English for Medical S&D Practical English dialogues

English-for-Medical-S&D-Practical-English-dialogues Created by Anna Has - 1 -
Dialogue 1
Unit 1 Features of the Human Body
Doctor Good morning, Mrs. Roberts. What .......................... to be the ............................. ? (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Patient I feel a terrible ........................ in my back; it s my spine, I suppose. I can t ........................ down. I can t (E for MS&D/1 unit)
........................ anything up and I even can t ........................ my shoe laces.
Doctor Which part of your back ............ ........................... (affect)? (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Patient The ........................ of my back, the loin. (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Doctor What kind of pain ............ .............? (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Patient It s a very sharp, stabbing ......................... (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Doctor ............ ............ ........................ (radiate) anywhere? (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Patient Yes, it ............. It runs ........................ the left leg and then ........................ the thigh, ........................to the (E for MS&D/1 unit)
calf, foot and toes.
Doctor How long ............ you ........................ this pain? (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Patient For three days. It ........................ (start) when my husband and I ............ ........................ (move) the (E for MS&D/1 unit)
furniture. You see, we ve just ........................ to a new house. I think , I ........................ ............
........................ (overdo) things a little.
Doctor ............ anything ........................ it better? (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Patient If I ................ (lie ) ............, then the pain ..................... away, but when I ...................... (stand) ............ , (E for MS&D/1 unit)
immediately ...................... back.
Doctor ............ you ........................ any tingling sensation in your hands or feet? (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Patient No, I ........................ . (E for MS&D/1 unit)
Dialogue 2
Unit 2 The Anatomical Position
Doctor Now, I m ........................ to examine you. I d ........................ you to ........................ ........................ on (E for MS&D/2 unit)
the couch with your legs parallel ............ each other, stretched out ............ front of you. Put your arms
............ he sides. Try to ........................ your head up slowly ........... far ........... you can. ........... you
........................ any pain in your back now?
Patient No, I don t . (E for MS&D/2 unit)
Doctor That s OK. Now, lift your leg ............ straight without ....................... your knee and then bring it (E for MS&D/2 unit)
........................ Repeat this with your left leg. ............ you ...................... anything?
Patient Oh, yes. This time I ........................ a sharp stab in my lower back. (E for MS&D/2 unit)
Doctor Stand ............, please. Keep your legs ......................, feet together. I d ...................... you to...................... (E for MS&D/2 unit)
forwards as far as you can and then the same backwards. Now, I ...................... you to bend forwards again.
Try to touch your toes ............your fingers.
Patient I ................ bend farther, doctor. It ....................... . (E for MS&D/2 unit)
Doctor That s enough. Thank you, Mrs Roberts. (E for MS&D/2 unit)
Dialogue 3
Unit 4 Functions of the Skin and its Diseases
Patient It s my little daugher this time, doctor. She s ........................ a bad rash on her neck and chest. (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Doctor How long ............ it ............ ........................ you? (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Patient It wasn t there when I ........................ (bath) her last night. (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Doctor What about her face and other parts of the body? ............ they ........................ by the rash, too? (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Patient Yes, I ........................ some red patches on her cheeks and thighs. Her neck and chest ........................ (E for MS&D/4 unit)
........................ (not look) nice, really.
Doctor ........................ you describe the rash? (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Patient Her skin in these sights is reddened, slightly swollen, warm and itching. She s ........................ (scratch) all (E for MS&D/4 unit)
the time.
Doctor ........................ you ........................ anything else? (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Patient No, I ........................... . My temperature is normal, but she s ........................ irritable and crying. (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Doctor ........... ........... ever ................ a rash like this before? (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Patient No, she .................. It s the first .................. I ve .................. it. (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Doctor ........... ........... allergic ........... anything? (E for MS&D/4 unit)
Patient So far, I ................ ................ (not notice) any allergy, but I ................... some bath oil to her and parhaps (E for MS&D/4 unit)
she is allergic ........... it. Is .............. anything you could give her that would clear ........... the problem?
Doctor I ll ........................ her some ointment and anthitamine drugs to ........................ itching. That will help her to (E for MS&D/4 unit)
sleep ................. night, too.
Dialogue 4
Unit 5 The Body Cavities
Doctor Well, Mr, Sawitch. What ........................ you here today? (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Patient I ve ........... ........................ feverish for a couple of months. Every morning, when I ........................my (E for MS&D/5 unit)
temperature, it s slightly ........................ , it s 37,4 o C. I don t know the reason ........... it and I d
........................ you ........... sort it out.
