Ligament Support (Ankle Joint) KT method

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Screening Test Tape Specification KT Method
KT Method
Ligament Support (Ankle Joint)
Movie for broad-band (300kbps)
Patient position: supine with knee
extended and ankle dorsiflexed
With minimum tension applied at he
ends, apply the central section of the
tape over the distal tibiofibular joint.
Pull both ends of the tape with equal
tension away from the central portion
and apply the tape over the medial
and lateral aspects of the ankle joint.
Completed Kinesio Tex application:
ankle distal tibiofibular joint
0124-LG-AN Ligament Support (Ankle Joint) Go
Copyright © 2005-2007 Kinesio Taping Association. All Rights Reserved 2007-12-22


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