phpdig doc api

PhpDig : Documentation h1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18pt; font-weight: normal} h2 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: normal} body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size: 10pt; background-color: #FFFFFF;} a { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #004488; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10pt} a:hover { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #004488; font-size: 10pt} a.high { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: #FFCC55; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;} a.high:hover { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFDD; background-color: #003060; font-size: 10pt;} .grey {padding:5px; margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:18px; margin-right:32px; border:2px dotted #BBBBBB; background-color:#EEEEEE;} .blue {background-color:#CCDDFF; margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; margin-right:32px; padding:3px; border-top:1px solid #7688A7; border-bottom:1px solid #7688A7; } PhpDig API documentation version 1.6.2 Last update : 2003-03-31 1. phpDigMakeCookies2. phpDigSetHeaders3. phpdigAddLog4. phpdigCheckTables5. phpdigCleanHtml6. phpdigComWords7. phpdigCompareDomains8. phpdigCreateSubstArrays9. phpdigDelSpiderRow10. phpdigDelText11. phpdigDetectDir12. phpdigEpureText13. phpdigExplore14. phpdigFormatMetaTags15. phpdigFtpClose16. phpdigFtpConnect17. phpdigFtpKeepAlive18. phpdigGetHttpEquiv19. phpdigGetLogs20. phpdigGetSiteFromUrl21. phpdigGetSpiderRow22. phpdigHighlight23. phpdigHttpVars24. phpdigIndexFile25. phpdigMakeForm26. phpdigMsg27. phpdigMySelect28. phpdigParseTemplate29. phpdigPregQuotes30. phpdigPrnMsg31. phpdigReadHttpDate32. phpdigReadRobots33. phpdigReadRobotsTags34. phpdigReadRobotsTxt35. phpdigRevisitAfter36. phpdigRewriteUrl37. phpdigSearch38. phpdigSpiderAddSite39. phpdigStripAccents40. phpdigTempFile41. phpdigTestDouble42. phpdigTestUrl43. phpdigTimer44. phpdigUpdSpiderRow45. phpdigWriteText 1. phpDigMakeCookies 1.1. Description : Makes a string for cookies 1.2. Parameters : $cookiesToSend $path 1.3. In file : robot_functions.php 2. phpDigSetHeaders 2.1. Description : Set headers for a cookie 2.2. Parameters : $cookiesToSend : array() $path 2.3. In file : robot_functions.php 3. phpdigAddLog 3.1. Description : Insert an entry in logs 3.2. Parameters : $id_connect $option : 'start' $includes : array() $excludes : array() $num_results $time 3.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 4. phpdigCheckTables 4.1. Description : Verify phpdig_tables 4.2. Parameters : $id_connect $tables : array() 4.3. In file : mysql_functions.php 5. phpdigCleanHtml 5.1. Description : Advanced striptags function. Returns text and title 5.2. Parameters : $text 5.3. In file : robot_functions.php 6. phpdigComWords 6.1. Description : Load the common words in an array 6.2. Parameters : $file 6.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 7. phpdigCompareDomains 7.1. Description : Find if an url is same domain than another 7.2. Parameters : $url1 $url2 7.3. In file : robot_functions.php 8. phpdigCreateSubstArrays 8.1. Description : Create Useful arrays for different encodings 8.2. Parameters : $subststrings 8.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 9. phpdigDelSpiderRow 9.1. Description : Delete a spider reccord and content file 9.2. Parameters : $id_connect $spider_id $ftp_id 9.3. In file : robot_functions.php 10. phpdigDelText 10.1. Description : Delete a content_text from a spider_id 10.2. Parameters : $relative_script_path $spider_id $ftp_id 10.3. In file : robot_functions.php 11. phpdigDetectDir 11.1. Description : Test a link, search if is a file or dir, exclude robots.txt directives 11.2. Parameters : $link $exclude $cookies : array() 11.3. In file : robot_functions.php 12. phpdigEpureText 12.1. Description : Epure a string from all non alnum words (words can contain &__&ßðþ character) 12.2. Parameters : $text $min_word_length $encoding 12.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 13. phpdigExplore 13.1. Description : Retrieve links from a file 13.2. Parameters : $tempfile $url $path $file 13.3. In file : robot_functions.php 14. phpdigFormatMetaTags 14.1. Description : Metatags in lowercase 14.2. Parameters : $file 14.3. In file : robot_functions.php 15. phpdigFtpClose 15.1. Description : Close the ftp if exists 15.2. Parameters : $ftp_id 15.3. In file : robot_functions.php 16. phpdigFtpConnect 16.1. Description : Connect to the ftp if the ftp is on and the connection ok. The content files are stored locally and could be uploaded Manually later. 16.2. In file : robot_functions.php 17. phpdigFtpKeepAlive 17.1. Description : Reconnect to ftp if the connexion fails or in case of timout 17.2. Parameters : $ftp_id $relative_script_path 17.3. In file : robot_functions.php 18. phpdigGetHttpEquiv 18.1. Description : Read meta http-equiv 18.2. Parameters : $file 18.3. In file : robot_functions.php 19. phpdigGetLogs 19.1. Description : Returns a table of 30 lines of logs Type is the type of logs in mostkeys, mostpages, lastqueries, Mostterms, largestresults, mostempty, lastqueries, responsebyhour. 