Carol Lynne Tortured Souls

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

Tortured Souls

ISBN 9781419910777
Tortured Souls Copyright © 2008 Carol Lynne

Edited by Briana St. James.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication February 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal
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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Carol Lynne

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I’d like to thank the readers who love the characters in this series as much as I do.

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Tortured Souls

Chapter One

The deep bass of the music vibrated Bram Blackstone’s chest as he looked around

the club. There wasn’t any place better to find a night of companionship than a New

York City nightclub. He wasn’t kidding himself into believing he’d find Mr. Right in a

place like this, he’d already found that person on a ranch in western Oklahoma.

Unfortunately, Declan O’Malley didn’t want him and Bram was tired of being alone.

He’d come to Bright Lights Big City to find a night of company in another man’s

arms. Bram found an empty spot and leaned his tall six-foot-three-inch frame against

the bar. He searched the crowd until the bartender nudged his elbow. Turning around,

Bram ordered a beer with a whiskey chaser.

Noticing the man’s hungry look as he took in the width of Bram’s shoulders and

long black hair, Bram knew he’d be all right, at least for tonight. Just give me one night

away from dreaming about Declan. Thats all I ask.

The bartender set his drinks down in front of him and leaned his forearms on the

scarred wooden bar in front of Bram. “Haven’t seen you in here before. I know because

I definitely would’ve remembered someone as fine as you.”

Bram winked at the redheaded man and picked up his whiskey. He raised his glass

to the bartender. “Just looking for a little distraction for the night.” Bram put the shot

glass full of amber liquid to his lips and threw back his head.

When he slammed the glass down on the bar, Bram caught the hungry look on the

bartender’s face again. “I’d be happy to help you out. I get off at three.”

Picking up his beer, Bram started to walk away from the bar. “Thanks but I plan on

getting off well before then.” He moved through the crowded club, taking in the

smorgasbord of eye candy. He spotted just what he was looking for at a table in the


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corner, brownish-blond, about five-ten or -eleven. Yep. He looks enough like Declan to

make me believe for the night.

Walking up to the high table, Bram stood in front of Mr. Right-Now. “Dance?”

The guy looked Bram up and down before breaking out in a smile and hopping off

his stool. “Absolutely.”

Bram led the stranger to the dance floor and wrapped his arms around him, pulling

him as close as he could. Bram closed his eyes and imagined Declan in his arms. He

swayed to the music, brushing his hardened bulge across the stranger’s lower stomach.

The song ended, but Bram didn’t let go, and the stranger seemed in no hurry to get


“My name’s John,” the man said as he began kissing Bram’s neck.

Trying to block out what the man said, Bram moved his hands down to the two

prominent globes and squeezed. He’d missed this, the press of flesh, the smell of

another man. The guy in his arms seemed to crawl up Bram’s body and before he knew

it, Bram was thrusting his tongue into the stranger’s mouth, while the guy ran his

fingers through Bram’s hair. Breaking the kiss, he looked at the man, Joe—no, John.

It was a shock to his system to see it wasn’t Declan in his arms. John didn’t have

Declan’s light green eyes, or his long black curling lashes. The hair color wasn’t even

right this close up. This guy had light brown hair. Declan’s hair was brown with sun-

kissed wisps running through it. Nothing about John other than maybe his height and

body shape looked like his Declan.

Bram pulled away. The man looked up at Bram in confusion. “Is something wrong?

I thought we were getting along so well.”

Feeling disgusted, Bram shook his head. “It’s not you. I was trying to make you into

someone else. Sorry.” Bram left John standing on the dance floor with his mouth open.

Walking out of the noisy club, Bram shook his head. He hailed a cab and headed

home. Well, not home, but the place Ive been living for four years. Paying the driver, Bram

was greeted by the night doorman.


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“Evening, Mr. Blackstone,” the skinny kid of about twenty-two said.

“Evening, Charlie.” Bram walked toward the elevator bank and pushed the button.

Entering his apartment, Bram looked around. It was every bachelor’s dream to have

a place like this. So why did Bram feel so sorry for himself? He kicked off his brown

loafers and went to the kitchen. Pulling a bottle of whiskey and a highball glass down

from the cupboard, he poured himself a drink. Downing his glass of whiskey in two

swallows, Bram refilled it and took it and the bottle into the living room. He set them on

the antique mahogany table without giving a second thought to a coaster and took off

his shirt. Clad in only his tight low-rise jeans, he settled himself on the sofa and picked

up his drink.

Maybe I should call Thor and check on him. Thor was Bram’s baby brother. Though

Bram felt more like a father after having raised Thor since the age of eleven. Bram shut

his mind to the pain the memories always seemed to bring. Thor lived and worked in

western Oklahoma. Instead of teaching school, which was what Thor had been trained

to do, he was working at an equestrian rehabilitation center out in the middle of

nowhere. Bram wasn’t selfish enough to not realize it had been a good fit for Thor.

Paralyzed at the age of ten by his own parents, Thor loved helping other wheelchair-

bound people like himself learn to build their upper-body strength. Anyone could take

one look at his brother and tell he knew what he was teaching. Thor’s arms and chest

muscles were some of the biggest Bram had ever seen, which was saying a lot,

considering Bram’s two best friends were well-muscled ex-Special Forces guys.

Bram started thinking about his best friends. They owned the company Bram now

ran. Mac and Nicco had finally gotten their act together and declared their love as two

gay men. They didn’t stop there, though. Another friend of his, Amir, was now

partnered with them as a threesome. They seemed to love each other very much, and

Bram knew he shouldn’t be jealous, but he couldn’t help it. The threesome had bailed

on the company, choosing to move to Albuquerque and set up a small bodyguard


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training facility. Bram ran the New York branch of JB Protections now. Mac and Nicco

refused to live in the Big Apple.

Bram knew he was stalling. Every night the inevitable happened. He’d come home

have a few drinks and end up thinking about Declan. He picked up the phone and hit

the memory button for Thor.


“Hey, baby brother.” Bram poured himself another glass of whiskey and leaned

back on the sofa.

“Hey, big brother. How’ve you been in the big bad city all alone?” Thor chuckled.

“Hardly alone.”

“You mean you found someone?”

“No. I haven’t found anyone. Just meant in a city this size, it’s hard to be alone.”

Bram took another gulp of his drink. He was well on his way to being drunk.

“It may be hard to be alone but it’s easy to be lonely, Bram. I can tell by the timbre

of your voice that you’re drinking again. Why don’t you come out to Oklahoma for a

visit? I miss you and I’ve also got someone I’d like you to meet.”

Letting out an audible sigh, Bram closed his eyes. “You and I know the only person

besides you I care to see doesn’t want me there.”

“First of all, I’m not so sure about that. Doc’s been as sour as you since you left. I

think you took a part of him back to New York with you. And secondly, I wasn’t trying

to fix you up. I met someone special and I want you to come and meet her.”

“What? You’re dating a woman?” Bram sat up and refilled his glass.

“I’m sorry, Bram, but I like women. This one in particular.”

“Is she in a wheelchair too?”

“Fuck you. Just because you’re a nasty drunk doesn’t mean I’ll let you call and take

it out on me.”


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“I’m sorry. I’m just a little confused. You’ve never had a girlfriend before. I guess I

didn’t really know it was possible.” Bram put his drink down and ran his fingers

through his hair.

“For your information, my equipment works just fine. I’m one of the lucky ones

because the paralysis hasn’t affected my ability to get an erection. Besides, I’ve dated a

lot of women in the past. You were always just too damn busy to notice. It’s not like I

dated anyone special but I dated. This woman though, her name is Kelly Anderson.

She’s special. Kelly works here three evenings a week as a volunteer and I’d like you to

meet her.”

“It’s getting serious, then?” Bram should have felt elated his little brother had found

someone but it just made him feel even more alone.

“Yeah. I think I’m in love.” Bram could hear the wistful sound of his brother’s

voice. He had to admit he’d never heard that particular tone from Thor.

Rubbing the heels of his hands over his eyes, Bram sighed. “Can’t you bring Kelly

to New York? I’m sorry, but I’m just not sure about seeing Declan again. I know that

makes me weak in your eyes but it hurts.”

“Doc’s going on a water rafting trip in two weeks. Come then.”

What would Oklahoma feel like without Declan, safe or lonely? “I’ll think about it

and let you know.” Bram heard the defeat in his own voice.

“Just try your best, okay?” Thor asked with just a bit of pleading in his voice.

“I will.” Bram said his goodbyes, and hung up the phone. He looked at the bottle of

whiskey on the table and was surprised to see it was already two-thirds empty. If he

was going to be coherent in the morning, it was time to stop drinking and hit the hay.

Standing beside his bed, Bram peeled himself out of his tight jeans, and slipped

under the covers. The problem with going to bed alone was too much time to think and

the obvious hardening of his cock whenever he let his mind wander to Dr. Declan



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With a sigh, he finally gave in. Reaching under the covers, Bram wrapped his hand

around his aching cock. Closing his eyes, he remembered the feel of Declan’s sweet lean

body pressed against his, the way his perfect ass fit Bram’s hands. “Mmm,” Bram

moaned as his thumb pressed the slit on the crown of his throbbing shaft.

Bram used his own pre-cum to ease his strokes as he remembered the scorching

kisses he’d shared with Declan. Using his other hand, Bram gave his sac a slight

squeeze. Picking up his rhythm, he pushed the covers down and thrust into his own

fist. His cock exploded with spurt after spurt of thick white cum, painting his chest and


It wasn’t until after he came that the images of Declan’s back seeped their way into

Bram’s memories. The rows of thick puckered scars proved someone had hurt the man

he’d fallen in love with. Bram knew those scars and how they got there were the reason

Declan pushed him away.

Feeling the anger of someone hurting Declan starting to overtake him, Bram shook

his head and walked toward the bathroom. “I can’t keep loving someone as damaged as



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Chapter Two

Bram pulled his rented pickup into the parking lot of the Timothy Fowler

Rehabilitation Center. It had been two weeks since Thor’s phone call.

He sat in the truck for a few minutes and let his eyes wander the ranch grounds.

Gabe, Rex and Boone had done a damn fine job making the place look homey. Bram

even saw Billy, Boone’s soon-to-be adopted son, by the barn playing with a Shepherd-

mix pup.

Looking toward the rehab facility, a part of Bram hoped Declan hadn’t left yet. He

wouldn’t admit it out loud but he’d taken an early flight, hoping he’d get to see Declan

for a few minutes before he was off on his white-water adventure.

Getting out of the truck, Bram headed to the main house with his suitcase. He’d

already called Gabe to tell him he was coming for the week and had been invited to stay

at the house.

Usually at that time of day, the threesome was off doing chores. So Bram didn’t

even think about knocking until he walked into the kitchen and spotted Rex getting a

morning blowjob. Bram stopped in his tracks, feeling his face and groin heat at the

scene in front of him. “Sorry. I guess I should have knocked. I’ll let you and Boone

finish while I take my bag up to my room.”

At Rex’s smile and grunted reply, Bram carried his bag upstairs to the guestroom

he’d used several months earlier. Setting his bag on the bed, he wondered if staying in a

house with three horny men was a good idea. He decided to shake it off and go find

Thor. And maybe Declan, if hed got in early enough.

Walking into the rehab facility, Bram spotted Thor right away. He was busy helping

a young girl on the band-weight machine. Bram found a stool and sat to watch his

brother work. He could tell by the young girl’s face she had a crush on him. Bram


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looked at his brother as a man for the first time. He’d never really noticed his brother’s

looks before, but now that he thought about it, why wouldn’t Thor have women falling

all over him? Despite being in a wheelchair, Thor was a beautiful man. Their Native

American heritage was evident in his bronzed skin and thick black hair. People always

commented on how much the brothers looked alike but this was the first time Bram had

really seen it.

Except for the length of hair and the tiny lines beginning to form around Bram’s

eyes, they could probably pass for twins. Bram had always known he was a good-

looking man but to see his face on someone else shocked him. Damn. I should have my

pick of men. So why am I so set on the one man who doesnt want me?

Thor finished with the young girl and turned his head. “Bram.” Thor smiled and

said something to the girl before wheeling over to where Bram was sitting. “You’re here


Bram grinned as Thor wheeled in front of him. He leaned forward and gave his

baby brother a hug and kiss on the forehead. “Caught an earlier flight.” Bram pointed

toward the girl. “It looked like you were both enjoying yourselves. You helping that girl

and the girl drooling all over you.”

Thor blushed and chuckled. “Hazard of the job.” Thor looked at Bram for a few

seconds. “You look older, tired or something.”

Knowing the reason for his own lack of sleep, Bram tried to play it off. “You try

running a company. It’s damn hard work. I’m glad I called, though. I think I needed to

get away.” Bram could see he wasn’t fooling his brother. He decided to be a little more

honest. “Gets to me sometimes, being alone. Not having you there. Not having Mac,

Nicco or Amir around. I keep telling myself I need to go out and make some new

friends but it’s just not in me right now.” Bram clapped his hands together. “So, when

do I get to meet this lady of yours?”

Thor did the unexpected and reached out to cup the side of Bram’s face. Sliding his

hand to the back of his neck, he pulled Bram’s head forward and rested his forehead


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against Bram’s in a sign of sympathy. “Move to Oklahoma and you won’t need to make

new friends. I really miss you, brother. I have everything I’ve ever wanted right now,

except you.”

