Harvest Moon (Brook Haven Roman Charlene Bright

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Harvest Moon

Brook Haven Romance

(Book One)

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Books by Charlene Bright

Canton County Cowboys

A Cowboy Worth Loving

Dare to Love a Cowboy

Captivated by a Cowboy

Cowboys of Courage

Courage to Follow

Courage to Believe

Courage to Fall

Cherish Cowboys

Cherished Love

Cherished Moments

Cherished Embrace

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Wild at Heart Cowboys

Like a Cowboy

The Cowboy in Me

Cowboy Casanova

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Harvest Moon

Copyright © 2016 by Charlene Bright

Book Cover Design:

Covers by Ramona

Book Editing:

The Passionate


All rights reserved. No part of this text

may be reproduced, transmitted,

downloaded, or stored in or introduced

into any information storage and

retrieval system, in any form or by any

means, whether electronic or

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mechanical, without the express written

permission of the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names,

characters, places and incidents are

either the product of the author’s

imagination or are used fictitiously, and

any resemblance to actual persons,

living or dead, business establishments,

events or locales is entirely


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Harvest Moon

Sophie Michelson has always been

serious. Even as a little girl, she knew

what she wanted out of life. And unlike

other little girls, that definitely wasn’t

a husband and children. Sophie has a

head for business and a burning desire

for one thing: to own a bed and

breakfast, just like the one she stayed

at as a child. It will take everything she

has, and she’s prepared to do anything

to realize her dream.

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Now, after years of hard work, the

time has finally come. With her brand

new—okay, so maybe a little old—bed

and breakfast in Brook Haven, Vermont,

she is set to become the successful

business owner she was always meant

to be. There’s only one thing standing

in her way: renovating the run-down

B&B in time for Brook Haven’s annual

Harvest Festival and the official start

of the tourist season. Lucky for her, her

mother is there to guide her through it

and keep her life distraction free.

Soon, though, the renovations get

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delayed, and Sophie starts to wonder if

her B&B will ever be ready to open.

The only solution is to call upon Brook

Haven’s best carpenter to speed

construction along. But as it turns out,

Drake Tanner is exactly the kind of

distraction she doesn’t need.

Drake has spent his entire life in the

quaint town of Brook Haven. Everyone

there knows he’s the one you call when

you need a hand. When he meets Sophie

Michelson, he thinks his search for love

might finally be over.

As the two grow closer, Sophie learns

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that sometimes feelings can’t be denied

no matter how hard you try, and she

eventually has to admit to hers, just

before a tragic accident threatens to

tear them apart. Soon, she’s faced with

a choice: follow her head, as she’s done

all her life, or finally trust her heart.

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About the Author

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Sophie stood outside in the crisp

morning air and stared up at her dream.

It felt almost surreal to her, like it had

happened so fast. In reality, it had been a

dream in the works for almost twenty


When she was about eight years old,

her parents took her on a trip to New

England where they stayed in a bed and

breakfast. The old house with the

comfortable, warm furnishings and all of

the kind people had made such an

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impression on her that it became her

dream to own one of her own.

When she got home from that trip,

she’d set up her Barbie Dream Home to

emulate the late 1800s house they’d

stayed in as well as she could, and then

she set about convincing all of her dolls

and stuffed animals to come and have a

stay. She became such a good hostess to

all of her friends that there was rarely a

weekend she didn’t have company.

Just a few weeks before graduating

high school, she saw a Help Wanted ad

for a bed and breakfast off the coast of

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Maine. It had always been her intention

to go to college but even at such a young

age, she already knew that no amount of

studying could rival experience. She

applied for the job, got an offer, and, to

her mother and her best friend’s chagrin,

she took it. Her father was supportive—

he always was—but it took him quite a

few months to stop calling her every

night and reminding her to lock her


She worked for a middle-aged couple

with three children for three years. She

loved it, and the family loved her back.

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She might have stayed there until she

was able to afford a place of her own,

but tragedy struck her family. Her father

had a heart attack and died unexpectedly.

Sophie’s mother, Brenda, was

devastated by the loss. They’d known

each other their entire lives, and she

liked to tell Sophie the story of her

father proposing when they were only

ten. He made her promise she’d only

marry him. Though they had each dated

different people in high school and in

college, they found each other again

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when they both returned home from

college to Carolina Beach. Brenda told

her the first time she saw him in town,

she knew she’d almost walked away

from her destiny. They were married a

year later and, as far as Sophie knew,

were still just as happy after thirty years

of marriage as they had been as


She rushed home to be near her

mother and spent months nursing her out

of her deep depression. Her mother

eventually came back around to being

herself. Sophie suspected that it had

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been more for her daughter’s sake than

anything. She’d told her in one of their

late-night conversations that the loss of

her one true love had left a hole not only

in her heart, but in her very soul.

Sophie had done a lot of soul-

searching after that and decided that she

was better off investing thirty years of

her life in something that couldn’t die

and leave her alone and wounded. She

put the small amount of money her father

left her into a mutual fund and got back

to the business of working toward her


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She got a job at a B&B right on

Carolina Beach facing the ocean. She

worked the front desk, did light

housekeeping, and eventually became in

charge of arranging activities for the

guests like bike tours and clamming

nights with bonfires on the beach. She

worked there until she was twenty-six,

and along the way she lived a pretty

simple and—some might say—

uneventful life. She still held on to the

friendships she’d had since early

childhood, but she didn’t go out much.

She kept her focus on the endgame …

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being the proud owner of her own B&B


Sophie had one boyfriend during all

of this that she might term “serious.” He

was serious anyway, and he talked about

marriage and children. Sophie had to

admit to him that she wasn’t ready for

any of that, and she wasn’t sure she ever

would be. She didn’t want to hurt him,

but she also didn’t want him wasting his

time thinking he would convince her

otherwise. Once she’d set her mind to

doing something, she knew she would

move heaven and earth to see that it

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When Sophie wasn’t working, she

started taking classes at the local junior

college, eventually getting a degree in

business with an emphasis on general

management. She also took cooking and

baking courses. Her mother had done a

good job of teaching her how to cook,

but she wanted to have special skills for

her B&B. In her imagination, she’d

always have baskets of home-baked

goodies ready for the guests in their

rooms to surprise them when they


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She learned how to make her own

soaps, and she’d even taken a gardening

class in case the place she bought had

room for a backyard garden. She never

lost sight of what she wanted, and one

morning while having breakfast with her

mother, she saw the ad that would

change her life:

Bed and Breakfast in Brook Haven,

Vermont. Family owned and operated

for over eighty years. Home and five-

acre property for sale. Pet-friendly inn

with hardwood floors and wood-

paneled ceilings. Bathrooms all have

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tiled showers and original fixtures.

The Lounge & Tavern boasts a large

open space for couches, televisions,

and pool and video games. There is a

large dining room and a beautiful

outside wooden deck with killer views

on a sunny morning. The kitchen is

spacious and equipped with both

commercial and residential equipment.

Two rooms on the ground floor are

perfect for a spa and storage, and the

basement and garage can be used for

storage and laundry as well.

It’s located on a small farm that has

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been equipped for horses and chickens.

There is also a small pond surrounded

by a grassy knoll area that is an ideal

spot for weddings. The owner’s

quarters consist of an open multi-use

living area and bath and extends the

full length of the third floor. There are

two smaller guest houses on the

property that both sit about a mile from

the main lodge, perfect for use as a

mother-in-law house or employee

quarters alike.

“This is the one, Mom!” she’d said

excitedly. “I can feel it! This is the one

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I’ve been waiting for!”

Brenda looked at her like she’d lost

her marbles until Sophie sat the paper

down in front of her. She skimmed

through the ad, and when she looked

back at her daughter, she forced a smile

and said, “This one does sound like it’s

calling your name.”

“You know it!” Sophie immediately

knew this was what she’d scrimped and

saved for over the past nine years. Two

days before her twenty-seventh birthday,

she signed the final paperwork. She was

the proud new owner of a bed and

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breakfast. It had taken some doing, but

she finally talked her mother into selling

the house in Carolina Beach and going

with her. Brenda would live in one of

the guest houses and Sophie would take

the top floor of the main house. It was

perfect … almost.

The first thing Sophie noticed when

she arrived at her dream was that

“original fixtures” actually meant

original. They came with the house

when it had been built almost a hundred

years ago and were sorely in need of

replacing. The “commercial” equipment

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in the kitchen had been replaced at least

once—the last time in the 1950s. The

gorgeous wooden banister that led to the

upper two floors of the house was

scratched, dinged, and missing barrier

pieces, and there were two places on the

stairs she’d nearly fallen through.

The outside was overgrown and the

fences all needed mending, but none of

that discouraged her. If there was one

thing Sophie wasn’t afraid of, it was

hard work. She still had enough savings

left after putting the down payment on

the property to do the major repairs. The

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minor things could be tackled even after

the place was up and running. The

thought of all of that work didn’t dampen

her excitement at all. She had done a lot

of research into the quaint little town that

she hoped to become a part of soon, and

ultimately she’d decided that September

22nd—the day of the Harvest Festival—

was the day. That gave her two months

to get the inn ready for its grand opening.

She’d seen the signs for the Harvest

Festival as she drove through the

picturesque little town for the first time.

She passed the community bank and a

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cute little restaurant painted blue called

“Huckleberry’s.” There was a small

clothing store and a five-and-dime and

what looked like a family-owned

grocery store. There was a small bar

with a wraparound porch that was

surrounded by giant maple trees. The

leaves were still green, but Sophie could

already picture it when they turned the

bold orange and crimson colors that

New England was famous for in the fall.

She was almost in love with the town

before she had even made it out past the

rows and rows of gorgeous apple

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orchards and up to the bed and breakfast,

where she met with the realtor and

toured the property. It was love at first

sight when she saw the house, but one

look at the breathtaking views of the

Green Mountains cemented the deal.

She knew that it would be a lot of

work, but her heart told her she could

take this old place and breathe new life

into it. She made an offer that very day

and then drove back home. For the next

three weeks, she prayed a lot and kept

her fingers crossed, and the day they

called her to let her know her offer had

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been accepted had been the happiest of

her life.

“What are you looking at, honey?”

“Oh, Mom! You startled me.” Her

mother had stepped up behind her,

jostling her out of her reverie. She was

wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt

from 1990 with Van Halen on the front of

it. Sophie couldn’t help but smile. Her

mother’s true loves had been her father,

her, and classic rock music—not

necessarily in that order. “I was just

thinking about how lucky I am,” she told


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Her mother smiled and brushed a lock

of Sophie’s dark hair back over her

daughter’s shoulder. “This place has

nothing to do with luck. This is all you,

baby. You have worked so hard for this,

and I’m so proud of you.”

Sophie put her arm around her

mother’s shoulders and gave her a

squeeze. “Thank you, Mom. I’m proud of

me too.” She couldn’t stop smiling.

“What time is that carpenter coming

by?” Sophie had contacted the only

carpenter in town by phone about

starting on some of the repairs. She

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immediately liked the sound of his

voice. He was coming by today to have

a look at what needed to be done and

give her an estimate.

“He should be here in half an hour or


Her mom nodded. “Okay, I’m going to

head in and start scrubbing that kitchen.”

The inn had been vacant for almost three

years, so besides the repairs, it was

going to take a lot of elbow grease to

clean it up. She was grateful for her

mother’s help, but she knew her mother

was just as grateful to have something to

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do. She had been a hands-on mother and

wife for thirty years, and even her active

circle of friends couldn’t seem to fill the

void that her daughter leaving home and

then her husband dying had caused.

Sophie was heading back inside the

house when she heard the sound of a

pickup approaching. She stepped up on

the front porch, which was also in need

of repairs, and watched the old green

Ford come toward her up the rutted dirt

road. The driver parked in the small lot,

and as he stepped out, Sophie’s breath

was actually taken away for a few

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seconds. She was glad it would take him

a minute to reach her so that she could

put her composure back together. She

rarely lost control and even more rarely

over a man, but this one … she was

openly gaping before she caught herself.

He was all hard angles and sharp

lines with the most beautiful, long-

lashed brown eyes that she’d ever seen.

He had on a ball cap with the words The

Fix-It Man, and warm chocolate waves

of thick hair peeked out from underneath

it. His work shirt molded to his broad

chest, and his biceps swelled out of the

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short sleeves. He had long, jean-clad

legs, and as he strode toward her, his

handsome face broke into a wide grin.

His teeth were white, but not exactly

perfect, which made him even sexier in

Sophie’s eyes. Perfect people are

boring people, she’d always thought.

Imperfect ones had much more character.

He had full lips and they looked soft.

She shivered a little as her mind went to

a place it rarely did the first time she

met a man: What would they taste like?

When she was about three feet away

from him, she told herself to get a grip,

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sucked in a shaky breath, and forced

what she hoped passed for a non-

lecherous smile.

“Hi, I’m Drake Tanner,” he said in a

silky, masculine voice. He held out his

hand and Sophie took it. It was big and

warm and she felt jolts of lightning shoot

all the way up her arm.

She held the smile and was grateful

when her voice didn’t come out shaky.

“Hi, I’m Sophie Michelson. Thank you

so much for coming so quickly, Mr.


“It’s Drake,” he said, “And it’s not a

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problem.” He looked up at the house and

said, “I used to come here a lot when I

was a boy.”

“Really? You grew up in Brook


“Born and raised,” he said. “My best

friend’s parents ran this place for a

while. The owners lived in Rhode

Island, and they paid them to live here

and take care of the place.”

“Oh, how nice. I think I fell in love

the first time I saw it.” She was staring

up at the house again and caught herself.

She probably had that goofy smile she

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got on her face every time she thought

about being the owner. She checked

herself and glanced over at Drake. His

chocolate-brown eyes were on her face,

and she suddenly felt warm all over.

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Drake woke up to the sound of Hooter

barking his fool head off … again. He

looked at the lit-up numbers on the clock

radio next to the bed: 3:22. He mumbled

a curse under his breath. Hooter had the

worst timing. Drake had been immersed

in a dream about a dark-haired angel

with ice-blue eyes. Her name was

Sophie, and he hadn’t been able to get

her out of his head since he’d met with

her the afternoon before.

This was the third night this week the

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dog had woken him in the middle of the

night. The other two times, he was tired

but only mildly annoyed. Tonight, he’d

been just about to kiss the angel in his

dream when the shrill sound of the dog’s

barking pierced the night. He and Hooter

had been together since they were both

kids and he loved the old dog, but after

tonight, he wasn’t sure the relationship

could recover.

He waited a few minutes to see if

Hooter would stop barking on his own

and when he didn’t, he forced his tired

body up out of the bed and slipped into

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his boots. Grabbing his hat and a light

jacket off the hook next to the door and a

flashlight that sat up on the shelf in the

kitchen, he stepped outside onto the

porch. He shone the light around and

caught the glint of yellow off Hooter’s

shiny coat, then held the light steady and

saw his canine friend standing at the end

of the driveway facing away from him.

Drake put his fingers in the sides of

his mouth and whistled. Hooter gave him

a cursory over-the-shoulder glance and

then went back to his incessant barking.

For a few seconds Drake considered

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going back inside, popping in a pair of

ear plugs that he used for target shooting,

and going back to sleep. However, he

could see out of the corner of his eye that

the light in his Uncle Mac’s little house

up the road had come on and he knew

there’d be no going back to sleep for

him. With a grumble and a curse, he set

off down the long dirt road to where

Hooter stood, expecting to find him with

a snake or a possum cornered against the


Drake lived on his family’s old farm.

His grandparents had owned it first and

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then Drake’s parents after that. He was a

late-in-life baby for his parents. Before

that, they’d taken care of his mother’s

brother Mac for several years after he’d

been in a bad car accident. He was a

paraplegic and had to go through a lot of

extensive therapy before he was able to

live on his own. By the time Mac was

doing well enough to spend more than a

few hours a day in his own house, his

mother and father were both well into

their thirties.

Drake’s mother told him once that his

father had tried to discourage her desire

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for a baby then, but she wasn’t having it.

She’d just turned forty when she found

out she was expecting. As it turned out,

his father was as happy, if not happier,

than she was when he found out about it.

Drake was born on his mother’s forty-

first birthday, and his parents both doted

on him. His father taught him how to hunt

and fish and work on cars. He was also

the reason Drake did what he did for a

living - his father could build or fix

anything, and although he wasn’t

technically a handyman, the neighbors

all seemed to call him when they needed

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something. His father never said no, and

Drake loved following him around and

watching him work.

His mother taught him more than he

could list, but mostly he had her to thank

for his easygoing attitude about life. She

was an animal lover and a nature

enthusiast, and she instilled her love of

those things into her son. She also had a

big garden on the farm where she grew

fresh vegetables. Every Sunday morning,

she’d pick whatever was ripe and in

season and then wash and package it all

up in plastic containers so that it was

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ready to eat. Then she’d load it all into

the back of the old pickup that Drake

still drove today and take it into town to

sell at the market. Mostly, what she did

was hand it out for free to those in need.

She had a regular spot out in front of the

church, and she came to be known in

town simply as the vegetable lady.

She didn’t just hand out the

vegetables. She also had a section of her

garden where she grew herbs, which

she’d use to make salves and lotions.

She would sit for hours and just talk to

anyone who seemed to need it at the

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time. She handed out advice when she

was asked for it, and she never judged.

Drake still kept the vegetable garden

growing, and he still took the vegetables

into town on Sundays to the market. He

also had his mother’s recipes for the

herbal salves and remedies, and he’d

taken to making them too because he’d

gotten so many requests. Sometimes his

Uncle Mac would go into town with him

and sell statues and carvings he made in

his shop.

Sundays were the only days Drake

refused work. To him, going to the

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market was a way to keep his mother’s

memory alive. To the people in the

community, it was a service many of

them had come to depend on.

When he made it to the end of the

road, he tried once again to get Hooter to

hush. The dog gave him another quick

glance but kept one eye on whatever was

in the grass underneath the lilac bushes

at the edge of the road. Drake saw the

bush wiggle slightly and he heard the

rustle of the deep grass. Whatever

Hooter had found was still alive.

Drake wished he’d grabbed his rifle

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just in case. The last thing he’d shot was

a timber rattlesnake that had somehow

found its way onto Uncle Mac’s back

porch. Shooting things, however, was

contrary to his very nature, and he’d only

done it when the situation had demanded


With a deep breath and a small prayer

that whatever it was wouldn’t snap off

his arm or inject him with venom, he

reached down and moved the bush. Two

sets of eyes glowed up at him.

Reluctantly, he lowered his flashlight so

it illuminated the frightened faces of two

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baby red foxes. One of them had what

looked like a dog bite on his hind

quarters, and the other looked more than

a little bit reluctant to leave the injured

one to fend for himself.

“Well, look what you found, Hooter.

Hi guys. Where’s your mama?” As if

Hooter understood, he once again began

to bark and wag his tail the way he did

when he wanted Drake to follow him.

Drake let the bush fall back down gently

to cover the babies and followed the

yellow Lab three or four feet up to the

road. It was an old country road that led

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to town in one direction and dead-ended

where the forest got too dense on one

side and the altitude too high on the

other. Drake’s place sat about two miles

from the forest, so other than mild traffic

to and from his place, the road was

hardly ever used.

Hooter pointed him toward what had

agitated him. Drake shone his light onto

the black asphalt and found the fox

mama. She’d been hit by a car, and from

the looks of it, it hadn’t been that long

ago. Drake briefly wondered what

someone was doing on this road in the

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middle of the night.

He spent some time walking back and

forth to the barn to get what he needed to

move the poor dead animal out of the

road. He put her in a plastic container to

bury her later, and then he went back to

see about the kits. They were still there

under the bush; they’d curled up together

and gone to sleep.

Drake opened the cat carrier he’d

brought back with him and with one big

hand, he scooped them into it. They

woke up as he did and before he closed

the small door and latched it, they were

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both howling at him in an extremely

annoying, high-pitched way. He tried

making soothing sounds as he carried

them back to the house, but they were

agitated and having none of it. As he sat

the small carrier down on the porch, he

heard his phone ringing from inside the

house. It was almost five a.m., way too

early for anyone to be calling him except

Uncle Mac.

“I’m sorry. Did Hooter wake you?”

Drake answered.

“Nah, you know I don’t sleep much. I

just wanted to make sure everything’s all

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right up there.”

“Hooter found a couple of baby foxes

… their mother didn’t make it across the


“Aw … ya know I almost called you

about all that racket goin’ on out there.”

“Um … you did just call me, Uncle


He laughed. “My legs don’t work, but

my mind still does. I meant before, when

that car or whatever it was kept racing

up and down the hill. You didn’t hear


“No, I guess I was sleeping pretty

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“You must have been. Sounded like a

V-8 to me, and they had to be goin’ over

a hundred miles an hour. They raced

back and forth three or four times, and

each time they’d get ready to turn

around, they’d smoke the brakes. I think

they may have even been hitting the E-


“Did you see the car?”

“Nah, from where the house sits, I can

hear the road but I can’t see it.”

“Okay. It was probably teenagers, but

I’ll keep an eye out.”

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“You need any help with those kits?”

Drake looked down at the agitated

little creatures, and in spite of himself,

he thought about how cute they were.

“I’m not sure what to do with them to be


“Well, the first thing they probably

need is some hydration. Maybe you

should call Sam. Are you working


“Yeah, I’m supposed to be over at the

Harvest Moon Inn at seven.”

“Well, if you can’t get ahold of Sam,

bring them to me and I’ll sit for ya.”

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Drake laughed. “Sit for me, huh? So

you think I’ve already adopted them?”

“I know you. You’re too much like

your mama to turn those babies out on

their own. The coyotes would eat them

in a heartbeat. This farm used to be a

menagerie of the animals my sister


Drake laughed. He knew that was

true. As a kid, he could bring home any

stray he found in the woods and his

mother would never turn it away. He

looked back down at the bloody back leg

of the injured kit. “Yeah, it looks like

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one of them may have gotten a bite

before Mama Fox hid them under my

bush. She was headed back across the

road. It makes me wonder if there’s

more on the other side.”

“You’re gonna go look, aren’t you?”

“I might just take a peek for

curiosity’s sake.”

Mac was laughing when he hung up.

Drake checked the time again. It was

closer to five-thirty. He put on a pair of

thick gloves and reached into the door of

the holder for the injured kit. It began

howling and screeching as he pulled it

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out, and the little booger was even trying

to bite him. He took him into the

bathroom and washed and cleaned up his

leg. He bandaged it with medical tape,

the whole while struggling just to hang

on to the wiggly little creature. After he

finished cleaning him up, he called his

friend Sam.

“Drake, what’s up?” Sam sounded

groggy, like he had been awakened from

a deep sleep.

“Hey, Sam, I’m sorry to call so early


“You forgot that I’m in California,

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didn’t you?”

“Oh, damn it! Yeah, I did. I’m so

sorry. It’s a lot earlier than I thought. I


“It’s okay, Drake, I’m up now. What’s

going on?”

“Someone ran over Mama Fox and I

found two of her kits.”

“Oh man. Do you have a syringe and a

heating pad?”

“Um, I’ll have to look for them both,

but I think so.”

Sam was the town veterinarian and

had grown up in Brook Haven with

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Drake. He had told Drake he was going

to California for a convention that week,

but Drake had been so busy with work it

had slipped his mind.

“Okay, so here is what you need to


Drake spent another precious half

hour on the phone with his friend. By the

time he did what he needed to do and

dropped the kits off with his uncle, he

was running a half hour late already. In

spite of that, he just had to stop and look

around a little bit across the road. He

didn’t see any signs of more kits.

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Unfortunately, that probably meant

something else had already gotten them.

