Sassy Mates 3 1 A Sassy Wedding Mily Taiden

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be
construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.
Published By
Latin Goddess Press
New York, NY 10456
Copyright © 2014 by Milly Taiden
Cover by Mina Carter
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Milly Taiden September 2014
This short is intended to be read once you ve read books 1-3. Please note this is NOT a
standalone. This is the wedding of Jordan and Aric from Scent of a Mate. If you read the previous
books you will know all about it. Final warning: Do not read unless you have read books 1-3 FIRST.
You have been warned. To everyone else, enjoy.
Jordan Alvarez gazed out the window. Being in Vegas had been unreal. First she and the
others had to help Nicole when she struggled with her feelings for Jake. To make matters worse, the
Vegas Pack Alpha decided he wanted Nic for himself. After the issues with Nicole and Jake, they d
finally been able to set up a day for a bachelorette party.
It was still early in the day, but Jordan wasn t feeling overly festive. She decided not to ruin
the good mood by telling the others. The entire act of planning a wedding was hell. She didn t know
why women would want to do it or put others through the torture.
 Are you ready for your night of fun? Nic asked Jordan. She d been sitting by a window,
trying to decide how to get rid of the whole wedding planning drama. Not only was poor Emma
starting to get overwhelmed with a crazy number of lists, but Jordan was losing sleep. Nightmares
cropped up on her about a dress that wouldn t fit, guests who started fights or worse, someone getting
killed by the Rahound pack in the middle of her  I Dos .
She glanced up, panic clawing at her gut.  I don t know if I can do this. She rushed into the
closest bathroom and locked herself in.
The anxiety she d started to feel over the number of questions Emma threw at her slowly
subsided. If the wedding didn t happen soon, she might just change her mind. Possibilities over how
to handle toning down the wedding ran through her mind.
She d warned Aric that things would get out of hand, but he d smiled, kissed her and told her
it d be fine. Yeah. As long as he didn t have to deal with it then it was perfectly fine. But right now
she was the one with stuck with Emma, an Emma whose determination rivaled that of a pitbull going
after a mailman.
Of course, he was off meeting with his friends from the Golden Falls Pack, leaving Jordan to
deal with the upcoming wedding. Their last few days in Vegas were turning into a nightmare. All
Emma wanted to do was talk about what needed to be done back home. But with all the fighting at
Blue Creek, the last thing Jordan wanted was a wedding there.
Well, too bad for Emma. Jordan had had enough. She shoved a hand into her jeans and yanked
out her cell phone. Sitting on the edge of the lavish Jacuzzi, she dialed her fiancé.
 Hi, gorgeous, Aric answered. Goosebumps broke over her skin. Even though she slept with
him every night, her body still reacted to his low rough voice.
 I can t do it, she rushed out, one hand gripping the porcelain under her ass.
 What s wrong? Gone was the sexy timber, replaced with worry.
 Aric, she gulped,  I can t go through with this wedding.
She winced at how loud his voice turned.  I m not saying I won t marry you. Calm down.
You re my mate. Wedding or not, you re mine. It s just, she struggled to word it in a way he
wouldn t feel she was rejecting him,  Emma s planning and all the running around is really getting to
me. I m hyperventilating every time I hear the words menu, cake or dress.
She heard his deep inhale and exhale.
 Calm down, he finally said. It sounded like he was the one that needed to calm down at that
 That s the problem. I can t. I wish we could just forget about that huge wedding that started
out as an intimate affair and return to what I wanted.
 And what s that, love? He said, sounding genuinely interested.
 You. Me. Our family and friends. No drama. Just us.
No matter how much she d tried to adjust to letting others plan everything for her, it was
nearly impossible to deal with this. Her wedding should have stayed small and intimate. She no
longer looked forward to what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life.
 I have to meet with Jaxon some more. But stop all wedding talks. Just go do something,
anything that is fun and distracting.
She grinned.  If you were here you could distract me.
She chuckled at his groan.
 Don t do that, sweetheart.
 It s true. We have this big Jacuzzi. We could fill it up, she said slowly, listening to his
breathing increase in pace over the phone,  then I can wash you all over. And then&  She paused and
 What? he growled, his voice so deep she knew his wolf had woken.
