Mahjongg Chinese (Ácąé¤¤¤ĺ)

; Note for the translators :
; Please keep the original names for the games !
; And translate only the text after the "=". Thanks !
; If you have problems with some text, try to
; find out what it stands for in the game, and if you
; cant find a translation, please ask me !
; You can test your work directly in Kyodai 8.x by
; launching the program. Please make sure the texts' size
; is relatively consistent (no line of 500 characters ;))
; Thank you for your effort. Bye !!!


; We start with the menu...

Kyodai.File1.Caption = sąCĄ
Kyodai.LastPlayedGame1.Caption = ĆąńWŚąCĄ
Kyodai.RandomSolitaireGame1.Caption = Solitaire (ĄH)
Kyodai.NewSpecificGame1.Caption = Solitaire (w)
Kyodai.MahJonggSolitaire2PlayerSingleComputer1.Caption = Solitaire (łą)
Kyodai.NewArcadeMahjonggGame1.Caption = Rivers (e)
Kyodai.MahJonggRiversNewGameHard1.Caption = Rivers (żxł)
Kyodai.MahJonggMemoryNewGame1.Caption = Memory (e)
Kyodai.MahJonggMemoryNewGameHard1.Caption = Memory (żxł)
Kyodai.MahJonggClicks1.Caption = Clicks (e)
Kyodai.MahJonggClicksNormal1.Caption = Clicks (śłq)
Kyodai.MahJonggClicksHard1.Caption = Clicks (żxł)
Kyodai.MahJonggSlider1.Caption = Slider (e)
Kyodai.MahJonggColumns.Caption = Hashira
Kyodai.Exit1.Caption = ś}ąCĄ
Kyodai.Play1.Caption = śiŚćąCĄ
Kyodai.Undo1.Caption = ńϮŹń@B
Kyodai.GiveHint.Caption = ŁĄ
Kyodai.Pause1.Caption = źȰą
Kyodai.Shuffle1.Caption = sąĆŚC
Kyodai.Stoppe.Caption = ąńąCĄ
Kyodai.Restart1.Caption = sś}l
Kyodai.Changeplayername.Caption = ą̩mŚW
Kyodai.RandomSeed1.Caption = ĄHńl
Kyodai.Vertical.Caption = ĄΫąk
Kyodai.Options1.Caption = Ą˵ł
Kyodai.Invert.Caption = ńĄżśĄó
Kyodai.CoolMenu1.Caption = }GĄ\Żą
Kyodai.CoolMouse.Caption = }GĆąź
Kyodai.CoolToolbar.Caption = }GńućŚC
Kyodai.FlatButtons.Caption = }Gśs
Kyodai.CoolStatus.Caption = }GŹAŚC
Kyodai.ViewAllLayouts.Caption = Ą˵łŚłPŹ
Kyodai.ShowFave.Caption = ĄuĄ˵łł߷RPŹ
Kyodai.ShowTime.Caption = ćĄܭpɾą
Kyodai.Moves.Caption = 楳ŃlBźĆ
Kyodai.ShowNext.Caption = ćĄńUń@ąiP
Kyodai.ShowHallFame.Caption = 楹ƌć]
Kyodai.ShowTitle.Caption = ćĄܪŹAŚC
Kyodai.ShowGirls.Caption = ćĄܸąóńk
Kyodai.Toolbar1.Caption = ćĄńućŚC
Kyodai.HightlightMode1.Caption = żĄشŁĄ
Kyodai.Highlight1.Caption = L
Kyodai.Highlight2.Caption = ŹŚńŁ
Kyodai.Highlight4.Caption = ńŚńŁ
Kyodai.Highlight5.Caption = ŚńŁ
