12 pytańid 13584

1 grupa
1. Opisac układ równikowy.
2. Zaburzenia (perturbacje) w ruchu satelity.
3. Elementy keplerowskie orbity
The main two elements that define the shape and size of the ellipse:
·ð Eccentricity ( ) - shape of the ellipse, describing how much it is elongated compared to a circle. (not marked in diagram)
·ð Semimajor axis ( ) - the sum of the periapsis and apoapsis distances divided by two. For circular orbits, the semimajor axis is
the distance between the centers of the bodies, not the distance of the bodies from the center of mass.
Two elements define the orientation of the orbital plane in which the ellipse is embedded:
·ð Inclination - vertical tilt of the ellipse with respect to the reference plane, measured at the ascending node (where the orbit passes
upward through the reference plane) (green angle i in diagram).
·ð Longitude of the ascending node - horizontally orients the ascending node of the ellipse (where the orbit passes upward through
the reference plane) with respect to the reference frame's vernal point (green angle © in diagram).
And finally:
·ð Argument of periapsis defines the orientation of the ellipse in the orbital plane, as an angle measured from the ascending node to
the periapsis (the closest point the second body comes to the first during an orbit). (blue angle in diagram)
·ð Mean anomaly at epoch ( ) defines the position of the orbiting body along the ellipse at a specific time (the "epoch").
2 grupa
1.Układ horyzontalny .
2.Całka pół. Postać wektorowa i skalarna.
3.Równania Newtona- Legrange'a.Wyjaśnić,wzory niekoniecznie.
3 grupa
1)uklad ekliptyczny.
2)zagadnienie dwóch ciał
3)Zaburzenia (perturbacje) w ruchu satelity
4 grupa
1)warunki jakie wpływają na orbitę satelity
1. opór atmosfery, 1. air resistance
2. niesferyczna struktura Ziemi, 2. not spherical structure of the Earth,
3. przyciąganie przez Księżyc i Słońce, 3. the attraction of the Moon and the Sun,
4. ciśnienie światła słonecznego, 4. pressure from sunlight,
5. siły elektromagnetyczne związane z przemieszczaniem 5. electromagnetic forces involved in the movement of
się metalowych części satelity w elektromagnetycznym metal parts satellites in the Earth's electromagnetic field.
polu Ziemi. 6. relativistic effects, cosmic dust, etc.
6. efekty relatywistyczne, pył kosmiczny itp.
2)Całka energii.
Geopotential is the potential of the Earth's gravity field. For convenience it is often defined as minus the potential energy per
unit mass, so that the gravity vector is obtained as the gradient of this potential, without the minus.
For geophysical applications, gravity is distinguished from gravitation. Gravity is defined as the resultant of gravitation and
the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation. The global mean sea surface is close to one of the equipotential surfaces of the
geopotential of gravity. This equipotential surface, or surface of constant geopotential, is called the geoid.
For the purpose of satellite orbital mechanics, the geopotential is typically described by a series expansion into spherical
harmonics (spectral representation). In this context the geopotential is taken as the potential of the gravitational field of the Earth, that
is, leaving out the centrifugal potential.
Solving for geopotential (Åš):
Integrate to get
G=6.673x10-11 Nm2/kg2 is the gravitational constant,
m=5.975x1024 kg is the mass of the earth,
a=6.378x106 m is the average radius of the earth,
z is the height in meters
Åš is the geopotential at height z, which is in units of [m2/s2] or [J/kg].


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