Tigertalez [Kaska Pack 01] Alphy's Challenge [Evernight] (html)

Alphy's challenge





Evernight Publishing ®






Copyright© 2014 Tigertalez



ISBN: 978-1-77233-088-5


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs


Editor: Karyn White






WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of
this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






I have so many to thank for their help and support, but I want to
dedicate this book to C.L. Scholey.
Connie, you have given me the most support. Your advice and encouragement
inspired me to push forward and you were there through every challenge.




Kaska Pack, 1




Copyright © 2014




Chapter One


Gale Brooks screamed as her brother, Paul
Brooks, stumbled and fell, sliding across the forest floor. His lips were
swollen, and she could see a dark red trickle of blood seeping from the corner
of his mouth. His left eye was swelling shut, and she could see by some of his
faulty movements that his depth perception was off kilter as he struggled to
watch for the next blow the ruthless goons tormented him with. His arms and
wrists were swelling and bruising from trying to block the many hits and kicks
his foes instigated. Gale could clearly see by how he couldnłt put pressure on
them that they caused him great pain. Afraid his arms or wrists were broken,
Gale sobbed out another scream. “Stop!"

But her cries were ignored as the taunts and
name-calling surrounded them.

The lead enforcerłs hands tightened painfully
around her arms. “Fag!" he growled over her shoulder.

“Queer!" another one sneered.

“Poofing fairy!"
the third one spat. The others laughed at the sound of the insult.

Another heavy kick slammed into Paulłs
stomach. “Oof."

His grunts were feeding the violent frenzy
from the surrounding bigots, and Gale could see his breath was labored as he
wheezed out a wet cough. She didnłt know how much more he could take. She and
her younger brother, Paul, were fully human, from their motherłs first
marriage. They couldnłt survive as many injuries as shifters could. They were
far weaker than the shifters who were attacking him. In the back of her mind,
Gale hoped her brother could just black out like all those people did in the
movies. He was injured enough. He was obviously in enough pain. Why doesnłt his brain just allow him to
escape the pain?

Gale futilely struggled to pull herself away
from the enforcer who held her. She wanted to run to her brother and throw
herself over him to shield him. She felt like she was suffocating from her
intense sobs, which would have dropped her to her knees if she wasnłt being
held up. She also fought her desire to vomit every time she heard the hollow
thuds to his chests and the cracks from what sounded like breaking bones.

Earlier this morning, their family had been
called in to the alpha of their herd. The alpha had somehow found out Paul was
gay and had ordered his parents to send him away. In the shifter world, to
disobey your alpha was a severe and punishable offense. Gale didnłt expect him
to refuse the alpha. She knew their stepfather Tom had the rest of the family
to think about, and had to do what was best for them. Tom had asked the alpha
for the rest of the day to make some preparations, to which the alpha had agreed, clearly quite pleased with thinking he won.

Even though the thought of sending her
brother away had made her sick, Gale had known Paul loved the family as much as
she did and didnłt want to cause them any trouble. As soon as they had shut the
door to their home, however, Tom had ordered everyone to start packing, but
quietly, while he made some phone calls.

Their vehicle had been in a garage that was
connected to the house. They had been able to easily pack the van without being
noticed, so long as they were quiet. Tom had had several calls to make, so Paul
had done the heavy lifting. She knew Paul didnłt mind really. He wasnłt a twink or slim even. He was athletic and tall even though he
was now sixteen, and he had told her how much he liked providing for and
protecting the family. He wanted to be just like Tom.

Some of Paulłs stuff had been put in his
sisterłs car. They had figured it would save room in the van and look like he
was being sent packing. Gale still lived at home while she attended a local
college, but she also had a job and had bought her own beat-up rust bucket.

They had been doing great with all the prep
until they were ready to leave. Her car had been stuffed to the brim, as well
as the familyłs van. When everyone had been ready to go a mere two and a half
hours after the alpha gave his order, she and Paul had headed out to the car.
That was when they had noticed the three enforcers for the herd. Paul had
ordered for her to run back inside before they snatched him up and dragged him
into the forest across the street.

They were shifters, so their strength was
stronger than normal humanłs. Theyłd had no problems running while carrying him
as he tried to fight them off. Instead of running for safety, Gale had screamed
and run after them. They hadnłt stopped until they got far enough into the
woods so any cries for help wouldnłt be heard.

Now more hollow thuds could be heard as they
kicked at his stomach and back. Paulłs grunts of pain continued. How much
longer of this could he take? A shot rang out, causing her ears to ring loudly.
Gale was stunned by it for a moment. One of the enforcers was on the ground not
too far from Paul, holding his leg where a bloom of red was growing. Her
hearing slowly started to come back to the sounds of yelling, and shouting.

The bruising vise-grip around her upper arms
vanished, allowing her to drop to the ground. Gale didnłt pay any attention to
what was being shouted around her. She frantically and clumsily crawled over to
her brother. She could see he couldnłt move. Galełs dirt and pine needle
covered hands shook as she held them over her brother, uncertain where she
could touch him without further hurting him.

Another shot rang out, ringing her ears some
more. She looked around and saw the two enforcers run over to grab their
bleeding friend, and take off into the forest.

Gale looked back down into the pain-filled
bloody and swollen face of her brother. She watched as Paulłs body started to weaken
and relax. Tomłs horrified and definitely concerned face appeared over them,
holding her fatherÅ‚s shotgun. “Paul, stay with me, kiddo. IÅ‚ve got ya!" Gale could visibly see relief flood Paul as he
finished slipping into darkness.

When she followed Tom as he had carried her
brotherłs bloody unrecognizable form out of the forest, she had to stop by a
tree and empty her stomach first.

Now Gale was focusing on the dirty rear
bumper of her parentsł van in front of her, futilely fighting hard not to cry while
anxiously steering her car through the city streets to the hospital. The
steering wheel, slicked with the sweat from her palms and tears that she had
already wiped away, slipped in her clenched hands. Hooking her fingers around
the middle of the wheel, she righted the steering then wiped her hands over her
black Leviłs.

Galełs heart felt like it was in her throat,
and all she wanted to do was wail with grief at the injustice of it all. Those bastards! she
thought. She had never felt this kind of fear before, the kind where you fear
for your life and the lives of those around you.

Gale turned on her blinker, and turned,
following her parents into the parking lot of the local hospital. They pulled
through the emergency room entrance while Gale continued around to the visitors
parking. Pulling into a spot, she surprised herself with actually parking
between the little white lines. As soon as she stopped, she turned off the
engine and tried to take a deep breath, only it came out as a sob when she

She jumped when there was a tapping on her
window. Wiping her tears away and trying to sniff through her clogged nose, she
looked to see who it was. Her mother was there, looking as distressed as Gale felt.
Right, family first,
freak later. She nodded to her mom and grabbed her purse, keys, and
cell, and opened the door. Her mother was working on getting one of the twins
out of the car. They were two two-year-olds. They were more than a handful at
the best of times, and positively beastly at the worst, but she loved them as
much as she did Paul.

Her mother had her youngest brother, Danny,
out, so Gale reached in for her sister, Abby. They closed up and locked both
the car and the van, then rushed inside.

Gale was able to pull herself together enough
to entertain the twins while her parents filled out paperwork and talked to the
medical staff. Other patients sat in the waiting room they were sitting in,
phones chirped on their bases, and the smell of antiseptic surrounded her. She
tried hard to concentrate on her siblings as her parents answered questions
about her brotherłs medical history and his attack.

Gale looked up at her motherłs approach.

“Gale, weÅ‚re going back to see him, will you
please stay out here with the twins?"

Gale couldnłt trust her voice, so she just
nodded her answer and wiped away the fresh tears that escaped once again down
her face. Turning back to the tots, she saw Abby tilt her head slightly,
looking at her. She ventured closer and placed her hands on the side of each of
Galełs cheek.

“Okay, sis? Okay?" AbbyÅ‚s small voice was clear but
concerned. The look of concern that her two-year-old sister had drew a smile to
Galełs face. But really, what could she tell the child? Everything wasnłt okay.
Instead of answering right away, Gale wrapped her arms around the tot and
hugged her. The action brought her spirits up enough to calm her.

It felt like forever before Tom returned to
fetch her and the twins, and by then it was dark outside. Abby was the first
one to see Tom and ran to cheerfully greet her daddy. He picked her up and
carried her as Gale picked up Danny and followed Tom.

“TheyÅ‚re moving him into a private room for
the night for observation," he explained as he led them through the hospital
corridors. “HeÅ‚s stable for now, but heÅ‚s permanently lost his left eye."

Gale squeezed Danny closer for comfort.
Unable to say anything, she continued to follow in silence. Once they reached
the room, Tom put Abby down, and Gale did the same with Danny. Tom addressed
the two tots. “Ok, you two, your big brother got hurt so heÅ‚s trying to rest. I
want you two to help him. Can you help him?"

Both heads bobbed up and down. Abbyłs longer
bright brown curls lightly bounced with the action. “Thank you." Tom hugged
them. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he looked at them one more time before
showing them in. “We need to be very quiet. Now go find Mommy."

After the tots disappeared through the
doorway, Tom strode up and took Gale in a hug. She didnłt resist the act of
comfort. “Thank you, Gale, for helping with them." Tom pulled back to look into
her watery eyes. He continued to talk as he wiped away her new flow of tears.
“How are you doing?"

Gale sniffed. “IÅ‚m okay, I think."

“Yeah?" Tom took her in his arms again as he spoke
low to her. “Once they release Paul, weÅ‚ll leave town. The alpha shouldnÅ‚t
bother us if we go far enough. We arenłt that important to him. I hate to have
to ask you this, but your mom and I will need help
caring for Paul."

“Of course IÅ‚ll help. IÅ‚ll do everything I
can. Wełre family."

Tom kissed the side of her head as he pulled
back and keeping an arm wrapped around her shoulder, led her into the room.

As she entered the room, she took the time to
take in everything she saw. Her brother was unconscious, his right eye swollen
almost shut, and a heavy amount of gauze over the other eye. His face was
bruised, swollen, and made his looks unrecognizable. I.V. dripped through a
clear tube next to a pain pump, and both wrists were in splints. Her mother
held Abby up and helped her lean over the bed to place a kiss on his head. Gale
heard AbbyÅ‚s loud whisper, “Better now." Danny just stood quietly by the bed
and observed everything.

Walking further into the room, Gale pulled a
chair closer to her brother, sat down, and delicately placed one hand under and
one hand over Paulłs hand and silently hoped they could get far enough away
that the alpha would leave them in peace to restart their lives.

Chapter Two


Ralph “Alphy" Kaska
felt uncomfortable sitting in a chair in the hallway outside his old alphałs
office. He hadnłt seen the alpha, or this town, in several years. Since hełd
first moved away when he turned old enough, he had only returned for major
family events. Ever since hełd graduated from high school he, and the alpha, had
known he was too dominant to be anything other than an alpha himself. It had
been wearisome during his last couple years here, trying not to let his bear
challenge the current alpha. Alphy liked the older shifter. He ran the sleuth well,
and in no way had Alphy wanted to lead when he was so young. He had wanted to
get out and travel, to see the world and experience things. It was the best way
to earn experience to be a leader.

At the time, he hadnłt had much money. He had
been too young to be an alpha, but he did want to utilize his alpha skills, so
hełd joined the military. He had been so good at it that he had been given his
own unit in the Special Forces. Over the years, and in different identities, he
had served in each branch, and he had been able to qualify in the Special
Forces in each branch. He had been in the U.S. Navy Seals these past ten years,
at least, until a missile strike that landed on them about a week ago. That had
been painful, not the physical wounds, but the emotional ones. Those men had
been his friends and family. Theyłd had his back in battle, and hełd had theirs.
You couldnłt get a closer bond than that.

The rescuing unit, first on the scene, was
all shifter. They had recognized this as an opportunity for Alphy to start a
new identity. If he stayed too much longer, his lack of aging would start to
get noticed. He had been healing in a secret shifter shelter and was trying to
figure out where to go when hełd gotten the news that his parents had been killed
by a texting driver, and he had to come home to Oregon to take custody of his
younger siblings, who were still under age.

He had been an early child for the newly
mated couple. His two younger siblings, Havana, who would be eighteen in a few
weeks, and Reese, who had just turned fourteen, were many years younger than
his fifty-four. Shifters could live for about five hundred years, so fifty-four
was really young.

Just as Alphy leaned his head back against
the wall and gave a heavy sigh, a door opened.Alphy
looked up to see the current beta step into the room. Alphy stood at attention,
a habit that was so ingrained he didnłt even think about doing it.

The beta closed the door and walked to him. The
man knew he was much too alpha to show his neck so
offered his hand, and Alphy took it. “I know you wonÅ‚t be able to stay long,
but it is good to see you again, Ralph. IÅ‚m very sorry about your loss."

Alphy found it hard to speak over the
developing lump that was forming in his throat, so he nodded his thanks. He was
toughened for sure, but to lose so many friends and family in just a matter of
one week, well, there were limits to any man. He nodded his head again,
fighting back the tears and tremors. “Thank you, sir."

The beta slightly inclined his head and
released his hand. “Alpha Berry will be out in a moment. HeÅ‚s finishing up an
important call with a neighboring alpha, and then hełll be right with you."
With one last shake of his hand, the beta turned and headed down the hall. Alphy
stood there listening to the fading footsteps of the beta. Being a shifter
granted him enhanced senses, senses that had saved him and his teammates more times
than he could count. However, his ears were still not quite one hundred percent
after the hit. He was still healing from many wounds. He would have been dead
if he was human, and as it was, he still had more healing to do. He was
constantly focusing on trying to regain his strengths and senses.

The door opened, and a low baritone voice
called him from his thoughts. “Captain Kaska."

Looking towards the sound of the summons, Alphy
could see the alpha standing in the doorway. He was a tall man, not as tall as Alphyłs own six foot six inch frame, but his presence
wasnłt any less. He was an older shifter of near four hundred years, but was
still built like a bodybuilder.

Alphy walked over to the man and greeted him
with a smile. “Alpha Berry," he said, then walked through
the offered doorway. He sat down in a not uncomfortable, dark brown leather chair
in front of a dark mahogany desk. The room wasnłt too large, but comfortable. His
eyes followed the alpha as he made his way around the desk and sat in the brown
suede chair behind it.

“Your brother and sister are at home. I
thought it would be best to get the official paperwork over with without
subjecting them to it. My mate is with them. She thinks it would make them feel
like property. After her longwinded lecture, I assured her I didnłt need
convincing." He chuckled, and Alphy gave an amused grunt and smiled. He
remembered the alphałs mate. She wasnłt a quiet one, and she had kept the alpha
busy keeping her out of trouble, but she always did what she did with a good

“Thank you, I would have to agree with her. Just
donłt tell her that." They both shared a good chuckle.

Alpha Berry leaned forward on his chair. “When
was the last time you saw or spoke to your brother and sister? You parents said
you frequently kept in touch via satellite feed and emails."

“Yes. I am very close to my family even though
I couldnłt be here for them. I last saw them in person for my brotherłs
fourteenth birthday a few months back. Our parents loved to travel, so they
always traveled to visit me. It worked best since I couldnłt spend as much time
with them if I had been the one to visit them, and I was always working on one
mission or the other so traveling elsewhere in between times was illogical."

Alpha Berry took on a slightly more serious
look. “IÅ‚m sorry for your losses, Ralph, all of them." The alpha gave him a
knowing look. He was the one whołd tracked Alphy down to inform him of what
happened, so he knew about the loss of his team.

“Thank you, sir. I want to thank you for taking care of the
funeral expenses. I was informed that the burial is set for tomorrow."

“YouÅ‚re welcome. You have enough to worry
about. Yes, tomorrow is correct. I believe itłs at one." The alphałs sigh
sounded regretful. “I hope you understand I canÅ‚t have you in my territory
longer than necessary. I hate to have to push you during this time, but my bear
doesnłt settle while you are here."

“I understand and completely agree. My bear
doesnłt like it either."

Looking slightly relieved, the alpha pick up
a folder and pen, stood up and walked around the desk to him. He placed the
folder on the part of the desk in front of him and opened it up to a small pile
of papers. The click of the pen seemed to fill the entire space right before
the alpha handed it to him. “Do you have a place to go?" The shifter leaderÅ‚s concern
was genuine, offering Alphy a slight bit of comfort.

His hand didnłt shake with the turbulent
emotions battling inside him when he reached up and took the offered pen. “Yeah,
a great-aunt lives in Canada. She was my grandfatherłs sister. Shełs the only
family we have left and is willing to put us up until I can figure out what do
next. She owns enough acreage to get lost in. I think it would be good for us."

“Canada? ThatÅ‚s a bit of a move. Have you
talked to the teens about it? They are typical modern teens with their cell
phones practically surgically attached to their hands."

Tension eased just a bit from Alphyłs gut when the two shared another moment of amusement
before he answered.

“She isnÅ‚t too far from a city of Toronto in
Ontario, so it should be enough to appease the tech gods and still allow their
bears to stretch."

Alphy scribbled his signature on the line
that was highlighted for him. When he was finished, he handed back the pen. The
alpha stood, and handed him a check for the house his parents had owned. It was
a fair amount. Alphy had already finished the papers for taking his parentsł
bank accounts earlier that morning at the bank.

“IÅ‚ve arranged for help to pack things up, and
they should be there now. IÅ‚ve also arranged for you to be able to use a
storage unit if you want put most of it away until youłre more certain of where
youłre going to settle before hauling it around. Iłll have it sent to you when
you are ready for it."

Alphy nodded. “That will be appreciated,
thank you."

Alpha Berry put a hand on his shoulder and
lightly squeezed. Alphy knew it was meant as a gesture of comfort, but his bear
growled at the touch. The alpha didnłt hold it for long, and he withdrew his
hand, “If you have any need, you are always welcome to call. You have an ally
with us."

Alphy felt the lump form in his throat again
and the pinpricks at his eyes. He quickly took back control over himself before
he responded. “Thank you, Alpha Berry. That means a lot to me."

The alpha led him out and to the front door.
After the door was closed behind him, Alphy took in a few breaths, bringing the
sweet smell of summer flowers into his lungs, before descending from the porch.
The noontime sun bathed over his large muscled form, warming his skin as he returned
to his silver-grey truck. It actually had been his fatherłs truck. Both parents
had had their own vehicles.

No alpha wanted a bear as strong as he was in
their territory, so finding any place for him to settle was a serious problem.
He felt so incredibly grateful to the fates that he still had one relative and
in a place where he could gather himself to plan what next to do. Life was
hitting him hard at the moment. However, he knew with each storm in life came a
blessing as well. He mused that the blessing from this should be pretty epic.
Perhaps it sounded callous, but hope was really the only thing right now helping
him keep his inner strength.

Pulling up in front of the ranch style home he
had grown up in, Alphy witnessed several people he knew from his years of
growing up carrying things from the house to a large moving truck. His bear
growled at seeing people touching the things that belonged to him before he
could even choose what he wanted done with it.

A sinewy, bright red haired man appeared,
exiting through the doorway with a large box. Alphy suddenly felt a happy beat
in his heart paint a smile across his face, and a sudden snicker huffed out. Climbing
out of the truck and schooling his face, he stomped over the lawn in the
direction of the man.

Alphy barked out the manłs name to get his
attention. “Ryker!"

The thin young man jolted violently, causing
him to drop the box. Alphy was startled just a bit at the box dropping. He would
have thought it was something breakable like dishes, but nothing crashed. When
Ryker whipped around to look at him, the manłs face transformed from fearful to
a bright and joyous expression, further warming Alphyłs

barely kept himself from falling when the man barreled into him, bracing his
arms in a tight hug around him. The shock of the impact was only slightly
painful, but with so many years in the military, he had a pretty high pain
tolerance. He easily ignored it and gave his enthusiastic friend a proper bear
hug. It was a good thing his friend was a vampire. A human would have ended up
with broken bones. Though most myths were wrong about vampires, like the myth about
the sun, other myths, like about their strength, were correct. Even the small vampires,
like his friend, were extremely strong.

Ryker pulled back. “Damn good to see you,
man! Itłs been way too long."

Alphy brought his hand up and threaded his
fingers into the red soft strands on top his head and ruffled his friendłs

“Yeah, yeah," Alphy drawled, “Now my turnÅ‚s
done, next time itłs your turn to visit."

The man ducked from the hair assault and ran
his fingers through the semi-long bright red locks, trying to put them back in
place. “Still petting me like a pet, I see."

“Still playing the stereotypical white-until-you-burn
vampire, I see."

The man gave a mock shocked face and feigned to
be wounded by placing his hand over his heart. “You wound me. IÅ‚ll have you
know the chicks dig us sun neglected computer geeks."

Alphy gave a hearty laugh. “Not that any of
them have a chance with you."

The man smiled. “Yeah, but they donÅ‚t need to
know that, and itłs great fun when I lure them away from all you tanned skinned
beef-cakes." The manÅ‚s green eyes roved his form. “Still the sexiest friend I
have," he hummed out.

Alphy laughed again and wrapped his friend in
his arms. “Sorry, buddy, IÅ‚m still straight. I tried, I mean really tried, to
get a boner for you guys, but the titties get me
every time."

A screech filled the air, and Alphy turned
just in time to catch his sister, then a double hit as his brother joined her. He
was grateful he was so strong. Suddenly Havana leaped back with a panicked look
on her face then yanked Reese back, causing him to stumble backwards onto the
lawn with a grunted “oof".

Alphy looked at her, confused. “Havana?"

She looked back at him with tears streaming
down her face. Alphy reached up and wiped the dampness away. Her voice was
watery. “IÅ‚m sorry, IÅ‚m sorry, IÅ‚m sorry."

Alphy gave her another confused look. He wasnłt
used to his sister being like this. She was always headstrong and nearly
fearless. “For what?"

“I hurt you. You were hurt, and I wasnÅ‚t
gentle. Did you get hurt? Where are you hurt? What can I do?"

Alphyłs brows rose high onto his forehead. He pulled
her into an embrace and cupped her head to his shoulder, rocking her a little
bit. “Shh, IÅ‚m ok. You didnÅ‚t hurt me. IÅ‚m just a
little sore and my senses are just a little slow, but Iłm ok. You donłt need to
do anything but give me a hug. Thatłs what I need." Alphy was alarmed when she
started bawling. As Alphy held her tight while Reese hugged her from the other
side, he looked at his younger brother and saw tears slipping down his face as
well. He felt a thump when Ryker joined the hug.

After a little bit, Alphy
noticed other sleuth members, whom the alpha had provided to help them move,
had gathered around them reminding him they had a lot of packing to do. Their parents
had been alive for a long time and had accumulated a lot of stuff.

Slowly, the group hug peeled away. He may be
an alpha and military man, but he wasnłt ignorant of othersł emotions,
especially the females. He always cared for them, so he hoped he would be
perfect for his mate once he finally met her.

Pulling back and cupping Havanałs face in his
hands, Alphy looked into her watery eyes. He saw a lot of pain in her deep
brown eyes and a lot of other emotions hełd deal with later. One
thing at a time. “IÅ‚m ok, and IÅ‚m here now. We may have a lot to do, and
you may feel life is so far out of control, but you are not alone, ok? I
promise you that everything will be all right."

Havana nodded, and Alphy pulled her in for
another hug. He kissed her on the top of her head before pulling away and
taking a look around at everyone surrounding him. They had a lot of help, but
they also had a lot of packing to do, so he drew them all inside and set to

They didnłt finish until after midnight, but
they had managed to get everything packed. The things he wasnłt certain about,
like furniture and plates, he put into storage. The things he knew they needed,
he had put into his truck. His siblings packed what they wanted to take. They were
clothes horses for sure. The biggest challenge had been the garage. Alphyłs father had loved building things, be it metal or
wood, so he had a garage filled with tools and parts of all sorts.

Alphyłs mending muscles were burning with pain from
being overworked, but he was used to it and knew how to accept and manage it,
but watching the pain show on the faces of his bone-weary siblings had him
feeling worse than his physical condition. Alphy scolded himself. He had taken care
of his troops better than he took care of his siblings, and that was
unacceptable! He loved them, and now he was completely responsible for them. He
should have paid more attention to them and sent them to bed hours ago, but he had
been too busy to notice their need. And knowing they werenłt in any condition to
hear where they were going, he decided to wait until tomorrow.

As his brother and sister headed up to their
air mattresses, and everyone else, except Ryker, had gone home, Alphy took time
to thank his friend. Pulling Ryker into a manly hug, he offered him a tired
smile. “Thanks, man."

“It was really my pleasure. Watching you
shirtless and sweaty is every straight womanłs and gay manłs dream." And, as if to reaffirm his admission, Ryker wiggled his eyebrows at
him, pulling a laugh out of him. “Seriously though, anything you need or
want, you can always call. My coven leader wanted me to offer us as a resource,
should you need it."

It didnłt surprise Alphy. He had saved the
vampire leaderłs daughter once. But he still appreciated the gesture, as not
many shifters had vampire friends.

“Thanks, man, that means a lot to me, and I
may take your coven leader up on that someday. Howłs Seamus?" Alphy switched to
the question hełd wanted to ask all day but hadnłt found the right time until

will be home for good soon, in a few days." Ryker smiled at him, revealing his
fangs. Seamus was his twin brother, who had also been in the military as a
military doctor. It was painful for the twins to be apart. Alphy was able to see
Seamus once in a while, so he knew they talked every day.

“Thanks again, man. You have my number. Have
your brother call when he gets a chance."

“Will do, handsome."

The next morning started a little bit late,
but by the time the funeral was set to be held, they were ready to go, although
Alphy had yet to tell his siblings where they were going.

The funeral was a brutal affair for both him
and his bear. The people crowded them with their sympathies, or some of them
cornered him with their available daughters.

Hearing the sympathies was like rubbing salt
in the wound. He was already deeply hurting about his loss, and he didnłt need
people bringing it up repeatedly.

But the mothers who pushed their daughters
his way were offensive. He was used to mothers trying to see if he would mate
with their daughters. He was an alpha, he was military, and he was told often
enough how attractive he was. But at a funeral? His
own parentsł funeral of all things! He had had enough. He said his good-byes,
steered his brother and sister to the truck, and headed out.

They had made it to the main highway east,
when they finally questioned him. “So," ReeseÅ‚s tired voice sounded over the
rumble of the engine, “whereÅ‚re we calling home now?"

Using the palm of his hand to rub his eye, Alphy
sighed heavily. Then after returning his grip to the steering
wheel, he answered, “A place up near Bancroft."

“Bancroft? WhereÅ‚s that?" Reese asked.

Havana stayed quiet. She hadnłt talked much
or eaten much. Alphy made a mental note to keep an eye on that. He knew people grieved
in different ways, but he didnłt want her to cause herself harm.

“ItÅ‚s in Canada." Alphy braced himself for
the freak-out, but it didnłt come. He glanced over at the two buckled beside
him. Havana was looking out the window. The reflection showed a tired, haunted
and lost look on her face, but Reese was nodding. “Cool. Always
wanted to go there."

Alphy gave a half smile. “Yeah, well, I donÅ‚t
know if you know this, but we have a great-aunt who lives and owns some
property up there. Her name is Reberta, but she said
she prefers to be called Betty. Itłs a place to start until we decide what to
do next."

“Huh, I didnÅ‚t know that. Mom and Dad never talked
about her, or even called her."

“Yeah, well, she doesnÅ‚t have a phone." He
glanced at his brother and schooled his features not to laugh. Reese had a
horrified look on his face, so Alphy continued. “Mom would send her letters
with updates on the family. She gave me her information before I left home.
Iłve never been there so I donłt know what there is, but I was able to get an
emergency message to her and she responded back. All I know is she lives on
five thousand acres of fields, forests, and rivers."

When Reese turned slightly to face Alphy
more, his confusion showed on his face as he asked, “If sheÅ‚s family, why
hasnłt she ever visited, or why didnłt Mom and Dad ever take us there to

Alphy shrugged his shoulders. He didnłt know
how to answer. Their family didnłt have any squabbles that he knew of. It was
as if she just wanted to be isolated. But that didnłt explain why his parents
didnłt ever visit. It was no use worrying about that now. The only one who
could possibly answer was in Canada awaiting their arrival, and if all went
well, they would be there on the third day. But as things have been going, and
with his training to always be prepared, he had a couple of back-up plans in
place for their journey.

