59 Jam

1:1 James of God and of Lord Jesus Anointed a bond-servant, to the twelve tribes to those in the dispersion, health.
1:2 All joy do you esteem, brethren of me, when temptations you may fall into various;
1:3 knowing, that the proof of you of the faith works out patience.
1:4 The but patience work perfect let have, so that you may be perfect ones and complete ones, in nothing being destitute.
1:5 If but any one of you is destitute of wisdom, let him ask from of the one giving of God to all liberality, and not censuring; and it will be given to him.
1:6 Let him ask but in faith, not hesitating; the for one hesitating is like to a wave of sea being wind-agitated and being tossed.
1:7 Not for let think the man that, that he shall receive anything from the Lord.
1:8 A man of double-soul, unstable in all the ways of himself.
1:9 Let boast but the brother the humble in the humiliation of himself;
1:10 the but rich, in the humiliation of himself; because as a flower of grass he will pass away.
1:11 Rose for the sun with the according heat, and withered the grass, and the flower of it fell off, and the beauty of the face of it perished; thus also the rich man in the ways of himself will fade away.
1:12 Blessed man, who bears up under temptation; because approved having become he will receive the crown of the life, which promised the Lord to those loving him.
1:13 No one being tempted let say: That from a God I am tempted; the for God not tempted is of evils, tempts and he no one.
1:14 Each one but is tempted, by the own inordinate desire being drawn out and being entrapped;
1:15 then the inordinate desire having conceived brings forth sin; the but sin having been perfected brings forth death.
1:16 Not be you let astray, brethren of me beloved ones.
1:17 Every gift good, and every gift perfect, from above is coming down from of the Father of the lights, with whom not one change, or of turning a shade;
1:18 having willed he begot us by a word of truth, in order that to be us, first-fruit a kind of the of himself creatures.
1:19 Therefore, brethren of me beloved ones, let be every man quick in order that to have heard, slow in order that to have spoken, slow in order to wrath.
1:20 Wrath for of man righteousness of God not works out.
1:21 Therefore putting away all filthiness and superabundance of badness, in meekness receive you the implanted word, that being able to save the lives of you.
1:22 Become you but doers of word, and not only hearers, deceiving yourselves.
1:23 Because if any one a hearer of word is and not a doer, this is like a man viewing the face of the birth of himself in a mirror;
1:24 he viewed for himself, and went away, and immediately forgot what sort he was.
1:25 He but having looked intently into a law perfect that of the freedom and having continued, this not a hearer of forgetfulness having become, but a doer of work, this blessed in the doer of himself shall be.
1:26 If any one thinks religious to be, not bridling tongue of himself, but deceiving heart of himself, of this vain the religion.
1:27 Religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father, this is, to oversee orphans and widows in the affliction of them, unspotted himself to keep from the world.
2:1 Brethren of me, not with a respect of persons do you hold the faith of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed of the glory.
2:2 If for may enter into the synagogue of you a man having gold ring on his fingers in a robe splendid, may enter and also a poor man in dirty clothing,
2:3 and you should look on the one wearing the robe the splendid, and you should say: Thou sit here honorably; and to the poor man you should say: Thou stand there, or sit thou here under the footstool of me;
2:4 and not did you make a difference among yourselves and became judges reasonings of evil things?
2:5 Hear you, brethren of me beloved ones, not the God chose the poor of the world rich ones in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he promised to those loving him?
2:6 You but dishonored the poor. Not the rich ones domineer over you, and they drag you into courts of justice?
2:7 Not they revile the honorable name that having been named on you?
2:8 If indeed a law you keep royal, according to the writing: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself, well you do.
2:9 If but you respect persons, sin you work, being convicted under the law as transgressors.
2:10 Whoever for whole the law keeps, shall fail but in one, has become of all guilty.
2:11 The for one having said: Not thou mayest commit adultery, said also: Not thou mayest murder; if now not thou commit adultery, thou dost murder but, thou hast become a transgressor of law.