As he drove through town on his way to

the bed and breakfast, he was sorely

tempted to stop at Huckleberry’s and

grab a cup of coffee but decided he

didn’t have time. He looked at his watch

and told himself he was already late


As soon as he drove up close to the

house, he saw the beautiful owner

kneeling on the front porch with a

hammer that was so big he was

surprised she could hold it up. He tried

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to shake off the remnants of the dream

he’d had about her the night before as he

stepped out of the truck. He realized it

was to no avail, however, when she

glanced over her shoulder at him and he

got another look at those cool blue eyes.

“Good morning.”

“Morning,” she said. Her tone was a

little short. He wondered if she was

angry with him for being late. Maybe he

should have called.

“I’m sorry I’m late—”

“It’s fine.”

There was no mistaking that she really

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was annoyed. “Really, I’m sorry. I had

some unexpected company this morning


“It’s really fine. It’s just that my

mother forgot about the rotten boards we

talked about. She fell through the porch

this morning—”

“Oh my God! Is she all right?” Now

he really felt bad.

“Yeah, she twisted her ankle a bit, I

think.” She began hammering a long nail

into the piece of plywood she’d covered

the hole with. As she hammered, the

wood around the nail split further and he

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heard her mumble a curse.

“We should probably just replace

most of this. It’s pretty warped and


She brushed her dark hair out of her

eyes and looked up at him again. Damn,

she’s pretty, he thought once again.

“How much will that cost?”

“I’d have to call and get a price on the

lumber, but I have a buddy over at the

lumber yard that’ll give me a pretty good


Drake could tell by the way she

furrowed her pretty brow that she was

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feeling stressed even before she said,

“Am I being overly optimistic thinking

this can all be finished and I can open in

time for the Harvest Festival?”

“Optimistic is good,” he told her with

a smile. “Hey, why don’t I call my buddy

and have him get the lumber ready, then

you can ride into town with me and

we’ll get some breakfast?”

He couldn’t read the look on her face,

but suddenly he wasn’t very optimistic.

“I should really stay around here. I just

have so much to do.”

“Okay … yeah, I understand. Well,

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I’ll call him and head into town. Can I

bring you something from the diner?”

Again, there was that look. “No, I’ve

had breakfast, but thanks. Will you be

long?” The last was said with a little

edge to it.

“I’ll get mine to go,” he said with a

wink. Sophie didn’t look amused.

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“Mother! What are you doing?”

Sophie walked into the kitchen just in

time to see her mother hobbling in

through the other door.

“I was just going to put on a pot of


“I told you to call me if you needed

anything. You need to stay off that


“Sophie, I’m fine, honey. It’s just a

little sore. You need to take a breath and

relax. You can’t fix everything all by


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“Well, it seems I might have to,” she

said, pulling out a chair for her mother.

“Sit.” Her mother rolled her eyes but sat


“I’m sorry, I’d be helping you but

you’re the one—”

“Oh, Mom! I’m sorry. I’m not talking

about you. It’s that carpenter/handyman I

hired. He just seems so laid back about

things. He was half an hour late this

morning, and he’s been gone for over an

hour now to pick up lumber and—get


Her mother smiled. “A man does have

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to eat, right?”

Sophie drew her eyebrows together

and looked at her mother. “Don’t you

think he should have done that before he

came to work?”

“Well, things happen sometimes.”

“Why are you defending him?”

“I don’t know. Why do you want to be

angry with him?”

“Want to be? Are you implying that I

was looking for an excuse to be angry

with him?”

“I just don’t really see that he’s done

anything so bad. People live life at a

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slower pace in these small towns. I

thought that was the whole point actually

of buying the B&B here.”

“It is, and I understand that, but I have

a deadline.”

“It’s a self-imposed deadline, and it

seems to me that it might be putting a lot

of undue stress on you. Would it be so

bad, Sophie, if you had to open a week

or two later than you planned?”

“Yes!” Sophie slammed the coffee pot

down in the sink. It was only luck that

kept it from breaking. She saw her

mother jump slightly at the noise from

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the corner of her eye and felt bad

instantly. “Jesus, I’m sorry, Mom. I don’t

know what’s wrong with me. I’m so

thrilled to be here and be doing this, and

not once in my life did I ever question

my ability to succeed … until now.”

Sophie could feel the sting of tears in

the corners of her eyes. Her mother

struggled to her feet and opened her

arms. Sophie went over and melted into

them. Her mother held her for a few

minutes and ran her hand down the

length of her daughter’s hair, and then

she held her back so she could see her

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“Sophie, it’s human nature to second-

guess ourselves. But you can’t let it

consume you. Changing your plans is not

the same as failing at them. I know you

can do this, but there’s something that

you can’t lose sight of in the process.”

“What’s that?” Sophie asked while


“The joy of the process. Keep that joy

and enthusiasm. Hold on to it. Otherwise

this place will become just a job to you.

Be willing to be flexible, and don’t

write things in stone just yet. Sometimes

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things don’t work out the way you

planned for them to, but that doesn’t

mean it’s a loss or a failure.”

Sophie nodded. She knew her mother

was right. Opening for the weekend of

the festival would be perfect, but

opening after that would still be opening,

and it would still be good. She just

wished that knowing she was right was

the same as feeling it. Sometimes,

Sophie felt like she was wound as tightly

as a clock and was afraid that one of the

springs was going to suddenly snap. “I

will try to think of it that way,” she told

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her mother. “Sit down. I’m going to

make that coffee.”

It was another hour before Drake got

back with the lumber. By the time he

started pulling up the boards on the front

porch, it was a little before noon. Sophie

was doing her best to hold on to her

patience with him but hot or not, he was

making it difficult.

While Drake worked on the porch,

Sophie busied herself with things that

needed cleaning inside the house and

trying to get her mother to stay off her

feet. It was around four thirty when she

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heard Drake’s phone ring out on the

porch. A few minutes later, he knocked

on the door and said, “I hate to do this,

but I’m going to have to take off. I’ll

come back early tomorrow—”

“Take off? You’ve only technically

been working for a little over four hours


“Sophie!” her mother said from

behind her.

“I’m sorry,” Drake said. His face

looked truly remorseful, and it was easy

for Sophie to look into those chocolate

eyes and want to forgive him, but at this

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rate, they’d never get things done. She

was beginning to regret not hiring the

bigger firm from the next town over.

Sorry isn’t going to get the work

done around here.”

“Yes, ma’am. If it wasn’t important


“Just go, I’ll see you in the morning.”

He turned to leave and she said,



“I hope tomorrow will be a better


“Me too,” he said. She watched him

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go and wondered for a second what the

phone call was about. Deciding that it

didn’t matter—or it shouldn’t if he was a

professional—she felt angry again.

When she met her mother’s eyes and saw

the disappointment there, she felt just a

little bit ashamed as well.

“Less than five hours, Mom.”

Her mother nodded but then said,

“Just be careful, Sophie. You never

know what someone is going through. He

could be going through some hard


“Everyone goes through hard times,

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Mom. It’s no excuse to slack on your

work.” Before her mother could

respond, Sophie turned and walked out

of the room. She wanted to see how

much he’d gotten done. When she

opened the kitchen door that led to the

front porch, she felt shock radiate

through her.

The porch was twelve feet long and

about four feet wide. Drake had

completed all but about a two-by-four-

foot spot in one corner … and it was

beautiful. The wood wasn’t finished yet,

but it was solid knotty pine, and Sophie

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could imagine just how beautiful it

would be when it was. She suddenly felt

like a terrible person. She went back

inside and looked at her mother. “What’s

wrong with me, Mom? I don’t treat

people this way.”

Her mother smiled. “Nothing is wrong

with you. You’re feeling stressed and

pressured, but the simple fact that you

feel remorseful means you are a good,

decent person.”

“Well, maybe you know that and

maybe I can convince myself of that

because of how bad I feel, but I’d be

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willing to bet that Drake is thinking I’m

a pretty terrible person right about now.”

“Then call him and apologize.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be able to

sleep tonight if I don’t. Thanks Mom.”

Her mother kissed her cheek and said,

“I think I’m going to head up to the

house. There’s a program on television

tonight I wanted to watch.”

“No, it’s too far for you to walk. I’ll

drive you.”

Her mom laughed. “I’m not an


“I just don’t want you to permanently

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damage that ankle.”

With a sigh and a smile, her mother

agreed to the ride. As soon as Sophie got

back to the main house, she found her

phone and called Drake. The phone rang

four times and went to voicemail, so she

hung up. She didn’t want to apologize in

a message. She called her mother

instead. “I sent you home without


Her mom laughed again. “What is this,

role reversal? I have some leftover

chicken from last night. I was going to

have that.”

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“Oh, I was going to run into town for

something. Are you sure I can’t pick up

something for you?”

“I’m sure, honey. I’m going to eat the

chicken and turn in early.”

“Okay. Mom, thank you so much for

all of your help.”

“You’re very welcome. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Sophie headed for town feeling a lot

calmer than she had during the day. She

would apologize to Drake first thing in

the morning, and she’d make sure to

keep a lid on the irrational anger the

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stress had been causing her to feel all


The little town was only about ten

minutes from the B&B. When she drove

up in front of Huckleberry’s, the first

thing she noticed was Drake’s pickup out

front. She felt a wave of annoyance that

he’d rushed out in what he’d presented

as pretty much an “emergency” when he

was out to dinner. She reminded herself

that she was going to stop all that as she

walked in the front door. She was

greeted by a young lady in a blueberry-

colored dress and a mile-wide smile.

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“Well, hello there. I’m Rebecca. Can I

get you a table?” Sophie’s eyes had

already landed on the back of Drake’s

head. He was facing away from her, but

she could see his dinner companion. She

was an attractive woman of about thirty,

and she was laughing at something Drake

had just said. “Miss … did you want a


“Oh, I’m sorry, no. Just a take-out

menu please.”

“Sure, I’ll be right back.” The girl

went behind the counter and Sophie’s

attention returned to Drake and his

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dinner companion. The woman had long

blonde hair, and from where Sophie was

standing, she looked tall and slim.

Sophie was suddenly feeling another

irrational emotion—jealousy. Why on

earth would she be jealous over whom

her handyman chose to have dinner

with? She was suddenly embarrassed by

her own private thoughts.

“Here you go, miss.” The girl was

back with her menu. Sophie thanked her

and sat down on the little bench seat to

look it over.

She was trying to decide between the

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Tri-tip sandwich and the grilled shrimp

when she heard, “Miss Michelson?” Her

stomach had already clenched before she

looked up into those chocolate pools.

She forced a smile and hoped it didn’t

look as nervous as she felt.

“It’s Sophie,” she said. “Hi, Drake.”

The young girl at the counter handed

him a take-out container and said,

“Drake, are you gonna be at the market

on Sunday?”

He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be


“Oh good. I saw Wendy out in front of

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the market the other day and I told her to

go out there on Sunday. She’s been

having a hard time since Mitchell passed


“You tell her to come see me,” he

said. The young girl beamed at him.

Sophie wondered what it was he was

giving out at the market that made people

so happy.

The blonde woman he was with

appeared at his elbow. “Drake, I have to

run. I’ll call you in the morning.” She

was definitely tall … and slim …

willowy even. She was beautiful.

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“Okay, Brooke, thank you so much,”

Drake said. She leaned in and kissed

him on his stubble-covered cheek, and

once again Sophie’s belly clenched.

“You’re very welcome. Thank you for

dinner.” The blonde smiled at Sophie,

and Sophie forced another smile she

didn’t feel like wearing. Drake watched

her leave and then turned his attention

back to Sophie.

“I’m really sorry again about leaving

so soon earlier. You see, those visitors I

told you about—”

“It’s fine,” she said, cutting him off.

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This was her chance to apologize and

tell him what great work he’d done—so

why wasn’t she doing it?

“Okay … well … I guess I’ll see you

in the morning?” It sounded like he was

asking a question. Was he worried she

was going to fire him? If he was so

worried about it, why was he so quick to

show up late and take off early?

“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He

started for the door, and that rush of self-

loathing Sophie had felt earlier for her

bad behavior returned with a vengeance.


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He turned back toward her. She

wished that her breath didn’t catch in her

throat every time she looked at him.


“You did great work on the porch

today. Thank you.”

He smiled then and—just like that—

her insides turned into hot liquid.

“You’re welcome. I’ll finish it

tomorrow.” Sophie nodded at him and

watched him go. She had no idea why

this guy caused her emotions to go from

one end of the spectrum to the other in no

time flat.

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Drake stepped into his uncle’s small

but obsessively neat house. Mac was

unable to use his legs, but he was very

good with his arms and hands, and he

kept his house immaculate. He also had

a little shop out back where he made

hand-carved statues to sell at the market.

The shop was as neat as the rest of the


“Hey, Uncle Mac, here’s your club.”

Mac rolled out of the kitchen and

smiled at his nephew. “Thank you.

You’re a good boy.”

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“Well, I owed it to you after what my

adopted children put you through today.”

Drake sat down and Mac began

unwrapping his sandwich.

Mac grinned. “It was a little touch and

go there for a while. Did you talk to


“Yeah, she had dinner with me. I

thanked her. I’m sorry I didn’t hear the

phone the first few times you called. I

must have had the sander on.”

Mac was chewing and just waved his

palm at his nephew. He swallowed and

said, “You were at work. I wouldn’t

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have even called, but I couldn’t stand the

idea of you coming home to find two

dead little kits. I’m glad Brooke was

available. She came right out.”

“She said they didn’t know how to …

go to the bathroom?”

Mac laughed. “Yes, apparently it’s

something they have to be taught—who

knew? The poor little things were

swollen and just miserable. Brooke

massaged their little bellies until they

finally did their business and they

looked so relieved. They curled up and

went to sleep right afterwards.”

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“Where are they?”

“In the kitchen,” he said.

“The kitchen?”

“Yeah, the heating pad was a good

idea, but Brooke also wanted them

underneath a light. The one in the kitchen

is the brightest I have.”

“Okay … maybe we can go into the

vet business with Sam after this.”

Mac laughed again. “No thank you.

I’ll leave the animal business to you.”

“Brooke said you did a great job with


“Not a problem,” Mac said. “I hope I

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didn’t cause you any problems with your

new client.”

“I think it’ll be okay … but it’s not

your fault anyhow.”

“You think? Was she angry? Damn,

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called—”

“Yes, you should have. I don’t think

she was angry … she’s a hard one to

figure out. She looks like a porcelain

doll. Everything about her is intriguing.

She was so excited and positive the first

couple of times I talked to her, but today

she was just … maybe stressed out or

something. I’m not sure …” Mac was

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grinning at him. “What?”

“You like her.”

Drake laughed. “I’m not in fifth grade,

Uncle Mac.”

Laughing too, Mac said, “You know

what I mean. You should have seen your

face when you just talked about how

pretty she is. You have a little crush on

the lady boss.”

Drake rolled his eyes, but the truth

was that Mac was right. In spite of the

fact that he couldn’t figure out if the lady

liked him or not, she set his insides on


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For the rest of that week and the entire

week that followed, excluding Sunday

when he went to the market, Drake

worked from sunup to sundown at the

Harvest Moon Inn. He finished the front

porch, repaired the steps on the stairs,

and started replacing some of the

fixtures throughout the house that were

broken or not working. He was

exhausted when he got home at night and

he still had his own chores to do around

the little farm. Hooter missed him a lot,

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and so did Mac.

Mac understood that it wasn’t forever

—Hooter didn’t. He’d taken to chewing

things up and bringing his “hunting

trophies,” like the heads of field mice or

the tails of garden snakes, up on the front

porch and leaving them there for Drake

to find when he got home. He hoped that

once his schedule returned to normal, his

relationship with his dog would as well.

He was thankful that Mac seemed to

be really enjoying taking care of the kits.

He’d named them Todd and Copper from

the movie The Fox and the Hound.

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Thankfully since Drake had been so

busy, Brooke had been around to help

them out with the babies and keep them


Brooke was Drake’s childhood

sweetheart. They’d long since decided

the love they had for each other was

more like siblings or friends than lovers,

but since she’d come home from medical

school and opened up a clinic in town,

they’d remained good friends.

His only worry about the kits was that

Mac was so attached to them now. He

wasn’t sure how he’d deal with it when

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Sam came home later that week and

found a rescue habitat to take them in.

Mac was fond of talking about how his

sister and his nephew loved taking in

strays, but Drake had begun to wonder

lately if maybe Mac needed a pet of his

own to chase away some of his


Sophie had been working so hard

herself that Drake hadn’t had much of a

chance to see her. She spent a lot of time

on the decorations for the guest rooms

and running back and forth into town to

pick up deliveries at the post office. The

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Harvest Festival was only four weeks

away now and there was still a lot to do.

He felt for her, but she seemed wound up

so tightly that he found himself wishing

she would just take an afternoon off and

relax. On the Friday of the second week,

after Sophie had left for town, her

mother called to him from the kitchen.

“Drake, I made some lunch. Why

don’t you take a break and come have

some with me?”

“You don’t have to feed me, Mrs.


She smiled. “I know I don’t have to,

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but I’ve got fried chicken and mashed

potatoes and biscuits—all my Southern

specialties. I hate to eat alone. Join me,


“Well, ma’am, when you put it that

way …” he said with a grin. He went

inside and washed his hands at the sink.

The new appliances had been delivered

a few days ago, and it seemed like Mrs.

Michelson had spent the morning

breaking them in. The air in the kitchen

smelled almost good enough to eat, and

Drake was suddenly starving. He sat

down at the table and said, “This all

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looks so delicious, Mrs. Michelson.

Thank you for the invitation.”

“It’s Brenda, and you’re welcome.

Dig in.”

He fixed his plate and Brenda fixed

one for herself. As they started eating,

she said, “You’ve lived in Brook Haven

all of your life, Drake?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Does your family still live in the


“My parents are gone,” he said. “My

father passed away about seven years

ago and my mother a couple years after

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“I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. I miss them a lot. I’m an

only child, but I do have an uncle who

lives on the family property with me.

He’s the only real family I have left. The

good thing about Brook Haven is that we

pretty much all know each other and it’s

like a big, sometimes slightly

dysfunctional family.”

She laughed. “I’m finding that out, the

family part. Every time I go into town I

make another new friend, and everyone

has been so warm and welcoming. I

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have to tell you too, Drake, I haven’t met

anyone yet that didn’t have a kind word

to say about you.”

“Well, that’s nice of you to say.”

“I’m not just saying it. It’s true. Your

parents must have been incredible

people because it seems they did a great

job with you.”

He felt his face flush slightly at her

praise. “Thank you, ma’am. They were

pretty amazing people.”

“Sophie’s an only child too. I regret

that sometimes. She does have a lot of

aunts, uncles, and cousins down south

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because her father and I both had large

families. But I still feel like when I pass

on, I’ll be leaving her all alone.”

“I’m sure that will be far in the

future,” he said. He hated talking about

people passing away. Uncle Mac tried to

rope him into that conversation

sometimes too, and he always passed.

To be polite, he said, “Maybe she’ll be

married by then and have her own


Brenda got a faraway look in her eyes

for a second, and then she smiled and

said, “Maybe … but Sophie’s always

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been so independent and focused on her

goals that I wonder if she’ll ever decide

to start her own family. What about you,

Drake? Have you ever been married?”

“No ma’am.”

“Do you mind if I ask you why? I

mean, you’re a handsome young man, a

hard worker, polite from what I’ve seen

…” She handed him the plate of biscuits,

and he took another as he felt his face go

hot again.

“Thank you. Well, when I was

nineteen, I actually thought that I was in

love for a while. It turned out that the

background image

girl and I were more cut out to be

friends, and so eight years later, we still

are. I spend a lot of time keeping my

little farm running and working. It’s kind

of hard to meet anyone you don’t know

in Brook Haven unless it’s a tourist in

the fall. I don’t think I’d be happy doing

the long-distance relationship thing.”

She smiled. “And the girls you

already know feel like family?”

He grinned. “Exactly.”

“Maybe you and Sophie could spend

some time together outside of all of this

work. She’s a really nice girl.”

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Drake suppressed a smile. Brenda

was trying to set him up with her

daughter. Little did she know he’d like

nothing more—but in the two weeks

he’d known her, Sophie hadn’t done

anything to indicate to him that she’d

even be remotely interested. As a matter

of fact, most of the time she seemed to

go out of her way to do the opposite. At

first she just acted annoyed with him all

the time; lately it seemed like she was

avoiding him altogether.

“I’m not so sure that would interest

your daughter,” he said honestly.

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“You never know …” Brenda got a

mischievous smile on her face and

Drake couldn’t hold his back any longer.

She was really trying to set him up with

her daughter—and he actually found

himself hoping that it worked.

After lunch, he insisted on helping

Brenda clean up. They were washing

dishes together and laughing at some of

his stories about the town and the locals

when Sophie returned. Judging by the

raised eyebrow she gave them both

before retreating up the stairs without

saying a word, she wasn’t happy about

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catching him bonding with her mother.

He had to wonder again if he and Brenda

were just kidding themselves that Sophie

would ever be interested in him in more

than a professional sense.

They finished cleaning up in silence,

and when they were done, Drake said, “I

should get back to work. Thank you

again for lunch … and the conversation.”

“Drake, about Sophie … she doesn’t

mean anything toward you personally.

She’s such a nice girl, and she just needs

to realize that life is about more than

work. She’s always been way too

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serious. When she was younger I thought

it was a good thing because she was so

mature and focused, but I’m beginning to

see it taking a toll on her, and that

worries me.”

He smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m not

taking it personally. I’m just pretty sure

if I asked her out, she’d shoot me down.”

“I don’t want to put any pressure on

you. I’m sorry if it sounded that way.”

“It didn’t. I can tell she’s a good

person. Maybe once this place is up and

running, she’ll be able to relax a little


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“I hope so,” Brenda said.

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Sophie was standing in front of the

mirror in her bathroom looking at

herself, wondering when she had

become the girl who rarely smiled, when

her mother knocked on her bedroom

door. “Come on in, Mom.” She stepped

back into the room as her mother opened

the door and stepped inside.

Brenda put her hands on her hips and

furrowed her brow. Sophie felt like she

was back in high school and her mother

had caught her doing something she

wasn’t supposed to do. “What was that

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all about?”

“What was what about?” Sophie

asked her. She knew full well what her

mother was talking about, but she didn’t

have a good explanation.

“You were bordering on rude just now

when you walked right past Drake and

me without even saying hello. This is all

so unlike you.”

Her mother was right … it was unlike

her. She just couldn’t for the life of her

figure out what was going on with her

moods lately. “I’m sorry. I was just

surprised when I came in to find you and

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Drake laughing like old friends. Mom,

he’s supposed to be here to work—”

“Oh, stop it. That boy works his tail

off from sunup to sundown six days a

week for you. He’s entitled to take a

break and eat a good meal and even have

a few laughs. It wouldn’t hurt you to

have a few yourself.”

“You seem as smitten with him as

everyone in town is,” Sophie told her.

“He’s a really nice person, Sophie.

Maybe you should take a cue from all of

these people and get to know him better.

It would do you good to have a friend

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your own age to do things with.”

“I don’t have time to get to know him

or ‘do things’ with anyone. The Harvest

Festival is in four weeks. That means if I

plan to open that weekend, I’ll have to

begin advertising by next week at the

very latest. I’m not even sure we’ll be

ready by then, and I still have a list of

jobs I need Drake to do—”

“Sophie, I thought we decided that

even if you didn’t get to open up that

weekend, you were going to be okay

with that.”

“No, Mom … I admitted that it

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wouldn’t be the end of the world, but the

truth is, it really will be. If we’re not

offering beds on the busiest tourist

weekend of the season, then it’s all been

for naught.”

“If you make yourself sick by

overdoing things, my dear daughter,

you’ll never be able to enjoy the

outcome. I thought we were keeping the

joy in this.”