Kyodai.Highlight3.Caption = ąNPŚ
Kyodai.HighlightSlider.Caption = źаOżś Slider
Kyodai.ShowCurrentTile.Caption = ćĄܫźńUP
Kyodai.OnlyPossibleMoves.Caption = Ąu楥iĘP
Kyodai.Config.Caption = Ą\Żął]w
Kyodai.Winnable.Caption = sąCĄń@wŚłŃ (Śńń@Ń)
Kyodai.Shuffable.Caption = sąĆŚCń@wŚłŃ (Śńń@Ń)
Kyodai.EnableHall.Caption = ąNśĄOńJąĆŚć]
Kyodai.Shadows.Caption = ąҰĘP 3D łąźv
Kyodai.GoCheckPause.Caption = ńńuż@źȰąąCĄ
Kyodai.StartupGame.Caption = ąҰĘɪąś}ląCĄ
Kyodai.Res800.Caption = ąҰĘńŚ 800x600 / ąmźŚĄ
Kyodai.CoolBackground.Caption = łćŚIćĄܺĄźh
Kyodai.WelcomePause.Caption = ŚbźȰąćĄąCĄżłć
Kyodai.ShowRomanized.Caption = ŚbPąńW楟ƌr / ^ń
Kyodai.StretchBackground.Caption = ńńjIąńł
Kyodai.StartMusic.Caption = ąҰĘŚ۰Ęźńź
Kyodai.EnableMOD.Caption = ąҰĘ MOD źĆŚ쭵źźńĄ\Żą
Kyodai.PlaySounds.Caption = źń
Kyodai.PlayMusic.Caption = źńź
Kyodai.Animations1.Caption = Ęeżś
Kyodai.AnimatePause.Caption = ąҰĘźȰąĄś}ląCĄĄ\ŻąĘe
Kyodai.Animate.Caption = ąҰĘPŹłyɪĘe
Kyodai.AnimateTiles.Caption = ćĄ Solitaire tąĘe
Kyodai.AnimateTileRivers.Caption = ćĄ Rivers tąĘe
Kyodai.AnimateClicks.Caption = ćĄ Clicks PĆĘĘe
Kyodai.AnimateSlider.Caption = ćĄ Slider PĆĘĘe
Kyodai.AnimateNext.Caption = ćĄ Slider ńUń@BĘe
Kyodai.AnimateChain.Caption = ćĄ Hashira łsĘe
Kyodai.AnimateCursor.Caption = ćĄܷĆąźаĘe
Kyodai.SlowFall.Caption = Hashira PպCłtĆ
Kyodai.NormalFall.Caption = Hashira PńńłtĆ
Kyodai.FastFall.Caption = Hashira PżłtĆ
Kyodai.Background.Caption = Iźvął
Kyodai.LoadBackground.Caption = ąqϺŪś
Kyodai.None1.Caption = L (łćŚ)
Kyodai.Tileset.Caption = P
Kyodai.Load1.Caption = ąqϺŪś
Kyodai.Layout1.Caption = PŹ
Kyodai.SelectLayout1.Caption = żܵPŹ
Kyodai.CreateLayout1.Caption = ĄߵPŹ
Kyodai.Editlayout1.Caption = sżŁPŹ
Kyodai.Music.Caption = ź
Kyodai.RandomMusic.Caption = ĄHź
Kyodai.Help1.Caption = żUĄś
Kyodai.Contents1.Caption = ńe
Kyodai.WhatsNew1.Caption = sźWĄ\Żą
Kyodai.French1.Caption = kńĄś
Kyodai.ViewTiles1.Caption = Ą˵łP
Kyodai.Register1.Caption = łĄU
Kyodai.Halloffame1.Caption = ąĆŚć]
Kyodai.About1.Caption = óĄSżłłś...
Kyodai.SliderHard1.Caption = Slider (żxł)
Kyodai.AnimateBackgroundHashira.Caption = ćĄ Hashira IĘe
Kyodai.Moveboard2.Caption = Ęćś Solitaire ą
Kyodai.BlueBorders.Caption = 楌⪺Pt
Kyodai.MenuLanguage.Caption = {ŚĄŹɭąyĄ

; Now we have the rest of the graphical elements....