He looked over at his family again. His sister
had fallen asleep against a pillow she had brought. She had it tucked between
her and the door. Reese was leaned over, resting his head on her shoulder, and,
by his breathing, Alphy could tell he had fallen
asleep as well. His inner bear gave a snort of amusement at the scene, then
generously sighed and settled down. They both were grateful for the silence, so
he didnłt disturb them.

Chapter Three


Alphy was used to pain, sure, but not being
able to move from his vehicle in three days, other than to fill it with fuel,
was torture. His siblings added to the pain of it. If he ever had an enemy,
surely he could find a way to use this as a form of torture. He was a physical
man, so not being able to move hurt, and having to deal with emotionally amped
teens in a confined space well, he nearly gave an unmanly sob of relief when
they found the driveway onto their great-auntłs property.

Shades of greens and browns rose up thick
around them from the tall trees and shrubs crowding the forest. His bear sat up
and paced inside his head, antsy to get out and shift,
eager to explore. He had not even gotten out of the vehicle, and already he
felt like this was the right place to be, like this was home. When he pressed his
index finger against the small, cold switch, the window lowered, buffing his
senses with the fresh floral air. He was thankful all his senses were back to

The truck bounced and rolled over the dips in
the dirt-based road as he followed the directions he had memorized from the
short note his great-aunt had given him. After a little while, the thick forest
of trees opened up to a green field, about ten acresł worth. A large three
story, which included the basement, deep red bungalow style house fitted with
solar panels, resided in the middle, surrounded by a huge four-car two story
garage, also fitted with solar panels. A large brown wooden barn, with solar
panels, was about two hundred feet behind and to the right of the home. Not far
from it, and reaching about the same size, was a large grey metal workshop
fixed with solar panels. On the other side of the barn there also seemed to be
some sort of long greenhouse and a long chicken coop with many different kinds
of clucking and pecking chickens spread out around it. Standing above it all
were two Whisper H80 wind turbines, which moderately spun.

Alphy stopped at the edge of the forest,
taking in everything he saw. What on
Earth does she have going on that needs that much electricity? Alphy let up
off the brake and let the truck pull them forward at an idling speed. He had to
admit to himself this was much nicer than he thought it would be.

truckłs engine droned as they followed the vehicular dirt path across the field
toward the garage where an old, beat-up Ford pickup truck sat parked. Huh, why park it outside the garage? Whatłs
inside the garage? Alphy queried to himself.

front of the house he watched as a short, stocky mid-thirties looking woman
stepped out onto the wraparound porch. She wore jean shorts, a pink shirt, and
a smudged apron tied around her waist.

Finally pulling up next to the other vehicle,
he put his truck in park, but the teens were out of the truck before he could
turn off the engine. He chuckled at that. Guess
IÅ‚m not the only one eager to get out of the truck.

Alphy felt the tickly ache in his legs,
tensing his muscles to stretch as he stepped from the truck. It felt so good to
stretch the aches out, and he finished with a great big yawn.

that feels good, he hummed
to himself. The sun was warm, the colors bright, and the air was cleaner than
hełd smelled in a long time and was filled with the scent of cooked and baked
foods, which suddenly filled his mouth with saliva. His ears perked at the
sounds of critters flying or scurrying around them. His heart suddenly felt
light, and the tingle of excitement pulled at his growling stomach.

Turning his attention to the sound of a
friendly voice greeting his brother and sister, Alphy slowly made his way to
the porch.

“and I made everyone lunch." The teens
disappeared through the door with an excited whoop, letting the screen door
flap shut. His great-auntłs sight fell on him as he neared.

“There you are, Ralph. Come give me a proper

He leaned down to her taller than average
five foot ten, and took care not to squeeze too tight. Pulling apart, she
cupped her hands on either side of his face, “You have your motherÅ‚s eyes but,
my-oh-my, arenłt you the spitting image of your father." She kept one arm
around him as she walked him inside. “I bet you get tired of all the girls
throwing themselves at you." She chortled.

Alphy grunted his confirmation and grimaced. Stepping
inside, he let his eyes readjust. The inside was mostly open with warm browns
and creams throughout. The furniture was pretty new and looked very soft and
comfortable. Statues of various animals made from black rod iron or wood were
placed around, and the hardwood floors were well maintained with wood inlay in
the entryway. A large decorative cast-iron wood stove sat on a multicolored, foot
tall, slate rise. This was nothing like hełd expected. He would have thought
she would have a shack with a leaky tin roof and threadbare furniture. Instead,
as he looked around a vast open space that was warm and inviting, it appealed
to him and his bear on every level.

Home, his bear asserted.

After a hearty and savory lunch, everyone
helped do the dishes, and then Betty offered to show them some of the property.
Alphy hadnłt been able to let his bear out in a little while, other than to
heal in a hospital bed, so he was eager to shake out his fur and stretch.
Shifters werenłt big on modesty because they constantly had to undress to
shift, so it was no big deal for all of them to gather on the deck and strip.
They immediately took to their bear forms and explored a bit of the surrounding
woods together.

Rivers, streams, and creeks veined through
the property feeding the lush trees and shrubs that colored the forest. His
siblings romped and sparred through the foliage while he and Betty sauntered
around nearby. The teens were so tired when they returned that they had no
trouble falling asleep in their own queen sized beds.

Alphy stood on the deck looking out towards
the barn and up into the clear, darkened sky crowded with sparkling stars. His
shoulder was against a wooden column as he contemplated their future. Because his
bear was being stubborn, it had claimed the territory, but he wasnłt sure if he
and his siblings would be welcome to stay. Betty came out and joined him.

“Couple of good kids, they are."

Alphy only nodded. He loved his brother and
sister but didnłt know what to say to add to her comment.

know youłre welcome to stay here. Iłve got plenty ałroom."

Alphy looked slightly sideways at her. “Why
didnłt you ever come to visit us, or Mom bring us up here to visit? Mom didnłt
tell me about you until I moved out."

Betty moved to a soft bench and sat down in
it. “It wasnÅ‚t like we were terribly close. I wasnÅ‚t even that close to your
grandfather, and he was my brother. This is where I, your grandfather, and five
other siblings were raised."

Alphy raised his brows. “Seven kids, wow,
thatłs a big number. What happened to them?"

“War," she bluntly answered. “There were so
many wars. By the end of World War Two, your grandfather and I were the last
two survivors. We used to have a pretty good sized sleuth, which your
great-grandfather was alpha of."

Alphy fully turned to face Betty. He was
fascinated by the story that had been kept from him, of his ancestors. He
didnłt understand why he had never been told, and probably now he never would
understand. Funny how until now he hadnłt really given it much thought.

“Most of the males went to one war or the
other," she continued, “and they were all starting to get killed off. Our
sleuth was blessed with true matings. Just about
every couple was a true mate match. When their men died, so did they. Those who
didnłt die off moved away. Theyłre old shacks are still scattered around the
property in places, though they arenłt anything like this." She lightly waved
her hand around. “It was an age old time ago. TheyÅ‚re just rundown shacks now. Your
grandfather wasnłt an alpha, nor did he want to be. I suppose he couldnłt take
the memories any more, so he packed up his mate and your mother, who was about five
at the time, and left. He kept me apprised of what was happening with him. Itłs
tragic what happened to them."

Alphy grunted and nodded. His grandparents had
been killed in a house fire when he was about one. He had never actually known them,
and his mother hadnłt ever wanted to talk about it. He hadnłt pushed either. He
could tell it was an emotional difficulty to think about. He closed his eyes
and leaned his head back. Now losing his own parents, he could better
appreciate what shełd felt.

Betty went on. “As for your mother, she never
really knew me. I donłt know what my brother told her, or how much, but she
continued to keep in touch, sending pictures of you and those other two. I sent
letters and gifts, but I wasnłt sure how welcome I would be, and, to tell you
the truth, I havenłt been out of these forests for so long, I donłt think I
could handle the culture shock. I can barely keep up with whatłs going on."

Alphy gave an amused snort. “I told Reese and
Havana that you didnłt have a phone, and the look on Reesełs face was

Betty lightly cackled. “I bet it was. The
price they wanted for me to run a line way out here was outrageous. Donłt get
me wrong. I can easily afford it, but it would have marred the beauty of this
place with all those lines, and for what? I didnłt know anyone other than my
brother, so I would only have been harassed by those telemarketers. Wasnłt worth it. I did allow a cell tower to be put up. Those
companies pay good money for that."

Alphy started to nod his head in response but
stopped when he suddenly thought of something. “You know, I donÅ‚t think I have
seen either of them take a peek at their cells since we got here."

“Good, too much technology rots your thinkinÅ‚."

Alphy was quiet for a moment. “It feels right
being here. Are you serious about letting us stay

“Yes. I know youÅ‚re an alpha. Your mother
couldnłt stop yammerinł on about you. She even wrote
to me about you in the military. I tell you, that brought back memories, but
you did well for yourself. Every one of your uncles died in a war, serving
their country. It may not have been the same country, but it was no less of a
cause. Youłve done your family proud." She sounded like she was getting a
little bit choked up about it. She truly was proud of him.

Alphy had never thought about how his serving
would affect his family. Now that he was home with his family, to hear her pride
made him feel proud as well.

“WeÅ‚ll call the council tomorrow and place
your claim on the territory. IÅ‚ve kept paying dues but convinced the council
members to keep the territory off the books. I didnłt want some other alpha
coming and placing a claim, because I couldnłt fight him off. No doubt theyłll
send you a heavy load of paperwork, but every alpha, no matter what sect, has
paperwork. I can help you through it, because you donłt know the area enough
yet to answer some of the questions. It would feel good to have a sleuth again."
She sighed. “Although, having an alpha would take some getting used to again.
IÅ‚m used to doing everything my way, but that is minor. The pros far outweigh
the cons."

Alphy was giving it serious thought. His bear
none-too-gently nudged his mind. If he could have been head-smacked by his
bear, hełd be nursing a lump. His bear wanted to stay, and the truth of it was,
he wanted to, too.

“Ok, we stay."

Betty gave a hoot. She jumped up and slapped
him on the back of his shoulder. “Welcome to Bancroft. So what are ya gonna call the sleuth? I can
list several rivers and creeks, lakes and other spots well named."

Alphy shook his head. “It wouldnÅ‚t be smart
to name it while IÅ‚m this tired."

“So your first order as alpha is to order us
to bed?" Betty puffed out. They stood up and started to head inside. “Fine, but
you get to do the shopping tomorrow."

“Hey, I thought I was the alpha. Why donÅ‚t
you do it?"

“Well, I could go to town, all by myself,
while you stay here with the two high wired over-emotional teens, or I can stay here and put them to work
while you get to go to town and"

“IÅ‚ll go," he interrupted.

Betty laughed. “Thought youÅ‚d
see it my way."

Alphy smiled down at the older woman. “I have
a feeling your issue with not getting your own way is unfounded."

Laughing again, she slipped away to her room,
which was on the main floor down the hall from the kitchen. Alphy made a sweep
around the house, securing windows and doors. Some habits were just too hard to
break. Then he headed up to his master suite. Betty had turned one of the guest
rooms downstairs into her master suite, leaving this one open to take.

He woke early the next morning, bright and
early, which was another habit he didnłt think he would be able to break. He took
a quick shower and headed downstairs. The boards on the stairs hardly squeaked
as he descended them. He knew someone was up with the smell that tantalized his
recovered senses and lured him into the large rustic kitchen. It was no
surprise it was Betty he saw. The smell was too good. With the smells waking
his appetite, he guessed she was making biscuits and gravy, bacon, and a small
bowl of yogurt and fruit he could see that sat in a small serving cup, which
was placed by an empty plate. He walked over to the coffee pot and poured
himself a cup of the freshly made black brew.

“I see IÅ‚m not the only early riser." He gave
her a slight smile.

“Figured youÅ‚d like to get
outta here before your brother and sister wake. They may actually wanna
go with you to shop or find some internet connection."

Taking a sip of the hot black brew, Alphy
grunted and took a seat at the breakfast bar that spanned around the outside of
the kitchen island. Betty set a now full plate down in front of him. After so
many years of military food, and these last few days, fast food, he didnłt
waste time to let it cool before he scarfed it down. In spite of the speed, the
flavors werenłt unappreciated. He groaned several times as the rich flavors
curled his toes. He would gladly get used to this.

Once he finished, he thanked Betty as he put
his plate in the sink, then grabbed his wallet, cell phone, and keys and headed
out. Betty had given him directions and a list. He was good with directions,
another nod to his years of military training and usage of that training, so he
didnłt have any trouble finding the town.


Gale was at her limit. The past three weeks had
been hell, and the trials didnłt cease. Her vehicle had a flat. They were all
the way on the other side of the country but were unable to shake the
persistent alpha whose enforcers always kept catching up and finding them. Her
brother was alive, but he was stillhealing. After
three days, the hospitals couldnłt do any more for him, and the whole family was
in danger from the alpha who was out for their blood. They
were running out of money, and they needed it all for renting rooms, fuel,
medical supplies, and food. What was she going to do? She didnłt know how to
change a tire, and no one seemed to be in the mood to stop and help.

Gale leaned over her steering wheel and
started to cry. Things were just too much for her. When would they catch a
break? She looked up when she heard gravel crunching in front of her. Wiping
her tears away, she got a look at the man as he stepped out of the truck, and she
nearly swallowed her tongue. He was tall, with an unmistakable tanned muscular
body. His brown hair was crew-cut at the bottom and around his ears, but got
longer as it went further up his scalp and spiked into a pleasant wide upside-down
V kind of Mohawk. Usually she didnłt like Mohawks, but this guy had a style
that worked. His face was perfectly proportioned with defined facial features
accented with a chin strap beard and no mustache, indulgent pink lips, a straight
nose, and soft brown eyes. Shełd never seen a better looking man in her life. He
elicited many different emotions just as she gazed into his eyes, one of those
feelings being refuge. For the first time in three weeks, she felt safe. She
had no idea why. He was a complete stranger, so what was she thinking?

She saw him stop just in front of her car and
lift his head slightly, like he was smelling something.
Could he be a shifter? That thought
got her blood flowing in an entirely different manner. Her stomach began to knot,
and her hands were actually starting to shake when he knocked on her window.
Gale debated opening the door. She felt so drawn to him, and felt that he would
never hurt her, but she also had the other side of her brain reminding her he
was a complete stranger. The man squatted down to her level, his soft brown
eyes looking at her through the glass. “Miss, IÅ‚m not going to hurt you. Is
everything ok?"

His voice strummed happy tingles in her belly,
and goosebumps actually broke out on her arms. She
looked at his face, trying to judge his sincerity. But with his voice and those
eyes, she was a goner. She sat there frozen, struck stupid by all his glory.
Then he smiled, and she discovered her butterflies had rocket launchers. Her
breath caught in her throat, and sweat started to bead across her upper lip and
forehead. Oh no, she was sweating. The hottest man on record and she was staring
at him like some wide-eyed loon and sweating!

“Can I open the door?" he asked her. She
loved hearing that voice. What else could she do to keep him talking?

bet I could orgasm by just listening to his voice. She didnłt realize she was nodding until he
stood up and flipped up the door latch to pop it open. Her mind went blank as
she found herself staring right at his lower stomach and crotch. Holy huckleberries, thatłs an impressive

Cooler air lightly suctioned past her as he
opened the door. He squatted down again, placing his large hands on his bulky
upper thighs. I didnłt know they came in
those sizes. Yes, she had truly lost it. This had to be some sort of
hallucination caused from her little breakdown.

“IÅ‚m Ralph, but everyone calls me Alphy."

boy, she thought, he sounds even better without the window
hampering his voice. Bad window, bad. Her brain,
seemingly out of nowhere, clicked back on just enough to respond. “Gale," she
breathed out. She felt the hit to the stomach from those rocket-launcher
butterflies again when he gave her a wide, bright smile. His teeth were straight
and white. How do people actually get to
look this perfect?

“ItÅ‚s nice to meet you. Now, can you tell me
whatłs gotten you so upset so I can fix it or kick its ass?"

Her nerves got the better of her because she
started to laugh almost hysterically, and then she started to cry. She saw his
face fill with alarm.

“IÅ‚m so sorry," she sobbed.

He leaned over and pulled her into an awkward
hug. It helped though, because as soon as his arms reached around her and held
her, she suddenly felt all right. She inhaled, filling her lungs with his rich
spicy scent. He smelled so good that she had to internally argue with herself
to exhale, giving up the erotic fragrance.

She felt the loss when he leaned back on his
heels but for only a brief moment until the abrasive skin from his palms
lightly grazed her dampened cheeks as he cupped her face with his giant hands.
His thumb skimmed over her cheek, and she automatically leaned into the
pleasant feeling. She cleared her throat and snapped out of her happy place.
“Uh," her cheeks pinked, “my tire went flat."

“I can fix that for you, but that canÅ‚t be
the full reason why you were crying. I can see youłve been upset." He had
gentled his voice to near whispering. It soothed her, and she began to calm.
Gale took a moment to remember what it was she needed, other than to be licked
like a lollipop by the muscular Adonis in front of her.

She held her breath for a few moments, then shook her head. “If you could change my tire, that would be great. I have a spare."

He tilted his head and rested his arms on his
legs. “LetÅ‚s take a look to see what has to be done then go from there." He
stood up and held his hands out for hers. She threw one leg out onto the ground
and grabbed his hands, eagerly taking them, and tried to leap up but was
promptly stopped and pulled back by her seatbelt.

it! She covered her face in
embarrassment. She peeked through her fingers at hearing a rich sexy laugh. The
Adonis in front of her was laughing. He squatted down and reached a colossal
arm around her and pushed the button on her seat belt, releasing her. Then he
grabbed her hands and gently pulled her out of the car.

All she could do was to mutely stare up at
him as he held her hands against his firm warm chest. His thumbs rubbed over
her fingers causing more tingles. And someone
really needs to de-arm those damn butterflies.

She managed to detach her tongue from the
roof of her mouth. “Thank you."

“YouÅ‚re more than welcome." His voice had
lowered, rippling through to her core, provoking a shiver that galloped down
her spine. Keeping hold of her left hand, he led her around the front of the
car to the passenger side. His eyes roved over the tires as they drew around to
the passenger rear flat tire. Letting go of her hand, he knelt down and
inspected the tire, then stood up and walk back to the front passenger and made
his way around, inspecting all four tires.

His face was tight in concentration as he
walked back around to her. “I can put your spare on, but all your tires need to
be replaced. They arenłt safe for you to drive on, and Iłm surprised the others
arenłt flat as well."

Heat crept up Galełs neck and spread into her
cheeks. She looked down at the ground and fidgeted. She felt Alphyłs body-heat as he drew nearer and placed his hands on
her shoulders rubbing her jaw-line with his thumbs. The act drew her sight back
up, and she couldnłt stop herself from looking up into his face and falling
into the soft brown depths of his eyes.

“Do you need help paying for them?"

The burn in her cheeks increased as she
struggled with what to say. Of course she couldnłt pay, or she wouldnłt have
gone this long without changing them. But admitting that to a stranger, whose
opinion seems to matter a great deal to her, was more than embarrassing.

He looked down at her with understanding
showing on his face. “Let me pay for it," he offered.

She started to shake her head and opened her
mouth to protest, but it died on her lips when he leaned down and kissed her.
It wasnłt demanding or perverted in any way. It was just a light brush over
hers, enough to feel his softened heat warm hers, and then he pulled away. But it
was enough to take the strength from her legs, and heat erupted in her abdomen
and shot down to the apex of her sex. Her knees gave way, but his strong arms
held tight around her holding her securely against his hardened sculpted form.
He gave a lopsided grin.

“Let me do this for you, please."

has to be the sexiest look I have ever seen. She dumbly nodded her head. “All right, since you said please."

Alphy gave a hearty laugh as he opened the
passenger door. He carefully sat her down and brushed his lips lightly over
hers again then started to work on the flat tire. Her eyes were glued to his muscles
in motion as they flexed and moved. It was both erotic and beautiful. When he
was done, he wiped his hands off on his pants and returned to her. She was
turned on so much that she swore she left a wet spot on the seat.

Alphy inhaled. Then his eyes turned heated,
and he growled. She thought he would kiss her again, but he just led her to the
driverÅ‚s side and pulled out his cell. After clicking on it a bit, he said, “Oh
good, therełs a tire place right next to the store I was heading to. Would you
be willing to go there, or is there another place you prefer?"

She lightly shook her head. “IÅ‚m not from
around here."

“Oh, neither am I. I just moved here myself.
Hop in and follow me, and IÅ‚ll keep an eye out in my rear-view in case you have
any more problems." He gave her his number and headed back to his truck.

Gale sat in her car, fighting to get her heart
rate back under control. Things like this never happened to her. She was never
the pretty one. She had a few more pounds on her than the popular girls. High
school had sucked. She had enjoyed college, until they had had to escape a
madman. And with that thought, she was face planted into the brick wall of
reality. Nothing to kill onełs libido like a lunatic of an alpha and the worthless
thugs he called enforcers. She pulled out onto the street and followed Alphyłs silver-grey pickup.

Chapter Four


Alphy could hardly contain his elation at
finding his mate. Thanks to his superior eyesight, he had seen a woman leaning over
her steering wheel and had thought she looked like she was crying. It had tugged
hard at him, so hełd pulled over. As he approached, his heart had stuttered
hard in his chest when he first scented her. He was way younger than average
for a shifter to find his mate. But then again, his parents had been, too.

Hełd had a devil of a time not outright
laughing at her expression. He knew he had attractive features, and he was
pretty built, but hełd never cared what anyone thought of him before now. When
shełd looked at him like she was a starving woman and he was a jelly donut, his
dick jerked so hard, he swore it nearly tore a hole through the front of his
pants, and he would bet the pattern of his zipper was imprinted into his dick. At
least he was wearing his button-up shirt untucked, so it would hide the wet
spot he was sure he had.

He kept a close eye on the review mirror,
making sure he didnłt lose her. He knew she was hiding something from him, and
suspected she was in trouble somehow, but he needed to gain her trust, so he
didnłt push. Shełd tell him when she was ready.

At a light, he adjusted himself. In his eyes,
his little mate was a beauty. She had long dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes,
and a curvy figure that made him want to grab hold and not let go. Ok, so that
sounded corny. But dang it! He
thumped his hard-on, trying to get it to go down. When the light turned green, he
continued down the streets, watching the rearview mirror more than the road. It
wasnłt a real problem as he was a pretty good driver.

They reached a tire center, which was right
next to the supermarket Betty had sent him to. He kept his senses up, more alert
than ever with his mate near. He had learned that when you achieved a victory,
that was when you were most vulnerable, so he knew to never let his guard down.
His victory was finding his mate. No matter how much anyone would mean to him,
no one would be more important to him than she was, so now would be the worst
time to let his guard down.

Alphy suppressed his giddy side as he parked
his truck and got out. She pulled in next to him, so he helped her out of the
car and arranged for new tires to be put on for her. He was eager to get to
know her better. With the sun shining, they waited outside talking. He was
keeping his conversation light, trying to draw a laugh from her. He found he greatly
enjoyed her laugh. It was melodious to him, and her face lit up. He got the
feeling it had been a long time since she had laughed, so he felt pride for
being the one to give her that happy glow.

The scent of another shifter invaded his nose,
and he stiffened and looked around. He wasnłt aware other shifters were in the
area. Betty would have told him of any, so that meant these shifters were here
without permission.

A sleek, athletic man with short light brown
hair hurried for them. Alphy growled low, stopping the other shifter.

The shifter turned to Gale and held out his
hand. “Gale, honey, we need to go." Gale looked for one moment at each of them,
then ducked her head and scurried to the man. He pulled her behind him.

“Who the hell are you?" Alphy bit out. He
tried to keep the edge out of his tone, but he was an alpha, and there was
another male standing between him and his yet to be claimed mate.

The man backed up further but pulled Gale
closer to his back with one arm. Before the man could answer, Galełs shaky
voice quietly carried to his sensitive ears. “Dad, whatÅ‚s going on?"

Alphy heard
the rising alarm in her voice, and the look of fear was apparent on her face. He
growled again. Hełd had her happy, but now she was scared. The scent of her
anxiety filled his nose, causing his bear to rise to the surface to protect
what was theirs. His eyes started to change as he looked at the man before him.
Alphy inhaled, taking in more of his and Galełs scents. There was no mistaking that
she was full human and he was full shifter.

“Explain yourself," Alphy ordered the man.

“WeÅ‚ll be out of your territory by morning. Please
let us go."

He heard Gale intake her breath. “YouÅ‚re a

Alphy looked at her with concern. “You know
about us?"

“I taught her. Her mother is my mate." The
man answered for her.

Alphyłs gaze returned to the man, but he heard Gale
speak. “Dad, this is Ralph uh"

“Kaska." He finished for her.

Kaska, but everyone calls him Alphy. Alphy, this is
my stepdad, Tom Elkins."

“Tom, IÅ‚d like to say itÅ‚s a pleasure, but
youłre standing between me and my fated mate."

The manłs eyes grew big then narrowed. He
drew closer. “Say it again, so I can smell you."

All shifters could scent a lie, usually.
Alphy didnłt hesitate. He wanted the man to move. The sooner he moved, the
sooner he could hold his mate. Her scent of fear was drawing out his bear in a
powerful way. He narrowed his eyes. “Gale is my mate, my destined mate, and if
you donłt move, I may maul you."

Gale was shaking, and he saw tears streaming
down her face. Damn! It turned his
stomach knowing he was the one whołd put those there.

Alphy nearly fist-pumped the air when he saw
the manÅ‚s shoulders relax. Tom nodded and turned to Gale. “ItÅ‚s all right. Calm
down, honey. HeÅ‚s telling the truth." The man wiped some of the tears away. “He
will move heaven and earth for you. Remember what I taught you about fated mates?"

Gale gave an edgy nod. Alphyłs
had to suppress a growl as Tom kissed the top of her head, but then he encouraged
her to go closer to him. Alphy stepped forward, bringing his hands up and
ringing his fingers behind her neck like he had done before. After using his
thumbs to wipe away more of her tears, he pulled her to his chest and held her.
He scented many emotions from her, so many that it was starting to give him a
headache. “Calm down, Gale. I would never hurt you." He kept his voice soothing.
“IÅ‚ve never known a true mate to ever harm their other half,
and that is what you are to me, my true mate and other half."

A throat cleared behind them, and he turned
to see the middle aged man that had been working on her car, covered in black
dust, no doubt from all the tires he dealt with, standing there. “Uh, forgive
the interruption. I just wanted to let you know your car is ready."

“Thank you. Give me just a second and IÅ‚ll be
in to settle the bill," Alphy said. The man nodded and disappeared into the
office part of the building. Alphy kissed the top of GaleÅ‚s head. “IÅ‚ll be
right back." He hated letting her go. It went against everything in him. His bear
growled at him when he did, but he had to pay the bill. He promised his
impatient bear theyłd get more time, but he felt just as impatient as he
trotted into the building.

Alphy let out a relieved sigh, and the coil
of worry that knotted in his stomach when he left his mate eased when he stepped
back outside and saw Gale was still waiting for him. He eagerly trotted halfway
then slowed to a fast walk. Reaching her, he pulled her close again and took in
a deep breath of her wild berries and honey scent, reassuring his bear. But his
bear paced impatiently. He didnłt like that she could disappear on him, and the
urge to mate and claim her pushed through his body.

Alphy felt it was fortunate his human mate
already knew about shifters because he knew that was a big step for humans to
overcome. He hoped it would shorten the time it took to convince her to
complete the bond. He was still in a state of shock that he had found her so
early on in life. “So, Tom, want to tell me why you think youÅ‚re leaving by
morning? You know I canłt accept my mate going anywhere without me, and
something tells me she needs you right now, too."

Tom was reticent. He looked reluctant, and
his eyes darted around before he looked back to him. "Itłs best we donłt
talk about it out here. Wełre staying just down the road. Itłs an Inn you can
see from the curb there." Tom pointed in the direction, so Alphy agreed to
follow them to the Inn and get the scoop on whom he
needed to kill, and he was sure he needed to kill someone because no one caused
that much stress and sadness on his mate and lived to tell about it. Alphy
could tell it was something big. Hełd been in battles enough to get a sense
about these things.

