Talent Seeders Participants Guide 1 2 1 Last one

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Basic guide for "Talent

Seeders"project participants

v.1.0 (7.02.2013)

v.1.1 (13.06.2013)

v 1.2. (10.07.2013)

I just wanted to tell You, that I did a lot of good job by maki'n this document
for ALL of You! So I would love if You don't treat it like TL;DR, but read it
and use Your brain to think about all this. It contains tons of information on

With Great Love


p.s. In fact, what I would love You to do is: take piece of paper and pen, and
while reading this publication, if You have any ideas, questions, or do not

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understand something write it down, and keep near Your computer, so we can
talk about this on internet.

What is Talent Seeders About?

"Talent Seeders!
It is an initiative of a group of seven active young people aged 14 - 21
years, from Solec Kujawski, Poland, connected around the Cultural Centre in
Solec Kujawski. We invited a similar group from the Youth Cultural Centre in
Ukmerge, Lithuania.

Our plan is to meet and share our interests, in order to bring out our
hidden talents.

We base on the idea that we are young and active, each of us has their
hobbies, talents, interests and passions, but not all are like that. There
are many young people who are sitting at home doing nothing constructive.

So we decided to find out how to give them the impulse to find their own

Our goal is to show others that they too can have a passion - we want to be
a group of "Talent Seeders", and by shearing of what we have the best, we
would like to inspire in others a sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

Our base is on our own talents and interests - each of us has a little
"special" skills (karate, playing guitar, cooking , computer science and
fine arts are just some of them) and would like to introduce and learn the
basics of it, to the other participants.

With this experience, we will be able to create a method of reaching out to
people and opening them for "a world of talent",
We achieve this by presenting our interests, and mutual learning - trying
out, new things. The diversity of our interests, will let everyone find
inspiring skill that will be able to try out under the supervision of the
participant with experience in the field, and our successes and failures
will allow us then, to understand what is important for people who are
learning a new skill, where there are obstacles and which motivate most

Then we'll discuss our impressions and create a guide for "Talent Seeder" -
which will describe our ideas on how to reach out to people who do not have
the interest and how to "infect" them with new passions."

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List of stages of exchange with activities and



S tage

Cause project is not only The Exchange!

This is what we should do at the beginning

Date: february – may 2013
Place: Ukmerge, Solec, Internet
Money: not needed
Participants: all

Collect all participants, (end of march)
Make participants to know each other in national groups (meetengs),
Build national groups (meeteengs),
Make international teams (internet) to work on certain topics in project,
Make activities to start all participants know each other (internet)
Prepare project budget,
Find acomodation, transportation, food provider, and other details
Prepare agreement beetween instytutions,
Inform participants on Talent Seeders basic shedule and plans (wich is this

Preparation Visit



Advanced Planning Visit


The first eye to eye contact!

Made to prepare and finish all details of exchange.

Date: 6, 7 and 8th. 15-17 06. 2013.
Place: Solec Kujawski
Travel money: 200 Euro
Travel method: Bus or Train to Gdansk, Train Gdansk - Solec (refundation on
travel tickets and faktura); or Car (refundation on faktura and car
kilometer chart)
Participants - Two people: director, participant or leader for each country.
Money for stay: taken from project main budget

Plan of Preparation Visit:
Day 1:


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Meeteng with chef, food provider on menu


Brakfast at JurassicPark and visting it (place for workshops).


Visiting Solec Culture Centre –

-Discussion about methods and activities we should put in project,
-Duties of leaders in project
-Details of life


Visiting the place of exchange.

-Discusion about accomodation, food, everyday life on exchange, safety of
participants etc.


Meeteng with participants

-Discussion about methods and activities we should put in project 2
-Duties of participants in project
-Preparations 2
-Details of life 2
-Participants talents, and topic of workshops with professionals


Solec Culture Centre

-decisions on money: methods of transfer and calculations, meeteng with
project accountant (
-signin agreement between institutions (should be prepared before
preparation visit):
-participation of partners in travel money costs (self covered part of
-method of transport,
-method of transfer of travel money ,
-method of transfer of preparation money,
-amount of money for preparation activities for partners,
-prepartion activities of partners,
-agreement on insurance for participants,
-agreement on duties and obligations of partners on project, and after
-other important things that should be writen down :-)

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Second Preparation Stage

Hurry! Hurry! Only one month left, and we have so much to

If we miss something important here we won't be able to repair it.

Date: june-july 2013
Place: Ukmerge, Solec, Internet
Money: up to 250 euro taken from project main budget
Participants: all

Preparation of national group talents for "Group talent exchange" activity
(talents that are important in our groups), that we can show and teach to
partners on exchange as a national group
Preparation of intercultural eveneng
if we wish to make it.
Preparation of frame of Talent Seeders internet site
Preparation of all activities we decide to prepare at First Preparation
Stage and at APV
Each participant should prepare own workshops on talent he/she choosed
Promotion of exchange in local comunities and media
Shoppings needed for exchange (workshops, everyday activities, snacks, etc.)
Preparation of technical equipment needed for project
All other things we gona need to do before project :-)

"Talent Seeders" Exchange

This is a little step for a man, but a giant leap for humanity!

This is it. Our exchange. As much You will give, as much You will get.

