BZ S1L11 091509 eclass101
Learn English with FREE Podcasts
Buzzwords S1
Buzzwords That Work
Vocabulary 2
Grammar Points 3
Learn English with FREE Podcasts
English Definition Class
consumer one who consumes or buys noun
paperless without paper adjective
fax short for facsimile; a copy of a
document sent over a telephone
remotely from far away adverb
ability the state of being able to do noun
something; capability
article a written piece in a newspaper or noun
practical capable of being put to use; easy adjective
to do or use
to eliminate to get rid of verb
eco-friendly Earth-friendly adjective
to save to reserve for later use verb
Vocabulary Sample Sentences
Consumers are looking forward to the arrival of
the new iPhone.
We work in a paperless office.
Did you receive the fax I sent earlier today?
I sometimes take my laptop to a local cafe and
work remotely.
Does the new iPhone have the ability to record
I wrote an article for the local newspaper.
Wear practical shoes to work.
It's a process of elimination; you have to get rid of
things one by one.
There are now many eco-friendly cleaning
products on the market.
You should save some of your money instead of
spending it all.
LC: BZ_S1L11_091509 © - All Rights Reserved 2009-09
Learn English with FREE Podcasts
Grammar Points
The Focus of This Lesson is Work-Related Buzz.
In one of our earlier Buzzwords lessons, we talked a little bit about the fact that it's not only individual
consumers who are "going green," but businesses as well. While most of these businesses consist of
retail stores that have reduced or eliminated their usage of plastic bags and manufacturers that produce
eco-friendly products, office-based businesses have begun to "go green" as well. Many have begun to
move toward being "paperless offices," where everything is done by computer, which has made
telecommuting (working outside of the office, but keeping in contact either by phone or internet
messaging service) a practical option.
The idea of the paperless office was introduced way back in 1975, in a Business Week article. The
article proposed that the "paperless office" would be the office of the future, and now that prediction is
quickly becoming a reality. Documents that were once preserved as "hard" copies on paper are now
being saved digitally, with the use of scanners and other technology. The ability to send faxes over the
Internet has also contributed to the growing reality of the "paperless office."
3 Paperless offices make the ability to work remotely (outside of the office) a very practical option.
Employees who telecommute usually work from home, where they are in constant contact with their
supervisors and co-workers by a web-based messaging application such as Skype. Telecommuting has
not been widely adopted yet, despite some clear benefits; fuel is conserved, less office space is needed,
companies have a larger pool from which to hire, employee turnover is reduced, and costs for the
company are reduced.
What's it like where you work? Have any efforts been made to "go green" at your office? Do you
telecommute? Would you like to?
LC: BZ_S1L11_091509 © - All Rights Reserved 2009-09-15


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