“I feel it still, Mom, in here.” Sophie

pointed at her heart. “But I’ve worked

too hard and dreamt of this for too long

to lose focus now.”

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“Okay, so how about this. You agree

to give me just one day between now

and the Harvest Festival … just one.”

Sophie smiled at her relentless

mother. She knew she was worried so

much about her because she was so

much like her father. Brenda believed

that her husband’s heart attack was

related to the pressures he put on

himself. Sophie hated making her mother

worry. She had uprooted her life for her

daughter, and she’d been a huge help in

getting things set up. This was one small

thing she could do to show her

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appreciation. Besides, she was probably

right and taking just one day off wouldn’t

make or break her deadline.

“What are we going to do with this

one day?” Sophie asked.

Her mother smiled brightly now.

“Since it’s my day, you’ll do whatever I


“That sounds ominous.”

Her mother laughed and said, “Do you

trust me?”

“Of course, I trust you more than I

trust anyone.”

“Good, then just trust me and you’ll

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have a great day … but you have to


“Okay, when is this ‘day’?” she


“Tomorrow,” her mother told her. “It’s

Saturday and a lighter day for you

normally, right? There won’t be any

deliveries, so no wall furnishings or

curtains to put up.”

“Okay,” Sophie said again, still

reluctantly. She felt her stomach

clenching at the thought of losing all of

those hours, but she needed to do this for

her mother.

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When Sophie went down for breakfast

the next morning, she was surprised to

find Drake, and not her mother, in the

kitchen. “Good morning,” he said with

that killer smile.

“Good morning.” She took the coffee

mug he offered her and poured herself a

steaming cup full. She took a long sip of

it before asking, “Have you seen my


“Yes. She told me to give you this.”

He handed Sophie a note, and she

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furrowed her brow as she began to

unfold it. She recognized her mother’s

handwriting right away:

Darling daughter of mine … today is

my day. So, what I would like for you to

do is get out and get some fresh air and

really enjoy it. Drake has an extra bike

for you. Please be nice to him. I will

see you soon. Have a great ride.

Sophie looked back up into Drake’s

eyes. He was smiling. He had the most

perfect face that she’d ever seen … but

what the heck did her mother think she

was doing conspiring with him? It didn’t

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matter how handsome he was, she was

not going on a bike ride with him.

“Drake … what is she up to?”

“She wants you to relax. She’s

worried about you. This mountain

behind us has some of the greatest bike

trails in the world—you’ll love it! There

are also some really great trails through

the apple orchards just south of us, and

lake trails too.”

“Drake, I don’t have time to go on a

bike ride. You and my mother both know

how much there is still to do here—”

“Your mother said you promised to

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take the day off.”

Suddenly he was her mother’s

confidante. “I did … but to spend it with

her. If she’s not even going to be here, I

don’t see the point.” She felt bad as soon

as she said that.

His pretty brown eyes looked hurt for

just a second, but then he covered it

quickly and said, “I think the point—if

I’m understanding your mother—is that

she worries you work too hard and you

need to take some time to smell the

roses, or in this case, the apples.” He

grinned and in spite of herself, Sophie

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had to smile back. He was so cute.

“How about this. You can look at it as

research for your place.”

“Research?” she asked suspiciously.

“Yes. Have you done an actual tour of

the countryside?”


“Well, Brook Haven is a pretty tight

little town, and you should know some

of the basics of what goes on here.

Besides, I’m pretty sure your guests will

ask you for things like directions and

about the bike trails and places to hike. I

know them all like the back of my hand.

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Also, you should check out your

competition. If you look at it that way,

we’re both still working.”

He had a good point. She’d looked up

the other two B&Bs that were close by

online, but she’d yet to see them in

person. Maybe this wouldn’t be a

wasted day after all. “Okay … but it’s

been a while since I rode a bike.”

He winked at her and said, “It’s just

like riding a bicycle.”

Once again, in spite of herself, she

laughed. “I’ll go change.”

“Good, I’ll get the bikes ready.”

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Sophie changed into a pair of yoga

pants and a stretchy t-shirt that she

usually wore to work out. She put on her

tennis shoes and pulled her long hair

back into a ponytail, then grabbed a

sweater and went back downstairs. She

found Drake out in front of the porch

with two beach cruisers. “Why do you

have two bikes?” She suddenly

remembered the blonde. She didn’t want

to get in the middle of any drama.

“I bought them at a garage sale and

painted and fixed them up. I thought it

would be nice to have two in case

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anyone ever wanted to go on a ride with

me. And look … I was right.”

She took the handlebars of the blue

bike from him and watched as he got a

wicker basket and a backpack out of his

truck. He slung the pack onto his arms

and strapped the basket behind the seat

of his bike. “Drake?”


“You don’t have someone who is

going to get upset that you’re spending

the day with me, do you?”

He grinned, and as usual her insides

quivered. “Why? Is this a date?”

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“No! This is not a date. I just don’t

want to get involved in any drama

unwittingly …”

Still smiling, he said, “Well, my dog

Hooter can get a little jealous every now

and again, but he’s not one to really start

any drama.”

“Good to know,” she said. She really

wanted to ask him about the blonde, but

she was afraid he’d take it that she was

interested in him herself. That wasn’t the

case … for the most part. He was

gorgeous, and judging by the fact that

everyone in this town seemed to love

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him, he was undoubtedly one of the good

guys. But Sophie didn’t have time for all

of that. She slipped on the white helmet

he handed her and straddled the bike.

“What if I wreck?” she asked.

He laughed. “You are kind of a

Negative Nellie, you know that?”

“I am not. It’s a valid question.”

He pulled off the backpack, reached

inside, and pulled out a small first-aid

kit. “I’ve got you covered,” he said.

“I’ll bet you were a Boy Scout.”

“How did you know?”

“Just something about that halo you

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carry around,” she said. Before he could

respond, she was already pedaling away

from the house. She slowed down as she

got to the end of the driveway and let

Drake take the lead. He grinned at her as

he passed and she felt her heart rate

accelerate. She followed him along the

road that led from her place into town.

They rode a mile or two and just before

the turnoff toward Brook Haven, Drake

turned in the opposite direction of town.

They were on a dirt road, but it was

well-maintained with no deep ruts or


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After another mile or two, they came

to a spot where there were tidy white

fences and green pastures stretching out

along either side. “Sheep!” she

squealed, surprising herself. Drake

stopped his bike and she stopped next to

him. “I’ve never seen them out in the

pasture like that.” The green countryside

was dotted with their puffy white coats.

A medium-sized white dog with brown

markings on his face ran in and out

between them. “Is that a sheep dog?” she

asked Drake.

He nodded. “It’s a Queensland, but

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they make good little sheepherders.

They’re working dogs. They seem to

enjoy it.” The dog came closer to the

fence and looked curiously at them.

Sophie could see that he had one brown

eye and one blue. “Hey there, Kelly!

How’s it going today?” Kelly sniffed up

to the fence and Drake reached down

and scratched her ears.


“Yeah, that’s her name.”

“She’s a girl? How do you know?”

Smiling, he said, “I’ve known her

since she was born.”

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“Yeah, the man who owns this ranch

hires me every now and then to do some

work for him around the place. He and

his wife are retired from real estate out

in California. This ranch was their

dream, and they both tell me they’re

much happier here than they ever were

back there.”

“I’ve never been to California, but

this place is definitely gorgeous.”

Sophie looked out over the pasture

behind them. She couldn’t really process

how far it stretched out because from

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where they were, it looked like it

merged with the mountains along the


“It is a really pretty little ranch. Are

you ready?”

“I’m ready.”

They rode on, eventually turning onto

another trail. Drake warned her before

they rode over it. “This trail is a little

bumpier than the other.”

She was so enthralled with the beauty

of nature all around them that she wasn’t

worried about a few bumps. She could

smell the trees and feel the sunlight on

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her face. Her mother was right—as usual

—this was what she needed. Her soul

was beginning to feel better already. A

few minutes later, her breath was totally

stolen away. They came out of a grove of

trees and were suddenly surrounded on

both sides by water. In front of them was

a long bridge that looked sturdy, but it

seemed like it had been designed for

another century. It was so beautiful. “Is

this part of Lake Champlain?” she asked

Drake. He stopped next to her again.

“Yeah, this is a little-known spot back

here. My friends and I did a lot of

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fishing off this bridge when we were


“It’s so pretty.”

“Yeah, it is. I love it out here.” They

sat for a while and just took in the

scenery around them before moving

forward. Drake stopped again when they

came to a ridge with a long road that

would lead them down into a gorgeous

little valley. He pointed out the majestic

line of Adirondack Mountains far in the

distance behind a beautiful three-story

inn that sat surrounded by beautiful sugar

maples and a deep-green sea of grass.

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There was a huge red barn out behind

the house, and close to the end of the

drive, Sophie could see what looked

like a small fruit stand. Between them

and the stand were rows and rows of

apple trees.

“What is that place?” she asked him.

“That will be your biggest

competition,” he said. “It’s the

Mayflower Maple Inn.”

“Oh … it’s a beautiful old house.”

“Yes, this one is owned by Mrs.

Theresa Larson. She and her husband

have owned it for over fifty years. He

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passed away last year and her daughter

came home to help her run the place.

Mrs. Larson is close to eighty years old.

She runs that little fruit stand down

there, and her daughter and the staff

handle the rest.”

“She sells apples?”

“She does, and she makes homemade

lemonade—the best in the county.”

“Hmm … I am kind of thirsty,” she

said, getting back on her bike.

Drake grinned. “You just want to get

closer so that you can check out the

competition, don’t you?”

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She nodded as she took off down the

long road that led to the inn. Drake

shook his head and followed her with a

smile. The scent of the apple trees as

they rode through the grove was heady

and light. Here and there the bright red

apples lay on the ground—a sign that

harvest season was coming soon. It was

such a cozy scene that when Drake raced

past her, Sophie lost all sense of the

mature and serious woman she’d

become. She stood up on her pedals,

giggling, and raced him the rest of the

way to the fruit stand. By the time they

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reached it—with her in the lead—they

were both flushed and out of breath but


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Drake thought that Sophie looked like

an entirely different woman with color

in her cheeks and light in her eyes. He

was so incredibly tempted to kiss her

that he was glad Mrs. Larson was

standing there looking at them like they

were crazy. He caught his breath and

said, “Hello, Mrs. Larson. How are you


“I’m doing well, Drake. It’s good to

see you.” She looked over the rim of her

spectacles and said, “I don’t think I

know you, sweetie.”

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“This is Sophie Michelson, Mrs.

Larson. She just bought the old Harvest

Moon Inn.”

“Well, that’s quite the accomplishment

for such a young lady. Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” Sophie told her with a

genuine smile. “I’m really excited about


“Well, I’ve been in this business for

over half my life,” she said. “If there is

anything I can help you with or any

questions I can answer, honey, you feel

free to ask. It seems you already know

the best carpenter in town.”

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Drake grinned. “Thank you, Mrs.

Larson. Since I’m the only one in town


She waved her weathered palm at

him. “You’d still be the best,” she said.

She looked at Sophie again and said,

“His daddy used to come by and do

repairs for me and my husband on his

days off from work, and he wouldn’t

take a dime for it. We kept him supplied

with apples and lemonade. Now his son

here has taken to doing the same.”

Sophie laughed. “Well, that sounds

like a good deal to me. I was hoping to

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try some of your lemonade. Drake says

it’s the best in the county.”

The old lady winked. “He knows

what he’s talking about,” she said. She

went over to the little shed and through

the divided doors. A few minutes later,

she came back with two clear plastic

cups of lemonade. Fresh lemon slices

floated on top, and she also had a white

bag in her hand. She handed one of the

cups to Sophie and the other, plus the

bag, to Drake. “Give that to your Uncle

Mac for me, okay?”

“I sure will,” Drake said.

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“How is he doing?”

“Very well,” Drake said. “Hooter

found us a couple of kit foxes two weeks

ago. Uncle Mac’s been nursing them

back to health for me while I work. You

know how he is … he won’t admit it, but

I think he’s enjoying the company.”

She laughed. It was more of a cackle,

and Drake couldn’t help but smile when

he heard it. Sophie was smiling too and

pulling money out of a little pocket in the

front of her pants. Drake didn’t say

anything, but he knew Mrs. Larson

wasn’t going to take it. “This is $5.00. Is

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that enough?”

The old lady once again waved her

wrinkled palm. “Your money is no good

here when you’re with one of the Tanner


“Thank you.” Sophie took a long drink

through the straw. “Wow, that is

delicious,” she told Mrs. Larson. The

older woman beamed.

“Thank you. It’s an old family recipe

that I’m proud of.”

“Well, you should be,” Sophie said.

“I’m not sure how I’ll compete with


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She cackled again. “I’m sure you’ll

think of something. You have the

advantage of youth. My daughter does

her best around here and I’m thankful for

her, but this never was her calling.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Mrs.


“You too, sweetheart, and I wish you

the best of luck. Drake Tanner, you better

kiss this old leathery cheek.” Drake

leaned forward and did as she asked,


“It’s as smooth as glass,” he told her.

Her cheeks colored and she waved him

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away. As they rode off, she stood and

watched them and waved until they were

out of sight.

Not far up the road, they came to

another area of the lake. This one was

surrounded by flat land and wildflowers.

“Do you want to stop here and eat?” he

asked Sophie.

“Eat? Is that what you have in that


“Yep. You didn’t have breakfast.”

She smiled. “Come to think of it, I am

a little hungry. This looks like a good

place.” They pulled the bikes off the

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little road and Drake unhooked the

picnic basket. He had a little checkered

tablecloth rolled up and attached to it.

Sophie smiled as she watched him

spread it out.

He looked up at her and said,


“Just that Boy Scout thing again—

always prepared.”

He made a face at her and finished

setting up what he’d brought. Sophie

was amazed at the selection. He’d cut up

strawberries and melons and, of course,

apples, all into bite-sized pieces. He had

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a sampling of cheese, some bread, and

even two blueberry muffins. “Wow, this

looks great,” she told him, taking a seat

on the ground next to the food.

“Thanks. My mom loved picnics. I

learned how to pack one from her, I

guess.” He looked at the white bag and

grinned. “We could always add Uncle

Mac’s apple cinnamon rolls in with the


“Who is Uncle Mac?”

“He’s my mom’s brother. He lives on

the family property with me, but in his

own house. Mrs. Larson makes a batch

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of these rolls about once a week. She

always finds a way to send some to

Uncle Mac. Before his accident, he

worked for her and her husband, and

she’s always had a soft spot for him.”

“His accident?”

“He was in a head-on collision when

he was in his early twenties. Back

before seatbelt laws. He was thrown

through the windshield and landed about

fifty feet from the car on his back. He’s a

paraplegic now, but from what I hear

about how he was back then, it’s a

miracle he’s alive.”

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“Oh, wow, that’s terrible. Can he take

care of himself?”

“Oh yeah, he does really well now.

Something about the head injury changed

him a little, I guess. I didn’t know him

back then, but everyone in town says he

was always the life of the party. It’s like

pulling teeth now to get him out of the


“The poor thing.” She picked up a

strawberry off her plate and said, “What

was it you were telling Mrs. Larson

about foxes?”

“Oh … that’s actually why I was late

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that first day.” He told her about Hooter

finding the foxes and what they’d been

through keeping them alive since. “Uncle

Mac likes to blame the ‘bringing home

strays’ on me and my mother, but he’s

taken to those babies like nothing I’ve

ever seen. I worry about taking them

from him.” When he finished talking, he

noticed Sophie had put her food down

and had a stricken look on her face.

“What’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “I just feel so

bad. I treated you so poorly and here you

were saving baby animals—”

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He laughed. “I’m no saint, trust me. I

should have at least called you.”

“And I should have listened when you

tried to tell me what happened. I’m

really sorry.”

“It’s forgotten,” he said. “And you

weren’t that bad. Eat your fruit.” She

smiled and started eating again. “So your

mom tells me that you’ve been planning

this B&B since you were little. What

was it that fascinated you so much about


“Honestly, I’m not sure. I think it was

just that weekend we spent at the one in

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New Hampshire—everyone there

seemed so happy. I’ve always been

really kind of domestic. I love to cook

and bake, and I make my own soaps and

grow my own spices and herbs …”

“Really? I do too.”

“You cook and bake and make soap?”

He laughed. “Um … kind of, not

really, and no way. I meant me ‘too’

about the growing herbs part. I use mine

to make salves and things.”

“Really? How did you learn to do


“My mom. She was really good at that

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stuff. When she passed away, she left me

her journals with her recipes.”

“What happened to your parents, if

you don’t mind me asking?”

“Dad passed away of a heart attack at

sixty-two. Two years later, Mom

followed. I honestly think her heart was

broken. She loved him so much.”

“That’s sad and beautiful at the same


He smiled and suddenly had that urge

to kiss her again. “So, a bed and

breakfast because you’re domestic … a

lot of women just turn that into marriage

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and children.”

“If you haven’t noticed, I’m not a lot

of women.”

He tried not to let her see the

overwhelming desire he was feeling as

he looked at her and said, “I have

noticed that, yes. So do you not ever

want to have a family of your own?”

“I would never say never, but given

that option right this minute, I’d say no. It

might sound silly to someone on the

outside, but I’ve dreamt about and

planned this business for so long that I

just have to make it a reality first. You

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see how it worries my mother to death

that I don’t want to take a day off. Just

imagine me with a husband and a couple

of kids who need my attention.”

Drake had been trying not to imagine

that very thing since practically the day

he met her. He was overwhelmed by the

incredible attraction he felt. At the same

time, he was pretty sure that he wouldn’t

be the man she’d choose if she ever did

decide to settle down. One good thing

about being complacent with his life, it

was fairly easy for him to convince

himself to just be happy with the fact that

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he got to see her every day. And after

today, becoming friends with her seemed

like a real possibility. Never being one

who needed to hurry things, he decided

to keep that desire to kiss her in check

and just see where this new friendship of

theirs went.

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“You sure have been smiling a lot this

evening.” Sophie and her mom were

making dinner together, and she had just

been thinking about something Drake had

said earlier that made her smile.

“Are you complaining? I thought that

was your whole big ploy when you set

me up this morning.”

“Set you up? Whatever do you mean?

I told you that I remembered I’d made a

hair appointment—”

Sophie laughed. “You’re a terrible


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“Did you have fun?”

Sophie smiled again in spite of

herself. She did have fun—much more

than she’d had in a long time. “Admit

you set me up.”

Brenda laughed. “Fine, I set you up. I

thought you’d have more fun with Drake

than with me. Now, your turn, admit you

had fun.”

“I had fun. It was a lot of fun and I

definitely needed it, so thank you for

your sneaky ways.”

“You’re welcome. So tell me about


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Sophie breaded the fish and told her

mother about the green mountains and the

apple orchards. As she talked, she could

almost see it and smell it all over again.

It was all so beautiful. She had to admit,

only to herself of course, that as she saw

it all in her mind’s eye, she saw it all as

a backdrop to Drake’s gorgeous smile.

“Did you know that he has a disabled


“He mentioned an uncle to me; I don’t

believe he told me he was disabled.”

“He’s paraplegic. Drake says he does

a lot for himself, but I get the feeling

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Drake does a lot for him, too. He also

seems to be quite the animal lover.” She

lowered the fish into the skillet with the

warming olive oil on the stove.

Brenda waited until she’d covered it

with a lid before she said, “You seem to

be warming up to Drake.”

Sophie shook her head. She wondered

why all of a sudden her mother seemed

to want to play matchmaker; she’d never

done that before. Was she afraid that

Sophie’s biological clock was ticking?

“I am warming up to him, Mom … as

a friend. He’s a nice guy and I had fun

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with him today, but don’t get it into your

pretty little head that it’s going any

further than that.”

Brenda took the plates and silverware

off the counter and carried them to the

center island. As she set them out, she

said, “Okay, I promise not to push either

of you, but can I ask you why?”

Sophie lifted the lid and used the

tongs to turn the fish. She was quiet for a

long time, trying to decide how to word

her feelings so that they didn’t upset her

mother. When she put the lid down and

turned around, she said, “Mom … now

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is just not a good time for me to get in a


“But you do plan on it someday?”

Sophie took her mother’s hand, then

led her over to the island and sat down.

Brenda settled down on the other stool

and Sophie asked her, “Why is this

suddenly an issue for you, Mom?”

“It’s not an ‘issue.’ I just hate seeing

you so unhappy.”

“You think that I’m unhappy?”

“You hardly ever smile anymore. You

have such a beautiful smile, it’s a


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Sophie squeezed her mother’s hand.

“I’m sorry I’ve given you that

impression and made you worry. I am

happy though, Mom! I’m so happy! This

is what I’ve always wanted. I’m just

really feeling a lot of pressure right now.

I know that outwardly I don’t show it,

but I am so grateful for everything I have

… most especially you. I will try harder


“It’s not about me, Sophie. I know you

love me and I feel blessed to be a part of

this with you. I’m just afraid you’re

going to let your youth pass you by, and

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once that happens, you can’t get it back.”

Sophie nodded. “I hear you, Mom. In

four weeks, this place will be up and

running, and I will start spending some

time getting to know some of the folks in

town and try to make some new friends.”

“You promise?”

Sophie smiled. “Pinky promise,” she

said, holding her little finger out. Brenda

took it with hers the way they used to

when Sophie was a little girl. “Now,

let’s eat some fish and talk about your

future for a change.”

Brenda snorted and Sophie laughed.

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She had to admit that she felt much

lighter than she had in weeks. Nothing

had really changed other than she’d let

her guard down for a few hours. Maybe

there was something to be said for

deviating from the plan every now and



Drake finished loading the last of his

vegetables and herbs in the truck and had

just helped Hooter up into the bed. When

Hooter was younger, there’d be no

stopping him from jumping in and out of

background image

the truck, but he was getting up there in

age, so sometimes he needed a little

boost. He was about to head up to see if

his uncle wanted to go when he heard

Mac calling to him from the house.

Drake walked the five hundred feet and

found Mac sitting on the front porch

holding the kits, one in each hand.

“What’s wrong?” he said before he

noticed Mac was smiling from ear to


“Watch …” He held the one in his

right hand up, and the cute little guy

stretched out his long nose and nuzzled

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“Oh wow. That’s cute.”

“Wait! Watch this …” He held the

other one up. Instead of going for Mac’s

nose, that one laid a kiss right on his

lips. Drake cracked up.

“How long did it take you to teach

them that?”

“I didn’t teach either one of them. The

little boogers just started doing it on

their own every time I picked them up.”

He tried to look annoyed as he said it,

but the little guy in his right hand

climbed up his arm and snuggled into his

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chest right next to his armpit. Drake

could see him visibly melting. God, he

hated the thought of how upset Mac was

going to be when they had to leave.

“That’s awesome,” he said. He almost

told him that Sam would be back on

Wednesday, but he just didn’t have the

heart. “You want to go to the market with

me this morning?”

“Nah … I better stay back and make

sure these guys eat and take care of their

other business.”

Drake smiled. “Okay. Do you have

anything you want me to take for you?”

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“Yeah, if you don’t mind. There are a

couple of new carvings on the table in

the shop.”

“Okay, I’ll bring us some lunch when I

get back.” Mac was already immersed in

conversation with one of the kits and

hardly noticed Drake leaving. Drake

went around to the woodshop, and when

he opened the door and saw what was

on the table, tears actually stung the

corners of his eyes. Mac had carved a

replica of each kit as well as one of

them curled together sleeping. They

were lifelike and beautiful, and there

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was no way that Drake was going to sell

them. He took them with him; he’d bring

the money back to Mac, but they would

go into his private collection, the one in

his house that Mac rarely saw because

he refused to leave his own.