Bram felt tears threaten and pulled away from Thor. “Declan still here or did he

leave already?”

Thor sighed, and gestured with his head. “I think he’s in his office. He’s not leaving

for another couple of hours. Why don’t you be the bigger man and stop in to say hi

before he leaves? You know you’ll hate yourself if you don’t.”

Bram looked toward Declan’s office, then back at Thor. He nodded his head once

and stood. “I might poke my head in for just a second to say hi.”

Chuckling, Thor swatted Bram on the stomach. “I’m not sure this is the best place

for you to be poking your head in anywhere.”

“Smartass.” Bram smiled and walked toward Declan’s office. He felt a lump

forming in his throat the closer he got. Just beyond that door was the man he couldn’t

stop thinking about, the only man for him. Bram knew it was stupid. How could he be

in love when he knew next to nothing about Declan? But there it was, feelings like he’d

never known. Wiping his now-sweaty hands on his jeans, Bram knocked.

“Come in.”

Bram closed his eyes at the sound of Declan’s voice. It had been so long since he’d

heard that throaty whisper. Opening the door, Bram looked at Declan for the first time

in one and a half months. He looked even better than Bram remembered. “Hey.” He

tried to sound casual, not wanting Declan to know he felt like falling on his knees and

begging for another chance.

Declan looked up from the patient chart he was scribbling in. “Bram. I-I didn’t

know you were coming.”

Bram watched as Declan’s throat muscles worked in an effort to say something.

Bram decided to take a chance. “Care if I have a seat?”


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“Oh. Oh sure, sit down. You must be tired after the flight and long drive from

Oklahoma City.” Declan fiddled with the pencil on the desk. “So, are you here just to

see Thor, or are you working on finding Gabe’s mother?” Declan began tapping the

pencil on the scarred wood desk.

Looking into Declan’s beautiful eyes, Bram forgot how to talk for a minute. “Thor

called and asked me to come. He wanted to introduce me to his new lady. I’ll admit, I

took an earlier flight than necessary though.”

Looking at Bram, Declan stopped tapping his pencil. “Why’s that?”

To see if youd push me away again, like you did last time. “I hoped I’d have a chance to

see you before you left on your vacation.” Bram leaned back in his chair a little and

crossed his ankles. The resulting posture did little to hide Declan’s effect on him. Bram

smiled when he caught Declan’s eyes wandering over his long, aroused body.

“It’s not really a vacation. I’ve been hired to help with a rafting trip for wheelchair-

bound adults. If I’d known you were coming, I’d have turned it down.” Declan licked

his lips, staring openly at Bram’s arousal. “I’ve missed you. I’m sorry about rejecting

you that night in the barn. I just wasn’t ready.”

Feeling bold, Bram rose and walked around the desk. He stood in front of Declan

and ran his hand over the length of the erection. “Missed you too.” At the look in

Declan’s eyes, Bram pulled the smaller man out of his chair and captured his mouth. Oh

hell, Declan tasted like home. Sweeping the interior of Declan’s mouth, Bram moaned.

Breaking the kiss, he whispered against Declan’s mouth. “I’ve tried like hell to forget

the taste of you.”

Snaking his tongue out, Declan ran it around the rim of Bram’s lips. “No promises.”

He pushed his tongue inside Bram’s mouth as he ran his fingers through Bram’s hair.

Bram turned Declan and sat in his chair, pulling the smaller man down on his lap.

“Never asked for any promises. I just need to feel you, to taste you. Even if it’s just for a

little while, I need you to be mine.” Bram turned Declan so he was facing him. He


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placed the other man’s legs over the arms of the chair and attacked his mouth once


Moaning, Declan began rubbing his cock against Bram’s stomach as his ass moved

back and forth against Bram’s denim-encased erection.

Grunting his approval, Bram ran his hands down Declan’s finely developed six-

pack to the evidence of his desire. “Can I touch you?”

“Please, yes.” As Bram went to work on Declan’s faded jeans, Declan pulled Bram’s

shirt off over his head. Bram’s black hair fell in a waterfall of silk against his chest.

Leaning down, Declan took one of Bram’s pebbled nipples into his mouth.

Bram’s hands were shaking so badly it took him longer to get to Declan’s cock than

he’d anticipated. Finally spreading Declan’s jeans apart, Bram pushed down Declan’s

boxers and fished out his arousal. Long and thick. For a small man, Declan had a good-

sized cock. Bram groaned and wrapped his fingers around it. “You feel good, like I

knew you would.”

“Mmm,” Declan moaned as he thrust into Bram’s hand. “Need you,” Declan said,

attacking Bram’s other nipple as he continued to rub his ass against Bram’s cock.

Thrusting his cock harder against Declan’s sweet ass, Bram nodded. “You have any

lube in here?”

Pulling off Bram’s nipple, Declan blushed. “Yeah.” He broke away from Bram and

walked across the room, unlocking one of his file cabinets. Reaching all the way to the

back, he picked up a bottle of lube and held it up. “Please don’t ask,” Declan said,

relocking the cabinet as Bram dug in his wallet for a condom. Declan walked back over

to the desk and set it down before taking his shoes, jeans and boxers off, while eyeing

Bram openly. When Bram unzipped his jeans and started pushing them down, his dark

bronzed cock sprang free of its confinement. “Fuck.” Declan’s eyes went big as he

looked at the size of Bram’s cock. He coughed, and looked into Bram’s eyes.

Seeing the worry in Declan’s eyes, Bram pulled him into his embrace. He ran his

hands down Declan’s ass. “Relax. I won’t hurt you, I never would.” Although Bram


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wanted to touch all of Declan’s skin, he didn’t venture his hand upward. He

remembered Declan’s scars, and knew the man was self-conscious about them. The first

time they’d kissed in the barn, the night of the party, Declan had pulled away when

Bram ran his hands over the damaged skin.

Declan gave Bram a slight nod and kissed him. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

Pulling away, Bram sat back in the chair and positioned Declan on his lap again.

“Never.” Bram didn’t know whether to cry for the scarred and frightened man in his

arms or get up and find the bastard who had hurt him. He pulled Declan to his chest

and kissed the top of his head. “Please don’t be afraid of me. It just kills my protective


Declan’s answer was to reach behind him and lift the bottle of lube off the desk

before handing it to Bram. “Get me ready?”

Bram gave a sigh of relief and rolled the condom on. He took the bottle of oil and

poured a generous amount into his hand. Reaching around Declan’s back, Bram tried

not to get the oil on Declan’s shirt as he brought his fingers to Declan’s rosette. Bram

kissed him. “Pull your shirt up so I don’t ruin it. I won’t touch your back unless you ask

me to.”

Biting his lip, Declan slowly raised his shirt. Bram leaned forward and took

Declan’s mouth in another soul-searing kiss. When Declan melted against his chest,

Bram rimmed his tight pucker with his oil-slicked fingers. He gently pushed one finger

inside slowly. Damn, it had obviously been awhile for Declan. The man was as tight as

a virgin. “Okay?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Declan moved on Bram’s finger. “More,” Declan whispered as he

nipped Bram’s neck.

Adding another finger, Bram began slowly moving them in and out. “So tight.”

Declan arched his back when Bram pegged his prostate gland. “Long time.” Declan

began moving his body up and down on Bram’s fingers. “Another. Give me one more.”


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Bram reached for the bottle of oil with his free hand and dripped some down the

crevice of Declan’s ass. Bram pulled out his fingers, and used the oil to lubricate Declan

again before inserting the third finger.

“Oh.” Declan’s back arched as he pushed into Bram’s hand. “Now.”

Using his already lubed fingers, Bram ran them up and down the length of his cock

a few times. He looked at Declan and wrapped his arms around his hips. “Rise up.”

When Declan complied, Bram held on to the base of his cock and lined it up with

Declan’s hole. “You’re in charge now, so go at your own pace.”

Declan looked into his eyes for a few seconds and smiled. “Thank you.” He began

to lower his body onto Bram’s throbbing shaft. Once the crown pushed passed the tight

ring of muscles, Declan stopped for a few seconds before lowering himself inch by inch

down the length of Bram’s cock. When Declan’s ass hit Bram’s lap, he looked up,

surprised. “You’re in all the way?”

Trying his damnedest to breathe, Bram nodded. “Yeah. I’m buried to the hilt.”

Bram rubbed and squeezed the firm globes of Declan’s ass. He closed his eyes and

willed himself not to move, when all he really wanted was to jackhammer his cock in

and out of Declan’s sweet body.

Declan kissed him. “I can see the strain I’m putting you through, and yet you

haven’t moved a muscle. I think you were right, Mr. Blackstone. I believe I can trust

you.” With those words, Declan began to move up and down on Bram’s shaft. As his

passage stretched and relaxed to accept Bram more easily, Declan leaned forward and

gave Bram a kiss. “You can move now. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Thank God.” Bram seemed to surprise Declan by picking him up and laying him

down on the desk, still buried inside him. Bram brought Declan’s legs over his

shoulders and began a fierce rhythm. He pushed himself inside as far as he could. “I

can’t get close enough.” As Bram’s hips pistoned, he reached between them and fisted

Declan’s cock. “Come for me. Come on my cock.”


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Throwing his head back and arching his body, Declan came with Bram’s name on

his lips. It was erotic as hell to see Declan’s cum painted all over his chest. With Bram’s

dark skin tone, the pearly white drops stood out in stark contrast. God, he had the

desire to taste that thick essence. The thought had him on the edge of coming. Thrusting

once more, Bram buried himself deep and came, shaking with the ferocity of his climax.

Bram looked into Declan’s eyes and lowered himself against Declan’s body. In that

instant, Bram knew he’d been right to fall in love with this man.

Bram’s long black hair created a curtain around the two of them as they kissed and

licked each other’s faces and necks. Declan chuckled against Bram’s neck. “I think my

legs are waging a protest at our current position.”

Bram snapped up so fast, Declan almost fell off the desk. “You should have told me

I was hurting you.” Bram removed the condom and began massaging Declan’s finely

muscled legs.

“You didn’t hurt me.” Declan cupped Bram’s cheeks. “I think you just saved me,”

Declan whispered. Bram sifted through what Declan had just declared.

Pulling the smaller man up to sit on the desk, Bram held him close and kissed him.

“I think I’m falling hard for you, Declan O’Malley. You’re a keeper.” Bram realized he

had his hands on Declan’s back and started to move them.

Declan shook his head. “Don’t. I’m not afraid you’ll be disgusted anymore. Your

arms and hands on my skin feel too good to give up because of the past.”

Bram hated to ask but he knew they needed to get past this part of their new

relationship. “Can you tell me?” He ran his fingertips lightly over the scars.

“It’s a long story.” Declan glanced at the clock. “I’m sorry but I don’t have time to

tell you right now. My plane’s going to leave without me if I don’t get going. But I

promise I’ll call you tonight on my cell phone before we head out to the river in the


Taking some tissues out of the box on Declan’s desk, Bram began cleaning them up.

“We should probably take a quick shower but I think I like the smell of your cum on


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me.” Declan moaned and Bram kissed him again. “Let me drive you to the airport. Give

me a few more minutes with you.”

Declan reached for his clothes and began putting them on. “You sure you’re up to

that? You just came from the airport. You ready to go back?”

Zipping his jeans, Bram took a couple steps and pulled Declan into his embrace.

“I’d be even happier if you’d make a place for me on this raft trip.”

Declan ran his fingers through Bram’s hair and sighed. “I wish you could come but

it’s in Arizona, Bram. I know how you feel about that state. Call Mac and tell him you

need more time off. You can spend the week getting to know Kelly while I’m gone.

Then I can have you all to myself when I get home.”

Releasing Declan, Bram nodded. “Okay, but I don’t need to call Mac. I just have to

call my assistant back in New York. I’m taking you to the airport, though. I plan on

getting a few more kisses before I put you aboard that plane.”

* * * * *

Thirty minutes later, they were on their way to the airport in Bram’s rental. Declan

sat next to him on the bench seat as the miles quickly flew by. Bram was torn between

slowing down to make the trip last and keeping his promise that he’d get Declan to the

airport on time. Declan nuzzled Bram’s neck. “Why don’t you stay at my place while

I’m gone? There’s no sense in it sitting empty while I’m gone. When I get home, we’ll

figure out our next step. Besides, I’d like the thought of you sleeping in my bed.”

Squeezing Declan even tighter against him, Bram agreed. “I’d love to. I wasn’t

exactly sure about staying in the house with Gabe, Rex and Boone anyway. I kinda

walked in on Boone sucking Rex off earlier. They didn’t seem to mind too much but I

know my libido would be in overdrive with the smell of cum filtering through that


Declan latched on to Bram’s bronzed neck and sucked, hard. He released his hold

and looked at the nice bruise. “I’ve marked you, Bram Blackstone. You’re mine now.”


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Slowing the truck enough to maintain control, Bram leaned over and took a quick

kiss. “I was yours before you ever marked me, Declan O’Malley.” Declan snuggled up

against his shoulder once again as they rode in silence. “Declan? Do we have enough

time to talk about what happened to you now?” Bram rubbed Declan’s side with the

arm he had wrapped around him.

“Some, maybe. It’s not a very pretty story. Are you sure you’re ready to hear it?”