The trip to the Inn didnłt even take them a
full sixty seconds once he pulled out onto the road. It really was close by.

He got out of his truck and followed them to
a room on the bottom floor on the far end. Tom stopped him. “Prepare yourself
for what you are about to see. An alpha had my stepson attacked. Hełs lucky to
even be alive."

Alphyłs stomach went sick. If he was Tomłs stepson,
then he was probably full human as well. This also meant if he took these
people in, he was going to start a war with this alpha. Well, war was what he
knew, and like Tom had said earlier, he would move heaven and earth for his

The smell of pain hit Alphyłs
face as Tom opened the door. Alphy closed his eyes to get control over his bear.
The scent was so thick that it nearly made him gag. He had been around this scent
all the time when he was in the military, but it never got easier.

The small room was a nice place, bright and
well taken care of. Gale entered and walked over to the embrace of a slightly
older woman who looked just like his mate and who also had the look of fear in
her eyes. Two cubs, a boy and a girl, trotted around the living space playing
with some toys.

Tom gently closed the door behind them.
“Honey, this is Ralph Kaska. Ralph, this is my mate,
Connie." Alphy murmured a greeting. Tom continued, “It turns out Gale is his
destined mate." Tom sounded a bit relieved, but he was still tense.

Conniełs eyes grew big, and the scent of relief
made its way to him. “Oh thank goodness."

Alphy carefully stepped around the tots as he
was led to another room. The smell of pain was strongest in this room. Tom walked
over to the bedside and leaned over to check the human sleeping there.

Gale came up behind Alphy. “He sleeps a lot
because of the pain meds."

He stepped aside so she could get through.
She walked over to the other side and crawled up on the bed and cuddled with the
unconscious male. He growled. He figured this was her brother, but he still hated
seeing his mate with anyone else. He knew that would probably ebb a bit once he
finally mated with her, but that knowledge didnłt do anything to help calm his

Alphy scrubbed his face with his hands; he
needed to focus. He walked closer to get a better look at the family member.
The young man in the bed couldnłt even be legal age yet, and Alphy could tell
he was close to the same age as his own brother. The young manłs skin was
pallid. His arms were in splints, and gauze was wrapped around part of his head.

“What happened?" AlphyÅ‚s
tone had gone cold. Someone was definitely going to die for this.

“We were part of a herd in British Columbia.
The alpha found out" Tom paused. Alphyłs eyes
knitted. Tom moved between him and the boy. Alphy suppressed his amusement at
seeing the shifter step between him and yet another one of his stepkids. Tom tentatively continued. “He found out that
Paul is gay." He paused, no doubt waiting for Alphyłs

Alphy sighed. He had gay friends, and he had
a pretty good idea where this was going. First he needed to assure the
protective stepfather. He had to hand it to the guy, though, as any man who
gave his stepchildren this kind of devotion had to be given a good deal of
respect. “You can relax, Tom. I have friends who are gay. I donÅ‚t have any
problems with it. So what happened next?"

Tom didnłt seem to ease as much as Alphy
would have expected. “What about your alpha? WeÅ‚ve had trouble with other
alphas. The lack of shifters here was what drew us to come here. I didnłt know
there were any shifters in the area or we would have avoided coming here."

Even though the thought of just how close he had
come to missing out on meeting his mate nearly had his bear clawing his way out
to stake claim to her right then and there, the fact the courageous yet fearful
shifter were avoiding shifters, raised his hackles. “You can rest easy. I am the alpha."

Tom seemed to relax a bit, so he nodded and continued.
“He ordered us to get rid of him, to send him away. So we secretly packed up
our van and tried to make it look like he was being sent away, but the alphałs
enforcers grabbed him just before we were going to leave. They dragged him into
the forest and beat him. I took a shotgun after them and fired one shot into
the leg of one of them. They got the hint and ran."

Alphy paid close attention to what he said.
If Tom had actually shot one of the enforcers, in spite of it being justified,
it could cause further complications.

Gale spoke up but kept her eyes on her
brother. “The hospital did what they could, but after a few days, we couldnÅ‚t
stay there any longer. Every time we move him, it slows his healing, but every
time we find a place to stop and hide, they find us."

No doubt the stress was slowing his healing, Alphy
thought. As Alphy thought about what he was learning, his bear was pacing and
growling at her closeness to the boy. Damn,
IÅ‚m already strongly possessive of her. He was having a difficult time
trying not to growl, but then he saw more tears escape from her watery eyes as
he stood there looking over the boy and the family who rallied behind him. Well damn. He felt like a heel now. He
internally shook himself back to the current crisis. “You said you were packing
everyone up and then they took him?"

Tom nodded.

Alphy rubbed
his face in thought. “You were willing to go rogue and make your entire family
rogue, for your human stepson?" The more Alphy thought about it, the more respect
he had for this shifter.

Tom bristled, and Alphy saw him starting to
get his defenses up, so he held up his hands in a manner to convey to him to
calm down. “Relax, Tom, I didnÅ‚t say it with malice. IÅ‚m merely trying to get
it to sink in just how courageous you are. It goes without question that IÅ‚ll
help. What you have endured is sick, but youłve remained strong and I believe
fate is smiling upon you for it. This alpha is a dead man."

Tom looked confused and a little bit disbelieving.
“Thank you." His shoulders slumped as if a huge burden just lifted from them as
he was finally able to relax.

In the military, Alphy had learned teamwork
from the start. It was what made him stronger. Tom had been caring for his
family by himself under a great deal of stress. The more Alphy thought about
it, the more he respected the man.

Alphy decided to move them to the house, but
he needed to call Betty. He might be the alpha, but he wasnłt sure just yet if
she was willing to back him on this and he could use her help. “Let me make a
call." He left the room and stepped outside and called his sisterłs cell. As
the ring tone buzzed in his ear, he made a mental note to get another cell
phone later, to keep at the house and be used like a landline would have been.

“Hey, big brother, IÅ‚ve got fish bones to
pick with you. Why didnłt you wait for me or wake me? I wanted to scout around

“DonÅ‚t like the chores Betty has you doing?"
he mused.

“Well, no, but IÅ‚m trying not to complain or
shełll have me doing what Reesełs mouth got him stuck with."

Alphy chuckled. “Please tell me, I canÅ‚t wait
to hear this."

Havana sounded only too pleased to tell him. “Well..."


Gale was so confused. She saw Alphy step out
of the room and stared at the doorway, deep in thought. Tom sat down on the bed
next to Paul. “WhatÅ‚s on your mind, sweetheart?"

She hesitated, and it was long enough for Tom
to make a decision. “IÅ‚ll go watch the twins and send your mom in here. It
looks like you need to talk to her. If you need me for anything, you know you
can always ask me." He got up and disappeared into the other room.

Gale didnłt know what to think. So many
things had been happening, and then today just seemed to be life throwing her
what? A wrench or a lifeline?

In some ways Gale missed their old life,
before they learned about the real paranormal world that really existed around
them. Their mother had been happily married for several years to their dad.
After he had died, hit by a drunk driver, their mother had met a man, Tom
Elkin, who forever changed their lives. Paul was only twelve at the time and
Gale fifteen, when they were sat down and told about shifters and mates, and
why it had to be kept secret from everyone.

Her mother appeared in the doorway, and she
had a huge smile on her face. “Is it true? Is that shifter really your mate?"
Her mother looked positively giddy, but why?

With a solemn face, Gale nodded confirmation.

Connie lay down on the bed on the other side
of Paul and propped her head on her hand to look directly at Gale. “DonÅ‚t you
get it?" Gale shook her head in response. Her mother reached over and cupped
her cheek. “A mate means he wonÅ‚t ever hurt you, leave you, cheat on you, and
the mating will extend your life." Her mother withdrew her hand. “Ever since I
mated with Tom, my only sorrow was that I was going to watch you and your
brother age and die, and most parents worry about their child when theyłre in a
relationship. There are diseases. Therełs abuse, and therełs betrayal. A
shifter canłt cheat on his mate. He canłt get it up for anyone else ever

Ok, so her mom had a strong argument. And
being mated to the hottest man on the planet was also a bonus. But Gale was
confused and nervous. She didnłt have a lot of experience with men. Shełd actually
only slept with two guys.

“Mom," she whispered, “what if IÅ‚m not good
enough? Iłve only been with two guys. I wouldnłt know what to do or how to
please him."

Her mother wasnłt one to get uncomfortable
about this subject. Shełd always believed an open relationship with her kids
would help them but a stricter one would put them at risk. She always wanted
her kids to be able to approach her or Tom about anything. “Fate wouldnÅ‚t do
that to you. You tell him youłre not very experienced. Always communicate with
your mate. Many issues could be resolved more easily or avoided completely if
there was better communication. He wonłt know how to help you if you donłt let
him know what you need. Shifters are territorial, and more so of their mates
than anything else. He wonłt turn you away or be disgusted in you for your
history, but the fewer the lovers in your past, the more pleased they are.
Donłt be afraid to tell him anything. Hełs the one person you should be able to
go to for anything. Itłs still a challenge. Youłll have to compromise and forgive,
but love will come fast and never lessen."

“Do we date? Do we mate right away? IÅ‚m
having a problem figuring out what we do now."

Her mother gave her a look of sympathy. “Think
about how you feel and what would be best for you. If you arenłt ready, you
need to tell him. He shouldnłt hurt you, Gale. I would bet he would wait for

Gale wasnłt so sure what was right for her.
She was still really young at nineteen, and she did have goals. Her mom must
have read her doubts. “Gale, what was he like when you first met him? How did
he make you feel?"

“Safe. Safe and happy.
For the first time since the attack, I felt safe and happy." She gave her
mother an apologetic look. “I know you and Tom are doing your best. IÅ‚m not
sorry for what he did."

“I know, baby. IÅ‚m not sorry either. I love
him more than ever. If he wouldnłt have accepted you two when we first got
together, we wouldnłt have gotten together. Deep down, I thought maybe he was
just putting up a front, but over the last couple of years, IÅ‚ve shed almost
all doubts. I didnłt realize I still had doubts until the alpha ordered him to
get rid of Paul. I couldnłt be more proud of him for what he did or how he
handled it." Her motherłs eyes welled up. Connie blinked the tears away and
shook herself of her mood, and she smiled at Gale. “IÅ‚m a believer in true
mates. Take the time you need, but donłt be afraid to take a chance."

Tom appeared in the doorway, so her mother
got up and went to him. They stood in the doorway, holding each other, and the
look of intense love on Tomłs face when he looked at her mother made Gale long
for that with Alphy. She remembered Alphy had held her like that. She could
have what her parents had if she just got over her fears.

“Alphy wants us to move in with him. He lives
with his great-aunt, younger brother, and sister on some property a little ways
from here. What do you think?"

Connie looked up into her mateÅ‚s face. “I
trust whatever you choose."

Tom looked to Gale. Gale stood up and walked
over to them. “Well, heÅ‚s my mate." She hesitated for just a moment. She was
scared to take this next step; it was a big one. But from what shełd learned,
she knew there wouldnÅ‚t be a better man for her. “My place is with him."

Tomłs smile looked like it was filled with
relief. He used one arm to bring her in for a hug while still holding her
mother. He kissed her temple and pulled back. “He still needs to do some
shopping, and we need to pack up. He said he was going to come back as soon as
he was done. You can go with him if you like. Your mother and I can handle the

Nerves played out in Galełs stomach, so she
had to steady herself. “IÅ‚d like that."

Her mom leaned over and kissed her. “IÅ‚m
proud of you. Now go get to know your mate, and remember what we talked about."

Gale nodded and headed through the door. Her
hotter-than-hell mate was squatted down playing with one of the twins. He stood
up and gave her a panty-wetting smile. He gently took her hand and led her out
the door.

Chapter Five


Alphy nearly let out a whoop when he heard
his matełs answer to her stepdad. He didnłt want to make her feel uncomfortable,
so he didnłt mention that he was able to hear the entire conversation between
her and her mom. Shifter hearing was far superior to humansł. He didnłt have to
hide his interest in the conversation, as Tom was just as interested. The two
talked lightly, but they kept part of their attention aimed towards the room.

There were a few things he paid special
attention to. Her nervousness about the mating was important, and hełd have to
remember that.

They were so close to the store that he
really didnłt get a chance to talk before they were already parked in the
parking lot of the supermarket. After they exited the truck, he made sure to
hold her hand as they walked through the parking lot.

“So, uh, what are we shopping for?" she asked

Alphy dug into his pocket and pulled out the
list and handed it to her. “WeÅ‚ll need to grab everything in a bigger quantity.
Is there anything specific your family needs?"

They walked through the open sliding doors, and
Alphy grabbed a cart while Gale skimmed over the list. “We could see if they
have pull-ups. The twins are potty trained, but they still have accidents at
night. And soupPaul still has trouble eating anything too solid."

He nodded as they started roaming up and down
the aisles. They worked their way over to the bakery department. Alphy took in
a deep breath and hummed as he let it out.

Gale looked sideways at him and smiled. “Got
a sweet tooth?"

“Guilty. Most shifters do. How about we get a
few dozen donuts to take back to everyone?"

Gale got timid again, and she looked down and
shrugged. He stopped and pulled her soft figure against him. Crooking a finger,
he used the side of it to gently lift her chin until he was looking into her
bright hazel eyes. “WhatÅ‚s wrong? If you donÅ‚t like donuts, we can get
something else."

She fidgeted a little bit and tried several
times to look away, but he would have none of that. Her cheeks pinked, but he
waited patiently until she finally confided in him.

She gave a defeated sigh. “Donuts are fine."
Her voice was just above a whisper. He let her chin go and held her closer to

“ThatÅ‚s not what I asked, my beautiful mate.
I canłt help you if I donłt know whatłs wrong."

“IÅ‚m really not that beautiful. YouÅ‚re the
drop-dead gorgeous one, which is nearly what I did when I first saw you."

He chuffed with her description upon seeing
him, then grew very serious. He placed his finger
under her chin again until her entrancing eyes were looking into his again.
“You are more beautiful to me than any other woman I have ever met. I donÅ‚t
ever want to hear you putting yourself down like that. Would you tell your baby
sister that?"

Gale gave a sharp look of shock and gasped. “Of course not."

“Even if she was getting a little heavier
than other girls her age?" he asked.

GaleÅ‚s brows knitted together. “Never, sheÅ‚s
beautiful no matter what."

“Exactly. But if you did tell her that, do you think
she would start to believe it?"


“Well, it works the same way when you tell
yourself things. If those things are negative, it will drag you down, but if
you constantly encourage yourself, it will lift you up. And how you view
yourself or treat yourself, reflects on others around
you. They can grow confident or insecure by watching how you think of yourself.
I love everything about you. I donłt want you insulting my mate, and Iłve
discovered IÅ‚m extremely defensive of her." He ended the last sentence with an
amused smile.

Gale thought for only a moment, and then a
warm and wide smile spread across her face. He could see the tears start to
form in her eyes. He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. He didnłt
want to stop at just a brush like last time, especially with her confidence
being so fragile, so he gladly took the kiss further.

Alphy ran his tongue over the seam of her
lips. They parted in a muffled gasp, and he dipped his tongue in to taste his
mate. Her honey flavor burst over his tongue. He felt his shaft strain the
front of his pants, causing abundant pain, which pulled him out of his lust
enough to end the kiss. His instincts to claim her right here in the store ran
heavy, and he didnłt want to take her in a public place.

He pulled back to see his mate still had her
eyes shut. She swayed just a bit before her eyes fluttered open to reveal a
glazed look in her eyes. He suddenly didnłt feel much like being out in public,
and he agreed with his bear. They wanted her in their den so they could explore
their mate much more thoroughly.

They finished their list and made their way
through the check stand. After loading the truck, they headed back to the Inn. Alphy
was alarmed to see a muscular man banging on the door to their room with two
others standing nearby acting as scouts. He smelled heavy fear coming from his

“Do you know those men?" he asked her,
already guessing the answer.

She nodded her head shakily. “Thos-se are t-t-the"

He grabbed her hand. “Ok, IÅ‚ll take care of
this, but I need you stay here." He squeezed her hand, but she didnłt let go
right away when he tried to leave the truck. He looked back to her, and she was
very white. “I know what IÅ‚m doing. I need you to trust me. It will be all right,"
he promised. She let go, and he made his way over to the three men. He could
smell their scent. They were definitely elk shifters.

The closest one stepped forward as he
approached. He held up his hand, and Alphy knew he started talking before he
had smelled him, or he wouldnÅ‚t have gotten in his way. “Hey, buddy, nothing
going on here. Wełre just apprehending some"

He didnłt get to finish before Alphy laid him

The other two quickly approached. “Hey! Back
off. Who the helloof."

Two down on the ground. Alphy turned his sights on the now frightened
third enforcer. The elk shifter held his hands up and sniffed the air, and his
eyes got bigger. To enter into an alphałs territory unannounced, especially if
you were of any rank, was a major offense, one held against the encroaching
pack. They could scent his anger and feel his presence, so they knew now they
were in someonełs territory and that they were not welcome.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. We didnÅ‚t know there was a pack near here.
We didnłt know we were in your territory. If you just let me explain"

Alphy did want to hear what they had to say.
The more information he could get to incriminate the alpha and his enforcers,
the better. Alphy crossed his arms over his chest. “You have sixty seconds. Talk

The enforcer looked like he was trying to get
moisture back into his now dry throat. Alphy watched him, but he kept an eye on
the other two as they came around and limped back over to the third enforcer.

“WeÅ‚re chasing rogues. They attacked an
enforcer and stole from the alpha of our territory. They were part of our herd.
Theyłre here, so wełll just take them and go."

“No, you wonÅ‚t. This is my territory, and I say when someone can come and go. What are you accusing them of

“You donÅ‚t want to do that, man. Our alpha is
pretty pissed, so it will cause a lot of problems for you if you donłt let us
take them back. You donłt want that. They arenłt worth it."

One of the men, who was holding his stomach
and leaning against the wall, snorted. “Yeah, one of themÅ‚s

“Shut up, man," the other
injured enforcer bit out through clenched teeth.

“Is that some kind of veiled threat?" Alphy
knew it was, and he nearly ground his teeth.

The “diplomatic" enforcer continued. “WeÅ‚ll
just take them out of your territory. Iłm sure whatever they told you was a lie. Our alpha would be grateful, and hełs willing to
compensate for any inconvenience."

Alphy almost rolled his eyes. “IÅ‚m a shifter,
you half-witted dung-beetle. I could smell if they lied, and they arenłt lying.
You, however, are. I can smell it.
They only shot your enforcer in self-defense. I would like to know what your
alpha claims they stole."

The enforcer was clearly losing his patience,
and he glared at Alphy for being called out. Alphy gave a warning growl,
letting his bear show through his eyes and his canines cut through his gums,
showing themselves to the enforcers. The man looked down and tilted his head. “Money. They stole from the herd accounts."

Alpha stalked over to the man and lifted him
up until he was standing on his tiptoes. The other two only backed up. “Pay
attention because IÅ‚m only telling you this once." He glanced over at the other
two. “You two may want to help him remember, as IÅ‚m sure none of you alone
would have enough brain-power to remember this." He looked back into the other
shifterÅ‚s eyes. “One, I can smell
your lie. Two, I aready
spoke to them, and one is my fated
mate. Which brings us to three, if
you or your alpha comes near my territory, if you or your alpha contracts or
orders an attack on anyone in my territory, or if anyone," he growled, “lays a finger
on my mate, or her family, when I get a hold of them, it will take them a very
long time to die! I will kill their family, slowly. I will kill their pets,
their lawyer, and their third grade school teacher, just for having a role in
their worthless miserable lives. I am not an alpha to fuck with. Am I clear?" He shouted at the last. Alphyłs rage burned in his chest. He growled as fiercely as
he dared to in public, to slam home his message.

Letting go of the terrified shifter, he
watched as the piece of shit didnłt quite catch himself
and fell with a thump to the ground. All three enforcers whimpered from the
presence he projected. They stumbled and scurried to their vehicles and sped
out of the parking lot. Alphy took a look around to make sure everything was
clear. He didnłt want to be surprised by a lurking extra or some wandering
human. When he judged it safe, he signaled for Gale to come to him. She didnłt
hesitate. She sprinted across the small lot and into his arms. She had tears
pouring down her face, and as soon as she was in the safety of his arms, she
sobbed. He could smell her panic and pure distress. He rubbed her back and kept
telling her, over and over again, that she was all right.

Alphy looked up as the door opened. Tom
looked out and around, and he was holding a shotgun. They locked eyes, giving each
other a nod, and Tom dipped back inside, then returned
with a groggy Paul in his arms, followed by Connie, leading the twins behind her.
They loaded them into the van and climbed in.

Alphy didnłt want to let his mate out of his
reach, but he didnłt want her to leave her stuff in the lot either. He didnłt
want those idiots getting anything that belonged to her. Drawing back, he wiped
away her tears. “Are you all right?"

She drew in a shaking breath as she nodded.
He kissed her on her forehead. “Are you good enough to drive? I donÅ‚t want to
leave your car here." She nodded her head again. He walked her to her vehicle
and helped her in, then jumped into his own. He sent a quick text to his sister
before leading his new family out onto the road. He stayed alert the entire
ride home, which made it feel so much longer than it was.

His aunt, sister, and brother were all on the
porch waiting for them when they arrived. His sister and brother quickly
trotted over to his truck to unload the groceries while his aunt stayed on the
porch and directed Tom as he carried in a moaning Paul. He briefly regarded his
mate as she was helping her mother with the twins, a desire to create his own
cubs with her thrumming through his heart. Scanning the area for potential
threats, he saw too many places they could be approached. He would need help
keeping his family safe, but for now, he didnłt see, hear, or smell anyone or
thing out of the ordinary. Deeming it safe for now, he grabbed some grocery
bags and started hauling them inside.

He heard his aunt in her room giving Tom
orders. Dropping off his load, he decided to check out what was going on. He
spotted his aunt leaning over Paul, trying to get him to drink down some tea.
“Come on now. I know it isnÅ‚t the best tasting stuff, but it will help you.
Thatłs it. Those lowlife monsters give all us shifters a bad name." She fussed
over him, tucking him in and checking out his bandages.

Connie joined them, and Betty looked up at
the couple. “IÅ‚ll have him stay in here, and IÅ‚ll take the room across that
hall. It will be no trouble putting my stuff in the other room. Take your pick
of rooms, or even better, you can have the apartment in the basement or the
apartment over the garage. That will give you some personal space, and you can
finally unpack and unwind."

Connie had a mix of emotion flutter across
her face. “Unpack? You want us to move in?"

Betty regarded the human. “If you donÅ‚t wish
to, then you donłt have to, but youłre family now and you are positively
welcome here."

Before Connie could respond, Alphy spoke. “Remember,
I have offered you sanctuary in my territory, and if you wish to petition to
join us, then I will be happy to accept you as part of our pack."

Tom squeezed his mate closer to him. “Thank
you, Alpha, we would like that."

Connie nodded. Her face crumpled, and she
turned into her matełs embrace and sobbed. Tom looked back at Alphy with barely
contained tears of relief himself. “I know itÅ‚s only been a few weeks, but it
has felt like an eternity since we were able to feel welcome and safe. You have
my loyalty."

Nodding his head, Alphy turned and headed out
of the room. He found his mate sitting on a soft dark brown suede couch,
talking with his sister Havana, and watching the tots play and explore in the
living space near the wood stove. His brother, Reese, was down on the floor playing
gently with them.

Gale looked up as he drew near and smiled at
him. It was a tired smile, but it had no less effect to cause his heart to
stutter and his stomach to flip with desire and excitement. This was his family
now, and a sense of purpose and pride filled him. As he approached his mate, he
looked over at his brother, who looked up at him as he approached.

“We have cubs in the house now," said Alphy. “No
more potty mouth or the next time you have to clean the chicken coop, youłll do
it with your toothbrush."

Their sister started to laugh, and he joined
in at his brotherÅ‚s expression. Reese huffed indignantly. “Hey, it was a flipping spider! You canÅ‚t be
held accountable for what you say when you see a spider."

That got everyone laughing, including Alphyłs mate.

He turned to Havana. “Would you mind watching
the cubs all the cubs?" He gave an exaggerated look toward his brother.

Laughter filled the room as Havana eagerly
nodded, ignoring Reesełs protest, and Alphy led Gale up to his room. He smelt
her nervousness before they even reached his door, so he opened the door but
didnÅ‚t go in. He stood in the entryway and held her in his arms. “IÅ‚m not going
to force you to do anything you arenłt ready for. I want you to feel
comfortable coming to me about anything. That being said, I also want to be
upfront with you. Youłll be better able to make your choices that are best for
you without guessing what it is I want or expect. Are you ok with that?"

Gale nodded, and he could sense that her
nerves lessened, but were still there. He continued. “I want to move you into
my room, with me."

Alphy expected he would have to explain more
about how fast shifters accepted their mates. Most humans had beliefs about how
long one should take to move in together and fall in love, but those things
happened fast with shifter mates. However she surprised him by nodding her

“I trust you."

Alphy closed his eyes tight, and he let out a
relieved breath. Inside, his bear settled a wee bit but not much. Not until
they had their mark on her would he totally be satisfied.

He opened his eyes and placed his forehead
against hers. “Thank you, Honey-bear."

Alphy felt the skin on her forehead tug on
his as her eyebrows rose up. “Honey-bear? Does that
mean I get to give you a pet name? I was always kind of fond of ępoopsył."

Alphy growled then chuckled. “You can call me
anything you want, just maybe keep the poopsies to a
minimum. I am an alpha and would hate to have to maul someone because they
didnłt take me seriously."

Alphy felt like fireworks would explode out
his chest with his intense feelings for his mate. She may be afraid, but she
trusted him. That alone meant the world to him, and he loved her sense of
humor. He figured once this threat passed, she would be trouble, and he
couldnłt wait to be a part of it. His bear approved immensely when they watched
her start to haul her personal effects into their room and look for places to
put them. He may not have had the room long, but his bear had already claimed
the space. The rest of the morning was spent unloading.

Alphy had only had a brief look at the house
when he locked things up the night before, but he decided he needed to get
acquainted with the whole building and surroundings. He needed to keep his mate
and his pack safe, and he couldnłt do that if he didnłt know his way around or
wasnłt able to notice anything out of place. So while the others unloaded, he

He started with the basement that Tom and
Connie had decided to move in to. Taking a load down to the basement, he took a
quick looked around. It was a comfortable space that had three bedrooms and a
kitchen with a closet pantry. The living space was open, much like the main
house upstairs and had a wood stove also. To one side, there was a door that
led outside.

Alphy opened the outside door and looked
around. The porch was overhead, shading the area, but it was clean and neat
with a wooden bench against the wall and hooks and brackets to hang planters
on. However, though standing at the bottom of the cement stairs he could stand
up straight, the further up he went, the more he would have to crouch. Still, the
porch was high enough to allow easy movement, if a little hunched over,
underneath. He overheard Connie and Tom discuss adding shade-friendly plants,
more comfortable seating, and a perhaps a sandbox for the kids. They were
really excited about the space.

Alphy headed up the stairs and crouched under
the porch. He walked out into the sun and around the house to the garage. It was
time to find out what Betty kept in there. He had wondered since he arrived
what she had in there.

He opened the side door and cautiously walked
into the darkened space and let his eyes adjust. What he saw caught him totally
by surprise. In front of him, in the middle of the large space, was a boxing
ring. Around the ring were several different boxing bags, weights, all kinds of
protective gear in adult sizes and kid sizes, boxing gloves and tape, and sparring
gear. Alphy had spent loads of time in gyms strength training and sparring, and
he took in a breath and enjoyed the familiar scents. He knew this would be a
place he would escape to often, and seeing the kid
gear, he felt a twinge of excitement at the idea of training others, perhaps
even his own kids.

“When you open the garage doors, it opens it
up further. So you like it?"