Any time Drake took one of Mac’s

carvings into town and it didn’t sell, he

bought it. They were genuinely beautiful

works of art, but unless it was tourist

season, the folks in Brook Haven didn’t

often have a lot of money to spend on

non-essentials. Drake had a collection of

at least a dozen … and now he had three

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He made it into town just in time to

set up his table before he had his first

customer. Hooter had wandered off to

say hello, and Drake didn’t worry about

him; everyone in town knew the old

yellow Lab.

“Hi, Drake!”

“Hey, Karen, how’s the shoulder?”

“It’s so much better thanks to that

salve you gave me last week.” Karen

lived alone in a house at the edge of the

woods with no electricity or running

water. Drake gave her a camp stove a

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while back to cook on, and the nice folks

who owned the grocery store kept her

supplied with fresh water and anything

non-perishable that they would have to

throw out. She always had a different

ailment, and Drake had come to suspect

over the years that most of her pain came

from the inside and manifested itself in

body aches.

“I’m glad to hear that. My mama

swore by it for her joint pain.”

“Your mama was an angel,” she said.

“We sure do miss her around here.”

“Thank you, Karen. I miss her too.”

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“I got a crick in my knee these days


Before she left, Drake had loaded her

down with a grocery bag full of

vegetables and more salve. He was just

wrapping things up with his second

customer—a paying one—when he

heard a familiar voice.

“Well, there he is. Where are those

wild animals you’ve been hanging on to

for me?”

“Sam! I thought you weren’t coming

back until Wednesday.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “Well, that’s

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a nice welcome home if I ever got one,”

he said.

“Sorry. I’m just surprised to see you.”

“Well, hitting the beach was nice after

the conference, but you know me, I’d

rather socialize with the animals.”

Drake smiled. “Yeah, I’ve noticed that

about you.”

“So how are those kits doing?”

“Well, when I left the farm, Mac had

one of them rubbing noses with him and

the other giving him kisses.”

Sam cringed. “You domesticated


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“No … Mac did, I guess. You know

he just gets lonely out there. Those little

guys have kind of become his


“Drake, he can’t keep them.”

“I know. I’m just having a hard time

telling him that.”

Sam laughed. “I’ll tell him.” Hooter

suddenly appeared from somewhere and

began to rub his thick coat against Sam’s

leg. He smiled at the dog and squatted

down to pet him.

“No, I’ll do it. Just give me a day or

two,” Drake told him.

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“The longer he has them, the harder it

will be to get them back out into the wild

where they belong.” Sam scratched

Hooter underneath his chin once more

and then stood up.

“I know,” Drake said with a heavy

sigh. Sam raised an eyebrow at him

again, and Drake said, “Really, I do. I’ll

talk to him when I get home.”

“All right, call me tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay.” Drake watched him move on

to the next booth to say hello to Mrs. O’

Brien. He blamed himself for this. If

he’d been paying more attention, he

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would have seen how lonely Mac was

and gotten him a pet of his own.

“Why so glum?”

He looked up at the voice. “Hey,

Brooke.” He pulled out the chair next to

him and said, “Have a seat and I’ll tell

you all my troubles.” Hooter was

extremely happy to see her. She sat

down in one of the chairs and let Hooter

put his big paws up in her lap as she

petted him.

“The doctor is in,” she told Drake.

“But you know I charge by the hour. I

need the cash too since I can’t seem to

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convince anyone in this town that I’m a

real doctor.”

He laughed, even though he knew she

wasn’t really kidding. Poor Brooke was

having trouble getting new patients.

People drove for miles to see a doctor

they didn’t know because a lot of them

still saw Brooke as the girl they’d

watched grow up. Drake had been

racking his brains trying to figure out

how to help her, but he hadn’t really

come up with anything yet. Hooter saw

another dog and he was off like a shot to


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As Brooke brushed the yellow hair off

her jeans, Drake told her, “You can put

the bill on my tab. You know I’m good

for it.”

He grinned at her, and she laughed and

said, “That tab goes all the way back to

fifth grade. I’m beginning to think you

never intend to pay me. At this rate, I’ll


He handed her a plastic container full

of carrots. “Here, have some


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Sophie drove down to her mother’s

cabin to pick her up. They were going to

the farmer’s market. It had actually been

Sophie’s idea, and her mother seemed

thrilled about it. When she stopped in

front of the cabin, she noticed her

mother’s limp was less noticeable than it

had been the day before.

“I’m so happy you decided to take the

morning off,” Brenda told her as she slid

into the passenger seat of the SUV.

“Yeah, well, I already wasted one

whole day.”

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“Wasted? I thought you said you had a

good time yesterday.”

Sophie smiled. “I was kidding,

Mom.” Brenda shook her head. What

Sophie wasn’t telling her mother was

that she hadn’t been able to get Drake

out of her head all night long. She

thought about him all evening and when

she finally fell asleep, she dreamt about

him. In her dream, they were married

and running the inn together. She’d

woken up feeling warm and safe, and it

made her wonder about the possibilities.

They were a long way from marriage,

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but she was definitely interested in

getting to know him better.

The two women talked about the

website Sophie was working on for the

inn on the way into town. Sophie had

hired a photographer who would be out

on Monday to take some professional

photos of the place for her to use in her


“Has Drake started on the main

fireplace yet?” Brenda asked. There

were quite a few loose stones in the big

eight-feet-high-by-six-feet-wide stone

fireplace and mantle.

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“He’s waiting for the stones to come

in, but I don’t think any of the

imperfections will show up in a photo,

do you?”

“Probably not. The fences he did last

week out behind my place look really


Sophie nodded. “Yeah, I went out and

looked at them on Friday. They actually

look like brand new. He does really

good work.” And he looks gorgeous

doing it, she added in her mind.

Sophie drove through town until they

came to the street that was blocked off

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for the market every Sunday morning.

She parked the SUV and went around to

help her mother step out. “Really,

Sophie, I am not an invalid.”

“I don’t want that ankle to get worse,”

she told her. “I wish you would go to

the doctor. It shouldn’t still be bothering

you so much.”

Brenda pulled her arm gently from her

daughter’s grasp. “Who says that it’s

bothering me?”

“You’re still limping after two


“That’s my bursitis.”

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“You don’t have bursitis—”

“Oh look, it’s Tina, the lady who did

my hair yesterday.” Brenda lifted her

arm and waved, and Tina motioned her

over to the booth. “I’ll catch up with

you, honey.”

Sophie rolled her eyes. She was glad

her mother was making friends, but that

had been a blatant escape attempt.

Brenda was always so busy taking care

of everyone else that she forgot to take

care of herself sometimes. Sophie

looked around at all of the little booths

set up. It seemed that everyone in the

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community had something to sell—or

maybe barter, she wasn’t sure. She saw

Mrs. Larson as she was walking around

and stopped to say hello. The old lady

seemed thrilled to see her and gave her

another cup of free lemonade.

“Thank you, Mrs. Larson. Do you

know where Drake sets up?”

The older lady pointed to a table

about five booths past hers. “He’s right

there, honey, behind the O’ Dells’

booth.” Sophie looked but she couldn’t

see him. There was a stack of containers

on the grocer’s booth that he must be

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hidden behind. Mrs. Larson told her,

“You see those blue containers? Those

are his. It looks like Brooke is there with


Sophie moved a step to the right, and

she did see him. He was sitting at the

little table with the blonde she’d seen

with him in Huckleberry’s. “Mrs.

Larson, who is Brooke?” Sophie heard

herself ask, and she was surprised. Once

again, it was very unlike her to feel

jealous or threatened by another woman

—especially since she wasn’t even in a

relationship with the man.

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“She’s our doctor now. It’s funny to

me, sometimes. I watched that girl grow

from diapers to medical school, and now

she’s the one who writes out my

prescriptions. A lot of folks are still

driving the seventy miles down to the

city because it just seems too strange to

them.” She paused, and Sophie was just

about to excuse herself when Mrs.

Larson said, “Some things never change

though. Those two have been sweet on

each other since they were kids. I

remember my dear departed husband

running them out of our barn once when

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he found them in there kissing. They

couldn’t have been over fifteen then.

Brooke’s family lived just across the

back field from us.”

Sophie didn’t like the way the sound

of that made her feel either. What was

happening to her? She’d never mooned

over a man before and got jealous at the

very idea of him kissing another woman

—and twelve years ago at that!

She chastised herself once more, and

Mrs. Larson asked, “Are you okay,


“Oh yes, I’m fine.”

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“Are you sure? You look a little


Sophie wasn’t sure what “peaked”

meant exactly, but she thought she might

feel a little “peaked” as well. “I’m fine,

Mrs. Larson. Thank you for the

lemonade. I hope to see you again soon.”

“You’re so welcome, dear.” Sophie

walked away from Mrs. Larson’s booth,

but she wasn’t sure what she should do.

Maybe she should go over and talk to

him and see if he introduced the blonde

this time—now that she really thought of

it, he never said he didn’t have anyone in

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his life. What he had said was that he

didn’t have anyone who would get angry

about him spending the day with her. His

blonde “friend” looked like a model

even just from the back. Sophie was sure

she’d have nothing to feel threatened

about. Maybe that was all he meant.

She had decided to just turn around

and go find her mother about the time

Drake stood up to wait on a customer.

He glanced in her direction and his

chocolate eyes captured hers, and for a

second she was frozen to her spot. A

slow smile spread across his handsome

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face and he waved her over. Great. She

pasted on a smile and walked over to


As she walked up, she heard the man

next to the table telling him, “Becky was

so grateful to you for dropping off those

vegetables last week. We were both so

sick we could hardly get out of bed,

much less into town. She made us the

best soup I’ve ever tasted out of them. I

don’t know what you use in that soil of

yours but—”

“Love,” the woman with the blonde

hair said, grinning. Drake rolled his eyes

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without even looking at her.

“I’m glad you both liked them, Brett.

What can I get for you today?”

“Becky said to get some of that

yellow squash and two of your tomatoes.

I want to pay you for what you brought

by last week, too.”

“No way, that was one neighbor to

another,” he said. Every time she was

around him even for a minute, Sophie

was finding it easier to understand why

everyone loved him.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive,” he said, putting some

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things in a bag and handing it to the man.

“That’s two dollars.”

“Two dollars?” The man looked at his

fully stuffed bag. He appeared about to

argue, but a glance at Drake’s face

changed his mind. He handed Drake the

two dollars, and with a grateful look, he

said, “After the harvest, I’m going to

make this all up to you.”

“I know,” Drake told him. As soon as

the man walked away, he turned to

Sophie. His smile and the tone of his

voice was genuine as he said, “I’m so

glad you came out this morning.”

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That smile had a way of thawing the

protective wall she kept around her

heart. “Me too,” she said. “This is nice.”

The blonde cleared her throat, and

Drake looked down like he had just

remembered she was there.

“I’m sorry. Brooke Kilgore, this is my

friend Sophie Michelson. Brooke is the

doctor in our clinic here in town.”

Brooke stood up and offered Sophie her

hand, which she accepted, Sophie found

herself envious of the other woman’s

smooth, feminine hands. She had been

working so hard lately that she hadn’t

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given much thought to the state of her

hands until just now.

“I’m pleased to meet you,” Brooke

said. When she smiled, she had one deep

dimple on the right side of her face.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Sophie

told her.

“Speaking of the clinic, I guess I

should get back to the booth. Drake, call

me if you need backup later. And stay

strong or buy a puppy.”

Drake laughed and said, “Couldn’t I

just give Hooter to him instead?”

Brooke laughed. “Right, you and that

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old Lab couldn’t live without each other.

How old is he now?”

“He’s going on fifteen this year,” he

told her.

Brooke whistled. “Wow, it’s hard to

believe he’s that old. I was at that

birthday party when your dad gave him

to you.”

Drake looked like he was

remembering. With another genuine

smile, he said, “Yeah, I remember it like

it was just last week. He’s been a good

old dog.”

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I

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really have to get back. Don’t forget to

call me after you talk to Mac.” She

turned back to Sophie and said, “It was

really nice meeting you.”

“Thank you. It was good to meet you

as well.” Drake’s eyes moved from

Brooke back to Sophie. Something about

the way he looked at her made her feel

safe and warm. “She’s the doctor, huh?”

she asked. Stupid question, didn’t he

just say, “She’s the doctor?”

“Yeah,” he said, at least polite enough

not to even smirk or point out that he’d

just said that. Instead he said, “She and I

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have been friends for a long time.”

Just friends … that’s good. Good,

why? Why do I care who he’s “just

friends” with?

“So what are you selling?” she asked,

trying hard to change the subject before

she said something to embarrass herself


“Vegetables, herbs, salves …”

“I could use some vegetables.” He

grinned. God, he was so handsome….

She started looking through what he had

and saw that most of them were cut up

into bite-sized pieces and put into

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plastic containers. Some of them even

looked like they had seasoning of some

sort on them. “Is this a special seasoning

or something?”

“Nope, it’s just salt and pepper.”

“So why do you cut them up like this?

Do they sell better?”

“Not really. Brook Haven is so close

to the mountains that a lot of folks we get

here in town—locals—live in cabins up

on the mountain. Many of them don’t

have electricity or gas to cook with, and

the ones that do just might not have a lot

of money to buy food. A lot of our work

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around here is seasonal. If you don’t

own a business that people need all year

round, off-season times can get tough.

Some of the folks up here just survive all

year off what they make during ski

season. Some of them wouldn’t make it

if the community didn’t help out. The

general store is owned by a couple

named the O’ Dells, and they give out

things that most markets return or throw

away, like vegetables you can’t really

keep very long or they go bad,

especially this time of year. My mom

always cut up the ones that could be

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eaten fresh and raw and packaged them

this way. I just continued what she


“So you give them away?”

“In some cases. There are people who

can afford to pay me, and the ones that

can’t don’t. I plant way too many every

season for just Uncle Mac and me to


She smiled. “How do you know the

difference? I mean, do you already know

who can afford to pay and who can’t?”

“I don’t need to know. They know.

They take what they need and pay me if

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or when they can. Sometimes they trade

me for things.”

“That’s really admirable, Drake.”

He looked uncomfortable. “Nah, it’s

just what you’re supposed to do for your

neighbors. Everybody around here gives

back if they can.”

She didn’t respond because he didn’t

seem overly comfortable talking about it,

but it warmed her heart. She was feeling

more confident with her choice of a

place to start her business and put down

her roots every day.

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Sophie spent most of the morning with

Drake at his table. Some of it she spent

playing with his dog who, she

discovered, loved to fetch.

“Why is his name Hooter?”

“When my parents gave him to me, I

named him Beau. He was just a tiny little

thing and I was too young to really know

how much trouble he could get into out

on a farm that sits right at the mouth of

the forest. I got busy playing with my

friends at the party and before I knew it,

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Beau was gone. He’d just disappeared. I

was in a panic, and my friends and I all

ran off to look for him. We looked for

over an hour and when we came back to

the house, the pup was curled up in my

mom’s lap on the front porch. I asked her

where she found him and she said she

didn’t find him, the barn owl did. We

had this owl that my mom fixed up when

he was young. He wouldn’t leave

afterwards and just stayed in our barn. I

guess once we took off, Mom could hear

him making all kinds of racket, ‘hooting

and hollering,’ she had said. When she

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got to the barn, she found the pup curled

up on top of the owl’s nest. I decided to

rename him Hooter after that.”

“What a cute story. Your family loves

animals, don’t they?”

“Yeah. My mother was like Snow

White. They were just attracted to her.”

Throughout the rest of the morning,

Drake introduced her to a lot of people

she hadn’t met, and between customers,

she just sat with him and talked. She had

a lot of questions about the community

and the people and what it was going to

be like in a few weeks when tourist

background image

season exploded, and he answered them

all to the best of his ability.

The whole time he was shaking

inside. He hadn’t been able to get her off

his mind since he met her, but after the

bike ride yesterday, it was even worse.

It was the first time she’d really let her

guard down around him and he got to see

the real Sophie. He’d liked what he’d

seen … a lot. Today was a lot of the

same. She laughed at his stupid jokes

and even made a few of her own. By the

time Brenda found her to tell her she

was ready to go, Sophie was even

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waiting on his customers.

“I see you put her to work,” Brenda

told Drake with a smile. “Good for


Sophie finished handling her “sale”

and turned to look at her mother. “And

where have you been, young lady? You

disappeared on me for hours.”

Brenda laughed. “You know me, I’m a

social butterfly. I think I may have joined

a quilting league … or whatever you call


“You quilt?” Sophie asked her.

“Not at all. I can’t even sew, but it

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sounded like fun.”

Sophie laughed. “Are you ready to

head back? I was going to get some

work done in the office today.”

“Sure, honey, whenever you are. How

is your Sunday going, Drake?”

“Great,” he told her honestly. He

couldn’t have asked for a better one—

minus the part about having to go home

and having that talk with Mac about the


“What are you doing for dinner,

Drake?” He didn’t miss the way

Sophie’s head snapped around to look at

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her mother when she asked him that.

Sophie was as aware as he was that her

mother was trying to set them up.

He smiled and said, “I don’t have any

plans, Mrs. Michelson.” Then he looked

at Sophie again for her reaction. She

actually seemed more amused than


“Good, you should join us. I took

some pork chops out to thaw this

morning. I thought I’d do them up with an

apple bourbon sauce that I haven’t made

in a long time.”

“That sounds really good, but I might

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have to take a rain check.”

“Oh. I thought you said you didn’t

have plans?”

“I don’t, but there’s something I need

to talk to my uncle about and—”

“Oh no, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to

exclude your uncle. He’s welcome to

come too. I’d love to meet him. Wouldn’t

you, Sophie?”

“Yes,” Sophie said, still looking

amused. “I’d love to meet him.”

“Well, I’m just not sure he’ll come


“How often do you two get a home-

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cooked meal?”

“Not often,” he said regretfully. “I’ll

ask him. Can I let you know?”

“Of course.”

Drake smiled. “Thank you. I’ll let you

know soon so you don’t make extra food

for no reason.”

“I’ll look forward to hearing from

you,” Brenda told him. “Sophie, I’m

going to wait in the car. Take your time.”

“Is your ankle hurting again?”

“No, it’s fine. I hope we see you later,

Drake.” They watched as she walked

away, and it was obvious that she was

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trying hard not to limp.

“She never saw a doctor about that?”

Drake asked Sophie.

“No, she’s so stubborn. She keeps

telling me it’s fine, but she’s still limping

and she thinks she’s hiding it from me.”

“Will you mind the table for just a

second?” Drake interrupted her.

Sophie looked at him strangely but

said, “Sure.”

He followed Brenda, and when he

caught up to her, he said, “Mrs.

Michelson, I was wondering if you’d do

me a favor?”

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“Sure, of course, Drake. What do you


“My friend Brooke is the new doctor

here in town. She just came back from

being gone to medical school and doing

her residency and all of that in Boston.

She opened a little clinic, but they

haven’t gotten a lot of business yet. The

doctor who was here before was here

for years, and people are just having a

hard time trusting such a young doctor.

Unfortunately, some of them are still a

little on the fence about her being

female, too. It’s just not what they’re

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used to, you know? She has a booth here

and I was just wondering if maybe you’d

let her look at your ankle.”

Brenda had a knowing smile on her

face as she said, “And how does that

help your friend?”

“Well, I’m not sure it will, but so far

today no one has stopped to take

advantage of her services. You could be

the first. It would at least make her feel


“Are you trying to manipulate me into

having a doctor look at my ankle,


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“Is it working?”

“I’ll let her look at it.”

“Then yes ma’am, that was exactly

what I was trying to do.”

Brenda laughed and he held his arm

out to her. She took it, and he escorted

her over to the booth where Brooke sat

with her medical assistant, looking

bored out of her mind.


“It’s broken?” Sophie said, slightly

indignant that her mother had been

walking around on it for over two


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“She doesn’t know that for sure. She

wants me to go have it x-rayed at the

clinic tomorrow.”

“But she told you that you shouldn’t

be walking on it.”

“Yes, she told me to try and stay off of

it. I wasn’t planning a marathon tonight.”

“You invited Drake and his uncle to

dinner though. I’m cooking—”

“No, you’re not. I invited them, I’ll


“How do you plan on doing that

without standing up?” Sophie asked her

as she turned off the main road and onto

background image

the road leading up to the house.

“I can sit on one of the stools if I need

to. I’ll be fine. You worry way too


Sophie shook her head at her stubborn

mother. She knew that it wouldn’t do any

good to argue with her. When they got to

the house, Sophie helped her out of the

SUV and said, “Drake says they have an

old walker at his place from when his

uncle had physical therapy. I’m going to

run over there and pick it up.”

“He can just bring it when he comes

for dinner.”

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“He’s not even sure his uncle will

come, Mom. It’s ten minutes from here,

he said. I’ll be right back.” She helped

Brenda into the house and issued more

orders she knew her mother wouldn’t

follow. Then she called Drake to let him

know she was dropping by before she

got back in the car. She followed the

road from her place up toward the

mountains and turned off on the one he

told her to. The road narrowed and was

surrounded on all sides by thick patches

of trees that seemed to lead higher up

into the mountains.

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The view was gorgeous and Sophie

almost missed her turnoff because she

was so engrossed by it. When she saw

the little dirt road, she nearly had to

slam on her breaks. She smiled at the

little handmade sign that read “Tanner

Stead” near the mailbox at the end of the

road. A bunch of lilac bushes seemed to

grow wild there and she caught their

sweet, subtle scent as the air wafted

through her open window.

She saw Drake’s house as she got a

little closer. It was built up on a gentle

rise that sloped away on either side, and

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the property was dotted with massive

oak trees and a maple tree here and

there. His house was so white that it

actually gleamed in the center of all that

brown and green. The little yard in front

and the vegetable garden off to the side

were as well-kept as she imagined they

would be.

There was a gravel and dirt road that

led from his house up to another, smaller

one that she assumed was his uncle’s.

Behind that house was a large shop, and

off to the side of that looked like a big

barn. As she parked and stepped out of

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the car, Hooter ran up to greet her. Drake

came out of the house behind him.

“Hooter, get off of her. This is why

we never have company.” Sophie

laughed and petted the rambunctious old

dog. Something else caught his attention

and he scampered off toward the garden.

“Come on in,” Drake told her. “What

does your mother say about using the

walker?” he asked as he led her into a

cozy living room.

It was furnished with what looked like

handmade furniture covered with thick

brown and tan upholstered cushions.

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There was a fireplace along one wall

and a lot of family photos on the mantle.

There were also hand-carved animals

everywhere. They were intricate,

beautiful pieces of art. Sophie was

thinking about asking him where he got

them from. It would look great in the

lodge room of the B&B.

“Well, I think by now you know my

mother … so what do you think?” she

said in answer to his question.

He laughed. “I think she doesn’t want

to be a burden to her daughter, mostly.

Have a seat.” Sophie didn’t want to sit

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down. Being in this house that was so

much a reflection of him was making it

harder for her to deny she was beginning

to have feelings for him. It was a little

bit overwhelming all of a sudden. She

didn’t want to be rude though, so she sat.

“Your carvings are beautiful. Where

do you get them from?”

Drake smiled as he took a seat across

from her. “My uncle made these.”

“Oh my goodness. Does he sell


“Yeah, when he can. During the tourist

season, he sells quite a few. I get first

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dibs though.”

“Does he take orders?”

“Not very well.”

Sophie had been looking at a carving

that stood about two feet tall. It looked

like a piece of a mountain with three

unique-looking wolves standing on each

flat area. She looked up at him suddenly

and relaxed when she saw he was

joking. “Well, I assumed since he was

related to you that was the case—”


She laughed. “Seriously, do you think

he’d make some for me? I’d be willing

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to pay whatever his asking price is. I’d

love to have some for the lodge.”

“We can take a walk up and ask him if

you’d like,” Drake told her.

