classsf 1 1SocketTCP

SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Class List Class Index Class Hierarchy Class Members sf::SocketTCP sf::SocketTCP Class ReferenceSocketTCP wraps a socket using TCP protocol to send data safely (but a bit slower). More... #include <SocketTCP.hpp> List of all members. Public Member Functions  SocketTCP ()  Default constructor. void SetBlocking (bool Blocking)  Change the blocking state of the socket. Socket::Status Connect (unsigned short Port, const IPAddress &HostAddress, float Timeout=0.f)  Connect to another computer on a specified port. bool Listen (unsigned short Port)  Listen to a specified port for incoming data or connections. Socket::Status Accept (SocketTCP &Connected, IPAddress *Address=NULL)  Wait for a connection (must be listening to a port). Socket::Status Send (const char *Data, std::size_t Size)  Send an array of bytes to the host (must be connected first). Socket::Status Receive (char *Data, std::size_t MaxSize, std::size_t &SizeReceived)  Receive an array of bytes from the host (must be connected first). Socket::Status Send (Packet &PacketToSend)  Send a packet of data to the host (must be connected first). Socket::Status Receive (Packet &PacketToReceive)  Receive a packet from the host (must be connected first). bool Close ()  Close the socket. bool IsValid () const  Check if the socket is in a valid state ; this function can be called any time to check if the socket is OK. bool operator== (const SocketTCP &Other) const  Comparison operator ==. bool operator!= (const SocketTCP &Other) const  Comparison operator !=. bool operator< (const SocketTCP &Other) const  Comparison operator <. Friends class Selector< SocketTCP > Detailed Description SocketTCP wraps a socket using TCP protocol to send data safely (but a bit slower). Definition at line 45 of file SocketTCP.hpp. Constructor & Destructor Documentation sf::SocketTCP::SocketTCP (  )  Default constructor. Definition at line 47 of file SocketTCP.cpp. Member Function Documentation Socket::Status sf::SocketTCP::Accept ( SocketTCP &  Connected, IPAddress *  Address = NULL  ) Wait for a connection (must be listening to a port). This function will block if the socket is blocking Parameters: Connected : Socket containing the connection with the connected client Address : Pointer to an address to fill with client infos (NULL by default) Returns:Status code This function will block if the socket is blocking Definition at line 206 of file SocketTCP.cpp. bool sf::SocketTCP::Close (  )  Close the socket. Returns:True if operation has been successful Definition at line 406 of file SocketTCP.cpp. Socket::Status sf::SocketTCP::Connect ( unsigned short  Port, const IPAddress &  HostAddress, float  Timeout = 0.f  ) Connect to another computer on a specified port. Parameters: Port : Port to use for transfers (warning : ports < 1024 are reserved) HostAddress : IP Address of the host to connect to Timeout : Maximum time to wait, in seconds (0 by default : no timeout) (this parameter is ignored for non-blocking sockets) Returns:True if operation has been successful Definition at line 70 of file SocketTCP.cpp. bool sf::SocketTCP::IsValid (  )  const Check if the socket is in a valid state ; this function can be called any time to check if the socket is OK. Check if the socket is in a valid state ; this function can be called any time to check if the socket is OK. Returns:True if the socket is valid Definition at line 429 of file SocketTCP.cpp. bool sf::SocketTCP::Listen ( unsigned short  Port  )  Listen to a specified port for incoming data or connections. Parameters: Port : Port to listen to Returns:True if operation has been successful Definition at line 169 of file SocketTCP.cpp. bool sf::SocketTCP::operator!= ( const SocketTCP &  Other  )  const Comparison operator !=. Parameters: Other : Socket to compare Returns:True if *this != Other Definition at line 447 of file SocketTCP.cpp. bool sf::SocketTCP::operator< ( const SocketTCP &  Other  )  const Comparison operator <. Provided for compatibility with standard containers, as comparing two sockets doesn't make much sense... Parameters: Other : Socket to compare Returns:True if *this < Other Provided for compatibility with standard containers, as comparing two sockets doesn't make much sense... Definition at line 458 of file SocketTCP.cpp. bool sf::SocketTCP::operator== ( const SocketTCP &  Other  )  const Comparison operator ==. Parameters: Other : Socket to compare Returns:True if *this == Other Definition at line 438 of file SocketTCP.cpp. Socket::Status sf::SocketTCP::Receive ( Packet &  PacketToReceive  )  Receive a packet from the host (must be connected first). This function will block if the socket is blocking Parameters: PacketToReceive : Packet to fill with received data Returns:Status code This function will block if the socket is blocking Definition at line 340 of file SocketTCP.cpp. Socket::Status sf::SocketTCP::Receive ( char *  Data, std::size_t  MaxSize, std::size_t &  SizeReceived  ) Receive an array of bytes from the host (must be connected first). This function will block if the socket is blocking Parameters: Data : Pointer to a byte array to fill (make sure it is big enough) MaxSize : Maximum number of bytes to read SizeReceived : Number of bytes received Returns:Status code This function will block if the socket is blocking Definition at line 272 of file SocketTCP.cpp. Socket::Status sf::SocketTCP::Send ( Packet &  PacketToSend  )  Send a packet of data to the host (must be connected first). Parameters: PacketToSend : Packet to send Returns:Status code Definition at line 314 of file SocketTCP.cpp. Socket::Status sf::SocketTCP::Send ( const char *  Data, std::size_t  Size  ) Send an array of bytes to the host (must be connected first). Parameters: Data : Pointer to the bytes to send Size : Number of bytes to send Returns:Status code Definition at line 235 of file SocketTCP.cpp. void sf::SocketTCP::SetBlocking ( bool  Blocking  )  Change the blocking state of the socket. The default behaviour of a socket is blocking Parameters: Blocking : Pass true to set the socket as blocking, or false for non-blocking Definition at line 56 of file SocketTCP.cpp. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: SocketTCP.hppSocketTCP.cpp  ::  Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved  ::  Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2  :: 


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