No. “I need to hear it. I need to understand why you pushed me away a month and

a half ago.” Bram sighed. “And I need to understand so I don’t do something in the

future that might upset you.” Bram kissed the top of Declan’s down-turned head.

“You already know that my longtime partner, Scott, died from brain cancer, but it

goes beyond that.” Declan’s tone was calm, almost detached, like he’d recited the story

many times. “I was put into the foster care system when I was twelve. My mom was an

alcoholic and the system took me away from her. When I was around sixteen, the

family I was staying with took in another foster kid, Scott. He was only fifteen and had

just lost his parents in a car accident. We quickly became friends, and then a few years

later, lovers. I was accepted to college on a full-ride scholarship but Scott had neither

the desire nor the grades, so he opted to work construction. He made enough money to

get us a little studio apartment close to campus and the first couple years I was in

college were heaven. One day I noticed Scott started acting funny. His moods began to

change in the blink of an eye. I knew it wasn’t anything external because we were both

so happy in our relationship it was sickening. I begged him to go see a doctor and after

a lot of testing they found a small spot of cancer on his brain.”

Declan stopped talking for a minute. Bram could tell he was reliving past events.

Bram wanted to say something to Declan about the cold impersonal way he recited his

history but he figured it was the only way Declan could get through it. He seemed to

need that bit of detachment.

“He went through the normal routine of radiation and chemotherapy, even though

they told us the radiation might cause dementia. Scott had two rounds of radiation


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before they determined they were doing more harm than good. The cancer began to

spread to other parts of his body. Scott’s mind began to falter along with his control. He

beat me up several times. The police suggested I move out but Scott was the only family

I had. I couldn’t leave him. No matter what he did to me, I couldn’t leave him.” Declan

leaned forward and dug an old-fashioned dark blue bandana out of his back pocket. He

wiped his eyes and blew his nose.

Bram knew the tears in his eyes were visible to Declan, but for the life of him, he

couldn’t turn them off. He was just about to tell Declan he didn’t need to hear any more

when his man started talking again.

“In my fifth year of college, I got a job working for one of my professors. One night

when I came home, Scott met me at the front door of our studio. I could tell he was

pissed about something, but I didn’t know what I had done. He pulled me into the

apartment and started hitting me. He accused me of sleeping with my boss.” Declan

began shaking his head. “I don’t know where he even got that idea but in his disturbed

brain I’d committed the ultimate act of betrayal. He knocked me out, and when I came

to, I was tied spread-eagle to our bed on my stomach. He tortured me. He raped me

with different things around the house. When that wasn’t enough, he went into the

kitchen and came back with a can opener of all things.”

Bram couldn’t listen and still drive, so he pulled the truck to the side of the

highway. Reaching out, he pulled Declan into his arms. Declan never missed a beat

with his story.

“You know the kind that you open a beer bottle with on one side and the other

pointy side you use to open juice? Anyway, he came back into the room and held it up

so I could see it. I remember thinking ‘What’s he gonna do with that?’. It wasn’t long

enough to rape me with, so I just looked at him. Scott climbed on the bed and started

carving into my back with the pointed end. I’d already screamed myself hoarse and no

one had come to help me. Thankfully I passed out after about the third cut. The next

thing I remembered was waking in the hospital. Evidently, after coming to his senses at


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some point during the attack, Scott realized what he’d done and threw himself out our

fifth-floor window and broke his neck. When the police were called, they checked out

the apartment and found me. I woke in the hospital to the news that I was permanently

disfigured and the man I loved was dead.”

Bram looked at Declan as he wound down his lengthy speech. And that’s exactly

what it was, a speech. One he must have given over and over to the authorities. Bram

wondered just how detached a person became after such a horrific ordeal. No. Scratch

that. Unfortunately, Bram knew exactly how detached someone could become after an

attack by a loved one. He was living proof. Bram looked back to Declan and waited for

him to finish.

“I’ve never trusted anyone since.” Declan looked up at Bram’s tearstained face.

“Until today.”

Bram pulled Declan into his lap and kissed him. “I’m so sorry.” Tears ran down

Bram’s face for the first time since he’d heard about Thor’s paralysis. Now that the tears

had started, Bram couldn’t seem to turn them off. He held Declan as tightly as he dared

until he could get his emotions under control. Declan wiped Bram’s face and wiped his

nose. “Thank you, Declan.”

Declan kissed him deep and hard, pushing his tongue into Bram’s mouth until their

teeth collided. “I should be the one thanking you. I’ve been so lonely these last six years.

I’ve been afraid to open myself up, to trust again. I’m sorry if I hurt you back in June

when you were here. I really wanted to be ready. It wasn’t until you touched my back

that I chickened out. Why would a man that looks like you want someone with a body

like mine?”

Pulling back enough to lift Declan’s face to his, Bram shook his head. “The first time

I saw you on Gabe’s patio, I wanted you. Believe me, babe, there’s a hell of a lot more to

your body than just your back. And you know what else?”



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“I love you. Scarred back and all. I don’t want you to ever feel ashamed of your

body again. Not with me. Ever.” Bram leaned in and offered a loving kiss.

“I love you too,” Declan whispered against his lips.

* * * * *

They were on the road again a few minutes later. Both men were feeling good,

Declan’s arms wrapped around Bram’s waist. They pulled into the airport and Declan

stopped Bram before he could pull into the parking lot. “There’s no need. My plane

leaves in a little less than half an hour. I’ll have to run just to get through security and

catch it. Just give me a kiss and tell me goodbye.”

Bram pulled up in front of the terminal. “You never told me where you’re staying?”

“The Prickly Pear Lodge. We’ll be on the river during the day but I should have no

problem calling every night. I’ll call tonight for sure.” Declan leaned in to get a goodbye

kiss. “I wish I could stay but I’ve already promised.”

“I’ll be here when you get back.” Bram gave him one more quick kiss before Declan

was running toward the entrance with his big backpack and a duffel bag. Bram watched

until he could no longer see him through the glass. He pulled away from the curb and

headed back to the ranch. Suddenly he was glad he had a week to himself. Bram knew

it would take at least that long to get over his anger at a dead man.


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Chapter Three

Bram pulled back into the ranch yard and was immediately waved down by Thor.

Turning off the engine, Bram climbed out of the truck with a smile on his face. “Hey,

little brother.”

“Where the hell did you disappear to?” Thor came wheeling up as fast as he could,

a dark scowl on his bronzed angular face.

Bram blushed, realizing he’d forgotten to tell Thor he was leaving. “I’m sorry. I

took Declan to the airport.”

Thor opened his mouth to yell at Bram but it turned into a smile instead. “Good for

you. Things are going to work out after all.” Thor wheeled beside Bram as they made

their way to the facility.

“Better than okay. I’m in love for the first time in my life.” Bram grinned at his


Thor stopped and turned toward Bram. “That’s fantastic. You deserve some

happiness for a change. Now come and meet my Kelly.” Thor wheeled into the facility

and pointed toward a petite short-haired blonde at the reception desk. “That’s my girl.”

Bram followed Thor to the desk. The woman looked up and smiled at Thor. Bram

smiled to himself. She hadn’t even looked Bram’s way. She only had eyes for his

brother. Bram noticed her dimples and shining blue eyes. She was a pretty little thing.

Bram looked down at his brother as he wheeled closer to Kelly. Stifling a chuckle, Bram

noticed the tent present in the front of Thor’s sweats. He leaned down to whisper in

Thor’s ear. “Sorry I ever questioned your abilities to perform.” He looked again at

Thor’s cock. Thor turned red and punched him in the arm.

“Gross. Stop lookin’, you perv. I can’t help it if Kelly gets me all hot and bothered

just from that gorgeous smile of hers.”


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Thor wheeled around behind the reception counter and leaned in for a kiss. When

the little kiss became a much-bigger one, Bram cleared his throat. Thor broke away and

winked at Kelly. “Darlin’, I’d like you to meet Bram. Bram, this is my girl, Kelly.”

Bram shook her hand. “I’m very happy to finally meet you, Kelly. From what my

brother tells me, he’s been looking for you a long time.” Bram chuckled as Thor

punched him in the arm again. “Okay. Okay. Let’s not beat on the senior citizen.”

Kelly giggled and flashed that dimpled smile again. “I’m happy to meet you. Thor

talks about you all the time.”

Glancing at his brother, Bram couldn’t help but see the love in Thor’s eyes. “Would

you care to stay and have dinner with us up at the main house? I think Rex is grilling


Kelly blushed, and Thor took her hand. “I’d love to if it’s okay with Rex, Boone and


“I promise you it’s okay. I’ll let you two get back to work.” Bram looked at Thor,

seeing him as a man for probably the first time. “I’ll be moving my stuff into Declan’s

house while he’s gone, so that’s where I’ll be if you need me.” Chuckling at the

bewildered expression on Thor’s face, Bram left and headed to the main house. He felt

so good inside it was a wonder he wasn’t skipping like a six-year-old girl.

This time when he reached the main house, he knocked. When he didn’t get an

answer, he figured the men were out doing chores. Opening the door, he stuck his head

in. “Is anyone home? It’s Bram and I don’t feel like another show today, so if you’re in

here, holler.” When no one yelled back, he went in and climbed the steps. Retrieving his

bag off the bed, Bram walked down the stairs and out of the house. Crossing the ranch

yard, he spotted Boone next to the barn playing catch with Billy. Bram walked over to

greet his friend and Boone’s soon-to-be-adopted son. Bram noticed Billy caught the ball

despite his young age and the fact he was in a wheelchair, having been paralyzed in the

car accident that killed his parents.

“Hey, guys. Looking good, Billy.”


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“Hi, Bram.” Billy threw the ball to Boone and wheeled over to Bram. “Thor told me

you were coming for a visit. Are you going to have dinner with us tonight? Grandma

Maggie and I are making homemade potato salad.”

Bram knelt down to talk to Billy at eye level. “Sure am, kiddo.” He looked at Boone.

“I hope you don’t mind but I invited Thor and Kelly to have dinner with us.”

Boone was quick to brush away Bram’s concern. “Think nothing of it. Mom and Rex

always make enough to feed an army.”

Looking at Billy, Bram smiled. “Why don’t you go find Maggie for me and tell her

there will be two more for dinner? Would you do that?”


Boone handed Billy his ball and glove. “Put those away for me too, please.”

When Billy smiled and wheeled off, Bram looked at Boone and lifted his bag. “Um.

Thanks for the invitation to stay with you guys in the main house but Declan said I

could stay at his place while I’m here.”

With eyebrows raised, Boone looked at Bram. “So I take it you two have patched

things up?”

“You take it right. I just finished dropping him at the airport. I’m planning to stay at

least a week when he gets back. See how things go before I make any location changes.”

Bram couldn’t help smiling. He felt so incredibly happy he wanted to shout his feelings

to the world. He just hoped like hell his brain wasn’t working faster than Declan’s.

Clapping Bram on the back, Boone nodded. “Good for you. Declan’s not been the

same since you left. We all hoped it was only a matter of time before you guys worked

things out.”

“I wanted to ask if you knew how whoever hired him to do this raft ride got his

name? Are they an ex-guest of the center or just someone who’d heard about Declan’s

skills?” Bram scratched his jaw as he waited for Boone’s answer.


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“Don’t know the guy. Doc just said he received an email asking him to help with

the trip. Doc was feeling pretty low to the ground at the time and decided a few days on

the river would be good for him. I don’t think he ever even told me the guy’s name.”

Boone walked with Bram toward the four-room cabin Declan had purchased from Mac.

When they got to the porch steps, Boone clapped him on the shoulder again and tipped

his ever-present baseball hat. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

Walking into Declan’s house felt, to Bram, like an invasion of privacy. There were

pieces of Declan’s life on every surface. Bram sat on the light brown suede sofa. He

rubbed his hand over the soft material. “No way someone could fuck on this couch.”

Just thinking of the stains it would leave behind was enough to make Bram shiver. He

guessed Declan didn’t have fucking in mind when he bought his furniture. Good.

Yawning, Bram stretched and toed off his shoes. He swung his legs up and was

gratefully surprised when his long six-foot-three frame fit nicely on the couch. Bram

shut his eyes, deciding to take a little nap before dinner.

A fly buzzing his face woke him. He glanced at the clock and was surprised to see

he’d been asleep for nearly two hours. Jumping up, Bram ran a quick brush through his

hair and braided it down the center of his back, the tail resting against his ass. Eating

outside in the west Oklahoma wind was not fun with long hair flying in your face.

Thankfully, he arrived only ten minutes late. Bram headed straight to the patio

instead of going through the house. Everyone was already present and having before

dinner drinks. “Hey, guys, sorry I’m late. I fell asleep on the couch.”

Bram stopped to give Rex’s mom, Maggie, a quick hug before heading over to

shake hands with Gabe and Rex.

Gabe shook his hand, smiling. “Heard a rumor that you’ve moved into Doc’s


Rex handed Bram a beer. “You heard right. Declan told me to make myself at

home.” Bram winked and nudged Rex’s arm. “I think he wanted me away from you



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“You saying Doc doesn’t trust us with his man? Why, I’m shocked to the core.”

Gabe batted his lashes at Bram. “More than likely he just wanted to picture you

sleeping in his bed while he was away.”

Bram almost spat out his beer as he started laughing. “Actually, I think those were

almost his exact words. Do you have spies around or something?” Bram chanced it and

took another drink of beer.

