{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\lang2057\b\f0\fs24 G172 - G173 Rectangular Pocket Milling \par \cf0\b0\fs16 \par \pard\ul\fs20 For G172 block \par \ulnone \par I defines the pocket X length (-50). \par J defines the pocket Y length (-50) \par K defines the radius of corner roundness \par P defines that 0 = roughing cycle. \par Q defines the pocket Z increment. \par \par R defines the Absolute Z 'R' point. \par X defines the pocket corner X (Absolute position relative to the X datum position). \par Y defines the pocket corner Y (Absolute position relative to the Y datum position). \par Z defines the absolute Z base of pocket (-6, ie, a depth of 6mm). \par \par \ul For G173 block \par \ulnone \par I defines the pocket side finish (0 as this is a roughing cycle). \par K defines the pocket base finish (0 as this is a roughing cycle). \par P defines the cut width percentage (75% of tool dia.). \par \par T defines the pocket tool (tool 1). \par S defines the spindle speed for roughing (3000rpm). \par R defines the roughing feed for Z (75). \par F defines the roughing feed X and Y (250). \par B defines the finishing spindle speed (3500 rpm). \par J defines the finishing feed (200). \par Z defines the safety Z (5mm above 'R' point).\fs16 \par \par \par }