Read First

Read the directions completely before beginning

Read the directions completely before beginning.
All things you need to be aware of are in red.

Visitors sigh up using the

Visitors who sign up will access info in the
Member_Admin folder.

Webmaster (you)  will access info
Site_Admin folder  Presently User: admin
Password: pass

Upload banner images to the images

This script is set up so you can pay using PayPal or StormPay. 
Once the signer reaches a pay out level you will need to access your PayPal or
StormPay to credit their account.

Sign Up For

Sign Up For

To set up your MySQL Database you will need to consult your hosting service.
They have different protocols for setting it up. Once you get it setup follow
the instructions below.   You will need to set up three tables.

If you know how to use sql.txt
can set up your database tables by clicking SQL at the top
of the database page. Once the page loads, go down to  "Or
Location of the textfile :" and click browse.  Here you will upload
clickbanner-sql.txt and click Go. 
Your Database table should set up.  Check to see that the first field in
each row is all in lower case letters.   If the table is set and checked
scroll down this page to the instructions on "config.php" 


To set up your php script.   But depending on the
hosting company this part of the script could be different.  Email the tech
support of your hosting company and ask "What is the connection string protocol
for the MySQL database?"  99 out a 100 times this will work.

1. Right-click "config.php" and go to "open
with..." and then "notepad".

$conf['database_name'] = "database_name";  
<< Database name
$conf['database_host'] = "localhost or Database_host";   
<< Database host.  usually
$conf['database_login'] = "User_name";  
<< Database name
$conf['database_pass'] = "Password";   
<< Database password

$sitename = ""; // your website name

$webpath = ""; 
<< url path to clickbanner folder leave off the
trailing /

$Swebpath = "";
<< url path to your home page

$buttonI = "";   
<< your website affiliate Button/banner image location
$bannerI = "";   
<< your website affiliate Banner image location

$Cash = "0.03";
  << money paid for each unique click

$threshold = "25.00";
 <<Minimum Pay out amount

$ADMIN = "admin";
 << You Admin user name
$PASSME = "pass";
 << You Admin password


$Fromame = "Harry";   
<< Edit to your name
$Fromemail = ""; 
<< Edit Your Email


Upload everything to
your website.  In the same folder as your other HTML Documents.


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