“Don’t need spies, we’ve got eyes. You’re hotter than a quarter lying on a sidewalk

in August.” Bram and Rex both looked at Gabe like he was crazy. Gabe chuckled and

shrugged. “It’s something I heard one of my foster parents say growing up. I’ve always

thought that saying was a hoot.”

Rex wrapped his arm around Gabe. “Forgive him, Bram. He knows not what he


Bram left Rex and Gabe teasing each other about stupid sayings and went over and

sat beside Thor and Kelly.

“Hey. Thought you might’ve changed your mind about meeting us for dinner.”

Thor took a drink of his beer.

Watching his brother hold hands with a woman was a new experience for Bram. He

still felt ashamed that he’d never considered Thor to be sexually active. “Yeah, it’s been

awhile since I’ve slept that good.” Bram looked at Kelly. “So tell me something about

yourself, Kelly. Are you from around here?”

Kelly smiled, flashing her dimples. “Yes and no. I grew up in California, but my

grandma lives here in town. I read about this facility in the newspaper back home in

San Diego. I couldn’t believe the little town I’d been coming to every summer would be

mentioned in the San Diego paper but it was.” She waved her hands in the air.

“Anyway, I read about the facility and called Mr. Fowler to inquire about a job for the

summer. I’m a schoolteacher like Thor, so I’m off for the summer. I decided I’d spend

the summer with Grandma and volunteer at the center. Little did I know I’d meet

someone as special as your brother.”


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Thor leaned over and kissed her. “Isn’t she great?”

“Yeah, and you were right. You’re perfect for each other.” He looked at Kelly. “I

don’t suppose you’ve applied to the school in Styler, have you?”

Kelly blushed and put her head down slightly. “Actually, I have. I’ve got an

interview next week.” She looked at Thor. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I wanted it to

be a surprise.”

Thor grinned at Kelly and kissed her again. He turned back to Bram and punched

him in the arm. “You ruined my surprise.”

Chuckling, Bram stood and looked around. “I’m gonna go visit Maggie and Billy. I

bet neither of them will abuse me.”

* * * * *

Later that night, Bram flipped through a magazine as he waited for Declan’s call.

He was naked as instructed and still waiting. He glanced at the clock for the fifth time

in fifteen minutes. Declan should have called by now. Bram scooted down farther in the

bed and closed his eyes. Maybe if I take a little snooze the time will go by faster.

The next thing he knew, light was shining in through the open curtains right into

his eyes. He started to roll over and go back to sleep but suddenly remembered what

he’d been waiting on the previous night. It wasn’t like Declan to not keep his word.

Bram reached for his cell phone and called Declan’s number. When he got a message

saying to leave a number at the tone, he shook his head. “Hey, it’s Bram. I waited for

your call last night. I’m still waiting, as a matter of fact. Call me as soon as you get this

message. I’m starting to worry. I miss you.” Bram disconnected and held the phone to

his forehead. Something just didnt feel right.

Opening the phone again, he called Arizona information. “Yes, I need the number

for the Prickly Pear Lodge just outside Flagstaff.” Bram waited and chose to spend the

extra money just to have the operator dial it for him.


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“Hi I’m trying to get in touch with Dr. Declan O’Malley. He’s with the wheelchair-

bound rafting trip.” Bram heard the front desk clerk typing into his computer.

“I’m sorry, sir, but Dr. O’Malley never checked in last night, and I have no

reservations for a group fitting that description.”

“Can I leave a message with you in case he checks in today? Please have him call

Bram Blackstone as soon as possible.”

The clerk agreed, and after giving his number, Bram hung up. The hair on the back

of his neck was standing on end. Somethings definitely wrong here. He dressed and

walked out of the cabin. Bram strode toward the facility, and found Thor already hard

at work. They only had one or two guests just then because of Declan’s vacation but

Thor was working with Billy.

Bram needed to talk to Thor too much to be subtle. “Hey, Thor, I need to speak with

you.” Bram looked at the perspiring Billy. “Sorry, Billy, but it’s important.”

Thor said something to Billy and wheeled over to Bram. “What’s got you so fired

up this morning?”

“Declan was supposed to call me last night and didn’t. I called the lodge this

morning, and not only did Declan not check in last night but they have no record of his

rafting trip. Something’s definitely wrong and I need your superior computer skills to

help me find out what it is.” Bram turned and headed toward Declan’s office.

Sitting in front of Declan’s computer, Bram was sorry to see the computer itself was

password-protected. “Boone told me Declan received the invitation via email, so I need

to find that email.” Bram stood and backed away from the computer, giving Thor room.

He was damn lucky his brother was not only a computer teacher but a damn good


Bram sat on the edge of the desk as Thor’s fingers flew over the keyboard. Thor

shook his head and grunted as he kept trying to get into Declan’s computer. He finally

looked over at Bram. “It would be a hell of a lot easier if you knew his password.”


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“Tell me something I don’t already know. I’ve no idea what his password is.” Bram

rubbed his chin as he thought. “Try Scott.”

Thor keyed in Scott’s name. “Nope.”

“What was Scott’s last name?” Bram felt his jaw tighten at the thought of Scott, and

what he’d done to Declan.

Thor shook his head. “It was something like Harm, Harder.” Thor snapped his

fingers. “Harmon.” He keyed in Harmon. Nothing. Thor sat back in the chair and

closed his eyes. After a few minutes, he sprang forward and keyed in H A R M O N Y.

The computer came to life and a list of emails appeared.

Bram looked at his brother and shook his head. “How did you do that?”

Thor’s eyes never left the screen as he shrugged. “I remembered Doc talking about

Scott one day. Only he didn’t call him Scott. He called him Harmony. I guess it must

have been a nickname or something.”

Bram felt like he’d been punched in the gut. Not only did Declan have Scott’s name

as his password but he’d been talking about him too. Bram rubbed the moisture from

his eyes. He would not cry in front of his brother.

“Got it.” Thor moved away from the computer to let Bram in.

Bram pulled up the office chair and read the email. At least he knew Declan wasn’t

the one lying. The email outlined the entire trip along with the accommodations.

Strangely enough, it listed a room already reserved for Declan. Bram wondered how the

guy knew Declan would say yes. Bram looked back even further in the archives, hoping

to find something else. He finally spotted an email from the same guy one month prior.

He swallowed the bile rising in his throat as he read it. “Thor, I think you need to take a

look at this.” Bram moved back slightly so Thor could read the computer screen.

Reading the email over again as Thor read it, Bram couldn’t figure out how Declan

could fall for such a scam. It said the guy was a relative of Thor and Bram’s and wanted

desperately to bridge the gap between the estranged families. It went on to say that

“Lon”, as the guy called himself, was organizing a rafting trip for wheelchair-bound


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adults from the surrounding area. Lon said he’d be eternally grateful if Declan would

come to Arizona and help him with the trip, as well as talk about the Blackstone


Thor’s back stiffened visibly as he finished the email. “What the hell is going on?

Who’s this Lon? We don’t have a relative by that name.”

“I think the bigger question is how did he get Declan’s name and what’s he doing to

him right now?” Bram unbraided his hair and began to run his fingers through it. It was

a ritual with him whenever he needed to think. He stood and turned to Thor. “I’m

going to Arizona.”

“What? I don’t know what’s going on either but you told me you’d never step foot

in that state again.” Thor followed Bram out of the office. Bram stopped and turned

toward his brother.

“That was before the man I love was tricked into going there. He’s not checked in at

the lodge and he’s not answering his phone. Declan’s in some sort of trouble and it’s

because of me. I’m going, Thor.” Bram walked out of the facility before Thor could stop


Packing his duffel, Bram tried to think of someone in his estranged family who

would want to hurt him by kidnapping Declan. It just didn’t make sense. How could

someone find out about Declan when they’d really only just gotten together? Shaking

his head, Bram loaded the duffel in the back of the pickup. He saw Thor coming toward

him as he climbed into the driver’s seat and rolled down the window. “I’ll call as soon

as I find something out.”

Thor reached up and put his hand on Bram’s arm. “I’m still not sure what took

place when you took me away from Arizona but it was enough to keep you away for all

these years. Are you sure you want to do this alone? Because I could come with you.”

Bram covered his baby brother’s hand with his own. “I love you but I can’t let you

go back there. Promise me you won’t follow me.”


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Thor gave Bram’s arm a slight squeeze as he studied him. “As long as I hear from

you every day, I won’t come after you. That’s all I’m gonna promise.”

Bram put the truck into gear and waited for Thor to get out of the way. “I’ll call you

tonight.” At Thor’s nod, Bram pulled out of the parking lot.


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Chapter Four

Driving to the airport, Bram couldn’t help but worry about Declan. The few

relatives Bram had left in the area hated him and his brother. They blamed Bram for

Lucky Blackstone’s death. But then the Blackstone family had always believed what

they wanted to, and in their eyes, Lucky could do no wrong.

Bram had been thrown out of the house and told to never come back after reporting

his father to the police for child abuse. Bram had been barely sixteen when his father

kicked him out onto the streets. Bram should’ve known his father’s family would never

help him out.

The first time Bram had reported his own parents, he’d made the mistake of going

to the local police. The Blackstone family was wealthy and very influential around the

area. Needless to say, nothing came of Bram’s complaint save a few more bruises

handed out by his parents. When he’d finally gathered the guts to go to the state police,

they’d sent him home and called his father. Just like that, his father had kicked his

eldest son out of the house. It seemed the police officer who took his statement owed

the Blackstone family a favor.

Lucky Blackstone had fooled them all for years. He’d ordered Bram out of town and

at the time he had the power to do it. Bram vowed to never return and he hadn’t until

the day he got the call his baby brother was in the hospital. Thor had been hit on the

back with a steel pipe at the hands of his father as his mother watched. Doreen

Blackstone often laughed while Lucky beat Bram. Bram, who was only eighteen, left

New York for Arizona as soon as he received the call from the state police. He flew to

Flagstaff and his entire life changed. Thor was still too sedated to talk much but had

named his father as his attacker. The police finally stepped in and arrested Lucky



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Bram was the star witness for the prosecution. He relived his life of physical and

mental abuse at the hands of not only his father but his mother as well, while under

oath. Because there was no proof his mother had anything to do with Thor’s injuries,

she got off with a warning while his father was sentenced to seven years in prison. The

people in power on the reservation still believed in Lucky’s innocence and had told

Bram he was no longer considered one of them. They ordered him off the reservation

and told him to never return. Clear up to his death, his father’s cronies believed in his

innocence. Stabbed to death by a fellow inmate, Lucky Blackstone only served two

years in prison. As far as Bram knew, his mother was still alive and living in the family


* * * * *

As Bram landed in Arizona, his skin began to crawl. He’d decided to check with the

lodge first and go from there. Pulling out the map and directions the rental agency had

given him, Bram wound his way down country roads until he reached the Prickly Pear

Lodge. He pulled his SUV out front and went in to talk to the desk clerk. He left ten

minutes later with no clue as to where to look next.

Bram didn’t like what he was thinking. If this whole thing had to do with him and

his brother, the only place to really look was in the small town where they’d grown up.

Evidently, whoever Lon was, he was trying to lure Bram back there.

When he was on the road headed for his parents’ home, he called Thor.


“Hey. No luck at the lodge, so I’m heading to Lucky and Doreen’s.” Bram kept one

eye on the road and one eye in the rearview mirror.

“Bram, just stay put and let me come out there.”

“No, little brother. You stay right where you are. Evidently, someone’s playing

games with the people I love and I won’t let them get away with it. I’ll call you


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sometime this evening.” Bram disconnected the call. He pushed a little harder on the

gas and tried to come up with a plan.

His anxiety increased the closer he got to the reservation. Pulling into the little town

he’d grown up in, Bram’s skin broke out in goose bumps. Declan was here. He couldn’t

explain it but he knew the man he loved was here. Bram stopped and parked his SUV in

front of the grocery store. He decided it would be better to walk the two blocks to his

parents’ home.

He crept across the neighbors’ yards. Knowing that if someone expected him,

they’d be looking out the back or front, Bram came at the house from the side. He

looked at the large house he’d grown up in. There wasn’t one pleasant memory

associated with the five-bedroom house. Bram didn’t even know if his mother was still

alive or if she even lived there, but something was telling him Declan was close. He

waited behind the neighbor’s car until he determined no one was looking out the

window. Stepping lightly, he crept to the side of the house and passed the old-

fashioned cellar doors. God, he remembered being locked in that small dank cellar for

days at a time without food or water. Folks in town considered having a wine cellar to

be a big deal but Bram always felt his father built it just as a punishment chamber for

his children. He looked in the dining room window. Seeing nothing, he moved to the

living room window. Still nothing. Taking a chance, he moved to the back of the house.

Through the kitchen window at the back of the house, he spotted a bound and gagged


Bram’s breathing picked up and his hands fisted at his side. He could tell Declan

was either unconscious or asleep by the way his head hung down. Bram refused to even

consider anything besides those two options. Feeling like his heart was going to beat

out of his chest, he looked around for some form of weapon, finally picking up an old

brick from the edge of the patio. Holding it in his hand, he made his way to the back

door. Looking through the glass, he tried the knob. Damn, it was locked. Seeing no

other choice, he used the brick to break a corner of the glass. He reached his hand in to


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unlock the door. Opening the door, he knew he needed to move fast. He didn’t know

who or how many people were in the house but he was unarmed and Declan was hurt.