Kyodai.LabelLayout.Caption = PŹŚWŁ

Kyodai.Label30.Hint = żAPźĆĄśŹO 4 żźĆĄAłŚhĄiĄ 144 ąiP
Kyodai.Label30.Caption = PźĆ
Kyodai.Label3.Hint = żAŚńŻnąiĄiĘPń~ŻąĄxŚs
Kyodai.Label3.Caption = ĄiĘPźĆ
Kyodai.Label4.Hint = ŚbŚsĄɫeĄśźWĄ[PźĆ
Kyodai.Label4.Caption = Żn

Kyodai.TilesLeftPanel.Caption = PźĆ
Kyodai.MovesLeftPanel.Caption = łŃlBźĆ
Kyodai.TimePanel.Caption = śĄ
Kyodai.StatusPanel.Caption = ŹA

Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Hint = ś}lsąCĄ
Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Caption = sąCĄ
Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Hint = ńϮŹń@B
Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Caption = h
Kyodai.SetMusic.Hint = źȰąź
Kyodai.SetMusic.Caption = ź
Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Hint = 楥iĄHĘP
Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Caption = ŁĄ
Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Hint = ąNPąsąĆŚC
Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Caption = ąĆ
Kyodai.PauseButton.Hint = ąNąCĄźȰą
Kyodai.PauseButton.Caption = źȰą
Kyodai.HelpButton.Hint = żUĄś :)
Kyodai.HelpButton.Caption = DżU
Kyodai.ExitButton.Hint = ńŁnś}ż !! :(
Kyodai.ExitButton.Caption = ż
Kyodai.AboutButton.Hint = ż@ Naoki Haga :)
Kyodai.AboutButton.Caption = ó
Kyodai.HallFameButton.Hint = ąjńńńżąj :)
Kyodai.HallFameButton.Caption = ąĆŚć
Kyodai.LayoutButton.Hint = żܷsPŹ
Kyodai.LayoutButton.Caption = PŹ

Kyodai.MainMenu98.Options.Title.Text = ĄSżłłś

Kyodai.Label1.Caption = wśińJ
Kyodai.Label2.Caption = ĄSżłłś !
Kyodai.SpeedButton1.Hint = Tile-Matching ąCĄ - tąîłĄhąiłbŪP !
Kyodai.SpeedButton2.Hint = Rivers ąCĄ - ąNŹŚPPłsu !
Kyodai.SpeedButton3.Hint = Memory ąCĄ - ąń@ąŻnąM`ąCĄ !
Kyodai.SpeedButton4.Hint = Clicks - Vń@ńUĄAĄhŹŚPń@յP !
Kyodai.SpeedButton5.Hint = Slider - ŚĄLĄAąNŹŚPPłsŚbń@_ !
Kyodai.SpeedButton6.Hint = Hashira - ŁŹłsńTąiP !
Kyodai.Label7.Caption = ąCĄńś...
Kyodai.SameGameButton.Caption = ĆąńWŚąCĄ
Kyodai.BitBtn3.Caption = ² Rivers (84 ąiP)
Kyodai.BitBtn4.Caption = żxł Rivers (144 ąiP)
Kyodai.BitBtn5.Caption = ² Memory (32 ąiP)
Kyodai.BitBtn6.Caption = żxł Memory (60 ąiP)
Kyodai.BitBtn1.Caption = gąk
Kyodai.BitBtn2.Caption = Śą
Kyodai.BitBtn7.Caption = ²
Kyodai.BitBtn10.Caption = żxł
Kyodai.BitBtn13.Caption = śłq
Kyodai.Column.Caption = Hashira
Kyodai.Slider.Caption = ²
Kyodai.StartLevel.Caption = ś}lĄd
Kyodai.SliderHard.Caption = żxł
Kyodai.Label22.Caption = ńUń@B
Kyodai.Label23.Caption = ńĄźĆ
Kyodai.Label24.Caption = ŁźĆ
Kyodai.Label25.Caption = Ąd

Kyodai.Editor1.Caption = ś}
Kyodai.Saveandexit.Caption = ĄxŚs
Kyodai.Saveasandexit.Caption = ĄtŚssĄ...
Kyodai.Cancel1.Caption = ժą
Kyodai.Cancel2.Caption = ż
Kyodai.MoveBoard1.Caption = Ęą
Kyodai.Movetoleft1.Caption = ŚVĄ <
Kyodai.Movetoright1.Caption = ŚVĄk >
Kyodai.Movetotop1.Caption = ŚVńW /\
Kyodai.Movetobottom1.Caption = ŚVńU \/

