6504C13 SHSpec-58 The Lowest Levels
Research is not wrapped up. A new datum has emerged, and research is
going South. [LRH is researching power processing.] It is not surprising
that the more one discovers in the upper reaches, the more understanding one
has of fundamentals that apply to the bottom.
You've got R6EW. That is holding you nicely. "I'm putting the capper on
the R6 GPM plot." R6 has developed into a series of star-rated processes.
The first is the method of cleaning up out-ruds on yourself. It is a solo
ruds process. Two-terminal auditing is too slow, at Level VI. Solo auditing
all the GPM's on R6 takes about three months, at three to four hours per day.
The end product of this auditing is clear, as we knew it in the earliest days:
no reactive bank at all. A thetan experiences a sense of unfamiliarity at
this level, and he runs into problems, like "How do you handle a body?" He has
to learn to postulate with great rapidity. It is a condition of "too aware".
He has to get used to reading people's minds. He finds that absolute zero is
a proper temperature. Everything else is hot. It is in tiny, but observable
motion, and it is bothersome, at first. He needs re-familiarization. He is
not quite sure what he can do. His framework on whom he must fight changes.
He can start wondering about his sanity, because previously sensible things
seem foolish. He can also get solutions. He can do analyses of situations
that were previously blank puzzles.
The road to OT is one of familiarity. A clear has trouble "trying to
reconcile what has been going on in [his] life with what [he is] now. [He is]
not really able to think very straight about how confused [he was]....
Sometimes it's hard to understand why somebody else is confused." For
instance, try to "wrap your wits around some guy's saying, 'But we gotta get
the Republicans back in power!'" You know they are nutty, too, since you erased your confusion and don't have it around anymore as a standard. "Clear is not necessarily a very tolerant state, but it is not a very antagonistic state, either.... It's not negative.... One is far more positive about things than he ever was before. His reactions are far more vivid."
You have to realize that a thetan can become aberrated without being
implanted or having GPM's. But what really made him unable was GPM's, which
gave him wrong purposes and smashed him down, so that he couldn't have any
purpose of his own. All his own real purposes are suppressed. When you get
out into the open, your own purposes show up, and you start doing what you
would like to do, not what your bank wants you to do. In scientology, we have
been working with what the thetan wants. We only fail with other people when
we treat them as other than a thetan, a being. All thetans want out, even
those that are in an insane asylum, who fight everybody who comes in the
door. Beings are basically good. One reason why the being has consented to
have a bank is that it prevents everyone else from being bad. That is so
far-fetched that no one would ever look for it as the philosophical
fundamental in back of the aberration of Man.
There is aberration that a thetan can get into, based on his ignorance,
his unfamiliarities, his decisions based on no data, etc. Scientology is
built straight around what might happen to a thetan. GPM's gave him reverse
purposes. He decided that, to keep others and himself good, he should have a
bank to prevent himself and them from being bad. The idea was that Man is
bad, and we have to do something to him to make him good. So we all have to
agree to have a bank to keep us from being bad. But the bank cut off the
thetan from all familiarity with himself as he was. The decision to do that
-- to create a bank -- "somehow put him into a condition where he couldn't
conceive of how he had been. It was a cut-off." He is like a guy in a coal
pit who doesn't believe that there is a sun [or Plato's cave metaphor in The
Republic]. He thinks that what he is in is a normal environment. He will
say, "Look. You can see there is no sun or light. That's proof!" That was
the barrier that made someone unsalvageable, before we knew about it.
"As you come up the line, your R gets ... violated [by the wog world].
The higher you get, the more your R is susceptible to violation, but,
fortunately, the more capable you are of standing up to invalidation. It
doesn't mean anything to you." It is vital that someone improve on a
gradient, since a PC's "case gain must not outrun his capability of handling
the new reality."
You can't travel the road to truth halfway. [See the tape: 6211C01
SHSpec-207 "The Road to Truth", pp. 325-329, above.] It is vital that LRH
reorganize and perfect organizations now, because we are at the make-break
point, where it requires a hard push at first, shifting over to a runaway
forward motion. If we released a public book right now, we would cave
ourselves in. The orgs have to be able to expand rapidly, before a flood of
new people hits it. We can push the boom-button any time.
All of a sudden, LRH made a discovery that found the answer to cases that
wouldn't run successfully on Level 0 [Power processing]. There are two levels
below Level 0:
1. Conditions processes.
2. Existence processes.
Existence is below conditions. This antiquated the plans for a boom. So
there have been changes: There are three conditions processes.
Auditing the case on these below-zero processes is a walk in the park.