As he quickly made his way across the kitchen to his lover, Declan’s head came up


His eyes were open but just barely. Someone had beaten him badly. Bram slipped

into rescue mode, found a kitchen knife and quickly cut Declan free. Hoisting his lover

into his arms, Bram made his way out of the house. He didn’t know where he found the

strength but Bram ran with Declan cradled in his arms the entire way back to his SUV.

He opened the door and laid Declan in the back seat. “Hold on. I’ll get you to a


Bram jumped in the front seat and opened his phone. After calling 9-1-1, Bram

drove Declan to the nearest hospital. Pulling up to the emergency room door, he

scooped Declan into his arms and ran inside.

* * * * *

Two hours later, Bram sat next to a sleeping Declan. The doctor told him Declan

had only superficial injuries with the exception of a mild concussion. Whoever had

kidnapped him hadn’t been too hard on him at least. The more Bram thought about it,

the more he decided he couldn’t take Declan back to the facility. He didn’t know who

this sick fuck was but they didn’t need to lead him back to a place full of kids.

Making up his mind, he gave Declan a kiss on the forehead and left the room.

Walking outside the small hospital, Bram opened his phone and called Mac.


“Hey, Mac. I need a favor.”

“It’s about time you called. Thor called us over an hour ago telling us what

happened. We didn’t know whether to jump on a plane or what.”

“Well, I’ve been sticking close to Declan. Can you blame me?” Bram eyed the

parking lot as he spoke.


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“Not at all, buddy. What can we do to help?”

“Well, I need somewhere to take Declan until this guy is caught. I can’t take him

back to the facility for obvious reasons.”

“Bring him here. Nicco’s mom has a nice guest apartment above the garage. And

the three of us will be close enough if you need backup.”

“They’ll release him in the morning but we have to go by the police station before

we can leave the state. We should be in Albuquerque by sometime tomorrow afternoon.

And, Mac?”

“Yeah, buddy?”

“Thanks.” Bram disconnected and called Thor to let him know of his plans.

When he finished the call, he noticed he had several messages from the detective

he’d talked to earlier. He punched in the number Detective Smally had given him.

“Smally,” the detective answered in a gruff voice.

“This is Bram Blackstone. You needed to speak with me?” Bram paced the

sidewalk, wanting to get back inside.

“Mr. Blackstone. I’m glad you called. We’ve got a bit of a…uh…situation. I don’t

know how to tell you this, Mr. Blackstone, but we found your mother’s remains in the

basement of her house. She’d been covered with a good amount of lye but it looks like

she’s been dead at least two months, maybe more.”

Rubbing his hands over his eyes, Bram pinched the bridge of his nose. “What about

whoever did this to Declan?”

“We haven’t been able to lift any clear prints yet from the house, and until Mr.

O’Malley is coherent enough to give us some information, I’m afraid our hands are tied.

I just figured you’d want to know about your mother.”

Bram could hear the disgust in the detective’s voice. He must’ve thought Bram was

one uncaring SOB. Bram didn’t give a shit. “I’m glad you told me about Doreen. Do me

a favor and look up my family’s history on that fancy computer of yours, and you’ll


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figure out why I don’t give a shit that she’s dead. I’m bringing Declan by the station in

the morning after he’s released. You can talk to him then, but after that, we’re flying to


Bram didn’t give the detective time to argue. “We’ll see you in the morning,

Detective.” He disconnected the call and turned off his phone. Heading back into the

hospital, Bram stopped off at the gift shop and bought a single red rose. Bram knew it

would never be enough. Hell, he could fill Declan’s room with roses and it wouldn’t be

enough to take away his guilt. It was because of him that Declan was kidnapped, beaten

and who knew what else. All because some wacko asshole had it out for Bram, and

probably Thor.

After taking Declan to the emergency room, Bram had gone straight to the little

chapel in the hospital. It had been a long time since he’d prayed. Bram remembered

praying every night as a kid for someone to take him away, but after a while, he figured

God must be busy with the good kids. Bram had given up on God and it felt like God

had given up on him, but in the chapel, he tried his best to make peace with the man

upstairs. He’d promised a whole host of things if Declan could just be spared. Now, as

he smelled the rose in his hand, Bram felt an unseen hand on his shoulder, giving him


Walking into the room, he was surprised to see Declan awake. “Damn. I’m sorry I

wasn’t here when you woke up. I had to make a couple of phone calls.” He walked over

to the bed and gave Declan’s mouth a light kiss, not wanting to hurt him. He held out

the rose. “I brought you this.”

Declan tried to smile and winced. “Find a glass and put it in some water for me,

would you?”

Bram went to the sink and found a paper cup. “I’ll do anything you ask.” Please,

God, just dont let him hate me, Bram silently prayed. He put the rose in the cup after

breaking off most of the stem. He placed the makeshift vase on Declan’s tray table and

sat down on the edge of the bed. “First things first.” He leaned over and kissed Declan


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again. “I love you. When I saw you through that window, I didn’t know whether I’d

ever be able to tell you those words again.”

Wiping the moisture from his eyes, Bram laid his head on Declan’s chest. “I love

you so much. I’m sorry. I’ll never forgive myself for what you’ve been through because

of me.” Bram felt Declan’s hand in his hair. Looking up at him, Bram could easily see

the same love shining in Declan’s eyes. His heart felt a little lighter knowing Declan

could still look at him with love in his eyes.

“I love you, Bram. You’re my knight in shining armor. The way you charged into

that house, not knowing who else was inside. It was fucking awesome.”

Bram chuckled at the phrase. It sounded so much like something Thor would say.

“I can’t wait to get you out of here so I can make love to you.” He stroked Declan’s arm.

“I called Mac and he invited us to stay in the apartment over Lilly’s garage. I don’t

think we should go back to the center right now. Not until they catch whoever did this.”

Bram knew he should probably tell Declan about Doreen but he thought it could wait.

Running his hand through Bram’s hair, Declan sighed. Bram looked back up at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“The guy who did this,” Declan motioned to his face, “he looked just like you.”

Bram lifted off Declan’s chest. He shook his head and looked at Declan again. “You

mean because of my heritage?”

Closing his eyes, Declan turned his head to the side. “Not just that.” Declan opened

his eyes and looked at Bram. “He could have been your twin, Bram. He was definitely

related to you and Thor. He met me at the airport. I remember pulling off the main road

but then nothing. I don’t know what he hit me with but when I came to I was tied up

and gagged. We must’ve driven about another thirty minutes before pulling up behind

that house where you found me.”

Bram ran his fingers over the end of his braid. “That was the house where I grew

up. Did he tell you why he took you there?”


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“He never would tell me anything. He just walked around the kitchen mumbling to

himself. He’d take a break from that occasionally to come over and hit me again but

then he’d go right back to pacing. The funny thing was, every time he hit me, it would

make him cry, but it was like he was so confused he couldn’t help himself. I’m sorry,

Bram, but I don’t think he was right in the head. I don’t mean just kidnapper-type

crazy, I mean certifiably crazy. It was honestly like there were two people. One side of

him seemed almost calculating, while the other side acted like a confused, scared boy.”

“Do you know where he went? He wasn’t in the house when I got there. Did you

hear him mumble anything about going out?” Bram took Declan’s hand and squeezed

reassuringly. Bram wondered what was going through Declan’s mind as a man who

looked just like Bram beat him. Would he see his kidnapper’s face every time he looked

at Bram?

“He kept talking about you and something about the airport. I don’t know. A lot of

what he said didn’t make sense. But I picked up on your name and the airport.” Declan

yawned and Bram leaned in again.

“I’ll find him. One way or the other. I’ll find him.” Declan drifted off to sleep again

and Bram went to talk to his nurses. He asked them if it was okay for Declan to sleep so

much. They told him his concussion was very minor and as long as he woke every

couple hours and was coherent, his body needed the rest.

Bram went to the cafeteria and bought a sandwich and a cup of coffee. He took

them back to Declan’s room and sat beside his bed as he ate. He kept looking at Declan

to make sure he was safe, trying to work out in his head who could have done this. He

had two male cousins that he was aware of but neither looked enough like him to be his

twin. He knew he didn’t have an actual twin, so it had to be someone related to him

that he didn’t know about. The more he thought about it, the more suspicions crept into

his mind. He stood and went to the nurses’ station. He told the nurses he’d be outside

using the phone if Declan woke and needed him.

Walking out into the evening air, Bram called Thor again.


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“It’s me. Listen, I need to ask you some questions. First though, I need to tell you

that Doreen was found dead in the basement of the house. Evidently whoever did this

to Declan killed her at least two months ago.” Bram waited for a reply from Thor. When

there was none, Bram figured Thor felt the same way about their mother as he did. “I

need to ask if you ever remember hearing anything about Lucky having a mistress.”

“What? What’s this about, Bram? Of course Lucky had girlfriends. Hell, everyone

knew that. I think Doreen tried to pretend they didn’t exist but she definitely knew

about them. Lucky wasn’t one to be subtle, you know. Why are you asking?”

Bram’s jaws tightened. He didn’t like where his mind was taking him. “Because

Declan said the man who kidnapped him could be my twin. I know how often people

tell me the two of us look like each other, so when Declan told me this guy could be my

twin, my mind started working. Did you ever hear about Lucky having children with

any of these girlfriends?”

After a few seconds, Thor finally answered. “No. Do you really think this guy could

be our half-brother?”

“Fuck no. This sick fuck’s not my half-brother. He may be Lucky’s offspring but

he’s no brother of mine.” Bram needed to get off the phone. “Look, I need to go back up

and sit with Declan. I’ll call you later.”

“Bram? It’s not your fault. Even if this guy is Lucky’s son. None of this is your

fault.” Thor hung up.

Taking a deep breath, Bram turned off his phone and stuck it back in his pocket.

How could it not be his fault? He was the only tie between Declan and this Lon guy.

Shit, if it weren’t for him, Declan would be safe in his little log house. Instead he was

upstairs with a face covered in bruises. Bram shook his head and went back up to sit

with his love.


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Chapter Five

Declan was quiet on the ride from the airport to Lilly’s ranch. He’d said little since

leaving the police station where they’d answered a battery of questions and retrieved

Declan’s bag. Bram tried not to read too much into it but he just couldn’t help himself.

He finally couldn’t take any more silence. “Do you hate me for getting you involved in

this mess?”

Swiveling his head away from the passenger window to look at Bram, Declan’s

mouth dropped. “Hate you? Why would I hate you?”

“Because I got you into this. I wouldn’t hold it against you, ya know. Hell, if

anyone’s to blame, it’s me. I don’t know who this guy is but I have a sneaking suspicion

he’s my father’s illegitimate son.” Bram glanced at Declan before returning his eyes to

the road.

Reaching his hand toward Declan, Bram was grateful when he felt Declan’s hand

settle into his. “Talk to me. What about your past aren’t you telling me? You didn’t even

bother to tell me your mother had been murdered. Why?”

Bringing Declan’s hand to his mouth, Bram kissed it. “I never considered Doreen to

be my mother. That’s why I wasn’t upset enough by her death to tell you. I only

thought about how you would feel when you found out she’d been murdered by your

kidnapper. I just didn’t want to upset you any more than you already were.” He kissed

Declan’s hand again. “I’m sorry if I made the wrong decision.”

“Tell me all of it, Bram. You may be my knight in shining armor but I can help you

slay your dragons.” Declan moved over as far as the console would allow. Leaning

over, he kissed Bram’s cheek.

“I will. I promise. But we’re only about three miles from the ranch.” Bram turned

and gave Declan a kiss. “Tonight. While I’m holding you in my arms, I’ll tell you the


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whole sordid story.” Bram checked the piece of paper on the dash for the name of the

road he needed to turn onto. When he made the turn, he slowed the car to a stop. He

turned to Declan and kissed him again. Looking at Declan’s poor battered face, Bram

sighed. He feathered a touch over the stitched area on the side of Declan’s cheek. “I love

you. I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe. And I’ve got a great group of

friends who are all badasses. You’ll be fine.”

Declan cupped Bram’s cheek. “I’m not worried about myself. Whoever this guy is,

he’s sick. It was evident in the way he talked to himself. It’s like there’s a war going on

inside his head.”

Leaning in, Bram touched his lips to Declan’s. Declan parted for him right away

and Bram’s tongue delved into the warm recesses of Declan’s mouth. After a few

minutes, Bram pulled back and rested his forehead against Declan’s. “Maybe we’ll get

lucky and Nicco and Mac won’t be there to meet us. I’d like a nice long nap with you.”

“Mmm, sounds good to me too, knight.” Declan smiled at his new endearment for


Bram chuckled and drove the remaining distance to the ranch. When they pulled in,

Bram couldn’t believe his eyes. This ranch of Lilly’s must’ve been worth a fortune. It

was the picture-perfect Southwestern-style ranch, complete with an expansive Spanish-

style hacienda.

“Wow,” Declan said from beside him. “This place is awesome.”

“That it is.” Bram pulled his rented SUV behind Nicco’s in the circle drive. He

turned to Declan as he shut off the car. “Doesn’t look like we’re going to get that nap.”

Declan smiled, “We’ve got all the time in the world.”