Alphy didnłt jump as hełd smelled Betty was
near. “Yeah, the only place I spent more time than the gym, was in the field of
battle. This isnłt old equipment, yet I donłt smell youłve been here recently."

Betty waved a hand. “Nah,
wasnłt my thing. It was, however, my brothersł favorite thing. They loved
boxing and they could get quite a bit rowdy, so our dad built this and used it
to train the boys. It taught them how to defend themselves, and it got rid of
their extra energy at the same time. It was even used to settle disputes
between the brothers. I actually kept it up-to-date for two reasons." She walked
over and stood next to him as he was inspecting the corner bags. “I did it to
honor their memories, for one. And as I told you, your mother couldnłt stop
going on about you, and she told me how good a fighter you were. I figured once
I died, you would inherit all this, so I made it as best I could. I did a lot
of things with both of those thoughts in mind, in honor of my brothers and in
preparations for it becoming a sleuth once again."

Alphy looked up. “Is that why you have so much
electricity set up?"

“Yep, this was always the central hub, being
that it was where the alpha lived. We always had gatherings, celebrations,
events, or visitors. There was always something going on. I think I also did it
for something to do, something other than feed
chickens or weed. I always hoped it would be the hub of an alpha once again,
one day."

Alphy wandered around looking at the gear. “So
you really donłt mind all the company." He didnłt really ask, it was just
affirmation, but she answered anyway.

“Of course. I never had the urge to leave or travel, but
I enjoy having people around. Let me ask you something. You offered to allow
them to join our ępackł. Why not sleuth? We are

Alphy nodded and turned to face her. “I know,
but ęsleuthł indicates bears. ęPackł is more of a broad term. We may be bears,
but Tom is elk, our mates are human, and if all turns out, we may just have
wolf, lion, hawk, anaconda, and even vampire, join us. Pack seems to fit more
to me than sleuth does."

Bettyłs eyes went big when her brows shot to
her hairline. “Anaconda and vampire?" She puffed out a
snort and started for the door. “Ok, pack it is." She paused at the door and
looked back at him with a serious look on her face. “But I better not find the
snakełs creepy-ass, shed skin lying around, and the vampire better keep his
fangs clean."

Alphy gave a tilted smile. He enjoyed her
sense of humor or was she really serious? He continued to explore the garage,
then moved on to the apartment upstairs from it.

The apartment over the garage was a
comfortable size. It was built as one bedroom apartment with loads of light
coming in from several windows. The place was bright, and without the walls
hampering it, it lit up the space.

It had a decent sized kitchen, a large full
sized bathroom, and a walk-in closet. Alphy loved the light. It gave it the
sense it was a larger space than it was. He thought about his friends whom he
was going to invite and really hoped they accepted. This was a perfect
apartment for either his friend who he wanted as his beta, or his friend who was
a hawk.

He continued to roam the space, thinking more
about his friends. Just that morning, on his way to town, he had been thinking
about how Betty had said he was now alpha. He already
had in mind asking some of his friends to join him. One was gay, so no pack
wanted him. He was Alphyłs closest friend and could
nearly beat him when they sparred, so he was planning on asking him to be his beta.
This would be a great space for him.

Another was a hawk shifter whose family had
been murdered, and he was left without a clutch. He was Alphyłs
second best friend and a deadly sniper. He would adore this space, with it
being higher up and an open space.

Leaning against the kitchen island that
seconded as a breakfast bar, he pulled out his cell. Now was a good time to
call in the “pack".

Chapter Six


Enzołs amused voice resonated through the
connection. “Hey, look at that. An apparition. IÅ‚m
gifted with communicating with the dead. How goes the afterlife?"

Alphy grunted but kept his voice serious.
“Busy, you need to join me, and bring the kids." Referring to
their other friends.

His best and closest friend didnłt miss the urgency
of the matter. His voice lowered in response. “WeÅ‚ll be there in twenty-four
hours or less. Wanna tell me whatłs up, or do I get
to be surprised?"

“I found my mate." Alphy waited for his
friendłs wisecrack.

“Congratulations! So you want the whole
family together for a reunion or do you need someone to show you where to put

Alphy loved his friend, but he didnłt feel
like playing along this time. “Some super ass-wipe of an alpha tried to have
her brother killed for being gay and claims they stole money from him."

“Fuck, you just donÅ‚t understand the concept
of retirement. Youłre supposed to avoid trouble. Howłs her brother?"

“Alive, but he lost an eye and his ribs and
wrists were fractured so theyłre still healing. Staying on the run is slowing
his healing. My mater and her brother are full human, kids from her motherłs
previous marriage. A shifter mated their mom, and now they have a pair of cubs.
The whole family is being targeted because the stepfather refused to send his
gay stepson away."

“So he defied his alpha, packed up the kids,
and fled?"

“Yeah, but not before his enforcers dragged the
gay son away and tried beating him to death. The stepdad took a shotgun and
shot one of them, so now the alpha has other alphas on his side, believing
theyłre rogues and theives."

He heard his friend whistle his expression. “Damn,
a stepdad that would do all that for a kid that wasnłt his own? Respect. So you need the family together to fight a great
big shifter war? IÅ‚ll bring the heavy guns. So, where do you want us?"

Alphy sighed. “IÅ‚m not finished with the big

“More? You really donÅ‚t know how to take a break. What more do you have to tell me?
Lay it on me."

“I told you I was heading to a relativeÅ‚s
after I picked up my brother and sister?"

“Yeah, how they doing?"

“ItÅ‚s been a bit rough, but theyÅ‚ll be all right.
We got up here, and my bear immediately settled. Itłs
home, Enzo. My bear claimed the area before I even got out of the truck. My
aunt, somehow, kept the area in hopes to rebuild the sleuth. She told me if I
wanted to stay here, I could, so IÅ‚m now an alpha of a territory." Alphy huffed
into the phone. “We arrived just yesterday. She offered last night and I
accepted, and itłs a good thing since I met my mate no more than twelve hours
later." Alphy grunted again and mused how fast life could play out. “Just
before I met her, I was thinking about you and the others. I want you to be my
beta. Will you think about that?"

His friend paused a moment, and Alphy knew he
was battling his emotions. Enzo was a wolf, a true pack animal, yet he was
forced to live without a pack because he was gay and his birth pack and others
he had asked to join didnłt want him. Alphy knew what it meant to him to be
offered a pack, but to also be offered a rank was something Alphy knew Enzo didnłt
think he would ever have.

After a few moments, Enzo cleared his throat
a couple times until he was able to speak. “Psh, no
need to think about it, I accept." Alphy could hear the barely controlled
emotion mixed with the excitement in his friendÅ‚s voice. “Hot dog! It will feel
so good to be a part of something again, and beta? Best friend ever." His friend said the last sentence
like a teenage girl. He always loved to subtly mock a gay stereotype many took him
for when they heard he was gay.

Alphy laughed and spoke a few more minutes as
they planned the next events. He hung up and dialed another number.

“You couldnÅ‚t live without me and my dick
after all? IÅ‚m flattered, and I accept!" Ryker drawled.

Alphy laughed. What was it with his friends
answering first thing with a quick quip? What ever happened to the good old fashioned
“hello"? Then again, he wouldnÅ‚t want his friends to be any other way but

“Hey Ryker, good, get your ass up here and
bring Seamus. In fact, make sure Seamus is on the next flight out, if he would,
and bring his med-kit."

“Well dayum! HeÅ‚s
having flight issues and is stuck in Chicago. IÅ‚ll call him right away and tell
him to quickly switch flights. Then IÅ‚ll call you back and you can tell me
whatłs going on while I pack."

While Alphy waited for Ryker to call back, he
headed downstairs and out to the barn. He still hadnłt seen what was in every
building. However, before he reached the barn, his phone rang. He checked the
ID before he connected the call. “Hi, Seamus."

“What the fuck did you do?"

“I found my mate, and her brother, whoÅ‚s full human, is really lucky to still be alive. We need
a doctor, Sea."

“I would say you seriously pissed off fate to
have so much trouble all the time, but congratulations proving that theory
wrong in finding your mate. Where am I changing my flight to?"

Alphy blew out a breath. “Thank you." He
rattled off directions.

“Got it, new flight leaves in twenty. IÅ‚ll
reserve a rental car and be there by supper. Then you can explain to me what
the hell all is going on."

Alphy called Ryker back, who picked up on the
first ring, “Hey handsome, I have my flight from PDX booked, and IÅ‚m packing
right now, so, wanna tell me whatłs going on? Are
your brother and sister ok?"

Alphy explained the situation while he paced
in the afternoon sun.

“Man, that alpha is going to get an ugly
taste of reality, I am so glad IÅ‚m your friend and not his. How long do you
think this will take?"

Alphy saw Gale coming towards him. Keeping his
eyes on her luscious form he answered Ryker, “Uh, I donÅ‚t know, it depends how
stupid he is. But I was hoping to convince you and your brother, while youłre
here, to stay."

“Hooya baby, IÅ‚ll
pack my collection. Have someone pick me up at the airport, and IÅ‚ll text you
the flight info. Hold on, IÅ‚m getting a text." After a brief moment of silence,
Ryker announced, “Okay, Sea-salt said he just got word that Kace
and Slate are going to be joining up with him. Hełs going to wait there for
them and be there by tonight. Who all else did you invite? Do I know any of
them? Are they as sexy as you?"

“The others would be Enzo, Matteo, and Nix."

“Oh yeah, sexy heaven. See you soon." Ryker hung up just as Gale
reached Alphy. He pocketed his cell and took her into his arms.

“HowÅ‚re you doinÅ‚,
honey-bear? Are you all moved in?"

“Yeah, everythingÅ‚s unloaded from both vehicles.
Can I ask who you were talking to?"

“Calling in my buddies. OneÅ‚s a doctor and will be here in a few
hours." He kissed the top of her head, but even that caused his dick to make
his pants uncomfortable.

“IÅ‚m sorry weÅ‚re so much trouble. I can never
repay him for helping."

Alphy softly grabbed her under her chin. “Hey
now, stop it. You and your family are no trouble. You are family, and family
sticks together, through thick and thin. Fate brought us together, and things
may just very well get worse before they get better, but it will get better. We just need to stick

He honed in on her lips when she licked them.
They both seemed to have suddenly gotten distracted. Ducking down to taste her,
he sucked in her lower lip. Her flavors permeated his senses, and caused him to
lose control. His senses focused solely on her, pushing a shivering zing
through his body. The taste of her honey flavor burst on his tongue, and he
dove in for a full on meal.

As he slid his hands down her warm body, his
fingertips tingled as he ran them over the texture of her jeans until he
reached the soft bend of her ass cheeks. Curling his fingers lightly, he
squeezed her two globes and pulled her tighter to him against his hardened
shaft, eagerly swallowing her surprised inhale and moans.

Gale grabbed the collar on his button-up
shirt and pulled him down to further deepen their kiss. He could feel the peaks
of her breasts flatten against his chest, summoning a dollop of pre-cum from
his ready staff. His bear growled with pleasure and approval as she mewled and
rubbed against him and the scent of her arousal surrounded them.

Alphy pulled away, and they were both
breathing hard. Her lips were swollen and red, and her eyes were dilated, her
body humming against his. He needed her. A low possessive growl rose from his
chest. Tightening his hold, he lifted her up, and her legs automatically
wrapped around his waist. Pleasure overtook his senses as the heat between her
legs blanketed his still covered and straining phallus. Mate! Claim! Now! His bear clawed at his foggy brain, and damn it,
he was too far gone to argue.

Keeping her secured against him, he swiftly
walked around the side of the barn. The motion further rubbed his strained dick
against her moist folds pulling several more squeaks and groans from his mate. Backing
her against the barn, he further leaned into her and began kissing her plump
lips, now in earnest. Using his hips to keep her up against the wall, he
caressed her form as he slid his fingers under her shirt and lifted it off.

Alphy pulled away briefly as he pulled the
red T over her wavy hair, then reaffirmed his intentions
on her fevered lips. They crashed together, sliding across with a suction that
set his body on fire. He returned one hand to her lush ass cheek while the
other rubbed between them over her breast. He squeezed and slid back letting
his fingers glide over the satin fabric of her bra, to come to a slight pinch
at the hardened nipple.

He was crushed so hard against her that his
dick felt her vaginal muscles tighten as he lightly pinched her nipple through
the fabric. He let his fingers slick over it before he couldnłt stand to be
kept from her flesh any longer and popped her tit out of its cup. He pulled
away, lifted her up and latched onto her nipple.

Gale let out surprised and pleasured sounds
that further spurred the fire in his veins, and his canines were itching at his

He reached behind her, and while laving her nipple around her areola with his tongue, he
attempted to unhook her bra. But he had big hands and his brain and patience
were totally gone, so when he encountered resistance, he just pulled and ripped
the bra strap.

The mounds unveiled as the bra fell away. They
were just a little bigger than his hands, perfect for him to play with, and the
nipples were hardened into perfect nubs to suckle. Growling his approval, he leaned
down to give attention to the other nipple using both hands to squeeze and
massage her soft body.

Gale moaned and further rubbed against his
hardness. He couldnłt handle the pain any longer, so moving one hand from its
prize, and sliding it between their clashing bodies,
he unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper. He had to arch slightly away
from the moist heat of his mate to accomplish this, but once the zipper came
down, he felt the cooler air flow over his exposed cock as it flipped free.

Gale was panting. “Down put me down."

A cold knot tightened in his belly. Did I go too far? He gave her a questioning
look but complied.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, she
sank to her knees wrapping one of her feminine hands around his dick and wasted
no time pulling herself forward, flicking out her tongue to remove the clear
liquid from his slit. His knees nearly gave out on him. He placed one hand against
the wall and threaded his fingers into her dirty blonde strands with the other.

“Oh baby." His voice was low and strained
with intense pleasure. “Oh yeah, oh your mouth is golden. Mmm." He vocalized his
praise to encourage her and let her know how well she was doing.

Her mouth wrapped around his head and backed
off with a pop. He actually whimpered and had to lock his knees.

As she wrapped one of her soft, warm hands
around the base of his shaft, the other came up and rolled his balls. He was
about to explode in faster time then he had ever, since puberty.

“Oh, honey-bear, IÅ‚m close," he warned.
Instead of pulling off, her hand that was around his cock squeezed and lightly
pulled as she wrapped her mouth around the encouraged mushroomed leaking head,
and sucked as far down as she could until she gagged a little.

“Whoa, baby, donÅ‚t force yourself." It was a
bugger to speak when his lungs were having a hard time filling. He was a Seal,
for crying out loud. He could run miles without stopping, without sleep, and injured,
but the very touch of his mate and he was about to hyperventilate.

She hummed, and he lost his control. Alphy
cried out as his balls pulled tight with a force like he had never felt. Every
muscle in his body stiffened, and his eyes were pinched shut as wave after wave
shot down Galełs suckling mouth. His lungs started to burn from lack of oxygen
as his diaphragm was frozen along with his muscles, from the intensity of his
release. He took in a deep breath, and when he let it out, his stomach
contracted and his balls unloaded another shot. His cock started feeling
over-sensitized so he pulled gently on her hair and removed her mouth from his
softening cock.

Leaning on his elbow against the wall of the
barn, Alphy rested his forehead in the bend of his elbow as he struggled to
catch his breath in the after-pings of endorphins. As he brought his body back
under control, he looked down at a very pleased-with-herself mate, with his
fingers still threaded in her hair as he was unwilling to let go of the silken strands.

She looked up at him with a proud smile then
licked her plump, glistening lips. His cock jerked at the sight, and he felt it
attempt to rise again. Knowing how true-mates were supposed to affect their
mates, he knew if he didnłt move, he would be waving a spit-slicked fully erect
cock in her face again. Suddenly, he wanted to do her in every position all at
once. He had to close his eyes and get his body under control.

Finally able to put movement into his knees
without them giving out, he moved his form onto his jellied legs and helped his
mate up. Then sinking to his knees, he unbuttoned her pants, and looking up at
her, leaned in and pressed his face into her stomach and proceeded in licking,
kissing, and nipping at her quivering flesh.

Gale leaned back against the wall as Alphy
unzipped her pants. He slid his fingers into the waist line and slid her pants
down her hips letting his digits graze her legs lightly as they followed the
denim down. Goosebumps pricked over his skin at the feel of Galełs fingers
threading through his soft, spiky hair and scraping his scalp. He smiled
against her skin, knowing he was doing it right.

She wore satin white bikini undies that
quickly followed the same path as her pants while he introduced his tongue to
her navel. Once the fabric was out of the way, his lips trekked a moist trail
down to her pubic line.

The fingers in his hair pulled, but he wasnłt
going to give up his prize just yet. He could smell her juices were heavy and
scented thick with desire. He wasnłt a selfish lover, so he was going to give
her a climax and drink the honey of her release. Or maybe he was a selfish
lover because he wanted that honey and would do everything he could to get it. His
cock was hard and leaking again, bobbing between his legs.

Above him, Gale moaned and gasped. He buried
his nose in her furred slit, and inhaled, savoring the scent of her, his mouth watering.
He hardened the tip of his tongue and pushed it between her folds, then moved
it up and down, around, in and out and around again. The flavor of her rivaled
anything he had ever tasted. His mate writhed, squirmed, and wiggled overhead. He
wanted to take the strength from her legs, so she needed a safe position. He
adjusted her legs over his shoulders and pushed her farther back so she was
leaning against the wall and sitting on his shoulders, completely supported so
she could enjoy what he was doing, unhindered by the nuisance of fighting gravity.

He had to use his hands to hold her on his
shoulders, so he tilted her up and wiggled his face against her nether-lips
until he felt her folds caress his face and was able to reach her nub to suck
on it. Her juices coated his tongue when he sucked in her nub and lapped on it
like he did her nipple, suckling and tonguing around it and over it.

His cock jerked and slapped against his
stomach leaving spots of pre-cum from his leaking slit. He pushed his tongue
lower and brought it back up, and shook his face in super quick spurts, moaning
into her folds. Her legs jolted and jerked, her hands painfully fisting in his
hair, but he was unrelenting.

Gale cried out, arched her back and
stiffened. He felt her muscles tense around his lips as her juices flowed, and
he drank it down as fast as he could. His own body tingled
its nearness to release a second time.

His mate went boneless but managed to mumble
something that snapped any self-control he had over his bear. “Mmm, claim me, Alphy."

Alphy gave a guttural and possessive growl. His
canines crashed through his gums, and instinct possessed him. He dropped her
down onto his lap. He couldnłt just slam into her like he thought he would do, as
she was so tight, but gravity helped as he eased her down and slid into her. After
he bottomed out, he gripped her ass cheeks and squeezed, pulling her up his
length then easing her down. He only had to bounce her three times before he
shot into her.

grabbing the back of her neck, he pulled her forward, sinking his ready canines
into the apex of her neck. Her orgasm slammed through her, causing her muscles
to tighten painfully around his cock as the spasms milked him. He groaned
around the flesh he held in his mouth and swallowed her blood as it coated his
tongue. Careful not to tear her, he removed his canines and licked her mark, sealing
their bond.

Alphyłs bear smugly curled up inside his head. They had
bound their mate to them. Once the mark was sealed, he breathed butterfly
kisses over it. His hands slid up her rump and over the arch of her back, and
he pulled her closer to him. Now he had his mate, he had a family, and he had a
pack. He felt complete now. Now to keep it safe.

“Wow." His mate breathed out with a shaky and
breathless voice. “Mom told me about the mating bite, but I thought she was

Alphy shook with suppressed laughter, but he
really didnÅ‚t have the breath to fully laugh. “Does that mean I can bite you
again later?"

“Again and again and again" They both
laughed together. He cupped her face with his hands and gave her a sweet, short
kiss, then carefully eased her off him.

He growled as his deflated appendage slipped
from its oozing home. He saw his essence slick her skin and felt a feral
possessive pride burn in his chest. She was his! At the sight of it and the
thought of that, he felt a tingle in his package, threatening to revive. He
didnłt want to take her where anyone could walk up on them. Now he wanted her
in his bed.

He helped her dress and then tucked himself
back in. Then he pulled her against his side, and they made their way around the
barn and headed back towards the house. “If you donÅ‚t have any objections, I am
going to take you back to our room and shower with you. I want to explore every
part of your body."

Galełs eyes glazed over. She licked her lips,
and he could hear her breathing hitch. “I donÅ‚t mind, mate."

Need jolted through his system with an
explosive possessiveness at hearing her call him mate. Yes! She acknowledged their mating. He growled and yanked her into
a demanding kiss, further branding her consciousness with who
she belonged to. His cock started to plump again, and he had to pull away or
lose control and take her again out in the open. That wouldnłt do. No one could
see her naked and in the throes of pleasure but him. He held her hand securely
as he led her back to the house and up the stairs.

Chapter Seven

It was well after dark before the sounds of a
cell ringing woke her. Alphy had claimed her again in the shower,
and twice more after they finally reached the bed. He was insatiable, and she
was finding out she was, too.

Gale tried to wiggle from the steel arm that
secured her to the man behind her, but he wouldnłt release her.

“Poopsy, I have to

With a disagreeable growl, he let her go and
reached behind to answer the phone. She steadied herself on her jellied legs
and ducked into the bathroom while Alphy picked up his cell and put it on

While in the bathroom, she listened to the
phone call. “You can navigate a human body but you canÅ‚t find a ten-foot-wide road?"
Alphy groused.

“Hey! I donÅ‚t berate you for not knowing how
to perform a coronary artery bypass, so donłt judge," came a defined male

Another voice, with a southern drawl, sounded
over the speaker. “I donÅ‚t know, Sea-man. HeÅ‚d make a pretty good

Gale walked into the room just at that
moment. A snort escaped her, and she let loose a hysterical laugh before she
could slap her hands over her mouth. Her snorts still sounded through the room
as she tried to muffle her laughter.

The southern drawl the man had intensified. “Is
that your mate I hear? Shełs obviously blessed with good taste in humor. Fatełs
matched you well, as she will need it."

“And a great laugh," chimed in yet a third
low, rumbling voice.

“ThatÅ‚s enough," warned Alphy.

“Ah-ha! Found it, ok weÅ‚re on the driveway now. How
long is it to the house?" It was the first male voice.

While she listened to the conversation, Gale
started to get dressed.

“A bit. The property is extensive and she isnÅ‚t
living on the edge of it, but it shouldnłt take you too long,"

Gale heard the refined male voice swear.
“This equipment is fragile. Please tell me the road gets better, not worse."

Alphy was standing by the side of the bed
buttoning his pants. He zipped them before he answered. “She didnÅ‚t use the
road often, so it isnłt as bad as a dirt road would normally be, so be thankful it isnłt worse. What equipment are you talking

“Well, Ryker informed me when KaceÅ‚s and SlateÅ‚s flights would land, and they werenÅ‚t
that much longer to wait. So after I landed, I contacted the local coven in
Toronto and asked for their help obtaining some equipment and supplies. I donłt
magically wave my wand and poof, the patient is cured, so I got all that I
could get while I waited for these two Neanderthals."

“Just how much equipment are we talking
about?" Alphy carefully asked.

The southern drawl came through the line. “He
rented a fourteen-foot U-Haul truck. And just to add, mine and Slatełs bags had
to be wedged in there."

Alphy grabbed Galełs hand and the cell and
headed downstairs, shirtless. She felt her core heat up, watching his skin
glide over his muscles with his movements. She ran into his back when he
stopped suddenly.

“IÅ‚ll see you when you get here," he growled.
He hung up the phone, and then turning, he pinned her against the wall and
buried his nose in her neck. He hummed out a breath that teased her flesh
causing bumps to zing up her spine and down her arms, and her butterflies were
armed again. “Mmm," he groaned into her neck, “what
you do to me, mate. I canłt concentrate when you smell like that." His voice
was smooth and almost tortured.

Gale was breathless with belly-flops. “S-smell
l-like what?" she managed to get out.

Alphy nipped her neck causing her to sharply
inhale and arch her back as her sore entrance heated up with need. Her nipples
hardened and pushed through the fabric of her shirt, scraping his chest. She
felt his heated hands grab her ass-cheeks, and pleasure bloomed in her core as
he squeezed. A throat cleared, dragging her from her lust haze, but she whined
when he pulled away.

Her stepdad stood there with one raised brow.
Alphy didnÅ‚t look at all sorry, “Hey, you have a mate. You know what itÅ‚s

Tom looked slightly uncomfortable but nodded.
“I can hear a vehicle coming."

“Yeah, thatÅ‚s a few of my friends. They said
they rented a U-Haul loaded with medical equipment. Wherełs Betty?"

“IÅ‚m here," came an
approaching voice from the kitchen.

Alphy turned to face the woman. “One of them
is a doctor. Hełs brought medical equipment and supplies, so wełll need a space
he can set it up."

She opened the door and looked at the
approaching vehicle as the headlights lit the front of the home. She raised her
brows. “Huh, he sure came prepared, didnÅ‚t he? Well, itÅ‚s probably best to use
the apartment above the garage for now."

Gale saw Alphy grimace before he led her onto
the porch. She couldnłt see the driver right away, but the two passengers were
coming out of the front of the truck. They looked like they had been scrunched
inside, and sure enough, as they got out, they groaned when they stretched
their legs. They both were tall and full of muscles that strained their jeans
and shirts.

The first one out wore cowboy boots and held
a cowboy hat in his hands. His skin was bronzed, and his hair was a medium
length variant colored from blond to black. It was unusual but seemed natural
and looked good on him.

Alphy, while still holding her hand,
approached him and gave him a one-armed hug, “Slate, good to see you again,

The other passenger came into view. His tribal
tattooed skin was darkly tanned, and he had crew-cut auburn hair. He stood as
tall as Alphy with an athletic build. Alphy gave him the same embrace as the
other. “Kace, thanks for cominÅ‚."

Kacełs southern accent identified him as the flirty
troublemaker. “WouldnÅ‚t miss your party if my life depended
on it. Was gettinł bored where
I was."

Around the front of the van came a tall
swimmerłs built strawberry blond man who stood shorter than the other three at
about six foot. Alphy gave him a tight one-armed squeeze and pulled back. “I
said med-kit, not the whole damn hospital." Alphy playfully teased the doctor.

“I have a reason. IÅ‚ll tell you about it
later, but it never hurts to be prepared for anything."

Gale lightly laughed at the doctorłs casual
comment. Alphy tugged lightly on her hand and brought her forward. “This is my
mate, Gale Brooks. Honey-bear, this is Slate, Kace,
and Seamus, but everyone calls him Sea or Sea-man."

“Or you can be like his brother, Ryker, and
call him Sea-salt," added Kace.

Gale nodded her head and smiled. “Nice to meet you."

Alphy looked to Seamus. “Her brother is Paul,
and hełs in Bettyłs room right now. You can check him out, and the rest of the
stuff will have to be temporarily set up in the apartment over the garage. Letłs
get this thing unloaded and get to bed. We can catch up tomorrow."

“Of course you want to get to bed," drawled Kace, which got him a growl from Alphy. Kace
chuckled and walked to the back of the truck. She heard the sound of the metal
latch being opened and the roll of the door being lifted up.

Gale looked around and saw everyone,
including her mother, was standing on the porch. They started walking down the
steps and headed to the back of the truck where Alphy led her to at the same
time. He let go of her hand and handed a couple of bags to her, took a large
box himself, and looked to Seamus. Seamus grabbed some boxes and started
sounding off instructions about what he wanted immediately and what could be
placed in the apartment.

Galełs bags were what he wanted, so she led
him into the house and to the room her brother was in. Her brother was actually
awake and looking freshly bathed. Her mother and stepfather usually helped with
that. His ribs were what hindered him more than his arms, but he couldnłt do much
on his own.

Gale put the bags down on the top of a dresser
and walked over to her brother. “Hey there, Paul, itÅ‚s good to see you awake.
This is Dr. Seamus uh" She looked at the doctor, as she hadnłt gotten his
last name.

“Hi, Paul, IÅ‚m Dr. Seamus Rossi, but you can
call me Sea. Iłd like to look you over, if thatłs ok." Seamus looked as if he
would offer Paul a hand but could see both arms in splints.

When Paul nodded, Seamus smiled warmly. “Good."
He turned and grabbed some bags and told everyone to wait outside the room,
with the exception of the parents. Gale and the others left to help continue offloading
the truck.

