setup instructions (11)

R3N3 Payment Gateway Setup

R3N3 Payment Gateway (v1.05) Setup Instructions

The R3N3 Payment Gateway is designed to give R3N3 scripts a uniform method
of accessing payment processors. It can also be used to provide payment options
for your own scripts. The Payment Gateway passes information by directly
including a part of the calling script, which means that a user cannot simply
discover a "success URL" that tricks the system into thinking a payment has
been made. While this method gives greater security, it requires that both the
Payment Gateway and the script requesting payment information know how to
access each other. So, to prevent problems with the R3N3 Payment Gateway, make sure
that you always properly register other scripts with the gateway, which tells
the gateway where to find the required files.

If you're upgrading from a previous version, follow these instructions:

From v1.0 or v1.01
From v1.02, v1.03, or v1.04

Setup for a New Installation

With Remote Shell (Telnet) Access:

Upload and setup.dat to your server (ASCII mode) in the
directory where you want to install Payment Gateway
Open a Telnet (or other remote shell) connection to your server
Change to the directory which contains and setup.dat
Type "which perl" and hit enter - this will tell you where Perl is located on your
server. You will need to give setup.cgi this information.
Run "perl"
Type in the server path to Perl and hit enter.
Confirm that you've entered the proper path will create all necessary directories and files with the
appropriate file permissions, and will automatically write the path to Perl
that you've entered in CGI files that need it
Change the following lines at the top of functions.cgi (you can either
edit the file remotely or download it, edit it, and then upload
it back to your server):
$payment_adminuser = 'admin';
$payment_password = 'admin';
to your desired admin log-in and password
Also in functions.cgi change the line that reads
$payment_encryptkey = 'mykey';
to set $payment_encryptkey to a string (recommended length 5-8 characters)
containing only letters or numbers.
You can now close Telnet
Complete your installation

Without Remote Shell Access:

On all .cgi files (admin.cgi, functions.cgi, include.cgi, notify_2checkout.cgi,
notify_clickbank.cgi, notify_authnet.cgi), put the path to Perl on your
server at the top of the file, using your favorite text editor. On most
servers the path is either
/usr/bin/perl or /usr/local/bin/perl - the line at the top needs to have
a #! before the server path, so if your directory is /usr/bin/perl, the
line you need to put at the top of the .cgi files is #!/usr/bin/perl.
Open functions.cgi in your editor. The first few lines will look like:

$payment_data_dir = 'data';
$payment_adminuser = 'admin';
$payment_password = 'admin';
$payment_encryptkey = 'mykey';

Let me explain. Those who are familiar with the Payment Gateway directory
structure could open your data directory in their browsers and open the
file containing your admin password and attempt to crack it. To avoid this,
you can (and should) create random directories for 'data' and
at the same time you should set a new value for $payment_encryptkey (this is used for
some encryption on your site). To do this, change the the value of
$payment_data_dir to
a random value of the form 'data-eriuas' in place of data (use whatever random string you want).
Make sure you remember the value you gave to $payment_data_dir,
as you will later have to create a directory with this name. For $payment_encryptkey,
use a 5-8 character string containing only letters or numbers.
You also need to set an administrator username and password by changing
the values of $payment_adminuser and $payment_password.
For those unfamiliar with Perl, make sure that when you change these
values that the new value is inside two quotes and that there is a semi-colon
after the second quote.
Do not change anything else in functions.cgi. Save your changes now and
exit your text editor.
Upload all files except for and setup.dat to your server in the appropriate directory. When
uploading files, recreate the directory structure on your server. Many FTP
programs can do this easily - simply select all R3N3 Payment Gateway files and
directories and select upload (ASCII mode).
Rename the data directory to whatever you placed in functions.cgi
Now for the file permissions. For the following instructions,
if your program uses checkboxes, use the following:

Permission setting: 755


Permission setting: 777

CHMOD directory data (which has a random name now) to 777
CHMOD all .cgi files to 755
CHMOD the following two data files to 777:

DATADIR(whatever you named the data directory)/payment.log

Complete your installation

Complete the Installation

Open admin.cgi in your browser and log-in using
the name and password you set in functions.cgi
If you used a remote shell such as Telnet to run on your server,
now you can remove the files and setup.dat. Install.log is created
by Install.log is useful for
verifying that the setup was successful, but it should not be left on your
Set up the information for your desired payment processor(s)
You are done!

What Does:

Sets up the Payment Gateway directory structure and copies files to their
appropriate locations with the correct file permissions
Assigns the data directory a partially random name.
This is to prevent people who are familiar with how the Payment Gateway stores data
from accessing your information directly from a browser.
Stores the values of the random directories so that the script knows
where to store data
Puts the path to Perl at the top of every CGI file that needs it


Important Note About R3N3 Payment Gateway Setup:

When setting up a script for use with the payment gateway, you will have to follow
these basic steps:

First, you have to give the script information about how to access the payment gateway. Exactly where you
input this information will depend on the script. If the script can't find the payment gateway, it can't
register itself.
Next you have to perform the actual registration. This will normally be a simple link from an
admin screen of the registering script. In the registration process, the script tells the payment
gateway where on the server it will be accessing the gateway from, and the gateway assigns the
script a unique ID.
At this point, if you haven't already done so, you need to set up a credit card processor or PayPal for use
with the payment gateway. You can do this from the admin.cgi. Select either "Credit Card Settings" or
"PayPal Settings" depending on how you want to use the gateway.
Now that your credit card processor or PayPal is set up, you need to set up the script itself according
to what processor you want it to use. You can do this by going to "Script Settings" in admin.cgi and clicking
the link to the appropriate script.
Once you've selected which payment method(s) you want the script to use, you're ready to begin accepting
payments from that script.


Upgrading from v1.02, v1.03, or v1.04

Unless the path to Perl on your server is "/usr/bin/perl", you will need to change the top line
of admin.cgi, include.cgi, notify_authnet.cgi, and notify_clickbank.cgi to correspond to where Perl is located on your server.

Using ASCII mode, transfer those files (admin.cgi, include.cgi, notify_authnet.cgi, and notify_clickbank.cgi) to your server,
overwriting the existing scripts, and set their file permissions to 755.

Upload strings.txt to the "translations" directory (again, ASCII mode).

Upgrading from v1.0 or v1.01

Unless the path to Perl on your server is "/usr/bin/perl", you will need to change the top line
of every .cgi file to correspond to where Perl is located on your server.

Upload all .cgi files to your server in ASCII mode, overwriting the existing files. Make
sure that these files have permission 755

If upgrading from v1.0, in your "translations" directory, delete options.dat and strings.dat and upload options.txt
and strings.txt in their place (make sure to use ASCII mode).

Send suggestions for future versions to


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