Kyodai.Popup.Options.Title.Text = ĄSżłłś
Kyodai.Redraw1.Caption = eżą
Kyodai.Back1.Caption = h
Kyodai.Hint3.Caption = ŁĄ
Kyodai.Shuffle2.Caption = ąĆ
Kyodai.Pause2.Caption = źȰą
Kyodai.Layout2.Caption = PŹ
Kyodai.Restart2.Caption = sś}l
Kyodai.Stop1.Caption = ąń

Kyodai.StartLevelMenu.Options.Title.Text = ĄSżłłś
Kyodai.StartatLevel11.Caption = ąq 1 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel21.Caption = ąq 2 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel31.Caption = ąq 3 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel41.Caption = ąq 4 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel51.Caption = ąq 5 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel61.Caption = ąq 6 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel71.Caption = ąq 7 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel81.Caption = ąq 8 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel91.Caption = ąq 9 ś}l
Kyodai.StartatLevel101.Caption = ąq 10 ś}l

; Now, the text within the other Kyodai windows.........

; Registration Window

RegForm.RegLabel1.Caption = żńJżAłĄUęĆĄAMńU "łĄU" śsT{
RegForm.RegLabel2.Caption = ĄΪŚWŁ
RegForm.RegLabel3.Caption = (|: Naoki Haga)
RegForm.RegLabel4.Caption = ąKX
RegForm.RegLabel5.Caption = (|: 0123456789)
RegForm.RegButton.Caption = łĄU
RegForm.Button1.Caption = śł
RegForm.Label18.Caption = U, ń@wnOąołĄU !
RegForm.Label19.Caption = ĄuŚłżAĄŚŁ, ń~Żążż~ŹżAoiĄSżłłś !
RegForm.Label20.Caption = łĄUłoǷńHŁĄłŁąN|łQŁ, ŚÓĄBŁĄiĄHLńŻ...
RegForm.Label1.Caption = ńUło, żANŻąeą uńWłĄUĄC

; Random Seed Window

RandomWindow.RandomPanel.Caption = ĄHńl
RandomWindow.RandLabel1.Caption = żń@Ówąsą (ąq 1 999,999,999)
RandomWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = ŁĄń@ÓĄHźĆ
RandomWindow.BitBtn3.Caption = ŁĄń@Óńl (dłŚb 0-9999)

; Help Window

HelpForm.Help.Caption = żUĄś
HelpForm.Whatsnew.Caption = sźWĄ\Żą
HelpForm.TabSheet3.Caption = ąLɪsźWĄ\Żą
HelpForm.TabSheet2.Caption = ąCĄłWh
HelpForm.SeeTiles.Caption = Ć[ŹŻP
HelpForm.MenuItems.Caption = Ą\ŻąśĄ
HelpForm.TabSheet1.Caption = łąĆŃ & ą`ŁŻś
HelpForm.French.Caption = Franais
HelpForm.SpeedButton1.Caption = Ś^ĄSżłłś
HelpForm.BitBtn1.Caption = ŚCŚL

HallWindow.Label45.Caption = ŚbńUŚĄżłćńńżśPŹŚWŁ, żANĄiŹŻ 10 ÓŻóŚąPŹłŚnŚZĄCńU "MŁŚZ" śs, ĄiMŁwPŹŚZOżżĄCżAłÓżQĄAńMĄiĄHżYɭżą̩mŚWĄC
HallWindow.BitBtn1.Caption = Tw
HallWindow.PlayerPanel.Caption = ą̩mŚW
HallWindow.ResetButton.Caption = MŁŚZ
HallWindow.Label21.Caption = ŚWŚ
HallWindow.Label22.Caption = ą̩mŚW
HallWindow.Label23.Caption = śĄ
HallWindow.Label24.Caption = NĄ~lĄó
HallWindow.Label46.Caption = ń
HallWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = ąҰĘ

GameOverForm.Label1.Caption = Ął !
GameOverForm.Label2.Caption = żAżąŚńFłoÓą...
GameOverForm.EnterFame.Caption = ŚÓĄBżAśińJńFąĆŚć] !
GameOverForm.FinalTime.Caption = żAĄΪśĄŹO 00:00
GameOverForm.BitBtn1.Caption = żA !