There were some big pieces of equipment that
took teamwork from the men to lift and maneuver to the upstairs apartment. She had
to be careful not to watch the extreme working muscles on her mate or she would
undoubtedly get turned on, and if her mate smelled it, he would lose
concentration. She smiled to herself at how much pleasure it caused to have
that kind of power over him.

It was two in the morning by the time
everyone was done and they were able to head to bed. Galełs body ached, and she
didnłt remember her head hitting her pillow.

When everyone woke, late the next morning,
they gathered around the table eating. The men had been laughing and catching
up when they heard a car pull up. Everyone quieted and headed to the front

A wiry, bright redheaded man jumped out of
the passenger door and raced to Seamus and threw his arms around him. They

“Hey, little brother," the doctor laughed.

little? Like by two
minutes." The redhead sounded indignant.

Another man exited the driverłs side. He was
dark Hispanic skinned with short black hair and had a very short, kind of
scruffy well-trimmed, beard and mustache. He walked over and extended his hand
to Alphy. “Alphy, good to see you again."

“Good to have you here, thank you for

Another car drove up and parked on the other
side of the first car. An athleticly built light
skinned African-American man stepped out of the passenger side, and a man as
tall as Alphy, with a body-builder physique, stepped out of the driverłs side.

Alphy embraced the smaller man first as he
arrived first, then turned to the larger man and gave him a full on hug. He
turned to everyone who gathered on the porch. “Guys, this is my mate, Gale. My great-aunt Betty." Betty waved her spatula as she was
introduced. “Those are GaleÅ‚s parents, Tom and Connie, and my sister and
brother, Havana and Reese." Alphy turned to his newly arrived friends. He started
with the largest with the body-builder body. “ThatÅ‚s Enzo." He pointed to the
man who had come with Enzo. “Phoenix, but we all call him Ä™NixÅ‚. ThatÅ‚s Matteo,"
he pointed at the darker skinned Hispanic looking man, then turned to the wiry red-head,
“and SeaÅ‚s twin brother, Ryker."

Betty pointed her spatula at Alphy. “Just you
remember what I told you, Alpha." She
emphasized his title, than turned and walked back inside.

grabbed GaleÅ‚s hand. “LetÅ‚s go inside and eat some breakfast before we get down
to why we are all here."

Breakfast had been loud moments before, but
now it was nearly more than Gale could bear. She didnłt know anyone and felt
very uncomfortable around them. She was a stranger in the middle of a large
family. It gave her a claustrophobic feeling, and she felt ready to scream. Gale
decided to give herself a reason to separate from the group, so she gathered
some scrambled eggs and orange juice and took them to her brother.

Knocking lightly on the door, she only waited
for a moment before opening it up. Inside, her brother was sitting up against
the headboard, watching a movie on a laptop. He looked up as she entered and

“Hey, big guy,
thought you would like something to eat."

“Yeah, thanks."

Gale put the items on a dresser and helped
him sit up further. He flinched from the discomfort but succeeded. Placing a
bed table over his legs, she transferred the plate and glass over. He insisted
on trying to feed himself, so she just put the fork next to the plate and sat
in a chair next to him.

He dove in and hummed. “So who are you
running away from?"

Gale shrugged one shoulder. “AlphyÅ‚s buddies. TheyÅ‚re all big
and loud, and I just felt crowded."

He slowed his food for a moment and pondered
her, then swallowed and asked, “Mom says heÅ‚s your mate. How you taking it? Is
he good to you? Has he even claimed you yet?"

Gale was slouched on the chair, and she
looked down at her hands. “Yeah, heÅ‚s the hottest man on the planet, and I
canłt seem to get enough of him." She rubbed her neck where hełd marked her,
multiple times. “If you ever get a chance to get a mating bite, donÅ‚t pass it
up." She blew out a long breath.

“That good, huh?"

She glanced up at him but was too embarrassed
to keep eye contact. “Yeah, nothing ever like it."

“So whyÅ‚re you in here instead of out there
with him?"

“IÅ‚d like to know the same thing." A familiar
deep voice behind her startled her. She looked back to see Alphy slowly open
the door wider. He didnłt sound angry or look it even, but Gale suddenly felt
like shełd just gotten caught doing something she shouldnłt. Shełd been
stressed so much these past few weeks that she was getting tired of fighting
her tears. She turned back around and leaned back in her chair. She didnłt know
how to answer him and didnłt want to have to battle her emotions. She kept her
eyes on her hands as she picked at some non-existent lint on the bottom of her

Darkness shadowed her as he came around the
chair and squatted down in front of her. He put his hands on hers, causing her
tummy to flip. Stupid stomach.

“Look at me, honey-bear." His voice was gentle, and caring even.

Gale couldnłt fight it any longer, and her
face scrunched up as she lost her battle with her emotions. She didnłt know why
she felt like she was sad. It wasnłt logical; her emotions just wouldnłt get
under control.

Alphy knelt in front of her and took her into
his arms. She started to calm, but he didnłt let her go. He was making soothing
sounds and stroking her hair. She felt him press a kiss on her temple. “IÅ‚m
sorry," she said. “I really donÅ‚t know whatÅ‚s wrong with me."

Alphy leaned back and looked her in the face
as she wiped away her tears. “YouÅ‚ve been through a lot of stress these past
few weeks. Life is a bit out-of-control for you right now, and you are
perfectly normal. Everything will be all right."

Alphy leaned in and held her in his arms
again. She felt so embarrassed over her breakdown, but in his arms, she began
to relax. She took in a deep breath that filled her lungs with his spicy scent,
then let it out slowly, relaxing further. Shełd never
really understood her stepdadłs influence on her mother, but now she was
getting the idea. There was something to this mating thing, and she liked it.

Alphy was rubbing her back when a throat
cleared. She looked over Alphyłs shoulder at her
brother, who had finished all the eggs on his plate, and the entire glass of
juice was finished off. She pulled back and tried to get up, but Alphy wouldnłt
let her. He stood up and scooped her up in his arms. She gave a slight shriek
and wrapped her arms around his neck to try to hold on.

She looked into his face, and he had a pleased
with himself expression. “This is more like it. I think IÅ‚ll carry you around
more often. Having you in my arms feels right."

“Then you can take her into the living room
and IÅ‚ll assist her brother."

Gale was still too alarmed over being carried
to be startled by the sound of Seamus showing up. She felt she was much too
heavy to be picked up, but Alphy carried her like she weighed nothing. She
glanced over to see the doctor move by them to stand next to Paul. He picked up
the food table and placed it on the dresser and started to help her brother up.
She didnłt get to see any more as Alphy did indeed carry her out into the
living room. She gasped and buried her face in his neck.

Alphy sat down in a thick cushioned leather
chair. He rested her on his lap but didnłt let her go. Instead, he wrapped his
arms around her to secure her in place. Around them sat the entire group. Her parents
were sitting the same way in another chair nearby with the tots playing in the
middle of the floor. After several minutes, Paul came walking in slowly with
assistance from Seamus. The doctor set Paul on a cushioned suede love seat,
tucked a blanket and some pillows around him, and then sat down next to him.

Ryker clapped his hands together and rubbed
them with excitement. “The first pack meeting is now in session. This is sooo exciting!"

Gale sat quietly as Alphy began to speak.

Chapter Eight


Alphy understood his little mate was
struggling with her emotions. Now that they werenłt on the run anymore, he knew
her brain was trying to process several weeks of hell. Hełd been through it,
hełd seen others go through it, and he meant it when he told her it was all

His bear relaxed contentedly in his mind, completely
happy with holding her. He looked around at his friends as Paul was being
brought in and situated. He chuffed with amusement at Rykerłs excitement. Ryker
and his brother were so different, it was a wonder they were actually twins.

“First, let me say again, thank you for
coming. All of you came, most of you without an explanation, and so quickly. That
means a lot to me." The men stayed pretty quiet, except for Ryker, who wiggled
and bounced in his seat and gave him two thumbs up and a wide smile. Alphy was
surprised the eager vampire didnłt say anything.

“IÅ‚ve been offered, and have accepted, rights
to be alpha in this territory. This is now our home." He
indicated both himself and his mate. “IÅ‚ve officially offered pack membership
to Tom and his family, and they have accepted. Now IÅ‚m officially offering the
same to all of you. Youłre my family, and despite whatever your answers are,
you will still have an open door here. You will always be welcome."

Ryker quickly raised his hand, and Alphy
raised his brow. “Yes, Rye?"

“IÅ‚m officially accepting." Ryker bounced a
little bit in his seat.

“I accept, too."

Alphy nodded his head to Seamus. He had been hoping
he would join, too.

His heart swelled as each of his friends, whom
he considered family, accepted. They had bonded at different times in their
lives, and even though they had, at one time or other, gone different ways,
they were always staying in touch, supporting each other. Whenever they could,
they would group back up for work or personal reasons. He didnłt know for sure
if everyone was in a position in their life to accept just yet, so he hadnłt expected
an immediate answer, so to hear every one of them give their acceptance without
hesitation even, truly touched his heart. He really did feel like fate had
blessed him.

Ryker raised his hand again. Alphy would have
wondered how old Ryker really was, but knew his friend could get a bit dramatic
when he got really excited about something.

“Yes, Ryker?"

“Oo-oo, so, who
gets what rank? And how does the housing thing work?"

“Well, good questions, letÅ‚s start with rank.
I have offered beta to Enzo."

Enzo nodded. “And I have accepted." He gave a
proud smile, and around the room the others gave their approving

Alphy continued, “I would like to offer Slate
and Matteo, both, enforcer positions. We can have a challenge later to decide
who has the higher rank."

Both men agreed.

Ryker commented cheerfully, “That would be an
epic match to watch! Can we have that right after the meeting?"

Several others agreed.

“Maybe," Alphy answered, then
added, “I would like to have Kace, Nix, and Ryker as

Everyone was surprised he had offered a
tracker position to Ryker. Even Ryker had a look of shock on his face, and he
had gone still. Some of the others obviously questioned his decision to make Ryker
a tracker. Alphy knew none of them minded that he was a vampire instead of a
shifter. It was because Ryker couldnłt fight a teddy bear to save his life,
even with his vampire strength, that they questioned Alphyłs
decision. Although he could see where they were concerned, his bear didnłt like
being questioned.

He held up a hand and growled loudly. Everyone
quieted, but his matełs startled jump and the scent of fear that wafted from
her dampened his irritation. He quickly took a moment to reassure her. “Shh." He rubbed his hand in a circle on her back. “I would
never hurt you, Gale, you are my mate, and I could never hurt you. No matter
how mad I get at anyone, or even you, I would never, ever, hurt you." He
whispered into her ear, not so the others couldnłt hear him, because they all
could, with the exception of maybe her mother and brother, but as more of a
calming tactic. It worked. Gale calmed considerably, and Alphy was able to
continue with the meeting.

“I have made my choice," he stated with
authority. “For one thing, Ryker can be taught some self-defense. Hell, most of
us have served in the military and have even been Special Forces, so it isnłt
like no one is qualified to teach him those skills. Secondly, a tracker isnłt
just about scent trails, especially in todayłs world of tech. He is an
exceptional tracker with skills in electronics."

“A cyber tracker, I like the sound of that!"
chirped Ryker. His eyes were sparkling with the watery emotion Alphy heard in
his voice. He watched as Ryker offered some of the others a look that was
almost challenging, but really came across as a little kid whołd just won an

Alphy continued. “Thirdly, even though Seamus
will hold rank as our pack doctor, I want another vampire in our inner circle.
You may have noticed I have given out a lot of ranks for a pack that doesnłt
have more than a houseful of people, but I have seen a need out there, others
looking for packs that will accept them for their differences. Some are mixed matings that arenłt accepted, some are gay, and some have
been abused by an alpha. I want this to be a refuge for them. I want to show
them that IÅ‚m not playing favorites to any specific type of paranormal. Ryker
is capable of managing security systems, tracking systems, new identities, and
loads more, so he is more than capable for a rank."

He looked over at Ryker, who was actually
crying. He saw him sniff and wipe his eyes dry. “Thank you, Alpha,
IÅ‚ve never had anyone think so much of me before."

Seamus puffed, “I do, all the time, and IÅ‚ve
told you over and over again."

A much more subdued Ryker shrugged. “Yeah,
but youłre my brother. No one else ever seemed to believe I could be anything
more. Not even our parents. They always thought it was some dumb hobby, only
good for booking their vacations."

Paul raised his hand. Alphy nodded for him to
speak. “Uh, this may not be the best time to ask, but, uh, IÅ‚m a little stuck
with something about vampires. There are vampires?"

Gale was nodding and looking at him with the
same look of worry and confusion as Paul had. He heard Connie whisper to Tom,
who tried to answer back. Alphy turned to Tom. “You never told them?"

Tom gave him a sheepish look. “Uh, no. There wasnÅ‚t a coven close by, and they were
already trying so hard to accept their learning about shifters and all the
rules and customs that go with shifters, I didnłt want to overwhelm them just

“So you havenÅ‚t told them about any other
paranormals either?" Alphy needed to know just what his mate didnłt know. He
was an alpha of a pack, and she would need to know what to watch for. He could
already tell, though, that they didnłt know anything, because the scent of
anxiety from his mate was clogging his senses.


Alphy would have smirked at the look Connie
gave Tom, but he was too busy trying to calm his own mate who was holding onto
him tightly, looking with fear at her brother, who was backing away from

“Paul!" Alphy ordered. Paul jumped and looked
at him. “They are no less the caring people today than they were yesterday. Get
a hold of yourself." He looked at his mate but spoke to all three humans as he
did. “There are other paranormals, but all of them have many false myths and superstitions
attached to them." He gave Gale a look that he hoped gave her the message that
what she thought of them mostly wasnłt true. She took some breaths and calmed
herself down, so he turned to check on Paul.

Paul looked at him. “Will he drink my blood?"

Seamus tensed. “IÅ‚m sitting right here, you

Alphy answered. “Most vampires are held to
strict codes, as are shifters, for mostly the same reasons. They do need blood
to sustain them, but they need regular food as well, and they donłt have any
troubles going out in the sun. Some actually love the sun."

Ryker raised his hand, again. “Except me, redheads burn. That, and I donÅ‚t
get out much because Iłm always exploring the ęnet."

Alphy didnłt think that helped any, but he
smelled amusement coming from his mate. He looked at her and could tell she was
suppressing a giggle. He looked over at Paul, who seemed to have relaxed a
little as well, and actually gave Ryker a small smile.

“But if you need blood, then how do you get
it?" Paul asked nervously.

Alphy knew questions were a good thing. It meant
the fear has been replaced by curiosity. Knowledge was power, and it was the
light that chased away the darkness of ignorance. He listened to Ryker happily

“Oh, we have a couple of ways. Usually, in a
coven, we have donors. Those are humans that know what we are, and donłt mind
the benefits of donating to us. Itłs extremely pleasurable. They arenłt held
there against their will, and they are well cared for. At worst case, we get
blood from a bank." Ryker shivered. “Blah, but itÅ‚s disgusting, only used when
absolutely necessary."

“But, you said donor, so they donÅ‚t die? Do
they turn into vampires?" Paul was showing he was getting more intrigued.

no, thatłs all myth. You have to be born a vampire to be one. We donłt need to
drain a whole body. We just need a little bit, and as I said, it is very

how will you get your blood while youłre living here? I donłt want to offend
you, but IÅ‚m not keen on anyone drinking my blood."

Ryker was never affected by such statements, but
his brother, however, was visibly uncomfortable. Ryker waved his hand as if he
had just brushed something aside. “You will be fine, as only rogue vampires
would ever take without consent."

Paul visibly relaxed.

Gale asked, “So you and Seamus are vampires?"

Ryker cheerfully answered, “Yup." He smiled
broadly and dramatically, bringing up both hands and pointing at his fangs from
each side of his face.

“Is anyone else a vampire? Or
some other kind of paranormal? What kinds of paranormal are there?" she

Alphy thought this might be a good time to
introduce his mate a little more to his friends. “Enzo and Kace
are wolves, Slate is a lion, and Phoenix is a falcon."

Paul interrupted, “Cool!"

Alphy continued. “And Matteo is an anaconda."

This time Alphyłs brother
was the one to interrupt with an exclamation. “Awesome! Hey bro, you never said
you were friends with a snake. Thatłs totally awesome. Can I see you shift?"

Alphy shook his head. “As for other
paranormals, wełll discuss that later."

“Subject change question." Ryker turned to Alphy and waited for him to
nod his head before he continued. “Is this the alpha house, or is that
somewhere else? Or are you planning on building an alpha house?"

Alphy looked over at Betty. He didnłt know
the answer to that, and even though his bear growled and snapped at him with
the idea of moving, he had to remember this was Bettyłs home.

She got the hint that he wanted her to answer
that. “This has always been the alpha house, and now that we have an alpha
again, I wonłt change it. If you all help me, therełs a place where I would
like to build my own little cabin."

“With the alphaÅ‚s consent, I can help with that,
Betty. IÅ‚m a building contractor," answered Kace.

Alphy didnłt let anyone sense his immense relief
as he turned to Kace. “Thank you, Kace.
I was hoping you would put your skills to use here. Wełre going to need more
living space with everyone here for anyone who wants their own private place. Betty,"
he turned to her, “I was hoping you could point out where those other houses are,
so we can possibly rebuild there."

She nodded her response, and everyone began
to talk about what kind of home they wanted, and who would get their home built
next, after Bettyłs.

Seamus got Alphyłs
attention. “Alphy, are we keeping the garage apartment as the medical office
for the pack?"

Everyone seemed to quiet down and listen to
what Alphy had to say. “I wanted that apartment for Enzo or Nix, but if you
wanted it"

“No, no. I was hoping for something a bit
more available. The stairs to that apartment arenłt ideal for taking the

Kace grumbled, “Not to mention crowded with all
that equipment."

Seamus ignored the wolf shifter and kept his
attentions on Alphy for his answer.

“I think it would be nice to build something
specifically for your needs then. We can keep it close to the alpha house
maybe?" Alphy tried to think about what was needed.

Kace had gotten a pad and pen and was writing
notes down on everyonełs homes, so he started writing the preferences
Sea had for the doctorłs office. It sounded like it was going to be more like a

Kace looked up. “Uh, Alphy, unless you have the
funds for all of this, wełll need to figure out a budget."

Betty interrupted, “The pack has plenty of
money, so you can get anything you want."

Alphy raised a brow at her. She didnłt seem
at all concerned. “Betty?"

She lightly shrugged one shoulder. “I kept
the pack account open and have only used my own money all these years. IÅ‚ve got
enough of it from inheritances, loads more than I could ever spend. So the pack
account has been gathering interest all this time. I check it every year so
they know the owners of it are still active. Last I saw, which was six months
ago, it had enough to make the queen envious."

Everyone around the room was struck into
silence. Most shifters, because they lived for so long, could usually
accumulate a lot, so by the time they were in their mid-two hundreds, they were
comfortable or well off. Alphy was still very young, but he had a small amount
from the few lives he already lived, and adding in his inheritance from his
parents, he could say he was a small millionaire. He had expected to be the one
to have to pay for everything.

“Uh, Betty, how much was it?"

“It just reached ten figures." She said it
matter-of-factly, as if it were no big deal, but even in the shifter world,
that was more money than most other shifters, or packs even.

Gale spoke up. “I guess Seamus gets his
hospital then."

Rykerłs hand shot up, and he started bouncing
in his chair. Alphy appreciated the distraction from the awkwardness the
shocking news had given them. “Yes, Rye."

“Then can I get some new equipment? I could
use my own office, too. And I have some great ideas on security systems, so can
I get those, too?"

Alphy liked the idea about a security system.
“You know what, Rye? IÅ‚d like you to work with Matteo and Kace,
to make a security room complete with your own office and a panic room." He
looked Matteo. “I want the best security we can afford."

Matteo nodded.

“Ok, does anyone need help moving their

Alphy wasnłt surprised at how little Kace had. He was from a big family so didnłt start out with
a lot, and he was so family oriented that he had refused to settle down
wherever he moved until he had his own family, which he clearly considered
Alphy to be. Matteo had never made friends with the packs he was a part of, so
all he had was his bag that he brought. Alphy was shocked to learn Matteo had
already given his current alpha notice of transfer before he flew out. It was a
lot more trust and loyalty than he would have believed he had earned, and it
touched him greatly.

Alphy was saddened to hear how little Ryker
really had. He knew the little vamp loved his family, but he just didnłt fit in
with them. He just had his computers and a box of personal effects and a bag of
clothes, so he had brought everything else well.

Everyone else made a note to contact someone
or other, to have their stuff moved. Alphy reminded himself he would have to do
the same. Alpha Berry had offered to send it.

“All right, final order of
business. Ryker, I need
you to find out everything you can on this alpha who is a threat to us." He
went on to tell everyone details. He let Tom and Paul tell their stories, and
then Alphy added his altercation with the enforcers outside the hotel. He could
tell his new pack was furious about everything done to Paul and the new threat
to Gale. Alphy really couldnłt describe how proud and happy he was to see this
new pack form and come together to rally behind each other.

Phoenix was sent to scout, and the rest
started on their very long list of things to do.

Alphy was very excited over the new pack. They
called it the Kaska pack. His bear gave a happy groan
of approval.

Chapter Nine


Gale could only hold onto Alphy as he carried
her up to their room. She appreciated his patience through her breakdown and
panic attack. Vampires? Wow! That is a big bite to swallow ... er, maybe not to be used with that expression, ever.
She was very glad she had been in Alphyłs lap with
his arms protectively around her when shełd heard that.

Alphy used his foot to close the door behind
them and proceeded to carry her to their bed. She expected him to toss her down
and ravish her, but instead, he gently laid her on the bed and followed her
down, covering her with his body.

He buried his nose in her neck and took a
deep breath. She felt his sculpted chest push into her twin mounds as his lungs
expanded, and at the same time a solid hardness rubbed in between her thighs.
He groaned as he exhaled, his breath tickling her neck.

Electric zings shot down to her core as he
ghosted his lips across her skin on an imaginary trail up her neck and over her
jaw until he reached her open and panting mouth, and then he sucked and suckled
her bottom lip just a little. Gale ground her hips into his hardened mass. That
seemed to break his control because he tilted his head and drove his tongue
into her mouth.

Gale felt one of his hands roaming up her
thigh, over her stomach, settling around her breast. He gave it a gentle
squeeze and rubbed at her nipple until it hardened. He pulled his mouth off,
laying his forehead against hers, so they breathed each otherłs air as they
both panted.

Gliding her fingers over the planes of his
muscles, Gale thrilled at the feel of his strength. He pulled back and sat on
his heels, wedging his knees under her thighs, bringing them up to bracket
around his waist. She watched him strip off his shirt. Then fanning his fingers
wide on her thighs, he piloted them up her body, under her shirt and exposed
her torso. When he leaned over her exposed chest, hot wet heat seeped through
her peaks as he kissed her exposed breasts through the fabric of her bra while
his hands finished removing her shirt.

Gale ran her fingers through his hair and
held on as he assaulted her body with his lips and tongue. Roving hands slid under
her back and grabbed her bra strap and pulled, ripping it off. He tossed it
aside and inhaled a nipple and part of her breast into his mouth.

“Hey," she panted. “You gotta
stop killing my bras." She spoke between gasps and moans. “They did nothing to

“Mm." The vibrations from his hum shot through
her, but it was cut short when he popped off her nipple. “Yes, they did," he
argued. His kissing trajectory was on a course for her other breast. “TheyÅ‚re
in between me and my mate." He quickly sucked in her perky nub and popped off. “And
nothing," he licked around the areola, “gets," he nipped lightly, “in between,"
he sucked in one nipple while skilled fingers his tweaked her other, “an alpha,"
he blew cold air over the moistened skinand ground
his cock against her entrance, “and his mate."

Gale tried to remain coherent. “I donÅ‚t have
that many bras." She gasped when his hand cupped her pussy.

“Then order more." He unsnapped his pants and
pushed down the zipper, releasing his fervent cock, then reached up and
unbuttoned her pants. He leaned back and worked her pants off her legs then threw
them aside. He rubbed his hands in circles on her thighs. “LetÅ‚s add to that
shopping list." He grabbed her undies and ripped them off. She was too
mesmerized by his muscles bunching to register what he did until he dove down
between her legs and sucked in her nub.

Gale gave a startled squeak, arched her back,
and automatically closed her thighs, but Alphyłs
shoulders kept them from boxing his ears. She writhed under the onslaught of
sexual euphoria. Her hands didnłt know where to go, so she grabbed the
comforter and fisted it.

“Hold on to your tits, honey-bear. Squeeze them."
Her heightened nerves sent zings through her from the buffet of breath from his
words. She quickly obeyed, spreading her hands over each sensitive breast and
squeezed them like he had earlier. Alphyłs eyes
watched, and the growl of approval vibrated against her slickened pink pussy as
he continued his oral ministrations. In her heightened pleasure, Gale couldnłt
stop her shouts, which escaped with every exhale.

A knock on the door interrupted them. Alphy
continued his mission, but Gale kept her voice down, which brought a growl from
her mate, causing more pleasant tingles that pushed her closer to her release.

The knock on the door interrupted again. “Alphy,"
came a southern drawl. “I really hate to interrupt. I personally like breathing, but that
alpha whołs after Gale and her family is on the phone."
Gale whined considerably when Alphy pulled away, but
the accented voice through the door didnÅ‚t stop talking. “Perhaps you can just
kill him instead of me? It would solve everyonełs problems."

Gale, seeing her mate kneeling on the bed and
wiping his mouth, gave a painful groan. “What happened to Ä™no one gets between
an alpha and his mateł? Canłt you just let him wait? Iłm so close."

The angry looking Alphy suddenly threw his
head back and laughed. He leaned forward and gave her a slight succulent kiss, then
hopped off the bed. “That is very true, honey-bear. He wonÅ‚t like this phone
call, but IÅ‚d better answer it." He finished fastening his pants and leaned forward
to plant another kiss on her lips and started heading out the door. His hand
stopped on the handle, and he looked back. “DonÅ‚t touch yourself, love. IÅ‚ll be
back soon enough, and I promise to make it up to you." He winked at her then
turned and walked out the door, making sure to close it behind him.

Gale huffed out an irritated breath. If Alphy
didnłt kill that guy soon, she just might do it for him.


Alphy had decades in the military perfecting
his control over his emotions, so he didnłt take his frustrations out on Kace, nor was he going to let the other alpha hear anything
that would indicate he was at all perturbed. However, he wasnłt going to let
the alpha walk all over him either.

There was a room downstairs that was supposed
to be the alphałs office, but right now it served as Rykerłs room and office. Nix
and Slate were out patrolling, but Enzo, Kace, and
Matteo joined Alphy as he entered the room. Ryker was sitting down with his
cell held a little ways from his ear, and using the other hand to click his
mouse on something or other. He looked up when Alphy stepped in.

“Oh good, you can talk to him. For some
reason he doesnłt like me." Ryker gave him a knowing look, and Alphy nearly
lost his composure to outright laugh. He knew Ryker liked to antagonize bigots
a little bit, and no doubt hełd let the alpha know right away that he was a gay
man, or at least over emphasized his tones to let that speak it for him.

Alphy took the phone. “This is Alpha Ralph of
the Kaska pack."

“Finally! You certainly took your sweet time."

Knowing the alphałs ears would easily pick up
even a quiet sigh, Alphy kept his breath calm and steady. “I came as soon as I
was told. I am not to blame for your impatience, nor am I at your beck and
call. Now who is this, and why have you called?"

The other alpha sputtered in, no doubt,
outrage. “I am Alpha David Falk, and you should speak to me with respect. IÅ‚ve
called to tell you I have a complaint sent in to the council about you. It will
no doubt bring you all sorts of trouble and get you removed as alpha. Now, if
you just return the Elkin family to me, I will consider dropping the complaint."

Alphy almost couldnłt stop the laugh that
escaped. “So with false accusations, you went and tattled on me like a first
grader would to a teacher? I thought you were an alpha. Youłre just a bully who
hides behind the equally cowardly thugs you call enforcers. There is nothing
for me to be afraid of."

