m sorry.” Carol set down her cup and reached for Nate’s hand. “I’ll ask George and

Trick to look after your horses while you’re away.”

It said a lot about the woman that she accepted and commiserated without prying into

Nate’s personal life. Although he enjoyed sparring with Carol, down deep, Nate couldn’t

imagine his life without her. “I’d appreciate that, thanks.”

Carol waved away his words. “You’d do the same for me. Well, maybe not me, but

you’d do the same for George and Trick.” She grinned and stood up. “Just get your ass back

here before I decide to give Ethan and myself a raise.” Her eyes sparkled before wrapping

her arms around him. “A big one.”

* * * *

Ryan glanced up as Rio entered his office. “Hey. What’re you up to?”

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Rio gave Ryan a quick kiss before sitting on the corner of the desk. “I’ve been thinking.”

The comeback was too easy, so Ryan kept his mouth shut and allowed Rio to continue.

He knew they were both worried about Nate. Once again, Robby’s death had driven home

the forced separation between Nate and his family. “Yeah?” Ryan eventually replied.

“Well,” Rio began, rubbing his earlobe between his thumb and forefinger. It was a sure

sign that Rio had done something he felt guilty about.

“Shit. What’d you do?” Ryan held his breath. Despite having the biggest heart Ryan

had ever known, Rio had an impulsive streak that often landed him in trouble.

“I put a call into Snake,” Rio announced. “He’s semi-retired now and living in


Ryan clenched his jaws at the thought of Rio talking to the badass mercenary. “I

thought he was still in Costa Rica.”

“Evidently you haven’t logged onto the network lately. Snake’s been back in the States

for almost a year. Some security company hired him to recruit new specialists.” Rio waved

his hand. “Anyway, I gave Snake a call and hired him to do some surveillance on Senator


“What? You’ve been in touch with Snake without telling me?” Ryan took a deep breath.

There were a handful of mercenaries who had the power to hurt him, and Snake was one of

them. The man was too quiet, too sneaky and definitely too sexy to be trustworthy. Ryan

should know—he’d been burned more than once by Snake’s whispered words. “Surely there

must’ve been someone else you could’ve called.”

Rio slid off the desk and took several steps towards the one and only window in the

small Sheriff’s office. “Other than Ghost, Snake’s the best.” He glanced over his shoulder at

Ryan. “We’re meeting him tomorrow after we land.”

Ryan jumped out of his chair and stalked towards Rio. “You set up a meeting without

even asking?”

Rio turned to face Ryan head on. “Forgive me for assuming you’d do anything to help


“That’s not fair

Whis has nothing to do with helping Nate. The fact is you went behind

my back. We’re a team. We’re supposed to talk about this kind of shit first.” Ryan definitely

wasn’t prepared to stare into those damn green eyes that Snake used to his advantage.

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“Why do you think I’m here? I know you don’t trust Snake, but I do, and what’s

important right now is finding out everything we can about Nate’s father. I swear to you,

that’s all I was trying to do.”

Staring up at Rio, Ryan saw the truth in his partner’s eyes. He pressed himself against

Rio’s chest. “Tell me you’re not planning to bring Nate to the meeting?”

“I think that’s up to Nate,” Rio replied. “If anyone can point Snake in the right direction

it would be Nate.”

Although Senator Gilloume deserved to be followed around by Snake, Ryan wasn’t

convinced Nate needed to be subjected to the man. It wasn’t jealousy as much as secrets he

wanted to shield Nate from. “I guess what I’m struggling to understand is what’s our end

game? There’s no way Snake can find dirt on Gilloume by the Thursday, and what’s the

point if Nate still can’t attend the memorial services?”

“Because he wants to see those kids, and he deserves to know them. The memorial

service is one day, but what happens after that?” Rio gave Ryan a quick kiss. “If Snake can

find something that can give Nate time with those children, it’s worth it.”

Leave it to Rio to make Ryan feel like a complete jerk for questioning his decision to

contact Snake. “You’re right.”