 Then you can fuck me in and out of the water. Shove your cock so deep inside me I never feel
whole again unless you re in me.
 Fuck, Jordan!
She giggled.  I guess that can wait til later.
 I m going to get you for that. Now these guys have to scent how much I want to leave so I can
be with you.
 Good! She stood from the edge of the Jacuzzi.  We re not even married yet. You better
want to make love to me for a long time.
 Oh, that will never be a problem. I ll never get tired of your mouth or your body. Never.
 Good, because if that ever happens, her voice deepened,  you d be in some serious
 Love, that s never going to happen. He assured her.  I have to go, but you relax and stop
stressing. No matter what happens, you re mine.
That was true. She ended the call feeling marginally better.
When she left the bathroom, she smiled at everyone as if nothing had happened.  I m sorry.
I m a little stressed out is all.
 A little? Ellie asked, her brows high and concern filling her eyes.
Barbara rushed over to hug her, the warmth from the wolf touched her through their human
links.  It s okay, darling. You need to relax. I think we should go down to the spa.
Nicole and Shaari nodded. Ellie frowned as if unconvinced, but said nothing.
 Sure, where s Emma? She asked, knowing full well her friend was probably in Mason s
room getting her freak on.
Barbara winked.  Do you really want to know?
She laughed.  No, I don t think I do.
They met up with Nic s sister Letty at the front desk. The hotel had grown quiet with
expectation after Nic had killed the Vegas Alpha. Everyone had heard about it. Wherever the Wolfes
went, people would stop and stare.
Jordan glanced at Nic, who rolled her eyes and huffed.  If anyone says anything, I will smack
them upside the head.
Ellie snickered.  Not only did you give them a show at the bar, but then you went on to do
something others had only dreamed of.
 What? Getting rid of that prick? It wasn t that hard. He was obviously no true Alpha, Nic
Since Nic had turned, she d become closer to Jordan and Ellie, but it was Barbara she spent
more time with. Barbara had taken her sons women and loved them like they were her own kids. Her
wanting this big wedding was the only reason Jordan was putting up with the insanity.
As they passed through the casino, to the other building where the spa was located, Jordan did
a double take. There was a woman there that caught her eye. She was facing away, but something
about her put Jordan s wolf on the defensive.
 Anyone you know? Ellie asked, stopping to wait for her.
 No. I don t have friends besides you guys. She glanced at Ellie and laughed.  How sad is
that? Do I sound super pathetic saying that?
Ellie lifted a single brow and picked up one of Jordan s long locks of dark hair and pushed it
behind Jordan s ear.  No. You already know we love your ass.
She threw an arm around Ellie s waist.  I love you too.
 I m glad Aric made you my sister.
Aric. She thought about him as they caught up with the others. If she couldn t convince him to
marry sooner, she might end up going feral on wedding guests. Already her wolf was frustrated over
her lack of sleep and exhaustion.
Aric glanced at Jaxon, Jake and Kel.  So who wants to help me plan a wedding?
Jaxon slapped his whiskey on the poker table.  How long is she withholding sex?
Jake laughed.  I don t think it has anything to do with that.
 It must, Jaxon said.  No man ever wants to plan a wedding. That s the stuff horror movies
are made of.
 Tell me about it, Aric growled.  Jordan s stressed. I ve noticed her lack of sleep and I
want to make it easier for her.
 So just go do what Nic and I did, Jake grinned.  Minus her throwing herself at you drunk in
front of the Elvis impersonator and trying to strip you naked so you could  hit that .
Aric grinned.  Was it really that bad?
Jake leaned back in the cushion of his sofa chair.  It was great! She was all over me. Elvis
asked if we wanted to say anything after our vows and she turned to the people waiting to use the
chapel and mom and said  he s really good in bed. He does this thing with his mouth but then got
interrupted when mom cleared her throat and Elvis started coughing.
Jaxon chuckled.  Your wives are a handful, but they sure are fun.
That was true.