Alphy heard the frustration in the other
alphaÅ‚s voice. “I am an alpha, and
you are only some backwater hick piss-ant wanna-be." David
spat into the phone. “IÅ‚ll have you removed, and I will have that family back here."

“If you want me removed, then come challenge
me. That is the only way you will get them. They asked for sanctuary, and I
have given it to them. The council wonłt do shit. Theyłll tell you to either
challenge me or get over it."

“Other alphas wonÅ‚t stand for it, so you
wonłt just be fighting me. Youłll be fighting every alpha."

“Please go ahead and underestimate me. ItÅ‚s
interesting to me that you donłt deny the accusations." Alphy would bet that
Rye was recording this call, not that the council or any other alpha worried
him, but it would make things easier if he could have this guy hang himself. So
he continued, “I will very much enjoy watching what those who supported you
will do when they find out that you were in the wrong, or if they knew, what
they do when they end up going down when you do. Now, either come here and challenge me, or you can go fuck yourself."

Alphy hit end, and the sounds of the
sputtering and cursing alpha cut off. He handed the phone back to Ryker. “Was
that recorded?"

of course. IÅ‚ve got a
brain. So what next?"

“Look into the complaint with the council. I
want to know if they run any differently up here. Let me know what they think
they are going to do about it, if anything. The council is really more based
for when a sleuth or pack or whatever, is suddenly left without an alpha or if
there is a public threat or endangerment from humans. Itłs not really all that
worried about some squabble."

“But you want to make sure it is the same up
here as in the States?" asked Enzo.

Alphy nodded. “I donÅ‚t want any surprises. Make
sure no one goes to town alone, and that includes any of us. I want teams,
always, until I deem this threat has passed. Expect that hełll play dirty."

“Hey," Kace said. “Uh,
alpha, got a minute?" Kace looked unusually serious,
so Alphy sighed and signaled for him to follow him out. They walked into the
kitchen, and Alphy retrieved a glass and filled it with water. After he took a
mouthful, he leaned back against the sink and looked at his friend. “All right,

Kace had sat down at the breakfast bar. “I have a
small construction team. Therełs five of us. I wanted
your permission to offer them a chance to move up here and help me build."

Alphy grunted. “Yeah, the Sea-man certainly
got a bit carried away."

Kace snorted. “I had the misfortune of being the
first to arrive at the airport. He had me help load all that equipment and
supplies, and he didnłt help so much as direct."

“I can hear you, you know." Seamus emerged
from the hallway that led to Paulłs room. Alphy laughed. Seamus had a food
tray, and he walked over and placed it on a counter. “You are just sore that
you couldnłt hit on that flight attendant."

well yeah! You couldnłt
at least wait until I swept her off her feet and got a little something on the

Alphy laughed again. “Yeah, Sea, it would
have only taken twenty-five seconds, forty-five if he tried to pinch his balls

“Oh har har," Kace griped. Alphy
continued to laugh, and Sea guffawed.

Then Sea leaned against the counter and
sighed. “Seriously though, IÅ‚ve been wanting to start
a paranormal medical facility. Alphy, you had mentioned in the meeting how
there was a need out there for paranormals." Alphy nodded, and Sea continued. “IÅ‚ve
seen it, too, only IÅ‚ve focused on the medical side of it. Many paranormals
donłt have access to decent medical care. Some donłt even have a doctor, and
many medicines donłt even work on paranormals because of our metabolism and
unique physiology. IÅ‚ve been wanting to start a lab to
create medicines, offices to see patients, hospital beds, surgical rooms,
everything. IÅ‚ve been saving up and had a feeling this would be a good
opportunity to start buying a few things and find a place to set up. Are you
opposed to my hospital?"

Alphy shook his head. “No, Seamus, I love the
idea, and youłre right, there is a need. I was just teasing Kace."

Kace gave an apologetic look. “Sorry, Sea, I
wasnłt trying to offend."

Sea nodded. “I know you werenÅ‚t. I wasnÅ‚t
trying to sound so defensive. So, what was it you were talking about?"

Kace perked up. “I was trying to convince Alphy
to let me invite my team and spread the word for paranormal workers."

Alphy nodded. “And I think itÅ‚s a good idea.
I want everyone, with no exceptions, to be investigated. I want to know
everyonełs history. That will help with finding problems that may follow anyone
here that we could prepare for, and I donłt want anyone complaining about

Kace looked relieved. “Thank you, Alphy."

“When will you be able to start building?"
Alphy asked.

“IÅ‚ll have to do measurements and plan out
things, but not long. Betty said the barn has a ton of building supplies. I havenłt
checked it out yet, but from the sounds of it, itłs everything I need to start
several houses." He turned to Sea. “I want to get special building supplies for
your hospital, and since the houses come first, IÅ‚m sorry, Sea, but it will
take longer, depending on how many workers we can get."

Seamus shrugged and nodded his understanding.

Alphy leaned backed and smiled. “IÅ‚ve been
wondering whatłs in that old barn, but every time I get a chance to
investigate, I get interrupted."

“Yeah, speaking of which, IÅ‚ll make that call
now while I head out there to take a look myself. IÅ‚ll let you know the details
later." Kace stood up and headed out of the kitchen,
and Seamus walked back down the hall.

Alphy took the class of water up the stairs
with him to his mate. She was going to need it because he was going to make
amends to her by causing her to repeatedly scream his name.

Chapter Ten


Gale felt utterly happy as she, her mother,
and Alphyłs sister, Havana, headed into town. Alphy
made her feel cherished and desirable. She just knew she was in love with the potent
shifter, and he was very powerful. They had talked a bit after they caught
their breath from hours of lovemaking, or as he called it, her reparation for
being left wanting. I will never complain
again if we are interrupted if thatłs how he makes it up to me.

She sat quiet, musing over her good fortune
as they bumped their way down the dirt road. Most of the men had left to return
the U-Haul but hadnłt asked if there was anything they needed, and the ladies
needed some things. It was best to get these in person anyway, as they were not
something to be left to a man. It was quite the sight to walk in and see the
toddlers had stuck an entire pack of pads on the floor and used them as a
racecar track, or was it a train track? The tots had had cars driving over them
but made choo-choo sounds. So, as her motherłs time had
started and Galełs supply was pretty low, they had teamed up with Havana, as theyłd
been ordered by the alpha not to leave alone, and left the kids with Alphyłs brother, Reese. Gale let her mother drive her car
so she could enjoy the view.

Havana interrupted her thoughts. “What are
you thinking about thatłs got you so excited?"

“Huh?" Gale looked at her with a confused

Havana snorted and pointed to her nose. “Bear
shifters have pretty good noses. Well, ok, most shifters do. Anyways, you are smelling quite pleased with yourself. What did you do,
and can I get in on it?"

Gale blushed. “Uh, no, I was just thinking
about Alphy, your brother."

“Eww, stop right
there. Youłre right, I donłt want anything to do with
that. I can just imagine no wait, I donłt want to imagine, dang it! I need mind-bleach now! Sorry I asked. I
was hoping you had some shenanigan scheme. I could use some mischief
entertainment. I swear Iłll end up growing moss on my paws if I donłt get
something for entertainment."

This was one thing that Gale disagreed
entirely with Havana. “I love it up here. Ryker promised to set up a computer
with internet for me. IÅ‚m going to finish my classes online."

“Yeah, IÅ‚m gonna start
online courses, too. As much as I want a more social life, I just donłt have
the will to separate from my brothers just yet. Losing Mom and Dad hit me a bit
hard." The spirited girl suddenly looked sad and defeated.

Gale felt the need to perk her up. “Then
wełll have to plan a lot of shenanigans. We donłt want your brothers getting

Havana looked up and grinned. “We shall be
called the Shenanigan Shelias!"

The girls laughed together. They entered town
and pulled up into the supermarketłs parking lot. Stepping out of the car, Gale
looked around and remembered coming here when she first met Alphy. Just like
that, her heart ached for him, which was silly because they were just in town
and were going back in a little bit. It wasnłt like she would never see him

Havana got out and stood next to her. “Hey
girl, whatłs got you down?"

Gale had been around shifters for about four years
now. When will I get used to their keen
sense of smell? she thought. “Nothing, I just miss
Alphy, is all. Itłs like I suddenly feel like I wonłt get to see him again."

Havana put her arm around her as they now
walked behind Connie. The three entered the store and browsed around, making
made their way up and down each aisle, talking about different kinds of foods
and brands. They bought more than just pads. They ended up leaving with a hefty
cartload. Gale wasnłt much of a cook, but she and her mom did like to make some
big meals together, and Havana seemed to like the idea of helping. They planned
a really big meal to celebrate the mating and went hog wild buying everything
they would need or want, even.

They made their way up to the check-out
counter and unloaded the cart. Grocery bags piled in the cart and in hand, they
made their way back out to the car with her mother at the wheel again.

As they pulled out, Gale noticed a dark van
pull out behind them. They traveled for a little bit, but the van continued to
follow them. Gale began to get a bad feeling about it but didnłt say anything.
They drove casually until they reached an empty stretch of road with a little
bit of a shoulder on it. Then the van shot forward and pulled in front of them,
forcing them off the road. They were blocked in at an angle so they couldnłt
drive out.

Two muscular behemoths lumbered out of the
side of the van and approached them. They were tall, and looked like they
stuffed throw-pillows under their skin in their arms, legs and chest. Gale
noticed they had bigger pecs than she did boobs. A
chill hit her lower gut, and it twisted in fear.

The men smiled, only it wasnłt a warm
friendly sort of smile. It was the kind that said they had really bad ideas
planned. “Hi ladies, youÅ‚ll need to come with us."


As Alphy heard his friends leaving, he
decided to head out and finally take a look in that barn. He was pretty happy
with how things were going. He had a pack, his mate was claimed and accepting,
and his siblings were starting to heal. He had noticed his mate and his sister
hit it off. To see the two light up the room with
bright smiles and laughter made his bear and his heart feel contented.

In another pleasant surprise, his brother had
been working with Seamus, and it seemed as though Reese had a talent for the
medical field, which Seamus was all too eager to nurture. Yes, Alphy was very

He had made it clear to the pack, at
breakfast where everyone had gathered together, including Galełs brother Paul,
that no one was to leave without an escort.

After breakfast, Enzo left to go to bed,
since he had been up all night patrolling. Nix took to the sky to patrol, and Slate,
Kace, Betty, Seamus, Tom, and Matteo decided to head
to town to run a few errands, one of them being to take the U-Haul and two
rentals back to the dealer. Matteo followed in one of the rental cars and Kace in the other. Betty was going to the bank to add the
men on the pack account, including Tom, whom Alphy wanted to include since he
had so much respect for the man. He was going to be the pack accountant for
right now. Alphy wasnłt in a hurry to be put on the bank account. He could wait
until whenever his next trip to town would be. After that, the men were going
to buy a truck, a van, and a car for the pack.

Reaching the large wooden barn, Alphy opened
one of the large doors and took his first look inside. Outside light lit up the
dusty space and illuminated an impressive amount of building equipment. Betty really was lonely and hopeful.

A little bit of regret ate at Alphyłs gut for never taking the time to get to know her
before now. She had obviously longed for another sleuth and family. She was
always cooking such big meals and doting on the men, and he could swear they
werenłt staying because he asked, but because of her nurturing nature.

He opened the door wide and did the same with
the other one, allowing as much light in as possible. He slowly started walking
around inspecting everything he saw. Betty had piles of lumber, in shapes and
sizes enough to make a Home Depot jealous, lying in neat piles in along the
wide alleyway.

The barn was filled with stalls, and in each
stall were piles of bricks, bags of concrete, piping, electrical equipment like
rolls of wire, breaker boxes, and he could even see several tankless
water heaters.

The barn was really big, probably because it
had been the sleuth stables dating before automobiles. There were about twelve
stalls on each side, but four of them were larger than the others, like they
were birthing stalls or had been used for animals other than horses. Alphyłs nose could pick up the faint scents of pigs, cows,
sheep, and goats. He also found two tackle rooms, one on each side, packed full
of old saddles and blankets, bridles, brushes, even hitches for groups of
horses to pull whatever. Anything needed for the care of horses was packed in
the large rooms.

The ceiling was a good ten feet high, but he
saw wide stairs, one on each side, in the middle of the barn, leading up. He
strode up the stairs into the massive loft. Or it would have been massiveif it wasnłt so full of more building supplies. He
definitely figured shełd bought out a Home Depot somewhere. Everything was
arranged in neat rows, so he cruised up and down the rows looking at all the
new and old things. It looked as if she kept some things either from some of
the old buildings that once housed other sleuth members, or she had found some
in thrift stores. He couldnłt see her going to flea markets, but she did get
the paper, so maybe shełd had some things shipped? Or both?
However shełd done it, she had some beautiful items.

His cell phone rang. Digging it out of his pocket,
he answered it. RykerÅ‚s concerned voice came through the connection. “Hey, uh,
Alphy, did all the women go with Betty to the bank?"

“No, why?" AlphyÅ‚s stomach
suddenly developed a sickening knot that only intensified with alarm as he heard
Ryker curse.

“I thought I heard another vehicle leave." RykerÅ‚s
voice sounded tense. “But I didnÅ‚t think anything of it until I thought about
the time frame. It left a little while after the guys left. I went looking for Gale.
Shełd wanted me to set up a computer so she could finish her courses, and I
wanted to show her what I set up for her.I followed a
scent outside where the cars were parked. I found Reese, but he said he was just
asked to watch the twins for them. He thought they just wanted some girl time, so
he didnłt pay any attention to them after that."

Alphy let out a roar that shook dust from
several selves. He raced down the stairs. “Get the others on the line. I want
all of them out looking for them now!"
he boomed into the phone before he turned it off. He ran back to the house and
looked at the vehicles. Bettyłs old truck and his own were still there, as well
as the Elkinsł van, but Galełs car wasnłt.

Another roar escaped him, pushed from his
lungs from the fear that hit his gut. Turning, about to storm inside, he
stopped when a wobbly Enzo staggered out the door. He looked like he just
leaped out of bed onto the front porch, but they were both long term military
men. They were both trained to go from deep sleep to awake, alert, and fighting
in an instant. Alphy glanced at Enzołs feet and smiled. Enzo already had his
boots on and had grabbed Alphyłs keys and wallet.

“Ryker!" Alphy yelled as he signaled Enzo to get into
his truck.

Ryker was already in the doorway still
talking on the phone. He looked frantic. “They donÅ‚t have them either. TheyÅ‚re looking,
and Iłll hook everyonełs phones up so we can all communicate."

was already heading to his truck. He jumped in the passenger seat, and Enzo
started them in motion before he even closed the door. Enzo wasnłt a gentle
driver, but Alphy didnłt buckle his seatbelt in case they needed to exit
quickly. He looked over at Enzo and noticed he was the same way.

His phone rang again, and Rykerłs voice
cracked through the device as he answered it. “Ok, we are now in a three-way
call." Alphy pulled his cell away and looked at it, pushing the screen and
placing it on speaker, then holding it up between him and Enzo.

“WeÅ‚re still stuck at the dealersÅ‚," Slate

“Where do you think we should look?" asked Kace.

the supermarket. Is Tom there?" Alphy tried to think of what would be the best

“IÅ‚m here. IÅ‚ll show them where it is. We can
take one of the vehicles in just a minute. We could probably convince one of
the dealers to let us ętest driveł another vehicle."

“Not a good idea. It might expose them to our

Alphy wasnłt sure if they were in a safe
place to speak since he could hear he was on speaker.

A strangerÅ‚s voice drifted over the line. “Ok,
Mr. Elkin, we have the paperwork for you for the car, if you would follow me?"

He heard clothes rustle and footsteps
retreating. Kace spoke. “Once heÅ‚s back, weÅ‚ll head
out. Wełll go let Betty know to stay here and finish looking around for
vehicles while we take off on the hunt."

Alphy didnłt necessarily like that idea now
that he thought about it, since Betty probably knew the area better. “No, have
Tom stay put with Seamus and finish up buying the rigs we need. Have Betty show
you around. She knows where the supermarket is and any other place that might
be good to look."

MatteoÅ‚s Brazilian accent identified him. “IÅ‚ll
go get her and inform Seamus. They are in the lot looking at vans."

Enzo drove furiously over the dirt road, stirring
up a dust cloud behind them and near launching them out of their seats over the
bigger bumps. Alphy kept the phone line connected. They heard when the men and
an irate Betty jumped in the car and headed out. He inwardly smiled knowing he
wasnłt the only one ready to lecture the women until their ears bled. Alphy just
hoped he had a chance. His gut cramped with a feeling something was bad was
going to happen, and his sixth sense was usually right.

They reached the main road, but Enzo didnłt
slow their approach. Alphy felt minor pain through his right side as the force
of the turn pushed his arm and shoulder against the door and window. They
listened to the sound of wind blowing on the phone, indicating they had rolled
the windows down as the group entered the market lot and drove around.

“ThereÅ‚s no sight of them, but I smell them.
They were just here." The group followed the scent down the road. “Alphy, it
looks like the direction of home."

He cursed. “All right, we havenÅ‚t seen them
pass yet, so keep following the scent."

It wasnłt long when he heard the men in the
other car swear, and Betty was right along with them. He was too alarmed to
care what profanity she spat. He was more panicked at the scene they described.


men opened their doors, one on each side, and ordered the women out of the car.
Galełs breath caught in her throat, and she could feel her heart thumping hard
with fear. She stiffened when Havana, who sat in the back, guffawed.

“Not likely. You know, steroids make you
stupid and dwarf your dicks? Itłs no wonder youłre all crabby and trying to
force women to go with you."

The two menłs faces turned red as they tensed
with anger from Havanałs insults. Gale tried reaching into her pocket for her
cell phone. She grabbed it, but one of the men grabbed her arm. Bruising pain
shot up her arm as he yanked her out of the vehicle, and her cell flew out of
her hand and thumped into the dirt. He yanked her closer to him as the other
went for her mom.

Gale screamed and struggled, then felt a disorienting
jarring when Havana barreled into the brute, and the three tumbled to the
ground. Gale clenched her jaw, kicking the man in the leg, and Havana punched him
in the face. Gale could see blood running over his cheek.

Movement caught her eye, and she looked up. Two
of the enforcers were emerging from the van and converging on the battling women.
Gale glimpsed her motherłs way and saw her attacker was rolling on the ground
in the road, clutching his junk and shielding his face as Connie was kicking
him repeatedly in the head.

The exiting enforcers made a grab for Gale,
but another vehicle she didnłt recognize noisily sped up on them. Its wheels squealed
over the pavement as they slammed on their brakes behind them filling the air
with the smell of burnt rubber.

The vanłs wheels spun in the dirt as the
driver had stepped on the gas. The two enforcers, at seeing the other vehicle,
had started running for the van. Only one of the enforcers was able to jump
back inside before it got too far away. Gale watched in a daze as the tires
shrieked over the pavement as the van sped away. Looking around, Gale saw Slate
wrestle Havanałs attacker while Matteo efficiently attacked the abandoned
enforcer into a bloody unconscious state on the ground. Gale looked at the car as
Kace got out and almost casually walked over to her
mom, who was still kicking the bloody piss out of a now unconscious kidnapper.

Kace looked down at the man and back up at her mom,
and in a heavier southern drawl commented, “You can stop now, Connie, or at
least wait until he wakes up to feel the beating." Her mother was breathing
hard but must have heard him because she stopped and started backing away.

Gale didnłt know how to process what just
happened. How did they find them? She was confused at how theyłd expected her
to be at the store at that very moment. Were they being watched? Probably. She felt horribly embarrassed and a bit
freaked out that she and her family had nearly got kidnapped. Could she have
prevented it? Maybe she should have asked Alphy.

oh boy, is he gonna be mad. She internally groaned at the trouble she
was now in with her mate, who was also her alpha. She might not be a shifter,
but she was mated to one now and that made her fall under their laws.

Just as she thought this, another vehicle sped
up onto the party. She immediately recognized Alphyłs
truck. Worry settled in the bottom of her gut with the subtlety of a
jackhammer, and then she saw the look on Alphyłs face
as they pulled up. Ok, so a jackhammer
being drilled by an elephant. Oh yeah,
big trouble.

Alphy thundered out of the truck and ran
straight for Gale. For some reason that was when her brain crumpled. Panic
seized her chest, and her insides jolted. She threw her hands over her head and
gave a startled cry taking a step back. Her foot tripped over something, and
she fell to the ground. Thick strong
arms gently surrounded her and lifted her up.

Gale wrapped her arms around Alphyłs neck and buried her face. The adrenaline played havoc
on her emotions. She cried softly into his shoulder as she curled into a ball
in her matełs arms. She didnłt pay any attention to the commotion that took
place around her.


Alphy nearly lost control over his bear when
they drove near and saw the commotion. Adrenaline rushed through his body,
pushed hard by his racing heart. His eyes immediately found his mate, a look of
horror and shock replacing the happy glow shełd had when he last saw her. Alphy
usually prided himself on his self-restraint, but at that moment, he couldnłt
think of anything else but getting her safe in his arms. Hełd deal with
everything else after that.

He jumped out before the truck came to a
complete stop. He continued the momentum to launch forward across the road to
his mate but stopped cold when she threw her arms over her suddenly ashen face.
The scent of fear slammed into him at the same time she tripped. The fear was
to be expected when something this traumatic happened, but he could tell this
was directed at him.

Alphy took a quick moment to fill his lungs with
air, calming himself before he carefully walked over to her. His bear was
pissed at him for scaring their beloved, and it roared at him in his head and
paced. The scent of blood from the soon-to-be dead hired brutes wasnłt helping.

He squatted down and wrapped his arms around
her sobbing form. Her weight was nothing to his shifter strength. He lifted her
easily, but he still went slowly and carefully. He buried his nose in her neck
and inhaled her unique aroma. His bear began to settle as he sat down in the
cab of the truck and situated her on his lap. He then wrapped his arms around
her and rubbed her back with one hand while he used the other to lightly press
her head into the crook of his neck.

“Shh, itÅ‚s going to
be all right. Youłre all right now. Your mom is all right. Havana is all right,
and everything is going to be all right." He kept speaking words of comfort to
her and kissing her temple until her sobs finally started to subside.

He watched as the men were quickly tied up together,
then picked up and thrown into the back of his truck. The truck shook, and the
sound vibrated through the cab with a loud banging. Gale jumped violently and
shrieked. Alphy was afraid if he growled at his men it would scare her further,
so he gave the men a deadly glare, which they read loud and clear. Slate and Kace jumped in the back with the prisoners, and Matteo
jogged over to the new vehicle.

Betty jumped into Galełs car with Connie and
Havana. She steered the car back onto the road and pointed it towards home.
Enzo jumped back into the driverłs seat and made a U-turn. Both vehicles easily
caught up and followed behind Betty.

Chapter Eleven


Gale was completely silent as she held her
arms tight around Alphy on the short trip home. With the cell still open and on
speaker between them, Alphy kept his voice low as he gave orders to Slate and Kace to take the men out to the barn and watch them. Then he
addressed Ryker, ordering him to bring in Nix to help “interrogate" their new
prisoners and get word to Tom and Seamus to head straight home once they had
the new vehicles.

Enzo didnłt drive home like he had been just
moments before. He drove carefully over the ruts and dips until they finally
reached the front of the house. As soon as they parked, Alphy carried his mate
up the stairs and into their room. After placing her on the bed he wiped her
tears away. “I have some things to take care of. Stay in here until I return."
Tucking a blanket around her, he leaned over and placed a tender kiss on the
top of her head. Letting out a heavy sigh, he turned and walked out of the room.

Alphyłs insides were threatening to shake in shock. He
had almost lost her today, and his sister. Alphy didnłt know how to deal with
this situation. He knew his sister was probably the instigator behind
convincing them they were following orders, and in a normal pack or sleuth,
that would easily be true. But it wasnłt. This was a mixed paranormal pack with
humans. Humans were by no means inferior in most respects, but in physical
strength, they were. Gale was his mate, and as an alpha mate she was a bigger
target and more vulnerable because she was human. He needed to send a
statement. He would also bear some of that responsibility, because he should
have been slightly more specific.

The steps only lightly squeaked as he
descended the stairs. He went in search of Ryker, who was predictably in his
room. “Ryker, Alpha David on the phone."

Ryker quickly dialed the number and handed it
to Alphy. Alphy paced the small space as the phone rang. On the fifth ring, it
went to voicemail. Alphy scoffed at the cowardice of the guy.

“Hello, coward, I hereby challenge you. You
have twenty-four hours to arrange a meet in a neutral place. If you donłt
choose a place by that time, I get to choose by default. If by forty-eight
hours you donłt answer, youłd better be already dead because Iłm coming for you
and there isnłt anything the council can do. You attacked my mate, her mother,
and my sister. That isnłt retribution. Thatłs outright war. It is eleven forty-five.
Twenty-four hours starts now."

After he pushed end, he handed the phone back
to Ryker then turned around. Enzo stood in the doorway leaning against the

“What do you want done with those idiots in
the barn? The two biggest ones are human."

Alphy let out a heavy sigh, he wasnłt about
to let them go. “David probably thought using them would prevent anything from
being linked back to him, if it wasnłt for his other lackeys going along with
them. But that does pose an issue. Hełs possibly exposed shifters to them, so
we canłt let them go. As for the shifter, thatłs the second attempt. He was
given a warning. IÅ‚ll take him a little ways from the clearing and complete my retribution."
Enzo only grunted his acknowledgement, but Ryker looked a bit uncomfortable. They
knew the retribution was the shifterłs life forfeited. Alphy looked at the pale
vampire. “Ryker, what did you find out about the council?"

Ryker seemed to have perked up with the
subject change. “ItÅ‚s run pretty much the way it is in
the States, only friendlier." He wiggled his eyebrows. “I looked into the
covens, too. There arenłt as many up here in Canada as the States, and it looks
like the one in Toronto is the closest. And herełs an interesting tidbit,
therełs a gargoyle clutch staying with them. They are partnered with the coven
since they are a pretty small clutch and none of them are mated."

“ThatÅ‚s a lot of faith put in to the local
coven, so thatłs good to know. Kace wants to spread
the word he needs workers. Maybe you could let them know."

“Already done."

Enzo eyed Ryker. “Hey, Rye,
got anything that canłt be put off ętil later?"

“No, why?"

“You look a little hungry." He gave the
little vamp a heated look, and Alphy suddenly got blasted with the scent of
lust on both sides.

“On that note, goodnight,
Enzo." Enzo gave a nod as
he passed but didnłt take his eyes off the other man as Alphy slipped past and
disappeared around the corner.

Alphy made his way to the kitchen, where
Betty had both Connie and Havana helping prepare lunch. They had a very large
pile of sandwiches next to a large bowl of grapes and another filled with

“Hey, Betty, IÅ‚m going to be just a little
bit. Could you keep an ear out for Gale for me?"

She didnłt look up right away as she was
cutting some tomatoes, but Alphy could feel the subdued tension in the room.
“Sure, I was going to have these taken out to the barn. How many do I bring?"
Her knife dripped tomato juices as she pointed it at the stack of sandwiches.

Alphy understood what she really meant. She wanted
to know if she needed to provide something to eat for the prisoners. “Only two
extras will do, and you might want to wait thirty minutes or so."

She glanced up briefly and lightly tilted her
head. “Yes, alpha."

Alphy looked at the other two, who looked
like he was about to reach out and strike them. “IÅ‚ll dole out your punishments
at a later time. Connie, have Tom meet me out in the barn when he gets back.
Tell him if IÅ‚m not there, to wait for me."

“Yes, alpha." Her voice was very quiet, and she didnÅ‚t
look up at him. He could smell the nerves rolling off both girls.

“Betty, can you give me directions to a shack
that needs to be burned down?"

She nodded, wiped her hands on her apron, and
grabbed a paper pad and pen. She wrote down some directions with landmarks and
explained how to get there. Alphy nodded and thanked her then headed outside
towards the barn.

He couldnłt enjoy the warm sweetened breeze
or the beautiful sounds of happily chirping birds. Even though he could take
someonełs life quickly and even without hesitancy, he still hated it. He kept
thinking of what he saw when they had arrived on the scene. His bear was a
little bloodthirsty, but his gut slightly churned at knowing a life would be
taken without mercy in the next few minutes. It took the beauty out of an
otherwise perfectly beautiful day.

