phpdig doc api

========================== PhpDig API documentation version 1.6.2 ========================== Last update : 2003-03-31 1. phpDigMakeCookies 2. phpDigSetHeaders 3. phpdigAddLog 4. phpdigCheckTables 5. phpdigCleanHtml 6. phpdigComWords 7. phpdigCompareDomains 8. phpdigCreateSubstArrays 9. phpdigDelSpiderRow 10. phpdigDelText 11. phpdigDetectDir 12. phpdigEpureText 13. phpdigExplore 14. phpdigFormatMetaTags 15. phpdigFtpClose 16. phpdigFtpConnect 17. phpdigFtpKeepAlive 18. phpdigGetHttpEquiv 19. phpdigGetLogs 20. phpdigGetSiteFromUrl 21. phpdigGetSpiderRow 22. phpdigHighlight 23. phpdigHttpVars 24. phpdigIndexFile 25. phpdigMakeForm 26. phpdigMsg 27. phpdigMySelect 28. phpdigParseTemplate 29. phpdigPregQuotes 30. phpdigPrnMsg 31. phpdigReadHttpDate 32. phpdigReadRobots 33. phpdigReadRobotsTags 34. phpdigReadRobotsTxt 35. phpdigRevisitAfter 36. phpdigRewriteUrl 37. phpdigSearch 38. phpdigSpiderAddSite 39. phpdigStripAccents 40. phpdigTempFile 41. phpdigTestDouble 42. phpdigTestUrl 43. phpdigTimer 44. phpdigUpdSpiderRow 45. phpdigWriteText 1. phpDigMakeCookies ============================== 1.1. Description : ------------------------- Makes a string for cookies 1.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $cookiesToSend $path 1.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 2. phpDigSetHeaders ============================== 2.1. Description : ------------------------- Set headers for a cookie 2.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $cookiesToSend : array() $path 2.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 3. phpdigAddLog ============================== 3.1. Description : ------------------------- Insert an entry in logs 3.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $option : 'start' $includes : array() $excludes : array() $num_results $time 3.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 4. phpdigCheckTables ============================== 4.1. Description : ------------------------- Verify phpdig_tables 4.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $tables : array() 4.3. In file : ------------------------- mysql_functions.php 5. phpdigCleanHtml ============================== 5.1. Description : ------------------------- Advanced striptags function. Returns text and title 5.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $text 5.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 6. phpdigComWords ============================== 6.1. Description : ------------------------- Load the common words in an array 6.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $file 6.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 7. phpdigCompareDomains ============================== 7.1. Description : ------------------------- Find if an url is same domain than another 7.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $url1 $url2 7.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 8. phpdigCreateSubstArrays ============================== 8.1. Description : ------------------------- Create Useful arrays for different encodings 8.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $subststrings 8.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 9. phpdigDelSpiderRow ============================== 9.1. Description : ------------------------- Delete a spider reccord and content file 9.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $spider_id $ftp_id 9.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 10. phpdigDelText ============================== 10.1. Description : ------------------------- Delete a content_text from a spider_id 10.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $relative_script_path $spider_id $ftp_id 10.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 11. phpdigDetectDir ============================== 11.1. Description : ------------------------- Test a link, search if is a file or dir, exclude robots.txt directives 11.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $link $exclude $cookies : array() 11.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 12. phpdigEpureText ============================== 12.1. Description : ------------------------- Epure a string from all non alnum words (words can contain &__&ßðþ character) 12.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $text $min_word_length $encoding 12.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 13. phpdigExplore ============================== 13.1. Description : ------------------------- Retrieve links from a file 13.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $tempfile $url $path $file 13.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 14. phpdigFormatMetaTags ============================== 14.1. Description : ------------------------- Metatags in lowercase 14.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $file 14.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 15. phpdigFtpClose ============================== 15.1. Description : ------------------------- Close the ftp if exists 15.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $ftp_id 15.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 16. phpdigFtpConnect ============================== 16.1. Description : ------------------------- Connect to the ftp if the ftp is on and the connection ok. The content files are stored locally and could be uploaded Manually later. 16.2. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 17. phpdigFtpKeepAlive ============================== 17.1. Description : ------------------------- Reconnect to ftp if the connexion fails or in case of timout 17.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $ftp_id $relative_script_path 17.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 18. phpdigGetHttpEquiv ============================== 18.1. Description : ------------------------- Read meta http-equiv 18.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $file 18.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 19. phpdigGetLogs ============================== 19.1. Description : ------------------------- Returns a table of 30 lines of logs Type is the type of logs in mostkeys, mostpages, lastqueries, Mostterms, largestresults, mostempty, lastqueries, responsebyhour. 19.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $type : 'lastqueries' 19.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 20. phpdigGetSiteFromUrl ============================== 20.1. Description : ------------------------- Add or retrieve a site from an URI Returns array($site_id,$exclude) 20.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $url 20.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 21. phpdigGetSpiderRow ============================== 21.1. Description : ------------------------- List a spider reccord 21.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $site_id $path $file 21.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 22. phpdigHighlight ============================== 22.1. Description : ------------------------- Highlight a string part 22.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $ereg $string 22.