 Any ideas on how to make things easier on Jordan? Aric asked. He was good at fighting
enemies, keeping his pack safe, leading, but he had no idea how to work a wedding.
 We can plan it ourselves, Kel shrugged.
 I need another drink for this, Jaxon muttered and walked to the bar. He filled his whiskey
tumbler and returned to his seat with a sigh.  As long as I don t have to buy dresses I m happy to
Aric shook his head, biting back a laugh.  You won t have to buy dresses.
 Guys, you re making too much out of planning a wedding. At the school I plan volunteer
events all the time, Kel said.  Let s do this in pieces. Who wants to go talk to the hotel about using
the chapel?
 Wait, Jaxon stopped his glass mid-way to his lips.  Is Nic s sister the one that works in this
Aric groaned.  Jax, this is isn t the time for you to try to hook up with Letty.
Jaxon raised a brow.  I m not trying to hook up. She is very interesting. And a great shot from
what I heard Nic say. I d like to get a chance to talk to her without her having to mop blood off the
floor or me standing there naked.
 He s got a point, Jake nodded and popped a pretzel into his mouth.
 I ll speak to Letty about reserving the chapel, Jaxon offered.
 Nic and I can take care of getting the place decorated the way Jordan would like. Jake
supplied.  I can get her to obtain the information from Emma no problem.
Aric nodded.  I ll talk to my mother and see what flower combination Jordan would prefer.
I m sure they ve already got something in mind.
The door creaked open and Mason marched in with a wolfish grin.  I know, I missed some of
the game, but I m here now.
Aric pointed at Mason.  You can talk to Ellie and Emma about the dress. Jordan and Emma
are about the same in size so she can pick something. I m sure you can ask Ellie for some help if
Mason s eyes widened, horrified.  What? What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?
 What we re doing is planning a wedding for Aric and Jordan.
Mason ran his fingers through his newly cut spiky hair.  Why are we doing that? Emma s been
talking about nothing but the wedding and now we got roped into it?
 It s a surprise. For Jordan, Aric said, giving him a direct glance.  Nobody tells her.
Mason threw his hands up in surrender.  I won t mess it up. And neither will Emma. She
loves surprises.
Aric turned back to the others.  Let s get to work.
 Wait, Kel cut in.  What about me?
 You re going to make sure everyone here does what they re supposed to so I don t have to
hurt them.
Kel puffed his chest out.  I can do that.
 Suck up, Jaxon coughed.
Aric waited outside the spa for his mother. She threw a glance over her shoulder and grinned.
 I ve left her in Ellie and Nic s care. She cupped his cheek and sighed.  You know, this is one of the
nicest things you could have done for her. She ll treasure the memory that you put it together.
He wasn t so sure about that. He had men that were used to dealing with pack problems
picking out decorations and flowers. All he could hope for was that the entire thing went off without a
 How s she doing?
Barbara shrugged.  I think she s been stressing this and other things.
 Like what?
Aric held his mother s hand as they strolled to the elevator.  She mentioned not having anyone
to walk her down the aisle.
He frowned.  Does she really need someone?
Barbara grinned.  No, but this is Jordan. It was just a reminder of the deadbeat parents that
forgot about her.
The wolf inside him snarled. He hated to know Jordan hurt over her dirt bag parents.  I can
ask dad, he suggested, holding the elevator door open for her to get in.
She shook her head.  I don t think she really wants a man to walk her down the aisle. It s
symbolic. Jordan has spoken of her mother so many times. She said it didn t hurt so much that her
father didn t want her as much as knowing her mother was so quick to abandon her. When your father
and I finally got married, I chose to ask my mother. She was the one person who encouraged me to be
with the man I loved.
Aric turned to Barbara.  You.
She blinked.  Me what, son?
He grinned. For once he had come up with something before his mother.  You can walk her
down the aisle. She loves you more than her real parents. Hell, she said she wishes constantly you
were her real mother.
Barbara stared at him wide-eyed.  She said that?
He nodded and walked toward the valet.  She did. Will you do it, mom?
He watched his mother, the woman who d been the strength of their family all along, sniffle,
her eyes filling with tears.  I d love to. You know I love Jordan like one of my kids.