Date: 15 – 22. 07. 2012
Place: Chrośna village near Solec Kujawski, Solec Kujawski
Travel Money: up to 2500 Euro, 30% (up to 750 Euro) should be covered by
participants/or institution!
Travel Method: Rented by Solec Culture Centre Bus from Ukmerge to Solec
Kujawski and back to Ukmerge
Participants: 10 Participants + 1 leader for each country
Money for stay: main project budget
Money for activities: main project budget

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Plan of exchange

Day1: 15.07 mon
Morning(10-14): Travel and Acomodation

First learning expearience and contact activities
("make up things" activity, namegames, icebreakers
agreement on rules in project)


Presentation of plan of exchange, Youthpass starter
activity, first dayly evaluation.
- Name and nickname
- Colour circle
- Participant's Passports
- Leavs in river
- Activities prepaired by participants

Day2: 16.07 tue

Groupbuilding activities and presentations of national
talents (intercultural day)

Island of Gubumba tribe" intercultural action.

Discusion on activity.
-Human Bingo
-We should prepare some national group talent that
is commonly known in our groups. So we can teach
other group, and make some talk about that.
- Talent Seeders group Talent that participants
prepared in internet


"Talent mining activitiy"
to let everyone get better understanding of thei'r
own skills and abilities first we should try to work on
ourselves to discover our hidden potential that
people who prepaired something will be able to show
our talents on "Talent market" We can show as well
propositions, how we would like to teach it, so we can
make others to follow our talent. We do it on "Talent
Passport" and open workshops.
Presentations of individual talents of
participants and method of workshops they prepared
for rest of group


Voting for most interesting talents, that will be main
workshops of next two days, daily evaluation on how
to convince others to our ideas.

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How many workshops we will make depends on You. If a
lot of people choose one topic, our exchange will go
in one direction, and we make one or two big
workshops, we will work in big groups on few talents
(I personally think that won't happend, but everything
is possible). If a lot of people choose different
talents, we will work in small groups on many
talents. I think we will have one or two groups of 4-5
people and 3 or 4 groups of 2-3 people... but as I said,
everything is possible, and depands on Your choises.

Day3: 17.07 wed

"Talent Kitchen" - how to make a talent?
Preparation and start of workshops


The same as morning. Possible changes in groups.


Evaluation on learning from others

Day4: 18.07 thu

Continuation of workshops that participants prepared
last day plus individual workshops for interested
participants. Possibility to learn about every talent
from every participant.


Show off! What have we learned?


Evaluation on learning proceses and methods for
ourselves and for publication.

Day5: 19.07 fri

Workshops with proffesionals (suprise)


Another workshops with proffesionals (another
suprise :) )
Preparation to show off talents in town, groupwork
on new talents.


Evaluation and presentation of prepared workshops
to show in town next day. Discusion on methods that

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participants choose to show they'r new skills to
random people.

Day6: 20.07 sat

Workshops in prepared talents for local comunity in
Solec Kujawski
We should prepare workshops that we will show off
to people in Jurassic Park in Solec Kujawski. This part
will let us to learn how to involve common random
people to workshops we made, and to talents we have


Free time, visiting Jurasic Park in Solec Kujawski,


Dinner Out.

Day7: 21.07 sun

Evaluation of educational part. Talk about methods
how to be Talent Seeder. Method book for Talent
Seeders. How to involve people, what methods of
workshops give best results? What is not interesting?
This is very important part, couse all our work and
all our ideas should be puted together, so we can
give some message from us Talent Seeders to The


Prepairing materials to Talent Seeders publication,
and for internet site.


Bye Bye Evening. Talent Seeders Youthpass

Day8: 22.07 mon
Morning (10-14):

Makin' Future Plans, project evaluation, bye bye


Afternoon (15)

Departure of participants.

Everyday we will as well make some common activities like: daily evaluation
on indyvidual learning process of each participant, and other things that
goes into frames of exchange :)

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Consolidation and promotion stage

We have to finish, what we have to finish!

Consolidation means that we change our project outcome into
something imprtant not only for us.

Date: july - august 2013
Place: Ukmerge, Solec, Internet
Money: up to 250 euro taken from project main budget
Participants: chosen workgroups

Finishing of "Talent Seeders" publication
Opening of Talent Seeders internet site
Actiovities we invented on "Maki'n Future Palns" stage
Promotion on Talent Seeders idea in local comunities and media

Raport and after

- time evaluation

So we know what good we did (as well as bad and ugly).

This is final part where we check: "Did we really did all things we
wanted, the way we wanted, and got results we planned?", and send
our raport to Youth In Acton programme.

Date: august - september 2013
Place: Ukmerge, Solec, Internet
Money: not needed
Participants: chosen workgroups

Preparing final raport for Youth in action
Evaluation of promotion stage
Evaluation of project after some time

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List of

functions that we need to have in


That is just first idea that I came to, while thinking on project. Think what
can we add and who would You like to be? Later I'll ask You all "Who do
You wanna be who in project?", and yes, if You think You are able to do
couple of things at once. You can always try.





Build site of "Talent Seeders",
administrate it, add materials to
internet, prepare digital publications



Make good looking pictures and
movies of project, writes articles
about exchange, try to contact
local and mass media, first contact
people for enyone interested in our



Collects materials, and are
responible for "Talent Seeders Guide
Book", work with web managers and
press representants.



Responsible for shoppings for whole
team (workshops), and for everyday
technical details. Responsible for
having all what is needed in place
where it should be.



Prepare with leaders: icebreakers,
teambuildings, evaluations, everyday
activities, energizers and other



Help to make decissions, contact
with participants on problems, helps
in organizing transport,
acomodation, place for showoff in


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town, dinners out etc.

(shared by



You can imagine :P



Lot of various stuff


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