2:12 Thus speak you and thus do you, as by means of a law of freedom being about to be judged.
2:13 The for judgment merciless for him not having practised mercy; glories over mercy judgment.
2:14 What the profit, brethren of me, if faith may say any one to have, works but not may have? not is able the faith to save him?
2:15 If but a brother or a sister naked ones should be, and wanting may be of the daily food,
2:16 may say and any one to them from of you: Go you away in peace, be you warmed and be you filled; not you may give but to them the things necessary of the body, what the profit?
2:17 Thus also faith, if not if may have works, dead it is by itself.
2:18 But will say some one: Thou faith hast, and I works have; show to me the faith of thee without the works of thee, and I will show to thee by the works of me the faith of me.
2:19 Thou believest, that the God one is; well thou doest; even the demons believe, and shudder.
2:20 Wishest thou but to know, O man vain, that the faith without the works dead is?
2:21 Abraham the father of us not by works was made righteous, having brought up Isaac the son of himself to the altar?
2:22 Seest thou, that the faith worked with the works of him, and by the works the faith was perfected?
2:23 And was fulfilled the writing that saying: Believed but Abraham the God, and it was counted to him for righteousness; and a friend of God he was called.
2:24 Do you see, that by works is made righteous a man, and not by faith alone?
2:25 In like manner and also Rahab the harlot not by works was justified, having received the messengers, and by another way having sent out?
2:26 As for the body without breath dead is, so also the faith without the works dead is.
3:1 Not many teachers become you, brethren of me, knowing, that greater condemnation we shall receive.
3:2 Many for we stumble all; if any one in word not stumbles, this a perfect man, able to bridle and whole the body.
3:3 Lo, of the horses the bits into the mouths we put in order that to make obedient them to us, and whole the body of them we turn about.
3:4 Lo, also the ships, so great being, and by violent winds being driven, are turned about by a very small helm, wherever the will of the one steering pleases.
3:5 Thus also the tongue a little member is, and greatly boasts. Lo, a little fire how great a mass of fuel kindles.
3:6 And the tongue of fire, the world of the wickedness; thus the tongue is placed among the members of us, that spotting whole the body, and setting on fire the wheel of the nature, and being set on fire by the gehenna.
3:7 Every for species of wild beasts both and of birds, of reptiles both and of things in the sea, is subdued and has been subdued by the nature by that belonging to man;
3:8 the but tongue no one is able of men to subdue; and unruly evil, full of poison death-producing.
3:9 By her we bless the God and Father, and by her we curse the men those according to a likeness of God having been made;
3:10 out of the same mouth goes forth blessing and cursing. Not ought, brethren of me, these things so to be.
3:11 Not the fountain out of the same opening send forth the sweet and the bitter?
3:12 Not is able, brethren of me, a fig tree olives to produce, or a vine figs? thus neither salt sweet to make water.
3:13 Any one wise and discreet among you? let him show out of the honorable conduct the works of himself with meekness of wisdom;
3:14 if but rivalry bitter you have and strife in the heart of you, not do you boast and do you speak falsely concerning the truth?
3:15 Not is this the wisdom from above coming down, but earthly, soulical, demoniacal.
3:16 Where for rivalry and strife, there disorder and every foul deed.
3:17 The but from above wisdom first indeed pure it is, then peaceable, gentle, easily persuaded, full of mercy and of fruits good, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
3:18 Fruit and of righteousness in peace is sown by those making peace.
4:1 Whence wars and fightings among you? Not hence, from the pleasures of you of those warring in the members of you?
4:2 You strongly desire, and not you have; you murder and are zealous, and not you are able to obtain; you fight and you war, not you have, because the not to ask you;
4:3 you ask, and not you receive, because wickedly you ask, so that in the pleasure of you you may waste.
