Overseas Chinese

Upper-Intermediate - Overseas Chinese (D0863)
A: `O"vżVh_`HN7h
n de M%1łiguó biod z%1łnmeyąng?
How is your American cousin?
B: yr+R ga`"vN*NN 1\/fĄlśRlźl0
tŁbi yu ysi de y%2ł ge rn, jiłsh mi bąnf gMutMng.
He is a very interesting individual, but there is no way of
A: N NO-Ne
t bł hu shuM ZhMngwn?
He doesn t speak Chinese?
B: O/fONąp ż/fNkŹ{US"vSP[0N(W R
TśQu NvżĄlVegŹ0ŁŹ/fN,{N!kVżV0
hu sh hu y%2łdin, dMu sh xi bjiąo jindn de jłzi. t ząi
Zh%2łjig chkshng, y%2łzh dMu mi hulai guo. zhŁ sh t d
y%2ł c huguó. jiąndąo nąme duM q%2łnqi, rn dMu ykn le.
He can a little bit all just relatively basic phrases. He was
born in Chicago, and had never come here. This is his first
time to China. He s met so many relatives, it was over-
whelming for him.
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
sh a, gung nąxi q%2łdągkbdąy jiłyąo j hoy%2łzhŁn. tmen
ji h%1łn zo jił qł M%1łiguó le ba?
Yeah, just learning the terms for all the relatives takes quite
a while. Did they move to America a long time ago?
B: ł[ 7r7rŁŹ1\SąN /fNSO0b_R9ei
_>e N1\QOŁ~bN bNżTąNNóć0
du, yye ną bŁi jił qł le, sh lo huqio. w jde gng
gig kifąng, t jił xi%1łxn g%1łi wmen, wmen dMu xią le y%2ł
Yes. It was in his Grandfather s generation that they left
and became overseas Chinese. I recall that just after China
opened up to the outside world, he wrote us all a letter. We
were all so surprised.
A: ŁePw^X s(WŹśQżVŁ{v/fś[8^żOm0
ną shhou zhn bsŁ, xiąnząi jnchk guómn jinzh sh ji-
chngbiąnfąn. ho duM x%2łn ymn dMu sh lingbinpo.
At that time it was very closed off, and now going in and out
of China is very commonplace. Many new immigrants now
go back and forth.
B: s(W-NżV1\:ŁŹNa N T틊eS"vN @bNNS
Ԉyr+R gOżR0bh_ŁŹ!k1\/fó` w w gĄNHN:g
O0S`N틊 NŹsQ &TRl N1\ż~b0R}Y]
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xiąnząi ZhMngguó jił qu zhŁxi dng błtóng yyn wn-
huą de rn, suy huy tŁbi yu yMush. w biod zhŁc
jiłsh xing kąn kan yu shnme j%2łhu. k%1łx%2ł t yyn bł
gugun, fuz mshąng jił nng zhodąo ho gMngzu.
Right now China is lacking people with understanding of dif-
ferent languages and cultures, so overseas Chinese have a
great advantage. My cousin is here this time looking for
some opportunities. It s too bad his language is not up to
par if it were, he would find a good job very quickly.
A: T YśgN\_Yf[-Ne1\}YąN0
i, rśgu cóngxio kish xu ZhMngwn jił ho le.
Man, it would have been good if he had learned from an
early age.
B: N/f,{ NćNyl ŹN6rkż N*YO f+R
NąN0 N}YYNRśQS"veP`i[P[틊ć
N N 1\źąRNNYń0ŁŹ7h
e _NĄlśRl0
t sh d sn dąi ymn, lin t fłm dMu błtąi hu shuM, gŁng
bi shuM t le. rqi%1ł ho duM rn gng chkqł de shhou pą
hizi yyn gnbushąng, jił gl tmen duM shuM y%2łngy.
zhŁyąng nnmin yąo hklŁ ZhMngwn, y%1ł mi bąnf.
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
He s a third generation immigrant, even his parents cannot
speak Chinese that well, so obviously he can t either. On
top of that, when many people leave here, they are scared
that their children wont be able to keep up with the new
language, so they urge them to speak English. So when
this happens it s easy for their Chinese to get neglected
there s no way around it.
A: _N/f0`Oh_"vó`lkŹPżVNŹ/f-NżVN
y%1łsh. n biod de xingf bjiąo xiąng M%1łiguórn hishi
You re right. So, is your cousin s thinking more American or
B: NżŁŹHNR'T0bŹN Nęń]/fżVN
}YYó`l_NkŹS0FO/fN_Nń T-NżV"vNN

błnng zhŁme fn ba. w wŁn guo t, t shuM zj sh M%1łi-
guórn, ho duM xingf y%1ł bjiąo x%2łhuą. dąnsh t y%1ł rŁn-
tóng ZhMngguó de y%2łxi chuntng jiązh, y%2łnwŁi t sh hu-
It s hard to distinguish. I have asked him, and he says he
is an American, and that a lot of his viewpoints are very
western. However, he does identify with some traditional
Chinese values as he is of Chinese decent.
A: bVT SężNw Ną[f0 g:gOSNNWW?QśQ
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oyM, shungchóng shnfŁn zhn bł róngy. yuj%2łhu jiąo t
y%2łkuąir chklai wnr ba.
Wow, a dual identity cant be easy. If the chance comes up,
invite him to come out with us.
B: }YJU Nckó`YńNN gSbT0
ho a, t zhŁng xing duM jio xi pngyou ne.
Sure. He really wants to make some friends.
Key Vocabulary
h_ biod younger male cousin
źl gMutMng to communicate
RT Zh%2łjig Chicago
Nb q%2łnqi relatives
N'YŃYkQ q%2łdągkbdąy general term of ad-
'YŁY dress for various rela-
NSO huqio overseas Chinese
^X bsŁ closed off
ś[8^żOm jichngbiąnfąn common occurrence
yl ymn immigrant
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
NSԈ huy foreign citizen of Chi-
nese origin
OżR yMush in a good position
ŹsQ gugun up to par
ć N N gnbushąng unable to keep up with

MQ nnmin difficult to avoid
ż_eu hklŁ to neglect
S x%2łhuą westernized
Sę shungchóng dual
Supplementary Vocabulary
$NhQvQ lingqunqm%1łi satisfy both aspects
ŁRżR liŁsh at a disadvantage
ć_ N gndeshąng able to keep up with
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.


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