ExtendedChoose.BitBtn1.Caption = śł
ExtendedChoose.BitBtn2.Caption = << YŚ^ćĄ

ChooseLayout.Label1.Caption = ĄŚW :
ChooseLayout.Label2.Caption = << ł߷RPŹ
ChooseLayout.Label3.Caption = łoŹO|ŚCŚb "PŹ" Ą\ŻąńńPŹĄCżAĄiĄHĄΩԪńŁŚĄźWĄ[sPŹŚCńńĄCĄŹŚPnżńŁnPŹĄX...
ChooseLayout.Label4.Caption = `PźĆ :
ChooseLayout.Label5.Caption = ĄiĘPźĆ :
ChooseLayout.BitBtn1.Caption = ąłoÓPŹ
ChooseLayout.BitBtn2.Caption = śł
ChooseLayout.BitBtn3.Caption = sżŁ
ChooseLayout.BitBtn4.Caption = Ą߷sPŹ
ChooseLayout.BitBtn5.Caption = ŚłćĄ >>
ChooseLayout.CheckBox1.Caption = ĄHĄثeIćĄ
ChooseLayout.BitBtn6.Caption = żRŁ

AboutBox.BitBtn1.Caption = Tw
AboutBox.Order.Caption = ĘśRąKX
AboutBox.BitBtn2.Caption = Ć[ŹŻέpźĆ
AboutBox.Copyright.Caption = ż@
AboutBox.Comments.Caption = źż@
AboutBox.Label3.Caption = Qżł̷s ĄSżłłś Mł\ŚhóńĄĘeęT, ĄiĄHżڪŻ :
AboutBox.Label8.Caption = Rene-Gilles Deberdt (Naoki)
AboutBox.Label9.Caption = Tanguy Matioszek (Tamura)
AboutBox.Label11.Caption = vŚł 1997, 1998, 1999. OŻdŚłvżQĄC
AboutBox.Label16.Caption = Helene the Asegard Muse ń䴩yeńpńk, Vincent Krebs ĄŚŁś... M, ŁŚłńwgĘśR, żYąNĘśRĄSżłłśŚUŚ !
AboutBox.Label17.Caption = ŻSżOP
AboutBox.Label2.Caption = ĄSżłłśŻ:
AboutBox.Version.Caption = łąNtąąCĄńjĄ by Naoki Haga
AboutBox.Label4.Caption = Cyber Namida ---
AboutBox.Label6.Caption = Miguel Samiez
AboutBox.Label27.Caption = Naoki :-)
AboutBox.Label7.Caption = ńŚł]p
AboutBox.Label10.Caption = Zahara Medina

; Fourth part : New text... Listed (approximately) in addition order....

; Nothing yet...

; Fifth and last part : the messages inside Kyodai's code...


; Chinese Big 5
LanguageCharset = 136

External Layout = Ą~łĄP
PLAYER 1 = ą 1
PLAYER 2 = ą 2
GAME OVER -- Final Score : = ąCĄż -- ł̲ŚZ :
Game Over ! = ąCĄż !
New Layout = sP
Level = Ąd
Score = ńĄźĆ
Time = śĄ
Malus = lĄóśĄ

Rivers (Easy) = Rivers (²)
Rivers (Hard) = Rivers (żxł)
Memory (Easy) = Memory (²)
Memory (Hard) = Memory (żxł)
Clicks (Easy) = Clicks (²)
Clicks (Normal) = Clicks (śłq)
Clicks (Hard) = Clicks (żxł)
Slider (Easy) = Slider (²)
Slider (Hard) = Slider (żxł)
Hashira = Hashira

