Chinese Kungfu

Chinese Kungfu
Wudang mountain is one of the most famous Daoist holy mountains in China. Also known as Tai he mountain, it is
situated in Hubei Province near Shi Yan city. There are 72 peaks in the area, as well as 36 sheer cliffs and overhanging
rocks, 24 ravines and 11 caverns. The highest peak and temple in the range is Jin Ding, which rises to an elevation of
1,612 meters.
As the largest existing Daoist complex, Wudang has been built up over several centuries. The first temples on Mount
Wudang were constructed during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). By this time Daoism had become a state religion,
coexisting with both Buddhism and Confucianism as one of the three great religions of China.
Daoist culture has existed on Wudang since the East Han Dynasty (25-220). The movement began with a few early
Daoists settling on the mountain in order to practice their worship of nature.
In the Song dynasty, the legendary Daoist priest Zhang San Feng achieved immortality at Wudang and is credited with
originating concepts of internal martial arts, specifically Tai Ji Quan (13 postures).
Well into the Ming dynasty, there was a surge in building temples at Wudang that honor Zhen Wu, a prince that left
everything behind to study inner alchemy.
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Wudang Taoist Traditional Kung Fu Academy
Website: E-Mail: ,
Mobile: (0086)135-978-86695 Address: Wudangshan, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China 442714
1 of 1 7/8/2010 9:54 PM


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