She resisted the urge to look at the

time. Once again, she was getting

nothing done today. Taking one day off

seemed to have set the pattern for the

entire weekend, but she was enjoying

herself for the most part, so she simply

said, “Sure, I’d like that.”

“Okay, let me get that walker for you

and we’ll load it up on the way out.” She

watched him step into the other room,

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and then she got up and looked at the

pictures on the mantle. There were a lot

of him at various stages of his life with

his parents or a man in a wheelchair,

who she assumed was his uncle. Drake

looked a little like his mom and a little

like his dad … and a lot like his uncle.

There were also quite a few of him with

a blonde-haired girl that looked a lot

like the doctor. She felt that annoying

twinge of jealousy again.

“All right, here it is,” he said,

returning with the folded-up contraption.

He carried it out and put it in her car,

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and then they started the short trek up to

his uncle’s house.

The mountain behind Drake’s property

was still mostly green, but Sophie could

see where there were patches of color—

the leaves were just beginning to change.

She couldn’t wait until it was full-on fall

and everything was in vivid color. When

they got to the little house, Drake

stepped up onto the porch and, through

the screen door, he said, “Uncle Mac, I

have someone that would like to meet


“Come on in,” a deep voice called

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back. Drake held the door open while

Sophie stepped inside. This little house

was furnished with the same handmade

furniture that was in Drake’s house, and

the place was just as neat.

A man in a wheelchair rolled out of

the bedroom. He held two little wiggly

burnt-orange creatures in his lap that

looked almost like kittens with bushy

tails. He smiled at Sophie. He’s as

handsome as his nephew, she thought,

just older.

“Uncle Mac, this is Sophie

Michelson. She’s the one that I’m

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working for over at the inn.”

The older man offered his hand, and

Sophie shook it. “I’m pleased to meet

you, Sophie.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. Are these

the kits I’ve heard about?” Mac looked

like a proud papa. He introduced them to

Sophie as “Todd and Copper.”

“They’re adorable,” Sophie said.

Mac held one up and said, “Here. You

can hold him.”

Sophie glanced at Drake and he

nodded. There was something sad in his

eyes, and she wondered what that was

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about. She took the kit and held him to

her chest. He cuddled into her just like a

kitten. “Oh my gosh, they’re so sweet. I

want one!”

“They’re wild animals,” Drake said.

“Even my uncle seems to have

forgotten.” His uncle gave him a narrow-

eyed look and then turned his attention

back to Sophie.

“Sophie, have a seat. Would you like

something to drink? I have tea or I can

make some coffee…”

“No, thank you. I can’t stay long. I

was just admiring your woodwork when

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I was up at Drake’s place. He actually

brought me over here so I could ask if

you might be interested in doing some

for me for the inn.”

“Oh. Yes, I could probably do that.

What were you thinking?”

“Anything you’d like to make, really. I

love all of the ones in Drake’s house.”

Mac looked back up at his nephew,

who was standing with his back to the

little island between the living room and

kitchen. “How many does my nephew


“Just a few,” Drake said.

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Sophie suddenly realized maybe she’d

said something she shouldn’t have. “Yes,

only a few. I really love the one with the

wolves.” Mac chuckled and Drake’s

face turned red. “I’m sorry … did I say

something wrong?” she asked.

“Not at all,” Mac said. “It just seems

like my nephew didn’t have the heart to

tell me some of my things didn’t sell, so

he bought them.”

“Oh …” She looked at Drake. “I’m

sorry, I didn’t know …”

He shook his head and smiled at her.

“It’s okay,” he said, looking back at

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Mac. “They would have sold, but I

didn’t give them a chance. I bought the

ones I liked before I even took them into


Mac laughed then. It was like a deep

rumble in his chest and so contagious

that Sophie almost laughed too. “You’re

so full of it,” he said. “But you have a

good heart, kid.” He looked back at

Sophie and said, “You bring me a list of

what you’d like and I’ll see what I can


“Thank you so much. Drake, have you

told him about my mother’s invitation?”

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“Not yet.”

“My mother is making dinner tonight,

and she’d really like it if you and Drake

could join us.”

“Oh … I don’t think … I mean I really

shouldn’t leave the kits …”

“It would only be for a couple of

hours, or even less if you needed it to

be. We’d really like it if you could


She felt bad because he looked so

uncomfortable with the idea. He glanced

up at Drake, but his nephew wasn’t

going to help him out of it. “Okay … I

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guess that would be all right. It will just

be you and your mother?”

“Yes, and Drake.”

“Okay, thank you, Sophie.” Drake

looked both shocked and amused that

Sophie had accomplished what he likely

couldn’t have.

“You’re welcome.” She stood up and

handed the kit back to him. “Thank you

for letting me hold him. He’s so cute.”

Mac smiled again, and Sophie could see

the love in his eyes as he laid the baby

gently back in his lap. “I look forward to

seeing you this evening.”

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“I’ll walk you back up to your car,”

Drake said. He looked at his uncle and

said, “I’ll be back. There’s something I

need to talk to you about.”

“Lots of surprises today, huh?”

Drake smiled sadly. “Yeah … I’ll be

right back.”

On the walk back to Sophie’s car, she

could tell that something was bothering

him. She was suddenly afraid it was

what she’d let slip about Drake having

so many of the carvings in his home.

“I’m sorry about letting him know you

had the carvings. I didn’t know …”

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He smiled. “It’s okay. He was bound

to find out sometime. I just hate telling

him they didn’t sell. Besides, they look

good in my house, don’t you think?”

“They do,” she said. “I also think he’s

lucky to have you.”

“It can get pretty lonely up here.

We’re lucky to have each other.”

“Is something bothering you?” she

asked him just as they got back to her


He kind of laughed, but it was a

nervous laugh. “I have to tell him the vet

is back in town and he has to give up

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those kits.”

“Oh no! Why? He seems to be taking

such good care of them …”

“One thing my mother taught me about

taking in strays around here was that it

was okay to take them in if they needed a

temporary home, but they’re not cats and

dogs. They can’t live in a home with

people forever and truly have a good

life. They need to be free out there on

this beautiful mountain with other

creatures like them. It’s funny because

Mac never used to have much interest in

any of the animals I brought home to

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nurse back to health.”

“He seems lonely. Maybe that has

something to do with it.”

Drake nodded. “Yeah, that’s my fault.”

“How is it your fault?”

“I should spend more time with him,

encourage him harder to get out more.”

“I don’t know either of you that well

yet, but I can honestly say I doubt this is

your fault. You seem like a great

nephew. As a matter of fact, I’m

beginning to wonder if there is anything

you’re not great at.”

Drake grinned. “There’s not,” he said.

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She laughed. “We’ll see. Can I tell

Mom you guys will be there around


“Yeah.” He looked like he was

thinking about kissing her. Sophie made

a snap decision that if that was what was

on his mind, she wasn’t going to object.

She suddenly wanted him to kiss her so

badly that she knew she’d be horribly

disappointed if he didn’t. He stared into

her eyes for what felt like forever and

she thought about just taking the lead.

When he finally leaned in and she

could feel his warm breath on her face,

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she was shaking all over. The touch of

his full lips sent goose bumps racing

down both her arms and her spine. He

put one of his big rough hands on the

side of her face and held her head in

place as his tongue slid out and traced

the inside of her mouth … and then he

pulled back, leaving her breathless and

wanting more.

He looked like he was searching her

face for a reaction, or waiting for her to

say something. When she didn’t, he said,

“I’m sorry—”

She reached up then and covered his

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mouth with two fingers. Once he stopped

talking, she leaned in and kissed him


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After Sophie left, Drake walked

around in a fog for a while. He had

kissed her, and she had kissed him back.

He couldn’t stop smiling until he

remembered that he still had to talk to

Mac. “You do it, Hooter,” he told the

yellow dog at his feet. Hooter gave him

a sympathetic look, but Drake had a

feeling that was all he would get from

the old dog. With the heavy sigh of

someone who was about to rip another

person’s reason for living out of his

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arms, he headed up the path to Mac’s

house. Mac and the kits were watching

television and having lunch.

“Hey, you’re back already; did your

lady friend go home?”

Drake grinned. “Yeah, she went


“She sure is pretty.”

Drake nodded as he took a seat

opposite his uncle. “Yeah, she is.”

“So is there more there than a

client/contractor relationship?”

He still couldn’t stop smiling. He kind

of felt like an idiot. “There just might

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be,” he said. Brooke was the only real

girlfriend that Drake had ever had.

They’d grown up in a tourist town, and

their graduating class had twelve kids in

it. Nine of those were boys. Girls were

in short supply unless it was fall and

winter, and then they descended upon

them—ski bunnies with lots of hair and

pretty smiles and daddies with lots of

money. When Brooke broke up with him

to go away to college, Drake had

partaken of as many of those pretty rich

girls as he could get. But the reality that

they would return to their privileged

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lives and leave him behind and broken-

hearted quickly became too much for


He wasn’t a one-night stand or a

serial dater kind of guy. Drake had

always wanted a family—a life with a

woman he loved who loved him back

and as many kids as they could manage.

That was a tall order in Brook Haven …

or it had been. Now that he’d met

Sophie, he had begun to wonder if there

may still be hope.

“She seems like a nice girl,” Mac


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“She is … but there’s something else I

need to talk to you about, Mac.”

“Okay …” He put his sandwich down

and his dark eyes met his nephew’s.

“You look so serious.” Drake’s eyes fell

to the balls of sleeping fur in his uncle’s

lap. Mac looked down at them and back

up at Drake. “I know I can’t keep them.”

Drake was fighting back tears as he

said, “Sam’s back. He wants to take

them up to the refuge center as soon as

possible.” Mac nodded. The look on his

face was agony, and it made Drake’s

heart break. “I was thinking, maybe it’s

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time we got you your own dog or—”

“I don’t want a dog. It’s okay, Drake.

I’m not a kid. I knew they weren’t here

to stay. I’m fine.”

“I’m sorry.”

Mac smiled at him. “I’m really fine.

Now go on and do whatever you have to

do. I’m not going to hole up here with

my guns and make Sam call the SWAT

team to get me out. It’ll be okay. Just let

me know when he’s coming.” Drake

stood up and started to say something

else, but Mac stopped him by holding up

his palm. “It’s really okay, son, don’t

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worry.” Drake couldn’t help it. He was

sure Mac was putting on a brave front

for him, but unfortunately this was the

way it had to be.

“Okay … you’re still going to dinner

with me?”

“Yeah, I’ll be ready,” he said. Drake

went back to his own house feeling like

crap. He had to return some phone calls

he’d been putting off all week. Working

on the B&B for Sophie was taking up so

much of his time that he’d been turning

down a lot of jobs for others that he

usually did, and he was feeling guilty

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about that. He’d decided that he would

spend his Sundays between now and

tourist season doing what he could for

his other clients who had always been

faithful to him in the past. He started

making his phone calls and did his best

to get his mind off of Mac for a little



“Can I ask you a question?” Drake

said to Mac as they headed to Sophie’s

for dinner.

“I’m fine. I haven’t been crying. My

eyes are puffy because I’m old and I’ve

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been out of my night cream …”

Drake laughed. “Stop it. I know

you’re fine. This is about me.”

“Well in that case, ask away.”

“I kissed Sophie today.”

“That’s not a question.”

“Hush! I’m getting there. I kissed her

and she kissed me back … but I’m so

inexperienced at this, which really sucks

for a twenty-seven-year-old man. I’m not

sure what to do next.”

“Was it a good kiss?”

“The best one I’ve ever had,” Drake

said truthfully.

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“Then kiss her again.”

Drake chuckled. “Thanks.”

“Okay, sadly, son, I am more

inexperienced than you. Do you know

how long it’s been since I kissed a


“Yeah … but that’s your own fault

because you stay out there holed up in

that little house all alone.”

“I wasn’t looking to incite a lecture.

My point was going to be that

inexperienced or not, you should just go

with your gut instinct. You obviously felt

like kissing her would be okay, and

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since she kissed you back, I’d say you

were right. So the next step would

maybe be talking to her about where she

wants to go from here.”

“And what if that’s as far as she wants

to go?”

“Then you either have to walk away

or bring your ‘A’ game. I guess that

depends on how strongly you feel about


“Too strongly to just walk away,” he


“Then don’t. Tell her how you feel.”

Drake nodded as he pulled onto the

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dirt road that led up to the B&B. “You

know what … Sophie’s mom is pretty


“Knock it off.”

Drake laughed. He stopped the truck

and got out to get Mac’s chair from the

back. It had literally been months since

Mac had been off the farm. Drake was

really glad he agreed to come tonight.

His uncle used his arms to lower himself

out of the truck and into the chair, then

rolled over to the right side of the house

where there was a short ramp up to the

porch. It had been there for years, and

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Drake had restored it when he did the

rest of the porch for Sophie.

“Did you do all of this?” Mac asked


“Yeah, it was pretty weathered.

Sophie’s mom put her foot right through

one of the boards a couple of weeks ago.

Brooke thinks it might be broken.”

“Damn.” He looked like he was going

to say something else, but at that moment

the door was pulled open by Brenda.

“Hi there, you must be Mac.” She

offered her hand to him and he took it.

“I’m Brenda Michelson,” she said.

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Drake didn’t miss the look on his uncle’s

face when he looked at the pretty

woman. He wondered if he might be

able to do some matchmaking of his


“Yes, ma’am, that’s me. It’s nice to

meet you. Thank you for having us out

for supper.”

She smiled. “You’re welcome. Thank

you for coming. It was fun to have more

than two people to cook for again. Hi

Drake, you guys come on in.” She

stepped back, and Drake maneuvered

Mac in through the door. He made a

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mental note that maybe the doors needed

to be widened slightly to better

accommodate any handicapped guests

that Sophie might have. “Drake, you and

Mac make yourselves comfortable in the

lodge room, okay? Dinner is almost

ready and Sophie will be right down.”

Drake felt his stomach flutter just at the

sound of Sophie’s name.

“Thanks, Mrs. Michelson. It sure does

smell good.”

“Call me Brenda, Drake,” she said.

“There’s coffee there if either of you

would like some. I’ll be right back.”

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As she left the room, Drake saw Mac

watching her. When she was gone, he

said, “Told you she was pretty.”

“Shut up.”

Drake was laughing when Sophie

came down the stairs. He stopped at the

sight of her. Suddenly his mouth was

completely dry and all he could think

was, I want to kiss her again.

She was wearing jeans and a simple

beige sleeveless blouse that snapped up

the front, but damn did she wear it well.

Her dark hair was shining as usual, and

her blue eyes had a warm glow that he

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couldn’t help but hope was left over

from their kiss.

“Hi guys.”

“Hi Sophie,” Mac said. The poor guy

looked like a nervous wreck. Drake felt

bad, but he had to keep reminding

himself that this was good for him. He

needed to get out and socialize.

“Hi Sophie,” he said himself. He

wondered if he should kiss her cheek.

He did that with Brooke all the time …

would she be okay with that?

“Is Mom in the kitchen?”

“Here I am.” Brenda came out,

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mouthwatering smells wafting out with

her. “You can all come into the dining

room now,” she said. “It’s all ready.”

Sophie went first, and Drake helped

his uncle through the doorway. He

parked Mac in the spot where Brenda

had kindly cleared the chair out of the

way, and then he took a seat next to him.

He wished that he didn’t feel so nervous

all of a sudden. Brenda passed the food

around to her right, and once again

Drake noticed Mac stealing glances at


When everyone had their plates filled,

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Mac said, “This place is really starting

to look good.”

“Thank you,” Sophie said. “It’s mostly

thanks to your nephew.”

Drake warmed at the compliment.

“Right, because I’m the one who works

sixteen hours every day around here.”

Sophie shrugged. “What I do is mostly

behind the scenes. The inn is looking

really good thanks to your hard work.”

“So you’re thinking you’ll have it

ready by the Harvest Festival?” Mac

asked. Drake hadn’t told him anything

about how stressed Sophie had been, so

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he had no idea of the can of worms he

was potentially opening. Brenda did,


“We’re sure it will be ready,” she

said with a smile. “Sophie tells me

you’re quite the artist.”

Mac’s face actually turned red. Drake

was having fun watching him; he’d never

seen his uncle with a crush. “I like to

make things out of wood,” he said. “I’m

not so sure it qualifies as being an


“Well, the way Sophie was going on,

I’m sure you’re just being modest,”

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Brenda said. “I’m looking forward to

seeing some of your work.”

Mac thanked her and then took a long

drink of his water. Drake glanced over at

Sophie. Her pretty blue eyes were

trained on his face and he needed his

own long, cold drink of water—possibly

followed by a long, cold shower. He

smiled at her, and she smiled back. He

wondered if there was any way he could

get her alone tonight … just for one more


“Did the realtor tell you the history of

this old place?” Mac asked Sophie.

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Drake gave him a look, trying to stop

him, but he forged on ahead.

“Not really … does it have a history

other than being a bed and breakfast?”

“It actually has quite a colorful history


“Uncle Mac, I’m not so sure—”

Drake tried.

“I want to hear it,” Sophie said.

Mac smiled at his nephew and then

looked at Sophie and said, “This house

was built in 1915, but on the foundation

of the one that was here before. That

house was built in 1790 for the man who

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actually founded Brook Haven.”

“Wow,” Sophie said, looking

fascinated. “I wonder why she didn’t tell

me that.”

“She was probably worried you’d run

off like all the other interested buyers


“Uncle Mac! I just don’t think this is

appropriate dinner conversation,” he

said with his eyes still on his uncle. Mac

looked amused. Sophie could tell that he

was having fun. Drake said he didn’t get

out often; he shouldn’t be denied a few

minutes in the spotlight.

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“I want to hear it,” Sophie said.

“Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn

you,” Drake told her.

She ignored him and said, “Go ahead,


“Well, the original house was built for

a wealthy man who came over from

Wales in the early 1700s. He made his

wealth in Europe by ‘questionable’

means, the legend goes. What those

‘questionable’ means were has to be up

to the imagination, I suppose. When he

arrived here, he invested in shipping

businesses all along the East Coast. One

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of the biggest commodities shipped via

the businesses he owned … were


Brenda sucked in a breath. “Slaves?”

she asked.

“Slaves, yes … but also women. The

story is that he brought women over to

fill the brothels.”

“No! Was this a brothel?” Sophie

asked. Drake rolled his eyes and slowly

chewed his food while his uncle

continued his tale. It was apparent Drake

had heard it all before.

“No, it was his private home. But he

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did marry one of those women. She had

three children and then she vanished


“Was she ever found?”

“Not right away,” he said.

“What happened to the children?”

“They continued to live here with

their father and his next wife, until she

disappeared … and then the one after

that …”

“Uncle Mac—”

“What?” he asked his nephew with a

laugh and a twinkle in his eyes. “It’s a

true story.”

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“You’re going to scare them.”

Sophie rolled her eyes. “We’re not


“I’m a little scared,” her mom said,

“but I want to hear the rest.”

Mac grinned and continued. “Well, the

old man somehow managed to misplace

five young wives over a period of

twenty-five years. Those five women

produced sixteen offspring all together.”

“Sixteen? He lived here with sixteen


“Well, in the original house,” Mac

said. “He died in 1762 of natural causes,

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and the house and the property went to

his eldest son, who promptly evicted his

fifteen siblings. The second eldest son

objected, and the story goes that there

was an all-out family brawl with only

three survivors.”

“Oh my God! They killed each


He nodded. “The three youngest

children who were found hiding in the

basement were the only survivors. The

other thing they found down there was an

underground tunnel and a tomb.”

“A tomb?” Sophie’s pretty blue eyes

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were wide as she listened to the story.

As annoyed with Mac as Drake was, he

was enjoying her expressive face as she


Mac nodded again. “All five wives,

I’m afraid.”

“Oh no!” Brenda and Sophie said in

unison. “Wow, this house does have a


“Well … there’s more,” he said.

“Oh no. The three children?”

“They grew up with a caretaker the

court appointed to live here with them.

Or—I should say—the many caretakers.

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They only lasted a matter of weeks or

months in most cases before they

reported that the house was ‘evil’ and

they couldn’t stay in it.”

“They thought it was haunted?”

Brenda asked.

“That’s what they thought … or some

reckoned that it was perhaps cursed. The

three siblings were embroiled in another

battle over the wealth left behind by

their father. Only one of the siblings

survived. He ultimately ended up with it


“Oh my goodness. This wasn’t his

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house, was it?”

“No,” Drake answered. “This

particular house was built for the mayor

of Brook Haven, and no one has had any

troubles here since.” He gave his uncle

another look, and Mac laughed.

“What about the tunnels?” Sophie


Mac shrugged. “The realtor didn’t

mention them?”

“There are no tunnels down there,”

Drake said. “Uncle Mac, behave.” Mac

laughed again and turned his attention

back to Brenda.

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“Mrs. Michelson, this might well be

the best meal I have ever had.”

Brenda smiled. “Thank you, and that

might well be the most interesting story

I’ve ever heard. Is it true?”

“Every bit,” he said. “I can show you

the old documents in the library in


“I might take you up on that,” she said.

“Be my guest,” Mac said with a wink.

Oh my goodness, he is flirting with

my mother, Sophie thought. She looked

over at Drake, who was shaking his head

at his uncle. He turned his head toward

background image

her when he felt her looking at him. She

couldn’t help it—all thoughts of Mac

and her mother vanished. Instead, the

only thing she could really see was his

dark, sexy eyes and those full soft lips.

She wanted to kiss him again so badly.

Once they’d all finished their meal

and had once again complimented

Brenda, they moved into the lodge room

and Brenda brought out the cake she’d

made for dessert.

“That looks great, Mom, but there is

no way I can fit anything else into my

belly,” Sophie said.

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“Me neither,” Drake said.

“I’d love a piece,” Mac told her.

Sophie looked at Drake again, and they

shared a knowing look and a private

smile. Drake could see that Mac was

flirting too. Sophie wondered what her

mother thought. The next thing Brenda

said told Sophie that she was either

enjoying it or she hadn’t really noticed.

“Why don’t you two go walk some of

your dinner off?” she said. “I can

entertain Mac while you’re gone.”

“Are you sure?” Sophie said. “Mac,

you won’t think me rude?”

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“Not at all. I’d love some time to get

to know your lovely mother.” Sophie

looked at her mother and saw her face

flush. She looked back at Drake, who

was already on his feet.

“You want to take a walk?”

“I’d love to,” he said.

Sophie went upstairs and retrieved

her sweater, and the two of them set off.

Once they were outside, she said, “You

know, I’m not sure if this is about

pushing us together or having time alone

with your uncle. Did you see what was

going on in there?”

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Drake shook his head. “I saw my

uncle misbehaving, that’s for sure.”

“Oh, he was just having some

harmless fun with that story … but

seriously, do you see the way they’re

looking at each other?”

Drake laughed. “Yeah. I haven’t seen

Mac look at anyone like that since …

well, ever.”

“I know, right? My mother doesn’t

look at men like that, at least not since

my father died.”

He laughed again. “I guess they are

adults—and human, so they’re entitled to

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a little harmless flirting. Speaking of

flirting and things like that … should we

talk about that kiss earlier?”

As they walked along the gravel tree-

lined path, the early autumn breezed

tousled Sophie’s hair. Just a few short

weeks ago when she and Brenda arrived

in Vermont, the air had been warm and

everything a dark, verdant green. The

season was definitely changing and with

it, it seemed that everything else was as

well. She stopped walking and looked

up at the sky. It was deep blue and dotted

with a thousand specks of light. The

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moon was new and didn’t cast much of a

glow, but the stars were out in full force.

She loved it there—the air, the

mountain, the countryside, and the town.