Doctor ........... ........... ........................ how long exactly you ve ........................ feverish? (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Patient I m not sure, but I think I ve ........................ ........................ like this ........... about six months. (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Doctor ........... from fever, ........... there any other problems? (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Patient I ve ............. weak and tired almost ........... the time. It seems I ve ........................ all my energy. (E for MS&D/5 unit)
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Doctor ........... ........... ........................ any pain in your muscles? (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Patient Yes, a little. (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Doctor And what ........................ your weight. .................. .................. .................. any weight lately? (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Patient Yes, ............. ............. , about five kilograms. (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Doctor ............. ............. ............. ............. (cough)? (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Patient Oh, yes, I .............. (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Doctor ............. ............. ................. any pain in your chest? (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Patient Only when I m .......................... . (E for MS&D/5 unit)
Dialogue 5
Unit 7 The Respiratory System
Doctor Hello, Mr Adams. ............. Dr Evans. (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Patient Hello, Dr Evans. (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Doctor How are you ......................... today? Are you a............. better? (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Patient Not too well, I m afraid. I have a pain in my chest and I ......................... a lot. I also ......................... a (E for MS&D/7 unit)
......................... throat and hoarsness.
Doctor When ............. it all ......................... (begin)? (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Patient It all ......................... two days ............. and today it s much worse. I even have some ......................... with (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Doctor What kind of cough ............. you ............. ? ............. you ......................... anything ............. when you (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Patient At first it was a dry ......................... but now I ve ................... ......................... some phlegm. (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Doctor ............. you ......................... any pain in your back on ......................... ? (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Patient Oh, yes. When I ......................... and acute ......................... both in my chest and back. (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Doctor ......................... you ......................... a fever? (E for MS&D/7 unit)
Patient Yes, ............. .............. When I ........................ temperature this morning it ........................ 37.8 o C but (E for MS&D/7 unit)
later it ........................ ............. to 38.6 o C.
Doctor Now, I m going to ........................ you. ........................ you ........................ to your waist? I ll have a (E for MS&D/7 unit)
........................ at your throat and then ........................... your chest. ........................your mouth as
........................ as you can. Say  ah . ........................ your tongue ............. as far ............. you can. Take a
few deep ........................ in and ............. through your nose, please. Stop ........................ for a
Dialogue 6
Unit 8 Respiration and Diseases of the Respiratory System.
Doctor Good morning, Mr Walker. How ............. you today? (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Patient Not so good. (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Doctor I understand you still ................... some pain in you chest. (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Patient Yes. It s very bad, especially when I ........................ . (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Doctor ................... you back ................... , too? (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Patient Yes, it ................... I frequently ...................... difficulties ................... breathing. (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Doctor What s your temperature? (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Patient Not very high; 37.5 o C. (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Doctor I see. Now, where exactly ................... ................... ................... this pain? (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Patient Here, Right along here. (E for MS&D/8 unit)
Doctor Thank you for a moment. Now, I m ....................... to examine you. ......................... a deep (E for MS&D/8 unit)
......................... with your mouth.
Doctor (After an examination) I d .......................... you to have some specialist investigations done in order to (E for MS&D/8 unit)
......................... out the ......................... of your problem. First of all, you ll have to get your
chest.............................. . Then for three ............................ mornings you have to bring to the pathology
laboratory a ............................ of phlegm that you ............................ .......... in the morining in order to
find the pathogen responsible .................... your disease. Next, it will be necessary to ..........................
bronchoscopy. In this examination a narrow flexible .......................... is .......................... to your
.......................... and lungs to observe them and .......................... samples the tissue of your lungs, called
.......................... . Don t worry, you ll get a local .......................... before the tube is ..........................
.......................... into your lungs, so that you .......................... not feel any pain. You will ............
............................... to hospital for a day to have it ...........................
Dialogue 7
Unit 9 The Blood and its Disorders.
Doctor Hello, Robert. I don t want to .......................... your time, but can you .......................... me some moments? (E for MS&D/9 unit)
Consultant Certainly. What .......................... I .......................... for you? (E for MS&D/9 unit)
Doctor I need a .......................... of advice. A patient, a 45-year-old male, hypertensive, obese with some specific (E for MS&D/9 unit)
symptoms .................. ............................... to my ward three days ago. His pulse was 100 per min.,
respiration 18 per min., blood .......................... 165/100 mmHg, the chest X-ray ..........................
elargement of the left ventricle and pulmonary oedema. He .......................... a .......................... of chest
pain, .......................... headaches, occasional dizziness and dyspnoea ............ exertion of about one year
.......................... . He has had increasing angina pectoris which ................ ................ present at ................ .
There ................ no ...................... of ankle oedema. There is a positive family .......................
