
Jan, 2001

=>README file for AutoNom Standard Add-ins v1.0 for ISIS/Draw and ISIS/Base (PC)<=

(c)Copyright 2001 by MDL Information Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document provides information about the following topics:

1. Introduction
2. Help Files
3. Known Limitations



AutoNom Standard Add-ins for ISIS/Draw and ISIS/Base

By installing the AutoNom Standard Add-ins for ISIS/Draw or ISIS/Base, you
automatically install AutoNom Standard, a free product provided by MDL
Information Systems GmbH. The AutoNom Standard Add-ins generate an
IUPAC-compatible chemical name for any structure that you draw in ISIS/Draw,
display in ISIS/Base, or register into a database through ISIS/Base.

Another version of AutoNom, AutoNom 2000, contains additional chemical naming

* Description of the absolute configuration on chiral centers (R, S) and
description of the topological stereochemistry on double bonds (E, Z)

* Display of atom numbering (atom locants)

* Use of the CAS ring system naming convention in addition to the Beilstein

For information on ordering an upgrade to the AutoNom 2000 Add-ins, choose
Options (in ISIS/Base) or Chemistry (in ISIS/Draw) > Generate Name > Upgrade
AutoNom. Or, use your web browser to go directly to for
information on how to order the AutoNom 2000 Add-ins.

If you want to implement or call AutoNom 2000 from another application or
product, site licenses for AutoNom 2000 are also available. For more
information, please contact MDL by email at



There are help files for each Add-in: AUTDSTD.HLP for ISIS/Draw, and AUTBSTD.HLP
for ISIS/Base. These files are installed in the ISIS directory.



To disable *one* Add-in using the Add-in Manager, use the "Add-ins" tab, *not*
the "Installation" Tab. The "Installation" Tab moves files shared by both Add-
ins so that neither Add-in will work.
To remove *both* Add-ins, use the Windows "Add/Remove Programs" Control Panel.

When you configure AutoNom Standard for the first time in ISIS/Base, make sure
that you specify, at the minimum, the structure box and the browse box.
If you only specify the structure box, ISIS/Base does not recognize that you
changed the form and will *not* prompt you to save the form when you close the

==> End of README file for AutoNom Standard Add-Ins v1.0 (PC) <==


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