Read First

Read the directions completely before beginning

Read the directions completely before beginning.
All things you need to be aware of are in red.

It's very important to upload
the folders in the Zip File as they appear in the Zip File.  Mixing
Site_Admin folder scripts with others will cause errors.

The Administration page is index.php located
in the Site_Admin folder  From here you
can view listings, Edit Regions

At the moment User Name: admin 
Password: pass   You can change this
by accessing your MySQL database,  Site_Admin

Instructions on adding button panel to your

The page has to be a PHP page or document. add the
snippet below to that page.  In the Zip File there is a index.php file so
you can see an example.

 include("buttonpanel.php");    or


MySQL Instructions
To set up your MySQL Database you will need to consult your hosting service.
They have different protocols for setting it up. Once you get it setup follow
the instructions below.   You will need to set up three tables.

If you know how to use sql.txt
can set up your database tables by clicking SQL at the top
of the database page. Once the page loads, go down to  "Or
Location of the textfile :" and click browse.  Here you will upload
button-sql.txt and click Go. 
Your Database table should set up.   If the tables are set and checked
scroll down this page to the instructions on "configsite.php"

Edit Configsite.php Info

To set up your php script.   But depending on the
hosting company this part of the script could be different.  Email the tech
support of your hosting company and ask "What is the connection string protocol
for the MySQL database?"  99 out a 100 times this will work.

1. Right-click "config.php" and go to "open
with..." and then "notepad".

$conf['database_name'] = "database_name";  
<< Edit database name
$conf['database_host'] = "localhost";  
<< Edit database
host.  Usually 'localhost'
$conf['database_login'] = "user_name";  
<< Edit database user name
$conf['database_pass'] = "password"; 
<< Edit database

$webpath = "";
 << Edit your Website URL
$imagewebpath = "";
< Edit your Website URL to where your button is located

// Number of buttons in column
$butNum = "8"; 
<< Edit number of buttons max

// Emial
$Fromname = "Harry";
$Fromemail = "";

// size width and height of button
$thiswidth = "120"; 
<< Edit width of button to be displayed
$thisheight = "60"; 
<< Edit height of button to be displayed


Upload everything to
your website.  In the same folder as your other HTML Documents.


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