Consultant What ...................... his blood and urine ...................... ? (E for MS&D/9 unit)
Doctor His red blood ...................... is 3,120/mm3, Hb 8g/dl, white blood ...................... 15,000/mm3, (E for MS&D/9 unit)
............................... rate 20. His urine ...................... the ...................... .... of some proteins and bacteria,
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mainly Escherichia coli.
Consultant ......................... electrocardiogram and echocardiogram ......................... .............................? (E for MS&D/9 unit)
Doctor Yes. they have. His ECG ......................... a little left ventricular hyperthrophy and strain, the ST segment is (E for MS&D/9 unit)
decreased, the T wave ......................... normal, the rate and rhythm od his heart appears to be all right. His
echocardiogram ......................... hyperthrophy of the left ventricle.
Consultant ......................... you ............................ ultrasonograophy of the kidneys? (E for MS&D/9 unit)
Doctor Yes, I have but I ......................... ......................... the result yet. (E for MS&D/9 unit)
Consultant When the ......................... come, we ll see it is primary or secondary hypertension and what ......................... (E for MS&D/9 unit)
should .................. .......................... In ......................... there s a proved kidney ......................... , I d
...................... him on proper antibiotics, one of beta blockers and possibly diuretics.
Dialogue 8
Unit 11 The Digestive System
Mrs. Jones Good morning, doctor. It s Mrs. Jones ......................... . I m terribly ......................... ......................... (E for MS&D/11 unit)
my husband. He ......................... very sick. He ...................... an acute stomachache, nausea and he can t
Doctor How long ..................... he ......................... ......................... like this? (E for MS&D/11 unit)
Mrs. Jones Since last Monday. (E for MS&D/11 unit)
Doctor What s his appetite ......................... ? (E for MS&D/11 unit)
Mrs. Jones He ......................... ......................... his appetite, he s ......................... .................. food .................. the (E for MS&D/11 unit)
last three days.
Doctor .................. he .................. ............................. ? (E for MS&D/11 unit)
Mrs. Jones Hes, he .................. . He .................. ............................. twice today. He is very weak and sweating (E for MS&D/11 unit)
terribly all the time.
Doctor Are his bowel............................. all right? (E for MS&D/11 unit)
Mrs. Jones They ......................, until Monday. Then, he .................... diarrhoea. .................... you come, doctor, and (E for MS&D/11 unit)
see my husband ............. soon ............ possible? He s so bad that I can t .................... him to your
Doctor Don t worry. I ll be at your ....................... in half an hor and ........................... a good ....................... (E for MS&D/11 unit)
at your husband. I ll also ....................... some drugs to ....................... the symtoms.
Dialogue 9
Unit 12 The Process of Digestion and Gastrointenstinal Disorders
Dr. Evans Good Morning, Mr Benson. This is Dr. Burns, a ....................... in diseases of the digestive (E for MS&D/12 unit)
....................... . Would you ....................... very much if Dr. Burns and I ....................... you several
Mr. Benson Yes, fine. I d be ........................... to answer your ......................... . (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Evans This is Mr. Benson, who is 51 years old. He ....................... ........... an accountant for a big firm. He is (E for MS&D/12 unit)
......................., with three children. Mr. Benson s problem are ....................... ulcers.
Dr. Burns What ....................... his complaints ............... admission? (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Evans A severe, burning upper abdominal pain, tenderness ............... deep and superficial palpation, nausea, (E for MS&D/12 unit)
vomiting, constipation, occasional melaena and ............... of appetite.
Dr. Burns When ............... Mr. Benson .......................... to hospital? (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Evans Five days ago. (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Burns How long ............... ............... ............... .......................... by these symptoms, Mr. Benson? (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Mr. Benson The pain ........................... about two years ................ . ............... first the pain .............................. in (E for MS&D/12 unit)
spring and autumn. It .......................... continuous pain, it was ................ and off. It was ................
about an hour after a meal. But now I feel it ................ the time.
Dr. Burns Was there anything that relieved the pain? (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Evans Oh yes. Some food and a glas of milk seemed to make it better. Now, no relief at all. (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Burns ................ you .......................... where it .......................... ? (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Mr. Benson Right here. (indicating the epigastric abdominal area) (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Burns .......................... you .......................... any .......................... ? (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Mr. Benson Nearly eight kilos in the last two months. I ve .......................... no appetite, you see. (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Burns What .......................... smoking and drinking? (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Mr. Benson I .......................... about 20 cigarettes a day and drink a .......................... of beer a day. (E for MS&D/12 unit)
Dr. Burns I d .......................... to check you abdomen. Could you .......................... ............ you pyjamas top, (E for MS&D/12 unit)
please, Mr. Benson? Thank you. Now, lie flat, hands by your sides. Try to .......................... your
abdominal muscles. Breathe ........... and ........... slowly. I m going to .......................... here a little.