He hugged her to his side before leading her to his rental.  Great. Now let s go see about
some flowers.
Jordan stared at her face in the mirror, horrified.  What do I do?
Ellie appeared just as shocked as she did.  I don t know. I ve never seen anyone s face get so
red in my life.
Nic cleared her throat, but her smile was visible.  I m so sorry Jordan. Who would have
thought you were going to be allergic to the stuff they used for your facial.
Jordan s face was red, swollen and itchy. The itch had spread down to her neck and pretty
close to her breasts. She d never had any kind of allergic reaction that severe.
 Do you think if I shift again it ll get better? She pressed a finger into her cheek and watched
as a white spot appeared before it turned red all over again.
 You already tried it three times. How s the allergy meds? Nic asked.
 I don t know. I don t feel any different, she growled.  I m starting to feel itchier than
Nic and Ellie shared a glance.
 Maybe you need to try a hot shower. Stay in the water for a while to see if it can get
whatever was applied off your skin, Nic suggested, her face scrunched in thought.
 Okay. She d try anything at that point. Her damn skin felt tight and hot. Even her wolf hated
how uncomfortable she was.
The shower lasted a while. She was alone in her suite when she got out of the bathroom.
There was a plate of fruit and a note from Ellie and Nic saying they d return later.
She glanced at her face in the mirror. The redness was still there. Her cheeks burned and
itched. The time she d spent in her room was getting to her. She dressed in a pair of loose sweats and
a tank top. Then she made her way to the lobby. When she got there, she inhaled and frowned.
There was that scent again. She forgot all about looking for something to eat with and instead
focused on following the trail to the familiar smell.
The scent didn t bring her warm fuzzies. Instead, a sick sensation at the pit of her stomach shot
acid up her throat. Her palms turned slick with sweat. What was it about it that brought a feeling of
fear and pain?
 Jordan? Letty stopped her in her tracks.
Dammit! She d been so close. It had taken so much focus to follow the scent she had almost
walked right past Letty.
 Hi, Letty, she glanced over Letty s shoulder, trying to see if she could figure out where it
came from but there was a mass of people at slot machines.
Her wolf snarled inside. Ready for battle. Something weird was going on and she d figure out
 Wanna grab some lunch? Letty smiled.
She hadn t really spent much time with Nic s sister, but she was such a sweetheart and lots of
fun that Jordan had liked her instantly.
 Eh...sure, she allowed Letty to lead her away from the disturbing scent.
They sat down at the hotel s main restaurant in a quiet corner booth.  The spa doesn t seem to
have done much to relax you, Letty frowned.  You re all red.
 I think I m allergic to whatever they used for my facial.
 That s terrible. She motioned for the waitress. A few seconds later the woman left with
their orders taken.  Anything we can do about it?
Jordan touched her cheek and winced. It hurt.  I don t think so. I ve had facials before, so not
sure why this happened now.
 How are the wedding plans coming along? Letty asked.
Their drinks and a bread basket was placed on the table between them.
 They re not, Jordan sighed.  If it were up to me we d do it right here right now and forget
the other stuff.
Letty smiled, nodding.  I understand.
Jordan flipped her straw around in circles.  I have never wanted to get drunk and drag Aric
to the altar as badly as I do now. Nic did the right thing. This wedding stuff is the pits.
 Come on. It can t be that bad. Do you already know what kind of dress you d like?
She sure did. Though she didn t want to go through the whole craziness of a big wedding,
she d picked out a dress. Except it was a simple strapless A-line with a pink edge. She wasn t a girly
girl, but that bit of pink had made her feel all kinds of feminine.  Yes, Emma made me try on like
twenty until I found one. She even emailed the designer to make sure I could get one in time.
Letty bit her lip.  That s interesting. So what are you most looking forward to from your
 Aric. My friends. Just us being together to celebrate the day. I don t need much.
 You know, I bet you will get exactly that.
She doubted it if things continued the way they were going. Emma would need to move in with
them soon with all the time she spent in her house planning stuff.