Bram got out and went around to open Declan’s door just as Nicco and Mac came

out the front of the hacienda. “Hey, guys. Give me a second to help Declan.” Bram held

Declan’s hand as he climbed out of the tall SUV. Leaning in, Bram kissed him. “Love


Declan smiled and nodded. “I know.”


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“Break it up. Nicco, get their bags out of the back.” Mac eased his way in between

Declan and Bram. He gave Declan a big hug. “How’re you doing, Doc?” He pulled back

to look at Declan. Bram could tell by the muscles in Mac’s jaw that he felt almost as

angry about what had happened as he did. Mac looked over at Bram. “I’ll gladly help

you catch the SOB who did this. Consider me, Nicco and Amir at your disposal.”

Bram watched as Nicco took the two small bags and Declan’s backpack into the

house. “Where’s Amir?”

“He’ll be here by suppertime. He’s holding a class at the training facility.” Mac led

the two men indoors. “Momma Lilly’s out riding but she should be coming in anytime.

Step on into the great room and have a cool drink.” Mac showed them to the great

room, its two-story ceiling beautiful with their exposed timbers.

Nicco came in with a tray of lemonade. “I’d offer you two a beer but I figured Doc

better stick with something nonalcoholic.” He set the tray on the coffee table and passed

out the glasses.

Declan and Bram took a seat on one of the red leather couches as Mac and Nicco sat

across from them on the other one. Bram put his arm around Declan and tucked him

safely against his body. Declan snuggled right up and yawned. Bram kissed the top of

his head. “I think the journey wore my patient out.”

Nicco smiled, “Why don’t we show the two of you to the apartment? We can talk at

supper. That way you won’t have to go through everything twice. I’m sure Amir will

want to know what’s going on, as well as Lilly.” Nicco and Mac stood and each picked

up a bag. Nicco swung the backpack over his shoulder.

Bram helped Declan up and followed them through to the kitchen. Mac opened a

door and went up a flight of stairs. “I think you’ll be comfortable. The three of us lived

here for a while until we bought our place in town.” Opening yet another door at the

top of the staircase, Mac stepped into the room as Nicco, Bram and Declan followed.

Looking around the spacious one-bedroom apartment, Bram smiled. “This will be

perfect.” He pointed to the door. “Is there another way in from the outside?”


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Nicco walked over to the far side of the kitchen. “This door takes you outside to a

small landing and a set of stairs. Both doors have deadbolts, so you should be safe.”

Checking the door and lock for himself, Bram turned to Nicco. “What about Lilly?

Aren’t you afraid she might get in the line of fire?”

Nicco clapped him on the back. “Already taken care of. Mac and I bought her a

vacation package. She’s going on a ten-day cruise through Alaska next week.” Nicco

looked over at Mac. “We love you guys but I have to keep Momma safe. She’s

delighted, though. She’s taking her horse trainer with her.” He winked at Doc and

Bram. “I think she might be just a tad sweet on him.”

Confused, Bram asked the one question which came to mind. “I thought Lilly was


Shaking his head, Mac chuckled. “Lilly says she’s attracted to people, not genders.”

* * * * *

After Nicco and Mac said their goodbyes, Bram led Declan to the bedroom. “Come

on, time to get you into bed. It looked like you were about to fall asleep on the couch a

few minutes ago.”

Following Bram to the bedroom, Declan reached out and ran his hand over Bram’s

ass. “Good acting, wasn’t it? You said you wanted to take a nap, so I used my injuries as

an excuse. Pretty tricky, aren’t I?” Declan stopped beside the bed and pulled his shirt

off. He looked at a dumbstruck Bram. “Well, you gonna get naked or what?”

Bram ripped his t-shirt off over his head and tossed it to the floor. He had his shoes,

jeans and underwear off in record time. When he was completely naked, he began

stroking his cock as he watched Declan take off his jeans. “Lube?”

Declan looked up, zeroed in on Bram’s cock and licked his lips. “I don’t have any. I

didn’t figure I’d need it when I left home.” He kicked out of his jeans and walked

toward Bram. Wrapping his arms around him, he nuzzled against his chest as Bram’s

cock left wet kisses on his abdomen.


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Moving his hands to grip Declan’s ass, Bram pulled him closer. He began to rub

back and forth against Declan. “Maybe our friends left some behind.” Bram released

Declan long enough to check the drawer beside the bed. He started laughing as he held

up a giant bottle of expensive lube tied with a red ribbon. “Damn, I love those guys.”

“Hey.” Declan bit Bram’s nipple. “I’m the man you’re supposed to love.” He tried

his best to maintain a serious face but couldn’t hold it and smiled. He turned toward the

bed and drew back the covers. “Come on, knight. Bring your mighty sword and get in

here.” Declan held up the covers as Bram crawled in beside him. God, love was making

him a corny fool.

“Sure you feel up to this? I’d be content to just hold you in my arms while you

sleep.” Bram ran his hand over Declan’s soft lips.

“Need to feel you. I want to be one with you.” Declan parted his legs as Bram’s

hand traveled down his body to grip his aching cock. Moaning, Declan spread even

farther and thrust into Bram’s hand. Declan reached over and ran his hand up the

length of Bram’s cock to the weeping crown. He pushed his thumb against the slit and

was rewarded with even more pre-cum. Declan lifted his thumb to his mouth and

licked it clean while maintaining eye contact with Bram.

Groaning, Bram covered Declan’s body with his own. He insinuated himself

between Declan’s thighs and slid down far enough to wrap his lips around Declan’s


“Oh God. Oh. Yes.” Declan began thrusting up into Bram’s mouth. Bram held

Declan’s hips to the bed with his hands as he took him all the way to the back of his

throat. “Oh fuck,” Declan rasped, watching as Bram deep-throated him. Never before

had anyone been able to do this for him. When Bram introduced a spit-slicked finger

into his puckered hole, Declan lost it and shot his seed down Bram’s throat. His cock

continued to pulse as Bram eased off and sucked the crown of his shaft.


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After cleaning Declan’s cock, Bram licked his way up Declan’s body to his lips.

Bram pushed his tongue inside and shared Declan’s flavor with him. “Mmm, I taste


“You sure do.” Bram reached over to the table and grabbed the bottle of lube. He

squirted a generous amount onto his hand and fingers. Reaching down, he rimmed

Declan’s rosette. Pushing one inside slowly, Bram looked into Declan’s eyes as he

introduced another. The stretch and slight burn fueled Declan’s desire as he pushed

against Bram’s hand, begging for more. Bram worked him with the two fingers for

several more minutes before inserting a third. When Declan was sufficiently stretched,

Bram pulled out and lubed his cock.

Declan reached down and drew his legs up against his chest, presenting his well

stretched hole. Bram knelt between Declan’s spread thighs and rolled a condom on. He

bent over and kissed his stomach. “Damn, you’re sexy.”

Giving Bram his most coy smile, Declan shook his head. “I’m just Doc. You’re the

sexy beast.”

Putting the head of his cock against Declan’s hole, Bram slowly pushed his way

inside. “So good,” Bram moaned. Once he was fully seated, he allowed Declan a few

moments to become accustomed to his size. “Ready?”

“Yeah. Fuck me.” Declan groaned as Bram thrust in and out of his body. When

Bram’s heavy cock brushed across Declan’s prostate he almost shot off the bed. “Yes.

There. Again.” He managed to grunt the words out through clenched teeth. He started

to feel like his entire body was going to explode as Bram pegged his gland again and

again. “Oh love.”

Wrapping his hand around his own cock, Declan stroked himself to the rhythm of

Bram’s thrusts. “Gonna come.” Giving his cock a few more pulls, Declan shot cum all

over his hand and stomach. “Yeeesss.”

Bram howled as Declan’s body tightened around the thick shaft still buried in his

ass. Bram grunted to the ceiling and came. Bram collapsed to the side of Declan so he


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could lower his legs and stripped off the condom, tossing it into the trash can beside the

bed. Bram reached out and massage Declan’s still-quivering thighs. While he massaged,

he dotted each bruise on Declan’s face with a soft kiss. “Love you.”

Declan yawned. “Love you,” he mumbled as he tucked his head under Bram’s chin

and fell asleep.

* * * * *

Waking several hours later, Declan rubbed his now-renewed erection against

Bram’s soft, warm cock. Nibbling his way up his neck, he licked Bram’s lips. Bram

smiled and pulled Declan tighter. “Hey, you.”

“Hey, yourself.” Bram’s cock hardened in an instant as Bram rubbed back. “We

should probably get a shower. But this is nice.” He kissed Declan slowly and deeply,

thrusting his tongue to twine with Declan’s. Reaching down, Bram gathered both cocks

in his hand and stroked as he continued to thrust his hips against Declan’s. “So glad

you’re safe. So glad you don’t hate me.”

Declan smoothed Bram’s hair out of his face. “Never could hate you. Love you,


“Yeah. Love.” Bram began to stroke faster as Declan’s breathing picked up. “I’m

keeping you.”

“Mmm. You’ve got me.” Declan thrust his hips faster to match Bram’s strokes.


“Yeah. Come for me. Shoot all over me.” Declan grunted and warmth spread up

between them. The heat and grunts of Declan’s release pushed Bram over too, as his

heat combined with Declan’s. Leaning in, Bram licked Declan’s earlobe. “Mine.”

“Yours, forever.” Declan opened his eyes. “I love my job and the facility but I love

you more. If I need to, I’ll move back to New York with you, but I won’t be without you

again.” Declan reached over the side of the bed and picked up his t-shirt to clean them

both up.


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Bram took the shirt away from Declan. He lifted his chin and looked him in the eye.

“You’d do that for me?”

Declan smiled, “In a New York minute.”

Using the t-shirt, Bram began to clean the cum off Declan’s stomach. “I would never

ask you to do that but just that you would offer blows me away. You love your job and

that facility. You belong there, Declan. My brother’s there, and by the sound of it, I

don’t think he’s leaving any time soon. So I guess my decision is made. I never loved

New York. It was the farthest I could get from Arizona.” After he finished cleaning

Declan, Bram cleaned his own hand and stomach.

“Don’t really know what the hell I’m going to do for a living in Oklahoma. But as

much as I love you, I’ll work at the damn gas station if I have to.” Bram threw the t-shirt

on the floor and pulled Declan into his arms once more. “I need to tell all of you about

my past. If you don’t mind, can I just tell the story once? At dinner, maybe?”

Bram’s eyes began to sting and he could tell by the look on Declan’s face he saw

Bram’s tears. Declan nodded, “I don’t want you to talk about it if it’s going to hurt.”

Declan smoothed his hands over Bram’s chest.

“You all have a right to know. I’ve involved too many people to keep my secrets to

myself. One thing I’ll share with you now is my name. As far as I know, Thor and I are

the only ones who know my real name.”

Declan lifted his head and looked at Bram. “What are you talking about? I just

assumed your name must be Abraham or something similar.”

Shaking his head, Bram pulled Declan back down to his chest. “My name is

Bramble. Thor’s name is Thorn. You get the picture of just how much our parents hated

us from the time of our birth?”

“I don’t understand. Why would they have you if they hated you?” Declan ran his

finger around Bram’s nipple in thought.

“They couldn’t inherit from my father’s family unless they had children. My

parents used to joke about it all the time, the fact that they were smart enough to have a


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spare son in case something happened to me.” Bram bit the side of his cheek to keep

from breaking down. “That’s enough for now. Let’s get a quick shower and head

downstairs. Maybe Lilly’s back from her ride.”


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Chapter Six

“Lilly, that was fantastic,” Bram said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “It’s been

ages since I’ve eaten a home-cooked pot roast.” He looked over at Declan’s almost full

plate. “Not feeling well, Declan?”

Shrugging, Declan mumbled something Bram couldn’t hear. He leaned closer.


Declan looked up at Lilly. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I just don’t have much of an

appetite.” He looked over at Bram and bit his lip. With tears in his eyes, he said two

words. “Tell me.”

Closing his eyes against the pain he saw in Declan’s face, Bram pulled him into his

arms. “If everyone’s finished, I’d like a word with you all in the great room.”

Nodding, the rest of the people at the table rose. Amir headed for the kitchen. “By

the look on your face, I’m going to guess and say everyone will need a stiff drink.”

Amir disappeared as the rest of the group arranged themselves on the two sofas. Lilly

sat on the opposite end of the sofa with Bram, who pulled Declan into his lap. He didn’t

care how it looked to anyone else. Bram could tell his man needed this right now.

Amir came back with a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of red wine. He disappeared

again and came back with glasses on a tray. After everyone had their drink of choice,

Bram began to tell them about his childhood.

He spoke of the times he was locked in the basement for weeks on end and about

being beaten several times a week by Lucky while his mother laughed. The cigarette

burns to his young body, the way his parents forced him to eat the table scraps for his

meals and, worst of all, the constant berating they did to their son. Bram choked on

tears as he relived every horrifying act his parents had put him through.


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Declan couldn’t stand any more. “Shh.” He tried to dry Bram’s face with his shirt.

“No more. I can’t watch you do this to yourself.”

Bram kissed him and looked toward his friends. “They never touched Thor. I

always thought it was just me they hated. That’s the only reason I left him there when

Lucky kicked me out. It wasn’t until I got the call from the hospital in Flagstaff that I

realized the magnitude of my mistake. It seems after I left, Lucky and Doreen just

couldn’t help themselves. They began torturing Thor like they’d done me. When Thor

tried to fight back during one of his beatings, Lucky hit him across the back with a pipe.