Let me know if it .......................... you here.
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Dialogue 10
Unit 13 The Urinary System and its Disorders
Mrs. Miller ........... this Dr. Martin s surgery? (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Dr. Martin Yes, and ............... Dr. Martin speaking. (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Mrs. Miller Good morning, doctor. It s Mrs. Miller here. I m terribly .......................... about my husband. (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Dr. Martin .......................... the trouble with him, Mrs Miller? (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Mrs. Miller He .......................... an awful pain in his back. He says it s a deep pain in the lower part of his back. He (E for MS&D/13 unit
also had some .......................... of nausea an vomiting. His temperature is...........................
Dr. Martin How long ............... he ............... these symptoms? (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Mrs. Miller It all .......................... yesterday evening. The pain .......................... suddenly at about 7 p.m. (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Dr. Martin Has he got any difficulty in .......................... water? (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Mrs. Miller Oh yes, he ........................... He says he feels a burning pain while .......................... water. Now he can t (E for MS&D/13 unit)
......................... his water at all because it .......................... him badly.
Dr. Martin ............... he ............... any urinary ......................... infection lately? (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Mrs. Miller Ye, he ............... A year ago he .............. acute pyelonephritis. He got it after flu complications but since (E for MS&D/13 unit)
then he s ......................... all right.
Dr. Martin ............... your husband ......................... any blood in his ......................... ? (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Mrs. Miller Yes, this morning he ......................... some traces of blood. (E for MS&D/13 unit)
Dr. Martin I m afraid it ......................... be the ......................... stone or some kidney infection. Pain and retention (E for MS&D/13 unit)
of urine ......................... it but I can ......................... exactly after the examination of your husband. I
think I shall take him to ............................ for urinalysis, urography, scintigraphy of kidneys and other
Dialogue 11
Unit 14 The Nervous System and its Disorders
Doctor Good morning, Mr. Walker. ............................ the problem? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient Good morning, doctor. I ve ............................ ............................ by acute headaches. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor How long ............................ you ............................ them? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient ............... about four months, but they ve ............................ so bad recently that I had to ............................ (E for MS&D/14 unit)
a few weeks ............... work.
Doctor How often ............... you ............... them? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient Nearly every day. They re usually ............... worse in the afternoon and early evening when I (E for MS&D/14 unit)
.................... back from work.
Doctor What ............... the headaches .....................? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient It s a persistent throbbing ..............., mainly at the front. Sometimes I ........................... tightness at the (E for MS&D/14 unit)
back of my head. Generally, the left part of my head behind the eye seems to be more ............................
Besides, I often feel sick.
Doctor ............... anything ...................... the headache better or worse? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient I ............................ that lying down for a while............................ the pain. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor Finally, I d ............................ to ask you some ............................ about your general health and habits. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
................ ................ ............................?
Patient Yes, about 20 cigarettes ................ day. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor That s too bad . What ................ alcohol? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient Only ................ parties and even then not much. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor ................ anyone from your family ......................... ................ a headache or migraine? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient My mother frequently................ migraine and my father died ................ a brain tumour. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor You ll .................... specialist examinations .................. , such as X-ray of your skull, (E for MS&D/14 unit)
electroencephalogram and magnetic ...................................... imaging to find the ........................ of your
headaches and prescribe a proper therapy.
Dialogue 12
Unit 15 The Eye and its Disorders
Doctor I ve got a letter from your doctor, in which he says that you ve ................... problems with your sight. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient Yes, that s right, doctor, especially my right eye ......................... to be really bad so that I can t (E for MS&D/14 unit)
................ properly and I ......................... to have problems with my work.
Doctor Where ............... you ...........................? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient I m a salesman. I distribute various stuff. I hardly see any letters on the labels. It happened several times (E for MS&D/14 unit)
and I ........................... (misread) the price and my chief was angry ................... me.
Doctor I see. I d ................... to examine your eyes and perhaps we will start with the chart. Look at the chart, (E for MS&D/14 unit)
please. ................... ................... ................... any letters?
Patient No, I can t. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor ................ your left eye, can you read the letters I ll point ................? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient P S W R. That s all I can see. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor With this lens, is ................... any difference? Can you read the printed letters? (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Patient Oh yes. Now, I ................... ................... all small letters: A C K L O. (E for MS&D/14 unit)
Doctor Now. ................... me check your left eye. (E for MS&D/14 unit)


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