4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses, not know you, that the friendship of the world enmity of the God is? whoever therefore may wish a friend to be of the world, an enemy of the God is rendered.
4:5 Or think you, that vainly the writing speaks? To envy strongly inclines the spirit which dwelt in us?
4:6 Greater but it gives favor; therefore is says: The God to haughty ones sets himself in opposition, to lowly ones but he gives favor.
4:7 Be you subject therefore to the God; be opposed to the accuser, and he will flee from you;
4:8 draw you near to the God, and he will draw near to you; cleanse you hands, sinners, and purify you hearts, two-souled ones.
4:9 Lament you and mourn you and weep you; the laughter of you into morning let be turned, and the joy into sadness.
4:10 Be you humbled in presence of the Lord, and he will lift up you.
4:11 Not speak you evil of each other, brethren; the one speaking evil of a brother, and judging the brother of himself, speaks evil of law, and judges law, if but law thou judgest not thou art a doer of law, but a judge.
4:12 One is the lawgiver and judge, the one being able to save and to destroy; thou but who art thou who judgest the other?
4:13 Come now those saying: To-day and to-morrow we may go into this the city, and we may stay there a year one, and may trade, and may acquire gain;
4:14 who not are acquainted with that of the morrow; (what for the life of you? a vapor for it is that for a little appearing, then and not appearing;)
4:15 instead of the to say you: If the Lord may be willing and we may live, and we may do this or that;
4:16 now but you boast in the proud speeches of you. All boasting such evil is.
4:17 Knowing therefore right to do, and not doing sin to him it is.
5:1 Come now the rich ones, weep you crying aloud over the miseries of you those coming.
5:2 The wealth of you has decayed, and the garments of you moth-eaten have become;
5:3 the gold of you and the silver have become rusty, and the rust of them for a witness to you will be, and will eat the bodies of you as fire; you laid up treasure in last days.
5:4 Lo, the reward of the laborers of those having reaped the fields of you, that having been withheld by you, cries out; and the loud cries of the reapers into the ears of Lord of armies have entered.
5:5 You lived luxuriously on the earth, and were wanton; you nourished the hearts of you as in a day of slaughter.
5:6 You condemned, you murdered the just ones; not he opposes you.
5:7 Be you patient then, brethren, till the presence of the Lord. Lo, the husbandmen expects the precious fruit of the earth, having patience for it till he may receive rain early and latter;
5:8 be patient also you, establish the hearts of you, because the presence of the Lord has approached.
5:9 Not murmur you against each other, brethren, so that not you may be judged; lo, the judge before the doors has been standing.
5:10 An example take you, brethren of me, of the suffering evil and of the patience, the prophets, who spoke in the name of Lord.
5:11 Lo, we call happy those patiently enduring; the patience of Job you heard, and the end of Lord you saw, because very compassionate is the Lord and merciful.
5:12 Above all things but, brethren of me, not do you swear neither the heaven, nor the earth, nor other any oath; let be but of you the yes, yes, and the no, no; so that not under judgment you may fall.
5:13 Suffers evil any one among you, let him pray, is cheerful any one, let him sing.
5:14 Is sick any one among you, let him call for the elders of the congregation, and let them pray over him, having anointed him with oil, in the name of the Lord.
5:15 And the prayer of the faith shall save the one being sick, and will raise him the Lord; and if sins may be having been done, they shall be forgiven him.
5:16 Confess you to each other the faults, and pray you on behalf of each other, so that you may be healed; greatly prevails a prayer of a just being operative.
5:17 Elias a man was of like infirmities with us, and a prayer he prayed of the not to rain; and not it rained on the earth years three and months six;
5:18 and again he prayed, and the heaven rain gave, and the earth put forth the fruit of herself.
5:19 Brethren, if any one among you may wander from the truth, and may turn back any one him, let him know, that the one having turned a sinner out of wandering way of him, will save a soul from death, and will hide a multitude of sins.
5:20 -


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