english01 Medycyna komórkowa

Sunday, February 2, 2003
Make Health - Not War!
Open Letter by Matthias Rath M.D.
to US-President George Bush
to the Leaders of the World
to the American People
and the People of the World
 On the eve of a possible world war, I am calling upon you to stop any military action! Make
Health-Not War! This war is not in the interest of the people of the world but of special interest
groups that include - beside the oil industry - also the pharmaceutical industry. Or was it a coinci-
dence that the pharmaceutical industry - not the oil industry - was the main sponsor of the  war
agenda during the last US-elections in November 2002?
Dr. Matthias Rath is the physician and scientist who led the
breakthrough in the natural control of cardiovascular dis-
At the beginning of the 21st century mankind stands at the cross roads. Advances in the field of nat- ease and cancer. He is member of the New York Academy
ural health will save millions of lives but threaten the very existence of the multi-trillion dollar phar- of Sciences and other renowned scientific organisations.
maceutical investment industry, that is based on patents and the continuation of diseases. This
Already 10 years ago, the late Dr. Linus Pauling, recipient
entire industry is in a battle for survival. A prolonged international crisis and the curtailing of civil
of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Peace stated: "Your
rights play right into their hands.
discoveries are so important for millions of people that they
threaten entire industries. One day there may even be
The people of America, the people of the world need a strategic plan to combat these special inter- wars just to prevent this breakthrough from being
ests, to stop funding them and to ensure long-term peace and health for this planet. This plan was
widely accepted. This is the time, when you need to
presented at the World Summit in Johannesburg in August 2002 and is now being implemented in
stand up!" - This time is now.-
more and more countries.
Natural Health for All by the Year 2020 is Possible!
Health is a basic human right. Every years that will reduce the incidence of com- about this breakthrough in natural health these two interest groups are incompati-
1 person is entitled to make use of this mon diseases in the industrialized countries can be spread. Whilst the scientific knowl- ble by their very nature. Similarly, in the
right without any restriction. Public institu- as well as in the developing world, to a frac- edge to combat these diseases effectively is battle to save human lives against the
tions and private organizations are to be held tion of their current frequency. The primary available and the essential nutrients to pre- profits from patented drugs, every gov-
accountable for providing life-saving health cause of the world's most common health vent these health conditions can be produced ernment, every public and private institu-
information to the people of the world. The conditions is a chronic deficiency of at low costs, in any quantity, anywhere in the tion has to take a decision on which side
obstruction of the right to essential health micronutrients, essential for optimum cel- world, the dissemination of this life-saving they stand. And they will be held account-
information for everyone constitutes a crime lular energy metabolism as well as optimum information to the people of the world is able by history.
against humanity. connective tissue stability. being obstructed.
The goal "Health for All by the
Today, health is not available to every In the industrialized world, the lead- The pharmaceutical industry tries to 10 Year 2020" is in sight. What is
2 human being for good reasons. These 5 ing causes of death are heart attacks, 8 protect its global drug market by out- needed immediately is a worldwide effort to
include social injustice, military conflicts cancer, strokes, diabetes and high blood lawing natural remedies. Effective, non- promote the dissemination of natural health
and others. Another significant reason is the pressure. Using the available knowledge in patentable and affordable natural health benefits in every country.
fact that the most profitable industry on nutritional research and cellular medicine, approaches threaten the very existence of the
earth, the pharmaceutical industry, is an these health conditions can be significantly pharmaceutical industry. The multi-trillion I call upon
investment industry based upon the exis- reduced and hundreds of millions of lives dollar global pharmaceutical market is · The United Nations Organizations
tence and continuation of diseases - can be saved. dependent on synthetic drugs that allow and other international organiza-
despite declarations to the contrary. Low- an excessively high return on investment tions to promote natural health poli-
cost prevention, treatment and elimination of In the developing world, two billion based on the patentability of those drugs. cies by all means available;
diseases threaten this multi-trillion dollar 6 people suffer from deficiencies in To secure the continued existence of the · Politicians in every country to imple-
pharmaceutical"business with disease . micronutrients, according to United pharmaceutical industry as the most prof- ment natural health as an integral
Nations Organizations. Avitaminosis is a itable industry on earth, large corporations part of national health policies;
Most efforts to improve health on a leading cause of disease resulting in blind- embarked on a global battle to outlaw the · Health professionals to utilize natu-
3 global scale have failed thus far. The ness in millions and promoting infectious dissemination of natural health informa- ral health approaches to improve the
World Health Organization's effort "Health diseases -including AIDS- in hundreds of tion. To that effect the pharmaceutical indus- health of your patients.