 Come out, Emma, Mason grumbled. He leaned back in the leather seat and folded his hands
over his chest. How did he end up with the job of helping the women pick a dress? It was absolute
torture to get asked every five seconds if he was okay by the passing customers. Did he look like a
lost puppy or something?
 Hold on, Mase. She s coming now, Ellie yelled.
Then, his fidgeting stopped and his brain froze. Emma strolled out of the dressing room in a
sexy floaty white and pink concoction that made her sexy curves look even more mouthwatering.
She met his gaze and grinned. There was that devilish smirk he loved.  What do you think?
He thought he wanted to marry her on the spot. And tear the dress off too.
 This is the dress we d discussed ordering for Jordan back home, Ellie said as if he d asked.
 We were lucky they had a few that had just come into the store.
She fluffed the skirt as Emma got up on display step and twirled around for him to see all
sides of the dress. He didn t know about shapes or colors, but he knew Emma looked beautiful. More
beautiful with that smile that grew while she stared at the dress.
 This is such a pretty dress. I m glad we found it for her. And the fact it fits? Even better.
Mason gulped. His animal roared inside. He wanted her. She winked at him through the
mirror. She knew he did. They had a link few had. If only she d stop denying it.
 It looks... he cleared his throat. Fucking hell there were no words for how amazing she
looked.  Perfect.
 I know, Ellie smiled and turned to him.  Now we just need to make it work.
Those words were meant for Mason. He saw it in Ellie s dancing eyes. He d been arguing
with Emma over finally admitting her feelings and moving their relationship along, but she was a
damned hardheaded woman.  We will.
 Okay so the dress is done. We ll pick some up for ourselves to match the pink at the edge of
hers. Then we ll run this all back so that we can move to decorating the chapel.
Jordan was going to go back to search for that scent. Her wolf and her gut told her she needed
to find it.
She walked through the slots, watching as people made and lost money from the press of a
button or the roll of a dice. Every few seconds the sounds of quarters dropping filled the air along
with whoops of joy and laughter.
She reached the dollar machines and stopped. There was that scent again. She ran now, the
animal pushing at her skin. Her wolf wanted out, to attack and destroy. Still, Jordan didn t know why.
What was it about that scent that upset her?
Rounding a corner, she entered a quiet section of the hotel filled with nickel slots. Her blood
buzzed with energy. Then she saw it. A woman facing one of the machines in the room. This was the
person she d been searching for. But why? What could this woman mean?
With quiet steps, she marched forward. Once she was just a few feet away she stopped. She
feared the wolf would control her. The anger was that great inside her.
 Excuse me...
The woman, whose long dark hair fell down her back in a long unkempt braid turned around
to face her.
Oxygen rushed out of Jordan s lungs as if she d been punched. She knew that face. It was the
same face she d seen countless times in her nightmares. The face of the woman she d once called
 Jordan? The woman asked. Her voice was slurred and the scent of liquor drifted off her in
Jordan reined the beast in. For once, she should have ignored the beast. Why had her wolf led
her to this woman? To the person who had made her life hell and destroyed her childhood.
She turned to go, unable to say anything, but was stopped in her tracks when the woman spoke.
 Look at you, she hiccupped, her body swaying from side to side on the stool.  All grown
up. You re still fat though.
Jordan whipped around then, her animal pushing at the skin to get at the woman.
 You re a drunk. I don t know you. Don t refer to me by name. You re nobody to me. She
said the words and meant them.
 Don t be such a bitch. I m your mother or have you forgotten. I gave you life.
 No! You made my life hell. You made what little I had to look forward to miserable. She
spit the words out. A flood of hate had opened and she couldn t hold it back.  You re the reason I
hated myself for so long.
 Doesn t seem to have helped you lose weight, the woman said with an evil smile.  Who s
gonna want you when you re so big.
The anger and hate she d been holding on to since she d been a teen suddenly disappeared.
This woman, with her torn old clothing and obvious drinking problem, didn t control her. Why had
Jordan let her words and actions hurt for so long?
 I have enough love in my life that I don t need anything else.
The woman s eyes lit up. She glanced at Jordan s engagement ring and licked her lips.  Then
share the wealth, girlie. I m your mother.
Jordan shook her head.  No. You re not. You re a stranger. My mother is off with my fiancé.