However, it may take a Class VI to run them, because what flies off the case
comes off so fast that the velocity might be too much for a co-auditor or a
lower-level auditor. These processes handle the no-case-gain case. They were
developed to handle cases that LRH had formerly handled with justice and
ethics. These are the new conditions processes, which could be run at any
point on a case, and which have an exact end-point, beyond which they won't
run further.
Below the conditions processes is existence processing. An existence
process is one in which a person recognizes something about existence.
Mimicry gets at this sideways. Having these processes makes it hard to write
a new public book, because they should be included in the discussion, but not
enough is known about them yet to write about them. Since the new membership
pricing system was created, based on the idea of having a new public book, the
pricing is premature, which backs it up on the orgs. We will get the orgs to
back up and get their organization and sign-up line well in hand. "Look
around here and find something really real to you," is a process at the
existence level. It was a wildcat process from upper-level tech that belongs
at or towards the bottom. You get a person to find one thing that is really
real, in the room. A basic undercutting command might be, "Are you?"
"Something like that.... It's a familiarity, without contact or
communication, and without an awareness of what familiarity is arriving. You
get the shut-off? Because, as you've gone South, you've dropped orientation,
you've dropped perception, ... communication, ... conditions, and you're
[now] in existence.... That existence must be without any of th other
things....[So] what is this level called 'Existence'? How would you audit
something without understanding, orientation, perception, communication, or
the recognition of a condition? ... What do we have left?" We don't know,
but we will!
The new organizational plan is going in faster than it has been
released. You can't keep an org out of it. Despite its current
incompleteness, it is a big magnet that is trying to take existing departments
and put them on it. It is unique, and it works because it is a parallel-line
org board, not a vertical org board. "It operates left and right, not up and
down." One odd characteristic is that each repeating department, as you go
across the board from left to right, has nothing to do with the functions that
follow it but "includes all of the functions which precede it. [Just] try to
squeeze into a department, comfortably, some action which follows it on the
... board, to the right." You get trouble. "Try to get into the orientation
department something about understanding.... Well, that has its own
departmental functions, but ... the next one to ... the right [is] purposes.
Now, let's put [purposes under understanding]. In other words, we're going to
have purposes before we have understanding." You get a mess, organizationally
or in auditing. E.g., "If you try to put something about promotion under
understanding, why, people just sit around and 'understand' that there should
be some promotion."
It was working with the org board that brought to light the lower
sub-zero levels, because the org board is "not an org board at all. It's a
philosophic machine, to which an organization is easily adapted.... It's an
all-devouring monster. Anything that comes near it gets changed for the
better." It gives answers to questions that we have had trouble with before,
like personnel. An ad is kept placed; people come in; they get hired; they
work for two weeks with a staff hat; they go to review; etc. It all gets done
without having to go through any executive. An applicant who calls up for a
job gets a call two days later, saying, "Come on in." He gets a meter-check
(for TA). Then he is routed through F.P. to his place of work for a two week
temporary assignment, at the end of which he goes to review and is either kept
on or told that he needs more training for the job. Even if review boots him
out, he remains an applicant, needing some more preparation before he can have
the job. Review also tells the labor exchange about him, to see if he can get
other employment right away. Review also has a displaced person division, to
give him a meal ticket, get him on a PE course, or co-audit, until he can
function. Then he is hired on a provisional basis for a year. Review
maintains a file of these people for periods of crush labor. The only way
this whole system won't work is if you don't man up the posts. This
employment system is also great for procurement. People come to work and stay
to study. Thus anything that gets near the organization begins to move.
This new organizational structure improves things for the better, whether
people like it or not: It has to be completed before we release the Field
Staff Member program, which will give back-up to field auditors. Private
practice a la MD's must be wrong, since it is failing. It takes quite a team
to process PCs. It is possible to process PCs in an organization, but not in
individual practice.
Suppose you had dissemination technology that would make it so anyone you
talked to would immediately become a scientologist? It exists! It is only
two or three weeks old, not yet released. The person who resists and protests
it is the easiest to get. And if FSM's are sending in all sorts of cases,
even very low-level cases, the organization must be able to handle them right
off the bat. All auditors that were ever trained are now to be called FSM's.
The pay is ten percent of the fee of the person you send in.
A Center is a nucleus of an organization. If it moves even vaguely in
the direction of an org board, it will wind up becoming an organization so
fast, it won't know what happened.
There is a policy that you can't be retrained for a level that you have
already obtained. This goes along with the policy that a checksheet can't be
changed, once you are on it.
There are at least twelve levels above Level VI, and St. Hill will be
teaching those.
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