Read the directions completely before beginning

Read the directions completely before beginning.

All things you need to be aware of are in red. 
To set up your MySQL Database you will need to consult your hosting service.
They have different protocols for setting it up. Once you get it setup follow
the instructions below.   The start page is
index.php,    To change text & colors of fonts, myblog.css
is located in the common folder

Upload the scripts in order and in the files they appear. 
Do not mix. 

Set the permissions for blogimages
to '777'   This folder will hold the
images you upload to go with your Blogs.

The Site_Admin folder contains the
files to enter, edit Blogs and allow comments.  Instructions are below

If you know how to use sql.txt
can set up your database tables by clicking SQL at the top
of the database page. Once the page loads, go down to  "Or
Location of the textfile :" and click browse.  Here you will upload
sql.txt and click Go. 
Your Database table should set up.  Check to see that the first field in
each row is all in lower case letters.  If you are unsure go to  for instructions.


To set up your php script. 

1. Right-click "database.php" and go to "open
with..." and then "notepad".

/// Edit the info below to fit your website settings
$webpath = ""; //
path to you website

$hostname="localhost";    // Edit
Database Host, usually 'localhost'
$username="User_name";   // Edit Database
user name
$password="Password";   // Edit Database
$dbname= "Database_name";   // // Edit
Database name
// End of Edit

// Do Not edit below.
$ImageDir = "../blogimages/";
$MaxFileSize = 12000000;
$MaxWidth = -1;
$MaxHeight = -1;

The above is how the webpage connects to the MySQL database. Depending on the
hosting company this part of the script could be different. Email the tech
support of your hosting company and ask "What is the connection string protocol
for the MySQL database?" 

Adpanel Folder

You can place banner and Google Ads to generate revenue for your website. 
You will find then in the adpanel folder,  adpanelA.php
and adpanelB.php.   Paste you banner codes below


Site_Admin Folder

The Admin Start page is
index.php.  By default User Name is
admin and Password is pass.  You
can change this once you log in. 
Once you log in you can start writing you Blogs.

Admin Info - Here you can set your new user
name and password as well as the Title of
your Blog.  Once you edit the
Blog Title, it will automatically appear in
the header portion of the Blog.The
Administrator Name will appear on Blogs as
the Poster.
Auto Post - Allows Blog comments to be posted automatically or hold
them for review.


Enter New Blog - Here you enter your
You write in HTML.  You can use an HTML editor such as FrontPage or CoffeeCup and paste the
HTML coding into Blog Content
(blue arrow).   Do not place <head><title> tag info since they
are already added when Blog displaysNotice the buttons above the Blog
Content space.  These buttons are there to help you. 
NOTE: The Image Button is for linking an
image from another website or an image already in image folder.  If
you want to upload an image, after pressing 'Submit'
you will be taken to a page to upload an image.
Enter Title (green arrow)
Select Month and Day the Blog to be published.  You can set a
future date.  The Blog will not display until the date it is supposed
to publish.  This is handy if you plan to be away for a few days.

Manage Current Blogs - Here you can
view stats about your Blogs including Views,
Comments entered for a particular Blog. N =
New Comments to be reviewed. C = Current
comments. To review comments, click 'View' (green
arrow)You can also edit Blogs (purple
arrow) or Delete if no longer needed.
NOTE:  If you have a lot of Blogs,
the first ten tiles will appear on the start
page and archive page, a visitor to your site will see.  More then
10 Blogs a link 'See
More Titles...' will appear.

Blog Links - Enter and Delete links
that appear on index and
archive pages

Manage Members - Here you can view visitors
who have signed up for you Blog.  To collect emails, click 'Copy
Emails', and a Pop-Up window will appear.  All emails from members
and those who entered a comment will appear.  Ready for a Bulk Mailer
Program. Don't have one?  Go to, you will
find several. 

Visitor Log - Here you can keep track
of visits to your website.



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