He stepped into the barn and focused on the bloodied
group tied together on the floor with four of his men surrounding them. He let
his cold side be felt as he approached. He knew it showed on his face and in
his walk, as well as in his scent. Even though the two humans couldnłt smell
him, the enforcer did. Even his own enforcers and
trackers backed up a few feet.

He looked down coldly at the shifter, whom he
recognized as the first one hełd met the other day. He looked up at his men.
“Nix, keep close and your eye in the sky."

Nix, who was only wearing a pair of jeans,
nodded, turned on his heel and exited the barn. Moments later, Alphyłs shifter hearing picked up the sounds of flapping
wings. He turned to his other three. “One of you needs to stay here while I
need two of you to untie the small one and follow me."

“No! Please! IÅ‚ll do anything, please donÅ‚t!"
the guilty shifter begged.

Alphy turned back to him. “You were warned, and
now I have my right to retribution." He really hated when they begged. It always
pulled at his heart that maybe, just maybe, they were good people but were being
forced to do something bad or that they may just actually be sorry. Alphy hardened
his resolve by reminding himself of the mumbled response hełd heard when he
first met the shifter. The lead enforcer had said he didnłt want the family in
his territory, that they werenÅ‚t worth the trouble, and this one had mumbled “Yeah,
one of themłs gay."

Alphyłs bear growled. This one wasnłt sorry; he just
didnłt want to die.

He stood guard as Matteo and Slate untied the
ropes then re-secured the two humans. Kace stayed
behind with them. Alphy grabbed a few things near the entrance of the barn,
then headed out, followed by Slate and Matteo carrying the struggling and now
swearing doomed enforcer. He followed the directions and soon found a really
old gold rush style shack. More than half of its roof had fallen in from rot,
and one of the walls was totally gone, revealing the small insides of dirt,
moss, fungus, and rotting wood. Ferns were growing on the mounds of moss on the
roof and in a few of the corners, too.

He signaled for the enforcers to release the
sifter. “What is your name?" he asked.

“Fuck you! IÅ‚m not telling you shit you fag
loving prick!" the guy spat.

Alphy shrugged. The man had just made it easy
to live with his death. “Suit yourself. You took part in the attempted
kidnapping of my mate, her mother, and my sister. You were warned to stay out
of my territory, and you were told they were under my protection. I am within
my rights to take your life in retribution."

Alphy felt the sun warm his flesh as he stripped
from his clothes. After folding them, he placed them on a nearby log then
instigated his shift. His thick brown fur broke through, covering his bare
naked skin, and his hands and feet grew in size and thick sharp black claws grew
out from their tips. The elk shifterłs eyes grew big, and he started to
struggle. Alphyłs bear was bigger than a normal
Kodiak bear. They usually stood about five feet tall if they were on all fours
but reached about ten feet if they stood on their hind legs. The males usually
ran close to fifteen hundred pounds, but Alphyłs bear
was large and powerful, the very reason the other sleuths and alphas in general
didnłt want him around. He was a whopping eighteen hundred pounds, and stood
over five and a half feet on all fours. He reared up onto his hind legs and
towered over the others at over eleven feet tall.

Slate stepped away and started to undress,
shaking out his blond and black mane after completing his shift. His lion was
pretty large and powerful but not an alpha. He stood at a small distance
standing guard so the shifter couldnłt run.

“YouÅ‚re freaks. YouÅ‚re all different
shifters! Shifters should stay with their own kind!"

The shrill tone only added to his bearłs
resolve to end the shifter, and he bellowed out a roar of distaste of the sound.

Matteo untied the rope and slipped it off the
shifter. He stepped away on the shifterłs other side, keeping guard. As soon as
the ropes fell away, the other shifter tried to shift. Alphy decided to let him
finish before he charged. He always felt it was unjust and cowardly to attack
someone mid-shift. It was comparable to shooting someone in the back.

The shifterłs face elongated, and long,
delicate legs formed. Antlers poked through his head, but they were small.

the shifter was done, Alphyłs bear rushed forward and
barreled into the elk. He leaped up onto his hind legs as the shifter reared up
and tried to bash with his hooves, but it was too easy for Alphy to fall
forward and sink his giant maw into the neck of the elk, right below the jaw.
Alphy used his weight to ground the elk, while his massive paws held down the victim.
With huge claws sinking into the hide, he pulled back, ripping out the elkłs

After the elk went still, Alphyłs
bear felt slightly mollified. Their mate was still in danger with the other two
enforcers and the alpha still running free. Soon,
he told his bear, they would finish their retribution soon.

He used his powerful jaws and bulky form to
maneuver the elk into the crumbling shack. While he and Slate changed forms and
dressed, Matteo set the shack on fire. They stood back and watched it burn for
a little bit, to make sure the fire wouldnłt spread.

Slate turned to Alphy. “Why donÅ‚t you two go
back? IÅ‚ll finish watching this for a little bit longer before I head back."

“Thanks, Slate. IÅ‚ll have Nix bring you a
couple sandwiches."

Slate placed his hand over his stomach. “Good,
Iłm starved. I didnłt get enough breakfast."

“Then you should have eaten more. There was

Slate looked a little sheepish. “Yeah, well,
I was going to wait until we came back or if it took too long, get something in

Alphy and Matteo both snorted. “IÅ‚ll send the
sandwiches." He and Matteo turned and left.

Tom had returned and, as requested, was
waiting for Alphy in the barn. He was helping Kace
clean out a stall creating a sort of a “holding cell". The two humans on the
floor didnłt look angrythey looked frightened, and they smelled it, too. Alphy
shot Kace a questioning look.

He smiled and shrugged. “DidnÅ‚t know if
theyłd been exposed or not, but when they got a bit too frisky, I shifted."

Alphy raised one brow. “Well, if we had any
chance at letting them go before, there isnłt now."

“Sorry, alpha." His serious face looked so
unusual for Kace.

Alphy just gave a heavy sigh. “DonÅ‚t worry
about it. It still all falls on David." Alphy looked over at a card table
filled with food. Matteo was already chowing down. “You two eaten?" he asked Kace and Tom.

Kace nodded, but Tom shook his head. He looked
like he was about to get whipped. That didnłt sit well with his bear. The girls
hadnłt committed that big of an infraction to warrant this much fear. It
probably had something to do with their former alpha.

“And them?" Alphy indicated the prisoners.

Kace shook his head. “TheyÅ‚re a little bit too
upset at the moment."

Alphy snickered. “I bet." He turned to the
two men. Their faces were covered in dried blood and swollen in places. “WhereÅ‚s
Seamus? I would have thought he would have cleaned these two up by now."

Kace answered with a grin. “HeÅ‚s Ä™gathering
suppliesł." Kace used his fingers to quote the air.
“IÅ‚m not helping him this time."

Alphy was chuckling when he squatted down to
look eye level with the men. “You guys bit off more than you can chew. I have
no care for anyone who would harm women, let alone my family. If you survive
this, it would be a great time to make a career change." There were so many
other things he wanted to tell them, but sometimes less was more. Alphy figured
they had enough to wrap their heads around, so he stood up and signaled for Tom
to follow him.

Tom didnłt hesitate to fall in behind Alphy.
Alphy waited until they were out in the sun and a little bit from the barn.
“Relax, Tom. IÅ‚m not that kind of alpha. I would take offense that you would
think so, if I didnłt know about your former alpha and what he put you and your
family through."

They paused where they were. Alphy didnłt
want anyone to eavesdrop on their conversation. Tom nodded his head. “Thank you,

Alphy rubbed his hand over his face. “This
morning was a little bit my fault. I really should have been more specific. Did
you talk to Connie yet?"

Tom nodded but didnłt say anything more.

“And?" he asked. “Why did she think it would
be all right to leave without any protection?"

“They needed something, and when the rest of
us left, they werenłt asked if they had anything they needed from town."

Alphy pondered that for a minute. “So this
wasnłt because they just wanted to go to town and look around or just
pointlessly shop? There was actually something they really needed?"

Tom nodded again.

damn, Alphy thought. It probably
could have been avoided if they were simply asked if they needed anything while
the others were in town. It was common sense and courtesy to ask, and at that time,
they hadnÅ‚t been. “Out of curiosity, what was it they thought they couldnÅ‚t
wait until the men got home?"

Tom pinked slightly. “Uh, pads." Tom looked
horribly uncomfortable, and Alphy was confused.

“Pads? Heating pads? Nose pads? Paper pads?" Suddenly,
it struck him. “Oh, you mean"

Tom suddenly nodded. “Yeah,
that one."

Alphy felt a bit guilty. Those were

Tom rubbed the back of his neck. “I didnÅ‚t
know the twins had gotten into hers."

AlphyÅ‚s brows shot up to his hairline. “Well that
sounds like an interesting story. What did the cubs do with them?"

Tomłs lips twitched with an effort of
suppressing his humor. “They used them as roadways and railroad tracks. Connie
walked in on them when they were on the last two. She said they stuck them to
the floor and played like they paved the road, then ran their cars over them."

Alphy chuckled. He saw Seamus nearing,
pushing a huge load on course for the barn, and started laughing. Then Alphy sobered
up enough to get back to the point of the matter. “Well," he told Tom, “it
could very well have been avoided if we would have asked if they needed
anything. But they still need a little bit of discipline. This isnłt a normal
pack or sleuth or herd."

He saw Tom tense and lose his spirit again.
Alphy was quick to reassure him. “Nothing serious, Tom.
I realize I have to prove myself worthy of your trust after what you endured,
but please try."

Tom nodded. “You know, before the attack,
Gale was very outgoing and friendly and generally happy. She and her brother
worked, and yet maintained healthy grades and still managed to coordinate their
schedules so one of them was always home helping to take care of the twins and
had supper on the table when their mother and I got home. Shełs not your
typical teen. Shełs been through too much to be. She watched her brother get
beaten, did she tell you that?"

Alphy shook his head. Gale hadnłt really told
him anything about herself. They really hadnłt had that much time, and they
hadnłt had the time to get this deep.

“One of the enforcers held her back while the
other two" Tom was staring down at the ground. Alphy placed a reassuring hand
on his shoulder. This seemed to help Tom collect himself. He still couldnłt
look Alphy in the eyes, but he stood stronger. “She just needs time to heal,
something she didnłt get when we were on the run."

Alphy rubbed his chin and looked around. “So
what chore could we get them to do that would drive home our point?"

Tom looked thoughtful for a moment. He
enjoyed seeing a smile creep across Tomłs face. Tom nodded his head in the
direction of the barn. “They could take turns being the doctorÅ‚s assistant."

Alphy thought about for a second before he
lightly laughed, and he slapped Tom on the shoulder. “You know, that is a great
idea. Letłs go tell them their fate. Who do you suppose should take the first

Alphy and Tom discussed a few details then
headed back to the house. He could tell the elk shifter was relieved that the
punishment wasnłt serious, and he was also probably pleased that Alphy had
listened to his suggestions.

When they entered the house, he let Tom break
the news to Connie and Alphyłs wayward sister, while Alphy
headed upstairs to talk to his mate. Gale
was sitting on the bed with her knees up under her chin and her arms hugging
around her legs.

He walked over to her and leaned down to kiss
her on the top of her head. She flinched a little and he could smell how uneasy
she was, but she didnłt move away. He felt that was a good sign. After talking
with Tom, he could more easily see how these last few weeks had truly affected
her. She was having just a bit of a rough time getting back to her old self. It
didnłt help that they were still in danger, which hindered their recovery of
their normal stable lives. That was why she had these extreme mood swings. He
needed to figure out how to give her feet solid ground so she could stand on
her own again.

“Hey, honey-bear, you
feeling better?"

She just shrugged a shoulder in response.
Alphy sat down on the bed beside her, pulling her into his arms. She didnłt
resist and rested her head on his shoulder while he rubbed circles in the arch
of her back.

“I did mention things would undoubtedly get
worse before they get better, remember?" he said.

She kept her head rested against his shoulder,
but she still managed to nod. Alphy kissed her on the head again.

“We just need to stick together."

He heard her start to sniffle, and he scented
guilt and sadness.

“IÅ‚m so, so sorry," she said. “You would have
thought after these last few weeks I would have been more careful. This is my
fault. I should have told them that we should get you, and IÅ‚ll take full blame
and whatever punishment you see fit. So what happens now?"

Alphy felt a swell of pride warm his heart.
His mate was going to make a perfect alpha mate. No one was flawless, and even
the most experienced could make rookie mistakes. But she was willing to accept
her role and even take the blame off the others. She may be a little broken
right now, but she was going to grow into a strong and much loved alpha mate.
He gave her a reassuring squeeze and pulled back so he could look into her
face. He wiped her tears away.

“Nothing dire. You girls have already been through enough
today, and some of that blame rests on me. I should have known to be more
specific. IÅ‚ve already talked to Tom, so I know why you girls left, and though
it was still wrong, it was understandable. We already discussed punishment. You,
your mom, and my sister are going to be Dr. Rossiłs assistants for one shift.
Thatłs all, nothing dire."

Gale snorted. “Oh poopsy,
he is always dire. I swear that man is OCD."

Alphy laughed at Galełs quip. He grew serious
and leaned in and rested his forehead against hers and closed her eyes while he
took in her pleasant honey and wild berry scent. “IÅ‚m just ecstatic youÅ‚re ok.
I canłt even begin to express to you how scared you made me and my bear today."

“Your bear is separate from you?"

“No." Alphy pulled back so he could see her
as he spoke. “We are the same, but some of my baser instincts come from him and
I can feel myself battling those instincts at times. When we shift, we give
ourselves over to that instinct, and it shifts us into our animals. Once we are
in our animal form, we maintain a stronger animal instinct, but our mind and
consciousness are still the same."

“I know Tom is still very gentle when he shifts,
but he isnłt a predator shifter. Would you hurt me if you were in your bear

“Never." He answered immediately and confidently. “I
said my instinct is stronger in bear form. You are our mate and other half, and
my bear is as much in love with you as I am. I could never even want to hurt
you, and to do so would be a stronger hurt to myself."

“You love me?" Her voice went soft and

Alphyłs eyes softened as he smiled at the woman he
loved. “Yes, with all my heart. It happens fast with a paranormalÅ‚s fated mate."
The smile that lit her face knocked the breath from his lungs. It spoke to him
of how much she cared for him back, and perhaps how much she needed to hear him
say it.

Gale threw her arms around his neck and
hugged him. He pulled her close and squeezed back. His cock jumped in his

“I love you, too," she whispered in his hair.

Alphyłs cock did another jerk, and he pulled back
and rested his lips over hers. He had to taste his mate. Suddenly his bear sat
up and demanded to reaffirm their mark on her. They wanted their scent on her,
in her, pouring from her. With another jerk from his dick, he felt pre-cum leak
from the tip and moisten his pants. He sank further into the kiss, making it demanding
and passionate. He left no doubt to how he felt and what he wanted.

Alphy reached down and flicked the button
through the button hole in his pants. His fingers pinched the cold metal of the
zipperłs pull tab when a knock on the door interrupted the moment. He let his
bearłs growl of disapproval be heard to the offending intrusion.

“Alpha Ralph, Alpha David is on the phone, and
he has an answer to your challenge." Rykerłs business-like tone carried through
the closed door.

That was the second time this alpha had
interrupted Alphyłs time with his mate. There was no
doubt this guy was a dead man.

“IÅ‚m coming." He stood up and looked at his
mate, who had a peculiar look on her face. She looked positively giddy. He gave
her a quizzical look. “YouÅ‚re happy he interrupted us?"

She spread her smile wider and eagerly nodded
her head. “IÅ‚m looking forward to when you make it up to me, like you did last

let out a full barrel laugh. He got control over himself and leaned in for a
small peck. “ItÅ‚s good you can see the bright side of it. IÅ‚ll make it up to
you later, so you should head down and get something to eat youłll need your

With that parting shot from him, she beat him
to the door and was halfway down the steps before his hand curled around the

He couldnłt hold back his smile or chuckle as
he answered the phone. “This is Alpha Ralph."

Chapter Twelve


The challenge was to take place in two days
with alphas from other herds and packs as witnesses. Alpha David had chosen to
have the challenge in the Kaska packłs territory. He
seemed confident he was going to win and wanted to immediately take it over
afterward. The pack worked hard long hours planning and preparing for
everything they could come up with that the corruptalpha
might try to pull. And starting the each day with defensive training for all
the pack members became a requirement.

stood on his right, and Tom stood beside Seamus, standing behind him, watching as
other alphas gathered around an arena they had set up. They chose a spot far
from the house, not wanting to invite so many to the pack house. It was a defensible
clearing, so Alphy had it put down as their official Kaska
pack spot for challenges and other such events. He had it on the to-do list to
improve on it.

Sure the alpha was going to try something, they kept Nix in a great sniping position and set
with a communication device. Kace, Slate, and Matteo
were also positioned in key spots to detect anyone trying to go for the house
or sneak behind Alphyłs back. Seamus was prepared with
a med-kit, or rather more like two med duffle bags. No one could argue with the
vamp for wanting to be prepared for anything. As much as he and the others
teased him about it, Alphy and the rest always loved that about their doctor

Alphy ordered all the women, Reese and Paul,
and of course, the cubs, to stay at the house with Ryker there as guard. Ryker
may be a small computer geek, but he was a vampire. He had strength that
usually others underestimated, and he picked up on things really fast. At least
he could kill a teddy bear now. Of course, that tease was only enjoyed by
everyone else but Ryker. He didnłt
like it at all.

Alphyłs brother and sister were not easy pickings either.
They both strong Kodiak bears and loved to wrestle and spar with each other and
were both pretty good in a fight. They had already started using the boxing

At the suggestion from Ryker, and backed up
with support from Seamus, Alphy had invited the coven from Toronto. Hełd gotten
to speak with the coven leader over the phone and had a good feeling about him.
He sounded strong, and fair, just what Alphy needed to give an added watch over
the other packs. And at Enzołs suggestion, Alphy had invited someone from the
council. It had turned out the council knew about Alpha David. Apparently he called the council a great deal,
always demanding one thing or other abusing the system to his advantage. He
also complained his dues were too high, always short changing the council until
they had to threaten to visit him. They were starting to hear rumors and were
about to investigate when Alphy called about the challenge. Because of this,
the council was just fine with coming out and witnessing the event.

It helped ease Alphy just a smidgen to have
that much of an equalizer. So he stood before the large groups, with David on
the opposite side, as they waited for all the groups to finish arriving.

Alphyłs bear paced in his mind. He hated all these other alphas in his
territory. They really had no right to be here, but he felt he would get a
better feel for who was truly on Davidłs side and who may actually be decent. So
far, none of them struck him as decent.


Gale hated not being there with her mate. She
felt sick to her stomach and nervously paced the large living area. Galełs eyes
darted around the living space. She was amused to watch Reese down on the floor
playing with the twins. He was always playing with them or helping with her
brother, and she felt Reese would probably make a great father one day. Havana
loved to give them a little bit of attention, but it was more in passing. Right
now, she was glued to her cell.

Galełs brother, Paul, was sitting comfortably
in a chair with his feet lifted up on an ottoman. He was playing some game or
other on a tablet, but with his depth perception off, he wasnłt doing so well. Ryker
was sitting on the arm of the chair, looking over PaulÅ‚s shoulder “backseat gaming". He and her brother had been getting along really

Her mom and Betty were both in the kitchen
preparing a big feast. Betty didnłt seem to have any doubts who would win, and
Connie, well, Gale felt her mom was just nervous as she was, what with Tom out
there and not here, and she just wanted something to do. They were the only
ones not in the living space.

Gale turned and paced the other direction.
She didnłt feel like helping in the kitchen, she didnłt have any games or
movies she was interested in, and she didnłt have anything to keep her mind off
the worry. She reached the end of the space, turned, and followed the same path
the other way.

“HeÅ‚ll be just fine, Gale." She looked over
to see Ryker looking at her. He continued, “HeÅ‚s been in all the Special Forces."
She noted he said that like it was a bunch of magazines instead of the military.
“And havenÅ‚t you seen his bear?"

Gale shook her head. Shełd been too afraid at
first, thinking it might attack her, but after he told her he couldnłt hurt her
even in bear form, shełd wanted to see his bear, but they had been so busy,
they hadnłt had the chance.

“ThereÅ‚s a big reason," he emphasized “big", “no other alpha wanted him in
there territory. It isnłt just because of his alpha tendencies."

“But I know the other alpha. HeÅ‚s tricky, and
cheats, and hełs just evil. Hełs not going to play fair," said Gale.

“Alphy knows how to prepare for anything, and
his pack has his back. They know what they are doing."

Gale continued to pace. She knew he was
right, but she just couldnÅ‚t shake her nerves. Ryker went back to “backseat

An explosion of glass and
wood shot around them, sending fragments sliding across the hardwood floors. The twins screamed and cried. Reese and
Havana were fast picking up the tots and sheltering them, but all Gale could do
was stand where she was, in a near state of shock, covering her ears with her
hands. Men thundered through the door and windows. She felt a breeze as Ryker
sped by her at an inhuman speed.

She heard Ryker hiss, baring his fangs, as he
stopped in front of one intruder and stabbed his elongated fingernails into the
manłs chest right where his heart would have been. Gale shut her eyes and
looked away. She heard more shouting and gurgling, and three thunderous roars that
shocked her enough to look up.

The twins were in Paulłs lap with her mother
sheltering them all. Filling the rest of the living space were three giant
Kodiak bears. Now she knew why the space was so open, as the bears crowded the
large space. Gale dove for the seat with her mother and siblings. She watched
as the three bears and a fast lethal vampire attacked the intruders.

Rykerłs eyes were entirely red, and his elongated
fingernails were dripping with blood. Gale saw one of the enforcers on the
floor, already dead, his sightless eyes staring open at the ceiling with four
deep slashes torn in his neck, down his chest, feeding the growing pool of blood
he lay in. Smoke filled the area, causing them to cough, and she tasted the
metallic tang of blood in the air. The final enforcer, the main instigator,
came into view, and Gale closed her eyes and turned away as one bear lunged at
his throat. She heard a gurgled grunt and tried to not picture what just
happened to him. Soon, the chaos quieted, leaving only the sounds of the
screaming tots. She looked up. Nine men lay dead or dying in giant pools of
blood on the floor. Above them stood Ryker, covered in blood and a feral look
on his face, and Betty, Havana, and Reese naked. Gale gasped, slammed her
eyes shut, and turned her head.

“Enzo? Yes, we were attacked, but IÅ‚m sorry to tell
you there arenłt any prisoners."

Gale heard Ryker speaking into his cell. He said
it so matter of factly that it made her stomach sick.
She couldnłt hear what was said on the other side of the phone.

“Ok, got it. Oh! IÅ‚ll hold you to that."

Gale heard BettyÅ‚s voice. “Reese, keep your
skin on, just in case more come. You, too, Havana, better
safe than sorry."

Gale cringed when she heard bones and
ligaments popping. It sounded so painful.

“OK, IÅ‚m dressed. Gale, why donÅ‚t you help me
clean up this glass?" Gale felt fur rub against her leg and looked up. A huge brown
bear snout sniffed in her face taking in her scent. It poked past her and did
quick little sniffs and puffs against the twins. Gale was frozen in place. Alphy had said he couldnłt hurt her, but hełd never said
anything about the others.

The tots stopped crying and started to giggle
with the wet nose tickling their sides. They threw themselves at the bear and
proceeded to use the giant bear as a jungle-gym.

“Come on, girls. They wonÅ‚t hurt you. They are
just as cognizant in their bear forms as they are in the human forms," said

Galełs mother was the first one to get up, but
Gale still didnłt want to get up until she saw the pain her brother was in. She
leaped up and away from him. She stood there for a second until Betty shoved a
broom in her face, “Snap out of it, girl. We need ya,
and we donłt want those tots getting cut on the glass."

Gale shook her shock and went to work.


Alphy heard the phone call Enzo took. He had expected
the other alpha would try as much, but it still pissed the ever loving hell out
of him.

“That might not be his only attempt, so keep
your senses sharp," Alphy told them. They nodded, so turning, he stepped into
the arena and made his way to the middle of. “Alpha David."
Everyone hushed. “You have attacked my family, twice now."

Alpha David interrupted. “I object! That
first day at the hotel was a complete misunderstanding. We did not know you
were here or we would have respected your territory."

Alphy continued, “I was not counting that
encounter. You sent your enforcers to kidnap my mate, my sister, and my matełs

Again, David interrupted. “Lies!
I did no such thing. I had no knowledge of the goings on of my enforcers."

Alphy raised a brow. “Who said it was your
enforcers? Then you knew they were still in the area? You knew it was your
enforcers and not rogues or perhaps another from your herd?"

David sputtered, and Alphy heard a few of the
other alphas show distaste in Davidłs direction. Good. He was losing support.

Alphy, again, continued. “Your three
enforcers attacked them, with the help of two human thugs." He paused to hear the round of gasps. The
representative from the council was particularly interested. To risk exposure
to humans incurred a severe penalty. “I still hold the two humans, who will be
given over to the council, who as you see," he pointed out the eagle shifter
elder and his escort, “is here today."

“The second attempt," Alphy turned his full
attention back to David, “was just moments ago, no doubt to try to persuade me
to lose to you. Oh donłt worry, the intrudersł bodies, which include two of
your enforcers, are still there to identify them."

Davidłs face turned dark red, and several
more alphas distanced themselves from him. Alphy had no illusions that they may
be good alphas, because they werenłt. He believed they were just saving their
own hides. “Is that why you invited these other alphas? Did they agree to help
you? The attackers werenłt all elk, so who else helped you?"

Ryker didnłt tell him they werenłt all elk. Alphy
had only guessed, but figured he didnłt have anything to lose. Either David
would deny his involvment, or maybe even hang himself
with a slip like “I didnÅ‚t send any others".
In any case, it would send a message to the other alphas, and all in front of
the council! Alphy almost smiled at how well that part played out.

As Alphy expected and prepared for, the other
alpha shifted and charged. Alphy easily dove out of the way. The rack on the
alpha was pretty impressive, but Alphy had a lot of training with dodging sharp
objects. He had to remember to stay clear of the sharp hooves, too. Those werenłt
anything to take lightly. Alphy waited until the alpha took and missed another
pass. Giving into his bear, he quickly took on his bear form. In the matter of a second, goosebumps
formed over Alphyłs enlarging form and fur replaced
smooth flesh. The change was too fast to hear the bones and ligaments over the
clod of the elkłs hooves and the shouting bystanders. He was full size and
ready by the time David had turned and charged. David wasnłt a bright fellow. He
didnłt particularly look before he charged because when he saw Alphy had
changed, he panicked and tried to stop. However, it was too late, and Alphy did
the same thing he had done the other enforcer, rearing up and coming down to
latch his jaws on the alphałs neck. He didnłt hesitate to rip it out, knowing
the kill was justified. The shifter world was a brutal place. It had to be to
keep safe from the humans, or from each other.

Alphy bellowed out his victory at the other
alphas around him. He was challenging them to just try to test his limits, but
Alphy knew he didnłt have any. The other alphas must have felt it, too, as they were quickly headed back to the vehicles
and leaving little dust clouds where their wheels sped with their impatience.

Alphy turned to the councilman and shifted. After
putting on some sweats he had brought earlier, Alphy approached the eagle
shifter, Tyler Ghost. The other man stood and stepped forward. He extended his
hand. “Alpha Ralph, your bear is the most impressive one I have ever seen. You
handled yourself well, and under the circumstances, thatłs equally impressive."
Alphy took the councilmanłs hand and shook it. Tyler
had a good strong grip, and even though he didnłt look older than his early
forties, Alphy knew this shifter was far older than that. “I look forward seeing
you rebuild this sleuth, or pack, as someone had emphasized."

“Thank you, Councilman Ghost, and thank you
for coming. And you." Alphy quickly gave a quick nod
of recognition to the coven leader, Raymond Kazmet. “You
are both invited to our pack house for a celebratory dinner."

Tyler perked up. “Delightful! I am eager to
meet the woman I spoke to, a Miss Betty."

