G170 G171 Circular Pocket Milling

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\lang2057\b\f0\fs24 G170-G171 Circular Pocket Milling
\par \cf0\b0\fs20
\par \pard\ul For G170 block\ulnone
\par \pard\fi20 R defines the position of the tool to start cycle ie. 0
\par P defines when P is zero(0) the cycle is a roughing cycle.
\par Q defines the peck increment.
\par X defines the pocket centre in X axis (0).
\par Y defines the pocket centre in Y axis (0).
\par Z defines the pocket base (-6mm) from job surface.
\par I defines the side finish allowance (0 as this is a roughing cycle only).
\par J defines the base finish allowance (0 as this is a roughing cycle only).
\par K defines the radius of pocket (-24) negative value - cut in CCW direction).
\par \pard
\par \ul For G171 bloc\f1 k
\par \ulnone\f0
\par P defines the cut width percentage.
\par S defines the roughing spindle speed (S3000).
\par R defines the roughing Feed in Z (75).
\par F defines the roughing feed XY (250).
\par B defines the finishing spindle speed .
\par \pard\fi-480\li480 J defines the finishing feed.\fs16
\par }


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