You, you re just the reason for the painful past. She shrugged.  But now, you re not even that. I have
a life to live. She exhaled the hurt and pain from all the years she d asked herself the same question:
why had her mother abandoned her?  You did me a favor, you know. I didn t realize it for a long
time, but you did. By leaving me, I found the people that truly loved me.
She turned on her heel with purpose.
 Jordan! The woman yelled, but she ignored her calls and marched away from her. Away
from the pain.
Why hadn t she seen it before? She d been so angry at her parents for what they did to her,
that she d held herself back from showing Barbara and her husband the love they deserved for
treating her as one of their kids.
No more. The past was over and done with. The future belonged to her and Aric. To their
family. And she would be damned if she let the pain of her youth cloud her ability to be happy.
Jordan arrived at her suite with renewed calm. She d taken a long walk and thought things
through. She was going to marry the man she d loved for years. What the hell was wrong with her?
She needed to start taking over her own wedding and stop letting it stress her.
She opened the door and stopped. Emma, Ellie, Nic and a very pregnant Karla were there all
dressed in pretty pink dresses.
 Where are you all going? She stumbled the words out and stared at Karla.  What are you
doing here?
They all smiled and stared at each other.
Barbara entered from her bedroom in a beautiful pale pink dress that made her look amazing.
 Oh, good you re here. Let s get you ready.
 Um, what did I miss? Are we going somewhere?
Barbara smiled. That s when she noticed the sheen of tears in her future mother in law s eyes.
 Here. She handed her an envelope.  This should tell you everything. Go into your room and read it.
We ll be right here waiting to help.
Jordan entered her bedroom and shut the door behind her. Then she saw it. The wedding dress
hanging on a mannequin. The white and pink flip flops with all kinds of bling. A feathery head piece
and a bouquet of all shades of pink peonies.
She remembered the note in her hand and tore at the envelope. There was a sheet of paper
inside that smelled of her mate. Aric.
Hi Love,
I know you ve been stressing the wedding. You must have forgotten that what truly matters
isn t how big the ceremony or how many guests, but that you are happy. That we have the
important people in our lives there to make it special. We ve worked hard to help put the ceremony
together so that your worries are no more. It might not be exactly what you had in mind, but just
know that your happiness is all that matters to us.
See you soon.
The words swam in front of her. One after another tears fell from her eyes. How could she
have ever questioned her ability to get through this? Aric and her family would always be there for
her. No matter what. They were one.
She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand and turned around to open the door.
The group stood, waiting expectantly for her to talk.
 I love you guys! She yelled.
A flurry of activity took place then. Showering and dressing was the easy part. Then there was
finding a way to keep the allergic reaction from making her look like a tomato.
She stared at herself in her beautiful dress and knew then that she needed to talk to Aric.
Barbara frowned.  Are you okay? Do you not like something?
Jordan sighed.  Everything is perfect. But I need to talk to Aric.
 Isn t that against the rules? Nic asked. She snorted and sipped on her champagne.  Ignore
me. I obviously know nothing of rules since I followed none of them for my own wedding.
Ellie nodded at Jordan.  I ll go get him.
 Where is she? Aric s voice sounded from the entrance a few minutes later.
 In here! Jordan yelled from the bedroom.
 Hang on a second there, young man. Barbara instructed.  Turn around. Come on. Turn
around. And Jordan face that way toward the window.
Jordan did as she was told, knowing that Barbara was trying to keep with the human tradition
of not allowing the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding. Soon, Aric s back pressed
at hers.
 Okay, you two stay just like that and call me when you are done talking, Barbara said.  No
messing up her dress, Aric. A heartbeat later the sound of the door closing behind her filled the
 Jordan? What s wrong? Aric whispered.
She swallowed hard at the emotion clogging her throat.  Why did you do all this? Barbara
told me it was your idea.
 I love you. I know you and I have disagreements about things all the time, but your happiness
is my happiness. You re my reason for living.
The knot in her throat grew and a joy unlike any she d ever felt washed over her in a blanket
of comfort. Screw tradition.
She turned around to face him.
