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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs20 CYCLE76 Rectangular Spigot Milling
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\par \cf0\b0\f1 Use this cycle to machine rectangular spigots in the machining plane. For finishing, a face cutter is required. The depth infeed is always carried out in the position upstream of the semicircle style approach to the contour.
\par The retraction plane is approached at rapid traverse rate to be able to position then at this height to the starting point in the machining plane. The starting point is defined with reference to 0 deg. of the abscissa.
\par \b\f2\fs22 Programming example for a spigot
\par \b0\f1\fs20 Use this program to machine a spigot in the XY plane which is 60 mm in length, 40 mm in width, and which has a corner radius of 15 mm and is mm in depth. The spigot has an angle of 10 degrees relative to the X axis and is premanufactured with a length allowance of 80 mm and a width allowance of 50 mm.
\par \b\f2\fs18 N30 CYCLE76 (10, 0, 2, -17.5, -60, -40, 15, 80, 60, 10,11, , , 900, 800, 0, 1, 80, 50)\cf1\f0\fs20
\par \pard\qc
\par \cf0\b0\f1
\par }
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