Steering Angle Sensor Code C 1140

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Order No.:

MB-Net 554







Splines on upper and lower steering column may not be correctly aligned. HHT value of steering angle while holding the steering
wheel in the straight ahead position should be 0 degrees +/- 6 degrees. Perform listed procedure.

Complaint: ESP malfunction indicator light illuminated on instrument cluster and fault code C1140 present.
Cause: Splines on upper and lower steering column may not be correctly aligned. As an indication of improper alignment, monitor
the HHT value of steering angle while holding the steering wheel in the straight ahead position. The value should be 0 degrees +/-
6 degrees.

Remedy: In cases of complaint, check for proper alignment of upper and lower steering column sections. Perform the following
work if the shafts are found to be misaligned. This work MUST be performed in the order specified below.

1. Correct alignment of upper and lower steering column sections. Refer to WIS document


"removing and

installing jacket tube."
2. Position vehicle on alignment rack.
3. Verify with HHT that vehicle steering angle sensor is reading 0 degrees +/- 6 degrees with wheels in straight ahead position.
4. Lock steering wheel; reset vehicle toe to specifications.
5. Start vehicle; initialize steering angle sensor (N49) by turning steering wheel lock to lock.
6. Erase any fault codes in ESP control unit (N47) with HHT. Fault code C1140 may be stored as a hard code and possibly not
erasable at this time.

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© 2006 Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC

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7. Drive vehicle approximately 18 miles (highway conditions preferable).
8. Bring vehicle to a stop; cycle key to extinguish ESP MIL if illuminated.
9. Check for and erase any fault codes remaining in ESP control module.

Note: Alignment mark on upper steering column shaft will appear as a raised line on yoke. Lower steering column shaft alignment
mark will be a raised tab adjoining splines on shaft.

Please continue to provide information to Service Engineering as per MB-Net Administrative Message No. 449 dated October 9,

In case of warranty, please use Damage Code 46211 42

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© 2006 Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC


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