She looked at Drake, who was waiting

for her to respond somehow to his

question, and said, “I think we should

revisit it after I get the inn up and


He opened his mouth to speak and she

stopped him by saying, “Just hear me

out. I loved the kiss, Drake. I haven’t

thought about anything else since. I like

you a lot and I think that I’d like to

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explore that—no, I know that I’d like to

explore that. But, with that being said, I

know myself. I know that I’m going to

wake up tomorrow morning, and the

magic of this weekend that you and I

spent together will be dulled by the fact

that I lost almost two full days getting

this place ready. I’m going to be nervous

and tense and I’ll probably snap your

head off a time or two. I promise that I’ll

try not to, but I should apologize in

advance just in case. I put everything I

have into this place, and I have to see it

through. I can’t get distracted right now.

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I can’t afford it. I’m so afraid that getting

it ready in three and a half weeks is a

crazy dream …”

“My turn,” he said. She thought about

objecting, but she nodded instead. He

took her hands in his and faced her. “If

you’re telling me that I have a chance

with you after this place is finished, I

can promise you here and now that I’ll

work from sunup to sundown until it’s

ready to go.”

She smiled. “You already do.”

“I’ll get it ready for you, Sophie. I’ll

leave you alone in the meantime … no

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distractions. But if—when—I get this

place in top shape for you, I’d like for

you to do something for me.”

“Besides paying you for your hard


He sighed. “Okay yeah, besides that.”

She giggled. “Sorry. What do you

want me to do for you?”

“Go on a real date with me. I want to

dress up and take you out to a nice

restaurant in the city and go dancing,

maybe take a carriage ride …” He had a

light in his eyes, and she could tell that

he’d already thought about doing all of

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that with her. It made her heart feel


“Okay,” she said. “You have a deal.”

“I have one more request,” he said.

She laughed. “I knew it.”

“I just want one more kiss to hold me

over. Three weeks is a long time.”

Sophie smiled at him and nodded. He

didn’t waste any time lest she change her

mind. This time he slid one of his arms

around her waist and the other hand

rested softly against the side of her face

and neck. He caressed her skin with his

fingers, and she shivered. He used his

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thumb to tip her head back slightly, and

then he slid his hand underneath her hair

and held her head in place while he put

his warm mouth on her neck. She wasn’t

expecting that, but it felt so good that she

tipped her head back even more to give

him better access. He held her captive

against him, but she didn’t want to

escape as he planted kisses all across

her sensitive neck and up to her ear on

the side closest to his mouth.

She felt his breath and shivered again

as he whispered, “These don’t count

toward the kiss.” Sophie giggled. She

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wasn’t going to argue with him. His head

dove back down, and he planted a kiss at

the base of her neck and then slid his

lips upward until he reached her ear

again. This time he didn’t speak. He just

proceeded to plant kisses all around it.

Sophie was glad he was holding on to

her because her knees were beginning to

feel weak.

He used that one hand to move her

head slightly again and before she knew

it, their mouths collided. He kissed her

slowly and softly all around the outside

of her lips. He smelled so masculine that

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just the scent of him was driving her

crazy. He ran his tongue along the seam

of her lips next and this time, the shiver

was a full body shudder. She let her lips

part and wrapped her own hands up in

his hair, pulling him in tighter. His

tongue slipped in, and slow and gentle

went by the wayside as their tongues

tangled up in a sensuous dance.

That, coupled with the feel of his taut

chest and arms pressed into her and the

way he continued to caress the skin on

the side of her face and neck with his

rough fingers, was overwhelming to her

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senses. It was absolutely without a doubt

the best kiss that she’d ever had, and she

knew going three weeks without another

one was going to be as close to hell as

she’d ever come.

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For the next week, Drake kept his

promise and Sophie stayed so busy that

the only time she really suffered for it

was late at night while she lay in bed

and remembered that kiss. She got the

website up and running thanks to a good

photographer and a lot of computer work

her mom did for her. Brenda’s ankle was

definitely broken, and Brooke had cast it

and given her strict orders to keep off of

it. She spent her time doing things inside

the house that she could do sitting down.

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Meanwhile, Sophie finished

furnishing the rooms and stocking the

linen closets. She made soaps and

arranged them in lovely baskets to leave

in each of the rooms. She also planted a

small garden with Drake’s help, and

slowly but surely she could see it all

coming together.

She was almost giddy on Friday

afternoon when she got her first

reservation for the weekend of the

Harvest Festival. She ran outside where

Drake was working on the shadow

boxes on the windows in the back of the

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house to share it with him.

“I have a reservation for two!” she

squealed. He was up on a ladder and

looked down at her and smiled.

“That’s great,” he said. It was the first

time she’d really looked at him today.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he

actually had dark circles underneath his

pretty eyes.

“Are you okay?”

“Me? Yeah, I’m great. I’m happy for


“Will you come down here and talk to


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“I’m working, boss.”

“Drake … just for a second, please.”

With a sigh, he sat his bucket and

brush down on the window ledge and

climbed down. He pulled off his leather

gloves and said, “What’s up?”

“You look exhausted. Have you been


He smiled and said, “When I’m not

thinking about you.”

“Drake, I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

She smiled in spite of herself. “Well,

that’s good to know because you’ve kept

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me awake a few nights yourself. But

really … why do you look so exhausted?

Am I working you too hard?”

“No, not at all. I’ve just been kind of

worried about Uncle Mac. Sam took the

kits on Monday, and he hasn’t come out

of the house all week. I take him dinner

every night, but he rushes me out and I’m

not even sure he’s eating. He doesn’t

look good … I think he’s depressed.”

“Oh no! The poor thing. Mom said she

called him on Wednesday. They were

supposed to go to the library. She said

he didn’t answer and never called her

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“I don’t know what to do. I thought

about getting him a puppy or something,

but I’m just afraid of making things

worse. I feel terrible.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“It kind of feels like it is,” he said.

“Do you think he’d appreciate a visit

from Mom?”

“I know that he talked all the way

home Sunday about how much he

enjoyed getting to know her … but

honestly, I just don’t know. He’s been

pretty gruff with me lately. I’d hate for

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him to be rude or something and hurt her


Sophie laughed. “You’ve seen me at

my absolute rudest … it hasn’t scared

my mom off yet. I’ll ask her to go see

him. It couldn’t hurt.”

Drake put his hand on the side of her

face, and she wanted to melt into it.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you for

doing so much around here.”

He leaned his face in close and said,

“That’s my job … besides, I have a lot

at stake.”

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She smiled and tried to breathe. It was

hard with him so close. In a husky voice,

she said, “You’re entitled to a break …

maybe you should take one now …”

He shifted his body so that she was

between him and the house, and then he

used it to gently nudge her back. She was

trapped between him and the cold wood

at her back, but her insides were like hot

liquid as he stared into her eyes. “What

should I do with my break … boss?”

She slid her arms up around his neck

and said, “Just do whatever comes

natural.” He closed the space between

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their faces and covered her lips with his.

She could feel the raw desire he had for

her pulsing through him as his tongue

explored her mouth. He kissed as if he

were starving and she was his


She kissed him back with the same

fervor as she was truly ravenous for him.

She held his head tightly and his hands

held on to her waist, and the world

around them fell away for the time the

kiss lasted. When he finally pulled back,

it was only because they both needed to

breathe, and he pressed his forehead into

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hers as they panted and tried to calm

themselves down.

“Best. Break. Ever,” he said with a

grin. Sophie still couldn’t speak, so she

nodded. Drake was about to go in for

another kiss and Sophie was going to let

him when they heard the window to the

left of her slide open. They jumped apart

like two guilty teenagers as Brenda stuck

out her head. Her eyes went from her

daughter’s face to Drake’s, and a little

smile played at her lips.

“I’m sorry to interrupt … there’s a

Mr. Randall on the phone for you,

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Still breathing raggedly, Sophie said,

“You didn’t interrupt anything. Will you

tell him that I’ll be right there?”

Brenda smirked again before she

closed the window.

Drake laughed. “She’s proud of

herself, you know.”

“Proud of herself for what?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice that

she’s been trying to get us together.”

Flushing slightly, Sophie said, “Oh no

… I noticed. I was hoping that you

didn’t. It’s a little embarrassing to be

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twenty-seven and still have your mother

fixing you up on dates.”

She yelped a little, startled, when he

pulled her body back into his again. He

put his mouth against her ear and said,

“She fixed you up on a lot more than a



He held his face back so that he could

see hers and he said, “I’m willing to

start with a date, and I’m willing to wait

as long as you need me to, but I’m telling

you right now, Sophie Michelson, when I

look into the future, I already can’t

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imagine it without you.” He kissed her

softly and let her go.

She stood there in shock and watched

him climb back up the ladder. She had to

admit to herself that when she lay awake

in her bed at night and thought about him,

it was always more than a simple “date”

she imagined as well. She saw them

running this place together … getting

married in the meadow out behind the

house and spending their honeymoon

making love for hours. But that was

supposed to just be her secret little

fantasy. Now that she knew he was

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thinking along the same lines, getting

anything done was going to be that much


“Sophie … Mr. Randall …” Brenda

was calling from inside the window this


“I’m sorry, Mom. I’m coming.”


Brenda stood holding her crutch in

one hand and a cake in the other while

she tried to balance long enough to

knock on Mac’s door. She almost fell

over before she grabbed the crutch and

righted herself. Sophie had asked her to

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come out here and see Mac and then

tried to drive her out like she was an

invalid once again. Her left foot was the

broken one. She didn’t need that one to

drive, which she had reminded Sophie to

convince her that she didn’t need a

chauffeur. Brenda often wondered when

they had switched roles.

“Drake?” Mac called from inside the


“No, Mac. It’s me, Brenda.”

She heard the crunch of his wheels

against what she assumed was a wood

floor and then the latch on the door being

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opened. He pulled open the inside door

and looked at her through the screen.

“Hi. What are you doing here?”

“I’m sorry to just drop by, but you

haven’t been answering your phone …”

“I’m sorry … I haven’t charged it.”

He was still just staring at her and she

was beginning to wonder if this was a


“It’s okay, but I’m kind of having a

hard time balancing myself right now.

Do you think I could come in and at least

set this cake down?”

“Shoot … yeah, I’m sorry. Come on

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in.” He unlatched the screen door and

rolled back out of the doorway. Brenda

very carefully let herself in. There was a

coffee table in the center of the room,

and it was riddled with take-out

containers from Huckleberry’s. Some of

them looked as if they hadn’t been


“Where should I set this?” she asked


“The counter over there is fine,” he

said. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know … I wanted to. How are you,


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“Did Drake send you out here?”

“Not really. He told Sophie you were

having a hard time and she told me. I

was just hoping a visit and some cake

might cheer you up.”

“Thanks Brenda, really, but I’m fine.”

“Are you really? I mean, forgive me,

but Sophie told me the time she was

over here that your house was spotless

clean. You look like you haven’t been

sleeping or eating or shaving—”

He held his palms up. “Listen, I’m a

little … under the weather, that’s all.

Drake seems to think I’m going to crack

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over losing a couple of kits that weren’t

even mine to begin with. Give me a


“Can I sit down?”

He gave her a half smile, like he was

either annoyed or impressed with her

perseverance. “Sure.”

She sat down on his couch and said,

“Hear me out, and when I’m finished, if

you want me to leave, I will. I know that

we barely know each other, but I also am

able to know a kindred spirit when I see

one. Since my husband died, I’ve been

so incredibly lonely. I was in a deep

background image

depression for a long time and the only

reason I finally snapped out of it was

that I realized what I was doing to

Sophie. I’m still lonely. I have my

beautiful daughter and I thank God for

her every day, but sometimes we need

something beyond that. We need

something that touches our souls like my

husband did for me.”

“I’d hardly compare losing a spouse

to two wild critters I only had for a few


Brenda smiled. “Mac, can I ask you

how old you were when you had your

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“Twenty-one,” he said.

“Drake says that you don’t date and

you’ve never been married.”

“Drake’s quite the talking little fool,

isn’t he?”

She laughed. “He means well, trust

me. That kid is so worried about you.”

Mac looked guilty for a second. “I

know. I hate worrying him. But really,

this is not the same as you losing your


“Have you ever been in love?”

He seemed reluctant to answer her,

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and just about the time she thought he

wasn’t going to, he said, “No.”

“So Drake is your only real contact

with the world until these two helpless

little kits fall into your hands. You feed

them and keep them warm and safe, and

because you did all of that for them, they

bonded with you and you with them.

That’s love, Mac, and it’s nothing to be

ashamed of. Don’t you think that Drake

is going to have a hard time when his old

dog passes away?”

“Yeah, but it’s not the same either.”

“Why? Because you only knew them

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for a short time? That doesn’t mean you

didn’t love them. You poured yourself

into them, Mac. You kept them alive.

That’s huge. It’s like being a parent, and

if I’d only had Sophie for the first three

weeks of her life, I would have still

loved her every bit as much as I do

today. What you’re feeling is normal and

not at all something to be ashamed of. I

find it admirable that you cared that

much about two little creatures you

could have easily just set loose to fend

for themselves. But even though the loss

hurts so much, you can’t lock yourself

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away here and wallow in it all alone.

You need to eat, and you need to sleep,

and you need to take care of yourself.”

He sat there quietly for a long time,

and finally Brenda said, “I’m sorry … I

probably took this visit-and-cheer-you-

up thing too far. I do that.”

She stood up, and Mac surprised her

by taking hold of her hand. She looked

down at it, and he quickly let her go and

said, “I’m sorry … please stay.”

She sat back down and said, “You

don’t have anything to be sorry for.”

“I don’t know how much Drake told

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you about me. When I had my accident, I

was in college. I’d come home that

weekend and I was staying with my

sister and her husband. Our grandfather

lived in this house and our parents had

already passed away. I had a girlfriend

here in town, and I’d come home mostly

to see her. I’d driven most of the night to

get here, and then she and I went out to

the city that night. I was going on about

thirty-six hours of no sleep, and the one

thing I thank God for is that I dropped

her off before I fell asleep at the wheel. I

don’t remember any of that.

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“When I woke up in the hospital, it

was five months later. I was paralyzed

from the waist down and I couldn’t talk.

I couldn’t feed or in any way take care

of myself. I spent almost two years in the

hospital. By the time I came home, my

grandfather had died and my sister was

getting old taking care of me instead of

having babies. If it wasn’t for that, I may

have given up and just let her keep

taking care of me. That’s how much I

cared about myself at the time. I knew

she wasn’t going to get on with her life

until she knew I was going to be okay, so

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I pushed myself. I got better. I got

stronger. I didn’t do any of that for

myself. I no longer cared, and surviving

had become a chore. When I woke up

out of that coma, my girlfriend had

already moved on. I knew I’d never be

able to go back to college, and there

were so many things I’d never be able to

do. One of those things was have a

normal relationship with a woman and

have kids. I was never going to have a

family, and that depression sunk in so

deeply that I’ve really never recovered

from it.

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“I do my best not to let Drake see it,

but there was just nothing left in my life

that really gave me joy any longer. Then

he brought me those damned kits. I tried

not to like them just like I’ve tried not to

like every damned stray that boy brings

home, but somehow they weaseled

themselves into my heart and as reluctant

as I am to admit this … it feels like it’s

breaking. I know that it’s just about the

loneliness and the fact that taking care of

them made me feel useful and gave me

something to look forward to. Now that

they’re gone, I just sit here waiting for

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one day to slip into the next. It’s almost


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Sunday afternoon while Sophie was

sitting at the computer in the office,

Brenda knocked on the door. “Come in,

Mom. You don’t have to knock.”

“I didn’t want to disturb you,” she

said, sitting in the chair across the desk

and resting her crutch down next to her.

“I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“This doesn’t involve a gorgeous man

and a bike ride, does it? Because he and

I have that all figured out–”

Brenda smiled. “No, but I am happy to

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hear that. One of these evenings when

we’re sitting in front of a nice fire, I’d

like to hear more about it.”

Sophie winked at her. “You got it.

What do you need, Mom?”

“Well, I was hoping to borrow the car

next Saturday to drive Mac to Westford.”

“Westford? Isn’t that like a two-hour


“Yes. It’s where the kits are. They’re

at the wildlife rehabilitators there, and I

think it would do him a world of good if

he can just see firsthand that they’re

being taken care of.”

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“What about your foot? Have you

spoken to Brooke about driving with it?”

“Honey, I really don’t use my left foot

to drive. I haven’t spoken to Brooke

about it, but I will if you absolutely want

me to.”

“No, it’s fine. You know I don’t mind

if you use the car. I just worry about


Brenda laughed. “I know … way too

much. You need to have a baby or two so

you can refocus all of that unnecessary


“All in due time, Grandma.”

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Brenda’s face lit up. “I like that. Or

maybe Nana …”

“Run along now. I’m taking

reservations,” Sophie told her with a


“How exciting! How many now?”

Sophie looked like she was about to

burst as she said, “There’s only one

room left, Mom! Two of the rooms were

reserved for a week! I’m so excited!”

“Oh honey, I’m so proud of you!”

“Thanks Mom. You know I couldn’t

have done any of this without you and


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“I know,” Brenda said with a grin.

“I’m going to get dinner started. I’m

really, really proud of you.”


She left, and Sophie went back to

answering her emails. An hour passed

by quickly, and Brenda called out to her

that dinner was ready. While they ate,

her mother asked her, “So have you

thought any more about hiring some help

for reservations and housekeeping and

all of that so you don’t have to work

yourself to death?”

“I’m thinking I’ll wait a while on that.

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I really want to do this myself, Mom.”

“And what about Drake?”

“What about him?”

“I was under the impression the two

of you had sort of … come to an

agreement about how you feel about

each other.”

“Yes Cupid, we’ve discussed it. After

I get the place open, there will be a little

rush, but it should calm down enough to

leave me with some time—”

“Baby, ‘some’ time will not be enough

for a new relationship. You’ll need to be

there 100%.”

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“I understand that, Mom, but this

place is virtually a new relationship too,

right? I need to see this through, and then

Drake and I will see where we go. I’ve

already talked to him about that and he’s

okay with it.”

Brenda looked like she had more to

say, but she held her tongue. Instead she

said, “Did you know that Drake hasn’t

gone to the farmer’s market for two


“He hasn’t? Why not?”

“Mac told me yesterday that he’s been

taking Sundays to help his other clients

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get ready for tourist season as well. He

told them he was too busy at first, but

then he felt bad.”

Sophie smiled and shook her head.

“Of course he did. He has such a good


“Yes, he does. Oh! By the way, Mac

showed me his workshop and the

statues. I love them!”

“I didn’t want to bring it up because

Drake said he’s been so sad. Has he

started on any for me?”

“He hasn’t been working this week,

but he has two that were already nearly

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finished and he showed them to me. One

of them is a grizzly bear and the other a

wolf. He said he was planning on

finishing them for you. I think you’re

going to love them.”

“How exciting! I can’t wait to see


“Did you know also—”

Sophie laughed. “How long was this


“A few hours and half of a chocolate

cake, and when I left he was smiling and


“You’re amazing.”

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Brenda waved her palm at her and

went on, “As I was saying, did you know

that Drake made the furniture in both of

their places?”

“I meant to ask him about that, but I

got distracted and forgot.”

Mischievously, Brenda said, “Really?

What was it that distracted you?”

Sophie laughed and ignored the

question. “So what about the cushions?

Don’t tell me that Drake sews too and I

didn’t know. I could have used him to

make some curtains around here.”

“Mac said the lady that owns the

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general store in town makes those, so I

think you’re out of luck when it comes to

Drake making curtains for you.”

They finished their dinner and then

cleaned up the kitchen. After Brenda left

to head down to her own cabin, Sophie

called Drake.

“Hi beautiful.”

“Hey! You sound tired.”

“I’m okay. It’s Sunday, I’m relaxing.”

“Your nose is growing.”

He laughed. “What?”

“Mac told Mom that you’re spending

your Sundays working.”

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“They’re not allowed to hang out

together anymore.”

She laughed. “Yeah, good luck telling

Brenda Michelson that she’s not allowed

to do something.”

“I think her daughter got a little of


“Don’t change the subject. Listen,

we’re really close to finishing

everything up around here. It would be

perfectly okay for you to take a day or

two during the week to take care of your

other clients and go back to having your

Sundays for the market and relaxing.”

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“Nah, I want to make sure you’re

good to go. I’m keeping up …”

“I have no doubts that you are. You’re

the hardest worker I’ve ever met. But

you need at least one day to relax.”

“What did you do today?” When

Sophie didn’t answer right away, he

said, “Sophie … did you take the day


“No, but that’s—”

“It’s not different. You need rest as

much as anyone else does—maybe even

more, because I’d be willing to bet you

wake up thinking about that place and go

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to bed thinking about it.”

“Well then, you’re wrong. I do wake

up thinking about this place … but late at

night when I’m all alone, it’s you I’m

thinking about.”

“Wow. I like that. What do you think

about me?”

“You know … how it’s almost eight-

thirty and you really should get some


“Are you kidding? You’re not going to

tell me?”

“Is there not already enough tension

between us? I’ll tell you when this is

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over and we have our date, how’s that?”

She could almost hear him smiling.

“I’m going to hold you to that. I’ve

already started making plans and

reservations for the weekend after the


“I can’t wait,” she said honestly. She

still had reservations about leaving the

inn in the hands of someone else that

soon after the grand opening, but she had

made a promise to Drake and she wasn’t

going to go back on that. “I’m going to

let you go now,” she said. “Get some

rest, okay?”

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“You too, beautiful. Sweet dreams.”


On Wednesday morning, Drake

borrowed a backhoe from one of his

friends in town and was using it to fill in

the potholes in the dirt driveway. Sophie

wanted to eventually pave the whole

thing but told him that it would likely be

the following summer before she was

able to do that, so for now he was going

to make it at least smooth and easy for

her guests to maneuver. He’d just

dumped and smoothed his last load of

dirt and was backing away from the

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house down the long path when he saw

her come outside. They had both been so

busy again this week that he’d barely

gotten to see her.

She had her dark hair in a side braid

and was wearing a pair of jeans with

holes in both of the knees and a pink-

and-blue plaid shirt. He watched as she

pulled on her jacket and headed toward

her car. He was thinking that she looked

good enough to eat and suddenly had an

idea. He put the backhoe in drive and

caught up to her just as she was reaching

for the car door.

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“Hey, boss, where are you going?”

“Mrs. Larson said I could come and

pick some apples today before they start

harvesting them next week. I wanted to

have some nice ones for the guests and

maybe make a pie or two.”

“Climb on up. I’ll take you over.”

She laughed. “You want me to ride

eight or ten miles on a backhoe?”

“Why not? Where is your sense of

adventure? Besides, the really good

apples are up high. You’ll never be able

to reach them from the ground.”

“You can drive this thing through the

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“Sure, it’s like a tractor. Come on …

go for a ride with me.”

Sophie laughed again but when Drake

held his hand out to her, she took it. He

pulled her up into the partially enclosed

cab of the big machine and she slid into

the tiny spot next to him. It was

technically a one-seater, so the quarters

were nice and cozy. Drake started it

back up and once he put it in gear,

Sophie held on to him for fear of

vibrating right off the seat. When he got

to the end of the driveway, he slipped

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his arm around her and pulled her in for

a kiss. When he let her go, she said,

“This is why you wanted to take the

backhoe, isn’t it?” She had to yell in

order for him to hear her.

He grinned. “Absolutely. Are you


“Not at all,” she said.

He grinned at her again and then

reached across her and pulled the

seatbelt over her lap. He strapped them

both in the one belt and then winked at

her and said, “Here we go.”

The backhoe was old and only got up

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to about thirty miles an hour, but that was

okay with Drake. The longer it took them

to get there and back, the more time he

got to spend with Sophie. The day was

crisp and it was becoming apparent that

the change of season was at hand. The

gray clouds that overlapped each other

overhead threatened rain, and the leaves

on the trees across the hill had begun to

turn yellow or copper; some of them had

already begun to fall to the ground.

