I just love eating!
Student s Worksheet
A. Put the names of the meals
in the order in which they
are eaten.
B. Put the words in the right columns:
chicken, onion, yogurt, apple, lemonade, chocolate, tomato, beans, mayonnaise, coke, biscuits, cheese, herring,
lettuce, lime, carrot, lollipop, grapefruit, pepper, strawberry, poultry, cheesecake, lamb, orange, cucumber, sardines,
steak, jaffa cake, ham, salmon, caulifl ower, ketchup, coffee, mustard, sweetcorn, bacon, pineapple, peach,
doughnut, butter, peanuts, sausage, milk, trout, turkey, tonic, pear, flounder, juice, vinegar, eggs, pork, lemon, tuna,
cabbage, beer, apple pie, crisps, banana, water, salt, beef, cod, potato, cake
Fruit Vegetables Fish Meat Dairy Sweets Drinks Other
C. Match the adjectives in the left column with their opposites from the right column:
1. delicious a) fattening
2. fresh b) rare
3. well-done c) stale
4. mild d) spicy
5. sweet e) disgusting
6. sugar free f) sour
© Macmillan Polska 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE
I just love eating!
Teacher s Notes
by B. Skulski
Type of activity: individual work, pair work B.
(follow-up) Give your students 15 minutes to complete
the activity. Check the answers:
Focus: to revise vocabulary from the sixth of
the Gimnazjum Exam topics - Żywienie
Fruit: apple, banana, grapefruit, lemon,
Level/age group: gimnazjum, grade 3
lime, orange, peach, pear, pineapple,
Time: 45 minutes strawberry
Vegetables: beans, cabbage, carrot,
Preparation: Copy the worksheet (one per
cauliflower, cucumber, lettuce, onion,
potato, sweetcorn, tomato
Fish: cod, flounder, herring, salmon,
sardines, trout, tuna
Ask the students the following questions:
Meat: bacon, beef, chicken, ham, lamb,
pork, poultry, sausage, steak, turkey
1. What s your favourite fruit?
Dairy: butter, cheese, eggs, milk, yogurt
2. What s your favourite vegetable?
Sweets: apple pie, biscuit, cake,
cheesecake, chocolate, doughnut, jaffa
3. What s your favourite drink?
cake, lollipop
Drinks: beer, coffee, coke, juice,
lemonade, tonic, water
1. students answers Other: crisps, ketchup, mayonnaise,
mustard, peanuts, pepper, salt, vinegar
2. students answers
3. students answers
Give your students 10 minutes to complete
Hand out the copies of the worksheet.
the activity. Check the answers:
Give your students 5 minutes to complete
1 e, 2 c, 3 b, 4 d, 5 f, 6 a
the activity. Check the answers:
Suggested follow-up:
1. breakfast
Put the students into pairs (A and B). Student A
2. brunch
describes his favourite dish (its taste, what
3. lunch
ingredients are used). Student B has to guess
4. dinner
what dish it is. Then they swap roles.
5. dessert
6. supper
© Macmillan Polska 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE
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