He hit a ten-year-old boy hard enough to paralyze him.” Bram started to cry again. “It

was my fault. I knew they were monsters and I left my own brother right in the middle

of it. And Thor will pay for my mistake for the rest of his life.”

“No!” Declan jumped off Bram’s lap and seemed to tower over him. “You did

nothing wrong. You weren’t the one who beat his children, so none of it’s your fault.

Thor’s a happy, well-adjusted man because of you. You did that. Not the people that

should have been responsible. You. I won’t sit by and let you do this. I won’t.” Declan

bent and poured a full glass of whiskey into his empty wineglass. He drank it in one

gulp and sighed. Turning back to Bram, he crawled into his lap. “I love you, Bramble

Blackstone. You’re a good man. No.” Declan shook his head. “You are a great man. And

I love you.”

Looking into Declan’s eyes, Bram could tell he meant every word he’d said. “Thank

you.” He kissed him softly. Turning his attention back to the group, he began again.

“Whoever did this to Declan hates me for some reason. I don’t know a reason other

than I’m the one whose testimony sent Lucky to prison. He died two years into his

sentence in a fight with another inmate.” Bram snorted. “Poetic justice, if you ask me.

Lucky finally found someone he couldn’t pick on.

“Declan told me his kidnapper looked like he could be my twin. That tells me one

thing. He has to be related. I talked to Thor yesterday and he told me Lucky had several

girlfriends. I believe he fathered another child by one of these women. I guess this guy’s


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upset about Lucky. But it doesn’t really explain why he’d kill Doreen.” Bram ran his

fingers through his hair. “Any ideas?” He looked toward his friends who were all

pouring themselves another healthy glass of whiskey.

It took awhile before any of them could speak. The horrors they’d all just listened to

were still fresh in their minds. Finally, Nicco looked at Bram with fresh tears in his eyes.

“Fuck, man. You’re my hero. Most men would have become a completely different

person than who you turned out to be. You went to Arizona when you got that call

from the hospital and never looked back. You took a young paralyzed boy to New York

and raised him into a damn fine man.” Nicco shook his head. “I never would have

realized.” Nicco cut himself off when Mac and Amir both took his hands.

Amir, the silent warrior of the group, looked over at Bram. “I say we find him

instead of waiting for him to find you. Get on the computer and start doing your thing

Bram. You’re the best damn investigator I know. This is your most important case ever.

Treat it as such and you’ll find out who this guy is.”

* * * * *

For the next week, Bram tried calling Lucky’s old friends from the reservation and

Flagstaff to find information on Lucky’s past girlfriends. He hit a dead end every time.

No one wanted to talk to him. They still felt he’d betrayed his family by testifying

against their friend.

Bram decided he needed to go back to Arizona. Declan was in the kitchen of the

apartment making lunch when Bram found him. Wrapping his arms around Declan,

Bram kissed his neck. “Smells good.” He looked at the big pot of chili on the stove.

“Looks like you’re making enough to feed an army, though.”

Declan nudged backward with his ass. “I’m feeding all of us. Mac, Nicco and Amir

are coming out for dinner tonight after they drop Lilly off at the airport.” Declan leaned

back against Bram. “Find anything?”


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“No.” Bram took the giant spoon out of Declan’s hand and put it down on the

stove. He led Declan over to a kitchen chair and pulled him into his lap. “I need to go to

Arizona. I need to search some records that I can’t view over the internet.”

Shaking his head vehemently, Declan held Bram’s chin. “No. Call the detective. He

can get records you can’t anyway. If it’s a way to catch this guy, it’s his job. I won’t let

you go back there.”

Blowing out a breath, Bram closed his eyes. He knew Declan was right about

Detective Smally. “I’ll call him. See what he says. If he’ll do what I ask him to do, then

I’ll stay here. But if he tells me no, I’ll have to go on my own. You won’t be safe until

this crazy fuck is found.” Bram ran his hand down the side of Declan’s face. “And I

won’t take another chance with you.”

Declan stood and stripped off his clothes. He went over and turned the stove off

before facing Bram. “Get naked for me. I need you.”

Smiling, Bram stood and stripped. He took his lover’s hand and led him out of the

kitchen. Falling onto the bed, Bram crawled on top of Declan. “Figured you’d be sore

after this morning. Glad you’re not though.” He began rubbing his face against Declan’s

neck and jaw, kissing and nipping at the smaller man’s fading bruises. “Love you.”

Squirming under him, Declan ran his fingers through Bram’s hair. “Love you and

I’ll never be too sore for you. Love the feel of you inside me.”

Bram began rocking lazily, rubbing his cock alongside of Declan’s. Despite what

Declan said, Bram knew he was sore by the way he moved. Looking into Declan’s eyes,

he leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Fuck me, Declan.”

Doing a double take, Declan’s jaw dropped. “What?”

Smiling, Bram nodded his head. “I asked you to fuck me. Why? Don’t you want


Swallowing several times, Declan nodded. “Uh, yeah. But I’ve never done it

before.” He looked away, his face going red.


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Bram brought his face back to look him in the eyes. “Neither have I. You’re the first

person I’ve ever trusted enough.”

“Oh fuck, Bram. That’s just…wow.” Declan swallowed several more times and

reached for the bottle of lube.

Bram traded positions and flipped onto his stomach. Getting up onto his hands and

knees, he looked at Declan. “This way will be easier for both of us.” Bram saw the fear

in Declan’s eyes. “Don’t worry so much. I’ll let you know if you’re hurting me.” Declan

nodded and squirted lube onto his hand and down the crack of Bram’s ass. Bram

shivered at the totally new sensation.

When Declan ran his finger around Bram’s rosette, Bram groaned. “Feels good.”

Declan let out a sigh of relief and slowly inserted one finger. Bram was amazed at the

feeling. It wasn’t at all like he’d imagined. Maybe it had something to do with opening

himself up fully to another person for the first time in his life. “Good. Keep going.”

Squirting more lube down the crevice of Bram’s ass, Declan inserted another finger.

The slight pinch of pain was gone quickly and Bram turned his head toward Declan.

“Move your fingers around against the walls of my body. Try to find the smooth gland.

When you find it, stroke it with your fingers and then add another.”

Nodding, Declan looked like he was about to come. Bram felt his fingers begin to

move and then, at last, “Oh yeah. There. Do it again.” Declan brushed his gland again

and quickly inserted another finger. Bram felt so full, he lowered his arms and rested

his head on the pillow. “So full. Christ.”

Declan moved the three fingers in and out of Bram slowly. “Are you ready?”

“Oh God, yes.” Bram turned his head enough to see Declan out of his peripheral

vision. Fumbling with the condom, Declan eventually rolled it on. He held his cock by

the base and put the head at Bram’s opening.

“Tell me if I hurt you.” He started to push and seemed amazed when the head of

his cock popped past the ring of muscles. Declan froze, seemingly afraid of hurting



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Getting his arms back under him, Bram pushed back, impaling himself on Declan’s

cock. “Oh shit.” The pain was almost unbearable but Bram knew it would lessen as

soon as his body fully engulfed Declan’s shaft. When he couldn’t push back any more,

he knew Declan was fully seated inside him. “Give me a sec,” Bram panted.

He took deep breaths until the pain faded and he was left with a pleasure so intense

he almost came. Moving forward and then back again, Bram fucked himself on Declan’s

huge cock. “It’s good. You can move.”

“Thank God.” Declan began to slowly thrust in and out of Bram’s hole. “Not going

to last.” He thrust harder and faster with each stroke.

“Mmm-hmm. Yeah. Love you.” Bram lifted one arm and wrapped his hand around

his cock. “Gonna.”

“Yeah.” Declan swiveled his hips and buried himself deeply as he came. Bram

yelled Declan’s name as he shot his seed into his fist.

Collapsing, Declan fell on top of Bram. It was a few seconds before he pulled out

and disposed of the condom. Declan grunted a “Good” before he fell asleep.

Knowing he needed to call Detective Smally, Bram waited until Declan was

sleeping hard. Getting out of bed, he covered Declan with the blanket and kissed his


* * * * *

Bram talked to the detective and explained what he was looking for. Smally was

very helpful and said he’d get on it right away. Bram decided to work on the computer

in Lilly’s study.

Which was where Declan found him two hours later. “Find anything out?”

Bram’s head snapped up and around. “I don’t know. I’ve put two calls into the

detective in the last hour. I think I’ve found something but I need him to look at the

hard copies for me.” Bram slid his chair back from the desk and held out his arms.

“Come over here. Want to feel you in my arms.”


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Declan happily walked over and sat on Bram’s lap. Wrapping his arms around him,

Declan leaned in for a nice slow kiss. “Thank you for earlier. It was quite an eye-


Chuckling, Bram thrust up into Declan’s ass. “For me too. We’ll have to do that

again sometime.”

Running his hands over Bram’s chest, Declan nodded. “Once in a while it would be

nice, but I like the feel of you inside me too much to become a top.” Declan bent and

thrust his tongue inside Bram’s mouth. “Mmm. Someone’s been sampling the chili.”

Swatting Declan’s ass, Bram kissed him again. “See what happens when you fall

asleep on me.” Bram gave Declan a devilish smile.

“So tell me what you think you found.” Declan began to push down the sweats

Bram had on.

Bram lifted his hips, aiding Declan in his task. “I found an old newspaper article

from the town where I grew up. It said that I was born at home.” Bram closed his eyes

as Declan began to lick his way around his cock and balls.

“Go on,” Declan said between licks.

“According to the article, which was written six months after I was born, my mom

had given birth to twins. It went on to say my twin died of sudden infant death

syndrome when I—we—were five months old.” Bram thrust his cock toward Declan’s


Declan stopped what he was doing and looked up at Bram. “You had a twin? A for-

real twin?”

Knowing Declan wasn’t going to finish him off until he received his answers, Bram

nodded. “I never heard anything about it growing up. Evidently, like everything else

surrounding the Blackstone family, the death was quickly hushed. I asked Detective

Smally to try to find a death certificate for my twin.” Bram ran his finger across Declan’s

lips. “Guess what his name was?”


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Capturing Bram’s finger with his mouth, Declan seemed to be thinking about it as

he sucked Bram’s finger. “Prickly?”

“Close. Brier.” Bram pulled his finger out of Declan’s mouth and subtly guided him

back down to his cock.

Just before Declan took Bram’s throbbing cock into his mouth, Declan shook his

head. “You sure had some sick fucks for parents, Bram.” Declan’s warmth enveloped

Bram’s cock.

He rested his head on the back of the chair and thrust in and out of Declan’s mouth.


Declan moved just enough to position Bram’s feet against the top of the desk. The

new position opened Bram up for further exploration. Declan pulled off Bram’s cock

and licked his way back down to the heavy sac. He licked and kissed the sensitive sac as

he wrapped his hand around Bram’s erection. Moving down farther, Declan rimmed

Bram’s hole with his tongue. Bram thrust into his hand as he moaned.

Declan bit and fucked the puckered opening with his tongue. Bram was close and

watched as a good amount of pre-cum ran down over the top of his cock. Declan

nibbled his way back up and swallowed Bram’s shaft. Bram grunted and released his

seed into Declan’s throat.

Licking him clean, Declan crawled back up to snuggle in Bram’s lap. “So tell me

what Smally is hoping to find with the death certificate.” Declan kissed his way up and

down the side of Bram’s face. Bram’s brain felt like pure mush and Declan’s quick

question threw him for a few seconds. Finally getting his body under control, he


“That there isn’t one.” Bram turned his head and sealed their lips together. The kiss

deepened and Declan rubbed his hard cock against Bram’s stomach. Bram was

unfastening Declan’s jeans when his cell phone rang.

Declan reached behind him and picked the phone up from the desk. He looked at

the display and handed it to Bram. “Smally. You’d better answer it.”


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Bram opened the phone and began to talk to Smally in short sentences as he

continued to push Declan’s jeans off. Declan stood and kicked out of them. Sitting back

on Bram’s naked lap, Declan did a little wiggle as Bram ground his teeth together to

keep a moan from escaping.

Deciding turnabout was fair play, Bram leaned forward to lick Declan’s nipple.

Suddenly, Bram stiffened and leaned back in the chair. “Say that again?” He listened to

Smally as he gripped Declan’s ass in his hand. No, no, no. Fuck, would the nightmare with

his parents never end? After a few more words with Smally, Bram hung up. He set the

phone back on the desk and buried his face in Declan’s neck.

“What’s wrong?” Declan smoothed his hands over Bram’s shoulders. “What’d he


Bram said nothing else for a few minutes. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around

the evil that gave birth to him. He pulled Declan against his chest. “Smally said there

was no death certificate ever filed. He did say, however, that he found out where Brier

had been all these years.” Wrapping his arms around Declan, Bram started to cry.

“When he was five months old, Brier sustained a serious head injury. The doctors

evidently told my parents he wouldn’t be able to function in society without intense

rehabilitation. Of course, not wanting to be bothered, my parents placed him into a

state-run mental hospital. And then after a few years, they gave up custody, making

Brier a ward of the state.” Bram looked into Declan’s eyes. “I’ll give you one guess as to

how a five-month-old could sustain such a traumatic injury.”