19.2. Parameters : $id_connect $type : 'lastqueries' 19.3. In file : robot_functions.php 20. phpdigGetSiteFromUrl 20.1. Description : Add or retrieve a site from an URI Returns array($site_id,$exclude) 20.2. Parameters : $id_connect $url 20.3. In file : robot_functions.php 21. phpdigGetSpiderRow 21.1. Description : List a spider reccord 21.2. Parameters : $id_connect $site_id $path $file 21.3. In file : robot_functions.php 22. phpdigHighlight 22.1. Description : Highlight a string part 22.2. Parameters : $ereg $string 22.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 23. phpdigHttpVars 23.1. Description : Extract _POST or _GET variables from a list varname => vartype Useful for error_reporting E_ALL too, init variables Usage in script : extract(phpdigHttpVars(array('foobar'=>'string'))); 23.2. Parameters : $varray : array() 23.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 24. phpdigIndexFile 24.1. Description : Index a file and returns a spider_id 24.2. Parameters : $id_connect $tempfile $tempfilesize $site_id $origine $localdomain $path $file $content_type $upddate $last_modified $tags $ftp_id 24.3. In file : robot_functions.php 25. phpdigMakeForm 25.1. Description : Form for the search query. $query_string is the previous query if exists $option is search option $limite is the num results per page $result_page is path to the search.php script $site is the site to limit the results $path as the same purpose 25.2. Parameters : $query_string $option : "start" $limite $result_page : "index.php" $site $path $mode : 'classic' $template 25.3. In file : function_phpdig_form.php 26. phpdigMsg 26.1. Description : Returns a localized string 26.2. Parameters : $string 26.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 27. phpdigMySelect 27.1. Description : Executes a select and returns a whole resultset 27.2. Parameters : $id_connect $query_select 27.3. In file : mysql_functions.php 28. phpdigParseTemplate 28.1. Description : Parse a phpdig template 28.2. Parameters : $template $t_strings $table_results 28.3. In file : function_phpdig_form.php 29. phpdigPregQuotes 29.1. Description : Create a ereg for highlighting 29.2. Parameters : $chaine $encoding 29.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 30. phpdigPrnMsg 30.1. Description : Print a localized string 30.2. Parameters : $string 30.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 31. phpdigReadHttpDate 31.1. Description : Converts an iso date to a mysql date 31.2. Parameters : $date 31.3. In file : robot_functions.php 32. phpdigReadRobots 32.1. Description : Parse if path is in exclude 32.2. Parameters : $exclude $path 32.3. In file : robot_functions.php 33. phpdigReadRobotsTags 33.1. Description : Parse result of getmetatags to extract those concerning Robots 33.2. Parameters : $tags 33.3. In file : robot_functions.php 34. phpdigReadRobotsTxt 34.1. Description : Search robots.txt in a site 34.2. Parameters : $site 34.3. In file : robot_functions.php 35. phpdigRevisitAfter 35.1. Description : Parse the revisit-after tag 35.2. Parameters : $revisit_after $limit_days 35.3. In file : robot_functions.php 36. phpdigRewriteUrl 36.1. Description : Purify urls from relative components like ./ or ../ and return an array 36.2. Parameters : $eval 36.3. In file : robot_functions.php 37. phpdigSearch 37.1. Description : Do the search and display the results Can be called in any page 37.2. Parameters : $id_connect $query_string $option : 'start' $refine $refine_url $lim_start $limite $browse $site $path $relative_script_path : '.' $template $templates_links 37.3. In file : search_function.php 38. phpdigSpiderAddSite 38.1. Description : Add a site while spidering and returns an array With informations of $list_sites array 38.2. Parameters : $id_connect $url 38.3. In file : robot_functions.php 39. phpdigStripAccents 39.1. Description : Replace all characters with an accent 39.2. Parameters : $chaine $encoding 39.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 40. phpdigTempFile 40.1. Description : Retrieves an url and returns temp file parameters 40.2. Parameters : $uri $result_test $prefix : 'temp/' $suffix : '.tmp' 40.3. In file : robot_functions.php 41. phpdigTestDouble 41.1. Description : Tests if the reccord of spider_id is a double. 41.2. Parameters : $id_connect $site_id $md5 $new_upddate $last_modified 41.3. In file : robot_functions.php 42. phpdigTestUrl 42.1. Description : Test presence and type of an url 42.2. Parameters : $url $mode : 'simple' $cookies : array() 42.3. In file : robot_functions.php 43. phpdigTimer 43.1. Description : Timer for profiling 43.2. Parameters : $mode : 'html' 43.3. In file : phpdig_functions.php 44. phpdigUpdSpiderRow 44.1. Description : Update a spider row 44.2. Parameters : $id_connect $site_id $path $file $first_words $upddate $md5 $lastmodified $num_words $filesize 44.3. In file : robot_functions.php 45. phpdigWriteText 45.1. Description : Store a content_text from a spider_id 45.2. Parameters : $relative_script_path $spider_id $text $ftp_id 45.3. In file : robot_functions.php


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