Mahjongg Hashira started. = Mahjongg Hashira ąCĄńwąҰĘĄC
Mahjongg Memory started. = Mahjongg Memory ąCĄńwąҰĘĄC
Mahjongg Clicks started. = Mahjongg Clicks ąCĄńwąҰĘĄC
Mahjongg Slider started. = Mahjongg Slider ąCĄńwąҰĘĄC
Mahjongg Rivers started. = Mahjongg Rivers ąCĄńwąҰĘĄC
Two-Player Solitaire started. = łą Solitaire ąCĄńwąҰĘĄC
Game restarted. = ńwsąҰĘąCĄĄC
New game started. = ńwś}lsąCĄĄC

; Captions for the other windows
Choose a new layout... = Choose a new layout...
Board finished ! = żąŚą !
Kyodai Help = ĄSżłłś żUĄś
Hall of Fame = ąĆŚć]
Please Register ! = еłĄU !
New Specific (Seed) Game = ś}lwą (ńl) ąCĄ

MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD źҲխźńwąҰĘ, żAĄśsąҰĘ{ŚĄĄC
Can't find needed external DLL (npmod32.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You can find it on the Kyodai website at : = LkżŻnŚł DLL Ąɮ (npmod32.dll), ąNĄŚŚw˨{ŚĄĄżżńUŚAĄCżAĄiĄHŚb ĄSżłłśŻżŚąĄɮ:
This feature is only available on the Solitaire board. = łoĄ\ŻąĄuAĄΩó Solitaire ąĄC
Registration reminder = łĄUŁż

; This is the text in the reminder...
Please, remember to register ! = U, аOąoĄhłĄU !
Only your participation can help me = ĄuŚłżAĄŚŁŻążż
continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = ~ŹżAĄ[ąj ĄSżłłśĄ\Żą !
Registration will remove all these = łĄUąN|Łło
nasty reminders and give you access = ńHŁżłĄõążA
to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = żKśOńŻŪvżQ... żA !

; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu...
Craks (4 times each) = UńlP (C 4 ąi)
Bamboos (4 times each) = ŻńlP (C 4 ąi)
Dots (4 times each) = ńlP (C 4 ąi)
Flowers (once each) = P (C 1 ąi)
Seasons (once each) = P (C 1 ąi)
Winds (4 times each) = P (C 4 ąi)
Dragons (4 times each) = ŚrP (CĄ|ąi)

And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = M, ąaŹO... 1 Śą !
And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = M, ąaŹO... 2 Śą !
Same score for both players ! = ŚąńĄźĆŹŚP !

Your final score is = żAł̲תŚZŹO
Your final time is = żAł̲תśĄŹO
You reached the top ! Great ! = żAŁąFłIńF ! ńŁżł !

Registered to = Registered to
Unregistered version - Please Register !!! = łoŹOĄźłĄUĄ - еłĄU !!!

Please choose a name for your layout file = ŹżAPŹĄɨśŚW
Please choose a Background bitmap file = żܭIąńł
Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = żܵPąńł
LAY Layout files = LAY PŹĄɮ
Background files = IąńłĄɮ
Tileset files = PąńłĄ

; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
This file already exists. Do you want to erase = łoÓĄɮńwgŚsŚb, nńŁnżRŁ
Are you sure you want to erase = żATwżAnżRŁ

Please confirm = нT{
Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = PŹńwŚsŚ "Temporary.lay"ĄC żąŚńU "sżŁPŹ" śsIĄsPŹsżŁą, ŚAąNĄŚĄΨMwŚWŁĄxŚsĄC
You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = żAŁĄźżąŚąPŹ ! "Żn" ĄܾąĄśŹO 4 żźĆ...
This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = łoÓPŹńŁŻąą ! Щńń@ĄiŁP...
No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = SŚańŁĄińF, nż뭰ś ? (ŚpGżAŚłŚnŚZŚÓż "ŹO", żAąNśińJąĆŚć]ĄCŚpGżAż "ż_", ąCĄąN|ĄżAńϮŹń@B)
If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = ŚpGQńąCĄźŚĄ, NĄśsś}ląCĄĄCn~ś ?
Vertical Variation = ąk
Specific Board started. Random Seed # = ńwąҰĘwąĄCĄHńlsą #

; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
Layout = ą
selected. = żŚĄ\ĄC

Kyodai - Rene-Gilles Deberdt 1997-1999 = ĄSżłłś - Rene-Gilles Deberdt 1997-1999
Kyodai - Rene-Gilles Deberdt = ĄSżłłś - Rene-Gilles Deberdt

; This one ends with a Kyodai version number ("for use with Kyodai 6.0"...)
You are trying to play a layout intended for use with = żAĄżյąҰĘń@ÓŹwĄł]pPŹ, Ą

; This one end with a URL
Please upgrade Kyodai at = ШŚąŹżA ĄSżłłś ńŻ:

Tiles shuffled. = PŹsąĆŚCńF,

; This one starts with a number
new moves found. = Ósko{ńFĄC

Tiles shuffled. 1 new move found. = PŹsąĆŚCńF, 1 Ósko{ńF
No moves found. Try to press Back a few times. = SŚłsko{, յŚhXŚ "h" ĄC
Tiles shuffled. 40 seconds penalty. = PŹsąĆŚCĄA@ 40 ŹĄC

Please Note ! = Ъ`N !
You are running the game in 256-color mode (or even worse). It is strongly recommended to switch to 16-bit or 24-bit color depth modes. Otherwise, you should should select No Background and a tileset with few colors. Thanks for listening ! = Ъ`N ! ązĄżŚb 256 Ś (żóV) ąĄżńUŚćąCĄĄCąjŻPłń 16bit 24bit ŚćĄCązń]ĄiĄHżłćŚIMŚąmźĆń֪PĄHąo}ŚnĪGĄC

; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
About = ó

This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = łoąN|ąҰĘżAsżą, żżAąaą ĄSżłłś łĄUś, n~ś ?
You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = żAń@ŚąҰĘĄSżłłś ! ;-)
You launched Kyodai twice ! ;-) = żAąҰĘĄSżłłśŚńF ! ;-)

; This one says "You launched Kyodai 3 times"...
You launched Kyodai = żAąҰĘĄSżłłś
times ! ;-) = ŚńF ! ;-)


Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = żAŻunąNŚąPŹąĆŚćOżżżRŁś ?
Thanks again ! You're now registered. = ŚAżA ! żAńwgłĄUżąŚńFĄC
Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = ąńŁ_, ąKXżł~... ĄŹdĄΪŚWŁMąKX, ĄśMżڵążAń@źń@źĄC

; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...

Welcome to KYODAI MAHJONGG ! = wśińJ ĄSżłłś !
If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = ŚpGżAłwłąNtąąCĄ, żŹ۫H
you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = żAąN|ł߷RłoÓĄĄC Źgź, żŹĄŚ
for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = ńuż@ńFXńdńp, CńŃյż}źWśi
every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = ĄŚĄ\ŻąĄC ŚpżAłwĄSżłłś, еłĄUĄC
First, you will get rid you of this message and = Ąż, żAąNĄiąółoÓłĄ, MąCĄńń
all the reminders during the game, and it will = ŚłłĄUŁĄ, ŚÓłoń]ĄiĄHĄżUż
help me improve it again. And you won't have to = ~ŹćołoÓ{ŚĄĄC nŹO, żAŚAń]
pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = ńŁĄŹsĄĄIśOńŻńF !
Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = ĄSżłłśŹOżڰń@ŚŹńJ, ĄHŚpGżAńŁłĄU,
work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = żڴNLkń@ŹćołoÓ{ŚĄĄC
fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = nąDŚpŚółĄU, Ąuneą "żUĄś"
menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = żłć, ńU "ńe", ą "Notes", M
instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = Ó۫ńްĄC ŚA׷P, ɨąCĄża !
If you experience any problems, please read the = ŚpGżAoĄĄŚóŻD, ŚbeĄXślĄóe
help file extensively before sending a mail ! = ԲÓ\ŪżąĄśńĄó !
And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = OŚ : ĄSżłłśŹO 100% ĄiŚ۩w !
Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = T{żAńwԲÓ\ŪĄ\ŻąMĄśńĄó !



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