Slow Wave Sleep

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Slow Wave Sleep
Delta Waves & Ocean Waves

Use Slow Wave Sleep to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep.
Before bed, slip on your headphones, close your eyes and soon you’ll feel as
if you are floating, and then start to slowly swirl and drift. The soothing
sound of ocean waves blended with Delta binaural beat frequencies gently
ease your brain wave activity out of the rapid rhythms of beta and into the
depths of delta for a peaceful and refreshing night’s sleep.

Instructions for Listening

Listen when you need to sleep, rest or nap. Close your eyes and breathe
slowly and deeply. For maximum long-term benefits, and to re-train your
brain to fall asleep more easily at bedtime, listen nightly for a period of six to
eight weeks – or after as needed.

To experience the brain optimizing effects of this program,

listen with headphones.



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