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 23. phpdigHttpVars ============================== 23.1. Description : ------------------------- Extract _POST or _GET variables from a list varname => vartype Useful for error_reporting E_ALL too, init variables Usage in script : extract(phpdigHttpVars(array('foobar'=>'string'))); 23.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $varray : array() 23.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 24. phpdigIndexFile ============================== 24.1. Description : ------------------------- Index a file and returns a spider_id 24.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $tempfile $tempfilesize $site_id $origine $localdomain $path $file $content_type $upddate $last_modified $tags $ftp_id 24.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 25. phpdigMakeForm ============================== 25.1. Description : ------------------------- Form for the search query. $query_string is the previous query if exists $option is search option $limite is the num results per page $result_page is path to the search.php script $site is the site to limit the results $path as the same purpose 25.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $query_string $option : "start" $limite $result_page : "index.php" $site $path $mode : 'classic' $template 25.3. In file : ------------------------- function_phpdig_form.php 26. phpdigMsg ============================== 26.1. Description : ------------------------- Returns a localized string 26.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $string 26.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 27. phpdigMySelect ============================== 27.1. Description : ------------------------- Executes a select and returns a whole resultset 27.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $query_select 27.3. In file : ------------------------- mysql_functions.php 28. phpdigParseTemplate ============================== 28.1. Description : ------------------------- Parse a phpdig template 28.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $template $t_strings $table_results 28.3. In file : ------------------------- function_phpdig_form.php 29. phpdigPregQuotes ============================== 29.1. Description : ------------------------- Create a ereg for highlighting 29.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $chaine $encoding 29.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 30. phpdigPrnMsg ============================== 30.1. Description : ------------------------- Print a localized string 30.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $string 30.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 31. phpdigReadHttpDate ============================== 31.1. Description : ------------------------- Converts an iso date to a mysql date 31.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $date 31.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 32. phpdigReadRobots ============================== 32.1. Description : ------------------------- Parse if path is in exclude 32.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $exclude $path 32.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 33. phpdigReadRobotsTags ============================== 33.1. Description : ------------------------- Parse result of getmetatags to extract those concerning Robots 33.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $tags 33.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 34. phpdigReadRobotsTxt ============================== 34.1. Description : ------------------------- Search robots.txt in a site 34.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $site 34.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 35. phpdigRevisitAfter ============================== 35.1. Description : ------------------------- Parse the revisit-after tag 35.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $revisit_after $limit_days 35.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 36. phpdigRewriteUrl ============================== 36.1. Description : ------------------------- Purify urls from relative components like ./ or ../ and return an array 36.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $eval 36.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 37. phpdigSearch ============================== 37.1. Description : ------------------------- Do the search and display the results Can be called in any page 37.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $query_string $option : 'start' $refine $refine_url $lim_start $limite $browse $site $path $relative_script_path : '.' $template $templates_links 37.3. In file : ------------------------- search_function.php 38. phpdigSpiderAddSite ============================== 38.1. Description : ------------------------- Add a site while spidering and returns an array With informations of $list_sites array 38.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $url 38.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 39. phpdigStripAccents ============================== 39.1. Description : ------------------------- Replace all characters with an accent 39.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $chaine $encoding 39.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 40. phpdigTempFile ============================== 40.1. Description : ------------------------- Retrieves an url and returns temp file parameters 40.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $uri $result_test $prefix : 'temp/' $suffix : '.tmp' 40.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 41. phpdigTestDouble ============================== 41.1. Description : ------------------------- Tests if the reccord of spider_id is a double. 41.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $site_id $md5 $new_upddate $last_modified 41.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 42. phpdigTestUrl ============================== 42.1. Description : ------------------------- Test presence and type of an url 42.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $url $mode : 'simple' $cookies : array() 42.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 43. phpdigTimer ============================== 43.1. Description : ------------------------- Timer for profiling 43.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $mode : 'html' 43.3. In file : ------------------------- phpdig_functions.php 44. phpdigUpdSpiderRow ============================== 44.1. Description : ------------------------- Update a spider row 44.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $id_connect $site_id $path $file $first_words $upddate $md5 $lastmodified $num_words $filesize 44.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php 45. phpdigWriteText ============================== 45.1. Description : ------------------------- Store a content_text from a spider_id 45.2. Parameters : ------------------------- $relative_script_path $spider_id $text $ftp_id 45.3. In file : ------------------------- robot_functions.php


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