 Baby, you shouldn t 
He stopped the moment he got a good glimpse at her. She couldn t say a word either. Aric
looked good. Fuck that, Aric looked great. She d never seen him in anything formal and now that she
had, wow. She might just use this image of him for future fantasies.
 You look...beautiful, he said, softly.
That look of love in his eyes. That sealed the deal. She forgot all about the wedding or the
dress or the fact there was a bunch of people waiting for them outside the bedroom and hurled herself
into his arms.
He caught her and their lips met in a kiss so raw she lost all ability to think. Right when she
thought he couldn t make her love him more, he did. She clung to him, digging her nails into the back
of his fresh haircut.
Their tongues rubbed in a wild mating dance. He stroked his mouth boldly over hers, licking
and sucking her lips and driving her crazy with need. She tore her mouth from his, groaning at his
hands cupping her breasts.
 Aric, she moaned.  I need you.
He kissed her neck, licking down her collarbone to the top of her breasts.  We can t, he
murmured.  They re waiting. You re dress.
 Fuck the dress. I want you. She slid a hand down to grasp his cock. God, he was hard. She
wanted him inside her. Deep.
She unclipped the waist of his pants and felt the material drop. Her hand filled with his shaft.
He groaned and pushed her back against the wall.
 I tried to be a gentleman, he growled, lifting the gauzy skirts to stroke her legs.  Fuck! You
have garters on? I m no longer responsible if this dress doesn t make it.
She spread her legs wider, waiting for his hand to feel her damp crotch.  Go crazy, but take
me with you.
 Jesus. You re always wet for me.
She licked her lips and tugged his head down for another kiss.  I am. Always.
She curled a leg around his hip. He grabbed at the bit of lace covering her pussy and tugged.
The sound of tearing along with her moan and his heavy breaths filled the room. Fire blazed in her
veins the moment he slid a finger over her clit and into her.
 You re ready for me, he groaned.
She moaned. His finger sliding in and out of her felt like a wonderful torture.  I am. Fuck me.
He pressed at her clit one more time, watching her gasp and groan. Then he grabbed handfuls
of her ass and lifted. With the head of his cock right at her entrance, he stopped to stare at her.
 I love you.
She smiled, her heart bursting with love.  I love you too.
With one single thrust, he filled her. So deep. So full. So perfect. Their lips met once again.
The passion grew intense between them. There was no care over their clothing any more. Everything
but the need for here and now was forgotten.
She clawed at his shoulders and the sound of material tearing broke through her lust-induced
He pulled back and thrust forward. And she forgot everything again. He kissed the corner of
her lips, down her jaw and to her shoulder. Her back slammed against the wall with each thrust. They
weren t quiet either. Aric s lips hovered over her dress s neckline. He met her gaze, bit down on the
edge and tugged, the material tore and her breasts spilled. He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth
and continued driving harder and harder into her body.
 Aric... Tension gathered tight at the pit of her womb.  God, that feels so damn good.
He sucked her nipple, biting down and then blowing on the sensitive tip. Over and over again.
Hot shudders raced down her spine. Her pussy felt on fire with each of his driving thrusts.
He continued to plunge hard and pull back. Then do it again, grinding his pelvis with her
pussy. Slow flutters started at her channel.
 That s it, baby, he growled licking and biting up to her shoulder.  Come on my dick.
Squeeze me hard with your hot tight pussy.
She gripped his hair, plastering her chest to his. Her nipples turned painfully tight from the
raw material of his jacket rubbing on them.
 Oh fuck, Aric. I m Fuck me harder!
He rammed with so much force the walls banged around them. Blazing need took hold of her
core. She had to come. Now. He pushed deep into her with single-minded precision. Until the tension
broke inside her. He bit down on her shoulder again. Pain and pleasure exploded through her limbs.
She bit down on her lip, choking back a scream. Then he was there, his body tensing as his
thrusts slowed until he stopped and filled her with his cum. He snarled into her shoulder, a giant
wave of vibrations that traveled the length of her body.
Blinking away the haze of need and lust, she stared into her mate s eyes and knew she was a
very lucky woman to have a man love her so deeply. Not just for the sex, but for the things he did to
make her happy.