Order your copy here

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About the Author

An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of
erotic romance. Carol juggles between being a full-time mother and a full-time writer.
These days, you can usually find Carol either cleaning jelly out of the carpet or nestled
in her favourite chair writing steamy love scenes.


Also by Carol Lynne

Karaoke at the Tumbleweed

Joey’s First Time

Between Two Lovers

Corporate Passion

Sunset Ridge

Broken Colour

Dead Man Living

Campus Cravings: Coach

Campus Cravings: Side-Lined

Campus Cravings: Sacking the Quarterback

Campus Cravings: Off-Season

Campus Cravings: Forbidden Freshman

Campus Cravings: Broken Pottery

Campus Cravings: In Bear’s Bed

Campus Cravings: Office Advances

Campus Cravings: A Biker’s Vow

Campus Cravings: Hershie’s Kiss

Campus Cravings: Theron’s Return

Campus Cravings: Live for Today

Campus Cravings: Incoming Freshman

Campus Cravings: A Lesson Learned

Campus Cravings: Locky in Love

Campus Cravings: The Injustice of Being

Campus Cravings: Watch Me

Good Time Boys: Sonny’s Salvation

Good-time Boys: Garron’s Gift

Good-time Boys: Rawley’s Redemption

Good-time Boys: Twin Temptations

Good-time Boys: It’s a Good Life

Cattle Valley: All Play & No Work

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Mistletoe

Cattle Valley: Sweet Topping

Cattle Valley: Rough Ride

Cattle Valley: Physical Therapy

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Cattle Valley: Out of the Shadow

Cattle Valley: Bad Boy Cowboy

Cattle Valley: The Sound of White

Cattle Valley: Gone Surfin’

Cattle Valley: The Last Bouquet

Cattle Valley: Eye of the Beholder

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Days

Cattle Valley: Bent-Not Broken

Cattle Valley: Arm Candy

Cattle Valley: Recipe for Love

Cattle Valley: Firehouse Heat

Cattle Valley: Neil’s Guardian Angel

Cattle Valley: Scarred

Cattle Valley: Making the Grade

Cattle Valley: To Service and Protect

Cattle Valley: The O’Brien Way

Cattle Valley: Ghost from the Past

Cattle Valley: Hawk’s Landing

Cattle Valley: Shooting Star

Cattle Valley: Confessions

Cattle Valley: Shadow Soldier

Cattle Valley: Alone in a Crowd

Cattle Valley: Second Chances

Cattle Valley: Finding Absolution

Cattle Valley: Fingerprints and Muddy Feet

Poker Night: Texas Hold Em

Poker Night: Slow-Play

Poker Night: Pocket Pair

Poker Night: Different Suits

Poker Night: Full House

Men in Love: Reunion

Bodyguards in Love: Brier’s Bargain

Bodyguards in Love: Taming Black Dog Four

Bodyguards in Love: Seb’s Surrender

Bodyguards in Love: I Love Rock N Roll

Bodyguards in Love: Seducing the Sheik

Bodyguards in Love: To Bed a King

Neo’s Realm: Liquid Crimson

Neo’s Realm: Blood Trinity

Neo’s Realm: Crimson Moon

Neo’s Realm: Royal Blood

Seasons of Love: Spring

Seasons of Love: Summer

Seasons of Love: Fall

Seasons of Love: Winter

Brookside Athletic Club: I’ll Stand By You

Brookside Athletic Club: Soul Restoration

C-7 Shifters: Alrik

C-7 Shifters: Seger

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Buck Wild: Cowboy Pride

Legend Anthology: Healing Doctor Ryan

Fabulous Brits: Moor Love

Naughty Nooners: Dalton’s Awakening

Gaymes: Highland Gaymes

Unconventional at Best: A New Normal

Unconventional in Atlanta: Seeing Him

Stealing My Heart: Stealing Doctor Ryan

Carol loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author
biography at


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Totally Bound Publishing



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