Declan’s jaw dropped as he tried to take in this new development. “So why wasn’t

anything done about it?”

“Because it didn’t happen in Arizona. Evidently, Lucky and Doreen had taken a

vacation with their two children. According to Smally, Lucky told the hospital in Texas

that Brier had fallen off the hotel bed and hit his head on the nightstand. With my

parents’ influence in the state of Arizona, the authorities believed Lucky. My brother

was admitted into a state facility in Texas as soon as he was released from the hospital.


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He’s been at the facility basically his whole life until a little over two months ago when

he managed to walk out. They still aren’t sure how he did it. I suspect with everything

he’s managed to accomplish, Brier is functioning at a higher level than the doctors

thought.” Bram worried a piece of Declan’s hair with his fingers.

“That’s why I thought he seemed so crazy. I told you it was like there were two

people in his head. He kept arguing with himself.” Declan looked into Bram’s eyes.

“I’m not sure he would have killed either one of us, if it had come down to that.”

Bram gave a bark of laughter. “He tried to do just that to you, Declan. How can you

defend him?”

Declan ran his palms down the side of Bram’s face. “Because he’s your brother, and

he’s sick by no fault of his own. It’s the same reason I stayed with Scott for so long. You

need to find him, Bram, and get him the help he needs. It could have just as easily been

you that took that blow to the head. I think you’ve all suffered enough. It’s time to start

the healing process. But you can’t do that until you find him.”

“That’s the million-dollar question. Where would Brier go?” He pulled Declan back

against his chest and idly rubbed his scars. “I think I need to go to Arizona. I have an

idea of where he might have gone.”

Licking Bram’s lips, Declan looked up into his eyes. “Wherever he is, you can’t go

alone. I understand the need for you to find him but at least take Mac, Amir and Nicco

with you.”

“All right, I’ll ask them to come over for dinner early. I’d like to leave first thing in

the morning.” Just the thought of having a twin that he hadn’t known about boiled his

blood. It was a damn good thing Lucky and Doreen were already dead. That thought

brought him up short. What would he do to them? Kill them? Was he more like his

parents than he ever thought? No, he refused to think that way. He was nothing like

those vile people. Deciding to take the night off from his troubles, Bram reached down

and stroked Declan’s cock. “Let’s go upstairs. I plan to love you now and all night



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Declan thrust into Bram’s fist. “I can live with that plan.”

* * * * *

That night at dinner, Bram told the threesome about his brother, Brier. “I’m going

back to the family home tomorrow. That’s where I think he is.” Bram looked at each of

his friends from across the table. “I’d like a little backup, if any of you can spare the

time. I’m hoping I can get to him before the police do.”

Amir rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. “Why would he be at your

family’s home? Wouldn’t the police still be there investigating.”

Bram shook his head. “Detective Smally asked me yesterday what I wanted him to

do about the house. They’ve dusted it already and extracted Doreen’s body. He said

they might need to get back in at some point but they didn’t find much except some

stray fingerprints in the kitchen.” Bram reached under the table and took Declan’s

hand. “I think that house is important to some part of Brier. I just feel in my gut that if

he’s not here already, he’s there.”

Mac looked at Amir and Nicco. “I think it would be best if Amir went with you and

Nicco and I kept watch here.” Mac glanced at a still-bruised Declan.

Bram nodded and squeezed Declan’s hand tighter. “Why don’t you take him back

to your place in town? I just don’t like the thought of him out here without me.”

Declan narrowed his eyes at Bram. “I’m not totally helpless, Bram. I may be a lot

smaller than you four, but I’m not a child, either.”

Leaning over, Bram kissed him. “I’m sorry, I know you’re not a child. I just won’t

take chances with you anymore. Amir and I will go to Arizona in the morning and

hopefully we’ll be back within a day.”

“Okay. I won’t argue with you about it. I know none of this is easy for you. Just

come back to me as soon as you can.” Declan kissed Bram again. “Have you called



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“No. I don’t want him to know anything about Brier until I find him and he’s put

somewhere where he can’t hurt anyone else.”

* * * * *

Morning came too soon for Declan. He hated the thought of Bram putting himself

in harm’s way. Watching his knight sleep, Declan thought about the future. Maybe

Bram could get on with the Styler police department? Maybe they could find something

for him to do at the center? Bram smiled and opened his eyes.

“Hey. What are you thinking about so hard?” Bram snuggled his body against


“Just wondering what you’re going to do at the ranch if you move there.” Declan

began to play with Bram’s silky hair.

“You mean when I move there.” Bram kissed him. “I’ve got enough money to retire

and just volunteer my time at the center or I can help Rex and Gabe out with the cattle.”

Bram ran his hands down Declan’s back to land on his butt. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll

be just fine as long as I’m with you.” Bram ran his finger down the crack of Declan’s ass.

“Pass me the lube. I need to love you before I have to leave.”

Declan stretched to the side and snagged the bottle off the table. Handing it to

Bram, he switched places. “Which way do you want me?”

“Every way. But for now, get on your back so I can see your face when you come.”

Bram squirted lube onto his hand as Declan bent his legs and put his feet flat on the

bed. He pushed into Bram’s hand as he moaned his pleasure.

“You’re so sexy,” Bram said, slipping another finger into the tight opening.

Scissoring them, Bram slowly stretched Declan’s hole.

“Now. Need you in me.” Declan slipped his legs over Bram’s shoulders, as Bram

withdrew his fingers, and pushed his cock in fully. “Fuck, that feels good.” Bram

pumped his cock in and out of Declan’s hole.


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They were both in such a state of bliss that they didn’t hear someone else enter the

room. Declan grabbed his cock and stroked his way to completion as Bram pounded

into him several more times. Bram screamed Declan’s name to the ceiling and filled his

lover with his seed.

Collapsing on Declan’s chest, Bram turned his head to the side and spotted the

intruder. He immediately rolled and dumped Declan onto the floor, on the other side of

the bed. “Stay down, Declan.”

Looking at his brother was like looking into a mirror. Brier was holding a very large

hunting knife. “Brier?”

Brier’s eyes rounded. “Brier, it’s me, Bramble. I was coming to look for you today. I

thought you might need my help.” Bram slowly sat up on the bed, his eyes never

leaving Brier’s.

Bram couldn’t keep his voice from cracking as tears began to trickle down his face.

The man in front of him looked so confused, lost, angry. “I didn’t know about you until

yesterday, Brier. You have to believe that. If I’d known, I would have found you


Brier shook his head and began to pace back and forth in front of the bed. He

absently scratched his head with the knife as he began talking to himself. “Left me.

Alone too long. Left me.”

“No. I didn’t leave you. Lucky and Doreen left you. I was coming to look for you.

You’re my brother. My twin. We’re a part of each other. You and me.” Bram slowly

moved to the edge of the bed. He could see rivulets of blood running down the side of

Brier’s face and neck. Just then, he was more afraid Brier would hurt himself with the

knife and Bram knew he had to get it away from him. The more agitated Brier became,

the deeper the knife cut into his own scalp.

“We have another brother, Thorn. Lucky beat him with a pipe and now he’s in a

wheelchair. Did you know about Lucky? About me testifying against him? Is that why


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you’re angry with me? Because I put Lucky in prison for beating me and Thorn?” Brier

stopped for several seconds and looked at Bram.

“I was supposed to kill them. I worked it out. Me, not you. They deserved it. They

left me there.”

Standing, Bram held out his arms. “You’re right. They did deserve it. And you

deserve to be loved. Let me love you, brother.” Bram could barely see through the tears

clouding his vision.

Brier looked sideways at Bram and shook his head. “Brother?”

“Yes, Brier. I’m your brother and I love you. Put down the knife and give me a

hug.” Bram held his breath until a completely different look crossed Brier’s face. He

dropped the knife to the floor and slowly walked toward Bram. “That’s it,” Bram

coaxed. “Let me be your brother.”

Brier walked into Bram’s arms and wrapped his own around Bram so hard he

thought he’d pass out. “Not so tight, Brier. Like this.” Bram held Brier at a comfortable

pressure. Brier’s arms slowly loosened to match Bram’s.

“Brother. I’ve been so lonely.” Brier pulled back and looked wide-eyed at Bram. “I

found my records in the doctor’s office at the hospital-home. It told me who I used to

belong to. I’ve been looking for my family.” Brier suddenly gasped, as if he’d just

remembered something. “I killed our mother. She kept calling us names. I wanted to

find her for years, so she could be my mommy again, but when I found her she called

us names.” Brier scrubbed his hands across his face. The rivulets of blood still oozing

from the cuts on Brier’s head smeared across his face. “She told me about you. Where to

find you. She said it was all your fault that they left me.”

Bram closed his eyes and pulled his brother back into his embrace. “No, that’s not

true. I was just a baby, like you. I didn’t even know I had a twin until yesterday. I was

going to go to Lucky’s house this morning and look for you. I want to make it up to

you. I want us to be brothers. But I need to get your cuts looked at. And we need to call

the police. But Brier, listen to me.” Bram turned Brier’s head so they were looking into


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Carol Lynne

each other’s eyes. “I will never leave you again. We’ll figure something out with the

police. You’re my brother and Thorn’s brother. Brothers stick together, no matter what.”

Brier looked over toward Declan, who was now standing on the other side of the

bed. “Didn’t want to hurt you. I was confused. I thought Bram did this to me.” Brier

shook his head. “I should have known better. Will you be my brother too?”

Bram knew Brier didn’t quite know what he was saying or asking for. It was

obvious he’d never been loved by anyone, until now. And Bram did love him. He

couldn’t explain it but it was deep and immediate upon seeing his twin face-to-face. It

didn’t matter what Brier had done. Shit. Bram’s eyes searched Declan’s. Just because he

could forgive Brier didn’t mean the man he loved could. What would he do if Declan

rejected Brier?

Bram’s questions were answered as Declan smiled at him. “It’s okay, Bram. I

understand. Don’t forget, I loved someone despite his mental state. Love overcomes


Holding out his arms, Brier silently asked Declan for a hug. Declan blushed and

pointed toward his clothes. “If you don’t mind, let me put some jeans on first.”

Bram started to chuckle as Brier looked at Declan like he was crazy. Bram’s

chuckles turned into full-blown belly laughs as the past finally released him.


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Tortured Souls


Three months later

Bram pulled his SUV into the parking lot. He climbed out and went to the back to

get Thor’s chair. Getting Thor unloaded, Bram smiled down at him. “Hope you don’t

mind me just dropping you off here but I’ve got someone to see.” Bram took off at a run

toward the rehabilitation center. He pushed the doors open and scanned the large

room. No one seemed to be present except Kelly. “Hey, Kelly,” Bram said, waving to

Thor’s fiancée. “Where’s Declan?”

Kelly smiled and hopped up from behind the desk. “He’s at home on his lunch

hour. Is Thor with you?” She looked behind Bram.

Just then his baby brother came wheeling through the doorway. “Come over here,

Buttons, and welcome me home.” Kelly ran to Thor and jumped on his lap. As the two

of them started kissing, Bram left to find Declan.

Walking into the house, he found his man in the kitchen making some lemonade.

“Hey, I’m home.” He stood with his feet spread apart waiting for the inevitable

welcome home he received every time he went away.

Declan’s eyes lit up, and he bounded his way over to Bram and jumped into his

arms. Without saying a word, Declan pressed his lips to Bram’s. The kiss was long and

deep, until both men had to come up for air. “Missed you.” Declan rubbed his nose

against Bram’s.

“Missed you too. But it looks like we won’t have to be gone every couple of weeks

again. The judge has okayed Brier’s transfer to the state hospital in Norman.”

Declan wrapped his legs tighter around Bram. “That’s fantastic. How is he?”

Bram walked over to the sofa and sat down with Declan still clinging to him. “He’s

fantastic. He’s even managed to amaze his doctors. They think eventually he’ll be well


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Carol Lynne

enough to leave the hospital.” Bram kissed Declan again. “I can’t tell you how much he

reminds me of…me. We have the same facial expressions and the same mannerisms. It’s

downright scary. I’ve always heard about the weird woo-woo between twins but I

never thought that much about it.”

Declan kissed him deep and hard. Their tongues dueled in a dance of passion.

“You’re happier than I’ve ever seen you. It looks good on you.”

“Yeah.” Bram smiled. “It feels pretty damn good on me too.” He thrust up against

Declan. “And speaking of feeling good…” Bram’s voice drifted off as he laid Declan

down on the couch. “We’re gonna have to invest in a slipcover for this couch.”

Declan laughed as Bram attacked his mouth again.


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About the Author

I’ve been a reading fanatic for years and finally at the age of forty decided to try my

hand at writing. I’ve always loved romance novels that are just a little bit naughty so

naturally my books tend to go just a little further. It’s my fantasy world after all.

When I’m not being a mother to a five-year-old and a six-year-old, you can usually

find me in my deep leather chair with either a book in my hand or my laptop.

Carol welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at

Tell Us What You Think

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Also by Carol Lynne

Feels So Right

Finnegan’s Promise

Men in Love 1: Branded by Gold

Men in Love 2: Ben’s Wildflower

Men in Love 3: Open to Possibilities

Men in Love 4: Completing the Circle

Men in Love 5: Going Against Orders

Riding the Wolf

Sex With Lex

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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