It took them thirty minutes to get to the

Larson place. He wondered if Sophie

was thinking about the time. She looked

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like she was enjoying the ride and the

scenery as much as he was until they got

to the old bridge. As he headed toward

it, she gripped his thigh—which he very

much liked—and said, “What are you


“This is the way to the Larson place.”

“You’re taking this thing over that


“It’s fine. We used to run tractors

across here all the time.”

“Used to? You mean you haven’t done

this in a while? What if it collapses?”

Drake looked serious and said, “Can

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you swim?”

“What? Yes … of course I can swim


“Then you’ll be fine,” he said. He

looked like an ornery little boy as he

floored the big diesel and acted like he

was going to head across the bridge.


He suddenly laughed, and Sophie

realized he’d been teasing her. She

punched him in the arm. “You’re such a

punk. I really thought you were going to

drive across that.”

Still laughing, he said, “It would

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never hold up. There’s a sandbar up here

about a mile away. We’ll cross there.”

“Punk!” she said again, laughing too.

When they got to the sandbar, Sophie

once again clutched his leg as they went

across. She breathed an audible sigh of

relief once they were on the other side.

That put them at the long, bumpy gravel

road that led up to the ridge. The natural

vibration of the big machine coupled

with the bumps of the road had Sophie’s

teeth chattering together. She had to

admit, though, that this was much more

fun than she would have had taking her

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SUV and the main road through town.

Once they reached the top of the ridge,

she saw the beautiful orchard below

them. The wind was picking up and the

emerald-green leaves of the apple trees

swayed back and forth. Drake drove the

backhoe down the steep hill and

between two rows of trees. He killed the

engine, and Sophie looked around at all

of the trees with luscious red apples

dangling from their branches, just

begging to be picked.

She closed her eyes and breathed in

the scent. It smelled like rain and sweet

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apples. A lot of them had already fallen

on the ground, and Sophie saw a couple

of squirrels darting in and out of them

like they were running a miniature

obstacle course. The trees looked like

upside-down champagne glasses, and

their gnarled trunks were so thick that

even if she stretched her arms as far as

she could, she wouldn’t be able to reach

all the way around any of them.

“I love it in here,” she told Drake.

“In the backhoe?”

She smiled. “That’s nice too. But no, I

meant underneath these apple trees. It

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smells so good.” He reached out the

open window on his side of the backhoe

and plucked an apple, which he handed

to Sophie. She took it and dropped it in

the basket that she’d brought. She

reached out to get one and realized it

was starting to rain. Big drops splashed

through the trees and down onto the

windshield of the backhoe. Drake started

it back up and drove slowly between the

two rows as Sophie stuck her hand out

and picked the fruits she wanted.

The backhoe had turned out to be a

really good idea. It wasn’t the same as

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wandering around in there with a picnic

basket on her arm, but in the current

situation, it would definitely work.

After the basket was full, Drake drove

out of the trees and over to Mrs.

Larson’s fruit stand. Even in the rain, she

was there. Sophie tried to pay her for the

apples they’d picked, but the older

woman simply looked at it and said, “I

hope you’re kidding.”

Sophie smiled and put the money back

in her pocket. She hoped that someday

her inn would be “famous” in the small

town for something the way Mrs.

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Larson’s was for its apples and her

delicious lemonade.

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When Drake walked into the house

early on Saturday morning Brenda was

on her way out to pick up Mac. “Good


“Good morning,” she said. “I made

breakfast, so please help yourself. And

if there’s any way you can get my

daughter to eat …”

Drake smiled. “I’ll do my best,” he

said. “It smells great, thank you. Thank

you too for taking Uncle Mac today and

everything you’ve done for him this

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week. He seems like his old self again.”

Brenda had gone over a few evenings

after the day she took him the cake and

had dinner with him. Drake was actually

understating things. Mac wasn’t just

back to his old self, he seemed truly

happy, and Drake couldn’t remember the

last time he actually welcomed company.

He’d worn all of his old friends down

over the years by refusing their

invitations for lunch or dinner or just an

afternoon visit. Drake didn’t know if it

was specifically Brenda or if Uncle Mac

was just finally tired of always being

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alone, but either way, he appreciated her


“I haven’t done anything special, but

you’re welcome. I enjoy his company


“Be careful driving up there though.

The rain stopped, but it came down

pretty good all night. There might be

some slick spots on those windy roads.”

“I will be. I’m not in any hurry.”

“Where is your daughter?” he asked.

Brenda grinned. “She’s still


“You’re kidding? Is she sick?” It was

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almost seven a.m. In the almost four

weeks that Drake had known her, she’d

always been up, dressed, and attacking

the day by the time he arrived.

“No, I’m sure she’s just exhausted

because it all finally caught up with her.”

“Well, I’m glad that she’s getting some


“I should get going. Tell her I’ll call

her when we’re headed back.”

“Okay, have fun and thank you again.”

“We will. You’re welcome, and don’t

forget to eat.”

“No ma’am. I’m going to do that right

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now.” After Brenda left, Drake started to

fix himself a plate, but then he thought

about Sophie and had another idea. He

fixed her a plate instead and a glass of

juice and a cup of coffee. He put it all on

one of the new serving trays she’d

bought for the guests and left it on the

counter, then went outside. He walked

around behind the house where the green

meadow began and picked a handful of

the purple and yellow wildflowers that

grew there. He went back inside and

found a little vase to put them in and then

sat that on the tray, too. He carried it all

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up the stairs and when he got to the third

floor, he knocked on the door.

“Mom?” he heard her call out.

“No, ma’am, it’s room service.”

She laughed. “I don’t believe this inn

has room service … what would you be

servicing?” That statement left him open

to so many possibilities, but he reminded

himself he was being patient and waiting

for the weekend of their “date.”

“I have your breakfast, Miss.”

She giggled again. “Well, then, by all

means, come in.” Drake held the tray in

one hand and pushed open the door. His

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breath caught in his throat when he saw

her. She was sitting up in the bed with

her dark hair tousled and her nightshirt

hanging off of one shoulder.

“Good morning, Miss. I trust you slept


“Fabulous,” she said. “Too well,

actually. I woke up and couldn’t believe

it was seven already.”

“Your body must have needed it,” he

said. He set the tray on the nightstand.

He suddenly realized this was probably

not the best idea he’d ever had. Being

“patient” was hard enough when they

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were working together or sharing a meal

or a ride in a backhoe, but being here in

her room where everything looked like

her and smelled like her … it was

almost overwhelming. When you

coupled that with the cloud covering

outside that just made you want to

cuddle up with someone in a warm bed

to begin with—it was like a recipe for

torture. “Do you want your breakfast in

bed, ma’am?”

She suddenly got a wicked smile on

her face. “Is my mother gone?”

“Yeah, she just left—”

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She rose up on her knees and cut off

his words with her mouth. This was

definitely not helping him with his

patience. Every nerve ending in his body

was suddenly on fire. She kissed him

hard and used her arms around his neck

to pull him down toward her so they

both fell back on the bed. For a second,

he completely forgot himself and let his

hands roam over her warm curves as

their tongues got caught up in an erotic

dance of their own. He was immersed in

how warm and inviting her lips were

and the way her body was arching up

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from the bed into his. He’d dreamt of

this moment from the second he had laid

eyes on her. His hands slid under her and

pushed up the bottom of her nightshirt

until he was touching the bare curve of

her lower back. He kept them still there

as they kissed, somehow controlling the

urge to completely ransack her body.

When he finally forced himself to

break the kiss and come up for air, he

looked at her face. Her eyes were still

closed, her soft full lips were dark red

from his kiss, and her cheeks were filled

with color. That gorgeous, soft hair was

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even more tousled around her head, and

he knew he’d never seen anything so

beautiful in his life. If he’d woken up

this morning with the notion that he’d

been kissing her in her bed in a few

hours, he would have laughed at himself

at the sheer absurdity of it. “Sophie?”

She opened those blue eyes, and he

could see the desire for him inside of

them; it was like throwing kerosene on

an already raging fire. “Drake,” she

whispered, a smile tugging at the corners

of her lips.

“You’re so beautiful.”

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She really smiled then. “So are you.”

He pulled her into him more tightly

and pressed his face into her hair,

breathing in the sweet scent of her. He

had only a modicum of restraint left, and

he was using it to let her set the pace.

When he pulled back and looked at her

again, her blue eyes were locked into his

and her plump lips were slightly parted.

He touched her cheek with his fingers

and traced her jawline, and then as he

ran his thumb across her lips, he said, “If

you don’t tell me to leave soon …”

She didn’t tell him to leave. Instead,

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she shifted her body over so that he

could lie down beside her. The already

crumbling barrier they’d set up between

them was cracking even more. He lay

down on his side and put his arm across

her, pulling her against him again. He let

his hand rub across her back and

shoulders as he trailed kisses down the

side of her jaw and neck. He felt her

body shiver against him, and it was

almost enough to put him over the edge.

He let his tongue run along underneath

the top of her nightshirt, groaning as he

tasted her.

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His body was pulsing with electricity,

and his need for her was such that it was

almost painful. She brought her hands up

and took his face in them, pulling it up

from her chest to kiss his lips wildly

once more. She was daring him to cross

that invisible line that she herself had

drawn … but he had to be sure she was

ready for this. There was no way he’d

risk losing her for a one-night—or one-

day—stand. He forced himself to pull

out of the kiss and said, “We don’t have

to do this …”

She smiled. God, she was incredible.

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“I know,” she said. “I don’t want to

wait any longer.”

“You’re sure? I can wait a few more

weeks, a month … whatever you need.”

She smiled again and then wiggled out

of his grasp to sit up. He watched in

complete awe as she reached down and

pulled the nightshirt over her head and

tossed it aside, and he groaned again.

She was as perfect as he had imagined

she would be.

“I’m sure,” she whispered. “Make

love to me, Drake.”

He sat up and pulled off his shirt, too.

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Her hands immediately went to his chest

and as she traced the hard lines with her

fingers, he hesitantly touched her

breasts. She moaned slightly and arched

into his hands. His touch became more

intense as he leaned forward and

captured her lips once more. She’d

given him the green light he’d been dying

for, but now he didn’t want to rush it. He

didn’t want to scare her away by

ravaging her.

He pulled her into his lap and

continued the kiss while his hands

explored. She shifted against his aching

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erection, and he moaned into her mouth.

The hands that played across his chest

slid down to his belly, and he felt her

pulling at the button of his jeans. He

reluctantly slid her off his lap and gently

pushed her back on the bed.

He didn’t take his eyes off her as he

stood up and slid his jeans down. Being

here with her felt surreal—he was afraid

if he looked away even for a second that

she’d be gone when he looked back. He

watched her slide off her panties,

making his chest hurt. He slid his boxers

off and climbed back into the bed with

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her. She immediately began fluttering

kisses across his face and down his jaw

line. Sophie kissed his forehead and

nose and eyelids and once again found

his lips. He held her tightly as their

bodies melted together with no barriers

between them. He’d never wanted

anything as much as he wanted to be

inside her right now.

He pulled back and looked into her

blue eyes. “I feel like I’ve waited my

whole life for you, Sophie.”

“We don’t have to wait any longer,”

she whispered in a husky voice. He

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reached down and gripped her backside,

pulling her against his tautness as he

used his free hand to explore the rest of

her body. He ran it up the insides of her

smooth thighs, and she responded with a

sultry sigh. He let his mouth finally taste

her full, gorgeous breasts and then

trailed hot kisses down her flat stomach

to her belly button and back up again.

She put her hands in his hair and held

him to her chest as his lips and tongue

played across it. He relished the feel of

her, the smell and the taste, before

knowing he couldn’t last a minute longer.

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He reached off the bed and into his

pants pocket. Pulling out his wallet, he

fished for what seemed like forever until

he found the condom he carried there.

He said a little prayer that it wasn’t

expired as he ripped it open with his

teeth and rolled it on, knowing the whole

time that Sophie’s sparkling blue eyes

watched him with a searing heat he

could feel all the way to his core.

He didn’t waste any more time. He

positioned himself above her and as he

slid inside her, he knew that he had

never experienced a more perfect

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moment. It felt like she had been made

for him, and she responded so fluidly to

his movements that their bodies seemed

synchronized. He leaned down and

kissed her again, and she gripped his

shoulders and held on tightly as they lost

themselves in this moment.

Sophie reached her climax first, and

as Drake was about to reach his, he

pressed his lips into her ear and said, “I

love you. I want you to be my happily

ever after.”

Sophie didn’t say it back but he felt

her body respond, and for now he was

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okay with that. He didn’t have to have

the words until she was ready to say

them. He knew that letting him make

love to her was a big step. She showed

him how much she wanted him, and she

trusted him—those were the things that


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Cuddling up to Drake’s hard body felt

like heaven to Sophie. She was in that

place between sleep and awareness

where it felt like she was floating on air.

His arms were so warm and strong, and

they made her feel so safe that she felt

like she could stay in them forever. She

felt guilty for not saying she loved him

back, but she was going to need a little

more time. For now, she was relishing

the quiet and the peace that settled down

over them after the perfect storm of their

background image

lovemaking, and this was everything she


She closed her eyes and ignored the

daylight that had broken through the

clouds and was now trying to sneak in

through the curtains. She’d worry about

burning that daylight later. She let sleep

take hold of her instead and pull her

back down into its embrace, and for the

next two hours she slept like she hadn’t

slept in years.

When she woke again, she was still

tangled in Drake’s long limbs and she

could feel the gentle rise and fall of his

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chest. The clock at her bedside said nine

a.m. She’d allowed herself as much of

an escape as she could for now.

Reluctantly she began to disentangle

herself and slide out of the bed.

“Where are you going?” Drake asked

in a warm, sleepy voice that made her

want to crawl back up against him.

“I didn’t mean to wake you. I need to

get to work.”

She felt his body shake as he laughed.

“I’m the one who works for you,

remember? You’re going to let me sleep

while you get up and work? Damn, I

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scored with this job.”

She giggled. “Don’t think you’re so

smart, Mister. You went off the clock the

minute your pants came off.”

He laughed again. “You know what …

I win either way.” He opened his

gorgeous eyes and looked at her, and

suddenly his face was serious. “Thank


She leaned forward and pressed her

lips softly to his. “You are so welcome.

Thank you.”

“Anytime … and I do mean that more

than I’ve ever meant anything—

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absolutely, positively, anytime …

anywhere …” He began to shower

kisses around her face.

She laughed again. “Okay, I get it. I do

have to get up now and shower so I can

get something done today.”

“Are you going to eat your breakfast?”

“It’s cold now, I think.”

“It’s a good thing I got my tip first

then, huh?”

“You could warm it up for me while I


“You make love to a woman one time

and suddenly you’re her slave for life …

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how warm would you like it?”

She kissed him again. “Thank you. I’ll

be down in a few.”

He closed his eyes again and nodded.

“Are you going back to sleep?”

“Nope, I’m just picturing you in the

shower.” A slow grin spread across his

face. “I have a clear image to work with


She stood up and threw the pillow at

him before running for the bathroom. He

opened his eyes and said, “Mm … and

one more for the memory books.” She

was giggling as she slammed the door.

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By the time she made it downstairs,

Drake had her plate warmed and

covered, his washed and put away, and a

little vase with wildflowers and a note

that said, Eat hearty. I’m off to work,

but I won’t be far if you need anything

… and I mean ANYTHING from me.”

He signed it –D with a smiley face. She

smiled and rolled her eyes. She’d

created a monster.

After she ate and cleaned up the rest

of the kitchen, she headed into the office

to check her messages. She heard her

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cell phone vibrating and hadn’t realized

she’d left it in there. Still smiling and

thinking about Drake, she picked it up

and looked at the screen. She’d missed

three calls from the same number. It was

a Vermont area code, but she didn’t

recognize the number. She slid the button

for voicemail and as she listened to the

message, the smile fell from her face.

With her heart pounding, she ended the

call and pressed the number for the

missed calls as she ran out the kitchen

door, calling for Drake at the same time.

He came around the corner of the house

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just as the phone was answered on the

other end.

The phone answered, “Memorial

Hospital, how can I help you?”

“My name is Sophie Michelson; my

mother was brought into the ER …”

Drake’s eyes went big. He dropped the

can of paint he was holding as he heard

her say, “Yes, she was with a man. His

name is Mac Tanner. Yes, I can hold.”

Her eyes met Drake’s and she said,

“Mom and Mac were in an accident …”

“Are they okay?”

“I don’t know … she’s getting the

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“Miss Michelson?”

“Yes, I’m here.”

Drake was watching her face, looking

for confirmation that Mac and Brenda

were okay. She pressed the speaker

button so he could hear too just as the

nurse said, “Your mother was brought in

about an hour ago. I honestly don’t have

a lot of information to give you yet. The

doctor is still in there with her. What I

do know is that she was conscious when

they brought her in. She was talking, and

she’s the one that asked us to call you.”

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“That sounds good,” Sophie said,

feeling her eyes fill with tears. Drake’s

were still staring at her face. “What

about the man she was with … Mac


“He was taken straight to surgery.”

“Why?” Drake asked, panic rising in

his voice.

The nurse hesitated and Sophie said,

“That’s Drake Tanner. He’s Mac’s


“He had some pretty extensive

internal injuries and he lost a lot of

blood. I’m sorry, that’s all I know. The

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officer with the Vermont State Police

who was on the scene is still in the ER, I

believe. Would you like to speak with


“Yes!” Sophie and Drake spoke at the

same time. She could see the pain and

worry in his eyes, and she could hardly

stand it. They waited in silence until a

man’s voice came on the line.

“Miss Michelson, this is Officer

Williams. I was first on the scene of the


“What happened?”

“Your mother’s car was hit head-on

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by a pickup of teens that lost control

after skidding across the slick road. The

driver of the other car was ejected from

the vehicle and sustained minor injuries.

Your mother and her passenger were

pinned in their car.” Sophie sucked in a

breath as he paused. He continued, “I’m

sorry. I don’t know exactly what their

injuries are yet. She was able to talk to

me while we waited for the ambulance.

She told me her passenger, Mr. Tanner,

was a paraplegic, and she gave me your

number and his nephew’s number …”

“I’m here,” Drake said.

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“Mr. Tanner?”


“Your uncle is in surgery—”

“Yeah, the nurse told us that. You

were there, you saw him. Was he awake

at all?”

“No sir, he was unconscious. I’m


Drake turned away from Sophie and

kicked the paint can out of his way. He

started walking to his truck. She thanked

the officer before ending the call and

followed him. “Drake …”

“I need to get to the hospital.” He

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looked and sounded like he was in a


“Okay, me too. Can I ride with you?”

He nodded. “I’m going to get my purse.”

He nodded again. Sophie left him there

and ran inside. She grabbed her purse

and locked the door and when she got

back outside, Drake was still staring off

into the distance. “Drake … are you


He snapped back to the present and

started the truck. “I’m good,” was all he

said. The drive to the hospital was long

and quiet. As they passed the turnoff for

background image

the wildlife rehab, Drake slowed the

truck down and sat there for a few

minutes, idling. He looked like he had

checked out again. Sophie waited.

Finally, he said, “This is my fault.”

“No, Drake. It was an accident that no

one could have predicted.”

He put the truck back in drive, and she

was surprised when he started heading

up the hill instead of down into the town.

“Those damned kits. I started all of this

by not being able to keep my nose out of

something that I had no business in. They

probably would have survived if I

background image

hadn’t picked them up. And if they

didn’t, that’s nature, right?”

“Drake, you have a good heart—”

“Do I? Do I have the kind of heart of a

man who was left entrusted with the care

of another one and failed to give him

what he needed? I was so busy working

and doing anything I could do in order to

see you that I completely neglected him.

If he dies today, he’ll die thinking that

he’s all alone.”

“No, that’s not true. Mac knows you

love him.”

Drake didn’t say anything, he just kept

background image

driving. Just as Sophie was going to ask

him what they were doing, she saw it.

Black skid marks lined the road like an

ugly scar, and pieces of glass and metal

still littered the shoulder. Drake pulled

the truck over and got out. Sophie

followed him. The cars were gone, but

there was a black mark up against the

white cement guardrail where the paint

from Sophie’s SUV had come off as it

was likely shoved up against it. Drake

bent down and picked something up. He

held it in his fingers and looked at it

before his eyes suddenly filled with

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tears and he crushed it in his hand.


He smiled as one of the tears escaped

from his eyes and rolled down his cheek.

“I saw him out in the grove behind my

house yesterday rolling around. I asked

him what he was doing and he got really

defensive. He had a bucket in his lap,

and it was filled with figs that had fallen

off of one of the trees. He used to feed

them to the kits. He took that bucket with

him today.”

Sophie could tell that it was taking

every bit of strength he had to hold it

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together. She went to him and put her

arms around him. She just held him, and

when she felt his body stop shaking, she

pulled back and said, “We should go.

Maybe they’ll have good news for us

when we get there. We have to stay


He nodded and kissed the side of her

face. She looked down as they walked

back to the pickup and saw there were

figs scattered all over the ground.

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Drake and Sophie went straight to the

ER when they arrived at the hospital.

The nurse was kind, and she told Drake

she’d find out where Mac was and if he

could see him before taking them in to

see Brenda, who was in a cubicle in the

ER behind a sliding curtain. She was

surrounded by gurneys on either side in

front and behind. Brenda looked pale,

and she had a few cuts and scratches on

her face. The rest of her was covered,

but there were lines and tubes running

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here and there underneath the sheet.

“Mom?” Sophie’s face was as pale as

her mother’s. Drake suddenly felt bad

for the breakdown he had had. He should

have been there for her. She was as

worried as he was, and he was wasting

time making it about him and how he

felt. “Mom, can you hear me?” Sophie

slid her hand under the sheet and

grasped her mother’s. Brenda’s eyes

fluttered open and then closed again. The

nurse said she was on pain medication,

so she was probably having trouble

waking up.

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“Sophie?” Brenda said groggily.

“Yeah, Mom. I’m here. Are you



Sophie looked up at Drake. He

suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe.

“We haven’t seen him yet. Drake’s here

too. As soon as we see him, we’ll let

you know how he is, okay?”

“I’m sorry,” she said, turning her head

slowly and pulling her eyes open as if

they had weights on them. Drake

realized that she was apologizing to him.

He felt another lump welling up in his

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throat. He stepped closer to the bed and

took her hand.

“I’m sorry that you had to go through

this,” he said. He bent down and brushed

his lips across her cheek. “Everything’s

going to be okay. You don’t have

anything to apologize for, all right?”

A stray tear rolled down her cheek,

and Sophie wiped it away. “Don’t cry,

Mom. Everything’s going to be okay. Are

you in pain?”

“No,” Brenda’s voice was raspy and


“Do you want some water?”

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“They won’t let me have any,” she

said, having to force each word as if her

chest hurt when she spoke.

Sophie suddenly looked annoyed. To

no one in particular, she said, “Where is

that doctor? The nurse said he’d be right


“I’ll go check,” Drake said. He left

the women alone and stepped out from

behind the curtain. He felt like he could

breathe a little easier out here. He found

the nurse that had helped them and asked

about Brenda’s doctor. She assured him

that he’d be in as soon as he could.

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Then, he asked about Mac again.

“He’s still in surgery. I let the staff up

there know that you’re here. They’ll call

when he’s out and I’ll take you there,


He nodded, feeling like he was

suddenly caught in a bad dream. The day

had gone from a beautiful kind of surreal

to a nightmare. “Mr. Tanner?” He turned

at the sound of the voice. He was facing

a middle-aged man with a long face in a

green uniform with gold piping holding a

green trooper hat.