 Let s go get married, she breathed, caressing her lips over his.  I want to do this again
really soon.
 Aric Wolfe! Barbara yelled.  We gave you some time Get out of there so we can
try to salvage her dress.
He smiled and kissed her hard.  I love you, but I better go before my mother pulls me by the
It was time. She stood outside the chapel when Barbara stopped by her side. No one dared
mention her torn dress, the claw marks on his suit and bite marks on her shoulder. They knew better.
Except for Emma who kept waggling her brows and singing  Let s get it on.
 Jordan, I know you don t have anyone to walk you down the aisle and I m sure my husband
would be happy to 
Jordan shook her head, her curls bouncing around her shoulders.  Would you walk with me,
Barbara? You ve come to be the mother I always wanted. And for the past fifteen years you have
been more than a mother. You ve been a friend, a confidant and a protector. I love you.
Barbara beamed a smile.  I d be honored, dear.
Aric waited by the altar with his father. For the first time since he d asked Jordan to marry
him, his nerves were growing by the second. What if she changed her mind? Even after what they d
done upstairs, he knew she d had issues with the whole commitment idea for so long it was hard to
break out of. He knew he wasn t easy, but he loved her more than his own life.
Then Karla and Nate walked in. Followed by Emma and Mason. And then Ellie, his best
woman smiled her way to his side.
 I love you, big brother. I hope you and Jordan are happy forever and always, she
He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  I ll make sure not to piss her off too
 You re a good man, Ellie giggled.
 I love you too, little pup.
It was Jordan s turn to enter the small chapel. With his mother holding her hand, his mate
looked radiant in her slightly torn and creased dress and a smile filled with joy. That smile alone
filled his heart to near bursting with happiness. As long as Jordan smiled like that for him, he knew he
was doing things right.
The ceremony went by in a blur, but the one thing he focused on was the words he needed her
to hear.
 You captured my heart from the first moment I saw you. As the years went by, I knew you
and only you could ever make me whole. There isn t much more I can say other than my heart is
yours. I love you.
Jordan threw herself in his arms and kissed him.
 Erm, the minister cleared his throat.  I guess we can skip to the kissing part.
Everyone laughed and cheered.
Jordan met his gaze. He d never seen her so happy before. There wasn t a hint of worry or
sadness in her eyes. He wanted to keep it that way.
 I love you, Aric.
 So, said the minister,  do you both 
 I do. They said in unison.
Another kiss followed. A deeper, soul-mating kiss. She did that to him. Made him feel
incomplete unless they were together. His life had been like that since he d met her. She was his
Soon they d have to go home and face the dangers of the Rahound Pack. For the next few days,
though, he d keep Jordan to himself and see about extending that happiness he d seen in her eyes.
Hi! I'm Milly (AKA April Angel). I love to write sexy stories. They're usually either paranormal or
contemporary with a large dose of heat. My paranormal stories can be anything from wolf-shifters
(my favorites) to witches, demons and anything in between. My contemporaries are usually anything
from soldiers to corporate romances.
I was born the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, I live
in New York City with my hubby, the bossy kiddo and our little dog "Needy Speedy". Don't ask.
When I'm not working some really long hours at the day job, or hanging out in the awful life-
sucking invention known as Facebook, messaging my bestie in the UK or shopping with my sis Julie,
then I can be found watching scary movies. But when I'm not doing that, I'm usually writing because
the voices won't shut up.
I am addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn't, right?) and Dunkin' Donuts coffee.
Come on over and visit me! I love to meet new readers!
I hope you enjoyed this book. If you did, please consider writing a review.
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If you liked this story, you might also enjoy by Milly Taiden:
Sassy Mates Series
Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One
A Mate s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two
Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three
The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four  Coming Soon
Federal Paranormal Unit
Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One
Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two
Black Meadow Pack
Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One
Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two
Paranormal Dating Agency
Twice the Growl Book One
Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two
The Purrfect Match Book Three Coming Soon
Other Works
Wolf Fever Alpha Project Book One
Fate s Wish
Wynter s Captive
Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1
Club Duo Boxed Set
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