for All by the Year 2000" could not reach its millions by compromising cellular defense try abuses the United Nations "Codex I call upon every man and woman to
goals because it did not distinctly separate mechanisms in their bodies. Taking advan- Alimentarius Commission" and other spread this life-saving information in
itself from the global "business with dis- tage of the knowledge of nutritional medi- national and international bodies. order to protect your life and that of mil-
ease." It focused instead on administrative cine already available today, billions of lives lions of others.
healthcare changes, rather than taking can be saved in the developing world. The people of the world face one of
advantage of global advances in medicine. 9 the largest challenges in human histo- Matthias Rath, M.D
The eradication of today's most com- ry. The right to health and life for billions of
Advances in the field of natural med- 7 mon health problems is dependent on people is being threatened by the profit World Summit,
4 icine have been made over recent one factor only: how fast the information interests of a few shareholders. The goals of Johannesburg 2002
Many Countries Are Implementing This Breakthrough:
The World Summit was attended by over one Dubai to study and promote alternative countries Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, tries use scientific information already available
hundred Heads of State. Many countries acted health programs for the people in the Arab Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe and in the fight against cardiovascular disease, can-
on this plan and adopted natural health policies Emirates. Angola are establishing similar community- cer and infectious diseases - including AIDS.
to improve the health of their people. based nutrition programs nationwide. E.g., studies published in the Proceedings of the
Prominent examples are: " South Africa. The South African govern- US National Academy of Sciences prove that
ment recognized the critical role of micronu- " UN-Food and Agricultural Organization vitamin C alone is able to inhibit HIV virus
" Jordan. All school children and students trients for strengthening the immune system (FAO) launched an international campaign activity by more than 99% (!).
will receive free vitamin supplementation in combating infectious diseases like tuber- in November 2002  Food is the first medi-
composed of Vitamin C, B-Vitamins, culosis and AIDS. Bread will be vitamin cine for HIV/AIDS . Further information and copies of the studies
Vitamin D, Folic Acid and Iron. enriched nationwide to protect the poorest can be found and downloaded from the website
part of the population from malnutrition. below.
" United Arab Emirates. A 1.8 billion dollar
Natural Health City will be established in " Other African Countries. The sub-Saharan In implementing these programs, these coun-
Why the Pharmaceutical Industry
Is Backing a War Agenda:
Every country that adopts a national policy based " Donald Rumsfeld has been the CEO and Board " The first  benefactors from the  Homeland
on effective natural therapies is a nail in the coffin member of several pharmaceutical multina- Security Act where the drug companies,
of the pharmaceutical  business with disease .In the tionals (Searle, Gilead etc.). Now he is the receiving guaranteed immunity for any side
global battle between natural health and the finan- fiercest war advocate in the Bush administra- effects of their products!
cial interests of the drug companies there can be tion and controls where and how long the
only one winner. bombs fall. " In his State of the Union Address, President
Bush does not support effective natural
That is why the pharmaceutical interest groups The following facts now also appear in a new health, but promises a 400 billion dollar (!)
have placed their lobbyists in key political posi- light: subsidy program for the drug companies
tions: under the cover of Medicare.
" The pharmaceutical industry was the single
" George Bush and Tony Blair are the heads of largest industry group sponsoring the war agen- " And even the surprising 15 billion dollar sup- the people of Africa. Despite effective and
the two leading export nations of pharmaceuti- da of the Bush administration during the port for AIDS treatment in Africa will primari- affordable alternatives they are kept in depend-
cal products. They are also the most aggressive November 2002 elections. ly benefit the drug companies - not ency of the pharmaceutical Cartel.
war advocates.
 Make Health - Not War!  Matthias Rath, M.D.
More Information: www.dr-rath-health-foundation.org


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