“Yes, Drake Tanner.”

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“I’m Officer Williams.” Drake shook

his hand. The officer said, “Have you

gotten any word on your uncle?”

“No sir, not yet.”

“I just wanted to give you my card and

ask if you could keep me updated.”

“Sure. Thanks for helping them.”

“It’s nothing. Unfortunately, there

wasn’t much I could do until the fire

department got there. I hope your uncle

comes through this okay.”

“Thanks, me too.”

Drake put the card in his pocket and

headed back to where Brenda was. The

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doctor was walking in just as he was. It

was a female doctor with the posture of

a soldier. She smiled at him, but it was

the smile of a professional. There was

nothing overly warm about it. She had

her hair pulled back into a severe bun

and a pair of reading glasses perched on

the end of her nose. She pushed them up

as she perused the file in her hand.

Sophie looked up as they walked in and

said, “Are you Dr. Garrison?”

“Yes,” the woman said, holding her

hand out almost robotically. Sophie

stood up and shook it, then introduced

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herself and Drake. He watched poor

Brenda trying to keep her eyes open, but

they kept drifting back shut. “So Mrs.

Michelson was the driver in a multiple-

injury accident. The car she was driving

was pushed into the guardrail, and she

and her passenger were trapped inside.

She sustained some crushing injuries to

her ribs as well as a punctured lung. It

looks like she already had a break to her

left ankle that was cast, so that isn’t new.

“So far we haven’t detected any other

injuries or internal bleeding. She has a

chest tube in place now to keep the

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fluids from building up in that lung as it

heals, and the oxygen is to help her get

enough air exchange while it’s healing.

She’s scheduled for one more CT scan

of her abdomen this afternoon. She had a

lot of bruising and swelling when she

came in, so it was hard to read. We

didn’t see anything worrisome, but we’ll

want to check it again just to be sure.”

She looked from Sophie to Drake and

said, “Do either of you have any


“Her broken ribs … they’ll heal on

their own?” Sophie asked.

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“Yes, that’s what we hope for. She’s

wearing an abdominal brace now so that

when she breathes, coughs, or moves,

she won’t experience so much pain.

She’ll likely have to wear that until

they’re healed.”

“How long will she need to stay


The doctor shrugged. “At this point,

we’re still at the stage of finding out

what her injuries are. Hopefully we’ve

already identified them all, but we’d like

her to stay under observation for the first

twenty-four hours. She’ll be transferred

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to a room as soon as one is available.”

Sophie nodded. She looked relieved,

and Drake was relieved for her and

Brenda both. Now if they’d just tell him

something about Mac. The doctor

answered a few more questions for

Sophie before leaving. Sophie looked up

at Drake and asked, “Have they told you

anything else about Mac?”

“No. He’s still in surgery.” Drake sat

down in the chair on his side of the bed.

“They said they’ll call me when he’s


They both sat there and watched

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Brenda sleep. It was about an hour later

when the nurse stuck her head in and

said, “Mr. Tanner, he’s out of surgery.”

Drake got up and looked at Sophie.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I talk to

someone,” he said.

She smiled gently at him and nodded.

“I have my phone. Call me if you need

anything, okay?”

“Yeah, I will.” He kissed Brenda’s

cheek again and then Sophie’s before

following the nurse out of the room.

Drake looked around as the nurse led

him to the surgical waiting room. The

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hallway was as untouched with

personality as the rest of the hospital.

The floor beneath his feet was white and

slate gray tiles, and the light overhead

was way too bright. It reminded him of

one on television when the police were

interrogating a suspect. As he walked

on, wondering how far away the ICU

was, he noticed how everything was

clean and spotless and tinged with


The nurse, who’d told him her name

was Marla, pushed a button on the wall

at the end of the hall, and a set of double

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doors swung inward. In between that set

and another, there was a black phone on

the wall. She picked it up and dialed 1

before speaking. “Hi Katie. I have Mr.

Tanner here to see his uncle.”

Marla listened, then hung up and put

some sort of code into the keypad. The

next set of doors opened. Drake felt a

rush of cold air and was once again

overwhelmed by the strong scent of


“This is where I leave you, Mr.

Tanner. Good luck. I wish your uncle a

speedy recovery.”

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“Thank you for your help.” She

nodded and smiled and then left as the

other nurse came toward him.

“Hi, Mr. Tanner. I’m Katie.”

“Hi … where is my uncle?”

“They’re bringing him up right now.”

“Can you tell me what’s wrong with

him? What did they operate on him for?”

“I’m going to let Dr. Gill tell you all

of that. Here he is now.”

Dr. Gill was a tall, broad, Eastern

Indian man. He shook Drake’s hand and

proceeded to give him the rundown on

Mac’s injuries. “Your uncle is

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paraplegic, correct?”


“How long?”

“Um … I guess about thirty years.”

“Otherwise healthy?”

“As far as I know.”

“Good. He was trapped in the vehicle

and suffered some major internal

injuries. We transfused him with two

units of blood before the surgery and I

just ordered another unit now. We took

out his spleen because it sustained some

major damage. He has some severe

bruising to his abdominal area, and his

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legs are quite cut up from the crushing

metal. His right arm is broken in two

places, and I’m afraid that he has a

closed head injury as well. He’s not

breathing on his own right now.”

“So in English?” Drake said.

“The injury we’re worried about and

watching is the closed head. We don’t

know why he hasn’t woken up yet or

why he’s not breathing on his own. He

has a lot of swelling around his brain

and if that doesn’t go down with

medication over the next twenty-four

hours, he may need surgery to relieve

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that as well. I ordered an MRI of his

head to be done first thing in the morning

and when that comes back, I can let you

know more.”

That all sounded really, really bad.

Drake felt sick to his stomach. “Is there

still a possibility that he’ll wake up on

his own?”

“Yes. He does have brain activity, so

for now, it’s wait and see.”

That wasn’t the best news, but at least

it gave him hope. “Okay. Thank you. Can

I see him?”

“Yes, absolutely. He’s there in room

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four. I don’t know if anyone else is here

with you, but only one visitor at a time.”

“Okay, thank you.” After the doctor

left, Drake stood near the nursing station

and texted Sophie what he’d learned.

She texted back right away.

Give him a kiss for us. Mom is

feeling so bad.

Please tell her to stop that and

concentrate on getting better. I’ll text

you after I see Mac for a bit.

He stuck the phone in his pocket and

took a deep breath before heading over

to the big glass room.

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Three days later, on Tuesday, Mac

was still in the same condition. They’d

done surgery on his head to remove the

pressure on Sunday, but he still hadn’t

woken up and was still not breathing on

his own. Brenda, on the other hand, was

doing great … physically. Although the

police officer had said more than once,

and even put in his report, that the slick

road was what caused the accident and

she was in no way at fault, she was still

blaming herself.

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Sophie texted Drake early in the day

to let him know the doctor was

discharging Brenda. He let the nurses

know he would be downstairs for a

while, and he went to the second floor to

Brenda’s room to see them. As soon as

he walked in, Sophie got up and hugged

him. He held on to her tightly for a long

time, and his eyes met Brenda’s blue

ones over Sophie’s head. He kissed

Sophie on the side of the face and

stepped over to her mother. Smiling at

her, he leaned down and kissed her

cheek. “I’m so glad they’re letting you

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bust out of here.”

“Me too,” she said, her eyes filling

with tears. “How’s Mac?”

“He’s the same … still fighting.”

“Do you think they’ll let me see him

before I go home?”

“I think we can arrange that,” Drake

told her.

She clutched his arm and said,

“Drake, I’m so very sorry.”

He rested his weary forehead into

hers. Sophie had gotten a motel room in

town, but he wouldn’t leave Mac. He

slept off and on in the recliner in the

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room, but not much. “Brenda, please,

please, please stop blaming yourself for

this. The state trooper said you did

absolutely nothing wrong. It was a

horrible freak accident, and I am so glad

that you’re okay. Mac is a tough old guy,

and I believe in my heart that he’s going

to come back to us … and when he does,

he’s going to be just as happy that you’re

okay, too.”

“I just feel so helpless,” she said.

Drake hugged her.

“Me too,” he said. They sat like that

for a long time while Sophie loaded all

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of the flowers and cards she’d gotten

into the car she’d rented to take them

home. She was touched by the

outpouring of support from the people of

Brook Haven, who had only so recently

met Brenda. It was another reminder of

what a nice place she’d chosen for them

to call home.

On Monday, Brooke had come by to

see Drake, and Sophie realized as she

watched them together that any jealousy

she’d felt was just her own silliness. It

was easy to see that their love for each

other was a pure kind of love like that

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shared between siblings. Mrs. Larson

sent some apples and a quart of

lemonade with her and a note for Sophie

that made her tear up.

Remember when I told you that I

thought that Tanner boy was in love

with the doctor? Well, I just wanted to

tell you that I was wrong. That day you

and he came by to pick apples, I saw

such a strong love in his eyes when he

looked at you … it was the way my

husband used to look at me. Hold on to

that dear, and it will get you through

anything. Trust me, I know. Kiss your

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mama for me and tell her when she’s

feeling up to it to drink the magic

lemonade … it will do wonders for her


Sophie kept the note in her pocket and

over the next couple of days when she

was feeling down, she would take it out

and read it again.

Eventually the nurse came in with

Brenda’s discharge paperwork and

instructions. She was to be on strict bed

rest until her ribs healed. Her ankle was

still healing as well. She was

exchanging oxygen on her own just fine,

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so they weren’t worried about her lung.

The cuts on her face had begun to heal

and she had a black eye, but all in all she

was lucky, and the proof of how lucky

was upstairs in the ICU. She thanked the

nurses, and the three of them got onto the

elevator. Drake pushed the button for the

tenth floor and once they were at the

ICU, he asked the nurse to let Brenda

visit as long as she wanted to. While she

went in to see Mac, Sophie and Drake

sat together in the waiting room.

“So … Friday is the big day,” he said.


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“Your grand opening,” he said. He

was trying to brighten her mood. Hers

seemed almost as down as Brenda’s.

“Are you coming home?”

The smile fell away and he said, “I

can’t. I hope you know how badly I want

to be there with you, but it’s over an

hour’s drive and if anything happened to

him while I was gone …”

She nodded. “I know. I’m just worried

about you. You’re not eating or sleeping


“I’m fine.” He slipped his arm around

her and held her close while they

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waited. Neither of them said anything

after that until it was time to say

goodbye. He kissed and hugged Brenda

one more time before helping her into

the car. Then he took Sophie in his arms

and said, “I promise I’ll eat and sleep

and if the opportunity presents itself, I’ll

shower.” She smiled and wrinkled her

nose. He laughed and kissed her

forehead. “I need you to promise me


“What’s that?”

“You don’t stress too much this week.

My friend Sam, who is a veterinarian

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and not a carpenter by the way, is going

to come and help you finish up at the


“What? No. Drake, you shouldn’t be

worrying about any of that right now.”

“I’m not. Sam’s not as good as I am,

of course.” He grinned. “But he’s pretty



“Shh. Don’t argue with me. You

worked too hard for this, and there is no

way that it’s not going to happen.”

“I just wanted you to be there so


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“I know … I’m sorry.”

As soon as he said he was sorry, she

felt guilty again. He shouldn’t be sorry

about staying with his uncle. Sometimes

Sophie wondered if she’d become way

too self-absorbed. It was her turn to say,

“Shh. Please don’t apologize to me. You

have such a good heart. You always do

the right thing. I can learn so much from


He pulled her back into his side and

with that cute grin of his, he said, “Just

you wait … I have a list of things to

teach you.”

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She laughed. “That’s not what I


“I know, baby,” he whispered. “I love



Brooke showed back up on Thursday

morning. Drake met her out in the

waiting room and as soon as she saw

him, she said, “Whew! I made it just in

time. Here …” She handed him a

shopping bag. He raised an eyebrow and

she said, “Just look inside.” He did, and

what he saw was a new pair of jeans, t-

shirts, shorts, and socks as well as a

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razor and shaving cream, toothbrush, and

toothpaste. He smiled.

“Are you trying to say I stink?”

“I would never … Sophie asked me to

bring them.”

“Is she doing okay?” They’d talked on

the phone several times since she took

Brenda home. He could tell that she was

trying to put on a happy face, but she

didn’t sound truly happy.

“I don’t really know her that well. She

seems a little stressed, but that’s to be

expected. She misses you, that much I

can see on her face.”

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“How are things going for the opening


“I went inside today when I stopped

by to pick these things up because I

wanted to check out Brenda’s ankle. The

place looks beautiful. I think it’s going to

be a big hit with the tourists.”

“Good. She’s worked so hard. She

deserves good things.”

Brooke put her hand on his face and

said, “So do you.”

“They’re coming,” he said. “Soon.”

Brooke smiled and asked him, “How

did you become so disgustingly

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He laughed. “I just pretend like I am

to annoy you,” he said.

Drake talked one of the nurses into

letting him use the shower in one of the

empty rooms while Brooke visited Mac.

When he was showered and shaved and

dressed in clean clothes, he felt slightly

more human. He called Sophie before he

went back to the ICU.

“Hey! How are you?” she answered.

“How’s Mac?”

“He’s the same, and I’m great now.

Thank you for the clothes and things. You

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didn’t have to do that.”

“I really did. The nurses called and

said you stink.”

He laughed. “Not anymore. How are

things going there?”

“Good. Everything is ready, I think.

Sam has been a big help and Mrs.

Larson has been over with her helpful

tips. The only thing missing is you.”

“I’m sor—”

“Don’t say it! You have nothing to be

sorry for. I just miss you. I’ll be there as

soon as I can.”


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“No,” she pouted. “Monday is too far


“Get through your opening weekend

and the Harvest Festival, and I’ll see

you on Monday.”

“I will see you soon,” she said.

“I love you, Sophie.”

She still didn’t say it back, but he was

okay with it. He could see it when she

looked at him and he could hear it in her

voice. Words didn’t mean a thing.

Anyone could say the words. He looked

down at his new clean clothes and

thought, It’s the little things that matter.

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Sophie woke up on Friday morning

with butterflies the size of dragons in her

belly. Her dream was finally becoming a

reality. She stood in front of the mirror

on her vanity and looked at herself. She

didn’t look happy. She didn’t look like a

woman about to realize her dream. The

truth was she didn’t feel it either. All she

felt was nerves … and not the good kind.

The night before, she’d finally

admitted to her mother that the joy she

thought she would feel when this day

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happened was just not there. When

Brenda asked her what it would take for

her to feel that joy, she didn’t hesitate.

“Drake,” she said, and then, “Oh, Mom,

I want to be with Drake. I want to give

everyone their deposits back, tell them

how sorry I am, lock the doors, and go

be with Drake. He needs me, Mom. He

needs me there.”

“Then go,” Brenda had said simply, as

if it were as easy as that.

“What about the people already on

their way here? Everything in town is


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“I’ll open the inn for you.”

Sophie laughed. “I love you, Mom.

You have three cracked ribs and you’re

still limping around on that ankle … so,

no. But it was so sweet of you to offer.”

She’d finally left Brenda’s room and

gone upstairs after midnight. It was two

or three a.m. before she fell asleep and

six when she woke up. She showered

and was dressed by eight. She’d

pictured this day a million times in her

head, but never like this. She didn’t even

want to be here. All she wanted was


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“Sophie?” She heard her mother’s

voice on the intercom she’d asked Sam

to install in the downstairs room Brenda

was staying in while she healed.

“Yeah, Mom, are you okay?”

“I’m good, honey. I was wondering if

you could come downstairs for a minute

though … after you’re dressed?”

“I’m dressed. I’ll be right there.”

Sophie took one last long look at

herself and wondered if it was a

reflection she should be proud of. Every

time she asked herself where Drake

would be if the shoe were on the other

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foot, the answer was clear. He would be

wherever she was, and she knew it.

She made her way downstairs and

when she got to the last step, she heard

voices in the dining room. She followed

them and was shocked when she walked

in on her mother, Mrs. Larson, Brooke,

Brooke’s nurse, and three of the ladies

from Brenda’s quilting group sitting at

the big dining room table. “Hi everyone.

What’s going on?”

Brenda looked up and smiled. Before

she could say anything, Sam hurried in.

“Sorry I’m late. The Lindons’ cow had a

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baby last night.”

Sophie smiled. “Late for what?”

“We have a grand opening to get ready

for,” Brenda told her. “I called on a

couple of friends, and I told them your

heart was with Drake and Mac and you

wanted the rest of you to be as well.

These fine ladies …”—she looked at

Sam—“and gentleman rushed right over

to help. Go be with Drake and Mac, and

we will take care of everything while

you’re gone.”

Sophie couldn’t believe it. She barely

knew these women. They were all

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people who owned their own businesses

and had families. They were all people

who had so many things they could be

and maybe should be doing, and yet they

were willing to drop it all and help her.

Tears were streaming down her face as

she went around the table and hugged

each and every one of them. She was so

choked up and so overwhelmed that she

had no idea what to say. She finally just

pressed her hand to her heart and

thanked them all. Then she kissed her

mother and grabbed her keys. She was

going to be where she belonged

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underneath the Harvest Moon … at the

side of the man she loved.


“So … I know it’s a downer that Beth

is gone, but it’s fall and apple harvesting

time and it’s also Marmee’s sixtieth

birthday.” Mac groaned. Drake went on

explaining why he thought Little

Women’s ending wasn’t as sad as some

people often said it was. It had been the

only book the nurse could find for him in

the ICU when he asked for one to read to

his uncle. In spite of himself, he’d loved

it. Not that he’d ever admit that to Mac if

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he was awake.

“So they have this big harvest party

and birthday party at Jo’s place. Jo has

three daughters now …” Mac groaned

again. That time it hit Drake. “Uncle

Mac?” He saw Mac’s eyelids flutter. His

eyes stayed closed, but they were

definitely moving underneath there. “Oh

my God! Uncle Mac, are you waking

up?” Another loud groan, and then Mac’s

hand moved. He was trying to lift it up.

Drake’s face broke out in a wide smile.

“Stay right here, I’ll get the nurse.” He

ran out to the nurse’s station and found

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Marla. She had been Mac’s day nurse all

week. “He’s groaning and moving his

eyes and he’s trying to lift his hand …”

Marla was on her feet at once. Drake

liked that she didn’t ask him to repeat all

of that. She simply followed him to the

room and set about taking vital signs and

talking to Mac. “Hey, Mr. Tanner, are

you waking up? Come on and open those

eyes. I’d like to see what they look like.

Come on, Mr. Tanner, I’ve been here all

week. I’m off this weekend. Wake up for

me today or my co-workers will take all

the credit.”

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Mac groaned, and suddenly it looked

like he was trying to lift his head. His

arms were shaking convulsively, but it

didn’t look like he was having a seizure

—it looked like he was trying with all of

his might to move them. “I’m going to get

the doctor, Mr. Tanner. Don’t go


Drake smiled. He was glad to know

he wasn’t the only one who said silly

things like that to a man in a coma.

“Hey Uncle Mac, I’m here. Wake up,

okay? I really want to take you home.

Please wake up. If you wake up, I won’t

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read any more Little Women to you.”

Drake wasn’t sure if it was his

imagination, but it actually looked like

Mac tried to smile. Then he started

choking and the entire team ran in. He

was pushed out into the hallway, and for

a few minutes he just stood there

helplessly. He’d been thinking something

good was happening … but what if it

were the opposite? What if those noises

were him getting ready to die? What

would he do without him?

“Drake?” He thought he imagined the

sound of Sophie’s voice, so he didn’t

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even turn around. God, he missed her.

“Drake!” That time it was even louder

and clearer. He turned toward the sound

of it and saw her beautiful face. She had

the hallway door open a crack and she

was looking in at him.

“Sophie … what are you doing here?”

She waved him over. When he got to

the door, she pulled him through it and

said, “First of all, don’t even try to send

me away because I’m not going. I need

to be here with you. I want to be here

with you. I am going to be here with you

and no one is going to stop me … and

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you want to know why?”

She was so passionate and so damned

cute. He was holding back a smile as he

said, “Why?”

“Because I am in love with you,

Drake Tanner. You are my happily ever

after. I look at you and see forever. Not

that house … you. If I don’t have you,

then none of the rest of it will matter.”

She had tears streaming down her pretty

face. He pulled her into his chest and

held her while the tears welled up in his

eyes as well. She loves me! He held her

back and looked at her face.

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“I’m not sending you back,” he said

with a grin. “Not ever. I love you so


“I love you so much. Kiss me, Drake.”

He didn’t hesitate. He pulled her up

so that she was almost all the way off

her feet and he covered her warm, soft

mouth with his. She parted her sweet

lips, and he let his tongue taste them first

before delving into her mouth. Her

tongue came up and met his as the

passionate kiss went on and on. The only

reason they broke was for air, and given

half the chance, both of them would have

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passed on that. Breathless and struggling

to get his voice back, Drake smiled and

said, “I think Mac is waking up.”

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One Year Later

The afternoon air was cold, but there

was no wind or rain. It was a perfect fall

day, and the trees that surrounded the

bright-green meadow were on fire. The

gold and scarlet and burnt-orange leaves

licked at the sky overhead as they

swayed in the gentle breeze. They were

nature’s decoration for the celebration

that was happening tonight. An entire

community had come together to

celebrate the union of two souls

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underneath the Harvest Moon.

As the wedding march began to play,

Sophie stood at the back and looked up

at the altar. Brooke was there, her maid

of honor. She’d become good friends

with the other woman over the past year.

They had bonded over their love for

Drake but found they had much more

than that in common day by day.

Sam was there, standing alongside

Drake. Her beautiful fiancé was wearing

a light-brown suit that contrasted

beautifully with his dark eyes. He was

fidgeting with his tie and looking

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nervous. Sophie smiled, and she felt her

heart speed up. They’d both made the inn

their home over the past year, and Drake

had become an intricate part of the day-

to-day affairs of it. Their first winter

open had been a roaring success as the

tourists had descended like crazy for the

snow-covered mountains, the fresh air of

the country, and the hospitality of an inn

that was rapidly gaining a countrywide

reputation for being the best.

“Are you ready, pretty girl?”

Sophie looked down at Mac. He was

dressed in the same color suit as his

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nephew, and he looked so handsome.

Drake had wanted him to be his best

man, but Sophie had stolen him to walk

her down the aisle. He’d fought through

his recovery like a champ and after he’d

gotten stronger, Drake had taken him up

to see the kits, who were nearly grown

but still acted like they knew him. When

he got home, Brenda had presented him

with a puppy that she told him they could

share custody of. The two of them had

become really close friends, and every

time Sophie saw them together, she knew

she had one more thing to be grateful for.

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She glanced up and saw her beautiful

mother in the front, standing and looking

in her direction. This was a day that

Sophie hadn’t been sure would ever

come, but Brenda had always known.

Sophie only hoped that one day she

could be half the mother that hers had


She took Mac’s hand and said, “I am

so ready. Let’s get this happily ever after

started.” He smiled at her and pushed the

button on his new electric chair. He and

Brenda had begun taking walks every

day, spending time at the library, and

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picking apples together. He needed

something a little faster to keep up with

her, and his nephew had been more than

happy to provide him with it.

As Sophie walked toward her future,

she looked at her fiancé’s gorgeous face,

and she knew for sure that everything she

would ever need lived right there in his


~ The End ~

Want to read more about the people of

Brook Haven? Please give book two a

try, October Kiss.

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About the Author

Charlene Bright is the author of several

contemporary western romance novels.

She’s a lifelong resident of the American

South and currently residents in southern

Oklahoma on a family-owned cattle

ranch. She greets each morning with a

hot cup of coffee and an optimistic

smile. Traveling to America’s national

parks is her favorite pastime. You can

find out more about Charlene and her

books at

Charlene Bright


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