setup instructions (12)

Freelancers Setup Freelancers (v1.001) Setup Instructions Skip to bottom for upgrading instructions... Setup: Unless your path to Perl is /usr/bin/perl, change it at the top of all CGI files, by opening them in a text editor like Wordpad. Open vars.cgi and follow the instructions inside to set 2 simple variables. Open cron.cgi amd specify the full path to the script near the top. Create a directory in your cgi-bin (the one you specified in vars.cgi) for this script. Such as "/cgi-bin/free". Upload all files with a .cgi extension to that directory, in ASCii mode. Upload the "html" and "data" folders with their contents too. Set the permissions of all CGI files to CHMOD 755. Set the permissions of the "html" ("/cgi-bin/free/html") and "data" ("/cgi-bin/free/data") directories to CHMOD 777, do the same with all files inside those 2 sub-directories. Create the following sub-directories inside "/cgi-bin/free": "freelancers", "buyers", "projects", and "forum". Change the permissions of these directories to CHMOD 777. Create a directory outside your cgi-bin for graphics (such as "/graphics"). Change the permission of this directory to CHMOD 777. Then upload all graphics into that directory, in Binary mode If you want to allow people to attach files to a project, create a directory outside your cgi-bin for them (such as "/files"). Change the permission of this directory to CHMOD 777 Now run admin.cgi in your browser, and you will finish setting up the script. Setup Cron to run the file cron.cgi once a day. If your server doesn't have Cron, either do it manually every day, or check out our free "Fake Cron" CGI. It's no big deal if you accidently run this file more or less often, but for the best results you should only run it once a day. How to use: You can change the settings of the script and edit the html templates anytime you want from the admin, just click on the "customize" button. You can find examples in /html/header.html on how to link to parts of the script (signing up, creating projects, etc...) If you want to use your own graphics, just make sure the filenames are the same, and upload them to the directory you put graphics in for this script. If you are using for credit card deposits, make sure to login to your account, go to "Shopping Cart >> Cart Details" and for the return URL enter the URL to your deposit_2checkout.cgi file. If you want, backup all files inside the "data" directory every once in a while, it holds all the important data. You can display information using SSI or Javascript tags. SSI Example: <!--#include virtual="/path/to/cgi/d_top.cgi" --> Javascript Example: <script src=""></script> Note: You must add &java=1 to the URL when using the Javascript tag. d_top.cgi displays freelancers in order of highest rating to lowest. Give a value to the variable "show" to specify how many freelancers should be displayed. Example: <!--#include virtual="/path/to/cgi/d_top.cgi?show=10" --> d_count.cgi displays the total number of freelancers or buyers which have signed up. Add b=1 to get the buyer count, or f=1 for the freelancer account. Example: <!--#include virtual="/path/to/cgi/d_count.cgi?b=1" --> d_projects.cgi displays projects, from newest to oldest. Give a value to the variable "show" to specify how many projects should be displayed. Example: <!--#include virtual="/path/to/cgi/d_projects.cgi?show=20" --> d_topprojects.cgi displays projects, from the highest average bid to the lowest. Give a value to the variable "show" to specify how many projects should be displayed. Example: <!--#include virtual="/path/to/cgi/d_topprojects.cgi?show=20" --> Upgrade Instructions: Just replace the admin.cgi file, that's all. Special Notice to Resellers: You can use this script on any site of yours, but if you sell one of these sites, you are required to FIRST purchase a new copy for the new owner. If you don't, it's considered copyright infringement and we will prosecute any offenders. If you want to work out any reseller deals with us, contact Thanks Support: Technical support is not provided, but if you have small problems, send questions to Check out for updates to the CGI. Send suggestions for future versions to


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