Alphy smiled. “Yes, my great-aunt. She was
the one who kept the territory all these years, until I came to claim it."

“Smart woman, that one. WeÅ‚ll head over there now." The councilman
led his two bodyguards and assistant over to a vehicle, and they climbed in.

Alphy turned to the coven leader, Raymond.
Raymond held out his hand to Alphy, who gladly took it. “I would love to stay,
but Iłm afraid it wonłt be for too long, I have an early meeting tomorrow. Iłm
very glad to see it worked out so well for you here. IÅ‚ve been speaking with
Ryker. He had high praises for you, and Iłm surprised to see they werenłt

They walked together over to Raymondłs car.
He also had brought a small escort, but they had brought their own vehicles and
were now standing by them waiting to follow their

“You may like to know I have spoken to the
clutch we protect. There are only three of them, but they are interested in
joining you and helping you build. They do have some questions for you, and
they are waiting on me to report if you are trustworthy enough, which answer I
can assure you, is positive."

“Thank you, Ray. LetÅ‚s head to the house and
we can discuss it further. We are eager to get some buildings started, and our
overzealous doctor"

Not too far away, they heard Seamus sing out,
“I can hear you."

Alphy and Ray chuckled, and Alphy continued. “He
is eager to get a paranormal hospital going."

RayÅ‚s eyes widened. “Really?
I would be most interested in that. I wondered what Seamus was about, when he
asked for all that equipment."

“Truly. We are still working on drawing up the
plans, and as I said before, we still need some homes built, but we have been
working it out."

Watching Ray and his entourage drive out of
the clearing, Alphy ordered everyone to head back to the house. They signaled
the others and departed the area, leaving the bloody corpse of the ex-alpha
where it lay.

Chapter Thirteen


Alphy could see
the mess from the attack as he and his inner circle approached the house. On
his right stood Raymond surrounded by his entourage next to his vehicle,
speaking to his coven. Not seeing Tyler, Alphy continued towards the house.
Before he could step onto the porch, Gale appeared through the splintered
doorway. Her face lit up at seeing him, and she ran across the space and
launched herself into his ready arms. Alphy had no problems catching his mate.
Hełd been worried sick about her, and even though he was told she was all right,
it still didnłt sit well with his bear. Now that he held her, he felt a large
part of himself reassured that she really was all right.

Keeping his mate
locked in his arms, Alphy climbed the steps and walked
into the entryway of the house. He was further shocked at the scene before him.
Councilman Tyler had Betty against the wall, kissing her like his next breath
depended on it.

Alphy stepped
aside to allow Tom through. Hełd been anxious to get to his mate, too. Tom
seemed to be just as curious as Alphy was about the
tongue-dueling couple, and he slowed just a bit as he passed them, staring at
them until he was past.

Enzo and the
others followed through the door. A crooked smile played over Enzołs lips.
“Huh, didnÅ‚t see that one coming."

Kace drawled, “Aw, man, what about the feast?"

Slate huffed an amused grunt. “She is the feast, for Tyler

“Wow, theyÅ‚re
still going at it." Rykerłs voice sounded nearby, but Alphy couldnłt quite see
him with his buddies in the way. “He didnÅ‚t even say hello before swallowing
her up like that."

Seamus snickered.
“YouÅ‚d think theyÅ‚d need to come up for air by now."

Gale giggled.
“WeÅ‚ve tried to stop them, or interrupt them, but itÅ‚s like nothing else
exists. Isnłt it sweet?"

“Not when you
can smell it. Their pheromones are so thick theyłre giving me an uncomfortable
headache," said Ryker.

“Yeah, me, too,"
Kace said.

Seamus rolled
his eyes. “Not that head, you horn-dog."

interrupted. “No, I would say dickhead was a more appropriate name to call

Alphy rolled his
eyes. “All right, thatÅ‚s enough." Alphy finally placed his mate on her feet,
but keeping a hold of her hand, walked up to the vigorous couple. “Mister Ghost,
Betty." Alphy projected his voice, and after he repeated it one more time, the
couple slowly became aware of their surroundings.

They were both
breathing pretty hard, but Alphy noted Bettyłs face tint pink as she looked
around at the audience. Alphy turned to the others and barked an order. “Kace, take who you need and fix the
doors and windows. Ryker, I want those accounts frozen like we
discussed." After everyone dispersed, he faced the councilman who was watching
BettyÅ‚s retreating form. “Something I need to know, Councilman Tyler?"

After Betty was
no longer visible, Tyler answered, “SheÅ‚s my mate." His voice was a bit breathy,
and Alphy recognized the subtle shift he made to readjust his dick. Still
looking in the direction Betty had gone, he continued. “I was beginning to
think I would never meet her, and here she is." Tyler shook himself and turned
to face Alphy. “I apologize. As soon as I scented her, I was completely
overcome by instinct, and once I saw her " Tyler didnłt finish, and Alphy didnłt
need him to.

he said, smiling at the shorter man.

Gale peeked
around him. “Yes, congratulations."

“Thank you, both
of you. I guess youłre going to be seeing a lot more of me. Uh, I hope you
donłt have a problem with that."

Alphy shook his
head. “Actually, IÅ‚m really happy for you both. Just donÅ‚t expect me to give up
my alpha position."

Tyler shook his
head. “In order to do that, I would need to give up my seat on the council and
I would need to challenge you. I donłt have the will for the first or the
strength for the second. That does remind me, though. You are now the alpha to
Davidłs herd. Youłll need to take it over as soon as possible."

Alphy groaned.
“IÅ‚ve been thinking about that. I think I know what IÅ‚m going to do."

“IÅ‚m curious to
what it is. I gather then that you are staying here permanently?"

“Definitely. This is my home, and my bear refuses to hear of
anything else."

“Well then,
letłs go sit down and talk while your men are fixing the house and my mate is
finishing up the feast."

Alphy noticed
the delight the councilman had at referring to his “mate". Right as they were
about to make their way into the living room, coven leader Raymond entered the
house. “Alphy, I have news when youÅ‚re ready to hear it."

Alphy pulled
Gale onto his lap and situated her as the others got comfortable. She didnłt
fight him or argue or even suggest going anywhere else, so he assumed she
really needed to be with him right now and he had to admit to himself that he
couldnłt let of her right now either.

“Raymond, whatÅ‚s
your news?" the councilman asked.

“IÅ‚ve spoken to
my second, and he has learned there are two other members of my coven who are
interested in learning carpentry. They have heard you are welcoming the
gargoyles and have inquired if they can also join. They are quite young but

Alphy felt Gale
tense slightly as he nodded at the news. “IÅ‚d like to look into that. IÅ‚m sure Kace wouldnÅ‚t mind teaching his trade. HeÅ‚s done it before.
When are they thinking of coming up here?"

“That will
depend entirely on you. They will need more time to pack, IÅ‚m afraid, than the
gargoyles, but not much. They are still living with their parents."

Gale wiggled
slightly and fidgeted, Alphy guessed it was from learning of another kind of
paranormal. “Something on your mind, honey-bear?"

Galełs eyes
darted around before she leaned in and whispered, “Gargoyles? Real gargoyles? TheyÅ‚re real?"

Alphy refrained
from chuckling at his mateÅ‚s eager innocence. “Yes. And they really do turn to
stone during the day."

The sounds of
electrical tools sounded through the room as they were interrupted by Connie.
“Excuse me, alpha." She waited from him to signal for her to continue. Alphy
gave her a nod. “We needed to know if we were to make a plate for the two prisoners."

interrupted. “Oh, forgive me, IÅ‚ve forgotten to mention I had my assistant
organize a team to come and collect them. Hełs in the barn with them, I
believe. They shouldnłt take too long. I had a team nearby in town. You did
mention when we briefly talked earlier, that you wanted to turn them over to
the council. Am I right?"

“Yes, thank
you." Turning back to GaleÅ‚s mother, Alphy offered her a smile. “I guess that
means no plate for them."

The group
started to discuss the paranormal hospital idea, drawing in Seamus to ask him
more questions. It wasnłt long before Tylerłs assistant entered and stood by
his employerłs side. The assistant wasnłt a small man. He had a well-defined
muscular body. Alphy didnłt doubt that he doubled as another bodyguard for the
councilman. His black hair was professionally trimmed and styled, and his face
was clean shaven. He stood just a few inches shorter than Alphy. The man leaned
over and whispered something to Tyler. Alphy watched the interaction. Tyler
seemed slightly surprised by whatever it was he just heard.

Turning back to
Alphy, Tyler elaborated on what he just learned. “Alpha Ralph, my assistant has
just informed me the prisoners have been taken into custody. You are no longer
responsible for them. Also, he has told me of news about the herd. It seems
they donłt have a shifter doctor, so there could most certainly be sick, and
undoubtedly injured."

Seamus stiffened
and looked expectantly at Alphy. “Then I need to ask that I travel with you to
the herd. When are we leaving?"

Alphy raised a
brow at Seamus. That didnłt sound like a request. Seamusłs gaze was stead as he
stared the alpha in the eyes. An ache started to make itself known in the back
of Alphyłs skull. Seamus was one of the few who could
give him such a challenging look without actually challenging his bear. But he
just knew the compulsive perfectionist was going to want to take everything
they had. “I donÅ‚t know. I still have some other things to finish up around
here. A week maybe?" Alphy sighed and rubbed his

“You can use my
private jet if youłd like. Every council member has one assigned to them,"
Tyler offered with a smile.

“ArenÅ‚t you
going to need it?" Alphy questioned the generous offer.

Tyler wiggled
his brows. “My assistant has taken the liberty of calling the council for me
for some emergency time off. He guessed Betty was my mate and informed them
already. IÅ‚m going to use my time off to woo her. So the jet will be available.
Itłs sitting at the quaint little airstrip this little town hosts."

Alphy scratched
at the short whiskers of his beard. The use of a private and personal jet was
too appealing to pass up. “All right, I accept. IÅ‚ll make my lists of what can
be done now and what can wait and give you an estimate when we can leave later tonight."

Tyler said cheerfully. But Alphy didnłt think it was really in complete
reference to him. Tyler was staring at Betty, who had approached and was
waiting to be heard. Betty looked like she was trying to keep her composure, but
Alphy could easily scent the growing attraction between them. “Yes, Betty?"

“The feast is
ready. You need to go wash up." Betty gave a pointed look to the dirt and blood
he had yet to wash off. It wasnłt a lot really, and with everything he faced
once he got back, it had totally slipped his mind. “Oh, right."

The feast was a
loud and extremely happy occasion. Alphy couldnłt remember feeling more happy
or complete. Especially with the mating of Betty and Tyler.
From the sounds of things, they were already going to try for cubs, starting
with the claiming, which Tyler was insisting be tonight. Looking fondly at the
cuddling couple, Alphy hoped the couple could be blessed with young. They were
coming to the near end of their prime, and even though shifters were fertile
much longer than humans because of their slow aging, their fertility rate was
much lower than humansł. So there was no saying whether they would be
successful or not.

Alphy had yet to
let go of his mate for longer than to wash from the challenge. He had to touch
or hold her in one way or another throughout the feast. Right now he was
holding her hand as she stood and talked animatedly about the soon-to-be
gargoyle members to her mom and brother, who were sitting nearby. He smiled
benevolently at her excitement.

Ryker nudged his
elbow. Alphy turned to him and after leaning down to hear what he had to say,
Alphy nodded his thanks. “Let the councilman know weÅ‚d like to aim for
Wednesday, then."

“Who all are you
going to take?" Ryker whispered back.

Alphy thought
about that for a moment. He wanted to take his enforcer, but which one? He had
yet to choose which shifter would be the lead enforcer. “I want you and Seamus,
and Tom and Connie would like to go, too. Havana, Reese, and Betty have offered
to help with the cubs so they can leave them here. IÅ‚d like Kace,
and that just leaves which enforcer to take."

Rykerłs face lit
up. “Oh please tell me we can finally have the enforcer challenge!" Ryker
hopped with apparent glee, and his fangs were easily seen through his large
open-mouthed smile.

Alphy restrained
from laughing, but his hearty amusement warmed his chest and tickled inside his
full stomach. “Yeah. We can have the enforcer
challenge tomorrow, at the challenge arena."

His friend let
out a whoop and announced the news excitedly to everyone around them. Tugging on Galełs hand, Alphy led her from
the energized room. Stopping by Enzo first, Alphy leaned over and whispered
into his ear. “I donÅ‚t care if the house is on fireno one disturbs me and my

Enzo laughed and
nodded his head as Alphy picked his mate up in his arms, ignoring her squeak of
surprise, and leaped up the stairs closing the door with his foot as he entered
their room.

Looking into the
glowing face of his mate, Alphy returned her radiant smile as he walked over
and gently placed her on the bed. As soon as her body dipped into the bedding,
Alphy crushed his lips to hers and drank in her soft and sweet lips. Galełs
head pushed low into the soft pillow as he threw all the passion he felt into
the kiss. He lay over her body and covered her with his bulk. After pulling
back to allow them both to breathe, Alphy looked into Galełs lust blown hazel
eyes. He smiled down at her. “I love you, Gale, my mate. IÅ‚ve never been

Gale smiled up
at him. “I love you, too, Alphy." Her hand smoothed down his cheek at her
admission. Alphyłs chest felt like it would explode
with the happiness he felt. How could anyone possibly contain this emotion
without bursting apart?

Alphy leaned
down and nipped Galełs plump lips. He gently rubbed his whiskers against her
cheek, then grazed them over her soft skin across her
jaw and down her neck. Gale angled her hips to rub against his restricted
bulge. Alphy let his body rest on one hand as he sent the other to wander over
her soft curves. The fabric of her clothes irritated him. They kept his hands
from smoothing over her warm skin. Pulling back and sitting on his heels, Alphy
reached a hand back and grabbed the neck of his shirt, pulling it up over his
head and throwing it onto the floor. Next, he unbuttoned the top of his pants,
but his dick pressed so hard against the front of his zipper, Alphy had to be careful
when he pulled down on the tab.

Gale sat still
as she watched him. Her eyes stayed on his hands as he reached in and pulled
out his weeping cock. Alphy slowly jacked his shaft, pulling long on the end to
squeeze out another dollop of his clear liquid. Gale licked her lips and tried
to reach for him with her hands.

“Uh, uh, uh." he
chided, grabbing her hands and placing them above her head. “IÅ‚m in charge, honey-bear.
Keep those hands right there or IÅ‚ll have to punish you."

Galełs eyes rose
up to look into his. If he would have played with her a few days ago, the way
he was going to play with her now, she would have been afraid of him. But
looking into her eyes right now, he knew she wasnłt afraid, and better yet, she
was turned on.

Hoping off the
bed, he slowly chucked his shoes, socks, and pants. Then climbing back onto the
bed, Alphy straddled Gale, his leaking cockhead bobbing between them.

Alphy ran his
hands up Galełs sides, then rubbed them over her
breasts, pinching her perky peaks. Gale lightly gasped and arched her back. Her
hips moved in circles, and her scent sweetened the air with her ready juices.
She moaned as he continued to rub his hands over her curves and squeezed every
one of them. He loved how soft she was, how warm she was, and how responsive
she was to him and his touch.

Grabbing the hem
of her shirt, Alphy let his claws extend just enough to rip the fabric, then pulled his hands apart. The sound of the fabric tearing
apart ripped through the room as it gave way to his strength. Galełs soft pale
flesh was unveiled before him, stirring up her scent and making his dick bob
with the elated spasm. Her white bra was next. Grabbing the front, between the
two mounds, he yanked on the fabric. It didnłt stand a chance against his
strength. The dusky pink wrinkled skin of her nipples hardened as the cooler
air breezed over them.

“Roll over onto
your belly." Alphyłs voice was low and rough. As he
moved aside, his balls ached painfully and rolled in their sack as he watched
his mate quickly obey. Closing his eyes and holding the base of his shaft, he
quickly got himself back under control.

Alphy grabbed
the strips of torn fabric of her shirt, carefully around her wrists, then using
the straps of the ruined bra, he tied his mate to the
frame of the bed. Leaning back onto his heels, Alphy looked down at his mate.
She wasnłt quite ready yet. Hmm, he

Alphy hooked his
fingers into the waist of her pants, and he gently tugged. Gale raised her hips
slightly, letting the denim glide down her legs. Alphy tossed them aside. His
fingers lightly grazed up her legs, over the satiny white panties she still had
on, along her arch, eliciting a squeak as she leaned away from the tickling
fingers. He continued up her body until he reached the skin on her neck. He
brushed aside the strands of her dirty blonde hair. Leaning down, Alphy glided
his nose up and over the rim of her ear. He flicked out his tongue and followed
the same path, tasting her salty skin. Next, Alphy nibbled the delicate area
and scraped his beard down the back of her ear, down her neck and over her
shoulder. He saw her skin prickle with goosebumps.
Alphy let his lips glide over her prickled skin, and he breathed a gentle
breeze across her small hairs on the back of her neck. Alphy rested the length
of his dick along the seam of her silken covered cheeks and casually rutted. The
satin felt smooth and soft against his heated length.

Gale arched her
back, raising her butt higher. Pressing his cock deeper into the crease of her
crack, and flexing her butt cheeks, she was able to caress his cock between
them. Alphy gave a guttural groan and was unable to stop from rutting harder
and leaking more fluids.

“Naughty girl,"
he breathed over her ear. “IÅ‚m the one whoÅ‚s in control." With his hands on her
hips, he pressed down and stopped her movements.

Gale let out a
disappointed growl. Alphy laughed at the sound she made. Deciding he liked this
pair of undies, he leaned back and carefully removed them. As he did, he let
his eyes feast on his matełs treasures. Her trimmed honey-pot glistened with
her arousal. Alphyłs bear growled an approval at the
sight, urging to taste her.

“Get up on your
knees, honey-bear. You can lean on your elbows." Helping her situate herself,
Alphy made sure her legs were far enough apart, but still high enough in the
air to do what he wanted.

Alphy stuck out his
tongue and speared her clit. Keeping the tip of his tongue hard, he flicked it
around the little nub, letting her unique flavor spread across his taste buds.
He breathed in her scent of desire and rumbled out in pleasure. Her smell could
intoxicate him. Alphy sucked in her nub, and rolled it around his tongue before
letting it go. His giant hands splayed over her backside, holding her butt
cheeks open and keeping her hips still enough not to wiggle away.

Galełs muffled
whimpers and moans sang to his ears that she liked what he was doing.
Flattening his tongue, Alphy decided to roam. He slid his tongue back,
following her crease up to her pink star. Gale squeaked in surprise. Alphy
chuckled as he slid the tip of his tongue around the hole. Alphy rimmed her
twice before taking the path back down to her vagina, dipping the tip into her
den, then slid out and rimmed her nub.

When Alphy made
it back up to her pink star, he made an all-out feast of it. Pulling back, he
let his breath puff over her slicked folds as he taunted her with what he
planned to do to her in the future. “IÅ‚m going to order a butt-plug for you, honey-bear.
Itłs going to feel so good as I slam my cock deep in
your pussy. Itłll make you come so hard." He knew his mate liked the idea
because her pussy got wetter and her arousal intensified. “Oh yeah, baby, you
like that, donłt you?"

Alphy sucked in
her silky and sensitive flesh and rubbed his tongue against her. Her hips
gyrated and her cries of pleasure intensified as he buried his full face
against her and drank in her sweet taste. She was getting close, and he wanted
her to come. Reaching up, he placed two fingers inside her little den. Hooking
them slightly, he felt the slightly rougher spot he was aiming for. Rubbing his
fingers across it, Alphy sucked in her nub again and used the thumb of his
other hand, and he pressed against her back door and rubbed it.

Gale went nuts
and screamed into her pillow as she came. Her muscles clamped around his
fingers as her whole body tensed with the euphoric explosion. He could feel her
puckered star spasm, too, as her muscles squeezed and released. Pulling his
fingers out, Alphy sucked them into his mouth and enjoyed the silky fluids that
coated them.

“Mmmmmm." He moaned around the two
digits. Pulling them out, he spoke in a silky voice, “You taste so good, honey-bear.
Now IÅ‚m going to ride you and make you come again before I explode inside of
you. When I do, IÅ‚m going to claim you again, biting you, which will make you
come a third time."

Gale was breathing
heavily, but she nodded her head. “Good girl. Now get this ass up higher in the
air. Thatłs it." Alphy praised her as he kissed her back. After quickly making
sure he wasnłt pulling too hard on her bonds, he grabbed her hips firmly, and
lining his aching cock up to her tight hole, Alphy didnłt give Gale any more
warning as he sunk himself to the hilt, slamming her soft cheeks against his
hips. Her body rippled from the jarring impact.

Gale lifted her
head and shouted, and Alphy felt her body stiffen. Rubbing her butt cheeks,
Alphy gave her a minute to adjust. When her muscles gentled, Alphy began to
plow heavily into her. He pulled her by the hips, keeping her arms and body
taut has he thumped his hips against roughly against her over and over again.
Sweat beaded his body from the exertion and from holding in his orgasm. The
sound of their bodies slapping together added to the moans and cries of
pleasure they were both making.

Alphy could feel
his sweat pouring down his face, and he could see a sheen
of sweat shine over the smooth back of his mate. Alphy felt the tingles in his
spine indicating not only his release, but the magnitude of it. Adjusting his
angle, Alphy, now hunched over his mate, continued to piston in and out. Gale
screamed out her release as her muscles clamped around his cock. Her spasms
were what sent him over the edge, and Alphy cried out his release. As his balls
pulled tight against his body and his cock pulsed inside her, he wrapped his
mouth over her neck and sank in his descended canines.

Gale stiffened,
the muscles of her cavern rolling over another orgasm. Galełs blood flooded his
mouth. Alphy licked her mating bite closed and buried his face in her neck.
Ever since he found out about the attack, his bear had wanted to reaffirm their
claim on their mate. With his mate limp beneath him, her steady breathing
indicating she was unconscious, he smiled against her damp skin, success. After
untying her wrists and throwing the scraps away, Alphy pulled the blanket over
them and wrapped his sleeping mate in his arms, then followed her lead.



Gale sat on the cold hard metal bench that
was placed in the “challenge arena", the clearing they had set up for the alpha
challenge. This was why they were here today, the much anticipated enforcer

Gale could still see the darkened dirt where
the dead alphałs blood had been spilt. She thought it would creep
her out or something, as the scene she witnessed at the house yesterday had,
but it actually settled something inside of her. She had been extremely relieved
when she saw Alphy return home safe, yesterday, from the alpha challenge. Shełd
tackled him when he had gotten home and refused to let him go the rest of the
day, which he didnłt seem to mind. Maybe he felt the same way about her. He
was, at this very moment, sitting next to her holding her hand. They were
waiting for everyone to arrive and settle before the challenge started.

Gale looked over to her right. The councilman
had yet to leave. It had been quite the shock when he entered the house after
the challenge, and immediately started to swallow Aunty Betty whole,
practically. Tyler was planning on taking Betty for a “honeymoon" after Alphy
and Galełs return from their trip to her old hometown.

The thought of going back gave her mixed
emotions. She wanted to be able to help her parents pack up the rest of the
house and move it here, but it was also a place of great angst and sorrow. Yes,
it was where she had grown up, but her father had died there. She didnłt really
have many friends, as high school had sucked, and the herd had tried to have her
family killed. Albeit she never really knew any of the herd, she was human, so she
and her brother hadnłt been very welcome at their events, so the family hadnłt usually
attended them. It turned out to be a good thing that they had kept their
distance. It seemed, to no onełs surprise, that the former alpha had been pretty
abusive and negligent to his herd members. Alphy was also bringing Ryker, because
of his tech skills to do background checks on everyone and filing what was
needed, and Kace was going to join them along with
the lead enforcer, whoever that may be. That was why they were here today, to
see who would win the lead enforcer slot.

Gale was brought back to the present when
Alphy stood. She looked around and saw everyone was there, and the two
enforcers were standing in the middle of the “challenge arena" clothed in
athletic shorts and nothing else.

“The battle is to the first submission only.
The winner of this challenge will be lead enforcer. You both have chosen to
battle in human form. Good luck to both of you."

Gale was glad they were fighting in human
form. It would have made her too sick to watch a thirty plus foot anaconda
fighting a five hundred and fifty pound lion. She just didnłt see that fight
ending without bloodshed. She sat forward on her seat as she watched the men
turn to each other, give a slight bow, then go into a
defensive stance.

Matteołs darkly tanned skin moved over his
muscles as he flexed them into different stances. Shełd learned he used to be
in the CIA and had met Alphy on a mutual mission. He was Brazilian and had no
family or relations. He shifted once into his anaconda for Reese. He was one
huge big-ass monster-sized snake. Gale had been very freaked out about it at
first, but felt bad for him at the same time. How much does it really hurt him
when people see him in his shifted form? Sometimes there was a fine line
between fear and freaking disgust. She figured that was why he was usually closed
off and emotionless. Those were usually signs of people who felt hurt the most.
She had made sure to overcome her emotions and pet his snake. Gale had wanted
him to know he was accepted and cared for.

Slate was an intriguing man also. He wasnłt
as quiet or emotionless as Matteo, but he was still one of the quieter ones in
the bunch. He would always give Gale the sense that he was a serious brooder or
something, but then join in on a joke or ribbing like Kace.
He was always surprising her. Alphy had told her Slate had served in the
military once. That was how they met, and that Slate had saved his life. He did
have parents and two sisters but had a sticky situation with his father right
now. She wasnłt told what, but Gale felt bias. She would take Slatełs side
without question. She had learned enough to feel that way about him.

The two struck out at each other and grappled.
Both had training, and Gale couldnłt possibly root for one over the other, so
she sat there, on the edge of her seat, with her heart thumping hard in her
chest, as she watched them wrestle, dodge, swing, and even drop kick. Sweat
started to shine on their skin, and it soon became mud when they had fallen to
the ground and rolled a bit.

Around the “challenge arena" she could see
and hear others shouting and yelling encouragement or their gasps of shock for
a particular move. The two stirred up the dust, and soon the small clearing was
slightly hazy with the amount they had disturbed.

Gale heard skin slapping against solid bodies
and grunts that would be thumped out of each of them. She cringed and jerked
with each hit they each took from the other. Several times, one or the other
would be caught in a hold, where she would have thought the challenge was over,
but then be shocked and amazed with how they maneuvered their way free.

The challenge felt like it dragged on for a
long time. The tension was building, and the volume of shouting rose around
her. She found herself rooting for both of them. Each time one would get hit,
or downed in some way, she would shout an encouragement to them.

Gale was on her feet now. She hopped up and
down and shouted, what seemed like incoherently. Slate flipped Matteo onto his
stomach and followed him down. He had his arms in a painful hold that made Gale
grimace, sure the position would break his arms.
Matteołs face was filled with pain, and he howled. He looked like he tried to
move but only howled again, and then he yelled his submission. Gale stood there
shocked for a brief second as everyone around her went a bit crazy laughing,
and hugging each other and the winner, or slapping him on the back. Seamus and
Slate helped Matteo up off the ground. The challenge was over, and the battle
had been dramatic and brutal.

Alphy held up his hands out toward the crowd
and lightly patted the air. Everyone slowly started to calm. The two combatants
came forward and stood in front of Alphy.

“That was a battle to remember. Congratulations
to both of you for such an impressive display of skill. Both of you are my
enforcers, but only one will be lead enforcer. Congratulations, Slate, for
winning the challenge and the rank and title of lead enforcer." Alphy placed
one hand on his shoulder and the other he used to shake Slatełs hand. Then he
turned to Matteo. “That was a great fight, Matteo. I am proud of you; you
should be proud of yourself as well." Matteo nodded his gratitude to his alpha.

Everyone started making their way back to the
house. Alphy kept an arm around her, holding her close on the walk. “So what
did you think of the fight?"

“I think," she said,
“that we have a pretty special pack. It all started with a pretty special
alpha. IÅ‚m so very proud of you, and I love you so very much."

He leaned down and sealed their lips with a
heated kiss. Their heat built, and suddenly Gale felt her world tilt. She let
out a squeak as Alphy swung her up into his powerful arms. He pulled back,
breaking the kiss. “I love you, too, my honey-bear, with everything in me."


The End









Evernight Publishing ®





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